“Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política...

Rui Neves Moreira Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news media”

Transcript of “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política...

Page 1: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Rui Neves Moreira

Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13

“Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news media”

Page 2: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Soundbites and Spin Doctors

Soudbites and Spin Doctors


Críticas Conclusões

Divisão da Apresentação

Page 3: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Soundbites and Spin Doctors

Para completar...

Soudbites and Spin Doctors


Críticas Conclusões

Page 4: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

“Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news media”

Apesar da força exercida pelos políticos, a versão e verdade da história depende dos news media.

Page 5: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

1.  Enquanto trabalhou na BBC, o seu trabalho era sempre que se encontrava com políticos, fazer perguntas que incendiassem a polémica e e os surpreendesse.

2. Nos livros baseia-se na sua vasta experiência pessoal. 3. As suas investigações são raramente bem-vindas no jornalismo político. Os próprios Alastair Campbell e Peter Madelson não percebiam a sua obsessão mas compreendiam o seu objetivo de lutar pelos standards jornalísticos.

“Inevitably i reflected on my own part in giving the story fresh life and possibility hastening a ministerial resignation. While i was concerned that my action might have added to the distress caused to the women and children caught up in affair i had no particular sympathy for Yeo. He belonged to a political party which, like its opponents, sought to exploit and manipulate the news media.”

O que motiva cada lado e quem tem mais a ganhar e perder?



Page 6: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are


Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

O termo foi pela 1a vez usado no final de 1960 pela rádio e televisão americanas.

“They recognized, just as did political managers and publicists, that there was a degree of self-interest on both sides in trying to persuade politicians to encapsulate their arguments in brief, self-contained statements and answers.”

“Lady´s Not For Turning” - Tatcher

Page 7: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Spin Doctor

•  Termo surgiu pela 1ª vez no debate presidencial entre Reagan e Mondale •  No dia seguinte, o New York Times “oficializou” a palavra •  As origens remetem para o tempo de James Reston e Ivy Lee – 1ªs décadas de 90

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Peter Madelson He had to operate in a party hostile to change, against a background of deep public

scepticism. As a result the significance of certain political events needed to be played down while others had to be hyped for all they were worth. The roles he undertook

were an almost perfect job description for the work of a spin doctor, for that was what Peter Madelson became: Labour´s most celebrated media manipulator.

Page 8: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Spin Doctors

Meios de Comunicação Audiências


Page 9: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Spin Doctors “Carefully worded answers are prepared before any interview to encapsulate their thoughts(..)Yet politician are nevertheless regularly caught unawares. Sometimes they realise too late in the day story sized by the newspapers and by television and rádio is developing a momentum of its own. On occasion the pressures generated by journalists can be strong that governments and political parties have to give way of them.”

As ideias que os políticos, por vezes, transmitem nas entrevistas

estão minunciosamente preparadas, no entanto são

apanhados de surpresa.

“He (Tony Blair) appeared to be saying only what he wanted to say what he believed to be true”.

“The capacity of television to shape political events derives from its hability to penetrate almost every household in the country. (...) Newspapers now devote less space to politicians speeches.

As televisões eram os meios mais poderosos para manipular.

Page 10: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Spin Doctors

“If a tricky political development is in offing a 'spin doctor' can start guiding and teaching the focus of the news coverage by slipping out some well-placed leaks.”

Maior cobertura noticiosa provenientes de informações de spin doctors.

“Pressures which the political parties and their publicists have become increasingly adept at exploiting.”

Constante manipulação por parte dos políticos e seus publicitários.

Page 11: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Políticos “Politicians want the public to remember their punch line”

Políticos agem de acordo com os seus interesses

“While soundbites may have their detractors they have become part of the lifeblood of daily political journalism and are of as much interest to newspapers as to to television and radio”.

A pesar de os soundbites serem odiados por muitos, funcionam muito bem em televisão e


“Politicians easily outshine most other groups in public life when it comes to thinking up contrived poses or bizarre situations in which to be photographed and filmed.”

Os políticos sentem necessidade de aparecer. Gostam de ser notícia, de ser fotografados.

Page 12: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Políticos “Nevertheless I continue to believe that in today´s media-driven environment there should be a wider understanding of the methods deployed by politicians and their parties in their never-ending quest for foavourable publicity”

Os políticos sabem que podem arruinar o partido e a sua imagem ao tentar conquistar a


“Once in government, Blair and his colleagues reached new heights in their ability to command favourable news coverage and to dominate the newspapers and the airwaves “

Os políticos gostam de programar a sua agenda de acordo com a cobertura noticiosa.

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Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Meios de Comunicação

“These comercial pressures had inevitably had an impact on editorial standards. In my thirty-five years as journalist i had experienced many changes in the demands which proprietors and managers made of their staff. “

“The mid-1990s produced a comparable milestone when Tony Blair became the first British political leader to be chosen, in the view of many party activists, largely on the strength of his superiority as a television performer.”

“Other reporters hunt in pairs, believing that two, working together, can follow up each other´s leads and questions and thus keep the conversation turning on the issues which they think are more fruitful.”

Pressão dos políticos que afeta os standards jornalísticos e as relações

entre políticos e jornalistas

Manipulação da televisão

Jornalistas trabalhavam juntos na construção de notícias, por terem


Page 14: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

Autor/Título Soundbites and Spin Doctors Críticas

Audiências “The argument advanced by the spin doctors is that ordinary people are not particular bothered about the minutiae of the process through which they receive political news... the danger of becoming too engrossed in the mechanisms of political communication is that insufficient attention is paid to the political considerations which shape important government decisions, resulting not only in a failure to take full account of the political implications of any decision but also in a tendency to overlook the impact and likely repercussions of the policy announcement itself.”

“unlike the newspaper political editors of old, who needed do no more than tell their readers that their information was based on 'informed sources', the broadcasters of today face a far more septic and critical audience.”

Públicos pouco preocupados com as relações entre jornalistas e políticos na

contrução das histórias

Preocupação com as fontes

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Page 16: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are


“If past experience is any guide, these competitive pressures will inevitably go on influencing editorial standards and practices throughout the broadcasting industry.”

Soundbites influenciaram os standards jornalísticos e a indústria de broadcasting

“In the lexicon of political journalism the word 'source' is the most debased term of all.”

As fontes, principalmente as oficiais, são indispensáveis no jornalismo político

Os spin doctors necessitam de conhecer a rotina das redações e dos jornalistas

A melhor forma de intimidar um grupo de jornalistas, é levar uma informação aos membros de topo das redações

“No spin doctor can hope to prove effective without an intimate grasp of the complex and confusing hierarchies of newspaper offices and broadcasting organizations.”

“If the spin doctor has the necessary authority, and the aim is to create maximum impact, there is always the option of going right to the top, to a senior member of the management. The overall effect can be quite alarming for those concerned and the 'spin doctor' will then have achieved the desired effect: intimidation.”

“A leaked news story which backfires can cause immense damage not only to a party but also to a spin doctor´s reputation.”

Os políticos e spin doctors devem ter cuidado com as informações que dão aos jornalistas e com os próprios jornalistas.

Page 17: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are


A relação entre o governo e os media é essencial para a sobrevivência de políticos, partidos e força eleitoral

Caso de Tony Blair

O Autor vai demonstrando ao longo do livro, não só a capacidade de spin dos spin doctors dos governos e partidos políticos mas também o spin dos jornalistas e dos media, ou seja, a capacidade que têm de destruir uma campanha ou de eleger um político

Caso de Madjor

Page 18: “Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news ... · Comunicação Política Ciências da Comunicação – FLUP Professor Vasco Ribeiro – 2012/13 “Politicians are

“Politicians are rightly fearful of the power of the news media” Rui Neves Moreira


Minha Conclusão Existem 4 fatores essenciais na contrução de uma notícia política: a inteligência do spin doctor, a ação do político/partido, o pro!ssionalismo do jornalista e o interesse do público. E respondendo à questão central: quem ganha mais ou quem perde mais. Depende de cada caso, da abordagem feita, do motivo da notícia, do trabalho de todos os intervenientes e do interesse para o público.