Antepartal Nursing Care Lunar month- 4 weeks, 28 days.

Antepartal Nursing Care Lunar month- 4 weeks, 28 days

Transcript of Antepartal Nursing Care Lunar month- 4 weeks, 28 days.

Page 1: Antepartal Nursing Care Lunar month- 4 weeks, 28 days.

Antepartal Nursing Care

Lunar month- 4 weeks, 28 days

Page 2: Antepartal Nursing Care Lunar month- 4 weeks, 28 days.

OB Terminology • Pregnancy – divided into 3 trimesters 13 weeks each• EDC - estimated date of confinement• EDB - estimated date of birth *same thing• Gestation - number of weeks since first day of last menstrual period• Abortion - birth that occurs before end of 20 weeks gestation

• Preterm 20 - 37 weeks• Term 38 - 40 wks • Postterm after 42 weeks

• Gravida -any pregnancy (any: when preg lasts 4, 5, 6wks or to term)• Para - birth after 20 weeks gestation multiples count as one• Stillborn - born dead after 20 weeks • Primigravida - first time pregnancy• Multigravida - second or any subsequent pregnancy

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Essential Components of a Prenatal History

• Basis of prenatal care- reevaluated and updated throughout the pregnancy.

• Obstetric history – pertaining to pregnancy current and past• Gynecologic history- …how long pt has had menses.• Medical history - Current and past• Family medical history including Father’s health history• Religious, spiritual, and cultural history• Occupational history• Personal information about woman• Comprehensive psychosocial assessment

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Comprehensive OB History Acronym

• TPAL– T - term births, twins or more count as one

• 38 weeks– P - birth from 20 - 37 weeks– A - spontaneous or therapeutic abortion– L - living children- multiples count here

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Practice• Cindy is currently 34 weeks gestation and in labor

with her first baby.• Gravida 1 Para 0• After delivery - G 1 P 1• More detail:

– Gravida 1– Term 0– Preterm 1– Abortions 0– Living 1

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Practice• Mary is currently 26 weeks gestation and she has a 4

year old daughter that was born at 38 weeks gestation.

• G 2 P 1• More detail:

– G 2– T 1– PT 0– AB 0– L 1

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Practice• Ms Johnson is pregnant for the 4th time. She had one

abortion at 8 wks gestation. She has a daughter who was born at 40 wks gestation and a son born at 34 weeks gestation.

• G 4 P 2• More detail:

– G 4– T 1– PT 1– AB 1– L 2

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More Practice• Ms T, at 27 weeks gestation, comes to the clinic for a routine

prenatal visit. This is her 4th pregnancy. She has three children at home. One child was born at 34 wks gestation and the other two were 40 wks gestation.

• G 4 P 3• More Detail:

– G 4– T 2– PT 1– AB 0– L 3

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One More Practice • Sharon is 22 wks pregnant. She has a 2 year old and a 4 year

old that were born at 39 wks. She lost 4 pregnancies at 12 wks and she has 10 year old twin boys that were born at 33 wks gestation.

• G 8 P 3• More detail:

– G 8– T 2– PT 1– AB 4– L 4

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Determination of Due Date

• Nagele’s Rule- one method of determining the EDB. Fairly accurate method to use if woman’s cycle is every 28

days. – First day of LMP – Subtract 3 months – Add 7 days– EDB

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Nagele’s Rule Example

• LMP April 6• Subtract 3 months - 3 months• Jan 6• Add 7 days +_7 days• EDB Jan 13

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Another Option of Nagele’s Rule

• Just change the month to number• December 10 becomes 12-10• Subtract 3 months -_3___• 9 -10• Add 7 days __+_7• EDB Sept 17

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Other Indicators of EDB

• Fundal Height – correlates with weeks gestation (top of a pregnant woman's uterus (fundus) to her pubic bone)

• Quickening - fetal movement felt be the mom (~16-22wks, not very accurate)

• Fetal heartbeat - Doppler 10-12 wks and 17-20 wks with fetoscope.

• Ultrasound - most accurate

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Initial Physical Assessment

• Head to toe physical assessment • 8-12 wks gestation• Starts with VS and ends with pelvic exam.

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Pregnancy Physical Assessment

• Blood pressure - trimester specific changes (1st tri = BP drops and will rise towards the 3rd)

• Weight - sudden wt gain • Skin - pigmentation • ENT - nosebleeds and swollen gums, dental

infection preterm labor• Breast – enlarge, colostrum 12 wks• Abdomen - becomes larger, measured each visit

(Fundal Height Measurement)

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Fundal Height Measurement

• Measure in centimeters from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterine fundus.

• 22 - 34 weeks - fundal height correlate with weeks of gestation

• Too small or too large - needs to be evaluated.

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Figure 8–3 A cross-sectional view of fetal position when McDonald’s method is used to assess fundal height.

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Fundal Height Assessment

• 10-12 wks - fundus slightly above symphysis pubis• 16 wks - fundus halfway between symphysis and

umbilicus• 20-22 wks - fundus at umbilicus• 28 weeks - fundus three finger breadths above

umbilicus• 36 wks - fundus just below ensiform cartilage

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Abdominal Assessment

• Fetal movement felt by examiner -18 weeks• Ballotment - Fetus floating in amniotic fluid• Fetal heart tones - 110-160 BPM

– Doppler 10-12wks – Fetoscope 17-20 wks

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Physical Assessment cont

• Extremities - edema of hands and feet in later pregnancy

• Reflexes - hyperactivity or clonus associated with preeclampsia

• Pelvic - Pelvic measurement assessed for shape and size; dilatation and effacement

• Rectum - hemorrhoids (if already present, give advice about incr fiber and fluids)

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Initial Laboratory Evaluation and Screening

• CBC (Anemia give more iron)• ABO and Rh typing, Antibody Screen, Blood type• Serolgy (RPR tests for syphilis)• Rubella• Hepatitis• HIV• PAP smear• STD screen• Urinalysis – C&S; drug screen, can have a UTI that is

asymptomatic• Thyroid panel- because of chance of cretinism

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Subsequent Prenatal Visit Routines

• Every 4 weeks until 28 wks• Every 2 wks until 36 wks• Every wk until delivery• Visits include teaching and assessment of

maternal/fetal well-being.

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Subsequent Prenatal Assessments• Vital signs• Weight - 1st trimester > 3.5 – 5lbs• 2nd and 3rd trimester > 12 -15lbs, then a lb per wk• Monitor for Edema• Uterine size and uterine activity• FHT’s and fetal movement• Urine screen for protein, glucose and ketones• Lab

– CBC at 7 months – AFP at 15-20 wks– Indirect coombs for Rh negative moms at 28 wks– Glucose screen 28 wks – GBS vag culture 36 wks, “Group B Strept”- Carriers must understand the

dangers for the baby.

• Define: AFP- Alpha Fetal Protein, measurements in amniotic fluid are used for early diagnosis of fetal neural tube defects– High = Neural Tube defect (ex: spina bifida)– Low = Down’s Syndrome

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Danger Signs in Pregnancy• Vaginal bleeding (Any bright red bleeding call phys)• Nausea and vomiting that last over 24hrs

– Dehydration leads to preterm labor• Fever -100.4• Dizziness - sudden and extreme, associated with pelvic or uterine pain• True Labor- Lower back pain to the front• False labor- Abd pain only• Preterm labor symptoms• Leaking of fluid from vagina• Preeclampsia symptoms - edema, rapid wt gain, headaches, visual

disturbances, vomiting, epigastric pain, irritability, scanty urine output (usually won’t see till after 20wks)

• Decreased fetal movement• Symptoms of UTI - dysuria, severe backache, fever

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1st Trimester Discomforts and Measures to Alleviate

• Nausea (due to HcG levels) and vomiting - avoid odors, eat small frequent meals, crackers, avoid spicy or greasy foods– HcG- a hormone produced by the placenta about 10 days after

fertilization. Its detection is the basis for most pregnancy tests.• Urinary frequency - void when needed; increase fluids in day and

slow down at night• Fatigue - plan rest periods, get help from support system• Breast tenderness - wear good supportive bra• Increased vaginal discharge - frequent bathing, cotton underwear• Nasal stuffiness & epistaxis - cool mist, avoid nasal decongestants

and sprays• Ptyalism – “excessive saliva/bad taste in mouth” treat w/

mouthwash, chewing gum, candy

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2nd and 3rd Trimester Discomforts and Measures to Alleviate

• Pyrosis – “hrt burn” treat w/ small frequent meals, avoid spicy or greasy meals, sit or stand after meal

• Ankle edema - rest frequently, elevate legs when resting, avoid garters

• Varicose veins - elevate legs, wear support hose, avoid crossing legs, avoid constrictive bands

• Flatulence - avoid constipation and gas producing foods• Hemorrhoids - avoid constipation• Constipation - increase fluids and fiber in diet, exercise, stool

softeners as ordered by physician– Make sure softeners are okay’d by phys first.

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2nd and 3rd Trimester Discomforts and Measures to Alleviate cont

• Backache - proper body mechanics; avoid high heels, practice pelvic tilt exercise

• Leg cramps - dorsiflexing foot• Faintness - rise slowly from sitting or lying, evaluate hematocrit

and hemoglobin• Shortness of breath - eat small frequent meals• Difficulty sleeping - prop with pillows, use side-lying position

– Lt Side is better for baby• Round ligament pain - position change, heating pad• Carpal tunnel syndrome - avoid repetitive movements of hands

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Promotion of Self Care During Pregnancy

• Fetal activity monitoring - after 28 wks • Breast care and preparation for breastfeeding • Prenatal classes and exercises• Clothing• Bathing• Employment• Travel- wear safety belts, travel only if you have no

problems, stop every 2 hrs, stay hydrated

• Activity

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Promotion of Self Care During Pregnancy cont • Dental Care

• Immunizations • Complementary and alternative therapy

– Before anything over the counter they need to talk to their phys• Tertatogens

– Medications• Categories A – X, pg. 247 – 249; Cat. A is safe during Preg. No to Accutane!!

– Tobacco- IUGR Growth retardation, Tobacco vasocontricts!– Alcohol– Caffeine- limit intake– Street drugs– Flu Vaccine is okay, just not live ones.– Dental care > important, poor dental hygiene associated with preterm


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Concerns About Sexual Activity

• Safety for fetus• Contraindications

– PROM “Premature rupture of membranes” (water-break), preterm labor, vag bleeding Changes in sexual desire and response

– pregnant woman– partner

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Nursing Care of the Pregnant Woman’s Family

• Father – involved, participation• Siblings – regression, rivalry• Grandparents – involvement, conflicts