“Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection...

“Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1 ., Araneda S 2 ., Cepeda R 1 ., Behn C 3-4 ., Parraguez VH 1-4 . 1 Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias 2 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 3 Facultad de Medicina, ICBM 4 Centro Internacional de Estudios Andinos (INCAS), Universidad de Chile.

Transcript of “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection...

Page 1: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

“Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGFin ovine placenta”

Atlagich MA1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R1., Behn C3-4., Parraguez VH1-4.1Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias

2Université Claude Bernard Lyon 13Facultad de Medicina, ICBM

4Centro Internacional de Estudios Andinos (INCAS), Universidad de Chile.

Page 2: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

Moore, L.G., High Altitude Medicine & Biology 2:257-279, 2001

Page 3: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

• Los ovinos son la única especie introducida que ha sobrevivido en las grandes alturas (> 3500 m) y hoy conviven con los camélidos sudamericanos domésticos.

• La gestación de esta especie en la altura se caracteriza por lento crecimiento intrauterino, aumento del peso de la placenta y bajo peso al nacimiento.

• El crecimiento fetal y el peso de los recién nacidos es mayor en ovejas nativas de la altura en comparación con ovejas del nivel del mar que gestan en la altura.

• En la mujer, la gestación en la altura se acompaña de cambios en el peso de la placenta, aumento de su vascularización, restricción uterina del crecimiento y RN de bajo peso.


Page 4: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

• En la mujer, la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y la preeclampsia se asocian a estrés oxidativo.

• El aumento de la capacidad antioxidante mediante tratamientos con vitaminas C y E:1) disminuyen la presentación de preeclampsia en

pacientes bajo riesgo.2) previenen los síntomas del Mal Agudo de Montaña.3) mejoran la capacidad de trabajo y el rendimiento físico

en la altura.

Page 5: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,


Los efectos de la hipoxia hipobárica de altura sobre las características de la placenta y el peso de los corderos al nacimiento son mediados por estrés oxidativo, por lo tanto, pueden ser prevenidos con la administración de vitaminas antioxidantes.

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1. Establecer el efecto protectivo de vitaminas antioxidantes sobre características macroscópicas y microscópicas de la placenta, en ovejas originarias de la altura y del nivel del mar, que gestan en la altura.

2. Establecer el efecto protectivo de vitaminas antioxidantes sobre el peso al nacimiento de los corderos, en ovejas originarias de la altura y del nivel del mar, que gestan en la altura.

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HH (20)

LH (20)

HH+V (10)

LH+V (10)LL (10)

HH (10)

LH (10)


Centro Internacional de Estudios Andinos, Universidad de Chile, Putre, I Región, 3.600 m, Pb=480 mm Hg.

Page 8: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

Alimentación y administración de vitaminas:

• 2 kg de heno de alfalfa /día/animal y agua ad libitum.• Vitamina C 500 mg + E 350 U.I./ animal /día en tratados.


• Muestra de sangre para medición de gases arteriales yconcentración plasmática de vitamina C y E (E.G. ~ 120 días).

• Pesaje de placentas y RN inmediatamente después del parto.• Fijación placentas en formalina al 10% en PBS • Recuento de cotiledones, medición de sus diámetros y

cálculo de superficie cotiledón-carúncula.• Medición de superficie ocupada por lecho vascular.

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Page 10: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

Placental macroscopic measurements

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Placental vascular surface

LL (500 a.s.l.) HH (3650 a.s.l.)

Page 12: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,


Blood variables from the different groups, treated and not treated with vitamins C and E,

In pregnancies at high altitude

--------------------------------------------------------Group PaO2 PaCO2 Hto Hb SatHb pH Vit .C Vit. E

(mm Hg) (mm Hg) (%) (mg/dL) (%) (µg/mL) (µg/mL)-----------------------------------------------------------------LL 99 ± 4a 37 ± 3a 29 ± 1a 11 ± .5a 98 ± 4a 7.49 3.2 ± .3 0.56*HH 62 ± 5b 27 ± 3b 31 ± 1ac 12 ± .9ac 82 ± 4b 7.49 2.6 0.7 ± .2LH 53 ±10c 30 ± 3c 33 ± 1b 14 ± .7b 73 ± 14b 7.49 1.7 0.6 ± .1HH+V 60 ± 6bc 26 ± 3b 33 ± 2bc 13 ± 1bc 86 ± 4b 7.46 4.2 ± .9 1.8 ± .2LH+V 58 ± 4bc 25 ± 3b 33 ± 3bc 13 ± 1bc 86 ±3b 7.47 4.3 ± .6 1.5 ± .3-----------------------------------------------------------------

•Reference value

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Placental characteristics and newborn weight after gestation and delivery at high altitude, in native sheep from the high altitude and from the sea level,

treated and not treated with vitamins C and E

------------------------------------------------------------------Group Weight Placental Cotyledons Cotyledon Cotyledon Vascular

NB Weight Number Diameter Surface Surface(kg) (g) (cm) (cm2) (%)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------LL 4.2 ± 0.3a 280 ± 40a 72.5 ± 13.5abd 1.6 ± 0.6a 115 ± 12a 6.3 ± 2.9HH 3.3 ± 0.8c 396 ± 80b 54.6 ± 19.4ad 2.7 ± 1.1b 262 ± 21b 14.8 ± 7.0LH 3.0 ± 0.5c 303 ± 64a 69.9 ± 13.3bd 2.0 ± 0.8ab 156 ± 11c 11.0 ± 3.8HH+V 3.9 ± 0.5ab 305 ± 57a 83.4 ± 16.7cd 1.4 ± 0.4a 128 ± 13d 15.1 ± 6.9LH+V 3.5 ± 0.5bc 313 ± 56a 78.6 ± 7.0cd 1.3 ± 0.4a 104 ± 11e 13.7 ± 8.8


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Newborns weight









ght K


Total Placental VascularSurface








re c


Placental Vascular Surface







% V





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Thiol Ewes








nm T


/ mg



Thiol Lambs

LL HH HH+Vit HL+Vit0






nm T


/ mg



Serum Thiol Groups

Page 16: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

Placental normal histology

Page 17: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

VEGF Inmunohistochemical Test

• Serial 7μm sections of formaline-fixed, paraffine-embeddedplacental tissue were mounted on Superfrost plus slides.

•Sections were cleared in methilciclohexane and rehydratedthrough descending concentrations of ethanol.

• Endogeus peroxidase activity was quenched by a final concentration of hydrogen peroxide 1%.

•We used lysine or Sodium Borohidrure both at 1% to breakaldehides bonds.

•Non-specific binding was blocked by incubation with 1% non-inmune goat serum in PBS-TRIS AZID for 1 hour.

•Parallel tissue sections were incubated for 1 hour at room t°without non-inmune goat serum.

Page 18: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

VEGF Inmunohistochemical Test

•For VEGF inmunolocalization, tissue sections were treated with antibody A-20 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, INC), a rabbit polyclonal antibody, previously reported with success against ovine placenta.

• We used different dilutions (1:20-1:1000) and several times of incubation (1 hour room t°- 1 night 4°C).

•Amplification of the primary antibody reaction was achieved using a biotynilated goat anti rabbit secondary antibody (diluted 1:1000 in PBS) for 1 hour at room t°, followed by a complex of streptavidin and biotinilated peroxidase (both from Dako Ltd).

•Finally the binding was visualized by the addition of DAB 1% (3.3-diaminobenzidine) or DAB-Ni 1% diluted in PBS (with added hydrogen peroxide to a final concentration of 0.1 %) at different times. We didn’t use a counterstain.

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VEGF Inmunohistochemical Test

VEGF negative control VEGF antibody

Page 20: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

VEGF Inmunohistochemical Test

VEGF negative control VEGF antibody

Page 21: “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” · “Inmunohistochemical detection of VEGF in ovine placenta” Atlagich MA 1., Araneda S2., Cepeda R ., Behn C3-4.,

VEGF Inmunofluorescence Test

• Without hydrogen peroxide.

• The dilution for the primary antibody was 1:50 incubated at4°C during the night.

•Amplification of the primary antibody reaction was achievedusing a cyanine B anti rabbit secondary antibody (diluted 1:200 in serum normal goat 1%) for 45 min at room t°.

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VEGF Inmunofluorescence Test

Negative controls

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VEGF in Rat Brain

• The potential role of VEGF on the central nervous system. Rev. Neurosci. 2004; 15(4):293-307.

•Stem/progenitor cell proliferation factors FGF, IGF and VEGF exhibit early decline during the course of aging in the huppocampus: role of astrocytes. Glia 2005; 51(3): 173-186.

•Hypoxia induces the expression of membrane-type 1 matrixmetalloproteinase in retinal glia cells. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2005;46(10): 3817-3824.

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VEGF in Rat Brain

Negative control with DAB-Ni VEGF antibody with DAB-Ni

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VEGF Inmunofluorescence Test

Nucleus Staining VEGF Staining

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VEGF Inmunofluorescence Test

Negative Control VEGF antibody

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Try to find VEGF in Ovine Placenta trough western blot technique.

VEGF in Rat BrainVEGF in Rat Lung(Emilio’s work)

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