Though New England and the Chesapeake region are both populated with people with an English background, they both developed diversely in the 1600s. Politically, New England valued ministers whereas in the Chesapeake region, the richest plantation owners were at the top of the hierarchy chain. Furthermore, the Puritans came to the New World in hopes of creating an Utopia - city upon hill-, compared to the men who went to Chesapeake in hopes of getting instant money. Socially, John Winthrop and other Puritans followed the Modell of Christian Charity while the indentured servants who lived in Chesapeake thought selfishly of themselves. To a larger extent, New England and the Chesapeake region, both evolved as two distinct societies because of political views, motives for coming to the New world, and their social relationships. New England and the Chesapeake region had two very different ideas in terms of a society; New England believed in a community where people worked together, whereas the Chesapeake believed in every man for himself. 1. Chesapeake - “ … those of us who had money, spare clothes, credit to give a bill of payment, … were ever welcome to purchase supplies… the rest of us patiently obeyed” ( doc F) 2. Chesapeake - Only rich had plantations (Oi) 3. New England - “We intend by God’s grace, as soon as we can, with all convenient speed, to procure some Godly and faithful minister with whom we purpose to join in church covenant to walk in all ways of Christ.” ( doc D) 4. New England – Joseph Hull is on top of list ( doc B)


An AP US History Document Based Question Essay

Transcript of AP US DBQ 1

Page 1: AP US DBQ 1

Though New England and the Chesapeake region are both populated with people with an English

background, they both developed diversely in the 1600s. Politically, New England valued ministers

whereas in the Chesapeake region, the richest plantation owners were at the top of the hierarchy chain.

Furthermore, the Puritans came to the New World in hopes of creating an Utopia - city upon hill-,

compared to the men who went to Chesapeake in hopes of getting instant money. Socially, John Winthrop

and other Puritans followed the Modell of Christian Charity while the indentured servants who lived in

Chesapeake thought selfishly of themselves. To a larger extent, New England and the Chesapeake region,

both evolved as two distinct societies because of political views, motives for coming to the New world,

and their social relationships.

New England and the Chesapeake region had two very different ideas in terms of a society; New

England believed in a community where people worked together, whereas the Chesapeake believed in

every man for himself.

1. Chesapeake - “ … those of us who had money, spare clothes, credit to give a bill of payment,

… were ever welcome to purchase supplies… the rest of us patiently obeyed” ( doc F)

2. Chesapeake - Only rich had plantations (Oi)

3. New England - “We intend by God’s grace, as soon as we can, with all convenient speed, to

procure some Godly and faithful minister with whom we purpose to join in church covenant

to walk in all ways of Christ.” ( doc D)

4. New England – Joseph Hull is on top of list ( doc B)

Even though the puritans of New England and the men of Chesapeake were both pulled to the

New World, the Puritans wanted to live in a perfect world, and the men of Virginia or Maryland wanted

to be rich.

1. New England – families being sent – recreation (doc B)

2. New England – “We intend that our town shall be composed of forty families, … rich and

poor. That every inhabitant shall have a convenient proportion for a house lot, as we shall see

fit for everyone’s quality and estate… That everyone shall have a share of the meadowing or

planting…” – rules that show equality (doc D)

3. Chesapeake– “There was no talk… but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold…” (doc F)

4. Chesapeake – rumors of rubies and diamonds found on beaches (Oi)

5. Chesapeake – plantation owners hired servants (Oi)

Page 2: AP US DBQ 1

New England and the Chesapeake region had two very different ideas in terms of a society; New

England believed in a community where people worked together, where the Chesapeake believed in every

man for himself.

1. New England – “We intend that our town shall be composed of forty families, … rich and

poor. That every inhabitant shall have a convenient proportion for a house lot, as we shall see

fit for everyone’s quality and estate… That everyone shall have a share of the meadowing or

planting…” – rules that show caring and sharing (doc D)

2. New England – came in families (doc B)

3. Chesapeake – 6 to 1 men ratio (doc C)

4. Chesapeake – “ … those of us who had money, spare clothes, credit to give a bill of payment,

… were ever welcome to purchase supplies… the rest of us patiently obeyed” (doc F)