Anti Aging Skin Care Travel Tips

For those of us who travel often, or are just taking a vacation, being on the road means that the daily advancement of the signs of aging are just as likely to travel with you no matter where you're going. Aging never takes a vacation! Even if your usual schedule is thrown off a little, it doesn't mean that you should be skimping on your anti aging skin treatment regimen. So how do you take care of your skin while you're traveling? Here are some tips.

Transcript of Anti Aging Skin Care Travel Tips

Page 1: Anti Aging Skin Care Travel Tips

For those of us who travel often, or are just taking a vacation, being on the road means that the daily

advancement of the signs of aging are just as likely to travel with you no matter where you're going. Aging never takes a vacation! Even if your usual schedule is thrown off

a little, it doesn't mean that you should be skimping on your anti aging skin treatment regimen. So how do you take care of your skin while you're traveling? Here are

some tips.

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Travel-Sized Skin Care Products will Help Keep Your RoutineTaking a vacation away from your typical routine doesn't have to mean you have to take a break from your

skin care product regimen. When you're packing, make sure you throw in some travel-sized versions of your usual anti aging skin care products - either travel-sized versions,

or even transferring your products into travel-sized containers, will work - and you'll easily be able to stay

consistent with your anti aging skin care treatment regimen all day long. Staying consistent will help keep your

skin looking youthful and great!

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Don't Forget the Eye CreamEye cream is essential to keep up with during your anti aging skin care routine on the

road with the change of schedule of rushing and changing of environments and hours. The skin around your eyes

doesn't produce oil, and traveling can dehydrate your body very easily, so make sure you're still using eye cream on a

daily basis. You don't want to be taking travel pictures with bags and dark circles under your eyes!

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Lessen Exposure to the SunAs you might already know, the sun ages your skin quicker and more aggressively than any

other factor around us. So whatever your travel plans might include - an outdoors hike, a nice meal on the patio or terrace, or even a nice, relaxing day lying at the beach -

make sure that you're packing plenty of sun block and sunscreen and that you're always using it. We mean it!

Always use sun screen or sun block!

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Bonus Tip: Drink Lots of WaterWhen people travel, they tend to forget to drink water and keep eating fruits and

vegetables while they're traveling. Being on the road means it feels easier to indulge in the kinds of foods and drinks you might not usually eat or drink, so stay mindful

of keeping yourself hydrated. After all, hydrated skin looks beautiful, no matter where you are!

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Traveling means a change of routine, but that doesn't mean it's a break from your usual anti aging skin care

regimen. Making sure you keep to your routine with some simple tips will help keep your skin looking great, no

matter where you're going.

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