APA Paper Template 2

First 2-4 words of your title followed by the page number 1 Full title of your paper Your name as author with Roll Nos University of Management and Technology (then insert new page to start abstract)


APA style template

Transcript of APA Paper Template 2

First 2-4 words of your title followed by the page number 1

Full title of your paper

Your name as author with Roll NosUniversity of Management and Technology (then insert new page to start abstract)Abstract

A summary of the entire paper but limited to 120 words or less. It should be a single paragraph with no indentations. Then insert a new page to move on to page 3 before writing your paper.

IntroductionOne page that must include what are the variable of interest why they are important and what is the objective of your study

Full title of your paper as it appears on the title page

Start here with a brief introductory paragraph about your topic. Do not put the word introduction as a topic heading. The title takes the place of the word introduction as a topic heading.



First Level One topic Heading

Discussion of the first topic of the assignment..

On the title page, the running head is on the top left side of the paper. It starts with the words Running head in upper and lower case letters followed by a colon. After the colon you list a shortened form of the title or the complete title as long as it is less than 50 characters including letters, numbers, punctuation and spaces. This appears only on the title page. In the header you will place the page header. To get to the header click on insert, then header and write your header in the first box but make it right justified. The page header must be the first 2-4 words of your title and followed by the page number. Use the insert page number tool on the header tool bar to have it automatically insert a new number on each page. Then close the header. This will place your page header automatically on every page. .



Second Level One Topic Heading

Discussion of second topic heading


If the topic needs to be broken down into further subtopics use Level 3 subtopic headings,

First Level 3 Subtopic heading

Subtopic headings are3 left justified and in italics



Second Level 3 subtopic heading

You must always have at least 2 subtopics. If there is only one then just include it in the discussion under the level one topic heading without the use of subtopics.


Third Level 1 topic heading



Citations in the text must include the authors last name only and the year of publication (Smith, 2007). If there are multiple authors you must include all authors names the first time you cite them (Hunter, Phelan, McKeough & Stapleton, 2006) . If you then cite again from the same source you can shorten it to the first author and the words et al (Hunter et al, 2006). This is only true if there is at least 3 authors. For sources with 2 authors always list both names. If the citation is from a web site and has no date of publication then use the letters n.d. for no date (Jones, n.d.). When you use the authors name in the context of the sentence you must follow it with the publication date even if that is an n.d. to show it is a citation. Stapleton (n.d.) lists many ideas on this topic. If there is no author listed then use the title of the article as the citation (Internet Security Issues, n.d.) and remember to provide the page number when using quotes. NEVER us a web address or URL as the citation.Conclusion

Your final level one topic heading will be conclusion. Here you make some concluding remarks about the total paper. This will be followed by the reference page. The reference page must start at the top of a new page. All other topic headings are placed immediately after the end of the preceding topic. Before starting your references go to insert- new page. This will take you to the top of a new page. References are to be listed in alphabetical order by the first entry. This does not mean you reorder the authors names alphabetically. You use whatever the first authors last name is to decide where in the list that source should appear. Sources that were cited using their title are alphabetized by the first word of the title except you ignore the words A, An or The at the beginning of the title. So The World Atlas would appear under W not under T. Every source that is cited in your paper must be listed on the reference page, but only sources that are cited. Every source listing must be double spaced and have a hanging indent. The first word of the source listing must match the citation as the point of citations is to help the reader find the source in the reference list. In the reference list you use the authors last name followed by the initial of their first name, never their full first name.

ReferencesHunter, D., Phelan, J., McKeough, M., & Stapleton, E. (2006). Learning Styles in Online Learning. Education Weekly, 23(2), 22-25.Internet Security Issues . (n.d.) Retrieved June 12, 2008 from www.niu.edu/Gallagher/history.pdfJones, B. (n.d.) Technology Tips. Retrieved January 21, 2008 from American Intercontinental University. Web site: www.aiuonline.edu/edu602/unit3

Smith, J. (2007) Technophobia among classroom teachers. Learning and Leading with Technology, 56(3), 12-21

Stapleton, E. (n.d.) Ways to relieve anxiety for test taking. Retrieved June 12, 2008 from
