Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape Online Used-Textbook Store Preliminary Proposed to: Arden Capital Board of Investment Created by: Borripat Kittiwut, Project Manager Version: 1.0 April 29, 2014 (+66) 081 553 7599 [email protected] B@nc Ape Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela

Transcript of Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Page 1: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange


Project Ape Online Used-Textbook Store !!

Preliminary !!!!!!Proposed to: Arden Capital Board of Investment Created by: Borripat Kittiwut, Project Manager Version: 1.0 !April 29, 2014 !

(+66) 081 553 7599

[email protected]






“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela

Page 2: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape


BUSINESS PURPOSE 3 ................................................................................................................

WHY IS “APE STORE” NEEDED? 4 ..............................................................................................Pains 4

Problems 4

Opportunity 5

Preliminary Analyses 5

SOLUTION 9 .................................................................................................................................Value Proposition 9

Offerring 9

Supporting Process 9

COMPETITION 10 .........................................................................................................................Competitors 10

Marketing Position 10

BUSINESS MODEL 11 ..................................................................................................................Long-tailed Revenue Model 11

MARKET 14 ..................................................................................................................................Target Customer 14

Market Size 14

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 15 .....................................................................................................Product Lineup 16

Development Roadmap 17

REQUIREMENT 21 ........................................................................................................................Project Team 21

Budget 21

TIMELINE 23.................................................................................................................................

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Page 3: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

BUSINESS PURPOSE !Project Ape aims to establish an online retail store, called “Ape Store”, that supplies low-price, course-specific used textbooks and trusted exchange services for use by (middle-class) college students and course instructors in Thailand. Ideally, when the online store launched with all feature fully functioning and having responded to all problems discovered during product iterations, this below diagram is the goal we are trying to reach.


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Ape Store

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Project Ape

WHY IS “APE STORE” NEEDED? ! !!Pains In 2011, Thailand had become an upper middle income nation and its GDP was THB 4,599.65 billions. Thailand had invested THB 979.72 billions (21.3% of GDP per capita ) in its tertiary education system and this turned out to be useless. The country’s *

innovation competitiveness was extremely low; there was only 0.7 utility patents granted per million of population, a thousand times of differences compared to those of Singapore (125.6), South Korea (240.6), and Japan (352.9) . It was not because †

Thailand lacked for professional workforces. Surprisingly, Thailand had the value of available scientists and engineers as high as of South Korea (4.3 and 4.7, respectively). !Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think; individual literacy is an outcome of the training process. Many Thais failed to train their self-direction ability for lifelong learning during their college lives. Spoon-feeding culture in Thai education leads to low individual literacy which is driven by textbook inaccessibility. Increasing in individual literacy is one of the key solutions that help Thailand crossing the roadblocks in creative economy development — moving from infrastructure-driven to innovation-based economy. !Problems In a previous survey of more than 50 college students in Bangkok and 5 different campuses, we found that the average student spends as much as BHT 25,000 each year on textbooks and supplies. It is equivalent to his allowance and almost 200% of tuition fee at a four-year public university. Besides, the soaring cost of college textbooks has also college student struggling and having difficulty not only in Thailand but also throughout the world including the US . This common problem comes from ‡

the lack of competition in the college textbook market where professors, not students, are responsible for selection course textbooks. Students cannot shop around and find their most affordable options, hence, the sellers can keep costs high by selling new editions every year, eliminating the option of reselling old books. It is the reason why there is no consumer control on the market. And, the price of textbooks in Thailand is free from the government’s controls. As expected, we rarely see “open-textbook” mode of learning in Thai colleges, the mode that forces its learners to practice their critical thinking ability. !!!

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Project Ape

!Opportunity Nearly half of all students surveyed said the cost of textbooks affected which or how many books they choose to own each semester. That means students do not have the right to choose to own all necessary books or to get around the financial burden of textbooks. Despite, textbook inaccessibility potentially jeopardize the students’ grades. There are two ways solving this situation, but both are worse than the problem. !

(1) More than 50 percent of students decided against buying a book required for class. The students choose not to purchase the materials they are assigned by their professors and they are knowingly accepting the risk of a lower grade to avoid paying for the textbooks. Yet, students’ poor performance can backfire on their professors when a university tries to assure its teaching quality. Hence, most professors provide in-class curated contents and materials that they think “sufficient” for examinations. As a result, spoon-fed students abandon themselves to learn unnecessary parts outside course syllabi, in other words, they do not need to be comprehend about what they are learning. !

(2) They opted to violate the Copyright Act B.E. 2537 by making copies of a whole book. Reproducing one copy for §

education purpose is generally acceptable, but for a hundred copies, it is classified as an economic threat to the copyright holders. These mimic products from a photocopier shop are in monotone and chunky (a copy of 1000-page book can be 7-inch thick and weighs more than 2 kilograms). It is hard to read charts and figures from the books and sometimes inconvenient to carry the books around. The price of illegal book is ranging from 50% to 150% of its real paperback version; it is not about the content value (quality) inside but the number of pages (quantity). According to the survey, at the end of semester most books by this option go to a landfill. !!

Whether it is doing worse in a course without access to the required textbook, it is clear that the issue of textbook costs has evolved from a simple financial concern to a threat to student success. If the current system cannot provide every student with affordable access to the course materials they desire, then they are in need of a better system — that enables students to learn what they want for, while keeps the earth greener by reducing paper waste. !!Preliminary Analyses Acknowledging and addressing project challenges is a critical first step in helping this startup successfully commercializes the new system or “Ape Store” to fulfill the need of accessible textbook resource. Primarily, the textbook market in Thailand is ruled by two players, i.e., Chula Book Center (a subsidiary of Chulalongkorn University) and PB for Book. Yet, there are also small-size players but numerous in number: on-campus photocopier shops and university bookstore competing in this segment but target slightly different customers’ wants.

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Project Ape

Competition analysis can help us to identify key differentiator from a consumers perspective. For categories for this market segment listed below, most six common purchase factors; Cost of Ownership, Goods Delivery, Payment Method, Quality, Variety, and Location. On a scale 1 to 5 (with 1 being very low and 5 being very high), the score is shown as the following table: !!


!!!! of !6 23Borripat Kittiwut

Cost of ownership

Payment MethodVariety



Goods Delivery

Chula Book CenterPB for Book

Ape Store (required positioning)

Photocopier Shop

University Bookstore


Cost of Ownership


Payment Method** Quality Variety Location***


Ape Store (required positioning) 3 5 5 4 3 5

CU Book CenterPB for Book 5 3 3 3 3 3

University Bookstore 3 1 5 5 1 5

Photocopier Shop 3 1 5 3 1 5

* After purchase ** Over-the-counter payment

*** Away from one’s university campus

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Project Ape

!The required positioning is deducted from the existing positions of current brands, that we observed that attract student to our . According to a previous market survey, a majority of college students come from middle-class families and they rely solely on their allowances. Since Thailand’s average part-time job requires eight working hours per day, it is impossible for full-time students to gain additional incomes on top of their regular allowance. Because of their ages and base allowance, students cannot possess of any credit cards but debit cards (saving account), indeed. In addition, they normally travel by public transportations instead of personal cars or taxis. The following table of brand analysis shows today’s shopping experience with respect to our assumed required positions. !!!!!

Thailand’s new textbook market is in a red ocean; as long as student’s income is not growing at faster rate than of the average middle-class earners — they are not capable to buy more new books. Used textbook market is established. Low competition To solve the problem, the group said more universities should consider reusing illegal textbooks -- those that are online, free to download and customizable for students. The group estimates students could save, on average, BHT 300 per course, per semester.

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Required Postions Existing Positions

Ape Store CU Book Center PB for BookPhotocopier

ShopUniversity Bookstore


Products New, Used New New Illegal Copied New

Services Buyback No No No

Channels Online Pseudo online Pseudo online In-store in-store

Order Methods Online In-store, Online In-store, Online In-store in-store

Payment Methods Cash, Credit, Debit Cash, Credit Cash, Credit Only Cash only cash

Shipping Functions On-campus Postmail Postmail In-store In-store

Prices Moderate High High Moderate (High) Moderate (Low)

Products Ranges Course specific Various Various Customized A few

Discounts No Yes Yes No No

Promotions Purchase Contract No No No No

Page 8: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

fdskj ** †† ‡‡ §§

!Another complicated issue that has been persisted emerged There are two problems happened to mar Based on a previous market survey, the objectives that Ape Store is trying to achieve are: !

• To provide alternative cheaper textbooks that substitute the expensive new/new-release ones, with similar quality, and !

• To provide a mediatory service for textbook exchanges — both selling and buying. !

! of !8 23Borripat Kittiwut


R. Ackerman and M. Goldsmith (2011), Metacognitive regulation of text learning: On screen versus on paper, Journal of Experimental ††

Psychology: Applied, Vol. 17(1), 18-32

J. M. Noyesa and K. J. Garland (2008), Computer- vs. paper-based tasks: Are they equivalent?, Ergonomics, Vol. 51(9) 1352–1375‡‡

M. Johnsona and R. Nádasa (2009), Marginalised behaviour: digital annotations, spatial encoding and the implications for reading §§

comprehension, Learning, Media and Technology, Vol. 34(4), 323-336

Page 9: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

SOLUTION !!Value Proposition According the previous section, possible compelling value propositions that should be delivered to college students is a combination of: !

(1) Price - be more affordable by reusing/renting textbooks (2) Convenient - accessible textbook collection, flexible payment methods, and on-campus delivery (3) Course-Selective - comprehensively aligned with the contents taught in classes. !

It is believed that this propositions could make students having options for their , while edges Ape Store’s competitiveness to penetrate the market. !Offerring

• Low-price, course-specific, used/new (both new release, back catalog) textbooks • Online retail platform (web/mobile app) • On-campus delivery service !

Supporting Process • Textbook procurement • Quality assurance and control • E-commerce platform development • Logistics & supplies chain management • Customer service & support


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Page 10: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

COMPETITION !!Competitors

(1) Direct Competitor: • On-campus/around-campus photocopier shops • University bookstores

(2) Indirect Competitor: • Chula Book Center (chulabook.com) • PB For Books (pbforbook.com) !

Marketing Position As seen from the result of brand analysis, the market leaders compared have similar customer perceptions; however, each occupies a unique position. Chula Book and PB For Books have the highest ‘Variety’, while Photocopiers Shop is the ‘Cost of Ownership’ leader, and university Bookstore is perceived as best in ’Location’.  It is interesting to note that the factor Variety is deemed as having the least important if students acquire exact book title to coourse… ….. will be releasing the …. soon perhaps in an attempt to boost the brands ‘…’ of course, with minor adjustment. this technique is also very useful for mapping existing positioning versus required positioning (i.e. to create a positioning Gap analysis). !!!

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University Bookstore

High Price

Low Price


CU Book Center

PB For Book

Photocopier Shop

Ape Store

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Project Ape

BUSINESS MODEL !Long-tailed Revenue Model Undergraduate students in one discipline, such as Life Science, typically share similar compulsory courses and sometimes taught by the same professors but in different classes. They are likely to be assigned with similar referencing books as well. The books relevant to compulsory courses are in very high demand, especially at the beginning of school start. For example, in General Chemistry for students in science program at Mahidol University, the book “Chemistry” by R. Chang is well-regarded and required for more than 2,000 copies in each academic year. !

!!In contrast, elective courses are designed for a small group of students (approximately 50 to 100 class members). Textbooks used in theses classes are in low demand and very expensive. The following table indicates that a science student in major Biotechnology — who enrolls in Bioprocess Engineering class—has to pay around BHT 5,000 for the book. !!!

Life Science Discipline

For Compulsory


Undergraduate Program in Year 1 Sample Book Title Price (Bht)

• Science • Medicine • Pharmacy • Medical Technology • Dentistry • Public Health • Physical Therapy

General Chemistry

฿ 1070

! Title: Chemistry 11th Edition !Author: Raymond Chang ISBN10: 0071317872 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication

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Project Ape

!According to the above paragraphs, “Long-tailed distribution” is considered as the most fit business concept to the nature of our textbook retail. This business model has been implemented in many online companies such as Amazon.com and Netflix. The major advantage of this model to Ape Store is that it would help us to reduce the cost of inventory management, increase cash-flow from volatile sales volume (Head part), and still serve the niche demand for advanced textbooks (Tail part). !!!

Program in Science

For Elective Course

Major Year 3 Sample Book Title Price (Bht)

• Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering

฿ 4640

! Title: Bioprocess Engineering: Kinetics, Biosystems, Sustainability, and Reactor !Author: Shijie Liu ISBN10: 0444595252 Publisher: Elsevier

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s Vo




Books used in Compulsory Courses


Books used in Elective Courses


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Project Ape

Noted that the details of the business model canvas on this page will be clarified in another iteration (revision) round.

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Page 14: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

MARKET !Target Customer Our target segment can be divided into 2 categories: (i) Consumer - who want to buy textbooks on Ape Store and (ii) Seller - who want to sell textbooks on Ape Store (excluded from ones whom Ape Store is obligated with the buyback service)

!In general, the our target’s socioeconomic status are defined as the attribute belonging to Thai “middle class”: Occupation: College Students Age: 18 - 35 yrs old Location: Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR) Education: Undergraduate & Graduate Allowance/Salary: 15,000 - 25,000 Baht !!Market Size Market estimation is based on the 2013 student population in Thai education system surveyed by the Ministry of Education . ***

There are approximately 500k students (SOM) that we aim to serve according to our current business model. !!!

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879,142 706,561


TAM(Total Available Market)

SOM (Share of the Market)

•Total of students at public & private universities combined

•Total of students at public universities in BMR

•Total of undergraduate students at public universities in BMR

SAM(Segmented Addressable Market)


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Project Ape


The following scenarios can be used when building our product requirements. It will help the project team to develop an outline of what should be built. Realistic student personas would sharpen the product development such as better products, design decisions for functionality, engineering usability, and effective testing scenarios. !



Case I: Consumer Case II: Seller


Student Personas Thanapat Pongpan

Buyer Stories

Thanapat is a freshman at a public university. He needs to catch up classes and maintain his grades. So, Thanapat wants to buy some textbooks assigned by his professors. The university bookstore has only a few book titles and other nearest booksellers are more than 20 km. away from the campus. Thanapat has a very tight schedule; studying from 9 am to 5 pm. He cannot do any off-campus activities during the studying hours.

Pongpan is a full-time Ph.D. student in a biomedical engineering program. This year is his fourth year and he expects to graduate soon. He has to conduct his research experiment which requires 5 hours to complete as a routine. Thus, he has no time for anything else.

Problem Ape Store is trying to solve

Thanapat goes online for textbooks. Unfortunately, available textbook sellers offer only a non-e-commerce service. He must complete his purchasing transaction at a local bank where is operated from 8.30 am to 3 pm. Furthermore, He needs to acquire them before the next class begins in two days.

Phongpan has some unwanted advanced textbooks. Because the book collection worths more than BHT 30,000, it is hard for him to give them away. Keeping them on a bookshelf is his current option. The collection seems to grow in series every year. He is looking for an online place where to sell his own books with less management efforts.

Specific Requirement

Thanapat should be able to find and buy textbooks regarding to his budget. He should be able to make purchasing transactions with less complicated payment process. After purchasing, he should receive the books he ordered on the next day.

Phonpan should be able to meet someone and present his textbooks for selling. He should not be worried about goods manipulation.

Technical Requirement

the online retail platform must be able to Textbook must be able to

Dependencies warehouse and supply chain management required. Online sales store and Delivery service are required.

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Project Ape

Product Lineup !Regarding to the scenarios, the products we are going to develop are: !

(1) Traditional Retail - we sell textbooks to consumers and profit from sales margin. (2) Individual Retail - we provide a marketplace for sellers to trade their books, then we charge for intermediary

service fee. !Depending on a student’s socioeconomic status, a subclass identity of the Middle Class, the following table shows the minimum product features with respect to the student personas. To help the project Ape turns its vision of a product that are built to serve college students, the below table indicates an idea of product requirement for students from each different middle classes. !

!!At the project startup phase of development, the Traditional Retail is our current primary focus. It is the limiting step to the other product, e.g., Individual Retail. Under the condition that students are interested in reusing textbooks and adopt the e-commerce approach to buy textbooks, the Individual Retail will be developed further.


! of !16 23Borripat Kittiwut

Functional Requirements

New Textbook

Used TextbookBuyback Individual

SellerPremium Good As-is


Upper Middle Class ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Middle Class ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Lower Middle Class ✓ ✓ ✓

*Socioeconomic status

✓= Traditional Retail✓= Individual Retail

Page 17: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

Development Roadmap !A more effective approach to product launch, and the best method of product validation, is to get the used textbook into the hands of students and have them start to use it. Then make frequent, incremental improvements based on the feedback we solicit and receive. Since changes during the development process are more expensive than changes made before the process begins. Validating our requirements can eliminate costly changes in course. The project Ape will use a minimum viable product (MVP) approach to test overall the Traditional Retail development direction with college students. As indicated in the business model canvas (page 13), to deliver the Traditional Retail, the project team needs to assess eight general areas of focus: !!

!!By asking means we will ask the testers to score their satisfaction after use. As each above area is worked on, questions will arise, and there will be opportunities to discuss them as they occur. From this table, the requirements for the first iteration are chosen (starting with the highest priority focus areas). !

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The validation asks ... Outcomes of Interest

Areas of Focus

Acceptability to students is a used textbook judged as suitable, satisfying, or attractive to them?

• Satisfaction to use a used textbook • Intent to continue use • Perceived appreciateness

Demand to students is a used textbook likely to be used (i.e. How many books per semester are they willing to use?)

• Fit within learning culture in classes • Perceived positive or negative effects on


Implementation to students can a used textbook be successfully delivered to intended students by e-commerce method and direct delivery?

• Degree of execution • Success or failure of execution • Amount, type of resources needed to

implementPracticality to students can a used-book e-commerce be carried out with

intended students using website/mobile app? • Factors affecting implementation ease or

difficulty • Efficiency, speed, and quality of implementation • Amount, type of resources needed to

Adaptation to students does an existing mode of textbook purchasing perform when changes are made for a new e-commerce format?

• Degree to which similar outcomes are obtained in e-commerce format

• Process outcomes comparison between intervention use in two populations

Integration to students can a used book e-commerce be integrated with their lifestyle?

• Perceived fit with social structure • Perceived sustainability

Expansion to students can a web/mobile app be expanded to provide a new n access to purchase used textbooks

• Costs to students and policy bodies • Positive or negative effects on .. • Disruption due to expansion exponent

Limited-efficacy Testing

Does the new used book e-commerce show promise of being successful with the college students, even in a highly controlled setting?

• Intended effects of on • Effect-size estimation • Maintenance of change from initial change

Page 18: Ape: Online Textbook Exchange

Project Ape

A prototype of Traditional Retail is a combination of the use between physical and online compartments: used books and e-commerce website, respectively. Based on our offerings and supporting processes (see Solution, page 9), the minimum set of features, that enable us to perform product validation, should be embraced into our prototype are listed below. !For Online Validation: The e-commerce website should allow…

• students to be able to search for new textbooks on Ape Store. • students to be able to match their budget and cost of ownership. • students to be able to paid with electronic cash. • students to be able to know their shipping arrival from social media. • students to be able to contact pictures to represent their contacts. !!!!!

For Physical Validation: Used books do not have…

• broken spine or binding • missing, torn or loose pages • excessive writing, marking or highlighting • stains or water damage • burns or rips • any other significant damages !!!


!!If the project team is willing to develop the prototype using the MVP approach, the order of work would be as follows: !

(1) Prototype development: The team creates a responsive website with a book search engine (database). Since this step is involved only consumers, textbooks procured are solely for university freshmen and sophomores. The team casts quality examination on the acquired books. At the end of the development, the team demonstrates the functionality to the Board of Investment, where they can provide feedback. Timeframe: 3 weeks !


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Physical Validation

Online Validation


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Project Ape


(1) Iteration #1: *** required brainstorming process*** Timeframe: 2 weeks !(2) Iteration #2: *** required brainstorming process***

Timeframe: 2 weeks !(3) Iteration #3: The team conducts a regression test and prepares to release the Traditional Retail.

Timeframe: 1 week !!

! of !19 23Borripat Kittiwut

Iteration #1

Jun 2014

Fall 2014

Aug 2015

Nov 2015

Iteration #2

Iteration #3

Spring 2014 Summer 2014

Anatomy of Textbook Demand Curve

Buying Spike (mid-term)

Selling Spike

Reluctant Buying (school start)

Reluctant Buying (for another textbook collection)

Reluctant Selling (school break)

Academic Year 2014

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Project Ape

(4) Release: The product functionality is released. Total elapsed time: 6 weeks !Note that if any changes to the requirements occur during this project, each iteration would adjust accordingly. Besides inadequate understanding of markets, competitors and customer preferences, startups often struggle to define what value our products brings to the market.


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Project Ape

REQUIREMENT !Project Team Due to its early start-up stage, the project Ape is in the need of fixed-cost minimization, while maximize the project team’s efficiency. Thus, an ideal team member might necessary be a person who can perform multifunctions and wear different hats, to as the following list: !

(1) Business analyst (2) Digital marketer/Designer (3) Front-end & back-end web developer/ Mobile app developer (4) Logistics and supply chain planner (optional). !

In building the business, project activities may be subject to change as if new evidence on customer needs provided. Internal outsourcing within Ardent Lab is possibly expected to occur and likely to deploy aCommerce’s expertise.

Budget For certain amounts of the budget granted, a total cash will be divided into three portions: (i) 25% as a working Cash, (ii) 25% for reinvestment, and (iii) 50% cash reserve. The relationship among these portions can be modeled as below: ! (iii) (i) (ii)

Cash Reserve = Working Cash + Re-investment !The total financial requirement for the first product validation is shown below: !

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Initial Requirement

Product Iteration 1 Baht

50 Used Textbooks (avg. cost Bht 500/ea.) for product validation ฿ 25000

Operational & Miscellaneous Expenses ฿ 25000

Total Expenses ฿ 50000

Start-up Assets

Liquidity Maintenance (Cash) ฿ 100000 Reinvestment ฿ 50000

Total Assets ฿ 150000

Total Requirement* ฿ 200000

*Total requirement can be scalable upon sample population.

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Project Ape

!A BHT 25,000 is a maximum amount of (i) that would be used to purchase used textbooks from available sources in parallel with the physical validation (selling books). It is expected that the project cash-flow from sales (physical product validation) should exceed over 50% money spent per iteration round. Every a 100% of profit accumulated from sales, the portion (i) will be cashed out and deposit directly to the reserve (iii). With this concept, product iterations can be expanded to serve customer needs (propagation). At the end of iteration, rebalancing between those three portions must be performed accordingly to the 25:25:50 ratio. !

!!!In case of any financial losses occurs during product iteration, the following actions will be performed, step-by-step. ! If the loss is:

(1) less than 12.5% of the total budget, continue the iteration (2) more than 12.5% of the total budget, suspend the Re-investment (3) more than 25% of the total budget, suspend the iteration & meet the board !

Generally, with this money management paradigm, Ardent Capital would risk its money to gain 11% of ROI.

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Working Cash Reserve Re-investment

Cash Propagation Sales


$$ $


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Project Ape

!TIMELINE !Phase I: Startup (mid 2014 - 2015)

• Product Iteration #1: July - Sep 2014 • Location: inner zone of BMR • Key Product: Traditional Retail • Milestone: acquire first 100 customers !

Phase II: Market Penetration (2015) • Product Iteration #2: Dec 2014 - Mar 2015 • Product Iteration #3: Aug 2015 - Nov 2015 • Location: inner zone of BMR • Key Product: Individual Retail • Milestone: acquire first 1,000 customers !

Phase III: Business Expansion (2016) • Product Release • Fundraising • Location: BMR • Milestone: acquire first 5,000 customers

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