Anonymous Computer Usage in the Age of Total Information Awareness

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Transcript of Anonymous Computer Usage in the Age of Total Information Awareness

  • 7/31/2019 Anonymous Computer Usage in the Age of Total Information Awareness



    J. Croft

    Privacy in the Information Age has all but been eradicated.

    Your controlling numbers-your drivers license and social security numbers-are used by every

    government and private organization in an integrated grid to monitor everything you do, every purchase

    you make, every interaction consensual or otherwise. And that was decades before 9/11 was exploited

    by the enemy to enact ready-made thousand plus page bills such as the Patriot Acts, the Victory Act, to

    further integrate and strengthen their control grid, to further clamp down on the American People. Of

    course, the power hungry never, ever rest; read the latest revelation about Trapwire, a company

    engaged in the globalized surveillance state. Ill make appropriate comments to help with the legalese.


    This Policy outlines our general policy and practices regarding personal information entered into our United States

    based systemsby European Economic Area (EEA) subscribing customers, and personal information entered into

    our EEA based systems which may be accessed from the United States. Sure theres a duplicate system doing

    likewise to murkans.


    For purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply:

    TrapWire means TrapWire Inc., a Reston, VA based company in the United States.

    Personal Information means any information or set of information (such as name, address, date of birth, social

    security number, etc.) that may be used to identify an individual. Personal information does not include information

    that is encoded or anonymized, or publically available information that has not been combined with non-public


    Sensitive Personal Information means personal information that confirms race, ethnic origin, political opinions,

    religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union memberships, or that concerns health or sex life. In other words

    everything you carelessly spew out.

    TrapWire complies with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerceregarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries. Oh,

    wait youll love the clauses

    TrapWire has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer,

    security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view

    TrapWires certification, please visit

    Here we go
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    TrapWire is a risk mitigation technology and services company that designs, builds and markets software products

    intended to prevent terrorist and other criminal attacks directed against critical infrastructure, key assets and

    personnel. Our flagship product, the TrapWire software system, has been designed to provide a simple yet powerful

    means of collecting and recording suspicious activity reports. They collect EVERYTHING, from everywhere.

    Theyre also pretty flexible about calling people terrorist and criminal.

    Once a suspicious activity in entered into the system it is analyzed and compared with data entered from other areas

    within a network for the purpose of identifying patterns of behavior that are indicative of pre-attack planning.

    Generally, no Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information is recorded by the TrapWire system, and no

    such information is used by the system to perform its various functions. In the event a system user were to enter

    either Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information in a comments field, TrapWire will not share or

    expose that information to any other subscriber on the system, unless required by law, (bold and underline

    mine: theres the legal out-unless required by the Patriot Acts, the Victory Act, God knows what

    executive orders, regulations, procedures, court orders) and, in any case, will otherwise adhere to SafeHarbor Privacy Principles with respect to that information.


    Since TrapWire systems, in general, do not capture or store Personal or Sensitive Personal Information, there will be

    very few (if any) opportunities to offer opt-in or opt-out choices to individuals. In general doesnt mean they

    dont period. Words mean things in legalese and you cant have an unavoidable information gathering

    tool if people can opt out. On the rare (HA HA!)occasion where such information is entered into the system, it islikely to be recorded as law enforcement sensitive and will not be shared outside the law enforcement

    community. To the extent Personal or Sensitive Personal Information is entered into the TrapWire system, and is

    not designated as law enforcement sensitive, TrapWire will not share that information with any third party. Just

    how extensive is the law enforcement community? Just how much would be considered sensitive and

    therefore recorded?

    Transfer To Third Parties

    The TrapWire system is designed to share only suspicious activity data which does not include any Personal or

    Sensitive Personal Information. In the event Personal or Sensitive Personal Information is recorded by a system

    user, that information will not be shared or transferred to other than law enforcement or other authorized

    agencies as required by law. So, who gets to be authorized?


    The data center housing the TrapWire infrastructure was constructed to the highest level of physical security

    standards. Access to the facility is controlled and logged through a system of biometric hand geometry readers, and

    the facility is carefully monitored by security officials on guard 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 a year.

    System Security is also of critical importance and is designed into all levels of the TrapWire application and

    infrastructure. All connections to the TrapWire application are made through a 256-bit encrypted SSL connection

    which terminates in a network DMZ. User authentication is performed from the DMZ and must be successful beforea connection to TrapWire is permitted. Implemented security processes are intended to protect any information in

    the TrapWire system from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. This is just to

    make you feel secure that youre personal information is secure secure in their hands. Think of

    TrapWire as a sock puppet with the governments hand in it.

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    Data Integrity

    TrapWire, by design and intent, attempts to avoid the collection of Personal or Sensitive Personal Information by the

    products it produces. However, when such information is entered into a TrapWire system, reasonable steps are taken

    to assure that information is relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. We do, however, depend on our

    users to update and correct any information they enter. They attempt to avoid collecting your info-unless

    your public servants have an interest in it. Reasonable is the most treacherous word in legalese. Ifsomeone makes a mistake about your info, youre boned.


    TrapWire has established procedures for periodically verifying the implementation of and compliance with the Safe

    Harbor principles. We conduct an annual self-assessment of our practices with respect to Personal and Sensitive

    Personal Information to verify that representations we make about our privacy practices are true and that related

    privacy policies have been implemented as represented.

    Individuals may file a complaint with our Privacy Office at the address below. TrapWire will investigate and

    attempt to resolve complaints and disputes in accordance with the principles contained in this Policy. If a dispute

    cannot be resolved by this process we will participate in the dispute resolution procedures of the panel established

    by the European Data Protection Authorities. Yeah, the very government spying on you is going to come toyour aid-ha ha!


    Adherence by TrapWire to these Safe Harbor Principles may be limited (a) to the extent required to respond to a

    legal or ethical obligation; and (b) to the extent expressly permitted by an applicable law, rule or regulation. So

    basically, they dont have to so long as they have some legal excuse not to.

    Contact Information

    Please direct any questions or comments regarding this Policy to our corporate office:

    TrapWire Inc.

    1875 Campus Commons DriveSuite 301Reston, VA 20191

    Attn: Legal Department/Safe Harbor

    Say, isnt that near CIA headquarters in Langely, Virginia? And the rest of the spooks?

    Get the point?

    Its about control.

    Control is power.

    The enemy likes things nice and legal as a control mechanism via contract. When you contract you give

    consent, to be monitored, exploited, extorted or otherwise stolen from. Just rolling the tanks into the

    streets isnt their style in America, they have to have an hermetically seal of laws, rules, regulations so

    that when youre forced onto their legal hamster wheel and made to run until youve been utterly

    robbed, everyone else will be cowed by the example they make of you and just go along to get along.

    Until theyre next.

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    But yeah, how to reclaim your privacy in this age of Total Information Awareness by the enemy, with a

    national network of cameras that can scan your face and license plate and read your very intent

    biometrically? Tough.

    Not impossible.


    This is the single most expensive part of reclaiming your privacy but you will have to move out, and

    move to a place where your name is NOT on any bills or agreement. If you have enough money to buy a

    place you will NOT do it under your name, you will form a Wyoming corporation, buy stock in it

    anonymously-because youll issue it to yourself-get a signature from someone youll pay a few bucks for

    being the CEO or whatever. The stock sold in that corporation will buy property.

    I would prefer to simply rent as youre paying property tax on the land anyway, unless youre in Texas

    and somehow get the Land Patent. Youre renting to someone might as well save the expense and

    money-besides youre probably too poor to go that route anyway.

    You can always squat have to deal with the cops-unless youre in Gary Indiana, Flint or Detroit

    Michigan and then you have to deal with what feral humans remain thatll come along and take your

    stuff so you have to guard your property 24/7.

    But yeah, rent; find a place that will simply take your money and whatever name you want to call

    yourself. Find a place with a flat rate plus sharing the utilities but not with your name on the bill or

    lease. Be the best renter you can and dont attract the cops or otherwise annoy them with parties, loud

    music, turfing their lawn when you drunkenly come home at 3AM, somehow missing all the cops

    hunting you, or put a bullet through their walls. Dont do damage to their property, leave trash or used

    rubbers to stink up the joint, etc. Be sociable and talk to your landlord-leave stuff youd talk about from

    reading Freedom Guide for someone who cant evict you for being a Tin Foil Hat Idiot.

    OR you could do a house swap with someone with absolutely no connection to you whatsoever. You

    dont call, text, e-mail on anything that has your or their name on it. Finding someone like that


    What youre going to do before you move is to get all your correspondence routed through a Post Office

    Box using your old address. You come by, pick up your mail and smirk at all the bills addressed to you,

    all the threatening letters from your public servants, etc.

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    Wait, what about work? They have records on tax files so they know whereyou work. Which is why

    when you move you will work HARD towards a cash economy lifestyle. Find a trade or product to sell

    that is basic and involves being paid in cash. Adam Cash has a couple books on how to do just that.


    Theres no reason to mix varying aspects of your new life. None.

    You will maintain your old government registered identity, connected now to a P.O. Box you can choose

    to simply let go of. Your current computer is perfectly fine for this. (Hey youre not reading THIS on

    your current computer are you? Dont worry, the new protocols youre going to enact involving your

    computer usage will take care of that.) Youll still use it if you decide to maintain a vehicle under your

    name instead of putting in ownership by a corporation outlined previously. This you can call your


    You will have an identity for your new place, so long as youre name and ID are not on any bills.

    Nothing with a SSN or DL#. This is your LIVING ARRANGEMENT.

    Now, since youre reading Freedom Guide in general and this article in particular, youre not at all with

    how this countrys run, so you are going to want to do some activism. You need to. So never, ever,

    intermix your activism with your actual living arrangement or your legacy ID. Basically youre a

    nonviolent Batman of three (or more) identities. You will want an identity, a life partition for your

    activism, a partition for your legacy, a partition for your living arrangement because you will want

    something of a normal life in your living arrangement ID.

    Dont tell people you associate with in each of your identities about people in other partitions in your

    life, thats what is known as a security breach. Of greatest importance is keeping your legacy ID

    partitioned from your new lif(v)e(s).

    Vehicles unless you put under a corporation and trust, are a rolling security breach, you may want to

    invest in a new car or move to a place where you dont need a car.


    Get a new computer. You probably need to upgrade, but this upgrade isnt for the latest one on the

    shelf loaded with spyware. Youre going to go shopping for a decently recent computer that you can

    throw Windows XP or Linux on-and you will never, ever use it on any network. This is your workstation,

    your central node in your disconnected network.

    What would be better is to buy a computer for your own personal affairs, one for each of your

    identities. Computers and programs put their IDs into every video, every document, every program and

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    these registries can be tracked-unless you buy all your computers from private parties that interact

    solely in cash and dont ask for ID. And are honest.

    Your working computers will never, ever, interact with the internet nor be permitted to be accessed, nor

    interact with each other. You will use external thumb drives for data transfer-it would be a great ideal

    to have some portable apps like Youtube Downloader, a video editing program, a website ripping

    program, some encryption program you feel safe with. Though these devices might have their own

    unique identifiers and even if they dont the apps you use on them might be a signature so have

    separate thumb drives for each computer/life partition-identity and use them to shuttle files and

    information. Use these to shuttle from your netbook computers to your working computers. You can

    also use your older thumb drives as dead drops, which I encourage for really covert transfer of

    information and files between security aware people. More on that in a bit.

    You will NOT use your personal computer for anything that you have to put your real name on, ever. I

    will reiterate that save for the computer you already have for your legacy ID.

    Okay, now to maintain anonymity on the web you have a couple choices; public access computers or

    computers expressely used for communication. Public access computers, such as libraries or internet

    cafs are okay so long as they dont require an ID, or just issue a guest pass. Those you will have to

    scout out on your own. A better bet would be to have a portable netbook computer for each of your


    Going out for wi-fi, dont use the wi-fi at home or near your home for anything other than your living

    arrangement identity. Use one set of wi-fi hotspots for one computer, another set of hotspots for

    another etc. You can get away with intermixing some vanilla websites but you dont want to be

    downloading bombmaking information onto a computer you use for your living identity or your legacy

    ID. Keep your net surfing profiles strictly segregated.

    A word on the I-phones and the like theyre riddled with spyware, dont use them if you can avoid it.

    Yes they take great photos, you can surf the net, they have thousands of apps but you have to register

    to use them and the NSA can hack into and access ANY phone. It becomes a portable bug keeping tabs

    on you and recording all your information. Pass on those otherwise wonderful toys.

    Use external drives to store archives, dont rely on cloud computing youre just putting your files at the

    mercy of the bad guys.

    If youre looking to buy online, you get one of those prepaid debit cards, register that with e-bay and go

    through paypal. Find someone to use for a mail drop or if youre dropping out entirely use your legacy

    ID P.O. Box if youre house swapping, dont. Its not cool to get someone else in trouble like that.

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    Boston T. Party mentioned in Bulletproof Privacy a couple tricks. Stick a mailbox out on some rural road

    with a number that makes sense. You could also have mail delivered to a unused address, like a

    foreclosed home or vacant house-take your chances there though.

    Okay, covert communication using a USB dead drop; I cant go in too deeply on how you establish

    people worthy of being in your network of allies or Id be typing a long time and this articles already

    approaching my typically epic length, but when you do you establish a series of dead drops where

    people in your network continually monitor for notes. They could be paper notes, they could be

    packages, or they could be files on a spare USB drive. Use your activist identity netbook to retrieve the

    data and deposit. Work out a series of codes with your group such as notes, packages, USB deposits,

    distress, and so forth. Get creative as to where you put your dead drops.

    This provides a communications network that is impossible to decrypt or intercept save for the enemy

    getting a snitch or agent into your network.

    It may be a good idea to have a communications system devoted specifically for emergency traffic

    So thats your choice; the path of Freedom or the path of convenience. The path of convenience is wide

    and well packaged, and easy to traverse, but the terms are that you become a slave to people who use

    companies like TrackScan to steal your information. The path of Freedom requires sacrifice and

    diligence, it is rather narrow and often treacherous and full of risk but you need to take them if you

    want to be Free. Certainly need to take those risks if you want to stick it to the cocksuckers whove

    turned America into Orwells wet dream.