Anomalous Property of Ruling Party Men

BDWatch Canada / December 2013  A nom al ous Pr op er ty of Ru l in g P ar ty Men Properties anomalously turned into multiple times within five years. Amount of growt h of some people’s property is incredible. Some of them have also provided surprising records in their own property details. It sounds inc redible! But thi s happened in Bangladesh. And those fortun ate men are obvio usly f rom rul ing party of Bangladesh lead by Sheikh Hasina. These data were obtained from the affidavit of property records of some Member of Parliament (MP) candidates provided in the tenth parliament election. Many people had not such mentionable properties after being elected to parliament in 2009. That time many people did not specif y the source of income. In the last five years they become plentiful treasures of wealth. Just after being elected as MPs and minister, their wealth has increased many times. Many people showed the amount of his wife’s assets is more than him. The y have hid the information of actual amount of property provided in the affidavit. Chunnu’s income has inc reased 8 times  MP of Kishoregonj-3 and presidium member of Jatiyo Party (JP) Mojibul Haque Chunnu’s income have increased 8 times. His income was not mentioned in the affidavit of 2008 parliament election. A bus as the source of income and TK 1 lakh 4 thousand from Saving Certificate (Shonchoypatra) were showed in his yearly income information. His yearly income increased to TK 1 crore 8 lakh in 2013. He earned TK 96 lakh every year from his business. TK 8 lakh has been earned from his profession. But he did not mention his salary as MP in the affidavit. His chattel was TK 44 lakh in 2008. His wife possessed TK 19 lakh. He showed 5 KATHA land at Tongi in his wife’s name as a fixed asset. The value of this property is TK 4 lakh 47 thousands. Possessed a portion of the ancestral home has mentioned. His chattel was increase to TK 1 crore 45 lak h in 2013. Among this TK 37 lakh is in cash. His wife’s chattel was increased 4 times turned into Tk 79 lakh and fixed assets increased to TK 82 lakh. Non-agricultural land worth TK 4 lakh 47 thousands in the name of his wife showed in his property details.

Transcript of Anomalous Property of Ruling Party Men

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BDWatch Canada / December 2013

 Anomalous Property of Ruling Party MenProperties anomalously turned into multiple times within five years. Amount of growth of some

people’s property is incredible. Some of them have also provided surprising records in their own

property details. It sounds inc redible! But thi s happened in Bangladesh. And those fortunate menare obviously f rom rul ing party of Bangladesh lead by Sheikh Hasina.

These data were obtained from the affidavit of property records of some Member of Parliament (MP)

candidates provided in the tenth parliament election. Many people had not such mentionable properties

after being elected to parliament in 2009.

That time many people did not specify the source of income. In the last five years they become plentiful

treasures of wealth. Just after being elected as MPs and minister, their wealth has increased many times.

Many people showed the amount of his wife’s assets is more than him. They have hid the information of

actual amount of property provided in the affidavit.

Chunnu’s income has inc reased 8 times


MP of Kishoregonj-3 and presidium member of

Jatiyo Party (JP) Mojibul Haque Chunnu’s

income have increased 8 times. His income was

not mentioned in the affidavit of 2008 parliament

election. A bus as the source of income and TK

1 lakh 4 thousand from Saving Certificate

(Shonchoypatra) were showed in his yearly

income information. His yearly income increased

to TK 1 crore 8 lakh in 2013. He earned TK 96

lakh every year from his business. TK 8 lakh has

been earned from his profession. But he did not

mention his salary as MP in the affidavit. His

chattel was TK 44 lakh in 2008. His wife

possessed TK 19 lakh. He showed 5 KATHA

land at Tongi in his wife’s name as a fixed asset.

The value of this property is TK 4 lakh 47

thousands. Possessed a portion of the ancestral

home has mentioned. His chattel was increase

to TK 1 crore 45 lakh in 2013. Among this TK 37

lakh is in cash. His wife’s chattel was increased

4 times turned into Tk 79 lakh and fixed assets increased to TK 82 lakh. Non-agricultural land worth TK 4

lakh 47 thousands in the name of his wife showed in his property details.

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Properties of Kamal Mojumder increased TK 2 crore


Detail information of immovable property of MP

Kamal Ahmed Mojumdar (Dhaka-15) has not

been given in the 10th National Assembly

elections affidavit in 2008 his fixed asset was TK3 crore 94 lakh 25 thousand 476. His wife had

TK 4 lakh 50 thousand. Besides, he mentioned

about a tea garden, rubber plantation and f ish

farm. His annual income is TK 1 crore 21 lakh 94

thousand 830 in 2013. He didn’t mention his

honorarium which he got as a MP. In addition,

TK 14 lakh has been shown as income from

other sources. In 2008, his income was around

TK 59 lakh 35 thousand. His family members

income was TK 16 thousand 825. He and his

wife’s chattel was TK 1 crore 77 lakh 98

thousand 827. In 2013, his chattel stands in TK

5 crore 89 lakh 35 thousand 144 lakh. 22

different cases have found against him.

Wife has more property than Raju 

Former Labour and Employment Minister

Raziuddin Ahmed Raju’s wife has more property

than him. According to the election commision

affidavit in 2013, his annual income is TK 17

lakh 22 thousand 300 which he got ashonorarium. Without it no income was shown in

his affidavit.

 According to the affidavit, Raziuddin Ahmed has

movable assets of TK 57 million 87 thousand

983 in cash oh himsef. His wife has TK 48 lakh

33 thousand 953 in cash. He and his wife has

TK 50 thousand and TK 20 lakh savings in the

bank respectively. Razu has jeep cars valued at

TK 91 lakh 60 thousand. He and his wife has TK

60 thousand of gold. His electronic equipment

value is TK 1.5 lakh. His own furniture value is

TK 1 lakh 20 thousand and wife has TK 20

thousand. Raju has a shotgun and revolver. InNarshingdi, Raypur he has 3.5 bigha farmland

as collective ownership. By the name of

Raziuddin Ahmed’s wife has multiple houses

and land. Although one land in Dhanmondi has

been mentiontioned in the affidavit and its price

is TK 19 lakh 16 thousand 667. Besides, a six

storeyed building (one-third) in Gulshan and

another three storeyed building in Eliphant road

has been shown in the name of his wife.

Gulshan house prices have been mentioned TK

58 lakh 95 thousand. But truly the price of thisland and buliding is much more. In the affidavit

he also mentioned that he has a two storeyed

building with collective ownership on 14 katha

land in Banani. Though there is no information

about price.

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Nahid w ife property increased 8 times

Educational Minister of present government and

MP of Sylhet -6 Nurul Islam Nahid’s wife’s

chattel have increased 8 times. According to the

information provided in the affidavit of 2008parliament election, Nurul Islam Nahid’s chattel

worth was TK 21 lakh 58 thousands. Worth of

his wife’s properties was TK 6 lakh 19

thousands. His chattel has increased more than

4 times turned into TK 98 lakh 3 thousands. Hiswife’s properties have increased about 8 times

turned into TK 50 lakh 17 thousands. His annual

income was TK 2 lakh 69 thousands in 2008. At

present his yearly income is TK 17 lakh 72

thousands. According to the affidavit of 2008, his

fixed asset worth was TK 5 lakh. Furthermore,

he has 5 acre land as a collective ownership. At

present he has a land worth TK 79 lakh 78

thousands in addition to the collective


Prince Property increased two times

The value of immovable property of AL leader

Golam Faruk Khandaker Prince MP (Pabna-5) is

currently TK 84 lakh. There was no information

of his immovable property in the affidavit of

2008. TK 9 lakh 6 thousand comes from

business and TK 10 thousand 260 from share

business. But he did not mention the amount of

honorarium obtain as the Member of Parliament.

The worth of his chattel was approximately TK

31 lakh in 2008. It has become doubled turned

into TK 64 lakh in 2013.

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Dipu Moni’s property worth TK 5 lakh increased to TK 84 lakh

Dr. Dipu Moni is the former foreign minister. She

was foreign minister throughout the full 9th

parliament term. Fortunate Dipu Moni

possessed the foreign ministry after being

elected as MP first time in her life. She has

traveled to various countries around the world.

Many people think that she has scored a world

record for foreign trips. The property worth TK 5

lakh increased to TK 84 lakh 2 thousands and

151 within five years of this most widely

discussed former minister. Her husband’s assets

increased TK 8 lakh 80 thousands in this period

in association with a luxurious car, 10 KATHAland worth TK 30 lakh in her own name including

gold worth TK 8 lakh and many others worth.

She is again Awami League (AL) party

candidate from Chadpur -2. Chadpur district all

candidates including she enlisted to the

unopposed 154 candidates in the Tenth National

 Assembly election. Although five years ago

professional annual income of Dr. Dipu Moni

was three lakh, this time she received yearly TK

17 lakh 20 thousands just as the payoff

allowance from the ministry.

Of movable assets, TK 1 lakh 50 thousand cash

under her own name and TK 4 lakh in the name

of her husband. Five years ago this amount wasTK 2 lakh 70 thousand in her own name and TK

8 lakh 75 thousand under her husband.

 Although in previous they did not have money,

five years later now she has TK 15 lakh 97

thousand 288 in the Bank and financial

institutions in her own name and according to

the tax return record of 2012-2013 session her

husband has TK 5 lakh 30 thousand. In the

savings certificate, she has TK 22 lakh 54

thousand 863 in her own name and the furniture

worth has become doubled turned into TK 1

lakh. Furthermore her husband has TK 8 lakh 75

thousand mentioned as miscellaneous. During

the tenure of these five years tangible assets

comprise of 10 KATHA non – agricultural land

worth TK 33 lakh has been added under her own

name. Pervious non – agricultural land worth TK

40 lakh 50 thousand has been cited as not

applicable mentioning two flat of same price in


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Class eight passed Aslamul Haque is like a money machine owned Hundred crore

Class eight passed Dhaka-16 AL party MP

 Aslamul Haque has become the owner of

hundred crore worth. Own name as well as his

wife has owned assets worth hundreds of crore

by doing the business of land developments,

real-estates, chemicals import, consumer

products and trading.

 According to the affidavit of 2008 parliament

election, MP Aslam’s total taxable income was

TK 2 lakh 83 thousand 500. Of those he paid tax

TK 11 thousand 850. Mirpur MP Aslam’s present

worth has multiplied several times. According to

the sources of annual income, Aslam’s yearly

income TK 2 lakh 83 thousand 500 and his wife

earns TK 2 lakh 15 thousand 700 as an annual

basis. But his wife’s profession was notmentioned. Besides he has possessed plentiful

of tangible wealth.

In 2008, MP Aslam had only cash TK 15

thousand 700. Now he has cash TK 2 crores 13

lakh 19 thousands 039. In addition to this, his

wife has cash TK 57 lakh 82 thousands 9.

His Bank savings amount was about TK 8 lakh

in 2008. At present, though he has TK 24

thousands 43 in Bank, his wife’s Bank saving is

TK 34 lakh 85 thousands 506.

His chattel record shows that he has TK 85 lakh27 thousands 500 in terms of Bond, Debenture

and Shares of stock exchange listed and

unlisted companies. Moreover, his wife has

shares worth TK 11 lakh 40 thousands.His fixed deposit amount is TK 12 lakh 61

thousands 500 invested in different type of

saving certificate including postal savings

certificate. Additionally his wife has TK 54 lakh

63 thousand 429 in the same investment sector.

In the transport business, TK 87 lakh is on his

own name and TK 14 lakh 50 thousands under

his wife’s name. Both of them possess totally 83

ounce gold whose worth was not mentioned.

In addition, he earned TK 7 lakh 25 thousands

873 and his wife earned about TK 9 lakh from

other miscellaneous sectors.

He has become the owner of land worth of

several crores in five years. In 2008, he has 2

BIGHA and his wife has 3 BIGHA land. Currently

MP Aslam possesses 14 thousands 178 decimal

land and his wife is the owner of 390 decimal


Furthermore, MP Aslam earns annually TK 1

crore 53 lakh form house rent. In this affidavit of

property details, he did not point out about 52

BIGHA land at Gabtoli which was mentioned in


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Momotaz Land Cruiser worth half crore

Likewise singer Momtaz Begum is AL MP in the

ninth parliament reserved seat for female. Class

ten passed Mumtaz has built immense wealth.

She uses Land Cruiser. Now she is going to be

elected MP form Manaikganj-2.

Mentioned singing as a profession. In the

affidavit of 2008, she showed TK 26 lakh 85

thousand 43 earned from business and TK 40

thousand from agricultural sector. At present her

income has increased several times.

Her present car price is more than her annualincome. She also uses Toyota Land Cruiser

worth TK 65 lakh 6 thousand 250. In the same

way, she earns TK 70 thousands from

agricultural sector and TK 10 lakh 84 thousand

953 from the business. But she did not mention

which type of business she has.

Her Bank savings have also increased. At this

time she has Bank saving TK 30 lakh whereas

this value was about only TK 50 thousand in

2008 and now she has 35 ounce gold


She did not point out about agricultural land

worth TK 23 lakh 46 thousand 735 which was

mentioned in 2008.

Presently she earns TK 3 lakh 30 thousand from

her profession which was not mentioned in

2008. In addition to this, she received yearly TK

34 lakh 41 thousands 881 just as the MP payoff



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