“How to Never Fail In MLM Again!” - MLM Mastermind.pdfbusiness degree. My dream was to come back...

1 “How to Never Fail In MLM Again!” by Robert Blackman www.MLMMastermind.com

Transcript of “How to Never Fail In MLM Again!” - MLM Mastermind.pdfbusiness degree. My dream was to come back...

Page 1: “How to Never Fail In MLM Again!” - MLM Mastermind.pdfbusiness degree. My dream was to come back and take over my dad’s printing business and turn it into a multi-million-dollar


“How to Never Fail

In MLM Again!”

by Robert Blackman


Page 2: “How to Never Fail In MLM Again!” - MLM Mastermind.pdfbusiness degree. My dream was to come back and take over my dad’s printing business and turn it into a multi-million-dollar


MLM Mastermind by Robert Blackman

I’m going to kind of go over the Mastermind system to make

sure everybody understands how that works and how you can

implement it with whatever you’re doing and why you need to

do it and why you need to learn how to make money when

people tell you no.

More people are going to tell you no than tell you yes.

That’s just a reality. When I looked at that, it was like

tearing a $20 bill in half. I would run ads back in the old

days before the internet and it would cost me anywhere from

$10-20 apiece per lead.

Somebody would say no, and they’d go, “I don’t know how you

got my name,” or “I just lost my job,” “I need to talk to my

wife,” “I’m broke. I don’t have any money,” “My credit cards

are maxed out.”

I thought, “How in the world am I going to build a business

with broke people?” and that’s all that seemed to be

answering my ads. So I’m going to teach you today my system

and tell you what I’ve learned about 25 years.

I’ll give you a little background about myself. I grew up

in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. I grew up in a printing

manufacturing plant, which was probably a blessing in

disguise because I learned that if it was just hard work

that was required to make a lot of money, all construction

workers and pressmen would be rich.

My dad was a very hard worker and a very smart guy. We had

300 employees and three shifts around the clock. They were

great people to go bowling with or go fishing with, but when

you talked to them about making money they didn’t know

anything about it. They just knew how to spend it on a

Friday night.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but I wanted a little bit

more than that. I was the type of person who was always

looking for an opportunity, but I had no money. I couldn’t

invest in real estate. I couldn’t invest in the stock


Page 3: “How to Never Fail In MLM Again!” - MLM Mastermind.pdfbusiness degree. My dream was to come back and take over my dad’s printing business and turn it into a multi-million-dollar


I went to college on a baseball scholarship and got a

business degree. My dream was to come back and take over my

dad’s printing business and turn it into a multi-million-

dollar company worldwide.

I went to college, got my degree, played baseball, came

back, and dad had no intention of leaving the business. We

were two strong-headed guys. My dad was 6’4” and weighed

260, bigger than me, and he was a WWII drill sergeant, so

whatever he said happened. He was a very strong, very

forceful, and very fearful person.

So I decided that I was going to get involved in network

marketing. The very first program I ever got involved with

was a company called Le Patch. Anybody ever heard of that

company before? It was a weight loss patch you put on your

arm to suppress your appetite. It came in a little pink box.

I got hold of everybody on our customer list and built up a

group in 30 days of 100 people. We were holding meetings out

at the printing plant. The product was in pre-launch. We’ve

all heard the pre-launch thing. All we had was a box, no


So in the meetings we’d pass around the box to everybody and

they’d open up the box and go, “Where’s the product?”

“Well, it’s in pre-launch. It’s starting.”

This is my dad’s best customers, all of his bankers, his

attorney, his CPA, the church minister and his wife. “We

want to lose weight.”

So the fifth week in the business, while I was doing a

meeting, a police offer comes in and says, “We have to shut

this meeting down. This Le Patch has been shut down by the

FDA and the FTC. The ingredients in the patch, the

transdermal method of delivery, hasn’t been approved. You’re

advertising something that doesn’t exist or is not approved

by the FDA.”

So everybody who had spent their money didn’t get it back,

and these were my dad’s best customers. My dad wasn’t at the

meeting, but he came to my house that night after the

meeting because he got a few phone calls.

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He just said this. When I opened up the door he goes, “Don’t

say a word. I’m going to do all the talking. You’re never

going to do another MLM or pyramid scheme again in my

business as long as you live. Whatever you want to do

outside of this town, you can do. As long as you’re in this

town, you’re going to shut your mouth when it comes to MLM

because you’ve almost ruined our business.”

There pretty much went my warm market. What I like to say is

out of desperation comes inspiration. I still had a problem.

My dad wasn’t going to leave the printing business. There

was nobody that wanted to hire some 22-year-old kid that had

big dreams and no experience.

So basically I ran through every magazine ad. I would work

weekends on the printing presses with my dad. I’d work

during the week as a salesperson, and on the weekends I’d

run the presses to make extra money, so I was getting two

checks from my dad.

I’d take that extra check and I’d reinvest it in all my

direct mail campaigns, running full-page ads, joining this

thing, buying that $50 kit, joining the loan broker deal for

$495, joining the financial aid for $495 – all those things

that we’ve all seen and done, I’ve bought them all.

What I’m going to teach you today is basically 25 years of

what doesn’t work, and out of that I found a system that has

bullet proofed my income and that has allowed me to make

money regardless of what happens to the program.

I’ve been in the business 25 years, and if you talk to any

leader they’re going to tell you the same thing. When I’m

talking about a primary program in MLM, this is the reality.

Now if you’ve been able to escape this reality, God bless

you, but I haven’t been able to.

One to four years has been about what my residual income has

lasted with a company. We’ve all heard the terminology,

“Walk-away residual income.” How many have heard that

before? We’re going to stay in this thing and we’re going to

build a walk-away residual income.

The only thing I’ve ever found is that when I walk away from

my group, my income walks away from me. I don’t know whoever

started that. I’d like to wring their neck.

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CD-like income. Yes, but it’s like having $100,000 in a bank

that’s not insured. Would you put $100,000 of your money in

a bank in Nassau, Bahamas that wasn’t insured by the FDIC?

Hey, maybe you earn 20% on it, but then three months later

what happens when the bank goes out of business and they go

away with your principal? You’ve lost your residual income.

That’s the way that I looked at this business. It took me

four years to make my first $1,000 commission check, four

years. I was in 12 programs in four years. Some called me an

MLM junkie. I just was looking. I joined something that had

a hot product. I joined something that had a better pay

plan. I joined something that was local. I was just all over

the place searching, hoping and praying for something that

would work. But it took me four years.

A company would start up and they’d go out of business. Then

I’d go two years. Something would go out of business. My

longest running residual income was from a nutritional

company that lasted ten years. It ended last November

because the company owner changed it from a six-level pay

plan with an infinity bonus to a one-level 25% payout.

The company owner just woke up and said, “I’m tired of all

you guys making more money from me than I am, and you guys

are making money without doing anything now.”

You have to understand that relationship between the

distributor and sometimes the company management. It’s not

saying that I’m generalizing all companies this way, I’m

just saying this has been my experience for 25 years. I talk

to people every single day and this has been their

experience for 25 years.

So the Mastermind system that I’m going to show you today is

designed to piggyback with you as you go through your life

and are going to be involved in multiple programs. I’m

sorry, that’s just the way it is. I wish it was like in the

old days like marriage, when nobody got divorced, but

unfortunately today divorce is about a 50% rate. Bankruptcy

is at a 50% rate. You know how much time and energy it takes

to get married? You know how much time and energy it takes

to get a bankruptcy?

Think about how much time and energy it doesn’t take to join

a program and quit it. So our culture has changed. Unless

you adapt and change with the culture, you’re going to be

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sitting there going, “Man, I used to be able to make a lot

of money. Now I can’t seem to sponsor anybody. What’s wrong

with me? Maybe it’s the program I’m in.”

This Mastermind system has stayed with me for 25 years. It’s

the only thing that has consistently made me money month

after month if a company would go out of business, somebody

would steal my downline, the company owner would wake up and

change the compensation plan, or competition would come in

and beat us out with a better pay plan or better system.

So if you want to bullet proof yourself you have to

understand leads and training. I want you to write that down

– leads and training. Whenever I first started answering all

those ads, I probably spent upwards of $10,000 in books and

tapes and going to seminars, looking and searching for the


What I’m going to teach you today, nobody ever taught me. If

I would have known this 25 years ago, I wouldn’t have gone

through all the pain and struggle I have, and that is this.

Here you are in your business. There’s only two types of

people that you’re ever going to contact – those that you

know and those that you don’t know. That makes it pretty

simple when you look at your business. There’s only two

types of people I’m ever going to contact.

You have to teach this to your group. The reason I sign up a

lot of people every single month is because I reveal to my

prospects, “If you join with me, here’s what our system is

going to do.”

It looks great and sounds great. You’re worried about, “I

wonder how much it’s going to cost?” The second thing is,

“Who am I going to talk to about this?” Everybody’s the


When I’m talking to my prospects on the phone, I’m always

asking my prospects on the phone, “Let me ask you a

question. Do you like to build up a group locally? Do you

have a big contact list, or would you like to build this

thing nationally?”

I may run into someone who says, “Hey, I’m the former fire

chief and I had a group of 600 people in Amway.”

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That’s great. Get that person going. Nine out of ten people

tell me, “I don’t want to talk to my family and friends.

I’ve done that before, and it doesn’t work.”

Then we run into the problem of, “What are the leads going

to cost?”

What is your budget for leads? When I looked at this

business right here, everybody that I knew was immediately

cut off by Dad.

“If you talk to anybody that we know, you’re fired. It’s


I have spent the last 24 years and 9 months making six

figures plus, doing nothing but talking to people that I

don’t know. It works. You’ll hear leaders that say, “We

don’t want you to go to the cold market.” That’s what a lot

of people will call this, the cold market. They’ll call that

the warm market.

“We don’t want you to go to the cold market because it’s not


The problem with building up your warm market is that you

may be able to do that in Tulsa. What happens if you sign

someone up in Des Moines, Iowa, and all you’re going to do

is teach them how to do a warm market meeting?

Well, this room costs $150, the video guy costs $1,000 – how

duplicatable is that? It’s not. It’s okay to be

unduplicatable when you’ve reached a certain level. But you

can’t build a consistent residual income in your primary if

you’re teaching something that nobody can duplicate.

That’s why the Mastermind system works, because everybody

can do it, and here’s how.

We have spent thousands of dollars testing this. People

tell me they wish I had this or that, or why my site doesn’t

do this, or why I don’t talk about that. I go, “Because

I’ve tried all those things, and they didn’t work. Trial

and error.”

The best thing that my dad ever taught me in the printing

business was that we had to learn revolutions per hour, a

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hundred feet per minute on the printing press. We had 24

hours a day we were running.

He would ask me, “What did press 12 do last night? What did

press 15 do? How many revolutions did we do?”

So I became a math kid. I’m not really smart, but I knew

how to figure the math. I knew how to study the numbers. I

knew when the pressman was coming to me with B.S. – “Well,

the press was down for two hours” or “Well, I was sick for

an hour.”

How many revolutions can you put out in an hour and why

didn’t you do it?

It’s the same philosophy in this business. $7.95 is the key.

I’ll talk about this a little bit more in our training

later, about the marketing funnel.

$7.95 is the key because when you’re talking to people that

you don’t know, people do business with those that they

know, that they like, and that they trust.

Twenty four years and nine months of getting people to know,

like, and trust me through the phone, through the email and

through direct mail. That’s all I do.

I’m out meeting new people every single day online. I’m

getting them to know me, to like me, to trust me. Which is

easier to do? To get someone to come in to your $500 package

on a $100 monthly auto-ship if you’ve just met them today

and they live in California and you live in Oklahoma?

Or is it easier to get somebody on a $7.95, 30-day trial? If

you don’t like it, you boot it and you’re gone. Which one is

easier to do? $7.95.

The $7.95 allows you to build a relationship faster online

long distance, than if you have a $495 starter kit or a $175


I don’t care if you have a binary matrix unilevel hybrid

plant; it doesn’t matter what it is. I don’t care if you

have guaranteed check spillover. The program that I built

up to about $10 million a year in sales, we gave a

guaranteed check away to people.

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We put everybody in what we call the Power Line, online.

They were guaranteed a check the first month they came in.

80,000 people came in our business in 15 months. We were

signing up 100 people a day. It was crazy.

The problem is, the check wasn’t enough, because they didn’t

get to know, like and trust us quick enough. Now they got

to trust us because we said, “If you come in and join for a

$100 auto-ship you’re going to get a $65 check.” They test

us. 30, 40, 60 days later, that check would show up. And

they would go “Okay, I’m on to something.”

If 80% of the people never make a commission check, wasn’t

that an attractive appeal? You’re guaranteed to get a check.

But people came in so fast that we didn’t have the time to

train and teach them how to go out and duplicate us.

Our system was this. Dump as many emails as you can into an

autoresponder and blast the world. Well, when spam filters

came out, that business went from 80,000 people down to

8,000, and now that downline has about 400 people left in


What’s the reality? If that product was so great, why don’t

I still have 80,000 people in my downline today? You know

what I’m saying. Think about all the programs that you’ve

been involved with in the past.

This is a great product. I’m not discounting the networking

market industry. We do have great products. We really have

better products than you can buy out here on the street. But

if it’s just about the products, why are we all not still on

auto-ship for SA8 with Amway?

The check! Well, if it’s the pay plan, what about our great

pay plan? These 80,000 people got a check every month. So if

it was about just the money, why don’t I still have 80,000

people in my group?

The system was easy. You dump leads into an autoresponder

and you don’t have to talk to anybody. “Hey, let’s build a

business where we don’t have to do meetings and talk to

anybody.” Isn’t that what everyone wants to do?

We had 80,000 people who were doing that. If that is all

that it took to build the business, why don’t I still have

80,000 people? Bill, why don’t you still have people from

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your previous program still buying on auto-ship? Why do

people quit?

It has to do with know, like and trust and trying to get

their eyes off all the distractions and getting them to come

in to focus on you. The Mastermind system does that because

it allows you to do something that you can’t do anywhere


It allows you to do this: “I don’t care what program you or

you are in, I have something that will help you build your

business.” It opens up my market so I’m not competing

against you and your nutritional, you and your technology

program, you and your funded proposal program – it doesn’t


Everybody needs leads and training. Write that down. Leads

and training. That’s the only consistent income I’ve ever

had in 25 years. Companies will come and go. Product fads

will come and go. Pay plans will come and go. We have seen

systems come and go.

Remember before the Internet, it was the Ray Cassano

cassette tape. I don’t know if anyone here remembers the

Ray Cassano days, where there was a company that said “We’re

going to make money mailing cassette tapes.”

I’d get four or five cassette tapes a day. They were

renting lists. They would send money to their upline, $100

to have 50 cassette tapes mailed out. The cassette tape told

the story about the product and had an 800 number on the

back to call and order a $300 package.

Millionaires were made. The guy who ran that system had $2

million in volume in his first six levels. All he sponsored

was 250 people. Twenty of these stuck, did the system,

turned it into $2 million on six levels and he was making

$250,000 a month.

What happened? They ran out of names to send it to. The

cassette mailing didn’t work. It was a temporary residual

income. I want you to write that down, because I want you

to be thinking about that, not only today but next week,

next month, and next year.

Are you really serious about building a permanent residual

income or a temporary residual income?

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The problem with this industry is that no one talks about

these things. They’re afraid to. They’re afraid to tell you

that if you join with me in my primary, this is pretty much

going to be a two to five year gig.

If I was a stockbroker (and I consider myself in the MLM

industry as an expert, as a consultant, as a stockbroker is

in selling stocks and mutual funds), and I was telling you

to buy a stock today, I would tell you “I’m going to monitor

this stock for you, Josh, and if it’s going to tank, I’m

going to call and tell you to dump your stock before it goes

under. I don’t want to squeeze every last commission check

out of you.”

Unfortunately, the mentality of our industry isn’t

traditional business. It’s residual business. It’s like

we’ve taken our common sense hats off and we’ve forgotten

what it’s like to really make money in business.

My approach is very different, because I apply that

stockbroker mentality to my group. That doesn’t mean I’m

going to get you in four nutritional programs today. It

means I’m going to get you in a primary business, a lead

business, and a tool business.

I’m going to show you three different sources of income. By

the way, Mastermind is my primary business. After 24 years

of heartbreak every two to five years, I’ve decided to put

all of my eggs in the Mastermind basket.

I still have checks coming in on other programs, but this is

my primary. I’m going to show you later today how to fill

your funnel with the tools and lead businesses.

People tell me, “Robert, I called my first ten leads, and

eight of the ten weren’t interested – your leads stink and I

want my money back.”

“Robert, I emailed a thousand leads and no one visited my


“I sent out 500 postcards and I don’t know what happened.

Did the postman even deliver them?”

I get those all the time and I’m going to show you today how

to answer those questions.

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When I talk to a prospect, I’m talking to them about three

streams of income:

Primary business

Leads business

Tool business

These two right here are residual: the primary business and

the lead business. The tool business is a one-time shot in

the arm. That’s selling a $30 book on which you make a $15


How many people in here have ever bought any educational

materials such as books, tapes, audios, DVDs, or attended

seminars? How many have gone to seminars and spent thousands

of dollars? How many people have bought the Tony Robbins

CDs, for $177 – you know, those types of things.

Informational products work, but people need to have a

source that they know, like and trust to get them.

If I come to Josh and I say, “Josh, I’d like to get you in

my primary business,” and Josh says “I’m a Triple Star

Diamond in XYZ Company”, well, I mark that off my list.

“Hey, Josh, what are you guys doing for leads and training?”

“Well, you know, we have our own ad co-op, we run radio ads,

and they cost $5 a lead.”

“Really? We have leads that cost twenty nine to ninety seven

cents each. They’re guaranteed and you can make a commission

off those. Josh, do you make a commission off the radio



“You might want to take a look at this. Because it costs

$7.95 to test it.”

I don’t even know Josh yet. I’ve called and I’ve been

prospecting him for my primary business, now all of a

sudden, he turns into a prospect for leads. That’s what I do

all day long. I call fifty people a day. I email fifty

people a day and I mail fifty postcards a day.

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And that is my three step system: Call, email and mail.

You want to make more money? You just need to run around the

bases more. I have people that will do that with a hundred

people and they’ll sign up 1-4% after six months. That’s our

system. That’s realistic. That’s 1-4% after a six-month

period of calling, emailing and mailing them.

I call them one time, I email them weekly, and I mail them

one time. That’s my system.

Now, when they go to my website, you’ll see a sales letter

here. If you will do this and take the time for whatever

program you’re in, this is how you’re going to set yourself

ahead of the competition.

This is nothing more than my website ad copy at MLM

Mastermind. It’s configured a little bit different. I

suggest that you always put the testimonials in a colored

sheet. Then I fold it so that it fits into a double window


You can do all this in Microsoft Word. You don’t have to

worry about labels. I use a #9 envelope. I have my return

address and their return address. I fold it over and there

it goes. Anyone can do that. It’s a Microsoft Word


If you’re a distributor for another company, you can ask

permission to use the website ad copy. You download it in

Internet Explorer 7 and you can edit it in Word, just click

Save As, go into Microsoft Word and edit it, just format it.

Take this, copy it. All of this is classic sales letter, no

longer than 4-5 sentences.

It has red bold, black bold and it has headlines. I sign up

25% of the people who visit my website after they get this

piece. I call, email, and mail. They opt in, they get

this, because I get a notification, and then I make the

follow up phone call to them. I close 25% of those people.

I sponsor between 20 and 60 people a month and I work part


Why? Because I’m offering a solution. This industry is

getting old enough now that everyone has their war stories

and I ask people this:

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“Josh, how long have you been in the industry? How many

programs have you been in? Would you like to get in a

program that would last forever, regardless of what you’re

building – that would help you build any program you’re


“Yeah! What it is it?”

So I’m offering a solution to a problem. If you’re just

calling and emailing or mailing, or doing one of these

three, and kicking back and waiting for someone to visit,

it’s not going to happen. You have to go out and

communicate this message, that there is a huge problem in

this industry. There’s a lot of misinformation. I have a way

that will bullet proof your income, if you add leads and

training to it.

So that’s what I do and what you should be doing every

single day, walking down to the post office or your mail

box, when somebody visits your website. Our website

captures the street address, the city, state and zip of

every prospect. If you have a website that doesn’t do that,

you need to add that feature.

85% of the people that visit my website will give me their

street address. The street addresses are more accurate than

their email addresses. We have a bounce meter and 12-13% of

those email addresses are bounced back immediately when they

opt in. They’re just opting in to get the free information

and they give us a bogus email.

Then when we ask them for their street address, they say

“Oh, yeah, I live at 123 Main Street” and they’ll say “Leave

at door, Apartment C”. They’ll go to great lengths, “Yeah,

mail me something, but I don’t want any more spam.”

Our culture is changing, where people are tired of clicking

300 emails a day but they want you to mail something to


Answer this question for me: When was the last time someone

called you on the phone and asked if you wanted to hear a

business opportunity? Since January, has anyone in this room

received a phone call and been asked if you wanted to join

their program?

Has anyone experienced that? About half the room.

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Now, has anyone received an unsolicited email to join a

program? Everybody. Has anyone, since January, sent you

anything in the mail like this sales letter or postcard?

I skipped a little step. When I call, email and mail, this

is the postcard that I mail. You can brand your own name and

photograph. You need to have a photograph. You need to do

your own name.

That adds what? I’m going to get to know you, like you and

trust you. What guy would put his photograph on a postcard

if he was promoting a scam?

What guy would put his phone number on it if he was

promoting something that was unethical or illegal? That

addresses the trust factor.

You don’t have to wear a suit and tie. I have some postcards

where I’m wearing my cowboy hat, because I think the cowboy

hat says. “Who’s that cowboy? What’s going on? Instead of a

bald guy -- who wants to watch a bald guy with a goatee? But

if I put the hat on, it’s a whole different persona. That’s

how I get my readers’ attention.

I used to send these cards out and here I have the proof

from www.authorize.net, where we did a million dollars just

off one website. (See below):

You may be saying, “Hey, I didn’t make a million dollars.”

If you don’t have the credibility, go to the credibility of

your upline. You could say down here, “Independent

Distributor of Mastermind”, if you want to use my


You could also take that proof factor out and put something

else in, like I have on the back: “Earn $700-$2100 from just

20 people”. That’s a curiosity.

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“How do I do that? How do I earn $700-$1200 from up to

twenty people? What is the program? How do I do it?”

Eight out of ten people today in a program are losing money.

Write that down because it’s important. We’ve all heard

about the 80/20 rule. Eight out of ten people in a program

today are losing money.

If they’re losing money, do they still have $7.95 to try the

program? Yes, they do.

If they’re losing money, do they have the money to come in

and join your program at $250 startup kit and $100 auto-

ship? No. Because now they have two $100 auto-ships, then

they’ll get a third $100 auto-ship.

How many people have you ever talked to that said “I just

need to cut back”?

Teaching and training them, that’s how the system works.

That’s the philosophy behind, when I wake up every single

morning, “What am I going to do today? How am I going to

develop residual income?”

I call, email and mail fifty people a day; that’s a thousand

people a month.

I have a report on the website called “Results of 1,000

Phone Calls”.

Make sure you’ve read that. That’s me tabulating.

If you want to get it, you can find it at


Pretty much long distance is free now. It’s the results of

1,000 phone calls.

That’s me sitting there, smiling and dialing. And I call

during the day. I don’t want to get hold of the prospect on

that first call.

How many have signed people up on auto-ship the first time

you ever talked to them? It doesn’t happen. Let me ask you

all this question, so get ready.

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The primary program business that you have been in up to the

last one, from the moment you heard about that program until

the moment you decided to join it, what was that time frame?

Was it one day, one week, one month, one year? It ranges

from a couple of days to a month.

So when you get our leads from us, what’s your proper

expectation? If you’re eager like me, they should all say

they just answered the ad today and they’ve been waiting on

my phone call. We shoot ourselves in the foot when we expect

the prospects to act different than us.

This is a room filled with highly intelligent, focused

network marketers. Yet we want our prospects to go, “Yeah!

How much is it? I’ve been waiting on your call, buddy, thank

you. My wife went to dinner. I knew someone was going to

call me today and here’s my credit card!”

It doesn’t work that way. You have to get your cold

prospects to know, like and trust you. How do you do that?

You call them.

I make a phone call: “Hi, Josh, this is Robert Blackman.

You answered an ad in the past, looking to make money from a

home-based business. The purpose of today’s call is to find

out if you’ve found something already, or if you’re still


Whether I get him live or I get his voice mail, I say the

same thing. Regardless of what happens there, if he slams

the phone down on me or if I get his voice mail, I send him

a follow up email.

In the subject line, I write “Josh, I just left you a voice

mail message” or “Josh, I just talked to you on the phone.”

When you see your name in the body and the subject line of

an email, does that get your attention? So you have to start

doing that. That’s how you improve your response rate.

What do I put in the body of the email?

“Go to my website and download my 23- page report, How to

Make Money When People Tell You No.

What do I then do? I send him a postcard as a follow-up and

within my phone conversation I’m going to say “Josh, I’m

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going to send you an email today, I’m going to drop a

postcard in the mail to you that’ll show up in 4-5 days, so

be looking for that.”

You come home from work; you’re busy, what happens? You get

voice mail, someone from Oklahoma calls you, and you go

“What? Who? I don’t know that person.” Delete. Don’t call

them back again.

Let’s say I was a headhunter and I had a $100,000 a year job

today selling twiddly sticks, or waiting tables at Arby’s,

and it was $100,000 and I had two positions in Norman.

If I called you and said “You have to meet me at the Holiday

Inn at 10:00 on Saturday morning and we’re going to hire two

people today.”

If you don’t show up, is that headhunter going to call you

back on Monday and say “Where were you?”

Is he going to call you next Thursday and say “I’ve left you

three messages?”

No. He’s going to give that job to the two people that show

up here. If only one guy shows up, they get the job and

they’ll go through the cycle again.

You have to have posture. We have lost posture in this

business. When was the last time your doctor called you and

said “You need to come down and get a flu shot”? Do you ever

get a call from your doctor? No.

When you go to your doctor, you have to wait 45 minutes to

an hour. Complete posture! Then you go in, and what do you

do with the doctor?

“Yes sir.” “Yes ma’am.” “Is that what I need? Okay, great. I

don’t know what’s in that injection, I don’t know what’s in

these pills, but if you say I need them, then okay. It costs

$80, $100 at the pharmacy? Boy, I should feel better!”

So we’re taught to do what? We are taught to follow people

of authority, who seem to know what they’re doing. When I

call you, and I seem to know what I’m doing, and then I tell

you that I’m going to send you an email and a postcard, does

that hit one of these three or a couple of these here?

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It doesn’t matter whether you’re even interested or not.

You could be going through a divorce, you could be going

through a bankruptcy, you could have just won the lottery.

It doesn’t matter.

If I take you through the process and I tell you I’m going

to do something and I do it, I immediately build that bond.

If I just send postcards, I can’t do that.

If I just call you and call you and cal you, I can’t do

that. If I just spam you every single day, I can’t do that.

It’s the three, like a chair with three legs on it. If the

chair has one leg, it won’t stand up. If you have three

legs, you have stability.

The reason why people don’t make money in Mastermind is that

they refuse to follow the three-step system. I wish it was

just one-step. I did have it where we did $10 million in a

year, and all we did was email.

Those were great days. I’d stay up until 2 A.M., talking to

everyone about how big our checks were, sleep until 10 A.M.,

get up and go have a $100 lunch and have fifty people signed

up by noon.

I’d go to the swimming pool, go play golf, come back home –

and another 42 people had signed up and I had people calling

my cell phone, saying “Hey, what are we doing? Thanks –

great – when’s the next conference call?”

That was great; but what was that? Was that a long-term,

residual income? That was a temporary residual income. That

stock shot to the moon, and it came down as fast as it shot

up there – and we sold the stock. That’s the business.

If you want to be in this business 25 years from today,

making the kind of money you want to make, you have to

follow this system. Within this system, you can plug in any

business that you want.

By the way, when the postcard shows up – and I want to

reiterate this -- I call them one time, I email them every

week, and I mail them a postcard one time.

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If and when they opt in to the website, I mail them this.

10% of the people join within the first 24 hours after

visiting the website. So this will pass in the mail to them.

Then I make the follow up phone call. If I mail the

postcard on a Tuesday, when do I call them? Next Tuesday.


Remember what I was saying earlier? When was the last time

someone sent you something in the mail to join, since

January? Direct mail?

If you want to follow a system, write this site down:

www.OmahaSteaks.com. I’m a big steak guy. Opt in to their

website. Order one of their packages that is worth $600 and

you pay $14 for it.

Watch their marketing follow up. Watch the emails that come

in. Watch the direct mail packages that come in.

Don’t buy from them for three months, and listen to what the

person says when they call you; “Hey, Mr. Blackman, as a

previous customer, we want to offer you a special today on

our steak kabobs.” That’s marketing.

Is Omaha Steaks a multi-multi-million dollar company? Yes.

Do the principles in traditional business apply to network

marketing? Yes. So why don’t people teach them?

“Well, just get a list of family and friends. And let’s all

go over to their house.”

That builds temporary residual income. And I did that

several times. I built a group up here in Amway of 100

people in six months, from zero.

I knew no one down here. We moved from Bartlesville to

Norman and I knew nobody. I’m sitting in front of a group of

100 people. Every one of them were flat broke and couldn’t

afford anything, but I built a group of a hundred people. I

strong-armed everybody in but I didn’t have a system.

Go to your list. We’d have Sunday night team callings. I’d

say, “Josh, get your list together, I’m going to meet you at

your house, and we’re going to call your names. I’m going to

call them for you.”

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I was a workhorse. But if the products were so good – why

are all those hundred people gone now? They’re gone because

I held all 100 of them in, I held their hand, and I kept

them from drowning. As soon as I wanted to take a break, it

goes away.

My strategy was this. This was my thought process. I don’t

want to be in the printing business for the rest of my life

because of the fact that I know what the results are. It’s

not bad, it’s just not my choice. It was my dad’s company.

I thought I wanted to take it over, but then I changed my

mind, because he was just such an SOB about it.

I didn’t have any money to invest in real estate. I bought

the Carleton Sheets stuff, Dave Delgado, all those guys – no

money down. I did all that. It didn’t work for me.

I didn’t have any money to invest in the stock market,

bought all those courses, they didn’t work for me. This was

the only business that I saw in which a poor, broke kid from

Oklahoma could make six figures. This business model does

not discriminate against you. People will, but the business

model won’t.

My thought process was this. “Why can’t I make $100,000 a

year in two programs and bullet-proof myself?”

This was going to be my primary and this was going to be my


In my weakest moment, when I had no one in my downline,

after the Le Patch deal went south, this is what I came up


“Why can’t I make $100,000 a year in my primary and also

bullet-proof myself and have a backup income?”

In other words, why invest everything in just one stock? You

have mutual funds. I understand the dynamic that you can’t

be in four nutritional programs and I understand why that

doesn’t work and I hope everyone here does too.

I understand that there is a code of ethics that addresses

when you personally sponsor someone, about taking them

somewhere else. We have to follow those in this industry or

it’s like broken glass. Unfortunately, that’s just the way

it works.

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I want to make $100,000 a year in my primary and $100,000 a

year in my secondary. The secondary is leads and training,

the primary is your 2-5 year gig, whatever that is.

What are you hot on right now? Is it the juice, the patch,

the cookie, technology? It doesn’t matter, but I guarantee

that whatever you’re in now, within 2-5 years you’ll be out

of it.

It isn’t because of you, either. It’s because something’s

going to happen to that stock that’s going to force people

to quit. Remember, every business that you’ve been in

before, why aren’t all those people still in auto-ship? Why

aren’t you still getting the same check as when you left it?

Why is that?

You have to understand that it’s because they don’t

understand the dynamic of this system. They don’t have two

streams of income. This is always going to sting you.

Have you all heard the scorpion and the frog story? The

frog’s sitting there by the stream and he needs to get

across to his family. Somehow the family got on a leaf and

went across without him and Daddy Frog’s sitting there all

by himself.

Up walks the scorpion, the archenemy of the frog.

The frog starts scooting away and he says, “Hey, what are

you doing?” and the scorpion says, “I need to get across

too. If you ride on a lily pad, will you put me on your

shoulders and take me across the river?”

The frog says, “You’re my archenemy. You’re going to sting


“No, I won’t,” says the scorpion, “I promise you. It’s going

to be different this time.”

What does the frog do? He says, “Okay, here comes a lily

pad. Jump on my back.”

The stream starts taking them across. They get halfway

across the stream and the scorpion stings the frog. The

frog’s going to drown along with the scorpion.

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The frog turns to the scorpion and asks, “Why did you do


The scorpion says, “Because I’m a scorpion and that’s what I

do: I sting frogs. I will say and do whatever I have to do,

to sting you.”

MLM programs that you get involved with will not last 25-30

years of steady growth of checks. That is a myth and it’s a

reality I had to learn. I didn’t like the idea of jumping

from program to program every 2-5 years. Who would like to

get married every 2-5 years?

I’ve been through a divorce, so I understand. I consider

being in business like a marriage. You put your heart, soul

and commitment into it.

Unfortunately, I wanted this business to do this in my

heart, and when it did this, I became depressed and almost

an alcoholic, because I couldn’t change it, no matter what

the pay plan was, what the product line was; couldn’t do

anything about it.

I decided to either get in the industry and dissect it or

just get the heck out. I went and sat for an insurance exam.

I was going to get into the insurance business. I went out

on my first appointment and I realized that I couldn’t do

this. I came back and built this system.

The secondary program, Mastermind, will save your life. You

can make more money in it than you can with your primary to

begin with. It’s a two-tier program right now. We pay 15%

on the first level, 40% on the second.

For every person that’s in your downline who spends $100 on

your product, they’re going to spend $200 to advertise it.

If you have a downline of a hundred people, and they’re all

active, and you have $10,000 a month in volume, your average

commission check’s going to be 10% on that, whatever program

you’re in, so you’re earning $1000.

If you have 100 people buying $100 a month in product,

$10,000 a month in volume, you’re going to be earning about

$1000. Does everybody agree with that?

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All the while, those same hundred people are out spending an

average $200 a month to advertise this business. Let me ask

you a question. How much commission are you getting off

that? Zero.

That bothered me. The advertisers are getting twice as much

as my primary program, and the advertisers don’t give a darn

whether the ad works or not. When is the last time you got a

refund from the post office for your mailing that didn’t

work – or paid for a full page ad that didn’t work and they

paid you a commission? They don’t.

This was the hole in the network marketing MLM system. This

is how you bullet proof yourself. This is a known fact.

They spend twice as much on advertising the business than

they do for the product and service on which you earn a


In MLM Mastermind, we pay 15% at the first level, 40% the

second level. It wouldn’t matter if we paid you 1%, because

you’re going to be getting more with us than you’re getting

right now. That’s how you get people who tell you no to your

primary business. That’s how you make money off them. That’s

one way to make money when people tell you no.

You show the leader who has a hundred people in his group

this and ask him how much money he makes from all the

advertising dollars. He’s going to say zero. You ask him if

he’d like to tap into some of that income. That’s why

Mastermind works, because it makes sense.

And it’s built upon a foundation that will never go away.

People are always going to spend more money promoting the

business than they are on the product or service for which

you receive a commission. That’s a fact that you can’t


We’re going to do that with leads, books and tapes. Earlier

when I asked how many people had bought any educational

materials, everybody raised their hand and shook their heads

like, “I spent too much money on that stuff.”

We pay you 50% commission of the profit on that book or

tape. For leads we pay 15% and 40%. When you build up a

group of twenty people, that’s $700 a month. Anybody got a

calculator in here today? Okay, then look on the sheet.

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I’m excited to sign them up, I’m excited to teach them this

system and let them know that if they decide to work with me

and just put in 20 people, it’s as if you walked down to the

bank and deposited $168,000.

Does that get them thinking, “Wow, I’ve never heard it like

that before.”

Which is easier to do, go save $168,000 or go build a group

of 20?

How do you build a group of 20? Can you sponsor one person a

month out of your 100 leads? Everyone agree that’s pretty

realistic? That’s 1%. You get 100 leads a month from us.

Again, we have packages all the way up to 250, 500 and 1000,

but I do everything on the base of 100 leads.

I’m going to tell Josh, when I’m prospecting with him about

our system.

“Josh, can you come home from work, call five people, send

five emails and drop five postcards in the mail? Can you do


If Josh won’t do that, is that an indicator to me? Yes.

So I’m asking my prospects questions about what they will


“Do you see the brilliance in the system? Did you know how

much money it would take in your bank account in order to

earn $700 a month?”

“No, never even thought about it.”

Has everyone heard of a CD – a certificate of deposit? Yes.

I’m applying traditional principles blended in with network

marketing. That’s how I get people to know, trust and like

me, because I’m teaching them, I’m not selling them. I’m

teaching them the business model.

I’m going to ask, “Can you come home and do five a day,

Monday through Friday, for twenty days a month? If you can

do that, Josh, and we put in one person a month, at the end

of four months, what do we have? Four people in the front


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“What if on month five we teach these people how to do the

same thing? They do their four months. At the end of eight

months you have a group of twenty.”

“Josh, is it realistic to say that if you work with me over

the next eight months, following my system, that we should

have close to a group of twenty people and you’re earning

$700 a month? Can you see yourself doing that, at a 1%

response rate, at a 99% failure rate?”

Do you see how I sign up 20-60 people a month? I’m solving a

problem, I’m offering a solution.

It doesn’t matter what your primary is, then. Whatever

you’re in, they’ll get in then.

“Oh, by the way, you need to take a look at XYZ Company.”

You can use Mastermind as a way to build your primary,

because I will guarantee you that in 2-5 years, your primary

is going to change.

When you lead with your primary, and it’s always changing,

how does that make you look as a marketer, as a source of

information that I should know, like and trust? If I’m your

stockbroker and I call you every single month with a

different stock, how is that going to make you feel about

me? Just trying to earn a commission.

You know that you can’t juggle stocks, unless they go up

every month, to make a long term residual income. So if my

primary is always going to do this, how do I look like

Steady Eddie, MLM Expert Man?

I sell leads and training. I lead with that, and then

whatever the program of the day is, we get in. And if they

get into the primary program with me, what do I tell them?

I tell them, “Bill, there’s a chance that this is going to

last for 2-5 years, because that’s the nature of the


Is Bill going to appreciate me more in two years when the

company goes out of business?

“You told me that would probably happen; I’m sure glad I’m

in that leads deal with you, because my check’s up to $1,500

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a month in that thing. What are we going to do now, Robert,

what’s our next program?”

Do you see the relationship I’ve built with my team? They

follow me through programs because I’m consistent and I tell

them up front that the business model is inconsistent – but

I’m not. Do you see the difference?

Do you see how I’ve been able to stay in the business for 25

years? If you go back and look at a magazine from 1993,

you’ll see a full page ad of me there. You look in a

magazine from last month; you’ll see a full page ad of me

there. How many people can say they’ve done that?

It’s because they’ve all led with the primary – nutrition,

technology, binary, matrix, hybrid – you lose credibility

and you run through your people. It is so hard to build your

in-house list; you have to protect your in-house list. The

way you protect them is to educate them in the truth.

Is it hard to generate leads of people who know, like and

trust you? Yes. Why would I want to pour water on that

fire, just for cash? If it’s hard just to build the list

up, and it’s hard to get people to maintain that, wouldn’t I

want to protect my list as if it were in my safe deposit

box, or like it’s a $1 million savings bond that my dad gave


So why don’t we do that with our downline? Because people

are afraid to teach them that the primary isn’t really the

primary. The lead program is really the primary. But they

don’t like to teach that. I don’t know why.

How many people have you heard say, “I used to make a

$10,000 monthly check”?

Where are they now? They lost their leads, their credibility

and they go back to this: “Yeah, right, I put everything

into it, I had $1000 in inventory, and that embarrassed me

when that thing went out of business. What a loser program

that was. I’m not going to do anything with you ever again.”

I have been through six programs that have either closed or

something has happened in the last decade. I have people

who ask me “What is it now, Rob?”

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Tell them the truth up front. I want you to write this

down, because I think it will change the way you prospect.

I talk to my prospects and I teach them as if I was teaching

my children how to make long-term residual income. I don’t

talk down to them, but I educate them.

When I’m dead and gone, do I want my kids to know how to

make long-term residual income? Yes. Would I reveal what I

reveal to you, to them? Now, here’s the real truth. Don’t

believe all the other hype. There is no walk away residual


Primary businesses go out every 2-5 years. I would tell my

kids that. Would you tell your kids that, if you knew it?

“Here’s how to bullet proof your income. Here’s how to make

money off Dad’s ideas for the rest of your life.”

That’s how I treat my prospects and that’s how I make

Mastermind work.

Let’s take a little bit of a break and let’s come back and

do some other advanced tactics training, okay?

It looks great and sounds great. You’re worried about, “I

wonder how much it’s going to cost?” The second thing is,

“Who am I going to talk to about this?” Everybody’s the


When I’m talking to my prospects on the phone, I’m always

asking my prospects on the phone, “Let me ask you a

question. Do you like to build up a group locally? Do you

have a big contact list, or would you like to build this

thing nationally?”

I may run into someone who says, “Hey, I’m the former fire

chief and I had a group of 600 people in Amway.”

That’s great. Get that person going. Nine out of ten people

tell me, “I don’t want to talk to my family and friends.

I’ve done that before, and it doesn’t work.”

Then we run into the problem of, “What are the leads going

to cost?”

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What is your budget for leads? When I looked at this

business right here, everybody that I knew was immediately

cut off by Dad.

“If you talk to anybody that we know, you’re fired. It’s


I have spent the last 24 years and 9 months making six

figures plus, doing nothing but talking to people that I

don’t know. It works. You’ll hear leaders that say, “We

don’t want you to go to the cold market.” That’s what a lot

of people will call this, the cold market. They’ll call that

the warm market.

“We don’t want you to go to the cold market because it’s not


The problem with building up your warm market is that you

may be able to do that in Tulsa. What happens if you sign

someone up in Des Moines, Iowa, and all you’re going to do

is teach them how to do a warm market meeting?

Well, this room costs $150, the video guy costs $1,000 – how

duplicatable is that? It’s not. It’s okay to be

unduplicatable when you’ve reached a certain level. But you

can’t build a consistent residual income in your primary if

you’re teaching something that nobody can duplicate.

That’s why the Mastermind system works, because everybody

can do it, and here’s how.

We have spent thousands of dollars testing this. People

tell me they wish I had this or that, or why my site doesn’t

do this, or why I don’t talk about that. I go, “Because

I’ve tried all those things, and they didn’t work. Trial

and error.”

The best thing that my dad ever taught me in the printing

business was that we had to learn revolutions per hour, a

hundred feet per minute on the printing press. We had 24

hours a day we were running.

He would ask me, “What did press 12 do last night? What did

press 15 do? How many revolutions did we do?”

So I became a math kid. I’m not really smart, but I knew

how to figure the math. I knew how to study the numbers. I

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knew when the pressman was coming to me with B.S. – “Well,

the press was down for two hours” or “Well, I was sick for

an hour.”

How many revolutions can you put out in an hour and why

didn’t you do it?

It’s the same philosophy in this business. $7.95 is the key.

I’ll talk about this a little bit more in our training

later, about the marketing funnel.

$7.95 is the key because when you’re talking to people that

you don’t know, people do business with those that they

know, that they like, and that they trust.

Twenty four years and nine months of getting people to know,

like, and trust me through the phone, through the email and

through direct mail. That’s all I do.

I’m out meeting new people every single day online. I’m

getting them to know me, to like me, to trust me. Which is

easier to do? To get someone to come in to your $500 package

on a $100 monthly auto-ship if you’ve just met them today

and they live in California and you live in Oklahoma?

Or is it easier to get somebody on a $7.95, 30-day trial? If

you don’t like it, you boot it and you’re gone. Which one is

easier to do? $7.95.

The $7.95 allows you to build a relationship faster online

long distance, than if you have a $495 starter kit or a $175


I don’t care if you have a binary matrix unilevel hybrid

plant; it doesn’t matter what it is. I don’t care if you

have guaranteed check spillover. The program that I built

up to about $10 million a year in sales, we gave a

guaranteed check away to people.

We put everybody in what we call the Power Line, online.

They were guaranteed a check the first month they came in.

80,000 people came in our business in 15 months. We were

signing up 100 people a day. It was crazy.

The problem is, the check wasn’t enough, because they didn’t

get to know, like and trust us quick enough. Now they got

to trust us because we said, “If you come in and join for a

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$100 auto-ship you’re going to get a $65 check.” They test

us. 30, 40, 60 days later, that check would show up. And

they would go “Okay, I’m on to something.”

If 80% of the people never make a commission check, wasn’t

that an attractive appeal? You’re guaranteed to get a check.

But people came in so fast that we didn’t have the time to

train and teach them how to go out and duplicate us.

Our system was this. Dump as many emails as you can into an

autoresponder and blast the world. Well, when spam filters

came out, that business went from 80,000 people down to

8,000, and now that downline has about 400 people left in


What’s the reality? If that product was so great, why don’t

I still have 80,000 people in my downline today? You know

what I’m saying. Think about all the programs that you’ve

been involved with in the past.

This is a great product. I’m not discounting the networking

market industry. We do have great products. We really have

better products than you can buy out here on the street. But

if it’s just about the products, why are we all not still on

auto-ship for SA8 with Amway?

The check! Well, if it’s the pay plan, what about our great

pay plan? These 80,000 people got a check every month. So if

it was about just the money, why don’t I still have 80,000

people in my group?

The system was easy. You dump leads into an autoresponder

and you don’t have to talk to anybody. “Hey, let’s build a

business where we don’t have to do meetings and talk to

anybody.” Isn’t that what everyone wants to do?

We had 80,000 people who were doing that. If that is all

that it took to build the business, why don’t I still have

80,000 people? Bill, why don’t you still have people from

your previous program still buying on auto-ship? Why do

people quit?

It has to do with know, like and trust and trying to get

their eyes off all the distractions and getting them to come

in to focus on you. The Mastermind system does that because

it allows you to do something that you can’t do anywhere


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It allows you to do this: “I don’t care what program you or

you are in, I have something that will help you build your

business.” It opens up my market so I’m not competing

against you and your nutritional, you and your technology

program, you and your funded proposal program – it doesn’t


Everybody needs leads and training. Write that down. Leads

and training. That’s the only consistent income I’ve ever

had in 25 years. Companies will come and go. Product fads

will come and go. Pay plans will come and go. We have seen

systems come and go.

Remember before the Internet, it was the Ray Cassano

cassette tape. I don’t know if anyone here remembers the

Ray Cassano days, where there was a company that said “We’re

going to make money mailing cassette tapes.”

I’d get four or five cassette tapes a day. They were

renting lists. They would send money to their upline, $100

to have 50 cassette tapes mailed out. The cassette tape told

the story about the product and had an 800 number on the

back to call and order a $300 package.

Millionaires were made. The guy who ran that system had $2

million in volume in his first six levels. All he sponsored

was 250 people. Twenty of these stuck, did the system,

turned it into $2 million on six levels and he was making

$250,000 a month.

What happened? They ran out of names to send it to. The

cassette mailing didn’t work. It was a temporary residual

income. I want you to write that down, because I want you

to be thinking about that, not only today but next week,

next month, and next year.

Are you really serious about building a permanent residual

income or a temporary residual income?

The problem with this industry is that no one talks about

these things. They’re afraid to. They’re afraid to tell you

that if you join with me in my primary, this is pretty much

going to be a two to five year gig.

If I was a stockbroker (and I consider myself in the MLM

industry as an expert, as a consultant, as a stockbroker is

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in selling stocks and mutual funds), and I was telling you

to buy a stock today, I would tell you “I’m going to monitor

this stock for you, Josh, and if it’s going to tank, I’m

going to call and tell you to dump your stock before it goes

under. I don’t want to squeeze every last commission check

out of you.”

Unfortunately, the mentality of our industry isn’t

traditional business. It’s residual business. It’s like

we’ve taken our common sense hats off and we’ve forgotten

what it’s like to really make money in business.

My approach is very different, because I apply that

stockbroker mentality to my group. That doesn’t mean I’m

going to get you in four nutritional programs today. It

means I’m going to get you in a primary business, a lead

business, and a tool business.

I’m going to show you three different sources of income. By

the way, Mastermind is my primary business. After 24 years

of heartbreak every two to five years, I’ve decided to put

all of my eggs in the Mastermind basket.

I still have checks coming in on other programs, but this is

my primary. I’m going to show you later today how to fill

your funnel with the tools and lead businesses.

People tell me, “Robert, I called my first ten leads, and

eight of the ten weren’t interested – your leads stink and I

want my money back.”

“Robert, I emailed a thousand leads and no one visited my


“I sent out 500 postcards and I don’t know what happened.

Did the postman even deliver them?”

I get those all the time and I’m going to show you today how

to answer those questions.

When I talk to a prospect, I’m talking to them about three

streams of income:

Primary business

Leads business

Tool business

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These two right here are residual: the primary business and

the lead business. The tool business is a one-time shot in

the arm. That’s selling a $30 book on which you make a $15


How many people in here have ever bought any educational

materials such as books, tapes, audios, DVDs, or attended

seminars? How many have gone to seminars and spent thousands

of dollars? How many people have bought the Tony Robbins

CDs, for $177 – you know, those types of things.

Informational products work, but people need to have a

source that they know, like and trust to get them.

If I come to Josh and I say, “Josh, I’d like to get you in

my primary business,” and Josh says “I’m a Triple Star

Diamond in XYZ Company”, well, I mark that off my list.

“Hey, Josh, what are you guys doing for leads and training?”

“Well, you know, we have our own ad co-op, we run radio ads,

and they cost $5 a lead.”

“Really? We have leads that cost twenty nine to ninety seven

cents each. They’re guaranteed and you can make a commission

off those. Josh, do you make a commission off the radio



“You might want to take a look at this. Because it costs

$7.95 to test it.”

I don’t even know Josh yet. I’ve called and I’ve been

prospecting him for my primary business, now all of a

sudden, he turns into a prospect for leads. That’s what I do

all day long. I call fifty people a day. I email fifty

people a day and I mail fifty postcards a day.

And that is my three step system: Call, email and mail.

You want to make more money? You just need to run around the

bases more. I have people that will do that with a hundred

people and they’ll sign up 1-4% after six months. That’s our

system. That’s realistic. That’s 1-4% after a six-month

period of calling, emailing and mailing them.

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I call them one time, I email them weekly, and I mail them

one time. That’s my system.

Now, when they go to my website, you’ll see a sales letter

here. If you will do this and take the time for whatever

program you’re in, this is how you’re going to set yourself

ahead of the competition.

This is nothing more than my website ad copy at MLM

Mastermind. It’s configured a little bit different. I

suggest that you always put the testimonials in a colored

sheet. Then I fold it so that it fits into a double window


You can do all this in Microsoft Word. You don’t have to

worry about labels. I use a #9 envelope. I have my return

address and their return address. I fold it over and there

it goes. Anyone can do that. It’s a Microsoft Word


If you’re a distributor for another company, you can ask

permission to use the website ad copy. You download it in

Internet Explorer 7 and you can edit it in Word, just click

Save As, go into Microsoft Word and edit it, just format it.

Take this, copy it. All of this is classic sales letter, no

longer than 4-5 sentences.

It has red bold, black bold and it has headlines. I sign up

25% of the people who visit my website after they get this

piece. I call, email, and mail. They opt in, they get

this, because I get a notification, and then I make the

follow up phone call to them. I close 25% of those people.

I sponsor between 20 and 60 people a month and I work part


Why? Because I’m offering a solution. This industry is

getting old enough now that everyone has their war stories

and I ask people this:

“Josh, how long have you been in the industry? How many

programs have you been in? Would you like to get in a

program that would last forever, regardless of what you’re

building – that would help you build any program you’re


“Yeah! What it is it?”

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So I’m offering a solution to a problem. If you’re just

calling and emailing or mailing, or doing one of these

three, and kicking back and waiting for someone to visit,

it’s not going to happen. You have to go out and

communicate this message, that there is a huge problem in

this industry. There’s a lot of misinformation. I have a way

that will bullet proof your income, if you add leads and

training to it.

So that’s what I do and what you should be doing every

single day, walking down to the post office or your mail

box, when somebody visits your website. Our website

captures the street address, the city, state and zip of

every prospect. If you have a website that doesn’t do that,

you need to add that feature.

85% of the people that visit my website will give me their

street address. The street addresses are more accurate than

their email addresses. We have a bounce meter and 12-13% of

those email addresses are bounced back immediately when they

opt in. They’re just opting in to get the free information

and they give us a bogus email.

Then when we ask them for their street address, they say

“Oh, yeah, I live at 123 Main Street” and they’ll say “Leave

at door, Apartment C”. They’ll go to great lengths, “Yeah,

mail me something, but I don’t want any more spam.”

Our culture is changing, where people are tired of clicking

300 emails a day but they want you to mail something to


Answer this question for me: When was the last time someone

called you on the phone and asked if you wanted to hear a

business opportunity? Since January, has anyone in this room

received a phone call and been asked if you wanted to join

their program?

Has anyone experienced that? About half the room.

Now, has anyone received an unsolicited email to join a

program? Everybody. Has anyone, since January, sent you

anything in the mail like this sales letter or postcard?

I skipped a little step. When I call, email and mail, this

is the postcard that I mail. You can brand your own name and

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photograph. You need to have a photograph. You need to do

your own name.

That adds what? I’m going to get to know you, like you and

trust you. What guy would put his photograph on a postcard

if he was promoting a scam?

What guy would put his phone number on it if he was

promoting something that was unethical or illegal? That

addresses the trust factor.

You don’t have to wear a suit and tie. I have some postcards

where I’m wearing my cowboy hat, because I think the cowboy

hat says. “Who’s that cowboy? What’s going on? Instead of a

bald guy -- who wants to watch a bald guy with a goatee? But

if I put the hat on, it’s a whole different persona. That’s

how I get my readers’ attention.

I used to send these cards out and here I have the proof

from www.authorize.net, where we did a million dollars just

off one website.

You may be saying, “Hey, I didn’t make a million dollars.”

If you don’t have the credibility, go to the credibility of

your upline. You could say down here, “Independent

Distributor of Mastermind”, if you want to use my


You could also take that proof factor out and put something

else in, like I have on the back: “Earn $700-$2100 from just

20 people”. That’s a curiosity.

“How do I do that? How do I earn $700-$1200 from up to

twenty people? What is the program? How do I do it?”

Eight out of ten people today in a program are losing money.

Write that down because it’s important. We’ve all heard

about the 80/20 rule. Eight out of ten people in a program

today are losing money.

If they’re losing money, do they still have $7.95 to try the

program? Yes, they do.

If they’re losing money, do they have the money to come in

and join your program at $250 startup kit and $100 auto-

ship? No. Because now they have two $100 auto-ships, then

they’ll get a third $100 auto-ship.

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How many people have you ever talked to that said “I just

need to cut back”?

Teaching and training them, that’s how the system works.

That’s the philosophy behind, when I wake up every single

morning, “What am I going to do today? How am I going to

develop residual income?”

I call, email and mail fifty people a day; that’s a thousand

people a month.

I have a report on the website called “Results of 1,000

Phone Calls”. Make sure you’ve read that. That’s me

tabulating. If you want to get it, you can find it at


Pretty much long distance is free now. It’s the results of

1,000 phone calls.

That’s me sitting there, smiling and dialing. And I call

during the day. I don’t want to get hold of the prospect on

that first call.

How many have signed people up on auto-ship the first time

you ever talked to them? It doesn’t happen. Let me ask you

all this question, so get ready.

The primary program business that you have been in up to the

last one, from the moment you heard about that program until

the moment you decided to join it, what was that time frame?

Was it one day, one week, one month, one year? It ranges

from a couple of days to a month.

So when you get our leads from us, what’s your proper

expectation? If you’re eager like me, they should all say

they just answered the ad today and they’ve been waiting on

my phone call. We shoot ourselves in the foot when we expect

the prospects to act different than us.

This is a room filled with highly intelligent, focused

network marketers. Yet we want our prospects to go, “Yeah!

How much is it? I’ve been waiting on your call, buddy, thank

you. My wife went to dinner. I knew someone was going to

call me today and here’s my credit card!”

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It doesn’t work that way. You have to get your cold

prospects to know, like and trust you. How do you do that?

You call them.

I make a phone call: “Hi, Josh, this is Robert Blackman.

You answered an ad in the past, looking to make money from a

home-based business. The purpose of today’s call is to find

out if you’ve found something already, or if you’re still


Whether I get him live or I get his voice mail, I say the

same thing. Regardless of what happens there, if he slams

the phone down on me or if I get his voice mail, I send him

a follow up email.

In the subject line, I write “Josh, I just left you a voice

mail message” or “Josh, I just talked to you on the phone.”

When you see your name in the body and the subject line of

an email, does that get your attention? So you have to start

doing that. That’s how you improve your response rate.

What do I put in the body of the email?

“Go to my website and download my 23- page report, How to

Make Money When People Tell You No.

What do I then do? I send him a postcard as a follow-up and

within my phone conversation I’m going to say “Josh, I’m

going to send you an email today, I’m going to drop a

postcard in the mail to you that’ll show up in 4-5 days, so

be looking for that.”

You come home from work; you’re busy, what happens? You get

voice mail, someone from Oklahoma calls you, and you go

“What? Who? I don’t know that person.” Delete. Don’t call

them back again.

Let’s say I was a headhunter and I had a $100,000 a year job

today selling twiddly sticks, or waiting tables at Arby’s,

and it was $100,000 and I had two positions in Norman.

If I called you and said “You have to meet me at the Holiday

Inn at 10:00 on Saturday morning and we’re going to hire two

people today.”

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If you don’t show up, is that headhunter going to call you

back on Monday and say “Where were you?”

Is he going to call you next Thursday and say “I’ve left you

three messages?”

No. He’s going to give that job to the two people that show

up here. If only one guy shows up, they get the job and

they’ll go through the cycle again.

You have to have posture. We have lost posture in this

business. When was the last time your doctor called you and

said “You need to come down and get a flu shot”? Do you ever

get a call from your doctor? No.

When you go to your doctor, you have to wait 45 minutes to

an hour. Complete posture! Then you go in, and what do you

do with the doctor?

“Yes sir.” “Yes ma’am.” “Is that what I need? Okay, great. I

don’t know what’s in that injection, I don’t know what’s in

these pills, but if you say I need them, then okay. It costs

$80, $100 at the pharmacy? Boy, I should feel better!”

So we’re taught to do what? We are taught to follow people

of authority, who seem to know what they’re doing. When I

call you, and I seem to know what I’m doing, and then I tell

you that I’m going to send you an email and a postcard, does

that hit one of these three or a couple of these here?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re even interested or not.

You could be going through a divorce, you could be going

through a bankruptcy, you could have just won the lottery.

It doesn’t matter.

If I take you through the process and I tell you I’m going

to do something and I do it, I immediately build that bond.

If I just send postcards, I can’t do that.

If I just call you and call you and cal you, I can’t do

that. If I just spam you every single day, I can’t do that.

It’s the three, like a chair with three legs on it. If the

chair has one leg, it won’t stand up. If you have three

legs, you have stability.

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The reason why people don’t make money in Mastermind is that

they refuse to follow the three-step system. I wish it was

just one-step. I did have it where we did $10 million in a

year, and all we did was email.

Those were great days. I’d stay up until 2 A.M., talking to

everyone about how big our checks were, sleep until 10 A.M.,

get up and go have a $100 lunch and have fifty people signed

up by noon.

I’d go to the swimming pool, go play golf, come back home –

and another 42 people had signed up and I had people calling

my cell phone, saying “Hey, what are we doing? Thanks –

great – when’s the next conference call?”

That was great; but what was that? Was that a long-term,

residual income? That was a temporary residual income. That

stock shot to the moon, and it came down as fast as it shot

up there – and we sold the stock. That’s the business.

If you want to be in this business 25 years from today,

making the kind of money you want to make, you have to

follow this system. Within this system, you can plug in any

business that you want.

By the way, when the postcard shows up – and I want to

reiterate this -- I call them one time, I email them every

week, and I mail them a postcard one time.

If and when they opt in to the website, I mail them this.

10% of the people join within the first 24 hours after

visiting the website. So this will pass in the mail to them.

Then I make the follow up phone call. If I mail the

postcard on a Tuesday, when do I call them? Next Tuesday.


Remember what I was saying earlier? When was the last time

someone sent you something in the mail to join, since

January? Direct mail?

If you want to follow a system, write this site down:

www.OmahaSteaks.com. I’m a big steak guy. Opt in to their

website. Order one of their packages that is worth $600 and

you pay $14 for it.

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Watch their marketing follow up. Watch the emails that come

in. Watch the direct mail packages that come in.

Don’t buy from them for three months, and listen to what the

person says when they call you; “Hey, Mr. Blackman, as a

previous customer, we want to offer you a special today on

our steak kabobs.” That’s marketing.

Is Omaha Steaks a multi-multi-million dollar company? Yes.

Do the principles in traditional business apply to network

marketing? Yes. So why don’t people teach them?

“Well, just get a list of family and friends. And let’s all

go over to their house.”

That builds temporary residual income. And I did that

several times. I built a group up here in Amway of 100

people in six months, from zero.

I knew no one down here. We moved from Bartlesville to

Norman and I knew nobody. I’m sitting in front of a group of

100 people. Every one of them were flat broke and couldn’t

afford anything, but I built a group of a hundred people. I

strong-armed everybody in but I didn’t have a system.

Go to your list. We’d have Sunday night team callings. I’d

say, “Josh, get your list together, I’m going to meet you at

your house, and we’re going to call your names. I’m going to

call them for you.”

I was a workhorse. But if the products were so good – why

are all those hundred people gone now? They’re gone because

I held all 100 of them in, I held their hand, and I kept

them from drowning. As soon as I wanted to take a break, it

goes away.

My strategy was this. This was my thought process. I don’t

want to be in the printing business for the rest of my life

because of the fact that I know what the results are. It’s

not bad, it’s just not my choice. It was my dad’s company.

I thought I wanted to take it over, but then I changed my

mind, because he was just such an SOB about it.

I didn’t have any money to invest in real estate. I bought

the Carleton Sheets stuff, Dave Delgado, all those guys – no

money down. I did all that. It didn’t work for me.

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I didn’t have any money to invest in the stock market,

bought all those courses, they didn’t work for me. This was

the only business that I saw in which a poor, broke kid from

Oklahoma could make six figures. This business model does

not discriminate against you. People will, but the business

model won’t.

My thought process was this. “Why can’t I make $100,000 a

year in two programs and bullet-proof myself?”

This was going to be my primary and this was going to be my


In my weakest moment, when I had no one in my downline,

after the Le Patch deal went south, this is what I came up


“Why can’t I make $100,000 a year in my primary and also

bullet-proof myself and have a backup income?”

In other words, why invest everything in just one stock? You

have mutual funds. I understand the dynamic that you can’t

be in four nutritional programs and I understand why that

doesn’t work and I hope everyone here does too.

I understand that there is a code of ethics that addresses

when you personally sponsor someone, about taking them

somewhere else. We have to follow those in this industry or

it’s like broken glass. Unfortunately, that’s just the way

it works.

I want to make $100,000 a year in my primary and $100,000 a

year in my secondary. The secondary is leads and training,

the primary is your 2-5 year gig, whatever that is.

What are you hot on right now? Is it the juice, the patch,

the cookie, technology? It doesn’t matter, but I guarantee

that whatever you’re in now, within 2-5 years you’ll be out

of it.

It isn’t because of you, either. It’s because something’s

going to happen to that stock that’s going to force people

to quit. Remember, every business that you’ve been in

before, why aren’t all those people still in auto-ship? Why

aren’t you still getting the same check as when you left it?

Why is that?

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You have to understand that it’s because they don’t

understand the dynamic of this system. They don’t have two

streams of income. This is always going to sting you.

Have you all heard the scorpion and the frog story? The

frog’s sitting there by the stream and he needs to get

across to his family. Somehow the family got on a leaf and

went across without him and Daddy Frog’s sitting there all

by himself.

Up walks the scorpion, the archenemy of the frog.

The frog starts scooting away and he says, “Hey, what are

you doing?” and the scorpion says, “I need to get across

too. If you ride on a lily pad, will you put me on your

shoulders and take me across the river?”

The frog says, “You’re my archenemy. You’re going to sting


“No, I won’t,” says the scorpion, “I promise you. It’s going

to be different this time.”

What does the frog do? He says, “Okay, here comes a lily

pad. Jump on my back.”

The stream starts taking them across. They get halfway

across the stream and the scorpion stings the frog. The

frog’s going to drown along with the scorpion.

The frog turns to the scorpion and asks, “Why did you do


The scorpion says, “Because I’m a scorpion and that’s what I

do: I sting frogs. I will say and do whatever I have to do,

to sting you.”

MLM programs that you get involved with will not last 25-30

years of steady growth of checks. That is a myth and it’s a

reality I had to learn. I didn’t like the idea of jumping

from program to program every 2-5 years. Who would like to

get married every 2-5 years?

I’ve been through a divorce, so I understand. I consider

being in business like a marriage. You put your heart, soul

and commitment into it.

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Unfortunately, I wanted this business to do this in my

heart, and when it did this, I became depressed and almost

an alcoholic, because I couldn’t change it, no matter what

the pay plan was, what the product line was; couldn’t do

anything about it.

I decided to either get in the industry and dissect it or

just get the heck out. I went and sat for an insurance exam.

I was going to get into the insurance business. I went out

on my first appointment and I realized that I couldn’t do

this. I came back and built this system.

The secondary program, Mastermind, will save your life. You

can make more money in it than you can with your primary to

begin with. It’s a two-tier program right now. We pay 15%

on the first level, 40% on the second.

For every person that’s in your downline who spends $100 on

your product, they’re going to spend $200 to advertise it.

If you have a downline of a hundred people, and they’re all

active, and you have $10,000 a month in volume, your average

commission check’s going to be 10% on that, whatever program

you’re in, so you’re earning $1000.

If you have 100 people buying $100 a month in product,

$10,000 a month in volume, you’re going to be earning about

$1000. Does everybody agree with that?

All the while, those same hundred people are out spending an

average $200 a month to advertise this business. Let me ask

you a question. How much commission are you getting off

that? Zero.

That bothered me. The advertisers are getting twice as much

as my primary program, and the advertisers don’t give a darn

whether the ad works or not. When is the last time you got a

refund from the post office for your mailing that didn’t

work – or paid for a full page ad that didn’t work and they

paid you a commission? They don’t.

This was the hole in the network marketing MLM system. This

is how you bullet proof yourself. This is a known fact.

They spend twice as much on advertising the business than

they do for the product and service on which you earn a


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In MLM Mastermind, we pay 15% at the first level, 40% the

second level. It wouldn’t matter if we paid you 1%, because

you’re going to be getting more with us than you’re getting

right now. That’s how you get people who tell you no to your

primary business. That’s how you make money off them. That’s

one way to make money when people tell you no.

You show the leader who has a hundred people in his group

this and ask him how much money he makes from all the

advertising dollars. He’s going to say zero. You ask him if

he’d like to tap into some of that income. That’s why

Mastermind works, because it makes sense.

And it’s built upon a foundation that will never go away.

People are always going to spend more money promoting the

business than they are on the product or service for which

you receive a commission. That’s a fact that you can’t


We’re going to do that with leads, books and tapes. Earlier

when I asked how many people had bought any educational

materials, everybody raised their hand and shook their heads

like, “I spent too much money on that stuff.”

We pay you 50% commission of the profit on that book or

tape. For leads we pay 15% and 40%. When you build up a

group of twenty people, that’s $700 a month. Anybody got a

calculator in here today? Okay, then look on the sheet.

I’m excited to sign them up, I’m excited to teach them this

system and let them know that if they decide to work with me

and just put in 20 people, it’s as if you walked down to the

bank and deposited $168,000.

Does that get them thinking, “Wow, I’ve never heard it like

that before.”

Which is easier to do, go save $168,000 or go build a group

of 20?

How do you build a group of 20? Can you sponsor one person a

month out of your 100 leads? Everyone agree that’s pretty

realistic? That’s 1%. You get 100 leads a month from us.

Again, we have packages all the way up to 250, 500 and 1000,

but I do everything on the base of 100 leads.

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I’m going to tell Josh, when I’m prospecting with him about

our system.

“Josh, can you come home from work, call five people, send

five emails and drop five postcards in the mail? Can you do


If Josh won’t do that, is that an indicator to me? Yes.

So I’m asking my prospects questions about what they will


“Do you see the brilliance in the system? Did you know how

much money it would take in your bank account in order to

earn $700 a month?”

“No, never even thought about it.”

Has everyone heard of a CD – a certificate of deposit? Yes.

I’m applying traditional principles blended in with network

marketing. That’s how I get people to know, trust and like

me, because I’m teaching them, I’m not selling them. I’m

teaching them the business model.

I’m going to ask, “Can you come home and do five a day,

Monday through Friday, for twenty days a month? If you can

do that, Josh, and we put in one person a month, at the end

of four months, what do we have? Four people in the front


“What if on month five we teach these people how to do the

same thing? They do their four months. At the end of eight

months you have a group of twenty.”

“Josh, is it realistic to say that if you work with me over

the next eight months, following my system, that we should

have close to a group of twenty people and you’re earning

$700 a month? Can you see yourself doing that, at a 1%

response rate, at a 99% failure rate?”

Do you see how I sign up 20-60 people a month? I’m solving a

problem, I’m offering a solution.

It doesn’t matter what your primary is, then. Whatever

you’re in, they’ll get in then.

“Oh, by the way, you need to take a look at XYZ Company.”

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You can use Mastermind as a way to build your primary,

because I will guarantee you that in 2-5 years, your primary

is going to change.

When you lead with your primary, and it’s always changing,

how does that make you look as a marketer, as a source of

information that I should know, like and trust? If I’m your

stockbroker and I call you every single month with a

different stock, how is that going to make you feel about

me? Just trying to earn a commission.

You know that you can’t juggle stocks, unless they go up

every month, to make a long term residual income. So if my

primary is always going to do this, how do I look like

Steady Eddie, MLM Expert Man?

I sell leads and training. I lead with that, and then

whatever the program of the day is, we get in. And if they

get into the primary program with me, what do I tell them?

I tell them, “Bill, there’s a chance that this is going to

last for 2-5 years, because that’s the nature of the


Is Bill going to appreciate me more in two years when the

company goes out of business?

“You told me that would probably happen; I’m sure glad I’m

in that leads deal with you, because my check’s up to $1,500

a month in that thing. What are we going to do now, Robert,

what’s our next program?”

Do you see the relationship I’ve built with my team? They

follow me through programs because I’m consistent and I tell

them up front that the business model is inconsistent – but

I’m not. Do you see the difference?

Do you see how I’ve been able to stay in the business for 25

years? If you go back and look at a magazine from 1993,

you’ll see a full page ad of me there. You look in a

magazine from last month; you’ll see a full page ad of me

there. How many people can say they’ve done that?

It’s because they’ve all led with the primary – nutrition,

technology, binary, matrix, hybrid – you lose credibility

and you run through your people. It is so hard to build your

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in-house list; you have to protect your in-house list. The

way you protect them is to educate them in the truth.

Is it hard to generate leads of people who know, like and

trust you? Yes. Why would I want to pour water on that

fire, just for cash? If it’s hard just to build the list

up, and it’s hard to get people to maintain that, wouldn’t I

want to protect my list as if it were in my safe deposit

box, or like it’s a $1 million savings bond that my dad gave


So why don’t we do that with our downline? Because people

are afraid to teach them that the primary isn’t really the

primary. The lead program is really the primary. But they

don’t like to teach that. I don’t know why.

How many people have you heard say, “I used to make a

$10,000 monthly check”?

Where are they now? They lost their leads, their credibility

and they go back to this: “Yeah, right, I put everything

into it, I had $1000 in inventory, and that embarrassed me

when that thing went out of business. What a loser program

that was. I’m not going to do anything with you ever again.”

I have been through six programs that have either closed or

something has happened in the last decade. I have people

who ask me “What is it now, Rob?”

Tell them the truth up front. I want you to write this

down, because I think it will change the way you prospect.

I talk to my prospects and I teach them as if I was teaching

my children how to make long-term residual income. I don’t

talk down to them, but I educate them.

When I’m dead and gone, do I want my kids to know how to

make long-term residual income? Yes. Would I reveal what I

reveal to you, to them? Now, here’s the real truth. Don’t

believe all the other hype. There is no walk away residual


Primary businesses go out every 2-5 years. I would tell my

kids that. Would you tell your kids that, if you knew it?

“Here’s how to bullet proof your income. Here’s how to make

money off Dad’s ideas for the rest of your life.”

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That’s how I treat my prospects and that’s how I make

Mastermind work.

Let’s take a little bit of a break and let’s come back and

do some other advanced tactics training, okay?

- End of Transcript

From my family to yours, I truly hope you enjoyed today’s


I also invite you to join my “MLM Mastermind Team”.

It’s fun, it’s profitable and it’s simple.

To join go to:


Or, call me at my office number listed below!

God Bless,

Robert Blackman

(405) 833-6899

PS Success in MLM is about “modeling”.

Don’t try to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. Realize the

program I have just taught you took me 26 years to perfect

and implement.

Now, take my advice, apply it to your life and succeed!

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Post Office Box 720364 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 833-6899 Office

Yes! I want to get the names of hot prospects for my business! Send me the leads I’ve

listed below at a 50% off normal price.

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Check Box Description Amount 100 Business Opportunity Names 1-Time Sale: $57

100 Business Opportunity Names Autoship: $47

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250 Active MLM Names 1-Time Sale: $107 250 Active MLM Names Autoship: $97

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There are no refunds on lead sales, all sales are final. I also understand that all my leads are guaranteed to be deliverable by e-mail, phone or street address or they will be replaced FREE OF CHARGE. Charges on your statement will appear as “Profit Leads,”

Call 1-405-833-6899 for larger lead packages or visit: www.MLMMastermind.com/leads

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