Anvil of Stars 422569

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Transcript of Anvil of Stars 422569

  • 7/28/2019 Anvil of Stars 422569


    The Anvil of Stars / Forge of God

    2011, Inc. or its Licensors. Please see copyright information at the end of this document.

    Anvil of Stars

    In this sequel to FORGE OF GOD (in which alien machines that can reproduce themselves annihilate Earth),

    Hugo and Nebula Award winning author Greg Bear traces the attempts of some of Earths survivors to carry

    out the Law, which states that beings who arbitrarily destroy inhabited planets must themselves be


    The eighty-four human Wendys and Lost Boys who engage in this quest are adolescents chosen by

    machines they call moms. These machines (which have rescued a portion of Earths inhabitants and

    maintain them in a space vessel called the Ark, prior to relocating them on Mars, which they have

    re-formed to accommodate them) train and support their charges in the name of the Benefactors, beingswho oversee a galactic amalgam of civilizations dedicated to opposing the Killers, beings who have set

    about to destroy civilizations they can neither abide nor ultimately control.

    It is the Job of the survivors of these Killers to find and destroy them, less for revenge than in the name of a

    kind of biblical justice. In ANVIL OF STARS, however, conflict among the killers foes threatens their

    mission. Martin Gordon, the main character, and for a time Pan or leader of the group, having lost his

    lovers William and Theresa in an ill-fated attack on a solar system rife with Killer technology, comes to doubt

    not only himself but the efficacy of the Job itself. As a result, he finds himself caught in the middle between

    Hans, his aggressive and heartless successor as Pan, and Rosa Sequoia, a self-styled religious visionary who

    opposes the Job.

    With the help of the Brothers, an alien race whose planet, like theirs, has been destroyed, Martin and his

    fellows discover what seems to be the Killers homeworld, the Leviathan solar system. Through a complex

    series of deceptions on both sides, war is joined; the representatives of the Law win, annihilating their guilty,

    as well as innocent, opponents, and alienating the Brothers and those among themselves who are nauseated by

    such carnage.

    ANVIL OF STARS, beyond its skillful clarification of exotic science and technology and its epic and

    suspenseful plot, relies on rich characterization to show that good and evil are not as clear as they seem at

    first, and that those who evoke and carry out a justice neither subtle nor forgiving can become as monstrous

    and destructive as their adversaries.

    Copyright Notice

    2011, Inc.


    No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means

    graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information

    storage retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher.

    For complete copyright information, please see the online version of this work:

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