Answering the question. What's next?

10 Tips to Answer the Question, What’s Next? Create YOUR New Reality!! | 7575 W. Washington #127-164 | Las Vegas, NV 89128 | 702-577-7369


Life brings changes, work, career, goals and with change we ask,"What's next?" Learn some key elements to finding you next journey.

Transcript of Answering the question. What's next?

Page 1: Answering the question. What's next?

10 Tips to

Answer the Question, What’s Next?

Create YOUR New Reality!! | 7575 W. Washington #127-164 | Las Vegas, NV 89128 | 702-577-7369

Page 2: Answering the question. What's next?

10 Tips to Answer the Question, What’s Next? Get off the roller coaster!!

Sometimes life is like a roller coaster… As the momentum builds climbing

the first hill, slow and steady we begin to waver and change our mindset,

instead be encouraged to anticipate the ride. It’s worth the drop in the pit of

your stomach while you’re screeching down from the top, allow yourself to

throw up your hands, let go of your fear and enjoy the ride!

Carol Shockley

What’s next? A common question often asked by those in change. Are you on an employment roller coaster, facing layoff or frustrated? Or someone not satisfied with your current career path and thinking, “I need more”. The Wealthy Teacher: Answering the question, “What’s next?” contains insight on navigating career change to ultimately create a path that is, all about you. A journey that uncovers and reveals how powerful values and passion are when determining future paths. Written from an educator’s perspective, yet applicable to anyone, Dr. Boyd uses her past experiences and skills to help others discover their next journey. A path grounded in passion and values. Enjoy the ride!!

Celebrate You!

You are FANTASTIC! Look at what you have achieved. Take inventory of YOU and celebrate all you have to done and all you have to offer. Evaluate the experiences and skills you possess. College degrees, endorsements and licensing are great, but don’t forget the power of experience. The environment may be stressful on many levels, but don’t let an insignificant factor, yes insignificant, shift you from what is really important to YOU. Your Values and Passion have worth and can lead you to begin a journey that is fulfilling and feels right.

Take control Do you feel like life is a spiraling roller coaster of finances, work and family? You know the feeling, the surges, ups, downs and rush. Is your workplace causing anxiety or perhaps just dissatisfied with what you are doing – this keeps most of us in a state of flux. Acknowledge that you can’t control the events that happen. What you can control is your response which impacts the outcome. It is the E+R=O Theory. Event + Response = Outcome. Be prepared to create a mindset which focuses on your approach and your attitude. Take control – and determine your future. | 7575 W. Washington #127-164 | Las Vegas, NV 89128 | 702-577-7369



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LV, NV 89131|702-577-7369 | 7575 W. Washington #127-164 | Las Vegas, NV 89128 | 702-577-7369



Know your ‘you values’ What do you value in life, happiness, integrity, honesty? Values are those core beliefs that influence and guide our actions. However, sometimes they are compromised to survive. Selecting a career is an intentional choice and to be satisfied or not feel conflicted what you do must be in alignment and resonated with your values. What are your ‘YOU VALUES ’? They should be the heart of what you do and how you proceed in life or dissatisfaction and restlessness will constantly surface.

Release the fear factor Fear has strange effects on the mind and body. It can paralyze you, fill you with self doubt, stop you from taking action or simply be the wall that blocks you. It moves productive individuals into a state inaction. However, did you know that fear and excitement cause the exact same physical reaction? By erasing the common response to fear and transforming it into excitement, mentally and physically, your entire paradigm will shift. Knowing that you can take control, understand the process and stay within your comfort zone, fear is not a factor. It frees you to think creatively and productively opening up a world of opportunities that otherwise would have remained dormant.

You can increase your bottom line - $$$ - safely Economic times have changed therefore creative and enterprising people are exploring how to make more money. The biggest mistake most often made is going into an enterprise for the wrong reasons. The phrase, multiple streams of income, has become common place and if done with the proper process can be fulfilling and financially rewarding. There are systems that DO work, that incorporate all the safety nets for success. Do you know that you already have something of value to offer? You do!

Let the ‘you values’ claim center stage Sacrifice is something most of us have become accustom to, but NEVER sacrifice your ‘YOU VALUES’. Focus on the 3 Pillars of Success* – Your Mind, Your Worth & Your Values. Make intentional actions to stay centered or happiness and satisfaction will always be an elusive commodity. Be happy, be centered and let your YOU VALUES be the focal point, the heart of what you do and guide your decision making process. This will allow you to claim the spotlight of center stage in your life. Don’t you just love life!!

Know YOUR value A college degree, specialized expertise, experience, connecting, and motivating individuals, are all examples of skills you may possess. These are specialized skills and valuable assets in numerous sectors. Have you forgotten or do you recognize your attributes? Learn how to identify your attributes and convert them into a value set for you. As an educator I didn’t need to think in an entrepreneurial mindset. I had devalued my skills and had to shift my paradigm and put a light on their real value. People will PAY for your assets. It’s time to put a dollar value on what you have to offer and start making them work for YOUR benefit.




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LV, NV 89131|702-577-7369 | 7575 W. Washington #127-164 | Las Vegas, NV 89128 | 702-577-7369



Set intentions Intentions can be very deceptive. In general we all have good intentions, a dream or other vision within the What If realm. For intentions to be powerful they must be set, committed to and outlined in a process. One way to set intentions is to ask the question, “Who am I and what do I want?” This will center on the YOU VALUES and what goals you have for yourself. As an educator I understood the value of goals, objectives and outcomes. Think of it as the lesson plan for your future. The thing that must happen is to plant, nurture and ACT upon those intentions. Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil.

Build a solid foundation Visualize the largest building in your city. Now think of a much smaller structure in the neighborhood. All of these structures started with the same humble beginnings – a blueprint. It visually maps out the vision and outlines how each component supports and works together to create the massive or small structure to follow. If the foundation is not strong and enduring the structure will crumble from within. Do you have a vision for your future? Creating a visual map will support your intentions and lead to an enduring future.

Assemble the right tools What does your toolkit look like and do you know what needs to be in it? The Galaxy Mapping system within The Wealthy Teacher: Answering the question What’s Next? has the tools to help you envision the future and get started on your personal journey answering what’s next for you. Let’s get started!! Create Your new reality and answer the question “What’s next?” Rediscover and ignite your values and passion - embrace creating a life you love! Participate in live and web-based training or receive personal coaching and guidance. Presales available at all major online outlets. Official release October, 2013 For more information, resources and training schedules visit: or

About the Author

Dr. Victoria Boyd is an experienced educator, administrator and leader in the nonprofit sectors and now - an entrepreneur. Her experience and understanding will help you answer the question “What’s next?” She made the same paradigm shift, rediscovered and reignited her values and passion to find her path. What’s more important, she knows YOU can too. You have the values, passion and skills – your tools. Start NOW to have them work for you.

For information on personal coaching, training programs and resources contact:

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