Anti-Semitism and Anti-Masonry

Doctors, Medical Professors and Students in Belgium during WWII: the connection of anti-Semitism and anti- Masonry versus the Resistance dr. Yves Louis (pediatrician – Secretary-General of the Belgian Association of Medical Trade Unions BVAS) Marc Verschooris (lecturer Hogeschool Gent)


Doctors, Medical Professors and Students in Belgium during WWII: the connection of anti-Semitism and anti-Masonry versus the Resistance dr. Yves Louis (pediatrician – Secretary-General of the Belgian Association of Medical Trade Unions BVAS) Marc Verschooris (lecturer Hogeschool Gent). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Masonry

Page 1: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Masonry

Doctors, Medical Professors and Students in Belgium during WWII: the connection of anti-Semitism

and anti-Masonry versus the Resistance

dr. Yves Louis (pediatrician – Secretary-General of the Belgian Association of Medical Trade Unions BVAS)

Marc Verschooris (lecturer Hogeschool Gent)

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Anti-Semitism and Anti-Masonry

• Between two WW and even before• Belgiumstrong influence on extreme right wing movementsanti-Dreyfusards + French Pétainistes

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Eugenism - Racism

• Well spread even in scientific surroundingsfirst insidious then in a more aggressive way

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• France: triumvirateCéline (docteur Destouches)Alexis CarrelGeorge Montandon (eugenist)

Brussels 1938, May 3rd

• Belgium: doctors (right wing) + strong conservative and catholic attitude

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Doctors - Belgium

• University of Ghent: professors – doctors in collaborationExclusion of Prof. Handovksy: involvement of Heymans (Nobel Prize) & Daels

• Rex Movement: Ouwerxonly target: attack Jews and FreemasonsJewish-Masonic ConspiracyWartime Order of Medicine

Germans prefer Frans Van Hoof (anti-


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Anti in several ways

• Anti-Masonry• Anti-Semitism• Anti-Communism• Anti-Socialism• Anti-Psychanalysissupposed to be Jewish so can also harm the family

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• Anti-Freemasonry led by Ouwerx → Epuration – Bezem

• Cagoulards (Hiding Hood) → list of presumed Freemasons (1939)will be published in La Libre Belgique and Le Pays Réel

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• 1940: another booklet(Précurseurs = preceding)

• Already before WWII he had published Trois Impostures: the Imianitoff Affairthe Freemasonry andthe Influence of Communism in Medicine

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The Jewish-Masonic conspiracy in WWII

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Doctor Imianitoff

Frédéric Imianitoff

→ Jewish + Freemason origin→ Bachelor in Medicine (England)→ Founder of preventive medicine → Secretary General of Belgian Preventive Medicine and Eugenism→ with Rene Sand considered as founder of Social Medicine

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René Sand

• Sand 1877-1953• 1900: doctor (ULB)• 1919: involved in

development of social medicine

• 1936: Secretary-General of Public Health

• Imianitoff & Sand chased as Freemasons

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The Imianitoff Scandal

• In 1937 scandal will burst outPaul de Mont (Rex)Edmond van Dieren (VNV)

• 1938-1939 more opponents e.g. Daels (Ghent)

• 1939: 6 months prison for falsifying not for practising medicine

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Result of Imianitoff Affair

• All the hate is gathered in the Affair, all contradictions, all antagonisms of that moment

• Prof. Jacques De Busscher (Psychiatry, Ghent) and Freemason (Septentrion)

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The Ambivalence

• Preventive Medecine• The Eugenism• The Corporatism

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Preventive Medicine

• The Preventive Medicine of Imianitoff & Sandconsidered als Communist and Collectivisteven Jewish-Communist Conspiracy

• Nazi-Germany + France of Pétain inspire Alexis Carrel to introduce an hygienistic and preventive medicinewill led to extermination

• Note: preventive medicine is always depending on political regime

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• Positive eugenism = preventive medicine

• Negative eugenism = sterilisation, euthanasia…

The Nazi-eugenism was ready to kill → T4

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• The Corporatism introduced by Ouwerx was a fascist Order and the opposite of↕

• Democratic Doctor’s Syndicates

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

• Ouwerx refers to the Protocols but also to the Bern Trial (1935) where Nazi’s try to prove the authenticityIn 1935, Russia is not a great help remembering the falsifier Mathieu Golovinski who had left the Okhrana, the Tsarist Secret Police and the country.

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Doctors in The Resistance

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Ghent University

• Political « Guard » of the University

- Historian Franz Petri (Kriegsverwaltungsrat)- form a new German intellectual centre

→ political centre of collaboration→ referring to von Bissing-University

- Volksforschung/Germanenkunde → only possible in Ghent (Petri)→ urgent call for German guest professors

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Ghent Faculty of Medicine

• Situation 1940- Frans Daels ↔ Toulouse professors- Daels & Speleers terrorize Faculty

→ opposition Francophone profs (Hautes Etudes)

• Leonardo Conti- Reichsgesundheitsführer- June 23, 1941: invitation by Faculty of Medicine

→ Daels & Speleers: meeting in Marburg

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Leonardo Conti(1900-1945)

Member SA (1923) en SS (1933) – anti-SemiteLeader of the National Socialist German Doctors’ League (NSDAP)Leader of Main Office for the Public Health during Third ReichT-4 Euthanasia Program

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Public Hospital: De Bijloke GhentDe Bijloke Gent

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University of Brussels (ULB)

• Strong liberal-socialist character since 1834• 1940: can continue after replacing 75 radical

professors by reliable Flemish colleagues • Flemish activists Flemish students at ULB• Faculty of Medicine great loss = anti-


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University of Brussels (ULB)

• 4 German-minded profs force closing of university on Nov. 25th, 1941 Antoon Jacob: sentenced to death in 1919

• 300 teaching personal + 3600 students• Closed officially by Reeder on August 13th, 1942

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University of Leuven

• Total Belgian students at University: 12.000• 1941: 583 students from the ULB

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• Anti-Semitism and Anti-Masonry existed long before WWII

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Conclusion 2: Nobel Prizes

• Hitler saw himself as the political Robert Koch (Nobel Prize 1905 - who discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis): Judaism was a Mycobacterium of social decomposition (July 1941)

• 1913: Nobel Prize Richet (La Sélection Humaine) elimination of disabled scandal

• 1935: A. Carrell (Nobel Prize 1912) – L’homme cet inconnu world success till the fifties...

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Conclusion 3: Thirties

• The eugenetic vision: the world can be seen as a human body, difficult to heal what makes that there’s one struggle, one revolt: one of a pathological order

• The ennemy is no longer an antagonist as in the classic conflict. Now it’s an animal, a Mycobacterium. It’s something that should be eliminated by all means.