Antarctic poems

Antarctic Poems Antarctic Poems by by Y9 Caracals Y9 Caracals 1


students work

Transcript of Antarctic poems

Page 1: Antarctic poems

Antarctic PoemsAntarctic Poemsbyby

Y9 CaracalsY9 Caracals


Page 2: Antarctic poems

By EmmaBy Emma• Antarctica snowy wilderness

• Northern lights amaze my eyes

• Thunder from the melting glacier

• A beautiful place to be

• Ridges of ice freeze my feet


• Ridges of ice freeze my feet

• Cold yet wonderful to look at

• Timeless frozen wonder

• Ice which glistens in the sunlight

• Cold that takes your breath away

• Alive with animals and birds

Page 3: Antarctic poems

By JacobBy Jacob•• AAll the ice shone like the stars,•• NNothing looked dull or horrible,•• TThe snowmen stood proud like superstars,•• AAll the views looked very noble,•• RRemembering these views is like remembering


•• RRemembering these views is like remembering yesterday,

•• CCondoning these views is like welcoming chocolate,•• TTurning from these views is like turning to decay,•• II wish I could put it all in my pocket,•• CChilling winds blew across my face,•• AAntarctica seems to be melting at an alarming pace.

Page 4: Antarctic poems

By JoeBy Joe•• AAntarctica there’s nothing like it.

•• NNo sound, no company, no disturbance.

•• TTill the sound of penguins break the silence.

•• AAll around you white, white, white.

•• RRampaging seals fight for territory.


•• RRampaging seals fight for territory.

•• CCute little seal pups sleeping in peace.

•• TTravelling for miles are the migrating penguins.

•• II am at peace.

•• CCool and calm.

•• AAntarctica it’s amazing

Page 5: Antarctic poems

By No’orBy No’or•• AA quite place where no one visits.

•• NNever any warmth.

•• TToo cold.

•• AAntarctica is bright and beautiful.

•• RReindeers don’t live there.


•• RReindeers don’t live there.

•• CClear blue sky.

•• TToo freezing to ever live there.

•• IIce melts and forms lakes.

•• CCalm and silent.

•• AAlways and amazing place

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By RebeccaBy Rebecca•• AAntarctica a wonderful place to be•• NNowhere could be a happier place•• TThan right by the arctic sea•• AAntarctica is a wide open space•• RRunning and playing animals, as happy as can be•• CCunning predators, stalking their prey at a steady pace


•• CCunning predators, stalking their prey at a steady pace•• TThe arctic sky shines so brightly during the day, for eyes to see•• IIn the night, the sky glistens, then fades to dullness, without a trace

•• CColdness of the night, the animals try to sleep, but find it hard when they are full of glee

•• AAt night the animals rest, ready for another big race.

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By RyanBy Ryan

•• AAlone, away from the world, arctic lights above me,•• NNewborn penguins calling for Mum, who braves icy waters for fish.

•• TTides rising, temperatures falling, the night approaching fast, thinking of returning home,

•• AAlbatrosses circling, with graceful wings, who observe the


•• AAlbatrosses circling, with graceful wings, who observe the scientists as they,

•• RResearch every inch of this mysterious land.•• CCould anyone survive here permanently?•• TThe honest answer is no.•• II stand here in awe, inhaling the pure air as I hold my camera,

•• CContemplating the curious magic of this place. But,•• AAlas, I have to leave.

Page 8: Antarctic poems

By ThomasBy Thomas

•• AAs I step out into the snow,•• NNever before have i felt so secluded,•• TThere is ice everywhere I see and step,•• AAnd there in front, barley visible, a group of penguins hidden in the snow,

•• RRarely do people get to see this, I am very excited,


•• RRarely do people get to see this, I am very excited,•• CCarefully I walk towards the penguins, and suddenly I feel less secluded,

•• TThe penguin’s warmth and movement have brought the lifeless dessert to life,

•• IIf only everyone could have this experience,•• CClearly though I am very lucky,•• AAnd this is just the beginning of what Antarctica has to offer!