Anti bullying is good

ANTI BULLYING IS GOOD Jack Opinion Representation


Hi everyone, today i will represent the topic that everyone should or should have known or heard about but never really into talking or just ignore about it.I will represent about anti bullying a class and why its a good thing and neccesary for us to notice.First, i will introduce you about anti bullying and bullying. bullying has been a hot topic in recent news. Kids get bullied everydayin school from elementary to college. .bullying to suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds, accounting for over 12% of deaths in this age group; only accidents and homicide occur more frequently (National Adolescent Health Information 2006).Suicide by bullying is the second leading cause of death on college campuses after accidents.We need to reduce these bullying behaviors, the actions taken is popularly called anti bullying.So here i have 3 opions that supporting anti bullying.The first one we can easily understand since antibullying is good because it reduces the rates of deaths in teenages, specially at the age 12-18 because its the second cause after random accidents. Statistics also show that beforee they commit suicide because of bullying they should have tried about 100-200 times before commiting the real suicidal action.Second opinion i will talk about how it relates to your educational goals.. Anti bullying is good because it improves the stuidying quality inside class. it helps to promote the pure sole purpose of education goodness and helps studwents to achieve higher educational goal in their studies. They showe that an educational free bullying system is supported by most parents.As u can see parents are very concerning about their children to have a safe environment in school.The third opinion i wanna say is anti bullying is good because it helps raising the awareness of many social problems related to bullying. Those are such disability bullying, gender based bullying, racial bullying, politics based bullying, religion based bullying, age based bullying. some people have objected to the anti bullying and says its not neccessary or just ignore it.for example professors in school just let it to come to be shrunken dead in silent. Without acknowledging the facts that many teenages die because of bullying, they just dont care. In my own experience, in KAIST, there are some professors that just let those bulliers going on. In my BEP class, i will not name name of the professor but he just keeps it in the ignorance and i felt so upset since when i got verbally bullied in class, he didnot help me, and even thou the professor said that its just a normal thing. Some ukrainian student obviously harrassed me in the BEP class and i was very upset and hurt about that.Bulliers then since see thats an opportunity so they just keep bullying the victims for their own pleasure, they might not consider that anti bullying as important issue to them and the school and since then the school environment become unsafe and scary to students.Just to conclusion But not many people could keep this in silent, there are many good sources that help students to anti bully in school. Also just a friend can stand up for his fellow if he feels he is bullying from another classmate. The anti bullying in class is good and important since from there we can address bulliers, and improves the academic atmostphere. We also achieve more productivity and encourage everybody to contribute for the school and the science technology goals.

Transcript of Anti bullying is good

Page 1: Anti bullying is good


Opinion Representation

Page 2: Anti bullying is good


Anti bullying in recent news. Statistics

Page 3: Anti bullying is good


Bullying to suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds

Bullying to suicide is the second leading cause of death on college campuses

Page 4: Anti bullying is good

“Anti Bullying”

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Reducing the rates of deaths

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improves the stuidying quality higher educational goals

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Not neccesary since no budget. Ignorance.

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