Apa Comprehensive

1. What is APA? 2. Why use APA? 3. General Format APA 4. In-Text Citation 5. Paraphrasing Versus Quoting 6. References 7. Number Rules 8. Mechanics 9. Plagiarism


- By our english HS teacher

Transcript of Apa Comprehensive

1. What is APA?2. Why use APA?3. General Format APA4. In-Text Citation5. Parahrasin! "ersus #uotin!$. %e&eren'es(. )um*er %ules+. ,e'hani's-. Pla!iarismWhen to 'ite?The APA,anual .$th e/.0 says you must 'ite 1hen 2arahrasin!3 4uotin! an author /ire'tly3 or /es'ri*in! an i/ea that in5uen'e/ your 1or67 .. 1(80.ro&essional stan/ar/ nee/ to 6no1 1hen you u*lishnee/ &or 'ontinue/ !ra/uate 1or6starte/ in 1-2+anthroolo!i'al an/ sy'holo!i'al 9ournal e/itors meturose:to stan/ar/i;e u*li'ation &ormatss.28183. 14(0lon!itu/inal stu/y.Palla/inoan/Wa/e>s .28180results in/i'atethat2a 5exi*lemin/isa healthymin/7.. 14(0.Asourcethatquotesorparaphrasesanother source that A;B did not read in the original %)ample IfThompson wrote in a155. publication on p. 15. In.696,&rowderetal.suggestedthatcognitive therapywasmoste8ectivelyadministeredby speciallytrainedmedicalsta8.Theyconcluded that,CDhencomparedtonon-medicalsta8:.E/p. F10. Inthiscase,Thompsonwouldbethesecondary source, and &rowder would be the primary source.Then3you1oul/'itethe se'on/arysour'ei&youha=e notrea/theori!inal.Inthis 'ase3you1oul/'ite Thomson:&rowderetal.,intheir.696study, suggestedthatcognitivetherapywas most e8ectively administered:/as cited in Thompson, 155., p.15.0. 3Text:(eidenberg and )c*ellands stud+ !as cited in *oltheart, *urtis, Atkins, ' ,aller, "##-%.%e&eren'e a!e:*oltheart, )., *urtis, .., Atkins, /., ' ,aller, ). !"##-%. )odels of reading aloud0 Dual1route and parallel1distributed1processing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 23#1453. Use sparingly!Citethesour'e*yitstitleinthesi!nal hraseorusethes a re1or/in! o& someone else>s 1or/s an/ i/easina*outthesame num*ero&1or/sasthe ori!inal.TheAPA,anualsays32Ga'h timeyouarahraseanother author.i.e.3summari;ea assa!eorrearran!etheor/er o& senten'e an/ 'han!e some o& the1or/s03younee/to're/it the sour'ein the text7 ..150.Lnthesu*9e'to&arahrasin!3thesixth e/itiono&thePublicationManualofthe AmericanPsychologicalAssociation.28180 a/=isesthatallo&anauthor>s1or/sto*e 'ite/ shoul/ aear in the same ara!rah an/ *e'ite/attheen/.FIna//ition3itsu!!ests thata!ean/ara!rahnum*ersshoul/*e in'lu/e/sorea/ers'aneasilys1ron!?Doo6titlesaresetin senten'e-style'as.Caitali;ethe

3. .A0"ommonquestionsaboutfringe bene4t ta5, .D0 %etrie=e/ &rom htt:KK111.ir/.!o=t.h .C0 Dureau o& Internal %e=enue. .H0 6ringe bene4t ta5 -67T.8 .G0 .28180. C?@G: WGDCITGPannah, 4./15..0. A tale of two capitals.The Journal of #ew (ealand )rt *istory,+,, ..1 .1F.%-"-s Gn!lish translation.18. @se %ese't&ul3 Dias-Free ?an!ua!eTheAPAmanualoutlinesimortant 'on'ernin!a=oi/in!*ias1ithrese'tto !en/er3ra'e3/isa*ilities3an/so&orth. When/is'ussin!/iQerentra'ial!rous3 ma6esurethatyourtermsarearallel. Whenossi*le3a=oi/the!eneri' ronounshean/she3orheKshe*yusin! they.1. I& a num*er starts a senten'e3 it al1ays aears as a 1or/. 2. Gxa't unit o& time shoul/ *e 1ritten as