Anon, The Exeter Book. Cambridge_ Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1992.

Anon., 600-1100 (Anglo-Saxon Poetry) - The Exeter Book (1936) Bibliographic details Bibliographic details for the Electronic File Anon., 600-1100 (Anglo-Saxon Poetry) The Exeter Book (1936) Cambridge 1992 Chadwyck-Healey English Poetry Full-Text Database Copyright © 1992 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd. Do not export or print from this database without checking the Copyright Conditions to see what is permitted. Bibliographic details for the Source Text Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book) The Exeter Book: Edited by George Philip Krapp ... and Elliott Van Kirk Dobbie London George Routledge & Sons New York Columbia University Press 1936 243 p. Preliminaries and editorial matter omitted. THE - EXETER BOOK Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - CHRIST I 1 cyninge. 2 Ðu eart se weallstan þe ða wyrhtan iu 3 wiðwurpon to weorce. Wel þe geriseð 4 þæt þu heafod sie healle mærre, 5 ond gesomnige side weallas 6 fæste gefoge, flint unbræcne, 7 þæt geond eorðb[]g eall eagna gesihþe 8 wundrien to worlde wuldres ealdor. 9 Gesweotula nu þurh searocræft þin sylfes weorc, 10 soðfæst, sigorbeorht, ond sona forlæt 11 weall wið wealle. Nu is þam weorce þearf 12 þæt se cræftga cume ond se cyning sylfa, 13 ond þonne gebete, nu gebrosnad is, 14 hus under hrofe. He þæt hra gescop, 15 leomo læmena; nu sceal liffrea 16 þone wergan heap wraþum ahreddan, 17 earme from egsan, swa he oft dyde. 18 Eala þu reccend ond þu riht cyning, 19 se þe locan healdeð, lif ontyneð, 20 eadga[] upwegas, oþrum forwyrneð NSC/NARL/STPI--HUSO 1 頁,共 163 2013/7/12 下午 10:11

Transcript of Anon, The Exeter Book. Cambridge_ Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1992.

Page 1: Anon, The Exeter Book. Cambridge_ Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1992.

Anon., 600-1100 (Anglo-Saxon Poetry) - The Exeter Book (1936)

Bibliographic details

Bibliographic details for the Electronic FileAnon., 600-1100 (Anglo-Saxon Poetry)The Exeter Book (1936)Cambridge1992Chadwyck-HealeyEnglish Poetry Full-Text DatabaseCopyright © 1992 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd. Do not export or print from this database withoutchecking the Copyright Conditions to see what is permitted.

Bibliographic details for the Source TextAnon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)The Exeter Book: Edited by George Philip Krapp ... and Elliott Van Kirk DobbieLondonGeorge Routledge & SonsNew YorkColumbia University Press1936243 p.Preliminaries and editorial matter omitted.


Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - CHRIST

I1 cyninge.2 Ðu eart se weallstan þe ða wyrhtan iu3 wiðwurpon to weorce. Wel þe geriseð4 þæt þu heafod sie healle mærre,5 ond gesomnige side weallas6 fæste gefoge, flint unbræcne,7 þæt geond eorðb[]g eall eagna gesihþe8 wundrien to worlde wuldres ealdor.9 Gesweotula nu þurh searocræft þin sylfes weorc,10 soðfæst, sigorbeorht, ond sona forlæt11 weall wið wealle. Nu is þam weorce þearf12 þæt se cræftga cume ond se cyning sylfa,13 ond þonne gebete, nu gebrosnad is,14 hus under hrofe. He þæt hra gescop,15 leomo læmena; nu sceal liffrea16 þone wergan heap wraþum ahreddan,17 earme from egsan, swa he oft dyde.18 Eala þu reccend ond þu riht cyning,19 se þe locan healdeð, lif ontyneð,20 eadga[] upwegas, oþrum forwyrneð


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21 wlitigan wilsiþes, gif his weorc ne deag.22 Huru we for þearfe þas word sprecað,23 ond m[]giað þone þe mon gescop24 þæt he ne []ete[]ceose weorðan25 cearfulra þing, þe we in carcerne26 sittað sorgende, sunnan wenað,27 hwonne us liffrea leoht ontyne,28 weorðe ussum mode to mundboran,29 ond þæt tydre gewitt tire bewinde,30 gedo usic þæs wyrðe, þe he to wuldre forlet,31 þa we heanlice hweorfan sceoldan32 to þis enge lond, eðle bescyrede.33 Forþon secgan mæg, se ðe soð spriceð,34 þæt he ahredde, þa forhwyrfed wæs,35 frumcyn fira. Wæs seo fæmne geong,36 mægð manes leas, þe he him to meder geceas;37 þæt wæs geworden butan weres frigum,38 þæt þurh bearnes gebyrd bryd eacen wearð.39 Nænig efenlic þam, ær ne siþþan,40 in worlde gewearð wifes gearnung;41 þæt degol wæs, dryhtnes geryne.42 Eal giofu gæstlic grundsceat geondspreot;43 þær wisna fela wearð inlihted44 lare longsume þurh lifes fruman45 þe ær under hoðman biholen lægon,46 witgena woðsong, þa se waldend cwom,47 se þe reorda gehwæs ryne gemiclað48 ðara þe geneahhe noman scyppendes49 þurh horscne had hergan willað.50 Eala sibbe gesihð, sancta Hierusalem,51 cynestola cyst, Cristes burglond,52 engla eþelstol, ond þa ane in þe53 saule soðfæstra simle gerestað,54 wuldrum hremge. Næfre wommes tacn55 in þam eardgearde eawed weorþeð,56 ac þe firina gehwylc feor abugeð,57 wærgðo ond gewinnes. Bist to wuldre full58 halgan hyhtes, swa þu gehaten eart.59 Sioh nu sylfa þe geond þas sidan gesceaft,60 swylce rodores hrof rume geondwlitan61 ymb healfa gehwone, hu þec heofones cyning62 siðe geseceð, ond sylf cymeð,63 nimeð eard in þe, swa hit ær gefyrn64 witgan wisfæste wordum sægdon,65 cyðdon Cristes gebyrd, cwædon þe to frofre,66 burga betlicast. Nu is þæt bearn cymen,67 awæcned to wyrpe weorcum Ebrea,68 bringeð blisse þe, benda onlyseð69 niþum genedde. Nearoþearfe conn,70 hu se earma sceal are gebidan.71 Eala wifa wynn geond wuldres þrym,72 fæmne freolicast ofer ealne foldan sceat73 þæs þe æfre sundbuend secgan hyrdon,


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74 arece us þæt geryne þæt þe of roderum cwom,75 hu þu eacnunge æfre onfenge76 bearnes þurh gebyrde, ond þone gebedscipe77 æfter monwisan mod ne cuðes.78 Ne we soðlice swylc ne gefrugnan79 in ærdagum æfre gelimpan,80 þæt ðu in sundurgiefe swylce befenge,81 ne we þære wyrde wenan þurfon82 toweard in tide. Huru treow in þe83 weorðlicu wunade, nu þu wuldres þrym84 bosme gebære, ond no gebrosnad wearð85 mægðhad se micla. Swa eal manna bearn86 sorgum sawað, swa eft ripað,87 cennað to cwealme. Cwæð sio eadge mæg88 symle sigores full, sancta Maria:89 “Hwæt is þeos wundrung þe ge wafiað,90 ond geomrende gehþum mænað,91 sunu Solimæ somod his dohtor?92 Fricgað þurh fyrwet hu ic fæmnan had,93 mund minne geheold, ond eac modor gewearð94 mære meotudes suna. Forþan þæt monnum nis95 cuð geryne, ac Crist onwrah96 in Dauides dyrre mægan97 þæt is Euan scyld eal forpynded,98 wærgða aworpen, ond gewuldrad is99 se heanra had. Hyht is onfangen100 þæt nu bletsung mot bæm gemæne,101 werum ond wifum, a to worulde forð102 in þam uplican engla dreame103 mid soðfæder symle wunian.”104 Eala earendel, engla beorhtast,105 ofer middangeard monnum sended,106 ond soðfæsta sunnan leoma,107 torht ofer tunglas, þu tida gehwane108 of sylfum þe symle inlihtes!109 Swa þu, god of gode gearo acenned,110 sunu soþan fæder, swegles in wuldre111 butan anginne æfre wære,112 swa þec nu for þearfum þin agen geweorc113 bideð þurh byldo, þæt þu þa beorhtan us114 sunnan onsende, ond þe sylf cyme115 þæt ðu inleohte þa þe longe ær,116 þrosme beþeahte ond in þeostrum her,117 sæton sinneahtes; synnum bifealdne118 deorc deaþes sceadu dreogan sceoldan.119 Nu we hyhtfulle hælo gelyfað120 þurh þæt word godes weorodum brungen,121 þe on frymðe wæs fæder ælmihtigum122 efenece mid god, ond nu eft gewearð123 flæsc firena leas, þæt seo fæmne gebær124 geomrum to geoce. God wæs mid us125 gesewen butan synnum; somod eardedon126 mihtig meotudes bearn ond se monnes sunu


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127 geþwære on þeode. We þæs þonc magon128 secgan sigedryhtne symle bi gewyrhtum,129 þæs þe he hine sylfne us sendan wolde.130 Eala gæsta god, hu þu gleawlice131 mid noman ryhte nemned wære132 Emmanuhel, swa hit engel gecwæð133 ærest on Ebresc! Þæt is eft gereht,134 rume bi gerynum: “Nu is rodera weard,135 god sylfa mid us.” Swa þæt gomele gefyrn136 ealra cyninga cyning ond þone clænan eac137 sacerd soðlice sægdon toweard,138 swa se mæra iu, Melchisedech,139 gleaw in gæste godþrym onwrah140 eces alwaldan. Se wæs æ bringend,141 lara lædend, þam longe his142 hyhtan hidercyme, swa him gehaten wæs,143 þætte sunu meotudes sylfa wolde144 gefælsian foldan mægðe,145 swylce grundas eac gæstes mægne146 siþe gesecan. Nu hie softe þæs147 bidon in bendum hwonne bearn godes148 cwome to cearigum. Forþon cwædon swa,149 suslum geslæhte: “Nu þu sylfa cum,150 heofones heahcyning. Bring us hælolif,151 werigum witeþeowum, wope forcymenum,152 bitrum brynetearum. Is seo bot gelong153 eal æt þe anum [] oferþearfum.154 Hæftas hygegeomre hider []es;155 ne læt þe behindan, þonne þu heonan cyrre,156 mænigo þus micle, ac þu miltse on us157 gecyð cynelice, Crist nergende,158 wuldres æþeling, ne læt awyrgde ofer us159 onwald agan. Læf us ecne gefean160 wuldres þines, þæt þec weorðien,161 weoroda wuldorcyning, þa þu geworhtes ær162 hondum þinum. Þu in heannissum163 wunast wideferh mid waldend fæder.”164 “Eala Ioseph min, Iacobes bearn,165 mæg Dauides, mæran cyninges,166 nu þu freode scealt fæste gedælan,167 alætan lufan mine!” “Ic lungre eam168 deope gedrefed, dome bereafod,169 forðon ic worn for þe worde hæbbe170 sidra sorga ond sarcwida,171 hearmes gehyred, ond me hosp sprecað,172 tornworda fela. Ic tearas sceal173 geotan geomormod. God eaþe mæg174 gehælan hygesorge heortan minre,175 afrefran feasceaftne. Eala fæmne geong,176 mægð Maria!” “Hwæt bemurnest ðu,177 cleopast cearigende? Ne ic culpan in þe,178 incan ænigne, æfre onfunde,179 womma geworhtra, ond þu þa word spricest


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180 swa þu sylfa sie synna gehwylcre181 firena gefylled.” “Ic to fela hæbbe182 þæs byrdscypes bealwa onfongen!183 Hu mæg ic ladigan laþan spræce,184 oþþe ondsware ænige findan185 wraþum towiþere? Is þæt wide cuð186 þæt ic of þam torhtan temple dryhtnes187 onfeng freolice fæmnan clæne,188 womma lease, ond nu gehwyrfed is189 þurh nathwylces. Me nawþer deag,190 secge ne swige. Gif ic soð sprece,191 þonne sceal Dauides dohtor sweltan,192 stanum astyrfed. Gen strengre is193 þæt ic morþor hele; scyle manswara,194 laþ leoda gchwam lifgan siþþan,195 fracoð in folcum.” Þa seo fæmne onwrah196 ryhtgeryno, ond þus reordade:197 “Soð ic secge þurh sunu meotudes,198 gæsta geocend, þæt ic gen ne conn199 þurh gemæcscipe monnes ower,200 ænges on eorðan, ac me eaden wearð,201 geongre in geardum, þæt me Gabrihel,202 heofones heagengel, hælo gebodade.203 Sægde soðlice þæt me swegles gæst204 leoman onlyhte, sceolde ic lifes þrym205 geberan, beorhtne sunu, bearn eacen godes,206 torhtes tirfruman. Nu ic his tempel eam207 gefremed butan facne, in me frofre gæst208 geeardode. Nu þu ealle forlæt209 sare sorgceare. Saga ecne þonc210 mærum meotodes sunu þæt ic his modor gewearð,211 fæmne forð seþeah, ond þu fæder cweden212 woruldcund bi wene; sceolde witedom213 in him sylfum beon soðe gefylled.”214 Eala þu soða ond þu sibsuma215 ealra cyninga cyning, Crist ælmihtig,216 hu þu ær wære eallum geworden217 worulde þrymmum mid þinne wuldorfæder218 cild acenned þurh his cræft ond meaht!219 Nis ænig nu eorl under lyfte,220 secg searoþoncol, to þæs swiðe gleaw221 þe þæt asecgan mæge sundbuendum,222 areccan mid ryhte, hu þe rodera weard223 æt frymðe genom him to freobearne.224 Þæt wæs þara þinga þe her þeoda cynn225 gefrugnen mid folcum æt fruman ærest226 geworden under wolcnum, þæt witig god,227 lifes ordfruma, leoht ond þystro228 gedælde dryhtlice, ond him wæs domes geweald,229 ond þa wisan abead weoroda ealdor:230 “Nu sie geworden forþ a to widan feore231 leoht, lixende gefea, lifgendra gehwam232 þe in cneorissum cende weorðen.”


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233 Ond þa sona gelomp, þa hit swa sceolde,234 leoma leohtade leoda mægþum,235 torht mid tunglum, æfter þon tida bigong.236 Sylfa sette þæt þu sunu wære237 efeneardigende mid þinne engan frean238 ærþon oht þisses æfre gewurde.239 Þu eart seo snyttro þe þas sidan gesceaft240 mid þi waldende worhtes ealle.241 Forþon nis ænig þæs horsc, ne þæs hygecræftig,242 þe þin fromcyn mæge fira bearnum243 sweotule geseþan. Cum, nu, sigores weard,244 meotod moncynnes, ond þine miltse her245 arfæst ywe! Us is eallum neod246 þæt we þin medrencynn motan cunnan,247 ryhtgeryno, nu we areccan ne mægon248 þæt fædrencynn fier owihte.249 Þu þisne middangeard milde geblissa250 þurh ðinne hercyme, hælende Crist,251 ond þa gyldnan geatu, þe in geardagum252 ful longe ær bilocen stodan,253 heofona heahfrea, hat ontynan,254 ond usic þonne gesece þurh þin sylfes gong255 eaðmod to eorþan. Us is þinra arna þearf!256 Hafað se awyrgda wulf tostenced,257 deor dædscua, dryhten, þin eowde,258 wide towrecene. Þæt ðu, waldend, ær259 blode gebohtes, þæt se bealofulla260 hyneð heardlice, ond him on hæft nimeð261 ofer usse nioda lust. Forþon we, nergend, þe262 biddað geornlice breostgehygdum263 þæt þu hrædlice helpe gefremme264 wergum wreccan, þæt se wites bona265 in helle grund hean gedreose,266 ond þin hondgeweorc, hæleþa scyppend,267 mote arisan ond on ryht cuman268 to þam upcundan æþelan rice,269 þonan us ær þurh synlust se swearta gæst270 forteah ond fortylde, þæt we, tires wone,271 a butan ende sculon ermþu dreogan,272 butan þu usic þon ofostlicor, ece dryhten,273 æt þam leodsceaþan, lifgende god,274 helm alwihta, hreddan wille.275 Eala þu mæra middangeardes276 seo clæneste cwen ofer eorþan277 þara þe gewurde to widan feore,278 hu þec mid ryhte ealle reordberend279 hatað ond secgað, hæleð geond foldan,280 bliþe mode, þæt þu bryd sie281 þæs selestan swegles bryttan.282 Swylce þa hyhstan on heofonum eac,283 Cristes þegnas, cweþað ond singað284 þæt þu sie hlæfdige halgum meahtum285 wuldorweorudes, ond worldcundra


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286 hada under heofonum, ond helwara.287 Forþon þu þæt ana ealra monna288 geþohtest þrymlice, þristhycgende,289 þæt þu þinne mægðhad meotude brohtes,290 sealdes butan synnum. Nan swylc ne cwom291 ænig oþer ofer ealle men,292 bryd beaga hroden, þe þa beorhtan lac293 to heofonhame hlutre mode294 siþþan sende. Forðon heht sigores fruma295 his heahbodan hider gefleogan296 of his mægenþrymme ond þe meahta sped297 snude cyðan, þæt þu sunu dryhtnes298 þurh clæne gebyrd cennan sceolde299 monnum to miltse, ond þe, Maria, forð300 efne unwemme a gehealdan.301 Eac we þæt gefrugnon, þæt gefyrn bi þe302 soðfæst sægde sum woðbora303 in ealddagum, Esaias,304 þæt he wære gelæded þæt he lifes gesteald305 in þam ecan ham eal sceawode.306 Wlat þa swa wisfæst witga geond þeodland307 oþþæt he gestarode þær gestaþelad wæs308 æþelic ingong. Eal wæs gebunden309 deoran since duru ormæte,310 wundurclommum bewriþen. Wende swiðe311 þæt ænig elda æfre ne meahte312 swa fæstlice forescyttelsas313 on ecnesse o inhebban,314 oþþe ðæs ceasterhlides clustor onlucan,315 ær him godes engel þurh glædne geþonc316 þa wisan onwrah ond þæt word acwæð:317 “Ic þe mæg secgan þæt soð gewearð318 þæt ðas gyldnan gatu giet sume siþe319 god sylf wile gæstes mægne320 gefælsian, fæder ælmihtig,321 ond þurh þa fæstan locu foldan neosan,322 ond hio þonne æfter him ece stondað323 simle singales swa beclysed324 þæt nænig oþer, nymðe nergend god,325 hy æfre ma eft onluceð.”326 Nu þæt is gefylled þæt se froda þa327 mid eagum þær on wlatade.328 Þu eart þæt wealldor, þurh þe waldend frea329 æne on þas eorðan ut siðade,330 ond efne swa þec gemette, meahtum gehrodene,331 clæne ond gecorene, Crist ælmihtig.332 Swa ðe æfter him engla þeoden333 eft unmæle ælces þinges334 lioþucægan bileac, lifes brytta.335 Iowa us nu þa are þe se engel þe,336 godes spelboda, Gabriel brohte.337 Huru þæs biddað burgsittende338 þæt ðu þa frofre folcum cyðe,


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339 þinre sylfre sunu. Siþþan we motan340 anmodlice ealle hyhtan,341 nu we on þæt bearn foran breostum stariað.342 Geþinga us nu þristum wordum343 þæt he us ne læte leng owihte344 in þisse deaðdene gedwolan hyran,345 ac þæt he usic geferge in fæder rice,346 þær we sorglease siþþan motan347 wunigan in wuldre mid weoroda god.348 Eala þu halga heofona dryhten,349 þu mid fæder þinne gefyrn wære350 efenwesende in þam æþelan ham.351 Næs ænig þa giet engel geworden,352 ne þæs miclan mægenþrymmes nan353 ðe in roderum up rice biwitigað,354 þeodnes þryðgesteald ond his þegnunga,355 þa þu ærest wære mid þone ecan frean356 sylf settende þas sidan gesceaft,357 brade brytengrundas. Bæm inc is gemæne358 heahgæst hleofæst. We þe, hælend Crist,359 þurh eaðmedu ealle biddað360 þæt þu gehyre hæfta stefne,361 þinra niedþiowa, nergende god,362 hu we sind geswencte þurh ure sylfra gewill.363 Habbað wræcmæcgas wergan gæstas,364 hetlen helsceaþa, hearde genyrwad,365 gebunden bealorapum. Is seo bot gelong366 eall æt þe anum, ece dryhten.367 Hreowcearigum help, þæt þin hidercyme368 afrefre feasceafte, þeah we fæhþo wið þec369 þurh firena lust gefremed hæbben.370 Ara nu onbehtum ond usse yrmþa geþenc,371 hu we tealtrigað tydran mode,372 hwearfiað heanlice. Cym nu, hæleþa cyning,373 ne lata to lange. Us is lissa þearf,374 þæt þu us ahredde ond us hælogiefe375 soðfæst sylle, þæt we siþþan forð376 þa sellan þing symle moten377 geþeon on þeode, þinne willan.378 Eala seo wlitige, weorðmynda full,379 heah ond halig, heofoncund þrynes,380 brade geblissad geond brytenwongas381 þa mid ryhte sculon reordberende,382 earme eorðware ealle mægene383 hergan healice, nu us hælend god384 wærfæst onwrah þæt we hine witan moton.385 Forþon hy, dædhwæte, dome geswiðde,386 þæt soðfæste seraphinnes cynn,387 uppe mid englum a bremende,388 unaþreotendum þrymmum singað389 ful healice hludan stefne,390 fægre feor ond neah. Habbaþ folgoþa391 cyst mid cyninge. Him þæt Crist forgeaf,


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392 þæt hy motan his ætwiste eagum brucan393 simle singales, swegle gehyrste,394 weorðian waldend wide ond side,395 ond mid hyra fiþrum frean ælmihtges396 onsyne weardiað, ecan dryhtnes,397 ond ymb þeodenstol þringað georne398 hwylc hyra nehst mæge ussum nergende399 flihte lacan friðgeardum in.400 Lofiað leoflicne ond in leohte him401 þa word cweþað, ond wuldriað402 æþelne ordfruman ealra gesceafta:403 “Halig eart þu, halig, heahengla brego,404 soð sigores frea, simle þu bist halig,405 dryhtna dryhten! A þin dom wunað406 eorðlic mid ældum in ælce tid407 wide geweorþad. Þu eart weoroda god,408 forþon þu gefyldest foldan ond rodoras,409 wigendra hleo, wuldres þines,410 helm alwihta. Sie þe in heannessum411 ece hælo, ond in eorþan lof,412 beorht mid beornum. Þu gebletsad leofa,413 þe in dryhtnes noman dugeþum cwome414 heanum to hroþre. Þe in heahþum sie415 a butan ende ece herenis.”416 Eala hwæt, þæt is wræclic wrixl in wera life,417 þætte moncynnes milde scyppend418 onfeng æt fæmnan flæsc unwemme,419 ond sio weres friga wiht ne cuþe,420 ne þurh sæd ne cwom sigores agend421 monnes ofer moldan; ac þæt wæs ma cræft422 þonne hit eorðbuend ealle cuþan423 þurh geryne, hu he, rodera þrim,424 heofona heahfrea, helpe gefremede425 monna cynne þurh his modor hrif.426 Ond swa forðgongende folca nergend427 his forgifnesse gumum to helpe428 dæleð dogra gehwam, dryhten weoroda.429 Forþon we hine domhwate dædum ond wordum430 hergen holdlice. Þæt is healic ræd431 monna gehwylcum þe gemynd hafað,432 þæt he symle oftost ond inlocast433 ond geornlicost god weorþige.434 He him þære lisse lean forgildeð,435 se gehalgoda hælend sylfa,436 efne in þam eðle þær he ær ne cwom,437 in lifgendra londes wynne,438 þær he gesælig siþþan eardað,439 ealne widan feorh wunað butan ende. Amen.

II440 Nu ðu geornlice gæstgerynum,441 mon se mæra, modcræfte sec442 þurh sefan snyttro, þæt þu soð wite


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443 hu þæt geeode, þa se ælmihtiga444 acenned wearð þurh clænne had,445 siþþan he Marian, mægða weolman,446 mærre meowlan, mundheals geceas,447 þæt þær in hwitum hræglum gewerede448 englas ne oðeowdun, þa se æþeling cwom,449 beorn in Betlem. Bodan wæron gearwe450 þa þurh hleoþorcwide hyrdum cyðdon,451 sægdon soðne gefean, þætte sunu wære452 in middangeard meotudes acenned,453 in Betleme. Hwæþre in bocum ne cwið454 þæt hy in hwitum þær hræglum oðywden455 in þa æþelan tid, swa hie eft dydon456 ða se brega mæra to Bethania,457 þeoden þrymfæst, his þegna gedryht458 gelaðade, leof weorud. Hy þæs lareowes459 on þam wildæge word ne gehyrwdon,460 hyra sincgiefan. Sona wæron gearwe,461 hæleð mid hlaford, to þære halgan byrg,462 þær him tacna fela tires brytta463 onwrah, wuldres helm, wordgerynum,464 ærþon up stige ancenned sunu,465 efenece bearn, agnum fæder,466 þæs ymb feowertig þe he of foldan ær467 from deaðe aras, dagena rimes.468 Hæfde þa gefylled, swa ær biforan sungon,469 witgena word geond woruld innan470 þurh his þrowinga. Þegnas heredon,471 lufedun leofwendum lifes agend,472 fæder frumsceafta. He him fægre þæs473 leofum gesiþum lean æfter geaf,474 ond þæt word acwæð waldend engla,475 gefysed, frea mihtig, to fæder rice:476 “Gefeoð ge on ferððe! Næfre ic from hweorfe,477 ac ic lufan symle læste wið eowic,478 ond eow meaht giefe ond mid wunige,479 awo to ealdre, þæt eow æfre ne bið480 þurh gife mine godes onsien.481 Farað nu geond ealne yrmenne grund,482 geond widwegas, weoredum cyðað,483 bodiað ond bremað beorhtne geleafan,484 ond fulwiað folc under roderum.485 Hweorfað to hæþnum, hergas breotaþ,486 fyllað ond feogað, feondscype dwæscað,487 sibbe sawað on sefan manna488 þurh meahta sped. Ic eow mid wunige,489 forð on frofre, ond eow friðe healde490 strengðu staþolfæstre on stowa gehware.”491 Ða wearð semninga sweg on lyfte492 hlud gehyred. Heofonengla þreat,493 weorud wlitescyne, wuldres aras,494 cwomun on corðre. Cyning ure gewat495 þurh þæs temples hrof þær hy to segun,


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496 þa þe leofes þa gen last weardedun497 on þam þingstede, þegnas gecorene.498 Gesegon hi on heahþu hlaford stigan,499 godbearn of grundum. Him wæs geomor sefa500 hat æt heortan, hyge murnende,501 þæs þe hi swa leofne leng ne mostun502 geseon under swegle. Song ahofun503 aras ufancunde, æþeling heredun,504 lofedun liffruman, leohte gefegun505 þe of þæs hælendes heafelan lixte.506 Gesegon hy ælbeorhte englas twegen507 fægre ymb þæt frumbearn frætwum blican,508 cyninga wuldor. Cleopedon of heahþu509 wordum wrætlicum ofer wera mengu510 beorhtan reorde: “Hwæt bidað ge,511 Galilesce guman on hwearfte?512 Nu ge sweotule geseoð soðne dryhten513 on swegl faran; sigores agend514 wile up heonan eard gestigan,515 æþelinga ord, mid þas engla gedryht,516 ealra folca fruma, fæder eþelstoll.517 We mid þyslice þreate willað518 ofer heofona gehlidu hlaford fergan519 to þære beorhtan byrg mid þas bliðan gedryht,520 ealra sigebearna þæt seleste521 ond æþeleste, þe ge her on stariað522 ond in frofre geseoð frætwum blican.523 Wile eft swa þeah eorðan mægðe524 sylfa gesecan side herge,525 ond þonne gedeman dæda gehwylce526 þara ðe gefremedon folc under roderum.”527 Ða wæs wuldres weard wolcnum bifongen,528 heahengla cyning, ofer hrofas upp,529 haligra helm. Hyht wæs geniwad,530 blis in burgum, þurh þæs beornes cyme.531 Gesæt sigehremig on þa swiþran hand532 ece eadfruma agnum fæder.533 Gewitan him þa gongan to Hierusalem534 hæleð hygerofe, in þa halgan burg,535 geomormode, þonan hy god nyhst536 up stigende eagum segun,537 hyra wilgifan. Þær wæs wopes hring,538 torne bitolden; wæs seo treowlufu539 hat æt heortan, hreðer innan weoll,540 beorn breostsefa. Bidon ealle þær541 þegnas þrymfulle þeodnes gehata542 in þære torhtan byrig tyn niht þa gen,543 swa him sylf bibead swegles agend,544 ærþon up stige ealles waldend545 on heofona gehyld. Hwite cwoman546 eorla eadgiefan englas togeanes.547 Ðæt is wel cweden, swa gewritu secgað,548 þæt him albeorhte englas togeanes


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549 in þa halgan tid heapum cwoman,550 sigan on swegle. Þa wæs symbla mæst551 geworden in wuldre. Wel þæt gedafenað552 þæt to þære blisse, beorhte gewerede,553 in þæs þeodnes burg þegnas cwoman,554 weorud wlitescyne. Gesegon wilcuman555 on heahsetle heofones waldend,556 folca feorhgiefan, frætwum ealles waldend557 middangeardes ond mægenþrymmes.558 “Hafað nu se halga helle bireafod559 ealles þæs gafoles þe hi geardagum560 in þæt orlege unryhte swealg.561 Nu sind forcumene ond in cwicsusle562 gehynde ond gehæfte, in helle grund563 duguþum bidæled, deofla cempan.564 Ne meahtan wiþerbrogan wige spowan,565 wæpna wyrpum, siþþan wuldres cyning,566 heofonrices helm, hilde gefremede567 wiþ his ealdfeondum anes meahtum,568 þær he of hæfte ahlod huþa mæste569 of feonda byrig, folces unrim,570 þisne ilcan þreat þe ge her on stariað.571 Wile nu gesecan sawla nergend572 gæsta giefstol, godes agen bearn,573 æfter guðplegan. Nu ge geare cunnon574 hwæt se hlaford is se þisne here lædeð,575 nu ge fromlice freondum togeanes576 gongað glædmode. Geatu, ontynað!577 Wile in to eow ealles waldend,578 cyning on ceastre, corðre ne lytle,579 fyrnweorca fruma, folc gelædan580 in dreama dream, ðe he on deoflum genom581 þurh his sylfes sygor. Sib sceal gemæne582 englum ond ældum a forð heonan583 wesan wideferh. Wær is ætsomne584 godes ond monna, gæsthalig treow,585 lufu, lifes hyht, ond ealles leohtes gefea.”586 Hwæt, we nu gehyrdan hu þæt hælubearn587 þurh his hydercyme hals eft forgeaf,588 gefreode ond gefreoþade folc under wolcnum,589 mære meotudes sunu, þæt nu monna gehwylc590 cwic þendan her wunað, geceosan mot591 swa helle hienþu swa heofones mærþu,592 swa þæt leohte leoht swa ða laþan niht,593 swa þrymmes þræce swa þystra wræce,594 swa mid dryhten dream swa mid deoflum hream,595 swa wite mid wraþum swa wuldor mid arum,596 swa lif swa deað, swa him leofre bið597 to gefremmanne, þenden flæsc ond gæst598 wuniað in worulde. Wuldor þæs age599 þrynysse þrym, þonc butan ende!600 Ðæt is þæs wyrðe þætte werþeode601 secgen dryhtne þonc duguða gehwylcre


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602 þe us sið ond ær simle gefremede603 þurh monigfealdra mægna geryno.604 He us æt giefeð ond æhta sped,605 welan ofer widlond, ond weder liþe606 under swegles hleo. Sunne ond mona,607 æþelast tungla eallum scinað,608 heofoncondelle, hæleþum on eorðan.609 Dreoseð deaw ond ren, duguðe weccaþ610 to feorhnere fira cynne,611 iecað eorðwelan. Þæs we ealles sculon612 secgan þonc ond lof þeodne ussum,613 ond huru þære hælo þe he us to hyhte forgeaf,614 ða he þa yrmpðu eft oncyrde615 æt his upstige þe we ær drugon,616 ond geþingade þeodbuendum617 wið fæder swæsne fæhþa mæste,618 cyning anboren. Cwide eft onhwearf619 saulum to sibbe, se þe ær sungen wæs620 þurh yrne hyge ældum to sorge:621 “Ic þec ofer eorðan geworhte, on þære þu scealt yrmþum lifgan,622 wunian in gewinne ond wræce dreogan,623 feondum to hroþor fusleoð galan,624 ond to þære ilcan scealt eft geweorþan,625 wyrmum aweallen, þonan wites fyr626 of þære eorðan scealt eft gesecan.”627 Hwæt, us þis se æþeling yðre gefremede628 þa he leomum onfeng ond lichoman,629 monnes magutudre! Siþþan meotodes sunu630 engla eþel up gestigan631 wolde, weoroda god, us se willa bicwom632 heanum to helpe on þa halgan tid.633 Bi þon giedd awræc Iob, swa he cuðe,634 herede helm wera, hælend lofede,635 ond mid siblufan sunu waldendes636 freonoman cende, ond hine fugel nemde,637 þone Iudeas ongietan ne meahtan638 in ðære godcundan gæstes strengðu.639 Wæs þæs fugles flyht feondum on eorþan640 dyrne ond degol, þam þe deorc gewit641 hæfdon on hreþre, heortan stænne.642 Noldan hi þa torhtan tacen oncnawan643 þe him beforan fremede freobearn godes,644 monig mislicu, geond middangeard.645 Swa se fæla fugel flyges cunnode;646 hwilum engla eard up gesohte,647 modig meahtum strang, þone maran ham,648 hwilum he to eorþan eft gestylde,649 þurh gæstes giefe grundsceat sohte,650 wende to worulde. Bi þon se witga song:651 “He wæs upp hafen engla fæðmum652 in his þa miclan meahta spede,653 heah ond halig, ofer heofona þrym.”654 Ne meahtan þa þæs fugles flyht gecnawan


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655 þe þæs upstiges ondsæc fremedon,656 ond þæt ne gelyfdon, þætte liffruma657 in monnes hiw ofer mægna þrym,658 halig from hrusan, ahafen wurde.659 Ða us geweorðade se þas world gescop,660 godes gæstsunu, ond us giefe sealde,661 uppe mid englum ece staþelas,662 ond eac monigfealde modes snyttru663 seow ond sette geond sefan monna.664 Sumum wordlaþe wise sendeð665 on his modes gemynd þurh his muþes gæst,666 æðele ondgiet. Se mæg eal fela667 singan ond secgan þam bið snyttru cræft668 bifolen on ferðe. Sum mæg fingrum wel669 hlude fore hæleþum hearpan stirgan,670 gleobeam gretan. Sum mæg godcunde671 reccan ryhte æ. Sum mæg ryne tungla672 secgan, side gesceaft. Sum mæg searolice673 wordcwide writan. Sumum wiges sped674 giefeð æt guþe, þonne gargetrum675 ofer scildhreadan sceotend sendað,676 flacor flangeweorc. Sum mæg fromlice677 ofer sealtne sæ sundwudu drifan,678 hreran holmþræce. Sum mæg heanne beam679 stælgne gestigan. Sum mæg styled sweord,680 wæpen gewyrcan. Sum con wonga bigong,681 wegas widgielle. Swa se waldend us,682 godbearn on grundum, his giefe bryttað.683 Nyle he ængum anum ealle gesyllan684 gæstes snyttru, þy læs him gielp sceþþe685 þurh his anes cræft ofer oþre forð.686 Ðus god meahtig geofum unhneawum,687 cyning alwihta, cræftum weorðaþ688 eorþan tuddor; swylce eadgum blæd689 seleð on swegle, sibbe ræreþ690 ece to ealdre engla ond monna;691 swa he his weorc weorþað. Bi þon se witga cwæð692 þæt ahæfen wæren halge gimmas,693 hædre heofontungol, healice upp,694 sunne ond mona. Hwæt sindan þa695 gimmas swa scyne buton god sylfa?696 He is se soðfæsta sunnan leoma,697 englum ond eorðwarum æþele scima.698 Ofer middangeard mona lixeð,699 gæstlic tungol, swa seo godes circe700 þurh gesomninga soðes ond ryhtes701 beorhte bliceð. Swa hit on bocum cwiþ,702 siþþan of grundum godbearn astag,703 cyning clænra gehwæs, þa seo circe her704 æfyllendra eahtnysse bad705 under hæþenra hyrda gewealdum.706 Þær ða synsceaðan soþes ne giemdon,707 gæstes þearfe, ac hi godes tempel


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708 bræcan ond bærndon, blodgyte worhtan,709 feodan ond fyldon. Hwæþre forð bicwom710 þurh gæstes giefe godes þegna blæd711 æfter upstige ecan dryhtnes.712 Bi þon Salomon song, sunu Dauiþes,713 giedda gearosnottor gæstgerynum,714 waldend werþeoda, ond þæt word acwæð:715 “Cuð þæt geweorðeð, þætte cyning engla,716 meotud meahtum swið, munt gestylleð,717 gehleapeð hea dune, hyllas ond cnollas718 bewrið mid his wuldre, woruld alyseð,719 ealle eorðbuend, þurh þone æþelan styll.”720 Wæs se forma hlyp þa he on fæmnan astag,721 mægeð unmæle, ond þær mennisc hiw722 onfeng butan firenum þæt to frofre gewearð723 eallum eorðwarum. Wæs se oþer stiell724 bearnes gebyrda, þa he in binne wæs725 in cildes hiw claþum bewunden,726 ealra þrymma þrym. Wæs se þridda hlyp,727 rodorcyninges ræs, þa he on rode astag,728 fæder, frofre gæst. Wæs se feorða stiell729 in byrgenne, þa he þone beam ofgeaf,730 foldærne fæst. Wæs se fifta hlyp731 þa he hellwarena heap forbygde732 in cwicsusle, cyning inne gebond,733 feonda foresprecan, fyrnum teagum,734 gromhydigne, þær he gen ligeð735 in carcerne clommum gefæstnad,736 synnum gesæled. Wæs se siexta hlyp,737 haliges hyhtplega, þa he to heofonum astag738 on his ealdcyððe. Þa wæs engla þreat739 on þa halgan tid hleahtre bliþe740 wynnum geworden. Gesawan wuldres þrym,741 æþelinga ord, eðles neosan,742 beorhtra bolda. þa wearð burgwarum743 eadgum ece gefea æþelinges plega.744 Þus her on grundum godes ece bearn745 ofer heahhleoþu hlypum stylde,746 modig æfter muntum. Swa we men sculon747 heortan gehygdum hlypum styllan748 of mægne in mægen, mærþum tilgan749 þæt we to þam hyhstan hrofe gestigan750 halgum weorcum, þær is hyht ond blis,751 geþungen þegnweorud. Is us þearf micel752 þæt we mid heortan hælo secen,753 þæt we mid gæste georne gelyfað754 þæt þæt hælobearn heonan up stige755 mid usse lichoman, lifgende god.756 Forþon we a sculon idle lustas,757 synwunde forseon, ond þæs sellran gefeon.758 Habbað we us to frofre fæder on roderum759 ælmeahtigne. He his aras þonan,760 halig of heahðu, hider onsendeð,


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761 þa us gescildaþ wið sceþþendra762 eglum earhfarum, þi læs unholdan763 wunde gewyrcen, þonne wrohtbora764 in folc godes forð onsendeð765 of his brægdbogan biterne stræl.766 Forþon we fæste sculon wið þam færscyte767 symle wærlice wearde healdan,768 þy læs se attres ord in gebuge,769 biter bordgelac, under banlocan,770 feonda færsearo. Þæt bið frecne wund,771 blatast benna. Utan us beorgan þa,772 þenden we on eorðan eard weardien;773 utan us to fæder freoþa wilnian,774 biddan bearn godes ond þone bliðan gæst775 þæt he us gescilde wið sceaþan wæpnum,776 laþra lygesearwum, se us lif forgeaf,777 leomu, lic ond gæst. Si him lof symle778 þurh woruld worulda, wuldor on heofnum.779 Ne þearf him ondrædan deofla strælas780 ænig on eorðan ælda cynnes,781 gromra garfare, gif hine god scildeþ,782 duguða dryhten. Is þam dome neah783 þæt we gelice sceolon leanum hleotan,784 swa we widefeorh weorcum hlodun785 geond sidne grund. Us secgað bec786 hu æt ærestan eadmod astag787 in middangeard mægna goldhord,788 in fæmnan fæðm freobearn godes,789 halig of heahþu. Huru ic wene me790 ond eac ondræde dom ðy reþran,791 ðonne eft cymeð engla þeoden,792 þe ic ne heold teala þæt me hælend min793 on bocum bibead. Ic þæs brogan sceal794 geseon synwræce, þæs þe ic soð talge,795 þær monig beoð on gemot læded796 fore onsyne eces deman.797 Þonne [Figure: 2Kb]797 cwacað, gehyreð cyning mæðlan,798 rodera ryhtend, sprecan reþe word799 þam þe him ær in worulde wace hyrdon,800 þendan [Figure: 2Kb]800 ond [Figure: 2Kb]800 yþast meahtan801 frofre findan. Þær sceal forht monig802 on þam wongstede werig bidan803 hwæt him æfter dædum deman wille804 wraþra wita. Biþ se [Figure: 2Kb]804 scæcen805 eorþan frætwa.805 [Figure: 2Kb]805 wæs longe806 [Figure: 2Kb]806 flodum bilocen, lifwynna dæl,


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807 [Figure: 2Kb]807 on foldan. Þonne frætwe sculon808 byrnan on bæle; blac rasetteð809 recen reada leg, reþe scriþeð810 geond woruld wide. Wongas hreosað,811 burgstede berstað. Brond bið on tyhte,812 æleð ealdgestreon unmurnlice,813 gæsta gifrast, þæt geo guman heoldan,814 þenden him on eorþan onmedla wæs.815 Forþon ic leofra gehwone læran wille816 þæt he ne agæle gæstes þearfe,817 ne on gylp geote, þenden god wille818 þæt he her in worulde wunian mote,819 somed siþian sawel in lice,820 in þam gæsthofe. Scyle gumena gehwylc821 on his geardagum georne biþencan822 þæt us milde bicwom meahta waldend823 æt ærestan þurh þæs engles word.824 Bið nu eorneste þonne eft cymeð,825 reðe ond ryhtwis. Rodor bið onhrered,826 ond þas miclan gemetu middangeardes827 beofiað þonne. Beorht cyning leanað828 þæs þe hy on eorþan eargum dædum829 lifdon leahtrum fa. Þæs hi longe sculon830 ferðwerige onfon in fyrbaðe,831 wælmum biwrecene, wraþlic ondlean,832 þonne mægna cyning on gemot cymeð,833 þrymma mæste. Þeodegsa bið834 hlud gehyred bi heofonwoman,835 cwaniendra cirm, cerge reotað836 fore onsyne eces deman,837 þa þe hyra weorcum wace truwiað.838 Ðær biþ oðywed egsa mara839 þonne from frumgesceape gefrægen wurde840 æfre on eorðan. Þær bið æghwylcum841 synwyrcendra on þa snudan tid842 leofra micle þonne eall þeos læne gesceaft,843 þær he hine sylfne on þam sigeþreate844 behydan mæge, þonne herga fruma,845 æþelinga ord, eallum demeð,846 leofum ge laðum, lean æfter ryhte,847 þeoda gehwylcre. Is us þearf micel848 þæt we gæstes wlite ær þam gryrebrogan849 on þas gæsnan tid georne biþencen.850 Nu is þon gelicost swa we on laguflode851 ofer cald wæter ceolum liðan852 geond sidne sæ, sundhengestum,853 flodwudu fergen. Is þæt frecne stream854 yða ofermæta þe we her on lacað855 geond þas wacan woruld, windge holmas856 ofer deop gelad. Wæs se drohtað strong857 ærþon we to londe geliden hæfdon858 ofer hreone hrycg. Þa us help bicwom,


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859 þæt us to hælo hyþe gelædde,860 godes gæstsunu, ond us giefe sealde861 þæt we oncnawan magun ofer ceoles bord862 hwær we sælan sceolon sundhengestas,863 ealde yðmearas, ancrum fæste.864 Utan us to þære hyðe hyht staþelian,865 ða us gerymde rodera waldend,866 halge on heahþu, þa he heofonum astag.

III867 Ðonne mid fere foldbuende868 se micla dæg meahtan dryhtnes869 æt midre niht mægne bihlæmeð,870 scire gesceafte, swa oft sceaða fæcne,871 þeof þristlice, þe on þystre fareð,872 on sweartre niht, sorglease hæleð873 semninga forfehð slæpe gebundne,874 eorlas ungearwe yfles genægeð.875 Swa on Syne beorg somod up cymeð876 mægenfolc micel, meotude getrywe,877 beorht ond bliþe. Him weorþeð blæd gifen!878 Þonne from feowerum foldan sceatum,879 þam ytemestum eorþan rices,880 englas ælbeorhte on efen blawað881 byman on brehtme. Beofað middangeard,882 hruse under hæleþum. Hlydað tosomne,883 trume ond torhte, wið tungla gong,884 singað ond swinsiaþ suþan ond norþan,885 eastan ond westan, ofer ealle gesceaft.886 Weccað of deaðe dryhtgumena bearn,887 eall monna cynn, to meotudsceafte888 egeslic of þære ealdan moldan, hatað hy upp astandan889 sneome of slæpe þy fæstan. Þær mon mæg sorgende folc890 gehyran hygegeomor, hearde gefysed,891 cearum cwiþende cwicra gewyrhtu,892 forhte afærde. Þæt bið foretacna mæst893 þara þe ær oþþe sið æfre gewurde894 monnum oþywed, þær gemengde beoð895 onhælo gelac engla ond deofla,896 beorhtra ond blacra. Weorþeð bega cyme,897 hwitra ond sweartra, swa him is ham sceapen898 ungelice, englum ond deoflum.899 Þonne semninga on Syne beorg900 suþaneastan sunnan leoma901 cymeð of scyppende scynan leohtor902 þonne hit men mægen modum ahycgan,903 beorhte blican, þonne bearn godes904 þurh heofona gehleodu hider oðyweð.905 Cymeð wundorlic Cristes onsyn,906 æþelcyninges wlite, eastan fram roderum,907 on sefan swete sinum folce,908 biter bealofullum, gebleod wundrum,909 eadgum ond earmum ungelice.


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910 He bið þam godum glædmod on gesihþe,911 wlitig, wynsumlic, weorude þam halgan,912 on gefean fæger, freond ond leoftæl,913 lufsum ond liþe leofum monnum914 to sceawianne þone scynan wlite,915 weðne mid willum, waldendes cyme,916 mægencyninges, þam þe him on mode ær917 wordum ond weorcum wel gecwemdun.918 He bið þam yflum egeslic ond grimlic919 to geseonne, synnegum monnum,920 þam þær mid firenum cumað, forð forworhte.921 Þæt mæg wites to wearninga þam þe hafað wisne geþoht,922 þæt se him eallunga owiht ne ondrædeð,923 se for ðære onsyne egsan ne weorþeð924 forht on ferðe, þonne he frean gesihð925 ealra gesceafta ondweardne faran926 mid mægenwundrum mongum to þinge,927 ond him on healfa gehwone heofonengla þreat928 ymbutan farað, ælbeorhtra scolu,929 hergas haligra, heapum geneahhe.930 Dyneð deop gesceaft, ond fore dryhtne færeð931 wælmfyra mæst ofer widne grund.932 Hlemmeð hata leg, heofonas berstað,933 trume ond torhte, tungol ofhreosað.934 Þonne weorþeð sunne sweart gewended935 on blodes hiw, seo ðe beorhte scan936 ofer ærworuld ælda bearnum;937 mona þæt sylfe, þe ær moncynne938 nihtes lyhte, niþer gehreoseð939 ond steorran swa some stredað of heofone,940 þurh ða strongan lyft stormum abeatne.941 Wile ælmihtig mid his engla gedryht,942 mægencyninga meotod, on gemot cuman,943 þrymfæst þeoden. Bið þær his þegna eac944 hreþeadig heap. Halge sawle945 mid hyra frean farað, þonne folca weard946 þurh egsan þrea eorðan mægðe947 sylfa geseceð. Weorþeð geond sidne grund948 hlud gehyred heofonbyman stefn,949 ond on seofon healfa swogað windas,950 blawað brecende bearhtma mæste,951 weccað ond woniað woruld mid storme,952 fyllað mid fere foldan gesceafte.953 Ðonne heard gebrec, hlud, unmæte,954 swar ond swiðlic, swegdynna mæst,955 ældum egeslic, eawed weorþeð.956 Þær mægen werge monna cynnes957 wornum hweorfað on widne leg,958 þa þær cwice meteð cwelmende fyr,959 sume up, sume niþer, ældes fulle.960 Þonne bið untweo þæt þær Adames961 cyn, cearena full, cwiþeð gesargad,962 nales fore lytlum, leode geomre,


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963 ac fore þam mæstan mægenearfeþum,964 ðonne eall þreo on efen nimeð965 won fyres wælm wide tosomne,966 se swearta lig, sæs mid hyra fiscum,967 eorþan mid hire beorgum, ond upheofon968 torhtne mid his tunglum. Teonleg somod969 þryþum bærneð þreo eal on an970 grimme togædre. Grornað gesargad971 eal middangeard on þa mæran tid.972 Swa se gifra gæst grundas geondseceð;973 hiþende leg heahgetimbro974 fylleð on foldwong fyres egsan,975 widmære blæst woruld mid ealle,976 hat, heorogifre. Hreosað geneahhe977 tobrocene burgweallas. Beorgas gemeltað978 ond heahcleofu, þa wið holme ær979 fæste wið flodum foldan sceldun,980 stið ond stæðfæst, staþelas wið wæge,981 wætre windendum. Þonne wihta gehwylce,982 deora ond fugla, deaðleg nimeð,983 færeð æfter foldan fyrswearta leg,984 weallende wiga. Swa ær wæter fleowan,985 flodas afysde, þonne on fyrbaðe986 swelað sæfiscas; sundes getwæfde987 wægdeora gehwylc werig swelteð,988 byrneþ wæter swa weax. Þær bið wundra ma989 þonne hit ænig on mode mæge aþencan,990 hu þæt gestun ond se storm ond seo stronge lyft991 brecað brade gesceaft. Beornas gretað,992 wepað wanende wergum stefnum,993 heane, hygegeomre, hreowum gedreahte.994 Seoþeð swearta leg synne on fordonum,995 ond goldfrætwe gleda forswelgað,996 eall ærgestreon eþelcyninga.997 Ðær bið cirm ond cearu, ond cwicra gewin,998 gehreow ond hlud wop bi heofonwoman,999 earmlic ælda gedreag. Þonan ænig ne mæg,1000 firendædum fah, frið gewinnan,1001 legbryne losian londes ower,1002 ac þæt fyr nimeð þurh foldan gehwæt,1003 græfeð grimlice, georne aseceð1004 innan ond utan eorðan sceatas,1005 oþþæt eall hafað ældes leoma1006 woruldwidles wom wælme forbærned.1007 Ðonne mihtig god on þone mæran beorg1008 mid þy mæstan mægenþrymme cymeð,1009 heofonengla cyning, halig scineð,1010 wuldorlic ofer weredum, waldende god,1011 ond hine ymbutan æþelduguð betast,1012 halge herefeðan, hlutre blicað,1013 eadig engla gedryht. Ingeþoncum1014 forhte beofiað fore fæder egsan.1015 Forþon nis ænig wundor hu him woruldmonna


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1016 seo unclæne gecynd, cearum sorgende,1017 hearde ondrede, ðonne sio halge gecynd,1018 hwit ond heofonbeorht, heagengla mægen,1019 for ðære onsyne beoð egsan afyrhte,1020 bidað beofiende beorhte gesceafte1021 dryhtnes domes. Daga egeslicast1022 weorþeð in worulde, þonne wuldorcyning1023 þurh þrym þreað þeoda gehwylce,1024 hateð arisan reordberende1025 of foldgrafum, folc anra gehwylc,1026 cuman to gemote moncynnes gehwone.1027 Þonne eall hraðe Adames cynn1028 onfehð flæsce, weorþeð foldræste1029 eardes æt ende. Sceal þonne anra gehwylc1030 fore Cristes cyme cwic arisan,1031 leoðum onfon ond lichoman,1032 edgeong wesan. Hafað eall on him1033 þæs þe he on foldan in fyrndagum,1034 godes oþþe gales, on his gæste gehlod,1035 geara gongum, hafað ætgædre bu,1036 lic ond sawle. Sceal on leoht cuman1037 sinra weorca wlite ond worda gemynd1038 ond heortan gehygd fore heofona cyning.1039 Ðonne biþ geyced ond geedniwad1040 moncyn þurh meotud. Micel ariseð1041 dryhtfolc to dome, siþþan deaþes bend1042 toleseð liffruma. Lyft bið onbærned,1043 hreosað heofonsteorran, hyþað wide1044 gifre glede, gæstas hweorfað1045 on ecne eard. Opene weorþað1046 ofer middangeard monna dæde.1047 Ne magun hord weras, heortan geþohtas,1048 fore waldende wihte bemiþan.1049 Ne sindon him dæda dyrne, ac þær bið dryhtne cuð1050 on þam miclan dæge, hu monna gehwylc1051 ær earnode eces lifes,1052 ond eall ondweard þæt hi ær oþþe sið1053 worhtun in worulde. Ne bið þær wiht forholen1054 monna gehygda, ac se mæra dæg1055 hreþerlocena hord, heortan geþohtas,1056 ealle ætyweð. Ær sceal geþencan1057 gæstes þearfe, se þe gode mynteð1058 bringan beorhtne wlite, þonne bryne costað,1059 hat, heorugifre, hu gehealdne sind1060 sawle wið synnum fore sigedeman.1061 Ðonne sio byman stefen ond se beorhta segn,1062 ond þæt hate fyr ond seo hea duguð,1063 ond se engla þrym ond se egsan þrea,1064 ond se hearda dæg ond seo hea rod,1065 ryht aræred rices to beacne,1066 folcdryht wera biforan bonnað,1067 sawla gehwylce þara þe sið oþþe ær1068 on lichoman leoþum onfengen.


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1069 Ðonne weoroda mæst fore waldende,1070 ece ond edgeong, ondweard gæð1071 neode ond nyde, bi noman gehatne,1072 berað breosta hord fore bearn godes,1073 feores frætwe. Wile fæder eahtan1074 hu gesunde suna sawle bringen1075 of þam eðle þe hi on lifdon.1076 Ðonne beoð bealde þa þe beorhtne wlite1077 meotude bringað. Bið hyra meaht ond gefea1078 swiðe gesæliglic sawlum to gielde,1079 wuldorlean weorca. Wel is þam þe motun1080 on þa grimman tid gode lician.1081 Þær him sylfe geseoð sorga mæste,1082 synfa men, sarigferðe.1083 Ne bið him to are þæt þær fore ellþeodum1084 usses dryhtnes rod ondweard stondeð,1085 beacna beorhtast, blode bistemed,1086 heofoncyninges hlutran dreore,1087 biseon mid swate þæt ofer side gesceaft1088 scire scineð. Sceadu beoð bidyrned1089 þær se leohta beam leodum byrhteð.1090 Þæt þeah to teonum geteod weorþeð,1091 þeodum to þrea, þam þe þonc gode1092 womwyrcende wita ne cuþun,1093 þæs he on þone halgan beam ahongen wæs1094 fore moncynnes manforwyrhtu,1095 þær he leoflice lifes ceapode,1096 þeoden moncynne, on þam dæge,1097 mid þy weorðe, þe no wom dyde1098 his lichoma leahtra firena,1099 mid þy usic alysde. Þæs he eftlean wile1100 þurh eorneste ealles gemonian,1101 ðonne sio reade rod ofer ealle1102 swegle scineð on þære sunnan gyld.1103 On þa forhtlice firenum fordone,1104 swearte synwyrcend, sorgum wlitað,1105 geseoð him to bealwe þæt him betst bicwom,1106 þær hy hit to gode ongietan woldan.1107 Ond eac þa ealdan wunde ond þa openan dolg1108 on hyra dryhtne geseoð dreorigferðe,1109 swa him mid næglum þurhdrifan niðhycgende1110 þa hwitan honda ond þa halgan fet,1111 ond of his sidan swa some swat forletan,1112 þær blod ond wæter bu tu ætsomne1113 ut bicwoman fore eagna gesyhð,1114 rinnan fore rincum, þa he on rode wæs.1115 Eall þis magon him sylfe geseon þonne,1116 open, orgete, þæt he for ælda lufan,1117 firenfremmendra, fela þrowade.1118 Magun leoda bearn leohte oncnawan1119 hu hine lygnedon lease on geþoncum,1120 hysptun hearmcwidum, ond on his hleor somod1121 hyra spatl speowdon. Spræcon him edwit,


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1122 ond on þone eadgan ondwlitan swa some1123 helfuse men hondum slogun,1124 folmum areahtum ond fystum eac,1125 ond ymb his heafod heardne gebigdon1126 beag þyrnenne, blinde on geþoncum,1127 dysge ond gedwealde. Gesegun þa dumban gesceaft,1128 eorðan ealgrene ond uprodor,1129 forhte gefelan frean þrowinga,1130 ond mid cearum cwiðdun, þeah hi cwice næron,1131 þa hyra scyppend sceaþan onfengon1132 syngum hondum. Sunne wearð adwæsced,1133 þream aþrysmed; þa sio þeod geseah1134 in Hierusalem godwebba cyst1135 þæt ær ðam halgan huse sceolde1136 to weorþunga weorud sceawian;1137 ufan eall forbærst þæt hit on eorþan læg1138 on twam styccum. Þæs temples segl,1139 wundorbleom geworht to wlite þæs huses,1140 sylf slat on tu, swylce hit seaxes ecg1141 scearp þurhwode. Scire burstan1142 muras ond stanas monge æfter foldan,1143 ond seo eorðe eac, egsan myrde,1144 beofode on bearhtme, ond se brada sæ1145 cyðde cræftes meaht ond of clomme breac1146 up yrringa on eorþan fæðm,1147 ge on stede scynum steorran forleton1148 hyra swæsne wlite. On þa sylfan tid1149 heofon hluttre ongeat hwa hine healice1150 torhtne getremede tungolgimmum;1151 forþon he his bodan sende, þa wæs geboren ærest1152 gesceafta scircyning. Hwæt, eac scyldge men1153 gesegon to soðe, þy sylfan dæge1154 þe on þrowade, þeodwundor micel,1155 þætte eorðe ageaf þa hyre on lægun.1156 Eft lifgende up astodan1157 þa þe heo ær fæste bifen hæfde,1158 deade bibyrgde, þe dryhtnes bibod1159 heoldon on hreþre. Hell eac ongeat,1160 scyldwreccende, þæt se scyppend cwom,1161 waldende god, þa heo þæt weorud ageaf,1162 hloþe of ðam hatan hreþre. Hyge wearð mongum blissad,1163 sawlum sorge toglidene. Hwæt, eac sæ cyðde1164 hwa hine gesette on sidne grund,1165 tirmeahtig cyning; forþon he hine tredne him1166 ongean gyrede, þonne god wolde1167 ofer sine yðe gan. Eahstream ne dorste1168 his frean fet flode bisencan,1169 ge eac beamas onbudon hwa hy mid bledum sceop,1170 monge, nales fea, ða mihtig god1171 on hira anne gestag þær he earfeþu1172 geþolade fore þearfe þeodbuendra,1173 laðlicne deað leodum to helpe.1174 Ða wearð beam monig blodigum tearum


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1175 birunnen under rindum, reade ond þicce;1176 sæp wearð to swate. Þæt asecgan ne magun1177 foldbuende þurh frod gewit,1178 hu fela þa onfundun þa gefelan ne magun1179 dryhtnes þrowinga, deade gesceafte.1180 Þa þe æþelast sind eorðan gecynda,1181 ond heofones eac heahgetimbro,1182 eall fore þam anum unrot gewearð,1183 forhtafongen. Þeah hi ferðgewit1184 of hyra æþelum ænig ne cuþen,1185 wendon swa þeah wundrum, þa hyra waldend for1186 of lichoman. Leode ne cuþon,1187 modblinde men meotud oncnawan,1188 flintum heardran, þæt hi frea nerede1189 fram hellcwale halgum meahtum,1190 alwalda god. Þæt æt ærestan1191 foreþoncle men from fruman worulde1192 þurh wis gewit, witgan dryhtnes,1193 halge higegleawe, hæleþum sægdon,1194 oft, nales æne, ymb þæt æþele bearn,1195 ðæt se earcnanstan eallum sceolde1196 to hleo ond to hroþer hæleþa cynne1197 weorðan in worulde, wuldres agend,1198 eades ordfruma, þurh þa æþelan cwenn.1199 Hwæs weneð se þe mid gewitte nyle1200 gemunan þa mildan meotudes lare,1201 ond eal ða earfeðu þe he fore ældum adreag,1202 forþon þe he wolde þæt we wuldres eard1203 in ecnesse agan mosten?1204 Swa þam bið grorne on þam grimman dæge1205 domes þæs miclan, þam þe dryhtnes sceal,1206 deaðfirenum forden, dolg sceawian,1207 wunde ond wite. On werigum sefan1208 geseoð sorga mæste, hu se sylfa cyning1209 mid sine lichoman lysde of firenum1210 þurh milde mod, þæt hy mostun manweorca1211 tome lifgan, ond tires blæd1212 ecne agan. Hy þæs eðles þonc1213 hyra waldende wita ne cuþon;1214 forþon þær to teonum þa tacen geseoð1215 orgeatu on gode, ungesælge,1216 þonne Crist siteð on his cynestole,1217 on heahsetle, heofonmægna god,1218 fæder ælmihtig. Folca gehwylcum1219 scyppend scinende scrifeð bi gewyrhtum,1220 eall æfter ryhte rodera waldend.1221 Ðonne beoð gesomnad on þa swiþran hond1222 þa clænan folc, Criste sylfum1223 gecorene bi cystum, þa ær sinne cwide georne1224 lustum læstun on hyra lifdagum,1225 ond þær womsceaþan on þone wyrsan dæl1226 fore scyppende scyrede weorþað,1227 hateð him gewitan on þa winstran hond,


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1228 sigora soðcyning, synfulra weorud.1229 Þær hy arasade reotað ond beofiað1230 fore frean forhte, swa fule swa gæt,1231 unsyfre folc, arna ne wenað.1232 Ðonne bið gæsta dom fore gode sceaden1233 wera cneorissum, swa hi geworhtun ær,1234 þær bið on eadgum eðgesyne1235 þreo tacen somod, þæs þe hi hyra þeodnes wel1236 wordum ond weorcum willan heoldon.1237 An is ærest orgeate þær1238 þæt hy fore leodum leohte blicaþ,1239 blæde ond byrhte ofer burga gesetu.1240 Him on scinað ærgewyrhtu,1241 on sylfra gehwam sunnan beorhtran.1242 Oþer is to eacan ondgete swa some,1243 þæt hy him in wuldre witon waldendes giefe,1244 ond on seoð, eagum to wynne,1245 þæt hi on heofonrice hlutre dreamas1246 eadge mid englum agan motun.1247 Ðonne bið þridde, hu on þystra bealo1248 þæt gesælige weorud gesihð þæt fordone1249 sar þrowian, synna to wite,1250 weallendne lig, ond wyrma slite1251 bitrum ceaflum, byrnendra scole.1252 Of þam him aweaxeð wynsum gefea,1253 þonne hi þæt yfel geseoð oðre dreogan,1254 þæt hy þurh miltse meotudes genæson.1255 Ðonne hi þy geornor gode þonciað1256 blædes ond blissa þe hy bu geseoð,1257 þæt he hy generede from niðcwale1258 ond eac forgeaf ece dreamas;1259 bið him hel bilocen, heofonrice agiefen.1260 Swa sceal gewrixled þam þe ær wel heoldon1261 þurh modlufan meotudes willan.1262 Ðonne bið þam oþrum ungelice1263 willa geworden. Magon weana to fela1264 geseon on him selfum, synne genoge1265 atolearfoða ær gedenra.1266 Þær him sorgendum sar oðclifeð,1267 þroht þeodbealu, on þreo healfa.1268 An is þara þæt hy him yrmþa to fela,1269 grim helle fyr, gearo to wite1270 ondweard seoð, on þam hi awo sculon,1271 wræc winnende, wærgðu dreogan.1272 Þonne is him oþer earfeþu swa some1273 scyldgum to sconde, þæt hi þær scoma mæste1274 dreogað fordone. On him dryhten gesihð1275 nales feara sum firenbealu laðlic,1276 ond þæt ællbeorhte eac sceawiað1277 heofonengla here, ond hæleþa bearn,1278 ealle eorðbuend ond atol deofol,1279 mircne mægencræft, manwomma gehwone1280 magun þurh þa lichoman, leahtra firene,


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1281 geseon on þam sawlum. Beoð þa syngan flæsc1282 scandum þurhwaden swa þæt scire glæs,1283 þæt mon yþæst mæg eall þurhwlitan.1284 Ðonne bið þæt þridde þearfendum sorg,1285 cwiþende cearo, þæt hy on þa clænan seoð,1286 hu hi fore goddædum glade blissiað,1287 þa hy, unsælge, ær forhogdun1288 to donne þonne him dagas læstun;1289 ond be hyra weorcum wepende sar1290 þæt hi ær freolice fremedon unryht.1291 Geseoð hi þa betran blæde scinan;1292 ne bið him hyra yrmðu an to wite,1293 ac þara oþerra ead to sorgum,1294 þæs þe hy swa fægre gefean on fyrndagum1295 ond swa ænlice anforletun,1296 þurh leaslice lices wynne,1297 earges flæschoman idelne lust.1298 Þær hi ascamode, scondum gedreahte,1299 swiciað on swiman; synbyrþenne,1300 firenweorc berað, on þæt þa folc seoð.1301 Wære him þonne betre þæt hy bealodæde,1302 ælces unryhtes, ær gescomeden1303 fore anum men, eargra weorca,1304 godes bodan sægdon þæt hi to gyrne wiston1305 firendæda on him. Ne mæg þurh þæt flæsc se scrift1306 geseon on þære sawle, hwæþer him mon soð þe lyge1307 sagað on hine sylfne, þonne he þa synne bigæð.1308 Mæg mon swa þeah gelacnigan leahtra gehwylcne,1309 yfel unclæne, gif he hit anum gesegð,1310 ond nænig bihelan mæg on þam heardan dæge1311 wom unbeted, ðær hit þa weorud geseoð.1312 Eala, þær we nu magon wraþe firene1313 geseon on ussum sawlum, synna wunde,1314 mid lichoman leahtra gehygdu,1315 eagum unclæne ingeþoncas!1316 Ne þæt ænig mæg oþrum gesecgan1317 mid hu micle elne æghwylc wille1318 þurh ealle list lifes tiligan,1319 feores forhtlice, forð aðolian,1320 synrust þwean ond hine sylfne þrean,1321 ond þæt wom ærran wunde hælan,1322 þone lytlan fyrst þe her lifes sy,1323 þæt he mæge fore eagum eorðbuendra1324 unscomiende eðles mid monnum1325 brucan bysmerleas, þendan bu somod1326 lic ond sawle lifgan mote.1327 Nu we sceolon georne gleawlice þurhseon1328 usse hreþercofan heortan eagum,1329 innan uncyste. We mid þam oðrum ne magun,1330 heafodgimmum, hygeþonces ferð1331 eagum þurhwlitan ænge þinga,1332 hwæþer him yfel þe god under wunige,1333 þæt he on þa grimman tid gode licie,


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1334 þonne he ofer weoruda gehwylc wuldre scineð1335 of his heahsetle hlutran lege.1336 Þær he fore englum ond fore elþeodum1337 to þam eadgestum ærest mæðleð,1338 ond him swæslice sibbe gehateð,1339 heofona heahcyning; halgan reorde1340 frefreð he fægre ond him friþ beodeð,1341 hateð hy gesunde ond gesenade1342 on eþel faran engla dreames,1343 ond þæs to widan feore willum neotan:1344 “Onfoð nu mid freondum mines fæder rice1345 þæt eow wæs ær woruldum wynlice gearo,1346 blæd mid blissum, beorht eðles wlite,1347 hwonne ge þa lifwelan mid þam leofstum,1348 swase swegldreamas, geseon mosten.1349 Ge þæs earnedon þa ge earme men,1350 woruldþearfende, willum onfengun1351 on mildum sefan. Ðonne hy him þurh minne noman1352 eaðmode to eow arna bædun,1353 þonne ge hyra hulpon ond him hleoð gefon,1354 hingrendum hlaf ond hrægl nacedum;1355 ond þa þe on sare seoce lagun,1356 æfdon unsofte, adle gebundne,1357 to þam ge holdlice hyge staþeladon1358 mid modes myne. Eall ge þæt me dydon,1359 ðonne ge hy mid sibbum sohtun, ond hyra sefan trymedon1360 forð on frofre. Þæs ge fægre sceolon1361 lean mid leofum lange brucan.”1362 Onginneð þonne to þam yflum ungelice1363 wordum mæðlan þe him bið on þa wynstran hond,1364 þurh egsan þrea, alwalda god.1365 Ne þurfon hi þonne to meotude miltse gewenan,1366 lifes ne lissa, ac þær lean cumað1367 werum bi gewyrhtum worda ond dæda,1368 reordberendum; sceolon þone ryhtan dom1369 anne geæfnan, egsan fulne.1370 Bið þær seo miccle milts afyrred1371 þeodbuendum, on þam dæge,1372 þæs ælmihtigan, þonne he yrringa1373 on þæt fræte folc firene stæleð1374 laþum wordum, hateð hyra lifes riht1375 ondweard ywan þæt he him ær forgeaf1376 syngum to sælum. Onginneð sylf cweðan,1377 swa he to anum sprece, ond hwæþre ealle mæneð,1378 firensynnig folc, frea ælmihtig:1379 “Hwæt, ic þec mon minum hondum1380 ærest geworhte, ond þe ondgiet sealde.1381 Of lame ic þe leoþo gesette, geaf ic ðe lifgendne gæst,1382 arode þe ofer ealle gesceafte, gedyde ic þæt þu onsyn hæfdest,1383 mægwlite me gelicne. Geaf ic þe eac meahta sped,1384 welan ofer widlonda gehwylc, nysses þu wean ænigne dæl,1385 ðystra þæt þu þolian sceolde. Þu þæs þonc ne wisses.1386 Þa ic ðe swa scienne gesceapen hæfde,


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1387 wynlicne geworht, ond þe welan forgyfen1388 þæt ðu mostes wealdan worulde gesceaftum,1389 ða ic þe on þa fægran foldan gesette1390 to neotenne neorxnawonges1391 beorhtne blædwelan, bleom scinende,1392 ða þu lifes word læstan noldes,1393 ac min bibod bræce be þines bonan worde.1394 Fæcnum feonde furþor hyrdes,1395 sceþþendum scaþan, þonne þinum scyppende.1396 Nu ic ða ealdan race anforlæte,1397 hu þu æt ærestan yfle gehogdes,1398 firenweorcum forlure þæt ic ðe to fremum sealde.1399 Þa ic þe goda swa fela forgiefen hæfde1400 ond þe on þam eallum eades to lyt1401 mode þuhte, gif þu meahte sped1402 efenmicle gode agan ne moste,1403 ða þu of þan gefean fremde wurde,1404 feondum to willan feor aworpen.1405 Neorxnawonges wlite nyde sceoldes1406 agiefan geomormod, gæsta eþel,1407 earg ond unrot, eallum bidæled1408 dugeþum ond dreamum, ond þa bidrifen wurde1409 on þas þeostran weoruld, þær þu þolades siþþan1410 mægenearfeþu micle stunde,1411 sar ond swar gewin ond sweartne deað,1412 ond æfter hingonge hreosan sceoldes1413 hean in helle, helpendra leas.1414 Ða mec ongon hreowan þæt min hondgeweorc1415 on feonda geweald feran sceolde,1416 moncynnes tuddor mancwealm seon,1417 sceolde uncuðne eard cunnian,1418 sare siþas. Þa ic sylf gestag,1419 maga in modor, þeah wæs hyre mægdenhad1420 æghwæs onwalg. Wearð ic ana geboren1421 folcum to frofre. Mec mon folmum biwond,1422 biþeahte mid þearfan wædum, ond mec þa on þeostre alegde1423 biwundenne mid wonnum claþum. Hwæt, ic þæt for worulde geþolade!1424 Lytel þuhte ic leoda bearnum, læg ic on heardum stane,1425 cildgeong on crybbe. Mid þy ic þe wolde cwealm afyrran,1426 hat helle bealu, þæt þu moste halig scinan1427 eadig on þam ecan life, forðon ic þæt earfeþe wonn.1428 Næs me for mode, ac ic on magugeoguðe1429 yrmþu geæfnde, arleas licsar,1430 þæt ic þurh þa wære þe gelic,1431 ond þu meahte minum weorþan1432 mægwlite gelic, mane bidæled.1433 Ond fore monna lufan min þrowade1434 heafod hearmslege; hleor geþolade,1435 oft ondlata, arleasra spatl,1436 of muðe onfeng, manfremmendra.1437 Swylce hi me geblendon bittre tosomne1438 unswetne drync ecedes ond geallan.1439 Ðonne ic fore folce onfeng feonda geniðlan,


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1440 fylgdon me mid firenum, fæhþe ne rohtun,1441 ond mid sweopum slogun. Ic þæt sar for ðe1442 þurh eaðmedu eall geþolade,1443 hosp ond heardcwide. Þa hi hwæsne beag1444 ymb min heafod heardne gebygdon,1445 þream biþrycton, se wæs of þornum geworht.1446 Ða ic wæs ahongen on heanne beam,1447 rode gefæstnad, ða hi ricene mid spere1448 of minre sidan swat ut guton,1449 dreor to foldan, þæt þu of deofles þurh þæt1450 nydgewalde genered wurde.1451 Ða ic, womma leas, wite þolade,1452 yfel earfeþu, oþþæt ic anne forlet1453 of minum lichoman lifgendne gæst.1454 Geseoð nu þa feorhdolg þe ge gefremedun ær1455 on minum folmum ond on fotum swa some,1456 þurh þa ic hongade hearde gefæstnad;1457 meaht her eac geseon orgete nu gen1458 on minre sidan swatge wunde.1459 Hu þær wæs unefen racu unc gemæne!1460 Ic onfeng þin sar þæt þu moste gesælig1461 mines eþelrices eadig neotan,1462 ond þe mine deaðe deore gebohte1463 þæt longe lif þæt þu on leohte siþþan,1464 wlitig, womma leas, wunian mostes.1465 Læg min flæschoma in foldan bigrafen,1466 niþre gehyded, se ðe nængum scod,1467 in byrgenne, þæt þu meahte beorhte uppe1468 on roderum wesan, rice mid englum.1469 For hwon forlete þu lif þæt scyne1470 þæt ic þe for lufan mid mine lichoman1471 heanum to helpe hold gecypte?1472 Wurde þu þæs gewitleas þæt þu waldende1473 þinre alysnesse þonc ne wisses?1474 Ne ascige ic nu owiht bi þam bitran1475 deaðe minum þe ic adreag fore þe,1476 ac forgield me þin lif, þæs þe ic iu þe min1477 þurh woruldwite weorð gesealde;1478 ðæs lifes ic manige þe þu mid leahtrum hafast1479 ofslegen synlice sylfum to sconde.1480 For hwan þu þæt selegescot þæt ic me swæs on þe1481 gehalgode, hus to wynne,1482 þurh firenlustas, fule synne,1483 unsyfre bismite sylfes willum?1484 Ge þu þone lichoman þe ic alysde me1485 feondum of fæðme, ond þa him firene forbead,1486 scyldwyrcende scondum gewemdest.1487 For hwon ahenge þu mec hefgor on þinra honda rode1488 þonne iu hongade? Hwæt, me þeos heardra þynceð!1489 Nu is swærra mid mec þinra synna rod1490 þe ic unwillum on beom gefæstnad,1491 þonne seo oþer wæs þe ic ær gestag,1492 willum minum, þa mec þin wea swiþast


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1493 æt heortan gehreaw, þa ic þec from helle ateah,1494 þær þu hit wolde sylfa siþþan gehealdan.1495 Ic wæs on worulde wædla þæt ðu wurde welig in heofonum,1496 earm ic wæs on eðle þinum þæt þu wurde eadig on minum.1497 Þa ðu þæs ealles ænigne þonc1498 þinum nergende nysses on mode.1499 Bibead ic eow þæt ge broþor mine1500 in woruldrice wel aretten1501 of þam æhtum þe ic eow on eorðan geaf,1502 earmra hulpen. Earge ge þæt læstun,1503 þearfum forwyrndon þæt hi under eowrum þæce mosten1504 in gebugan, ond him æghwæs oftugon,1505 þurh heardne hyge, hrægles nacedum,1506 moses meteleasum. Þeah hy him þurh minne noman1507 werge, wonhale, wætan bædan,1508 drynces gedreahte, duguþa lease,1509 þurste geþegede, ge him þriste oftugon.1510 Sarge ge ne sohton, ne him swæslic word1511 frofre gespræcon, þæt hy þy freoran hyge1512 mode gefengen. Eall ge þæt me dydan,1513 to hynþum heofoncyninge. Þæs ge sceolon hearde adreogan1514 wite to widan ealdre, wræc mid deoflum geþolian.”1515 Ðonne þær ofer ealle egeslicne cwide1516 sylf sigora weard, sares fulne,1517 ofer þæt fæge folc forð forlæteð,1518 cwið to þara synfulra sawla feþan:1519 “Farað nu, awyrgde, willum biscyrede1520 engla dreames, on ece fir1521 þæt wæs Satane ond his gesiþum mid,1522 deofle gegearwad ond þære deorcan scole,1523 hat ond heorogrim. On þæt ge hreosan sceolan!”1524 Ne magon hi þonne gehynan heofoncyninges bibod,1525 rædum birofene. Sceolon raþe feallan1526 on grimne grund þa ær wiþ gode wunnon.1527 Bið þonne rices weard reþe ond meahtig,1528 yrre ond egesful. Ondweard ne mæg1529 on þissum foldwege feond gebidan.1530 Swapeð sigemece mid þære swiðran hond1531 þæt on þæt deope dæl deofol gefeallað1532 in sweartne leg, synfulra here1533 under foldan sceat, fæge gæstas1534 on wraþra wic, womfulra scolu1535 werge to forwyrde on witehus,1536 deaðsele deofles. Nales dryhtnes gemynd1537 siþþan gesecað, synne ne aspringað,1538 þær hi leahtrum fa, lege gebundne,1539 swylt þrowiað. Bið him synwracu1540 ondweard undyrne; þæt is ece cwealm.1541 Ne mæg þæt hate dæl of heoloðcynne1542 in sinnehte synne forbærnan1543 to widan feore, wom of þære sawle,1544 ac þær se deopa seað dreorge fedeð,1545 grundleas giemeð gæsta on þeostre,


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1546 æleð hy mid þy ealdan lige, ond mid þy egsan forste,1547 wraþum wyrmum ond mid wita fela,1548 frecnum feorhgomum, folcum scendeð.1549 Þæt we magon eahtan ond on an cweþan,1550 soðe secgan, þæt se sawle weard,1551 lifes wisdom, forloren hæbbe,1552 se þe nu ne giemeð hwæþer his gæst sie1553 earm þe eadig, þær he ece sceal1554 æfter hingonge hamfæst wesan.1555 Ne bisorgað he synne to fremman,1556 wonhydig mon, ne he wihte hafað1557 hreowe on mode þæt him halig gæst1558 losige þurh leahtras on þas lænan tid.1559 Ðonne mansceaða fore meotude forht,1560 deorc on þam dome standeð, ond deaðe fah,1561 wommum awyrged, bið se wærloga1562 fyres afylled. Feores unwyrðe,1563 egsan geþread, ondweard gode1564 won ond wliteleas hafað werges bleo,1565 facentacen feores. Ðonne firena bearn1566 tearum geotað, þonne þæs tid ne biþ,1567 synne cwiþað; ac hy to sið doð1568 gæstum helpe, ðonne þæs giman nele1569 weoruda waldend, hu þa womsceaþan1570 hyra ealdgestreon on þa openan tid1571 sare greten. Ne biþ þæt sorga tid1572 leodum alyfed, þæt þær læcedom1573 findan mote, se þe nu his feore nyle1574 hælo strynan þenden her leofað.1575 Ne bið þær ængum godum gnorn ætywed,1576 ne nængum yflum wel, ac þær æghwæþer1577 anfealde gewyrht ondweard wigeð.1578 Forðon sceal onettan, se þe agan wile1579 lif æt meotude, þenden him leoht ond gæst1580 somodfæst seon. He his sawle wlite1581 georne bigonge on godes willan,1582 ond wær weorðe worda ond dæda,1583 þeawa ond geþonca, þenden him þeos woruld,1584 sceadum scriþende, scinan mote,1585 þæt he ne forleose on þas lænan tid1586 his dreames blæd ond his dagena rim,1587 ond his weorces wlite ond wuldres lean,1588 þætte heofones cyning on þa halgan tid1589 soðfæst syleð to sigorleanum1590 þam þe him on gæstum georne hyrað.1591 Þonne heofon ond hel hæleþa bearnum,1592 fira feorum, fylde weorþeð.1593 Grundas swelgað godes ondsacan,1594 lacende leg laðwende men,1595 þreað þeodsceaþan, ond no þonan læteð1596 on gefean faran to feorhnere,1597 ac se bryne bindeð bidfæstne here,1598 feoð firena bearn. Frecne me þinceð


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1599 þæt þas gæstberend giman nellað,1600 men on mode, þonne man fremmað,1601 hwæt him se waldend to wrace gesette,1602 laþum leodum. Þonne lif ond deað1603 sawlum swelgað. Bið susla hus1604 open ond oðeawed, aðlogum ongean,1605 ðæt sceolon fyllan firengeorne men1606 sweartum sawlum. Þonne synna to wrace1607 scyldigra scolu ascyred weorþeð1608 heane from halgum on hearmcwale.1609 Ðær sceolan þeofas ond þeodsceaþan,1610 lease ond forlegene, lifes ne wenan.1611 ond mansworan morþorlean seon,1612 heard ond heorogrim. Þonne hel nimeð1613 wærleasra weorud, ond hi waldend giefeð1614 feondum in forwyrd; fa þrowiað1615 ealdorbealu egeslic. Earm bið se þe wile1616 firenum gewyrcan, þæt he fah scyle1617 from his scyppende ascyred weorðan1618 æt domdæge to deaðe niþer,1619 under helle cinn in þæt hate fyr,1620 under liges locan, þær hy leomu ræcað1621 to bindenne ond to bærnenne1622 ond to swingenne synna to wite.1623 Ðonne halig gæst helle biluceð,1624 morþerhusa mæst, þurh meaht godes,1625 fyres fulle, ond feonda here,1626 cyninges worde. Se biþ cwealma mæst1627 deofla ond monna! Þæt is dreamleas hus,1628 ðær ænig ne mæg ower losian1629 caldan clommum. Hy bræcon cyninges word,1630 beorht boca bibod; forþon hy abidan sceolon1631 in sinnehte, sar endeleas,1632 firendædum fa, forð þrowian,1633 ða þe her forhogdun heofonrices þrym.1634 Þonne þa gecorenan fore Crist berað1635 beorhte frætwe. Hyra blæd leofað1636 æt domdæge, agan dream mid gode1637 liþes lifes, þæs þe alyfed biþ1638 haligra gehwam on heofonrice.1639 Ðæt is se eþel þe no geendad weorþeð,1640 ac þær symle forð synna lease1641 dream weardiað, dryhten lofiað,1642 leofne lifes weard, leohte biwundne,1643 sibbum bisweðede, sorgum biwerede,1644 dreamum gedyrde, dryhtne gelyfde.1645 Awo to ealdre engla gemanan1646 brucað mid blisse, beorhte mid lisse,1647 freogað folces weard. Fæder ealra geweald1648 hafað ond healdeð haligra weorud.1649 Ðær is engla song, eadigra blis,1650 þær is seo dyre dryhtnes onsien1651 eallum þam gesælgum sunnan leohtra.


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1652 Ðær is leofra lufu, lif butan endedeaðe,1653 glæd gumena weorud, gioguð butan ylde,1654 heofonduguða þrym, hælu butan sare,1655 ryhtfremmendum ræst butan gewinne,1656 domeadigra dæg butan þeostrum,1657 beorht blædes full, blis butan sorgum,1658 frið freondum bitweon forð butan æfestum,1659 gesælgum on swegle, sib butan niþe1660 halgum on gemonge. Nis þær hungor ne þurst,1661 slæp ne swar leger, ne sunnan bryne,1662 ne cyle ne cearo, ac þær cyninges giefe1663 awo brucað eadigra gedryht,1664 weoruda wlitescynast, wuldres mid dryhten.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - GUTHLAC

I1 Se bið gefeana fægrast þonne hy æt frymðe gemetað,2 engel ond seo eadge sawl! Ofgiefeþ hio þas eorþan wynne,3 forlæteð þas lænan dreamas, ond hio wiþ þam lice gedæleð.4 Ðonne cwið se engel, (hafað yldran had),5 greteð gæst oþerne, abeodeð him godes ærende:6 “Nu þu most feran þider þu fundadest7 longe ond gelome. Ic þec lædan sceal.8 Wegas þe sindon weþe, ond wuldres leoht9 torht ontyned. Eart nu tidfara10 to þam halgan ham.” Þær næfre hreow cymeð,11 edergong fore yrmþum, ac þær biþ engla dream,12 sib ond gesælignes, ond sawla ræst,13 ond þær a to feore gefeon motun,14 dryman mid dryhten, þa þe his domas her15 æfnað on eorþan. He him ece lean16 healdeð on heofonum, þær se hyhsta17 ealra cyninga cyning ceastrum wealdeð.18 Ðæt sind þa getimbru þe no tydriað,19 ne þam fore yrmþum þe þær in wuniað20 lif aspringeð, ac him bið lenge hu sel;21 geoguþe brucað ond godes miltsa.22 Þider soðfæstra sawla motun23 cuman æfter cwealme, þa þe her Cristes æ24 lærað ond læstað, ond his lof rærað;25 oferwinnað þa awyrgdan gæstas, bigytað him wuldres ræste,26 hwider sceal þæs monnes mod astigan,27 ær oþþe æfter, þonne he his ænne her28 gæst bigonge, þæt se gode mote,29 womma clæne, in geweald cuman.30 Monge sindon geond middangeard31 hadas under heofonum, þa þe in haligra32 rim arisað. We þæs ryht magun33 æt æghwylcum anra gehyran,34 gif we halig bebodu healdan willað;35 mæg nu snottor guma sæle brucan


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36 godra tida, ond his gæste forð37 weges willian. Woruld is onhrered,38 colaþ Cristes lufu, sindan costinga39 geond middangeard monge arisene,40 swa þæt geara iu godes spelbodan41 wordum sægdon ond þurh witedom42 eal anemdon, swa hit nu gongeð.43 Ealdað eorþan blæd æþela gehwylcre44 ond of wlite wendað wæstma gecyndu;45 bið seo siþre tid sæda gehwylces46 mætræ in mægne. Forþon se mon ne þearf47 to þisse worulde wyrpe gehycgan,48 þæt he us fægran gefean bringe49 ofer þa niþas þe we nu dreogað,50 ærþon endien ealle gesceafte51 ða he gesette on siex dagum,52 ða nu under heofonum hadas cennað,53 micle ond mæte. Is þes middangeard54 dalum gedæled. Dryhten sceawað55 hwær þa eardien þe his æ healden;56 gesihð he þa domas dogra gehwylce57 wonian ond wendan of woruldryhte58 ða he gesette þurh his sylfes word.59 He fela findeð, fea beoð gecorene.60 Sume him þæs hades hlisan willað61 wegan on wordum ond þa weorc ne doð.62 Bið him eorðwela ofer þæt ece lif63 hyhta hyhst, se gehwylcum sceal64 foldbuendra fremde geweorþan.65 Forþon hy nu hyrwað haligra mod,66 ða þe him to heofonum hyge staþeliað,67 witon þæt se eðel ece bideð68 ealra þære mengu þe geond middangeard69 dryhtne þeowiað ond þæs deoran ham70 wilniað bi gewyrhtum. Swa þas woruldgestreon71 on þa mæran god bimutad weorþað,72 ðonne þæt gegyrnað þa þe him godes egsa73 hleonaþ ofer heafdum. Hy þy hyhstan beoð74 þrymme geþreade, þisses lifes75 þurh bibodu brucað ond þæs betran forð76 wyscað ond wenaþ. Wuldres bycgað,77 sellað ælmessan, earme frefrað,78 beoð rummode ryhtra gestreona,79 lufiað mid lacum þa þe læs agun,80 dæghwam dryhtne þeowiaþ. He hyra dæde sceawað.81 Sume þa wuniað on westennum,82 secað ond gesittað sylfra willum83 hamas on heolstrum. Hy ðæs heofoncundan84 boldes bidað. Oft him brogan to85 laðne gelædeð, se þe him lifes ofonn,86 eaweð him egsan, hwilum idel wuldor,87 brægdwis bona hafað bega cræft,88 eahteð anbuendra. Fore him englas stondað,


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89 gearwe mid gæsta wæpnum, beoþ hyra geoca gemyndge,90 healdað haligra feorh, witon hyra hyht mid dryhten.91 Þæt synd þa gecostan cempan þa þam cyninge þeowað,92 se næfre þa lean alegeð þam þe his lufan adreogeð.93 Magun we nu nemnan þæt us neah gewearð94 þurh haligne had gecyþed,95 hu Guðlac his in godes willan96 mod gerehte, man eall forseah,97 eorðlic æþelu, upp gemunde98 ham in heofonum. Him wæs hyht to þam,99 siþþan hine inlyhte se þe lifes weg100 gæstum gearwað, ond him giefe sealde101 engelcunde, þæt he ana ongan102 beorgseþel bugan, ond his blæd gode103 þurh eaðmedu ealne gesealde,104 ðone þe he on geoguðe bigan sceolde105 worulde wynnum. Hine weard biheold106 halig of heofonum, se þæt hluttre mod107 in þæs gæstes god georne trymede.108 Hwæt, we hyrdon oft þæt se halga wer109 in þa ærestan ældu gelufade110 frecnessa fela! Fyrst wæs swa þeana111 in godes dome, hwonne Guðlace112 on his ondgietan engel sealde113 þæt him sweðraden synna lustas.114 Tid wæs toweard; hine twegen ymb115 weardas wacedon, þa gewin drugon,116 engel dryhtnes ond se atela gæst.117 Nalæs hy him gelice lare bæron118 in his modes gemynd mongum tidum.119 Oþer him þas eorþan ealle sægde120 læne under lyfte, ond þa longan god121 herede on heofonum, þær haligra122 sawla gesittað in sigorwuldre123 dryhtnes dreamas; he him dæda lean124 georne gieldeð, þam þe his giefe willað125 þicgan to þonce ond him þas woruld126 uttor lætan þonne þæt ece lif.127 Oþer hyne scyhte, þæt he sceaðena gemot128 nihtes sohte ond þurh neþinge129 wunne æfter worulde, swa doð wræcmæcgas130 þa þe ne bimurnað monnes feore131 þæs þe him to honda huþe gelædeð,132 butan hy þy reafe rædan motan.133 Swa hy hine trymedon on twa healfa134 oþþæt þæs gewinnes weoroda dryhten135 on þæs engles dom ende gereahte.136 Feond wæs geflymed; siþ þam frofre gæst137 in Guðlaces geoce gewunade,138 lufade hine ond lærde lenge hu geornor,139 þæt him leofedan londes wynne,140 bold on beorhge. Oft þær broga cwom141 egeslic ond uncuð, ealdfeonda nið,


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142 searocræftum swiþ; hy him sylf hyra143 onsyn ywdon, ond þær ær fela144 setla gesæton. Þonan sið tugon145 wide waðe, wuldre byscyrede,146 lyftlacende. Wæs seo londes stow147 bimiþen fore monnum, oþþæt meotud onwrah148 beorg on bearwe, þa se bytla cwom149 se þær haligne ham arærde,150 nales þy he giemde þurh gitsunga151 lænes lifwelan, ac þæt lond gode152 fægre gefreoþode, siþþan feond oferwon153 Cristes cempa. He gecostad wearð154 in gemyndigra monna tidum,155 ðara þe nu gena þurh gæstlicu156 wundor hine weorðiað ond his wisdomes157 hlisan healdað, þæt se halga þeow158 elne geeode, þa he ana gesæt159 dygle stowe. Ðær he dryhtnes lof160 reahte ond rærde; oft þurh reorde abead,161 þam þe þrowera þeawas lufedon,162 godes ærendu, þa him gæst onwrah163 lifes snyttru, þæt he his lichoman164 wynna forwyrnde ond woruldblissa,165 seftra setla ond symbeldaga,166 swylce eac idelra eagena wynna,167 gierelan gielplices. Him wæs godes egsa168 mara in gemyndum þonne he menniscum169 þrymme æfter þonce þegan wolde.170 God wæs Guðlac! He in gæste bær171 heofoncundne hyht, hælu geræhte172 ecan lifes. Him wæs engel neah,173 fæle freoðuweard, þam þe feara sum174 mearclond gesæt. Þær he mongum wearð175 bysen on Brytene, siþþan biorg gestah176 eadig oretta, ondwiges heard.177 Gyrede hine georne mid gæstlicum178 wæpnum178 wong bletsade,179 him to ætstælle ærest arærde180 Cristes rode, þær se cempa oferwon181 frecnessa fela. Frome wurdun monge182 godes þrowera; we þæs Guðlaces183 deorwyrðne dæl dryhtne cennað.184 He him sige sealde ond snyttrucræft,185 mundbyrd meahta, þonne mengu cwom186 feonda færscytum fæhðe ræran.187 Ne meahton hy æfeste anforlætan,188 ac to Guðlaces gæste gelæddun189 frasunga fela. Him wæs fultum neah,190 engel hine elne trymede, þonne hy him yrre hweopan,191 frecne fyres wylme. Stodan him on feðehwearfum,192 cwædon þæt he on þam beorge byrnan sceolde193 ond his lichoman lig forswelgan,


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194 þæt his earfeþu eal gelumpe195 modcearu mægum, gif he monna dream196 of þam orlege eft ne wolde197 sylfa gesecan, ond his sibbe ryht198 mid moncynne maran cræfte199 willum bewitigan, lætan wræce stille.200 Swa him yrsade, se for ealle spræc201 feonda mengu. No þy forhtra wæs202 Guðlaces gæst, ac him god sealde203 ellen wiþ þam egsan þæt þæs ealdfeondes204 scyldigra scolu scome þrowedon;205 wæron teonsmiðas tornes fulle,206 cwædon þæt him Guðlac eac gode sylfum207 earfeþa mæst ana gefremede,208 siþþan he for wlence on westenne209 beorgas bræce, þær hy bidinge,210 earme ondsacan, æror mostun211 æfter tintergum tidum brucan,212 ðonne hy of waþum werge cwoman213 restan ryneþragum, rowe gefegon;214 wæs him seo gelyfed þurh lytel fæc.215 Stod seo dygle stow dryhtne in gemyndum216 idel ond æmen, eþelriehte feor,217 bad bisæce betran hyrdes.218 To þon ealdfeondas ondan noman,219 swa hi singales sorge dreogað.220 Ne motun hi on eorþan eardes brucan,221 ne hy lyft swefeð in leoma ræstum,222 ac hy hleolease hama þoliað,223 in cearum cwiþað, cwealmes wiscað,224 willen þæt him dryhten þurh deaðes cwealm225 to hyra earfeða ende geryme.226 Ne mostun hy Guðlaces gæste sceþþan,227 ne þurh sarslege sawle gedælan228 wið lichoman, ac hy ligesearwum229 ahofun hearmstafas, hleahtor alegdon,230 sorge seofedon, þa hi swiðra oferstag231 weard on wonge. Sceoldon wræcmæcgas232 ofgiefan gnornende grene beorgas.233 Hwæþre hy þa gena, godes ondsacan,234 sægdon sarstafum, swiþe geheton,235 þæt he deaþa gedal dreogan sceolde,236 gif he leng bide laþran gemotes,237 hwonne hy mid mengu maran cwome,238 þa þe for his life lyt sorgedon.239 Guðlac him ongean þingode, cwæð þæt hy gielpan ne þorftan240 dædum wið dryhtnes meahtum. “Þeah þe ge me deað gehaten,241 mec wile wið þam niþum genergan se þe eowrum nydum wealdeð.242 An is ælmihtig god, se mec mæg eaðe gescyldan;243 he min feorg freoþað. Ic eow fela wille244 soþa gesecgan. Mæg ic þis setl on eow245 butan earfeðum ana geðringan.246 Ne eam ic swa fealog, swa ic eow fore stonde,


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247 monna weorudes, ac me mara dæl248 in godcundum gæstgerynum249 wunað ond weaxeð, se me wraþe healdeð.250 Ic me anum her eaðe getimbre251 hus ond hleonað; me on heofonum sind252 lare gelonge. Mec þæs lyt tweoþ253 þæt me engel to ealle gelædeð254 spowende sped spreca ond dæda.255 Gewitað nu, awyrgde, werigmode,256 from þissum earde þe ge her on stondað,257 fleoð on feorweg. Ic me frið wille258 æt gode gegyrnan; ne sceal min gæst mid eow259 gedwolan dreogan, ac mec dryhtnes hond260 mundað mid mægne. Her sceal min wesan261 eorðlic eþel, nales eower leng.”262 Ða wearð breahtm hæfen. Beorg ymbstodan263 hwearfum wræcmæcgas. Woð up astag,264 cearfulra cirm. Cleopedon monige,265 feonda foresprecan, firenum gulpon:266 “Oft we ofersegon bi sæm tweonum267 þeoda þeawas, þræce modigra,268 þara þe in gelimpe life weoldon.269 No we oferhygdu anes monnes270 geond middangeard maran fundon.271 Ðu þæt gehatest þæt ðu ham on us272 gegan wille, ðe eart godes yrming.273 Bi hwon scealt þu lifgan, þeah þu lond age?274 Ne þec mon hider mose fedeð;275 beoð þe hungor ond þurst hearde gewinnan,276 gif þu gewitest swa wilde deor277 ana from eþele. Nis þæt onginn wiht!278 Geswic þisses setles! Ne mæg þec sellan ræd279 mon gelæran þonne þeos mengu eall.280 We þe beoð holde gif ðu us hyran wilt,281 oþþe þec ungearo eft gesecað282 maran mægne, þæt þe mon ne þearf283 hondum hrinan, ne þin hra feallan284 wæpna wundum. We þas wic magun285 fotum afyllan; folc in ðriceð286 meara þreatum ond monfarum.287 Beoð þa gebolgne, þa þec breodwiað,288 tredað þec ond tergað, ond hyra torn wrecað,289 toberað þec blodgum lastum; gif þu ure bidan þencest,290 we þec niþa genægað. Ongin þe generes wilnian,291 far þær ðu freonda wene, gif ðu þines feores recce.”292 Gearo wæs Guðlac, hine god fremede293 on ondsware ond on elne strong.294 Ne wond he for worde, ac his wiþerbreocum295 sorge gesægde, cuðe him soð genog:296 “Wid is þes westen, wræcsetla fela,297 eardas onhæle earmra gæsta.298 Sindon wærlogan þe þa wic bugað.299 Þeah ge þa ealle ut abanne,


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300 ond eow eac gewyrce widor sæce,301 ge her ateoð in þa tornwræce302 sigeleasne sið. No ic eow sweord ongean303 mid gebolgne hond oðberan þence,304 worulde wæpen, ne sceal þes wong gode305 þpurh blodgyte gebuen weorðan,306 ac ic minum Criste cweman þence307 leofran lace. Nu ic þis lond gestag,308 fela ge me earda þurh idel word309 aboden habbað. Nis min breostsefa310 forht ne fæge, ac me friðe healdeð311 ofer monna cyn se þe mægna gehwæs312 weorcum wealdeð. Nis me wiht æt eow313 leofes gelong, ne ge me laþes wiht314 gedon motun. Ic eom dryhtnes þeow,315 he mec þurh engel oft afrefreð.316 Forðon mec longeþas lyt gegretað,317 sorge sealdun, nu mec sawelcund318 hyrde bihealdeð. Is min hyht mid god,319 ne ic me eorðwelan owiht sinne,320 ne me mid mode micles gyrne,321 ac me dogra gehwam dryhten sendeð322 þurh monnes hond mine þearfe.”323 Swa modgade, se wið mongum stod,324 awreðed weorðlice wuldres cempa325 engla mægne. Gewat eal þonan326 feonda mengu. Ne wæs se fyrst micel327 þe hi Guðlace forgiefan þohtan.328 He wæs on elne ond on eaðmedum,329 bad on beorge, (wæs him botles neod),330 forlet longeþas lænra dreama.331 No he hine wið monna miltse gedælde,332 ac gesynta bæd sawla gehwylcre,333 þonne he to eorðan on þam anade334 hleor onhylde. Him of heofonum wearð335 onbryrded breostsefa bliðe gæste.336 Oft eahtade, (wæs him engel neah),337 hu þisse worulde wynna þorfte338 mid his lichoman læsast brucan.339 No him fore egsan earmra gæsta340 treow getweode, ne he tid forsæt341 þæs þe he for his dryhtne dreogan sceolde,342 þæt hine æreste elne binoman343 slæpa sluman oþþe sæne mod.344 Swa sceal oretta a in his mode345 gode compian, ond his gæst beran346 oft on ondan þam þe eahtan wile347 sawla gehwylcre þær he gesælan mæg.348 Symle hy Guðlac in godes willan349 fromne fundon, þonne flygereowe350 þurh nihta genipu neosan cwoman,351 þa þe onhæle eardas weredon,352 hwæþre him þæs wonges wyn sweðrade;


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353 woldun þæt him to mode fore monlufan354 sorg gesohte, þæt he siþ tuge355 eft to eþle. Ne wæs þæt ongin swylc,356 ðonne hine engel on þam anade357 geornast grette ond him giefe sealde,358 þæt hine ne meahte meotudes willan359 longað gelettan, ac he on þæs lareowes360 wære gewunade. Oft worde bicwæð:361 “Huru, þæs bihofað, se ðe him halig gæst362 wisað on willan ond his weorc trymað,363 laþað hine liþum wordum, gehateð him lifes ræste,364 þæt he þæs latteowes larum hyre,365 ne lete him ealdfeond eft oncyrran366 mod from his meotude. Hu sceal min cuman367 gæst to geoce, nemne ic gode sylle368 hyrsumne hige, þæt him heortan geþonc369 ær oþþe sið ende geweorðe,370 þæt ge mec to wundre wægan motun.371 Ne mæg min lichoma wið þas lænan gesceaft372 deað gedælan, ac he gedreosan sceal,373 swa þeos eorðe eall þe ic her on stonde.374 Ðeah ge minne flæschoman fyres wylme375 forgripen gromhydge gifran lege,376 næfre ge mec of þissum wordum onwendað þendan mec min gewit gelæsteð.377 Þeah þe ge hine sarum forsæcen, ne motan ge mine sawle gretan,378 ac ge on betran gebringað. Forðan ic gebidan wille379 þæs þe me min dryhten demeð. Nis me þæs deaþes sorg.380 Ðeah min ban ond blod bu tu geweorþen381 eorþan to eacan, min se eca dæl382 in gefean fareð, þær he fægran383 botles bruceð. Nis þisses beorges setl384 meodumre ne mara þonne hit men duge385 se þe in þrowingum þeodnes willan386 dæghwam dreogeð. Ne sceal se dryhtnes þeow387 in his modsefan mare gelufian388 eorþan æhtwelan þonne his anes gemet,389 þæt he his lichoman lade hæbbe.”390 Ða wæs eft swa ær ealdfeonda nið,391 wroht onwylled; woð oþer392 ne lythwon leoðode, þonne in lyft astag393 ceargesta cirm. Symle Cristes lof394 in Guðlaces godum mode395 weox ond wunade, ond hine weoruda god396 freoðade on foldan, swa he feora gehwylc397 healdeð in hælo, þær se hyra gæst398 þihð in þeawum. He wæs þeara sum;399 ne won he æfter worulde, ac he in wuldre ahof400 modes wynne. Hwylc wæs mara þonne se?401 An oretta ussum tidum402 cempa gecyðeð þæt him Crist fore403 woruldlicra ma wundra gecyðde.404 He hine scilde wið sceðþendra405 eglum onfengum earmra gæsta;


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406 wæron hy reowe to ræsanne407 gifrum grapum. No god wolde408 þæt seo sawl þæs sar þrowade409 in lichoman, lyfde seþeana410 þæt hy him mid hondum hrinan mosten,411 ond þæt frið wið hy gefreoþad wære.412 Hy hine þa hofun on þa hean lyft,413 sealdon him meahte ofer monna cynn,414 þæt he fore eagum eall sceawode415 under haligra hyrda gewealdum416 in mynsterum monna gebæru,417 þara þe hyra lifes þurh lust brucan,418 idlum æhtum ond oferwlencum,419 gierelum gielplicum, swa bið geoguðe þeaw,420 þær þæs ealdres egsa ne styreð.421 No þær þa feondas gefeon þorfton,422 ac þæs blædes hraðe gebrocen hæfdon423 þe him alyfed wæs lytle hwile,424 þæt hy his lichoman leng ne mostan425 witum wælan; ne him wiht gescod426 þæs þe hy him to teonan þurhtogen hæfdon.427 Læddun hine þa of lyfte to þam leofestan428 earde on eorðan, þæt he eft gestag429 beorg on bearwe. Bonan gnornedon,430 mændon murnende þæt hy monnes bearn431 þream oferþunge, ond swa þearfendlic432 him to earfeðum ana cwome,433 gif hy him ne meahte maran sarum434 gyldan gyrnwræce. Guðlac sette435 hyht in heofonas, hælu getreowde,436 hæfde feonda feng feore gedyged.437 Wæs seo æreste earmra gæsta438 costung ofercumen. Cempa wunade439 bliþe on beorge, wæs his blæd mid god.440 Ðuhte him on mode þæt se moncynnes441 eadig wære se þe his anum her442 feore gefreoðade, þæt him feondes hond443 æt þam ytmestan ende ne scode,444 þonne him se dryhtnes dom wisade445 to þam nyhstan nydgedale.446 Hwæþre him þa gena gyrna gemyndge447 edwitsprecan ermþu geheton448 tornum teoncwidum. Treow wæs gecyþed,449 þætte Guðlace god leanode450 ellen mid arum, þæt he ana gewon.451 Him se werga gæst wordum sægde:452 “No we þe þus swiðe swencan þorftan,453 þær þu fromlice freonda larum454 hyran wolde, þa þu hean ond earm455 on þis orlege ærest cwome,456 ða þu gehete þæt þec halig gæst457 wið earfeþum eaðe gescilde,458 for þam myrcelse þe þec monnes hond


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459 from þinre onsyne æþelum ahwyrfde.460 In þam mægwlite monge lifgað,461 gyltum forgiefene; nales gode þigað,462 ac hy lichoman fore lufan cwemað463 wista wynnum. Swa ge weorðmyndu464 in dolum dreame dryhtne gieldað.465 Fela ge fore monnum miþað þæs þe ge in mode gehycgað;466 ne beoð eowre dæda dyrne, þeah þe ge hy in dygle gefremme.467 We þec in lyft gelæddun, oftugon þe londes wynna,468 woldun þu þe sylfa gesawe þæt we þec soð onstældun.469 Ealles þu þæs wite awunne; forþon þu hit onwendan ne meahtes.”470 Ða wæs agongen þæt him god wolde471 æfter þrowinga þonc gegyldan472 þæt he martyrhad mode gelufade,473 sealde him snyttru on sefan gehygdum,474 mægenfæste gemynd. He wið mongum stod475 ealdfeonda, elne gebylded,476 sægde him to sorge þæt hy sigelease477 þone grenan wong ofgiefan sceoldan:478 “Ge sind forscadene, on eow scyld siteð!479 Ne cunnon ge dryhten duguþe biddan,480 ne mid eaðmedum are secan,481 þeah þe eow alyfde lytle hwile,482 þæt ge min onwald agan mosten;483 ne ge þæt geþyldum þicgan woldan,484 ac mec yrringa up gelæddon,485 þæt ic of lyfte londa getimbru486 geseon meahte. Wæs me swegles leoht487 torht ontyned, þeah ic torn druge.488 Setton me in edwit þæt ic eaðe forbær489 rume regulas ond reþe mod490 geongra monna in godes templum;491 woldan þy gehyrwan haligra lof,492 sohtun þa sæmran, ond þa sellan no493 demdan æfter dædum. Ne beoð þa dyrne swa þeah.494 Ic eow soð siþþon secgan wille.495 God scop geoguðe ond gumena dream;496 ne magun þa æfteryld in þam ærestan497 blæde geberan, ac hy blissiað498 worulde wynnum, oððæt wintra rim499 gegæð in þa geoguðe, þæt se gæst lufað500 onsyn ond ætwist yldran hades,501 ðe gemete monige geond middangeard502 þeowiað in þeawum. Þeodum ywaþ503 wisdom weras, wlencu forleosað,504 siððan geoguðe geað gæst aflihð.505 Þæt ge ne scirað, ac ge scyldigra506 synne secgað, soþfæstra no507 mod ond monþeaw mæran willað.508 Gefeoð in firenum, frofre ne wenað,509 þæt ge wræcsiða wyrpe gebiden.510 Oft ge in gestalum stondað; þæs cymeð steor of heofonum.511 Me þonne sige sendeð se usic semon mæg,


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512 se þe lifa gehwæs lengu wealdeð.”513 Swa hleoþrade halig cempa;514 wæs se martyre from moncynnes515 synnum asundrad. Sceolde he sares þa gen516 dæl adreogan, ðeah þe dryhten his517 witum weolde. Hwæt, þæt wundra sum518 monnum þuhte, þæt he ma wolde519 afrum onfengum earme gæstas520 hrinan leton, ond þæt hwæþre gelomp!521 Wæs þæt gen mara, þæt he middangeard522 sylfa gesohte, ond his swat ageat523 on bonena hond; ahte bega geweald,524 lifes ond deaðes, þa he lustum dreag525 eaðmod on eorðan ehtendra nið.526 Forþon is nu arlic þæt we æfæstra527 dæde demen, secgen dryhtne lof528 ealra þara bisena þe us bec fore529 þurh his wundra geweorc wisdom cyþað.530 Geofu wæs mid Guðlac in godcundum531 mægne gemeted. Micel is to secgan532 eall æfter orde, þæt he on elne adreag:533 ðone foregengan fæder ælmihtig534 wið onhælum ealdorgewinnum535 sylfa gesette, þær his sawl wearð536 clæne ond gecostad. Cuð is wide537 geond middangeard þæt his mod geþah538 in godes willan; is þæs gen fela539 to secgenne, þæs þe he sylfa adreag540 under nyðgista nearwum clommum.541 He þa sar forseah, a þære sawle wel542 þæs mundboran þe þæt mod geheold,543 þæt him ne getweode treow in breostum,544 ne him gnornunga gæste scodun,545 ac se hearda hyge halig wunade,546 oþþæt he þa bysgu oferbiden hæfde.547 Þrea wæron þearle, þegnas grimme,548 ealle hy þam feore fyl gehehton.549 No hy hine to deaðe deman moston,550 synna hyrdas, ac seo sawul bad551 in lichoman leofran tide.552 Georne hy ongeaton þæt hyne god wolde553 nergan wið niþum ond hyra nydwræce554 deope deman. Swa dryhten mæg,555 ana ælmihtig, eadigra gehwone556 wið earfeþum eaðe gescildan.557 Hwæðre hine gebrohton bolgenmode,558 wraðe wræcmæcgas, wuldres cempan,559 halig husulbearn, æt heldore,560 þær firenfulra fæge gæstas561 æfter swyltcwale secan onginnað562 ingong ærest in þæt atule hus,563 niþer under næssas neole grundas.564 Hy hine bregdon, budon orlege,


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565 egsan ond ondan arleaslice,566 frecne fore, swa bið feonda þeaw,567 þonne hy soðfæstra sawle willað568 synnum beswican ond searocræftum.569 Ongunnon gromheorte godes orettan570 in sefan swencan, swiþe geheton571 þæt he in þone grimman gryre gongan sceolde,572 hweorfan gehyned to helwarum,573 ond þær in bendum bryne þrowian.574 Woldun hy geteon mid torncwidum575 earme aglæcan in orwennysse,576 meotudes cempan. Hit ne meahte swa!577 Cwædon cearfulle, Criste laðe,578 to Guðlace mid grimnysse:579 “Ne eart ðu gedefe, ne dryhtnes þeow580 clæne gecostad, ne cempa god,581 wordum ond weorcum wel gecyþed,582 halig in heortan. Nu þu in helle scealt583 deope gedufan, nales dryhtnes leoht584 habban in heofonum, heahgetimbru,585 seld on swegle, forþon þu synna to fela,586 facna gefremedes in flæschoman.587 We þe nu willað womma gehwylces588 lean forgieldan, þær þe laþast bið589 in ðam grimmestan gæstgewinne.”590 Him se eadga wer ondswarode,591 Guðlac in gæste mid godes mægne:592 “Doð efne swa, gif eow dryhten Crist,593 lifes leohtfruma lyfan wylle,594 weoruda waldend, þæt ge his wergengan595 in þone laðan leg lædan motan.596 Þæt is in gewealdum wuldorcyninges,597 se eow gehynde ond in hæft bidraf598 under nearone clom, nergende Crist.599 Eom ic eaðmod his ombiehthera,600 þeow geþyldig. Ic geþafian sceal601 æghwær ealles his anne dom,602 ond him geornlice gæstgemyndum603 wille wideferh wesan underþyded,604 hyran holdlice minum hælende605 þeawum ond geþyncðum, ond him þoncian606 ealra þara giefena þe god gescop607 englum ærest ond eorðwarum;608 ond ic bletsige bliðe mode609 lifes leohtfruman, ond him lof singe610 þurh gedefne dom dæges ond nihtes,611 herge in heortan heofonrices weard.612 Þæt eow æfre ne bið ufan alyfed613 leohtes lissum, þæt ge lof moten614 dryhtne secgan, ac ge deaðe sceolon615 weallendne wean wope besingan,616 heaf in helle, nales herenisse617 halge habban heofoncyninges.


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618 Ic þone deman in dagum minum619 wille weorþian wordum ond dædum,620 lufian in life, swa is lar ond ar621 to spowendre spræce gelæded,622 þam þe in his weorcum willan ræfnað.623 Sindon ge wærlogan, swa ge in wræcsiðe624 longe lifdon, lege bisencte,625 swearte beswicene, swegle benumene,626 dreame bidrorene, deaðe bifolene,627 firenum bifongne, feores orwenan,628 þæt ge blindnesse bote fundon.629 Ge þa fægran gesceaft in fyrndagum,630 gæstlicne goddream, gearo forsegon,631 þa ge wiðhogdun halgum dryhtne.632 Ne mostun ge a wunian in wyndagum,633 ac mid scome scyldum scofene wurdon634 fore oferhygdum in ece fyr,635 ðær ge sceolon dreogan deað ond þystro,636 wop to widan ealdre; næfre ge þæs wyrpe gebidað.637 Ond ic þæt gelyfe in liffruman,638 ecne onwealdan ealra gesceafta,639 þæt he mec for miltsum ond mægenspedum,640 niðða nergend, næfre wille641 þurh ellenweorc anforlætan,642 þam ic longe in lichoman643 ond in minum gæste gode campode644 þurh monigfealdra mægna gerynu.645 Forðon ic getrywe in þone torhtestan646 þrynesse þrym, se geþeahtingum647 hafað in hondum heofon ond eorðan,648 þæt ge mec mid niþum næfre motan649 tornmode teon in tintergu,650 mine myrðran ond mansceaþan,651 swearte sigelease. Eom ic soðlice652 leohte geleafan ond mid lufan dryhtnes653 fægre gefylled in minum feorhlocan,654 breostum inbryrded to þam betran ham,655 leomum inlyhted to þam leofestan656 ecan earde, þær is eþellond657 fæger ond gefealic in fæder wuldre,658 ðær eow næfre fore nergende659 leohtes leoma ne lifes hyht660 in godes rice agiefen weorþeð,661 for þam oferhygdum þe eow in mod astag662 þurh idel gylp ealles to swiðe.663 Wendun ge ond woldun, wiþerhycgende,664 þæt ge scyppende sceoldan gelice665 wesan in wuldre. Eow þær wyrs gelomp,666 ða eow se waldend wraðe bisencte667 in þæt swearte susl, þær eow siððan wæs668 ad inæled attre geblonden,669 þurh deopne dom dream afyrred,670 engla gemana. Swa nu awa sceal


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671 wesan wideferh, þæt ge wærnysse672 brynewylm hæbben, nales bletsunga.673 Ne þurfun ge wenan, wuldre biscyrede,674 þæt ge mec synfulle mid searocræftum675 under scæd sconde scufan motan,676 ne in bælblæsan bregdon on hinder677 in helle hus, þær eow is ham sceapen,678 sweart sinnehte, sacu butan ende,679 grim gæstcwalu. Þær ge gnornende680 deað sceolon dreogan, ond ic dreama wyn681 agan mid englum in þam uplican682 rodera rice, þær is ryht cyning,683 help ond hælu hæleþa cynne,684 duguð ond drohtað.” Ða cwom dryhtnes ar,685 halig of heofonum, se þurh hleoþor abead686 ufancundne ege earmum gæstum;687 het eft hraðe unscyldigne688 of þam wræcsiðe wuldres cempan689 lædan limhalne, þæt se leofesta690 gæst gegearwad in godes wære691 on gefean ferde. Ða wearð feonda þreat692 acol for ðam egsan. Ofermæcga spræc,693 dyre dryhtnes þegn, dæghluttre scan.694 Hæfde Guðlaces gæst in gewealdum695 modig mundbora, meahtum spedig,696 þeostra þegnas þreaniedlum bond,697 nyd onsette ond geneahhe bibead:698 “Ne sy him banes bryce ne blodig wund,699 lices læla ne laþes wiht,700 þæs þe ge him to dare gedon motan,701 ac ge hine gesundne asettaþ þær ge hine sylfne genoman.702 He sceal þy wonge wealdan, ne magon ge him þa wic forstondan.703 Ic eom se dema, se mec dryhten heht704 snude gesecgan, þæt ge him sara gehwylc705 hondum gehælde, ond him hearsume706 on his sylfes dom siþþan wæron.707 Ne sceal ic mine onsyn fore eowere708 mengu miþan. Ic eom meotudes þegn.709 Eom ic þara twelfa sum þe he getreoweste710 under monnes hiw mode gelufade.711 He mec of heofonum hider onsende,712 geseah þæt ge on eorðan fore æfstum713 on his wergengan wite legdon.714 Is þæt min broþor, mec his bysgu gehreaw.715 Ic þæt gefremme, þær se freond wunað716 on þære socne, þe ic þa sibbe wið hine717 healdan wille, nu ic his helpan mot,718 þæt ge min onsynn oft sceawiað.719 Nu ic his geneahhe neosan wille;720 sceal ic his word ond his weorc in gewitnesse721 dryhtne lædon. He his dæde conn.”722 Ða wæs Guðlaces gæst geblissad,723 siþþan Bartholomeus aboden hæfde


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724 godes ærendu. Gearwe stodun725 hæftas hearsume, þa þæs halgan word726 lyt oferleordun. Ongon þa leofne sið727 dragan domeadig dryhtnes cempa728 to þam onwillan eorðan dæle.729 Hy hine bæron ond him bryce heoldon,730 hofon hine hondum ond him hryre burgun.731 Wæron hyra gongas under godes egsan732 smeþe ond gesefte. Sigehreðig cwom733 bytla to þam beorge. Hine bletsadon734 monge mægwlitas, meaglum reordum,735 treofugla tuddor, tacnum cyðdon736 eadges eftcyme. Oft he him æte heold,737 þonne hy him hungrige ymb hond flugon738 grædum gifre, geoce gefegon.739 Swa þæt milde mod wið moncynnes740 dreamum gedælde, dryhtne þeowde,741 genom him to wildeorum wynne, siþþan he þas woruld forhogde.742 Smolt wæs se sigewong ond sele niwe,743 fæger fugla reord, folde geblowen;744 geacas gear budon. Guþlac moste745 eadig ond onmod eardes brucan.746 Stod se grena wong in godes wære;747 hæfde se heorde, se þe of heofonum cwom,748 feondas afyrde. Hwylc wæs fægerra749 willa geworden in wera life,750 þara þe yldran usse gemunde,751 oþþe we selfe siþþan cuþen?752 Hwæt, we þissa wundra gewitan sindon!753 Eall þas geeodon in ussera754 tida timan. Forþon þæs tweogan ne þearf755 ænig ofer eorðan ælda cynnes,756 ac swilc god wyrceð gæsta lifes757 to trumnaþe, þy læs þa tydran mod758 þa gewitnesse wendan þurfe,759 þonne hy in gesihþe soþes brucað.760 Swa se ælmihtiga ealle gesceafte761 lufað under lyfte in lichoman,762 monna mægðe geond middangeard.763 Wile se waldend þæt we wisdom a764 snyttrum swelgen, þæt his soð fore us765 on his giefena gyld genge weorðe,766 ða he us to are ond to ondgiete767 syleð ond sendeð, sawlum rymeð768 liþe lifwegas leohte geræhte.769 Nis þæt huru læsast þæt seo lufu cyþeð,770 þonne heo in monnes mode getimbreð771 gæstcunde gife, swa he Guðlaces772 dagas ond dæde þurh his dom ahof.773 Wæs se fruma fæstlic feondum on ondan,774 geseted wið synnum, þær he siþþan lyt775 wære gewonade, oft his word gode776 þurh eaðmedu up onsende,


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777 let his ben cuman in þa beorhtan gesceaft,778 þoncade þeodne þæs þe he in þrowingum779 bidan moste, hwonne him betre lif780 þurh godes willan agyfen wurde.781 Swa wæs Guðlaces gæst gelæded782 engla fæðmum in uprodor,783 fore onsyne eces deman784 læddon leoflice. Him wæs lean geseald,785 setl on swegle, þær he symle mot786 awo to ealdre eardfæst wesan,787 bliðe bidan. Is him bearn godes788 milde mundbora, meahtig dryhten,789 halig hyrde, heofonrices weard.790 Swa soðfæstra sawla motun791 in ecne geard up gestigan792 rodera rice, þa þe ræfnað her793 wordum ond weorcum wuldorcyninges794 lare longsume, on hyra lifes tid795 earniað on eorðan ecan lifes,796 hames in heahþu. Þæt beoð husulweras,797 cempan gecorene, Criste leofe,798 berað in breostum beorhtne geleafan,799 haligne hyht, heortan clæne800 weorðiað waldend, habbað wisne geþoht,801 fusne on forðweg to fæder eðle,802 gearwaþ gæstes hus, ond mid gleawnesse803 feond oferfeohtað ond firenlustas804 forberað in breostum, broþorsibbe805 georne bigongað, in godes willan806 swencað hi sylfe, sawle frætwað807 halgum gehygdum, heofoncyninges bibod808 fremmað on foldan. Fæsten lufiað,809 beorgað him bealoniþ ond gebedu secað,810 swincað wið synnum, healdað soð ond ryht.811 Him þæt ne hreoweð æfter hingonge,812 ðonne hy hweorfað in þa halgan burg,813 gongað gegnunga to Hierusalem,814 þær hi to worulde wynnum motun815 godes onsyne georne bihealdan,816 sibbe ond gesihðe, þær heo soð wunað,817 wlitig, wuldorfæst, ealne widan ferh818 on lifgendra londes wynne.

II819 Ðæt is wide cuð wera cneorissum,820 folcum gefræge, þætte frymþa god821 þone ærestan ælda cynnes822 of þære clænestan, cyning ælmihtig,823 foldan geworhte. Ða wæs fruma niwe824 ælda tudres, onstæl wynlic,825 fæger ond gefealic. Fæder wæs acenned826 Adam ærest þurh est godes827 on neorxnawong, þær him nænges wæs


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828 willan onsyn, ne welan brosnung,829 ne lifes lyre ne lices hryre,830 ne dreames dryre ne deaðes cyme,831 ac he on þam lande lifgan moste832 ealra leahtra leas, longe neotan833 niwra gefeana. Þær he no þorfte834 lifes ne lissa in þam leohtan ham835 þurh ælda tid ende gebidan,836 ac æfter fyrste to þam færestan837 heofonrices gefean hweorfan mostan,838 leomu lic somud ond lifes gæst,839 ond þær siþþan a in sindreamum840 to widan feore wunian mostun841 dryhtne on gesihðe, butan deaðe forð,842 gif hy halges word healdan woldun843 beorht in breostum, ond his bebodu læstan,844 æfnan on eðle. Hy to ær aþreat845 þæt hy waldendes willan læsten,846 ac his wif genom wyrmes larum847 blede forbodene, ond of beame ahneop848 wæstm biweredne ofer word godes,849 wuldorcyninges, ond hyre were sealde850 þurh deofles searo deaðberende gyfl851 þæt ða sinhiwan to swylte geteah.852 Siþþan se eþel uðgenge wearð853 Adame ond Euan, eardwica cyst854 beorht oðbroden, ond hyra bearnum swa,855 eaferum æfter, þa hy on uncyððu,856 scomum scudende, scofene wurdon857 on gewinworuld. Weorces onguldon,858 deopra firena, þurh deaðes cwealm,859 þe hy unsnyttrum ær gefremedon.860 Þære synwræce siþþan sceoldon861 mægð ond mæcgas morþres ongyldon,862 godscyldge gyrn þurh gæstgedal,863 deopra firena. Deað in geþrong864 fira cynne, feond rixade865 geond middangeard. Nænig monna wæs866 of þam sigetudre siþþan æfre867 godes willan þæs georn, ne gynnwised,868 þæt he bibugan mæge þone bitran drync869 þone Eue fyrn Adame geaf,870 byrelade bryd geong; þæt him bam gescod871 in þam deoran ham. Deað ricsade872 ofer foldbuend, þeah þe fela wære873 gæsthaligra, þær hi godes willan874 on mislicum monna gebihþum875 æfter stedewonga stowum fremedon;876 sume ær, sume sið, sume in urra877 æfter tælmearce tida gemyndum878 sigorlean sohtun. Us secgað bec879 hu Guðlac wearð þurh godes willan880 eadig on Engle. He him ece geceas


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881 meaht ond mundbyrd. Mære wurdon882 his wundra geweorc wide ond side,883 breme æfter burgum geond Bryten innan,884 hu he monge oft þurh meaht godes885 gehælde hygegeomre hefigra wita,886 þe hine unsofte, adle gebundne,887 sarge gesohtun of siðwegum,888 freorigmode. Symle frofre þær889 æt þam godes cempan gearwe fundon,890 helpe ond hælo. Nænig hæleþa is891 þe areccan mæge oþþe rim wite892 ealra þara wundra þe he in worulde her893 þurh dryhtnes giefe dugeþum gefremede.894 Oft to þam wicum weorude cwomun895 deofla deaðmægen duguþa byscyrede896 hloþum þringan, þær se halga þeow897 elnes anhydig eard weardade.898 Þær hy mislice mongum reordum899 on þam westenne woðe hofun900 hludne herecirm, hiwes binotene,901 dreamum bidrorene. Dryhtnes cempa,902 from folctoga, feonda þreatum903 wiðstod stronglice. Næs seo stund latu904 earmra gæsta, ne þæt onbid long,905 þæt þa wrohtsmiðas wop ahofun,906 hreopun hreðlease, hleoþrum brugdon.907 Hwilum wedende swa wilde deor908 cirmdon on corðre, hwilum cyrdon eft909 minne mansceaþan on mennisc hiw910 breahtma mæste, hwilum brugdon eft911 awyrgde wærlogan on wyrmes bleo,912 earme adloman attre spiowdon.913 Symle hy Guðlac gearene fundon,914 þonces gleawne. He geþyldum bad,915 þeah him feonda hloð feorhcwealm bude.916 Hwilum him to honda hungre geþreatad917 fleag fugla cyn, þær hy feorhnere918 witude fundon ond hine weorðedon919 meaglum stefnum. Hwilum mennisce920 aras eaðmedum eft neosedon,921 ond þær siðfrome on þam sigewonge922 æt þam halgan þeowan helpe gemetton,923 ferðþes frofre. Nænig forþum wæs,924 þæt he æwiscmod eft siðade,925 hean, hyhta leas, ac se halga wer926 ælda gehwylces þurh þa æþelan meaht,927 þe hine seoslige sohtun on ðearfe,928 hæleð hygegeomre, hælde bu tu929 lic ond sawle, þenden lifes weard,930 ece ælmihtig, unnan wolde931 þæt he blædes her brucan moste,932 worulde lifes. Wæs gewinnes þa933 yrmþa for eorðan endedogor


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934 þurh nydgedal neah geþrungen,935 siþþan he on westenne wiceard geceas,936 fiftynu gear, þa wæs frofre gæst937 eadgum æbodan ufan onsended,938 halig of heahþu. Hreþer innan born,939 afysed on forðsið. Him færinga940 adl in gewod. He on elne swa þeah941 ungeblyged bad beorhtra gehata942 bliþe in burgum. Wæs þam bancofan943 æfter nihtglome neah geþrungen,944 breosthord onboren. Wæs se bliþa gæst945 fus on forðweg. Nolde fæder engla946 in þisse wonsælgan worulde life947 leahtra leasne longfyrst ofer þæt948 wunian leton, þe him on weorcum her949 on his dagena tid dædum gecwemde950 elne unslawe. Ða se ælmihtiga951 let his hond cuman þær se halga þeow,952 deormod on degle domeadig bad,953 heard ond hygerof. Hyht wæs geniwad,954 blis in breostum. Wæs se bancofa955 adle onæled, inbendum fæst,956 lichord onlocen. Leomu hefegedon,957 sarum gesohte. He þæt soð gecneow958 þæt hine ælmihtig ufan neosade,959 meotud fore miltsum. He his modsefan960 wið þam færhagan fæste trymede961 feonda gewinna. Næs he forht seþeah,962 ne seo adlþracu egle on mode,963 ne deaðgedal, ac him dryhtnes lof964 born in breostum, brondhat lufu965 sigorfæst in sefan, seo him sara gehwylc966 symle forswiðde. Næs him sorgcearu967 on þas lænan tid, þeah his lic ond gæst968 hyra somwiste, sinhiwan tu,969 deore gedælden. Dagas forð scridun,970 nihthelma genipu. Wæs neah seo tid971 þæt he fyrngewyrht fyllan sceolde972 þurh deaðes cyme, domes hleotan,973 efne þæs ilcan þe usse yldran fyrn974 frecne onfengon, swa him biforan worhton975 þa ærestan ælda cynnes.976 Ða wæs Guðlace on þa geocran tid977 mægen gemeðgad, mod swiþe heard,978 elnes anhydig. Wæs seo adl þearl,979 hat ond heorogrim. Hreþer innan weol,980 born banloca. Bryþen wæs ongunnen981 þætte Adame Eue gebyrmde982 æt fruman worulde. Feond byrlade983 ærest þære idese, ond heo Adame,984 hyre swæsum were, siþþan scencte985 bittor bædeweg. Þæs þa byre siþþan986 grimme onguldon gafulrædenne


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987 þurh ærgewyrht, þætte ænig ne wæs988 fyra cynnes from fruman siððan989 mon on moldan, þætte meahte him990 gebeorgan ond bibugan þone bleatan drync,991 deopan deaðweges, ac him duru sylfa992 on þa sliðnan tid sona ontyneð,993 ingong geopenað. Ne mæg ænig þam994 flæsce bifongen feore wiðstondan,995 ricra ne heanra, ac hine ræseð on996 gifrum grapum. Swa wæs Guðlace997 enge anhoga ætryhte þa998 æfter nihtscuan neah geþyded,999 wiga wælgifre. Hine wunade mid1000 an ombehtþegn, se hine æghwylce1001 daga neosade. Ongan ða deophydig,1002 gleawmod gongan to godes temple,1003 þær he eþelbodan inne wiste,1004 þone leofestan lareow gecorenne,1005 ond þa in eode eadgum to spræce,1006 wolde hyrcnigan halges lara,1007 mildes meþelcwida. Fonde þa his mondryhten1008 adlwerigne; him ðæt in gefeol1009 hefig æt heortan. Hygesorge wæg,1010 micle modceare. Ongan ða his magu frignan:1011 “Hu gewearð þe þus, winedryhten min,1012 fæder, freonda hleo, ferð gebysgad,1013 nearwe genæged? Ic næfre þe,1014 þeoden leofesta, þyslicne ær1015 gemette þus meðne. Meaht þu meðelcwidum1016 worda gewealdan? Is me on wene geþuht,1017 þæt þe untrymnes adle gongum1018 on þisse nyhstan niht bysgade,1019 sarbennum gesoht. Þæt me sorgna is1020 hatost on hreþre, ær þu hyge minne1021 ferð afrefre. Wast þu, freodryhten,1022 hu þeos adle scyle ende gesettan?”1023 Him þa sið oncwæð, sona ne meahte1024 oroð up geteon; wæs him in bogen1025 bittor bancoþa. Beald reordade1026 eadig on elne, ondcwis ageaf:1027 “Ic wille secgan þæt me sar gehran,1028 wærc in gewod in ðisse wonnan niht,1029 lichord onleac. Leomu hefegiað,1030 sarum gesohte. Sceal þis sawelhus,1031 fæge flæschoma, foldærne biþeaht,1032 leomu lames geþacan, legerbedde fæst1033 wunian wælræste. Wiga nealæceð,1034 unlæt laces. Ne bið þæs lengra swice1035 sawelgedales þonne seofon niht1036 fyrstgemearces, þæt min feorh heonan1037 on þisse eahteþan ende geseceð1038 dæg scriþende. Þonne dogor beoð1039 on moldwege min forð scriþen,


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1040 sorg gesweðrad, ond ic siþþan mot1041 fore meotudes cneowum meorda hleotan,1042 gingra geafena, ond godes lomber1043 in sindreamum siþþan awo1044 forð folgian; is nu fus ðider1045 gæst siþes georn. Nu þu gearwe const1046 leoma lifgedal; long is þis onbid1047 worulde lifes.” Ða wæs wop ond heaf,1048 geongum geocor sefa, geomrende hyge,1049 siþþan he gehyrde þæt se halga wæs1050 forðsiþes fus. He þæs færspelles1051 fore his mondryhtne modsorge wæg,1052 hefige æt heortan. Hreþer innan swearc,1053 hyge hreowcearig, þæs þe his hlaford geseah1054 ellorfusne. He þæs onbæru1055 habban ne meahte, ac he hate let1056 torn þoliende tearas geotan,1057 weallan wægdropan. Wyrd ne meahte1058 in fægum leng feorg gehealdan,1059 deore frætwe, þonne him gedemed wæs.1060 Ongeat gæsta halig geomormodes1061 drusendne hyge. Ongan þa duguþa hleo,1062 glædmod gode leof, geongran retan,1063 wine leofestan wordum negan:1064 “Ne beo þu unrot, ðeah þeos adl me1065 innan æle. Nis me earfeðe1066 to geþolianne þeodnes willan,1067 dryhtnes mines, ne ic þæs deaðes hafu1068 on þas seocnan tid sorge on mode,1069 ne ic me herehloðe helle þegna1070 swiðe onsitte, ne mæg synne on me1071 facnes frumbearn fyrene gestælan,1072 lices leahtor, ac in lige sceolon1073 sorgwylmum soden sar wanian,1074 wræcsið wepan, wilna biscirede1075 in þam deaðsele duguða gehwylcre,1076 lufena ond lissa. Min þæt leofe bearn,1077 ne beo þu on sefan to seoc. Ic eom siþes fus1078 upeard niman edleana georn1079 in þam ecan gefean, ærgewyrhtum1080 geseon sigora frean, min þæt swæse bearn.1081 Nis me wracu ne gewin, þæt ic wuldres god1082 sece swegelcyning, þær is sib ond blis,1083 domfæstra dream, dryhten ondweard,1084 þam ic georne gæstgerynum,1085 in þas dreorgan tid dædum cwemde,1086 mode ond mægne. Ic þa meorde wat1087 leahtorlease, lean unhwilen,1088 halig on heahþu. Þær min hyht myneð1089 to gesecenne, sawul fundað1090 of licfate to þam longan gefean1091 in eadwelan. Nis þes eþel me1092 ne sar ne sorg. Ic me sylfum wat


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1093 æfter lices hryre lean unhwilen.”1094 Ða se wuldormaga worda gestilde,1095 rof runwita; wæs him ræste neod,1096 reonigmodum. Rodor swamode1097 ofer niðða bearn, nihtrim scridon,1098 deorc ofer dugeðum. Þa se dæg bicwom1099 on þam se lifgenda in lichoman,1100 ece ælmihtig ærist gefremede,1101 dryhten mid dreame, ða he of deaðe aras1102 onwald of eorðan in þa eastortid,1103 ealra þrymma þrym, ðreata mæstne1104 to heofonum ahof, ða he from helle astag.1105 Swa se eadga wer in þa æþelan tid1106 on þone beorhtan dæg blissum hremig,1107 milde ond gemetfæst, mægen unsofte1108 elne geæfnde. Aras ða eorla wynn,1109 heard hygesnottor, swa he hraþost meahte,1110 meðe for ðam miclan bysgum. Ongon þa his mod staþelian1111 leohte geleafan, lac onsægde1112 deophycgende dryhtne to willan1113 gæstgerynum in godes temple,1114 ond his þegne ongon, swa þam þeodne geras,1115 þurh gæstes giefe godspel bodian,1116 secgan sigortacnum, ond his sefan trymman1117 wundrum to wuldre in þa wlitigan gesceaft1118 to eadwelan, swa he ær ne sið1119 æfre to ealdre oðre swylce1120 on þas lænan tid lare gehyrde,1121 ne swa deoplice dryhtnes geryne1122 þurh menniscne muð areccan1123 on sidum sefan. Him wæs soþra geþuht1124 þæt hit ufancundes engles wære1125 of swegldreamum, swiþor micle1126 mægenþegnes word, þonne æniges monnes lar,1127 wera ofer eorðan. Him þæt wundra mæst1128 gesewen þuhte, þæt swylc snyttrucræft1129 ænges hæleða her hreþer weardade,1130 dryhta bearna, wæs þæs deoplic eall1131 word ond wisdom, ond þæs weres stihtung,1132 mod ond mægencræft, þe him meotud engla,1133 gæsta geocend forgiefen hæfde.1134 Wæron feowere ða forð gewitene1135 dagas on rime, þæs se dryhtnes þegn1136 on elne bad, adle gebysgad,1137 sarum geswenced. Ne he sorge wæg1138 geocorne sefan gæstgedales,1139 dreorigne hyge. Deað nealæcte,1140 stop stalgongum, strong ond hreðe1141 sohte sawelhus. Com se seofeða dæg1142 ældum ondweard, þæs þe him in gesonc,1143 hat, heortan neah, hildescurum1144 flacor flanþracu, feorhhord onleac,1145 searocægum gesoht. Ongon ða snottor hæle,


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1146 ar, onbehtþegn, æþeles neosan1147 to þam halgan hofe, fond þa hlingendne1148 fusne on forðsiþ frean unwenne,1149 gæsthaligne in godes temple1150 soden sarwylmum. Wæs þa sihste tid1151 on midne dæg, wæs his mondryhtne1152 endedogor ætryhte þa.1153 Nearwum genæged nydcostingum,1154 awrecen wælpilum, wlo ne meahte1155 oroð up geteon, ellenspræce1156 hleoþor ahebban. Ongon ða hygegeomor,1157 freorig ond ferðwerig, fusne gretan,1158 meðne modglædne, bæd hine þurh mihta scyppend,1159 gif he his wordcwida wealdan meahte,1160 spræce ahebban, þæt him on spellum gecyðde,1161 onwrige worda gongum, hu he his wisna truwade,1162 drohtes on ðære dimman adle, ærðon hine deað onsægde.1163 Him se eadga wer ageaf ondsware,1164 leof mon leofum, þeah he late meahte,1165 eorl ellenheard, oreþe gebredan:1166 “Min þæt swæse bearn, nis nu swiþe feor1167 þam ytemestan endedogor1168 nydgedales, þæt ðu þa nyhstan scealt1169 in woruldlife worda minra,1170 næfre leana biloren, lare gehyran,1171 noht longe ofer þis. Læst ealle well1172 wære ond winescype, word þa wit spræcon,1173 leofast manna.” “Næfre ic lufan sibbe,1174 þeoden, æt þearfe þine forlæte1175 asanian!” “Beo þu on sið gearu,1176 siþþan lic ond leomu ond þes lifes gæst1177 asundrien somwist hyra1178 þurh feorggedal. Fys æfter þon1179 þæt þu gesecge sweostor minre,1180 þære leofestan, on longne weg1181 to þam fægran gefean forðsið minne,1182 on ecne eard, ond hyre eac gecyð1183 wordum minum, þæt ic me warnade1184 hyre onsyne ealle þrage1185 in woruldlife, for ðy ic wilnode1186 þæt wit unc eft in þam ecan gefean1187 on sweglwuldre geseon mostun1188 fore onsyne eces deman1189 leahtra lease. Þær sceal lufu uncer1190 wærfæst wunian, þær wit wilna a1191 in ðære beorhtan byrig brucan motun,1192 eades mid englum. Ðu hyre eac saga1193 þæt heo þis banfæt beorge bifæste,1194 lame biluce, lic orsawle1195 in þeostorcofan, þær hit þrage sceal1196 in sondhofe siþþan wunian.”1197 Ða wearð modgeþanc miclum gebisgad,1198 þream forþrycced, þurh þæs þeodnes word,


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1199 ombehtþegne, þa he ædre oncneow1200 frean feorhgedal, þæt hit feor ne wæs,1201 endedogor. Ongon þa ofostlice1202 to his winedryhtne wordum mæðlan:1203 “Ic þec halsige, hæleþa leofost1204 gumena cynnes, þurh gæsta weard,1205 þæt þu hygesorge heortan minre1206 geeþe, eorla wyn. Nis þe ende feor,1207 þæs þe ic on galdrum ongieten hæbbe.1208 Oft mec geomor sefa gehþa gemanode,1209 hat æt heortan, hyge gnornende1210 nihtes nearwe, ond ic næfre þe,1211 fæder, frofor min, frignan dorste.1212 Symle ic gehyrde, þonne heofones gim,1213 wyncondel wera, west onhylde,1214 sweglbeorht sunne setlgonges fus1215 on æfentid, oþerne mid þec,1216 þegn æt geþeahte. Ic þæs þeodnes word,1217 ares uncuþes oft neosendes,1218 dægwoman bitweon ond þære deorcan niht,1219 meþelcwide mæcges, ond on morgne swa,1220 ongeat geomormod, gæstes spræce,1221 gleawes in geardum. Huru, ic giet ne wat,1222 ær þu me, frea min, furþor cyðe1223 þurh cwide þinne, hwonan his cyme sindon.”1224 Ða se eadga wer ageaf ondsware1225 leofum æfter longre hwile, swa he late meahte,1226 elnes oncyðig, oreþe gewealdan:1227 “Hwæt, þu me, wine min, wordum nægest,1228 fusne frignest, þæs þe ic furþum ær1229 æfre on ealdre ængum ne wolde1230 monna ofer moldan melda weorðan,1231 þegne on þeode, butan þe nu ða,1232 þy læs þæt wundredan weras ond idesa,1233 ond on geað gutan, gieddum mænden1234 bi me lifgendum. Huru, ic nolde sylf1235 þurh gielpcwide gæstes mines1236 frofre gelettan, ne fæder mines1237 æfre geæfnan, æbylg godes.1238 Symle me onsende sigedryhten min,1239 folca feorhgiefa, siþþan ic furþum ongon1240 on þone æfteran anseld bugan1241 geargemearces, gæst haligne,1242 engel ufancundne, se mec efna gehwam,1243 meahtig meotudes þegn, ond on morgne eft,1244 sigorfæst gesohte, ond me sara gehwylc1245 gehælde hygesorge, ond me in hreþre bileac1246 wuldres wilboda wisdomes giefe1247 micle monigfealdran þonne ænig mon wite1248 in life her, þe me alyfed nis1249 to gecyþenne cwicra ængum1250 on foldwege fira cynnes,1251 þæt me ne meahte monna ænig


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1252 bideaglian hwæt he dearninga1253 on hyge hogde heortan geþoncum,1254 siþþan he me fore eagum onsyne wearð.1255 A ic on mode mað monna gehwylcne1256 þeodnes þrymcyme oð þisne dæg.1257 Leofast monna, nu ic for lufan þinre,1258 ond geferscype þæt wit fyrn mid unc1259 longe læstan, nelle ic lætan þe1260 æfre unrotne æfter ealdorlege1261 meðne modseocne minre geweorðan,1262 soden sorgwælmum. A ic sibbe wiþ þe1263 healdan wille. Nu of hreþerlocan1264 to þam soþan gefean sawel fundað.1265 Nis seo tid latu, tydrað þis banfæt,1266 greothord gnornað, gæst hine fyseð1267 on ecne geard, utsiþes georn1268 on sellan gesetu. Nu ic swiðe eom1269 weorce gewergad.” Ða to þam wage gesag,1270 heafelan onhylde, hyrde þa gena1271 ellen on innan. Oroð stundum teah1272 mægne modig, him of muðe cwom1273 swecca swetast. Swylce on sumeres tid1274 stincað on stowum staþelum fæste1275 wynnum æfter wongum wyrta geblowene,1276 hunigflowende, swa þæs halgan wæs1277 ondlongne dæg oþ æfen forð1278 oroð up hlæden. Þa se æþela glæm1279 setlgong sohte, swearc norðrodor1280 won under wolcnum, woruld miste oferteah,1281 þystrum biþeahte, þrong niht ofer tiht1282 londes frætwa. Ða cwom leohta mæst,1283 halig of heofonum hædre scinan,1284 beorhte ofer burgsalu. Bad se þe sceolde1285 eadig on elne endedogor,1286 awrecen wælstrælum. Wuldres scima,1287 æþele ymb æþelne, ondlonge niht1288 scan scirwered. Scadu sweþredon,1289 tolysed under lyfte. Wæs se leohta glæm1290 ymb þæt halge hus, heofonlic condel,1291 from æfenglome oþþæt eastan cwom1292 ofer deop gelad dægredwoma,1293 wedertacen wearm. Aras se wuldormago,1294 eadig elnes gemyndig, spræc to his onbehtþegne,1295 torht to his treowum gesiþe: “Tid is þæt þu fere,1296 ond þa ærendu eal biþence,1297 ofestum læde, swa ic þe ær bibead,1298 lac to leofre. Nu of lice is,1299 goddreama georn, gæst swiðe fus.”1300 Ahof þa his honda, husle gereorded,1301 eaðmod þy æþelan gyfle, swylce he his eagan ontynde,1302 halge heafdes gimmas, biseah þa to heofona rice,1303 glædmod to geofona leanum, ond þa his gæst onsende1304 weorcum wlitigne in wuldres dream.


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1305 Ða wæs Guðlaces gæst gelæded1306 eadig on upweg. Englas feredun1307 to þam longan gefean, lic colode,1308 belifd under lyfte. Ða þær leoht ascan,1309 beama beorhtast. Eal þæt beacen wæs1310 ymb þæt halge hus, heofonlic leoma,1311 from foldan up swylce fyren tor1312 ryht aræred oð rodera hrof,1313 gesewen under swegle, sunnan beorhtra,1314 æþeltungla wlite. Engla þreatas1315 sigeleoð sungon, sweg wæs on lyfte1316 gehyred under heofonum, haligra dream.1317 Swa se burgstede wæs blissum gefylled,1318 swetum stencum ond sweglwundrum,1319 eadges yrfestol, engla hleoðres,1320 eal innanweard. Þær wæs ænlicra1321 ond wynsumra þonne hit in worulde mæge1322 stefn areccan, hu se stenc ond se sweg,1323 heofonlic hleoþor ond se halga song,1324 gehyred wæs, heahþrym godes,1325 breahtem æfter breahtme. Beofode þæt ealond,1326 foldwong onþrong. Ða afyrhted wearð1327 ar, elnes biloren, gewat þa ofestlice1328 beorn unhyðig, þæt he bat gestag,1329 wæghengest wræc, wæterþisa for,1330 snel under sorgum. Swegl hate scan,1331 blac ofer burgsalo. Brimwudu scynde,1332 leoht, lade fus. Lagumearg snyrede,1333 gehlæsted to hyðe, þæt se hærnflota1334 æfter sundplegan sondlond gespearn,1335 grond wið greote. Gnornsorge wæg1336 hate æt heortan, hyge geomurne,1337 meðne modsefan, se þe his mondryhten,1338 life bilidenne, last weardian1339 wiste, wine leofne. Him þæs wopes hring1340 torne gemonade. Teagor yðum weol,1341 hate hleordropan, ond on hreþre wæg1342 micle modceare. He þære mægeð sceolde1343 lace gelædan laðspel to soð.1344 Cwom þa freorigferð þær seo fæmne wæs,1345 wuldres wynmæg. He þa wyrd ne mað,1346 fæges forðsið. Fusleoð agol1347 wineþearfende, ond þæt word acwæð:1348 “Ellen biþ selast þam þe oftost sceal1349 dreogan dryhtenbealu, deope behycgan1350 þroht þeodengedal, þonne seo þrag cymeð,1351 wefen wyrdstafum. Þæt wat se þe sceal1352 aswæman sarigferð, wat his sincgiefan1353 holdne biheledne. He sceal hean þonan1354 geomor hweorfan. Þam bið gomenes wana1355 ðe þa earfeða oftost dreogeð1356 on sargum sefan. Huru, ic swiðe ne þearf1357 hinsiþ behlehhan. Is hlaford min,


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1358 beorna bealdor, ond broþor þin,1359 se selesta bi sæm tweonum1360 þara þe we on Engle æfre gefrunen1361 acennedne þurh cildes had1362 gumena cynnes, to godes dome,1363 werigra wraþu, worulddreamum of,1364 winemæga wyn, in wuldres þrym,1365 gewiten, winiga hleo, wica neosan1366 eardes on upweg. Nu se eorðan dæl,1367 banhus abrocen burgum in innan1368 wunað wælræste, ond se wuldres dæl1369 of licfæte in leoht godes1370 sigorlean sohte, ond þe secgan het1371 þæt git a mosten in þam ecan gefean1372 mid þa sibgedryht somudeard niman,1373 weorca wuldorlean, willum neotan1374 blædes ond blissa. Eac þe abeodan het1375 sigedryhten min, þa he wæs siþes fus,1376 þæt þu his lichoman, leofast mægða,1377 eorðan biðeahte. Nu þu ædre const1378 siðfæt minne. Ic sceal sarigferð,1379 heanmod hweorfan, hyge drusendne”

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - AZARIAS1 Him þa Azarias ingeþoncum2 hleoþrede halig þurh hatne lig,3 dreag dædum georn, dryhten herede,4 wis in weorcum, ond þas word acwæð:5 “Meotud allwihta, þu eart meahtum swið6 niþas to nerganne. Is þin noma mære,7 wlitig ond wuldorfæst ofer werþeode.8 Sindon þine domas on dæda gehwam9 soðe geswiðde ond gesigefæste,10 eac þine willan in woruldspedum11 ryhte mid ræde. Rodera waldend,12 geoca us georne, gæsta scyppend,13 ond þurh hyldo help, halig dryhten,14 nu we þec for þearfum ond for þreanydum15 ond fore eaðmedum arena biddaþ,16 lege bilegde. We þæs lifgende17 worhton in worulde, eac þon wom dydon18 yldran usse, in oferhygdum19 þin bibodu bræcon burgsittende,20 had oferhogedon halgan lifes.21 Wurdon we towrecene geond widne grund,22 heapum tohworfne, hylda lease;23 wæs ure lif geond londa fela24 fracuð ond gefræge foldbuendum.25 Nu þu usic bewræce in þas wyrrestan26 eorðcyninges æhtgewealda,27 in hæft heorogrimmes, sceolon we þær hæþenra28 þreanyd


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29 hæfdes30 to Abrahame ond to Isace31 ond Iacobe, gæsta scyppend.32 Þu him gehete þurh hleoþorcwidas33 þæt þu hyra fromcynn on fyrndagum34 ycan wolde, þæt hit æfter him35 on cyneryce cenned wurde,36 yced on eorþan, þæt swa unrime,37 had to hebban, swa heofonsteorran38 bugað bradne hwearft oð brimflodas,39 swa waroþa sond ymb sealt wæter,40 yþe geond eargrund, þæt swa unrime41 ymb wintra hwearft weorðan sceolde.42 Fyl nu þa frumspræce, þeah þe user fea lifgen,43 wlitega þine wordcwidas ond ðin wuldor us.44 Gecyð cræft ond meaht, nu þec Caldeas45 ond eac fela folca gefregen habban46 þæt þu ana eart ece dryhten,47 sigerof settend ond soð meotod,48 wuldres waldend ond woruldsceafta.”49 Swa se halga wer hergende wæs50 meotudes miltse, ond his modsefan51 rehte þurh reorde. Ða of roderum wearð52 engel ælbeorhta ufon onsended,53 wlitescyne wer in his wuldorhoman,54 cwom him þa to are ond to ealdornere55 þurh lufan ond þurh lisse. Se þone lig tosceaf,56 halig ond heofonbeorht, hatan fyres,57 þæt se bittra bryne beorgan sceolde58 for þæs engles ege æfæstum þrim.59 Tosweop ond toswengde þurh swiðes meaht60 liges leoman, swa hyra lice ne scod,61 ac wæs in þam ofne, þa se engel cwom,62 windig ond wynsum, wedere onlicust,63 þonne on sumeres tid sended weorþeð64 dropena dreorung mid dæges hwile.65 Se wæs in þam fire for frean meahtum66 halgum to helpe. Wearð se hata lig67 todrifen ond todwæsced, þær þa dædhwatan68 þry mid geþoncum þeoden heredon,69 bædon bletsian bearn in worulde70 ealle gesceafte ecne dryhten,71 þeoda waldend. Swa hi þry cwædon,72 modum horsce, þurh gemæne word:73 “Bletsige þec, bilwit fæder,74 woruldsceafta wuldor ond weorca gehwylc,75 heofonas ond englas ond hluttor wæter,76 ond eal mægen eorþan gesceafta.77 Bletsige þec, soðfæst cyning, sunne ond mona,78 leohte leoman, lifgende god,79 hædre ond hlutre ond heofondreame80 wæstem weorðian. Ful oft þu, wuldorcyning,81 þurh lyft lætest leodum to freme


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82 mildne morgenren. Monig sceal siþþan83 wyrt onwæcnan, eac þon wudubearwas84 tanum tydrað. Trymmað eorðwelan,85 hleoð ond hluttrað. Næfre hlisan ah86 meotud þan maran þonne he wið monna bearn87 wyrceð weldædum. Wis bið se þe con88 ongytan þone geocend, þe us eall good syleð89 þe we habbað þenden we her beoð,90 ond us milde meotod mare gehateð,91 gif we geearniað, elne willað,92 ðonne feran sceal þurh frean hæse93 sundor anra gehwæs sawl of lice.94 Ond þec, god dryhten, gæstas hergen,95 byrnende fyr ond beorht sumor,96 wearme wederdagas, waldend manna,97 frean on ferðe. Fremest eorðwelan98 þurh monigne had, milde dryhten,99 ond þec dæg ond niht, domfæst cyning,100 lofigen ond lufigen, lux et tenebre,101 þe þas werþeoda weardum healdað.102 Deop dryhtnes bibod drugon hi þæt longe.103 Ond þec, Crist cyning, ceolas weorðian,104 fæder, forst ond snaw, folca waldend,105 winterbitera weder ond wolcna genipu,106 ond þec liexende ligetta hergen,107 blace, breahtumhwate, brytenrices weard,108 dyrne dryhten. A þin dom sy109 god ond genge. Þu þæs geornlice110 wyrcest, wuldorcyning. Wæstmum herge,111 bletsien bledum, ond þin blæd wese112 a forð ece, ælmihtig god.113 Wesað ond weaxað ealle werþeode,114 lifgað bi þam lissum þe us se leofa cyning,115 ece dryhten, ær gesette116 sinum bearnum to brice, bremen dryhten.117 Ond þec, halga god, hea duna118 geond middangeard miltsum hergen,119 fæger folde ond fæder rice.120 Forðon waldend scop wudige moras,121 lofe leanige leohtes hyrde.122 Bletsige þec, soðfæst cyning, sæs ond wætra123 hea holmas, haligne dryhten,124 domlice deop wæter; ond dryhtnes bibod125 geofonfloda gehwylc georne bihealdeð,126 þonne merestreamas meotudes ræswum127 wæter onwealcað. Witon ealdgecynd128 þæt ær gescop ece dryhten129 lagufloda bigong, leohtes hyrde,130 on þam wuniað widferende131 siðe on sunde seldlicra fela.132 Bletsien þec þa ealle, ece dryhten,133 þurh þinne willan, wuldorfæst cyning,134 ond þec ealle æsprynge, ece dryhten,


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135 heanne hergen. Ful oft þu hluttor lætest136 wæter wynlico to woruldhyhte137 of clife clænum. Þæt us se cyning gescop138 monnum to miltse ond to mægeneacan.139 Bletsien þec, bilwit fæder,140 fiscas ond fuglas, felameahtigne,141 ealle þa þe onhrerað hreo wægas142 on þam bradan brime, bremen dryhten,143 hergen haligne, ond heofonfuglas,144 þa þe lacende geond lyft farað.145 Bletsien þec, dryhten, deor ond nyten.146 Meotud monna bearn miltsum hergen147 ond ecne god, Israhela cynn.148 Bletsien þe þine sacerdas, soðfæst cyning,149 milde mæsseras mærne dryhten,150 ond þine þeowas, ðeoda hyrde,151 swylce haligra hluttre saule,152 ond, ece god, eaðmodheorte.153 Nu þec Ananias ond Azarias154 ond Misahel, meotud, miltsum hergað.155 Nu we geonge þry god bletsiað,156 felameahtigne fæder in heofonum,157 þone soðan sunu ond þone sigefæstan gæst.158 Forþon us onsende sigora waldend159 engel to are, se þe us bearg160 fyr ond feondas, ond mid fiþrum bewreah161 wið brynebrogan.” Breahtmum hwurfun162 ymb þæt hate hus hæðne leode,163 ða þæt ongeaton godes ondsacan164 þæt hi ne meahtan, ne meotod wolde,165 acwellan cnyhta æ, ac hy Crist scilde.166 Hwearf þa to healle, swa he hraþost meahte,167 eorl acolmod, þæt he ofer his ealdre gestod.168 Abead þa for þære duguðe deop ærende,169 haligra gehyld, (hlyst wæs þær inne),170 gromhydig guma: “Þæt ic geare wiste,171 þæt we III hæfdon, þeoda wisa,172 geonge cniehtas, for gæstlufan173 gebunden to bæle in byrnendes174 fyres leoman. Nu ic þær IIII men175 seo to soðe, nales me sylfa gerad.176 Hweorfað nu æfter heorðe, nængum hat sceþeð,177 ofnes æled, ac him is engel mid,178 hafað beorhtne blæd; ne mæg him bryne sceþþan179 wlitigne wuldorhoman.” Ða þam wordum swealg180 brego Caldea, gewat þa to þam bryne gongan181 anhydig eorl, þæt he ofer þam ade gestod.182 Het þa of þam lige lifgende bearn183 Nabocodonossor near ætgongan.184 Ne forhogodon þæt þa halgan, siþþan hi hwætmode185 woruldcyninges weorn gehyrdon,186 ac eodon of þam fyre, feorh unwemme,187 wuldre gewlitegad, swa hyra wædum ne scod


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188 gifre gleda nið, ac hi mid gæstlufan189 synne geswencton ond gesigefæston,190 modum gleawe, in monþeawum,191 þurh foreþoncas fyr gedygdon.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE PHOENIX1 Hæbbe ic gefrugnen þætte is feor heonan2 eastdælum on æþelast londa,3 firum gefræge. Nis se foldan sceat4 ofer middangeard mongum gefere5 folcagendra, ac he afyrred is6 þurh meotudes meaht manfremmendum.7 Wlitig is se wong eall, wynnum geblissad8 mid þam fægrestum foldan stencum.9 Ænlic is þæt iglond, æþele se wyrhta,10 modig, meahtum spedig, se þa moldan gesette.11 Ðær bið oft open eadgum togeanes12 onhliden hleoþra wyn, heofonrices duru.13 Þæt is wynsum wong, wealdas grene,14 rume under roderum. Ne mæg þær ren ne snaw,15 ne forstes fnæst, ne fyres blæst,16 ne hægles hryre, ne hrimes dryre,17 ne sunnan hætu, ne sincaldu,18 ne wearm weder, ne winterscur19 wihte gewyrdan, ac se wong seomað20 eadig ond onsund. Is þæt æþele lond21 blostmum geblowen. Beorgas þær ne muntas22 steape ne stondað, ne stanclifu23 heah hlifiað, swa her mid us,24 ne dene ne dalu ne dunscrafu,25 hlæwas ne hlincas, ne þær hleonað oo26 unsmeþes wiht, ac se æþela feld27 wridað under wolcnum, wynnum geblowen.28 Is þæt torhte lond twelfum herra,29 folde fæðmrimes, swa us gefreogum gleawe30 witgan þurh wisdom on gewritum cyþað,31 þonne ænig þara beorga þe her beorhte mid us32 hea hlifiað under heofontunglum.33 Smylte is se sigewong; sunbearo lixeð,34 wuduholt wynlic. Wæstmas ne dreosað,35 beorhte blede, ac þa beamas a36 grene stondað, swa him god bibead.37 Wintres ond sumeres wudu bið gelice38 bledum gehongen; næfre brosniað39 leaf under lyfte, ne him lig sceþeð40 æfre to ealdre, ærþon edwenden41 worulde geweorðe. Swa iu wætres þrym42 ealne middangeard mereflod þeahte,43 eorþan ymbhwyrft, þa se æþela wong,44 æghwæs onsund, wið yðfare45 gehealden stod hreora wæga,46 eadig, unwemme, þurh est godes;


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47 bideð swa geblowen oð bæles cyme,48 dryhtnes domes, þonne deaðræced,49 hæleþa heolstorcofan, onhliden weorþað.50 Nis þær on þam londe laðgeniðla,51 ne wop ne wracu, weatacen nan,52 yldu ne yrmðu ne se enga deað,53 ne lifes lyre, ne laþes cyme,54 ne synn ne sacu ne sarwracu,55 ne wædle gewin, ne welan onsyn,56 ne sorg ne slæp ne swar leger,57 ne wintergeweorp, ne wedra gebregd,58 hreoh under heofonum, ne se hearda forst,59 caldum cylegicelum, cnyseð ænigne.60 Þær ne hægl ne hrim hreosað to foldan,61 ne windig wolcen, ne þær wæter fealleþ,62 lyfte gebysgad, ac þær lagustreamas,63 wundrum wrætlice, wyllan onspringað64 fægrum flodwylmum. Foldan leccaþ65 wæter wynsumu of þæs wuda midle;66 þa monþa gehwam of þære moldan tyrf67 brimcald brecað, bearo ealne geondfarað,68 þragum þrymlice. Is þæt þeodnes gebod,69 þætte twelf siþum þæt tirfæste70 lond geondlace lagufloda wynn.71 Sindon þa bearwas bledum gehongne,72 wlitigum wæstmum, þær no waniað o,73 halge under heofonum, holtes frætwe.74 Ne feallað þær on foldan fealwe blostman,75 wudubeama wlite, ac þær wrætlice76 on þam treowum symle telgan gehladene,77 ofett edniwe, in ealle tid78 on þam græswonge grene stondaþ,79 gehroden hyhtlice haliges meahtum,80 beorhtast bearwa. No gebrocen weorþeð81 holt on hiwe, þær se halga stenc82 wunaþ geond wynlond; þæt onwended ne bið83 æfre to ealdre, ærþon endige84 frod fyrngeweorc se hit on frymþe gescop.85 Ðone wudu weardaþ wundrum fæger86 fugel feþrum strong, se is fenix haten.87 Þær se anhaga eard bihealdeþ,88 deormod drohtað; næfre him deaþ sceþeð89 on þam willwonge, þenden woruld stondeþ.90 Se sceal þære sunnan sið behealdan91 ond ongean cuman godes condelle,92 glædum gimme, georne bewitigan,93 hwonne up cyme æþelast tungla94 ofer yðmere estan lixan,95 fæder fyrngeweorc frætwum blican,96 torht tacen godes. Tungol beoþ ahyded,97 gewiten under waþeman westdælas on,98 bideglad on dægred, ond seo deorce niht99 won gewiteð; þonne waþum strong


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100 fugel feþrum wlonc on firgenstream101 under lyft, ofer lagu locað georne,102 hwonne up cyme eastan glidan103 ofer sidne sæ swegles leoma.104 Swa se æþela fugel æt þam æspringe105 wlitigfæst wunað wyllestreamas,106 þær se tireadga twelf siþum hine107 bibaþað in þam burnan ær þæs beacnes cyme,108 sweglcondelle, ond symle swa oft109 of þam wilsuman wyllgespryngum110 brimcald beorgeð æt baða gehwylcum.111 Siþþan hine sylfne æfter sundplegan112 heahmod hefeð on heanne beam,113 þonan yþast mæg on eastwegum114 sið bihealdan, hwonne swegles tapur115 ofer holmþræce hædre blice,116 leohtes leoma. Lond beoð gefrætwad,117 woruld gewlitegad, siþþan wuldres gim118 ofer geofones gong grund gescineþ119 geond middangeard, mærost tungla.120 Sona swa seo sunne sealte streamas121 hea oferhlifað, swa se haswa fugel122 beorht of þæs bearwes beame gewiteð,123 fareð feþrum snell flyhte on lyfte,124 swinsað ond singeð swegle togeanes.125 Ðonne bið swa fæger fugles gebæru,126 onbryrded breostsefa, blissum hremig;127 wrixleð woðcræfte wundorlicor128 beorhtan reorde, þonne æfre byre monnes129 hyrde under heofonum, siþþan heahcyning,130 wuldres wyrhta, woruld staþelode,131 heofon ond eorþan. Biþ þæs hleoðres sweg132 eallum songcræftum swetra ond wlitigra133 ond wynsumra wrenca gehwylcum.134 Ne magon þam breahtme byman ne hornas,135 ne hearpan hlyn, ne hæleþa stefn136 ænges on eorþan, ne organan,137 sweghleoþres geswin, ne swanes feðre,138 ne ænig þara dreama þe dryhten gescop139 gumum to gliwe in þas geomran woruld.140 Singeð swa ond swinsað sælum geblissad,141 oþþæt seo sunne on suðrodor142 sæged weorþeð. Þonne swiað he143 ond hlyst gefeð, heafde onbrygdeð,144 þrist, þonces gleaw, ond þriwa ascæceð145 feþre flyhthwate; fugol bið geswiged.146 Symle he twelf siþum tida gemearcað147 dæges ond nihtes. Swa gedemed is148 bearwes bigengan, þæt he þær brucan mot149 wonges mid willum, ond welan neotan,150 lifes ond lissa, londes frætwa,151 oþþæt he þusende þisses lifes,152 wudubearwes weard, wintra gebideþ.


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153 Ðonne bið gehefgad haswigfeðra,154 gomol, gearum frod, grene eorðan155 aflyhð, fugla wyn, foldan geblowene,156 ond þonne geseceð side rice157 middangeardes, þær no men bugað158 eard ond eþel. Þær he ealdordom159 onfehð foremihtig ofer fugla cynn,160 geþungen on þeode, ond þrage mid him161 westen weardað. Þonne waþum strong162 west gewiteð wintrum gebysgad163 fleogan feþrum snel. Fuglas þringað164 utan ymbe æþelne; æghwylc wille165 wesan þegn ond þeow þeodne mærum,166 oþþæt hy gesecað Syrwara lond167 corðra mæste. Him se clæna þær168 oðscufeð scearplice, þæt he in scade weardað,169 on wudubearwe, weste stowe,170 biholene ond bihydde hæleþa monegum.171 Ðær he heanne beam on holtwuda172 wunað ond weardað, wyrtum fæstne173 under heofunhrofe, þone hatað men174 Fenix on foldan, of þæs fugles noman.175 Hafað þam treowe forgiefen tirmeahtig cyning,176 meotud moncynnes, mine gefræge,177 þæt se ana is ealra beama178 on eorðwege uplædendra179 beorhtast geblowen; ne mæg him bitres wiht180 scyldum sceððan, ac gescylded a181 wunað ungewyrded, þenden woruld stondeð.182 Ðonne wind ligeð, weder bið fæger,183 hluttor heofones gim halig scineð,184 beoð wolcen towegen, wætra þryþe185 stille stondað, biþ storma gehwylc186 aswefed under swegle, suþan bliceð187 wedercondel wearm, weorodum lyhteð,188 ðonne on þam telgum timbran onginneð,189 nest gearwian. Bið him neod micel190 þæt he þa yldu ofestum mote191 þurh gewittes wylm wendan to life,192 feorg geong onfon. Þonne feor ond neah193 þa swetestan somnað ond gædrað194 wyrta wynsume ond wudubleda195 to þam eardstede, æþelstenca gehwone,196 wyrta wynsumra, þe wuldorcyning,197 fæder frymða gehwæs, ofer foldan gescop198 to indryhtum ælda cynne,199 swetes under swegle. Þær he sylf biereð200 in þæt treow innan torhte frætwe;201 þær se wilda fugel in þam westenne202 ofer heanne beam hus getimbreð,203 wlitig ond wynsum, ond gewicað þær204 sylf in þam solere, ond ymbseteð utan205 in þam leafsceade lic ond feþre


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206 on healfa gehware halgum stencum207 ond þam æþelestum eorþan bledum.208 Siteð siþes fus. Þonne swegles gim209 on sumeres tid, sunne hatost,210 ofer sceadu scineð ond gesceapu dreogeð,211 woruld geondwliteð, þonne weorðeð his212 hus onhæted þurh hador swegl.213 Wyrta wearmiað, willsele stymeð214 swetum swæccum, þonne on swole byrneð215 þurh fyres feng fugel mid neste.216 Bæl bið onæled. Þonne brond þeceð217 heorodreorges hus, hreoh onetteð,218 fealo lig feormað ond fenix byrneð,219 fyrngearum frod. Þonne fyr þigeð220 lænne lichoman; lif bið on siðe,221 fæges feorhhord, þonne flæsc ond ban222 adleg æleð. Hwæþre him eft cymeð223 æfter fyrstmearce feorh edniwe,224 siþþan þa yslan eft onginnað225 æfter ligþræce lucan togædre,226 geclungne to cleowenne. Þonne clæne bið227 beorhtast nesta, bæle forgrunden228 heaþorofes hof; hra bið acolad,229 banfæt gebrocen, ond se bryne sweþrað.230 Þonne of þam ade æples gelicnes231 on þære ascan bið eft gemeted,232 of þam weaxeð wyrm, wundrum fæger,233 swylce he of ægerum ut alæde,234 scir of scylle. Þonne on sceade weaxeð,235 þæt he ærest bið swylce earnes brid,236 fæger fugeltimber; ðonne furþor gin237 wridað on wynnum, þæt he bið wæstmum gelic238 ealdum earne, and æfter þon239 feþrum gefrætwad, swylc he æt frymðe wæs,240 beorht geblowen. Þonne bræd weorþeð241 eal edniwe eft acenned,242 synnum asundrad, sumes onlice243 swa mon to ondleofne eorðan wæstmas244 on hærfeste ham gelædeð,245 wiste wynsume, ær wintres cyme,246 on rypes timan, þy læs hi renes scur247 awyrde under wolcnum; þær hi wraðe metað,248 fodorþege gefean, þonne forst ond snaw249 mid ofermægne eorþan þeccað250 wintergewædum. Of þam wæstmum sceal251 eorla eadwela eft alædan252 þurh cornes gecynd, þe ær clæne bið253 sæd onsawen. Þonne sunnan glæm254 on lenctenne, lifes tacen,255 weceð woruldgestreon, þæt þa wæstmas beoð256 þurh agne gecynd eft acende,257 foldan frætwe. Swa se fugel weorþeð,258 gomel æfter gearum, geong edniwe,


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259 flæsce bifongen. No he foddor þigeð,260 mete on moldan, nemne meledeawes261 dæl gebyrge, se dreoseð oft262 æt middre nihte; bi þon se modga his263 feorh afedeð, oþþæt fyrngesetu,264 agenne eard, eft geseceð.265 Þonne bið aweaxen wyrtum in gemonge266 fugel feþrum deal; feorh bið niwe,267 geong, geofona ful, þonne he of greote his268 lic leoþucræftig, þæt ær lig fornom,269 somnað, swoles lafe, searwum gegædrað270 ban gebrosnad, æfter bælþræce,271 ond þonne gebringeð ban ond yslan,272 ades lafe, eft ætsomne,273 ond þonne þæt wælreaf wyrtum biteldeð,274 fægre gefrætwed. Ðonne afysed bið275 agenne eard eft to secan.276 Þonne fotum ymbfehð fyres lafe,277 clam biclyppeð, ond his cyþþu eft,278 sunbeorht gesetu, seceð on wynnum,279 eadig eþellond. Eall bið geniwad280 feorh ond feþerhoma, swa he æt frymþe wæs,281 þa hine ærest god on þone æþelan wong282 sigorfæst sette. He his sylfes þær283 ban gebringeð, þa ær brondes wylm284 on beorhstede bæle forþylmde,285 ascan to eacan. Þonne eal geador286 bebyrgeð beaducræftig ban ond yslan287 on þam ealonde. Bið him edniwe288 þære sunnan segn, þonne swegles leoht,289 gimma gladost, ofer garsecg up,290 æþeltungla wyn, eastan lixeð.291 Is se fugel fæger forweard hiwe,292 bleobrygdum fag ymb þa breost foran.293 Is him þæt heafod hindan grene,294 wrætlice wrixled, wurman geblonden.295 Þonne is se finta fægre gedæled,296 sum brun, sum basu, sum blacum splottum297 searolice beseted. Sindon þa fiþru298 hwit hindanweard, ond se hals grene299 nioþoweard ond ufeweard, ond þæt nebb lixeð300 swa glæs oþþe gim, geaflas scyne301 innan ond utan. Is seo eaggebyrd302 stearc ond hiwe stane gelicast,303 gladum gimme, þonne in goldfate304 smiþa orþoncum biseted weorþeð.305 Is ymb þone sweoran, swylce sunnan hring,306 beaga beorhtast brogden feðrum.307 Wrætlic is seo womb neoþan, wundrum fæger,308 scir ond scyne. Is se scyld ufan309 frætwum gefeged ofer þæs fugles bæc.310 Sindon þa scancan scyllum biweaxen,311 fealwe fotas. Se fugel is on hiwe


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312 æghwæs ænlic, onlicost pean,313 wynnum geweaxen, þæs gewritu secgað.314 Nis he hinderweard, ne hygegælsa,315 swar ne swongor, swa sume fuglas,316 þa þe late þurh lyft lacað fiþrum,317 ac he is snel ond swift ond swiþe leoht,318 wlitig ond wynsum, wuldre gemearcad.319 Ece is se æþeling se þe him þæt ead gefeð!320 Þonne he gewiteð wongas secan,321 his ealdne eard, of þisse eþeltyrf.322 Swa se fugel fleogeð, folcum oðeaweð323 mongum monna geond middangeard,324 þonne somniað suþan ond norþan,325 eastan ond westan, eoredciestum,326 farað feorran ond nean folca þryþum327 þær hi sceawiaþ scyppendes giefe328 fægre on þam fugle, swa him æt fruman sette329 sigora soðcyning sellicran gecynd,330 frætwe fægerran ofer fugla cyn.331 Ðonne wundriað weras ofer eorþan332 wlite ond wæstma, ond gewritum cyþað,333 mundum mearciað on marmstane,334 hwonne se dæg ond seo tid dryhtum geeawe335 frætwe flyhthwates. Ðonne fugla cynn336 on healfa gehwone heapum þringað,337 sigað sidwegum, songe lofiað,338 mærað modigne meaglum reordum,339 ond swa þone halgan hringe beteldað340 flyhte on lyfte; fenix biþ on middum,341 þreatum biþrungen. Þeoda wlitað,342 wundrum wafiað, hu seo wilgedryht343 wildne weorþiað, worn æfter oþrum,344 cræftum cyþað ond for cyning mærað345 leofne leodfruman, lædað mid wynnum346 æþelne to earde, oþþæt se anhoga347 oðfleogeð, feþrum snel, þæt him gefylgan ne mæg348 drymendra gedryht, þonne duguða wyn349 of þisse eorþan tyrf eþel seceð.350 Swa se gesæliga æfter swylthwile351 his ealdcyðþe eft geneosað,352 fægre foldan. Fugelas cyrrað353 from þam guðfrecan geomormode354 eft to earde. Þonne se æþeling bið355 giong in geardum. God ana wat,356 cyning ælmihtig, hu his gecynde bið,357 wifhades þe weres; þæt ne wat ænig358 monna cynnes, butan meotod ana,359 hu þa wisan sind wundorlice,360 fæger fyrngesceap, ymb þæs fugles gebyrd.361 Þær se eadga mot eardes neotan,362 wyllestreama wuduholtum in,363 wunian in wonge, oþþæt wintra bið364 þusend urnen. Þonne him weorþeð


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365 ende lifes; hine ad þeceð366 þurh æledfyr. Hwæþre eft cymeð367 aweaht wrætlice wundrum to life.368 Forþon he drusende deað ne bisorgað,369 sare swyltcwale, þe him symle wat370 æfter ligþræce lif edniwe,371 feorh æfter fylle, þonne fromlice372 þurh briddes had gebreadad weorðeð373 eft of ascan, edgeong weseð374 under swegles hleo. Bið him self gehwæðer375 sunu ond swæs fæder, ond symle eac376 eft yrfeweard ealdre lafe.377 Forgeaf him se meahta moncynnes fruma378 þæt he swa wrætlice weorþan sceolde379 eft þæt ilce þæt he ær þon wæs,380 feþrum bifongen, þeah hine fyr nime.381 Swa þæt ece lif eadigra gehwylc382 æfter sarwræce sylf geceoseð383 þurh deorcne deað, þæt he dryhtnes mot384 æfter geardagum geofona neotan385 on sindreamum, ond siþþan a386 wunian in wuldre weorca to leane.387 Þisses fugles gecynd fela gelices388 bi þam gecornum Cristes þegnum389 beacnað in burgum, hu hi beorhtne gefean390 þurh fæder fultum on þas frecnan tid391 healdaþ under heofonum, ond him heanne blæd392 in þam uplican eðle gestrynaþ.393 Habbaþ we geascad þæt se ælmihtiga394 worhte wer ond wif þurh his wundra sped,395 ond hi þa gesette on þone selestan396 foldan sceata, þone fira bearn397 nemnað neorxnawong, þær him nænges wæs398 eades onsyn, þenden eces word,399 halges hleoþorcwide, healdan woldan400 on þam niwan gefean. Þær him niþ gescod,401 ealdfeondes æfest, se him æt gebead,402 beames blede, þæt hi bu þegun403 æppel unrædum ofer est godes,404 byrgdon forbodene. Þær him bitter wearð405 yrmþu æfter æte ond hyra eaferum swa,406 sarlic symbel sunum ond dohtrum.407 Wurdon teonlice toþas idge408 ageald æfter gylte. Hæfdon godes yrre,409 bittre bealosorge. Þæs þa byre siþþan410 gyrne onguldon, þe hi þæt gyfl þegun411 ofer eces word. Forþon hy eðles wyn412 geomormode ofgiefan sceoldon413 þurh nædran niþ, þa heo nearwe biswac414 yldran usse in ærdagum415 þurh fæcne ferð, þæt hi feor þonan416 in þas deaðdene drohtað sohton,417 sorgfulran gesetu. Him wearð selle lif


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418 heolstre bihyded, ond se halga wong419 þurh feondes searo fæste bityned420 wintra mengu, oþþæt wuldorcyning421 þurh his hidercyme halgum togeanes,422 moncynnes gefea, meþra frefrend,423 ond se anga hyht, eft ontynde.424 Is þon gelicast, þæs þe us leorneras425 wordum secgað, ond writu cyþað,426 þisses fugles gefær, þonne frod ofgiefeð427 eard ond eþel, ond geealdad bið.428 Gewiteð werigmod, wintrum gebysgad,429 þær he holtes hleo heah gemeteð,430 in þam he getimbreð tanum ond wyrtum431 þam æþelestum eardwic niwe,432 nest on bearwe. Bið him neod micel433 þæt he feorhgeong eft onfon mote434 þurh liges blæst lif æfter deaþe,435 edgeong wesan, ond his ealdcyðþu,436 sunbeorht gesetu, secan mote437 æfter fyrbaðe. Swa ða foregengan,438 yldran usse, anforleton439 þone wlitigan wong ond wuldres setl,440 leoflic on laste, tugon longne sið441 in hearmra hond, þær him hettende,442 earme aglæcan, oft gescodan.443 Wæron hwæþre monge, þa þe meotude wel444 gehyrdun under heofonum halgum ðeawum,445 dædum domlicum, þæt him dryhten wearð,446 heofona heahcyning, hold on mode.447 Ðæt is se hea beam in þam halge nu448 wic weardiað, þær him wihte ne mæg449 ealdfeonda nan atre sceþþan,450 facnes tacne, on þas frecnan tid.451 Þær him nest wyrceð wið niþa gehwam452 dædum domlicum dryhtnes cempa,453 þonne he ælmessan earmum dæleð,454 dugeþa leasum, ond him dryhten gecygð,455 fæder on fultum, forð onetteð,456 lænan lifes leahtras dwæsceþ,457 mirce mandæde, healdeð meotudes æ458 beald in breostum, ond gebedu seceð459 clænum gehygdum, ond his cneo bigeð460 æþele to eorþan, flyhð yfla gehwylc,461 grimme gieltas, for godes egsan,462 glædmod gyrneð þæt he godra mæst463 dæda gefremme; þam biþ dryhten scyld464 in siþa gehwane, sigora waldend,465 weoruda wilgiefa. Þis þa wyrta sind,466 wæstma blede, þa se wilda fugel467 somnað under swegle side ond wide468 to his wicstowe, þær he wundrum fæst469 wið niþa gehwam nest gewyrceð.470 Swa nu in þam wicum willan fremmað


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471 mode ond mægne meotudes cempan,472 mærða tilgað; þæs him meorde wile473 ece ælmihtig eadge forgildan.474 Beoð him of þam wyrtum wic gestaþelad475 in wuldres byrig weorca to leane,476 þæs þe hi geheoldan halge lare477 hate æt heortan, hige weallende478 dæges ond nihtes dryhten lufiað,479 leohte geleafan leofne ceosað480 ofer woruldwelan; ne biþ him wynne hyht481 þæt hy þis læne lif long gewunien.482 Þus eadig eorl ecan dreames,483 heofona hames mid heahcyning484 earnað on elne, oþþæt ende cymeð485 dogorrimes, þonne deað nimeð,486 wiga wælgifre, wæpnum geþryþed,487 ealdor anra gehwæs, ond in eorþan fæðm488 snude sendeð sawlum binumene489 læne lichoman, þær hi longe beoð490 oð fyres cyme foldan biþeahte.491 Ðonne monge beoð on gemot læded492 fyra cynnes; wile fæder engla,493 sigora soðcyning, seonoþ gehegan,494 duguða dryhten, deman mid ryhte.495 Þonne æriste ealle gefremmaþ496 men on moldan, swa se mihtiga cyning497 beodeð, brego engla, byman stefne498 ofer sidne grund, sawla nergend.499 Bið se deorca deað dryhtnes meahtum500 eadgum geendad. Æðele hweorfað,501 þreatum þringað, þonne þeos woruld,502 scyldwyrcende, in scome byrneð,503 ade onæled. Weorþeð anra gehwylc504 forht on ferþþe, þonne fyr briceð505 læne londwelan, lig eal þigeð506 eorðan æhtgestreon, æpplede gold507 gifre forgripeð, grædig swelgeð508 londes frætwe. Þonne on leoht cymeð509 ældum þisses in þa openan tid510 fæger ond gefealic fugles tacen,511 þonne anwald eal up astelleð512 of byrgenum, ban gegædrað,513 leomu lic somod, ond lifes gæst,514 fore Cristes cneo. Cyning þrymlice515 of his heahsetle halgum scineð,516 wlitig wuldres gim. Wel biþ þam þe mot517 in þa geomran tid gode lician.518 Ðær þa lichoman, leahtra clæne,519 gongað glædmode, gæstas hweorfað520 in banfatu, þonne bryne stigeð521 heah to heofonum. Hat bið monegum522 egeslic æled, þonne anra gehwylc,523 soðfæst ge synnig, sawel mid lice,


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524 from moldgrafum seceð meotudes dom,525 forhtafæred. Fyr bið on tihte,526 æleð uncyste. Þær þa eadgan beoð527 æfter wræchwile weorcum bifongen,528 agnum dædum. Þæt þa æþelan sind529 wyrta wynsume, mid þam se wilda fugel530 his sylfes nest biseteð utan,531 þæt hit færinga fyre byrneð,532 forsweleð under sunnan, ond he sylfa mid,533 ond þonne æfter lige lif eft onfehð534 edniwinga. Swa bið anra gehwylc535 flæsce bifongen fira cynnes,536 ænlic ond edgeong, se þe his agnum her537 willum gewyrceð þæt him wuldorcyning538 meahtig æt þam mæþle milde geweorþeð.539 Þonne hleoþriað halge gæstas,540 sawla soðfæste, song ahebbað,541 clæne ond gecorene, hergað cyninges þrym,542 stefn æfter stefne, stigað to wuldre543 wlitige gewyrtad mid hyra weldædum.544 Beoð þonne amerede monna gæstas,545 beorhte abywde þurh bryne fyres.546 Ne wene þæs ænig ælda cynnes547 þæt ic lygewordum leoð somnige,548 write woðcræfte. Gehyrað witedom549 Iobes gieddinga. Þurh gæstes blæd550 breostum onbryrded, beald reordade,551 wuldre geweorðad; he þæt word gecwæð:552 “Ic þæt ne forhycge heortan geþoncum,553 þæt ic in minum neste neobed ceose,554 hæle hrawerig, gewite hean þonan555 on longne sið, lame bitolden,556 geomor gudæda, in greotes fæðm,557 ond þonne æfter deaþe þurh dryhtnes giefe558 swa se fugel fenix feorh edniwe559 æfter æriste agan mote,560 dreamas mid dryhten, þær seo deore scolu561 leofne lofiað. Ic þæs lifes ne mæg562 æfre to ealdre ende gebidan,563 leohtes ond lissa. Þeah min lic scyle564 on moldærne molsnad weorþan565 wyrmum to willan, swa þeah weoruda god566 æfter swylthwile sawle alyseð567 ond in wuldor aweceð. Me þæs wen næfre568 forbirsteð in breostum, ðe ic in brego engla569 forðweardne gefean fæste hæbbe.”570 Ðus frod guma on fyrndagum571 gieddade gleawmod, godes spelboda,572 ymb his æriste in ece lif,573 þæt we þy geornor ongietan meahten574 tirfæst tacen þæt se torhta fugel575 þurh bryne beacnað. Bana lafe,576 ascan ond yslan, ealle gesomnað


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577 æfter ligbryne, lædeþ siþþan578 fugel on fotum to frean geardum,579 sunnan togeanes. Þær hi siþþan forð580 wuniað wintra fela, wæstmum geniwad,581 ealles edgiong, þær ænig ne mæg582 in þam leodscype læþþum hwopan.583 Swa nu æfter deaðe þurh dryhtnes miht584 somod siþiaþ sawla mid lice,585 fægre gefrætwed, fugle gelicast,586 in eadwelum æþelum stencum,587 þær seo soþfæste sunne lihteð588 wlitig ofer weoredum in wuldres byrig.589 Ðonne soðfæstum sawlum scineð590 heah ofer hrofas hælende Crist.591 Him folgiað fuglas scyne,592 beorhte gebredade, blissum hremige,593 in þam gladan ham, gæstas gecorene,594 ece to ealdre. Þær him yfle ne mæg595 fah feond gemah facne sceþþan,596 ac þær lifgað a leohte werede,597 swa se fugel fenix, in freoþu dryhtnes,598 wlitige in wuldre. Weorc anra gehwæs599 beorhte bliceð in þam bliþan ham600 fore onsyne ecan dryhtnes,601 symle in sibbe, sunnan gelice.602 Þær se beorhta beag, brogden wundrum603 eorcnanstanum, eadigra gehwam604 hlifað ofer heafde. Heafelan lixað,605 þrymme biþeahte. Ðeodnes cynegold606 soðfæstra gehwone sellic glengeð607 leohte in life, þær se longa gefea,608 ece ond edgeong, æfre ne sweþrað,609 ac hy in wlite wuniað, wuldre bitolden610 fægrum frætwum, mid fæder engla.611 Ne bið him on þam wicum wiht to sorge,612 wroht ne weþel ne gewindagas,613 hungor se hata ne se hearda þurst,614 yrmþu ne yldo. Him se æþela cyning615 forgifeð goda gehwylc. Þær gæsta gedryht616 hælend hergað ond heofoncyninges617 meahte mærsiað, singað metude lof.618 Swinsað sibgedryht swega mæste619 hædre ymb þæt halge heahseld godes,620 bliþe bletsiað bregu selestan621 eadge mid englum, efenhleoþre þus:622 “Sib si þe, soð god, ond snyttrucræft,623 ond þe þonc sy þrymsittendum624 geongra gyfena, goda gehwylces.625 Micel, unmæte mægnes strengðu,626 heah ond halig! Heofonas sindon627 fægre gefylled, fæder ælmihtig,628 ealra þrymma þrym, þines wuldres,629 uppe mid englum ond on eorðan somod.


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630 Gefreoþa usic, frymþa scyppend! Þu eart fæder ælmihtig631 in heannesse, heofuna waldend.”632 Ðus reordiað ryhtfremmende,633 manes amerede, in þære mæran byrig;634 cyneþrym cyþað, caseres lof635 singað on swegle soðfæstra gedryht,636 þam anum is ece weorðmynd637 forð butan ende. Næs his frymð æfre,638 eades ongyn. Þeah he on eorþan her639 þurh cildes had cenned wære640 in middangeard, hwæþre his meahta sped641 heah ofer heofonum halig wunade,642 dom unbryce. Þeah he deaþes cwealm643 on rode treow ræfnan sceolde,644 þearlic wite, he þy þriddan dæge645 æfter lices hryre lif eft onfeng646 þurh fæder fultum. Swa fenix beacnað,647 geong in geardum, godbearnes meaht,648 þonne he of ascan eft onwæcneð649 in lifes lif, leomum geþungen.650 Swa se hælend us helpe gefremede651 þurh his lices gedal, lif butan ende,652 swa se fugel swetum his fiþru tu653 ond wynsumum wyrtum gefylleð,654 fægrum foldwæstmum, þonne afysed bið.655 Þæt sindon þa word, swa us gewritu secgað,656 hleoþor haligra, þe him to heofonum bið,657 to þam mildan gode, mod afysed658 in dreama dream, þær hi dryhtne to giefe659 worda ond weorca wynsumne stenc660 in þa mæran gesceaft meotude bringað,661 in þæt leohte lif. Sy him lof symle662 þurh woruld worulda, ond wuldres blæd,663 ar ond onwald, in þam uplican664 rodera rice. He is on ryht cyning665 middangeardes ond mægenþrymmes,666 wuldre biwunden in þære wlitigan byrig.667 Hafað us alyfed lucis auctor668 þæt we motun her merueri,669 goddædum begietan gaudia in celo,670 þær we motun maxima regna671 secan ond gesittan sedibus altis,672 lifgan in lisse lucis et pacis,673 agan eardinga almæ letitiæ,674 brucan blæddaga, blandem et mitem675 geseon sigora frean sine fine,676 ond him lof singan laude perenne,677 eadge mid englum. Alleluia.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - JULIANA1 Hwæt! We ðæt hyrdon hæleð eahtian,2 deman dædhwate, þætte in dagum gelamp


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3 Maximianes, se geond middangeard,4 arleas cyning, eahtnysse ahof,5 cwealde cristne men, circan fylde,6 geat on græswong godhergendra,7 hæþen hildfruma, haligra blod,8 ryhtfremmendra. Wæs his rice brad,9 wid ond weorðlic ofer werþeode,10 lytesna ofer ealne yrmenne grund.11 Foron æfter burgum, swa he biboden hæfde,12 þegnas þryðfulle. Oft hi þræce rærdon,13 dædum gedwolene, þa þe dryhtnes æ14 feodon þurh firencræft. Feondscype rærdon,15 hofon hæþengield, halge cwelmdon,16 breotun boccræftge, bærndon gecorene,17 gæston godes cempan gare ond lige.18 Sum wæs æhtwelig æþeles cynnes19 rice gerefa. Rondburgum weold,20 eard weardade oftast symle21 in þære ceastre Commedia,22 heold hordgestreon. Oft he hæþengield23 ofer word godes, weoh gesohte24 neode geneahhe. Wæs him noma cenned25 Heliseus, hæfde ealdordom26 micelne ond mærne. Ða his mod ongon27 fæmnan lufian, (hine fyrwet bræc),28 Iulianan. Hio in gæste bær29 halge treowe, hogde georne30 þæt hire mægðhad mana gehwylces31 fore Cristes lufan clæne geheolde.32 Ða wæs sio fæmne mid hyre fæder willan33 welegum biweddad; wyrd ne ful cuþe,34 freondrædenne hu heo from hogde,35 geong on gæste. Hire wæs godes egsa36 mara in gemyndum, þonne eall þæt maþþumgesteald37 þe in þæs æþelinges æhtum wunade.38 Þa wæs se weliga þæra wifgifta,39 goldspedig guma, georn on mode,40 þæt him mon fromlicast fæmnan gegyrede,41 bryd to bolde. Heo þæs beornes lufan42 fæste wiðhogde, þeah þe feohgestreon43 under hordlocan, hyrsta unrim44 æhte ofer eorþan. Heo þæt eal forseah,45 ond þæt word acwæð on wera mengu:46 “Ic þe mæg gesecgan þæt þu þec sylfne ne þearft47 swiþor swencan. Gif þu soðne god48 lufast ond gelyfest, ond his lof rærest,49 ongietest gæsta hleo, ic beo gearo sona50 unwaclice willan þines.51 Swylce ic þe secge, gif þu to sæmran gode52 þurh deofolgield dæde biþencest,53 hætsð hæþenweoh, ne meaht þu habban mec,54 ne geþreatian þe to gesingan.55 Næfre þu þæs swiðlic sar gegearwast


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56 þurh hæstne nið heardra wita,57 þæt þu mec onwende worda þissa.”58 Ða se æþeling wearð yrre gebolgen,59 firendædum fah, gehyrde þære fæmnan word,60 het ða gefetigan ferend snelle,61 hreoh ond hygeblind, haligre fæder,62 recene to rune. Reord up astag,63 siþþan hy togædre garas hlændon,64 hildeþremman. Hæðne wæron begen65 synnum seoce, sweor ond aþum.66 Ða reordode rices hyrde67 wið þære fæmnan fæder frecne mode,68 daraðhæbbende: “Me þin dohtor hafað69 geywed orwyrðu. Heo me on an sagað70 þæt heo mæglufan minre ne gyme,71 freondrædenne. Me þa fraceðu sind72 on modsefan mæste weorce,73 þæt heo mec swa torne tæle gerahte74 fore þissum folce, het me fremdne god,75 ofer þa oþre þe we ær cuþon,76 welum weorþian, wordum lofian,77 on hyge hergan, oþþe hi nabban.”78 Geswearc þa swiðferð sweor æfter worde,79 þære fæmnan fæder, ferðlocan onspeon:80 “Ic þæt geswerge þurh soð godu,81 swa ic are æt him æfre finde,82 oþþe, þeoden, æt þe þine hyldu83 winburgum in, gif þas word sind soþ,84 monna leofast, þe þu me sagast,85 þæt ic hy ne sparige, ac on spild giefe,86 þeoden mæra, þe to gewealde.87 Dem þu hi to deaþe, gif þe gedafen þince,88 swa to life læt, swa þe leofre sy.”89 Eode þa fromlice fæmnan to spræce,90 anræd ond yreþweorg, yrre gebolgen,91 þær he glædmode geonge wiste92 wic weardian. He þa worde cwæð:93 “Ðu eart dohtor min seo dyreste94 ond seo sweteste in sefan minum,95 ange for eorþan, minra eagna leoht,96 Iuliana! Þu on geaþe hafast97 þurh þin orlegu unbiþyrfe98 ofer witena dom wisan gefongen.99 Wiðsæcest þu to swiþe sylfre rædes100 þinum brydguman, se is betra þonne þu,101 æþelra for eorþan, æhtspedigra102 feohgestreona. He is to freonde god.103 Forþon is þæs wyrþe, þæt þu þæs weres frige,104 ece eadlufan, an ne forlæte.”105 Him þa seo eadge ageaf ondsware,106 Iuliana (hio to gode hæfde107 freondrædenne fæste gestaþelad):108 “Næfre ic þæs þeodnes þafian wille


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109 mægrædenne, nemne he mægna god110 geornor bigonge þonne he gen dyde,111 lufige mid lacum þone þe leoht gescop,112 heofon ond eorðan ond holma bigong,113 eodera ymbhwyrft. Ne mæg he elles mec114 bringan to bolde. He þa brydlufan115 sceal to oþerre æhtgestealdum116 idese secan; nafað he ænige her.”117 Hyre þa þurh yrre ageaf ondsware118 fæder feondlice, nales frætwe onheht:119 “Ic þæt gefremme, gif min feorh leofað120 gif þu unrædes ær ne geswicest,121 ond þu fremdu godu forð bigongest122 ond þa forlætest þe us leofran sind,123 þe þissum folce to freme stondað,124 þæt þu ungeara ealdre scyldig125 þurh deora gripe deaþe sweltest,126 gif þu geþafian nelt þingrædenne,127 modges gemanan. Micel is þæt ongin128 ond þreaniedlic þinre gelican,129 þæt þu forhycge hlaford urne.”130 Him þa seo eadge ageaf ondsware,131 gleaw ond gode leof, Iuliana:132 “Ic þe to soðe secgan wille,133 bi me lifgendre nelle ic lyge fremman.134 Næfre ic me ondræde domas þine,135 ne me weorce sind witebrogan,136 hildewoman, þe þu hæstlice137 manfremmende to me beotast,138 ne þu næfre gedest þurh gedwolan þinne139 þæt þu mec acyrre from Cristes lofe.”140 Ða wæs ellenwod, yrre ond reþe,141 frecne ond ferðgrim, fæder wið dehter.142 Het hi þa swingan, susle þreagan,143 witum wægan, ond þæt word acwæð:144 “Onwend þec in gewitte, ond þa word oncyr145 þe þu unsnyttrum ær gespræce,146 þa þu goda ussa gield forhogdest.”147 Him seo unforhte ageaf ondsware148 þurh gæstgehygd, Iuliana:149 “Næfre þu gelærest þæt ic leasingum,150 dumbum ond deafum deofolgieldum,151 gæsta geniðlum gaful onhate,152 þam wyrrestum wites þegnum,153 ac ic weorðige wuldres ealdor154 middangeardes ond mægenþrymmes,155 ond him anum to eal biþence,156 þæt he mundbora min geweorþe,157 helpend ond hælend wið hellsceaþum.”158 Hy þa þurh yrre Affricanus,159 fæder fæmnan ageaf on feonda geweald160 Heliseo. He in æringe161 gelædan het æfter leohtes cyme


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162 to his domsetle. Duguð wafade163 on þære fæmnan wlite, folc eal geador.164 Hy þa se æðeling ærest grette,165 hire brydguma, bliþum wordum:166 “Min se swetesta sunnan scima,167 Iuliana! Hwæt, þu glæm hafast,168 ginfæste giefe, geoguðhades blæd!169 Gif þu godum ussum gen gecwemest,170 ond þe to swa mildum mundbyrd secest,171 hyldo to halgum, beoð þe ahylded fram172 wraþe geworhtra wita unrim,173 grimra gyrna, þe þe gegearwad sind,174 gif þu onsecgan nelt soþum gieldum.”175 Him seo æþele mæg ageaf ondsware:176 “Næfre þu geþreatast þinum beotum,177 ne wita þæs fela wraðra gegearwast,178 þæt ic þeodscype þinne lufie,179 buton þu forlæte þa leasinga,180 weohweorðinga, ond wuldres god181 ongyte gleawlice, gæsta scyppend,182 meotud moncynnes, in þæs meahtum sind183 a butan ende ealle gesceafta.”184 Ða for þam folce frecne mode185 beotwordum spræc, bealg hine swiþe186 folcagende, ond þa fæmnan het187 þurh niðwræce nacode þennan,188 ond mid sweopum swingan synna lease.189 Ahlog þa se hererinc, hospwordum spræc:190 “Þis is ealdordom uncres gewynnes191 on fruman gefongen! Gen ic feores þe192 unnan wille, þeah þu ær fela193 unwærlicra worda gespræce,194 onsoce to swiðe þæt þu soð godu195 lufian wolde. Þe þa lean sceolan196 wiþerhycgendre, witebrogan,197 æfter weorþan, butan þu ær wiþ hi198 geþingige, ond him þoncwyrþe199 æfter leahtorcwidum lac onsecge,200 sibbe gesette. Læt þa sace restan,201 lað leodgewin. Gif þu leng ofer þis202 þurh þin dolwillen gedwolan fylgest,203 þonne ic nyde sceal niþa gebæded204 on þære grimmestan godscyld wrecan,205 torne teoncwide, þe þu tælnissum206 wiþ þa selestan sacan ongunne,207 ond þa mildestan þara þe men witen,208 þe þes leodscype mid him longe bieode.”209 Him þæt æþele mod unforht oncwæð:210 “Ne ondræde ic me domas þine,211 awyrged womsceaða, ne þinra wita bealo.212 Hæbbe ic me to hyhte heofonrices weard,213 mildne mundboran, mægna waldend,214 se mec gescyldeð wið þinum scinlace


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215 of gromra gripe, þe þu to godum tiohhast.216 Ða sind geasne goda gehwylces,217 idle, orfeorme, unbiþyrfe,218 ne þær freme meteð fira ænig219 soðe sibbe, þeah þe sece to him220 freondrædenne. He ne findeð þær221 duguþe mid deoflum. Ic to dryhtne min222 mod staþelige, se ofer mægna gehwylc223 waldeð wideferh, wuldres agend,224 sigora gehwylces. Þæt is soð cyning.”225 Ða þam folctogan fracuðlic þuhte226 þæt he ne meahte mod oncyrran,227 fæmnan foreþonc. He bi feaxe het228 ahon ond ahebban on heanne beam,229 þær seo sunsciene slege þrowade,230 sace singrimme, siex tida dæges,231 ond he ædre het eft asettan,232 laðgeniðla, ond gelædan bibead233 to carcerne. Hyre wæs Cristes lof234 in ferðlocan fæste biwunden,235 milde modsefan, mægen unbrice.236 Ða wæs mid clustre carcernes duru237 behliden, homra geweorc. Halig þær inne238 wærfæst wunade. Symle heo wuldorcyning239 herede æt heortan, heofonrices god,240 in þam nydclafan, nergend fira,241 heolstre bihelmad. Hyre wæs halig gæst242 singal gesið. Ða cwom semninga243 in þæt hlinræced hæleða gewinna,244 yfeles ondwis. Hæfde engles hiw,245 gleaw gyrnstafa gæstgeniðla,246 helle hæftling, to þære halgan spræc:247 “Hwæt dreogest þu, seo dyreste248 ond seo weorþeste wuldorcyninge,249 dryhtne ussum? Ðe þes dema hafað250 þa wyrrestan witu gegearwad,251 sar endeleas, gif þu onsecgan nelt,252 gleawhycgende, ond his godum cweman.253 Wes þu on ofeste, swa he þec ut heonan254 lædan hate, þæt þu lac hraþe255 onsecge sigortifre, ær þec swylt nime,256 deað fore duguðe. Þy þu þæs deman scealt,257 eadhreðig mæg, yrre gedygan.”258 Frægn þa fromlice, seo þe forht ne wæs,259 Criste gecweme, hwonan his cyme wære.260 Hyre se wræcmæcga wið þingade:261 “Ic eom engel godes ufan siþende,262 þegn geþungen, ond to þe sended,263 halig of heahþu. Þe sind heardlicu,264 wundrum wælgrim, witu geteohhad265 to gringwræce. Het þe god beodan,266 bearn waldendes, þæt þe burge þa.”267 Ða wæs seo fæmne for þam færspelle


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268 egsan geaclad, þe hyre se aglæca,269 wuldres wiþerbreca, wordum sægde.270 Ongan þa fæstlice ferð staþelian,271 geong grondorleas, to gode cleopian272 “Nu ic þec, beorna hleo, biddan wille273 ece ælmihtig, þurh þæt æþele gesceap274 þe þu, fæder engla, æt fruman settest,275 þæt þu me ne læte of lofe hweorfan276 þinre eadgife, swa me þes ar bodað277 frecne færspel, þe me fore stondeð.278 Swa ic þe, bilwitne, biddan wille279 þæt þu me gecyðe, cyninga wuldor,280 þrymmes hyrde, hwæt þes þegn sy,281 lyftlacende, þe mec læreð from þe282 on stearcne weg.” Hyre stefn oncwæð283 wlitig of wolcnum, word hleoþrade:284 “Forfoh þone frætgan ond fæste geheald,285 oþþæt he his siðfæt secge mid ryhte,286 ealne from orde, hwæt his æþelu syn.”287 Ða wæs þære fæmnan ferð geblissad.288 domeadigre. Heo þæt deofol genom289 “ealra cyninga cyning to cwale syllan.290 Ða gen ic gecræfte þæt se cempa ongon291 waldend wundian, weorud to segon292 þæt þær blod ond wæter bu tu ætgædre293 eorþan sohtun. Ða gen ic Herode294 in hyge bisweop þæt he Iohannes bibead295 heafde biheawan, ða se halga wer296 þære wiflufan wordum styrde,297 unryhtre æ. Eac ic gelærde298 Simon searoþoncum þæt he sacan ongon299 wiþ þa gecorenan Cristes þegnas,300 ond þa halgan weras hospe gerahte301 þurh deopne gedwolan, sægde hy dryas wæron.302 Neþde ic nearobregdum þær ic Neron bisweac,303 þæt he acwellan het Cristes þegnas,304 Petrus ond Paulus. Pilatus ær305 on rode aheng rodera waldend,306 meotud meahtigne minum larum.307 Swylce ic Egias eac gelærde308 þæt he unsnytrum Andreas het309 ahon haligne on heanne beam,310 þæt he of galgan his gæst onsende311 in wuldres wlite. Þus ic wraþra fela312 mid minum broþrum bealwa gefremede,313 sweartra synna, þe ic asecgan ne mæg,314 rume areccan, ne gerim witan,315 heardra heteþonca.” Him seo halge oncwæð316 þurh gæstes giefe, Iuliana:317 “Þu scealt furþor gen, feond moncynnes,318 siþfæt secgan, hwa þec sende to me.”319 Hyre se aglæca ageaf ondsware,320 forhtafongen, friþes orwena:


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321 “Hwæt, mec min fæder on þas fore to þe,322 hellwarena cyning, hider onsende323 of þam engan ham, se is yfla gehwæs324 in þam grornhofe geornfulra þonne ic.325 Þonne he usic sendeð þæt we soðfæstra326 þurh misgedwield mod oncyrren,327 ahwyrfen from halor, we beoð hygegeomre,328 forhte on ferðþe. Ne biþ us frea milde,329 egesful ealdor, gif we yfles noht330 gedon habbaþ; ne durran we siþþan331 for his onsyne ower geferan.332 Þonne he onsendeð geond sidne grund333 þegnas of þystrum, hateð þræce ræran,334 gif we gemette sin on moldwege,335 oþþe feor oþþe neah fundne weorþen,336 þæt hi usic binden ond in bælwylme337 suslum swingen. Gif soðfæstra338 þurh myrrelsan mod ne oðcyrreð,339 haligra hyge, we þa heardestan340 ond þa wyrrestan witu geþoliað341 þurh sarslege. Nu þu sylfa meaht342 on sefan þinum soð gecnawan,343 þæt ic þisse noþe wæs nyde gebæded,344 þragmælum geþread, þæt ic þe sohte.”345 Þa gen seo halge ongon hæleþa gewinnan,346 wrohtes wyrhtan, wordum frignan,347 fyrnsynna fruman: “Þu me furþor scealt348 secgan, sawla feond, hu þu soðfæstum349 þurh synna slide swiþast sceþþe,350 facne bifongen.” Hyre se feond oncwæð,351 wræcca wærleas, wordum mælde:352 “Ic þe, ead mæg, yfla gehwylces353 or gecyðe oð ende forð354 þara þe ic gefremede, nalæs feam siðum,355 synna wundum, þæt þu þy sweotolicor356 sylf gecnawe þæt þis is soð, nales leas.357 Ic þæt wende ond witod tealde358 þriste geþoncge, þæt ic þe meahte359 butan earfeþum anes cræfte360 ahwyrfan from halor, þæt þu heofoncyninge361 wiðsoce, sigora frean, ond to sæmran gebuge,362 onsægde synna fruman. Þus ic soðfæstum363 þurh mislic bleo mod oncyrre.364 Þær ic hine finde ferð staþelian365 to godes willan, ic beo gearo sona366 þæt ic him monigfealde modes gælsan367 ongean bere grimra geþonca,368 dyrnra gedwilda, þurh gedwolena rim.369 Ic him geswete synna lustas,370 mæne modlufan, þæt he minum hraþe,371 leahtrum gelenge, larum hyreð.372 Ic hine þæs swiþe synnum onæle373 þæt he byrnende from gebede swiceð,


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374 stepeð stronglice, staþolfæst ne mæg375 fore leahtra lufan lenge gewunian376 in gebedstowe. Swa ic brogan to377 laðne gelæde þam þe ic lifes ofonn,378 leohtes geleafan, ond he larum wile379 þurh modes myne minum hyran,380 synne fremman, he siþþan sceal381 godra gumcysta geasne hweorfan.382 Gif ic ænigne ellenrofne383 gemete modigne metodes cempan384 wið flanþræce, nele feor þonan385 bugan from beaduwe, ac he bord ongean386 hefeð hygesnottor, haligne scyld,387 gæstlic guðreaf, nele gode swican,388 ac he beald in gebede bidsteal gifeð389 fæste on feðan, ic sceal feor þonan390 heanmod hweorfan, hroþra bidæled,391 in gleda gripe, gehðu mænan,392 þæt ic ne meahte mægnes cræfte393 guðe wiðgongan, ac ic geomor sceal394 secan oþerne ellenleasran,395 under cumbolhagan, cempan sænran,396 þe ic onbryrdan mæge beorman mine,397 agælan æt guþe. Þeah he godes hwæt398 onginne gæstlice, ic beo gearo sona,399 þæt ic ingehygd eal geondwlite,400 hu gefæstnad sy ferð innanweard,401 wiðsteall geworht. Ic þæs wealles geat402 ontyne þurh teonan; bið se torr þyrel,403 ingong geopenad, þonne ic ærest him404 þurh eargfare in onsende405 in breostsefan bitre geþoncas406 þurh mislice modes willan,407 þæt him sylfum selle þynceð408 leahtras to fremman ofer lof godes,409 lices lustas. Ic beo lareow georn410 þæt he monþeawum minum lifge411 acyrred cuðlice from Cristes æ,412 mod gemyrred me to gewealde413 in synna seað. Ic þære sawle ma414 geornor gyme ymb þæs gæstes forwyrd415 þonne þæs lichoman, se þe on legre sceal416 weorðan in worulde wyrme to hroþor,417 bifolen in foldan.” Ða gien seo fæmne spræc:418 “Saga, earmsceapen, unclæne gæst,419 hu þu þec geþyde, þystra stihtend,420 on clænra gemong? Þu wið Criste geo421 wærleas wunne ond gewin tuge,422 hogdes wiþ halgum. Þe wearð helle seað423 niþer gedolfen, þær þu nydbysig424 fore oferhygdum eard gesohtes.425 Wende ic þæt þu þy wærra weorþan sceolde426 wið soðfæstum swylces gemotes


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427 ond þy unbealdra, þe þe oft wiðstod428 þurh wuldorcyning willan þines.”429 Hyre þa se werga wið þingade,430 earm aglæca: “Þu me ærest saga,431 hu þu gedyrstig þurh deop gehygd432 wurde þus wigþrist ofer eall wifa cyn,433 þæt þu mec þus fæste fetrum gebunde,434 æghwæs orwigne. Þu in ecne god,435 þrymsittendne, þinne getreowdes,436 meotud moncynnes, swa ic in minne fæder,437 hellwarena cyning, hyht staþelie.438 Þonne ic beom onsended wið soðfæstum,439 þæt ic in manweorcum mod oncyrre,440 hyge from halor, me hwilum biþ441 forwyrned þurh wiþersteall willan mines,442 hyhtes æt halgum, swa me her gelamp443 sorg on siþe. Ic þæt sylf gecneow444 to late micles, sceal nu lange ofer þis,445 scyldwyrcende, scame þrowian.446 Forþon ic þec halsige þurh þæs hyhstan meaht,447 rodorcyninges giefe, se þe on rode treo448 geþrowade, þrymmes ealdor,449 þæt þu miltsige me þearfendum,450 þæt unsælig eall ne forweorþe,451 þeah ic þec gedyrstig ond þus dolwillen452 siþe gesohte, þær ic swiþe me453 þyslicre ær þrage ne wende.”454 Ða seo wlitescyne wuldres condel455 to þam wærlogan wordum mælde:456 “Þu scealt ondettan yfeldæda ma,457 hean helle gæst, ær þu heonan mote,458 hwæt þu to teonan þurhtogen hæbbe459 micelra manweorca manna tudre460 deorcum gedwildum.” Hyre þæt deofol oncwæð:461 “Nu ic þæt gehyre þurh þinne hleoþorcwide,462 þæt ic nyde sceal niþa gebæded463 mod meldian, swa þu me beodest,464 þreaned þolian. Is þeos þrag ful strong,465 þreat ormæte. Ic sceal þinga gehwylc466 þolian ond þafian on þinne dom,467 womdæda onwreon, þe ic wideferg468 sweartra gesyrede. Oft ic syne ofteah,469 ablende bealoþoncum beorna unrim470 monna cynnes, misthelme forbrægd471 þurh attres ord eagna leoman472 sweartum scurum, ond ic sumra fet473 forbræc bealosearwum, sume in bryne sende,474 in liges locan, þæt him lasta wearð475 siþast gesyne. Eac ic sume gedyde476 þæt him banlocan blode spiowedan,477 þæt hi færinga feorh aleton478 þurh ædra wylm. Sume on yðfare479 wurdon on wege wætrum bisencte,


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480 on mereflode, minum cræftum481 under reone stream. Sume ic rode bifealh,482 þæt hi hyra dreorge on hean galgan483 lif aletan. Sume ic larum geteah,484 to geflite fremede, þæt hy færinga485 ealde æfþoncan edniwedan,486 beore druncne. Ic him byrlade487 wroht of wege, þæt hi in winsele488 þurh sweordgripe sawle forletan489 of flæschoman fæge scyndan,490 sarum gesohte. Sume, þa ic funde491 butan godes tacne, gymelease,492 ungebletsade, þa ic bealdlice493 þurh mislic cwealm minum hondum494 searoþoncum slog. Ic asecgan ne mæg,495 þeah ic gesitte sumerlongne dæg,496 eal þa earfeþu þe ic ær ond siþ497 gefremede to facne, siþþan furþum wæs498 rodor aræred ond ryne tungla,499 folde gefæstnad ond þa forman men,500 Adam ond Aeue, þam ic ealdor oðþrong,501 ond hy gelærde þæt hi lufan dryhtnes,502 ece eadgiefe anforleton,503 beorhtne boldwelan, þæt him bæm gewearð504 yrmþu to ealdre, ond hyra eaferum swa,505 mircast manweorca. Hwæt sceal ic ma riman506 yfel endeleas? Ic eall gebær,507 wraþe wrohtas geond werþeode,508 þa þe gewurdun widan feore509 from fruman worulde fira cynne,510 eorlum on eorþan. Ne wæs ænig þara511 þæt me þus þriste, swa þu nu þa,512 halig mid hondum, hrinan dorste,513 næs ænig þæs modig mon ofer eorþan514 þurh halge meaht, heahfædra nan515 ne witgena. Þeah þe him weoruda god516 onwrige, wuldres cyning, wisdomes gæst,517 giefe unmæte, hwæþre ic gong to þam518 agan moste. Næs ænig þara519 þæt mec þus bealdlice bennum bilegde,520 þream forþrycte, ær þu nu þa521 þa miclan meaht mine oferswiðdest,522 fæste forfenge, þe me fæder sealde,523 feond moncynnes, þa he mec feran het,524 þeoden of þystrum, þæt ic þe sceolde525 synne swetan. Þær mec sorg bicwom,526 hefig hondgewinn. Ic bihlyhhan ne þearf527 æfter sarwræce siðfæt þisne528 magum in gemonge, þonne ic mine sceal529 agiefan gnorncearig gafulrædenne530 in þam reongan ham.” Ða se gerefa het,531 gealgmod guma, Iulianan532 of þam engan hofe ut gelædan


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533 on hyge halge hæþnum to spræce534 to his domsetle. Heo þæt deofol teah,535 breostum inbryrded, bendum fæstne,536 halig hæþenne. Ongan þa hreowcearig537 siðfæt seofian, sar cwanian,538 wyrd wanian, wordum mælde:539 “Ic þec halsige, hlæfdige min,540 Iuliana, fore godes sibbum,541 þæt þu furþur me fraceþu ne wyrce,542 edwit for eorlum, þonne þu ær dydest,543 þa þu oferswiþdest þone snotrestan544 under hlinscuan helwarena cyning545 in feonda byrig; þæt is fæder user,546 morþres manfrea. Hwæt, þu mec þreades547 þurh sarslege! Ic to soþe wat548 þæt ic ær ne sið ænig ne mette549 in woruldrice wif þe gelic,550 þristran geþohtes ne þweorhtimbran551 mægþa cynnes. Is on me sweotul552 þæt þu unscamge æghwæs wurde553 on ferþe frod.” Ða hine seo fæmne forlet554 æfter þræchwile þystra neosan555 in sweartne grund, sawla gewinnan,556 on wita forwyrd. Wiste he þi gearwor,557 manes melda, magum to secgan,558 susles þegnum, hu him on siðe gelomp.559 “georne ær560 heredon on heahþu ond his halig word,561 sægdon soðlice þæt he sigora gehwæs562 ofer ealle gesceaft ana weolde,563 ecra eadgiefa.” Ða cwom engel godes564 frætwum blican ond þæt fyr tosceaf,565 gefreode ond gefreoðade facnes clæne,566 leahtra lease, ond þone lig towearp,567 heorogiferne, þær seo halie stod,568 mægþa bealdor, on þam midle gesund.569 Þæt þam weligan wæs weorc to þolianne,570 þær he hit for worulde wendan meahte,571 sohte synnum fah, hu he sarlicast572 þurh þa wyrrestan witu meahte573 feorhcwale findan. Næs se feond to læt,574 se hine gelærde þæt he læmen fæt575 biwyrcan het wundorcræfte,576 wiges womum, ond wudubeamum,577 holte bihlænan. Ða se hearda bibead578 þæt mon þæt lamfæt leades gefylde,579 ond þa onbærnan het bælfira mæst,580 ad onælan, se wæs æghwonan581 ymbboren mid brondum. Bæð hate weol.582 Het þa ofestlice yrre gebolgen583 leahtra lease in þæs leades wylm584 scufan butan scyldum. Þa toscaden wearð585 lig tolysed. Lead wide sprong,


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586 hat, heorogifre. Hæleð wurdon acle587 arasad for þy ræse. Þær on rime forborn588 þurh þæs fires fnæst fif ond hundseofontig589 hæðnes herges. Ða gen sio halge stod590 ungewemde wlite. Næs hyre wloh ne hrægl,591 ne feax ne fel fyre gemæled,592 ne lic ne leoþu. Heo in lige stod593 æghwæs onsund, sægde ealles þonc594 dryhtna dryhtne. Þa se dema wearð595 hreoh ond hygegrim, ongon his hrægl teran,596 swylce he grennade ond gristbitade,597 wedde on gewitte swa wilde deor,598 grymetade gealgmod ond his godu tælde,599 þæs þe hy ne meahtun mægne wiþstondan600 wifes willan. Wæs seo wuldres mæg601 anræd ond unforht, eafoða gemyndig,602 dryhtnes willan. Þa se dema het603 aswebban sorgcearig þurh sweordbite604 on hyge halge, heafde bineotan605 Criste gecorene. Hine se cwealm ne þeah,606 siþþan he þone fintan furþor cuþe.607 Ða wearð þære halgan hyht geniwad608 ond þæs mægdnes mod miclum geblissad,609 siþþan heo gehyrde hæleð eahtian610 inwitrune, þæt hyre endestæf611 of gewindagum weorþan sceolde,612 lif alysed. Het þa leahtra ful613 clæne ond gecorene to cwale lædan,614 synna lease. Ða cwom semninga615 hean helle gæst, hearmleoð agol,616 earm ond unlæd, þone heo ær gebond617 awyrgedne ond mid witum swong,618 cleopade þa for corþre, ceargealdra full:619 “Gyldað nu mid gyrne, þæt heo goda ussa620 meaht forhogde, ond mec swiþast621 geminsade, þæt ic to meldan wearð.622 Lætað hy laþra leana hleotan623 þurh wæpnes spor, wrecað ealdne nið,624 synne gesohte. Ic þa sorge gemon,625 hu ic bendum fæst bisga unrim626 on anre niht earfeða dreag,627 yfel ormætu.” Þa seo eadge biseah628 ongean gramum, Iuliana,629 gehyrde heo hearm galan helle deofol.630 Feond moncynnes ongon þa on fleam sceacan,631 wita neosan, ond þæt word acwæð:632 “Wa me forworhtum! Nu is wen micel633 þæt heo mec eft wille earmne gehynan634 yflum yrmþum, swa heo mec ær dyde.”635 Ða wæs gelæded londmearce neah636 ond to þære stowe þær hi stearcferþe637 þurh cumbolhete cwellan þohtun.638 Ongon heo þa læran ond to lofe trymman


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639 folc of firenum ond him frofre gehet,640 weg to wuldre, ond þæt word acwæð:641 “Gemunað wigena wyn ond wuldres þrym,642 haligra hyht, heofonengla god.643 He is þæs wyrðe, þæt hine werþeode644 ond eal engla cynn up on roderum645 hergen, heahmægen, þær is help gelong646 ece to ealdre, þam þe agan sceal.647 Forþon ic, leof weorud, læran wille,648 æfremmende, þæt ge eower hus649 gefæstnige, þy læs hit ferblædum650 windas toweorpan. Weal sceal þy trumra651 strong wiþstondan storma scurum,652 leahtra gehygdum. Ge mid lufan sibbe,653 leohte geleafan, to þam lifgendan654 stane stiðhydge staþol fæstniað,655 soðe treowe ond sibbe mid eow656 healdað æt heortan, halge rune657 þurh modes myne. Þonne eow miltse giefeð658 fæder ælmihtig, þær ge frofre agun659 æt mægna gode, mæste þearfe660 æfter sorgstafum. Forþon ge sylfe neton661 utgong heonan, ende lifes.662 Wærlic me þinceð þæt ge wæccende663 wið hettendra hildewoman664 wearde healden, þy læs eow wiþerfeohtend665 weges forwyrnen to wuldres byrig.666 Biddað bearn godes þæt me brego engla,667 meotud moncynnes, milde geweorþe,668 sigora sellend. Sibb sy mid eowic,669 symle soþ lufu.” Ða hyre sawl wearð670 alæded of lice to þam langan gefean671 þurh sweordslege. Þa se synscaþa672 to scipe sceohmod sceaþena þreate673 Heliseus ehstream sohte,674 leolc ofer laguflod longe hwile675 on swonrade. Swylt ealle fornom676 secga hloþe ond hine sylfne mid,677 ærþon hy to lande geliden hæfdon,678 þurh þearlic þrea. Þær XXX wæs679 ond feowere eac feores onsohte680 þurh wæges wylm wigena cynnes,681 heane mid hlaford, hroþra bidæled,682 hyhta lease helle sohton.683 Ne þorftan þa þegnas in þam þystran ham,684 seo geneatscolu in þam neolan scræfe,685 to þam frumgare feohgestealda686 witedra wenan, þæt hy in winsele687 ofer beorsetle beagas þegon,688 æpplede gold. Ungelice wæs689 læded lofsongum lic haligre690 micle mægne to moldgræfe,691 þæt hy hit gebrohton burgum in innan,


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692 sidfolc micel. Þær siððan wæs693 geara gongum godes lof hafen694 þrymme micle oþ þisne dæg695 mid þeodscipe. Is me þearf micel696 þæt seo halge me helpe gefremme,697 þonne me gedælað deorast ealra,698 sibbe toslitað sinhiwan tu,699 micle modlufan. Min sceal of lice700 sawul on siðfæt, nat ic sylfa hwider,701 eardes uncyðgu; of sceal ic þissum,702 secan oþerne ærgewyrhtum,703 gongan iudædum. Geomor hweorfeð704 [Figure: 2Kb]704 ond [Figure: 2Kb]704 Cyning biþ reþe,705 sigora syllend, þonne synnum fah706 [Figure: 2Kb]706 ond [Figure: 2Kb]706 acle bidað707 hwæt him æfter dædum deman wille708 lifes to leane.708 [Figure: 2Kb]708 beofað,709 seomað sorgcearig. Sar eal gemon,710 synna wunde, þe ic siþ oþþe ær711 geworhte in worulde. Þæt ic wopig sceal712 tearum mænan. Wæs an tid to læt713 þæt ic yfeldæda ær gescomede,714 þenden gæst ond lic geador siþedan715 onsund on earde. Þonne arna biþearf,716 þæt me seo halge wið þone hyhstan cyning717 geþingige. Mec þæs þearf monaþ,718 micel modes sorg. Bidde ic monna gehwone719 gumena cynnes, þe þis gied wræce,720 þæt he mec neodful bi noman minum721 gemyne modig, ond meotud bidde722 þæt me heofona helm helpe gefremme,723 meahta waldend, on þam miclan dæge,724 fæder, frofre gæst, in þa frecnan tid,725 dæda demend, ond se deora sunu,726 þonne seo þrynis þrymsittende727 in annesse ælda cynne728 þurh þa sciran gesceaft scrifeð bi gewyrhtum729 meorde monna gehwam. Forgif us, mægna god,730 þæt we þine onsyne, æþelinga wyn,731 milde gemeten on þa mæran tid. Amen.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE WANDERER1 Oft him anhaga are gebideð,2 metudes miltse, þeah þe he modcearig3 geond lagulade longe sceolde4 hreran mid hondum hrimcealde sæ,


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5 wadan wræclastas. Wyrd bið ful aræd!6 Swa cwæð eardstapa, earfeþa gemyndig,7 wraþra wælsleahta, winemæga hryre:8 “Oft ic sceolde ana uhtna gehwylce9 mine ceare cwiþan. Nis nu cwicra nan10 þe ic him modsefan minne durre11 sweotule asecgan. Ic to soþe wat12 þæt biþ in eorle indryhten þeaw,13 þæt he his ferðlocan fæste binde,14 healde his hordcofan, hycge swa he wille.15 Ne mæg werig mod wyrde wiðstondan,16 ne se hreo hyge helpe gefremman.17 Forðon domgeorne dreorigne oft18 in hyra breostcofan bindað fæste;19 swa ic modsefan minne sceolde,20 oft earmcearig, eðle bidæled,21 freomægum feor feterum sælan,22 siþþan geara iu goldwine minne23 hrusan heolstre biwrah, ond ic hean þonan24 wod wintercearig ofer waþema gebind,25 sohte sele dreorig sinces bryttan,26 hwær ic feor oþþe neah findan meahte27 þone þe in meoduhealle min mine wisse,28 oþþe mec freondleasne frefran wolde,29 weman mid wynnum. Wat se þe cunnað,30 hu sliþen bið sorg to geferan,31 þam þe him lyt hafað leofra geholena.32 Warað hine wræclast, nales wunden gold,33 ferðloca freorig, nalæs foldan blæd.34 Gemon he selesecgas ond sincþege,35 hu hine on geoguðe his goldwine36 wenede to wiste. Wyn eal gedreas!37 Forþon wat se þe sceal his winedryhtnes38 leofes larcwidum longe forþolian,39 ðonne sorg ond slæp somod ætgædre40 earmne anhogan oft gebindað.41 Þinceð him on mode þæt he his mondryhten42 clyppe ond cysse, ond on cneo lecge43 honda ond heafod, swa he hwilum ær44 in geardagum giefstolas breac.45 Ðonne onwæcneð eft wineleas guma,46 gesihð him biforan fealwe wegas,47 baþian brimfuglas, brædan feþra,48 hreosan hrim ond snaw, hagle gemenged.49 Þonne beoð þy hefigran heortan benne,50 sare æfter swæsne. Sorg bið geniwad,51 þonne maga gemynd mod geondhweorfeð;52 greteð gliwstafum, georne geondsceawað53 secga geseldan. Swimmað eft on weg!54 Fleotendra ferð no þær fela bringeð55 cuðra cwidegiedda. Cearo bið geniwad56 þam þe sendan sceal swiþe geneahhe57 ofer waþema gebind werigne sefan.


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58 Forþon ic geþencan ne mæg geond þas woruld59 for hwan modsefa min ne gesweorce,60 þonne ic eorla lif eal geondþence,61 hu hi færlice flet ofgeafon,62 modge maguþegnas. Swa þes middangeard63 ealra dogra gehwam dreoseð ond fealleþ,64 forþon ne mæg weorþan wis wer, ær he age65 wintra dæl in woruldrice. Wita sceal geþyldig,66 ne sceal no to hatheort ne to hrædwyrde,67 ne to wac wiga ne to wanhydig,68 ne to forht ne to fægen, ne to feohgifre69 ne næfre gielpes to georn, ær he geare cunne.70 Beorn sceal gebidan, þonne he beot spriceð,71 oþþæt collenferð cunne gearwe72 hwider hreþra gehygd hweorfan wille.73 Ongietan sceal gleaw hæle hu gæstlic bið,74 þonne ealre þisse worulde wela weste stondeð,75 swa nu missenlice geond þisne middangeard76 winde biwaune weallas stondaþ,77 hrime bihrorene, hryðge þa ederas.78 Woriað þa winsalo, waldend licgað79 dreame bidrorene, duguþ eal gecrong,80 wlonc bi wealle. Sume wig fornom,81 ferede in forðwege, sumne fugel oþbær82 ofer heanne holm, sumne se hara wulf83 deaðe gedælde, sumne dreorighleor84 in eorðscræfe eorl gehydde.85 Yþde swa þisne eardgeard ælda scyppend86 oþþæt burgwara breahtma lease87 eald enta geweorc idlu stodon.88 Se þonne þisne wealsteal wise geþohte89 ond þis deorce lif deope geondþenceð,90 frod in ferðe, feor oft gemon91 wælsleahta worn, ond þas word acwið:92 “Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago? Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?93 Hwær cwom symbla gesetu? Hwær sindon seledreamas?94 Eala beorht bune! Eala byrnwiga!95 Eala þeodnes þrym! Hu seo þrag gewat,96 genap under nihthelm, swa heo no wære.97 Stondeð nu on laste leofre duguþe98 weal wundrum heah, wyrmlicum fah.99 Eorlas fornoman asca þryþe,100 wæpen wælgifru, wyrd seo mære,101 ond þas stanhleoþu stormas cnyssað,102 hrið hreosende hrusan bindeð,103 wintres woma, þonne won cymeð,104 nipeð nihtscua, norþan onsendeð105 hreo hæglfare hæleþum on andan.106 Eall is earfoðlic eorþan rice,107 onwendeð wyrda gesceaft weoruld under heofonum.108 Her bið feoh læne, her bið freond læne,109 her bið mon læne, her bið mæg læne,110 eal þis eorþan gesteal idel weorþeð!”


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111 Swa cwæð snottor on mode, gesæt him sundor æt rune.112 Til biþ se þe his treowe gehealdeþ, ne sceal næfre his torn to rycene113 beorn of his breostum acyþan, nemþe he ær þa bote cunne,114 eorl mid elne gefremman. Wel bið þam þe him are seceð,115 frofre to fæder on heofonum, þær us eal seo fæstnung stondeð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE GIFTS OF MEN1 Fela bið on foldan forðgesynra2 geongra geofona, þa þa gæstberend3 wegað in gewitte, swa her weoruda god,4 meotud meahtum swið, monnum dæleð,5 syleð sundorgiefe, sendeð wide6 agne spede, þara æghwylc mot7 dryhtwuniendra dæl onfon.8 Ne bið ænig þæs earfoðsælig9 mon on moldan, ne þæs medspedig,10 lytelhydig, ne þæs læthydig,11 þæt hine se argifa ealles biscyrge12 modes cræfta oþþe mægendæda,13 wis on gewitte oþþe on wordcwidum,14 þy læs ormod sy ealra þinga,15 þara þe he geworhte in woruldlife,16 geofona gehwylcre. Næfre god demeð17 þæt ænig eft þæs earm geweorðe.18 Nænig eft þæs swiþe þurh snyttrucræft19 in þeode þrym þisses lifes20 forð gestigeð, þæt him folca weard21 þurh his halige giefe hider onsende22 wise geþohtas ond woruldcræftas,23 under anes meaht ealle forlæte,24 þy læs he for wlence wuldorgeofona ful,25 mon mode swið of gemete hweorfe26 ond þonne forhycge heanspedigran;27 ac he gedæleð, se þe ah domes geweald,28 missenlice geond þisne middangeard29 leoda leoþocræftas londbuendum.30 Sumum her ofer eorþan æhta onlihð,31 woruldgestreona. Sum bið wonspedig,32 heardsælig hæle, biþ hwæþre gleaw33 modes cræfta. Sum mægenstrengo34 furþor onfehð. Sum freolic bið35 wlitig on wæstmum. Sum biþ woðbora,36 giedda giffæst. Sum biþ gearuwyrdig.37 Sum bið on huntoþe hreðeadigra38 deora dræfend. Sum dyre bið39 woruldricum men. Sum bið wiges heard,40 beadocræftig beorn, þær bord stunað.41 Sum in mæðle mæg modsnottera42 folcrædenne forð gehycgan,43 þær witena biþ worn ætsomne.44 Sum mæg wrætlice weorc ahycgan45 heahtimbra gehwæs; hond bið gelæred,


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46 wis ond gewealden, swa bið wyrhtan ryht,47 sele asettan, con he sidne ræced48 fæste gefegan wiþ færdryrum.49 Sum mid hondum mæg hearpan gretan,50 ah he gleobeames gearobrygda list.51 Sum bið rynig, sum ryhtscytte,52 sum leoða gleaw, sum on londe snel,53 feþespedig. Sum on fealone wæg54 stefnan steoreð, streamrade con,55 weorudes wisa, ofer widne holm,56 þonne særofe snelle mægne57 arum bregdað yðborde neah.58 Sum bið syndig, sum searocræftig59 goldes ond gimma, þonne him gumena weard60 hateð him to mærþum maþþum renian.61 Sum mæg wæpenþræce, wige to nytte,62 modcræftig smið monige gefremman,63 þonne he gewyrceð to wera hilde64 helm oþþe hupseax oððe heaþubyrnan,65 scirne mece oððe scyldes rond,66 fæste gefeged wið flyge gares.67 Sum bið arfæst ond ælmesgeorn,68 þeawum geþyde. Sum bið þegn gehweorf69 on meoduhealle. Sum bið meares gleaw,70 wicgcræfta wis. Sum gewealdenmod71 þafað in geþylde þæt he þonne sceal.72 Sum domas con, þær dryhtguman73 ræd eahtiað. Sum bið hrædtæfle.74 Sum bið gewittig æt winþege,75 beorhyrde god. Sum bið bylda til76 ham to hebbanne. Sum bið heretoga,77 fyrdwisa from. Sum biþ folcwita.78 Sum biþ æt þearfe þristhydigra79 þegn mid his þeodne. Sum geþyld hafað,80 fæstgongel ferð. Sum bið fugelbona,81 hafeces cræftig. Sum bið to horse hwæt.82 Sum bið swiðsnel, hafað searolic gomen,83 gleodæda gife for gumþegnum,84 leoht ond leoþuwac. Sum bið leofwende,85 hafað mod ond word monnum geþwære.86 Sum her geornlice gæstes þearfe87 mode bewindeþ, ond him metudes est88 ofer eorðwelan ealne geceoseð.89 Sum bið deormod deofles gewinnes,90 bið a wið firenum in gefeoht gearo.91 Sum cræft hafað circnytta fela,92 mæg on lofsongum lifes waldend93 hlude hergan, hafað healice94 beorhte stefne. Sum bið boca gleaw,95 larum leoþufæst. Sum biþ listhendig96 to awritanne wordgeryno.97 Nis nu ofer eorþan ænig monna98 mode þæs cræftig, ne þæs mægeneacen,


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99 þæt hi æfre anum ealle weorþen100 gegearwade, þy læs him gilp sceððe,101 oþþe fore þære mærþe mod astige,102 gif he hafaþ ana ofer ealle men103 wlite ond wisdom ond weorca blæd;104 ac he missenlice monna cynne105 gielpes styreð ond his giefe bryttað,106 sumum on cystum, sumum on cræftum,107 sumum on wlite, sumum on wige,108 sumum he syleð monna milde heortan,109 þeawfæstne geþoht, sum biþ þeodne hold.110 Swa weorðlice wide tosaweð111 dryhten his duguþe. A þæs dom age,112 leohtbære lof, se us þis lif giefeð113 ond his milde mod monnum cyþeð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - PRECEPTS1 Ðus frod fæder freobearn lærde,2 modsnottor mon, maga cystum eald,3 wordum wisfæstum, þæt he wel þunge:4 “Do a þætte duge, deag þin gewyrhtu;5 god þe biþ symle goda gehwylces6 frea ond fultum, feond þam oþrum7 wyrsan gewyrhta. Wene þec þy betran,8 efn elne þis a þenden þu lifge.9 Fæder ond modor freo þu mid heortan,10 maga gehwylcne, gif him sy meotud on lufan.11 Wes þu þinum yldrum arfæst symle,12 fægerwyrde, ond þe in ferðe læt13 þine lareowas leofe in mode,14 þa þec geornast to gode trymmen.”15 Fæder eft his sunu frod gegrette16 oþre siþe: “Heald elne þis!17 Ne freme firene, ne næfre freonde þinum,18 mæge man ne geþafa, þy læs þec meotud oncunne,19 þæt þu sy wommes gewita. He þe mid wite gieldeð,20 swylce þam oþrum mid eadwelan.”21 Ðriddan syþe þoncsnottor guma22 breostgehygdum his bearn lærde:23 “Ne gewuna wyrsa, widan feore,24 ængum eahta, ac þu þe anne genim25 to gesprecan symle spella ond lara26 rædhycgende. Sy ymb rice swa hit mæge.”27 Feorþan siðe fæder eft lærde28 modleofne magan, þæt he gemunde þis:29 “Ne aswic sundorwine, ac a symle geheald30 ryhtum gerisnum. Ræfn elne þis,31 þæt þu næfre fæcne weorðe freonde þinum.”32 Fiftan siþe fæder eft ongon33 breostgeþoncum his bearn læran:34 “Druncen beorg þe ond dollic word,35 man on mode ond in muþe lyge,


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36 yrre ond æfeste ond idese lufan.37 Forðon sceal æwiscmod oft siþian,38 se þe gewiteð in wifes lufan,39 fremdre meowlan. Þær bið a firena wen,40 laðlicre scome, long nið wið god,41 geotende gielp. Wes þu a giedda wis,42 wær wið willan, worda hyrde.”43 Siextan siþe swæs eft ongon44 þurh bliðne geþoht his bearn læran:45 “Ongiet georne hwæt sy god oþþe yfel,46 ond toscead simle scearpe mode47 in sefan þinum ond þe a þæt selle geceos.48 A þe bið gedæled; gif þe deah hyge,49 wunað wisdom in, ond þu wast geare50 ondgit yfles, heald þe elne wið,51 feorma þu symle in þinum ferðe god.”52 Seofeþan siþe his sunu lærde53 fæder, frod guma, sægde fela geongum:54 “Seldan snottor guma sorgleas blissað,55 swylce dol seldon drymeð sorgful56 ymb his forðgesceaft, nefne he fæhþe wite.57 Wærwyrde sceal wisfæst hæle58 breostum hycgan, nales breahtme hlud.”59 Eahtoþan siþe eald fæder ongon60 his mago monian mildum wordum:61 “Leorna lare lærgedefe,62 wene þec in wisdom, weoruda scyppend63 hafa þe to hyhte, haligra gemynd,64 ond a soð to syge, þonne þu secge hwæt.”65 Nigeþan siþe nægde se gomola,66 eald uðwita sægde eaforan worn:67 “Nis nu fela folca þætte fyrngewritu68 healdan wille, ac him hyge brosnað,69 ellen colað, idlað þeodscype;70 ne habbað wiht for þæt, þeah hi wom don71 ofer meotudes bibod. Monig sceal ongieldan72 sawelsusles. Ac læt þinne sefan healdan73 forð fyrngewritu ond frean domas,74 þa þe her on mægðe gehwære men forlætaþ75 swiþor asigan, þonne him sy sylfum ryht.”76 Teoþan siþe tornsorgna ful,77 eald eft ongon eaforan læran:78 “Snyttra bruceþ þe fore sawle lufan79 warnað him wommas worda ond dæda80 on sefan symle ond soþ fremeð;81 bið him geofona gehwylc gode geyced,82 meahtum spedig, þonne he mon flyhð.83 Yrre ne læt þe æfre gewealdan,84 heah in hreþre, heoroworda grund85 wylme bismitan, ac him warnað þæt86 on geheortum hyge. Hæle sceal wisfæst87 ond gemetlice, modes snottor,88 gleaw in gehygdum, georn wisdomes,


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89 swa he wið ælda mæg eades hleotan.90 Ne beo þu no to tælende, ne to tweospræce,91 ne þe on mode læt men to fracoþe,92 ac beo leofwende, leoht on gehygdum93 ber breostcofan. Swa þu, min bearn, gemyne94 frode fæder lare ond þec a wið firenum geheald.”

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE SEAFARER1 Mæg ic be me sylfum soðgied wrecan,2 siþas secgan, hu ic geswincdagum3 earfoðhwile oft þrowade,4 bitre breostceare gebiden hæbbe,5 gecunnad in ceole cearselda fela,6 atol yþa gewealc, þær mec oft bigeat7 nearo nihtwaco æt nacan stefnan,8 þonne he be clifum cnossað. Calde geþrungen9 wæron mine fet, forste gebunden,10 caldum clommum, þær þa ceare seofedun11 hat ymb heortan; hungor innan slat12 merewerges mod. Þæt se mon ne wat13 þe him on foldan fægrost limpeð,14 hu ic earmcearig iscealdne sæ15 winter wunade wræccan lastum,16 winemægum bidroren,17 bihongen hrimgicelum; hægl scurum fleag.18 Þær ic ne gehyrde butan hlimman sæ,19 iscaldne wæg. Hwilum ylfete song20 dyde ic me to gomene, ganetes hleoþor21 ond huilpan sweg fore hleahtor wera,22 mæw singende fore medodrince.23 Stormas þær stanclifu beotan, þær him stearn oncwæð24 isigfeþera; ful oft þæt earn bigeal,25 urigfeþra; ne ænig hleomæga26 feasceaftig ferð frefran meahte.27 Forþon him gelyfeð lyt, se þe ah lifes wyn28 gebiden in burgum, bealosiþa hwon,29 wlonc ond wingal, hu ic werig oft30 in brimlade bidan sceolde.31 Nap nihtscua, norþan sniwde,32 hrim hrusan bond, hægl feol on eorþan,33 corna caldast. Forþon cnyssað nu34 heortan geþohtas, þæt ic hean streamas,35 sealtyþa gelac sylf cunnige;36 monað modes lust mæla gehwylce37 ferð to feran, þæt ic feor heonan38 elþeodigra eard gesece.39 Forþon nis þæs modwlonc mon ofer eorþan,40 ne his gifena þæs god, ne in geoguþe to þæs hwæt,41 ne in his dædum to þæs deor, ne him his dryhten to þæs hold,42 þæt he a his sæfore sorge næbbe,43 to hwon hine dryhten gedon wille.44 Ne biþ him to hearpan hyge ne to hringþege,


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45 ne to wife wyn ne to worulde hyht,46 ne ymbe owiht elles, nefne ymb yða gewealc,47 ac a hafað longunge se þe on lagu fundað.48 Bearwas blostmum nimað, byrig fægriað,49 wongas wlitigiað, woruld onetteð;50 ealle þa gemoniað modes fusne51 sefan to siþe, þam þe swa þenceð52 on flodwegas feor gewitan.53 Swylce geac monað geomran reorde,54 singeð sumeres weard, sorge beodeð55 bitter in breosthord. Þæt se beorn ne wat,56 esteadig secg, hwæt þa sume dreogað57 þe þa wræclastas widost lecgað.58 Forþon nu min hyge hweorfeð ofer hreþerlocan,59 min modsefa mid mereflode60 ofer hwæles eþel hweorfeð wide,61 eorþan sceatas, cymeð eft to me62 gifre ond grædig, gielleð anfloga,63 hweteð on hwælweg hreþer unwearnum64 ofer holma gelagu. Forþon me hatran sind65 dryhtnes dreamas þonne þis deade lif,66 læne on londe. Ic gelyfe no67 þæt him eorðwelan ece stondað.68 Simle þreora sum þinga gehwylce,69 ær his tid aga, to tweon weorþeð;70 adl oþþe yldo oþþe ecghete71 fægum fromweardum feorh oðþringeð.72 Forþon þæt bið eorla gehwam æftercweþendra73 lof lifgendra lastworda betst,74 þæt he gewyrce, ær he on weg scyle,75 fremum on foldan wið feonda niþ,76 deorum dædum deofle togeanes,77 þæt hine ælda bearn æfter hergen,78 ond his lof siþþan lifge mid englum79 awa to ealdre, ecan lifes blæd,80 dream mid dugeþum. Dagas sind gewitene,81 ealle onmedlan eorþan rices;82 næron nu cyningas ne caseras83 ne goldgiefan swylce iu wæron,84 þonne hi mæst mid him mærþa gefremedon85 ond on dryhtlicestum dome lifdon.86 Gedroren is þeos duguð eal, dreamas sind gewitene,87 wuniað þa wacran ond þas woruld healdaþ,88 brucað þurh bisgo. Blæd is gehnæged,89 eorþan indryhto ealdað ond searað,90 swa nu monna gehwylc geond middangeard.91 Yldo him on fareð, onsyn blacað,92 gomelfeax gnornað, wat his iuwine,93 æþelinga bearn, eorþan forgiefene.94 Ne mæg him þonne se flæschoma, þonne him þæt feorg losað,95 ne swete forswelgan ne sar gefelan,96 ne hond onhreran ne mid hyge þencan.97 Þeah þe græf wille golde stregan


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98 broþor his geborenum, byrgan be deadum,99 maþmum mislicum þæt hine mid wille,100 ne mæg þære sawle þe biþ synna ful101 gold to geoce for godes egsan,102 þonne he hit ær hydeð þenden he her leofað.103 Micel biþ se meotudes egsa, forþon hi seo molde oncyrreð;104 se gestaþelade stiþe grundas,105 eorþan sceatas ond uprodor.106 Dol biþ se þe him his dryhten ne ondrædeþ; cymeð him se deað unþinged.107 Eadig bið se þe eaþmod leofaþ; cymeð him seo ar of heofonum,108 meotod him þæt mod gestaþelað, forþon he in his meahte gelyfeð.109 Stieran mon sceal strongum mode, ond þæt on staþelum healdan,110 ond gewis werum, wisum clæne,111 scyle monna gehwylc mid gemete healdan112 wiþ leofne ond wið laþne112 bealo,113 þeah þe he hine wille fyres fulne114 oþþe on bæle forbærnedne115 his geworhtne wine. Wyrd biþ swiþre,116 meotud meahtigra þonne ænges monnes gehygd.117 Uton we hycgan hwær we ham agen,118 ond þonne geþencan hu we þider cumen,119 ond we þonne eac tilien, þæt we to moten120 in þa ecan eadignesse,121 þær is lif gelong in lufan dryhtnes,122 hyht in heofonum. Þæs sy þam halgan þonc,123 þæt he usic geweorþade, wuldres ealdor,124 ece dryhten, in ealle tid. Amen.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - VAINGLORY1 Hwæt, me frod wita on fyrndagum2 sægde, snottor ar, sundorwundra fela!3 Wordhord onwreah witgan larum4 beorn boca gleaw, bodan ærcwide,5 þæt ic soðlice siþþan meahte6 ongitan bi þam gealdre godes agen bearn,7 wilgest on wicum, ond þone wacran swa some,8 scyldum bescyredne, on gescead witan.9 Þæt mæg æghwylc mon eaþe geþencan,10 se þe hine ne læteð on þas lænan tid11 amyrran his gemyndum modes gælsan12 ond on his dægrime druncen to rice,13 þonne monige beoð mæþelhegendra,14 wlonce wigsmiþas winburgum in,15 sittaþ æt symble, soðgied wrecað,16 wordum wrixlað, witan fundiaþ17 hwylc æscstede inne in ræcede18 mid werum wunige, þonne win hweteð19 beornes breostsefan. Breahtem stigeð,20 cirm on corþre, cwide scralletaþ21 missenlice. Swa beoþ modsefan22 dalum gedæled, sindon dryhtguman


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23 ungelice. Sum on oferhygdo24 þrymme þringeð, þrinteð him in innan25 ungemedemad mod; sindan to monige þæt!26 Bið þæt æfþonca eal gefylled27 feondes fligepilum, facensearwum;28 breodað he ond bælceð, boð his sylfes29 swiþor micle þonne se sella mon,30 þenceð þæt his wise welhwam þince31 eal unforcuþ. Biþ þæs oþer swice,32 þonne he þæs facnes fintan sceawað.33 Wrenceþ he ond blenceþ, worn geþenceþ34 hinderhoca, hygegar leteð,35 scurum sceoteþ. He þa scylde ne wat36 fæhþe gefremede, feoþ his betran37 eorl fore æfstum, læteð inwitflan38 brecan þone burgweal, þe him bebead meotud39 þæt he þæt wigsteal wergan sceolde,40 siteþ symbelwlonc, searwum læteð41 wine gewæged word ut faran,42 þræfte þringan þrymme gebyrmed,43 æfæstum onæled, oferhygda ful,44 niþum nearowrencum. Nu þu cunnan meaht,45 gif þu þyslicne þegn gemittest46 wunian in wicum, wite þe be þissum47 feawum forðspellum þæt þæt biþ feondes bearn48 flæsce bifongen, hafað fræte lif,49 grundfusne gæst gode orfeormne,50 wuldorcyninge. Þæt se witga song,51 gearowyrdig guma, ond þæt gyd awræc:52 “Se þe hine sylfne in þa sliþnan tid53 þurh oferhygda up ahlæneð,54 ahefeð heahmodne, se sceal hean wesan55 æfter neosiþum niþer gebiged,56 wunian witum fæst, wyrmum beþrungen.57 Þæt wæs geara iu in godes rice58 þætte mid englum oferhygd astag,59 widmære gewin. Wroht ahofan,60 heardne heresiþ, heofon widledan,61 forsawan hyra sellan, þa hi to swice þohton62 ond þrymcyning þeodenstoles63 ricne beryfan, swa hit ryht ne wæs,64 ond þonne gesettan on hyra sylfra dom65 wuldres wynlond. Þæt him wige forstod66 fæder frumsceafta; wearð him seo feohte to grim.67 Ðonne bið þam oþrum ungelice68 se þe her on eorþan eaðmod leofað,69 ond wiþ gesibbra gehwone simle healdeð70 freode on folce ond his feond lufað,71 þeah þe he him abylgnesse oft gefremede72 willum in þisse worulde. Se mot wuldres dream73 in haligra hyht heonan astigan74 on engla eard. Ne biþ þam oþrum swa,75 se þe on ofermedum eargum dædum


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76 leofaþ in leahtrum, ne beoð þa lean gelic77 mid wuldorcyning.” Wite þe be þissum,78 gif þu eaðmodne eorl gemete,79 þegn on þeode, þam bið simle80 gæst gegæderad godes agen bearn81 wilsum in worlde, gif me se witega ne leag.82 Forþon we sculon a hycgende hælo rædes83 gemunan in mode mæla gehwylcum84 þone selestan sigora waldend. Amen.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - WIDSITH1 Widsið maðolade, wordhord onleac,2 se þe monna mæst mægþa ofer eorþan,3 folca geondferde; oft he on flette geþah4 mynelicne maþþum. Him from Myrgingum5 æþele onwocon. He mid Ealhhilde,6 fælre freoþuwebban, forman siþe7 Hreðcyninges ham gesohte8 eastan of Ongle, Eormanrices,9 wraþes wærlogan. Ongon þa worn sprecan:10 “Fela ic monna gefrægn mægþum wealdan!11 Sceal þeodna gehwylc þeawum lifgan,12 eorl æfter oþrum eðle rædan,13 se þe his þeodenstol geþeon wile.14 Þara wæs Hwala hwile selast,15 ond Alexandreas ealra ricost16 monna cynnes, ond he mæst geþah17 þara þe ic ofer foldan gefrægen hæbbe.18 Ætla weold Hunum, Eormanric Gotum,19 Becca Baningum, Burgendum Gifica.20 Casere weold Creacum ond Cælic Finnum,21 Hagena Holmrygum ond Heoden Glommum.22 Witta weold Swæfum, Wada Hælsingum,23 Meaca Myrgingum, Mearchealf Hundingum.24 Þeodric weold Froncum, Þyle Rondingum,25 Breoca Brondingum, Billing Wernum.26 Oswine weold Eowum ond Ytum Gefwulf,27 Fin Folcwalding Fresna cynne.28 Sigehere lengest Sædenum weold,29 Hnæf Hocingum, Helm Wulfingum,30 Wald Woingum, Wod Þyringum,31 Sæferð Sycgum, Sweom Ongendþeow,32 Sceafthere Ymbrum, Sceafa Longbeardum,33 Hun Hætwerum ond Holen Wrosnum.34 Hringweald wæs haten Herefarena cyning.35 Offa weold Ongle, Alewih Denum;36 se wæs þara manna modgast ealra,37 no hwæþre he ofer Offan eorlscype fremede,38 ac Offa geslog ærest monna,39 cnihtwesende, cynerica mæst.40 Nænig efeneald him eorlscipe maran41 on orette. Ane sweorde


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42 merce gemærde wið Myrgingum43 bi Fifeldore; heoldon forð siþþan44 Engle ond Swæfe, swa hit Offa geslog.45 Hroþwulf ond Hroðgar heoldon lengest46 sibbe ætsomne suhtorfædran,47 siþþan hy forwræcon wicinga cynn48 ond Ingeldes ord forbigdan,49 forheowan æt Heorote Heaðobeardna þrym.50 Swa ic geondferde fela fremdra londa51 geond ginne grund. Godes ond yfles52 þær ic cunnade cnosle bidæled,53 freomægum feor folgade wide.54 Forþon ic mæg singan ond secgan spell,55 mænan fore mengo in meoduhealle56 hu me cynegode cystum dohten.57 Ic wæs mid Hunum ond mid Hreðgotum,58 mid Sweom ond mid Geatum ond mid Suþdenum.59 Mid Wenlum ic wæs ond mid Wærnum ond mid wicingum.60 Mid Gefþum ic wæs ond mid Winedum ond mid Gefflegum.61 Mid Englum ic wæs ond mid Swæfum ond mid Ænenum.62 Mid Seaxum ic wæs ond Sycgum ond mid Sweord-werum.63 Mid Hronum ic wæs ond mid Deanum ond mid Heaþoreamum.64 Mid Þyringum ic wæs ond mid Þrowendum,65 ond mid Burgendum, þær ic beag geþah;66 me þær Guðhere forgeaf glædlicne maþþum67 songes to leane. Næs þæt sæne cyning!68 Mid Froncum ic wæs ond mid Frysum ond mid Frumtingum.69 Mid Rugum ic wæs ond mid Glommum ond mid Rum-walum.70 Swylce ic wæs on Eatule mid Ælfwine,71 se hæfde moncynnes, mine gefræge,72 leohteste hond lofes to wyrcenne,73 heortan unhneaweste hringa gedales,74 beorhtra beaga, bearn Eadwines.75 Mid Sercingum ic wæs ond mid Seringum;76 mid Creacum ic wæs ond mid Finnum ond mid Casere,77 se þe winburga geweald ahte,78 wiolena ond wilna, ond Wala rices.79 Mid Scottum ic wæs ond mid Peohtum ond mid Scridefinnum;80 mid Lidwicingum ic wæs ond mid Leonum ond mid Longbeardum,81 mid hæðnum ond mid hæleþum ond mid Hundingum.82 Mid Israhelum ic wæs ond mid Exsyringum,83 mid Ebreum ond mid Indeum ond mid Egyptum.84 Mid Moidum ic wæs ond mid Persum ond mid Myrgingum,85 ond Mofdingum ond ongend Myrgingum,86 ond mid Amothingum. Mid Eastþyringum ic wæs87 ond mid Eolum ond mid Istum ond Idumingum.88 Ond ic wæs mid Eormanrice ealle þrage,89 þær me Gotena cyning gode dohte;90 se me beag forgeaf, burgwarena fruma,91 on þam siex hund wæs smætes goldes,92 gescyred sceatta scillingrime;93 þone ic Eadgilse on æht sealde,94 minum hleodryhtne, þa ic to ham bicwom,


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95 leofum to leane, þæs þe he me lond forgeaf,96 mines fæder eþel, frea Myrginga.97 Ond me þa Ealhhild oþerne forgeaf,98 dryhtcwen duguþe, dohtor Eadwines.99 Hyre lof lengde geond londa fela,100 þonne ic be songe secgan sceolde101 hwær ic under swegle selast wisse102 goldhrodene cwen giefe bryttian.103 Ðonne wit Scilling sciran reorde104 for uncrum sigedryhtne song ahofan,105 hlude bi hearpan hleoþor swinsade,106 þonne monige men, modum wlonce,107 wordum sprecan, þa þe wel cuþan,108 þæt hi næfre song sellan ne hyrdon.109 Ðonan ic ealne geondhwearf eþel Gotena,110 sohte ic a gesiþa þa selestan;111 þæt wæs innweorud Earmanrices.112 Heðcan sohte ic ond Beadecan ond Herelingas,113 Emercan sohte ic ond Fridlan ond Eastgotan,114 frodne ond godne fæder Unwenes.115 Seccan sohte ic ond Beccan, Seafolan ond Þeodric,116 Heaþoric ond Sifecan, Hliþe ond Incgenþeow.117 Eadwine sohte ic ond Elsan, Ægelmund ond Hungar,118 ond þa wloncan gedryht Wiþmyrginga.119 Wulfhere sohte ic ond Wyrmhere; ful oft þær wig ne alæg,120 þonne Hræda here heardum sweordum121 ymb Wistlawudu wergan sceoldon122 ealdne eþelstol Ætlan leodum.123 Rædhere sohte ic ond Rondhere, Rumstan ond Gislhere,124 Wiþergield ond Freoþeric, Wudgan ond Haman;125 ne wæran þæt gesiþa þa sæmestan,126 þeah þe ic hy anihst nemnan sceolde.127 Ful oft of þam heape hwinende fleag128 giellende gar on grome þeode;129 wræccan þær weoldan wundnan golde130 werum ond wifum, Wudga ond Hama.131 Swa ic þæt symle onfond on þære feringe,132 þæt se biþ leofast londbuendum133 se þe him god syleð gumena rice134 to gehealdenne, þenden he her leofað.”135 Swa scriþende gesceapum hweorfað136 gleomen gumena geond grunda fela,137 þearfe secgað, þoncword sprecaþ,138 simle suð oþþe norð sumne gemetað139 gydda gleawne, geofum unhneawne,140 se þe fore duguþe wile dom aræran,141 eorlscipe æfnan, oþþæt eal scæceð,142 leoht ond lif somod; lof se gewyrceð,143 hafað under heofonum heahfæstne dom.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE FORTUNES OF MEN1 Ful oft þæt gegongeð, mid godes meahtum,


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2 þætte wer ond wif in woruld cennað3 bearn mid gebyrdum ond mid bleom gyrwað,4 tennaþ ond tætaþ, oþþæt seo tid cymeð,5 gegæð gearrimum, þæt þa geongan leomu,6 liffæstan leoþu, geloden weorþað.7 Fergað swa ond feþað fæder ond modor,8 giefað ond gierwaþ. God ana wat9 hwæt him weaxendum winter bringað!10 Sumum þæt gegongeð on geoguðfeore11 þæt se endestæf earfeðmæcgum12 wealic weorþeð. Sceal hine wulf etan,13 har hæðstapa; hinsiþ þonne14 modor bimurneð. Ne bið swylc monnes geweald!15 Sumne sceal hungor ahiþan, sumne sceal hreoh fordrifan,16 sumne sceal gar agetan, sumne guð abreotan.17 Sum sceal leomena leas lifes neotan,18 folmum ætfeohtan, sum on feðe lef,19 seonobennum seoc, sar cwanian,20 murnan meotudgesceaft mode gebysgad.21 Sum sceal on holte of hean beame22 fiþerleas feallan; bið on flihte seþeah,23 laceð on lyfte, oþþæt lengre ne bið24 westem wudubeames. Þonne he on wyrtruman25 sigeð sworcenferð, sawle bireafod,26 fealleþ on foldan, feorð biþ on siþe.27 Sum sceal on feþe on feorwegas28 nyde gongan ond his nest beran,29 tredan uriglast elþeodigra,30 frecne foldan; ah he feormendra31 lyt lifgendra, lað biþ æghwær32 fore his wonsceaftum wineleas hæle.33 Sum sceal on geapum galgan ridan,34 seomian æt swylte, oþþæt sawlhord,35 bancofa blodig, abrocen weorþeð.36 Þær him hrefn nimeþ heafodsyne,37 sliteð salwigpad sawelleasne;38 noþer he þy facne mæg folmum biwergan,39 laþum lyftsceaþan, biþ his lif scæcen,40 ond he feleleas, feores orwena,41 blac on beame bideð wyrde,42 bewegen wælmiste. Bið him werig noma!43 Sumne on bæle sceal brond aswencan,44 fretan frecne lig fægne monnan;45 þær him lifgedal lungre weorðeð,46 read reþe gled; reoteð meowle,47 seo hyre bearn gesihð brondas þeccan.48 Sumum meces ecg on meodubence49 yrrum ealowosan ealdor oþþringeð,50 were winsadum; bið ær his worda to hræd.51 Sum sceal on beore þurh byreles hond52 meodugal mæcga; þonne he gemet ne con53 gemearcian his muþe mode sine,54 ac sceal ful earmlice ealdre linnan,


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55 dreogan dryhtenbealo dreamum biscyred,56 ond hine to sylfcwale secgas nemnað,57 mænað mid muþe meodugales gedrinc.58 Sum sceal on geoguþe mid godes meahtum59 his earfoðsiþ ealne forspildan,60 ond on yldo eft eadig weorþan,61 wunian wyndagum ond welan þicgan,62 maþmas ond meoduful mægburge on,63 þæs þe ænig fira mæge forð gehealdan.64 Swa missenlice meahtig dryhten65 geond eorþan sceat eallum dæleð,66 scyreþ ond scrifeð ond gesceapo healdeð,67 sumum eadwelan, sumum earfeþa dæl,68 sumum geogoþe glæd, sumum guþe blæd,69 gewealdenne wigplegan, sumum wyrp oþþe scyte,70 torhtlicne tiir, sumum tæfle cræft,71 bleobordes gebregd. Sume boceras72 weorþað wisfæste. Sumum wundorgiefe73 þurh goldsmiþe gearwad weorþað;74 ful oft he gehyrdeð ond gehyrsteð wel,75 brytencyninges beorn, ond he him brad syleð76 lond to leane. He hit on lust þigeð.77 Sum sceal on heape hæleþum cweman,78 blissian æt beore bencsittendum;79 þær biþ drincendra dream se micla.80 Sum sceal mid hearpan æt his hlafordes81 fotum sittan, feoh þicgan,82 ond a snellice snere wræstan,83 lætan scralletan sceacol, se þe hleapeð,84 nægl neomegende; biþ him neod micel.85 Sum sceal wildne fugel wloncne atemian,86 heafoc on honda, oþþæt seo heoroswealwe87 wynsum weorþeð; deþ he wyrplas on,88 fedeþ swa on feterum fiþrum dealne,89 lepeþ lyftswiftne lytlum gieflum,90 oþþæt se wælisca wædum ond dædum91 his ætgiefan eaðmod weorþeð92 ond to hagostealdes honda gelæred.93 Swa wrætlice weoroda nergend94 geond middangeard monna cræftas95 sceop ond scyrede ond gesceapo ferede96 æghwylcum on eorþan eormencynnes.97 Forþon him nu ealles þonc æghwa secge,98 þæs þe he fore his miltsum monnum scrifeð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - MAXIMS I

I1 Frige mec frodum wordum! Ne læt þinne ferð onhælne,2 degol þæt þu deopost cunne! Nelle ic þe min dyrne gesecgan,3 gif þu me þinne hygecræft hylest ond þine heortan geþohtas.4 Gleawe men sceolon gieddum wrixlan. God sceal mon ærest hergan


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5 fægre, fæder userne, forþon þe he us æt frymþe geteode6 lif ond lænne willan; he usic wile þara leana gemonian.7 Meotud sceal in wuldre, mon sceal on eorþan8 geong ealdian. God us ece biþ,9 ne wendað hine wyrda ne hine wiht dreceþ,10 adl ne yldo ælmihtigne;11 ne gomelað he in gæste, ac he is gen swa he wæs,12 þeoden geþyldig. He us geþonc syleð,13 missenlicu mod, monge reorde.14 Feorhcynna fela fæþmeþ wide15 eglond monig. Eardas rume16 meotud arærde for moncynne,17 ælmihtig god, efenfela bega18 þeoda ond þeawa. Þing sceal gehegan19 frod wiþ frodne; biþ hyra ferð gelic,20 hi a sace semaþ, sibbe gelærað,21 þa ær wonsælge awegen habbað.22 Ræd sceal mid snyttro, ryht mid wisum,23 til sceal mid tilum. Tu beoð gemæccan;24 sceal wif ond wer in woruld cennan25 bearn mid gebyrdum. Beam sceal on eorðan26 leafum liþan, leomu gnornian.27 Fus sceal feran, fæge sweltan28 ond dogra gehwam ymb gedal sacan29 middangeardes. Meotud ana wat30 hwær se cwealm cymeþ, þe heonan of cyþþe gewiteþ.31 Umbor yceð, þa æradl nimeð;32 þy weorþeð on foldan swa fela fira cynnes,33 ne sy þæs magutimbres gemet ofer eorþan,34 gif hi ne wanige se þas woruld teode.35 Dol biþ se þe his dryhten nat, to þæs oft cymeð deað unþinged.36 Snotre men sawlum beorgað, healdað hyra soð mid ryhte.37 Eadig bið se þe in his eþle geþihð, earm se him his frynd geswicað.38 Nefre sceal se him his nest aspringeð, nyde sceal þrage gebunden.39 Bliþe sceal bealoleas heorte. Blind sceal his eagna þolian,40 oftigen biþ him torhtre gesihþe. Ne magon hi tunglu bewitian,41 swegltorht sunnan ne monan; þæt him biþ sar in his mode,42 onge þonne he hit ana wat, ne weneð þæt him þæs edhwyrft cyme.43 Waldend him þæt wite teode, se him mæg wyrpe syllan,44 hælo of heofodgimme, gif he wat heortan clæne.45 Lef mon læces behofað. Læran sceal mon geongne monnan,46 trymman ond tyhtan þæt he teala cunne, oþþæt hine mon atemedne hæbbe,47 sylle him wist ond wædo, oþþæt hine mon on gewitte alæde.48 Ne sceal hine mon cildgeongne forcweþan, ær he hine acyþan mote;49 þy sceal on þeode geþeon, þæt he wese þristhycgende.50 Styran sceal mon strongum mode. Storm oft holm gebringeþ,51 geofen in grimmum sælum; onginnað grome fundian52 fealwe on feorran to londe, hwæþer he fæste stonde.53 Weallas him wiþre healdað, him biþ wind gemæne.54 Swa biþ sæ smilte,55 þonne hy wind ne weceð;56 swa beoþ þeoda geþwære, þonne hy geþingad habbað,57 gesittað him on gesundum þingum, ond þonne mid gesiþum healdaþ


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58 cene men gecynde rice. Cyning biþ anwealdes georn;59 lað se þe londes monað, leof se þe mare beodeð.60 Þrym sceal mid wlenco, þriste mid cenum,61 sceolun bu recene beadwe fremman.62 Eorl sceal on eos boge, eorod sceal getrume ridan,63 fæste feþa stondan. Fæmne æt hyre bordan geriseð;64 widgongel wif word gespringeð, oft hy mon wommum bilihð,65 hæleð hy hospe mænað, oft hyre hleor abreoþeð.66 Sceomiande man sceal in sceade hweorfan, scir in leohte geriseð.67 Hond sceal heofod inwyrcan, hord in streonum bidan,68 gifstol gegierwed stondan, hwonne hine guman gedælen.69 Gifre biþ se þam golde onfehð, guma þæs on heahsetle geneah;70 lean sceal, gif we leogan nellað, þam þe us þas lisse geteode.

II71 Forst sceal freosan, fyr wudu meltan,72 eorþe growan, is brycgian,73 wæter helm wegan, wundrum lucan74 eorþan ciþas. An sceal inbindan75 forstes fetre felameahtig god;76 winter sceal geweorpan, weder eft cuman,77 sumor swegle hat, sund unstille.78 Deop deada wæg dyrne bið lengest;79 holen sceal inæled, yrfe gedæled80 deades monnes. Dom biþ selast.81 Cyning sceal mid ceape cwene gebicgan,82 bunum ond beagum; bu sceolon ærest83 geofum god wesan. Guð sceal in eorle,84 wig geweaxan, ond wif geþeon85 leof mid hyre leodum, leohtmod wesan,86 rune healdan, rumheort beon87 mearum ond maþmum, meodorædenne88 for gesiðmægen symle æghwær89 eodor æþelinga ærest gegretan,90 forman fulle to frean hond91 ricene geræcan, ond him ræd witan92 boldagendum bæm ætsomne.93 Scip sceal genægled, scyld gebunden,94 leoht linden bord, leof wilcuma95 Frysan wife, þonne flota stondeð;96 biþ his ceol cumen ond hyre ceorl to ham,97 agen ætgeofa, ond heo hine in laðaþ,98 wæsceð his warig hrægl ond him syleþ wæde niwe,99 liþ him on londe þæs his lufu bædeð.100 Wif sceal wiþ wer wære gehealdan, oft hi mon wommum belihð;101 fela bið fæsthydigra, fela bið fyrwetgeornra,102 freoð hy fremde monnan, þonne se oþer feor gewiteþ.103 Lida biþ longe on siþe; a mon sceal seþeah leofes wenan,104 gebidan þæs he gebædan ne mæg. Hwonne him eft gebyre weorðe,105 ham cymeð, gif he hal leofað, nefne him holm gestyreð,106 mere hafað mundum mægðegsan wyn.107 Ceapeadig mon cyningwic þonne108 leodon cypeþ, þonne liþan cymeð;


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109 wuda ond wætres nyttað, þonne him biþ wic alyfed,110 mete bygeþ, gif he maran þearf, ærþon he to meþe weorþe.111 Seoc se biþ þe to seldan ieteð; þeah hine mon on sunnan læde,112 ne mæg he be þy wedre wesan, þeah hit sy wearm on sumera,113 ofercumen biþ he, ær he acwele, gif he nat hwa hine cwicne fede.114 Mægen mon sceal mid mete fedan, morþor under eorþan befeolan,115 hinder under hrusan, þe hit forhelan þenceð;116 ne biþ þæt gedefe deaþ, þonne hit gedyrned weorþeð.117 Hean sceal gehnigan, hadl gesigan,118 ryht rogian. Ræd biþ nyttost,119 yfel unnyttost, þæt unlæd nimeð.120 God bið genge, ond wiþ god lenge.121 Hyge sceal gehealden, hond gewealden,122 seo sceal in eagan, snyttro in breostum,123 þær bið þæs monnes modgeþoncas.124 Muþa gehwylc mete þearf, mæl sceolon tidum gongan.125 Gold geriseþ on guman sweorde,126 sellic sigesceorp, sinc on cwene,127 god scop gumum, garniþ werum,128 wig towiþre wicfreoþa healdan.129 Scyld sceal cempan, sceaft reafere,130 sceal bryde beag, bec leornere,131 husl halgum men, hæþnum synne.132 Woden worhte weos, wuldor alwalda,133 rume roderas; þæt is rice god,134 sylf soðcyning, sawla nergend,135 se us eal forgeaf þæt we on lifgaþ,136 ond eft æt þam ende eallum wealdeð137 monna cynne. Þæt is meotud sylfa.

III138 Ræd sceal mon secgan, rune writan,139 leoþ gesingan, lofes gearnian,140 dom areccan, dæges onettan.141 Til mon tiles ond tomes meares,142 cuþes ond gecostes ond calcrondes;143 nænig fira to fela gestryneð.144 Wel mon sceal wine healdan on wega gehwylcum;145 oft mon fereð feor bi tune, þær him wat freond unwiotodne.146 Wineleas, wonsælig mon genimeð him wulfas to geferan,147 felafæcne deor. Ful oft hine se gefera sliteð;148 gryre sceal for greggum, græf deadum men;149 hungre heofeð, nales þæt heafe bewindeð,150 ne huru wæl wepeð wulf se græga,151 morþorcwealm mæcga, ac hit a mare wille.152 Wræd sceal wunden, wracu heardum men.153 Boga sceal stræle, sceal bam gelic154 mon to gemæccan. Maþþum oþres weorð,155 gold mon sceal gifan. Mæg god syllan156 eadgum æhte ond eft niman.157 Sele sceal stondan, sylf ealdian.158 Licgende beam læsest groweð.159 Treo sceolon brædan ond treow weaxan,


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160 sio geond bilwitra breost ariseð.161 Wærleas mon ond wonhydig,162 ætrenmod ond ungetreow,163 þæs ne gymeð god.164 Fela sceop meotud þæs þe fyrn gewearð, het siþþan swa forð wesan.165 Wæra gehwylcum wislicu word gerisað,166 gleomen gied ond guman snyttro.167 Swa monige beoþ men ofer eorþan, swa beoþ modgeþoncas;168 ælc him hafað sundorsefan.169 Longað þonne þy læs þe him con leoþa worn,170 oþþe mid hondum con hearpan gretan;171 hafaþ him his gliwes giefe, þe him god sealde.172 Earm biþ se þe sceal ana lifgan,173 wineleas wunian hafaþ him wyrd geteod;174 betre him wære þæt he broþor ahte, begen hi anes monnes,175 eorles eaforan wæran, gif hi sceoldan eofor onginnan176 oþþe begen beran; biþ þæt sliþhende deor.177 A scyle þa rincas gerædan lædan178 ond him ætsomne swefan;179 næfre hy mon tomælde,180 ær hy deað todæle.181 Hy twegen sceolon tæfle ymbsittan, þenden him hyra torn toglide,182 forgietan þara geocran gesceafta, habban him gomen on borde;183 idle hond æmetlan geneah tæfles monnes, þonne teoselum weorpeð.184 Seldan in sidum ceole, nefne he under segle yrne,185 werig scealc wiþ winde roweþ; ful oft mon wearnum tihð186 eargne, þæt he elne forleose, drugað his ar on borde.187 Lot sceal mid lyswe, list mid gedefum;188 þy weorþeð se stan forstolen.189 Oft hy wordum toweorpað,190 ær hy bacum tobreden;191 geara is hwær aræd.192 Wearð fæhþo fyra cynne, siþþan furþum swealg193 eorðe Abeles blode. Næs þæt andæge nið,194 of þam wrohtdropan wide gesprungon,195 micel mon ældum, monegum þeodum196 bealoblonden niþ. Slog his broðor swæsne197 Cain, þone cwealm nerede; cuþ wæs wide siþþan,198 þæt ece nið ældum scod, swa aþolwarum.199 Drugon wæpna gewin wide geond eorþan,200 ahogodan ond ahyrdon heoro sliþendne.201 Gearo sceal guðbord, gar on sceafte,202 ecg on sweorde ond ord spere,203 hyge heardum men. Helm sceal cenum,204 ond a þæs heanan hyge hord unginnost.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE ORDER OF THE WORLD1 Wilt þu, fus hæle, fremdne monnan,2 wisne woðboran wordum gretan,3 fricgan felageongne ymb forðgesceaft,4 biddan þe gesecge sidra gesceafta5 cræftas cyndelice cwichrerende,


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6 þa þe dogra gehwam þurh dom godes7 bringe wundra fela wera cneorissum!8 Is þara anra gehwam orgeate tacen,9 þam þurh wisdom woruld ealle con10 behabban on hreþre, hycgende mon,11 þæt geara iu, gliwes cræfte,12 mid gieddingum guman oft wrecan,13 rincas rædfæste; cuþon ryht sprecan,14 þæt a fricgende fira cynnes15 ond secgende searoruna gespon16 a gemyndge mæst monna wiston.17 Forþon scyle ascian, se þe on elne leofað,18 deophydig mon, dygelra gesceafta,19 bewritan in gewitte wordhordes cræft,20 fæstnian ferðsefan, þencan forð teala;21 ne sceal þæs aþreotan þegn modigne,22 þæt he wislice woruld fulgonge.23 Leorna þas lare. Ic þe lungre sceal24 meotudes mægensped maran gesecgan,25 þonne þu hygecræftig in hreþre mæge26 mode gegripan. Is sin meaht forswiþ.27 Nis þæt monnes gemet moldhrerendra,28 þæt he mæge in hreþre his heah geweorc29 furþor aspyrgan þonne him frea sylle30 to ongietanne godes agen bibod;31 ac we sculon þoncian þeodne mærum32 awa to ealdre, þæs þe us se eca cyning33 on gæste wlite forgiefan wille34 þæt we eaðe magon upcund rice35 forð gestigan, gif us on ferðe geneah36 ond we willað healdan heofoncyninges bibod.37 Gehyr nu þis herespel ond þinne hyge gefæstna.38 Hwæt, on frymþe gescop fæder ælmihtig,39 heah hordes weard, heofon ond eorðan,40 sæs sidne grund, sweotule gesceafte,41 þa nu in þam þream þurh þeodnes hond42 heaþ ond hebbaþ þone halgan blæd.43 Forþon eal swa teofanade, se þe teala cuþe,44 æghwylc wiþ oþrum; sceoldon eal beran45 stiþe stefnbyrd, swa him se steora bibead46 missenlice gemetu þurh þa miclan gecynd.47 Swa hi to worulde wlite forþ berað48 dryhtnes duguþe ond his dæda þrym,49 lixende lof in þa longan tid,50 fremmaþ fæstlice frean ece word51 in þam frumstole þe him frea sette,52 hluttor heofones weard, healdað georne53 mere gemære; meaht forð tihð54 heofoncondelle ond holmas mid,55 laþað ond lædeþ lifes agend56 in his anes fæþm ealle gesceafta.57 Swa him wideferh wuldor stondeþ,58 ealra demena þam gedefestan,


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59 þe us þis lif gescop, ond þis leohte beorht60 cymeð morgna gehwam ofer misthleoþu61 wadan ofer wægas wundrum gegierwed,62 ond mid ærdæge eastan snoweð63 wlitig ond wynsum wera cneorissum;64 lifgendra gehwam leoht forð biereð65 bronda beorhtost, ond his brucan mot66 æghwylc on eorþan, þe him eagna gesihð67 sigora soðcyning syllan wolde.68 Gewiteð þonne mid þy wuldre on westrodor69 forðmære tungol faran on heape,70 oþþæt on æfenne ut garsecges71 grundas pæþeð, glom oþer cigð;72 niht æfter cymeð, healdeð nydbibod73 halgan dryhtnes. Heofontorht swegl74 scir gescyndeð in gesceaft godes75 under foldan fæþm, farende tungol.76 Forþon nænig fira þæs frod leofað77 þæt his mæge æspringe þurh his ægne sped witan,78 hu geond grund færeð goldtorht sunne79 in þæt wonne genip under wætra geþring,80 oþþe hwa þæs leohtes londbuende81 brucan mote, siþþan heo ofer brim hweorfeð.82 Forþon swa teofenede, se þe teala cuþe,83 dæg wiþ nihte, deop wið hean,84 lyft wið lagustream, lond wiþ wæge,85 flod wið flode, fisc wið yþum.86 Ne waciað þas geweorc, ac he hi wel healdeð;87 stondað stiðlice bestryþed fæste88 miclum meahtlocum in þam mægenþrymme89 mid þam sy ahefed heofon ond eorþe.90 Beoð þonne eadge þa þær in wuniað,91 hyhtlic is þæt heorðwerud. Þæt is herga mæst,92 eadigra unrim, engla þreatas.93 Hy geseoð symle hyra sylfra cyning,94 eagum on wlitað, habbað æghwæs genoh.95 Nis him wihte won, þam þe wuldres cyning96 geseoþ in swegle; him is symbel ond dream97 ece unhwylen eadgum to frofre.98 Forþon scyle mon gehycgan þæt he meotude hyre;99 æghwylc ælda bearna forlæte idle lustas,100 læne lifes wynne, fundige him to lissa blisse,101 forlæte heteniþa gehwone sigan102 mid synna fyrnum, fere him to þam sellan rice.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE RIMING POEM1 Me lifes onlah se þis leoht onwrah,2 ond þæt torhte geteoh, tillice onwrah.3 Glæd wæs ic gliwum, glenged hiwum,4 blissa bleoum, blostma hiwum.5 Secgas mec segon, symbel ne alegon,6 feohgiefe gefegon; frætwed wægon


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7 wicg ofer wongum wennan gongum,8 lisse mid longum leoma gehongum.9 Þa wæs wæstmum aweaht, world onspreht,10 under roderum areaht, rædmægne oferþeaht.11 Giestas gengdon, gerscype mengdon,12 lisse lengdon, lustum glengdon.13 Scrifen scrad glad þurh gescad in brad,14 wæs on lagustreame lad, þær me leoþu ne biglad.15 Hæfde ic heanne had, ne wæs me in healle gad,16 þæt þær rof weord rad. Oft þær rinc gebad,17 þæt he in sele sæge sincgewæge,18 þegnum geþyhte. Þenden wæs me mægen,19 horsce mec heredon, hilde generedon,20 fægre feredon, feondon biweredon.21 Swa mec hyhtgiefu heold, hygedryht befeold,22 staþolæhtum steold, stepegongum weold23 swylce eorþe ol, ahte ic ealdorstol,24 galdorwordum gol. Gomen sibbe ne ofoll,25 ac wæs gefest gear, gellende sner,26 wuniendo wær wilbec bescær.27 Scealcas wæron scearpe, scyl wæs hearpe,28 hlude hlynede, hleoþor dynede,29 sweglrad swinsade, swiþe ne minsade.30 Burgsele beofode, beorht hlifade,31 ellen eacnade, ead beacnade,32 freaum frodade, fromum godade,33 mod mægnade, mine fægnade,34 treow telgade, tir welgade,35 blæd blissade,36 gold gearwade, gim hwearfade,37 sinc searwade, sib nearwade.38 From ic wæs in frætwum, freolic in geatwum;39 wæs min dream dryhtlic, drohtað hyhtlic.40 Foldan ic freoþode, folcum ic leoþode,41 lif wæs min longe, leodum in gemonge,42 tirum getonge, teala gehonge.43 Nu min hreþer is hreoh, heofsiþum sceoh,44 nydbysgum neah; gewiteð nihtes in fleah45 se ær in dæge wæs dyre. Scriþeð nu deop in feore46 brondhord geblowen, breostum in forgrowen,47 flyhtum toflowen. Flah is geblowen48 miclum in gemynde; modes gecynde49 greteð ungrynde grorn efenpynde,50 bealofus byrneð, bittre toyrneð.51 Werig winneð, widsið onginneð,52 sar ne sinniþ, sorgum cinnið,53 blæd his blinnið, blisse linnið,54 listum linneð, lustum ne tinneð.55 Dreamas swa her gedreosað, dryhtscype gehreosað,56 lif her men forleosað, leahtras oft geceosað;57 treowþrag is to trag, seo untrume genag,58 steapum eatole misþah, ond eal stund genag.59 Swa nu world wendeþ, wyrde sendeþ,


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60 ond hetes henteð, hæleþe scyndeð.61 Wercyn gewiteð, wælgar sliteð,62 flahmah fliteþ, flan mon hwiteð,63 borgsorg biteð, bald ald þwiteþ,64 wræcfæc wriþað, wraþ að smiteþ,65 singryn sidað, searofearo glideþ,66 gromtorn græfeþ, græft hafað,67 searohwit solaþ, sumurhat colað,68 foldwela fealleð, feondscipe wealleð,69 eorðmægen ealdaþ, ellen colað.70 Me þæt wyrd gewæf, ond gewyrht forgeaf,71 þæt ic grofe græf, ond þæt grimme græf72 flean flæsce ne mæg, þonne flanhred dæg73 nydgrapum nimeþ, þonne seo neaht becymeð74 seo me eðles ofonn ond mec her eardes onconn.75 Þonne lichoma ligeð, lima wyrm friteþ,76 ac him wenne gewigeð ond þa wist geþygeð,77 oþþæt beoþ þa ban an,78 ond æt nyhstan nan nefne se neda tan79 balawun her gehloten. Ne biþ se hlisa adroren.80 Ær þæt eadig geþenceð, he hine þe oftor swenceð,81 byrgeð him þa bitran synne, hogaþ to þære betran wynne,82 gemon morþa lisse, þær sindon miltsa blisse83 hyhtlice in heofona rice. Uton nu halgum gelice84 scyldum biscyrede scyndan generede,85 wommum biwerede, wuldre generede,86 þær moncyn mot for meotude rot87 soðne god geseon, ond aa in sibbe gefean.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE PANTHER1 Monge sindon geond middangeard2 unrimu cynn, þe we æþelu ne magon3 ryhte areccan ne rim witan;4 þæs wide sind geond world innan5 fugla ond deora foldhrerendra6 wornas widsceope, swa wæter bibugeð7 þisne beorhtan bosm, brim grymetende,8 sealtyþa geswing. We bi sumum hyrdon9 wrætlice gecynd wildra secgan10 firum freamærne feorlondum on11 eard weardian, eðles neotan12 æfter dunscrafum. Is þæt deor pandher13 bi noman haten, þæs þe niþþa bearn,14 wisfæste weras on gewritum cyþað15 bi þam anstapan. Se is æghwam freond,16 duguða estig, butan dracan anum,17 þam he in ealle tid ondwrað leofaþ18 þurh yfla gehwylc þe he geæfnan mæg.19 Ðæt is wrætlic deor, wundrum scyne20 hiwa gehwylces; swa hæleð secgað,21 gæsthalge guman, þætte Iosephes22 tunece wære telga gehwylces


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23 bleom bregdende, þara beorhtra gehwylc24 æghwæs ænlicra oþrum lixte25 dryhta bearnum, swa þæs deores hiw,26 blæc brigda gehwæs, beorhtra ond scynra27 wundrum lixeð, þætte wrætlicra28 æghwylc oþrum, ænlicra gien29 ond fægerra frætwum bliceð,30 symle sellicra. He hafað sundorgecynd,31 milde, gemetfæst. He is monþwære,32 lufsum ond leoftæl, nele laþes wiht33 ængum geæfnan butan þam attorsceaþan,34 his fyrngeflitan, þe ic ær fore sægde.35 Symle fylle fægen, þonne foddor þigeð,36 æfter þam gereordum ræste seceð37 dygle stowe under dunscrafum;38 ðær se þeodwiga þreonihta fæc39 swifeð on swefote, slæpe gebiesgad.40 Þonne ellenrof up astondeð,41 þrymme gewelgad, on þone þriddan dæg,42 sneome of slæpe. Sweghleoþor cymeð,43 woþa wynsumast þurh þæs wildres muð.44 Æfter þære stefne stenc ut cymeð45 of þam wongstede, wynsumra steam,46 swettra ond swiþra swæcca gehwylcum,47 wyrta blostmum ond wudubledum,48 eallum æþelicra eorþan frætwum.49 Þonne of ceastrum ond cynestolum50 ond of burgsalum beornþreat monig51 farað foldwegum folca þryþum,52 eoredcystum, ofestum gefysde,53 dareðlacende; deor efne swa some54 æfter þære stefne on þone stenc farað.55 Swa is dryhten god, dreama rædend,56 eallum eaðmede oþrum gesceaftum,57 duguða gehwylcre, butan dracan anum,58 attres ordfruman. Þæt is se ealda feond,59 þone he gesælde in susla grund,60 ond gefetrade fyrnum teagum,61 biþeahte þreanydum, ond þy þriddan dæge62 of digle aras, þæs þe he deað fore us63 þreo niht þolade, þeoden engla,64 sigora sellend. Þæt wæs swete stenc,65 wlitig ond wynsum geond woruld ealle.66 Siþþan to þam swicce soðfæste men67 on healfa gehwone heapum þrungon68 geond ealne ymbhwyrft eorþan sceata.69 Swa se snottra gecwæð sanctus Paulus:70 “Monigfealde sind geond middangeard71 god ungnyðe þe us to giefe dæleð72 ond to feorhnere fæder ælmihtig,73 ond se anga hyht ealra gesceafta,74 uppe ge niþre.” Þæt is æþele stenc.


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Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE WHALE1 Nu ic fitte gen ymb fisca cynn2 wille woðcræfte wordum cyþan3 þurh modgemynd bi þam miclan hwale.4 Se bið unwillum oft gemeted,5 frecne ond ferðgrim, fareðlacendum,6 niþþa gehwylcum; þam is noma cenned,7 fyrnstreama geflotan, Fastitocalon.8 Is þæs hiw gelic hreofum stane,9 swylce worie bi wædes ofre,10 sondbeorgum ymbseald, særyrica mæst,11 swa þæt wenaþ wægliþende12 þæt hy on ealond sum eagum wliten,13 ond þonne gehydað heahstefn scipu14 to þam unlonde oncyrrapum,15 setlaþ sæmearas sundes æt ende,16 ond þonne in þæt eglond up gewitað17 collenferþe; ceolas stondað18 bi staþe fæste, streame biwunden.19 Ðonne gewiciað werigferðe,20 faroðlacende, frecnes ne wenað,21 on þam ealonde æled weccað,22 heahfyr ælað; hæleþ beoþ on wynnum,23 reonigmode, ræste geliste.24 Þonne gefeleð facnes cræftig25 þæt him þa ferend on fæste wuniaþ,26 wic weardiað wedres on luste,27 ðonne semninga on sealtne wæg28 mid þa noþe niþer gewiteþ29 garsecges gæst, grund geseceð,30 ond þonne in deaðsele drence bifæsteð31 scipu mid scealcum. Swa bið scinna þeaw,32 deofla wise, þæt hi drohtende33 þurh dyrne meaht duguðe beswicað,34 ond on teosu tyhtaþ tilra dæda,35 wemað on willan, þæt hy wraþe secen,36 frofre to feondum, oþþæt hy fæste ðær37 æt þam wærlogan wic geceosað.38 Þonne þæt gecnaweð of cwicsusle39 flah feond gemah, þætte fira gehwylc40 hæleþa cynnes on his hringe biþ41 fæste gefeged, he him feorgbona42 þurh sliþen searo siþþan weorþeð,43 wloncum ond heanum, þe his willan her44 firenum fremmað, mid þam he færinga,45 heoloþhelme biþeaht, helle seceð,46 goda geasne, grundleasne wylm47 under mistglome, swa se micla hwæl,48 se þe bisenceð sæliþende49 eorlas ond yðmearas. He hafað oþre gecynd,50 wæterþisa wlonc, wrætlicran gien.51 Þonne hine on holme hungor bysgað


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52 ond þone aglæcan ætes lysteþ,53 ðonne se mereweard muð ontyneð,54 wide weleras; cymeð wynsum stenc55 of his innoþe, þætte oþre þurh þone,56 sæfisca cynn, beswicen weorðaþ,57 swimmað sundhwate þær se sweta stenc58 ut gewiteð. Hi þær in farað59 unware weorude, oþþæt se wida ceafl60 gefylled bið; þonne færinga61 ymbe þa herehuþe hlemmeð togædre62 grimme goman. Swa biþ gumena gehwam,63 se þe oftost his unwærlice64 on þas lænan tid lif bisceawað,65 læteð hine beswican þurh swetne stenc,66 leasne willan, þæt he biþ leahtrum fah67 wið wuldorcyning. Him se awyrgda ongean68 æfter hinsiþe helle ontyneð,69 þam þe leaslice lices wynne70 ofer ferhtgereaht fremedon on unræd.71 Þonne se fæcna in þam fæstenne72 gebroht hafað, bealwes cræftig,73 æt þam edwylme þa þe him on cleofiað,74 gyltum gehrodene, ond ær georne his75 in hira lifdagum larum hyrdon,76 þonne he þa grimman goman bihlemmeð77 æfter feorhcwale fæste togædre,78 helle hlinduru; nagon hwyrft ne swice,79 utsiþ æfre, þa þær in cumað,80 þon ma þe þa fiscas faraðlacende81 of þæs hwæles fenge hweorfan motan.82 Forþon is eallinga83 dryhtna dryhtne, ond a deoflum wiðsace84 wordum ond weorcum, þæt we wuldorcyning85 geseon moton. Uton a sibbe to him86 on þas hwilnan tid hælu secan,87 þæt we mid swa leofne in lofe motan88 to widan feore wuldres neotan.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE PARTRIDGE1 Hyrde ic secgan gen bi sumum fugle2 wundorlicne3 fæger,4 þæt word þe gecwæð wuldres ealdor:5 “In swa hwylce tiid swa ge mid treowe to me6 on hyge hweorfað, ond ge hellfirena7 sweartra geswicað, swa ic symle to eow8 mid siblufan sona gecyrre9 þurh milde mod. Ge beoð me siþþan10 torhte tireadge talade ond rimde,11 beorhte gebroþor on bearna stæl.”12 Uton we þy geornor gode oliccan,13 firene feogan, friþes earnian,


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14 duguðe to dryhtne, þenden us dæg scine,15 þæt swa æþelne eardwica cyst16 in wuldres wlite wunian motan. Finit.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - SOUL AND BODY II1 Huru, ðæs behofaþ hæleþa æghwylc2 þæt he his sawle sið sylfa bewitige,3 hu þæt bið deoplic þonne se deað cymeð,4 asundrað þa sibbe, þa þe ær somud wæron,5 lic ond sawle! Long bið siþþan6 þæt se gæst nimeð æt gode sylfum7 swa wite swa wuldor, swa him in worulde ær8 efne þæt eorðfæt ær geworhte.9 Sceal se gæst cuman gehþum hremig,10 symle ymb seofon niht sawle findan11 þone lichoman þe heo ær longe wæg,12 þreo hund wintra,13 butan ær wyrce ece dryhten,14 ælmihtig god, ende worlde.15 Cleopað þonne swa cearful caldan reorde,16 spriceð grimlice gæst to þam duste:17 “Hwæt, drug þu dreorga, to hwon dreahtest þu me,18 eorþan fylnes eal forweornast,19 lames gelicnes! Lyt þu geþohtes20 to won þinre sawle sið siþþan wurde,21 siþþan heo of lichoman læded wære!22 Hwæt, wite þu me, werga! Hwæt, þu huru wyrma gifl23 lyt geþohtes, hu þis is long hider,24 ond þe þurh engel ufan of roderum25 sawle onsende þurh his sylfes hond,26 meotud ælmihtig, of his mægenþrymme,27 ond þe þa gebohte blode þy halgan,28 ond þu me þy heardan hungre gebunde29 ond gehæftnadest helle witum!30 Eardode ic þe in innan. No ic þe of meahte,31 flæsce bifongen, ond me firenlustas32 þine geþrungon. Þæt me þuhte ful oft33 þæt wære þritig þusend wintra34 to þinum deaðdæge. Hwæt, ic uncres gedales bad35 earfoðlice. Nis nu se ende to god!36 Wære þu þe wiste wlonc ond wines sæd,37 þrymful þunedest, ond ic ofþyrsted wæs38 godes lichoman, gæstes drinces.39 Þær þu þonne hogode her on life,40 þenden ic þe in worulde wunian sceolde,41 þæt þu wære þurh flæsc ond þurh firenlustas42 stronge gestyred ond gestaþelad þurh mec,43 ond ic wæs gæst on þe from gode sended,44 næfre þu me swa heardra helle wita45 ned gearwode þurh þinra neoda lust.46 Scealt þu nu hwæþre minra gescenta scome þrowian47 on þam miclan dæge, þonne monna cynn


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48 se ancenda ealle gegædrað.49 Ne eart þu nu þon leofre nængum lifgendra,50 menn to gemæccan, ne medder ne fæder,51 ne nængum gesibbra, þonne se swearta hrefn,52 siþþan ic ana of þe ut siþade53 þurh þæs sylfes hond þe ic ær onsended wæs.54 Ne magon þe nu heonan adon hyrste þa readan,55 ne gold ne sylfor ne þinra goda nan,56 ac her sculon abidan ban bireafod,57 besliten seonwum, ond þe þin sawl sceal58 minum unwillan oft gesecan,59 wemman mid wordum, swa þu worhtest to me.60 Eart þu dumb ond deaf, ne sindan þine dreamas wiht.61 Sceal ic þe nihtes seþeah nyde gesecan,62 synnum gesargad, ond eft sona from ðe63 hweorfan on honcred, þonne halege menn64 gode lifgendum lofsong doð,65 secan þa hamas þe þu me ær scrife,66 ond þa arleasan eardungstowe,67 ond þe sculon moldwyrmas monige ceowan,68 seonowum beslitan swearte wihte,69 gifre ond grædge. Ne sindon þine geahþe wiht,70 þa þu her on moldan monnum eawdest.71 Forþon þe wære selle swiþe micle72 þonne þe wæran ealle eorþan spede,73 (butan þu hy gedælde dryhtne sylfum),74 þær þu wurde æt frumsceafte fugel oþþe fisc on sæ,75 oððe eorþan neat ætes tiolode,76 feldgongende feoh butan snyttro,77 ge on westenne wildra deora78 þæt grimmeste, þær swa god wolde,79 ge þeah þu wære wyrmcynna þæt wyrreste,80 þonne þu æfre on moldan mon gewurde,81 oþþe æfre fulwihte onfon sceolde.82 Þonne þu for unc bu ondwyrdan scealt83 on þam miclan dæge, þonne eallum monnum beoð84 wunde onwrigene, þa þe in worulde ær85 firenfulle menn fyrn geworhton,86 ðonne wile dryhten sylf dæda gehyran,87 æt ealra monna gehwam muþes reorde88 wunde wiþerlean. Ac hwæt wilt þu þær89 on domdæge dryhtne secgan?90 Þonne ne bið nænig to þæs lytel lið on lime geweaxen,91 þæt þu ne scyle for æghwylc anra onsundran92 ryht agieldan, ðonne reþe bið93 dryhten æt dome. Ac hwæt do wit unc,94 þonne he unc hafað geedbyrded oþre siþe?95 Sculon wit þonne ætsomne siþþan brucan96 swylcra yrmþa, swa þu unc ær scrife.”97 Firenaþ þus þæt flæschord, sceal þonne feran on weg,98 secan helle grund, nales heofondreamas,99 dædum gedrefed. Ligeð dust þær hit wæs,100 ne mæg him ondsware ænige secgan,


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101 ne þær edringe ænge gehatan102 gæste geomrum, geoce oþþe frofre.103 Biþ þæt heafod tohliden, honda tohleoþode,104 geaflas toginene, goman toslitene,105 seonwe beoð asogene, sweora bicowen;106 rib reafiað reþe wyrmas,107 drincað hloþum hra, heolfres þurstge.108 Bið seo tunge totogen on tyn healfe109 hungrum to hroþor. Forþon heo ne mæg horsclice110 wordum wrixlan wið þone wergan gæst.111 Gifer hatte se wyrm, þam þa geaflas beoð112 nædle scearpran. Se geneþeð to113 ærest ealra on þam eorðscræfe;114 he þa tungan totyhð ond þa toþas þurhsmyhð,115 ond to ætwelan oþrum gerymeð,116 ond þa eagan þurhiteð ufon on þæt heafod117 wyrmum to wiste, þonne biþ þæt werge118 lic acolad þæt he longe ær119 werede mid wædum. Bið þonne wyrmes giefl,120 æt on eorþan. Þæt mæg æghwylcum121 men to gemyndum modsnotterra.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - DEOR1 Welund him be wurman wræces cunnade,2 anhydig eorl earfoþa dreag,3 hæfde him to gesiþþe sorge ond longaþ,4 wintercealde wræce; wean oft onfond,5 siþþan hine Niðhad on nede legde,6 swoncre seonobende on syllan monn.7 Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!8 Beadohilde ne wæs hyre broþra deaþ9 on sefan swa sar swa hyre sylfre þing,10 þæt heo gearolice ongieten hæfde11 þæt heo eacen wæs; æfre ne meahte12 þriste geþencan, hu ymb þæt sceolde.13 Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!14 We þæt Mæðhilde monge gefrugnon15 wurdon grundlease Geates frige,16 þæt hi seo sorglufu slæp ealle binom.17 Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!18 Ðeodric ahte þritig wintra19 Mæringa burg; þæt wæs monegum cuþ.20 Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!21 We geascodan Eormanrices22 wylfenne geþoht; ahte wide folc23 Gotena rices. Þæt wæs grim oyning.24 Sæt secg monig sorgum gebunden,25 wean on wenan, wyscte geneahhe26 þæt þæs cynerices ofercumen wære.27 Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!28 Siteð sorgcearig, sælum bidæled,29 on sefan sweorceð, sylfum þinceð


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30 þæt sy endeleas earfoða dæl.31 Mæg þonne geþencan, þæt geond þas woruld32 witig dryhten wendeþ geneahhe,33 eorle monegum are gesceawað,34 wislicne blæd, sumum weana dæl.35 Þæt ic bi me sylfum secgan wille,36 þæt ic hwile wæs Heodeninga scop,37 dryhtne dyre. Me wæs Deor noma.38 Ahte ic fela wintra folgað tilne,39 holdne hlaford, oþþæt Heorrenda nu,40 leoðcræftig monn londryht geþah,41 þæt me eorla hleo ær gesealde.42 Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - WULF AND EADWACER1 Leodum is minum swylce him mon lac gife;2 willað hy hine aþecgan, gif he on þreat cymeð.3 Ungelic is us.4 Wulf is on iege, ic on oþerre.5 Fæst is þæt eglond, fenne biworpen.6 Sindon wælreowe weras þær on ige;7 willað hy hine aþecgan, gif he on þreat cymeð.8 Ungelice is us.9 Wulfes ic mines widlastum wenum dogode;10 þonne hit wæs renig weder ond ic reotugu sæt,11 þonne mec se beaducafa bogum bilegde,12 wæs me wyn to þon, wæs me hwæþre eac lað.13 Wulf, min Wulf, wena me þine14 seoce gedydon, þine seldcymas,15 murnende mod, nales meteliste.16 Gehyrest þu, Eadwacer? Uncerne earne hwelp17 bireð wulf to wuda.18 Þæt mon eaþe tosliteð þætte næfre gesomnad wæs,19 uncer giedd geador.


Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 11 Hwylc is hæleþa þæs horsc ond þæs hygecræftig2 þæt þæt mæge asecgan, hwa mec on sið wræce,3 þonne ic astige strong, stundum reþe,4 þrymful þunie, þragum wræce5 fere geond foldan, folcsalo bærne,6 ræced reafige? Recas stigað,7 haswe ofer hrofum. Hlin bið on eorþan,8 wælcwealm wera, þonne ic wudu hrere,9 bearwas bledhwate, beamas fylle,10 holme gehrefed, heahum meahtum11 wrecen on waþe, wide sended;12 hæbbe me on hrycge þæt ær hadas wreah


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13 foldbuendra, flæsc ond gæstas,14 somod on sunde. Saga hwa mec þecce,15 oþþe hu ic hatte, þe þa hlæst bere.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 21 Hwilum ic gewite, swa ne wenaþ men,2 under yþa geþræc eorþan secan,3 garsecges grund. Gifen biþ gewreged,4 fam gewealcen;5 hwælmere hlimmeð, hlude grimmeð,6 streamas staþu beatað, stundum weorpaþ7 on stealc hleoþa stane ond sonde,8 ware ond wæge, þonne ic winnende,9 holmmægne biþeaht, hrusan styrge,10 side sægrundas. Sundhelme ne mæg11 losian ær mec læte se þe min latteow bið12 on siþa gehwam. Saga, þoncol mon,13 hwa mec bregde of brimes fæþmum,14 þonne streamas eft stille weorþað,15 yþa geþwære, þe mec ær wrugon.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 31 Hwilum mec min frea fæste genearwað,2 sendeð þonne under salwonges3 bearm þone bradan, ond on bid wriceð,4 þrafað on þystrum þrymma sumne,5 hæste on enge, þær me heord siteð6 hruse on hrycge. Nah ic hwyrftweges7 of þam aglace, ac ic eþelstol8 hæleþa hrere; hornsalu wagiað,9 wera wicstede, weallas beofiað,10 steape ofer stiwitum. Stille þynceð11 lyft ofer londe ond lagu swige,12 oþþæt ic of enge up aþringe,13 efne swa mec wisaþ se mec wræde on14 æt frumsceafte furþum legde,15 bende ond clomme, þæt ic onbugan ne mot16 of þæs gewealde þe me wegas tæcneð.17 Hwilum ic sceal ufan yþa wregan,18 streamas styrgan ond to staþe þywan19 flintgrægne flod. Famig winneð20 wæg wið wealle, wonn ariseð21 dun ofer dype; hyre deorc on last,22 eare geblonden, oþer fereð,23 þæt hy gemittað mearclonde neah24 hea hlincas. Þær bið hlud wudu,25 brimgiesta breahtm, bidað stille26 stealc stanhleoþu streamgewinnes,27 hopgehnastes, þonne heah geþring28 on cleofu crydeþ. Þær bið ceole wen29 sliþre sæcce, gif hine sæ byreð


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30 on þa grimman tid, gæsta fulne,31 þæt he scyle rice birofen weorþan,32 feore bifohten fæmig ridan33 yþa hrycgum. Þær bið egsa sum34 ældum geywed, þara þe ic hyran sceal35 strong on stiðweg. Hwa gestilleð þæt?36 Hwilum ic þurhræse, þæt me on bæce rideð37 won wægfatu, wide toþringe38 lagustreama full, hwilum læte eft39 slupan tosomne. Se bið swega mæst,40 breahtma ofer burgum, ond gebreca hludast,41 þonne scearp cymeð sceo wiþ oþrum,42 ecg wið ecge; earpan gesceafte43 fus ofer folcum fyre swætað,44 blacan lige, ond gebrecu ferað45 deorc ofer dryhtum gedyne micle,46 farað feohtende, feallan lætað47 sweart sumsendu seaw of bosme,48 wætan of wombe. Winnende fareð49 atol eoredþreat, egsa astigeð,50 micel modþrea monna cynne,51 brogan on burgum, þonne blace scotiað52 scriþende scin scearpum wæpnum.53 Dol him ne ondrædeð ða deaðsperu,54 swylteð hwæþre, gif him soð meotud55 on geryhtu þurh regn ufan56 of gestune læteð stræle fleogan,57 farende flan. Fea þæt gedygað,58 þara þe geræceð rynegiestes wæpen.59 Ic þæs orleges or anstelle,60 þonne gewite wolcengehnaste61 þurh geþræc þringan þrimme micle62 ofer byrnan bosm. Biersteð hlude63 heah hloðgecrod; þonne hnige eft64 under lyfte helm londe near,65 ond me on hrycg hlade þæt ic habban sceal,66 meahtum gemagnad mines frean.67 Swa ic þrymful þeow þragum winne,68 hwilum under eorþan, hwilum yþa sceal69 hean underhnigan, hwilum holm ufan70 streamas styrge, hwilum stige up,71 wolcnfare wrege, wide fere72 swift ond swiþfeorm. Saga hwæt ic hatte,73 oþþe hwa mec rære, þonne ic restan ne mot,74 oþþe hwa mec stæðþe, þonne ic stille beom.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 41 Ic sceal þragbysig þegne minum,2 hringum hæfted, hyran georne,3 min bed brecan, breahtme cyþan4 þæt me halswriþan hlaford sealde.5 Oft mec slæpwerigne secg oðþe meowle


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6 gretan eode; ic him gromheortum7 winterceald oncweþe. Wearm lim8 gebundenne bæg hwilum bersteð;9 se þeah biþ on þonce þegne minum,10 medwisum men, me þæt sylfe,11 þær wiht wite, ond wordum min12 on sped mæge spel gesecgan.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 51 Ic eom anhaga iserne wund,2 bille gebennad, beadoweorca sæd,3 ecgum werig. Oft ic wig seo,4 frecne feohtan. Frofre ne wene,5 þæt me geoc cyme guðgewinnes,6 ær ic mid ældum eal forwurðe,7 ac mec hnossiað homera lafe,8 heardecg heoroscearp, hondweorc smiþa,9 bitað in burgum; ic abidan sceal10 laþran gemotes. Næfre læcecynn11 on folcstede findan meahte,12 þara þe mid wyrtum wunde gehælde,13 ac me ecga dolg eacen weorðað14 þurh deaðslege dagum ond nihtum.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 61 Mec gesette soð sigora waldend2 Crist to compe. Oft ic cwice bærne,3 unrimu cyn eorþan getenge,4 næte mid niþe, swa ic him no hrine,5 þonne mec min frea feohtan hateþ.6 Hwilum ic monigra mod arete,7 hwilum ic frefre þa ic ær winne on8 feorran swiþe; hi þæs felað þeah,9 swylce þæs oþres, þonne ic eft hyra10 ofer deop gedreag drohtað bete.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 71 Hrægl min swigað, þonne ic hrusan trede,2 oþþe þa wic buge, oþþe wado drefe.3 Hwilum mec ahebbað ofer hæleþa byht4 hyrste mine, ond þeos hea lyft,5 ond mec þonne wide wolcna strengu6 ofer folc byreð. Frætwe mine7 swogað hlude ond swinsiað,8 torhte singað, þonne ic getenge ne beom9 flode ond foldan, ferende gæst.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 8


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1 Ic þurh muþ sprece mongum reordum,2 wrencum singe, wrixle geneahhe3 heafodwoþe, hlude cirme,4 healde mine wisan, hleoþre ne miþe,5 eald æfensceop, eorlum bringe6 blisse in burgum, þonne ic bugendre7 stefne styrme; stille on wicum8 sittað nigende. Saga hwæt ic hatte,9 þe swa scirenige sceawendwisan10 hlude onhyrge, hæleþum bodige11 wilcumena fela woþe minre.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 91 Mec on þissum dagum deadne ofgeafun2 fæder ond modor; ne wæs me feorh þa gen,3 ealdor in innan. Þa mec an ongon,4 welhold mege, wedum þeccan,5 heold ond freoþode, hleosceorpe wrah6 swa arlice swa hire agen bearn,7 oþþæt ic under sceate, swa min gesceapu wæron,8 ungesibbum wearð eacen gæste.9 Mec seo friþe mæg fedde siþþan,10 oþþæt ic aweox, widdor meahte11 siþas asettan. Heo hæfde swæsra þy læs12 suna ond dohtra, þy heo swa dyde.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 101 Neb wæs min on nearwe, ond ic neoþan wætre,2 flode underflowen, firgenstreamum3 swiþe besuncen, ond on sunde awox4 ufan yþum þeaht, anum getenge5 liþendum wuda lice mine.6 Hæfde feorh cwico, þa ic of fæðmum cwom7 brimes ond beames on blacum hrægle;8 sume wæron hwite hyrste mine,9 þa mec lifgende lyft upp ahof,10 wind of wæge, siþþan wide bær11 ofer seolhbaþo. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 111 Hrægl is min hasofag, hyrste beorhte,2 reade ond scire on reafe minum.3 Ic dysge dwelle ond dole hwette4 unrædsiþas, oþrum styre5 nyttre fore. Ic þæs nowiht wat6 þæt heo swa gemædde, mode bestolene,7 dæde gedwolene, deoraþ mine8 won wisan gehwam. Wa him þæs þeawes,9 siþþan heah bringað horda deorast,


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10 gif hi unrædes ær ne geswicaþ.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 121 Fotum ic fere, foldan slite,2 grene wongas, þenden ic gæst bere.3 Gif me feorh losað, fæste binde4 swearte Wealas, hwilum sellan men.5 Hwilum ic deorum drincan selle6 beorne of bosme, hwilum mec bryd triedeð7 felawlonc fotum, hwilum feorran broht8 wonfeax Wale wegeð ond þyð,9 dol druncmennen deorcum nihtum,10 wæteð in wætre, wyrmeð hwilum11 fægre to fyre; me on fæðme sticaþ12 hygegalan hond, hwyrfeð geneahhe,13 swifeð me geond sweartne. Saga hwæt ic hatte,14 þe ic lifgende lond reafige15 ond æfter deaþe dryhtum þeowige.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 131 Ic seah turf tredan, X wæron ealra,2 VI gebroþor ond hyra sweostor mid;3 hæfdon feorg cwico. Fell hongedon4 sweotol ond gesyne on seles wæge5 anra gehwylces. Ne wæs hyra ængum þy wyrs,6 ne siðe þy sarre, þeah hy swa sceoldon7 reafe birofene, rodra weardes8 meahtum aweahte, muþum slitan9 haswe blede. Hrægl bið geniwad10 þam þe ær forðcymene frætwe leton11 licgan on laste, gewitan lond tredan.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 141 Ic wæs wæpenwiga. Nu mec wlonc þeceð2 geong hagostealdmon golde ond sylfore,3 woum wirbogum. Hwilum weras cyssað,4 hwilum ic to hilde hleoþre bonne5 wilgehleþan, hwilum wycg byreþ6 mec ofer mearce, hwilum merehengest7 fereð ofer flodas frætwum beorhtne,8 hwilum mægða sum minne gefylleð9 bosm beaghroden; hwilum ic bordum sceal,10 heard, heafodleas, behlywed licgan,11 hwilum hongige hyrstum frætwed,12 wlitig on wage, þær weras drincað,13 freolic fyrdsceorp. Hwilum folcwigan14 on wicge wegað, þonne ic winde sceal15 sincfag swelgan of sumes bosme;16 hwilum ic gereordum rincas laðige


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17 wlonce to wine; hwilum wraþum sceal18 stefne minre forstolen hreddan,19 flyman feondsceaþan. Frige hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 151 Hals is min hwit ond heafod fealo,2 sidan swa some. Swift ic eom on feþe,3 beadowæpen bere. Me on bæce standað4 her swylce swe on hleorum. Hlifiað tu5 earan ofer eagum. Ordum ic steppe6 in grene græs. Me bið gyrn witod,7 gif mec onhæle an onfindeð8 wælgrim wiga, þær ic wic buge,9 bold mid bearnum, ond ic bide þær10 mid geoguðcnosle, hwonne gæst cume11 to durum minum, him biþ deað witod.12 Forþon ic sceal of eðle eaforan mine13 forhtmod fergan, fleame nergan,14 gif he me æfterweard ealles weorþeð;15 hine berað breost. Ic his bidan ne dear,16 reþes on geruman, (nele þæt ræd teale),17 ac ic sceal fromlice feþemundum18 þurh steapne beorg stræte wyrcan.19 Eaþe ic mæg freora feorh genergan,20 gif ic mægburge mot mine gelædan21 on degolne weg þurh dune þyrel22 swæse ond gesibbe; ic me siþþan ne þearf23 wælhwelpes wig wiht onsittan.24 Gif se niðsceaþa nearwe stige25 me on swaþe seceþ, ne tosæleþ him26 on þam gegnpaþe guþgemotes,27 siþþan ic þurh hylles hrof geræce,28 ond þurh hest hrino hildepilum29 laðgewinnum, þam þe ic longe fleah.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 161 Oft ic sceal wiþ wæge winnan ond wiþ winde feohtan,2 somod wið þam sæcce, þonne ic secan gewite3 eorþan yþum þeaht; me biþ se eþel fremde.4 Ic beom strong þæs gewinnes, gif ic stille weorþe;5 gif me þæs tosæleð, hi beoð swiþran þonne ic,6 ond mec slitende sona flymað,7 willað oþfergan þæt ic friþian sceal.8 Ic him þæt forstonde, gif min steort þolað9 ond mec stiþne wiþ stanas moton10 fæste gehabban. Frige hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 171 Ic eom mundbora minre heorde,


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2 eodorwirum fæst, innan gefylled3 dryhtgestreona. Dægtidum oft4 spæte sperebrogan; sped biþ þy mare5 fylle minre. Frea þæt bihealdeð,6 hu me of hrife fleogað hyldepilas.7 Hwilum ic sweartum swelgan onginne8 brunum beadowæpnum, bitrum ordum,9 eglum attorsperum. Is min innað til,10 wombhord wlitig, wloncum deore;11 men gemunan þæt me þurh muþ fareð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 181 Ic eom wunderlicu wiht; ne mæg word sprecan,2 mældan for monnum, þeah ic muþ hæbbe,3 wide wombe4 Ic wæs on ceole ond mines cnosles ma.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 191 Ic on siþe seah1 [Figure: 1Kb]2 [Figure: 1Kb]2 hygewloncne, heafodbeorhtne,3 swiftne ofer sælwong swiþe þrægan.4 Hæfde him on hrycge hildeþryþe5 [Figure: 1Kb]5 nægledne rad6 [Figure: 1Kb]6 Widlast ferede7 rynestrong on rade rofne [Figure: 1Kb]8 [Figure: 1Kb]8 For wæs þy beorhtre,9 swylcra siþfæt. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 201 Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, on gewin sceapen,2 frean minum leof, fægre gegyrwed.3 Byrne is min bleofag, swylce beorht seomað4 wir ymb þone wælgim þe me waldend geaf,5 se me widgalum wisað hwilum6 sylfum to sace. Þonne ic sinc wege7 þurh hlutterne dæg, hondweorc smiþa,8 gold ofer geardas. Oft ic gæstberend9 cwelle compwæpnum. Cyning mec gyrweð10 since ond seolfre ond mec on sele weorþað;11 ne wyrneð wordlofes, wisan mæneð12 mine for mengo, þær hy meodu drincað,13 healdeð mec on heaþore, hwilum læteð eft14 radwerigne on gerum sceacan,15 orlegfromne. Oft ic oþrum scod


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16 frecne æt his freonde; fah eom ic wide,17 wæpnum awyrged. Ic me wenan ne þearf18 þæt me bearn wræce on bonan feore,19 gif me gromra hwylc guþe genægeð;20 ne weorþeð sio mægburg gemicledu21 eaforan minum þe ic æfter woc,22 nymþe ic hlafordleas hweorfan mote23 from þam healdende þe me hringas geaf.24 Me bið forð witod, gif ic frean hyre,25 guþe fremme, swa ic gien dyde26 minum þeodne on þonc, þæt ic þolian sceal27 bearngestreona. Ic wiþ bryde ne mot28 hæmed habban, ac me þæs hyhtplegan29 geno wyrneð, se mec geara on30 bende legde; forþon ic brucan sceal31 on hagostealde hæleþa gestreona.32 Oft ic wirum dol wife abelge,33 wonie hyre willan; heo me wom spreceð,34 floceð hyre folmum, firenaþ mec wordum,35 ungod gæleð. Ic ne gyme þæs compes

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 211 Neb is min niþerweard; neol ic fere2 ond be grunde græfe, geonge swa me wisað3 har holtes feond, ond hlaford min4 woh færeð weard æt steorte,5 wrigaþ on wonge, wegeð mec ond þyð,6 saweþ on swæð min. Ic snyþige forð,7 brungen of bearwe, bunden cræfte,8 wegen on wægne, hæbbe wundra fela;9 me biþ gongendre grene on healfe10 ond min swæð sweotol sweart on oþre.11 Me þurh hrycg wrecen hongaþ under12 an orþoncpil, oþer on heafde,13 fæst ond forðweard. Fealleþ on sidan14 þæt ic toþum tere, gif me teala þenaþ15 hindeweardre, þæt biþ hlaford min.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 221 Ætsomne cwom LX monna2 to wægstæþe wicgum ridan;3 hæfdon XI eoredmæcgas4 fridhengestas, IIII sceamas.5 Ne meahton magorincas ofer mere feolan,6 swa hi fundedon, ac wæs flod to deop,7 atol yþa geþræc, ofras hea,8 streamas stronge. Ongunnon stigan þa9 on wægn weras ond hyra wicg somod10 hlodan under hrunge; þa þa hors oðbær11 eh ond eorlas, æscum dealle,12 ofer wætres byht wægn to lande,


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13 swa hine oxa ne teah ne esna mægen14 ne fæthengest, ne on flode swom,15 ne be grunde wod gestum under,16 ne lagu drefde, ne on lyfte fleag,17 ne under bæc cyrde; brohte hwæþre18 beornas ofer burnan ond hyra bloncan mid19 from stæðe heaum, þæt hy stopan up20 on oþerne, ellenrofe,21 weras of wæge, ond hyra wicg gesund.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 231 Agof is min noma eft onhwyrfed;2 ic eom wrætlic wiht on gewin sceapen.3 Þonne ic onbuge, ond me of bosme fareð4 ætren onga, ic beom eallgearo5 þæt ic me þæt feorhbealo feor aswape.6 Siþþan me se waldend, se me þæt wite gescop,7 leoþo forlæteð, ic beo lengre þonne ær,8 oþþæt ic spæte, spilde geblonden,9 ealfelo attor þæt ic ær geap.10 Ne togongeð þæs gumena hwylcum,11 ænigum eaþe þæt ic þær ymb sprice,12 gif hine hrineð þæt me of hrife fleogeð,13 þæt þone mandrinc mægne geceapaþ,14 fullwered fæste feore sine.15 Nelle ic unbunden ænigum hyran16 nymþe searosæled. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 241 Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, wræsne mine stefne,2 hwilum beorce swa hund, hwilum blæte swa gat,3 hwilum græde swa gos, hwilum gielle swa hafoc,4 hwilum ic onhyrge þone haswan earn,5 guðfugles hleoþor, hwilum glidan reorde6 muþe gemæne, hwilum mæwes song,7 þær ic glado sitte.7 [Figure: 1Kb]7 mec nemnað,8 swylce [Figure: 1Kb]8 ond [Figure: 1Kb]8 [Figure: 1Kb]8 fullesteð,9 [Figure: 1Kb]9 ond [Figure: 1Kb]9 Nu ic haten eom10 swa þa siex stafas sweotule becnaþ.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 251 Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, wifum on hyhte,


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2 neahbuendum nyt; nængum sceþþe3 burgsittendra, nymþe bonan anum.4 Staþol min is steapheah, stonde ic on bedde,5 neoþan ruh nathwær. Neþeð hwilum6 ful cyrtenu ceorles dohtor,7 modwlonc meowle, þæt heo on mec gripeð,8 ræseð mec on reodne, reafað min heafod,9 fegeð mec on fæsten. Feleþ sona10 mines gemotes, seo þe mec nearwað,11 wif wundenlocc. Wæt bið þæt eage.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 261 Mec feonda sum feore besnyþede,2 woruldstrenga binom, wætte siþþan,3 dyfde on wætre, dyde eft þonan,4 sette on sunnan, þær ic swiþe beleas5 herum þam þe ic hæfde. Heard mec siþþan6 snað seaxses ecg, sindrum begrunden;7 fingras feoldan, ond mec fugles wyn8 geond speddropum spyrede geneahhe,9 ofer brunne brerd, beamtelge swealg,10 streames dæle, stop eft on mec,11 siþade sweartlast. Mec siþþan wrah12 hæleð hleobordum, hyde beþenede,13 gierede mec mid golde; forþon me gliwedon14 wrætlic weorc smiþa, wire bifongen.15 Nu þa gereno ond se reada telg16 ond þa wuldorgesteald wide mære17 dryhtfolca helm, nales dol wite.18 Gif min bearn wera brucan willað,19 hy beoð þy gesundran ond þy sigefæstran,20 heortum þy hwætran ond þy hygebliþran,21 ferþe þy frodran, habbaþ freonda þy ma,22 swæsra ond gesibbra, soþra ond godra,23 tilra ond getreowra, þa hyra tyr ond ead24 estum ycað ond hy arstafum25 lissum bilecgað ond hi lufan fæþmum26 fæste clyppað. Frige hwæt ic hatte,27 niþum to nytte. Nama min is mære,28 hæleþum gifre ond halig sylf.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 271 Ic eom weorð werum, wide funden,2 brungen of bearwum ond of burghleoþum,3 of denum ond of dunum. Dæges mec wægun4 feþre on lifte, feredon mid liste5 under hrofes hleo. Hæleð mec siþþan6 baþedan in bydene. Nu ic eom bindere7 ond swingere, sona weorpe8 esne to eorþan, hwilum ealdne ceorl.9 Sona þæt onfindeð, se þe mec fehð ongean,


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10 ond wið mægenþisan minre genæsteð,11 þæt he hrycge sceal hrusan secan,12 gif he unrædes ær ne geswiceð,13 strengo bistolen, strong on spræce,14 mægene binumen; nah his modes geweald,15 fota ne folma. Frige hwæt ic hatte,16 ðe on eorþan swa esnas binde,17 dole æfter dyntum be dæges leohte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 281 Biþ foldan dæl fægre gegierwed2 mid þy heardestan ond mid þy scearpestan3 ond mid þy grymmestan gumena gestreona,4 corfen, sworfen, cyrred, þyrred,5 bunden, wunden, blæced, wæced,6 frætwed, geatwed, feorran læded7 to durum dryhta. Dream bið in innan8 cwicra wihta, clengeð, lengeð,9 þara þe ær lifgende longe hwile10 wilna bruceð ond no wið spriceð,11 ond þonne æfter deaþe deman onginneð,12 meldan mislice. Micel is to hycganne13 wisfæstum menn, hwæt seo wiht sy.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 291 Ic wiht geseah wundorlice2 hornum bitweonum huþe lædan,3 lyftfæt leohtlic, listum gegierwed,4 huþe to þam ham of þam heresiþe;5 walde hyre on þære byrig bur atimbran,6 searwum asettan, gif hit swa meahte.7 Ða cwom wundorlicu wiht ofer wealles hrof,8 seo is eallum cuð eorðbuendum,9 ahredde þa þa huþe ond to ham bedraf10 wreccan ofer willan, gewat hyre west þonan11 fæhþum feran, forð onette.12 Dust stonc to heofonum, deaw feol on eorþan,13 niht forð gewat. Nænig siþþan14 wera gewiste þære wihte sið.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 30a1 Ic eom legbysig, lace mid winde,2 bewunden mid wuldre, wedre gesomnad,3 fus forðweges, fyre gebysgad,4 bearu blowende, byrnende gled.5 Ful oft mec gesiþas sendað æfter hondum,6 þæt mec weras ond wif wlonce cyssað.7 Þonne ic mec onhæbbe, ond hi onhnigaþ to me8 monige mid miltse, þær ic monnum sceal


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9 ycan upcyme eadignesse.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 311 Is þes middangeard missenlicum2 wisum gewlitegad, wrættum gefrætwad.3 Ic seah sellic þing singan on ræcede;4 wiht wæs nower werum on gemonge,5 sio hæfde wæstum wundorlicran.6 Niþerweard wæs neb hyre,7 fet ond folme fugele gelice;8 no hwæþre fleogan mæg ne fela gongan,9 hwæþre feþegeorn fremman onginneð,10 gecoren cræftum, cyrreð geneahhe11 oft ond gelome eorlum on gemonge,12 siteð æt symble, sæles bideþ,13 hwonne ær heo cræft hyre cyþan mote14 werum on wonge. Ne heo þær wiht þigeð15 þæs þe him æt blisse beornas habbað.16 Deor domes georn, hio dumb wunað;17 hwæþre hyre is on fote fæger hleoþor,18 wynlicu woðgiefu. Wrætlic me þinceð,19 hu seo wiht mæge wordum lacan20 þurh fot neoþan, frætwed hyrstum.21 Hafað hyre on halse, þonne hio hord warað,22 bær, beagum deall, broþor sine,23 mæg mid mægne. Micel is to hycgenne24 wisum woðboran, hwæt sio wiht sie.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 321 Is þes middangeard missenlicum2 wisum gewlitegad, wrættum gefrætwad.3 Siþum sellic ic seah searo hweorfan,4 grindan wið greote, giellende faran.5 Næfde sellicu wiht syne ne folme,6 exle ne earmas; sceal on anum fet7 searoceap swifan, swiþe feran,8 faran ofer feldas. Hæfde fela ribba;9 muð wæs on middan. Moncynne nyt,10 fereð foddurwelan, folcscipe dreogeð,11 wist in wigeð, ond werum gieldeð12 gaful geara gehwam þæs þe guman brucað,13 rice ond heane. Rece, gif þu cunne,14 wis worda gleaw, hwæt sio wiht sie.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 331 Wiht cwom æfter wege wrætlicu liþan,2 cymlic from ceole cleopode to londe,3 hlinsade hlude; hleahtor wæs gryrelic,4 egesful on earde, ecge wæron scearpe.


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5 Wæs hio hetegrim, hilde to sæne,6 biter beadoweorca; bordweallas grof,7 heardhiþende. Heterune bond,8 sægde searocræftig ymb hyre sylfre gesceaft:9 “Is min modor mægða cynnes10 þæs deorestan, þæt is dohtor min11 eacen up liden, swa þæt is ældum cuþ,12 firum on folce, þæt seo on foldan sceal13 on ealra londa gehwam lissum stondan.”

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 341 Ic wiht geseah in wera burgum,2 seo þæt feoh fedeð. Hafað fela toþa;3 nebb biþ hyre æt nytte, niþerweard gongeð,4 hiþeð holdlice ond to ham tyhð,5 wæþeð geond weallas, wyrte seceð;6 aa heo þa findeð, þa þe fæst ne biþ;7 læteð hio þa wlitigan, wyrtum fæste,8 stille stondan on staþolwonge,9 beorhte blican, blowan ond growan.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 351 Mec se wæta wong, wundrum freorig,2 of his innaþe ærist cende.3 Ne wat ic mec beworhtne wulle flysum,4 hærum þurh heahcræft, hygeþoncum min.5 Wundene me ne beoð wefle, ne ic wearp hafu,6 ne þurh þreata geþræcu þræd me ne hlimmeð,7 ne æt me hrutende hrisil scriþeð,8 ne mec ohwonan sceal am cnyssan.9 Wyrmas mec ne awæfan wyrda cræftum,10 þa þe geolo godwebb geatwum frætwað.11 Wile mec mon hwæþre seþeah wide ofer eorþan12 hatan for hæleþum hyhtlic gewæde.13 Saga soðcwidum, searoþoncum gleaw,14 wordum wisfæst, hwæt þis gewæde sy.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 361 Ic wiht geseah on wege feran,2 seo wæs wrætlice wundrum gegierwed.3 Hæfde feowere fet under wombe4 ond ehtuwe5 monn.h.w.M.wiif.m.x.l.kf wf.hors. qxxs. ufon on hrycge;6 hæfde tu fiþru ond twelf eagan7 ond siex heafdu. Saga hwæt hio wære.8 For flodwegas; ne wæs þæt na fugul ana,10 ac þær wæs æghwylces anra gelicnes11 horses ond monnes, hundes ond fugles,12 ond eac wifes wlite. Þu wast, gif þu const,


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13 to gesecganne, þæt we soð witan,14 hu þære wihte wise gonge.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 371 Ic þa wihte geseah; womb wæs on hindan2 þriþum aþrunten. Þegn folgade,3 mægenrofa man, ond micel hæfde4 gefered þæt hit felde, fleah þurh his eage.5 Ne swylteð he symle, þonne syllan sceal6 innað þam oþrum, ac him eft cymeð7 bot in bosme, blæd biþ aræred;8 he sunu wyrceð, bið him sylfa fæder.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 381 Ic þa wiht geseah wæpnedcynnes,2 geoguðmyrþe grædig; him on gafol forlet3 ferðfriþende feower wellan4 scire sceotan, on gesceap þeotan.5 Mon maþelade, se þe me gesægde:6 “Seo wiht, gif hio gedygeð, duna briceð;7 gif he tobirsteð, bindeð cwice.”

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 391 Gewritu secgað þæt seo wiht sy2 mid moncynne miclum tidum3 sweotol ond gesyne. Sundorcræft hafað4 maran micle, þonne hit men witen.5 Heo wile gesecan sundor æghwylcne6 feorhberendra, gewiteð eft feran on weg.7 Ne bið hio næfre niht þær oþre,8 ac hio sceal wideferh wreccan laste9 hamleas hweorfan; no þy heanre biþ.10 Ne hafað hio fot ne folme, ne æfre foldan hran,11 ne eagena ægþer twega,12 ne muð hafaþ, ne wiþ monnum spræc,13 ne gewit hafað, ac gewritu secgað14 þæt seo sy earmost ealra wihta,15 þara þe æfter gecyndum cenned wære.16 Ne hafað hio sawle ne feorh, ac hio siþas sceal17 geond þas wundorworuld wide dreogan.18 Ne hafaþ hio blod ne ban, hwæþre bearnum wearð19 geond þisne middangeard mongum to frofre.20 Næfre hio heofonum hran, ne to helle mot,21 ac hio sceal wideferh wuldorcyninges22 larum lifgan. Long is to secganne23 hu hyre ealdorgesceaft æfter gongeð,24 woh wyrda gesceapu; þæt is wrætlic þing25 to gesecganne. Soð is æghwylc26 þara þe ymb þas wiht wordum becneð;


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27 ne hafað heo ænig lim, leofaþ efne seþeah.28 Gif þu mæge reselan recene gesecgan29 soþum wordum, saga hwæt hio hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 401 Ece is se scyppend, se þas eorþan nu2 wreðstuþum wealdeð ond þas world healdeð.3 Rice is se reccend ond on ryht cyning4 ealra anwalda, eorþan ond heofones,5 healdeð ond wealdeð, swa he ymb þas utan hweorfeð.6 He mec wrætlice worhte æt frymþe,7 þa he þisne ymbhwyrft ærest sette,8 heht mec wæccende wunian longe,9 þæt ic ne slepe siþþan æfre,10 ond mec semninga slæp ofergongeþ,11 beoð eagan min ofestum betyned.12 Þisne middangeard meahtig dryhten13 mid his onwalde æghwær styreð;14 swa ic mid waldendes worde ealne15 þisne ymbhwyrft utan ymbclyppe.16 Ic eom to þon bleað, þæt mec bealdlice mæg17 gearu gongende grima abregan,18 ond eofore eom æghwær cenra,19 þonne he gebolgen bidsteal giefeð;20 ne mæg mec oferswiþan segnberendra21 ænig ofer eorþan, nymþe se ana god22 se þisne hean heofon healdeþ ond wealdeþ.23 Ic eom on stence strengre micle24 þonne ricels oþþe rose sy,25 on eorþan tyrf25 wynlic weaxeð; ic eom wræstre þonne heo.26 Þeah þe lilie sy leof moncynne,27 beorht on blostman, ic eom betre þonne heo;28 swylce ic nardes stenc nyde oferswiþe30 mid minre swetnesse symle æghwær,31 ond ic fulre eom þonne þis fen swearte32 þæt her yfle adelan stinceð.33 Eal ic under heofones hwearfte recce,34 swa me leof fæder lærde æt frymþe,35 þæt ic þa mid ryhte reccan moste36 þicce ond þynne; þinga gehwylces37 onlicnesse æghwær healde.38 Hyrre ic eom heofone, hateþ mec heahcyning39 his deagol þing dyre bihealdan;40 eac ic under eorþan eal sceawige41 wom wraðscrafu wraþra gæsta.42 Ic eom micle yldra þonne ymbhwyrft þes43 oþþe þes middangeard meahte geweorþan,44 ond ic giestron wæs geong acenned45 mære to monnum þurh minre modor hrif.46 Ic eom fægerre frætwum goldes,47 þeah hit mon awerge wirum utan;


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48 ic eom wyrslicre þonne þes wudu fula49 oððe þis waroð þe her aworpen ligeð.50 Ic eorþan eom æghwær brædre,51 ond widgielra þonne þes wong grena;52 folm mec mæg bifon ond fingras þry53 utan eaþe ealle ymbclyppan.54 Heardra ic eom ond caldra þonne se hearda forst,55 hrim heorugrimma, þonne he to hrusan cymeð;56 ic eom Ulcanus up irnendan57 leohtan leoman lege hatra.58 Ic eom on goman gena swetra59 þonne þu beobread blende mid hunige;60 swylce ic eom wraþre þonne wermod sy,61 þe her on hyrstum heasewe stondeþ.62 Ic mesan mæg meahtelicor63 ond efnetan ealdum þyrse,64 ond ic gesælig mæg symle lifgan65 þeah ic ætes ne sy æfre to feore.66 Ic mæg fromlicor fleogan þonne pernex67 oþþe earn oþþe hafoc æfre meahte;68 nis zefferus, se swifta wind,69 þæt swa fromlice mæg feran æghwær;70 me is snægl swiftra, snelra regnwyrm71 ond fenyce fore hreþre;72 is þæs gores sunu gonge hrædra,73 þone we wifel wordum nemnað.74 Hefigere ic eom micle þonne se hara stan75 oþþe unlytel leades clympre,76 leohtre ic eom micle þonne þes lytla wyrm77 þe her on flode gæð fotum dryge.78 Flinte ic eom heardre þe þis fyr drifeþ79 of þissum strongan style heardan,80 hnescre ic eom micle halsrefeþre,81 seo her on winde wæweð on lyfte.82 Ic eorþan eom æghwær brædre83 ond widgelra þonne þes wong grena;84 ic uttor eaþe eal ymbwinde,85 wrætlice gewefen wundorcræfte.86 Nis under me ænig oþer87 wiht waldendre on worldlife;88 ic eom ufor ealra gesceafta,89 þara þe worhte waldend user,90 se mec ana mæg ecan meahtum,91 geþeon þrymme, þæt ic onþunian ne sceal.92 Mara ic eom ond strengra þonne se micla hwæl,93 se þe garsecges grund bihealdeð94 sweartan syne; ic eom swiþre þonne he,95 swylce ic eom on mægene minum læsse96 þonne se hondwyrm, se þe hæleþa bearn,97 secgas searoþoncle, seaxe delfað.98 Nu hafu ic in heafde hwite loccas99 wræste gewundne, ac ic eom wide calu;100 ne ic breaga ne bruna brucan moste,


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101 ac mec bescyrede scyppend eallum;102 nu me wrætlice weaxað on heafde103 þæt me on gescyldrum scinan motan104 ful wrætlice wundne loccas.105 Mara ic eom ond fættra þonne amæsted swin,106 bearg bellende, þe on bocwuda,107 won wrotende wynnum lifde108 þæt he

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 411 edniwu;2 þæt is moddor monigra cynna,3 þæs selestan, þæs sweartestan,4 þæs deorestan þæs þe dryhta bearn5 ofer foldan sceat to gefean agen.6 Ne magon we her in eorþan owiht lifgan,7 nymðe we brucen þæs þa bearn doð.8 Þæt is to geþencanne þeoda gehwylcum,9 wisfæstum werum, hwæt seo wiht sy.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 421 Ic seah wyhte wrætlice twa2 undearnunga ute plegan3 hæmedlaces; hwitloc anfeng4 wlanc under wædum, gif þæs weorces speow,5 fæmne fyllo. Ic on flette mæg6 þurh runstafas rincum secgan,7 þam þe bec witan, bega ætsomne8 naman þara wihta. Þær sceal Nyd wesan9 twega oþer ond se torhta Æsc10 an an linan, Acas twegen,11 Hægelas swa some. Hwylc þæs hordgates12 cægan cræfte þa clamme onleac13 þe þa rædellan wið rynemenn14 hygefæste heold heortan bewrigene15 orþoncbendum? Nu is undyrne16 werum æt wine hu þa wihte mid us,17 heanmode twa, hatne sindon.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 431 Ic wat indryhtne æþelum deorne2 giest in geardum, þam se grimma ne mæg3 hungor sceððan ne se hata þurst,4 yldo ne adle. Gif him arlice5 esne þenað, se þe agan sceal6 on þam siðfate, hy gesunde æt ham7 findað witode him wiste ond blisse,8 cnosles unrim, care, gif se esne9 his hlaforde hyreð yfle,


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10 frean on fore. Ne wile forht wesan11 broþor oþrum; him þæt bam sceðeð,12 þonne hy from bearme begen hweorfað13 anre magan ellorfuse,14 moddor ond sweostor. Mon, se þe wille,15 cyþe cynewordum hu se cuma hatte,16 eðþa se esne, þe ic her ymb sprice.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 441 Wrætlic hongað bi weres þeo,2 frean under sceate. Foran is þyrel.3 Bið stiþ ond heard, stede hafað godne;4 þonne se esne his agen hrægl5 ofer cneo hefeð, wile þæt cuþe hol6 mid his hangellan heafde gretan7 þæt he efenlang ær oft gefylde.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 451 Ic on wincle gefrægn weaxan nathwæt,2 þindan ond þunian, þecene hebban;3 on þæt banlease bryd grapode,4 hygewlonc hondum, hrægle þeahte5 þrindende þing þeodnes dohtor.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 461 Wer sæt æt wine mid his wifum twam2 ond his twegen suno ond his twa dohtor,3 swase gesweostor, ond hyra suno twegen,4 freolico frumbearn; fæder wæs þær inne5 þara æþelinga æghwæðres mid,6 eam ond nefa. Ealra wæron fife7 eorla ond idesa insittendra.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 471 Moððe word fræt. Me þæt þuhte2 wrætlicu wyrd, þa ic þæt wundor gefrægn,3 þæt se wyrm forswealg wera gied sumes,4 þeof in þystro, þrymfæstne cwide5 ond þæs strangan staþol. Stælgiest ne wæs6 wihte þy gleawra, þe he þam wordum swealg.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 481 Ic gefrægn for hæleþum hring endean,2 torhtne butan tungan, tila þeah he hlude3 stefne ne cirmde, strongum wordum.4 Sinc for secgum swigende cwæð:5 “Gehæle mec, helpend gæsta.”


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6 Ryne ongietan readan goldes7 guman galdorcwide, gleawe beþencan8 hyra hælo to gode, swa se hring gecwæð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 491 Ic wat eardfæstne anne standan,2 deafne, dumban, se oft dæges swilgeð3 þurh gopes hond gifrum lacum.4 Hwilum on þam wicum se wonna þegn,5 sweart ond saloneb, sendeð oþre6 under goman him golde dyrran,7 þa æþelingas oft wilniað,8 cyningas ond cwene. Ic þæt cyn nu gen9 nemnan ne wille, þe him to nytte swa10 ond to dugþum doþ þæt se dumba her,11 eorp unwita, ær forswilgeð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 501 Wiga is on eorþan wundrum acenned2 dryhtum to nytte, of dumbum twam3 torht atyhted, þone on teon wigeð4 feond his feonde. Forstrangne oft5 wif hine wrið; he him wel hereð,6 þeowaþ him geþwære, gif him þegniað7 mægeð ond mæcgas mid gemete ryhte,8 fedað hine fægre; he him fremum stepeð9 life on lissum. Leanað grimme10 þam þe hine wloncne weorþan læteð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 511 Ic seah wrætlice wuhte feower2 samed siþian; swearte wæran lastas,3 swaþu swiþe blacu. Swift wæs on fore,4 fuglum framra; fleag on lyfte,5 deaf under yþe. Dreag unstille6 winnende wiga se him wegas tæcneþ7 ofer fæted gold feower eallum.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 521 Ic seah ræpingas in ræced fergan2 under hrof sales hearde twegen,3 þa wæron genamnan, nearwum bendum4 gefeterade fæste togædre;5 þara oþrum wæs an getenge6 wonfah Wale, seo weold hyra7 bega siþe bendum fæstra.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439


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Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 531 Ic seah on bearwe beam hlifian,2 tanum torhtne. Þæt treow wæs on wynne,3 wudu weaxende. Wæter hine ond eorþe4 feddan fægre, oþþæt he frod dagum5 on oþrum wearð aglachade6 deope gedolgod, dumb in bendum,7 wriþen ofer wunda, wonnum hyrstum8 foran gefrætwed. Nu he fæcnum weg9 þurh his heafdes mægen hildegieste10 oþrum rymeð. Oft hy an yste strudon11 hord ætgædre; hræd wæs ond unlæt12 se æftera, gif se ærra fær13 genamnan in nearowe neþan moste.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 541 Hyse cwom gangan, þær he hie wisse2 stondan in wincsele, stop feorran to,3 hror hægstealdmon, hof his agen4 hrægl hondum up, hrand under gyrdels5 hyre stondendre stiþes nathwæt,6 worhte his willan; wagedan buta.7 Þegn onnette, wæs þragum nyt8 tillic esne, teorode hwæþre9 æt stunda gehwam strong ær þon hio,10 werig þæs weorces. Hyre weaxan ongon11 under gyrdelse þæt oft gode men12 ferðþum freogað ond mid feo bicgað.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 551 Ic seah in healle, þær hæleð druncon,2 on flet beran feower cynna,3 wrætlic wudutreow ond wunden gold,4 sinc searobunden, ond seolfres dæl5 ond rode tacn, þæs us to roderum up6 hlædre rærde, ær he helwara7 burg abræce. Ic þæs beames mæg8 eaþe for eorlum æþelu secgan;9 þær wæs hlin ond acc ond se hearda iw10 ond se fealwa holen; frean sindon ealle11 nyt ætgædre, naman habbað anne,12 wulfheafedtreo, þæt oft wæpen abæd13 his mondryhtne, maðm in healle,14 goldhilted sweord. Nu me þisses gieddes15 ondsware ywe, se hine on mede16 wordum secgan hu se wudu hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 561 Ic wæs þær inne þær ic ane geseah


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2 winnende wiht wido bennegean,3 holt hweorfende; heaþoglemma feng,4 deopra dolga. Daroþas wæron5 weo þære wihte, ond se wudu searwum6 fæste gebunden. Hyre fota wæs7 biidfæst oþer, oþer bisgo dreag,8 leolc on lyfte, hwilum londe neah.9 Treow wæs getenge þam þær torhtan stod10 leafum bihongen. Ic lafe geseah11 minum hlaforde, þær hæleð druncon,12 þara flana geweorc, on flet beran.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 571 Ðeos lyft byreð lytle wihte2 ofer beorghleoþa. Þa sind blace swiþe,3 swearte salopade. Sanges rope4 heapum ferað, hlude cirmað,5 tredað bearonæssas, hwilum burgsalo6 niþþa bearna. Nemnað hy sylfe.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 581 Ic wat anfete ellen dreogan2 wiht on wonge. Wide ne fereð,3 ne fela rideð, ne fleogan mæg4 þurh scirne dæg, ne hie scip fereð,5 naca nægledbord; nyt bið hwæþre6 hyre mondryhtne monegum tidum.7 Hafað hefigne steort, heafod lytel,8 tungan lange, toð nænigne,9 isernes dæl; eorðgræf pæþeð.10 Wætan ne swelgeþ ne wiht iteþ,11 foþres ne gitsað, fereð oft swa þeah12 lagoflod on lyfte; life ne gielpeð,13 hlafordes gifum, hyreð swa þeana14 þeodne sinum. Þry sind in naman15 ryhte runstafas, þara is Rad foran.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 591 Ic seah in healle hring gyldenne2 men sceawian, modum gleawe,3 ferþþum frode. Friþospede bæd4 god nergende gæste sinum5 se þe wende wriþan; word æfter cwæð6 hring on hyrede, hælend nemde7 tillfremmendra. Him torhte in gemynd8 his dryhtnes naman dumba brohte9 ond in eagna gesihð, gif þæs æþelan10 goldes tacen ongietan cuþe11 ond dryhtnes dolg, don swa þæs beages


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12 benne cwædon. Ne mæg þære bene13 æniges monnes ungefullodre14 godes ealdorburg gæst gesecan,15 rodera ceastre. Ræde, se þe wille,16 hu ðæs wrætlican wunda cwæden17 hringes to hæleþum, þa he in healle wæs18 wylted ond wended wloncra folmum.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE WIFE'S LAMENT1 Ic þis giedd wrece bi me ful geomorre,2 minre sylfre sið. Ic þæt secgan mæg,3 hwæt ic yrmþa gebad, siþþan ic up weox,4 niwes oþþe ealdes, no ma þonne nu.5 A ic wite wonn minra wræcsiþa.6 Ærest min hlaford gewat heonan of leodum7 ofer yþa gelac; hæfde ic uhtceare8 hwær min leodfruma londes wære.9 Ða ic me feran gewat folgað secan,10 wineleas wræcca, for minre weaþearfe.11 Ongunnon þæt þæs monnes magas hycgan12 þurh dyrne geþoht, þæt hy todælden unc,13 þæt wit gewidost in woruldrice14 lifdon laðlicost, ond mec longade.15 Het mec hlaford min herheard niman,16 ahte ic leofra lyt on þissum londstede,17 holdra freonda. Forþon is min hyge geomor,18 ða ic me ful gemæcne monnan funde,19 heardsæligne, hygegeomorne,20 mod miþendne, morþor hycgendne.21 Bliþe gebæro ful oft wit beotedan22 þæt unc ne gedælde nemne deað ana23 owiht elles; eft is þæt onhworfen,24 is nu24 swa hit no wære25 freondscipe uncer. Sceal ic feor ge neah26 mines felaleofan fæhðu dreogan.27 Heht mec mon wunian on wuda bearwe,28 under actreo in þam eorðscræfe.29 Eald is þes eorðsele, eal ic eom oflongad,30 sindon dena dimme, duna uphea,31 bitre burgtunas, brerum beweaxne,32 wic wynna leas. Ful oft mec her wraþe begeat33 fromsiþ frean. Frynd sind on eorþan,34 leofe lifgende, leger weardiað,35 þonne ic on uhtan ana gonge36 under actreo geond þas eorðscrafu.37 Þær ic sittan mot sumorlangne dæg,38 þær ic wepan mæg mine wræcsiþas,39 earfoþa fela; forþon ic æfre ne mæg40 þære modceare minre gerestan,41 ne ealles þæs longaþes þe mec on þissum life begeat.42 A scyle geong mon wesan geomormod,


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43 heard heortan geþoht, swylce habban sceal44 bliþe gebæro, eac þon breostceare,45 sinsorgna gedreag, sy æt him sylfum gelong46 eal his worulde wyn, sy ful wide fah47 feorres folclondes, þæt min freond siteð48 under stanhliþe storme behrimed,49 wine werigmod, wætre beflowen50 on dreorsele. Dreogeð se min wine51 micle modceare; he gemon to oft52 wynlicran wic. Wa bið þam þe sceal53 of langoþe leofes abidan.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE JUDGMENT DAY I1 Ðæt gelimpan sceal, þætte lagu floweð,2 flod ofer foldan; feores bið æt ende3 anra gehwylcum. Oft mæg se þe wile4 in his sylfes sefan soð geþencan.5 Hafað him geþinged hider þeoden user6 on þam mæstan dæge, mægencyninga hyhst,7 wile þonne forbærnan brego moncynnes8 lond mid lige. Nis þæt lytulu spræc9 to geheganne. Hat bið onæled,10 siþþan fyr nimeð foldan sceatas,11 byrnende lig beorhte gesceafte;12 bið eal þes ginna grund gleda gefylled,13 reþra bronda, swa nu rixiað14 gromhydge guman, gylpe strynað,15 hyra hlaforde gehlæges tilgað,16 oþþæt hy beswicað synna weardas,17 þæt hi mid þy heape helle secað,18 fleogað mid þam feondum. Him biþ fyr ongean,19 droflic wite, þær næfre dæg scineð20 leohte of lyfte, ac a bilocen stondeð,21 siþþan þæs gæstes gryre agiefen weorþeð.22 Ufan hit is enge ond hit is innan hat;23 nis þæt betlic bold, ac þær is brogna hyhst,24 ne noht hyhtlic ham, ac þær is helle grund,25 sarlic siðfæt þam þe sibbe ful oft26 tomældeð mid his muþe. Ne con he þa mircan gesceaft,27 hu hi butan ende ece stondeð28 þam þe þær for his synnum onsægd weorþeð,29 ond þonne a to ealdre orleg dreogeð.30 Hwa is þonne þæs ferðgleaw, oþþe þæs fela cunne,31 þæt æfre mæge heofona heahþu gereccan,32 swa georne þone godes dæl, swa he gearo stondeð33 clænum heortum, þam þe þisne cwide willað34 ondrædan þus deopne? Sceal se dæg weorþan35 þæt we forð berað firena gehwylce,36 þeawas ond geþohtas; þæt bið þearlic gemot,37 heardlic heremægen. Hat biþ acolod.38 Ne biþ þonne on þisse worulde nymþe wætres sweg39 fisces eþel;


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40 ne biþ her ban ne blod, ac sceal bearna gehwylc41 mid lice ond mid sawle leanes fricgan42 ealles þæs þe we on eorþan ær geworhtan43 godes oþþe yfles. Ne mæg nænig gryre mare44 geweorþan æfter worulde, ond se bið wide cuð.45 Ne tytaþ her tungul, ac biþ tyr scæcen,46 eorþan blædas. Forþon ic a wille47 leode læran þæt hi lof godes48 hergan on heahþu, hyhtum to wuldre49 lifgen on geleafan, ond a lufan dryhtnes50 wyrcan in þisse worulde, ær þon se wlonca dæg51 bodige þurh byman brynehatne leg,52 egsan oferþrym. Ne bið nænges eorles tir53 leng on þissum life, siþþan leohtes weard54 ofer ealne foldan fæþm fyr onsendeð.55 Lixeð lyftes mægen, leg onetteð,56 blæc byrnende, blodgyte weorþeð57 mongum gemeldad, mægencyninges þrea;58 beofað eal beorhte gesceaft, brondas lacað59 on þam deopan dæge, dyneð upheofon.60 Þonne weras ond wif woruld alætað,61 eorþan yrmþu, seoð þonne on ece gewyrht.62 Þonne bið gecyþed hwa in clænnisse63 lif alifde; him bið lean gearo.64 Hyht wæs a in heofonum, siþþan user hælend wæs,65 middangeardes meotud, þurh þa mæstan gesceaft66 on ful blacne beam bunden fæste67 cearian clomme. Crist ealle wat68 gode dæde; no þæs gilpan þearf69 synfull sawel, þæt hyre sie swegl ongean,70 þonne he gehyrweð ful oft halge lare,71 brigdeð on bysmer. Ne con he þæs brogan dæl,72 yfles ondgiet, ær hit hine on fealleð.73 He þæt þonne onfindeð, þonne se fær cymeþ,74 geond middangeard monegum gecyþeð,75 þæt he bið on þæt wynstre weorud wyrs gescaden,76 þonne he on þa swiþran hond swican mote,77 leahtra alysed. Lyt þæt geþenceð,78 se þe him wines glæd wilna bruceð,79 siteð him symbelgal, siþ ne bemurneð,80 hu him æfter þisse worulde weorðan mote.81 Wile þonne forgieldan gæsta dryhten82 willum æfter þære wyrde, wuldres ealdor,83 þam þe his synna nu sare geþenceþ,84 modbysgunge micle dreogeð;85 him þæt þonne geleanað lifes waldend,86 heofona hyrde, æfter heonansiþe87 godum dædum, þæs þe he swa geomor wearð,88 sarig fore his synnum. Ne sceal se to sæne beon89 ne þissa larna to læt, se þe him wile lifgan mid gode,90 brucan þæs boldes þe us beorht fæder91 gearwað togeanes, gæsta ealdor.92 Þæt is sigedryhten þe þone sele frætweð,


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93 timbreð torhtlice; to sculon clæne,94 womma lease, swa se waldend cwæð,95 ealra cyninga cyning. Forþon cwicra gehwylc,96 deophydigra, dryhtne hyreð,97 þara þe wile heofona heahþu gestigan.98 Hwæþre þæt gegongeð, þeah þe hit sy greote beþeaht,99 lic mid lame, þæt hit sceal life onfon,100 feores æfter foldan. Folc biþ gebonnen,101 Adames bearn ealle to spræce;102 beoð þonne gegædrad gæst ond bansele,103 gesomnad to þam siþe. Soþ þæt wile cyþan,104 þonne we us gemittað on þam mæstan dæge,105 rincas æt þære rode, secgað þonne ryhta fela,106 eal swylce under heofonum gewearð hates ond cealdes,107 godes oþþe yfles; georne gehyreð108 heofoncyninga hyhst hæleþa dæde.109 Næfre mon þæs hlude horn aþyteð110 ne byman ablaweþ, þæt ne sy seo beorhte stefn111 ofer ealne middangeard monnum hludre,112 waldendes word; wongas beofiað113 for þam ærende þæt he to us eallum wat.114 Oncweþ nu þisne cwide; cuþ sceal geweorþan115 þæt ic gewægan ne mæg wyrd under heofonum,116 ac hit þus gelimpan sceal leoda gehwylcum117 ofer eall beorht gesetu, byrnende lig.118 Siþþan æfter þam lige lif bið gestaþelad,119 welan ah in wuldre se nu wel þenceð.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - RESIGNATION1 Age mec se ælmihta god,2 helpe min se halga dryhten! Þu gesceope heofon ond eorþan3 ond wundor eall, min wundorcyning,4 þe þær on sindon, ece dryhten,5 micel ond manigfeald. Ic þe, mære god,6 mine sawle bebeode ond mines sylfes lic,7 ond min word ond min weorc, witig dryhten,8 ond eal min leoþo, leohtes hyrde,9 ond þa manigfealdan mine geþohtas.10 Getacna me, tungla hyrde,11 þær selast sy sawle minre12 to gemearcenne meotudes willan,13 þæt ic þe geþeo þinga gehwylce,14 ond on me sylfum, soðfæst cyning,15 ræd arære. Regnþeof ne læt16 on sceade sceþþan, þeah þe ic scyppendum17 wuldorcyninge waccor hyrde,18 ricum dryhtne, þonne min ræd wære.19 Forgif me to lisse, lifgende god,20 bitre bealodæde. Ic þa bote gemon,21 cyninga wuldor, cume to, gif ic mot.22 Forgif þu me, min frea, fierst ond ondgiet23 ond geþyld ond gemynd þinga gehwylces


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24 þara þu me, soþfæst cyning, sendan wylle25 to cunnunge. Nu þu const on mec26 firendæda fela, feorma mec hwæþre,27 meotod, for þinre miltse, þeah þe ic ma fremede28 grimra gylta þonne me god lyfde;29 hæbbe ic þonne þearfe þæt ic þine seþeah,30 halges heofoncyninges, hyldo getilge31 leorendum dagum, lif æfter oþrum32 geseo ond gesece, þæt me siþþan þær33 unne arfæst god ecan dreames,34 lif alyfe, þeah þe lætlicor35 bette bealodæde þonne bibodu wæron36 halgan heofonmægnes. Hwæt, þu me her fela37 forgeafe. Gesette minne hyht on þec,38 forhte foreþoncas, þæt hio fæstlice39 stonde gestaðelad. Onstep minne hige,40 gæsta god cyning, in gearone ræd.41 Nu ic fundige to þe, fæder moncynnes,42 of þisse worulde, nu ic wat þæt ic sceal,43 ful unfyr faca; feorma me þonne,44 wyrda waldend, in þinne wuldordream,45 ond mec geleoran læt, leofra dryhten,46 geoca mines gæstes. Þonne is gromra to fela47 æfestum eaden, hæbbe ic þonne48 æt frean frofre, þeah þe ic ær on fyrste lyt49 earnode arna. Forlæt mec englas seþeah50 geniman on þinne neawest, nergende cyning,51 meotud, for þinre miltse. Þeah ðe is mana fela52 æfter dogrum dyde, ne læt þu mec næfre deofol seþeah53 þin lim lædan on laðne sið,54 þy læs hi on þone foreþonc gefeon motan55 þy þe hy him sylfum sellan þuhten56 englas oferhydige þonne ece Crist.57 Gelugon hy him æt þam geleafan; forþon hy longe scul[],58 werge wihta, wræce þrowian.59 Forstond þu mec ond gestyr him, þonne storm cyme60 minum gæste ongegn; geoca þonne,61 mihtig dryhten, minre sawle,62 gefreoþa hyre ond gefeorma hy, fæder moncynnes,63 hædre gehogode, hæl, ece god,64 meotod meahtum swiþ. Min is nu þa65 sefa synnum fah, ond ic ymb sawle eom66 feam siþum forht, þeah þu me fela sealde67 arna on þisse eorþan. Þe sie ealles þonc68 meorda ond miltsa, þara þu me sealdest.69 No ðæs earninga ænige wæron mid;70 hwæþre ic me ealles þæs ellen wylle71 habban ond hlyhhan ond me hyhtan to,72 frætwian mec on ferðweg ond fundian73 sylf to þam siþe þe ic asettan sceal,74 gæst gearwian, ond me þæt eal for gode þolian75 bliþe mode, nu ic gebunden eom76 fæste in minum ferþe. Huru me frea witeð


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77 sume þara synna þe ic me sylf ne conn78 ongietan gleawlice. Gode ic hæbbe79 abolgen, brego moncynnes; forþon ic þus bittre wearð80 gewitnad for þisse worulde, swa min gewyrhto wæron81 micle fore monnum, þæt ic martirdom82 deopne adreoge. Ne eom ic dema gleaw,83 wis fore weorude; forþon ic þas word spræce84 fus on ferþe, swa me on frymðe gelomp85 yrmþu ofer eorþan, þæt ic a þolade86 geara gehwylce (gode ealles þonc!)87 modearfoþa ma þonne on oþrum,88 fyrhto in folce; forþon ic afysed eom89 earm of minum eþle. Ne mæg þæs anhoga,90 leodwynna leas, leng drohtian,91 wineleas wræcca, (is him wrað meotud),92 gnornað on his geoguþe,93 ond him ælce mæle men fullestað,94 ycað his yrmþu, ond he þæt eal þolað,95 sarcwide secga, ond him bið a sefa geomor,96 mod morgenseoc. Ic bi me tylgust97 secge þis sarspel ond ymb siþ spræce,98 longunge fus, ond on lagu þence,99 nat min100 hwy ic gebycge bat on sæwe,101 fleot on faroðe; nah ic fela goldes102 ne huru þæs freondes, þe me gefylste103 to þam siðfate, nu ic me sylf ne mæg104 fore minum wonæhtum willan adreogan.105 Wudu mot him weaxan, wyrde bidan,106 tanum lædan; ic for tæle ne mæg107 ænigne moncynnes mode gelufian108 eorl on eþle. Eala dryhten min,109 meahtig mundbora! Þæt ic eom mode []eoc,110 bittre abolgen, is seo bot æt þe111 gelong æfter []fe. Ic on leohte ne mæg112 butan earfoþum ænge þinga113 feasceaft hæle foldan []unian;114 þonne ic me to fremþum freode hæfde,115 cyðþu gecwe [] me wæs a cearu symle113 lufena to leane, swa ic alifde nu.114 Giet biþ þæt selast, þonne mon him sylf ne mæg115 wyrd onwendan, þæt he þonne wel þolige.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE DESCENT INTO HELL1 Ongunnon him on uhtan æþelcunde mægð2 gierwan to geonge; wiston gumena gemot3 æþelinges lic eorðærne biþeaht.4 Woldan werigu wif wope bimænan5 æþelinges deað ane hwile,6 reonge bereotan. Ræst wæs acolad,7 heard wæs hinsið; hæleð wæron modge,8 þe hy æt þam beorge bliðe fundon.


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9 Cwom seo murnende Maria on dægred,10 heht hy oþre mid eorles dohtor.11 Sohton sarigu tu sigebearn godes12 ænne in þæt eorðærn þær hi ær wiston13 þæt hine gehyddan hæleð Iudea;14 wendan þæt he on þam beorge bidan sceolde,15 ana in þære easterniht. Huru þæs oþer þing16 wiston þa wifmenn, þa hy on weg cyrdon!17 Ac þær cwom on uhtan an engla þreat,18 behæfde heapa wyn hælendes burg.19 Open wæs þæt eorðærn, æþelinges lic20 onfeng feores gæst, folde beofode,21 hlogan helwaran; hagosteald onwoc22 modig from moldan, mægenþrym aras23 sigefæst ond snottor. Sægde Iohannis,24 hæleð helwarum, hlyhhende spræc25 modig to þære mengo ymb his mæges []:26 “Hæfde me gehaten hælend user,27 þa he me on þisne sið sendan wolde,28 þæt he me gesoht[] siex monað,29 ealles folces fruma. Nu [] sceacen.30 Wene ic ful swiþe ond witod [31 ] to dæge dryhten wille32 [] gesecan, sigebearn godes.”33 Fysde hine þa to fore frea moncynnes;34 wolde heofona helm helle weallas35 forbrecan ond forbygan, þære burge þrym36 onginnan reafian, reþust ealra cyninga.37 Ne rohte he to þære hilde helmberendra,38 ne he byrnwigend to þam burggeatum39 lædan ne wolde, ac þa locu feollan,40 clustor of þam ceastrum; cyning in oþrad,41 ealles folces fruma forð onette,42 weoruda wuldorgiefa. Wræccan þrungon,43 hwylc hyra þæt sygebearn geseon moste,44 Adam ond Abraham, Isac ond Iacob,45 monig modig eorl, Moyses ond Dauid,46 Esaias ond Sacharias,47 heahfædra fela, swylce eac hæleþa gemot,48 witgena weorod, wifmonna þreat,49 fela fæmnena, folces unrim.50 Geseah þa Iohannis sigebearn godes51 mid þy cyneþrymme cuman to helle,52 ongeat þa geomormod godes sylfes sið.53 Geseah he helle duru hædre scinan,54 þa þe longe ær bilocen wæron,55 beþeahte mid þystre; se þegn wæs on wynne.56 Abead þa bealdlice burgwarena ord57 modig fore þære mengo ond to his mæge spræc58 ond þa wilcuman wordum grette:59 “Þe þæs þonc sie, þeoden user,60 þæt þu us[]ige secan woldest,61 nu we on þissum bendum bidan []


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62 þonne monige bindeð broþorleasne63 wræccan [] (he bið wide fah),64 ne bið he no þæs nearwe under niðloc[65 ] þæs bitre gebunden under bealuclommum,66 þæt he þy yð ne mæge ellen habban,67 þonne he his hlafordes hyldo gelyfeð,68 þæt hine of þam bendum bicgan wille.69 Swa we ealle to þe an gelyfað,70 dryhten min se dyra. Ic adreag fela71 siþþan þu end to me in siþadest,72 þa þu me gesealdest sweord ond byrnan,73 helm ond heorosceorp, (a ic þæt heold nu giet),74 ond þu me gecyðdest, cyneþrymma wyn,75 þæt þu mundbora minum wære.76 Eala Gabrihel, hu þu eart gleaw ond scearp,77 milde ond gemyndig ond monþwære,78 wis on þinum gewitte ond on þinum worde snottor!79 Þæt þu gecyðdest þa þu þone cnyht to us80 brohtest in Bethlem. Bidan we þæs longe,81 setan on sorgum, sibbe oflyste,82 wynnum ond wenum, hwonne we word godes83 þurh his sylfes muð secgan hyrde.84 Eala Maria, hu þu us modigne85 cyning acendest, þa þu þæt cild to us86 brohtest in Bethlem. We þæs beofiende87 under helle dorum hearde sceoldon88 bidan in bendum. Bona weorces gefeah;89 wæron ure ealdfind ealle on wynnum90 þonne hy gehyrdon hu we hreowen[91 ]on murnende mægburg usse,92 oþþæt [] sigedryhten god,93 bimengdes[]gust ealra cyninga.94 [] nu us mon modge þe95 ageaf from usse geogoðe. We þurh gifre mod96 beswican us sylfe; we þa synne forþon97 berað in urum breostum to bonan honda,98 sculon eac to ussum feondum freoþo wilnian.99 Eala Hierusalem in Iudeum,100 hu þu in þære stowe stille gewunadest!101 Ne mostan þe geondferan foldbuende102 ealle lifgende, þa þe lof singað.103 Eala Iordane in Iudeum,104 hu þu in þære stowe stille gewunadest!105 Nales þu geondflowan foldbuende;106 mostan hy þynes wætres wynnum brucan.107 Nu ic þe halsie, hælend user,108 deope in gedyrstum, (þu eart dryhten Crist),109 þæt þu us gemiltsie, monna scyppend.110 Þu fore monna lufan þinre modor bosm111 sylfa gesohtes, sigedryhten god,112 nales fore þinre þearfe, þeoda waldend,113 ac for þam miltsum þe þu moncynne114 oft ætywdest, þonne him wæs are þearf.


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115 Þu meaht ymbfon eal folca gesetu,116 swylce þu meaht geriman, rice dryhten,117 sæs sondgrotu, selast ealra cyninga.118 Swylce ic þe halsige, hælend user,119 fore [.]inum cildhade, cyninga selast,120 ond fore þære wunde, weoruda dry[121 ] þinum æriste, æþelinga wyn,122 ond fore þinre me[]ian nama,123 þa ealle hellwara hergað ond lof[124 ]lum þe þe ymb stondað,125 þa þu þe lete sittan [] hond,126 þa þu us on þisne wræcsið, weoroda dryhten.127 þurh þines sylfes geweald secan woldest,128 ond fore Hierusalem in Iudeum,129 (sceal seo burg nu þa bidan efne swa þeah,130 þeoden leofa, þines eftcymes),131 ond for Iordane in Iudeum,132 (wit unc in þære burnan baþodan ætgædre).133 Oferwurpe þu mid þy wætre, weoruda dryhten,134 bliþe mode ealle burgwaran,135 swylce git Iohannis in Iordane136 mid þy fullwihte fægre onbryrdon137 ealne þisne middangeard. Sie þæs symle meotude þonc!”

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - ALMS-GIVING1 Wel bið þam eorle þe him on innan hafað,2 reþehygdig wer, rume heortan;3 þæt him biþ for worulde weorðmynda mæst,4 ond for ussum dryhtne doma selast.5 Efne swa he mid wætre þone weallendan6 leg adwæsce, þæt he leng ne mæg7 blac byrnende burgum sceððan,8 swa he mid ælmessan ealle toscufeð9 synna wunde, sawla lacnað.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - PHARAOH1 “Saga me hwæt þær weorudes wære ealles2 on Farones fyrde, þa hy folc godes3 þurh feondscipe fylgan ongunn []”4 “Nat ic hit be wihte, butan ic wene þus,5 þæt þær screoda wære gescyred rime6 siex hun[]a searohæbbendra;7 þæt eal fornam yþ[]8 wraþe wyrde in woruldrice.”

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE LORD'S PRAYER I1 []g fæder, þu þe on heofonum eardast,2 geweorðad wuldres dreame. Sy þinum weorcum halgad3 noma niþþa bearnum; þu eart nergend wera.


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4 Cyme þin rice wide, ond þin rædfæst willa5 aræred under rodores hrofe, eac þon on rumre foldan.6 Syle us to dæge domfæstne blæd,7 hlaf userne, helpend wera,8 þone singalan, soðfæst meotod.9 Ne læt usic costunga cnyssan to swiðe,10 ac þu us freodom gief, folca waldend,11 from yfla gehwam, a to widan feore.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - HOMILETIC FRAGMENT II1 Gefeoh nu on ferðe ond to frofre geþeoh2 dryhtne þinum, ond þinne dom arær,3 heald hordlocan, hyge fæste bind4 mid modsefan. Monig biþ uncuþ5 treowgeþofta, teorað hwilum,6 waciaþ wordbeot; swa þeos woruld fareð,7 scurum scyndeð ond gesceap dreogeð.8 An is geleafa, an lifgende,9 an is fulwiht, an fæder ece,10 an is folces fruma, se þas foldan gesceop,11 duguðe ond dreamas. Dom siþþan weox.12 þeah þeos læne gesceaft longe stode13 heolstre gehyded, helme []edygled,14 biþeaht wel treowum, þystre oferfæðmed,15 siþ[]an geong aweox16 mægeð modhwatu mid moncynne;17 ðær gelicade þa[]op18 in þam hordfate, halgan gæste,19 beorht on br[]e scan,20 se wæs ordfruma ealles leohtes.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - RIDDLE 30b1 Ic eom ligbysig, lace mid winde,2 w[]dre gesomnad,3 fus forðweges, fyre gemylted,4 bear[] blowende, byrnende gled.5 Ful oft mec gesiþas sendað æfter hondum,6 þær mec weras ond wif wlonce gecyssað.7 Þonne ic mec onhæbbe, hi onhnigað to me,8 modge miltsum, swa ic mongum sceal9 ycan upcyme eadignesse.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - RIDDLE 601 Ic wæs be sonde, sæwealle neah,2 æt merefaroþe, minum gewunade3 frumstaþole fæst; fea ænig wæs4 monna cynnes, þæt minne þær5 on anæde eard beheolde,6 ac mec uhtna gehwam yð sio brune


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7 lagufæðme beleolc. Lyt ic wende8 þæt ic ær oþþe sið æfre sceolde9 ofer meodubence muðleas sprecan,10 wordum wrixlan. Þæt is wundres dæl,11 on sefan searolic þam þe swylc ne conn,12 hu mec seaxes ord ond seo swiþre hond,13 eorles ingeþonc ond ord somod,14 þingum geþydan, þæt ic wiþ þe sceolde15 for unc anum twam ærendspræce16 abeodan bealdlice, swa hit beorna ma17 uncre wordcwidas widdor ne mænden.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE HUSBAND'S MESSAGE1 Nu ic onsundran þe secgan wille2 [] treocyn ic tudre aweox;3 in mec æld[] sceal ellor londes4 settan [] sealte streamas5 []sse. Ful oft ic on bates6 [] gesohte7 þær mec mondryhten min []8 ofer heah hofu; eom nu her cumen9 on ceolþele, ond nu cunnan scealt10 hu þu ymb modlufan mines frean11 on hyge hycge. Ic gehatan dear12 þæt þu þær tirfæste treowe findest.13 Hwæt, þec þonne biddan het se þisne beam agrof14 þæt þu sinchroden sylf gemunde15 on gewitlocan wordbeotunga,16 þe git on ærdagum oft gespræcon,17 þenden git moston on meoduburgum18 eard weardigan, an lond bugan,19 freondscype fremman. Hine fæhþo adraf20 of sigeþeode; heht nu sylfa þe21 lustum læran, þæt þu lagu drefde,22 siþþan þu gehyrde on hliþes oran23 galan geomorne geac on bearwe.24 Ne læt þu þec siþþan siþes getwæfan,25 lade gelettan lifgendne monn.26 Ongin mere secan, mæwes eþel,27 onsite sænacan, þæt þu suð heonan28 ofer merelade monnan findest,29 þær se þeoden is þin on wenum.30 Ne mæg him worulde willa gelimpan31 mara on gemyndum, þæs þe he me sægde,32 þonne inc geunne alwaldend god33 [] ætsomne siþþan motan34 secgum ond gesiþum s[]35 næglede beagas; he genoh hafað36 fædan gold[]s [37 ]d elþeode eþel healde,38 fægre foldan [39 ]ra hæleþa, þeah þe her min wine[]


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40 nyde gebæded, nacan ut aþrong,41 ond on yþa geong [] sceolde42 faran on flotweg, forðsiþes georn,43 mengan merestreamas. Nu se mon hafað44 wean oferwunnen; nis him wilna gad,45 ne meara ne maðma ne meododreama,46 ænges ofer eorþan eorlgestreona,47 þeodnes dohtor, gif he þin beneah48 ofer eald gebeot incer twega.49 Gecyre ic ætsomne49 [Figure: 1Kb]49 geador50 [Figure: 1Kb]50 ond [Figure: 1Kb]50 aþe benemnan,51 þæt he þa wære ond þa winetreowe52 be him lifgendum læstan wolde,53 þe git on ærdagum oft gespræconn.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - THE RUIN1 Wrætlic is þes wealstan, wyrde gebræcon;2 burgstede burston, brosnað enta geweorc.3 Hrofas sind gehrorene, hreorge torras,4 hrungeat berofen, hrim on lime,5 scearde scurbeorge scorene, gedrorene,6 ældo undereotone. Eorðgrap hafað7 waldend wyrhtan forweorone, geleorene,8 heardgripe hrusan, oþ hund cnea9 werþeoda gewitan. Oft þæs wag gebad10 ræghar ond readfah rice æfter oþrum,11 ofstonden under stormum; steap geap gedreas.12 Wonað giet se []num geheapen,13 fel on []14 grimme gegrunden [15 ] scan heo[16 ]g orþonc ærsceaft [17 ]g[] lamrindum beag18 mod mo[]yne swiftne gebrægd19 hwætred in hringas, hygerof gebond20 weallwalan wirum wundrum togædre.21 Beorht wæron burgræced, burnsele monige,22 heah horngestreon, heresweg micel,23 meodoheall monig23 [Figure: 1Kb]23 dreama full,24 oþþæt þæt onwende wyrd seo swiþe.25 Crungon walo wide, cwoman woldagas,26 swylt eall fornom secgrofra wera;27 wurdon hyra wigsteal westen staþolas,28 brosnade burgsteall. Betend crungon29 hergas to hrusan. Forþon þas hofu dreorgiað,30 ond þæs teaforgeapa tigelum sceadeð


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31 hrostbeages hrof. Hryre wong gecrong32 gebrocen to beorgum, þær iu beorn monig33 glædmod ond goldbeorht gleoma gefrætwed,34 wlonc ond wingal wighyrstum scan;35 seah on sinc, on sylfor, on searogimmas,36 on ead, on æht, on eorcanstan,37 on þas beorhtan burg bradan rices.38 Stanhofu stodan, stream hate wearp39 widan wylme; weal eall befeng40 beorhtan bosme, þær þa baþu wæron,41 hat on hreþre. Þæt wæs hyðelic.42 Leton þonne geotan []43 ofer harne stan hate streamas44 un[45 ]þþæt hringmere hate [46 ] þær þa baþu wæron.47 Þonne is [48 ]re; þæt is cynelic þing,49 huse [] burg[]


Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 611 Oft mec fæste bileac freolicu meowle,2 ides on earce, hwilum up ateah3 folmum sinum ond frean sealde,4 holdum þeodne, swa hio haten wæs.5 Siðþan me on hreþre heafod sticade,6 nioþan upweardne, on nearo fegde.7 Gif þæs ondfengan ellen dohte,8 mec frætwedne fyllan sceolde9 ruwes nathwæt. Ræd hwæt ic mæne.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 621 Ic eom heard ond scearp, hingonges strong,2 forðsiþes from, frean unforcuð,3 wade under wambe ond me weg sylfa4 ryhtne geryme. Rinc bið on ofeste,5 se mec on þyð æftanweardne,6 hæleð mid hrægle; hwilum ut tyhð7 of hole hatne, hwilum eft fareð8 on nearo nathwær, nydeþ swiþe9 suþerne secg. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 631 Oft ic secga seledreame sceal2 fægre onþeon, þonne ic eom forð boren3 glæd mid golde, þær guman drincað.4 Hwilum mec on cofan cysseð muþe


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5 tillic esne, þær wit tu beoþ,6 fæðme on folm[]grum þyð,7 wyrceð his willa[]ð l[8 ] fulre, þonne ic forð cyme9 []10 Ne mæg ic þy miþan, [11 ]an on leohte12 []13 swylce eac bið sona [14 ]r[]te getacnad, hwæt me to [15 ]leas rinc, þa unc geryde wæs.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 641 Ic seah [Figure: 1Kb]1 ond [Figure: 1Kb]1 ofer wong faran,2 beran [Figure: 1Kb]2 ; bæm wæs on siþþe3 hæbbendes hyht3 [Figure: 1Kb]3 ond [Figure: 1Kb]4 swylce þryþa dæl,4 [Figure: 1Kb]4 ond [Figure: 1Kb]5 Gefeah [Figure: 1Kb]5 ond [Figure: 1Kb]5 fleah ofer [Figure: 1Kb]6 [Figure: 1Kb]6 ond [Figure: 1Kb]6 sylfes þæs folces.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 651 Cwico wæs ic, ne cwæð ic wiht, cwele ic efne seþeah.2 Ær ic wæs, eft ic cwom. Æghwa mec reafað,3 hafað mec on headre, ond min heafod scireþ,4 biteð mec on bær lic, briceð mine wisan.5 Monnan ic ne bite, nympþe he me bite;6 sindan þara monige þe mec bitað.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 661 Ic eom mare þonne þes middangeard,2 læsse þonne hondwyrm, leohtre þonne mona,3 swiftre þonne sunne. Sæs me sind ealle4 flodas on fæðmum ond þes foldan bearm,5 grene wongas. Grundum ic hrine,6 helle underhnige, heofonas oferstige,7 wuldres eþel, wide ræce8 ofer engla eard, eorþan gefylle,9 ealne middangeard ond merestreamas


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10 side mid me sylfum. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 671 Ic on þinge gefrægn þeodcyninges2 wrætlice wiht, wordgaldra [3 ] snytt[] hio symle deð4 fira gehw[5 ] wisdome. Wundor me þæt [6 ] nænne muð hafað,7 fet ne [8 ] welan oft sacað,9 cwiþeð cy[] wearð10 leoda lareow. Forþon nu longe m[]g11 [] ealdre ece lifgan12 missenlice, þenden menn bugað13 eorþan sceatas. Ic þæt oft geseah14 golde gegierwed, þær guman druncon,15 since ond seolfre. Secge se þe cunne,16 wisfæstra hwylc, hwæt seo wiht sy.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 681 Ic þa wiht geseah on weg feran;2 heo wæs wrætlice wundrum gegierwed.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 691 Wundor wearð on wege; wæter wearð to bane.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 701 Wiht is wrætlic þam þe hyre wisan ne conn.2 Singeð þurh sidan. Is se sweora woh,3 orþoncum geworht; hafaþ eaxle tua4 scearp on gescyldrum. His gesceapo dreogeð5 þe swa wrætlice be wege stonde6 heah ond hleortorht hæleþum to nytte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 711 Ic eom rices æht, reade bewæfed,2 stið ond steapwong. Staþol wæs iu þa3 wyrta wlitetorhtra; nu eom wraþra laf,4 fyres ond feole, fæste genearwad,5 wire geweorþad. Wepeð hwilum6 for minum gripe se þe gold wigeð,7 þonne ic yþan sceal []fe,8 hringum gehyrsted. Me []i[9 ]go[] dryhtne min[10 ]wlite bete.


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Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 721 Ic wæs lytel []2 fo[3 ]te geaf [4 ]pe þe unc gemæne [5 ] sweostor min,6 fedde mec [] oft ic feower teah7 swæse broþor, þara onsundran gehwylc8 dægtidum me drincan sealde9 þurh þyrel þearle. Ic þæh on lust,10 oþþæt ic wæs yldra ond þæt an forlet11 sweartum hyrde, siþade widdor,12 mearcpaþas Walas træd, moras pæðde,13 bunden under beame, beag hæfde on healse,14 wean on laste weorc þrowade,15 earfoða dæl. Oft mec isern scod16 sare on sidan; ic swigade,17 næfre meldade monna ængum18 gif me ordstæpe egle wæron.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 731 Ic on wonge aweox, wunode þær mec feddon2 hruse ond heofonwolcn, oþþæt me onhwyrfdon3 gearum frodne, þa me grome wurdon,4 of þære gecynde þe ic ær cwic beheold,5 onwendan mine wisan, wegedon mec of earde,6 gedydon þæt ic sceolde wiþ gesceape minum7 on bonan willan bugan hwilum.8 Nu eom mines frean folme bysigo[9 ]dlan dæl, gif his ellen deag,10 oþþe æfter dome []ri[11 ]an mæ[]þa fremman,12 wyrcan w[13 ]ec on þeode utan we[14 ]ipe15 ond to wrohtstæp[16 ]eorp, eaxle gegyrde,17 wo[]18 ond swiora smæl, sidan fealwe19 [] þonne mec heaþosigel20 scir bescineð ond mec []21 fægre feormað ond on fyrd wigeð22 cræfte on hæfte. Cuð is wide23 þæt ic þristra sum þeofes cræfte24 under hrægnlocan25 hwilum eawunga eþelfæsten26 forðweard brece, þæt ær frið hæfde.27 Feringe from, he fus þonan28 wendeð of þam wicum. Wiga se þe mine29 wisan cunne, saga hwæt ic hatte.


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Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 741 Ic wæs fæmne geong, feaxhar cwene,2 ond ænlic rinc on ane tid;3 fleah mid fuglum ond on flode swom,4 deaf under yþe dead mid fiscum,5 ond on foldan stop, hæfde ferð cwicu.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 751 Ic swiftne geseah on swaþe feran2 [Figure: 1Kb]

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 761 Ic ane geseah idese sittan.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 771 Sæ mec fedde, sundhelm þeahte,2 ond mec yþa wrugon eorþan getenge3 feþelease. Oft ic flode ongean4 muð ontynde. Nu wile monna sum5 min flæsc fretan, felles ne recceð,6 siþþan he me of sidan seaxes orde7 hyd arypeð, []ec hr[]þe siþþan8 iteð unsodene ea[]d.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 781 Oft ic flodas [2 ]s cynn[] minum3 ond [4 ]yde me to mos[5 ] swa ic him [6 ] ne æt ham gesæt7 [] flote cwealde8 þurh orþonc [] yþum bewrigene.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 791 Ic eom æþelinges æht ond willa.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 801 Ic eom æþelinges eaxlgestealla,2 fyrdrinces gefara, frean minum leof,3 cyninges geselda. Cwen mec hwilum4 hwitloccedu hond on legeð,5 eorles dohtor, þeah hio æþelu sy.6 Hæbbe me on bosme þæt on bearwe geweox.7 Hwilum ic on wloncum wicge ride


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8 herges on ende; heard is min tunge.9 Oft ic woðboran wordleana sum10 agyfe æfter giedde. Good is min wise11 ond ic sylfa salo. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 811 Ic eom byledbreost, belcedsweora,2 heafod hæbbe ond heane steort,3 eagan ond earan ond ænne foot,4 hrycg ond heardnebb, hneccan steapne5 ond sidan twa, sag on middum,6 eard ofer ældum. Aglac dreoge,7 þær mec wegeð se þe wudu hrereð,8 ond mec stondende streamas beatað,9 hægl se hearda, ond hrim þeceð,10 []orst []eoseð, ond fealleð snaw11 on þyrelwombne, ond ic þæt []ol[12 ] mæ[] wonsceaft mine.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 821 Wiht is [2 ] gongende, greate swilgeð,3 [4 ] fell ne flæsc, fotum gong[5 ]eð,6 sceal mæla gehwam []

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 831 Frod wæs min fromcynn []2 biden in burgum, siþþan bæles weard3 [] wera life bewunden,4 fyre gefælsad. Nu me fah warað5 eorþan broþor, se me ærest wearð6 gumena to gyrne. Ic ful gearwe gemon7 hwa min fromcynn fruman agette8 eall of earde; ic him yfle ne mot,9 ac ic hæftnyd hwilum arære10 wide geond wongas. Hæbbe ic wundra fela,11 middangeardes mægen unlytel,12 ac ic miþan sceal monna gehwylcum13 degolfulne dom dyran cræftes,14 siðfæt minne. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 841 An wiht is on eorþan wundrum acenned,2 hreoh ond reþe, hafað ryne strongne,3 grimme grymetað ond be grunde fareð.4 Modor is monigra mærra wihta.


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5 Fæger ferende fundað æfre;6 neol is nearograp. Nænig oþrum mæg7 wlite ond wisan wordum gecyþan,8 hu mislic biþ mægen þara cynna,9 fyrn forðgesceaft; fæder ealle bewat10 or ond ende, swylce an sunu,11 mære meotudes bearn, þurh []ed,12 ond þæt hyhste mæge[]es gæ[13 ] dyre cræft[15 ]onne hy aweorp[16 ]þe ænig þara [17 ]fter ne mæg [18 ] oþer cynn eorþan [19 ] þon ær wæs20 wlitig ond wynsum, []21 Biþ sio moddor mægene eacen,22 wundrum bewreþed, wistum gehladen,23 hordum gehroden, hæleþum dyre.24 Mægen bið gemiclad, meaht gesweotlad,25 wlite biþ geweorþad wuldornyttingum,26 wynsum wuldorgimm wloncum getenge,27 clængeorn bið ond cystig, cræfte eacen;28 hio biþ eadgum leof, earmum getæse,29 freolic, sellic; fromast ond swiþost,30 gifrost ond grædgost grundbedd trideþ,31 þæs þe under lyfte aloden wurde32 ond ælda bearn eagum sawe,33 swa þæt wuldor wifeð, worldbearna mægen,34 þeah þe ferþum gleaw35 mon mode snottor mengo wundra.36 Hrusan bið heardra, hæleþum frodra,37 geofum bið gearora, gimmum deorra;38 worulde wlitigað, wæstmum tydreð,39 firene dwæsceð,40 oft utan beweorpeð anre þecene,41 wundrum gewlitegad, geond werþeode,42 þæt wafiað weras ofer eorþan,43 þæt magon micle []sceafte.44 Biþ stanum bestreþed, stormum [45 ]len []timbred weall,46 þrym[]ed,47 hrusan hrineð, h[48 ]etenge,49 oft searwum biþ [50 ] deaðe ne feleð,51 þeah þe [52 ]du hreren, hrif wundigen,53 []risse.54 Hordword onhlid, hæleþum ge[55 ]wreoh, wordum geopena,56 hu mislic sy mægen þara cy[]

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439


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Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 851 Nis min sele swige, ne ic sylfa hlud2 ymb2 unc dryhten scop3 siþ ætsomne. Ic eom swiftre þonne he,4 þragum strengra, he þreohtigra.5 Hwilum ic me reste; he sceal yrnan forð.6 Ic him in wunige a þenden ic lifge;7 gif wit unc gedælað, me bið deað witod.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 861 Wiht cwom gongan þær weras sæton2 monige on mæðle, mode snottre;3 hæfde an eage ond earan twa,4 ond II fet, XII hund heafda,5 hrycg ond wombe ond honda twa,6 earmas ond eaxle, anne sweoran7 ond sidan twa. Saga hwæt ic hatte.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 871 Ic seah wundorlice wiht; wombe hæfde micle,2 þryþum geþrungne. Þegn folgade3 mægenstrong ond mundrof; micel me þuhte4 godlic gumrinc, grap on sona5 heofones toþe6 bleowe on eage; hio borcade,7 wancode willum. Hio wolde seþeah8 niol[]

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 881 Ic weox þær ic s[2 ] ond sumor mi[3 ]me wæs min ti[5 ]d ic on staðol[6 ]um geong, swa [7 ] seþeana8 oft geond []fgeaf,9 ac ic uplong stod, þær ic []10 ond min broþor; begen wæron hearde.11 Eard wæs þy weorðra þe wit on stodan,12 hyrstum þy hyrra. Ful oft unc holt wrugon,13 wudubeama helm wonnum nihtum,14 scildon wið scurum; unc gescop meotud.15 Nu unc mæran twam magas uncre16 sculon æfter cuman, eard oðþringan17 gingran broþor. Eom ic gumcynnes18 anga ofer eorþan; is min agen bæc19 wonn ond wundorlic. Ic on wuda stonde20 bordes on ende. Nis min broþor her,


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21 ac ic sceal broþorleas bordes on ende22 staþol weardian, stondan fæste;23 ne wat hwær min broþor on wera æhtum24 eorþan sceata eardian sceal,25 se me ær be healfe heah eardade.26 Wit wæron gesome sæcce to fremmanne;27 næfre uncer awþer his ellen cyðde,28 swa wit þære beadwe begen ne onþungan.29 Nu mec unsceafta innan slitað,30 wyrdaþ mec be wombe; ic gewendan ne mæg.31 Æt þam spore findeð sped se þe se[32 ] sawle rædes.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 891 [] se wiht,2 wombe hæfde [3 ]tne, leþre wæs beg[4 ]on hindan.5 Grette wea[6 ] listum worhte,7 hwilum eft [8 ] þygan, him þoncade,9 siþþan u[10 ] swæsendum swylce þrage.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 901 Mirum uidetur mihi, lupus ab agno tenetur;2 obcubuit agnus rupi et capit uiscera lupi.3 Dum starem et misarem, uidi gloriam magnam,4 dui lupi stantes et tertium tribulantes;5 IIII pedes habebant, cum septem oculis uidebant.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 911 Min heafod is homere geþuren,2 searopila wund, sworfen feole.3 Oft ic begine þæt me ongean sticað,4 þonne ic hnitan sceal, hringum gyrded,5 hearde wið heardum, hindan þyrel,6 forð ascufan þæt mines frean7 mod [Figure: 1Kb]7 freoþað middelnihtum.8 Hwilum ic under bæc bregde nebbe,9 hyrde þæs hordes, þonne min hlaford wile10 lafe þicgan þara þe he of life het11 wælcræfte awrecan willum sinum.

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 921 Ic wæs brunra beot, beam on holte,


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2 freolic feorhbora ond foldan wæstm,3 weres wynnstaþol ond wifes sond,4 gold on geardum. Nu eom guðwigan5 hyhtlic hildewæpen, hringe beg[6 ]e[] byreð,7 oþrum []

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 931 Frea min [2 ]de willum sinum,3 []4 heah ond hyht[5 ]rpne, hwilum [6 ]wilum sohte7 frea[]s wod,8 dægrime frod, deo[]s,9 hwilum stealc hliþo stigan sceolde10 up in eþel, hwilum eft gewat11 in deop dalu duguþe secan12 strong on stæpe, stanwongas grof13 hrimighearde, hwilum hara scoc14 forst of feaxe. Ic on fusum rad15 oþþæt him þone gleawstol gingra broþor16 min agnade ond mec of earde adraf.17 Siþþan mec isern innanweardne18 brun bennade; blod ut ne com,19 heolfor of hreþre, þeah mec heard bite20 stiðecg style. No ic þa stunde bemearn,21 ne for wunde weop, ne wrecan meahte22 on wigan feore wonnsceaft mine,23 ac ic aglæca ealle þolige,24 þæt []e bord biton. Nu ic blace swelge25 wuda ond wætre, w[]b[] befæðme26 þæt mec on fealleð ufan þær ic stonde,27 eorpes nathwæt; hæbbe anne fot.28 Nu min hord warað hiþende feond,29 se þe ær wide bær wulfes gehleþan;30 oft me of wombe bewaden fereð,31 steppeð on stið bord, [32 ] deaþes d[] þonne dægcondel,33 sunne [34 ]eorc eagum wliteð35 ond spe[]

Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 941 Smeþr[]ad,2 hyrre þonne heofon[3 [] glædre þonne sunne,4 []style,5 smeare þonne sealtry[]6 leofre þonne þis leoht eall, leohtre þon w[]


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Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439Anon., 600-1100 (The Exeter Book)2439 - 951 Ic eom indryhten ond eorlum cuð,2 ond reste oft; ricum ond heanum,3 folcum gefræge fere wide,4 ond me fremdes ær freondum stondeð5 hiþendra hyht, gif ic habban sceal6 blæd in burgum oþþe beorhtne god.7 Nu snottre men swiþast lufiaþ8 midwist mine; ic monigum sceal9 wisdom cyþan; no þær word sprecað10 ænig ofer eorðan. Þeah nu ælda bearn11 londbuendra lastas mine12 swiþe secað, ic swaþe hwilum13 mine bemiþe monna gehwylcum.


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