another. hon- if: ·...

»f > irfK § ; : if: Jailn inquirer. fa BYT^LER, WISE i ALLEGRE. ^ ' KR1DAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, ISiTJ. «>/ . LINCOLN AND HIS PROCLAMATION. 7i The emancipation proclamation of Lincoli w .15 issued so Soon aficr he h»rl refused to di so, find assigned good reasons as to the folly c such a course, that his motive and oxptcta lions are matters of speculation and conjee turc. Wo are of opinion that his :ha<it ide *j was to carry the elections which arc about t take place in the Northern States. The arch agitators who had given biit 5. and strem.-ih ti the Republican party, ha [],'. bccoiu much dissutisfiod Lincoln di: not drive as they directed, and did not at ; * 7 ?*> tempt the impossible thing of conducting 'J great war, upon the whims rind passions of ?! ; fanatical and iuif-cr&zy faction. With Gree X lev ami Sumner and Chandler, and the res | of their" school dissatisfied and soured, th |j i Democrats might, carry the elections. To pro vide against this, and to tiro the zeal of tht abolitionists, and bring them to the polls * niit fiisth Hiq rtrArkniniirm. ?r It wra.-. to bo producing its intended cifect { Criv-'.ej, in a speech, declared that " lie hac p \ not met three men together since the eman i; cipation proclamation whe wore not happy.' What delusions he and those who follon V i htn« indulge, and with what sound of cmptj wo: Js they are made happy will well appeal ,* : from Lincoln's colloquy with the Chicagt 'r ' Committee. The Abolitionists, from the beginning o: their destablo agitation, have been pursuing ' a phantasm. Prom the beginning they have fed up in fancies. And when, against reason ,t and expostulation and warning, they had forever and forever destroyed the late Union under the guidance of the same insane folly A they set about the work of adding uncommon venom to the war. and embittered nr ^ t everlasting lmte to the separation. Adopt' ing tho words of an English parodist, with ^ but a small alteration, wc may well ssv: "Ob the fool th-t is truly so laver-furgtti i5 Bat strl fools on to the close. ; Like Greeley, who appear* in tho storm when it ? »' a . As stupid"as he was when it ) »?»." Wo subjoin a review of Lincoln's course, V- including hi3 own opini m of the "prnclimi tion" with which he is uow tickling the Abo - tiouists. Wo quote from the Memphis "Hub * letin," a disloyal and semi-abolition sheet: [From the Memphis Bulletin, Feptember 30.] We should be glad to hear Mr. Lincoln girt ' , a satisfactory answer to his own objection to f . his own poclarnation, as stated a few day? . a ;o to the Chinago clergymen, llis obiecr\ Hons were thus stated: ; ' What pood," asked he, "would a proclamation of emancipation from me do, especially as w«- aro now situated ? I do not want t.' raue a document that the whole wotld will h>-c must necessarily be inoperative, like the Pope's bu'l against the comet. Would mv word fre" the slaves when I cannot even enforce the Constitution in the rebel Steles ? Is there a sioglo court or magistrate, or individual, that would be influenced by it there? And what reason is there to thiuk that ii would have any greater effect upon the slaves than the late law of Congress, which 1 ap; proved, and which offers protection and free-- doin to the slaves of Rebel masters who come L within our lines. Yet I cannot learn that ...' that law has caused a single slave to pome "/. over to us. And suppose they couid be »n*.1 duced, by a proclamation "of freedom #on? me, to throw themselves upon us, what should ws ..' do with them ? How can .we feed and care for such o multitude? Gen. Butler wrote me, a few days since, that he was issuing move v: I rations to the slaves who have rushed to him rf f than all the white troops under his coirumfnd. 1 T'aey eat, and that is all. . After the President answers these objections, we would like to have his explanation ot the following resolution, passed unanirn i-islv by Congress the 11th day of Kebrui.i y, 18G1: ived, That neither Congress, nor the nor the Governments of the non> i .fholditu; States,have the right to legislate u -ii or interfere with slavery in &uy of the > v.-Sodding States of the Union. » Kma !y, we would respectfully call his atteni f,.-at"., delivered before the people's representatives at Washington oa the lib u: .March, 1861: *1 h-.v- no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of Bl&very in ,'i the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I havo no incli> ' ui 'On to do so." An*l then lie goes on tc say: "Th sn why nominated and elected me did so with rhe full knowledge that I had made \ *' this ami many biinilar declarations, and have V never n can: a-l them. And more than this, they oUc.m; i the platform for my acceptance, \ a id as u law to themselves and to me, the ,: clear ana emphatic resolution which I now i 5vs.I: "Risolvi d, fliat the maintenance inviolate ; ' «)! £.'.. rgius of the States, and especially the iig:v. mi ouch State to order and control its ' own d.miPatic institutions according to its own judgement exclusively, is essential to the :: balance of power or. which the porlection and ; ; emtoi ante of our political fabric depends." We regard the proclamation as unconstitu : xicnal aud exceedingly ill-tiined. It is oalcu^ . laU'll tn iin. Br. f«»r !mm»nu« " luekvt Missouri and Maryland, where impci taut military events aro on the tapis. But our most serious objection to it is, thnt it destroys ail we have over said in defense of Mr. Lincoln's conservatism, and confirms the argument of that class of men South who have seceded from the Uu:on on the ground that Mr. Lincoln was an abolitionist and would aJmi:.inter the government with a view to th-- overthrow of slavery. There is to-day i one universal shout in Dixie over the proclar.nfon. toid you so," UI told you so," runs through the lioos, and tho Union men in the lIavo States bang their heads in sorrow. FAUQUIEB. On a short visit to Fauquier, from which !; we have just letomcd, we learn that the enemy have an encampment at Contreville of Dine regiments, under Gen. Stahl, and another at ': Fairfax C. II., under SigeL They have none this .due of the above. ' > The country in, however, frequently traversed and scouled by squads or larger com-1 panics of cavalry. A battalion was at f Bu'iitsvillc not many days since. It was i m Mc up of fragments of companies from various commands. Tho supposition was that it . w.ts composed of convalescents, left behind on the sick list when McClellan went into Maryland. On Monday last, a equad of Yankee cavalry i r dashed up the W'arrentoo Turnpike as far r_- Broad Run Church, about six miles from Warrcntnn, where it captured a Confederate l picket and then retired. This was the nearest 1 trie \mkoes i latelv approached Warren:i [i me citizens have many things to say of ! y their evperience with the enemy during the ; occupation of that country by the enemy.. The conduct of the ladies was truly heroic; ? > \ and the privilege of the sex was so far rc\ spectcd by the enemy,that they often sue-! !; \ ceeded m overaweing attempts at plunder.. } The robberies were chiefly committed by * email squads, who would roam, gun in hand, ^ yer tho country, ssarch houses and take ... I i^ -*' L.tsrc.-er.-cSbijmAr'- ?. I whnt :h«>y fandlctf, *teal hofSM, &i. Wlu'.Q voIm iiiii* ihoiv G-rjtrals {locl&red they did not allow auch proceedings, they uasft-eied, ''our officers teli ycji one thing, but tell us another." Their conduct was frequently very gross.cursing gentlemen, nnil e\en ladies, in the most ruffianly manner, ll wde the common testimony that the enemy expressed their contempt of anything like toryism, declaring that they respected Rn hon- est and plain-spoken secessionist far more than one disloyal to his State. The country is much desolated around tLi camping places of tiio armies; ami production riu- been, ul course, greatly discouraged every where. But there are whole seea tiona whi<-h have suffered but little, and never looked lovelier, t The general feeling of the people is one o i) great hormr of in iug again in tho lines c ;f the envwy. Even id oso who have sufFerei least say that the constant apprehension of f visit from marauders who came at all hourf a by night and by day, aud generally by stealth 0 and by the reir of their dwellings, was such as to press terribly upon their nerves. Ant [i now that they are relieved from the presence J of the enemy, the mememory of their pasf J anxiety is like of a tonible uightmare. a Wo trust that not only is this beautiful n portion of our State not again to bo trampled .. by tho invader, but that all others that have t still longer groaned under the hated and inL. tolerable yoke will bo speedily and perma. nontly liberated. ; We omitted to state that the enemy's soli. idiora greatly disliked to be called Yankees, and held it as an insult. This remark applies . to a'1 not from the New England States.. 1 This is undoubtedly a Yankee war. and . nrowt-d by the Yankee". Yet, the men who ' arc fighting tho Yankees' battles and obeying r them as truly as if they belonged to thetn, - object to being called Yankees ! Perhaps if r they disliko the name so much, they will, in j time, throw oil' the Y'ankeo ytike. CASUALTIES^ lIST or CA^TAI T1F.S IN WHICH IS BRIGADE, ANDEK! son's DIVISION, aT THE BATTI.B or SHaBPS' BURG, SEPT. 17 1H, 1802. Brigade Firl 1 and Staff..Wounded.Brig> adier-Gen r«l A R Wright, in leg and side; Mij 0 1. '.V liUeliea J, volunteer A C D, siight, ly in Rriu. 3d Georyi* regiment, commanded by Uapt " U B N.'sbct..l-'iebl and Staff.Wounded. i ('apt R B Nc-bei severely, (left on field;) 1st . Lieui ! Wntkcr Perry, Adjutant, mortally, p-ince died.) Co A.1vill, d.Privates Ransom Warnock and W E Clink. Wounded.Lieuts J S Bell, shoulder; M W Wiiiiburly. shouidor. Privates Wm War' nock, face; A L> Ji nk ins. contusion. Co B.Wounded.Lieut J S Rcid, thigh.. S.'igt K it BeJnrnettCj cnnlnsitsn. Privates IV C BranliNiu, slightly in thigh ; Jhs Boze. man, slight in hand; A 1' Lawrence, left on tieid; G W Piicstwood, stunned by shell. Co C.Milled- Private k .1 j Wounded.S;rgt II P McWhortor, head; .j F Chene/, shoulder. Privates J R llortou, j ide; W II MoBrido, sovcroly in leg. Co D.Ki'.iod.Private B A Baldwin. ! Wounded.Lieut C J Ree-e, chest, severely. Icl'r on Meld Privates T II Burroughs, chin shot away; Wiley Williams, contusion; W A K-o >ks. sh,alder, stightiy ; J W Reese, leg. fl»nhtl*\ IS.Wounded.1st Sergt Glover, concussion of shell. Corp Pratt, scalp. Privates T Hull, elbow and ankle: Geo Sneed, foot. Go F.VTounded.Lieuts D F Brown, groin, severely; All Caroming, knee. Privates J it Pennington, head, severely; W R llainell, leg: J T Vallandighain, contusion. Co G.Wounded.1st .Sergt J A Ellis, leg, slightly; Sergt Keenan,contusion. Privates las Withers, arm and side, severely; J W Lassiter, side, slightly. Co II.Killed.Privates Sanil Cook, Thos A Mahiy, Jesse D Morton. Wounded.Sergt H F Parks, shoulder.. Covp W S Hyer, groin. Privates W H Hammet, shouhW; F Kircher, thigh; E 0 D^owder, missing; A 31. Ramsey, missing. v Co f.Killed.Private Isaac Kiel. Wounded.Scrgts W O'B&nnon, slightly; J A Lindsay, severely, in side. Corp P II Nesbet, thijih. Prismas M Outlaw, hand; J G OckmKton. lcgv slightly; W II Warner, wrist; Wit Davis, shoulder and thigh; D M Winn, side, slightly. Missing.Corp J W Tribblc, Private J W Lord. Co K.Kdled.Corp G C Graham. j Woi.nrtnH <iarrr, f If D.l -U . -v.^v V 1 anuoi, Ciuuw.. j privates It B Baxter, hand; G C Daniel, thigh; J I' D'irsay, thigh, Clins Evans, face; J H Hives, arm , A D Mmuerling, neck. Ou L.Killed.Setgt D M Elder. Wounded.Oorpl 11 S Jones, severely, thigh. Privates VT A Rutledge, leg ; A BradsVi\v. skull fractured; 11 Franks, slightly. Missing.Piivates J 3 Jones. F C Hanson. II 1' Fullilove. Killed, . 9 W oundc-d. 5'J Missing, I Total, 73 mSTI->tC..»D UEOF.GIA KErtlffEKX, COMMANDED BT COL. R. H. JOXES. Field and Staff..Wounched.Col R H Jones, severely, in body, Major L D Lsllerstedt, severely, in hip; LiuUtenanW L BeaU, Adjutant, knee. Company A.. Wounded.Privates Joseph Caughlin,face,Slightly; Jacob Lanjgtfton,back, slightly. Company B..Wounded.Lieut C Logue, lvp. severely. Missing.Sergeant Wasden. Company C .Killed.Private Oliver Corriuh. - Wounded.Lieut A J Pophatn,arm, slight- 1\; Sergeant J J Forsyth, shouider, severely; severely; Privates Wu, Batoy, ann and breast, severely; C D Forsyth, side, slightly; L Eastbug. shoulder, severely; M Lee, stunned by shell; A J Morris, breast, nhght. I.1 inr.nnr D.Ki.1,^ a xi . . .r ._ . »i>»w o juivnu. Wounded.Private J II Pierce, face. Missing.Privates A D Gatnraul, J P IIulscy, F B Black. Company Fi.Wounded.Privates G G Lanier, thigh, severely; vY T Lnwson, shoulder, slightly. L- B Smitib. Company F..Missing.Private Jerry Wallace. Company G.. Wounded. Oapt W F Jones, leg, thigh and head, severe 17; SergeantR J Johnson, slight: Privates J B Hepps, thigh, slightly; G II Bowsn, side, slightly. Missing.Private J W BaV.l. Company K..Woiuvlod.Private J L liardin, left arm broken; A Clar'he, hip, slightly; MV Hooks, back, slightly; V,V AGroeo.neck, slightly. Missing.Lieut J W Callaway. Killed, 2 Woundod, 24 Missing, & Total, 34 forty-eighth georgia lin^lmltt, commanded by col. wm. gibson. Field and Staff..Woucnded- -Co! Willi&ui Gibson, tide, slightly; Major J U Whitehead, loot. Comnnny A..Killed.Corpc ual E Lockluirr; Privates .5 S Swim, W Mr \J. Wounded.Capt E G Scrugg U head, slightly; Sergeant J M Braddey, elt iow, severely; Privates W G Sainmous, bre«3t, severely; Jno Marsh, shoulder, slightly; Ira ' V Neal, knee, severe!*; J 11 Warren, arm, ibgbtly; F M Peebles, shoulder, slightly; F M Barton, knee, soverely; J Braddy., hip, severely*;; D J Green, hand, severely; R Walden, leg, : icverely. Missing.Sergeant J Welche r; Privato V W Kitchens. Comp'y B..Wounded.Priv: ites W Reese, severely; A Taylor, leg, slightly; D Atkinson, leg, slightly; S Shelton, should* it, severely. Missing.Lieut S R Lowe; frivatea John Walker, J R Cody, A Peovy. Company C..-Killed.Private t WH Ware, J T Prewitt, J M Heard. Wounded.Privates J C H ennedy, head, severely; T J Watren, band« si ightly J" McCarty, shoulder, slightly. Company D..KUlfid.Prlvr/ye R Tabb. ifwin -g^-. ..I Wounded-^Sergearst L Odiun, bock, slighP j lyi Privates Win CampboH. wvotMy in ishestj A Hill, dangerously, in face; Tilly, alight ly, in back; J I'roacott, face, pccder burnt; F T Williams, body, slightly. Missing.Privates J Vaughan, A Pr6a cott. Company E..Killed.Private W F AJ' kins. Wounded.Lieut W J Smith, severely, ii shoulder; Private J J Connell, elbow, slight lj; A W Aldreil, neck, slightly. k Company F.. Killed.Private Wm Ilulin Wounded.Cnpt Kent, severely in neck Privates A 11 Pollclt,severely in fool; J Pitt i man, severely in breast. Company G..Wounded.Privates J Witri . thigh and hip, stwiely; W II Pace, urn slightly. Missing.Privates J no Tidwell. Company II..Wounded.Serg't S Suttoi arm slightly; Corp'l J C Coleman, slightly 1 f foot; Private J Kersey, severely in shouldei f Company 1..Wounded.Lieutenant W 1 Bachelor, severely in loot; Sergeant S Wad ford slightly in band; Private Wm Shirley i thigh. i Missing.Lieut Oartlegc. Private W Nether L land. Company K..Wounded.Lieut Wilsor 1 arm ami shoulder, dangerously; Sergt T 1 I Burnside, leg, slightly; Privo J £ * Montgomery severely in wrist. ; Missing.Privates J M Collins, J A Hulld day, W A Phillips. hfcahtui.aTion. Killed, 9 Wounded, 43 Missing, * * Total, 00 44TM ALABAMA HEUIMKNT, COMMANDED LIEL'TE NANT COLONEL C. A. DERBY. Fitld and Staff. Wounded.Lieut Col C A Derby, and : prisoner. 7* Company A..Kiiled.Privates LII Blnlocl and. R H Walker. Wounded.Privates E A Mongben, rnor tally; WII Day, leg; L J Day, thigh ; W I Cox. Company B..Killed.Corp'l A S Wallace Wounded.Privates J Doason, seriously D Nelson, head; J&ines Clark, slightly; "ft Rankston, slightly. Company C..lulled.Private 0 T Watts Wounded.Capt J II Purifoy, leg and arm Sergts E Bursnn, broast; J T Cook, left am and shoulder, Privates J McOondiche, slight Thos McBrido, slight; Preston Williams, arn and knee; Bowers, slightly. Compuny D..Wounded.Sergeants W W Armstrong, severely; W 11 Morgan, sevorel} W C Mahan, severely; Privates Win Robin son, 90vcrely; A J Baxley, severely; W A Glasscock, soverely: G W Roltun, slightly; li D Collins, slightly; Wm King, slightly. Company E..Killed.Sergts J D Davis E II Robiuson. Wounded.Sergt R S Jones, knee, dangerously; Privates J 11 Nelson, slightly; E A Robinson, thigh. Missing.Corporal G W Jones, Private W 9mith. Company P..Killed.Private Green Oldrun. Wounded.Serg'ts N II Thompson ar.d J Loughridge.; Corp'l II Thompson, all slightly; Privates EHCorley, soverely; Marion Trucks, soverely; Jackson Trucks, severely; II McKinney, slightly; Wtn Robinson, both legs slightly; J C Lawrence, breast. Missing.Privates belie, and Lorey EdW ards. Company G..Killed.Setg't W P Becker: Privates W^n Shearer and M G Jones. W ounded.Privaten E II Mizo, Toot; Tylet Dankun, thign; rrea \ ogelin (and prisoner.; Company H..Wounded.Lieut J S Johnson, lep; Corp'l Wm Loup, arm broke; Privates G Boiling, foot; J R Fulghan, leg; EE Fnlghan, leg; Jntnos Edwards, mouth,serious; JaroeR Gray, shoulder; Pratt Komi gay, »iightlv; J W Kornigay, slightlc. Company 1.. Kililed.Private W G Honstou. Woundc-d.Sergt R II Little, slightly; Privates GB Bennett, mortally; J L Lush, mortally; F M Yancey, alight; J J Babe, slightly; G H Miller, slightly; JD Ray, slightly, W Luther, slightly. Compajiy K..Killed.Frivatu Wrn. Pearson. Wounded.Privates J L McRay, neck Larkin. Busby, foot, knee and back; hi L Reid, arm. - 'Missing.Privates E Cobb, and William Potvell. - Killed, 12; Wounded, 62; Missing, 7. Total SI, RECAPITULATION. Killed. Wounded. Missing Total. Brigade Field and Stall' 2 i 3d <ia. Pag. 9 fid j 73 22f] " " 2 2-1 ;< 3-1 48th" ' y 43 14 6( 44th Ala. 12 62 7 SI 32 190 34 2C>. J. D. Diniri., Sec'y to Gen. A R Wright. DIED. Dinp, til Greensboro, N'oith Carolina, on Wednesday, tht let J«y of October, THOS. WoGDLY, ol, 11 i: in the 5uUi year of hU ago. Obituary. flaiH, on the 26lh of September, of Typhoid hevtr Ir the'Jill year of bis ago, BENJAMIN J. EGGLKNTuN. a member of the President's Guard. poeicssed of a kliiil and friendly disposition, honorable In all the relations oi fife, faithful In the discharge of his duties as a soldier, lie had gained for himself the eMtem and regard Of hli associa'es and oompaolons-ln-aiu.s, which fill never b< obliterated. Hope looks beyond the hounds or time, Aodwhat we now deplore . WIU rise up In Immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. PVJ^I I f >P. ** K i'-v. it 10 U M O N C TiHi>TIka iLsiS 71isr.i'i > i«'»n InH'.R P*l O'M riifc .lif.y .:Mt:- iv. ii.i. j ims... fltAAU»* > OK-tKi OG!<«3 Srjnn Mawsnaa - ! Tf 'Pnr.RPl. BENEFIT OF T~HE SUFFERERS BY THE 1'ELLOW FEVER IN WTLMINGTON. '/»'«HI3 (FRIDAY) FVENIMW; G.'tr.hsr 17, tne parforiu Ja. auee will commence with the play of GREEN BUSHES. O.ainnr 0 Kennedy Mr. Hamilton Oeoige Mr. Bates Munough Mr. Harrison, Giimmidge Mr. Morton, Jack Gong 2hoipc «fc,.IUL'. s .5 Mi" **"> E"in'' Mml St. Aubeit, \ Nelty.. .Mite Sallio Partington PAHCK ... MlssM. PaKTIMOTOH To conclude with BLACK-EYED SUSAN. With all the '"ouipanv BKOAI) STREET THEATRE. (Late MontlceHn Hall.; BtllAU STREET, BETWEEN 6T1I AND TTII STREETS Lajseas ;. 0. W. BLAIR d 00. ieraca MaSiOal Mr. 8. H HCBbARC. Laiti.nnFTna OiiCUKHTRA Prof. BENEDICT. 0 R E A T S U C C E S S . HOUSES CROWDED BY THE BEAUTY. WI1 AND FASHION OF RICHMOND. JffftHIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Get 17, the perforinanci JL wl I commence with the thrilling Nautical Drama, bj Iho late Pongln* Jcno d, entitled, BLACK-EYED SITS AN ALL IN THK DOWN'S. William. * fctUiur Air C. a. Mackenzie Susan (his lie) 311.6 EUa Wren Jto.'bTwlg Mr d B. liubhnr.l Gnatbrttin Mr. D. Russell After which SINGING A S P Ji A X i* I X .J To conclude with the laughable ftrceuf a thumping legacy SSr Doors open nt quarter to 7 o'ci:»ck.--cu.l&tn tril rUe hi quarter to ii o'clock precisely. Admission W cents Reserved Ochestra scats 7J cts, Oct 17.« metropolitan hall. GREAT jJ LT 0 C E S S ruckley's southern nightingales WHOSE SI'LEXnili SINGING, DANCING, COM 10 SAVINGS AND JS'EGRO BURLESQUES >re li.e admiration ot the e»riro Soaib. £3T~ For particulars see dally programmes. ucl 17.Iw* W ANTED, T'A AAn I.H3. BROOM CORN WANTED-For J.wV/jVV'" * which the highest price, cash oa ilellvo ry, will be paid by G. IV. ROBINSON, At Spoils A Har-rcv's, Oct 17.lev* W 31alo air ft BUCKINGHAM LAND KOtt SALE. FOR SALE, say Tract of Land, lying oa Bocky Oreck, within five miles of the James River Canal, containing 830 acres, well adapted to the cultivation of wheat, corn and Tobacco. There Is upon the tract a dwelling bouse in good ropalr, and nl! necessary outhouses. For further information, address the subscriber at New Or.nton TUOS. A. FOSD. Oct 17.elm ajglgggigsggi^g tmwn iitwrfnanrxrgfiiwi*; SS3SS t'STY IMTKLLlOEKfCE. S ^EhlOv-S XiTlBRNT OtV THE CkNTHaL Rill.' P boad..The special train which left Richmond on Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock, containing abont fu eight hundred troops, consisting or conacripta and on convalescents, met with a minus accident about eix *i miles above Chailottesville, which |<oiut It reached u about rletvn o'clock mi Wednesday night. A mint- I 1 her of cattle had gotten on the track, and the dark- - nes* prevented them from being seen until the engine ^ was upon them. Two oxen were killed aad dashed from the track, * aud a third, .becoming entangled in the cow-pit at the » place was passed over by the engine, tender and five t cms. the engine remaining being turned amand on the 5 track, and the tender and live cars being thrown off, I and down a sleep embankment of some sixty feet in b ' height. The track und timbera of tlic cow-pit were b '> torn up by the collision, but .for. which the accident, w would probably have proven less severe. 01 Five soldiers and two negroes were killed, and ." aixtv soldiers wounded, twenty setiously and four *? ' mortally. n The crash and.the preeipitntion of the train wro so r. sudden and unexpected that but few attempted to es- ai cupe ijefotchaud: in fact, the cars were so full that ai Gir h an attempt would only have produced confusion 's aud resulted in a more disastrous catastrophe. Many c: r> of the soldiers went asleep at the time, on the floor and 0 bonchea, and awoke either rolling down the embanktucnt or jammed up confusedly with one another. 01 Information of the accident was immediately sent uj to Charlottesville, and on jesterday the train from i|: 'j Lynchburg ntriviug there, went up to tlic assistance of A 2. tlie itnforlunateH. and returned with the killed and * r. wounded. Tito wounded wem properly taken tare of ic at the Charlottesville bo-pitaU aud the dead decently tCl buried. We could not learn the names of any of the m * injured. The unhurt were turned over to the com- hi m funis nt of the post ut Chat lottesville to uwuittram- el puliation ^ fo The Hustings Cocbt..The following case? bl were disposed of iiefote the Fllistings Court, on yesterday: g John h. King was charged with stealing, on the a 10th of August last, a negro slave nainod Prank, valued teat *800, the property of Algernon S. Bradley. The testimony showed that the prisoner had arrested the Fl negro in Caroline county, while the latter was attempt- Fl ing to make bis way into the lines of the enemy, and F, when he was found with him in charge, he was taking t him to the South to sell hitn, and-said that) -lie hid perfect right to ceil any negro so nrrested." The case Vi was sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. Bail ret fused.- Pi Anderson, ft slave oi E. Cocke, was charged with . entering the house of Alfred ^pnnkle, and stealing , therefrom $891. No evidence was produced to show p, that the prisoner committed the act, the premises from which the money was alleged to have been stolen hav- .-'i . ing been open at the time to the ingress of any one.. No money was fonnd on the prisoner. He was dis1 charged. Tim aooonf tin. Common wealth ra. Thp Tr. pngraphical Society was introduced. and an argument proposed by the counsel for the prosecution, Messrs. . Gilmer and Crane, to show rause wliy information w, 1 alionld be filed agninst the defendants. This was oh- u 1 jecu-d to by the opposing counsel. Messrs. Nance and at Sands, and after some hatnnguo between the two i sides the argument on the subject was postponed until to-i I ay. " Julia and Miry Elba Dean, emancipated slaves, T,i upon their application, were granted paporu to remain c< in the State. Menem. Herbert a. Claiborne. H. D. Sanxftv. P M. <1. Tabb, John P. Tubb aud V. T. Crawford, qualified as *< : Notaries Public. Messrs. George H. Mondy and P. ft. Hopkins were duly (|uallfleu lis deputies to High Constable George A. 0I1 Freeman. n Procuring Scbstitutks..There is now in pu the city quite o large number of persons engaged in 51 seeking substitutes for the war-, and the scarcity of ihu ci.mmodity is such as to excite considerable compotl- 5 tion among the bidders. The difficulty of obtaining substitutes is an great in fact. that many wiping to qc . procure them are prom, to rush desperately into tiie mesh- P< e* of Valgus captains mid agents. for t he purpose of lm make" oi doing the thing lieiore it is too late.. a' This |«olky of teiting tt inngh wiih the business quick is not very likely pay. unless The principal takes the preeniiti .a t" lewiu his fee until the substitute is regu- £ i«rly accepted into service. The cnmeious instances in which piirtbs have been defrauded sbould be warn' inir to all desirous of relieving themselves of the re?,pon asihilities of r-aiiip-lifc. t lit- utmost tare, therefore, is at. essential. lest the principal should lose, not ouly his w. money, bat liis chances for keeping out of the army, mi and ii to avnid this exigency he should first make snre tn' ol his own exemption p ipers before he permits the fee to pass out of his hands. .. Conaidernble dnnl.t txista in the minds of the citizens §5 at large, relative to tbo disposition by Congress of a hill providing for substitutes in certain cases," Ac., pi,-scribing an a necessity the responsibility of the c,i principal for the fidelity oftlic substitute. This hill jj was paospd by the s nate. After tieing sent to the *n House, the House Committee reported it back with the tln recommendation that it would not pans. This is its at last appearance on the recoid. and it consequently rein dim) upon the caleudur of the House, and may or Nl may not be called up again at some future session.. ha There exi.sis then no such law in regard to substitute StTNSET FROM ChUKCII HlLL.. Re httVc gorgeous suuaeta from hills about Richmond, if the people would only enjoy them. One of out choice day- -j departuies, amid these mellow autumnal evenings. 8 puts to blush tbo latest sod rosiest of the worldfamous Italian sunsets, and "days that die on Csu- to casus." The chastened glories ol the honr maybe f!| compered with tin- »u nipt nous magnificence of the poet s ''divines' dre-tni ' lore." just Ufore it collapses- - 1 ititii disappointment. A triend who has gazed row the most pictnresque loonlities of the old vroild, w" 8s has witnessed the day close among the Iieight3 of U}.' au pine graudeui: who has swn. from among the memo- Vi rica of Santo Marco and the Bridge of Sighs, the sun er di»robo himself amid the blushing Heavens for hie evening imp: who hue a*en a rrsl.liva Italian sunset. Jj[' J telle us that he prefers liie sunset from Church llili [h with its lore-ground oi spires, river, field and forest.. ,,, Englishmen end Yankee* vi.rit Italy, and me in nt-i- o tureB. But an American, fiom the South, ia disappointed, for he hss lived and imbibed the spirit of tip- t!l pronation una.1st more beautiful displays of nature's J1' magnificence. J ho ".Sunny South" may be proud of ,c - her sunsets. tt. ;tf] The Mayor's Coiist..1 he Mayor had but (,i very little regular bnsiricss to attend ro on yesterday but. &3 usual, he was kept tjuiie bus/, after disposing tr of the docket, with applications tVora various parties . for warrants and other matters eunnecteJ with popular le grievances 5ij£^ s' The only cases niithe docket were the following Wnt. Coniey was charged vrith cutting Mary f MeMinn. The compiniu.-iM, it seems. w.«h sitting in her door, on 2d sttcei. ticat Duval, wlieu f'only came by and asked if she bad anything to drink, She teplied, ~ No,'' when Conley draw a knife, and slushed it across " f her right arm. indicting a painful wound. The case was continued until tLe 21«t instant, lor 1'uitiier ex nminatiou. Jjf : A lad, 8bout seventeen years of age, named Napoleon Ilanea, a machinist's apprentice, w?.* charged ^ with stealing £200froni Mrs S Larmon resi.ling on lMih (a street. The charge was not sustained, and the detenu want was diamissed. of Maria, a slave, was charged with stealing $100 fiom Jli Elins Walking. but tLo pi of being insufficient, she was r discharged. J'u Thk WciTutR..Y«3icid.iy was a pleasant ro day, kkjI enough to avoid the shade, yet aullk-lenily K' warm to keep oil' a chill. 1 he promenades were j r ciovvvled, aud the stores well tilled with city andenuu- ^ try customers. The cold, blustering weather of late »& lias developed numerous want*. \\ inter clothing has pr to be purchased, new furniture provided, carpets to be 1'° laid down, coi>I to be laid in, and all sott- of winter i'r cu in foils io be looked after. u| . . ltl Thk Wilminoton suffbftkks.The managemeut of the Itichmond " Varieties." with commendable liberality, have determined f<> appropriate the proc«.vds ol the entertainment at the' Varieties" (to-night) f.,r the beuefif of the sufferers in Wilmington, Is. v... 'V The piece selected is the beautiful drama of the (ireen Rnshes." in which the full strength of the "Varieties" h*" company will appear. We trunt the management will ho warmly seconded in their benevolent undertaking, by oor citizens. be io ui ill THE ILLVSTRA TED SEUTS, £," THE ILLCSTRATF.D SEWS. |1C THE ILL UETHA TED SEWS. bv I I l'£ ESOP.A ViSGS, FIFE h;-GHA VISGS, ia FiVE EEOH A t'/.vuS. h OFS'I. 3ES M-CrilOCIT. ,h .JKS'I. HFS MCUI.LOCU, g. a EE'I ESS M'VVLL.CH: ic GETTtSG MARRIED. rs (fETTlSa MA RRIFD, m GETTISG XaP.EIED. in AS ILLUSTRATED STORY, ti : AS 1LLVSTRATEH STORY, ac A S II. L CSTR A TED STOR T. i f MlJOE POMMELS, . MAJOR F "MMEL!., Cd f MaJ'<II POMMKi.L. ,0 ' A TA1.F. OE THE trsP., A TALE OF THE TrsF., L i TALE Of TEE iTLFSUir, SVMB-R, " tou f r vn/n xitmpfk i/.-L Sl'jtB hn f! AT TE S O'C L 1/ f X. ' ' -i TT £ > ( >' i> o c K. , ; .1 T 7 E O'V I 'J E, ... <A runl>A j* M RSJ.VfJ, ,, S.I Tfrf:/' J r .V"fi v/.'«vr, . sa tup. /..i r x n srs'j. ly RUNAWAYS. at THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. p> LEFT my dwelling, In Sunday evening, Octo- ber l'Jtb, my negro man GEO. YiTEr1, about 2" years j old, yc'low i-i'mplexlnn. about 6 feet S tc lit inches high, a ac*r on tit. neck uuder hit* jaw, and bud e cock or crcte eye. , Also, two NEGRO MEN let' wy f»iin. about two miiea out cf town, about tne same time of nay 0- e man. MttK- r ( TON. Bred about 24 or 2^ years block, about h feet 10 V inches gcara recollected ar,d boy DICK, lkyears . of aue, about b feet b or inches high, black, and had on when he left a deep blue Jacket, with bran button.1, end back place oap. ( Morton Is recently ft om Cu'pcper county, Virginia, cud . Dick I bought from Fauquier i-ounty, tit ar Witrrenton. Virginia, la»t January George was raised by ni' near R|.hD.und. I hnv'a no doubt that all three are aiming to make tt etr e«. ape t" the. Vankuea oy way >.i Uordoo»Tiile hdJ i .fptper I will (Ave )| ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Jj. far B..cb of tbctn, Jellrered to men lit Biubir.tind, or ec- .,rj Cured to Jail, ee- 1 Can gel 'beia again. In Oct 14- of tULAs GMOtrCNIiRO. ,.t! iViNK CflKWUiO rtiRiCCO..We have for «»! Lao*. 1 L.trna a. s..u'«eolal.rata.t Or..uutu atin-cnrad t.h«w ._4 I Tubacc.,, by the paefcnga .ir at retail I MEAUK A BAKEB. Ueot 18 led Main itreet, c.»r abow PuatoUlce LOE Ma68..bu poania superior BLUE MASS, Jam re A ealvAd and for Mis by At W. PSTKK803 4 00., iht kny» **.twf4.«. J POTACH.1,000 pounds genuine -knauiau Potsab, fur -i Baking Reap, Jutt received, for eale by T7 W. PETERSON 4 00.. A1 Oct a 135, Mala Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. i NAILS, ( ;. t.I.i iHI riK8, AC The daugsrouJ consequence: of neglect or the unskillI tut of the knife, In all sucb cases, should Indue every e affected with diseases of Hm feet, to seek relief from dii. 8chult7, lose operations are performed* tbout pain, nud sieiei iliiesclous..iExtract Itoa» the vvJj|j{ ' lion. U W. Be" "aye "'lwith inucti clieerfulnose that commend Dr. Shulu. He It thoroughly ver»cJ iu this ucb Important branch of surgical eclr-ucc, and thus retiira himself a bencfaotorto mankind, lilt mtulut ojirfin1 It unattended by pa'n or the least inconvenience " gB~ Office, Wall (Street Hotel, Wall street, Oct 17.8t' a. AN ORDNANCE TO EKFOROR TlIK HAYk~ffr ment ok taxes on licknbtn, passkd 0T0BER18,1662 Section 1 Be It Ordained by the Council oT the City of iehmond, That any merchant, manufacturer, auctioneer, rokcr, hole -keeper, or other peraon upon whoui or upon In.he employment a class tux Is Imposed, who shall carry is hi* or her business la the city, without first having beeu ntodbythe Assessor, or having tl ed with tint Cbio.n r in a notice of tila or her Intention to eusuge In ruoh bunssa, thai pay a fine of not leas than ten nor more tiun fty dollars. Uko. 2 lr shali be the duty of the Assessor of the city to icortaln whenever any parson or firm shall comoance uy nnilneos subject to a class tax, after his annual return made, a id to obtain Irom him or thorn the amount of tpitftl employed In such business, and te.urn the same onthli to the Chamberlain, to be by him reported to the halrman of ihe F.uaoce Committee. The said committee i»ll thereupon determine the class in whl h such person r persons shall be placed, and the Assessor «h«U list them [>,.n his book as those persons In bin annual return are ited, and hand a copy of the llt> to the collector. The sessor shall in his return designate such person or firms may huve Incurred the penalty mentioned laths that ction Sec 'd II shall be the duty of the Collector of the city report to the Council monthly such pcisuns or firms entlniii'd lu the n si se-tlnn as he tniv find carrying on ijiuess In the city allium hating been assessed with a ass tux. Bec l The OrJInanco eutlt'ed '"An Ordinance to enrce the payment ol Ibtos or, llcens. s," pa*«ed Noveui»r 59, I Ml, is heieby rupcalsd. A copy: A W. MORTON, Ool 16.elm Chamberlain. ~rSS»THr; KOLLOVVINU IB A I.lcT UK riTsWlIlL^ TION'9 for the benefit of the Sick and Wounded latmiulaus, la the Army of Virginia, from the 1st ul S-pmher to the 1st of October, ISoi: DOKxTIONa or txsna inn Lie"l Davis of the Army, fi 00 rn Mrs A E Mastln, proceeds of a concert given by Young La.lbs, of Tuskogee, Ala, SI Oo rom Hon Thomas II Waits, money contributed by Ladles of Alabama, fur building guubone,.. ' 1,9i 9 no um John P i.'ool, of Alabamu, through Hoc 1 human H Watts, fiu ixr oir, Mrs M W Hnrman, of Alr.buma, through Hon Thomas II Wattn, «u pn 'II(D OiltnCiittce uf ii.lL'lri ilk thrr.nt->. I U Johns, -j u<> uin IV I* Molett, of Alabama, through Tj ler 4 Al', ]r.l li> om Citizen t ot Talladega, Ala., through Hon J L M Curry, 401 50 Totul, ii.Cii Ot* C.iMTHIiVTIuS* Of CtOVH.SU, PTOHKH, AC. Two Urge bozeiof shirts, drawers, feather plliows. pll* w-. H«es, sheeta, qullti, bandages, lint, soap, pickle*,, hitters, svrup', and other boap tal suppl'es, ironi idles' Aid Society, Dayton, Alt, per Mm inutile Hemrt Vtr i large boxes of coraforta, pillows, pil!ow-rn,;<*?, eeta, urawerM, Ac., from Ladles' Aid Society, Onvlilj. la. one barrel soap, ar.d ona box of shirts, drawers, sheets', t'ow-caei a and cordial, from Ladle*' Aid Society, A ntloch, losa county, Mm. four I) *xcs cf hospitalsmrca,mattress, pillows, comforts, Crttrine, caUup. rice tlonr, sage, slippery elm. cordial. :, thiouirh .Major Vanileve-r, of the AKbama Depot. Twelve park grs of lint and bandages from the Ladies of nesboro', Jelferson onuety, Ala. Three boxes containing six botl'es cordial, thiea large lis orange marmalade, one do ol Uc do, one box whin* gar, two pounds »f green tea one c»ri peaches, eight b-.t:s deonctlnn of elder, one dozen p-R.'h cordial it d two i knees Jjnt and handuges, 1roc: Mrs Mary LuJI .w, of oblle, Ala. dc. Iti- diwU Mm A. g HOPKINS. --^52,10 PERSONS INDEBTED TO US A I pemens indebted to us ore hereby respectfully reif*ted to setllo thetr respective obligations, either la -son or by maiL without needless delay The? trill thus re Interest sod the Inconvenience of payment when ,.ney may bt> lest abundant than a' present. WATKINS &l PICE LBN, Orl.1-1.1m* '.iiliceio our lateritore, 159 Main St. ^^rpTcTTt L "no T~I cE tlic Government (using relinquished utr Warehouse, b will, after having It thoroughly clean.ed, resume liuti *s uieie In a lew days. Having one of the moat cniuroojus and belt arrany.d Mores In the Southern country, t shall be prepared to rooclve and sloio anv amount ol rrchannlse rhnt may be consigned to us, utol to exhibit e goods in the most advantageous manner DcM 1.1ft KEN r, I'aINK A On ~^p=» SPECIAL NOTICE. MAXUFACTCIiED TOBACCO FUH GalE. In connection with our regular auction business, we hi:read.Ulicd an agency lor the tale of A N U F A C'l'UR E D T 0 Ii A C C 0 , i na.lgnmeat. t\< hare on hand ard for sale soinc of e finest brands put up In Virginia, to which We invite tne ientlon of buyer*. Our tegular auction sales of Tobacco take piece cn WEP^hDA Y of each week, and consigners cno bare their Toceo sold at either public or private sale, as desired. SUMNtlt A BL'ttRCSB, Auctioneers, iron Front Building, Oct II.lui Governor street y. M. GFM.'fl i»KKICE VA FORCIS. < Lv.tcubcao, Va.| Oct 18, fjfi/. S 110 THE PEOPLE of Hie counties id Sm.vthc Wythe, Taseivell, Mercir, Giles, Pulaski, OarroU, Floyd, Modiuiery, Orn'g, Monroe, Franklin, ilo&nok'-, ll#.-ill»rd. Buttourl, Allegi -ir.y, HocknrlJge. K»th, Amherst lUrupfcell, ils.-n, Augusta. 'ppomattx, liocklngham, I'eudle'on. ighland hh I Orrennrler: l'ne As.einbly billing provl 'eil for the production, .lldrj Hon * «! a >le of S»lt to the cllitens or the Commonaltb <if ci*vf, Mint the Governor having dllouled tlrs Olio to procure,/'"" witfi, ibe liec-saary trsnnpoi tatlon for ,ll rrnin ttie Kltnkwlia bailties t} Dublin, on llie Vug loin id Teiiiieseee Kuilrood, and to Ml ltioro, on tl.e CVlit-al rgiaia Railroad, I have this day authorized end eiupow"i the Sheriff. and the Fresidlog Muel.tralrs of yo r untie. to procure ond sen 1 forthwith to the Kanawha Suit*. Willi all possible dijpatqh, nil I lie wagon., tenuis nkd vers to l.e obtained In youl respective countle Full rtructbip' have been given to tlieuj and authority Hi ( (.>-<, wneturver parties withhold their means In thN time pr-'«Mi*g necessity. Ample r«muneratlve role? h«n leu fixed for all.who promptly and valuattuuH plscc elr property lit the dlspoaal ot the Stale fur llile purpose, JIU which a deduction will t>e muds, where resort ha; to runic to imj'i t^mriiC. Your attention naked to the propriety of unitiiiy your arus, so aa to make suitable means ol liauaportstlon id Jot bve urged In view of ibu approach ot winter, to koc ibeut without delay tudor the control ol eilhci ot e above mentioned officers, provided with tins neceesary haisunct! tor man ntid t.tmt for the round trip, lite tint liotn each county will be provided with a wagon eater from county, to be appointed by tbe aiove itned officers, who will he required to control and pro ct the property of its cllittcne whilst In the an vice of the ate. f. t: sWO d', llajor aiiil duartaruatler, acting C| M lien'I Va. Force*. ttL'.th'loiMttSl'r K OENEKAl.'S OFFICE, i VIRGINIA F .KCKfi, I. vneutttho, Vj , Oil W, 1M2. ) it/: f.tMi .'t ;'i; I- nli ai.i .firrip Tiia General Assembly of Virginia llaa pused all Act to ovlda tot the distribution nod rate ut Salt to the prople tbls Commonwealth at actual co-1 Full powers have been couterreii upon the Executive of e dlale to auoonipil-h that object It 1a absolutely nectary, owing to the near approach of wiuter, the urgent mt» of the people for «h>1, atnl the p eaent Impossibility making other arrangements, that a call be made iiniaemely upon citiiteus fortrntispoitatlun. Ills Excellency, the GoVcrnur of ilie State, baa Imposed this Officetbe du'y ol p-ecuriug " wagons and teams liable for the hauling and transportation of Salt from the BQaWhk Salines to Millioiv' Depot ou the Central hall ad and ro itublln Depot ou tbe Virginia and Tennessee illrosd " 1 accordingly authotlze and empower you f'vrthirltl. to ocure all the wagons, teams and drlvera posalhlc in he t^iued in your county, knd to forwa'd them Immediately the moat direct and practicable route to the Kanawha lines, where arrangemen's will he made to load thetu omplly with Salt, deliverable at either of the above Dc la. Ed her or both of you aie empowered to act in the vmliu. 'I he following rates will be paid for teams thus employed, ion the certificate of elthei one ol you as to tbe date ot cCMtniaetiCemunt of <oivlc« ir .'Tory « horse team and dilver & "U par day. llo. i do. - . - 7 00 " Do. 4 do. - fi 5<j " Do. e Jo. - ; as. llo. 1 do 4 «'«> " The rales will he paid to ail pcr-ioiis whopr. my! rid .famish their wagons, l-ainj aud i".I r«. In all CHses, however, where suitable teaiss are not i.inptiy and voluntarily offered by tho owner* thereof, in ere hereby authorised and required, by vitrue of the irhnrity morei-aid. to impress the same, with auitahle ivors and the necessary loroge. and to forward them, in fore described, tn the Kanawha Salines Por all such ipftJ*ments, a deduction of twenty-Sve cent* per horse r day will be made from the above rates lor hire, toth.r with the necessary snhsiatenci; of driver and irses, should the same be furnished by the dtate and not the owner. Your attention it directed to ifc. importance of ,>e..urlo* itabie teamj lor transportation. The wear and tear o; wsftoti. and th# lure and eubalateooo of a driver belr.g e sum* far a si* horse cr a two-boree wagon, It Is sueotea that hi many of tbe former as possible he secured, id. Is order to facilitate this objest, that the fanners ar ye among themselves to unite their trams so as to aire fall six-horse teams It is further suggested, that every County, lowhloh four or more toams are furnls!*' I, some suitable parson be appointed by you jointly, to t as wagon-mastar for all teams from said County, if ss than that number be furnished by your County, they il he attached to the tmln of the adjoining County most overdone These wagon-masters will bt alliwed reanablo compensation for their seivlcei, and will be ex cted to tee to the security of tbe .Salt tn he transported Ibe taking and placing at convenient points the Daccary forage for the teams and sub-slstlng of dr.vars for the itire superintend and control their movements ling and returning, and to provide all necessary aid In c event of aceldeot. They are particularly enj di.ed to J all poesiole dispatch In view of the tppr. a. ning winr consistent with the rlohls and Interests of uie parties furnishing their prcperty Inrlhe use of the Kite. The urn; may be started s.ngly without delay, and formed to trains on the way. You art particularly requested to notify ine. from time time, of your p.ogress 'r. the execution of thli trus*, id especially what ntimbrr of teami year County wlii ot>»bly furnish for the service, together with their cecity, Ac. Your dalles heicg performed, you will report this Office .forthwith thu names of all parties who shall ve tumished teams.the character of those teams.the ,te of the commenconietit of the service.all expenses furred, ftc , 4c ample foods hare been pla-.od In the hands of the Exorivc to meet all ihu expenses incident to this service -ii»" office will certify to the Governor for payment, all nt-acts made ty you for Mrs or for impressment* uo.dar l> authority, and all other reasonable expense;, Inciud; a reasonable compensation Icr yourselves. L. H SMOOT, Major and Quartermaster. Acting Quartermaster General Virginia Forces. ' c- IT irjf. II. REDWOOD if CO., ' II ii L K !l A L E 1 N D E I A I L DEALEHjs i.N t SUEACTURED TOBACCO A .YD .SEGA US, IaVE just received s Urge and nee .ite.1 stock ot la Bacon, ot VKrtoua r,rands, and for sale at reasonable ices Also a 1nt of tine HaViKa Cifi.«fu>, Fancy Pip'*, velopes, and atnoklng Tobacco, to which we invite the ecttou of our Mends and the public gen-rally. W II KriUWuOl' *s CO.. Corner Pranthn and iltb ftro'tj' dctl".Met Soy* fcluhni' nI. NOTICE. j AUE next annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Or- ange and Alexandria Railroad Company, will be held the office of the Company, la Lynchburg, on Thursday, 6th day of Novemtbr ensuing, at 10 o'clock A. M 3y order ot the Directory. J. B. BE1D, )ct _ Clerk. AIN3 Table Mustard, Woioestsrshlre bancs, black and Bed Dapper, Matches and Blacking for sale at MEaDE a BAKEK'efDrag Store, .sr..7.riJ~-r<r mil' iVT rryuivi.-u m nii'mom //*< ATE SALES. VALCAUIjK LANDS irv LWHSIANA F08 SALE. 1WH.L »clJ ffC»Di 10 *,GvA A<rr4 of i-nlidu, ilortlfdt>ly located, in detached tract*, acout '2u isilea wuii oi the Mlf*ii*tOppi river, and, h portion tte'ir ;ao Vlcfcthurg, tihrcveport'^and Toxtts Railroad. Some of ihe hbove lands lite improved niid in a F?tr*t of r.ul ivallon. The lai^^i portion are ur.lnjj-ioveJ '<to* rr.icM embrace l»orh a'htvKl hf*«t ftlKh lap 1* for Information an to quality xn»l price of tiie land*, »«1 dre»* nie, for next ten day a, it Hi* American Hotel, R»» b nwnd Oct il.S. I)* riUVi H A KAR.M I s it \.\0\ Kit i Ol'.STl, U.V I' i.Ml-'.VIiKV, i'AI.I KI f .Vrll.r'i V|i A,"H'K r.Al f. IOI'Ffclt IVr suit- this I arm. snouted In lUt.-vei c lilitv, in I'mnuok. y cu..l:itiii:.c IV seres, with a some and Wi-ll-l.idll dwelling, Ciniitnolidliu! nil extensive prospect of the river and surrounding r-inuiry. 'I lie ut-bullilli ps nii; wry good, aeti a system of m-il!- III; ivllh prion s»l»l has been . ! -n't-lv ..Oji.t-IU. I III-- place, wilii good ic-Ults. I il'ti?. >. i L"IV " I II let i-i ct: ' 'OH PtLK rtniK follow...* fAlllir-i.. Mn-'-n luumy, A:'.., *.-.|i .4 tiuprof.J «b"l ninr.tldii to ralliMili ' >< .nil. o-it of h.iuiiinm flu *.|inii;i I'lAi*. iif Vlif. no >a <oIi:t»:| .. Tbo tlslabua J1U..I, ../ 1,fc»f \.t ... U .mil. *t!.,. Tii« r.lbnh»'nK«C plain. of 1,'li- lifnl, .Vs. lr. f7.111 ;e. il. n. Ton In. a.* plt.f., ufif.'I tarns, if-O tj .dltrviillo Tr.'fj'JI. I* W..0 nil n-ik-lb-.J ! >' :i.y v.. nsc. r»ut rnfnroso* 10 ir..11 7 scd location, »..d or. irr.ljr .leilntelu Negro!.- sr'il La ukot It. {. ri pnyo.-M If il.-i»!r*-i end fnil pHf'.'Sl.r. .-lva3 lo th./io v-lsr it,- in i.^n. fcjill««i. - t-> t«. uii-lcriigiioo »i ! I :.S' 1-oi.^'t.i..i'c if. r «u an. * .' *iij 1.A.V1) FOR S11.K IS 1U.N0VI K CGl'.\T\. MV Her* nii.1 llu- loss of toy slaves, i:.-trc it m-.Vasiu'-r lUe'to L'lvt* up faroiliik', 1, tlll'lvl r.- Olltr In! -nl.-Il.c l.liitl on Wliicil I r- sldr Mtljoiltl-ll tilt? i waldfin-n ..f Or V^iu. II mUm hihI ntho.-s, cor.tu!:iii.|.* n' .oit !.(' luin-lmd ,i,<l Illty ftccH, flyhtnt-n ul rt itoni r cli r of liicliui..iol, nuil tlifer inilf. Iroul (be Ul.l I t.u' Uiclii, ulific Ihclt? n Post f)lliro. 11io buil'lll.y. o-'li-lsl of inf.. Is- 1. doelili . 1't. sis room-, pdi-sM^o nti.l |ior. 1.01: tin o>i.*bai'tlii.^s i.-.i it. v I comiltl. n. Tlie|>la -c is rup|> i.-il w It. ll.n'-o.- nii-t «rn»i! culliclout for till the iiurpiinci" of tin- fnriii: « » ol puie tf.iit.-r in tli--jar.!, and n" koo.I >|>ria|;s on ihol.iriu and . ootid uicb.ii J of apple trees. The land Is of i/nnd fe Hli'y, and Ins a plenty of iiinrl upon if, from which fifty acres have to u.i marled, and show tlt-cl led inii.iovt!menl I'd >--. 'J'liere are pun lb: roads in tiutit jii-I rt-.-ir of the p'aoe, which cunsi'lut.t boundary lines in an mii-J hea thy utlfliboihood ; m-u scvciat pood mills, mid convenient to i hurr.lie* t>f diflT-.-rciit dcnc-r ir.titi ns Any pcrsrn wUhii.g re s -c 11..- plv- will ilioi mi- jeoera1ly Ht hoine. Tcro.s accoinnit-diiilcy net ld-r'd* I II i'AhNfciT. A V4LFRLE KA^L TEN AiiLiVS fTiO.M RU'llMONIi, H>if c-.tI rjjiliE Slito'-rlher olT.-r» for sale p l. itel? in PAlsMlatf-. I ly oieiu.l b> Wio. K Harris .Ico'd in the upper of f-'enri. ...It-r. iu!l>> finl.-i-.ond 'I'hi- tiao- i-niitsln* 4Jt*. Hc-e.i, tr:ih snu1 111 acres -.1 li I la d on Deep I.ill, l.'iet-k no.I Its nraiiche., an.i ImJ ..< ir » siiHich n> y r.t ail tnnter atul nrt w..c il/o-tii t it.- j.'i.-- lie i-uilittiters consist of h Ii. riteand em i-wrltn. - ilo.'.sc, with the USUHl U1 llOllsO". in dtury Kun Creek, which "tins ihrouah t'-e plantsti'm, th.-reis 3d e-ceiti-m miii, v: h -i ir.e |-or,lur> of no oltl Jam imw -t-tinliac, which would afford the p-r rli&scr'i-n opj ortuaiiy t re l-u'Mtnjr a Kris' trillion the old fuun liti">n with hot little o-tprt;.-- Persons wishing to tnxite investments Ir. rcn tsi .l> waiti -to well to --vim r.c litis pr.ip-T'j- i S. ri.Ai'f, Or til i-wfos LAND J-OK alLK I \ OAiMl'llf.l.L Oil lit TV. TTAOti*6y, 1 K. (-t!i ACKKH -if lit* '-v'li -it ami n iutM J.1 Ur«l, -X tnllti fori; in; li.- i i o-iri lirr. o. it. .'-aVautH.t Jldtki.i.U Of l.C. fioIltU hi.1.1 lialltOlld .i 1 }T !.bjrc, lmTir.if a a«el la* h.m-c H-u-i »' » *: > 1Iutiiu i'.-i a t. null t.iiriiy a KimiH l.-ttittin will <i-J at. caiiv «pplir.i:ii ~ AiIi|---sp.1. .'I -'bile i<ii nji | 5-c"t«!. I -ir.-. LAND FOJt SALIi. fSjlH fc stih-crlliH.- iillVrs lor "ki- lit- tr-ctol lylriy H rut the wnt«.r» at Itoiiyv Of.i.ijr sa tta- ti-ntily C.tmptiMil, Vft., »«j;htA->D mli-s fimuh ol l.ynciihar;.- r .a taialmf IT! 3<-r-'g, about 1.3.1 bur Jretl Had nf'y it. ..rislti.i growth, gGrty lti saimn-t or. w.'h, :-.r;d the I-hIihc- In .-uitii v.itlf.n. This iand Is josily c»us)d.»r<>d nee of III-* tracts in this s-ctli-n of lbs ootiDiry I-h. .-ti ! a r..r.:f-ir ( taM-- Fra.nx Pwiillajf-lioniiA, with It*-.; t otn« e kthi'kry, t-iliror.t hansas, .'ic. 71 >t).j.Can rbiid earn; lb- halknea tr. si* am! tw>l»» ; month", hairing isturost frats loth fer-'t.CH h|>I;I.i. to jinri-hASn willti.» mlsettl or «i ii-iekl'ord, Furty o.i1:1,1 y is. C . me-go i-iiii' w. 1.r>iv;;t , flV TilE tiOVtHNHH Of VIKiilNi.V A PROCLAMATION. Utulri' rtuilioriiy uf uti Act p i.SiH.-il r.u tin} li 1 at <luy ui the prceMil iiicmih, (Octolicr.) i, John Li-U-lier. Governor ot' the Loiuuiuit tvealili 01 Vngiiiin. ilo hait-hy proclaim lint toguiutiotid heinto Hiiiu-.\<-.) ...- iiuvitic l.cvti f miopt-.-il hj- mo. a ti,! to he obligatory t-pun all poison.-.iinl cOip-iratioii.i ,'Oinino n'lthiii then pto vie v.- iruitt the .Ulc hen. il e, unJer my Imt. as G-itcruorunii uny i ij-:l' tin- M.-ui 01 the CjlltiilOU-'.e.illl. tblo telltb (~ ,l j liny ol Ot tohi.-i, IM-.', n-;.14i. the aTti. yi-ut ot 1 lite L'ontmoiiwt'tiltii .lUilN' LMT'.'liiiJt. fly lh? '".vern.'i tiUiii.'iK W. Secretary of the Cuminnn- weal Hi ' il>Ji!lllritioiU f'.r oi.trtlhil.g Ill li.ia t Cvinui iauuiuiti tor fli.j.tni,uii"n lo me I'm > 3--ril<f I l<y ilit; i.i'jveiaur uuoei the a. 11»» ;,i.viJc i-»r " the |n...luctli>ll. .Ulitioh utni ante l>! salt lis tilia> ' t uiiiimiiiWtiil'h- i'.i«a»*il iietoboi I, t. ,'ui luiiiniiti. i.i.oi. iii uitin iiiit.iiiui inijiiovenioiii ..olll|ilu) 111 lllid .Stillc rhail llllili.-l'Ulle 10 liftli.-|) ii I any mil Ik yniiil ilii? liiinu nl ui Main unless itiiucr 1 it:nit! . niiinn i ulready existing .villi tin' L'tinledcinie sUitfa or some .Stat.; '«t the CouicdoMte at ten. ' itnfoie said suit ali.ill l*it ii'ii. i'.'f 1. tlie* [loi'Snii n.ikiug lur .-u. L iiiiiujiuriiitinii, shall niaiii; untili»r itlVuhnuioh Unit Hit* tciiMVnl lor lit ol fill imuiaheU ander j Sll' ll tXiSllliR OOtltl'ilfl. Without ,Ki|.'ll mi III til.- Oilll shall Is! rfclZCil by the rll|n;llllli-liilrltl til i.lliri ae-llt ol the tiuii^i>urtntioii umpiiuy lm the u-. tin- Cmn- inoiivt f.iltli. iitui Untied lie ihimetli ili-ly given to tin- Coventor of the amount ol'a.ili seined. un>i ihe iiuiue ni the purson or perdu tin n-eio/. lot the Jlltlr. idimli 111 lilt: III i Iii i*l III- n ll I Hon, tiiuiKjMirtiiii.' mil Itiiyul tin' I noil.- -ll i.i - i.i ti*. .t ,«> jltfT oil may seize it 101 li-lil til*; .'..'itn* i Iln nlttle .IIIw give lil.-f notice. ' Ali salt iiiiitintri tiiteil in lilt! I'Oiiiitii ..;ni'.tyinihi: itml Vi'ii-hili-tOll, I'nil oil hjlitl oil the tin) \\ hell the oIkAc uct tvas 11ni'.il union.** in'Ietoliil- ii-uioveil Iroin the a,tit worka, anil all unit iiiiutiihietunij utter that day, until tlue notice to 'he contrary he given, hy t>iilitit-n tioit iu ionic iii:ivi|in|*:r printed in the t.ii) <»| Kit.h- i nmntl and in the town of Abingdon, shall he thcicnl ter held to he I he )iro|iOity 01' i lie Common wealth oi Vugitiia, sii.l ih,tli not hat removed without aitUieiii) iioin Iln' (lOVt ri.or 01 his duty COUBlitille l agent, UII- l.ta« if til* -K.t If miitii* til Mtiriu* l»YUfinir r,Willi,, I . v. it It the Ciinli:d«*ittU.'Stileaor with the separata States i <.>i ilie Coiitedenite Suu-3, or with individuals lor the i.ciictil ul any county, city or town. If the owners of Silt Works m Muni counti,;i dmll re- ' ins,- or cease to mntiuiHciiue naltotlmt than an amount " dltlit ii'llt to CXC. Ute OXtsllllj.' contracts as tilidCSkl.l, , tiioiijfrom nnd ulte audi refusal or cautionr.b..i! appeal to IliC liovriuor to miisl. 1.0 Wlii rXcCCine the Authority t vcMcd in hini. and seize, lake g iwrneion nt" and holij i Ulld cxetclre full itlllhort1}' aild control OVel tliu pro- t petty mill and pei.-oual.olany pelauil, linu m coiupiiuy, * p.i ivtostng or ivhwiiji to inniiufuotura. ' if the supply llleuiilollili-.l l-e not iMiullg'h to JiilUI-'l the people I't tills omuic'l.Wealth wtei sill* j tii ienl quantity ol ill lot hoine runeuuiptium then at Boot, ha such I.i c.I shall up| -e a I to Itie UOVci Oof, he will f uxerrtac the authoii.v vetted to loin, ami 'disregaid it any contract intnle with the e.p.ii an- "Ut»s ol the ' I'ollfe lelate .Stale- f until the Sit.tie ol iiglllii. IS Sup- j' piied. When "all is pmcmed by tlie Slut,; ot \ Ultima alnl its olislitiltcd Iizelil shall otlei the si.'lie toi li nils, ml talluii oti ttic f ii.te ol any niiiroail. canal ill Othel tinpiovi'iiioiil l uinpduy. tec same shall Is- iluliie Imtrly < transported to the depot designated, utile.-, such trans p irtaiion wiil itiie.t. le with the transportation of troops. 1 munitions Ot war alnl mniv sllppileS bydhe ijonledeiitlitliivernnieiii. Upon rotne-ii of ninth toiiijciny to transport tlla said salt, the .".instituted agent ol the :<iate will 1*, authorized to lake, control of any sll.'h vv ol k and to the salUs Ul.til tlie tl aonpm i itiou he HCcoiiiplisticd. f 'I lis like provision shall he ober-rve.1 .. hell il Is* projnir to Uilllspolt Inel ol lltt.el things Ol-c.-e-.n y lot f tlie production of salt. ' The following ale d'-slgiiAb; I for the preaont il, the point- nt whit h Salt Will lie oil* etltrated lot ' and iiislnnulMi.. vc ;i, .u-p-d ,.r. the S Villi til liiilioal, himI I Mit.lii. depot, oti ll.e v ...i:.i.» . retiriiMSts; railroad Idi.ei phi. ea I deposit olll la* , spi-cdilv llitaiynitti) tvhell suiliiHc lilldligctilCiita lul supplies shall have tevli |<ite.'tc 1. d line notice will i«* given o| il.e tutu.* when the salt ! will lie icady lor delivery. Tli price .gidlititv l. r each person, and l.o .v it is to Is, Sold ami delivered, apd the agents employed therolor. w ill Is- prescribed in u future regulations, anil as requited t.y law. 1 A Iter the pri-'it is so pieseribed. the sale ot ,.nv suit within tl.c i otntiii.nwealth nt a higher rate jar bushel. '' is deciar .1 by law to he a niisiiiitueniuir ami any violation o| iiic rules mid teguiuiions pres. rlbcd by the t; Governor. is also a misdemeanor, to be pn»i»h--d. njtuii >, conviction, hy line of not less than one hundred n.o more than two thousand dollars A hoard ol assessors been appointed t.y the Legislature to assess the enmpensmtioii or damages to | he paid for property seized or u-ed hy the ctiite j under thi« In w. I'lic time and puct.-.1 th.ur;in.' will is* ii-ieafter presortInt. t he act prohibits ail courta or judgt- lion. i-.-uiuc orders or injunctions to stay any proceeding,. . ij» t| <tovtni:or. nr Ins nnUioii/.o I a^enlrf, tit.dei this Uw oct 11.elm _______ .. i, f|*.i THt LITFRATI ')>* TH R 3 t'TH' Tl.r Monaceincai of ill'? i u Tijr.ATKi: ^ .nitl ol »ii. nli.l iii'i.nil MircU IfesUo't* of c.,.c[iir..' ilic butl<lmM Ir. i. her.t'intr it- I' THEATRE IN Till. 00N And as sn ci cuin. lit to the poetl-ul talent of s>ur l' youn: Republic, will award « |>:vidua; ; Til R K11 H C .V1) R ED iii i i. L a i; .1 " Por the b'-.i orteto-l iicii iipproprUt-A .1 Jrr:.. t in. ; it. srtr'i on the open.II,' ni^ht, whi.h will take pin " " annul the middle of i.e. miner CouiR.iiclc.'ltiotia ttiii e recslvd from a:tp.;t».d tl.r Scatn. THE COMMITTEE OF EXAMINATION'. Will ccotirl nt n«e grcinieinen of me Dnhe»t .tano-rty in ; tli" city '* KlcMoOOd. entirely unconnected nitl. the IIn. a- u it'..; ihnt no partiality n..*y he allow n; &nnp> tit >r1 must scud In their .'onu.utt Cations sealed, anil started " pen iti? AJ.Irtr* " ei.rloainjr» o/tint r/.te/r.^o, oontuioin^ the name a-d BdilrcaS nt rue sender. be one ouiaioln. it. oitict of the sit . esstui candtdota viit atone he opened. N it htji.cie.i a idrtrsea tunt'U i.e reto ced .tithe , K. D'OReEV orWIKN. * A 'tine Manager r.!chmon:l Varieties. THK HiiaKI) OK EXAMINERS, Cl iNVKNklitiy special order ho oe. Adjutant tut In- ' -pe. I..I General's 0thee, lor its r v.iuli.atloi. of ap * pli. to for appu.r.tincnte as srtiiiei y Ornc«r» >.i. oidnaiue 1 uutv, wlil hol t tie niti. examination on I'nu's.iay, uct ci loth, tr.e sixth .u .-..tot Jay, octot.ei 15th, and lit.* * on T -s ia., Octon-f rlsL j ~ The examination on tn« 'cist w>!l he upon Alire'.ra. l'ri gnnotu»try, l heialstry *nj Mechanics. as applicable to, abd f l.ilt a: hs . - oil r.'.-l.e'! --taCitr . i »» the lower branch. s This wlli net e Slal ciatilT.ih r. 1 ei I lp Kl-hu,..) 1. less otherwlie ordered 0' the «.cre'ary of War. AppllcatJom to appear on Thursday, Saturd ,y and Tue»dny, Tiii he made at Major c. i'.anbury's office, c.rner cl K.'rrt and Tth Htr««tJ, on Wednesday. Fftiay and Monday / afternoons eapectlyely. T. d. HHETT, Col., Got 6.tSlstUct Pret't of Board. Jt C/A /"WAf\ CIGARS, a portion of which arc r»ry _ OU.vUVj fine, for sole by . w. peterson a go., j iupffis Drayjliu. i imMraTi » nhiwsesa <*frn«Trvr*». -fi>rf«a«nrl11 t'»- in< 4U C "'J OA js/iijSiiN. HY 1H0DIN £ Al'PEtiSON, aOCTK VERY Vi'.L'.lULK KKAl. ESTATE ON OARY s I'RKKT HCPlVUKN'irrH AND 1STH STREETS, AND ii V UK'iAli jiTKI H I". NKAHI.V OPPOSITE Tl! fi OEM- ' liill.ItOAl). Kl'K SALE AT Al'OTUlH. V17 ILI. In- .old 1 .hi l! .n ii t" e premises, OC IVKDtV SE<flV, »!: id >i il.'TOBE't, IHii'd if I . rlnc'! I* M , ttn* fnl'.iJtii,. v..l.mhle .-enl wait, 1I2: f...i N'n ?>, in A.i-im' Ion lioollii/ (.( lie * .hIIi A'J- .it (Nry *tr. n ri i«- i, ni nln- i.aek mi> tc-1 u wi le ' 1 a: ley, I'i ill. I -mi a|-»uii-l le em-fit. A Is , f'« l.'i, in .-niil addition, fr.iii«|.|.» |!C it- t .n f' c south 1 I - Bros | -t< 1 ll'l.iitf 111 "It mi ;i,r »"e-( llli.- 01 inlli -Ltrt ^ S-l.It. # I In si* In e or vain .hie 1.1.' t»u«lii puip 'r-t'" f elN.' *i: * y t'.l.Kly '.e Hod ii>.J imiiiuViijii ptruol Ih.-.ity ! j, T K H M .*> ili.c'iii I *i ! l ei iii. i- a* V\ .in I twelve iii.iMli.i, lui * Sr-'v!.sble n-ii <. Inleftsi n I e I, "cured l.y a 1111-1 deed tiUPDI.N A AR|'K*B".V, i .i An. tl .ceo.s. ° Till' f \ Tti K0K1 V MA.NU.'KtMv: LOT- IV SYP- ? .N-.V, IN NARVIK'S I'LiS, NE-ll Tit TUir HOl.l.A- e IV'001 > CKMETH HY. TOR Ml.< AT Al'CnoS I: Will, lie sold h*. Auction. on ih... premise*. en TPi'S ImY. the IWrNTV-KIKSr of tfOTnl.tH, lSfl'.*, *1 K: I om.:i. i'. AI , if*'Thirty to f oiiy Lou, lu the plan ! of Lew,* K llf i vie. is.j Each Loi lias :»trout of nbrut sitty left, and a depth of " aho tl Uu feet, to a wide alley. it They aie located on I "Horry, Laurel Fine Re'rldere Streets, and ui> ainonpit the most beautiful and attrsotlve l.«.t« in that v«ry l.npmvhtk ntigfltiOihuwd. A plat of the ;j !*;ts f.m be sir- ai uur nlHee. i' E ii AI S "i;* *r. r i end * i.i.i»n.e uf -lv and twelve months, for ii.*.'"ti.iiii ....1. ., interest #i<l*led, secured by a trust teed; oi all i.i..|. si ll.e upl.eii ol the JiliithasOr. , ik'I'I'lN i WTMlSiN J U.i I i i is Auctioneers. rnci: .SHU ,\ \ 11 VLKI llt.MkiiMK III".I.WEI I ( THSI -IHN IT IN" .-VI'M V I'N fUH i- SEi AS'll tVr.sT >u i: i'H' FINK .STKF.KT, IOK BALK t r Aii'-rioN. 11 Arti. the f, re,Mtn.; sale of !.. », wl I he Soft llio«e four ii >:> eie.'lrd iri'i.e.l teDiUcUia located u> ah .to. Mud t) i. «r in .e.-idetiOe of M'S i'ilehar. I sch one haSo rooms, t, bealdes kl'ehen, Mid Is upplled by wai. r trotn a pump on the m!j dnir-ir lot E en ti'i.emeut Is n«*t renin,u fj( jsal pet unnuin. fi iiood ten ints Terms as .hove CiOfiDIS* A AFEEKFi'V, iu;t I.*,. i.t. Auciljneir. b I.W P'lJt'fA.S T~S A LK o r Jf A C 11 I X II H V . ON 1CESHAV. the FOCitTII Ot ffOVI.MBER (Lei iooei-.. lei the ii. ne io ll in.iV. I Bill i Q"i r fo." i>»le to file hl^hett l idler. fur c i-h. j THE KN'TIP.E MAOUrisEUY o i ii r /'A'/ '/1EHIL'A'.iL'fii'r ilDPF. h "/'A bill " ioii'lMln: In pnii of.'i ill Bl|.ie l.ilh-i, 3 Ii inl " J 1 run 4 Upright Prill., : I P.inrh iir.ii p'er«. " * iiter, y 1 tKi '"utter, 1 I r |) fl mtr..r. 1 Fcrewltf' '.'achine, With fools ir. rli>. Me in M v IT! CiKPF.NTEt'.'S fititiP I T,.n.'\w .ui.l (ii.i"Vv r C 1 luiiitl's PUyor, H 1 Fuci' Pane.*, ci >! rtlf", hi Tcimn Mufhin-s. in . Mi. ill lirca'Mr -town ;,r.d Tablet, i Tenon F.iir iin.l 1 :»'lo a. OWE TIIIKTY-HOISsr ENGINE, 41 'f >liii-l.T liillcn ivlth -li ilit rhitlliiE in Mud inc Shu|>> H. iliny, .v.. iiml seveml hun-irci! feel, of lies l'ljio. with ..wo 2V ' ! ii'1 UurrnTii, IjiIiie ir I U ILL A I.WO SFl.L. I'w nty t.i tw-nly-ilVf t l.ump tVli!:e-A.-h C. ul. lor I" K unnv nre: I'is Iron: a lurs-'* nmnant of rh*i ai.ll " V ou.ln g n p Iron Flxs'ii ..m1 :i Ixrjte varle'y of Cmnlngi.. 1 Oak, sli .m l tViiil- t'.ne l.uu.l :*i, of wlik'h I Imvi- u ' larer M h! A I' f.«'.i!r Fti-iiin > n^iii" ar.'l Suv Mill.i'-liorue power, 41 -ALSO.S:ii'llVi.Hi Mu. Mill's, I'oin Sliti trr Fi.-Wo nut oiliti <tr i/ii iiira' lfii|ili.rr.-n s. A'c Ac.tli a ..ii inilii-fiii.:.! lo r'. Ufi lria m;.l other [luroiiai:ri r( n -uri iii e I a ill l.lire on Klntt or i ari, «l oat D-pnt, ii.)' of II;. dtiove Mii.-liin-ry, tree of i h»rge flu-ranlee- CI nc iraiijport .ilori to Kici.iuoiiJ, r-r n.e Hanowr Junction, R. iV in |>i etci icii. k Oct l<i-ti- JOHN Y. gOoTT. r. BY f<. 1:. Kii.VDKK.N, AticT. VI in F I F 'I1 Y N F G R « > £ i> . r.' allllr MO'ININO, ..t in la.'l: I will sell Kitty LUdy i,u S Yooc. Ne.'loev M K FOfUlKKN. fl. ADk^lwiJoCf. J,, fLit iSLdKl) FOB s.l I.r g .'I tm tVlll .t llcur," K. WelhlSi, J n I i, Ut. « ! t il-si County , I tor |>ri Ihi^'ii aou Vilittohl.t l.oil Eitute of my I^il, ii. -XT. in r :K LK 1 N L A N ! , n ft-mcMou-i oNBiy, h , fo.-tfUioi with tho huh Ics.l Ik-iti i-» t.-i.^c. \j i.jt!/ ' biv UlacJ in ii JaiiI'- u- <oit «f ih<! IhiifM lllver ! ,5.1 n«<.«tri,n t.Hial.i JI..L att> t;.iu- nb..r.i KkiiUo : i ' C.tK-t' ill. !i...l tiJMi.u. as J * !! lis. the «» .1-1 , Ir.hor. II r r u mul Col K»i.iol[.h ll.rii- ' . r. l| ,ii Hole? tit,.mi nVf lICNDKEj) ocd I'EIi . v liKv .ut sii-ctij u.i nlMirui ii i. Loituai, 1/u.a Is I ist ci' I ut. or..l t.-o* , It lnl n. niuoti).'(I.C 111 P.I Irr l i. n'.ti !' ni-'lv. 11. \ ir.lcie Th- ...un. i 'f. .. .. tiijl... un.ini .-IX lll'.i liHhl' ' it hi1", Its ,! ivI.Li, I. II. ,|T|..- ur.«l tinli.l., end j*", ii.iu i*»i in 6m. i it ... .i, a. ei .( whi 1. »; .1' i'nct 55.** It .liij.'tltlt IliT I fill. ii| hlt.i»f*ro II. II t .trrlljgli.O, . . I'mt», il l. I'm .Mi.ji.i i jiim Cnrrlmn and other*, «5il "" l«r jn.riiD of KIk l-'h-.l, H"T>mitl»il l.y JoinoR Ittr.-r Th* ..CAtiiiB -it III- I'lHIJI .to nU'll til lit. i.Utill lo *.o*l;l.y, «ua*Ool.u.t to Iii..ikel (wiiltlu » few hour* of CCll It.. ItiU U-UHI 5 I] III lit Ol bll&li, SUIlloH * II Xt *' |. .oiU..tu lli.illoi.-,i5.1 volnil>l.i 111..11-11y In uifor- I'"' I r. Hot. - i 'to cl.ttm.-.l-r uko the llbmlv ol iiiiftn mi i t'n.i- -..i.-i- r' ti Iteiibu, oi Lynchburg; f *J' i lirtnv oud ll b C.tiriiOiitiiu. n( Cotler-rllle. CnaJoiid [' :( littrri-c f K11- I*. tl, < Vui|tio, oi Xo* Canton: V.' K..I Ii Wnlli 'III .* if, I'l li.lf . of tlio 11*. Ill \ if ii.i«. ift'i i V tt TM.ji.' , *> I- i! i.. t I'.n into ,i.-|Vt».. I>; il r...l iho ( »i 11 fill ti.i. II-lu-l til I'liiif \iii, iiu ii.. r.i.iDl* |.»...I Illy, ji II, i. .11 . fit I I'Ehlt s V 111, iinVKUt.l. Rli" I J of tlr 11,tItl .Inlt5-.ii. iinti.oM.r, kIIi.Iiiio lite |>mpert) ' Oil' ..*!. V. I.b I J. I | ttrsliil.o II. ti At* oiilii'l I Qloitilod I f t III.I I lit'5 1*11...!, ., »54 I.I I!(Jills. KllllWS It. ttilito in lit. )ui*!iiiiiiat, It-r.tln-di,tl rn 11 IIIy hoe cover j,- ( II III" hlyfily eliinv. ti. «uil 15.1 ft-U. b.tly U, Bfly j.i,tlr lou ti. t> x rkit.l utt Ii. lite I'rtol nHUo IT I It til r.i.t, 1 Oo-.tlll.-J the pili.'heeo-iii.aay In to be secured by > pep-it. -1 ^ : »a Itoili t.y (!.* principal debtor IP the On. l|.,.l eed l»y lUatrtolory eoiellra, hp nUintlee, pay'lf 'tit to to in- Iir.'t"lp'«u0il, a' the F.rtiieie' Dark of V lrk* 1 I'c a ic Ktbliinos J, at 'he <xplralluti of thirty days after 'lei tin daV Ol Xlrt 'let* rhlitli-Ult'l Uollnle 1 pr- ["Mv to I eave in tilt* of the i ("pliainr, lor a lo&p j.erloJ, err it I the |'nyiii..ot there 'I I"-. be aiutnrad by a hand, with *h' leltufaot"!y 'ii* 'i -, It* the |iptiittiy "f ttVofliy IboUeHud P'a Here «... n the "UVIIiaIiI "t «IS hundred del- ft1 ere or. the Mat dr ; ol Ore- lulint ( each aooc«A«iTo ynar, ' *'* the itlc tiiiiC ol Heury K Watkir.h, Jr , (n pupon 'I ') UhAotiMt r.itu! o.'Wlh lain i -.ii year,) and foi the far- »c her payment * ' the an lit of tea thonta-d dollar*, on the It lay of "hie death, u'lth the I'tlrlleKO resetvitd to tbo per h" oriel rupMptitHlHr "1 H K Wrtlklun, tjr , decerned, ol I'" t nuy tfouihiltlee "t H K Welkin., Jr., id d'-Oaihthr ^1' or.iuf |.art'if »«ld td'»t iih|*ld lie f'/r reel dtiuahd In 0»' -lltidlp Thin Ootid will lie 10 |illteUlUi' e "f Ihe Will ol liy leria'o' I The remainder of the Wirchnre-iiioney te Col 0 he deetti ed by I wo hor.iie. win eellAtaotor; trtrellet, In c>l qun't ir.9i»iiai.hty, pay »tile la one anil iw.. year* afiei the inlay ..f ealr. ar.d the .teferrad p»yn.-oio are to he forrhor 1 ectU 'd Ky a ilecd »f t'n*t no the land. dcilo* ae a o<o r isrey with ep'-clnl warranty, though the title II A ilobtiled. I I nhe 11 c.i. it mi a to»'W it crop of wheal, ardlhe pnr- «al I: peer will havp tn p >' the raitie ot to s-o 1 wheal, and ,. II? chill' ton a a"piet.. ; " "K.ji wlit he Tc-n "it thn Pey noted-d he « e'-lt"bin hotee ah .c m»nl!on«1, and r.a the In eati-.i r, itS; hut evoiy rv.'tesah * Urlilty will he jilTeS J I'. | no hirer fr.| |.'tui i,» or eiatlonr . ely I'.rtt 019 e a lie-ill' leriTirillr V*. t .V w.\Thi:»d, K*'..r of H h Vv.lklr.*, d.e'd Farmrllle, Fa., h-pl I? l-<" . - p. r.i * triad 11, UJt.lK.iX l.ANli KOH SILK. ei. if M "tltipi'f I. lit,io (' | fnl « At Public L iRtlnfl, * 41»|»r» or« ^A'l'Ohl'A V, l«t Ik.YuoJ'rtf !, Ihi«lr UlDiihU |)UdUIIoIj uU ^Irclj Crnek, Ici Ibr 1 it- ) 01 Hrthriv # c-n.hlulug ttbuiii a(;k£h The kn iSi.*> trunlt, : -ir Rj'afi '? l);c ilkluij)C.1 -r.'l D^c- <4».i if".- KklifaaJ .rA I'.tm inJi-r c( Uaw'ii I'mry lfu;>.ii 1: i l.lj'-isrt-. la idlf. LjI'.ulefUy f'i vS'CciieLt bofloili 'fD Birch vf r».h iu1 In lit inn Ridfi <r r«ll hjpr.rV.i't pff ;..l nf UL.Irtr.f,.t >.' iiuiUr. 1 1 ltnrn U d uiii l'fe.iJ|hjn' vrllh ill £.rw*<r<rtfT 'fit UttfUf ?# It. it In !&&.« m* tu lii uuty, acd forrn** n ;»« it ,! ih- yrn in (ib Kircu t r.iok I.hij V TtKM?: «j*I rhfh, an.l ia balnac** tu t«rn f ^aoi 1x.4ftl U.'.ih *>f ?S*« ulJ t* llOartLg il.lf.lonl 2i«. Ui l it n .r.rtrf 11 ,r |'iV»4»nh.iM wi I hi kivm Ut diir of J Aati4ry, with |J , hriifrfir .jt UliuTI.'i* lHi/1 till, lull f.ii fcta L , h.^r crof*> ' 'I Uri mil f»j s rns '.-non up a the vhi«* ^ :w cat ih»e -idy >; w.iU, io »»h>w :n« i»cii i.» tirm.-Lc *?'* I' r V n- Tilt* nf.T>_ rr T Ud« "* <*» J- # a* ^ '* -r Of ChatTi^ioc T > ar.d Su/jl C. l»«i vis, a*.: u. ;-i.i '-"-="iv. "1 VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR 8A Lb. i; WILL icll it public audlou, "o the premier.*, on Ffil- ( in't ot OCToRlSK, * 'r..c: laud. I . In on ,,r, uiing I rotrk, In the County o' fhw t held. -*» ! a-jotn- <; ultie M'diethian Coal Fits and othcra, coi U'uL-.g -hoot I" Acre*, a'<1 known as Stone Pvoge. ie'flits propei >y ha* bei.n too tony ni't f-ivoi all I n r:, for j .» of the Coal rawed on it l j ri'iuiic sti o>.le.»ded o riplion. !l I.* siilliio n to >ay tbh' aii ~l.o haw- trrr.;ij>-.i nl.t shatU, concur In the opinion t-»t eh » a Val'.a- j .< tlei I of Coal :he s.itrb west poiilon f tl v ort ^ Any o e wUhtr.fc t' nimuni .elv witl« u. -.v.II tlirce* ii* v t'lilflnttei/liltl V,i. »s>~ letiatOash Lil.liCR't ft HAH.FT. FSFCUTOR'S SALE. tint ... f.'Nii \ V. the tiTTn uCi' Hk'll, let'.'J, at iCiny Wtl- f-F' » li.iit Ciurt ticorc, w. will -ell to the highest Udder, at the "..-nor.. vtfi..uin will and it; uppnrtvUADCce, belonging to ilSi le estate of Thomas a. Jones, deceased. froi Tl-.oee wishing to pur-hasc are expected to visit the sit* I ad examine the machinery for thctcnelTes. tbe Any det»lw will be Klv.-oln person. i J AS. UhltJH JOt-f?, F.s;.ulcr, a: art>w M. K. JONES, Executrix C NOTICE. jii E K.%tl muaittri .1 tUaSu.ktolasrs of to* Js_-.,»j i » u h e-i i d SdbewhoComp&nr, triil be hold ! A,. t tncar.t s 1'ihea in roll-city ..a Monday, the S~'h 'ml - Kir ..I, t-Ci cat APt'Ol.iTMENT i.F PROXY. mli Ei.'V ill [dsn l.y thtf's p.netiiite l'liet tte the *ht».ril.b/a, LoiCk .St. .kh.,blare 1:. cr,j idLi e tite-ir ar.3 KaeSti wilt|/«Dy i>, Uoiet.y tJ. Iilluii H d ..(.point oar trim u'' n J i»wfnl Attorney end IViry, to represent each of os * iii.'. yen.'iAl tcoallntpi of tko htocittiol.Uit of said (Jons»uf, bald wiioia »x months from and after ih» date ' >ie.( what vr» n- oat partouall) prea-nt oi repie- J;1' eu;ad ! ; pr..X>, with jail puts-r and «n ''' i. rl jr, nt s-eh »aCOiai [A-ottOeS, to -tVe bu.Q s..te ot lM#, and Io .!. oiit atbef nelr ill each ot Or ul.I a ti <.t itv, on 3 meuibei el l|ii lilt Iwidlltgi It ® ' .* *n -1. pal iLa.l> (ziaantil, i.S We do Dnfehy Inllfy rui rti'i.i.i .-.r o. 'a*. «..t a.-te, .or -aid s to ce» in-} lnwioliy give or .to 'or oa. to p'.r-aar.ce oI r. .ictboiity beiet y o..ef.:ri-l op'n but Itc-ht ai n«r and a-ni. tna day .( , una til ,a->t i-'.j. t i f..ta Ji-d at. J i T.iH, l'.r.i i iJ, t-aAD.J for WM V. iiC.VVOitli. reC r»,t Jo.2»w,w becretary. ar.c [Wnly abd Dtsnsuh copy.l A ~~iOTTOS YAR.S, Wrapping Paper, Eed Tape, Cotton j and Linen Twines, Leading Lines, Ropo, Cast!!* Soap, c RSOWLES A WaLPORD, ^ Oot to 180, Main Street .I / lAA LBS. OOPPERAe.Jnst r*o»lv«d and for I jVvV/ sals by J P. DCTAL, 8apt SS Corntr Main and Kitb it*, C f -ltT<Ti«iH I. i- k * I . i~ r BY BECTOlt DAVIS, u <T.: T W F. N T Y - K I V K N h » I'. «' I. . BlHlM Da Y, hi InuMik i v.lit ».ii I..., I, n..j i-. 3 Nck'iwi-a 'II l I jl; i* ' <i..J BY J A MR? M i \\ I'M; .v miN \> .. 'WE.VTYKIVK llA.ND.S0Mi. Ill 11.DIN'.; I.;,.. IN HUC0.\ M PI AN I.«V 'I'Mln, .. . II i.Ni.i'f'K rrtrt KKY.-, Out r-A l.r. A ; .B'lTlUN t*i K will .ell upon ill*1 pft-inii.^., or: M'.Nfi .f... * >ln V III III "I I'flKK, Viuiiiinnr t.g it i -I. p j' i. liiii.lsuiiie III 11 DIM' J.t.'Th, In hui linii.r.'. >. ill..W.I I. fit Iill Fi|U«ri- No . ( ! iii'l p'ao, fr irif /of) i.iil'i Ad.' of I Uv, between Nort.« a...| K , - U feel ro.-i., uliil 1 Olllilnp INS l.-i't « m l,- , 1 TiTi lolo t.l fl|'ll>rc Nil. ~ "f . 1.1 pUli It. tit:;,/ ,,, \fth ilile if Marshal, between C.rr'i.jir, t, a. K; . it-els, 3> leet. nil I running back I.VS t,-,.. t.j . m,|.. 3. Four loia lu square No.Up ir. w'.i-'a i. n,. ..., pritirf, fronting on the siio'l. a Jo of' lay. l,.-tv. (l p., ... k icJ It'll ri-oii stints, S'J fed e-.el. in.I iu.i.1, / i.. t kO fun t.l .a alleyAlf", inret? to in tli' s .uie squire f* .ntlrj ... ue.i HaOc..c»", between t lay m i eU./k et Parii, tti.l outline buck » ..bore. Thr.e i.ns are bcnu'iluliv locate.», ..ii.l tit nil tt "f |»ci#»M desiring to speure p o;. .try i r 11, i,pun.".o.. TERMS; Or.e-lhirii csh; the balance hi i an I J- nr r.tkt f - _... able it tes, Interest a'tiluJ, ati.l eicurcJ bv i JAMKS M TA > I. -b I -I v "ct If..Ills An BY KENT, i'AlNE A » O., ai.-.i/ ,t x u y a <: r i /.* r i> Tit r, a . , At Ai.vrii'N )' h KBfliAY, li e l«t»i lOs'. tit.. «l ;e re ct.t:. 11 tl by . r«- lilut. r, AI..) A Aivr, e .. . itui.ill.ieiy after our Onil ;»«:*, <!.1> n V.IH'I) paekag H MANBt'A' TlifthlJ f; >, f vut'-us tiratles, antl 111 rl.i'ltr.p «..n.e if ike fc laa'li inHuulactoretl ic Vtrninia n l Notft ii- KKN1, PAIf.K t . .. if li.tils An i. WILL lib AtUiKD ion bites Kx'ra ITcnry County Tobrn-co, ran' i. > Bra»ely, »ml equtl to any ever cllr.ed in r . .. rt ha.nules ready early or. the raining r,f ^ K«:V, PAINE Vr Oetl.'-nli Au.-ti CoFFEE AI AUCTION. . . r HI D A Y, the KTS 1N3T., il oui « ... f ntnl ltiO, Main Street wesliall seL lit.'. >.i4r R 1 0 COFFEE. Tt.e nitentiou of the tia.le It in.iie.1 lotl.M i.;. .10. tifhamples r.udi lor rxauili.-lion .u. t.,e r, r;,;. ^ e li r NT, i'.llNr A <., ivtll-Ufr Ju'l..;.: NOTICK. L)Cil.»UANT to the provlaloft* of ad-«t-'f L l»i iu tItM by livo. hati, <-..i ... i>'d lit ihaOHtr.'ii i.tiicoof Connty t,: .. nnty, I will sell to the hUtiu.t "i.l w, it; ... iAlulae*. a vary valuable tr.*it i mr..i ;j »<l!t> ; Qimii, about elclit milt * .. t'i ,|. ille, *b>I containing atom fghi aC''>S. 'ili-eji he tfc« Mb .i&y of NOV KMr-KK, i*f"Thlg i.mI.'I I end it wb.I adopted ii .r .t;; ../ jtci VV 'tai, Ryr, OaU a:» t 'lota » Vn. P..*. ..., ou-i' ! a bow frame hollotBg two»torto;i-in i 1 a- jr.- » lelalclifc' vol rary ciitnf r.kMa rn.i..« n:o n i. f la a 'I repel'. Hr.d upon tl. j tin. i-n.ii. .. > i>'chard of c« fruit a further deucripllon ol the hind I* Heen..-I iiiuv. irv,iu-punuiEu il-slrotte of |'ui.lia«iui>...« mtno'he promtac* be'n-a th. I >y of -ali T II n >t > t* iiiRi'Ii tnn. ev hj trill he au...'a.i )-... *. >a» h hi eX-riiilrg rbi-. d.- ! >.f Ires ami : u <h Co mi oil'.'d d ilu.n. will I ., r. .| m rod ir .all n .-tJu.j U|nm o c.ujit of or.* .wo «: J it.:-.. > t iroi.a«c will l»e required t. giro b iri.ii » .i,r nel c.cnr'ly, forth* Jofor.-Xii ..ayiiioui* tij--..- tin tuulunj antli the !»$' j'BTir.*:if 1- uiu : > ;-iic, r. n*.<"\ ' ali:.11 envoy .>n') -arh t i! * v.-.- i i:. i., 1 tho .1 oil of tinitnfi.roa.l t thoiiifii lb.-Titlo |mt. : to be u 'iooe.ior.atlo. AliTltith ..I'li'tito* fro >g the ab.iv- tract of l.ti o tvlti U- .'.J i : ii> . ' nm.uUiaQie o.u lie vrtth >h * purer. ietl.-r 0 CHrll PoyilluBt If ho khi-'BM d'91' >t Oct 1.lot M '' K 8 I'tM,. 3.MMISSIONKlt'S 8/1LK OK 1 UU'fl.e HI 11. AftAlt. IN J'lIU I'OIY'N OK 01. V UKt-W.l.LK, I t. LGKKKARLK to a dotiror of the Cotiu j iviiutgi .11 lenhury couri'v, V'k., I sImIi vli at I'talJkr Auct: e premise*, on WEDNESDAY, tlte M'CoSD -In' ..t . '.MliEtt, InOi, at l"f o'c uCk, a valunl-l.' iatdDv K.: *.; the town of Clarkgvillc Tito builiiuiK O latae and commodious, wtiti .ltd >. mils I'riDVet.letilly arraug..!. with rati . . ; .ii l.tluy. cuii.|*tli>a of' l.uu-.r. (. ..! a'.i.l liouc:, au exccllctil Ite h..t«i * v ;l / r, . ". * ' ihlg property will to gold .- v i.i 1 iitaiulnit in the whole d" * ie.« IVrguit* .logirlnit to pur.'ha e i c «. ire jv- .1 ro.d Iviieo woul I .H r. cd to 'hK p- .r > It ij Mi ev.-ry r«wcr oni-of ti.r moat ! ., r#t.;o j -.. t ii.ien.ea In it e place. Tur, >;; Vl-.le know.i on day o| sale, sr I p..i-i>g;l-in nuary ne\t. iltir W H.VI.l V, »rl I'l. 0 'nunti'l.' or. ilii hunr.J U'.Mjj and I'tst at. i. r--py '131.10 rt.vl.K <IK V'AhL IHIjK M tTTtl'tl/.i Lt.Nli N [.lliSOKOCe ot adccrrcnt the Olic.'ll U't .'.t ('« » line couray. 01.1 ere.1 At lis r^u 1.1.. Ir m i.:t, I'.o WIMU>i>AT, i "f '< IINik'K HI ,I bile HUClloU, In the lilylic-Jt 1/ Mi r I I':.* prei i!:ii, it lunbie fai tn kiwwn m "Aapc-i. 1:11.,' ti.c . a! Ivi. :t e Joseph Jcwie, i.ii.tAlutae l.'JOl loaotlhii y «:! ted on the Mat, with the Hii-'t.-r: , rjt and Potomac hnilroa-l ru .i.iiiy thtuu^i. tl«i*. e.t.. latin, tvllh ^he Iihow licttunli. to l> »n :1m nummd le below nilwrj iitput This latin is In Hi tn/t.'». teuf lutnrorciiietit, the dwelling Write Mil ..t.v. a!, i.:, Ji Mipetlor out-houaes. all In rx ellri I loudlliot., » In a teflned i.n.l exci'tli r.t iiclgtinnrhoi .1 lb mini liotvllng (li'tt-Q, tin- c.unty «r»l, si will.'I; jiia, I- n.e i-hurcbns nl dlHerem diinixnlnniinna Ihin .el It'iln lt«i.-lf nil th'it c-bVi-tii-n. e an I cnp.f .i >iiC. Suppliant); any peracit iit"«iri 4; to;;ui.-l :s tw lU.iu'ttie premise!, a .'nrlliraen-rii'.i 1. >1 deem.-; :j»'.iy. TKJWij uK Hal 1 in.-liiirj of the |jurebate uw:.e> nn i.r ---).>»-- iu-iin* y of January liexi; the rtlli iml«i in it, nla, tcapecliveiy pat able un tin- nr <1 >' .if Jiimi.t, 't and lefi.l, but M-aiiu,! Uilere» from the l>; J.>n ki. urmos u vvi.'ittii', Jet lib.1<]> 1 ii.-t LRM OV.'tW 14 Al'UKS 1 i llfiVRH O H-l Mi. 1 .MlLKfi AHOVK RlrtlMuND, Shan. To >!* * .. !UMP, Tint ; ,i.F. at ftUOrtQK lW TllKPIViY, the %1 at iKlnb, |«i|i, at 1 .1 " fair. If ii.,i, me net Mr J;,,-, I .3 I.. Hill M|tlii>xl M'l.'ai ,mv KV'i, 1. >11. - 1> let UlitlC.l.Gl.llJ 11 ill 11' *> lirti '<* I* n Turn..lac lio.ici, u.'j-'.IMnt; the Hut>U Wn. Jt r, H V I-imtI' .1 and 'illiern, -untntnlr ^ fil-'i 'ili p.o h Will I." I'lVM-m I l«d<l-'l lit in t.,ll a. !>-.,; .-.I 1 Him I. u-.i -in u »i il all il... utt>.-i4-j in y. I ...-.cs.yi. .' ft ici'; a mrl-Wiif oi-.tI .a lUnt Water v»r? .v.. i". jit.-, i.i. i . r >1II .1 yi iii" !ihi J t appl" i.r. i « », a.iii a v..i i- ij .if Hi. i, Ihi'lai i t. ii Hi. ii ii.' if lmi>r<>vi wient p. I -"ri Many k'liOi. -t T.,,o, Wfii.v.. Ot.rfi, -1 j i an nn ! >tis a ,*".>ai ihom .yc client Meade I! I mill ato Hunt I.mill, fluulil ha it.-. v- y illtaMv f. i in l*. .*ati I, «li..vcrd who lull/ In it.»ir a til i, lnll.fl in- a I mi*U|i!i I htil.ii.Giia In l.iakc a ., 1 tic at>lt.| fe>a»lia *1*1 ii j> I'. |.ui <:l h*e ate particularly InvHrll. ill! a.1,1 «! H l.k I.I .1, a Ira .y I.,I rat.lkgK* O il l.icl.1 C-.uh! l e--n. ! .. uty ifnid, hi. ii. ta . ,> ;«< r.tcr.l t ii; i-f.u . ...» i .liifci-'i.t .ici,am'niti,.-.ii rai,^i..' .*.» .l.ii j ad. balance &' n and 1: rcrml.f.: ;.li.,i.l. i. .hi ir.t, .eccrcl by >. i.g i I. T. 0 l-K.l KK. '. i!..A (.1. I Hi..I HUi v-T .»l|| be exhibited at Uii .'. e ( : a t ii l! A1!I t- 1 AMi : KXV aN1» i.Kl" 1 ,<ili t K'/K J.11.K. With an I'n » at |.i|i.he iiui'tii.ii, lit I'll*c I «f»r.|C'/U't Mctise, ol. M0»»I>JV, 17th .lay o( Ni'Vr.v. It. I(that in*:. ; roa»t n«.yi the tract r.f latfl on n il I now rcl l', bi-lmt 'i.i .mio front I'tibc* til* *fi utt Hr.lite, l«n.r mile* I'm. I i ..sped Pep it. Ht.l-I' « It . r.r.tal.i i,i ..bout it.v l...i !:< I e a .' wii it a I i*i; f '..I i.ric. ;t i..a a ear. la, I .... at.u...Ui I w ll .i..I lit. ... id lirlnt, wife, a li.i.Ur » Mill lei;.;; li Uii'fCc.H'y u> yirc tin exi't 1. A !-> r i-tl :> Ihoait wM.ioy p. pbtcha'- aill >.l coutc U' l .' .* & it Tus .Cttrra tJ iric .; 1 t in at Ji...t I "cuitlfw Hi A. E Vtriable, at lUi.i itiij v HI itr.|.tly aniiwercd' J ill;. ... vi >»i u 'ilifOvKtlward.Oetl, Iddd. " i*. t.i» SLd'Jli HILL FOR Sa LK. FillocnoMoa wkdnksuav, ti.c ivt rs vemb-.r next, on the prnnlae*, It..- Trn t La." uc'l by the lait fler.ry Variable, Known as slate hill, " "fi* imi-; Irora Fflncc Kdwitr.i t>urt Hour- ons ar. -il tniies Irorn Hampden trlJn-y O.jii a* *1 f.'l d>.viQ^'< a'f i.'.iiti ir .ir Korinvlil* Irnv oi Mli h between Sin nod t,vi «.-rr« .. lar,-" 'P'rtloi. ii< ill..l'ii. i.cir tb» folls^e, *>u^r"'In x hi;!. ; r.. , «n* about <w * -<i c: flat Ian 1, |»; ii)»- ro, 9 <il t«)' he iii.(.i"iv ii..r.:; ...... 6Ua.iiei,i lui h iarrc f»u.. \, u. 'flrV two l -p ir. 11-19 h,kIi i li.r. i the sale will hi pmapt HiiV-Yer. >i *1 . ul.e pic iui - in jl. . -i.ij ;Le place to any ona in- to j.ur hale apt-Ill T. .1 >p i. r. v tf. »Vrr i r.n, r.»um!*elr: mli .i.l, h i.lim ml, u -t|,j ,r..| «t,i alien to »n hill. v.ria avl.- inn vn <> i day of . * IT. iTVAHI.E, tdc.inlsi-at-.r h. I!. X nf llwj Wniliie. limp I i i I. r I', ij , i'hnl(J*T rd let It"- Mr l.AN'il h'OSt SiLK IN PjtiKi'K i I> i».»hIr. lliiCliMTaNPK4 no tcrin? It ! * rr r-r ri.e ' lliOk. my, i »lli iid.r I-i. »,i - i wt, t< Ac at fri"ce t.l««r i ' ourt Iku.., ni. Mt)Sii\Y. ti sEnTKiCNTH -t NOVfiMRhK, Phil l.«i , re-t lav tract ni Lu.| rn wl.l -c I ii'eiy. resided contain!:..' Jtf *crw, m. tne r'outh-SiJi. Hail ot j, Bvi ra Prospect and »lr mile- tf iz I'artavlile. 'enooi dcairiry to porchiae w'll, ol course, loon >" :ir selves 'rtumunldiilic* a<IJre*»-. d tv A K Vtr.fic : iar.i-i-r. -M Cuiieuc, will » promptly atten led l>tl i'.-t I. K. r, Wtl.L ALTA \ 1ST A. i..i *" i r- "i -... . t.Bup'. ir*i ... r a<)f»» -. I'Hc.r.e .ne ' .!.» ; tm.i.Ur hlvr,. n»iac. .:i f.«t V."i..5,.j w u be in»r«i f r I ab.. ..!. file »7TH f'\ T'tflhC || Ic All.aaarltl, I-j !>« i . 'r.i.ti.1 .rfVilI., au't ipiioi l. .u. WarTni ii - ..-j^rlilo.uf-.ol ii... -... i- alitiaac'! from 0al r.. I.a it prmsara* ,-rilfl art nail, .r. I .aa i.Q c.ty ecp-rlef r'rkilti lu 1. K r. .'lUi.d. ia^ luiK, ap-a ll, "".ii iilra It 0.1.11 s r... .' prolncil**ti-*' i.:. farm win hi^'nly o»w«Bj»d by In t .rm-r prnprlatof »«irt rtla«a, be and «tr to« rt>ld-nc. of u. latr r!», laid. rb aa.-flpo-bnlf eiuli; UaUcua in ..a« atl m.. j'ttli 0 rii.m divan Int lanuatf r$" AI«o, In TjlUakia ShAffFfi. UH a KLK3 L. CK"CKK1V, pi m.iw JSiecntot ol a o (.io«9»a Wjt't.wrtjia, Va. SICK aN"L> U'OU'N'DLD SOLDitfcft 1.L lick and wo^nJcd soldiers arriviiiji in Bt.'hQQC i. . Will brtadtaltwd attho Sscalvlnu Hj.pltal, .,»t li. ' of Grace ar.d Sevi nteeotii streets,) wtirre they el re all necessary surgical attention, ample aouiUhflef * 1 a bed. U dlach&rgod, furlougbed and paroled toldlen, wboar > bare sick or wounded, will also bo received tempore-^ at this Institution, and a proper disposition cade c: m fpet 10.w 10R SALE.Blur Vitriol and Madder, at to. L. LISi'LMAM! Eatabllakos&L i«l* HI, Bioftd |tft«I. nMHHHHHri

Transcript of another. hon- if: ·...

»f >

irfK§ ; :

if: Jailn inquirer.fa BYT^LER, WISE i ALLEGRE.


«>/ . LINCOLN AND HIS PROCLAMATION.7i The emancipation proclamation of Lincoliw .15 issued so Soon aficr he h»rl refused to diso, find assigned good reasons as to the folly c

such a course, that his motive and oxptctalions are matters of speculation and conjeeturc. Wo are of opinion that his :ha<it ide

*j was to carry the elections which arc about t

take place in the Northern States.The arch agitators who had given biit

5. and strem.-ih ti the Republican party, ha

[],'. bccoiu much dissutisfiod Lincoln di:not drive as they directed, and did not at

; * 7

?*> tempt the impossible thing of conducting'J great war, upon the whims rind passions of?! ; fanatical and iuif-cr&zy faction. With Gree

X lev ami Sumner and Chandler, and the res

| of their" school dissatisfied and soured, th

|j i Democrats might, carry the elections. To provide against this, and to tiro the zeal of thtabolitionists, and bring them to the polls

* niit fiisth Hiq rtrArkniniirm.

?r It wra.-. to bo producing its intended cifect{ Criv-'.ej, in a speech, declared that " lie hac

p \ not met three men together since the eman

i; cipation proclamation whe wore not happy.'What delusions he and those who follon

V i htn« indulge, and with what sound of cmptjwo: Js they are made happy will well appeal

,* : from Lincoln's colloquy with the Chicagt'r ' Committee.

The Abolitionists, from the beginning o:their destablo agitation, have been pursuing

' a phantasm. Prom the beginning they havefed up in fancies. And when, against reason

,t and expostulation and warning, they had foreverand forever destroyed the late Unionunder the guidance of the same insane folly

A they set about the work of adding uncommonvenom to the war. and embittered nr

^ t everlasting lmte to the separation. Adopt'ing tho words of an English parodist, with^ but a small alteration, wc may well ssv:

"Ob the fool th-t is truly so laver-furgttii5Bat strl fools on to the close.; Like Greeley, who appear* in tho storm when it ? »' a. As stupid"as he was when it ) »?»."

Wo subjoin a review of Lincoln's course,V- including hi3 own opini m of the "prnclimi

tion" with which he is uow tickling the Abo- tiouists. Wo quote from the Memphis "Hub* letin," a disloyal and semi-abolition sheet:

[From the Memphis Bulletin, Feptember 30.]We should be glad to hear Mr. Lincoln girt'

, a satisfactory answer to his own objection tof . his own poclarnation, as stated a few day?

. a ;o to the Chinago clergymen, llis obiecr\Hons were thus stated:;

' What pood," asked he, "would a proclamationof emancipation from me do, especiallyas w«- aro now situated ? I do not want t.'raue a document that the whole wotld willh>-c must necessarily be inoperative, like thePope's bu'l against the comet. Would mvword fre" the slaves when I cannot even enforcethe Constitution in the rebel Steles ? Isthere a sioglo court or magistrate, or individual,that would be influenced by it there?And what reason is there to thiuk that iiwould have any greater effect upon the slavesthan the late law of Congress, which 1 ap;proved, and which offers protection and free--doin to the slaves of Rebel masters who come

L within our lines. Yet I cannot learn that...' that law has caused a single slave to pome"/. over to us. And suppose they couid be »n*.1duced, by a proclamation "of freedom #on? me,

to throw themselves upon us, what should ws

..' do with them ? How can .we feed and care forsuch o multitude? Gen. Butler wrote me, afew days since, that he was issuing move

v: I rations to the slaves who have rushed to himrf f than all the white troops under his coirumfnd.1 T'aey eat, and that is all.

. After the President answers these objections,we would like to have his explanationot the following resolution, passed unanirni-islv by Congress the 11th day of Kebrui.iy, 18G1:

ived, That neither Congress, nor thenor the Governments of the non>i .fholditu; States,have the right to legislate

u -ii or interfere with slavery in &uy of the> v.-Sodding States of the Union.

» Kma !y, we would respectfully call his attenif,.-at"., delivered before the people'srepresentatives at Washington oa thelib u: .March, 1861:*1 h-.v- no purpose, directly or indirectly,

to interfere with the institution of Bl&very in,'i the States where it exists. I believe I have

no lawful right to do so, and I havo no incli>'

ui 'On to do so."An*l then lie goes on tc say:"Th sn why nominated and elected me did

so with rhe full knowledge that I had made\

*' this ami many biinilar declarations, and haveV never n can: a-l them. And more than this,

they oUc.m; i the platform for my acceptance,\ a id as u law to themselves and to me, the,: clear ana emphatic resolution which I now

i 5vs.I:"Risolvi d, fliat the maintenance inviolate


«)! £.'.. rgius of the States, and especially theiig:v. mi ouch State to order and control its


own d.miPatic institutions according to itsown judgement exclusively, is essential to the

:: balance of power or. which the porlection and; ; emtoi ante of our political fabric depends."We regard the proclamation as unconstitu

: xicnal aud exceedingly ill-tiined. It is oalcu^. laU'll tn iin. Br. f«»r !mm»nu«" luekvt Missouri and Maryland, where impci

tautmilitary events aro on the tapis.But our most serious objection to it is, thnt

it destroys ail we have over said in defense ofMr. Lincoln's conservatism, and confirms theargument of that class of men South who haveseceded from the Uu:on on the ground thatMr. Lincoln was an abolitionist and wouldaJmi:.inter the government with a view toth-- overthrow of slavery. There is to-day

i one universal shout in Dixie over the proclar.nfon.toid you so," UI told you so,"runs through the lioos, and tho Union menin the lIavo States bang their heads in sorrow.

FAUQUIEB.On a short visit to Fauquier, from which

!; we have just letomcd, we learn that the enemyhave an encampment at Contreville of Dineregiments, under Gen. Stahl, and another at

': Fairfax C. II., under SigeL They have nonethis .due of the above.

'> The country in, however, frequently traversedand scouled by squads or larger com-1panics of cavalry. A battalion was at

f Bu'iitsvillc not many days since. It wasim Mc up of fragments of companies from variouscommands. Tho supposition was that it

. w.ts composed of convalescents, left behindon the sick list when McClellan went intoMaryland.On Monday last, a equad of Yankee cavalry

i r dashed up the W'arrentoo Turnpike as farr_- Broad Run Church, about six miles fromWarrcntnn, where it captured a Confederate

l picket and then retired. This was the nearest1 trie \mkoes h» i latelv approached Warren:i

[i me citizens have many things to say of! y their evperience with the enemy during the; occupation of that country by the enemy..

The conduct of the ladies was truly heroic;? > \ and the privilege of the sex was so far rc\spectcd by the enemy,that they often sue-!!; \ ceeded m overaweing attempts at plunder..} The robberies were chiefly committed by* email squads, who would roam, gun in hand,^ yer tho country, ssarch houses and take


i^ -*' L.tsrc.-er.-cSbijmAr'- ?.

I whnt :h«>y fandlctf, *teal hofSM, &i. Wlu'.QvoIm iiiii* ihoiv G-rjtrals {locl&red they did notallow auch proceedings, they uasft-eied, ''our

officers teli ycji one thing, but tell us another."Their conduct was frequently verygross.cursing gentlemen, nnil e\en ladies,in the most ruffianly manner, ll wde

the common testimony that the enemy expressedtheir contempt of anything like toryism,declaring that they respected Rn hon-est and plain-spoken secessionist far more

than one disloyal to his State.The country is much desolated around tLi

camping places of tiio armies; ami productionriu- been, ul course, greatly discouragedevery where. But there are whole seea

tiona whi<-h have suffered but little, and never

looked lovelier,t The general feeling of the people is one o

i) great hormr of in iug again in tho lines c

;f the envwy. Even id oso who have sufFereileast say that the constant apprehension of f

visit from marauders who came at all hourfa by night and by day, aud generally by stealth0 and by the reir of their dwellings, was such

as to press terribly upon their nerves. Ant

[i now that they are relieved from the presenceJ of the enemy, the mememory of their pasfJ anxiety is like of a tonible uightmare.a Wo trust that not only is this beautifuln portion of our State not again to bo trampled.. by tho invader, but that all others that havet still longer groaned under the hated and inL.tolerable yoke will bo speedily and perma.nontly liberated.; We omitted to state that the enemy's soli.idiora greatly disliked to be called Yankees,

and held it as an insult. This remark applies. to a'1 not from the New England States..1 This is undoubtedly a Yankee war. and. nrowt-d by the Yankee". Yet, the men who' arc fighting tho Yankees' battles and obeyingr them as truly as if they belonged to thetn,- object to being called Yankees ! Perhaps ifr they disliko the name so much, they will, inj time, throw oil' the Y'ankeo ytike.

CASUALTIES^lIST or CA^TAI T1F.S IN WHICHIS BRIGADE, ANDEK!son's DIVISION, aT THE BATTI.B or SHaBPS'BURG, SEPT. 17 1H, 1802.Brigade Firl 1 and Staff..Wounded.Brig>adier-Gen r«l A R Wright, in leg and side;

Mij 0 1. '.V liUeliea J, volunteer A C D, siight,ly in Rriu.

3d Georyi* regiment, commanded by Uapt" U B N.'sbct..l-'iebl and Staff.Wounded.i ('apt R B Nc-bei severely, (left on field;) 1st. Lieui ! Wntkcr Perry, Adjutant, mortally,p-ince died.)

Co A.1vill, d.Privates Ransom Warnockand W E Clink.Wounded.Lieuts J S Bell, shoulder; M

W Wiiiiburly. shouidor. Privates Wm War'nock, face; A L> Ji nk ins. contusion.Co B.Wounded.Lieut J S Rcid, thigh..S.'igt K it BeJnrnettCj cnnlnsitsn. Privates

IV C BranliNiu, slightly in thigh ; Jhs, slight in hand; A 1' Lawrence, left ontieid; G W Piicstwood, stunned by shell.Co C.Milled- Private k .1

j Wounded.S;rgt II P McWhortor, head;.j F Chene/, shoulder. Privates J R llortou,j ide; W II MoBrido, sovcroly in leg.Co D.Ki'.iod.Private B A Baldwin.

! Wounded.Lieut C J Ree-e, chest, severely.Icl'r on Meld Privates T II Burroughs,chin shot away; Wiley Williams, contusion;W A K-o >ks. sh,alder, stightiy ; J W Reese,leg. fl»nhtl*\

IS.Wounded.1st Sergt Glover, concussionof shell. Corp Pratt, scalp. PrivatesT Hull, elbow and ankle: Geo Sneed, foot.Go F.VTounded.Lieuts D F Brown, groin,severely; All Caroming, knee. Privates J

it Pennington, head, severely; W R llainell,leg: J T Vallandighain, contusion.Co G.Wounded.1st .Sergt J A Ellis, leg,slightly; Sergt Keenan,contusion. Privates

las Withers, arm and side, severely; J WLassiter, side, slightly.Co II.Killed.Privates Sanil Cook, Thos

A Mahiy, Jesse D Morton.Wounded.Sergt H F Parks, shoulder..

Covp W S Hyer, groin. Privates W H Hammet,shouhW; F Kircher, thigh; E 0 D^owder,missing; A 31. Ramsey, missing. vCo f.Killed.Private Isaac Kiel.Wounded.Scrgts W O'B&nnon, slightly;J A Lindsay, severely, in side. Corp P II

Nesbet, thijih. Prismas M Outlaw, hand; JG OckmKton. lcgv slightly; W II Warner,wrist; Wit Davis, shoulder and thigh; DM Winn, side, slightly.Missing.Corp J W Tribblc, Private J W

Lord.Co K.Kdled.Corp G C Graham.j Woi.nrtnH <iarrr, f If D.l -U. -v.^v V *» 1 anuoi, Ciuuw..j privates It B Baxter, hand; G C Daniel, thigh;J I' D'irsay, thigh, Clins Evans, face; J H

Hives, arm , A D Mmuerling, neck.Ou L.Killed.Setgt D M Elder.

Wounded.Oorpl 11 S Jones, severely, thigh.Privates VT A Rutledge, leg ; A BradsVi\v.skull fractured; 11 Franks, slightly.Missing.Piivates J 3 Jones. F C Hanson.II 1' Fullilove.

Killed, .9Woundc-d. 5'JMissing, I

Total, 73


Field and Staff..Wounched.Col R H Jones,severely, in body, Major L D Lsllerstedt, severely,in hip; LiuUtenanW L BeaU, Adjutant,knee.Company A.. Wounded.Privates JosephCaughlin,face,Slightly; Jacob Lanjgtfton,back,slightly.Company B..Wounded.Lieut C Logue,lvp. severely.Missing.Sergeant Wasden.Company C .Killed.Private Oliver Corriuh.

- Wounded.Lieut A J Pophatn,arm, slight-1\; Sergeant J J Forsyth, shouider, severely;severely; Privates Wu, Batoy, ann and breast,severely; C D Forsyth, side, slightly; L Eastbug.shoulder, severely; M Lee, stunned byshell; A J Morris, breast, nhght.I.1 inr.nnr D.Ki.1,^ a xi...r._ . .« »i>»w o juivnu.

Wounded.Private J II Pierce, face.Missing.Privates A D Gatnraul, J P IIulscy,F B Black.Company Fi.Wounded.Privates G G

Lanier, thigh, severely; vY T Lnwson, shoulder, L- B Smitib.Company F..Missing.Private Jerry Wallace.Company G.. Wounded. OaptW F Jones,

leg, thigh and head, severe 17; SergeantR JJohnson, slight: Privates J B Hepps, thigh,slightly; G II Bowsn, side, slightly.Missing.Private J W BaV.l.Company K..Woiuvlod.Private J L liardin,left arm broken; A Clar'he, hip, slightly;MV Hooks, back, slightly; V,V AGroeo.neck,slightly.Missing.Lieut J W Callaway.

Killed, 2Woundod, 24Missing, &

Total, 34

forty-eighth georgia lin^lmltt, commandedby col. wm. gibson.

Field and Staff..Woucnded- -Co! Willi&uiGibson, tide, slightly; Major J U Whitehead,loot.Comnnny A..Killed.Corpc ual E Lockluirr;Privates .5 S Swim, W Mr \J.Wounded.Capt E G Scrugg U head, slightly;Sergeant J M Braddey, elt iow, severely;Privates W G Sainmous, bre«3t, severely; Jno

Marsh, shoulder, slightly; Ira ' V Neal, knee,severe!*; J 11 Warren, arm, ibgbtly; F MPeebles, shoulder, slightly; F M Barton, knee,soverely; J Braddy., hip, severely*;; D J Green,hand, severely; R Walden, leg, : icverely.Missing.Sergeant J Welche r; Privato VW Kitchens.Comp'y B..Wounded.Priv: ites W Reese,

severely; A Taylor, leg, slightly; D Atkinson,leg, slightly; S Shelton, should* it, severely.

Missing.Lieut S R Lowe; frivatea JohnWalker, J R Cody, A Peovy.Company C..-Killed.Private t WH Ware,

J T Prewitt, J M Heard.Wounded.Privates J C H ennedy, head,

severely; T J Watren, band« si ightly J" McCarty,shoulder, slightly.Company D..KUlfid.Prlvr/ye R Tabb.

ifwin -g^-. ..IWounded-^Sergearst L Odiun, bock, slighPj lyi Privates Win CampboH. wvotMy in ishestjA Hill, dangerously, in face; Tilly, alightly, in back; J I'roacott, face, pccder burnt; FT Williams, body, slightly.

Missing.Privates J Vaughan, A Pr6acott.Company E..Killed.Private W F AJ'

kins.Wounded.Lieut W J Smith, severely, ii

shoulder; Private J J Connell, elbow, slightlj; A W Aldreil, neck, slightly.

k Company F.. Killed.Private Wm IlulinWounded.Cnpt Kent, severely in neck

Privates A 11 Pollclt,severely in fool; J Pitti man, severely in breast.

Company G..Wounded.Privates J Witri. thigh and hip, stwiely; W II Pace, urn

slightly.Missing.Privates J no Tidwell.Company II..Wounded.Serg't S Suttoi

arm slightly; Corp'l J C Coleman, slightly 1

f foot; Private J Kersey, severely in shouldeif Company 1..Wounded.LieutenantW 1

Bachelor, severely in loot; Sergeant S Wadford slightly in band; Private Wm Shirley

i thigh.i Missing.Lieut Oartlegc. Private W NetherL land.

Company K..Wounded.Lieut Wilsor1 arm ami shoulder, dangerously; Sergt T 1I Burnside, leg, slightly; Privo J £


Montgomeryseverely in wrist.

; Missing.Privates J M Collins, J A Hulldday, W A Phillips.


Killed,9Wounded, 43Missing, * *

Total, 00



Fitld and Staff.Wounded.Lieut Col C A Derby, and :

prisoner. 7*Company A..Kiiled.Privates LII Blnlocl

and. R H Walker.Wounded.Privates E A Mongben, rnor

tally; WII Day, leg; L J Day, thigh ; W ICox.Company B..Killed.Corp'l A S WallaceWounded.Privates J Doason, seriously

D Nelson, head; J&ines Clark, slightly; "ftRankston, slightly.Company C..lulled.Private 0 T WattsWounded.Capt J II Purifoy, leg and arm

Sergts E Bursnn, broast; J T Cook, left amand shoulder, Privates J McOondiche, slightThos McBrido, slight; Preston Williams, arnand knee; Bowers, slightly.Compuny D..Wounded.Sergeants W W

Armstrong, severely; W 11 Morgan, sevorel}W C Mahan, severely; Privates Win Robinson, 90vcrely; A J Baxley, severely; W AGlasscock, soverely: G W Roltun, slightly; liD Collins, slightly; Wm King, slightly.Company E..Killed.Sergts J D Davis

E II Robiuson.Wounded.Sergt R S Jones, knee, dangerously;Privates J 11 Nelson, slightly; E A

Robinson, thigh.Missing.Corporal G W Jones, Private W

9mith.Company P..Killed.Private Green Oldrun.Wounded.Serg'ts N II Thompson ar.d J

Loughridge.; Corp'l II Thompson, all slightly;Privates EHCorley, soverely; Marion Trucks,soverely; Jackson Trucks, severely; II McKinney,slightly; Wtn Robinson, both legsslightly; J C Lawrence, breast.Missing.Privates belie, and Lorey EdWards.Company G..Killed.Setg't W P Becker:

Privates W^n Shearer and M G Jones.Wounded.Privaten E II Mizo, Toot; Tylet

Dankun, thign; rrea \ ogelin (and prisoner.;Company H..Wounded.Lieut J S Johnson,lep; Corp'l Wm Loup, arm broke; PrivatesG Boiling, foot; J R Fulghan, leg; EE

Fnlghan, leg; Jntnos Edwards, mouth,serious;JaroeR Gray, shoulder; Pratt Komigay, »iightlv;J W Kornigay, slightlc.Company 1.. Kililed.Private W G

Honstou.Woundc-d.Sergt R II Little, slightly; PrivatesG B Bennett, mortally; J L Lush, mortally;F M Yancey, alight; J J Babe, slightly;G H Miller, slightly; JD Ray, slightly, W

Luther, slightly.Compajiy K..Killed.Frivatu Wrn. Pearson.Wounded.Privates J L McRay, neck

Larkin. Busby, foot, knee and back; hi LReid, arm.- 'Missing.Privates E Cobb, and WilliamPotvell.- Killed, 12; Wounded, 62; Missing, 7. Total SI,

RECAPITULATION.Killed. Wounded. Missing Total.

Brigade Field and Stall' 2 i3d <ia. Pag. 9 fid j7322f] " " 2 2-1 ;< 3-148th" ' y 43 14 6(44th Ala. 12 62 7SI

32 190 34 2C>.J. D. Diniri.,

Sec'y to Gen. A R Wright.DIED.

Dinp, til Greensboro, N'oith Carolina, on Wednesday, thtlet J«y of October, D» THOS. WoGDLY, ol, 11i: in the 5uUi year of hU ago.

Obituary.flaiH, on the 26lh of September, of Typhoid hevtr Ir

the'Jill year of bis ago, BENJAMIN J. EGGLKNTuN. a

member of the President's Guard. poeicssed of a kliiiland friendly disposition, honorable In all the relations oifife, faithful In the discharge of his duties as a soldier,lie had gained for himself the eMtem and regard Of hliassocia'es and oompaolons-ln-aiu.s, which fill never b<obliterated.

Hope looks beyond the hounds or time,Aodwhat we now deplore .

WIU rise up In Immortal prime,And bloom to fade no more.

PVJ^I I f>P. ** K i' 10 U M O N C TiHi>TIka

iLsiS 71isr.i'i >

i«'»n InH'.R P*l O'M riifc .lif.y .:Mt:- iv. ii.i. j

ims... fltAAU»* > OK-tKi OG!<«3Srjnn Mawsnaa - ! Tf 'Pnr.RPl.



'/»'«HI3 (FRIDAY) FVENIMW; G.'tr.hsr 17, tne parforiuJa. auee will commence with the play of

GREEN BUSHES.O.ainnr 0 Kennedy Mr. HamiltonOeoige Mr. BatesMunough Mr. Harrison,Giimmidge Mr. Morton,Jack Gong 2hoipc«fc,.IUL'. s .5 Mi" **"> E"in''Mml St. Aubeit, \Nelty.. .Mite Sallio PartingtonPAHCK ... MlssM. PaKTIMOTOH

To conclude with

BLACK-EYED SUSAN.With all the '"ouipanv

BKOAI) STREET THEATRE.(Late MontlceHn Hall.;


Lajseas ;. 0. W. BLAIR d 00.ieraca MaSiOal Mr. 8. H HCBbARC.Laiti.nnFTna OiiCUKHTRA Prof. BENEDICT.

0 R E A T S U C C E S S .


JffftHIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Get 17, the perforinanciJL wl I commence with the thrilling Nautical Drama, bj

Iho late Pongln* Jcno d, entitled,BLACK-EYED SITSAN

ALL IN THK DOWN'S.William. * fctUiur Air C. a. MackenzieSusan (his lie) 311.6 EUa WrenJto.'bTwlg Mr d B. liubhnr.lGnatbrttin Mr. D. Russell

After whichSINGING A S P Ji A X i* I X .J

To conclude with the laughable ftrceuf

a thumping legacy

SSr Doors open nt quarter to 7 o'ci:»ck.--cu.l&tn trilrUe hi quarter to ii o'clock precisely.

Admission W cents Reserved Ochestra scats 7J cts,Oct 17.«

metropolitan hall.GREAT jJ LT 0 C E S S

ruckley's southern nightingales



JS'EGRO BURLESQUES>re li.e admiration ot the e»riro Soaib.£3T~ For particulars see dally programmes.ucl 17.Iw*

W ANTED,T'A AAn I.H3. BROOM CORN WANTED-ForJ.wV/jVV'" * which the highest price, cash oa ilellvory, will be paid by G. IV. ROBINSON,

At Spoils A Har-rcv's,Oct17.lev* W 31alo air ft


FOR SALE, say Tract of Land, lying oa Bocky Oreck,within five miles of the James River Canal, containing

830 acres, well adapted to the cultivation of wheat, cornand Tobacco.There Is upon the tract a dwelling bouse in good ropalr,

and nl! necessary outhouses.For further information, address the subscriber at NewOr.nton TUOS. A. FOSD.Oct 17.elm

ajglgggigsggi^g tmwn iitwrfnanrxrgfiiwi*; SS3SSt'STY IMTKLLlOEKfCE. S

^EhlOv-S XiTlBRNT OtV THE CkNTHaL Rill.' Pboad..The special train which left Richmond on

Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock, containing abont fu

eight hundred troops, consisting or conacripta and on

convalescents, met with a minus accident about eix *i

miles above Chailottesville, which |<oiut It reached u

about rletvn o'clock mi Wednesday night. A mint- I1her of cattle had gotten on the track, and the dark- J®

- nes* prevented them from being seen until the engine ^was upon them.Two oxen were killed aad dashed from the track,

* aud a third, .becoming entangled in the cow-pit at the»place was passed over by the engine, tender and five t

cms. the engine remaining being turned amand on the 5track, and the tender and live cars being thrown off,

I and down a sleep embankment of some sixty feet in b' height. The track und timbera of tlic cow-pit were b

'> torn up by the collision, but .for. which the accident, w

would probably have proven less severe. 01

Five soldiers and two negroes were killed, and ."aixtv soldiers wounded, twenty setiously and four *?

' mortally.n The crash and.the preeipitntion of the train wro sor. sudden and unexpected that but few attempted to es- ai

cupe ijefotchaud: in fact, the cars were so full that ai

Gir h an attempt would only have produced confusion 'saud resulted in a more disastrous catastrophe. Many c:

r> of the soldiers went asleep at the time, on the floor and 0bonchea, and awoke either rolling down the embanktucntor jammed up confusedly with one another. 01

Information of the accident was immediately sent ujto Charlottesville, and on jesterday the train from i|:

'j Lynchburg ntriviug there, went up to tlic assistance of A

2. tlie itnforlunateH. and returned with the killed and *

r. wounded. Tito wounded wem properly taken tare of ic

at the Charlottesville bo-pitaU aud the dead decently tClburied. We could not learn the names of any of the m

* injured. The unhurt were turned over to the com- him funis nt of the post ut Chat lottesville to uwuittram- el

puliation ^ fo

The Hustings Cocbt..The following case?bl

were disposed of iiefote the Fllistings Court, on yesterday:g

John h. King was charged with stealing, on the a10th of August last, a negro slave nainod Prank, valued teat*800, the property of Algernon S. Bradley. Thetestimony showed that the prisoner had arrested the Flnegro in Caroline county, while the latter was attempt- Fl

ing to make bis way into the lines of the enemy, and F,when he was found with him in charge, he was taking

t him to the South to sell hitn, and-said that) -lie hidperfect right to ceil any negro so nrrested." The case Viwas sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. Bail retfused.- PiAnderson, ft slave oi E. Cocke, was charged with

. entering the house of Alfred ^pnnkle, and stealing, therefrom $891. No evidence was produced to show p,

that the prisoner committed the act, the premises fromwhich the money was alleged to have been stolen hav- .-'i

. ing been open at the time to the ingress of any one..No money was fonnd on the prisoner. He was dis1charged.Tim aooonf tin. Common wealth ra. Thp Tr.

pngraphical Society was introduced. and an argumentproposed by the counsel for the prosecution, Messrs.

. Gilmer and Crane, to show rause wliy information w,1 alionld be filed agninst the defendants. This was oh- u1 jecu-d to by the opposing counsel. Messrs. Nance and at

Sands, and after some hatnnguo between the twoi sides the argument on the subject was postponed until

to-i Iay."

Julia and Miry Elba Dean, emancipated slaves, T,iupon their application, were granted paporu to remain c<in the State.

Menem. Herbert a. Claiborne. H. D. Sanxftv. P M. <1.Tabb, John P. Tubb aud V. T. Crawford, qualified as *<

: Notaries Public.Messrs. George H. Mondy and P. ft. Hopkins were

duly (|uallfleu lis deputies to High Constable George A. 0I1Freeman. n

Procuring Scbstitutks..There is now in puthe city quite o large number of persons engaged in 51

seeking substitutes for the war-, and the scarcity of ihuci.mmodity is such as to excite considerable compotl- 5tion among the bidders. The difficulty of obtainingsubstitutes is an great in fact. that many wiping to qc

. procure them are prom, to rush desperately into tiie mesh- P<e* of Valgus captains mid agents. for t he purpose of lm

make" oi doing the thing lieiore it is too late.. a'

This |«olky of teiting tt inngh wiih the business quickis not very likely t» pay. unless The principal takes thepreeniiti .a t" lewiu his fee until the substitute is regu- £i«rly accepted into service. The cnmeious instancesin which piirtbs have been defrauded sbould be warn'inir to all desirous of relieving themselves of the re?,pon asihilitiesof r-aiiip-lifc. t lit- utmost tare, therefore, is at.essential. lest the principal should lose, not ouly his w.

money, bat liis chances for keeping out of the army, mi

and ii to avnid this exigency he should first make snre tn'

ol his own exemption p ipers before he permits the feetopass out of his hands. ..

Conaidernble dnnl.t txista in the minds ofthe citizens §5at large, relative to tbo disposition by Congress of ahill providing for substitutes in certain cases," Ac.,pi,-scribing an a necessity the responsibility of the c,i

principal for the fidelity oftlic substitute. This hill jjwas paospd by the s nate. After tieing sent to the *nHouse, the House Committee reported it back with the tlnrecommendation that it would not pans. This is its atlast appearance on the recoid. and it consequently reindim) upon the caleudur of the House, and may or Nlmay not be called up again at some future session.. ha

There exi.sis then no such law in regard to substitute

StTNSET FROM ChUKCII HlLL.. Re httVc gorgeoussuuaeta from hills about Richmond, if the peoplewould only enjoy them. One of out choice day- -j

departuies, amid these mellow autumnal evenings. 8puts to blush tbo latest sod rosiest of the worldfamousItalian sunsets, and "days that die on Csu- tocasus." The chastened glories ol the honr maybe f!|

compered with tin- »u nipt nous magnificence of thepoet s ''divines' dre-tni ' lore." just Ufore it collapses- - 1ititii disappointment. A triend who has gazed rowthe most pictnresque loonlities of the old vroild, w" 8shas witnessed the day close among the Iieight3 of U}.' au

pine graudeui: who has swn. from among the memo- Virica of Santo Marco and the Bridge of Sighs, the sun er

di»robo himself amid the blushing Heavens for hieevening imp: who hue a*en a rrsl.liva Italian sunset. Jj['J telle us that he prefers liie sunset from Church llili [hwith its lore-ground oi spires, river, field and forest.. ,,,

Englishmen end Yankee* vi.rit Italy, and me in nt-i- o

tureB. But an American, fiom the South, ia disappointed,for he hss lived and imbibed the spirit of tip- t!l

pronation una.1st more beautiful displays of nature's J1'magnificence. J ho ".Sunny South" may be proud of ,c

- her sunsets. tt.;tf]

The Mayor's Coiist..1 he Mayor had but (,ivery little regular bnsiricss to attend ro on yesterdaybut. &3 usual, he was kept tjuiie bus/, after disposing tr

of the docket, with applications tVora various parties. for warrants and other matters eunnecteJ with popular le

grievances 5ij£^s'The only cases niithe docket were the followingWnt. Coniey was charged vrith cutting Mary f MeMinn.The compiniu.-iM, it seems. w.«h sitting in her

door, on 2d sttcei. ticat Duval, wlieu f'only came byand asked if she bad anything to drink, She teplied, ~

No,'' when Conley draw a knife, and slushed it across"

f her right arm. indicting a painful wound. The casewas continued until tLe 21«t instant, lor 1'uitiier exnminatiou. Jjf: A lad, 8bout seventeen years of age, named NapoleonIlanea, a machinist's apprentice, w?.* charged ^with stealing £200froni Mrs S Larmon resi.ling on lMih (astreet. The charge was not sustained, and the detenu wantwas diamissed. of

Maria, a slave, was charged with stealing $100 fiom JliElins Walking. but tLo piof being insufficient, she was

rdischarged. J'uThk WciTutR..Y«3icid.iy was a pleasant ro

day, kkjI enough to avoid the shade, yet aullk-lenily K'

warm to keep oil' a chill. 1 he promenades were j r

ciovvvled, aud the stores well tilled with city andenuu- ^try customers. The cold, blustering weather of late »&lias developed numerous want*. \\ inter clothing has prto be purchased, new furniture provided, carpets to be 1'°laid down, coi>I to be laid in, and all sott- of winter i'rcu infoils io be looked after. u|

. . ltl

Thk Wilminoton suffbftkks.The managemeutof the Itichmond " Varieties." with commendableliberality, have determined f<> appropriate the proc«.vdsol the entertainment at the' Varieties" (to-night)f.,r the beuefif of the sufferers in Wilmington, Is. v... 'VThe piece selected is the beautiful drama of the (ireenRnshes." in which the full strength of the "Varieties" h*"company will appear. We trunt the management willho warmly seconded in their benevolent undertaking,by oor citizens. be

io ui ill









tou f r vn/n xitmpfk

i/.-L Sl'jtB hn f!AT T E S O'C L 1/ f X.

' '

-i T T £ > ( >' i> o c K. , ;.1 T 7 E O'V I 'J E,...

<A runl>A j* M RSJ.VfJ, ,,S.I Tfrf:/' J r .V"fi v/.'«vr, .

sa tup. /..i r x n srs'



LEFT my dwelling, In Sunday evening, Octo- 1®ber l'Jtb, my negro man GEO. YiTEr1, about 2" years j

old, yc'low i-i'mplexlnn. about 6 feet S tc lit inches high,a ac*r on tit. neck uuder hit* jaw, and bud e cock or crcte

eye. ,

Also, two NEGRO MEN let' wy f»iin. about two miieaout cf town, about tne same time of nay 0- e man. MttK- r (

TON. Bred about 24 or 2^ years block, about h feet 10 Vinches gcara recollected ar,d boy DICK, lkyears .

of aue, about b feet b or inches high, black, and had on

when he left a deep blue Jacket, with bran button.1, endback place oap. (

Morton Is recently ft om Cu'pcper county, Virginia, cud .

Dick I bought from Fauquier i-ounty, tit ar Witrrenton.Virginia, la»t January George was raised by ni' nearR|.hD.und.

I hnv'a no doubt that all three are aiming to make tt etre«. ape t" the. Vankuea oy way >.i Uordoo»Tiile hdJ i .fptperI will (Ave )|

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Jj.far B..cb of tbctn, Jellrered to men lit Biubir.tind, or ec- .,rjCured to Jail, ee- 1 Can gel 'beia again. InOct 14- of tULAs GMOtrCNIiRO. ,.t!

iViNK CflKWUiO rtiRiCCO..We have for «»! Lao*.1

L.trna a. s..u'«eolal.rata.t Or..uutu atin-cnrad t.h«w ._4 ITubacc.,, by the paefcnga .ir at retail

I MEAUK A BAKEB.Ueot 18 led Main itreet, c.»r abow PuatoUlce f«LOE Ma68..bu poania superior BLUE MASS, Jam re AealvAd and for Mis by At

W. PSTKK803 4 00., ihtkny» **.twf4.«. J

POTACH.1,000 pounds genuine -knauiau Potsab, fur -iBaking Reap, Jutt received, for eale by T7

W. PETERSON 4 00.. A1Oct a 135, Mala Street.


NAILS, ( ;. t.I.i iHI riK8, ACThe daugsrouJ consequence: of neglect or the unskillItut of the knife, In all sucb cases, should Indue everye affected with diseases of Hm feet, to seek relief from

dii. 8chult7,lose operations are performed* tbout pain, nud sieiei iliiesclous..iExtract Itoa» the vvJj|j{ '

lion. U W. Be" "aye "'lwith inucti clieerfulnose thatcommend Dr. Shulu. He It thoroughly ver»cJ iu thisucb Important branch of surgical eclr-ucc, and thus retiirahimself a bencfaotorto mankind, lilt mtulut ojirfin1It unattended by pa'n or the least inconvenience "

gB~ Office, Wall (Street Hotel, Wall street,Oct 17.8t'a. AN ORDNANCE TO EKFOROR TlIK HAYk~ffrment ok taxes on licknbtn, passkd0T0BER18,1662Section 1 Be It Ordained by the Council oT the City ofiehmond, That any merchant, manufacturer, auctioneer,rokcr, hole -keeper, or other peraon upon whoui or uponIn.he employment a class tux Is Imposed, who shall carryis hi* or her business la the city, without first having beeuntodbythe Assessor, or having tl ed with tint Cbio.n rin a notice of tila or her Intention to eusuge In ruoh bunssa,thai pay a fine of not leas than ten nor more tiunfty dollars.Uko. 2 lr shali be the duty of the Assessor of the city toicortaln whenever any parson or firm shall comoanceuy nnilneos subject to a class tax, after his annual returnmade, a id to obtain Irom him or thorn the amount oftpitftl employed In such business, and te.urn the sameonthli to the Chamberlain, to be by him reported to thehalrman of ihe F.uaoce Committee. The said committeei»ll thereupon determine the class in whl h such personr persons shall be placed, and the Assessor «h«U list them[>,.n his book as those persons In bin annual return areited, and hand a copy of the llt> to the collector. Thesessor shall in his return designate such person or firmsmay huve Incurred the penalty mentioned laths thatctionSec 'd II shall be the duty of the Collector of the cityreport to the Council monthly such pcisuns or firms

entlniii'd lu the n si se-tlnn as he tniv find carrying onijiuess In the city allium hating been assessed with aass tux.Bec l The OrJInanco eutlt'ed '"An Ordinance to enrcethe payment ol Ibtos or, llcens. s," pa*«ed Noveui»r59, IMl, is heieby rupcalsd.A copy: A W. MORTON,

Ool16.elm Chamberlain.~rSS»THr; KOLLOVVINU IB A I.lcT UK riTsWlIlL^

TION'9 for the benefit of the Sick and Woundedlatmiulaus, la the Army of Virginia, from the 1st ul S-pmherto the 1st of October, ISoi:

DOKxTIONa or txsnainn Lie"l Davis of the Army, fi 00rn Mrs A E Mastln, proceeds of a concert

given by Young La.lbs, of Tuskogee, Ala, SI Oorom Hon Thomas II Waits, money contributedby Ladles of Alabama, fur building guubone,..' 1,9i 9 noum John P i.'ool, of Alabamu, through Hoc1 human H Watts, fiu ixroir, Mrs M W Hnrman, of Alr.buma, throughHon Thomas II Wattn, «u pn'II(D OiltnCiittce uf ii.lL'lri ilk thrr.nt->. I U

Johns, -j u<>uin IV I* Molett, of Alabama, through Tj ler 4Al', ]r.l li>om Citizen t ot Talladega, Ala., through Hon JL M Curry, 401 50

Totul, ii.Cii Ot*

C.iMTHIiVTIuS* Of CtOVH.SU, PTOHKH, AC.Two Urge bozeiof shirts, drawers, feather plliows. pll*w-. H«es, sheeta, qullti, bandages, lint, soap, pickle*,, hitters, svrup', and other boap tal suppl'es, ironiidles' Aid Society, Dayton, Alt, per Mm inutile HemrtVtr i large boxes of coraforta, pillows, pil!ow-rn,;<*?,eeta, urawerM, Ac., from Ladles' Aid Society, barrel soap, ar.d ona box of shirts, drawers, sheets',t'ow-caei a and cordial, from Ladle*' Aid Society, A ntloch,losa county, Mm.four I) *xcs cf hospitalsmrca,mattress, pillows, comforts,Crttrine, caUup. rice tlonr, sage, slippery elm. cordial.:, thiouirh .Major Vanileve-r, of the AKbama Depot.Twelve park grs of lint and bandages from the Ladies ofnesboro', Jelferson onuety, Ala.Three boxes containing six botl'es cordial, thiea largelis orange marmalade, one do ol Uc do, one box whin*gar, two pounds »f green tea one c»ri peaches, eight b-.t:sdeonctlnn of elder, one dozen p-R.'h cordial it d twoi knees Jjnt and handuges, 1roc: Mrs Mary LuJI .w, ofoblle, Ala.dc. Iti- diwU Mm A. g HOPKINS.


A I pemens indebted to us ore hereby respectfully reif*tedto setllo thetr respective obligations, either la-son or by maiL without needless delay The? trill thusre Interest sod the Inconvenience of payment when,.ney may bt> lest abundant than a' present.

WATKINS &l PICE LBN,Orl.1-1.1m* '.iiliceio our lateritore, 159 Main St.

^^rpTcTTt L "no T~I c E

tlic Government (using relinquished utr Warehouse,b will, after having It thoroughly clean.ed, resume liuti*s uieie In a lew days. Having one of the moat cniuroojusand belt arrany.d Mores In the Southern country,t shall be prepared to rooclve and sloio anv amount olrrchannlse rhnt may be consigned to us, utol to exhibite goods in the most advantageous mannerDcM 1.1ft KEN r, I'aINK A On


In connection with our regular auction business, we hi:read.Ulicdan agency lor the tale ofA N U F A C'l'UR E D T 0 Ii A C C 0 ,i na.lgnmeat. t\< hare on hand ard for sale soinc of

e finest brands put up In Virginia, to which We invite tneientlon of buyer*.Our tegular auction sales of Tobacco take piece cn WEP^hDAY of each week, and consigners cno bare their Toceosold at either public or private sale, as desired.

SUMNtlt A BL'ttRCSB, Auctioneers,iron Front Building,

Oct II.lui Governor street

y. M. GFM.'fl i»KKICE VA FORCIS. <Lv.tcubcao, Va.| Oct 18, fjfi/. S

110 THE PEOPLE of Hie counties id Sm.vthc Wythe,Taseivell, Mercir, Giles, Pulaski, OarroU, Floyd, Modiuiery,Orn'g, Monroe, Franklin, ilo&nok'-, ll#.-ill»rd. Buttourl,Allegi -ir.y, HocknrlJge. K»th, Amherst lUrupfcell,

ils.-n, Augusta. 'ppomattx, liocklngham, I'eudle'on.ighland hh I Orrennrler:l'ne As.einbly billing provl 'eil for the production, .lldrjHon * «! a >le of S»lt to the cllitens or the Commonaltb<if ci*vf, Mint the Governor having dllouled tlrs Olioto procure,/'"" witfi, ibe liec-saary trsnnpoi tatlon for,ll rrnin ttie Kltnkwlia bailties t} Dublin, on llie Vug loinid Teiiiieseee Kuilrood, and to Ml ltioro, on tl.e CVlit-alrgiaia Railroad, I have this day authorized end eiupow"ithe Sheriff. and the Fresidlog Muel.tralrs of yo runtie. to procure ond sen 1 forthwith to the Kanawha Suit*.Willi all possible dijpatqh, nil I lie wagon., tenuis nkdvers to l.e obtained In youl respective countle Full

rtructbip' have been given to tlieuj and authority Hi ( (.>-<,wneturver parties withhold their means In thN timepr-'«Mi*g necessity. Ample r«muneratlve role? h«n

leu fixed for all.who promptly and valuattuuH plsccelr property lit the dlspoaal ot the Stale fur llile purpose,JIU which a deduction will t>e muds, where resort ha; torunic to imj'i t^mriiC.Your attention l» naked to the propriety of unitiiiy yourarus, so aa to make suitable means ol liauaportstlonid Jot bve urged In view of ibu approach ot winter, tokoc ibeut without delay tudor the control ol eilhci ote above mentioned officers, provided with tins neceesaryhaisunct! tor man ntid t.tmt for the round trip, litetint liotn each county will be provided with a wagoneater from county, to be appointed by tbe aioveitned officers, who will he required to control and proct the property of its cllittcne whilst In the an vice of theate. f. t: sWO d', llajor aiiil duartaruatler,

acting C| M lien'I Va. Force*.

ttL'.th'loiMttSl'r K OENEKAl.'S OFFICE, i

VIRGINIA F .KCKfi,I. vneutttho, Vj , Oil W, 1M2. )

it/: f.tMi .'t ;'i; I- nli ai.i .firrip

Tiia General Assembly of Virginia llaa pused all Act toovlda tot the distribution nod rate ut Salt to the propletbls Commonwealth at actual co-1Full powers have been couterreii upon the Executive ofe dlale to auoonipil-h that object It 1a absolutely nectary,owing to the near approach of wiuter, the urgentmt» of the people for «h>1, atnl the p eaent Impossibilitymaking other arrangements, that a call be made iiniaemelyupon citiiteus fortrntispoitatlun.Ills Excellency, the GoVcrnur of ilie State, baa Imposedthis Officetbe du'y ol p-ecuriug " wagons and teams

liable for the hauling and transportation of Salt from theBQaWhk Salines to Millioiv' Depot ou the Central hallad and ro itublln Depot ou tbe Virginia and Tennesseeillrosd "

1 accordingly authotlze and empower you f'vrthirltl. toocure all the wagons, teams and drlvera posalhlc in het^iued in your county, knd to forwa'd them Immediatelythe moat direct and practicable route to the Kanawha

lines, where arrangemen's will he made to load thetuomplly with Salt, deliverable at either of the above Dcla. Ed her or both of you aie empowered to act in thevmliu.'I he following rates will be paid for teams thus employed,ion the certificate of elthei one ol you as to tbe date otcCMtniaetiCemunt of <oivlc«ir .'Tory « horse team and dilver & "U par day.llo. i do. -

.- 7 00 "

Do. 4 do. - fi 5<j "

Do. e Jo. - ; as.llo. 1 do 4 «'«> "

The rales will he paid to ail pcr-ioiis!rid .famish their wagons, l-ainj aud i".I

r«. In all CHses, however, where suitable teaiss are noti.inptiy and voluntarily offered by tho owner* thereof,in ere hereby authorised and required, by vitrue of theirhnrity morei-aid. to impress the same, with auitahleivors and the necessary loroge. and to forward them, infore described, tn the Kanawha Salines Por all suchipftJ*ments, a deduction of twenty-Sve cent* per horser day will be made from the above rates lor hire, toth.rwith the necessary snhsiatenci; of driver andirses, should the same be furnished by the dtate and notthe owner.Your attention it directed to ifc. importance of ,>e..urlo*itabie teamj lor transportation. The wear and tear o;

wsftoti. and th# lure and eubalateooo of a driver sum* far a si* horse cr a two-boree wagon, It Is sueoteathat hi many of tbe former as possible he secured,id. Is order to facilitate this objest, that the fanners arye among themselves to unite their trams so as to

aire fall six-horse teams It is further suggested, thatevery County, lowhloh four or more toams are furnls!*'

I, some suitable parson be appointed by you jointly, tot as wagon-mastar for all teams from said County, ifss than that number be furnished by your County, theyil he attached to the tmln of the adjoining County mostoverdone These wagon-masters will bt alliwed reanablocompensation for their seivlcei, and will be ex

ctedto tee to the security of tbe .Salt tn he transportedIbe taking and placing at convenient points the Daccaryforage for the teams and sub-slstlng of dr.vars for theitire superintend and control their movementsling and returning, and to provide all necessary aid Inc event of aceldeot. They are particularly enj di.ed toJ all poesiole dispatch In view of the tppr. a. ning winrconsistent with the rlohls and Interests of uie partiesm» furnishing their prcperty Inrlhe use of the Kite. Theurn; may be started s.ngly without delay, and formedto trains on the way.You art particularly requested to notify ine. from time

time, of your p.ogress 'r. the execution of thli trus*,id especially what ntimbrr of teami year County wliiot>»bly furnish for the service, together with their cecity,Ac. Your dalles heicg performed, you will reportthis Office .forthwith thu names of all parties who shallve tumished teams.the character of those teams.the,te of the commenconietit of the service.all expensesfurred, ftc , 4cample foods hare been pla-.od In the hands of the Exorivcto meet all ihu expenses incident to this service -ii»"office will certify to the Governor for payment, allnt-acts made ty you for Mrs or for impressment* uo.darl> authority, and all other reasonable expense;, Inciud;a reasonable compensation Icr yourselves.

L. H SMOOT, Major and Quartermaster.Acting Quartermaster General Virginia Forces.


c- IT

irjf. II. REDWOOD if CO.,' II ii L K !l A L E 1 N D i« E I A I L


t SUEACTURED TOBACCO A .YD .SEGA US,IaVE just received s Urge and nee .ite.1 stock ot la

Bacon, ot VKrtoua r,rands, and for sale at reasonableices Also a 1nt of tine HaViKa Cifi.«fu>, Fancy Pip'*,velopes, and atnoklng Tobacco, to which we invite theecttou of our Mends and the public gen-rally.

W II KriUWuOl' *s CO..Corner Pranthn and iltb ftro'tj'

dctl".MetSoy* fcluhni' nI.

NOTICE. jAUE next annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Or-ange and Alexandria Railroad Company, will be held

the office of the Company, la Lynchburg, on Thursday,6th day of Novemtbr ensuing, at 10 o'clock A. M

3y order ot the Directory. J. B. BE1D,)ct _Clerk.AIN3 Table Mustard, Woioestsrshlre bancs, black andBed Dapper, Matches and Blacking for sale at

MEaDE a BAKEK'efDrag Store,

.sr..7.riJ~-r<r mil' iVT rryuivi.-u m nii'mom //*<

ATE SALES.VALCAUIjK LANDS irv LWHSIANA F08 SALE.1WH.L »clJ ffC»Di 10 *,GvA A<rr4 of i-nlidu, ilortlfdt>ly

located, in detached tract*, acout '2u isilea wuii oi theMlf*ii*tOppi river, and, h portion tte'ir ;ao Vlcfcthurg,tihrcveport'^and Toxtts Railroad.Some of ihe hbove lands lite improved niid in a F?tr*t of

r.ul ivallon. The lai^^i portion are ur.lnjj-ioveJ'<to* rr.icM embrace l»orh a'htvKl hf*«t ftlKh lap 1*for Information an to quality xn»l price of tiie land*, »«1

dre»* nie, for next ten day a, it Hi* American Hotel, R»» bnwnd

Oct il.S. I)* riUVi H

A KAR.M I s it \.\0\ Kit i Ol'.STl, U.V I' i.Ml-', i'AI.I KI f .Vrll.r'i V|i A,"H'K r.Al f.

IOI'Ffclt IVr suit- this I arm. snouted In lUt.-vei c lilitv,in I'mnuok. y cu..l:itiii:.c IV seres, with a

some and Wi-ll-l.idll dwelling, Ciniitnolidliu! nil extensiveprospect of the river and surrounding r-inuiry.

'I lie ut-bullilli ps nii; wry good, aeti a system of m-il!-III; ivllh prion s»l»l has been . ! -n't-lv ..Oji.t-IU. I u»III-- place, wilii good ic-Ults. I il'ti?. >. i L"IV " I II

let i-i ct:

' 'OH PtLKrtniK follow...* fAlllir-i.. Mn-'-n luumy, A:'.., *.-.|i.4 tiuprof.J «b"l ninr.tldii to ralliMili '>< .nil. o-itof h.iuiiinm u»

flu *.|inii;i I'lAi*. iif Vlif. no >a <oIi:t»:| ..

Tbo tlslabua J1U..I, ../ 1,fc»f \.t ... U .mil. *t!.,.Tii« r.lbnh»'nK«C plain. of 1,'li- lifnl, .Vs. lr. f 7.111 ;e.

il. n.Ton In. a.* plt.f., ufif.'I tarns, if-O tj .dltrviilloTr.'fj'JI. I* W..0 nil n-ik-lb-.J ! >' :i.y v.. nsc. r»ut

rnfnroso* 10 ir..11 7 scd location, »..d or. irr.ljr .leilnteluNegro!.- sr'il La ukot It. {. ri pnyo.-M If il.-i»!r*-i endfnil pHf'.'Sl.r. .-lva3 lo th./io v-lsr it,- in i.^n.fcjill««i. - t-> t«. uii-lcriigiioo »i ! I :.S'

1-oi.^'t.i..i'c if. r «u

an. * .'*iij

1.A.V1) FOR S11.K IS 1U.N0VI K CGl'.\T\.

MV Her* nii.1 llu- loss of toy slaves, i:.-trc it m-.Vasiu'-rlUe'to L'lvt* up faroiliik', 1, tlll'lvl r.- Olltr In! -nl.-Il.c

l.liitl on Wliicil I r- sldr Mtljoiltl-ll tilt? i waldfin-n ..f Or V^iu.II mUm hihI ntho.-s, cor.tu!:iii.|.* n' .oit !.(' luin-lmd ,i,<lIllty ftccH, flyhtnt-n ul rt itoni r cli r of liicliui..iol, nuiltlifer inilf. Iroul (be Ul.l I t.u' Uiclii, ulific Ihclt? n

Post f)lliro.11io buil'lll.y. o-'li-lsl of inf.. Is- 1. doelili . 1't. sis

room-, pdi-sM^o nti.l |ior. 1.01: tin o>i.*bai'tlii.^s i.-.i it. v Icomiltl. n.

Tlie|>la -c is rup|> i.-il w It. ll.n'-o.- nii-t «rn»i! culliclout fortill the iiurpiinci" of tin- fnriii: >» « » ol puie tf.iit.-r in tli--jar.!,and n" koo.I >|>ria|;s on ihol.iriu and . ootid uicb.ii Jof apple trees.The land Is of i/nnd fe Hli'y, and Ins a plenty of iiinrl

upon if, from which fifty acres have to u.i marled, andshow tlt-cl led inii.iovt!menl I'd >--.

'J'liere are pun lb: roads in tiutit jii-I rt-.-ir of the p'aoe,which cunsi'lut.t boundary lines in an mii-Jhea thy utlfliboihood ; m-u scvciat pood mills, mid convenientto i hurr.lie* t>f diflT-.-rciit dcnc-r ir.titi nsAny pcrsrn wUhii.g re s -c 11..- plv- will ilioi mi- jeoera1lyHt hoine.Tcro.s accoinnit-diiilcynet ld-r'd* I II i'AhNfciT.


rjjiliE Slito'-rlher olT.-r» for sale p l. itel? in PAlsMlatf-.I ly oieiu.l b> Wio. K Harris .Ico'd in the upper

of f-'enri. ...It-r. iu!l>> finl.-i-.ond 'I'hi- tiao- i-niitsln*4Jt*. Hc-e.i, tr:ih snu1 111 acres -.1 li I la d on Deep I.ill,l.'iet-k no.I Its nraiiche., an.i ImJ ..< ir » siiHich n> y r.t ailtnnter atul nrt w..c il/o-tii t it.- j.'i.-- liei-uilittitersconsist of h I i. riteand em i-wrltn. - ilo.'.sc, withthe USUHl U1 llOllsO".

in dtury Kun Creek, which "tins ihrouah t'-e plantsti'm,th.-reis 3d e-ceiti-m miii, v: h -i ir.e |-or,lur>of no oltl Jam imw -t-tinliac, which would afford the p-rrli&scr'i-n opj ortuaiiy t re l-u'Mtnjr a Kris' trillion the oldfuun liti">n with hot little o-tprt;.-- Persons wishing totnxite investments Ir. rcn tsi .l> waiti -to well to --vim r.clitis pr.ip-T'j- iS.ri.Ai'f,Or til i-wfos

LAND J-OK alLK I \ OAiMl'llf.l.L Oil lit TV.TTAOti*6y, 1 K. (-t!i ACKKH -if lit* '-v'li -it ami n iutMJ.1 Ur«l, -X tnllti fori; in; li.- i i o-iri lirr. o. it. .'-aVautH.tJldtki.i.U Of l.C. fioIltU hi.1.1 lialltOlld .i 1 }T !.bjrc,lmTir.if a u» a«el la* h.m-c H-u-i »' l» » *: > 1Iutiiui'.-i a t. null t.iiriiya KimiH l.-ttittin will <i-J at. caiiv «pplir.i:ii ~

AiIi|---sp.1. .'I -'bile i<iinji | 5-c"t«!. I -ir.-.

LAND FOJt SALIi.fSjlH fc stih-crlliH.- iillVrs lor "ki- lit- tr-ctol lylriyH rut the wnt«.r» at Itoiiyv Of.i.ijr sa tta- ti-ntilyC.tmptiMil, Vft., »«j;htA->D mli-s fimuh ol l.ynciihar;.- r .ataialmf IT! 3<-r-'g, about 1.3.1 bur Jretl Had nf'y it. ..rislti.igrowth, gGrty lti saimn-t or. w.'h, :-.r;d the I-hIihc- In .-uitiiv.itlf.n. This iand Is josily c»us)d.»r<>d nee of III-*tracts in this s-ctli-n of lbs ootiDiry I-h. .-ti ! a r..r.:f-ir (taM-- Fra.nx Pwiillajf-lioniiA, with It*-.; t otn« e kthi'kry,t-iliror.t hansas, .'ic.71 >t).j.Can rbiid earn; lb- halknea tr. si* am! tw>l»» ;

month", hairing isturost frats lothfer-'t.CH h|>I;I.i. to jinri-hASn willti.» mlsettlor «i ii-iekl'ord, Furty o.i 1:1,1 y is. C .

me-go i-iiii' w. 1.r>iv;;t ,


Utulri' rtuilioriiy uf uti Act p i.SiH.-il r.u tin} li 1 at <luy uithe prceMil iiicmih, (Octolicr.) i, John Li-U-lier. Governorot' the Loiuuiuit tvealili 01 Vngiiiin. ilo hait-hy proclaimlint toguiutiotid heinto Hiiiu-.\<-.) ...- iiuvitic l.cvti fmiopt-.-il hj- mo. a ti,! to he obligatory t-pun all poison.-.iinlcOip-iratioii.i ,'Oinino n'lthiii then pto vie v.- iruitt the.Ulc hen. il

e, unJer my Imt. as G-itcruorunii unyi ij-:l' tin- M.-ui 01 the CjlltiilOU-'.e.illl. tblo telltb(~ ,l j liny ol Ot tohi.-i, IM-.', n-;.14i. the aTti. yi-ut ot 1

lite L'ontmoiiwt'tiltii.lUilN' LMT'.'liiiJt.

fly lh? '".vern.'itiUiii.'iK W. Secretary of the Cuminnn-

weal Hi '

il>Ji!lllritioiU f'.r oi.trtlhil.g Ill li.ia t

Cvinui iauuiuiti tor fli.j.tni,uii"n lo meI'm >

3--ril<f I l<y ilit; i.i'jveiaur uuoei the a. 11»» ;,i.viJc i-»r "

the |n...luctli>ll. .Ulitioh utni ante l>! salt lis tilia> '

t uiiiimiiiWtiil'h- i'.i«a»*il iietoboi I,t. ,'ui luiiiniiti. i.i.oi. iii uitin iiiit.iiiui inijiiovenioiii

..olll|ilu) 111 lllid .Stillc rhail llllili.-l'Ulle 10 liftli.-|) ii I

any mil Ik yniiil ilii? liiinu nl ui Main unless itiiucr 1it:nit! . niiinn i ulready existing .villi tin' L'tinledciniesUitfa or some .Stat.; '«t the CouicdoMte at ten. '

itnfoie said suit ali.ill l*it ii'ii. i'.'f 1. tlie* [loi'Snii n.ikiuglur .-u. L iiiiiujiuriiitinii, shall niaiii; untili»r itlVuhnuiohUnit Hit* tciiMVnl lor lit ol fill imuiaheU ander jSll' ll tXiSllliR OOtltl'ilfl. Without ,Ki|.'ll mi III til.- Oilllshall Is! rfclZCil by the rll|n;llllli-liilrltl til i.lliri ae-llt olthe tiuii^i>urtntioii umpiiuy lm the u-. tin- Cmn-inoiivt f.iltli. iitui Untied lie ihimetli ili-ly given to tin-Coventor of the amount ol'a.ili seined. un>i ihe iiuiueni the purson or perdutin n-eio/. lot the

Jlltlr. idimli 111 lilt: III i Iii i*l III- n ll I Hon,tiiuiKjMirtiiii.' mil Itiiyul tin' I noil.- -ll i.i - i.i ti*. .t ,«>

jltfT oil may seize it 101 li-lil til*; .'..'itn* i Iln nlttle .IIIw

give lil.-f notice. '

Ali salt iiiiitintri tiiteil in lilt! I'Oiiiitii ..;ni'.tyinihi: itmlVi'ii-hili-tOll, I'nil oil hjlitl oil the tin) \\ hell the oIkAcuct tvas 11ni'.il union.** in'Ietoliil- ii-uioveil Iroin thea,tit worka, anil all unit iiiiutiihietunij utter that day,until tlue notice to 'he contrary he given, hy t>iilitit-ntioit iu ionic iii:ivi|in|*:r printed in the t.ii) <»| Kit.h- inmntl and in the town of Abingdon, shall he thcicnlter held to he I he )iro|iOity 01' i lie Common wealth oi

Vugitiia, sii.l ih,tli not hat removed without aitUieiii)iioin Iln' (lOVt ri.or 01 his duty COUBlitille l agent, UII-l.ta« if til* -K.t If miitii* til Mtiriu* l»YUfinir r,Willi,, I .

v. it It the Ciinli:d«*ittU.'Stileaor with the separata States i

<.>i ilie Coiitedenite Suu-3, or with individuals lor thei.ciictil ul any county, city or town.

If the owners of Silt Works m Muni counti,;i dmll re- '

ins,- or cease to mntiuiHciiue naltotlmt than an amount "

dltlit ii'llt to CXC. Ute OXtsllllj.' contracts as tilidCSkl.l, ,tiioiijfrom nnd ulte audi refusal or cautionr.b..i! appealto IliC liovriuor to miisl. 1.0 Wlii rXcCCine the Authority t

vcMcd in hini. and seize, lake g iwrneion nt" and holij i

Ulld cxetclre full itlllhort1}' aild control OVel tliu pro- t

petty mill and pei.-oual.olany pelauil, linu m coiupiiuy, *

p.i ivtostng or ivhwiiji to inniiufuotura. '

if the supply llleuiilollili-.l l-e not iMiullg'h toJiilUI-'l the people I't tills omuic'l.Wealth wtei sill* jtii ienl quantity ol ill lot hoine runeuuiptium then at

Boot, ha such I.i c.I shall up | -ea I to Itie UOVci Oof, he will f

uxerrtac the authoii.v vetted to loin, ami 'disregaid it

any contract intnle with the e.p.ii an- "Ut»s ol the '

I'ollfe lelate .Stale- f until the Sit.tie ol *» iiglllii. IS Sup- j'piied.When "all is pmcmed by tlie Slut,; ot \ Ultima alnl

its olislitiltcd Iizelil shall otlei the si.'lie toi li nils,mltalluii oti ttic f ii.te ol any niiiroail. canal ill Otheltinpiovi'iiioiill uinpduy. tec same shall Is- iluliie Imtrly <

transported to the depot designated, utile.-, such transp irtaiion wiil itiie.t. le with the transportation of troops. 1

munitions Ot war alnl mniv sllppileS bydhe ijonledeiitlitliivernnieiii.Upon rotne-ii of ninth toiiijciny to

transport tlla said salt, the .".instituted agent ol the:<iate will 1*, authorized to lake, control of any sll.'hvv ol k and to the salUs Ul.til tlie tl aonpm i itiouhe HCcoiiiplisticd. f

'I lis like provision shall he ober-rve.1 .. hell il Is*.tuii.esprojnir to Uilllspolt Inel ol lltt.el things Ol-c.-e-.n y lot f

tlie production of salt. '

The following ale d'-slgiiAb; I for the preaontil, the point- nt whit h Salt Will lie oil* etltrated lot ' and iiislnnulMi.. vc ;i, .u-p-d ,.r. the SVilli til liiilioal, himI I Mit.lii. depot, oti ll.e v ...i:.i.» .

retiriiMSts; railroad Idi.ei phi. ea I deposit olll la* ,

spi-cdilv llitaiynitti) tvhell suiliiHc lilldligctilCiita lul

supplies shall have tevli |<ite.'tc 1. d

line notice will i«* given o| il.e tutu.* when the salt !

will lie icady lor delivery. Tli price .gidlititv l. r

each person, and l.o .v it is to Is, Sold ami delivered,apd the agents employed therolor. w ill Is- prescribed in u

future regulations, anil as requited t.y law. 1

A Iter the pri-'it is so pieseribed. the sale ot ,.nv suitwithin tl.c i otntiii.nwealth nt a higher rate jar bushel. ''

is deciar .1 by law to he a niisiiiitueniuir ami any violationo| iiic rules mid teguiuiions pres. rlbcd by the t;Governor. is also a misdemeanor, to be pn»i»h--d. njtuii >,

conviction, hy line of not less than one hundred n.omore than two thousand dollarsA hoard ol assessors been appointed t.y the

Legislature to assess the enmpensmtioii or damages to |he paid for property seized or u-ed hy the ctiite junder thi« In w. I'lic time and puct.-.1 th.ur;in.'will is* ii-ieafter presortInt.

t he act prohibits ail courta or judgt- lion. i-.-uiucorders or injunctions to stay any proceeding,. . ij» t|<tovtni:or. nr Ins nnUioii/.o I a^enlrf, tit.dei this Uw

oct 11.elm_______ .. i,

f|*.i THt LITFRATI ')>* TH R 3 t'TH' 1£

Tl.r Monaceincai of ill'?

i u Tijr.ATKi:^ .nitl ol »ii. nli.l iii'i.nil MircU

IfesUo't* of c.,.c[iir..' ilic butl<lmM Ir. i. her.t'intr it-' THEATRE IN Till. 00N

And as sn ci cuin. lit to the poetl-ul talent of s>ur l'

youn: Republic, will award « |>:vidua; ;

Til R K11 H C .V1) R ED iii i i. L a i; .1"

Por the b'-.i orteto-l iicii iipproprUt-A .1 Jrr:.. t in. ; it.srtr'ion the open.II,' ni^ht, whi.h will take pin " "

annul the middle of i.e. minerCouiR.iiclc.'ltiotia ttiii e recslvd from a:tp.;t».d tl.r


Will ccotirl nt n«e grcinieinen of me Dnhe»t .tano-rty in ;tli" city '* KlcMoOOd. entirely unconnected nitl. the IIn. a- uit'..; ihnt no partiality n..*y he allow n; &nnp> tit >r1 mustscud In their .'onu.utt Cations sealed, anil started " peniti? AJ.Irtr* " ei.rloainjr» o/tint r/.te/r.^o, oontuioin^ thename a-d BdilrcaS nt rue sender. be one ouiaioln. it.oitict of the sit . esstui candtdota viit atone he opened.N it htji.cie.i a idrtrsea tunt'U i.e reto ced

.tithe , K. D'OReEV orWIKN. *

A 'tine Manager r.!chmon:l Varieties.

THK HiiaKI) OK EXAMINERS,Cl iNVKNklitiy special order ho oe. Adjutant tut In-

' -pe. I..I General's 0thee, lor its r v.iuli.atloi. of ap*

pli. to for appu.r.tincnte as srtiiiei y Ornc«r» >.i. oidnaiue 1uutv, wlil hol t tie niti. examination on I'nu's.iay, uct ci

loth, tr.e sixth .u .-..tot Jay, octot.ei 15th, and lit.**

on T -s ia., Octon-f rlsL j ~

The examination on tn« 'cist w>!l he upon Alire'.ra. l'rignnotu»try, l heialstry *nj Mechanics. as applicable, abd f l.ilt a: hs . - oil r.'.-l.e'! --taCitr . i»» the lower branch. s

This wlli net e Slal ciatilT.ih r. 1 ei I lp Kl-hu,..) 1.less otherwlie ordered 0' the «.cre'ary of War.

AppllcatJom to appear on Thursday, Saturd ,y and Tue»dny,Tiii he made at Major c. i'.anbury's office, c.rner clK.'rrt and Tth Htr««tJ, on Wednesday. Fftiay and Monday /afternoons eapectlyely. T. d. HHETT, Col.,Got 6.tSlstUct Pret't of Board. Jt

C/A /"WAf\ CIGARS, a portion of which arc r»ry _OU.vUVj fine, for sole by .

w. peterson a go., jiupffis Drayjliu.

i imMraTi » nhiwsesa<*frn«Trvr*». -fi>rf«a«nrl11 t'»- in<

4U C "'J OA js/iijSiiN.HY 1H0DIN £ Al'PEtiSON, aOCTK


' liill.ItOAl). Kl'K SALE AT Al'OTUlH.V17 ILI. In- .old 1 .hi l! .n ii t" e premises, OC IVKDtVSE<flV, »!: id >i il.'TOBE't, IHii'd if I . rlnc'!I* M

, ttn* fnl'.iJtii,. v..l.mhle .-enl wait, 1I2:f...i N'n ?>, in A.i-im' Ion lioollii/ (.( lie * .hIIi A'J-

.it (Nry *tr. n ri i«- i, ni nln- i.aek mi> tc-1 '» u wi le ' 1a: ley, I'i ill. I -mi a|-»uii-l le em-fit. A Is , f'«

l.'i, in .-niil addition, fr.iii«|.|.» |!C it- t .n f' c south 1 I -

Bros | -t< 1 ll'l.iitf 111 "It mi ;i,r »"e-( llli.- 01 inlli -Ltrt ^

S-l.It. #

I In si* In e or vain .hie 1.1.' t»u«lii puip 'r-t'" f elN.' *i: * yt'.l.Kly '.e Hod ii>.J imiiiuViijii ptruol Ih.-.ity! j,

T K H M .*>

ili.c'iii I *i ! l ei iii. i- a* V\ .in I twelve iii.iMli.i, lui *

Sr-'v!.sble n-ii <. Inleftsi n I e I, "cured l.y a 1111-1 deedtiUPDI.N A AR|'K*B".V,

i .i An. tl .ceo.s.°

Till' f \ Tti K0K1 V MA.NU.'KtMv: LOT- IV SYP- ?.N-.V, IN NARVIK'S I'LiS, NE-ll Tit TUir HOl.l.A- e

IV'001 > CKMETH HY. TOR Ml.< AT Al'CnoS I:

Will, lie sold h*. Auction. on ih... premise*. en TPi'SImY. the IWrNTV-KIKSr of tfOTnl.tH, lSfl'.*, *1

K: I om.:i. i'. AI , if*'Thirty to f oiiy Lou, lu the plan !

of Lew,* K llf i vie. is.jEach Loi lias :»trout of nbrut sitty left, and a depth of "

aho tl Uu feet, to a wide alley. it

They aie located on I "Horry, Laurel Fine Re'rldereStreets, and ui> ainonpit the most beautiful and attrsotlvel.«.t« in that v«ry l.npmvhtk ntigfltiOihuwd. A plat of the ;j!*;ts f.m be sir- ai uur nlHee.

i' E ii AI S"i;* *r. r i end * i.i.i»n.e uf -lv and twelve months, for

ii.*.'"ti.iiii ....1. ., interest #i<l*led, secured by a trust teed;oi all i.i..|. si ll.e upl.eii ol the JiliithasOr. ,

ik'I'I'lN i WTMlSiN JU.i I i i is Auctioneers.

rnci: .SHU ,\ \ 11 VLKI llt.MkiiMK III".I.WEI I (THSI -IHN IT IN" .-VI'M V I'N fUH i- SEi AS'll tVr.sT>u i: i'H' FINK .STKF.KT, IOK BALK t r Aii'-rioN. 11

Arti. the f, re,Mtn.; sale of !.. », wl I he Soft llio«e fourii >:> eie.'lrd iri'i.e.l teDiUcUia located u> ah .to. Mud t)

i. «r in .e.-idetiOe of M'S i'ilehar. I sch one haSo rooms, t,bealdes kl'ehen, Mid Is upplled by wai. r trotn a pump onthe m!j dnir-ir lot

E en ti'i.emeut Is n«*t renin,u fj( jsal pet unnuin. f i

iiood ten intsTerms as .hove CiOfiDIS* A AFEEKFi'V,iu;t I.*,. i.t. Auciljneir. b

I.W P'lJt'fA.ST~S A LKo r

Jf A C 11 I X II H V .

ON 1CESHAV. the FOCitTII Ot ffOVI.MBER (Leiiooei-.. lei the ii. ne io ll in.iV. I Bill i Q"i r fo."

i>»le to file hl^hett l idler. fur c i-h. j


/'A'/ '/1EHIL'A'.iL'fii'r ilDPF. h "/'A bill "

ioii'lMln: In pnii of.'iill Bl|.ie l.ilh-i,3 Ii inl "

J 1 run4 Upright Prill., :I P.inrh iir.ii p'er«. " *

iiter, y1 tKi '"utter,1 I r |) fl mtr..r.1 Fcrewltf' '.'achine,

With fools ir. rli>. Me in Mv

IT! CiKPF.NTEt'.'S fititiPI T,.n.'\w .ui.l (ii.i"Vv rC1 luiiitl's PUyor, H1 Fuci' Pane.*, ci

>! rtlf", hiTcimn Mufhin-s. in

. Mi. ill lirca'Mr -town ;,r.d Tablet,i Tenon F.iir iin.l 1 :»'lo a.


'f >liii-l.T liillcn ivlth -li ilit rhitlliiE in Mud inc Shu|>>H. iliny, .v.. iiml seveml hun-irci! feel, of lies l'ljio. with..wo 2V ' ! ii'1 UurrnTii, IjiIiie ir

I U ILL A I.WO SFl.L.I'w nty t.i tw-nly-ilVf t m« l.ump tVli!:e-A.-h C. ul. lor I"K unnv nre: I'is Iron: a lurs-'* nmnant of rh*i ai.ll "

V ou.ln g n p Iron Flxs'ii ..m1 :i Ixrjte varle'y of Cmnlngi.. 1

Oak, sli .m l tViiil- t'.ne l.uu.l :*i, of wlik'h I Imvi- u'

larer M h!A I' f.«'.i!r Fti-iiin > n^iii" ar.'l Suv Mill.i'-liorue power, 41

-ALSO.S:ii'llVi.HiMu. Mill's, I'oin Sliti trr Fi.-Wo nut oiliti <tr

i/ii iiira' lfii|ili.rr.-n s. A'c Ac.tlia ..ii inilii-fiii.:.! lo r'. Ufi lria m;.l other [luroiiai:rir( n -uri iii e I a ill l.lire on Klntt or i ari, «l oat D-pnt,

ii.)' of II;. dtiove Mii.-liin-ry, tree of i h»rge flu-ranlee- CInc iraiijport .ilori to Kici.iuoiiJ, r-r n.e Hanowr Junction,i» R. iV in |>i etci icii. kOct l<i-ti- JOHN Y. gOoTT. r.

BY f<. 1:. Kii.VDKK.N, AticT. VIin

F I F 'I1 Y N F G R « > £ i> . r.'allllr MO'ININO, ..t in la.'l: I will sell Kitty LUdy i,uS Yooc. Ne.'loev M K FOfUlKKN. fl.

ADk^lwiJoCf. J,,

fLit iSLdKl) FOB s.l I.rg .'I tm tVlll .t llcur," K. WelhlSi, J n

I i, Ut. « ! t il-si County f» , I tor |>riIhi^'ii aou Vilittohl.t l.oil Eitute of my I^il,

ii. -XT. in r :K

L K 1 N L A N ! ,n ft-mcMou-i oNBiy, h , fo.-tfUioi with tho huh Ics.l

Ik-i tii-» t.-i.^c. \j i.jt!/'

biv UlacJ in ii JaiiI'- u- <oit «f ih<! IhiifM lllver !,5.1 n«<.«tri,n t.Hial.i JI..L att> t;.iu- nb..r.i KkiiUo : i ' C.tK-t' ill. !i...l tiJMi.u. as J * !! lis. the «»

.1-1 , Ir.hor. II r r u mul Col K»i.iol[.h ll.rii- '. r. l| ,ii Hole? tit,.mi nVf lICNDKEj) ocd I'EIi .

v liKv .ut sii-ctij u.i nlMirui ii i. Loituai, 1/u.a Is Iist ci' I ut. or..l t.-o* , It lnl n. niuoti).'(I.C 111 P.I Irr

l i. n'.ti !' ni-'lv. 11. \ ir.lcieTh- ...un. i 'f. .. .. tiijl... un.ini .-IX lll'.i liHhl' '

it hi1", Its ,! ivI.Li, I. II. ,|T|..- ur.«l tinli.l., end j*",ii.iu i*»i in 6m. i it ... .i, a. ei .( whi 1. ;» »; .1' i'nct55.** It .liij.'tltlt IliT I fill. ii| hlt.i»f*ro II. II t .trrlljgli.O,. . I'mt», il l. I'm .Mi.ji.i i jiim Cnrrlmn and other*, «5il ""

l«r jn.riiD of KIk l-'h-.l, H"T>mitl»il l.y JoinoR Ittr.-r Th*..CAtiiiB -it III- I'lHIJI .to nU'll til lit. i.Utill lo*.o*l;l.y, «ua*Ool.u.t to Iii..ikel (wiiltlu » few hour* CCll It.. ItiU U-UHI 5 I] III lit Ol bll&li, SUIlloH *

II Xt*'

|. .oiU..tu lli.illoi.-,i5.1 volnil>l.i 111..11-11y In uifor- I'"'I r. Hot. - i 'to cl.ttm.-.l-r uko the llbmlv ol ief.triiiiftn mi i t'n.i- -..i.-i- r' ti Iteiibu, oi Lynchburg; f *J'i lirtnv oud ll b C.tiriiOiitiiu. n( Cotler-rllle. CnaJoiid ['

:( littrri-c f K11- I*. tl, < Vui|tio, oi Xo* Canton: V.'K..I Ii Wnlli 'III .* if, I'l li.lf . of tlio 11*. Ill \if ii.i«. ift'i i V tt

TM.ji.' , *> I- i! i.. t I'.n into ,i.-|Vt».. I>; il r...l iho (»i 11 fill ti.i. II-lu-l til I'liiif \iii, iiu ii.. r.i.iDl*

|.»...I Illy, ji II, i. .11 . fit I I'Ehlt s V 111, iinVKUt.l. Rli"I J oftlr 11,tItl .Inlt5-.ii. iinti.oM.r, kIIi.Iiiio lite |>mpert) '

Oil' ..*!. V. I.b I J. I | ttrsliil.o II. ti At* oiilii'l I QloitilodI f t III.I I lit'5 1*11...!, ., »54 I.I I!(Jills. KllllWS It.ttilito in lit. )ui*!iiiiiiat, It-r.tln-di,tl rn 11 IIIy hoe cover j,-( II III" hlyfily eliinv. ti. «uil 15.1 ft-U. b.tly U, Bflyj.i,tlr lou ti. t> x rkit.l utt Ii.

lite I'rtol nHUo IT I It til r.i.t, V» 1

Oo-.tlll.-J the pili.'heeo-iii.aay In to be secured by >

pep-it. -1 ^ : »a Itoili t.y (!.* principal debtor IP theOn. l|.,.l eed l»y i» lUatrtolory eoiellra, hp nUintlee, pay'lf 'titto to in- Iir.'t"lp'«u0il, a' the F.rtiieie' Dark of V lrk* 1 I'ca ic Ktbliinos J, at 'he <xplralluti of thirty days after 'leitin daV Ol Xlrt 'let* rhlitli-Ult'l Uollnle 1 pr- ["Mv to Ieave in tilt* of the i ("pliainr, lor a lo&p j.erloJ, errit I the |'nyiii..ot there 'I I"-. be aiutnrad by a hand, with *h'

leltufaot"!y 'ii* 'i -, It* the |iptiittiy "f ttVofliy IboUeHud P'aHere «... n the "UVIIiaIiI "t «IS hundred del- ft1

ere or. the Mat dr ; ol Ore- lulint ( each aooc«A«iTo ynar, ' *'* the itlc tiiiiC ol Heury K Watkir.h, Jr , (n pupon 'I') UhAotiMt r.itu! o.'Wlh lain i -.ii year,) and foi the far- »cher payment * ' the an lit of tea thonta-d dollar*, on the Itlay of "hie death, u'lth the I'tlrlleKO resetvitd to tbo per h"oriel rupMptitHlHr "1 H K Wrtlklun, tjr , decerned, ol I'"t nuy tfouihiltlee "t H K Welkin., Jr., id d'-Oaihthr ^1'or.iuf |.art'if »«ld td'»t iih|*ld lie f'/r reel dtiuahd In 0»'-lltidlp Thin Ootid will lie 10 |illteUlUi' e "f Ihe Will olliy leria'o' I The remainder of the Wirchnre-iiioney te Col0 he deetti ed by I wo hor.iie. win eellAtaotor; trtrellet, In c>lqun't ir.9i»iiai.hty, pay »tile la one anil iw.. year* afiei the inlay..f ealr. ar.d the .teferrad p»yn.-oio are to he forrhor 1ectU 'd Ky a ilecd »f t'n*t no the land. dcilo* ae a o< r isrey with ep'-clnl warranty, though the title

II A ilobtiled. II nhe 11 c.i. it mi a to»'W it crop of wheal, ardlhe pnr- «al

I: peer will havp tn p >' the raitie ot to s-o 1 wheal, and ,.II? chill' ton a

a"piet.. ; " "K.ji wlit he Tc-n "it thn Pey noted-dhe « e'-lt"bin hotee ah .c m»nl!on«1, and r.a the In, itS; hut evoiy rv.'tesah * Urlilty will he jilTeS JI'. | no hirer fr.| |.'tui i,» or eiatlonr .

ely I'.rtt 019 e a lie-ill' leriTirillr V*.t .V w.\Thi:»d, K*'..r of

H h Vv.lklr.*, d.e'dFarmrllle, Fa., h-pl I? l-<"

.- p. r.i * triad 11,

UJt.lK.iX l.ANli KOH SILK. ei.

if M "tltipi'fI. lit,io (' | fnl « At Public L iRtlnfl,*41»|»r» or« ^A'l'Ohl'A V, l«t Ik.YuoJ'rtf!, Ihi«lr UlDiihU |)UdUIIoIj uU ^Irclj Crnek, Ici Ibr 1

it- ) 01 Hrthriv # c-n.hlulug ttbuiii a(;k£h The kniSi.*> trunlt, : -ir Rj'afi '? l);c ilkluij)C.1 -r.'l D^c- <4».i

if".- KklifaaJ .rA I'.tm inJi-r c( Uaw'ii I'mry lfu;>.ii 1: il.lj'-isrt-. la idlf. LjI'.ulefUy f'i vS'CciieLt bofloili 'fD Birch vfr».h iu1 In lit inn Ridfi <r r«ll hjpr.rV.i't pff;..l u» nf UL.Irtr.f,.t >.' iiuiUr.11 ltnrn U d uiii l'fe.iJ|hjn' vrllh ill £.rw*<r<rtfT

'fitUttfUf ?# It. it In !&&.« m*tu lii uuty, acd forrn** n ;»« it ,! ih- yrn

in (ib Kircu t r.iok I.hij VTtKM?: «j*I

rhfh, an.l ia balnac** tu t«rn f ^aoi 1x.4ftlU.'.ih *>f ?S*« ulJ t* llOartLg il.lf.lonl 2i«. Ui l itn .r.rtrf 11 ,r|'iV»4»nh.iM wi I hi kivm Ut diir of J Aati4ry, with |J

.» , hriifrfir .jt UliuTI.'i* lHi/1 till, lull f.ii fcta L,

h.^r crof*> '

'I Uri mil f»j s rns '.-non up a the vhi«*^:w cat ih»e -idy >; w.iU, io »»h>w :n« i»cii i.» tirm.-Lc *?'*I' r V n- Tilt* nf.T>_ rr T Ud«"* <*» J-

#a* ^ '*-r

Of ChatTi^ioc T > ar.d Su/jl C. l»«i vis, a*.: u.

;-i.i '-"-="iv. "1VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR 8A Lb. i;WILL icll it public audlou, "o the premier.*, on Ffil- (

in't ot OCToRlSK, * 'r..c: laud. I . In on ,,r,uiing I rotrk, In the County o' fhw t held. -*» ! a-jotn- <;ultie M'diethian Coal Fits and othcra, coi U'uL-.g -hootI" Acre*, a'<1 known as Stone Pvoge. ie'flitspropei >y ha* bei.n too tony ni't f-ivoi all I n r:, for j.» of the Coal rawed on it l j ri'iuiic sti o>.le.»dedo riplion. !l I.* siilliio n to >ay tbh' aii ~l.o haw- trrr.;ij>-.inl.t shatU, concur In the opinion t-»t eh » a Val'.a- j

.< tlei I of Coal i« :he s.itrb west poiilon f tl v ort̂Any o e wUhtr.fc t' nimuni .elv witl« u. -.v.II tlirce*

ii* v t'lilflnttei/liltl V,i.»s>~ letiatOash Lil.liCR't ft HAH.FT.

FSFCUTOR'S SALE. tint... f.'Nii \ V. the tiTTn uCi' Hk'll, let'.'J, at iCiny Wtl- f-F'» li.iit Ciurt ticorc, w. will -ell to the highest Udder, at the

"..-nor.. vtfi..uin will and it; uppnrtvUADCce, belonging to ilSile estate of Thomas a. Jones, deceased. froiTl-.oee wishing to pur-hasc are expected to visit the sit* Iad examine the machinery for thctcnelTes. tbeAny det»lw will be Klv.-oln person. i

J AS. UhltJH JOt-f?, F.s;.ulcr, a:art>w M. K. JONES, Executrix C

NOTICE.jii E K.%tl muaittri .1 tUaSu.ktolasrs of to* Js_-.,»j i »u h e-i i d SdbewhoComp&nr, triil be hold ! A,. ttncar.t s 1'ihea in roll-city ..a Monday, the S~'h 'ml - Kir

..I, t-Ci catAPt'Ol.iTMENT i.F PROXY. mli

Ei.'V ill [dsn l.y thtf's p.netiiite l'liet tte the *ht».ril.b/a,LoiCk .St. .kh.,blare 1:. cr,j idLi e tite-ir ar.3 KaeStiwilt|/«Dy i>, Uoiet.y tJ. Iilluii H d ..(.pointoar trim u''

n J i»wfnl Attorney end IViry, to represent each of os *

iii.'. yen.'iAl tcoallntpi of tko htocittiol.Uit of said (Jons»uf,bald wiioia »x months from and after ih» date '>ie.( what vr» n- oat partouall) prea-nt oi repie- J;1'eu;ad ! ; pr..X>, with jail puts-r and «n '''i. rl jr, nt s-eh »aCOiai [A-ottOeS, to -tVe bu.Q s..te otlM#, and Io .!. oiit atbef nelr ill each ot Orul.I a ti <.t itv, on 3 meuibei el l|ii lilt Iwidlltgi It ®

' .* *n -1. pal iLa.l> (ziaantil, i.S We do Dnfehy Inllfyrui rti'i.i.i .-.r o. 'a*. «..t a.-te, .or -aid sto ce» in-} lnwioliy give or .to 'or oa. to p'.r-aar.ce oI

r. .ictboiity beiet y o..ef.:ri-l op'n butt» Itc-ht ai n«r 1» and a-ni. tna day .(

, una til ,a->t i-'.j. t i f..ta Ji-d at. J i

T.iH, l'.r.i i iJ,t-aAD.J for

WM V. iiC.VVOitli. reCr»,tJo.2»w,w becretary. ar.c[Wnly abd Dtsnsuh copy.l A~~iOTTOS YAR.S, Wrapping Paper, Eed Tape, Cottonj and Linen Twines, Leading Lines, Ropo, Cast!!* Soap,

c RSOWLES A WaLPORD, ^Oot to 180, Main Street .I/lAA LBS. OOPPERAe.Jnst r*o»lv«d and forI jVvV/ sals by J P. DCTAL,8apt SS Corntr Main and Kitb it*, C

f -ltT<Ti«iH I. i-k

* I . i~ r


T W F. N T Y - K I V K N h » I'. «' I..

BlHlM Da Y, hi InuMik i v.lit ».ii I..., I, n..j i-.3 Nck'iwi-a 'II l I jl; i*


<i..JBY J A MR? M i \\ I'M; .v miN \> ..

'WE.VTYKIVK llA.ND.S0Mi. Ill 11.DIN'.; I.;,..IN HUC0.\ M PI AN I.«V 'I'Mln, .. .II i.Ni.i'f'K rrtrt KKY.-, Out r-A l.r. A ; .B'lTlUN

t*i K will .ell upon ill*1 pft-inii.^., or: M'.Nfi .f...*>ln V III III "I I'flKK, Viuiiiinnr t.g it i -I. p j'

i. liiii.lsuiiie III 11 DIM' J.t.'Th, In hui linii.r.'. >.

ill..W.II. fit Iill Fi|U«ri- No . ( ! iii'l p'ao, fr irif /of)

i.iil'i Ad.' of I Uv, between Nort.« a...| K , -

U feel ro.-i., uliil 1 Olllilnp INS l.-i't « m l,- ,

1 TiTi lolo t.l fl|'ll>rc Nil. ~ "f . 1.1 pUli It. tit:;,/ ,,,\fth ilile if Marshal, between C.rr'i.jir, t, a. K; .

it-els, 3> leet. nil I running back I.VS t,-,.. t.j . m,|..3. Four loia lu square No.Up ir. w'.i-'a i. n,. ...,

pritirf, fronting on the siio'l. a Jo of' lay. l,.-tv. (l p.,... k icJ It'll ri-oii stints, S'J fed e-.el. in.I iu.i.1, / i.. tkO fun t.l .a alleyAlf",inret? to in tli' s .uie squire f* .ntlrj ...

ue.i HaOc..c»", between t lay m i eU./ket Parii, tti.l outline buck » ..bore.Thr.e i.ns are bcnu'iluliv locate.», ..ii.l

tit nil tt "f |»ci#»M desiring to speure p o;. .try i r 11,

i,pun.".o.. TERMS;Or.e-lhirii csh; the balance hi i an I J- nr r.tkt f - it tes, Interest a'tiluJ, ati.l eicurcJ bv i

JAMKS M TA > I. -b I -I v

"ct If..Ills An

BY KENT, i'AlNE A » O., ai.-.i/

,t x u y a <: r i /.* r i> Tit r, a . ,

At Ai.vrii'N

)' h KBfliAY, li e l«t»i lOs'. tit.. «l ;e re ct.t:.11 tl by M» . r«- lilut. r, AI..) A Aivr, e ..


itui.ill.ieiy after our Onil ;»«:*, <!.1> nV.IH'I) paekag H

MANBt'A' TlifthlJ f; >,f vut'-us tiratles, antl 111 rl.i'ltr.p «..n.e if ike fclaa'li inHuulactoretl ic Vtrninia n l Notft ii-

KKN1, PAIf.K t . ..

if li.tils An i.

WILL lib AtUiKDion bites Kx'ra ITcnry County Tobrn-co, ran' i.

> Bra»ely, »ml equtl to any ever cllr.ed in r . ..

rtha.nules ready early or. the raining r,f^ K«:V, PAINE V r


CoFFEE AI AUCTION.. . r HI D A Y, the KTS 1N3T., il oui « ...

f ntnl ltiO, Main Street wesliall seL lit.'. >.i4rR 1 0 COFFEE.

Tt.e nitentiou of the tia.le It in.iie.1 lotl.M i.;..10.tifhamples r.udi lor rxauili.-lion .u. t.,e r, r;,;. ^

e li r NT, i'.llNr A <.,ivtll-Ufr Ju'l..;.:

NOTICK.L)Cil.»UANT to the provlaloft* of ad-«t-'fL l»i iu tItM by livo. hati, <-..i ...

i>'d lit ihaOHtr.'ii i.tiicoof i» Connty t,: ..nnty,I will sell to the hUtiu.t "i.l w, it; ...

iAlulae*. a vary valuable tr.*it i mr..i ;j»<l!t> ; Qimii, about elclit milt * .. t'i ,|.

ille, *b>I containing atom fghi aC''>S. 'ili-ejihe tfc« Mb .i&y of NOV KMr-KK, i*f"Thlgi.mI.'I I end it wb.I adopted ii .r .t;; ../

jtci VV 'tai, Ryr, OaU a:» t 'lota » Vn. P..*. ...,

ou-i' ! a bow frame hollotBg two»torto;i-in i 1 a- jr.- »

lelalclifc' vol rary ciitnf r.kMa rn.i..« n:o n i.f la a 'I repel'. Hr.d upon tl. j tin. i-n.ii. .. >

i>'chard of c« fruita further deucripllon ol the hind I* Heen..-I iiiuv.

irv,iu-punuiEu il-slrotte of |'ui.lia«iui>...«mtno'he promtac* be'n-a th. I >y of -ali

T II n >t >

t* iiiRi'Ii tnn. ev hj trill he au...'a.i )-... *.

>a» h hi eX-riiilrg rbi-. d.- ! >.f Ires ami : u <hCo mi oil'.'d d ilu.n. will I ., r. .|m rod ir .all n

.-tJu.j U|nm o c.ujit of or.* .wo «: J it.:-.. > tiroi.a«c will l»e required t. giro b iri.ii » .i,rnel c.cnr'ly, forth* Jofor.-Xii ..ayiiioui* tij--..-tin tuulunj antli the !»$' j'BTir.*:if 1- uiu : > ;-iic, r.

n*.<"\ ' ali:.11 envoy .>n') -arh t i! * v.-.- i i:. i.,

1 tho .1 oil of tinitnfi.roa.l t thoiiifii lb.-Titlo i« |mt.: to be u 'iooe.ior.atlo. AliTltith ..I'li'tito*


>g the ab.iv- tract of l.ti o tvlti U- .'.J i : ii> .'

nm.uUiaQie o.u lie vrtth >h * purer. ietl.-r0 CHrll PoyilluBt If ho khi-'BM d'91' >tOct1.lot M '' K 8 I'tM,.

3.MMISSIONKlt'S 8/1LK OK 1 UU'fl.e HI 11.AftAlt. IN J'lIU I'OIY'N OK 01. V UKt-W.l.LK, I t.

LGKKKARLK to a dotiror of the Cotiu j iviiutgi .11lenhury couri'v, V'k., I sImIi vli at I'talJkr Auct:

e premise*, on WEDNESDAY, tlte M'CoSD -In' ..t .

'.MliEtt, InOi, at l"f o'c uCk, a valunl-l.' iatdDv K.: *.;the town of ClarkgvillcTito builiiuiK O latae and commodious, wtiti .ltd >.

mils I'riDVet.letilly arraug..!. with rati . . ; .iil.tluy. cuii.|*tli>a of' l.uu-.r. (. ..! a'.i.l

liouc:, au exccllctil Ite h..t«i * v ;l / r, .

". *' ihlg property will to gold .- v i.i 1iitaiulnit in the wholed" * ie.«IVrguit* .logirlnit to pur.'ha e i c «. irejv- .1 ro.d Iviieo woul I .H r. cd to 'hK p- .r >It ij Mi ev.-ry r«wcr oni-of ti.r moat ! ., r#t.;o j -.. t

ii.ien.ea In it e place.Tur, >;;

Vl-.le know.i on day o| sale, sr I p..i-i>g;l-innuaryne\t. iltir W H.VI.l V,»rlI'l. 0 'nunti'l.' or.

ilii hunr.J U'.Mjj and I'tst at. i. r--py

'131.10 rt.vl.K <IK V'AhL IHIjK M tTTtl'tl/.iLt.Nli

N [.lliSOKOCe ot adccrrcnt the Olic.'ll U't .'.t ('« »

line couray. 01.1 ere.1 At lis r^u 1.1.. Ir m i.:t, I'.o

WIMU>i>AT, i "f '< IINik'K HI ,Ibile HUClloU, In the lilylic-Jt 1/ Mi r I I':.* prei i!:ii, itlunbie fai tn kiwwn m "Aapc-i. 1:11.,' ti.c . a! Ivi. :te Joseph Jcwie, i.ii.tAlutae l.'JOl loaotlhii y «:!ted on the Mat, with the Hii-'t.-r: ,

rjt and Potomac hnilroa-l ru .i.iiiy thtuu^i. tl«i*. e.t..latin, tvllh ^he Iihow licttunli. to l> »n :1m nummd

le below nilwrj iitput This latin is In Hi tn/t.'».teuf lutnrorciiietit, the dwelling Write Mil ..t.v. a!, i.:,Ji Mipetlor out-houaes. all In rx ellri I loudlliot., »

In a teflned i.n.l exci'tli r.t iiclgtinnrhoi .1 lb miniliotvllng (li'tt-Q, tin- c.unty «r»l, si will.'I; jiia, I- n.ei-hurcbns nl dlHerem diinixnlnniinna Ihin

.el It'iln lt«i.-lf nil th'it c-bVi-tii-n. e an I cnp.f .i

>iiC. Suppliant); any peracit iit"«iri 4; to;;ui.-l :s twlU.iu'ttie premise!, a .'nrlliraen-rii'.i 1. >1 deem.-;:j»'.iy.

TKJWij uK Hal 1in.-liiirj of the |jurebate uw:.e> nn i.r ---).>»-- iu-iin*y of January liexi; the rtlli iml«i in it,nla, tcapecliveiy pat able un tin- nr <1 >' .if Jiimi.t,'t and lefi.l, but M-aiiu,! Uilere» from the l>; J.>n

ki.urmos u vvi.'ittii',Jet lib.1<]> 1 ii.-t

LRM OV.'tW 14 Al'UKS 1 i llfiVRH O H-l Mi.1 .MlLKfi AHOVK RlrtlMuND, Shan. To >!* *..

!UMP, Tint ; ,i.F. at ftUOrtQKlW TllKPIViY, the %1 at iKlnb, |«i|i, at 1 .1" fair. If ii.,i, me net Mr J;,,-, I I.. Hill M|tlii>xl M'l.'ai ,mv KV'i, 1. >11. - 1>

letUlitlC.l.Gl.llJ 11 ill 11' *> lirti '<* I*n Turn..lac lio.ici, u.'j-'.IMnt; the Hut>U Wn. Jtr, H V I-imtI' .1 and 'illiern, -untntnlr ^ fil-'i'ili p.o h Will I." I'lVM-m I l«d<l-'l lit in t.,ll a. !>-.,; .-.I 1 Him I. u-.i -in u »iil all il... utt>.-i4-j in y. I ...-.cs.yi. .' ftici'; a mrl-Wiif oi-.tI .a lUnt Water v»r? .v.. i".jit.-, i.i. i . r >1II .1 yi iii" !ihi J t appl" i.r. i« », a.iii a v..i i- ij .if Hi. i,Ihi'lai i i» t. ii Hi. ii ii.' if lmi>r<>vi wient p. I -"riMany k'liOi. -t T.,,o, Wfii.v.. Ot.rfi, -1 j i

an nn ! >tis a ,*".>ai ihom .yc client MeadeI! I mill ato Hunt I.mill, fluulil ha it.-. v- yilltaMv f. i in l*. .*ati I, «li..vcrd who lull/ In it.»ira til i, lnll.fl in- a I mi*U|i!i I htil.ii.Giia In l.iakc a ., 1tic at>lt.|fe>a»lia *1*1 ii j> I'. |.ui <:l h*e ate particularly InvHrll.ill! a.1,1 «! H l.k I.I .1, a Ira .y I.,I rat.lkgK* O il l.icl.1C-.uh! l e--n. ! .. uty ifnid, hi. ii. ta . ,> ;«< r.tcr.l tii; i-f.u . ...» i .liifci-'i.t .ici,am'niti,.-.iirai,^i..' .*.» .l.ii j ad. balance &' n and 1: rcrml.f.:;.li.,i.l. i. .hi ir.t, .eccrcl by >. i.g i I.

T. 0 l-K.l KK.'. i!..A (.1. I Hi..I HUi v-T .»l|| be exhibited at Uii .'.

e ( : a t ii

l! A1!I t- 1 AMi : KXV aN1» i.Kl" 1 ,<ili t

K'/K J.11.K.With an I'n » at |.i|i.he iiui'tii.ii, lit I'll*c I«f»r.|C'/U't Mctise, ol. M0»»I>JV, 17th .lay o( Ni'Vr.v.It. I(that in*:. ; roa»t n«.yi the tract r.f latfl onn il I now rcl l', bi-lmt 'i.i .mio front I'tibc* til* *fiutt Hr.lite, l«n.r mile* I'm. I i ..sped Pep it. Ht.l-I'« It . r.r.tal.i i,i ..bout it.v l...i !:< I e a .' wii it a I i*i; f '..I i.ric. ;t i..a a ear. la,I .... at.u...Ui I w ll .i..Ilit. ... id lirlnt, wife, a li.i.Ur *« » Mill

lei;.;; li Uii'fCc.H'y u> yirc tin exi't 1. A !-> r i-tl :>Ihoait wM.ioy p. pbtcha'- aill >.l coutc U' l .' .* & itTus.Cttrra tJ iric .; 1 t in at Ji...t I "cuitlfwHi A. E Vtriable, at lUi.i itiij v HIitr.|.tly aniiwercd' J ill;. ... vi >»i u'ilifOvKtlward.Oetl, Iddd. " i*. t.i»


FillocnoMoa wkdnksuav, ti.c ivt u» rsvemb-.r next, on the prnnlae*, It..- Trn t La."

uc'l by the lait fler.ry Variable, Known as

slate hill," "fi* imi-; Irora Fflncc Kdwitr.i t>urt Hour- ons ar.-il tniies Irorn Hampden trlJn-y O.jii a* *1 f.'l d>.viQ^'<a'f i.'.iiti ir .ir Korinvlil*

Irnv oi Mli h between Sin nod t,vi «.-rr« .. lar,-"'P'rtloi. ii< ill..l'ii. i.cir tb» folls^e, *>u^r"'Inx hi;!. ; r.. , «n* about <w * -<i c: flat Ian 1, |»;ii)»- ro, 9 <il t«)'he iii.(.i"iv ii..r.:; ...... 6Ua.iiei,i lui h iarrc f»u.. \, u.'flrV two l -p ir.

11-19 h,kIi i li.r. i the sale will hi pmaptHiiV-Yer. >i*1 . ul.e pic iui - in jl. . -i.ij ;Le place to any ona in-to j.ur haleapt-Ill T. .1 >p i. r. v tf. »Vrr i r.n, r.»um!*elr:mli .i.l, h i.lim ml, u -t|,j ,r..| «t,i alien o« to r«»n hill.v.ria avl.- inn vn <> i day of .

* IT. iTVAHI.E,tdc.inlsi-at-.r h. I!. X nf llwj Wniliie.

limp I i i I. r I', ij , i'hnl(J*T rdlet It"- Mr

l.AN'il h'OSt SiLK IN PjtiKi'K i I> i».»hIr.lliiCliMTaNPK4 no tcrin? It ! * rr r-r ri.e '

lliOk. my, i »lli iid.r I-i. »,i - i wt, t< Acat fri"ce t.l««r i ' ourt Iku.., ni. Mt)Sii\Y. ti

sEnTKiCNTH -t NOVfiMRhK, Phil l.«i , re-t lavtract ni Lu.| rn wl.l -c I ii'eiy. resided contain!:..'

Jtf *crw, m. tne r'outh-SiJi. Hail ot j, Bvira Prospect and »lr mile- tf iz I'artavlile.'enooi dcairiry to porchiae w'll, ol course, loon >":ir selves'rtumunldiilic* a<IJre*»-. d tv A K Vtr.fic :iar.i-i-r. -M Cuiieuc, will » promptly atten led l>tli'.-t I.K. r, Wtl.L

ALTA \ 1ST A.i..i *" i r- "i -... . t.Bup'. ir*i ... r a<)f»»

-. I'Hc.r.e .ne '

.!.» ; tm.i.Ur hlvr,. n»iac..:i f.«t V."i..5,.j w u be in»r«i f r I ab..

..!. file »7TH f'\ T'tflhC || Ic All.aaarltl,I-j!>« i . 'r.i.ti.1 .rfVilI., au't ipiioi l. .u. WarTniii - ..-j^rlilo.uf-.ol ii... -... i- alitiaac'! from 0alr.. I.a it prmsara* ,-rilflart nail, .r. I .aa i.Q c.ty ecp-rlef r'rkiltilu1. K r. .'lUi.d. ia^ luiK, ap-a ll, "".ii iilra It0.1.11 s r... .' prolncil**ti-*' i.:.

farm win hi^'nly o»w«Bj»d by In t .rm-r prnprlatof»«irt rtla«a, be and «tr to« rt>ld-nc. of u. latr r!»,laid.rb aa.-flpo-bnlf eiuli; UaUcua in ..a« atl m.. j'ttli0 rii.m divan Int lanuatfr$" AI«o, In TjlUakia ShAffFfi.

UH a KLK3 L. CK"CKK1V,pi m.iw JSiecntot ol a o (.io«9»a

Wjt't.wrtjia, Va.

SICK aN"L> U'OU'N'DLD SOLDitfcft1.L lick and wo^nJcd soldiers arriviiiji in Bt.'hQQC i.

. Will brtadtaltwd attho Sscalvlnu Hj.pltal, .,»t li. ' of Grace ar.d Sevi nteeotii streets,) wtirre theyel re all necessary surgical attention, ample aouiUhflef *

1 a bed.U dlach&rgod, furlougbed and paroled toldlen, wboar> bare sick or wounded, will also bo received tempore-^at this Institution, and a proper disposition cade c:

m fpet 10.w

10R SALE.Blur Vitriol and Madder, at to.L. LISi'LMAM!

Eatabllakos&Li«* HI, Bioftd |tft«I.