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Transcript of Anointed

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Let us have a look at some of the issues surrounding the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday

The Anointed

John 12

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V5: 300 denarii - £3,750 to £10,000 at today's value300 days of wages for a labourer in those days

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Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment

The Anointed

John 12:3

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V5: 300 denarii - £3,750 to £10,000 at today's value300 days of wages for a labourer in those days

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•Which Mary is it? This text clearly draws reference to Martha and Lazarus, the latter earlier being raised from the dead by Jesus in John 11.•See also John 11:2

The Anointed

John 12:3

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St. Luke 7:36-50 seems to be a different event. The forgiveness of a sinful woman whose tears and ointment from an alabaster box is used to anoint the feet of Jesus

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•This anointing occurs 2 days before Passover (v2). Contrast this with John 12:1 which states that the anointing occurred 6 days before Passover – the day before Palm Sunday (see v12).•In Matthew Jesus’ Head is Anointed while in John his feet are anointed.

The Anointed

Matthew 26:6-13/ Mark 14:3-9

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•Matthew, a disciple, the Tax collector•Mark, known as John Mark (Acts 12:12, & 25) was a writer who travelled with Paul & Barnabas – (split Acts 15:37-40)•Luke, a physician and disciple of PaulColossians 4:14 & 2 Timothy 4:11•John, the disciple whom Jesus loved who also wrote 3 epistles and Revelation

The Anointed

The Authors of the Gospels

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The Anointed

The Authors of the Gospels

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•The thief complains but is told off by Jesus. How humans are to criticize especially when they did not contribute anything in the first place!•Jesus quotes Deut 15:11 in His response about the poor

The Anointed

John 12:6-8

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Tension and excitement was building in Jerusalem for Jesus who was deliberately out of the public view (John11:54-57) had given a press leak by ordering the colt (Mark 11:1-7), which itself was a sign of Peace as opposed to war (horse)

The Anointed

John 12:9-12

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•In ancient times, palm branches symbolized goodness and victory..•Solomon had palm branches carved into the walls and doors of the temple (1 Kings 6:29).•Palm branches used to honor Jesus (Revelation 7:9)

The Anointed

John 12:13 

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The cry of Hosanna! is a Hebrew word (hoshi`ah-na) that had become a greeting or shout of praise but that actually meant "Save!" or "Help!" 

The Anointed

John 12:13 

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•Jesus speaks about being the King coming on an ass’s colt•The disciples did not understand until after Jesus had been glorified•Those who were witnesses of the Lazarus miracle bare record.

The Anointed

John 12:14-18 

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•Jesus speaks to God•God responds•The people heard it.

The Anointed

John 12:28-30 

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•Papal Coronation - ?•Arch Bishop Coronation - ?•£10,000 worth of perfume

The Anointed

Comparing Costs of Coronation 

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Prophecy fulfilled by Jesus’ entrance on a colt into Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9)Jesus’ anointing a day before Palm Sunday - different from othersHis anointing and entry was reported by his beloved disciple John The whole story is one of servitude and lowliness, a spiritual King of Peace

The Anointed

In Summary

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We should search the scriptures to find out what really happenedWe don’t though need to know every detail – only believe that our Saviour died and now lives.Our lesson today is also to face our own destiny with God’s strength as Jesus did.

The Anointed

In Summary for us

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