Antoine 3thd interview - English version

May 2012 Interview of Patate n°3 By his readers

Transcript of Antoine 3thd interview - English version

Page 1: Antoine 3thd interview - English version

May 2012

Interview of Patate n°3By his readers

Page 2: Antoine 3thd interview - English version

The sections•General philisophy

•Special moments

•Special places



•Next on the road

•What about France ?

•A word of conclusion

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General philosophy

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Max: They say that travel broadens the mind ...What have you learned since you left?

It's not fake, travel broadens the mind at least for me it's true. Indeed, I have learned many things. I learned that there are a multitude of ways to live your life. I found some types of alternative living. This is, to what is most general.I learned to travel alone and rely only on myself to solve my problems. I learned (but I’m still working on it) to trust the people I meet. I try to forget the famous sentence that we teach you as child: do not talk to strangers.I learned the basics of navigation, the olive harvest and how to cook the Favada.I've improved in cooking.I learned a little of German, a little of Portuguese and much of Spanish.And I learned that the world is large but small as well.

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Max: The most important thing you've learned?

From a personal standpoint, it is to trust people and be open to receive in return.

From a practical standpoint, the Spanish language.

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Stouph: Does your journey made you discover some aspects of your personality that you did not know, which ones?

I dont think so, at least not yet. I must admit I'm impressed from time to time, for example I said "Yeah, well, I did it, I crossed the Atlantic under sail!" while I was not sure how to do it!

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Greg: How you describe your status? Tourist, traveler, nomad, adventurer ...? Do you have the feeling to travel in a better way than before? To delve deeper, learn more about the culture of a country than on few days holiday?


Of course, I take more time to explore, but most important is to take the time to talk with people, both locals and travelers. And when you're on vacation for a few days, you try to follow the plan that one is fixed, you are less ready for some last-minute improvisation that will often be superrewarding. When you has no real plan, you are more openminded and you let you go with the flow and it reveals more things than you were planning to visit at the origin.

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Special moments

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Max: Tell us your best time?

It took about two hours up the river that would lead us to the docks Degrad canes, and then, after we stayed moored to the ground after 12 days at sea and we drank a bottle of dutch liquor I spoke with French people. I had crossed the Atlantic under sail! I was in South America after almost 5months of travel.

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Max: Tell us your worst moment?

After a ride of three days in Cape Verde, I go along with Sebastian at the port of Mindelo. Erwin apparently forgot us, we are forced to do boat hitchhiking to join the Sagitta and it is at this moment that Erwin says that we have to discuss and then announces that he will not cross the Atlantic. BIM BAM BOOM

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Stouph: Did you do something you are ashamed of?

I got confused with a guide Cape Verde without understanding the reason, but I can guarantee you that he was angry!

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Your grandparents U.S.: Have you been afraid at some point during your trip?Charlotte: Have you been afraid to situations or people?

Of course, sometimes when I´m in a city by night, It can be scary to be the guy with the big backpack, I try to avoid this situations.Also during the hike in the Canary island, a part of the "track" we followed was really dangerous and I was really scared ! But I´m still here !

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Mom: Your lowest morale ? where and when?

The first week, before going from Oviedo to Ixuxu, I was not heated yet and I did it wrong.

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Max: How many times did you say "but what am I doing here instead of be working at home?"Momo: Is sometimes late at night, you say but what am I doing here?

@ Max: A lot of times, but immediately after, the question just obvious and unanswered: "What I would be doing more interesting than what I am now trying to work with me?"

@ Momo: Never in the evening!

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Mom: Have you ever wanted to go home?

Return as complete my journey prematurely, no.Go back to eat a tartiflette (meal made by potatoes and cheese), followed by a Mont d'Or (big creamy french cheese), followed by a cheese fondue (cheesy meal again...), followed by a bouguignonne fondue (meat meal to change) followed by a platter of cheese (no explanation needed) and a lemon meringue pie for dessert cooked by my mom, then yes.

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Mom: Your sailing experience gave you desire to go by boat again or otherwise discouraged?

I adopted the sailing boat for transportation! It's great! But as travel way (including visits), I'm not a fan.

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Momo: I've got a question more alimentary (my dear Watson).What is the most bizarre thing you've eaten? the most good? not as good?

Me it's potato, not Waston, but you can call me Waston if you want.I ate the offal of slaughtered sheep at Ixuxu: lung, heart, kidney, testes, and brain (served in its original skull cut in two with an ax). It was the bizarre. You can add the Brazilian tacacá like a weird thing but good!For the most good, I would say the meals at Caseria del Mercado (with ham: Jamon Iberico)For the worse, I lost count of the sardine sandwich with oil, it is not very good, but it's cheap! and easy to do :)

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Maryse: The countries, landscapes, people, it's nice... But the food? What were your best and your worst dining experience so far??

The best experience was at Maïta in Gran Canaria. I can not remember the menu but we all ate the same dish in a room normally dedicated to meditation. We shared quite a while ...mystical and very pleasant moment.

The worst dining experience are the meals I skipped, it is not cool, but sometimes I have no choice.

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Lieux particuliers

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Charlotte: What is the most unusual place where you had been sleeping?

Max: The place marking, certainly when you come back!

@ Charlotte: It was our 3rd night under the stars and we were pretty high in the mountains of Gran Canaria. We found a shelter in a camp closed but accessible. We set up the camp next to the toilet but after an hour, it started to rain so we moved down the toilet, luckily they were clean.

@ Max: Caseria del Mercado! You want come with me?

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Max: Of all the people you met, there he whose life seems to you better than that of an EPITA engineer (school they both studied in)?

A better life ... It always depends on the point of view, of its priorities.From my current perspective, many. Maybe not easier lifes, but a exciting I would say ...

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Mom: What is, during these five months, the meeting that you had the most impact and in what sense did it was important to you?

Maybe Dany, from Ixuxu. He droped his middle class life in Madrid to come to "remove" in the country and live a life alternative to live off of permaculture in the existing system.Thanks to him I discovered his ideas and a world that I did not know and could discuss the positive and negative aspect of it.

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Mom: Have you been in Spain, the opportunity to discuss with young people "indignados". If yes, what did you feel?

No, I saw the hotel they occupied in Madrid but it seemed closed.

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Max: The girl with the prettiest eyes ...

Stouph: And how many different chicks from the beginning? Yeah it is in the challenges and we are not even kept! I object!

@ Max: Her (photo)

@ Stouph: Stouf, I also take objection, no respect for the fairer sex. We should say women or girls. Andt hen "yeah" is an onomatopoeia, it's not really right that ...(Even in Brazil, I follow the presidential campaign and I learn not to answer the question)

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Max: The highest number of days without shower?Max: The highest number of days without you shave?Maryse: The best and worst place you spent the night?

@ Max 1: 6 or 7. Warning, this is done by a professional, not to reproduce at home, especially as it stinks!

@ Max 2: Actually, I did not always shaved! I cut my beard. Then that makes more than 6 months that I have not used a razor! I have a real baby's skin, you wanna touch?

@ Maryse: The worst: outdoor on Gran Canaria at the top of a hill. I kept falling on my mattress because it was leaning and it has taken the clouds in his face, everything was wet, especially quilts. Apparently there are people who use tents...One of the best: as in Gran Canaria on the beach Guiguy. After a campfire under the stars with the sound of waves on a beach almost empty.

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Momo: What's the trick that you drag from the beginning but which has still not served you?Momo: What is the essential thing that you did not fully thought about it?

Not used: My meds and my travel notebook offered by Lapin, but it will come (for the notebook).

The essential: a watch, but I remedied this problem with you to the famous Decathlon in Toulouse.

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Maryse: Your bag is heavy? are your shoes already damaged, holes in your socks? Is there any material things that you miss a few, many, the madness?

My bag is heavy, but it's okay. My shoes are quite damaged,but strong, I am pleasantly surprised.I believe that nothing is missing except for a really true hat,but I'm sur I’ll eventually find one!

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Greg: In what language do you dream? And for what? Does anyone have already said you in the street "Hey, I recognize you, you are a playmobil!" (see: your hair?). Are you wearing jewelry hardy and / or corny? Shark teeth, rabbit's foot, calfleather strap ...?

Dreams: In French mostly, in English if I drag too with English speacking people and Spanish when I speak much Spanish. I dream of my next steps and France ... I guess.

Hairdress: Yes, but I was about the same hairstyle, very long time ago

Jewelry: No, just my watch and my wrist mosquito repellent that protects only the body part it covers since mosquitoes do not bite through.

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Charlotte: How many books have you read since you left? How much have you spent since you left (% of your overall budget)?

22-23 I think. Look on the pages of books read :)

I'm not sure about 4 000 euros. The overall budget shouldbe about 14 000 euros, but I'm not sure ...

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Next on the road

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Your American grandparents: Predict you to visit American friends of Yellowstone? Do you plan to come to the USA? Beckie & Carl want to see you. Do you plan to go to Canada? What do you want to see there?

Yes, I´m going to Colombia, one reason is to go to Bogota see the Colombian crazy group !I don´t know how I´ll ge there, but probably by plane. I´ll tell you when I´ll arrive close to your home and of course I´ll be happy to see Becki and CarlAbout Canada, I wanted but I don´t know anymore. Probably not this time.About USA: You, my friends, some naturals park and the main things to see on the way.

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Charlotte: Do you plan to go to Asia? Australia?

I will go to Indonesia next year, probably a month. I'm invited to the wedding of a friend.

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Max: When are you gonna find a bike, to give a sportier dimension to your human adventure? It's fine to be driven right to left. But we should also use its small putties: P

Sport is tiring, everyone know that ! But I do not exclude the cyclo-tourism as a way back in France, it seems to me quite appropriate for our beautiful country.

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What about France ?

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Charlotte: Do you think a little, much, madness or not at all when you’ll get back in France and what you will do?

I think a lot about that ! But I have no clear answer yet. If I don’t have answer ever, I would do like now: I’ll improvise.

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Max: How many times did you say "what do they have to piss off , friends in France ..."?Stouph: Does your family and your friends miss you?Momo: Do you miss me?

@ Max: A lot of times! Is this true?

@ Stouph: Yes, from time to time, but some come see me! And then I feel I communicate more now that when I could see them almost whenever I wanted.

@ Momo: I do not know if it’s you or your stupid but I miss something in life! And I feel much better! So in a sense yes

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your American Grandparents: When do you plan on getting back to France?

For the wedding of my Friend in June 2013, maybe before to buy a new suit !

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A word of conclusion

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Greg: Are you proud of yourself?

Refered to what? My beard, rather yes! I know you're jealous!

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Guillaume Camera: Do you pass the bakery really coming back? (Blog tittle)

Yes! what do you want?