“E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and...

Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character school catering for stu- dents in years 1-8. The founder acharya of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, established over 108 temples all over the world as well as numerous farming communies and schools. The school is situated in beauful, peaceful surroundings and just 100 metres away from the Ra- dha Giridhari temple. Our schooling system aims to empower children to maximise their individual potenal and to develop posive character traits such as truthfulness, simplicity, obedience, cleanliness, compassion and self-control. Children learn the full New Zea- land curriculum with a focus on high achievement for numeracy and literacy and they get to learn the sacred teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. Language skills such as reading and wring are taught as part of a themac unit which will integrate aspects of Krishna consciousness, science, sociology , technology and art. Cultural Drama and music are also taught and the school children oſten put on elab- orate performances for fesval occasions. Sanskrit language is another unique part of the Hare Krishna school curriculum As a small school we have a caring family atude and aim to nur- ture meaningful, healthy and respecul relaonships and create an atmosphere in which the students feel safe and confident to learn. Our school is open to everyone and we openly invite anyone to join.

Transcript of “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and...

Page 1: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school

based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character school catering for stu-

dents in years 1-8. The founder acharya of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, established over 108

temples all over the world as well as numerous farming communities and schools. The

school is situated in beautiful, peaceful surroundings and just 100 metres away from the Ra-

dha Giridhari temple.

Our schooling system aims to empower children to maximise their individual potential and to develop positive character

traits such as truthfulness, simplicity, obedience, cleanliness, compassion and self-control. Children learn the full New Zea-

land curriculum with a focus on high achievement for

numeracy and literacy and they get to learn the sacred

teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad

Bhagavatam. Language skills such as reading and

writing are taught as part of a thematic unit which will

integrate aspects of Krishna consciousness, science, sociology , technology and art.

Cultural Drama and music are also taught and the school children often put on elab-

orate performances for festival occasions. Sanskrit language is

another unique part of the Hare Krishna school curriculum

As a small school we have a caring family attitude and aim to nur-

ture meaningful, healthy and respectful relationships and create

an atmosphere in which the students feel safe and confident to


Our school is open to everyone and we openly invite anyone to


Page 2: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

When our child (learner) grows they will display the Krishna values

which the Hare Krishna School believes as being the values to achieve

our vision. These values are based in the Krishna Vision.



Inspired by the timeless teachings of Srila Prabhupada we aim to provide children with a caring environment in which to learn the necessary knowledge, skills and values to live successfully & peacefully and to develop their full potential in loving service to the Supreme Lord. We aim to encourage enthusiasm for learning and to develop self-

discipline, responsibility, compassion and dedication to truthfulness.

Hare Krishna School Philosophy The Hare Krishna School philosophy is summed up in our motto “education

for eternity”. Srila Prabhupada taught us that real education is to awaken

ones knowledge of the real self as a spirit soul in connection to God.

Education for eternity is our real goal because the soul’s journey in this life

time is only short lived and the eternal reality is of far more importance.

We have a rich philosophy which incorporates the teachings of the Bhagavad

Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. It is filled with cultural histories, stories

and the highest truths. As well as educating our children for eternity we rec-

ognise the importance of a well rounded education that enables them to be-

come confident and connected citizens of the world who can perform their

duties to the highest standard.

Vision Statement for our Graduate students

Most important is that our children imbibe values that are essential foundations of character development. They have a

positive sense of identity which keeps them connected to our community long after they leave. They become competent

communicators through a variety of mediums. They successfully integrate their spirituality with their natural gifts and uti-

lise this for positive self-expression and fulfilment. They will leave equipped with tools for future learning and problem

solving which will empower them and allow them to be inspirational role models in society.

Page 3: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Cultural Diversity and Maori Dimension

New Zealand’s Cultural Diversity

At the Hare Krishna School we welcome and celebrate cultural diversity. All

staff, parents and community members treat individuals with respect and


We celebrate cultural diversity through our Core Values program. We have

a “Zero Tolerance” to put downs of any variety, racial , prejudice or other.

Cultural events, festivals and celebrations form an integral part of our

school community and all children and staff are encouraged to participate.

The Unique position of Maori culture: How do we incor-

porate Maori culture into our curriculum?

At the Hare Krishna School we have a small Maori community who have a large

contribution to make to our special character school. Our Maori families and

extended whanau actively contribute to sports days, arts programmes, cultural

events and annual school trips.

We have a Hare Krishna song that is written and sung by the children in Te Reo


We teach a haka performance as part of our P.E program and learn to make

and use poi. We hold regular Maori cultural events in conjunction with our

local temple community.

What will the school do to provide instruction in te reo Maori for full time students whose parents ask for it?

All such requests will be given full consideration by the Principal and BOT. The BOT will decide on our capacity to teach te reo Maori based on

availability of resources, classrooms, finances and staff.

What steps will be taken to discover the views and concerns of the school’s Maori community?

Our Maori members have been offered positions on the Board although at the current moment this is not practical for them. In the past they have been

very active Board members with important portfolios. We will continue to invite our Maori parents to join the school board and take an active role in

school governance decisions.

Page 4: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

1/ All students will be able to access

the New Zealand curriculum as evi-

denced by progress and achievement

in relation to national standards.

Our inclusive curriculum will ensure that every child attending the Hare Krishna school makes

accelerated progress towards meeting the National Standards, regardless of their educational


The principal and teachers will respond quickly and effectively to the learning needs of children

who are not achieving.

The principal and teachers will work towards increased levels of understanding and participation

amongst parents to support reading, writing and mathematics learning at school and at home.

The school will report to students and their parents on the students progress and achievement in

relation to National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics in plain language at least twice

a year. 2/ To further develop a culture of

care and respect which is centred

around student learning and em-

braced by a supportive community. Our Hare Krishna school has a widely dispersed community which is held together by a

common faith. We aim to bring our community closer together to improve the quality

of relationships and enhance the student learning.

Our school aims to be an extended family which demonstrates a mood of caring support

for all of its members and an environment in which all students, families and staff feel

supported and included. 3/ Students will experience a curriculum

that develops their love for Krishna (God)

and puts our special character and philoso-

phy in the centre of their learning program

whilst also meeting the requirements of

the New Zealand National curriculum. Their

curriculum will also encourage them to de-

velop the problem solving skills which will

enable them to encompass the ever chang-

ing world.

A Krishna Conscious curriculum is the heart of our school and is what gives us a distinctive

character. Our curriculum therefore needs to be strongly centred around the teachings of his

divine grace Srila Prabhupada . Ultimately We want our children to grow spiritually as well as

academically and socially. Our curriculum will also continue to meet the outcomes and learn-

ing areas of the NZ curriculum?

We also want our children to graduate from our school with the confidence and ability to

thrive in a changing world by having the ability to inquire, research and solve problems in new


Page 5: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

4/ Teachers are supported to im-

prove their pedagogy. Teaching,

learning and assessment practices

will lead to increased student pro-

gress and achievement.

Our Teachers are our schools most valuable resource for learning. At the Hare Krishna

school we aim for our teachers to undergo continuous professional development whatev-

er their experience is of teaching. As teachers we are also learners. As well as seeking PD

from external sources staff will share their own learning with each other and be encour-

aged to take on board new learning opportunities to share. Teachers will regularly ob-

serve other teachers in the classroom and share constructive feedback. Our teachers will

be reflective practitioners who make inquiries into the impacts of their teaching methods

on their students learning outcomes and be prepared to adjust their teaching accordingly.

5/ Students will experience learning success

through a safe, stimulating environment

so that they can achieve their personal

best .

Our whole school behaviour policy will be focused on building and maintaining effective relationships and will be used confidently

by all staff in order to foster success in all students. Our teachers will be confident practitioners of nurtured heart techniques and

restorative practices. Our students will be encouraged to take increased responsibility for their own learning pathways which will

be evident in their learning logs and goal setting.

The physical environment will encourage creativity and an enthusiasm for learning. New learning environments will be purposely

designed and built through capital works funding.

Page 6: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

1/ All students will be able to access the New Zealand curriculum as evidenced by progress and achievement in relation to national standards in reading and


2013 2014 2015

Identify all students below the standard and students at risk, including ESOL students

and students with special educational needs and put in place special programmes

and or IEPs to improve learning outcomes.

To fully embrace and implement the Accelerated Learning in Literacy program as

supported and directed by the ministry.

Continue to share best practices amongst experienced staff for teaching ESOL stu-

dents and further develop ESOL resources.

To provide professional development opportunities for beginning teachers and es-

tablished teachers to strengthen their pedagogy for teaching reading and writing.

Ensure that all teachers are confident to assess students writing using the curriculum

exemplars and the exemplars matrixes of progress indicators.

Students to understand their learning goals in relation to national standards.

Continue to implement the changes and progress that was

made as a result of the ALL program.

To review our strategies for teaching reading.

To further refine and develop our implementation plan

for the national standards reporting in light of new devel-

opments directed by the ministry.

Home school partnership through Reading Together Pro-


Spelling focus; Professional development for teachers.

1.2/ All students will be able to access the New Zealand curriculum as evidenced by progress and achievement in relation to national standards in mathe-


2013 2014 2015

Identify students at risk and put in place special programmes to improve children’s

learning outcomes in reading and writing.

Strengthen the home school partnership to increase parents knowledge of the numera-

cy project and support student learning at home.

To provide professional development opportunities for beginning teachers and estab-

lished teachers to strengthen their pedagogy for teaching Maths.

To develop an accelerated learning programme and resources that support students who

are achieving below as well as an accelerated pathway for students who are already

achieving at the standard.

To inform and involve the Board and parent community in National Standards with a

view to raising achievement.

Further commitment to staff professional development.

To review our literacy and numeracy curriculum delivery.

To further refine and develop our implementation plan for the

national standards reporting in light of new developments

directed by the ministry.

Accelerated learning in Maths


Page 7: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character


2/ To further develop a culture of care and respect which is centred around student learning and embraced by a supportive community.

2013 2014 2015

Conduct a series of parents evenings centred around student

learning in literacy and maths.

Involve the parent community in the vision of the school and

further nurture the relationships with the PTA.

Develop a strategy for inclusive school development and guidelines

for action.

Develop and implement a shared vision, mission and values

for the Hare Krishna School between the board, students,

teachers and parents.

To develop and build communication between families, learn-

ing supports (RTLBs) and the school so that students with spe-

cial learning needs are supported in their learning.

To develop supportive processes for students transitioning into

the school at year 1 and for students leaving the school in year


Continue to work with community on a shared vi-

sion and implement that vision.

Implement a strategy for improving our schools in-

clusive education processes.

Learners supported to transition into and out of the

Hare Krishna School.

To become a fully inclusive school, where learners

with special educational needs are supported to

attend the Hare Krishna school and engage in all ac-

tivities and to achieve against the learning areas and

key competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Teachers clear and confident about

how to work with learners with spe-

cial educational needs and how to

work with their families to achieve

better learning outcomes. Inclusive

education fully imbedded as part of

the school.

Page 8: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character


3/Students will experience a curriculum that develops their love for Krishna (God) and puts our special character and philosophy in the

centre of their learning program whilst also meeting the requirements of the New Zealand National curriculum. Their curriculum will

also encourage them to develop the problem solving skills which will enable them to encompass the ever changing world.

2013 2014 2015

Continue to develop and review whole school curriculum

overviews and supporting documentation.

Review the special character (sastra) curriculum resources

and processes that we already have and develop new re-

sources and processes.

Provide ongoing professional development in the Sastra cur-

riculum and philosophy for all staff.

Provide ongoing professional development in the New Zea-

land curriculum for all staff.

Develop inquiry program and approach to the Hare Krishna

school curriculum.

To promote and develop the KRISHNA values as part of our


Review the current application of Key competencies in our


To review the current student learning portfolios and intro-

duce my e-portfolios.

Strengthen the application of key competencies in

our curriculum.

Create a school wide values curriculum including

age appropriate resources based on the KRISHNA


Review our inquiry curriculum and continue

to develop resources.

Page 9: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character


Goal 4/Teachers are supported to improve their pedagogy. Teaching, learning and assessment practices will lead to increased student

progress and achievement.

2013 2014 2015

Introduce teaching as inquiry model.

Teachers increased use of reflective practices.

Teachers building skills and techniques such as Kagan tech-

niques for inclusive education.

Ongoing PD in staff meeting which is staff Driven.

Staff will buddy up to observe and give feedback.

ALL (Accelerated learning in Literacy) programme supported

by the ministry.

Teachers will become competent to teach as in-


Inclusive education techniques part of every class-


Teachers improve inquiry learning techniques.

Professional development in teaching thinking skills.

Page 10: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character


Goal 5/ Students will experience learning success through a safe, stimulating environment so that they can achieve their personal

best .

2013 2014 2015

Nurtured heart and restorative practices will be utilised by all

staff in order to nurture effective learning relationships that foster

success in all students.

A whole school behaviour management policy will be developed

and implemented to ensure a safe purposeful learning environ-


Develop and enhance our schools ICT systems and up skill teach-

ers to improve student learning outcomes through effective ICTS.

Student voice will become more effective and lead to improved

learning outcomes.

New learning environments purposely designed and build through

Nurtured heart practices will be imbedded in the

ethos of the school and be recognised by staff,

parents and students.

Behaviour policy to be embedded within ethos and

practices of the school.

Capital works funding to improve ICT facilities within

the school.

Continued funding and building of purposely de-

signed buildings.

Review behaviour policy.

Aim to replace all old school buildings with

purposely build, new learning environ-


Page 11: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Strategic Goal 1.1—Our students will be achieving at or above national standards in reading and writing.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report Budget

Identify all students below the

standard and students at risk,

including ESOL students and stu-

dents with special educational

needs and put in place special

programmes and or IEPs to im-

prove learning outcomes.

Target Students identified in read-

ing and writing (linked to annual

targets as appropriate).

Consult with teachers to identify

the specific learning needs and how

they can be met.

Programmes of support planned to

meet individual needs.

Students identified early and an accelerated

learning put in place which matches their


Teachers clear about who in their class

needs targeted learning programmes to

raise achievement in relation to national


Increased number of students achieving at

or above the national standards for reading

and writing.

Terms 1

and 3

Students clearly understand

their learning goals in relation

to national standards.

Students set learning goals in term

1 with teacher support.

Goals reviewed each term and new

goals set as appropriate.

Students understand next learning steps to

achieving goals.

Students more involved with their learning




To fully embrace and imple-

ment the Accelerated Learning

in Literacy program as

supported and directed by the


Evaluation and self review work-


Conduct an intervention on a tar-

geted group of students.

To closely monitor the impact of a

10-15 week intervention for a small

targeted group of students.

Review of current programmes, teacher and

students selected.

Intervention aimed at improving student

learning outcomes and achievement.

Teachers upskilled.

School systems developed that will sustain a

new way of operating



Page 12: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Strategic Goal 1.1—Our students will be achieving at or above national standards in reading and writing continued………..

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report budget

To provide professional devel-

opment opportunities for be-

ginning teachers and estab-

lished teachers to strengthen

their pedagogy for teaching

reading and writing.

Staff meetings focused around presenting

the excellence in writing process.

Beginning teachers attending Kohia be-

ginning teachers program.

Beginning teachers to attend professional

development course in guided reading at


Have a school wide standardised program for

teaching writing structure and style.

Increased teacher knowledge and confidence

leading to improved learning outcomes.





Ensure that all teachers are

confident to assess students

writing using the curriculum

exemplars and the exemplars

matrixes of progress indica-


Series of staff meetings focused on un-

derstanding and unpacking the writing


Moderating sessions to moderate sam-

ples of writing according to the matrices

and exemplars against national stand-


Improved accuracy of assessing students


Improved knowledge of what student learn-

ing needs are and improved target setting for

student learning.

Term 1

and 3

Strengthen the home school

partnership to increase par-

ents knowledge of how stu-

dents learn to write and read

and to support student learn-

ing at home.

Teachers and principal to plan and deliver

2 parent evenings evening’s aimed at

strengthening parents knowledge of

reading and writing and supporting par-

ents to help students at home.

Each evening will also have a focus on our

special character and values.

Parents will feel more confident and involved

with their children’s learning in maths.

Parents will better understand how children

learn to read & write.

Strengthened home school partnership lead-

ing to improved student learning and achieve-


Terms 2

and 3





Page 13: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 1.2 Our students will be achieving at or above national standards in Maths.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report Budget

Identify students at risk and put

in place special programmes to

improve children’s learning out-

comes in maths.

Target Students identified in maths

(linked to annual targets as appropri-


Consult with teachers to identify the

specific learning needs and how they

can be met.

Programmes of support planned to

meet individual needs as well as IEPs.

Students identified early and an acceler-

ated learning put in place which matches

their needs.

Teachers clear about who in their class

needs targeted learning programmes to

raise achievement in relation to national


Increased number of students achieving

at or above the national standards for


Term 1



term 3





Strengthen the home school

partnership to increase parents

knowledge of the numeracy pro-

ject and support student learn-

ing at home.

Teachers and principal to plan and

deliver 2 parent evenings evening’s

aimed at strengthening parents

knowledge of the maths project and

supporting parents to help students at


Each evening will also have a focus on

our special character and values.

Parents will feel more confident and in-

volved with their children’s learning in


Parents will better understand the nu-

meracy project.

Strengthened home school partnership

leading to improved student learning and


Term 2

and 3.






and re-



Page 14: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 1.2 Our students will be achieving at or above national standards in Maths.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report Budget

To provide professional

development opportuni-

ties for beginning teachers

and established teachers

to strengthen their peda-

gogy for teaching Maths.

Lead maths teacher to attend pro-

fessional development at Kohia

aimed at strengthening propor-

tions and fractions knowledge.

Share with all staff.

Teachers encouraged to inquire

into their own teaching methods

and what works and present to

whole teaching.

Improving staff confidence

and ability to raise student

achievement in number

knowledge and strategies.

Shared understanding of

what methods are working

well in the class leading to

improved student achieve-


Terms 2-3 Shaman


All class teachers


To develop an accelerated

learning programme and

resources that support

students who are achiev-

ing below as well as an

accelerated pathway for

students who are already

achieving at the standard.

COSMDBRIC is an accelerated

learning program to build maths

knowledge in stages 4-6.

Using teacher aid support the pro-

gram will be implemented in years

4-8 for below and well below


accelerated maths

knowledge in stages 4-6

Term 1 ongoing Maths lead teacher

Teacher Aides

Implement junior assess-

ment for maths (JAM)

Vimala, Nalini and Nirmala need

some PD support.

Gather the necessary resources.

Plan to implement the new assess-

ment procedure.

Update e-tap to incorporate JAM


All junior teaching staff will

be confident to implement

JAM and apply it in assess-


Term 1-4 Vimala, Nalini, Nirmala

Page 15: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 2/ To further develop a culture of care and respect which is centred around student learning and embraced by a supportive community.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report

To become a fully inclusive school

over the next 3 years where learn-

ers with SEN are supported to come

to school, engage in learning and

achieve against the national stand-


Principal to research inclusive practic-

es in schools and communicate find-

ings with staff and board.

Teaching staff to engage in profession-

al development for improving inclusive

education strategies in the classroom.

School board, staff and parents clear

about our schools progress to becoming

an inclusive school and what it means for

their child.

Improved knowledge skills and aware-

ness of inclusive schools amongst board

and staff.

Term 1







To increase student engagement in

learning and to increase parent un-

derstanding and involvement in the

students learning processes

Teachers and students will prepare a

presentation evening for the parents.

Students have special presentations

planned and prepared for parents.

Students have an opportunity to ex-

plain their learning goals and how they

are achieving them.

Students will have an authentic audience

to show their work and learning.

Quality of student work increased.

Student engagement improved.

Parents well informed of their child’s


Term 3 Principal,



To involve the parent community in

the vision of the school and further

nurture the relationships with the


Conduct a series of PTA meetings and

fun events to build relationships.

Encourage PTA to take on-board a

project for the schools vision.

PTA more enthused to take responsibility

to improve the schools learning environ-


Ongoing PTA




Develop and implement a shared

vision, mission and values for the

Hare Krishna School between the

board, students, teachers and par-


Questionnaire presented to parents,

board, students, teachers re school

goals and vision, areas for improve-


Data to be collated and presented to


Consultation with the board, teachers,

students & PTA.

Clear direction for the schools future.

Shared understanding and goals from

whole community.

“Our school” motto to be lived.

Ongoing Whole





Page 16: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 2/ To further develop a culture of care and respect which is centred around student learning and embraced by a supportive community.


Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report

To develop and build communi-

cation between families, learn-

ing supports (RTLBs) and the

school so that students with spe-

cial learning needs are support-

ed in their learning.

Teachers requested to identify stu-

dents requiring any intervention to

assist them with learning difficulties.

Regular meetings with RTLBs and

affected family.

IEPs created and supports put in place.

Students with difficulties identified and

supported to make the necessary pro-

gress in their learning.

ongoing Teachers.





To develop supportive processes

for students transitioning into

the school at year 1 and for stu-

dents leaving the school in year


Document our processes for new en-

rolments which will go into the parent

hand book.

Make sure students do transition.

Contact feeder pre-schools.

Contact outgoing high schools.

Put new processes in place.

Students and their families will feel well

supported to transition into and out of

the Hare Krishna school.

Students and families will be well in-

formed of the Hare Krishna schools ex-

pectations and learning environment

before the child starts school.



es in

term 1



Educating parents about the

special character and spiritual

aspects of the school.

Regular additions in school news

letters focused on school special


Parents evenings which are aimed at

maths and writing to have an im-

portance placed on the special charac-

ter of the school.

PTA communicating together to edu-

cate parents about our schools special


Parent community will have increased

understanding and appreciation for the

schools special character and philosophy.







Page 17: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 3/Students will experience a curriculum that develops their love for Krishna (God) and puts our special character and philosophy in

the centre of their learning program whilst also meeting the requirements of the New Zealand National curriculum. Their curriculum

will also encourage them to develop the problem solving skills which will enable them to encompass the ever changing world.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report Budget

Continue to develop and re-

view whole school curriculum

overviews and supporting doc-


Develop a curriculum overview. What units will we cover over a two year cycle?

Whole school picture of what students

will learn during their time at school.

Planning more focused and improved

student engagement with learning.

ongoing Principal,



Review the special character

(sastra) curriculum resources

and processes that we already

have and develop new re-

sources and processes.

Current resources to be reviewed and


Krsnananda to consult with Prana

Prabhu regarding creating new re-


Special character Resources to support

our learning program.

Special character resources that enhance

learning in literacy.

Terms 1

& 2





Provide ongoing professional

development in the Sastra cur-

riculum and philosophy for all


Have a staff only day dedicated to our

sastra curriculum and dedicated to up

skilling teachers.

Directed PD for beginning teachers

and new teachers to KC in the basic

philosophy of KC.

All teachers confident to explain and im-

plement our philosophy in the students


Term 2





Develop inquiry program and

approach to the Hare Krishna

school curriculum.

Develop an inquiry model for learn-ing, then ensure all staff are familiar with the model. Develop our own inquiry units.

Inquiry model which incorporates higher

order thinking skills which can be used

consistently in our learning units.


Page 18: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 3/Students will experience a curriculum that develops their love for Krishna (God) and puts our special character and philosophy

in the centre of their learning program whilst also meeting the requirements of the New Zealand National curriculum. Their curricu-

lum will also encourage them to develop the problem solving skills which will enable them to encompass the ever changing world.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report

To promote the KRISHNA values

as part of our curriculum.

The whole school Focus of the week

which announced in assembly will be

aligned with school values.

Students displaying focus values will

be recognised and praised

School assemblies will be delivered

with consistent messages about school

character and values.

Review the resources that we current-

ly have.

All students, teachers and parents will

know what the Hare Krishna school val-

ues are.

The values will become a strong part of

our school ethos.

Children will practically experience these

values in the school.

Ongoing Teachers,



Review the current application

of Key competencies in our


With teachers review how we are

planning for the key competencies and

how we can improve our planning for

including them in our teaching and


Teachers will include key competencies

into their planning.

Students will become more aware of

what the key competencies are and will

how to apply them in their own learning


Term 2 KN


Page 19: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 4/Teachers are supported to improve their pedagogy. Teaching, learning and assessment practices will lead to increased

student progress and achievement.

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report Budget

Teachers will adopt the

teaching as inquiry

model into their prac-


A series of staff meetings to be organized by to introduce the teaching as inquiry frame work. (ERO 2011 publication). Each teacher to research an aspect of teaching as inquiry to present to the whole teaching staff. Teachers to apply inquiry strategies in their practice and give feedback to the whole staff on their successes.

Increased use of reflective

practices and improved

learning outcomes for all


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3



ing staff

Teachers will gain pro-

fessional skills and confi-

dence in areas that they

themselves set goals in.

Teachers to set their learning goals for the year. Principal and teacher discuss PD options such as Kohia courses, online courses and budget.

Teachers gain professional

knowledge and skills ac-

cording to their needs.`


Teachers will support

each other and learn

from each other.

Principal to arrange a buddy system for teach-ers to observe each other and give positive/constructive feedback. Arrange a staff buddy system.

Term 2-3

Teachers increased con-

fidence and skills in

teaching reading and


ALL (Accelerated learning in Literacy) programme

supported by the ministry.

The ministry will work alongside the literacy leader in our school to provide support in our literacy program. Literacy leader will share and encourage teachers.

More effective leadership

and classroom teaching for

reading and writing.

Term 1


Teachers increased con-

fidence and skills in ICT

to support children’s


Blended e-learning program supported by the minis-try.

Teachers able to use ICT more

purposefully and effectively to

enhance learning. Increased

student engagement and en-

thusiasm for learning through






blended e


Page 20: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 5/ Students will experience learning success through a safe, stimulating environment so that they can achieve their personal

best .

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report

Nurtured heart and restorative

practices will be utilised by all

staff in order to nurture effective

learning relationships that foster

success in all students.

Vimala will present nurtured heart ap-

proach at each staff meeting.

Nurtured heart workshop for all staff

with JayaSila.

Krsnananda to run a series of work-

shops in staff meetings using restora-

tive practices.

Nurtured heart and restorative practices

to be part of observations and appraisal


Teachers begin the journey of becoming a

nurtured heart practitioner.

Restorative circles to be utilised in class-

rooms. Restorative chats to be used by

teachers and support staff. Full restora-

tive conferences to be used for major inci-


Healthy relationships for learning are

maintained and nurtured.


term 1









A whole school behaviour man-

agement policy will be devel-

oped and implemented to en-

sure a safe purposeful learning


Krsnananda to create the policy.

Review and discuss policy with teach-

ers and the board.

Make any necessary adjustments.

Policy presented to students and parent


Teachers and students clear on behaviour

expectations and how to effectively deal

with behaviour issues.

Students feel safe and supported.

Parent community supportive and under-

standing of how behaviour and relation-

ships are maintained at the Hare Krishna




Term 1

Develop and enhance our schools

ICT systems and up skill teachers

to improve student learning out-

comes through effective ICT.

Engage with pld provider (Blended e-learning) around addressing identi-fied needs of staff and students in the school. Introduce e-portfolios to teachers and students so students can manage their own learning goals and pro-gress against their goals.

Staff and students improved confidence

and access to ICT in e-learning.

Students able to use ICT to support and

track their learning goals and progress.

PLD pro-






Page 21: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Goal 5/ Students will experience learning success through a safe, stimulating environment so that they can achieve their personal

best continued………..

Strategic Aim Planned actions Expected Result Time Who Progress report

Student voice will become more

effective and lead to improved

learning outcomes.

Conduct pupil consultation exercises regarding learning, safety and school environment. Encourage a student lead council. Implement processes for students to assess their own work and set their own future progress targets. Implement processes for students to support and work with other stu-dents.

Increased student participation and in-

volvement with school processes and


Increased enthusiasm for learning.


term 1





New learning environments pur-

posely designed and build

through effective use of capital

works funding.

Rachel to apply for funding to carry out feasibility study. Continued fundraising efforts to build a new classroom in 2013-14. PTA to fundraise for play ground development.

New classroom which is purposely build

for special character and 21st century

learning to be build by 2014.

Purpose built playground for children.



Page 22: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character


1. Continue to work on school wide curriculum overview with teaching staff.

2. Krsnananda to communicate with Prana Prabhu regarding special character curricu-

lum and creation of new resources to support curriculum.

3. Students and teachers to focus on clear goal setting

4. Celebrating success and achievements.

5. Develop our understanding of inquiry Learning

6. Blended E-learning

7. Year 7 and 8 careers education to be aligned with special character of the school.

8. Regular exercise program for whole school

9. Assessment schedule and program to be audited and set for 2013.

10. Review the current application of key competencies in our curriculum.

11. Focus on Formative assessment procedures and techniques.

12. Children with special needs to be identified and supports put in place with IEPs.

13. Teacher planning to be submitted every term to the principal. Beginning teachers every


14. Students at risk identified early and supports programs put in place with regular monitoring of


15. Support learning at home by educating parents about the NZ curriculum and pedagogies for

math's and literacy.

16. Further develop ESOL materials (literacy units) based on special character .

17. Standardize our assessment gathering processes.

18. Provide regular professional development for all teaching staff in the sastra curriculum.

19. Standardize our special needs program.

20. Conduct a series of needs based parent info evenings and further develop “Friends of the


21. Implement Junior Assessment for Math's (JAM)

22. Develop our special character resources.

23. Follow Curriculum review procedures

Nag 2 Documentation & Review

1. Review school policies, with appropriate stakeholders, staff, board and parents.

2. Continue to Train staff in using E-Tap as the student management system for recording

all assessment data.

3. Meet with staff each term for curriculum review purposes and group planning.

4. Document special needs students at monthly meetings.

5. Conduct Parent interviews in terms 1 and 3. Term 3 students will present their portfoli-

os and learning journeys to their parents

6. Conduct surveys with parent community re school effectiveness.

7. Document GATE students and program for 2013

8. Assess & document ESOL–funded students

9. Conduct school governance review with BOT members

10.Review ERO recommendations with board and staff in preparation for next ERO visit

11.Report to parents on National standards achievement in terms 2 and 4.

12.Report achievement data to BOT.

13.Report school wide curriculum development and initiatives to BOT.

14.Students and teachers to keep e-portfolios on myportfolios.co.nz

15.Report to BOT on staff professional development, and appraisals.

Page 23: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character


a/ Report to students and their parents on the students progress and achievements in relation to national standards in terms 2 and 4.

b/ Report school-level data on National Standards in the board’s annual report under three headings:

i. school strengths and identified areas for improvement

ii. the basis for identifying areas for improvement;

iii. planned actions for lifting achievement.

In addition to its inclusion in the board’s annual report, the NAG 2A (b) information is required to be provided to the Secretary for Education at the same time as the updated school charter under NAG 7 by 1st March 2013.

(c) report in the board’s annual report on:

i. the numbers and proportions of students at, above, below or well below National Standards, including by Māori, Pacifica, gender, and by year level (where this does not breach an

individual’s privacy); and

ii. how students are progressing against National Standards as well as how they are achieving.

In addition to its inclusion in the board’s annual report, the NAG 2A (c) information is required to be provided to the Secretary for Education at the same time as the updated school char-ter under NAG 7 on March 1st:


1. Effective use of Teacher Aide time

2. Allocate management units with job descriptions and include performance against job de-

scription as part of appraisal.

3. Review teacher appraisal process and documentation.

4. Communicate appraisal process with all teachers from term 1.

5. Ensure all teachers have up to date appraisal folders..

6. Ensure Principals appraisal is in process.

7. Update administration handbook for teachers..

8. Clarify and communicate goals for the year: personal, school wide.

9. Introduce peer appraisal and support processes.

10.Plan and communicate professional development for the year.

11.Appraisal processes for non-teaching staff.

12.Check all registrations.

13.Review all contracts teaching and non-teaching

14.Review data base for relieving teachers.

15.Ensure training for all BOT members after the 2013 election..

Page 24: “E · 2013-03-26 · Started in 1982, Hare Krishna school is New Zealand's only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna consciousness.. We an integrated special character

Nag 6 Administration

1. Ensure all enrolments have passports and visa’s

checked and filed. System for updating records.

2. Maintain system for recording absences and procedure

for responding.

3. Implement the payment system for fees and donations.

4. Ensure that all records, as appropriate, operate in ‘real

time’; these includes ETAP, ENROL the ‘bus list' and all

income and expenditure

5. Continue to use electronic roll returns.

6. Centralise filing onto the school intranet.

7. Set up security of access for intranet. Match the com-

puter filing system with hard records in filing cabinets.

8. Co-ordinate change of registration to include secondary

9. Continue to Develop and implement a robust system for

debt collections

10. Segregate office duties, financial management respon-

sibilities as per Auditors recommendations.


1. Review and Work on 10 year property plan

2. See annual property plan

3. Continue fundraising approach for school building

and other current purposes.

4. Review invoicing to parents

5. Maintain monthly financial reporting.

6. Segregate financial duties.

7. Aim to fundraise through market days at the school

and annual school gala.


1. Highlight the Virtues programme in our classroom man-

agement approach.

2. Emphasise “Restorative Practices” as the underlying prin-

ciple for dealing with disruptions.

3. Continue to work with staff to implement procedures and

rules in order to minimize problems.

4. Teacher in charge of buses to consolidate the bus

behavior program.

5. Teachers to receive professional development in

nurtured heart approach. Nurtured heart part of

behavior management policy and staff appraisal.

6. Conduct Termly Fire drills.

7. Review Disaster plan with Special Ed. Services.

8. Work to deal with all hazards currently in the regis-


9. Promote healthy eating habits and improve quality

of lunch by developing a set menu and recipes

10.. Build fence near edge of pond which is in carpark.

11. Promote healthy food and nutrition for all stu-


Nag 7 School Charter

complete an annual update of the school charter for 2013

and provide the Secretary for Education with a copy of the

updated school charter before 1 March 2013.

Nag 8 Analysis of Variance Provide an analysis of any variance between our school's

performance and the relevant aims, objectives, directions,

priorities, or targets set out in the school 2012 charter at

the same time as the updated school charter for 2013 pro-

vided to the Secretary for Education under NAG 7.