APD SUD by Rand L. Kannenberg

Antisocial Personality Disorder/Substance Use Disorder Screening™ Referrals to APD, SUD or Resocial Group™/Other Co-occurring Cognitive Behavioral Treatment © 1999-2002 Rand L. Kannenberg, M.A., LAC, CCS, CCM All rights reserved. Criminal Justice Addiction Services Lakewood, CO [email protected] (303) 232-0767 APD/SUD Screening™ Page 15.



Transcript of APD SUD by Rand L. Kannenberg

Page 1: APD SUD by Rand L. Kannenberg

Antisocial Personality Disorder/Substance Use Disorder Screening™

Referrals to APD, SUD or Resocial Group™/Other Co-occurring Cognitive Behavioral Treatment

 © 1999-2002 Rand L. Kannenberg, M.A., LAC, CCS, CCM All rights

reserved. Criminal Justice Addiction Services Lakewood, CO [email protected] (303) 232-0767


APD/SUD Screening™

Page 15.

Page 2: APD SUD by Rand L. Kannenberg

Part 1: Antisocial Personality Disorder¹ (APD) Screening(All 4 blanks must be checked to meet APD screening criteria)

  _____Before the age of 15 years, at least 3 of the following are indicated

(circle the 3 or more that apply): 

aggression to people or animalsdestruction of propertydeceitfulness or theft

serious violations of rules or laws

_____Is at least 18 years-old currently.

_____Since the age of 15 years, at least 3 of the following are indicated(circle the 3 or more that apply):

 repeatedly performs acts that are grounds for arrest

repeatedly lies, uses aliases or cons others for personal profit or pleasurerepeatedly fails to plan ahead

repeatedly involved in physical fights or assaultsrepeatedly unsafe or dangerous with self or others

repeatedly fails to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations(and/or to maintain an enduring attachment to a spouse or romantic partner

and/or to be a responsible parent)repeatedly indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another

_____The 3 or more indicators seen above do not occur exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode. 

Page 3: APD SUD by Rand L. Kannenberg

Part 2: Substance Use Disorder¹ (SUD) Screening(At least 1 blank must be checked to meet SUD screening criteria)

  _____Past or present, at least 3 of the following are indicated

(circle the 3 or more that apply): 

increased tolerance withdrawal

increased quantity or durationpersistent desire or inability to decrease or discontinue use

increased time to obtain or recoversocial/occupational/recreational impairment

continued use despite awareness of related physical or psychological problems 

_____Past or present, at least 1 of the following are indicated(circle the 1 or more that apply):

  recurrent use resulting in social/occupational/educational problems

recurrent use in physically hazardous situations recurrent substance-related legal problems

continued use despite awareness of related social or interpersonal problems 

Page 4: APD SUD by Rand L. Kannenberg

Part 3: Referral(Circle 1 appropriate disposition)

 A. Refer to cognitive behavioral treatment that deals with

pervasive pattern of disregarding and violating the rights of others

if only APD screening criteria are met. 


B. Refer to cognitive behavioral treatment that deals with substance abuse or substance dependence

if only SUD screening criteria are met. 


C. Refer to RESOCIAL GROUP™ or other cognitive behavioral treatment that deals with co-occurrence of pervasive

pattern of disregarding and violating the rights of others and substance abuse or substance dependence if both APD

and SUD screening criteria are met.