Annual Review - Glen Innes Severn

GLEN INNES SEVERN COUNCIL Annual Review of the 2018/19 Operational Plan

Transcript of Annual Review - Glen Innes Severn

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Annual Review of the

2018/19 Operational Plan

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Annual Review of the 2018/19 Operational Plan

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Community Services



CS 1:Grow the population to 10,000 residents over the next 10 years

CS 1.1 Engage and encourage young people to later return to the LGA to raise their

families, work in the area, work remotely from this area or establish their own business and

or industries in the area

CS 1.1.2 Develop a fund to potentially offer assistance with relocation costs for young professional or

specialist positions, where there is an identified gap, so as to encourage young people to relocate to the


Action: CS 1. Identify suitable professionals and specialist positions

that Council wishes to attract to the Glen Innes Severn LGA.

2. Undertake a review of the existing Incentives for Attracting General

Practitioners to the Glen Innes Severn LGA Policy so as to establish criteria

and expand the Policy to include young professionals or specials.

3. Provide a budget allocation in the 2018-19 Operational Plan fore financial

incentives to attract for young professionals or specialists to the Glen

Innes Severn LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Incentive Policy was merged into the Business Incentive Fund and the $10,000 allocation was transferred.

CS 1.1.3 Provide an annual budget allocation to offer incentives for businesses to relocate to or establish

themselves in the LGA.

Action: CS Provide an annual budget allocation to offer incentives

for business to relocate or establish themselves in the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Business Incentive Fund now covers Professionals and General Practitioners.

CS 1.1.4 Send out an annual letter from the Mayor and General Manager to high school leavers,

encouraging them to move back to the Glen Innes Highland community later in their lives.

Action: CS Send out a friendly letter annually to all school leavers;

inviting them to return to the Glen Innes Highlands community later in their

lives to establish businesses or industries, or to work and raise their

families in the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A letter was sent out to all school leavers in September 2018.

CS 1.2 Attract the population segment looking for a lifestyle change (branding for tree


CS 1.2.1 Assist the Glen Innes Art Gallery Committee so that they can have access to a larger

gallery/exhibition space in time.

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Action: CS Assist the Glen Innes Art Gallery (GIAG) Committee by

attending Committee meetings and offering / providing advice when


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Manager of the Library and Learning Centre attended the Annual General Meeting. The new Committee members

were elected for 2019-20.

CS 1.2.2 Implement Council's adopted Open Spaces Hierarchy through the Open Spaces and Recreation


Action: CS Maintain Council's Open Spaces in accordance with the

standards as specified by the adopted Open Spaces Hierarchy.

Progressing 95%

Annual Comment

Areas are being maintained as per Open Spaces Hierarchy. Watering of gardens and tree plantings are ongoing with the

current drought conditions. Council has held off ordering and planting trees this season due to the dry conditions.

Automatic watering systems have been installed where possible adhering to any water restrictions that may be in place.

Mowing and weed spraying in Recreation areas is all up to date.

CS 1.2.3 Implement Council's four (4) year Street Tree Replacement Program through the Open Spaces and

Recreation team.

Action: CS Implement Councils 2018- 19 Tree Replacement Program

as adopted by Councils Open Spaces Committee.

Progressing 30%

Annual Comment

Tree orders and plantings have been deferred due to the current drought conditions. Trees for this year have been

purchased and are being held in the nursery awaiting for better planting conditions.

CS 1.2.4 Provide an annual Public Art budget allocation in the Operational Plan to promote public art in the

LGA and encourage participation by local artists.

Action: CS Provide an annual Public Art budget allocation in the

Operational Plan to promote public art in the LGA and encourage

participation by local artists.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

An allocation of $50,000 has been made in the 2018-19 Operational Plan and unspent funds from 2017-18 have been

reserved for future projects.

Action: CS Undertake one (1) of the five (5) public art projects

identified in 2017-18 Operational Plan.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Successful Expression of Interest (EOI) identified at Council meeting 20 December 2018 for the roundabout in Meade

and Church Street. A draft contract was provided to the artist following Roads and Maritime Services approving the

project. The Deepwater public art project was completed and the project in Meade and Church Streets roundabout


CS 1.2.6 Investigate and develop walking and cycling tracks in and around Glen Innes.

Action: CS Investigate and develop walking and cycling tracks in

and around Glen Innes.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A shared path has been constructed across the rail lands connecting Melling Park to Lambeth Street.

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CS 1.2.7 Engage the community by delivering on the actions within the Glen Innes Severn Library Centre

Marketing Plan.

Action: CS Seek author events, travelling exhibitions and provide a

fun, stimulating and informative program at the Library.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The 2018-19 Annual Library Program achieved more collaboration with Council's Community Services and helped to

deliver the 'Drumbeat' program, visits from OOSH for organised school holiday activities, hosted the International

Women's Day event and a joint National Simultaneous Storytime event with three (3) baby Alpacas.

The Library Team organised a diverse and stimulating program with 'Yoga with Suzie', lego Tuesday's, tie dye and

knitting workshops for children and LIVE @ the Library for local youth, while adults and seniors could participate in

Mahjong Thursday's, book clubs, history groups and classic movie nights.

CS 1.3 Ensure there are adequate facilities for the ageing population.

CS 1.3.1 Advocate for new, expanded, or additional aged care facilities.

Action: CS Collaborate with the Management of Glenwood Gardens

and Roseneath regarding the expansion of their facilities.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A letter of funding support has been provided to Glenwood Gardens. Both facilities now have plans for major

improvements and some expansion, and building work has now commenced at Glenwood Gardens and Roseneath.

CS 1.3.3 Facilitate a community engagement forum for people who are older, for them to identify any

service gaps or preferences.

Action: CS Plan and facilitate a Life Choices - Support Services

consumer survey for people who are older, giving them the opportunity to

raise service gaps, express satisfaction and suggest


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

There were 116 responses to the survey questions and were mostly positive. However, there were a few comments that

will be discussed with consumers/participants that identified themselves and a continuous improvement opportunity to

make sure that the consumers/participants are always aware of their options for service delivery and that staff do remind

them of their ability and right to enact those choices.

CS 1.3.4 Implement an appropriate Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan.

Action: CS Apply for all available RMS contributions to implement

the actions set out in the Work Schedule of Council's adopted Pedestrian

Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP).

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) works have been included in the footpath and cycle-ways program for


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CS 2:Ensure that land use planning supports the vision and role of

each village and town.

CS 2.1 Review and update the existing Land Use Strategy and implement any changes

through the Local Environmental Plan.

CS 2.1.1 Review the Glen Innes Severn LEP 2012 so as to ensure that minimum lot sizes meet the needs of

the incoming population, including lifestyle changers, but do not impact on the productivity of agricultural


Action: CS Undertake a review of lot sizes in the Residential R1

Zone, the Rural RU1 zone and the Village R5 zones to determine the

suitability of the existing minimum lot sizes in each of these zone.

Progressing 95%

Annual Comment

Work is on-track and will continue to progress into the next financial year, when Council expects to receive Gateway

Determination from the Minister for Planning Proposal Four (4) prior to undertaking the Community Consultation phase

before obtaining Final Determination (sign-off) from the Minister.

CS 2.1.2 Review the existing B2 Local Centre Zone (Glen Innes CBD) to potentially allow for greater

flexibility to facilitate residential development behind the Grey Street frontage.

Action: CS Undertake a review, in consultation with the Department

of Planning, of the permitted uses in the B2 Local Centre Zone with a view

of allowing greater residential use in the zone whilst retaining the business

facade of Grey Street.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

B2 zone permitted use has been examined and determined there is enough flexibility within the existing definitions to

permit residential developments.

CS 3:Ensure community service levels meet the need of a diverse

community with a focus on inclusion of youth, children and families,

people who are older and people with a disability.

CS 3.1 Advocate for family violence support including a women’s refuge service.

CS 3.1.1 Advocate to the State Government for funding for a women's refuge to be established within the


Action: CS Lobby the local State MP for the allocation of the

necessary funding for a women's refuge to be established within the LGA.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is yet to be actioned, as it is unclear whether a women's refuge within Glen Innes will actually benefit our

community as it is understood to be the practice to remove victims from their hometowns to other areas.

CS 3.1.2 Maintain support for local initiatives relating to domestic violence.

Action: CS Maintain support for local initiatives relating to domestic


Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Council continues to add Safe in Our Town (SiOT) information to the information packs for new residents. The Manager

of Community Services regularly attends meetings and promotes the initiative.

CS 3.2 Advocate for the retention and upgrading of existing health facilities and new health

services across the LGA.

CS 3.2.1 Advocate for mental health support within the LGA.

Action: CS Lobby the local State MP for additional mental health

support services to be readily available within the Glen Innes Highlands


Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is yet to be actioned.

CS 3.2.2 Advocate for the Glen Innes Hospital to be maintained as an acute hospital with the retention of

current services.

Action: CS Lobby the local State MP for the Glen Innes Hospital to

be maintained as an acute hospital with the retention of all current services

and the upgrade of health services across the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Discussions have been held with the Member for Northern Tablelands regarding Hospital services. Ongoing discussions

are being held with the Glen Innes Local Health Committee.

CS 3.2.3 Advocate for a new acute hospital for Glen Innes with the retention and enhancement of all

existing services.

Action: CS Lobby the State MP for funding for a new acute hospital

for Glen Innes to be constructed - with the retention and enhancement of all

current services.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Lobbying undertaken with the State Government announcing a $20 million upgrade for the Glen Innes Hospital in its

2020/2021 State Budget.

CS 3.2.4 Advocate for the Vegetable Creek Multi-Purpose Services Centre at Emmaville to be maintained

with the retention of current services.

Action: CS Advocate and get the assurance from the local State MP

that all current medical and associated services provided at the Vegetable

Creek Multi Purpose Service centre will be maintained into the future.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Discussions have been held with Hunter New England Health and local doctors regarding medical services to the

Vegetable Creek Multi Purpose Service. Although the current doctor shortage in Glen Innes has impacted on services

provided by the Multi Purpose Service, there are no plans to scale the services down.

CS 3.2.5 Advocate for a Financial Counsellor and associated services to be available in our LGA.

Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for a Financial

Counsellor to be available to the Glen Innes Highlands community through

the services provided at the Community Centre.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is yet to be actioned.

CS 3.2.6 Advocate for an Intervention Counsellor and associated services to be available in our LGA.

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Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for an

Intervention Counsellor to be available in the LGA through the services

provided at the Community Centre.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is yet to be actioned.

CS 3.3 Advocate for and continue to develop a network of youth facilities across the


CS 3.3.1 Work with young people and Council's Youth Worker to develop a program and ideas to address

youth needs and issues in the LGA.

Action: CS Collaborate with all youth network partners to explore

opportunities to collaboratively engage youth in new activities of their

choice, to enhance resilience, respect, team spirit, inclusion, social

interaction and friendships.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Youth Week activities in April were well received by young people. Ten young people were involved in the organisation of

youth week by suggesting ideas of activities to run via our Facebook page and by helping out with different activities on

the day. The Youth Week activities engaged many community member volunteers to help out at the events. These

people had plenty of opportunities to engage and communicate with the youth and offered some interesting insights at

the end of the day into what the youth want and how they feel about different issues.

A competition commenced to name the Youth Centre and several great entries were received and voted on by youth.

The new Youth Centre was set up in June ready for the grand opening by Justice Crew on 10 July.

CS 3.3.2 Lobby for and support the establishment of a PCYC in Glen Innes.

Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for the

establishment of a PCYC in Glen Innes.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The establishment of a PCYC in Glen Innes continues to be pursued.

Action: CS Use the local Community Safety Precinct Committee

(CSPC) with the NSW Police New England Local Area Command to pursue

the establishment of a PCYC in Glen Innes.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The establishment of a PCYC in Glen Innes continues to be pursued.

CS 3.4 Develop Master Plan/s for all sporting grounds.

CS 3.4.3 Lodge grant funding applications for the upgrade of sporting fields within the LGA in accordance

with the newly developed Master Plan.

Action: CS Lodge a Grant Application for funding under the NSW

Governments Stronger Communities Fund for the development of Wilson

park complex in accordance with the adopted Master Plan.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Round One (1) Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF) grant was for the Melling Park upgrade.

Round Two (2) SCCF saw eight (8) projects being approved including:

1. Glen Innes Tennis resurface two (2) courts - $56,530;

2. Dance Group - upgrade the community hall at 33 East Avenue - $54,500;

3. Glen Innes Bowling Club upgrade - $77,589;

4. Anglican Church mobility access to the hall - $108,995;

5. Upgrade sporting infrastructure at Kerry Mead Park - $471,770;

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6. Street beautification and upgrades on Grey Street, Glen Innes - $452,586;

7. Upgrade courts at Deepwater Tennis Club - $138,000;

8. Upgrade sporting infrastructure at Wilson Park $512,443.

Total Funding received $1,872,413 with projects one (1) to four (4) being community driven and the remaining were

Council driven and are in progress.

CS 3.5 Advocate for the extension and improvement of Children and Family Services,

including early intervention programs and coordination between Council, school run

services and parenting programs.

CS 3.5.1 Deliver Literacy Programs within the community through the Glen Innes Severn Library Learning


Action: CS Participate in national and state-wide reading programs. Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The promotion and support of the Children's Book Council of Australia, the Premier's Reading Challenge and the

National Simultaneous Storytime, each year, encourages reading skills and the love of reading in local children. This

year there was an emphasis on keeping the reading level resources and the children's resources updated and renewed.

CS 3.5.2 Hold a free annual Family Picnic Day which delivers a day of fun, education, food, information,

inclusion, equality and healthy activities through collaborative partnerships - to promote family

participation and social interactions to all community members.

Action: CS Plan, coordinate and facilitate the Family Picnic Day

during 2018 through collaborative partnerships - to promote family

participation and social interactions to all community members.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A successful Family Picnic Day was held on 22 September 2018. Information stands from the Rural Fire Service, the

town brigade, scouts, Centacare and local schools were crowded with people.

The event was organised by Council's Children and Family Services, with fun for all ages, including face painting and a

jumping castle. There was entertainment by local musicians and food and drinks provided. Council staff paid tribute to

the many volunteers generosity of spirit and time allowed for the day to be a free fun day for the whole family with three

(3) and four (4) generations of some families in attendance.

CS 3.5.3 Advocate for and collaborate with other community organisations to encourage attendance at

parenting programs to improve skills and resilience, potentially offering a trial session at the Pool House.

Action: CS Work with Glen Innes Family and Youth Support and the

Benevolent Society to gauge skills required and arrange and promote a

parenting program at the Pool House to be delivered by Centacare.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

New programs were conducted in May with Centacare and NSW Health with very positive outcomes and the new

partnership with the Early Childhood Nurse will be ongoing.

CS 3.5.4 Participate and support the Northern Tableland Cooperative Library Services Agreement on an

ongoing basis.

Action: CS Support Northern Tableland Cooperative Library

Services (NTCLS) network through their meetings, initiatives, resource

transfers and staff training.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

As reported in the Library/Learning Centre's Annual Reports, the long association with the Northern Tablelands

Cooperative Library Service (NTCLS), which includes Armidale, Inverell, Guyra and Tenterfield Libraries, is an important

ongoing strategy. Small Libraries can improve networking, share resources, build skills and foster technology advances

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in these Cooperatives. Through this Cooperative the Glen Innes Severn Library members receive access to Bolinda

eBook and eAudio services which includes IndieFlix Online Movies, and Zinio Digital Magazines.

CS 3.5.6 Create and build a special Collection Development Policy to support Domestic Violence

information, resources and support materials.

Action: CS Create a Domestic Violence Collection using funds and

resource suggestions received from the Safe In Our Town Committee.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Domestic Violence Collection has been purchased with a generous donation of $1,000 from the Safe in Our Town

Committee and Glen Innes Family and Youth Services. This collection is currently being promoted to the community.

CS 3.6 Advocate for increased and improved medical services in Glen Innes.

CS 3.6.1 Lobby and support the attraction and retention of additional General Practitioners and associated

medical staff, especially midwives, to the LGA.

Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for the

attraction of more General Practitioners (GPs) and other medical staff to the


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Ongoing discussions are being held with the Member for Northern Tablelands regarding medical services, as well as

Hunter New England Health Service through the local Hospital Advisory Board. There is potential interest from a further

medical doctor who may want to establish a surgery in Glen Innes, Council's Significant Development Committee is busy

working with a developer in this regard.

Action: CS Use the local Hospital Health Advisory Committee as an

avenue to advocate for and lobby for an increased number of General

Practitioners (GPs) to be recruited for the area.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

One (1) new doctor has recently commenced in Glen Innes.

Action: CS Revisit Council's existing policy on providing assistance

to General Practitioners (GP's) to relocate to the LGA with the view of

potentially increasing its annual financial contribution as an incentive for

GPs to consider this action.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Business Incentives Fund Guidelines were reviewed and adopted in February 2019, to include provision for

providing assistance to attract professionals to the Local Government Area, including medical practitioners, and the

incentive amount was increased.

Action: CS Advocate and lobby for the period of time that medical

doctor students have to spend in rural and regional areas to be increased

to a period of time that is adequate for those students to form relationships

and links with and the desire to return to those communities once they

have finished their studies.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council passed a resolution to present a motion in this regard at the National Local Government Conference in Canberra

in June 2018, with the motion being carried.

CS 3.6.2 Advocate for General Practitioner and after hours doctor services to the hospital to be consistently

available for 24 hours per day.

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Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for all medical

services and General Practitioner (GP) availability at the Glen Innes

Hospital to be consistently available for 24 hours per day.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Ongoing discussions are being held with the Member for Northern Tablelands regarding medical services, as well as with

the Hunter New England Health Service through the local Hospital Advisory Board.

CS 3.6.3 Advocate for more "tele health" hook ups enabling more online medical services such that patients

can stay locally and receive specialist advice.

Action: CS Advocate and lobby the Hunter New England Health

Service for increased "tele health" online specialist medical services to be

locally available to patients through the local Hospital Health Advisory


Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is to be discussed in the first instance, as it is unknown to what level the Hunter New England Health Service is

already pursuing this initiative.

Action: CS Takes the availability of more "tele health" specialist

medical services for local patients up in writing with the Hunter New

England Health Service.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is to be discussed in the first instance, as it is unknown to what level the Hunter New England Health Service is

already pursuing this initiative.

CS 3.6.4 Advocate for the old nurses home at the hospital to be demolished.

Action: CS Advocate and lobby for the demolition of the old nurses

home through the local Hospital Health Advisory Committee.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Chief Executive Officer of Hunter New England Health has given assurance that a quote will be obtained for the cost

of the demolition of the old nurses home and will be included as part of the $20 million redevelopment of the Hospital.

CS 3.7 Complete actions within the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017/21

CS 3.7.01 Promote a welcoming and inclusive community that strengthens positive attitudes and

behaviours towards people of all abilities.

Action: CS Continue to support the Community Access Committee

and promote positive outcomes on Council’s website, social media, and in


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A survey in May resulted in a decision to hold an accessibility expo again this year. This is planned for the second

quarter of the 2019-20 financial year. The committee remains strong and committed to improved access for people of all

abilities and Council staff continue to provide significant support across all directorates.

Action: CS Maintain Council’s mobility brochure to assist with

information about accessibility to venues in Glen Innes.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The mobility brochure remains current and is added to the new resident’s packs, as well as being available on the

website, and at various locations throughout the LGA. In addition, a secondary document outlining accessible places to

visit has now been made available to assist visitors to Glen Innes.

CS 3.7.02 Advocate for law enforcement staff to police community areas to ensure disability parking and

bus zones are being used appropriately.

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Action: CS Have regular contact with law enforcement staff to police

community areas to ensure disability parking and bus zones are being used


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Regular contact has been maintained with local police and no complaints of breaches of the accessible parking zones

have been received by the Committee.

CS 3.7.05 Provide left and right hand unisex toilets with access to people of all abilities.

Action: CS Ensure that new ablution facilities that are erected within

the LGA make provision for left and right hand unisex toilets to cater for

people of all abilities.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

No new ablution facilities have been erected within the LGA.

CS 3.7.08 Advocate for a supportive community that creates opportunities for learning and employment for

people of all abilities.

Action: CS Promote and advocate for the employment of people of

all abilities throughout the community.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

An employment skills and tips session was conducted and Aimbig (a Disability Employment Services provider) took part

in this initiative.

CS 3.7.09 Explore and promote opportunities for an informed and engaged community, where people of all

abilities can keep abreast of electronic information, share their opinion and participate in community and

democratic processes.

Action: CS Purchase an electronic system that will enable printed

information on Council’s website to be spoken aloud.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's website and the new Community Services website are both set up to assist in navigation by people that are

blind. Using their own familiar software a blind person can click on an article and it will be read aloud. This makes the

purchase of new software redundant.

CS 3.7.11 Facilitate and/or identify a diverse range of activities that are inclusive of people who are older

and people who have a disability.

Action: CS Research and compile a list of diverse activities

available locally for people of all abilities.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A resource was developed late last year with a list of venues with suitable activities for people of all abilities and was

placed on Council's website this quarter. This has recently been reviewed and no updates were required.

CS 3.7.12 Support people who are older, people who have a disability and children and families receiving

services from Council to maintain independence and choice within budgetary limits, whilst achieving their


Action: CS Audit budgets regularly and obtain feedback from

consumers about their experiences, goal achievements and the degree of

choice available to them.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Budget audits are regularly conducted and the outcomes are very good. Formal feedback for consumers and

participants was sought in the last quarter of the 2018-19 financial year and was largely positive in relation to choice.

CS 3.8 Work with the community to address drug and alcohol issues.

CS 3.8.1 Play a more proactive role in the Community Drug Action Team (CDAT), including promotion to

increase membership, whilst continuing to add and review relevant information on Council's website and

have more local activities.

Action: CS Two (2) or more community services staff regularly

attend CDAT meetings and request funding for local activities to increase

awareness and prevention of drug and alcohol use in Glen Innes.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) Regional Forum was held in Glen Innes in May with very pleasing feedback

in particular on the value of including members of the Student Representative Council in the presentations and hearing

their perspective. This may well become a feature of future CDAT forums. Coasters have been designed and obtained

for the 'Drink Right' initiative planned for Glen Innes in collaboration with local hotels and clubs in the 2019-20 financial


CS 4:Promote transport accessibility, between villages and towns,

particularly for vulnerable groups.

CS 4.1 Advocate for increased transport services within the LGA.

CS 4.1.1 Advocate for transport services with a focus on accessibility for village residents and linkage to

major towns.

Action: CS Advocate for transport services with a focus on

accessibility for village residents and linkage to major towns.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Fifty surveys were sent out to residents of Glencoe and surrounds, seven (7) surveys were returned. One (1) survey

stated that they required assistance with transport, preferably on a Thursday for shopping, medical appointments and


Fifty surveys were sent out to residents of Deepwater and surrounds, with no surveys being received back from this area.

Fifty surveys were sent out to residents of Red Range and surrounds. Five (5) surveys were returned with one (1) person

mentioning they required assistance, mainly on a Wednesday but it could be any day for such things as shopping,

medical appointments and reablement. This participant thought that more Community transport vehicles in the area

would meet their requirements. The other four (4) surveys received did not require assistance.

It is now apparent that the perceived need at the time of the community consultations 2016-17 was either overstated at

the time or is no longer evident.

CS 4.1.2 Investigate options for improved access to public transport services and infrastructure funding.

Action: CS Investigate options for improved access to public

transport services and infrastructure funding.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Based on community consultation there is no current need for improved access to public transport services in the Local

Government Area (LGA) at this time.

CS 4.1.3 Provide information to the community on the transport services available.

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Action: CS Review transport options between villages and towns

and ensure that this transport is accessible and promoted to vulnerable


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

As reported last year Emmaville has a weekly bus service into Glen Innes. There is no regular transport service available

for the other villages.

Live Better Community Transport can take people from Glencoe to Guyra or Armidale or back into Glen Innes at quite a

cheap rate and this has been communicated to all residents of Glencoe and surrounds. There was no need identified in

Deepwater, but they too were advised of Live Better's capacity.

Red Range residents had one (1) person who didn't identify as a vulnerable person and was under 65 years of age, that

would like transport on a Wednesday for various reasons. All Red Range residents were advised about Live Better. Life

Choices - Support Services contact numbers were supplied to all residents in the villages to make contact for assistance

or information.

CS 4.1.4 Assist with the dissemination of community information and services available through the Branch


Action: CS Review the Action Plan of the Strategic Plan for Branch

Libraries 2016 -2021, and include an action to assist with dissemination

strategies of community information which includes transport options.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Senior's diaries, calendars and card directory booklets were distributed to villages and the Glen Innes community over

December and January 2019.

Council's draft documents for public comment are placed on display at the branch libraries along with Community

Services monthly programs. Council's Operational Plan and Budget are circulated to the village libraries for viewing and


CS 4.1.5 Pursue the possibility of creating an adequate and safe pedestrian path across the railway line to

link either side of Bourke Street.

Action: CS Construct a shared path across the railway corridor

linking either sides of Bourke Street.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Construction of a shared path between Lambeth Street and Melling Park is complete.

CS 4.1.6 Advocate for continued Country Link bus and rail services to Sydney.

Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for continued

Country Link bus and rail services to Sydney.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Country Link to Sydney is in existence and is working well. A bus provides transport from Glen Innes to Armidale

Station and a train is available from there to Brisbane. A return journey is also catered for.

CS 4.1.7 Provide a Country Link Booking Service for residents of the LGA through the Visitor Information


Action: CS Continue to provide a TrainLink Booking Service for

residents of the LGA through the Visitor Information Centre.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Trainlink will continue to operate in the next financial year

CS 4.1.8 Advocate for Greyhound bus service to reinstate their New England Highway route.

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Action: CS Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for Greyhound

bus service to reinstate their New England Highway route.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A local bus provider has filled part of the gap allowing more local businesses to participate. The follow up with the

Greyhound Bus Service is yet to be actioned, although it is potentially not a good strategy for Council to pursue if it is

going to impact negatively on a local service provider.

CS 5:Celebrate and encourage community committees (volunteerism).

CS 5.1 Promote partnerships between the community and Council in achieving this


CS 5.1.1 Provide annual training workshops for volunteers on Council Community Committees and where

possible extend invitations to other Non-Council Community Committees.

Action: CS Provide annual training workshops for volunteers on

Council Community Committees and where possible extend invitations to

other Non-Council Community Committees.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A combined training workshop was organised with GLENRAC to deliver sessions in partnership, as per previous years.

Two (2) sessions of "Committees with Confidence - Effective meeting management" were held on 13 June 2019.

CS 5.1.2 Provide a Grants Officer on a permanent part-time basis.

Action: CS Provide a Permanent Part Time Grants Officer. Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Applications were called for a replacement Grants Officer and appointment of the position was made.

Action: CS A monthly report is provided to Council so as to inform

Council of the progress of grants applied for and the success of such


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Statistics regarding grant applications are provided to Council in the monthly business paper.

CS 5.1.3 Identify and communicate opportunities for grants by providing a regular grants newsletter to

Community Groups.

Action: CS Identify and communicate opportunities for grant

opportunities by providing regular grant newsletters to community groups.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A November, December, March, April and May Bid blast has been sent out since filling the Grant Officer position in


Various opportunities have been directed to relevant community organisations. Assistance in the form of

coaching/feedback has been provided to various community organisations to assist in their grant application process.

CS 6:Promote community spirit and foster pride.

CS 6.1 Promote community events, including family oriented entertainment, culture and


CS 6.1.1 Promote family oriented and youth activities through the Glen Innes Severn Library Centre

Marketing Plan action plan.

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Action: CS Seek author events, travelling exhibitions, and provide a

fun, stimulating and informative program at the Library.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Annual Library's Program 2018-2019 contained events, activities and commencement of new services for the Glen

Innes Severn community. The Library team has delivered a diverse program for all age groups this year, with a

particular emphasis on youth (LIVE @ the Library) and seniors (Technology Assistance).

CS 6.1.2 Support lobbying for assistance (grants) for local radio transmitter improvements for the LGA

including Glen Innes, Emmaville and Deepwater.

Action: CS Support and lobby for assistance grants for local radio

transmitter improvements for the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Advice was provided to 2CBD regarding grant funding as appropriate, with this matter raised again as part of Council's

adoption of its 2019/20 Operational Plan.

CS 6.1.3 Provide a dedicated Christmas tree for Grey Street, Glen Innes and undertake a review of the

purchase of suitable, cost effective other Christmas decorations.

Action: CS Provide a dedicated Christmas tree for Grey Street, Glen

Innes and undertake a review of the purchase of suitable, cost effective

other Christmas decorations.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Christmas decoration allocation will continue into the next financial year.

CS 7:To have a safe community.

CS 7.1 Provide safe community spaces.

CS 7.1.4 Provide an effective regulatory service by way of suitably qualified and trained staff.

Action: CS Provide an effective regulatory service by way of suitably

qualified and trained staff.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council has successfully provided an effective regulatory service by way of suitably qualified and trained staff throughout

the 2018/19 financial year.

CS 7.1.5 Provide a Category Two (2) service in accordance with the NSW Food Authorities Food Regulation


Action: CS Council continues to provide a Category Two (2) service

in accordance with the NSW Food Authorities Food Regulation Partnership.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council successfully provided a category two (2) service in accordance with the NSW Food Authorities Food Regulation

Partnership through-out the 2018/19 financial year.

Action: CS Continue to implement the Scores on Doors Program for

all relevant food premises in the Glen Innes Severn LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

With the successful completion of food shop inspections, Council was able to continue to implement the scores on doors

program for all relevant food premises in the Glen Innes Severn Local Government Area (LGA).

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CS 7.2 Lobby for adequate Police services.

CS 7.2.1 Lobby for an upgrade of the Glen Innes Police Station.

Action: CS Lobby the local State MP and the New England Police

Commander for an upgrade of the Glen Innes Police Station.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Mayor has written to the Member for the Northern Tablelands in December regarding the condition of the Glen Innes

Police Station and the need for renovation of the building.

CS 7.2.2 Lobby for a 24 hour manned Police Station in Glen Innes.

Action: CS Lobby the local State MP and the New England Police

Commander for a 24 hour manned Police Station in Glen Innes.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Station is still not a 24 hour operation. The matter was raised with the Local Member in correspondence dated 11

June 2019.

CS 7.2.3 Lobby for the subdivision and sale of the old Emmaville Police house.

Action: CS Lobby the local State MP and the New England Police

Commander for the subdivision and sale of the old Emmaville Police house.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Discussions have been held regarding this matter. A formal request is yet to be actioned.

CS 7.2.4 Cooperate with and support the Police in their objectives and activities.

Action: CS Reassure the New England Police Commander through

the Local Community Safety Precinct Committee (CSPC) of Council's

support and cooperation in achieving their objectives and activities.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Commencing June 2019, monthly meetings have been held with Inspector Hemsworth of Glen Innes Police. The

relationship with the Police is strong.

CS 8:To have a healthy community.

CS 8.1 Encourage the community to be more physically active.

CS 8.1.1 Encourage local gyms / fitness providers to promote better health / fitness initiatives.

Action: CS Approach local gyms / fitness providers asking to

collaborate with Council in providing regular information about health and

fitness initiatives to the community,

Progressing 25%

Annual Comment

A health expo was planned for the latter half of the year. However, due to staff changes the project was unfortunately

delayed. A revised date has been set for 7 September.

CS 8.1.3 Upgrade Mellings Park to include new exercise and playground equipment.

Action: CS Upgrade Melling Park to include new exercise and

playground equipment.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Playground and exercise equipment, shelter, BBQ, lights and CCTV have all been installed. A Fence has been installed

around the playground and the footpath with landscaping now complete. Other works include the Melling Park sign,

which is in place with a garden around it and irrigation has been installed on timers in all the garden areas.

CS 8.1.4 Encourage, assist and work with community groups to increase awareness of childhood obesity.

Action: CS Approach and collaborate with external groups to

increase the awareness of healthy food and fitness options for children.

Progressing 25%

Annual Comment

A health expo was planned for the latter half of the year. However, due to staff changes the project was unfortunately

delayed. A revised date has been set for 7 September.

CS 8.1.5 Promote regular messages regarding the value of team sports within the community.

Action: CS Promote regular messages regarding the value of team

sports within the community.

Progressing 60%

Annual Comment

Only one (1) media release was done with plans for the next year to promote participation and fairness by all in sports.

CS 8.1.6 Support and provide Life Choices - Support Services' current healthy lifestyle programs.

Action: CS Continue to offer the same level of healthy lifestyle

programs in 2018/19.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The contractor continues to provide the same level of healthy lifestyle programs with positive feedback. New locations

have been trialled for some programs with a resulting decrease in rental and hire costs.

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Economic Development



ED 1:Facilitate market and business opportunities.

ED 1.2 Maintain the Significant Development Committee as an important gateway to listen

to and welcome new business proposals.

ED 1.2.1 Provide an internal development pathway to facilitate development.

Action: ED Provide an internal development pathway to facilitate


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A Significant Development Committee was established and is available as required.

ED 1.3 Review tourism opportunities and promotion with a particular focus on

strengthening accessibility and providing incentives to draw visitors into the Glen Innes


ED 1.3.1 Provide a well resourced Tourism and Events section, acknowledging the Visitor Information

Centre as the vital hub for tourism.

Action: ED Provide a well resourced Tourism and Events section,

acknowledging the Visitor Information Centre as the vital hub for tourism.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Grants officer will continue into the next financial year and is now also facilitating the acquittals.

Action: ED Maintain a clean and pleasant atmosphere at the Visitor

Information Centre by ensuring that the washrooms, toilets, building and

garden are maintained to a high standard.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The request to address maintenance issues at the Visitor Center has not yet been addresses. There is a need to refresh

the building and surrounds as it is looking tired, worn and dirty.

Action: ED Increase VIC merchandise sales by 15% annually to

$150,000 by 2021 (using the 2016/17 of $90,000 as a base) ensuring that

local product producers, suppliers and artisans are included in the


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A total of 103% of the projected income budget for merchandise was achieved for the year 2018-19.

Action: ED Continue to utilise volunteers to assist with staffing of

the Visitor Information Centre.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Visitor Information Center will continue to utilise volunteers into the next financial year.

Action: ED Engage in a highly effective working relationship with

both GISTA and BIG, the business and community stakeholders.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Glen Innes Highlands Visitor Association (GIHVA) have financially contributed to some Council event initiatives

throughout the year. The Destination Glen Innes Brand is now defunct and GIHVA are renewing their focus on member

benefits and helping local businesses leverage the visitor economy.

ED 1.3.2 Provide an annual budget allocation to promote the visitor economy to the LGA.

Action: ED Provide an annual budget allocation of $75,000 in the

2018-19 Operational Plan to promote the visitor economy to the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A lot of re-branding and promotion of Glen Innes Highlands has occurred throughout the year. The new creative

campaign will be launched in the new year alongside the new website.

Action: ED Define and develop product, themes, campaigns and

packages that will drive the visitor economy under the new Glen Innes

Highlands brand.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Glen Innes Highlands will continue to participate and contribute to funding and campaign delivery of the New England

High Country regional destination brand.

ED 1.3.5 Optimise the number of travellers on the New England Highway turning into the Glen Innes CBD by

pursuing the establishment of a roundabout at the intersection of Church and Bourke Streets.

Action: ED Apply to NSW RMS for a works authorisation deed for

safety upgrades at Bourke and Church Streets.

Progressing 50%

Annual Comment

This project has been flagged for reconsideration by the Access Committee with regard to installing traffic lights to assist

with inclusive pedestrian access. A formal road safety audit has been arranged to inform the process into 2019/20.

ED 1.3.6 Undertake an investigation to consider the options for locating electric car charging stations on the

New England Highway.

Action: ED Undertake an investigation for suitable options for

locating electric car charging stations on the New England Highway.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A two (2) bay electric car charging station was established at the Visitor Information Centre. An additional site has been

identified in the Town Hall Car Park for the installation of a NRMA electric vehicle fast charger.

ED 1.3.7 Monitor the New England and Gwydir Highway traffic numbers to provide perspective regarding

the potential business flow.

Action: ED Arrange collection of traffic counts on the Gwydir

Highway and New England Highway at fixed locations, to supplement

periodic vehicle counts published on the RMS online Traffic Volume


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Counter tubes have been installed between January and March 2019 following discussion at the Local Traffic


ED 1.4 Advocate for the decentralisation of State Government agencies including the Roads

and Maritime Services and Department of Primary Industries.

ED 1.4.1 Advocate to the State and Federal Members of Parliament for further decentralisation of

Government departments.

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Action: ED Advocate and lobby the local State and Federal Members

of Parliament for the decentralisation of Government departments to the


Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is yet to be actioned.

ED 1.5 Actively support the establishment of a Flight School at the Glen Innes Airport.

ED 1.5.1 Actively support the establishment of a Flight School at the Glen Innes Airport.

Action: ED Actively support the establishment of a Flight School at

the Glen Innes Airport by working in close collaboration with an external


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Discussions with the developer of the proposed flight school are ongoing.

ED 2:Develop a strong brand for Glen Innes Severn Highlands.

ED 2.1 Support and promote the new Glen Innes Highlands destination branding.

ED 2.1.3 Prepare a Centennial Parklands Master Plan to facilitate the future orderly development of the

Standing Stones site.

Action: ED Prepare a Centennial Parklands Master Plan to facilitate

the future orderly development of the Standing Stones site.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This project is carried over to the new financial year for Council adoption and community consultation.

ED 3:Facilitate growth and support business development.

ED 3.1 Be responsive and proactive to business interest/receptive to innovation and


ED 3.1.1 Support "Business in Glen" and the "Glen Innes Severn Tourist Association" to ensure a consistent

approach to encouraging development within the LGA, and to provide for a regular discussion opportunity

with Council staff.

Action: ED Provide an annual financial allocation to support BIG and

GISTA to encourage development within the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Allocations made in the 2018-19 Operational Plan for financial assistance for both Business in Glen (BIG) and Glen

Innes Highlands Visitor Association (GIHVA) with payments made. Assistance to BIG for a Buy Local Campaign is

pending advice from BIG on how the program is to be developed. BIG provided an outline of their proposed Buy Local


Action: ED Facilitate and attend meetings with BIG and GISTA

executive to ensure a consistent approach to encouraging development in

the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Manager of Economic Development will continue to support the Buy-Local sub-committee.

ED 3.1.2 Provide incentives to encourage new business to the LGA and assist existing business to expand.

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Action: ED Provide incentives to encourage new business to the

LGA and assist existing business to expand.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Business Incentive Fund allocation will continue into the new year and the panel will continue to review applications

as they are submitted.

ED 3.1.4 Hold "Development Assessment Unit" meetings with developers to provide them with an

opportunity to discuss their developments with key Council staff before the actual Development

Applications are lodged.

Action: ED Provide the opportunity for a weekly Development

Assessment Unit meeting to provide developers with the opportunity to

discuss proposed developments prior to the lodgement of a Development


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council has successfully provided opportunities for customers to attend weekly Development Assessment Unit (DAU)

meetings throughout the 2018/19 financial year.

Action: ED Promote Council's Development Assessment Unit as an

opportunity for applicants to discuss proposed developments prior to the

lodgement of a Development Application.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council has successfully promoted the Development Assessment Unit Meetings to the public throughout 2018/19. It is

intended to continue using the flyer and social media channels to promote the meetings in future years.

ED 3.1.5 Provide a Planning and Accreditation Service.

Action: ED Maintain a minimum service level of 2.5 FTE Accredited

Building Surveyors and 1 FTE Town Planner within the organisational


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council has exceeded the minimum service level throughout 2018/19, possessing three (3) Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

Accredited Building Surveyors and one (1) FTE Town Planner.

ED 3.1.6 Advocate for a passenger air service, including charter flights, to bigger centres from the Glen

Innes airport.

Action: ED Advocate for a passenger air service, also including the

possibility of charter flights, to bigger centres from the Glen Innes Airport.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

There might be the possibility of a charter flight service being available if a Flight School is established at the Glen Innes

Airport. With the original proponents not pursuing this project, it is a highly unlikely probability. A full functioning

passenger air service, with an upgraded Armidale Regional Airport available within a reasonable short distance via an

excellent road, should in all probability be viewed as not being a rational expectation.

ED 4:Recognise and support the agricultural sector as the most

significant local industry within the LGA.

ED 4.1 Have a particular focus on the maintenance and renewal of Council's rural local

roads network.

ED 4.1.1 Develop and maintain advanced Asset Management Plans for the local road network.

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Action: ED Develop and maintain advanced Asset Management

Plans for public transport infrastructure, integrated with Council's Long

Term Financial Plan.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A large amount of work has gone into reviewing and updating asset registers of all asset classes, including roads and

bridges. This, combined with yearly road roughness data collected on sealed roads and unsealed roads maintenance

records, allows for efficient and effective planning for management of these assets. For example, current work

scheduling and forecasts for future financial years.

A road infrastructure backlog plan has been developed to coincide with the general asset management plan.

New software systems have also been set up to allow for more accurate and in depth reporting.

ED 4.1.2 Maintain a routine inspections program for the road network.

Action: ED Coordinate periodic inspections of Council's road

network to identify defects and prioritise repairs using a risk management

approach, and for the purpose of monitoring changes in the condition of

network assets.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A relationship with a new contractor, Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), was developed in the previous financial

year as the previous supplier was not providing a satisfactory service. Collaboration with the University of New England

has also commenced with a view to developing a model system of sealed road deterioration analysis and reporting.

ARRB have conducted the annual analysis during June 2019 to provide updated sealed road surface data.

ED 4.1.3 Manage the maintenance and renewal of the rural sealed road network according to adopted

service levels.

Action: ED Organise and implement the re-sealing and heavy patch

program for Council's sealed road assets.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Major funding was redirected into resheeting Pinkett Road, with the purchase of an Asphalt Zipper which will enable

large scale works to be completed in 2019-20.

Action: ED Organise and implement a rehabilitation program for

Council's road infrastructure to maintain and improve the road user's


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Unsealed road gravel resheeting is complete on Yarraford Road, Strathbogie Road and Glen Elgin Road. Sealed road

rehabilitation projects on Glen Legh Road and Rodgers Road are complete. Ranger's Valley Road and Gulf Road works

are complete and Wellington Vale is underway. Old Grafton Road and Glen Legh Road re-sheeting has been completed

in quarter four (4) of the 2018-19 financial year. Some additional projects were added during the year through drought

related grant funding and have also been completed, while the commencement of Pinkett Road gravel re-sheeting has

been delayed to 2019-20 financial year due to contractor unavailability.

ED 4.1.4 Manage the maintenance and renewal of the rural unsealed road network according to adopted

service levels.

Action: ED Maintain a network of roads that provide optimum access

for livestock freight movements

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Gravel re-sheeting on Strathbogie Road, Glen Elgin Road, Yarraford Road, Glen Legh Road, Shannon Vale Road and

Old Grafton Road has been undertaken. National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) approvals have been issued as

applications were received through the NHVR portal. Grant funding applications have been successful for Shannon Vale

Road and Ten Mile Road bridges improving heavy vehicle access for local roads, while bridge upgrades have been

completed on Brown's Road, Six Mile Road and Tablelands Road.

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ED 4.1.5 Manage the maintenance and renewal of the rural road drainage network according to adopted

service levels.

Action: ED Maintain rural drainage network using two dedicated

teams each comprising two staff, a backhoe and tip truck.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The two (2) team format has been improved to utilise two (2) backhoes and a single truck with three (3) men, currently

this seems to be working well. The purchase of a larger jetting truck and CCTV camera has also assisted with drainage

structures under roads.

ED 4.3 Based on the outcome of ED 4.2 above, develop a capital works masterplan for the


ED 4.3.1 Consider the cost and benefit of sealing the current carpark at the Saleyards to determine if it is

viable to undertake.

Action: ED Consider the cost and benefit of sealing the current

carpark at the Saleyards to determine if it is viable to undertake.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Partial sealing was included in a grant application that is pending approval. A portion of the car park is to be sealed and

will be completed subject to grant spending in 2019-20 financial year.

ED 4.3.3 Investigate the cost of fencing and restricting access to the Saleyards to address potential lost

revenue from the trans-shipment of stock.

Action: ED Investigate the cost of fencing and restricting access to

the Saleyards to address potential lost revenue from the trans-shipment of


Not Due To Start 0%

Annual Comment

This action is subject to receiving a Growing Local Economies Grant application.

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Infrastructure Management



IM 1:Ensure there are optimal services.

IM 1.1 Continue to engage with the community through established Community Committees

to ensure their needs are understood.

IM 1.1.1 Support the existing Roads Committee and Access Committee.

Action: IM Facilitate the function of the Roads Consultative


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Roads Consultative Committee is held according to the adopted meeting schedule with appropriate information

supplied via staff reports and previous minutes of meetings.

IM 1.1.2 Support the existing Open Spaces Committee, Glen Innes and District Sports Council, Cemetery

Committee, Australian Standing Stones Management Board, Emmaville and Deepwater Village

Beautification Committees, and Emmaville Mining Museum committees.

Action: IM Attend the monthly Australian Stones Management Board


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Australian Standing Stones Management Board monthly meetings are attended by the General Manager and/or the

Director of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services.

Action: IM Council's delegate attends the Open Spaces, Glen Innes

and District Sports Council, Cemetery Committee, Emmaville & Deepwater

Beautification Committee Meetings.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Support and attendance at meetings have been carried out as required. All treasurer support duties are being done for

the Glen Innes and District Sports Council.

IM 1.2 Ensure there is timely response and clear communication regarding infrastructure

customer service requests.

IM 1.2.1 Maintain an up to date register of customer requests.

Action: IM Maintain customer requests for infrastructure issues in a

managed register and respond in a timely manner.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Customer requests are maintained in a database, with response rates reported monthly to the Council meeting. Greater

than 90% of requests are being completed within target time frames.

IM 1.3 Maintain appropriate levels of service across the LGA.

IM 1.3.01 Implement Capital Roads infrastructure works according to adopted service levels.

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Action: IM Implement and complete the Capital Works Program for

the 2018/19 financial year.

Progressing 90%

Annual Comment

Work has been undertaken on the majority of infrastructure capital projects as adopted by Council, acknowledging some

changes made by resolution of Council though the year that has extended the program beyond the capacity of staff to

deliver before the end of financial year. These changes included the addition of seven (7) projects funded by the State


Major sealed road construction projects are complete. Major gravel re-sheeting projects on Glen Elgin Road, Strathbogie

Road, Glen Legh Road and Yarraford Road have also been completed, while the remaining gravel re-sheet projects are


A new shared path has been constructed linking the Western side of Glen Innes to the CBD over the Great Northern Rail

line, replacing a dangerous informal pedestrian walkway.

Stage four (4) of the CBD upgrade has also been undertaken.

Due to the extent of the capital works program a number of the additional projects remain underway at the end of year

and will be carried forward.

IM 1.3.02 Implement Capital Bridge infrastructure works according to adopted service levels.

Action: IM Implement and complete all planned Capital Bridge

Infrastructure works for the 2018/19 financial year.

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

Work is complete on Sheep Station Bridge on Tablelands Road. Ten Mile Road Bridge is ready for tender, Six Mile

Bridge and Browns Road Bridge were both bought forward into this year and have been fully rehabilitated. Polhill Road

Bridge is under construction off site utilising the NSW RMS Country Bridge Solutions approach. This project has suffered

delays due to external factors and is now back on track.

IM 1.3.03 Implement maintenance infrastructure works according to adopted service levels.

Action: IM Review the performance of maintenance works against

the adopted levels of service and identify areas for improvement. Monitor

and track progress of maintenance works.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Maintenance works are currently being reviewed through the use of the maintenance request register, and Council is

meeting the level of service adopted being 90% of issues dealt with in the adopted priority time frame.

IM 1.3.04 Manage water functions according to adopted service levels.

Action: IM Manage water functions according to adopted service


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The water business unit is functioning to a high standard, maintaining 100% compliance with Australian Drinking Water


IM 1.3.05 Manage wastewater functions according to adopted service levels.

Action: IM Operate the Glen Innes Sewer system in accordance with

EPA licence conditions.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The wastewater system is functioning appropriately with 100% compliance with Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

licence conditions.

IM 1.3.06 Provide adequate plant and fleet levels for excellence in service delivery.

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Action: IM Manage the acquisition, maintenance and disposal of

plant and fleet assets in accordance with Council policies and procedures,

and adopted capital and operational budgets.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The heavy plant replacement schedule has been completed, and significant preparations have been made in readiness

for the 2019/20 procurement program of light fleet.

IM 1.3.07 Maintain an engineering oversight and customer service delivery function.

Action: IM Maintain a full complement of staff in the Department of

Infrastructure Services' adopted structure.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The infrastructure department remains well staffed with regular recruitment of quality staff being demonstrated.

IM 1.3.08 Oversee Emergency Services within the LGA.

Action: IM Coordinate and provide administrative support for three

(3) Local Emergency Management Committee meetings each year.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Three (3) Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) meetings have been held, and Council's Technical

Services Officer has taken on the role of Local Emergency Management Officer, chairing the meetings. The meetings are

also attended by the Personal Assistant to the Director of Infrastructure Services to take the minutes and organise the


Action: IM Provide support for the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) and

State Emergency Service (SES) in accordance with legislative requirements

and service level agreements.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Support is given as and when required, in accordance with Service Level Agreement (SLA). Rural Fire Service (RFS)

buildings are now fully operational in the new Fire Control Centre.

IM 1.3.09 Advocate for the maintenance of the lookout at the Emmaville village to improve access, visibility

and basic facilities.

Action: IM Advocate for and lobby the local State MP for the

maintenance of the lookout above Emmaville to improve access, visibility

and basic facilities.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Some work has occurred at this site, and is in the process of being pursued.

IM 1.3.11 Deliver on the action plan of the Strategic Marketing Plan for branch libraries at Deepwater,

Emmaville and Glencoe.

Action: IM Survey the community for feedback on current and

future service needs and satisfaction levels.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Library team monitors community feedback through a wide spectrum of avenues such as surveys, social media,

conversations (phone/face to face), monthly statistics, meetings (Friends of the Library and Library Committee), Public

Library networks and during our events. This strategy enables the Library to keep abreast of community changes and

needs, industry trends and technology advances.

IM 1.3.12 Maintain and/or further develop advanced Asset Management Plans across all asset classes.

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Action: IM Develop and maintain advanced Asset Management

Plans across all asset classes, integrated with Council's Long Term

Financial Plan.

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

A large amount of work has gone into reviewing and updating asset registers of all asset classes. Re-valuations have

taken place for land and building assets, water and sewer assets, and office furniture.

Updated financials have been migrated into the new asset software and will be utilised to manage and review asset

management plans early in the new financial year.

IM 1.4 Advocate for reliable telecommunications infrastructure across the LGA.

IM 1.4.1 Submit mobile black spot funding applications when the opportunity arises.

Action: IM Review mobile telephone coverage and competition

within the local government area, develop proposals, and submit

applications for telecommunications infrastructure funding under the

Australian Government's Mobile Black Spots Program.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

No submissions for mobile blackspot funding have been lodged.

IM 1.4.2 Advocate for increased NBN Fixed Wireless coverage in the LGA.

Action: IM Advocates and lobby the local Federal MP for increased

NBN fixed wireless coverage in the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The NBN roll-out in the Local Government Area is underway, and the planning and some work is at an advanced stage

for the project to be completed in the second half of 2019. All residences have to meet a required internet speed and the

design facilitates this requirement; whether fibre to the node, fibre to the kerb, fixed wireless or satellite.

IM 2:Continue to systematically reduce the infrastructure backlog.

IM 2.1 Pursue and deliver the Fit for the Future Action Plan.

IM 2.1.1 Identify further efficiencies and savings so that Council can continue to be sustainable and where

possible divert funds to reduce the infrastructure backlog.

Action: IM Investigate if Rates and Water invoices can be distributed

via Council's distribution partner in the same envelope for greater

efficiency and savings in postage costs.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This has been implemented through e-Notices, with water and rates notices going out together on the second and third

instalments. It was not possible to combine notices for the other instalments due to timing of reads.

Action: IM Investigate whether it would be possible to distribute

Rates and Water invoices electronically to customers who would be willing

to participate in the scheme.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This was implemented in October for the second instalment.

IM 2.1.2 Identify and investigate opportunities for Council to supplement its Own Source Revenue.

Action: IM Identify and investigate opportunities for Council to

extend its Own Source Revenue when preparing the 2019/20 Annual Fees

Completed 100%

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and Charges as part of the Annual Operational Plan and Budgeting


Annual Comment

Various options were assessed during the compilation of the 2019/20 Fees and Charges for the Operational Plan and

Budget. Small opportunities were identified and implemented.

IM 2.1.3 Target annual asset renewal expenditure to ensure the infrastructure backlog is addressed within

the next 10 to 15 years.

Action: IM Target annual asset renewal expenditure to ensure the

infrastructure backlog is addressed within the next 10 to 15 years.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This will be an ongoing process in conjunction with the Director of Infrastructure Services.

This has been factored into the 2019/20 Operational Plan and the Long Term Financial Plan, so that at the end of 10

years the Infrastructure backlog is just over two percent (2%).

Action: IM Ensure Operating Surpluses are sufficient to address

infrastructure backlog requirements.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action is on-going and will be incorporated into the Budget Plan.

This will be implemented in the 2019/20 Operational Plan.

IM 2.2 Set and communicate the delivery of annual infrastructure backlog targets.

IM 2.2.1 Develop and implement an Infrastructure Backlog Management Plan.

Action: IM Develop and implement an 'Infrastructure Backlog

Management Plan'.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The infrastructure Backlog Management Plan has been adopted.

IM 2.2.2 Continue to achieve annual operating surpluses sufficient to meet the reduction in infrastructure

backlog targets.

Action: IM Continue to achieve annual operating surpluses sufficient

to meet the reduction in infrastructure backlog targets, as determined by

the Infrastructure Backlog Management Plan.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The 2019/20 Operational Plan and Budget shows an operating surplus of $4,988,837, which is due to the extraordinarily

large amount of grant funding income to be received, which will then be spent on capital projects that are accounted for

in the balance sheet. Therefore, the figure looks better than it really is, as the capital budget incorporates a number of

projects to the amount of $3,779,144 that will be funded from these grants, leaving only a surplus of $1,209,693.

IM 3:Ensure proper management of infrastructure and assets.

IM 3.1 Optimise the management of assets, with a focus on Council’s road network and


IM 3.1.1 Investigate the potential co-location of the Church Street and Town Hall offices to permit the

disposal of one (1) of these sites and the improved and efficient management of the remaining site (being

able to eliminate duplicated services, achieve efficiencies and save costs).

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Action: IM Investigate the potential co-location of the Church Street

and Town Hall offices to permit the disposal of one (1) of these sites and

the improved and efficient management of the remaining site (being able to

eliminate duplicated services, achieve efficiencies and save costs).

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action was completed in February 2018 and endorsed by Council.

IM 3.1.2 Provide a supply of affordable and optimal gravel for the sheeting of unsealed roads.

Action: IM Maintain adequate supplies of unsealed road gravel at

various locations around the local government area to facilitate gravel road


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Gravel processing has been conducted as follows:

McCoskers Pit crushing campaign number two (2) 30,000 tonne delivered to the following: Strathbogie Road (16,015

tonne), Gordon's Road (1,765 tonne) and stockpile at Glen Innes Aggregates (1,207 tonne) which leaves 11,013 tonne in

the pit.

Hartmanns Pit crushing campaign number one (1) 30,000 tonne delivered to the following: Glen Elgin Road (23,796

tonne), Yarraford Road (2,820 tonne) and Shannon Vale stockpile (1,071 tonne) which leaves 2,313 tonne in the pit.

Lockwod's Pit campaign number one (1) 9,100 tonnes delivered to Yarrowford Road, Glen Elgin Road and Shannon Vale

Road. Campaign number two (2) 11,500 tonnes of with 6,500 tonnes delivered to Wellington Vale Road and 5,000

tonnes remaining in the pit.

Crosby’s pit South of Glen Innes has seen 4,500 tonnes delivered to Glen Legh project, while a new quarry at Yarraford

has been opened with 30,000 tonnes produced for local re-sheet projects.

IM 3.1.3 Return an annual profit from Glen Innes Aggregates to provide additional funding for the ongoing

management of the local road network.

Action: IM Return a profit of at least $500,000 from the Glen Innes

Aggregates business unit to provide funding for ongoing management of

the road network.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The business unit is on track to deliver this result again in 2018/19.

IM 3.2 Develop and implement best operational practices, including the empowerment of

staff to take ownership of outcomes.

IM 3.2.1 Develop and maintain a culture of community stewardship among field staff.

Action: IM Maintain regular meetings with team leaders to discuss

working standards and expectations.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Monthly Team Leader meetings have been held, discussing best practices and any policy updates that may arise as well

as upcoming works and any problems the teams may be facing.

IM 3.2.2 Implement best practice techniques for road management.

Action: IM Unsealed roads that are not remaining in a satisfactory

condition between grades are prioritised for gravel re-sheeting.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Roads that have not maintained satisfactory condition have been captured for future re-sheeting in the Infrastructure

Backlog Management Plan. Patch re-sheeting has been performed as necessary to deal with minor sections that are in

urgent need of gravel to be made safe.

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Action: IM The quality standards for maintenance staff are internally

audited and maintained at best practice.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Staff goals have been set around maintaining high standards of work and will be monitored by the Works Coordinator.

Appropriate disciplinary actions have been implemented in a small number of cases, while teams displaying excellent

work have been acknowledged.

IM 3.2.3 Implement a street lighting maintenance program within Glen Innes and the villages.

Action: IM Manage the maintenance, renewal and upgrade of street

lighting assets in accordance with service level agreements and

operational plan budgets.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Street lighting activities are undertaken by Essential Energy in most locations. New street lighting has been installed as a

Council asset in the Grey Street upgrade between Meade and Ferguson Streets.

IM 3.2.4 Implement the Asset Management Plan for carparks.

Action: IM Complete planned maintenance on car parks for the

2018/19 financial year.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The car park adjacent to the Church Street office has been resurfaced using a trial technique involving the jetpatcher and

large (14 tonne) smooth drum roller. The project has been very successful and restored the surface to a safe and

satisfactory condition at minimal cost.

IM 3.2.5 Implement the Asset Management Plan for footpaths.

Action: IM Complete all planned maintenance and capital works

involving footpaths for the 2018/19 financial year.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Jorgen Le Cour Way shared path has been constructed.

IM 3.2.6 Implement the Asset Management Plan for bridges.

Action: IM Complete all works identified in the asset management

plan for bridges in the 2018/19 financial year.

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

Sheep Station Creek bridge on Tablelands Road, Six (6) Mile Road bridge and Brown's Road bridge have all been fully

rehabilitated by Council's bridge team. Polhill bridge is under construction off site by Weirbuilt Pty Ltd.

IM 3.3 Focus on the renewal and proper maintenance of building assets.

IM 3.3.1 Develop and implement an advanced Building Asset Maintenance Program.

Action: IM Develop and implement an advanced Asset Management

Plan for building assets, including Work Schedules for building

maintenance, renewals, and upgrades.

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

The building register has been thoroughly reviewed and updated. Buildings have been re-valued by external valuers. A

Building Maintenance Officer has been appointed and is currently working through a building maintenance backlog


IM 3.4 Complete the upgrade of Grey Street between Meade and Ferguson Streets.

IM 3.4.1 Complete the refurbishment of Grey Street between Meade Street and Ferguson Street.

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Action: IM Complete the refurbishment of Grey Street between

Meade and Ferguson Streets.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The renewal of Grey Street between Meade and Ferguson Streets has been completed with renewal of electricity, water,

road pavement, street tree and street light assets.

IM 3.4.2 Complete the refurbishment of all Grey Street roundabouts.

Action: IM Complete the aesthetic refurbishment of the interior of

the Bourke and Grey Streets roundabout.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The old fence around the Bourke and Grey Street roundabout has been removed.

IM 4:Strive for adequate funding for infrastructure and assets.

IM 4.1 Optimise funding and service delivery.

IM 4.1.1 Build on being "Fit for the Future" potentially through Special Infrastructure Levies (SIL).

Action: IM Investigate and report to Council on the possible levying

of special infrastructure contributions for funding the development of

public infrastructure.

Progressing 10%

Annual Comment

Further discussion is needed to understand the scope of this task. A plan to investigate occurred in November 2018.

Any further contributions from the community is being looked at very unfavourably during this time of drought. Therefore,

this is not going ahead at this stage.

IM 4.1.2 Consider implementing a "Special Rate Variation" if surpluses generated do not provide sufficient

funds to meet the community’s expectations.

Action: IM Determine the ability of Council to meet service levels

expected of the community particularly in the area of roads maintenance

and renewal.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action was looked at in collaboration with the Director of Infrastructure Services, as part of the 2019/20 Operational

Plan. Expenditure for capital and maintenance of roads has been factored into the Operational Plan and Long Term

Financial Plan. The expenditure is in-line with the requirements to bring the road network up to a satisfactory standard

and maintain it.

IM 4.2 Advocate for more external funding from both State and Federal Governments.

IM 4.2.1 Pursue grant funding opportunities as they become available.

Action: IM Council's Grants officer pursues grant funding

opportunities as they become available.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action item is ongoing as grant opportunities become available. Council has received over $12 million in grants

during 2018-19.

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IM 5:Ensure proper freight transport planning.

IM 5.1 Optimise the road network for freight access to adopted service levels.

IM 5.1.1 Identify key heavy transport routes within the LGA and also those connecting the area externally,

including key works and pinch points that need to be addressed.

Action: IM National Heavy Vehicle Regulator requests for approval of

over-mass and over-dimension vehicles are processed in a timely manner.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Requests have been addressed as and when required within the timeline provided by the National Heavy Vehicle

Regulator (NHVR).

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Environment Heritage



EH 1:Continue to be a leader in environmental sustainability.

EH 1.1 Maintain road side environmental areas.

EH 1.1.2 Continue to maintain environmental weed control on "High Conservation Value" roadsides.

Action: EH Maintain environmental weed control on 10 kilometres of

"High Conservation Value" roadsides.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This project was completed in 2017-18 with funding from Northern Tablelands Local Services.

EH 1.1.3 Apply for funding to extend biodiversity corridors to identified roadside areas in the LGA.

Action: EH Apply for funding to extend biodiversity corridors to

identified roadside areas in the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Stringybark Ecological have been employed to undertake a survey of High Conservation Value roadsides to determine

areas which may be extended. Survey work has been completed and pending a final report. The final report was

presented to Council at the March Council meeting.

EH 1.1.4 Apply for funding to provide an update on the condition of the existing "High Conservation Value"


Action: EH Monitor funding opportunities and lodge funding

applications for projects that will enhance important roadside conservation


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action is on-going.

EH 1.2 Develop a Waste Management Strategy with a particular focus on green waste and

promoting industry accepted best recycling practices.

EH 1.2.3 Decrease contamination levels in existing recycling to an acceptable industry standard.

Action: EH Decrease contamination levels in existing recycling to an

acceptable industry standard of 8% by 30 June 2021.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Contamination levels in bins are being monitored by JR Richards and staff.

Action: EH Collaborate with JR Richards & Sons to identify areas

within the Local Government Area where high levels of recycling

contamination exists and provide a stronger education and enforcement

presence within these areas.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A monthly report is provided by the contractor, JR Richards.

EH 1.2.4 Develop and promote a waste education and a recycling program within the LGA.

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Action: EH A waste education and recycling program is developed

and adopted by Council 31 December 2018.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

With the roll out of the new recycling bins residents were provided with options to convert their old bins to compost bins.

EH 1.2.5 Implement the extension of the Glen Innes Landfill.

Action: EH Undertake investigation for the requirements of an

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to lodge a development application

for the extension of the existing landfill into the adjoining quarry.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Investigation into the requirements of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is now complete. Lodgement of a

development application for the extension of the existing landfill into the adjoining quarry is now complete. Investigation

revealed that the existing landfill has an estimated 25 year lifespan before extension into the quarry would be required

and as such an EIS is not required until then. This information was detailed in a report to Council's Ordinary Meeting

held on 24 May 2018 where Council also resolved to commence negotiations for the acquisition of the quarry to ensure

the expansion of the landfill in the future.

EH 1.4 Promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable resources across Council

facilities and assets.

EH 1.4.2 Investigate Council fleet vehicles that are suitable for replacement with hybrid and/or electric


Action: EH Consider the acquisition of hybrid and/or electric

vehicles for Council’s vehicle fleet, subject to effectiveness and a review of

life-cycle costs, and within available resources.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

General knowledge around electrical and hybrid vehicles has increased within the Infrastructure team.

A decision has been made to carry out bulk light vehicle replacement, focusing on cost/quality ratio and common spare

parts. The Plant and Fleet policy has been updated to include the consideration of electric vehicles at each time of


Action: EH Investigate Council fleet vehicles that are suitable for

replacement with hybrid and/or electric vehicles.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

General knowledge around electrical and hybrid vehicles has increased within the Infrastructure team.

A decision has been made to carry out bulk light vehicle replacement, focusing on cost/quality ratio and common spare

parts. Hybrid vehicles were analysed during this process but found not to be appropriate at this point in time.

EH 1.4.3 Install suitable renewable systems to identified Council buildings.

Action: EH Install a 15 k VA solar system to the Glen Innes Town

Hall complex by 30 June 2019.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action has been deferred and to be included as part of the Town Hall co-location and refurbishment.

EH 1.4.4 Continue to monitor and audit energy use across Council facilities.

Action: EH Monitor the energy consumption of all Council's major

buildings and facilities so as to report the cost benefit of renewable energy

installed on Council facilities.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Council facilities and buildings are monitored on an on-going basis. Quotes were received to undertake a Renewable

Energy Action Plan to review renewable energy options for Council.

EH 1.4.5 Investigate options for a solar and pumped Hydro Electricity scheme.

Action: EH Investigate options for a combined solar and pumped

Hydro Electricity scheme at Wattle Vale.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A report has been put to Council resulting in a resolution to defer this project until such time as the Glen Innes Wind

Farm is under construction.

EH 2:Support conservation efforts in relation to heritage.

EH 2.1 Maintain heritage values.

EH 2.1.1 Ensure heritage planning controls are included in the Glen Innes Severn LEP 2012 and they are

adequate to maintain the heritage values of the LGA.

Action: EH Ensure heritage planning controls are included in the

Glen Innes Severn LEP 2012 and they are adequate to maintain the heritage

values of the LGA.

Progressing 95%

Annual Comment

Work is on-track and will continue to progress into the next financial year, when Council expects to receive Gateway

Determination from the Minister for Planning Proposal Four (4) prior to undertaking the Community Consultation phase

before obtaining Final Determination (sign-off) from the Minister.

EH 2.2 Better utilise existing heritage grant budget provisions and advocate for additional

funding and/or supplement funding from Council's funds.

EH 2.2.1 Provide/lobby for additional heritage funding for the upgrade of heritage facades in the Glen Innes


Action: EH Continue to provide heritage funding for the upgrade of

heritage facades in the Glen Innes CBD.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Applications were called for projects for 2018-19 with five (5) applications received. Projects were completed in

accordance with grant applications.

Action: EH Lobby the local State MP for increased heritage grant


Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This item is yet to be actioned, but will probably have to be backed up by a particular project where Council pursues the

painting/upgrading of all the historic facades in the Main Street.

EH 2.3 Monitor the built environment around existing heritage places.

EH 2.3.1 Ensure that an adequate number of planning and compliance staff are employed by Council.

Action: EH Ensure all works undertaken on heritage items are

carried out in accordance with the provisions of the NSW Planning

Legislation and the Glen Innes Severn Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Council successfully ensured all works undertaken on heritage items were carried out in accordance with the provisions

of the NSW Planning Legislation and the Glen Innes Severn Local Environmental Plan 2012 throughout the 2018/2019

financial year.

EH 3:Improve opportunities for passive recreation around our natural

and heritage assets.

EH 3.1 Improve signage for the benefit of the local community and visitors.

EH 3.1.1 Develop a five (5) year strategy to ensure that all signage is appropriate to promote the visitor


Action: EH Implement Council's adopted five (5) year signage

strategy so as to ensure that all signage in the LGA is appropriate to

promote the visitor economy.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The final year of the five (5) year strategy will be completed in 2019-20.

EH 3.2 Advocate for the development of a rail trail to promote pedestrian and cycle


EH 3.2.1 Engage with the community and the New England Rail Trail Group (Guyra) to undertake a review

of the feasibility, cost and economic benefit to develop a rail trail in the LGA.

Action: EH Engage with the community and the New England Rail

Trail Group (Guyra) to undertake a review of the feasibility, cost and

economic benefit to develop a rail trail in the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Rail Trail Group will be appointing a consultant to undertake the Business Case which Council have contributed to


EH 4:Work with existing organisations to enhance the environment.

EH 4.1 Identify opportunities to collaborate with local and regional environmentally

focussed organisations.

EH 4.1.1 Maintain membership of GLENRAC.

Action: EH Council maintains suitable representation on Glenrac so

as to ensure Council has input into environmental initiatives in the LGA.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's Environmental Officer attends monthly meeting on a regular basis.

EH 4.1.2 Maintain membership of Northern Tablelands Regional Weed Committee.

Action: EH Council undertakes the necessary measures to formally

join the New England Weeds County Council, trading as New England

Weeds Authority.

Progressing 85%

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Annual Comment

Request to join the New England Weeds County Council has been endorsed by both organisations and now pending

approval by the Office of Local Government (OLG). The OLG has requested further information which is currently being


EH 5:Further pursue the creation of innovative public art attractions

and the establishment of an artistic culture and ambiance within Glen


EH 5.1 Liaise and work with the Glen Innes arts community to establish a Master Plan for

future public art locations and themes.

EH 5.1.1 Continue membership and support of Arts North West.

Action: EH Continue financial membership and support of Arts

North West, ensuring that Council continues to be represented on the

Board of Arts North West.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Director of Corporate and Community Services, Anna Watt is Council's representative for Arts North West (ANW). Anna

was re-elected as Chairperson of the ANW Board at its Annual General Meeting in May 2019. Council has paid its

financial contribution for membership for the current financial year.

EH 5.1.2 Provide annual monetary provisions for public art projects.

Action: EH Provide an annual allocation for public art projects in the

2018-19 Operational Plan.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

An amount of $50,000 was allocated to public art in the 2018-19 Operational Plan.

EH 6:Improve the entrances to Glen Innes and villages that are

representative of its proud and environmentally conscious


EH 6.1 Provide for the necessary budgetary provisions to upgrade and maintain all the

entrances to Glen Innes and for villages beautification.

EH 6.1.1 Develop entrance landscape plans for the four (4) main approaches to Glen Innes.

Action: EH Develop entrance landscape and maintenance plans for

the four (4) main approaches to Glen Innes.

Progressing 80%

Annual Comment

Entrances on the New England highway to the north and south where staff are able to access are being mowed as

required. Racecourse regrowth has been sprayed by the contractors. A contractor has been organised for the beginning

of February to maintain the mowing at the north and south entrances to Glen Innes. The fence has been reinstated by

the Jockey club and Council is slashing the area in preparation for the placement of the wind blade. Funding is being

sought for the landscaping and carpark development where the wind blade is being placed. Tree planting has been

postponed with the current drought conditions.

EH 6.1.2 Further develop the beautification plans for Emmaville and Deepwater.

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Action: EH Further develop and implement the Emmaville and

Deepwater Beautification Plans.

Progressing 85%

Annual Comment

Installation of the new playground has been completed in Apex Park at Deepwater. Council has installed the Danthonia

'Welcome to Deepwater" signs. Works at Deepwater Oval included new discus and shotput areas, the pruning of trees

and removal of the dead trees, along with top soiling the old cricket pitch area. Three (3) new bin surrounds have been

placed in Deepwater with plans to do more in this upcoming year. Clean up of vegetation and minor landscaping works

have been done at Emmaville Lookout, next step is to upgrade the existing shelter and placement of a new shelter.

Action: EH Implement 2018-19 Beautification Program as adopted by

the Emmaville Beautification Committee.

Progressing 50%

Annual Comment

The shelter has been manufactured and when resources allow will be installed at Emmaville Lookout. The existing

shelter will now be renovated as the landscaping works have been completed around the picnic area at Emmaville


Action: EH Implement the 2018-19 Beautification Program as

adopted by the Deepwater Beautification Committee.

Progressing 90%

Annual Comment

Playground installation has been completed at Apex Park, Deepwater and the Danthonia 'Welcome to Deepwater" signs

have been installed. Works at Deepwater Oval included new discus and shotput areas. There has been pruning of trees

and minor landscape works including top soiling of the old cricket pitch area. Three (3) new garbage bin surrounds have

been installed along Tenterfield Street in Deepwater.

EH 6.1.3 Implement the adopted entrance landscape and beautification plans.

Action: EH Implement the adopted entrance landscape plan and

maintenance schedules for Glen Innes and the 2018-21 beautification plans

for Deepwater and Emmaville.

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

Installation of the new playground has been completed in Apex Park at Deepwater. Council has installed the Danthonia

'Welcome to Deepwater" signs. Works at Deepwater Oval included new discus and shotput areas, pruning and removal

of the dead trees, along with top soiling the old cricket pitch area. Three (3) new bin surrounds have been placed in

Deepwater. Clean up of vegetation and minor landscaping works have been done at Emmaville Lookout, with the next

step to upgrade the existing shelter and placement of a new shelter. Entrances on the New England highway to the north

and south where staff are able to access are being mowed as required. Racecourse regrowth has been sprayed by the

contractors. A contractor has been organised for the beginning of February to maintain the mowing at the north and

south entrances to Glen Innes. Council is slashing an area adjacent to the racecourse for placement of the wind blade.

Tree planting has been postponed with the current drought conditions.

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Council Sustainability, Transparency and Communication



STC 1:Continue to improve Council communication with the

community, including celebrating successes and achievements.

STC 1.1 Consistently communicate the role of Council to the community (i.e. what Council

does and does not do).

STC 1.1.1 Provide regular, timely media releases on topical issues as they arise to ensure the community is


Action: STC Provide regular, timely media releases on topical issues

as they arise to ensure the community is well informed.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's Media and Communications Officer is regularly writing timely media releases, on topical issues for distribution

to the various media outlets. Detailed information about the number of media releases completed each month can be

found within the Department of Corporate and Community Services: Monthly Report to Council, in the Business Paper

(which are accessible via Council's website).

STC 1.1.2 Provide four (4) quarterly resident newsletters per year.

Action: STC Provide four (4) quarterly resident newsletters during

the year.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Resident Newsletters were distributed in August 2018, October 2018, December 2018, February 2019, May 2019 and

June 2019.

STC 1.2 Provide clear messaging of Council's achievements, strategic objectives and


STC 1.2.1 Provide access to the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, Annual Operational Plan and

Budget (along with associated resourcing documents) on Council's website for viewing or downloading by

the public.

Action: STC Provide access to the Community Strategic Plan,

Delivery Program and Annual Operational Plan and Budget (along with

associated resourcing documents) on Council's website for viewing or

downloading by the public.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework documents are available on Council's website.

STC 1.2.2 Provide quarterly updates to the community on progress against the Delivery Program and

Annual Operational Plan objectives and actions, and report on Council’s achievements.

Action: STC Provide quarterly updates to the community on its

progress against the Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan

objectives and actions, as well as report on Council’s achievements.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Reports were presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting in November, February and May as well as this report in

August providing progress updates on both of these Plans objectives and actions that occurred during quarter one (1)

(July - September), quarter two (2) (October - December), quarter three (3) (January - March) and quarter four (4) (April -


STC 1.3 Further develop social media as a key messaging platform, supported by Council's


STC 1.3.1 Focus increasingly on using social media as a communication tool with the community for Council


Action: STC Focus on using Council's Facebook site as a

communication tool to update the community.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council staff are regularly using Facebook to distribute information to the community. Detailed information about the

number of 'Page Likes', number of posts made per month and which are the 'most popular' posts each month can be

found within the Department of Corporate and Community Services: Monthly Report to Council, in the Business Paper

(which are accessible via Council's website).

STC 1.4 Provide greater transparency around rates, revenue and expenditure including

detail on where the funds are spent (urban, village and rural).

STC 1.4.1 Mail an information pamphlet to residents as part of the annual Operational Plan development


Action: STC Mail an information pamphlet to residents as part of the

annual Operational Plan process, communicating points of interest from

the 2019/20 Operational Plan and Budget.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

An information pamphlet regarding the 2019/20 draft Operational Plan and Budget was distributed to all residents in May

when the Operational Plan and Budget documents were on public exhibition.

STC 1.4.2 Provide information about Council's revenue raised and expenses made in urban, rural and village

areas as part of a quarterly resident newsletter.

Action: STC Provide information about Council's 2018/19 revenue

raised and expenses made in urban, rural and village areas as part of a

quarterly resident newsletter.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

Manex decided not to complete this action, as it was done in a previous year and there has not been a substantial

change to report.

STC 1.5 Communicate funding (grant) opportunities with/for community organisations.

STC 1.5.1 Prepare a regular grants newsletter which is sent to Council's Community Committees and other

structured groups in the LGA.

Action: STC Council's Grants officer distributes a bi-monthly

newsletter to s.355 committees and community groups advising of

upcoming community grant opportunities.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action is completed in the form of the monthly Bid Blast.

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STC 1.6 Liaise with village community bodies.

STC 1.6.1 Attend village Progress Association meetings to provide updates of Council activities or to discuss

a topic as requested.

Action: STC Regularly attend Community Committee and Progress

Association Meetings throughout the LGA in accordance with their annual

September nominations onto those Committees, and/or in response to a

request from organised community groups to discuss a particular topic.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council continues to be represented by Councillor Delegates on 20 Section 355 Committees for 2018-19. Reports of

meetings held continue to be reported to Council with nominations of representatives on Committees also reported to

Council as required.

STC 1.7 Strive for excellence in all customer service areas.

STC 1.7.1 Improve financial systems and associated procedures to streamline and further improve internal

and external customer service.

Action: STC A review is undertaken of current financial systems and

associated procedures to further streamline and improve systems or

increase productivity.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Key staff are currently in the process of investigating new Financial/Organisation Wide Computer Systems to streamline

and improve business processes.

Finance have performed a huge clean-up of our general ledger and project costing ledgers. All of the Balance Sheet

Accounts have been revisited and cleared out, if needed, and others adjusted to reflect the proper treatment in-line with

the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB).

Tasks have been modified and processes restructured to bring about more streamlined and structured operations.

New processes have been introduced in the Accounts Payable and Rates and Water to eliminate payment errors

(EFTSure) and Billing electronically (Forms Express), with electronic payments as an offshoot.

Any areas of concern highlighted to us are now being reported to Manex Meetings on a monthly basis (phone usage,

Credit Card purchases, garbage bin repairs, operational budget variances and non-compliant Vendor Panel suppliers


STC 1.7.2 Upgrade ICT systems and associated procedures to streamline and further improve internal and

external customer service, in accordance with actions set out in Council's ICT Strategic Plan.

Action: STC Upgrade / replace all desktop computers, mobile ICT

devices and associated equipment in accordance with identified needs.

(ICT Strategic Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council completed the purchase and deployment of 66 new computers, finalising the major computer order for 2018/19.

Action: STC Maintain an ICT helpdesk support service that is

responsive to Council's and employees' needs. (ICT Strategic Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) help desk service provided by Roberts and Morrow Technology

(RMT) continues to operate effectively. All support service objectives have been met for 2018/19.

Action: STC Engage an independent consultant to conduct

penetration testing of Council's ICT systems to identify security

vulnerabilities. (ICT Strategic Plan / Enterprise Risk Management)

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

Council engaged an independent consultant to conduct a data breach risk assessment and security testing, which have

been completed. The vendor has provided Council with reports on vulnerabilities and possible strategies to mitigate

risks. This will be followed with a presentation to key staff and further staff training early in 2019-2020.

Action: STC Review and update Council's ICT User Manual to

reflect recent changes in the use of ICT equipment and services. (ICT

Strategic Plan)

Progressing 80%

Annual Comment

Draft frequently asked questions (FAQ's) sheets and instructions have been produced for a number of key ICT user

issues; however, these require final review and uploading to Council's Intranet, which will occur early in the new financial


Action: STC Complete the final testing of Council's ICT Disaster

Recovery (DR) Plan and associated DR recovery infrastructure (including

fibre optic links) to enable full operation of all major ICT systems from the

standby site at the Library and Learning Centre in the event of a disaster.

(ICT Strategic Plan / Enterprise Risk Management)

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

Council's ICT Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan has been reviewed and updated and all necessary DR equipment is in place;

however, testing of the system has been delayed due to other priorities. This item will be rolled over to 2019-2020 and

will be completed then.

Action: STC Organise and deliver end user security training to all

staff who use computers and mobile ICT equipment, as part of Council's

annual Corporate Training Plan. (Enterprise Risk Management)

Progressing 50%

Annual Comment

Council has received two (2) written quotations from potential vendors to provide ICT security training for staff; however,

finalisation of the current security testing has taken longer than expected, delaying the delivery of training. Provision has

been made in Council's 2019-2020 Training Plan for this training to occur in the new financial year.

Action: STC Purchase Office 365 E3 (Office Online) licences for 125

users plus Exchange Online and deploy the software to all users. (ICT

Strategic Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

All Office 365 licences have been purchased and the software has been deployed. The initial migration of all email

accounts to Office 365 has been completed.

STC 2:Ensure ongoing organisational sustainability.

STC 2.1 Continue to be a financially sustainable and independent Council.

STC 2.1.01 Ensure that the Long Term Financial Plan includes all identified savings and revenue and

expenditure increases and identifies a profit before and after capital items.

Action: STC Ensure that the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is

annually reviewed and updated to include all identified savings and

revenue increases and has an operating profit before and after capital


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) was reviewed as part of the draft 2019/20 Operational Plan and Budget

preparation. A councillor workshop was held to review the various scenario options. The LTFP with various modelling

scenarios and a detailed report were presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting in May. With the resolution

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being to adopt scenario two (2) which was then placed on public exhibition, during which time no comments were


Action: STC Review the Long Term Financial Plan to include all

identified savings and revenue increases and identifies an operating profit

before and after capital items for each year.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action is on-going and will start the review process in February 2019.

The LTFP review is going to the May Council Meeting.

STC 2.1.02 Pay Water and Sewer Dividends to the General Fund through increased Water and Sewer

charges (by approximately 5% per annum) and in accordance with Best Practice Guidelines.

Action: STC Review the Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan

according to the NSW Best Practice guidelines for water utilities.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A gap analysis has been prepared by GHD as the first phase of the requirements of a full Integrated Water Cycle

Management (IWCM) plan. A report will be provided to determine the cost benefit of complying with this aspect of State

Government Best Practice Guidelines. This item has been budgeted for full completion in the 2019/2020 financial year.

STC 2.1.03 Pay Debt Guarantee Fees from the Water, Sewer and Quarry Funds to the General Fund in

accordance with National Competition Principles and best practise guidelines.

Action: STC Ensure maximum allowable water and sewer dividends

are transferred to the General Fund and that IWCM and Best Practice

Requirements are completed.

Progressing 60%

Annual Comment

Council have been advised by the relevant authority that it needs a special report written to be able to recoup past

dividends not taken up. This report will cost us a significant amount of money. Keith has now tasked this process to

Scott Ross to write the necessary reports.

STC 2.1.04 Ensure that fees and charges are set based on cost recovery where allowable and reasonably


Action: STC Review fees and charges annually as part of the

Operational Plan and Budget process to ensure that they are set based on

cost recovery where allowable and reasonably affordable.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Completed as part of the 2019/20 Annual Budget and Operational Plan preparation.

STC 2.1.05 Budget for ongoing capital expenditure over and above the required amount to continue

addressing the infrastructure backlog.

Action: STC Ensure that the amount budgeted each year for capital

expenditure is such that it addresses the infrastructure backlog.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action is ongoing as part of the Annual Budget and Operational Plan preparation. The 2019/20 budget has

addressed the Asset Management Plan for Capital Infrastructure spend.

STC 2.1.06 Use the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme funding of $5million to address the entire bridge

infrastructure backlog and $1million in road infrastructure backlog.

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Action: STC Allocate the budget for future bridge capital works in

accordance with the funding guidelines for the Local Infrastructure

Renewals Scheme (LIRS).

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) for bridges renewal program has been fully allocated in Council's long

term financial plan.

STC 2.1.09 Investigate the potential of wind tower placement on the "Wattle Vale" property.

Action: STC Investigation is completed to determine if wind towers

can be erected at Wattle Vale.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action has been investigated and found to not be viable.

STC 2.1.10 Strengthen working relationships and cooperation with neighbouring councils by understanding

opportunities associated with the proposed New England Joint Organisation (NEJO) in terms of (1) Regional

Strategic Planning and Priority Setting, (2) Intergovernmental Collaboration, and (3) Regional Leadership,

and potentially (4) Strategic Capacity Building, (5) Shared Service Delivery and (6) Other Functions.

Action: STC Regularly attend meetings of and participate in the

New England Joint Organisation's functions with the view of identifying

opportunities for potential cost savings for Council and better regional

collaboration and advocacy.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Meetings have been attended and the value of the Joint Organisation is recognised.

STC 2.1.11 Strengthen working relationships and cooperation with neighbouring councils by maintaining

and nurturing relationships with State and Federal Government agencies, NEGOC/NEJO member councils,

and Northern Inland Regional Development Australia (RDANI).

Action: STC Attend meetings of and participate in the activities of

the New England Joint Organisation on a regular basis; through which

contact with Government Agencies and Regional Development Australia

within the regional context will be maintained.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Meetings have been held and the activities of Regional Development Australia / Government are supported.

STC 2.1.12 Be a leading NSW Council with regard to procurement strategies and processes.

Action: STC Ensure that Council and the Procurement Committee

are well informed of Local Government Procurement (LGP) initiatives and

maintain close relationships with Local Government Procurement staff.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's Finance team continues to maintain a strong relationship with Local Government Procurement (LGP) and

provides updates as required to Manex on a monthly basis.

STC 2.1.13 Implement Council's Enterprise Risk Management System.

Action: STC Provide ongoing training and support to staff in the

use of the Pulse Enterprise Risk Management system to promote the

effective use of the system.

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

The Enterprise Risk Management System has been continually used in most areas across Council. The Risk and

Compliance Coordinator's role was vacant for the majority of the year and filled on a casual part time basis during June,

since this time training has started for new staff.

STC 2.1.14 Ensure the External Audit mechanism is ready for implementation when made compulsory.

Action: STC Complete all documentation as required by the Office

of Local Government to establish an internal audit function.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Some Internal Audit function documentation has been drafted. Guidance in the form of a discussion paper around

establishing an Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is expected from the Office of Local Government which will

provide further direction. It needs to be noted that establishing an Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is not

compulsory for Councils until six (6) months after their next Ordinary Council Election.

STC 2.1.15 Pursue the strategic and operational actions within the Work Health and Safety Plan to further

improve Council's WHS standards and ensure a safe and productive work environment.

Action: STC Review and update Council’s site specific risk

assessment processes / site safety management forms to ensure that they

adequately identify and address all potential risks and that they include:

• Use of the Hierarchy of Controls.

• Risk descriptor tables for staff to better assess risks.

• The requirement for site supervisors to refer risks that they cannot

address up the line of reporting.

• Identification of all hazardous substances that are on site. (WHS

Management Plan)

Progressing 70%

Annual Comment

A draft risk assessment form has been developed and sent to relevant staff for review. Council's SafeHold risk

assessment system is being use to capture and monitor all identified hazards. Despite progress in some areas, this item

has not been completed and therefore has been rolled over for completion in Council's Operational Plan 2019-2020.

Action: STC Assess and implement controls to address risks

associated with working in extreme hot or cold temperatures, in

accordance with the SafeWork Code of Practice “Work in Hot and Cold

Environments”. Controls may include:

• Policies / procedures for working in hot or cold conditions.

• Site specific Safety Management plans or the equivalent. (WHS

Management Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Environmental Hazard Guidelines and associated risk assessment tools have been completed, consulted on and

approved, and will be implemented during the next few months.

Action: STC Develop a comprehensive procedure that specifies

when employee health monitoring is required and the monitoring measures

to be taken, considering exposure to hazardous noise levels, infectious

diseases, etc., in addition to chemicals listed in Schedule 14 of the WHS

Regulations. (WHS Management Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A Work Health and Safety (WHS) Health Monitoring Procedure has been developed, consulted on and approved, and

will be implemented in the coming months. Regular health monitoring is already being conducted for most at risk

employee groups, including dust disease checks, skin checks, functional assessments, hearing checks and occupational


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Action: STC Prepare specifications and request quotations for the

completion of a legal compliance review by external WHS legal experts, to

assess the compliance of Glen Innes Severn Council's WHS management

systems against WHS laws (including a review of the Due Diligence

Framework). (WHS Management Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A consultant has been engaged to conduct the audit, which has been completed. Council is currently waiting on the final


Action: STC Review Council's Emergency Management Plan(s) in

accordance with AS 3745 “Planning for Emergencies in Facilities” to

ensure that all potential emergency situations throughout Council are

identified and have procedures, equipment, training and other relevant

information in place. (WHS Management Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

An Emergency Preparedness Plan has been completed, consulted on, approved and distributed, and will be

implemented over the coming months.

STC 2.1.16 Pursue the strategic and operational actions within the Records Strategic / Operational Plan to

further improve Council's record keeping procedures and achieve compliance with required standards.

Action: STC Develop a procedure that specifies document control

requirements including the document identification structure, review

process and timeframes, removal of obsolete documentation from

circulation, etc. Implement a process to ensure all documents are clearly

identified in a consistent manner, routinely reviewed at specified times and

removed from circulation when obsolete. (WHS Management Plan)

Progressing 75%

Annual Comment

Most Work Health and Safety (WHS) documents have been identified and included in a central register and a draft

document control policy has been developed. This item needs further development and has been carried over to

Council's 2019-2020 Operational Plan for completion.

Action: STC Provide an effective records management service,

including the effective management of electronic and hard copy records

and the provision of timely and knowledgeable service to customers.

(Records Strategic / Operational Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

All regular records management actions are being met. Additional training has also been organised for staff to improve

their record keeping skills.

STC 2.1.17 Consider a "Special Rate Variation" if surpluses generated do not provide sufficient funds to

meet the community’s expectations.

Action: STC That the Chief Financial Officer and Manex Team

consider a "Special Rate Variation" when reviewing the Long Term

Financial Plan (LTFP) as part of the 2019/20 budget process if surpluses

generated do not provide sufficient funds to meet the community's


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This will be discussed as part of the Operational Plan and Budget preparation in February, when the LTFP is reviewed.

It was decided by Manex at one of the Budget Meetings not to persue a Special Rate Variation in the near future.

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STC 2.2 Pursue the attraction of external grants (in addition to FAGs, R2R or block grant

funding) in order to improve services, infrastructure and initiatives otherwise not attainable.

STC 2.2.1 Seek funding opportunities to assist in offsetting annual Operational Plan expenditure.

Action: STC Council's Grants officer seeks funding opportunities to

assist in offsetting annual Operational Plan expenditure.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Detailed reporting of successful grant funding is provided to Council monthly. In the 2018/19 period Council has been

successful in achieving $9,732,216 in Grant Funding of which $3,561,311 has been achieved since Dennis McIntyre

became Grants Officer in October 2018.

STC 3 :Attract, retain and value a highly skilled and committed


STC 3.1 Engage and empower staff to develop ownership and responsibility for outcomes

with a 'can do' attitude.

STC 3.1.1 Undertake two (2) "all of staff" meetings annually where information from Manex members can

be relayed to the full staff complement.

Action: STC Undertake two (2) "all of staff" meetings during the

year, where information from Manex members is relayed to the full staff


Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Two (2) all of staff meetings have been held. One (1) to celebrate 365 days with no lost time injury (LTI) the Manex

Team arranged for an informal staff function at Eerindi Ponds in October. The other an informal afternoon get to together

for everyone to meet and chat with the Interim General Manager, Mark Riley.

STC 3.1.2 Distribute six (6) bi-monthly staff newsletters each year with topical information about current

projects and new/departing staff members.

Action: STC Distribute six (6) informative bi-monthly staff

newsletters each with topical information about current / upcoming

projects and new or departing staff members.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Four (4) staff newsletters were distributed throughout the year.

STC 3.1.3 Pursue the strategic and operational actions within the Workforce Plan to further establish

Council as an employer of choice.

Action: STC Implement succession planning strategies to ensure

that relief staff have been trained up to fill the critical position of Human

Resources Officer (Payroll) in the event that the position is vacated.

(Enterprise Risk Management)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A staff member has been appointed and trained to act in the role of HRO (Payroll) during times when the usual

incumbent is absent. An additional casual staff member has also been trained to act in the position in the event of a

vacancy or absence occurring.

Action: STC Conduct a review of the outcomes from the 2018

StateCover Work Health and Safety (WHS) Self-Audit and Council's WHS

Completed 100%

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Management Plan, to ensure that they align with each other and that there

are no discrepancies between the two (2) documents. (Workforce Plan)

Annual Comment

The WHS Self-Audit has been completed and verified by StateCover. Council has compared the action plan generated

by the audit with the actions already included in Council's WHS Management Plan. Any required adjustments or updates

will be included in the scheduled review of the Plan occurring in early 2019-2020.

Action: STC Complete a group and departmental structure review,

update the organisation structure and develop an organisation profile.

Develop annual departmental work plans (operational plans) to inform the

priorities, work and effort. (Workforce Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

This action item has been completed on an as needed basis, with periodic reviews completed to ensure that the

organisation structure aligns with the Workforce Plan and Council's operational requirements. Full departmental work

plans are developed annually and included in each year's Operational Plan.

Action: STC Engage an external provider to conduct an employee

engagement survey, using survey data to measure the effectiveness of

workforce planning and HR programs and initiatives and incorporating

subsequent actions into future programs. (Workforce Plan)

Progressing 50%

Annual Comment

A consultant has been engaged to complete the survey, with it originally scheduled to occur in late May. However, on

the consultant's advice, the survey has been carried over to 2019-2020, allowing time for Council to recruit a new

General Manager and have this major change in place and settled down before surveying staff.

Action: STC Conduct a change readiness audit and develop a

change management plan to integrate local government reform and change

priorities into key strategic, operational and organisation plans, developing

partnerships with key stakeholders to support the organisation and

workforce in dealing with changes within the local government sector.

(Workforce Plan)

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

Due to the time constraints imposed by a number of other large projects, this action was not completed. It has been

carried forward for completion in Council's Operational Plan 2019-2020.

Action: STC Monitor and account for material changes to the Long

Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan and other elements of the

Delivery Program and adjust workforce planning and management actions

accordingly. (Workforce Plan)

Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

Council's Long Term Financial Plan was revised and distributed for public comment at the end of May 2019. No changes

have occurred with the Asset Management Plans. Accordingly, it was not necessary or possible to adjust workforce

planning requirements in 2018-2019 and this item will be carried forward to be completed when required.

Action: STC Develop and introduce specific plans, systems and

procedures for transferring the knowledge and experience of older workers

to other employees before they fully retire from the workforce. (Workforce

Plan / Mature Age Workforce Program)

Progressing 50%

Annual Comment

Council already has some procedures in place to assist with the achievement of this objective; however, further work is

required. Other large projects during the year prevented the finalisation of this item, with further work to be carried out in


Action: STC Implement a formal succession planning process for

mature age workers based on the information acquired from the 2017/2018

Progressing 30%

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skills audit and review the future skill requirements of Council on a regular

basis, engaging senior management in this process. (Workforce Plan /

Mature Age Workforce Program)

Annual Comment

Other work commitments prevented this item from being completed, although some policies and procedures have been

developed. It will be completed in the new financial year.

Action: STC Develop a Part-Time Work Policy and Part-Time Work

Procedures for retirees that include all relevant information about

opportunities for part-time work and how to apply for such work, as set out

in Council's Mature Age Workforce Program. (Workforce Plan / Mature Age

Workforce Program)

Progressing 30%

Annual Comment

As with most other actions relating to the mature age workforce, this item requires further work but did not reach

completion during the year due to unexpected work commitments in other areas. It will be reviewed and completed in

the new financial year.

Action: STC Review Council’s Working from Home Policy to ensure

that it meets the needs of older workers or potential retirees who may be

experiencing difficulties starting or finishing work at a particular time

because of family care commitments, excessive travel times or other

obstacles. (Workforce Plan / Mature Age Workforce Program)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

The Working from Home Policy and Working from Home Agreement were reviewed in consultation with relevant staff and

adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting in October 2018.

Action: STC Investigate the potential and options for Part-Year

Work Agreements, Purchased Leave Agreements or Special Leave Without

Pay Arrangements as possible options for designated employees to

prepare for their transition to retirement. (Workforce Plan / Mature Age

Workforce Program)

Progressing 60%

Annual Comment

A considerable number of policies and procedures are in place to support these objectives; however, further work is

required to ensure that the needs of potential retirees are met. Further review and updating of policies and procedures

will occur in 2019-2020.

Action: STC Liaise with local Aboriginal community members /

organisations and deliver training to assist Aboriginal candidates to

prepare quality applications for job vacancies with Council. (EEO

Management Plan / Aboriginal Employment Strategy)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES) has been updated in consultation with members of the local Aboriginal

community. Training is available as required, on an ongoing basis.

STC 3.1.4 Implement the new staff performance management system with an emphasis on achieving

Council's strategic and operational goals, and achieving excellence in customer service.

Action: STC Implement Council's new staff performance

management system by: completing annual performance appraisals,

matching skills to job requirements for new employees, training staff in the

correct design and implementation of appraisal and assessment systems,

ensuring appraisal systems match Council's strategic vision and goals.

(Workforce Plan)

Completed 100%

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Annual Comment

The staff performance management system has been implemented; however, further ongoing work is required on the

development of the skills component and additional training and / or assistance for managers and other staff is required.

A considerable amount of work has been completed on the skills mapping at the conclusion of the year.

STC 3.2 Instill with staff the culture to deliver quality work the first time; for things to be

done once and done right – acknowledging the impact of budgetary constraints on this

policy direction.

STC 3.2.1 Provide ample professional development opportunities for staff to further develop into a

competent and dynamic workforce with career path opportunities.

Action: STC Develop and implement an integrated capability

program that concentrates efforts on up-skilling, cross-skilling, multi-

skilling and retraining the workforce. Develop and implement a future

capability program that concentrates effort on critical knowledge, skills and

attributes that will be required over the next five years. (Workforce Plan)

Progressing 50%

Annual Comment

Council has some policies and procedures in place to assist in achieving this objective; however, an across-the-board

review is still required. This was not completed within the deadline due to other unexpected projects taking up time. This

action has been included for completion in Council's Operational Plan 2019-2020.

STC 3.2.2 Introduce regular Quality Audits across community services to ensure compliance with all

standards in order to meet funding and support requirements.

Action: STC Conduct audits regularly to ensure compliance with all

standards, funding and support requirements are being met.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

A new Policy Statement Register was completed in June to comply with the new Aged Care Quality Standards and an

audit will occur at a time convenient to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Many practical exercises have

taken place in the Life Choices - Support Services team with the Direct Support Team performing particularly well and

demonstrating a strong understanding of the new Standards and their implementation.

Third Party Verification took place against the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards and

some corrective actions are required to meet these standards. These actions are being worked on by a small working

party and good progress is being made.

STC 3.2.3 Improve the quality and quantity of work completed by the Directorate of Infrastructure Services

teams by holding them accountable.

Action: STC Improve the quality and quantity of work being

completed by the Infrastructure Services department by holding work

teams accountable for their actions and including a new quality control

position within the Infrastructure Services staffing structure.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Staff non-performance is routinely addressed by appropriate disciplinary action. Resources have been allocated to allow

staff to use initiative to complete projects in a proper manner, and staff are commended for quality workmanship as


Action: STC The operations of council plant and fleet is monitored

using GPS enabled vehicle tracking equipment.

Not Progressing 0%

Annual Comment

This initiative was not implemented due to workload resulting from staff changeover.

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STC 4:Improve communication within the organisation.

STC 4.1 Promote effective interdepartmental communication.

STC 4.1.1 Improve ICT services with a focus on effective communication, e.g. new Intranet, IP telephone

system, etc.

Action: STC Finalise the purchase and deployment of Council's new

IP telephone / communications system. (ICT Strategic Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council has purchased all required licencing for the new Internet Protocol (IP) telephone system. Handsets have been

purchased and installed at all worksites. The migration of all existing Telstra CustomNet services has been completed,

initially to a temporary diversion platform and then to the Microsoft Calling for Office 365 platform. Testing and

troubleshooting have been completed and the system is working. Further refinements will be made in the coming year.

STC 4.1.2 Ensure that adequate emphasis is placed on communication skills when recruiting for new staff.

Action: STC Align communication skills / behaviours with

recruitment and selection processes to support the selection of new staff

who have communication skills that meet or exceed requirements for the

positions applied for. Implement those actions from the Workforce Plan

that enhance effective communication. (Workforce Plan)

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Council's recruitment program has been progressively updated and continues to be updated to address this item, taking

advantage of new technology as it becomes available, for example, online skill assessments to ensure a good job match.

Council has also purchased the Scout Talent cloud-based recruitment system, which will be implemented from July 2019

onward, bringing further improvements to the recruitment process.

STC 5:Optimise the use of Council’s main administrative buildings.

STC 5.1 Explore options relating to the potential consolidation of the administration offices

and the redevelopment of the Town Hall.

STC 5.1.1 Investigate the upgrade and refurbishment of the Town Hall, maximising the existing office space

and the potential of co-locating the Church Street Office to the Town Hall Office.

Action: STC Engage external consultants to formalise detailed Plans

to refurbish the Town Hall Offices to enable co-location of the Church

Street Office staff within Town Hall, in conjunction with STC below.

Completed 100%

Annual Comment

Tender documentation has been completed for the refurbishment of the Town Hall. A report will be prepared to go to

Council meeting in April. This project was deferred by Council subject to other alternative office spaces being available.