“A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the...

1 “A Nation Declares Independence” * * * * * * * * * * * * Focus Question: Why did many colonists favor declaring independence?

Transcript of “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the...

Page 1: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


“A Nation Declares Independence”

* * * * * * * * * * * *Focus Question: Why did many colonists favor declaring independence?

Page 2: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


A Call for IndependenceColonists Divided*Both Patriots and Loyalists were a minority at the start of 1776 (most colonists were neutral, or in the middle, with no strong feelings).*About 1/3 of the delegates at the Continental Congress supported independence.

Page 3: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Common Sense*Jan. 1776 ­ a 50­page pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, stimulated strong support for independence and ridiculed the idea of rule by kings (Americans would be better off governing themselves). About 500,000 copies were sold.

Page 4: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Virginia’s Resolution*Virginia authorized its delegates to support independence in May 1776.*Richard Henry Lee introduced a resolution (formal statement of opinion) that “the United Colonies are and ought to be free and independent states.”*Before voting on the resolution, Congress appointed a committee to draw up a statement listing the reasons for separation from Britain.

Page 5: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


*The committee to draft the declaration was made up of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston

~Thomas Jefferson was given the task of composing the declaration (statement) because he was an excellent writer and from Virginia.

~John Adams and Ben Franklin suggested only minor changes to Jefferson’s writing.

The first painting that Trumbull completed shows the presentation of the Declaration of Independence in what is now called Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

The painting features the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence — John Adams, Roger Sherman, Thomas Jefferson (presenting the document), and Benjamin Franklin — standing before John Hancock, the President of the Continental Congress. The painting includes portraits of 42 of the 56 signers and 5 other patriots. The artist sketched the individuals and the room from life.

Look closely to see that John Adams is standing on Thomas Jefferson's foot

This depiction can also be found on the back of the U.S. $2 bill. (Adams's foot has been moved off of Jefferson's in the engraving!)

Page 6: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


The Declaration of Independence*Building on ideas from the Enlightenment, the Declaration uses logic to explain why the colonists wanted to break from English rule.Natural Rights*Preamble ­ introduction states that a “decent respect to the opinions of mankind” requires Americans explain why they are breaking from English rule.

Page 7: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Natural Rights*Section 1 ­ States general ideas about society and government. Ideas should be clear to everyone that all men are created equal. Everyone is born with unalienable rights (rights we are born with and cannot be taken away). Ideas based on natural rights from John Locke.Governments are created to protect people’s rights and if the government violates these rights, people have the right to abolish (remove) their government and start another.List of Grievances*Section 2 ­ Lists grievances (formal complaints) against King George III where he has violated colonists’ rights. (For example denial of the right to trial by jury and imposing taxes without our consent). Colonists had appealed to king with petitions asking for peace (ex. Olive Branch Petition) but king ignored them so he is an unfit ruler.Dissolving the Bonds*Section 3 ­ Since people have a right to abolish an unfair government and the king has violated the right of the colonists, document concludes that colonists are free now from British rule and have the power to make their own decisions apart from Britain.

Page 8: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Impact of the Declaration*On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which has since been celebrated as Independence Day.*The actual signing of the Declaration took place on August 2. Franklin: “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”*For those signing the Declaration, personal risk was great for they could be hanged.*Now the nature of the Revolution had changed, they were no longer fighting for better treatment; they were fighting for a new country!* “All men are created equal” still inspires Americans and people today. At the time, these words applied only to white, male property owners. *Jefferson initially abolished slavery in his original draft of the declaration, but it was removed in order to get approval from the other (mainly southern) colonies.

Page 9: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it's most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidels powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain. He has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce determining to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

Removed from Jefferson's Draft?!

• First Global Expression of Natural Rights

• Most Translated Document In The World

Page 10: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Review Questions

1. What proposal did Richard Henry Lee make to Congress?

He proposed that they seek independence.

2. What does the Declaration of Independence say about people’s rights?

It says everyone has certain inalienable rights.

3. How did the Declaration change the nature of the American Revolution?

It changed the purpose from a fight for fairness to a fight to create a new country.

Page 11: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


“A Critical Time”

* * * * * * * * * * * *Focus Question: How were the early years of the war a critical time?

Colonies have proclaimed independence. How did American fortunes shift on the battlefields?

= write in notes

Page 12: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Retreat from New York*In mid­1776, heavy fighting shifted from New England to the Middle States.

Write:June 1776 Howe(B) w/ 34,000 soldiers and 10,000 sailors + 20,000 poorly trained soldiers (P)= B. Victory at Staten Island, NY

Attack and Retreat*June 1776 ­ as Continental Congress was considering independence, Sir William Howe, a British commander, gathered his forces of 34,000 troops and 10,000 sailors at Staten Island, NY. *Washington expected Howe’s attack, but his 20,000 poorly trained men were no match for Howe’s troops. *Washington was first driven out of Brooklyn, then out of NYC. They were pursued to NJ.

Page 13: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Nathan Hale*Nathan Hale, a CT officer, volunteered to spy and capture British battle plans. He was caught and hanged, but it was reported he said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

Write: Nathan Hale= Patriot Spy= Killed by B.

No official records were kept of Hale's speech. However, Frederick MacKensie, a British officer, wrote this diary entry for the day:

He behaved with great composure and resolution, saying he thought it the duty of every good Officer, to obey any orders given him by his

Commander­in­Chief; and desired the Spectators to be at all times prepared to meet death in whatever shape it might appear.

Page 14: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Surprises for the British*Continental Army kept retreating under British pursuit.*December ­ army pushed into Pennsylvania.*Patriot spirits low, many deserted army.*To raise morale, Thomas Paine wrote The Crisis, a pamphlet urging Americans to support their army, which Washington had read aloud to his troops.

Crossing the Delaware*Christmas night, 1776 ­ Washington led his men across the Delaware River on small boats to attack Trenton, NJ.*Washington’s soldiers were so poorly supplied that they often had no shoes (tied rags to feet).*The soldiers in Trenton were hired mercenaries (soldiers who are paid to fight for a country other than there own).An American Victory*Hessians (German mercenaries fighting for British) had been sleeping off a Christmas celebration when Washington’s men surprised them and captured almost a thousand men, assuring a decisive victory for Patriots.*Washington’s men escaped the British by escaping during the night while their fires burned tricking the British into thinking they were still there. Patriots attacked British near Princeton.

Page 15: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Saratoga: A Turning Point*British General John Burgoyne plan ­ cutting New England off from the rest of the states.

An aerial shot of the battle field>

The British Plan

*Burgoyne’s attack near Albany, NY, came from three directions:

~From Canada ­ Burgoyne leads an army of 8,000 south to Lake Champlain, Lake

George, and upper Hudson River.~From the west ­ St. Leger‘s smaller force would move

toward Albany through Mohawk Valley~From the south ­ Howe would lead a large

army north up Hudson River from NYC.*The plan failed.

~Howe was ordered to move further south by the king to try to capture Washington.

~Burgoyne took his time and rewarded his men with celebrations instead of driving forward

~St. Leger was tricked by a false piece of leaked information saying his troops would be outnumbered and retreated.An American Victory*Burgoyne’s troops encountered American troops near Saratoga, NY. American leaders Benedict Arnold and Horatio Gates commanded the Americans. Arnold’s men attacked repeatedly near Freeman’s Farm inflicting heavy casualties on the British. Gates’ men attacked from behind earthen walls. *Eventually Burgoyne suffered too many casualties and was forced to retreat.

Results of the Battle*The Battles of Saratoga had two consequences.

1 ­ Benedict Arnold= traitor/treason, recovering from wounds, was swayed to believe in the Loyalist cause by a woman caring for him who would become his wife. He would attempt to turn over an American fort to the British but the plan was discovered and he escaped capture.2 ­ It was a turning point in the war since itcaused European countries to believe Americans might win and it lifted Americanspirits.

“…one of the Greatest battles that Ever was fought in America…”Major Henry Dearborn



Page 16: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Help from Overseas*Soon after Saratoga, France agreed to support American independence.*Feb. 18, 1778 ­ Alliance with France (a formal agreement between two powers to work together toward a common goal) formed.The French Alliance*Alliance came from a desire by France to weaken Britain (enemy ­ French and Indian war!).

*France had secretly supplied money and weapons to Americans but did not publicize their position until it seemed Americans could win.*Saratoga convinced France to side with Americans.*France and its allies (Netherlands and Spain) also went to war with England. Since the fighting was in Europe, Caribbean, and America, it forced Britain to wage war on many fronts and gave Britain fewer troops to fight in America. (HUGE reason why Patriots won Rev. War!!!!)

Read...."How strange it must have been for these French troops and their new­found colonial allies, some of whom had fought each other as enemies barely fifteen years earlier, to stand shoulder to shoulder in armed conflict with France’s ancient enemy and the colonist’s blood kin! In the end, these French soldiers became the hard anvil upon which the new American nation was forged and the chains of British imperial domination were finally broken."


Page 17: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


European Volunteers*Many Europeans volunteered to fight in America for liberty.*The Marquis de Lafayette became a high ranking officer in Washington’s army.

Baron von Steuben*Baron von Steuben from Germany helped trainthe Continental Army by teaching marching, improving aim, and attacking with bayonets.

Washington had dispatched the French general Marquis_de_Lafayette to contain Cornwallis in Yorktown until he arrived, and Lafayette did so. By late September the army and naval forces had surrounded Cornwallis by land and by sea (1783).

Page 18: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Valley Forge*Washington’s army of 11,000 suffered a cruel winter in 1777­1778 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

~insufficient food, clothing, or housing (many lacked socks, shoes or proper pants)~about ¼ were sick at any time~periodically went for days without food

*Americans learned of hardships and sent help.Women collected food, medicine, clothes, and even ammunition.*Some women, including Martha Washington, went to tend the wounded*Soldiers used time at Valley Forge to gather strength and practice fighting skills and discipline.

<Soldier cabin

"Naked and starving as they areWe cannot enough admire

The incomparable Patience and Fidelityof the Soldiery" –George Washington

Page 19: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Review Questions

1. What was the result of the Battle of Long Island?

The colonists retreated and eventually abandoned New York City.

2. How did Washington attack Trenton?

He crossed the Delaware and attacked the city from two sides while it was asleep.

3. List two results of the Battle of Saratoga?

Results include saving New England, demoralizing Britain, and encouraging Europeans to support the colonists.

4. How did France aid the Patriot cause?

At first, France secretly supplied money and arms to the colonists. After forming an alliance openly, France and its allies fought Britain in Europe, which forced England to wage war on many fronts.

Page 20: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


“The War Widens”* * * * * * * * * * * *Focus Question: How did the effects of the war widen?

Q: Late in the war, America who had previously banned blacks from the military service began to let them in. Can you talk about how necessity has always pushed change?

A: When war comes and blood is being shed and casualties are being experienced, you really have to start looking for manpower. And by now, it is known that slaves can be soldiers. Free black men can be soldiers. And the British were trying to recruit blacks, promising them their freedom. So as was often the case in our history, market forces ­­ isn't that a horrible way to put it? ­­ market forces became operative for purposes of strategic necessity. And so black men were recruited, and it was determined that they could be good soldiers. So necessity has always pushed us along.

African Americans in the War*For African Americans war meant both danger and opportunity. Fought on both sides of war.Free and Slave*The British offered freedom to enslaved people who deserted and joined the British.*At first, Washington refused to accept African Americans as soldiers, but he later changed his policy. By end of war, 7,000 African Americans served on the American side, including 2,000 in the navy. They also served in northern militias and state armies.*In the south, they were not allowed to serve due to fear of slave revolts.

Freedom Beckons*Some northern states put laws into effect to gradually end slavery. Existing slaves were kept, but no additional slaves could be added.

General Colin PowellFormer Head ofThe Joint Chiefs of Staff

Page 21: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


The War at Home*Men usually enlisted (signed up for duty) for one year. This caused Washington to have a hard time keeping enough men to fill the ranks.*Civilians (people not in the military) faced hardships such as food shortages and military attacks due to war.Women*Women were left to take over the man’s duties in the home (planting crops, tending livestock, or running businesses) as they went off to war, others went to camps to tend the wounded, and experienced many new opportunities.


Page 22: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Financial Burdens*Congress had limited resources to pay for the war since it did not have any power to tax yet. They printed continentals (paper money) to pay their troops, but the more they printed, the less it was worth. By the end of the war, paper money had lost almost all its value.

Page 23: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Fighting in the WestNative Americans Take Sides*Americans tried to keep Native Americans neutral and offered payments to groups to stay at peace. Most Native Americans sided with Britain out of fear that if the Americans won, more settlers would move in and take more land.Defending the Frontier*To defend the frontier, George Rogers Clark and a militia force put up forts beyond the Appalachian Mountains. He and his men surprised and captured the British fort of Vincennes and their efforts allowed settlers to remain on the frontier and strengthened American claims on the Ohio River Valley.

Revolutionary War payroll of Delaware Indians. (War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, RG 93

Page 24: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


The War at Sea*Americans had only a small navy to go against the powerful British fleet.*Americans used a hit­and­run strategy against the British fleet.*British fleet blocked most ships from entering or leaving American ports.

*The most famous naval attack was off coast of England (1779). John Paul Jones commanded the American ship Bonhomme Richard against the British warship Serapis. Though Jones’ ship was in tatters, he refused to surrender stating “I have not yet begun to fight.” Ultimately the Serapis surrendered and Jones prevailed.*The American navy had help from about 800 privateers (armed civilian ships that had the government’s permission to attack enemy ships and take their goods). The privateers operated like pirate ships and forced Britain to use resources to protect their merchant ships.


^Longest active status

^Union Jack


Page 25: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Help From the Spanish*Americans also received unofficial help from Spain.*At the time Spain governed the Louisiana region (west of Mississippi River and stretching as far north as Canada) and was anxious to get back Florida, which they had lost to France at the end of the French and Indian War.

*The Spanish governor Bernardo de Galvez hadsecretly been helping the Americans by providing money and munitions to Clark and others and gave refuge to American ships in New Orleans harbor.*Spanish attacks also captured British forts onthe Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.*1781 ­ The Spanish colony of Cuba also helped with a generous donation of seven million dollars from a group of wealthy women. Without this, Washington’s troops may have run short of funds at a critical time of the war.

Spanish forces overran the British lines during the climactic Battle of Pensacola (1781).

Page 26: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


1. Why did some enslaved African Americans choose to fight for the British?

They did so because the British offered freedom to enslaved African Americans who fought against the colonists.

2. What roles did women play in the Revolution?

Women tended farms, took over their husband’s businesses, and took care of the wounded.

3. What was the result of the fighting in the West?

American settlers remained on the western frontier.

4. How did privateers help the American war effort?

They seized goods from British merchant ships, which forced Britain to spend resources protecting their ships.

Page 27: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


“Winning Independence”* * * * * * * * * * * *

Fighting Moves South*Late 1778 ­ British shifted their attention to the South. Their aim was to capture some key cities, win over the local population, and then march north, acquiring one state after another.British Advance*Plan seemed to work: British moved from FL to GA. British then moved into SC.*Lord Charles Cornwallis then moved war into NC.

Page 28: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


*To slow British advance, Americans used guerilla tactics. Guerillas are fighters who work in small bands to make hit­and­run attacks. *In SC, Francis Marion led his men through the swamps. They attacked without warning, then escaped. Marion’s guerilla attacks were so effective that he won the nickname the “Swamp Fox”.

*In the South, bands of Loyalists attacked, robbed, and killed Patriots, women, and children.Brighter Days*Oct. 1780 ­ Patriot outcomes improved.

*Dec. 1780 ­ General Nathanael Greene took command of the Continental Army in the South. Greene split the army into two.

Daniel Morgan led the other troops.*Jan. 1781 ­ Morgan won Battle of Cowpens.

Page 29: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


American Traitor*British seemed to have control in South. They also had troops under command of American traitor (person who turns against one side in a conflict to help the other side) Benedict Arnold.*Although Arnold fought for the Patriots early in the war, he felt the Congress undervalued him. He plotted to turn West Point, a key fort on the Hudson River in NY, over to the British. The plot was discovered in Sept. 1780 and Arnold escaped.

John Champe became a double agent to capture the Revolutionary War traitor Benedict Arnold

Page 30: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Final Battle*Weakened by battles, Cornwallis headed to VA. This gave Greene an advantage. Over next five months, Patriot forces swept through South. By late summer, only Charles Town and Savannah remained under British control.*Cornwallis moved his army to the Yorktown (VA) peninsula. He expected the British fleet could reinforce his position. By end of August, the French fleet had chased off the British ships.

*At same time, Washington moved troops to VA with American and French troops. Cornwallis was trapped!*Oct. 19, 1781, British surrendered. Yorktown was the last major battle of the war.




Page 31: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which



Christmas at Trenton :( Yeah for the Colonists!

Page 32: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Making Peace with Britain*Although the king wanted to keep fighting, Parliament voted in favor of peace.*Ben Franklin and John Adams were part of the American delegation that went to the Paris peace talks. Britain was eager for peace so the Americans got most of what they wanted.Treaty of Paris*Results of the Treaty of Paris

~Britain recognized independence of U.S.~Boundaries were Atlantic Ocean, Canada, Mississippi

River, and Florida~Florida was returned to Spain~U.S. agreed to restore rights and property taken from

Loyalists during war (most ignored this)*April 15, 1783, Congress approved the treaty and officially ended the war (almost 8 years).

"Shalom" in blue "Salaam" in green "Peace" in yellow

1,000 origami cranes­ Japan

"Paz" peace in Spanish

White Dove

Page 33: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Washington’s Farewell*Dec. 4, 1783, Washington joined with his officers for a final meal together.

Impact of the Revolution*American Revolution created a new nation of 13 independent states.*Declaration of Independence focused on ideas like equality and liberty in the American mind.*1789 ­ France had revolution like America.

Page 34: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Page 35: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which


Why Did Americans Win?*Patriotic Spirit ­ Americans were fighting to create a new nation.*Skilled Leadership ­ Washington never gave up. His courage and knowledge won him support in the army. By the end of the war, he was the nation’s most admired hero.*Geography ­ Americans were on their home ground and knew the land. British had to depend on longer supply lines (stretching across the Atlantic Ocean)*Help from Abroad ­ France and French leaders (ex. Lafayette) provided leadership and support. Money from Spain and the Netherlands was also important.

Page 36: “A Nation Declares Independence” declaring independence? to End of Rev War2.pdfImpact of the Declaration *On July 4, 1776 Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which