AP Biology Summer Work - d3jc3ahdjad7x7.cloudfront.net · AP BIOLOGY - RADER 1 AP Biology Summer...

Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ________ AP BIOLOGY - RADER 1 AP Biology Summer Work Summer 2016 Welcome to Advanced Placement Biology Written Assignments: PART 1: Textbook Assignment - 50 points total (HW) PART 2: Animal Behavior Lab - 50 points total (Lab) DUE DATE for both parts: August 17th (first day of school) PART 1: Textbook Assignment: Textbooks will be available for checkout from the bookroom on Monday, June 5 th. a. Read Chapter 1: Pages 1-25 i. Create a summary chart of the eight unifying themes of biology. Your chart should include: The name of the theme, a brief description of the theme, a list of concepts you need to study to understand its role in the study of biology. The chart can be done in excel, word, or hand drawn but, must be in chart form. ii. Complete the study guide for the Evolution and Scientific Method portions of the chapter (pages 11-25). *All study guides can be found at the end of this handout b. Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4: Pages 30-67 i. Complete the study guides for these chapters. *All study guides can be found at the end of this handout PART 2: Animal Behavior Laboratory. See Laboratory handout sent as separate attachment. Summer Lecture/Office Hours Dates This will be a time where we will go over the material from the summer work in preparation for the exam on the first day of school. I will also be available for last minute questions on the Animal Behavior Lab write up. August 3 rd For lab set up and procedure questions 4pm 6pm in Room 62 August 8 th For lab set up or data analysis questions 4pm 6pm in Room 62 August 9 th For review of Chapters 1-3 4pm 6pm in Room 62 August 15 th For review of Chapters 4 and 5 4pm 6pm in Room 62 NOTE: There will be an exam on Chapters 1-4 on the first day of school. It will be approximately 55- 60 questions long.

Transcript of AP Biology Summer Work - d3jc3ahdjad7x7.cloudfront.net · AP BIOLOGY - RADER 1 AP Biology Summer...

Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ________


AP Biology Summer Work Summer 2016

Welcome to Advanced Placement Biology

Written Assignments:

PART 1: Textbook Assignment - 50 points total (HW) PART 2: Animal Behavior Lab - 50 points total (Lab)

DUE DATE for both parts: August 17th (first day of school)

PART 1: Textbook Assignment: Textbooks will be available for checkout from the bookroom on Monday, June 5 th.

a. Read Chapter 1: Pages 1-25

i. Create a summary chart of the eight unifying themes of biology. Your chart should include: The name of the theme, a brief description of the theme, a list of concepts you need to study to understand its role in the study of biology. The chart can be done in excel, word, or hand drawn but, must be in chart form.

ii. Complete the study guide for the Evolution and Scientific Method portions of the chapter (pages 11-25). *All study guides can be found at the end of this handout

b. Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4: Pages 30-67

i. Complete the study guides for these chapters. *All study guides can be found at the end of this handout

PART 2: Animal Behavior Laboratory. See Laboratory handout sent as separate attachment.

Summer Lecture/Office Hours Dates

This will be a time where we will go over the material from the summer work in preparation for the exam on the first day of school. I will also be available for last minute questions on the Animal Behavior Lab write up.

August 3rd For lab set up and procedure questions 4pm – 6pm in Room 62 August 8th For lab set up or data analysis questions 4pm – 6pm in Room 62 August 9th For review of Chapters 1-3 4pm – 6pm in Room 62 August 15th For review of Chapters 4 and 5 4pm – 6pm in Room 62

NOTE: There will be an exam on Chapters 1-4 on the first day of school. It will be approximately 55-60 questions long.

Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ________


Chapter 1: Evolution and the Scientific Method - Study Guide AP Biology

Concept 1.2 The Core Theme: Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life

1. Life is organized into groups. Study the figure below:

a. Which level contains the greatest diversity of organism?

b. The least?

c. Write out the levels of organization in order.

d. Most people use a mnemonic device to remember these levels. Come up with your own and write it here ( I know most so, don't just do an internet search)

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2. Taxonomy is the branch of biology that names and classifies organisms. Because of new molecular information, there have been many changes in placement of certain groups in recent years. Notice that all life is now organized in your text into 3 domains rather than the 5 kingdoms you may have learned earlier. Put the kingdoms mentioned in the text in the space below the proper domain names shown here.

3. What two main points were articulated in Darwin’s The Origin of Species?

4. What did Darwin propose as the mechanism of evolution? Summarize this mechanism.

Concept 1.3 Scientists use two main forms of inquiry in their study of nature

5. What are the two main types of scientific inquiry? Give an example of each.

6. What is data?

7. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative data. Which type would be presented in a data

chart and could be graphed? Which type is found in the field sketches made by Jane Goodall?

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8. In science, how do we define hypothesis?

9. A scientific hypothesis has two important qualities. The first is that it is testable. What is the second?

10. Are scientific hypotheses proved? Explain your answer!

11. Look at Figure 1.24 on page 19 . Use it to write a hypothesis using the “If . . . then . . ., because” format.

12. What is a controlled experiment?

13. The text points out a common misconception about the term “controlled experiment”. In the snake mimicry experiment, what factors were held constant?

14 . Why are supernatural explanations outside the bounds of science?

15. Explain what is meant by a scientific theory by giving the three ways your text separates a theory from a hypothesis or mere speculation.

1. 2. 3.

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Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life- Study Guide AP Biology

This chapter is a review of basic chemistry – we will be going through this chapter very quickly. If you have any problems – please see me before school for additional help.

1. Compare AND contrast the term element with compound.

2. Label the diagram below and define the terms that you label.

3. Define and give examples of atomic mass and atomic number.

4. What is the difference between the atomic mass and atomic weight of an element?

5. What is an isotope and what is “special” about radioactive isotopes?

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6. Explain how radioactive tracers are used in science?

7. Explain how the movement of electrons relates to the concept of potential energy – use the diagram below to help answer the question. Label on the diagram when the electron or ball has the most potential energy and when it has the least.

8. What determines interactions between atoms? Why are valence electrons important?

9. Define the following terms: a. Chemical bond

b. Covalent bond

c. Single bond

d. Double bond

e. Valence

f. Electronegativity

g. Nonpolar covalent bond

h. Polar covalent bond

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10. What is the difference between a structural and molecular formula? Give an example of each.

11. How do ionic bonds compare with covalent bonds? Draw an example of each

12. Compare and contrast hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions.

13. Based on the reading, what is an example, in a living system, of how molecular shape is critical?

14. Define a dynamic chemical equilibrium in terms of quantities of reactants and products.

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Chapter 3: Properties of Water - Study Guide AP Biology

1. Why is water considered a polar molecule?

2. For each of the below listed properties of water – briefly define the property and then explain how water’s polar nature and polar covalent bonds contribute to the water special property. Include an example in nature of each property. a. Cohesion

b. Adhesion

c. Surface tension

d. High specific heat

e. Heat of vaporization

f. Evaporative cooling

3. What is special about water and density?

4. Define the following terms: a. Solute

b. Solvent

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c. Aqueous solution

d. Hydrophilic

e. Hydrophobic

f. Molarity

5. Label the diagram below to demonstrate the dissociation of the water molecule and then relate this diagram to pH.

6. What defines an acid and a base? (HINT: It is NOT the pH)

7. Why can even slight changes in pH so harmful to living cells?

8. What is a buffer and write and explain the carbonic acid buffer system in human blood. Use the equation to explain your answer.

9. What is acid precipitation and why is it important to living organisms?

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Calculations - Show your work!

10. How much more acidic is a pH 2 solution than a pH 5 solution? 11. Using your periodic table, calculate how many grams of KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) would you need to add to one liter of water to make a 0.75 M solution of KMnO4?

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Chapter 4: Carbon Compounds - Study Guide AP Biology

1. Why is organic chemistry so important in the study of biology?

2. Why was the Urey-Miller experiment so important?

3. What is special about carbon that makes it the central atom in the chemistry of life?

4. Use the diagram below to label and contrast the three types of isomers.

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5. Create a table below (can be drawn NEATLY or created and pasted in from word or excel) for the following functional groups. For each functional group : name the compound, draw the structure, write an example and give the functional properties. (NOTE: DO NOT just copy the chart from the text. That will not help you learn it.)

a. Hydroxyl b. Carbonyl aldehyde c. Carbonyl ketone d. Carboxyl e. Amino f. Sulfhydryl g. Phosphate h. Methyl