“Watch Out For This Guy”.theoryoflivevolution.com/files/Rivers_of_Life.pdf · tank closely...

In “The THeorY of LIVEvolution” I made the seemingly outlandish claim that this Federal Government’s pursuit of the scientific scam of corn based ethanol to solve the scientific sham of “global warming” (climate change?) was actually rooted in Ancient Egyptian/Babylonian paganism while also conveniently ridding “Mother Earth” of billions of “useless eaters” all of which correlates to the Anti-10 Commandment 1 of the Georgia Guidestones “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature” that in turn is associated with my candidate for the anti-Christ, RC Christian. Did you get all that? Do you see how this all ties together? If I’ve said it a million times I’ll say it again in regards to Barak Obama: “Watch Out For This Guy”. Since my supposition that corn is in the middle of this whole mess may seem outlandish I categorically present the evidence in general outline form (Hopefully you’ll begin to see how hard it is to separate this stuff from current events.): Exhibit A. Beware the Environmental Movement, Beware the Environmental Movement A.1 Food Control A.2 Carbon Credits A.3 Abortion as Eugenics Exhibit B. The “New” Age Loons Get Corny B.1 FDR, Henry Wallace and Nicolas Roerich B.2 Corn Technology Exhibit C. Corn as National Policy Exhibit D. Corn’s Relation to ‘Rivers of Life’ and the “New” Age Mother Earth Loons D.1 Federal Reserve Notes D.2 Bohemian Grove D.3 Pillars as Symbols D.4 Healing Waters as Symbols D.5 Healing Waters Combined with columns = New Jerusalem D.6 Today’s Democratic Party

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In “The THeorY of LIVEvolution” I made the seemingly outlandish claim that this Federal Government’s pursuit of the scientific scam of corn based ethanol to solve the scientific sham of “global warming” (climate change?) was actually rooted in Ancient Egyptian/Babylonian paganism while also conveniently ridding “Mother Earth” of billions of “useless eaters” all of which correlates to the Anti-10 Commandment 1 of the Georgia Guidestones “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature” that in turn is associated with my candidate for the anti-Christ, RC Christian. Did you get all that? Do you see how this all ties together? If I’ve said it a million times I’ll say it again in regards to Barak Obama: “Watch Out For This Guy”. Since my supposition that corn is in the middle of this whole mess may seem outlandish I categorically present the evidence in general outline form (Hopefully you’ll begin to see how hard it is to separate this stuff from current events.): Exhibit A. Beware the Environmental Movement, Beware the Environmental Movement A.1 Food Control A.2 Carbon Credits A.3 Abortion as Eugenics Exhibit B. The “New” Age Loons Get Corny B.1 FDR, Henry Wallace and Nicolas Roerich B.2 Corn Technology Exhibit C. Corn as National Policy Exhibit D. Corn’s Relation to ‘Rivers of Life’ and the “New” Age Mother Earth Loons D.1 Federal Reserve Notes D.2 Bohemian Grove D.3 Pillars as Symbols D.4 Healing Waters as Symbols D.5 Healing Waters Combined with columns = New Jerusalem D.6 Today’s Democratic Party

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Exhibit A. BEWARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT, BEWARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT. Sub Exhibit A.1 Food Control Go back to the new age page and read the links on the bottom associated with the Environmental Movement and Kosmos Magazine. Hmm Kosmos…cosmos…didn’t we just discuss “cosmic messengers” and “space brothers” having all kinds of eco wacko environmental messages (See Ephesians link) and the elitist Club of Rome showed up as well in ‘Kosmos’ magazine (see bottom of new age page). The Club also showed up in Section 2e. of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” as one of the key players in the elitist generated whole global warming scam. And what do we have here:

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection (naturalnews.com, 9/10/08) (NaturalNews) Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, is a very misunderstood organization that most people (including nearly all U.S. congressmen) have never heard of, never mind understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organization. From the official Codex website (www.codexalimentarius.net) the altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations". Codex is a joint venture regulated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO).

That’s the background from the “conspiracy theorists” at naturalnews.com; here’s something more right off the anti-10 Commandments of the Georgia Guidestones:

Population control for money is the easiest way to describe the new Codex which is run by the U.S. and controlled by Big Pharma and the like to reduce the population to a sustainable 500 million - a reduction of approximately 93 percent. The FAO and WHO have the audacity to estimate that by the introduction of just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone, at a minimum 3 billion deaths (1 billion from starvation and another 2 billion from preventable and degenerative diseases of under nutrition, e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes) will result. Degraded, demineralized, pesticide-filled and irradiated foods are the fastest and most efficient way to cause a profitable surge in malnutrition, preventable and degenerative disease which the most appropriate course of action is always pharmaceuticals. Death for profit is the new name of the game. Big Pharma has been waiting for this opportunity for years.

Now just in case this sounds ‘crazy’ here’s the follow-up in regards to some Orwellian nightmarish ‘Food Safety Administration’ (FSA):

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Coming government takeover of food Exclusive: Roger Hedgecock exposes plot to regulate American farms (worldnetdaily.com, 3/30/09)

The "recession garden" has arrived in your backyard (or one near you) echoing the "victory garden" of World War II.

Both big government and big business are alarmed – and both are working to control this phenomenon. What's in the works threatens a government definition of what is "food" and proposes regulations amounting to a government takeover of the production, transportation and sale of food in this country for the benefit of Big Ag.

This bill – if passed – would give FSA inspectors the right to enter, anywhere in the world, any premises of any food establishment to inspect and determine whether the product of that food establishment should be sold to American consumers.

. Basically, don't sell, or even give, the produce from your "recession garden" to anyone – or you're in a heap of trouble.

The M.O. for this government takeover of "food" for the benefit of bigger

government and big business is certainly familiar – it is playing out in energy and health care, too.

And just in case you were wondering who “The Messiah’s” REAL criminal masters are and what he thinks of the little people (including those in “imbecile majority” who live up to that name for voting for this guy):

So … what of the produce from the White House garden? Without an army of clerks and "traceable" paperwork, could the veggies from the White House even be given to the homeless shelter down the street? And what of the Obama voters in the "healthy food," back-to-the-Earth They will be collateral damage as the FSA takes over "food" for Monsanto. Is this the "change" they want us to believe in?

If that one sounds crazy this one is really crazy: Bilderberger Plot to Control U.S. Food Supply (infowars.com, 3/7/09)

If left to the soft kill eugenicists in control of the government, healthy organic food produced by independent farmers will soon be a thing of the past. Obama recently nominated Kansas governor Katherine Sebelius to head up HHS. Sebelius is a Bilderberg member.

Recall top-drawer Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger’s call for “depopulation,” another word for eugenics. National Security Study Memorandum 200, dated

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April 24, 1974, and entitled “Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests,” calls for world depopulation, specifically in “developing countries.”

In 1972, the Club of Rome published “The Limits to Growth,” a book arguing for Malthusian solutions to world population. The Club of Rome is a globalist think-tank closely interlocked with the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission . As author and researcher F. William Engdahl notes, the modern eugenicist movement — in addition to the environmental movement and the “Green Revolution” — were founded and funded by the Rockefellers.

“The eugenics of Hitler were financed to a major extent by the same Rockefeller Foundation which today is building a doomsday seed vault to preserve samples of every seed on our planet,” writes Engdahl. “In reality, as it years later emerged, the Green Revolution was a brilliant Rockefeller family scheme to develop a globalized agribusiness which they then could monopolize just as they had done in the world oil industry beginning a half century before. As Henry Kissinger declared in the 1970’s, ‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population’… Agribusiness and the Rockefeller Green Revolution went hand-in-hand.” Now the Bilderbergers and the Rockefellers have a minion heading up the HHS and twin bills in Congress essentially eliminating the FDA and proposing a draconian “food protection plan” of bureaucratic rules and regulations that will drive small farmers and food producers — most notably organic food producers — out of business under the guise of protecting the public from salmonella and E. coli.

Have I mentioned that if it has to do with genocide AND/OR the takeover of “The Late Great USA” the name ROCKEFELLER always pops up? Now this one is really, really crazy from our allies across the pond:

Deep Ecology Misanthropy Moving Into Mainstream Environmentalism (wesleyjsmith.com, 3/24/09) Deep Ecology is a neo earth religion, the ideology of which holds that nature should be given equal consideration with people--a concept sometimes called ecological egalitarianism. The explicit rejection of human exceptionalism led adherents into a profound nihilism and anti-humanism in which deep ecologists yearn for a radical human depopulation to under 1 billion.

Now, a major UK environmental adviser wants to see his country cut its population in half. From the story:

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JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown's leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society.

There are decidedly genocidal and tyrannically eugenic implications in such advocacy.

It is of great concern that a key adviser to the government seems to have swallowed the deep ecology poison and still be considered a respectable spokesperson for environmentalism.

Hmm…those Anti-10 Commandments from my candidate for the Anti-Christ himself may not be joking around (not that this “conspiracy theorist” never took them deadly serious, pun intended). Sub Exhibit A.2 Carbon ‘Credits’

So whatever happened to the high priest/mega rich/buy carbon credits from his own company/hypocrite of the eco wackos one Al Gore? Enter stage left (and I’m not yet talking about his grand entrance to the Democratic National Convention under the song “Age of Aquarius”):

U.N. ‘Climate Change’ Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy (foxnews.com, 3/27/09) A United Nations document on "climate change" that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy, likely involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body.

In an influential but highly controversial paper called "Key Elements of a Global Deal on Climate Change," British economist Nicholas Lord Stern, formerly a high British Treasury official, has declared that industrial economies would need to cut their per capita carbon dioxide emissions by "at least 80% by 2050," while the biggest economies, like the U.S.'s, would have to make cuts of 90 percent.

Stern also calls for "immediate and binding" reduction targets for developed nations of 20 percent to 40 percent by 2020.

To meet Stern's 2050 goals, he says, among other things, "most of the world's electricity production will need to have been decarbonized."

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Ho hum just more “conspiracy theory”. Hmm this next one tells me maybe we should have listened to the great Senator Joe McCarthy whose Reece Commission tried to warn the “imbecile majority” about rich, elite, white, gang bankers like the Carnegies and Rockefellers and their stooge ‘liberal’ boot licking minions at places like Harvard excuse me HAAARverd, Columbia University and the University of Chicago…umm didn’t Barak stop at all three and come under the ‘guidance’ of Rockefeller floppie Zbigniew Brzezinski while at Columbia? Umm yes (See “Between Two Ages” by Rockefeller puppy dog Brzezinski on the reviews page):

Obama Intimately Tied to Carbon Trading Scam (infowars.com, 3/30/09)

A combination of interesting mainstream and alternative media reports reveal compelling links between president Obama and a privately owned carbon trading group, which also has direct ties with elitist groups such as the Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission. In the past, the Club of Rome has resorted to deceptive tactics in order to support their plans. In 1972, the Club of Rome, along with an MIT team released a report called Limits to growth. The report stated that we were to reach an environmental holocaust by the year 2000 due to overpopulation and other environmental problems. Support for their conclusions was gathered by results from a computer model. Aurelio Peccei, one of the founders of the Club of Rome, later confessed that the computer program had been written to give the desired results.

Hmm. This “conspiracy theorist” documented thoroughly the scam computer models being employed to ‘prove’ the scam global warming (climate change?) in Section 2 of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”.

Why is this so concerning? Because groups such as the Club of Rome are contracted out by our own governments and the UN to prepare ‘Policy Guidance Documents’ which they use in formulating their policies and programs. How come the Club of Rome gets the gig? Simply because many high ranking UN and government officials are also CoR members, or have direct corporate ties to members. The same goes for the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Prior to the election, Obama called for drastically reducing carbon emissions by 80 per cent, a move that would inflict a new Great Depression, cost millions of jobs, and sink America to near third world status. The 80 per cent figure is a huge leap towards the ultimate goal, expressed by the Carnegie Institute last year and afforded sober credibility by the corporate media - a complete reduction down to zero carbon emissions. As we have previously noted, such a move would lead to the near complete reversal of hundreds of years of technological progress and man’s return to the stone age.

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Obama’s involvement in Chicago Climate Exchange – the rest of the story (canadafreepress.com, 3/25/09)

“Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress” is a FOXNews story by Ed Barnes. In short, “While on the board of a Chicago-based charity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play a critical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push through Congress as president.”

The charity was the Joyce Foundation on whose board of directors Obama served and which gave nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, which now calls itself “North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.”

The “privately-owned” Chicago Climate Exchange is heavily influenced by Obama cohorts Al Gore and Maurice Strong.

For years now Strong and Gore have been cashing in on that lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming.

Gore, self-proclaimed Patron Saint of the Environment, buys his carbon off-sets from himself--the Generation Investment Management LLP, “an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 with offices in London and Washington, D.C., of which he is both chairman and founding partner. The Generation Investment Management business has considerable influence over the major carbon credit trading firms that currently exist, including the Chicago Climate Exchange. It may be interesting to note that the Chicago Climate Exchange in spite of its hype, is a veritable rat’s nest of cronyism. The largest shareholder in the Exchange is Goldman Sachs. Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is its honorary chairman, The Joyce Foundation, which funded the Exchange also funded money for John Ayers’ Chicago School Initiatives. John is the brother of William Ayers.

What a flap when it was discovered that the senator from Chicago had nursed on Saul Alinsky’s milk, had his political career launched at a coffee party held by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and sat for 20 years, uncomplaining in front of the “God-dam-America pulpit of resentment-challenged Jeremiah Wright.

Even as man-made global warming is being exposed as a money-generating hoax, Obama is working feverishly to push the controversial cap-and-trade carbon reduction scheme through Congress.

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America: Talking Green but Leaving a Trail of Red (canadafreepress.com, 3/31/09)

Even if every word about global warming were the immutable gospel truth and even if we never cut down another tree the trail America is leaving behind is conspicuously a brilliant red.

Whether global warming proponents like it or not; everyone is not buying the global warming hype including some of the most qualified scientist in the world. The computer models used by the United Nations IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) after the global warming conference in Japan are holding every citizen in the world responsible for the problem. In essence these questionable models have become judge, jury and according to green doomsayers our very executioner.

Global warming is the giant distraction that keeps us from seeing two blood red rivers that threaten the next generation fiscally and physically. One river has the name ‘Fiscal Irresponsibility’ and it is our national debt. It is nine trillion dollars strong after the tinkering of the Obama administration, and it will be laid on the next generation to pay in full.

The other great red river is named ‘The Genocide of the Innocents’ and is nearly inundating its banks with up to 4000 abortions per day. This river is the most hideous and is haunted as it flows with the voices of a generation who have been passed by for what all of the rest of us have taken for granted; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence but keep that term ‘rivers’ in mind. So far this hasn’t been very ‘happy’ or “Christian” as social gospel fool Rick Warren would like to make friends with our new “Messiah”. Unfortunately, “The One” has a lot more in common with Adolf Hitler (not to mention TREASONOUS David Rockefeller) than he does with George Washington…

Sub Exhibit A.3 Abortion as Eugenics

Margret Sanger was discussed in depth in Section 3 of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” as part of the feminist trifecta from hell, pun intended, of herself, “Madame” Blavatsky of Theosophy fame and Alice Bailey of the UN-dead’s Lucifer’s Trust. Of course all, especially Ms. Sanger, served as inspirations to Adolf Hitler and at least two, Blavatsky and Bailey ‘talked’ to their “Ascended Masters” for most of their adult lives. In case you’re reading this in isolation, Ms. Bailey’s “Ascended Master” (see link Djwhal Khul) still (2009) serves as an inspiration at the UN-dead’s Lucifer’s Trust and “he” even shows up in the bibliography on this web site. I’ll be damned, pun intended, another link from the eco wackos to the “Angel of Light” himself not to mention the “cosmic messengers” and “space brothers” for environmentalism. Of course Hitler was very much himself into the occult as he sent his own SS personnel to Tibet looking for something related to the

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Island of Tula (a “legendary” Atlantis rip-off) and its “Great White Brotherhood”. So just what was the deal with Hitler’s hero, one Margret Sanger?

The greatest sin Exclusive: Joseph reveals Nazi ties of Planned Parenthood’s eugenicist founder (worldnetdaily.com, 7/25/08)

In a television interview with Mike Wallace 51 years ago, Planned Parenthood saint Margret Sanger expressed, not surprisingly some different ideas.

“I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children that have diseases from their parents…delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things…”

For instance, Margret Sanger was candid about her eugenicist aims by the time she opened her first clinic in the 1920s:

If we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic, he can go among them with enthusiasm and with knowledge, which, I believe, will have far reaching results…His success will depend on his personality and his training by us. The minister’s work is also important, and also should be trained, perhaps by our federation…We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs.”

Sanger’s clinics were set up with the express purpose of targeting “blacks, Hispanics, Slavs, Amerinds, Fundamentalists, Jews and Catholics”. Her efforts were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, which is still supporting every insidious cause imaginable. It was Sanger’s views and work that influence Adolf Hitler in devising his “final solution” for the Jews…

Sanger was closely tied to Ernst Rudin, who served as Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization. An April 1933 by Rudin entitled “Eugeninc Sterlization: An Urgent Need” for Sanger’s monthly magazine, The Birth Control Review, detailed the establishment of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene…A subsequent article…entitled “Selective Sterlization” praises and defends the Third Reich’s pre-holocaust “race purification” program.

So when you hear the term “Great White Brotherhood” discussed by the Order of Melchizedek in the Kosmos link (not to mention “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”) a lot of these *** take it literally like…Adolf Hitler. The occult obsessed Adolf Hitler. Oh, by the way, your mandatory patriotic payments of compassion and stimulus or federal income taxes for short support Planned Parenthood and now thanks to half-white Barak Obama, International Planned Parenthood and the United Nations Population fund started in the sixties by TA DA…Stephen Rockefeller and friends. A-hem, that name again?

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Here’s where our “first black president” stands on the lead in to Hitler’s race hygiene programs:

Botch an abortion? Obama would let baby die (worldnetdaily.com, 7/9/09)

A CNN reporter interviewing me a couple weeks ago about Barack Obama’s opposition as state senator to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act groaned more than once the topic was “complicated”.

I finally emailed her, “It is clear: Obama strongly opposed legislation to protect abortion survivors. This is so horrible, so of course he will try to make it ‘complicated’, but it is not”

Overarching talking point: Barack Obama is so radically pro-abortion he supports infanticide, as evidenced by his active opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Abortion Act. This makes him further left than any U.S. senator and even NARAL.

Speaking of US senators, his choice for Secretary of State “The Queen” Hillary just snapped up Planned Parenthood’s Margret Sanger Award. Here’s a quick sampling of the Queen Eugenics new “advisor”:

Earth population ‘exceeds limits’ (newsvote.bbc.co.uk, 3/31/09)

There are already too many people living on Planet Earth, according to one of most influential science advisors in the US government.

Nina Fedoroff told the BBC One Planet programme that humans had exceeded the Earth's "limits of sustainability". Pressed on whether she thought the world population was simply too high, Dr Fedoroff replied: "There are probably already too many people on the planet."

Aside from a couple stories about Martin Luther King’s niece Alveda King and a few others in the summer of 2008 resistance in the black community to this travesty is miniscule at best; this reinforces my point that blacks have been effectively sedated into resistance by LBJ’s “Great” Society mantra just as documented in “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. (And those that haven’t have been misled into pure rage by “Progressive” mostly white stooges at the gang banker funded Ivy League scam schools that racist America is responsible for all their ills.) This sedation to submission is in overdrive for the rest of the “imbecile majority” and its ultimate goals of economic enslavement and de-population are coming soon to an ex-world near you.

There’s a lot more where this came from. For starters review Obama’s first week on the relevant news stories page. For now let’s move on.

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Exhibit B. The “New” Age Loons Get Corny

Sub Exhibit B.1 FDR, Henry Wallace and Nicolas Roerich We must go back to the socialist/fascist regime of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to establish the historical AND religious base for what’s going on with “our” new Messiah. FDR is some kind of hero to the brainwashed stooges that have permeated our society courtesy the Rockefeller, et. al. funded Dewey/humanist educational system made up of the National Education Association on the ‘free’ (chuckle, chuckle) public school level to the Columbia University Teachers’ College and the other boot licking stooge Ivy League types on the college level. In reality he employed fascist and socialist policies as a result of the gang banker caused “Great” Depression of 1929. This isn’t just “conspiracy theory” any more; many so called mainstream economists are now saying FDR’s socialist policies, that just so happened to borrow fiat money from the illegal gang banker established “Federal” “Reserve” bank, exacerbated the Depression and turned it into the “Great” Depression. Hmm. If this is starting to sound strangely familiar today, 2009, it should. The whole “Federal” “Reserve” gang banker scam waylaid on the “imbecile majority” by our Illuminist (“Angel of Light”) criminal masters was thoroughly documented in Section 2 of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. But to be sure “conspiracy theorist” William Still makes this chilling assessment of “Progressive” FDR whose name could easily be exchanged with “Progressive” Barak Obama:

To pull the nation out of depression, Roosevelt immediately turned to the Federal Reserve to borrow the money needed from the same bankers who engineered it in the first place. A huge variety of social programs soon emerged, making Roosevelt a hero to the common man. The price was that Roosevelt’s socialistic government gained unprecedented control over American life. The vilified Hoover bitterly wrote in his memoirs that Roosevelt’s programs were “pure facism”. (1)

Of course today besides the American “imbecile majority” we’ve also screwed over half the world with our fake borrowing as the “Fed” and the Treasury attempt to print our way out of the “Fed” created “asset bubble” due to “easy credit”. This as friend of multiple Communists Barak continues to spend us in to oblivion and hyperinflation. So as to avoid getting off the point of a purposeful, economic crash being engineered by our Illuminati criminal masters and current stooge teleprompter reader and tool of the gang banking elite or US President for short let’s bring in establishment historian and Bill Clinton hero Carroll Quigley who tells all about the “Great Plan” of the gang bankers from a “secular” standpoint:

The history of the last century shows…that the advice given to governments by bankers…was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businesses and the people generally. Such advice could be enforced if necessary by manipulation of exchanges, of gold flows, discount rates and even levels of business activity. Thus (JP) Morgan dominated Cleveland’s second administration by gold withdrawls… (2)

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And what company did JP Morgan Senior take over in 1894? General Electric which owns NBC, one of the dominant media outlets today. And what did we have just last fall (2007) on NBC along with many other media stooges in ‘our’ ‘free’ press? Green week to help combat global warming (climate change?). Even the stooge economic “experts” from Harvard excuse me HAAAArverd and the other ‘top’ business schools on CircusNBC will agree that the “Fed” and its chairman really run the economy; some “conspiracy theory”. And just in case anybody believes I’m some lonely “conspiracy theorist” I present ex-Bilderberg stooge of David Rockefeller and the rest of the international banksta criminal parasite elite: former President Bill Clinton on the back of “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time”:

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Let’s get back to FDR who, just like Barak, was but a cog in the gang banker machine, and who, just like Barak, was way too into the occult concept of “illumination”…and corn. Let’s start with his interest in the occult and lo and behold that funny ILLUMINATED eye thing on “your” “Federal” “Reserve” note pops out:

Mongolian myth says Shambhala is connected to a grid of interconnected sacred sites…

As noted, FDR also named the presidential hideaway in Marylyand Shagri-La. Historians claim this was a reference to James Hilton’s famous 1933 book The Lost Horizon. This fictional work is the tale of a group of people who become stranded in Shangri-La, a peaceful Tibetan mountain refuge that is home to the immortals.

FDR and Wallace not only sought the Stone of God, but also if my interpretation is correct they appear to have found something of tremendous value, perhaps even the secret temple of the Christ Light.

As noted, in 1935 a facsimile of the logo of Osiris, the Egyptian god of fission and gardening was ordered stamped on the back of the one-dollar bill by FDR one year after the search for this casket and stone atop Meru. This symbol features the lost Stone of God, which we now know is also known as the eye of Rus. (3)

(Author’s Note: the eye of Rus connects to Russia; this is a direct link I believe to the battle of Gog and Magog that is one and the same with the Battle of Armageddon described in Revelation. This will be covered in the Ephesians and Gog and Magog links). So we’ve established FDR as a fascist, socialist, “New” Age loon and the not the hero presented to the “imbecile majority” as discussed. Enter stage left his wonderful Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace who was even more ‘out there’. He was an expert on two very relevant topics for this discussion and in fact this entire website, corn and Theosophy. According to well known “New” Age author William Henry in his book “The A-Tomic Christ” Henry Wallace was a very spiritual minded fellow who believed that “all spiritual movements must have a life springing out of mother earth”. He was also “looking to bring inner light toward manifestation”. Now this one smacks directly of “Madame” Blavatsky’s “spark of wisdom” that is latent in all humans but beyond the reach of the “savages” like Africans and Australians. Hmm this concept sounds strangely familiar (see lovely Margret Sanger above). In a nutshell, no pun intended, Ms. Blavatsky covers it all: the earth mother types on the “New” Age loony left to the Hitlerite eugenics types on the ‘conservative right’. Let’s get back to Mr. Wallace who was looking to “corn for the secrets of light fusion”. Among one of his contacts was an expert on various Indian tribes at the time, Charles Roos. Mr. Roos in correspondence to FDR’s Agriculture Secretary warned him to “step lightly in dealing with the kings of the four winds” and how to deal with the “Corn Planter” and “vibrations” of the “Great Rain Makers”. It only gets worse with this guy:

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In other letters Wallace expressed his conviction that he was witnessing the “first crude beginnings of a new age.” He left no room to doubt that his ‘new age’ would be directed by Master M – the Manu of Theosophists mentioned earlier who influences earthly political affairs – and would be introduced by the recovery of the Holy Grail. In 1933 he wrote to Roerich (directly from the Hoover Library):

Dear M,

Yes the Search, whether it be for the Lost Word of Masonry or the Holy Chalice or the potentialities of the age to come, is the one supremely worthwhile objective. All else is karmic duty…Galahad, a Parsifal incurring the utmost peril insofar as his energy is in this search in terms of the outer world.

The seat perilous – in letters of fire – for the one who has won the right to come by using the inner principles to conquer in the outer world. What challenge! What adventure! What patience and grief!...Yes Oh Master M. (4)

This passage speaks volumes; now remember this was FDR’s right hand man. The references to “the Holy Chalice” and Galahad should sound familiar, they’re right out of the legend of King Arthur’s Court and Knights of the Roundtable. Henry Wallace signed some of correspondences ‘G’. Galahad, according to the legend, was the last person to hold the Holy Grail. This touches on another link, RC Christian. For now suffice it to say that nobody can say for sure what the Holy Grail really is. The Catholic representation is related to the golden chalice that caught Christ’s blood at the Crucifixion; others have associated it with the Shroud of Turin and yet others have associated it outside of the material world all together and refer to it as the attainment of or “Gnosticism” or “Knowledge” that man can become God, the real One. But what really caught my ILLUMINATED third eye of Osiris was the term “Master M”. In this instance he’s referring to Nicolas Roerich who we’ll get to in a minute. In “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” I thoroughly documented the writings of “Djwhal Khul the Tibetan” which was kind of funny considering ‘he’ is an “Ascended Master” from “the cosmos” (actually the founder of Lucifer’s Publishing Company, Alice Bailey, served as “his” writer, see link Djwhal Khul). Here’s one passage with the term ‘Master M’ that’s right up Henry Wallace’s and FDR’s alley: The Master Djwhal Khul, or the Master DK as he is frequently called, is another

adept on the second Ray of Love-Wisdom…His body is not a young one and He is a Tibetan…He is profoundly learned, and knows more about the Rays and planetary hierarchies of the solar system than anyone else in the ranks of the Masters…He occupies himself with various pupils of different Masters who can profit by His instruction, and within the last ten years has relieved both the Master M. and Master KH of a good deal of Their teaching work, taking over from Them for certain stated times some of Their pupils and disciples. He works largely too with certain groups of the devas…in the work of healing some of the physical ills of humanity. (129)

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Now this touches on yet other links, the spiritual war of Ephesians and Alice Bailey’s The Externalization of the Hierarchy. But let’s stay on target here: corn’s relation to the whole “New” Age mess the world is currently experiencing. Enter stage left Russian mystic and artist Nicolas Roerich. Mr. Roerich was thoroughly documented in Section 3. and Appendix A of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. Suffice it to say he was largely responsible for influencing FDR’s decision to place the “Great” Seal on “your” “Federal” “Reserve” notes. This discussion more or less will begin where “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” leaves off. Judging by the aforementioned letter Wallace was infatuated with Mr. Roerich. William Henry sums up the relationship:

Because of his knowledge of Jesus and other Masters, Wallace viewed Roerich as a great prophet and Peacemaker. He acted as Roerich’s guardian angel tending to the tedious international diplomatic details of the US government funded search for Christ in Mongolia. (5).

Now according to author William Henry Roerich’s lineage traces all the way back to the Knights Templar. Let’s get another view of the “Great” Seal with this information in mind:

The European hieroglyph Ru meant ‘birth passage’, ‘doorway’ and ‘vagina’. The European cathedrals were constructed as wombs based upon principles of sacred geometry discovered by the Templars atop Mount Me-ru-iah in Je-rus-alem. This geometry was based upon the rus, the vesica piscis.

The eye or wisdom of the wise Egyptian pharaohs or Rus family – the Russian Roerichs’ and the Roosevelts – had been concealed since the persecution of the Templars. It was the job of the Rus to ‘lift the veil’ covering the eye and reveal the secrets of the Atum to humanity in the 1930s.

In Egyptian mythology, the eye symbol is most closely associated with the All-seeing eye of Osiris. As we will see, Franklin Roosevelt ordered this symbol stamped on the back of the one-dollar bill in 1935, one year after Roerich’s search for Christ at Mount Meru in Mongolia. (6)

Let’s get some new insights to Nicolas Roerich that weren’t covered in “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. It sounds like he could have been Secretary General of the UN-dead or written songs for “New” Ager John Lennon and the rest of the Beatles:

…Roerich’s magazine and his ideal of creating a fundamental unity of all religions, the brotherhood of man, and the need of the spiritual transformation of the human heart to achieve cooperation among nations.

Like Henry Wallace, from his earliest years Nicolas Roerich exhibited a pronounced affinity for nature. (7)

Not only could he have worked for the UN-dead and the Beatles but also EarthFirst or some other kind of eco wacko bunch (recall his Egyptian hero Osiris has just been identified as a “gardening” god in addition to the god of ILLUMINATION):

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Many of his paintings reveal the Theosophical belief held by Henry Wallace that industrialization was robbing humanity of its connection to nature, and therefore, God.

In Roerich’s view, the Stone Age, when humankind and nature were in harmony, was humankind’s Golden Age. Where Wallace saw each human life as a divine spark from a great Fire, Roerich painted man as a tiny speck in a great mysterious landscape in which the sky in enormous and all-powerful, and the Earth stretches eternally into space. (8)

Hmmm. A couple more employers where Mr. Roerich would fit include the Astrology weirdoes and the Nazis with his theosophical beliefs (recall the “divine spark” of Hitler hero Helena Blavatsky), love of nature and pursuit of a “holy grail” in Tibet; Nazi trademarks all. And don’t forget the whole carbon credits scheme which will essentially stifle energy production and therefore technological progress and evil capitalism as a whole sending us all back…to the stone age. So let’s summarize up to this point: we have a guy here whose beliefs were one in the same with “Progressive” hero FDR who could have been Secretary General of the UN-dead, song writer for the Beatles, leader of EarthFirst and a high ranking member of Hitler’s SS. Not only that he has direct ties to two of my personal favorite “Ascended Masters”, Djwhal Khul of Lucifer’s Publishing Company and RC Christian of the Knights Templar. Does it get any better than this?...

Sub Exhibit B.2 Corn Technology Corn is used throughout the Bible symbolically to indicate both physical and spiritual nourishment. For instance, Joseph son of Jacob interpreted the dream of the reigning Egyptian pharaoh where the leader saw seven skinny corn stalks eating seven fat ones. This was the foreshadowing of a great famine in the region correctly forecast by Joseph. In the New Testament the Apostles are berated by the Pharisees for picking and eating corn on the Sabbath Day. And so on. And since it’s in the Bible, the “New” Agers will borrow it to fit their agenda since the Bible is just another mixture of legends, true history, myths and otherwise spooky bedtime stories. Let’s get back to our mysterious friends Nicolas Roerich and Henry Wallace who escape the attention of most “conspiracy theorists”:

Theosophical texts state that Shu is pronounced ‘shuck’. This calls to my mind the husk of corn which is ‘shucked’. The corn connections are startling. Henry Wallace, a plant geneticist and expert in corn, awaited the arrival of a lost “casket” and a “stone”.

Might his understanding of corn lead him to the secrets of Meru or Egypt? (9)

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Mesoamericans were an ancient Indian tribe who were in possession of technology in line or ahead of today’s physicists. Remember the concept of so called ancient civilizations having advanced technology was covered extensively in “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” and the Kosmos link here. These Indians like Ancient civilizations the world over from the Egyptians to the Druids to the Mayans had technology well in advance of their time. Very briefly they were all pursuing their own form of the “holy grail” aided by some kind of advanced humans or god like beings that matches up directly with Genesis 6 as discussed in the Kosmos link and Section 3d of the “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. This commonality is at the core of Carl Jung’s archetypes and will be explored in the Ephesians and Externalization of the Hierarchy links. The significance of corn is symbolized with the two main gods of Ancient Egypt, Isis the goddess of whores and Osiris the god of the ILLUMINATION, who served as ‘archetypes’ of every subsequent pagan religion the world over from Greece to the Catholic Church to the “Great” Seal on “your” “Federal” “Reserve” Note:

With his potential knowledge of innermost Theosophical secrets of corn one can readily see the possible utility of Henry Wallace to the President as concerns the A-bomb project.

The nuclear secrets of corn (maize, the MEs of the goddess) and light went together in the alchemical world as exemplified by the Greek representation of Isis cradling the cornucopia, the horn or corn of plenty.

Phonetically, the plural ME’s (pronounced ‘mays’) is the same as maize. This suggests the nuclear secrets of corn or the Core is found in the ME tablets of the ancient goddess that, I propose, later came in to possession of FDR and Henry Wallace. (10)

FDR the socialist/fascist relied heavily on Henry Wallace:

Was Henry Wallace’s brilliance as a plant geneticist and gardener invaluable to FDR in interpreting the stories of Osiris, the god of agriculture, who taught humanity the secrets of gardening and left his Pillar as a power plant for future generations? (11)

Mr. Wallace in turn relied heavily on mysterious Russian mystic Nicolas Roerich to the point where he referred to him as ‘Master M’. But ‘Master M’ almost overnight became persona non grata in the United States. All ties were severed with him suddenly in September 1935. His expedition to find “drought resistant grasses” didn’t come close to its official goal and he was threatened with the IRS (so Bill Clinton wasn’t the first to utilize the gang banker’s thugs to shut someone up) and internment if he returned to the United States. Henry Wallace did his best damage control as he wrote letters pummeling his former master to foreign governments and high ranking political types here. But Henry Wallace’s letters to Master M were utilized against him later on (although his political enemies never grasped what was really going on) and his political came to an inglorious end as he had an unsuccessful bid as Vice President in 1948 before totally fading away into obscurity. And that’s that.

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Except that Nicolas Roerich found something on a US Government sanctioned journey involving a search for corn, Shamballa and who the hell, pun intended, knows what else that made “Progressive” FDR and “New” Ager Henry Wallace very squeamish. One source claims that suddenly the native peoples around Tibet started worshipping him as some kind of god. It’s readily apparent that he came in contact with technologies from ancient civilizations that helped in the nuclear research effort in this country but something even bigger occurred in 1935. Think about this: he’s helping the leader of the free world bring in a new age, nuclear technology and not to mention the “Great” Seal and all of a sudden whoosh? Hitler’s best SS intelligence people were snooping around Tibet looking for something as well. What could it have been? Remember from before “Master Djwhal Khul” referred to a “Master M”; the same Djwhal Khul that ‘resides’ at Lucifer’s Trust to this day over at the UN-dead. There may be more here that will be picked up in The Externalization of the Hierarchy link.

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Exhibit C. Corn as National Policy First a quick Review:

1. We’ve established that corn holds the key to some fascinating energy related technology that was being pursued by one of the most famous Presidents in history, FDR.

2. The guy FDR hired to search for corn technology in Tibet was a Russian mystic who we’ve established could have written songs for the Beatles, been president of EarthFirst, sat as Secretary-General of the UN-dead or achieved high rank in Hitler’s elite SS intelligence apparatus.

In “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” I came up with three well documented, specific facts related to global warming (climate change?):

1. Global warming (climate change?) is a blatant scientific scam. (Section 2e.) 2. The ‘solution’ of corn based ethanol may be an even bigger scam (Appendix

A) 3. The utilization for crop land to grow corn to support these two fake scams is

causing real starvation and real death throughout the world (Appendix A) Now we have our new “Messiah” who we already documented supports infanticide bought and sold by the ethanol lobby:

Obama Camp Closely Linked With Ethanol (nytimes.com, 6/23/08)

When VeraSun Energy inaugurated a new ethanol processing plant last summer in Charles City, Iowa, some of that industry’s most prominent boosters showed up. Leaders of the National Corn Growers Association and the Renewable Fuels Association, for instance, came to help cut the ribbon — and so did Senator Barack Obama Then running far behind Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in name recognition and in the polls, Mr. Obama was in the midst of a campaign swing through the state where he would eventually register his first caucus victory. And as befits a senator from Illinois, the country’s second largest corn-producing state, he delivered a ringing endorsement of ethanol as an alternative fuel. “We made a series of mistakes by not adopting a sustainable energy policy, one of which is the subsidies for corn ethanol, which I warned in Iowa were going to destroy the market” and contribute to inflation, Mr. McCain said this month in an interview with a Brazilian newspaper, O Estado de São Paulo. “Besides, it is wrong,” he added, to tax Brazilian-made sugar cane ethanol, “which is much more efficient than corn ethanol.”

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On the campaign trail, Mr. Obama has not explained his opposition to imported sugar cane ethanol. But in remarks last year, made as President Bush was about to sign an ethanol cooperation agreement with his Brazilian counterpart, Mr. Obama argued that “our country’s drive toward energy independence” could suffer if Mr. Bush relaxed restrictions, as Mr. McCain now proposes.

Now you can simply accept this at face value, put your head down, listen (STAY ASLEEPOBEYWATCHTVCONSUME) to the New York Slimes umm Times and go back to laughing it up with FOX sNEWS in the morning and listening to the clowns on CircusNBC at night telling you what ‘quality stocks’ are out there for you to buy with ‘your’ “Federal” “Reserve” notes before settling in for a night of Desperate Housewives. Or you can look at this in purely logical fashion, forgetting the intellectually baseless ‘that’s not possible’ or ‘this is the United States’, and simply ask why? Why would Barak who supports infanticide just like the Nazis, who takes his ‘advice’ from David Rockefeller (of the genocidal Rockefeller family) stooges Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, who should know what a scam corn based ethanol is especially in light of its real starvation problems support corn based ethanol? Why? If you’re reading this right now realize you’re looking at the face of unbridled avarice combined with pure evil and the answer becomes readily apparent. Now does Jesus Christs’ view of the fake religious leaders of his day as wearing sheep’s clothing on the surface and ravening wolves beneath begin to make more sense?

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Exhibit D. Corn’s Relation to Illuminati ‘Rivers of Life’ and the “New” Age Loons’ Mother Earth Basically what this is heading towards is this: Our country and if fact the world is run by devil worshipping, Illuminati criminal elites that are utilizing the low level Mother Earth wackos along with corn based ethanol to thin out the herd in preparation for their ‘Paradise Earth’ to be enjoyed with some kind of re-incarnated super-human gods of Ancient Egypt. Here is the evidence: Exhibit D1. “Federal” “Reserve” Notes Look no further than the back of “your” “Federal” “Reserve” note as thoroughly documented here and throughout “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. Exhibit D2. Bohemian Grove Re-read (or read) the Bohemian Grove link. Interestingly the central character is a 40 foot burning owl termed ‘Moloch’ associated with the ancient practice of child sacrifice. And ‘Moloch’ was the name of a mysterious character in the recently popular ‘Watchmen’ movie that itself is blatantly obvious in its “New” Age/ILLUMINATED/screw you proles and pilgrims we own you themes (as documented in Relevant News Stories 3/9/09) Exhibit D3. Pillars as Symbols Let’s return to “New” Age author William Henry:

Like Christ he (Osiris) was called the King of Terror. In Egyptian religion, the Osiris and his wife, Isis, or Aset (Isisbeing the Greek version of Aset, meaning a throne or pillar) came to Earth from the Sba star – Venus (the brightest star in the sky…). They were cosmic missionaries heralded by a group of healer/scientists led by Thoth – who came to aid in the development of mankind…through the teaching of agriculture, music and the arts.

Nicolas Roerich tracked the origins of Hindu-Buddhist mythology. He believed this wisdom tradition emanated from a group of beings called the Blessed Ones who came to Earth from the constellation of Orion. These interdimensional beings…were called the Ousir, the root of Osiris. They lived in the nine storied Mount Meru, which was located in Mongolia and live there still.

Sumerian texts speak of the Mother-mountain where the sun god ascended and descended through a gateway formed by two pillars on his daily trip through the heavens. (12)

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(Author’s Note: NOWHERE in the King James Bible does it refer to Jesus Christ as “the destroyer”. Prince of Peace, good Shepard, Emmanuel, Alpha and Omega but NOT

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‘destroyer’. He will destroy his enemy, Satan, excuse me, “The Angel of Light” and his followers, however.) Mr. Henry loves to tell stories of how when he gives his lectures various scientists and engineers come up to him startled at how familiar some of this ‘Ancient’ stuff looks to modern technology:

When I began lecturing about this ancient corn-shucking device around the world, and retold the myths that said it could “drill holes in space”. My ears were titillated by a provaocative observation from electrical engineers, physicists and even a medical doctor in my audiences.

The ancient Egyptian religious artwork, they said, portrays an object strikingly similar in design to a modern Van de Graff Generator. Designed and built by American physicist Dr. Robert J. Van de Graff, who was a professor at MIT, this generator built in 1931 as a research tool in early a-tom-smashing and high energy X-ray experiments. (13)

Exhibit D4. Healing Waters as symbols The “New” Age loons regard rivers and oceans as much more than just homes to the nice little fishies and suppliers of life supporting water to the “imbecile majority” and “useless eaters”. To the eco wacko low level crackpots protecting ‘Mother Earth’ is more important than say drilling for oil off the “Late Great USA” or extracting food resources from the Oceans with the UN-dead’s Law of the Sea (LOST) Treaty. To the more advanced loons in our criminal Freemason/Illuminati ruling elite and their stooge politicians and Ivy League “experts” healing waters symbolize ‘cosmic waters’ as they float away to happy land with their “cosmic messengers” over the rivers of time symbolized by the Milky Way or the “cosmic oceans” that contains the 12 cycles of the Zodiac. If this sounds crazy see ‘nave’ in the Cathedrals link here and/or Section 3r. of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. Let’s return to author William Henry:

Also known as “wells” or fountains of healing waters and profound wisdom, these “holes” are described in the Hindu, Buddhist, Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew and Christian myths as a prominent feature in the City of Peace. Like Enoch’s earlier vision, this City of Peace is described in the book of Revelation as the New Jerusalem; a city made of precious stones ‘clear as crystal’.

In the Mayan tradition Tula was the place of herons. It was alternately known as Aztlan, Atlan or Atlantis (14)

Just a few tid bids here besides the obvious ‘healing waters’. We can see the concept of Carl Jung’s ‘archetypes’ that basically says that ALL the ancient cultures of the world are telling the same story: In the earth’s past enlightened or god like beings ruled the world and only a select few were capable of becoming ILLUMINATED with the idea that humans could become God, the real One. Also, this country according to our old friend

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Freemason historian Manly Hall is known as “New Atlantis”. Finally, keep an eye on that term ‘New Jerusalem’. Exhibit D5. Healing Waters combined with Columns = ‘New Jerusalem’ Speaking of the “Mouthpiece of Masonry” let’s bring him back in to the fold. Here’s the cover of his aptly titled booklet “What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples”:

This one says it all: a healing river of life flowing magically uphill between two columns to a big ILLUMINATED castle in the sky aaaaah….. In a nutshell, no pun intended, what this book is saying is the ‘Disciples’ are beholden to the gods of ‘Ancient Wisdom’. In today’s language the ‘Disciples’ are the human ILLUMINATED criminal elite and the gods of ‘Ancient Wisdom’ are NOT Jesus Christ

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and His angels which kind of narrows the choices down a bit. Uh yeah, this means we’re all living in some real life horror film like “They Live” for instance where deceitful, evil, “cosmic messengers” rule mankind from the political and business elite to the poor slobs living on the State fairgrounds in Sacramento, California umm on the street. There is one statement that jumps out from the “Mouthpiece of Masonry”:

The Ancient Wisdom tells us that there is but one religion and that its seed was planted in the soul of things with the beginning of the world. It became a mighty tree with its roots in heaven and its branches on earth, like the sacred banyan of India. (15)

(Author’s note: I stuck the second sentence in there because it ties directly back to RC Christian and something called the Cabala. Yes, RC Christian my leading candidate for Satan himself “who” is discussed in “his” own link.) Also in Appendix A of “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” I discovered this page in a book called “Alchemy and Mysticism” (the Appendix page is reproduced here):

Now these two are more than a little disturbing as if this whole thing isn’t already. On the left notice the Temple with the Mason’s square and compass and of course the Illuminated All seeing eye of Osiris. Both pictures depict a “…seven step spiral staircase…” that express “…the slow and organic course of the process of spiritual maturity. One image of this is the ear of corn growing beside the endless river of life”. This “ear of corn” appears at the bottom of the picture on the left as well as the symbol to right of the right handed image. The “G” at the right alludes to “Gnosticism” another form of “Knowledge” or the “Serpent’s” version of it at least. I wonder if those dudes on the “stairway to

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heaven” to the right are a couple of the Rockefellers. They sure don’t look like “New” Age occultists Robert Plant and Jimmy Paige.

My friends remember the discussion on bio-regions from the UN-dead? And now we have the apparent idiocy of corn based ethanol to solve the “spiritual issue” of “global warming”. Of course one can never be totally sure but put 2 and 2 together. As discussed in multiple articles food prices are through the roof worldwide as food supplies dwindle resulting in food riots thanks mostly to….corn based ethanol.

Now tell me again why was Jesus Christ, the real One, who invited every low life in the book to join Him and even saw fit to ask forgiveness of the Roman soldiers that were literally pounding Him to death, so irritated by the money--changers in the Temple and THEIR fake religious Pharisee friends? Not for nothing guys but you pissed (Christ) that Guy off? From “Alchemy & Mysticism” p. 294-295.

(Author’s Note: the ‘piss’ comment refers to a piece of so-called art entitled “Piss Christ” where a taxpayer funded ‘artist’ dipped a crucifix in urine) Exhibit D5. Today’s Democratic Party (Note: this is no endorsement to the Bushite shills in the equally egregious Republican Party, a concept right out of the book of German philosopher Hagel where ‘both’ sides of the issue ultimately serve the state. See relevant news stories 2/16/09) Here’s the “Messiah” in his own words:

And there is the absolute belief in the authority of majority will, or at least those who claim power in the name of the majority – a disdain for those institutional checks (the Courts, the Constitution, the press, the Geneva conventions, the rules of the Senate, or the traditions of governing redistricting) that might slow our inexorable march toward the New Jerusalem. (16)

This from a guy who has already taken control of the census directly into the White House and in his own words:

But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.

And that hasn't shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I

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think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that. (17)

Let’s conclude with “New” Age authority William Henry:

At the Third International Roerich Peace Banner Convention in Washington, DC in 1933 Frances Grant gave a speech which directly connected the Peace Pact with Shambhala: “The East has said that when the banner of Shambhala would encircle the world, verily the New Dawn would follow. (18)

‘New Dawn’ as in the rising sun of the east of Freemasonry, the ILLUMINATION from the divine spark available to all non-“savages” and the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius”. Now take another look at Obama’s campaign symbol that replaced Old Glory on his trips around the globe where he told the international “imbecile majority” that he was a “citizen of the world”:

Here eco wacko high priest/purchaser of carbon credits from his own company/private jet flying Al Gore facing the two Greek like columns after his entrance to the song “Age of Aquarius”. “This is dawing of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius…when Jupiter aligns with Mars…harmony and understanding….”. So one can reasonably ask, “who exactly is he pledging to?”

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I just thought of another job for Nicolas Roerich besides Beatles song writer, president of EarthFirst!, Secretary General of the UN-dead and intelligence officer in the SS: consultant to the 2008 United States Democratic National Convention today’s “Progressive” Democratic Party. What’s the nexus of this eco-wacko genocidal scam? Mystery Babylon’s own UN-dead home to my other leading candidate for Satan, “Ascended Master” Djwhal Khul of Lucifer’s Trust. Now look again at Obama’s image at the DNC in front of tens of thousands of ‘useless eaters’ and other stooges from the “imbecile majority”:

If I’ve said it a million times I’ll say it again, “Watch Out For This Guy”. End of Exhibition.

Page 29: “Watch Out For This Guy”.theoryoflivevolution.com/files/Rivers_of_Life.pdf · tank closely interlocked with the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs,

Endnotes 1. William Still, “New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies”, (Lafayette,

La.: Huntington Press Publishers, 1990) p. 159. 2. Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time”, (San

Pedro, CA: GSG & Associates) p. 62. 3. William Henry, “The A-Tomic Christ: FDR’s Search for The Secret Temple of the

Christ Light”, (Nashville, TN: Scala Dei, 2000) p. 191-192 4. ibid, p. 102-103 5. ibid, p. 147. 6. ibid, p. 126. 7. ibid, p. 116-117. 8. ibid, p. 128. 9. ibid, p. 198. 10. ibid, p. 204. 11. ibid, p. 223. 12. ibid, p. 185. 13. ibid, p. 209. 14. ibid, p. 281. 15. Manly Hall, “What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples”, (Los Angeles, CA:

The Philosophical Research Society: 1982) p. 26. 16. Barak Obama, “The Audacity of Hope”, (New York City: Three Rivers Press, 2006)

p. 38. 17. 2001 Obama interview from WorldNetDaily.com, “Income redistribution coming in

Dem budget”, 4/1/09. 18. Henry, p. 149. (This one is from “The THEorY of LIVEvolution” and it’s Djwhal Khul speaking which is kind of funny since ‘he’ isn’t actually ‘alive’.) 129 - Alice Bailey and the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, “Ponder on This”, (New York City: Lucis Publishing Company, 1971) back cover.