Anti-Aging Foods & Skin Care

Are you already on a great skin care regimen but often wonder what else you could do to make your skin look more youthful and healthy? Me too! I am always looking for new ways to feel and look my best, but with all of the contradictions out there, it can sometimes seem like a titanic nuisance to decipher what is good, what is bad and what is best for me as an individual. One of the most beneficial ways to keep your inner body and your largest organ in tip top shape is to be thoroughly educated on not only what you put on your skin, but what you put inside of your body. It’s no joke; you truly are what you eat. What’s going on inside your body is a direct reflection of what you see on the outside. If you put bad things into your body on a daily basis, you can almost bet that your skin is emulating what you cannot see. Access to proper education has never been easier than it is today, so I recommend you do your research to ensure yourself the quality of life you deserve. To help you on this quest, here are a few of my favorite foods that help keep my skin clear and youthful, along with boosting my energy level. You will notice a distinctive pattern of healthy fats, antioxidants and mineral-rich foods. I hope these will add value to your life as much as they have to mine. Organic, pasture-raised eggs Over the years, eggs have been given a bum rap for many different reasons. (Yes, bum rap, not bad rap. What is this English class? I don’t think so.) Anyway, the benefits of organic, pasture-raised eggs truly outweigh any negative press they may have acquired. Take note that there are specific studies that are linked into this beautifully written piece. Click here to discover the truth. Studies do not lie. Organic, extra virgin coconut oil It is such a shame when I ask a nurse or medical practitioner about the benefits of this amazing oil, and they say, “Coconut oil is bad for you!” Whew… Okay, onward and upward… Extra virgin, organic coconut oil is considered to be a miracle food in today’s age where natural is becoming more well known and the origin of an ailment is being thought about in a little more detail. Check this out to see how it may help you feel and look better! Garlic, oregano, cayenne & turmeric Here is an inspiring story that will help you understand the basic principles of why these


Here are a few tidbits to help you in your quest for eating healthier and truly seeing a difference in your complexion.

Transcript of Anti-Aging Foods & Skin Care

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Are you already on a great skin care regimen but often wonder what else you could do to make your skin look more youthful and healthy? Me too! I am always looking for new ways to feel and look my best, but with all of the contradictions out there, it can sometimes seem like a titanic nuisance to decipher what is good, what is bad and what is best for me as an individual. One of the most beneficial ways to keep your inner body and your largest organ in tip top shape is to be thoroughly educated on not only what you put on your skin, but what you put inside of your body. It’s no joke; you truly are what you eat. What’s going on inside your body is a direct reflection of what you see on the outside. If you put bad things into your body on a daily basis, you can almost bet that your skin is emulating what you cannot see. Access to proper education has never been easier than it is today, so I recommend you do your research to ensure yourself the quality of life you deserve. To help you on this quest, here are a few of my favorite foods that help keep my skin clear and youthful, along with boosting my energy level. You will notice a distinctive pattern of healthy fats, antioxidants and mineral-rich foods. I hope these will add value to your life as much as they have to mine.

Organic, pasture-raised eggs Over the years, eggs have been given a bum rap for many different reasons. (Yes, bum rap, not bad rap. What is this English class? I don’t think so.) Anyway, the benefits of organic, pasture-raised eggs truly outweigh any negative press they may have acquired. Take note that there are specific studies that are linked into this beautifully written piece. Click here to discover the truth. Studies do not lie.

Organic, extra virgin coconut oil It is such a shame when I ask a nurse or medical practitioner about the benefits of this amazing oil, and they say, “Coconut oil is bad for you!” Whew… Okay, onward and upward… Extra virgin, organic coconut oil is considered to be a miracle food in today’s age where natural is becoming more well known and the origin of an ailment is being thought about in a little more detail. Check this out to see how it may help you feel and look better!

Garlic, oregano, cayenne & turmeric Here is an inspiring story that will help you understand the basic principles of why these three spices can help you live a more wholesome, invigorating life. Happy adventures!

What are 10 of the Healthiest Fruits You Can Eat? By Dr. Mercola

If your fruit consumption only consists of apples, oranges and bananas, you’re missing out on some of the healthiest fruits out there!

1. BerriesBlueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries... unless you overeat them, it is hard to go wrong with berries, as they contain powerful phytochemicals such as ellagic acid that provide antioxidant protection, as well as directly inhibit the DNA binding of certain carcinogens. Berries are also excellent sources of vitamin C, carotenes, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium; they’re high in fiber and low in sugar.

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2. CoconutsCoconuts are among the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet and have been a dietary staple for millennia. Coconut, especially its oil, is a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses to bacteria, from fungi to protozoa, many of which can harm your health. Over 50% of its fat is contains an immune-boosting fat called lauric acid that has been shown to stimulate weight loss, support heart health and healthy thyroid function, and more.

Coconut water, on the other hand, is a better sports hydration drink than ANY of the commercially available sugary sports drinks, and is both sterile and an isotonic beverage, meaning it has the same electrolyte consistency of human blood, which enabled medics in the Pacific Theater in World War II to use it as an emergency substitute for blood plasma.

3. AvocadosAvocados are a very low fructose fruit and only have two grams of carbohydrates per avocado. They are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, which is easily burned for energy, and contain more than twice as much potassium as a banana. Avocados are also good sources of folate, dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, riboflavin and vitamin B6. I eat a whole avocado nearly every day.

4. WatermelonLike berries, watermelon is loaded with phytochemicals, including lycopene, beta-carotene, and citrulline. When citrulline is consumed, it is converted to arginine. Arginine is an amino acid that has beneficial effects on your heart and circulatory system, as well as your immune system. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, leading to another beneficial side benefit of watermelon... a Viagra-like effect without the hazards of a toxic drug! Arginine also helps the urea cycle by removing ammonia and other toxic compounds from your body.

5. PomegranateThe primary source of this fruit's benefits is its antioxidant content, particularly ellagitannin compounds like punicalagins and punicalins, which account for about half of the pomegranate's antioxidant ability. The juice and pulp of pomegranates have previously been studied for their potential heart- and joint-health benefits.

6. MangoesOne mango will give you about half of your recommended daily allowance of both vitamins A and C, as well as some B vitamins, polyphenols and beta-carotene. Mangoes contain calcium, iron and potassium, are a good source of phosphorus, selenium, folate and zinc, and even contain 17 of the 20 amino acids that make up the human body.

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7. PapayaRich in antioxidants like carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids, papaya is also useful for digestion, as it contains papain, an enzyme that helps with digestion by breaking down proteins. Papaya also has plant compounds that support your immune system, provide anti-inflammatory effects and may provide protection against cancer. It’s also a rich source of minerals, potassium and magnesium.

8. PineapplePineapple contains an enzyme, bromelain, which aids digestion, reduces inflammation and swelling and may have anti-cancer effects. Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, pineapple also provides immune support and is an excellent source of manganese, thiamin and riboflavin, which are important for energy production.

9. KiwiRich in phytonutrients that appear to protect human DNA from free-radical damage, kiwi is also an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene. Kiwi is also a good source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, copper and phosphorous.

10. CherriesCherries contain powerful compounds like anthocyanins and bioflavonoids, which are known to fight inflammation and may help lower your uric acid levels and risk of gout. Bioflavonoids in cherries may reduce the activity of the enzymes Cyclooxyygenase-1 and – 2, which helps to reduce inflammatory processes associated with arthritis and gout in the body. Queritrin – a flavonoid – is also rich in cherries, and has been found to be a potent anticancer agent. Cherries also contain ellagic acid, a naturally occurring plant phenolic known as an anti-carcinogenic/anti-mutagenic compound.

Important Shopper’s Guide: Fruits You Should Buy Organic...

If possible, it’s best to buy all of your produce organic in order to reduce your exposure to pesticides. If you need to pick and choose, however, the Environmental Working Group has compiled a shopper’s guide to help.5 The following fruits have been found to contain the most and least toxic pesticide residues:

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Most Contaminated Fruits (Buy These Fruits Organic)

Apples Peaches Strawberries

Nectarines (imported) Grapes Blueberries (domestic)

 Least Contaminated Fruits (OK to Buy Conventional)

Pineapples Avocado Mangoes

Kiwi Cantaloupe (domestic) Grapefruit
