ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient...

ANNUAL REPORT October 2016 Promoting through philanthropy the rule of law, access to justice, and law-related education

Transcript of ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient...

Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the



Promoting through philanthropy the rule of law, access to justice, and law-related education

Page 2: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Table of Contents

Our Mission ............................................... 3

Letter from the Foundation President .............................4

The State of the Foundation .........................................6

Our People ................................................ 12

Board of Directors ............................. 12

Our Fellows ......................................... 13

Our Grants ............................................... 18

Our Donors ...............................................22

Our Financial Year ................................ 24

105 Whitewood Road • Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 804.648.0112 • Fax: 804.643.6340

[email protected]

Page 3: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Our MissionTo promote, through philanthropy, the rule of law, access to justice, and law-related education.

We believe that no resident of Virginia should ever be

denied meaningful access to justice. Through our

passion, people, and partnerships, the Virginia Law Foundation

is determined and proud to make a meaningful impact on the

lives of real people to best fulfill our lofty mission.

Our grant program supports law-related projects throughout

the Commonwealth that:

• Offer improved access to legal assistance for the

underserved, either directly or by facilitating the

coordination of better-integrated networks of competent,

affordable legal representation and assistance.

• Cultivate an appreciation and understanding of the Rule

of Law in society as a foundation of peace, stability, and


• Provide education in support of the above ideals

Our Fellows program encourages civic-mindedness and

recognizes excellence in the practice of law and public service.

Virginia CLE® provides not-for-profit continuing education

seminars and publications by Virginia lawyers, for Virginia


Page 4: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


I am pleased to report that the effort to revitalize and

modernize the Virginia Law Foundation continued during

the past year, with major changes in the governance of

the Foundation. Through the efforts of Board member

Steve Busch (Fellows Class of 2012), we have rewritten our

bylaws and made significant changes in the operation of the

Foundation. Most important, in my view, is the removal of the

walls that had existed between the Virginia Law Foundation

and its Continuing Legal Education Committee.

The success of Virginia CLE® under the leadership of Ray

White has opened the door to many improvements of the

Foundation. The move of the offices to Charlottesville

continues to reduce the operating expense of the Foundation

while at the same time enabling the Foundation to benefit

from the close proximity to Virginia CLE®. Having Ray

serve as the director of both organizations has brought

us the success that we hoped for and has helped both

organizations thrive. Teresa Moore has been simply terrific in

the daily administration of the Foundation. Now that the two

organizations are operating as one, Virginia’s lawyers should

see significant improvement in the programs of both as well

as an increase in the grant-making ability of the Foundation.

The financial status of the Foundation is as good as it has

been in many years. We continue to process and make

grants to organizations that promote access to justice, the

rule of law, and law-related education. We will have awarded

over $325,000 in grants this past year to eleven different

organizations. These grants are detailed later in this report.

In the aftermath of the Virginia State Bar ending its Midyear

Legal Seminar after forty-two years, Virginia CLE® is offering

a seminar in London, which promises to continue the tradition

of lawyers and judges traveling and learning together in an

atmosphere of collegiality. Additionally, the Foundation and

Virginia CLE® worked together to bring John Dean to the

Letter from the Foundation President

Page 5: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Virginia Holocaust Museum for a CLE ethics program focusing

on the history of Watergate and the ethical consideration

facing the lawyers in the Nixon White House. Later that day,

the Rule of Law Award was presented to Dr. Charles Sydnor

by the Holocaust Museum and the Foundation. An impressive

turnout of both lawyers and non-lawyers enjoyed the day at

the Museum. The other Experience CLE programs begun under

President Epps continue to be a success, including The Second

Annual Constitutional Institute at George Washington’s Mount

Vernon and CLE programs paired with Nationals baseball,

Wizards basketball, and Capitals hockey games.

Our Fellows have been organized, and the future looks

bright for the broadening of participation in the Foundation.

In January, we inducted twenty-one new Fellows. Judge

Manny Capsalis (Fellows Class of 2008) is the new Chair of the

Fellows Committee, and the Foundation is looking forward to

Judge Capsalis injecting into the Fellows programs the same

creativity and energy that he brought to the Virginia State Bar.

As I say at the Board meetings, it looks like the efforts of the past

few presidents and Ray White have indeed turned the Virginia

Law Foundation ship around in the water and have it moving in

the right direction. There is no doubt that under the leadership

of Pia Trigiani (Fellows Class of 2013) and Steve Busch, we

will continue to be the philanthropic arm of Virginia’s legal

community and a vital contributor to the three-prong mission

that we have devoted ourselves to for the past forty-two years.

It has been an honor and a privilege to be your president and

to work with so many talented and devoted people. Thank

you for that privilege.

Sincerely yours,

Irving M. Blank

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The Virginia Law Foundation has been reborn as a vibrant charity better equipped to help ensure that no Virginian is denied meaningful access to justice.

Maintaining an organization with the resources required to meet the philanthropic

needs of its constituents is an ongoing struggle for most foundations serving the

legal community. While the Virginia Law Foundation has done a laudable job

serving these needs, we have not been immune to the struggle to make ends meet.

Thus, in April 2016, the Foundation formalized our operational relationship with our

subsidiary, Virginia CLE®. Now, with a shared staff and a fresh infusion of necessary

yet modest financial resources, the Virginia Law Foundation has never been better

situated to meet the needs of legally underserved Virginians.

To date, the Foundation has provided over $24 million in grants to support

organizations offering access to legal assistance for the underserved, supporting rule

of law training in our schools, and providing legal education of the highest quality.

Still, for an organization that has such a broad interpersonal and financial reach

across the Commonwealth, we have recently been referred to as “Virginia’s best

kept secret.” While this description may have been rightfully attributed to the

Foundation up until now, we are poised to make it a thing of the past. What follows

will describe precisely how we intend to do so.

Our new logo, highlighting the Foundation’s connection with Virginia CLE®

In addition to a more modern look and feel, our new logo illustrates our connection

with Virginia CLE®. There is no better vehicle for promoting the Foundation’s good

works than through this affiliation, as nearly 40% of Virginia’s lawyers turned to

Virginia CLE® last year for their continuing legal education needs.

And so, Virginia CLE®’s “extended logo” that sits atop the website,

on emails, and on print materials has also been updated to include the Foundation’s

name. Additionally, Virginia CLE® emails now include a link to

the Foundation’s new website, providing instant access to our

philanthropic success stories.

The State of the Foundationby Ray White, Executive Director

Page 7: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Our new website shares the remarkable stories of those directly helped by grants from the Foundation

“Ray: The video that [new Foundation filmmakers]

Hailey and Bobby did on [cancer survivor] Chris and

Almon is fabulous! I must say that I did get quite

emotional watching it. It is so good. Thank you and the

VLF for doing the video. As soon as we premiere it at the

breakfast, I want to put it on our website.”Denise Kranich

Executive Director, Legal Information Network for Cancer (LINC)2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient

If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law

Foundation, it is the enhanced online presence we now

project through our recently launched, state-of-the-art,

visually driven website. Demonstrating the real impact we

have on real people, our new site is brimming with video

stories of those we help most and those among us who so

greatly contribute to our success in doing so.

Ours are stories about the people, the passion, and the

partnerships that define our beloved Foundation. They are

stories that will take you on an emotionally compelling journey

where you’ll hear directly from your friends and colleagues

about what it means to be a Fellow, why our constituents invest

in our mission, and what is most gratifying about donating time

to serve the Foundation. And perhaps most importantly, you will

learn from people you have probably never met, as they

describe the impact the Foundation makes on the lives of real

people in our local communities and across the Commonwealth.

I am proud to say that in developing the concept and design of this new website, I

was joined by a tireless working group of Virginia CLE®’s Senior Director of

Marketing and Communications Jennifer Oppenheimer and Senior Director of

Technology John McCullough. I should mention, too, that this world-class result

would not have been possible without the unparalleled expertise of the design

firm managing this process with us from beginning to end, Hatch Concept Studio

in Bristol, England.

See our new film stories at


Page 8: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


And, the remarkable videos anchoring our new site would not exist without the

combined efforts of Foundation Director of Operations Teresa Moore and

Virginia CLE®’s Director of Outreach Marcus Gaither. Along with our talented new

filmmakers Hailey Peterson and Bobby Swackhamer, they spent countless hours

this past summer visiting with and hearing the stories of people directly helped by

grants from the Virginia Law Foundation. Only after coming to fully understand the

depth of the problems faced by these Virginians, and the lengths to which our grant

recipients have gone to assist them, did we shoot the first frame. And it shows.

The films are spectacular. I invite you to go to right

now and see for yourself. They will make you smile, and they may even make you

cry. They may take your breath away, but above all, they will make you proud to be

a part of the Virginia Law Foundation.

Engaging our Fellows

Virginia Law Foundation Fellows are

the embodiment of what it means to

be a citizen lawyer. They not only

serve their clients at the highest level

of practice, but they also volunteer

on behalf of countless civic causes,

while also generously donating their

time and/or financial support to

further the Foundation’s mission.

One recent example of their shared

commitment to the highest ideals of

the legal profession can be found in the large number of Fellows who stepped

forward to volunteer their time to help Virginia CLE® create and teach what is now

known as the W. Scott Street III Reciprocity Program. This reciprocity program helps

educate attorneys eligible for Virginia bar admission without taking the bar exam. Not

only did these Fellows provide the necessary training to help ensure that these new

attorneys will maintain the highest level of law practice in the Commonwealth, but

they also enabled the Foundation to generate considerable revenue through the sale

of this course — funds that have been used to support our mission-related work.

Our Fellows are, in so many ways, the lifeblood of the Virginia Law Foundation.

One of my critical goals is to shine a new and bright light upon all they do for the

Foundation and for the citizens of Virginia. We will feature them on our new

website, in our new regular column in The Virginia Lawyer, and wherever else

possible, as when it comes to highlighting the good works of our Fellows in new,

creative, and philanthropic ways, as the old song goes, “We’ve Only Just Begun.”

Michael HuYoung and other Fellows discuss the Foundation at

Page 9: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Our Inaugural Fundraising Gala and Charity Golf Tournament

“First, congrats. It is difficult to get these events off the ground, and y’all

did an amazing job. The first priority is putting on an awesome event so

people will come back and create a buzz. You did both.”

Jonathan Blank, Esq.Partner, McGuireWoods, Virginia Law Foundation Fellow, Class of 2013

This September, the Virginia Law Foundation partnered with the Legal Aid Justice

Center and the Central Virginia Legal Aid Society to start what we hope will be a

long tradition of raising organizational awareness, celebrating our fellowship in the

fight to bring access to justice to all Virginians, and generating additional financial

support to aid in this fight, all while having just a plain old good time together.

Nearly one hundred guests joined us for

a gala and golf tournament at the

spectacular Independence Golf Club in

Midlothian. We danced Saturday night

away to the music of Rock and Roll Hall

of Fame legend Little Anthony and then

tore the golf course up (not literally —

except for me!) the following Monday.

By all accounts, both gala attendees

and golfers alike had a most wonderful

time, while our twenty-six sponsors

generously supported the events with

thousands of dollars. These sponsors,

from all corners of the legal and

business community, are listed on

our website, and we hope you will

appreciate their generosity as much

as we do.

We are hoping to continue to grow the

attendance for years to come and make

this THE event to which all of Virginia’s legal community will look forward to

sharing in. I should note, too, that Jonathan Blank (Fellows Class of 2013) and

Steve Isaacs (Fellows Class of 2014) were instrumental in making this event all it

could be, and we are truly grateful.Continued

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Legend Little Anthony Supports the Virginia Law Foundation. Hear why at

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Our bar association outreach

Over this past year, our outreach initiative to Virginia’s state and local bar

associations has been raising an awareness of the Foundation’s good works across

the Commonwealth. This new endeavor, led by Marcus Gaither and me, has already

resulted in a variety of mutually beneficial projects with the Old Dominion Bar

Association, the South Hampton Roads Bar Association, the Roanoke Bar

Association, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Bar Association, the Norfolk &

Portsmouth Bar Association, and the Virginia State Bar.

These projects include our providing gratis CLE programs, filmmaking collaborations

between the Foundation’s new film team and the Virginia State Bar, faculty and

author referrals from bar groups for Virginia CLE, member discounts to Virginia CLE®

programs, and information sharing in support of potential grant applications.

Our expanded presence at Virginia CLE® experiential programs

Subject: Experience Nashville with Virginia CLE: Ethics CLE, 2 Nights at Opryland, and Bluebird Cafe Concert

“… I want to commend you on putting together

CLE’s plus events like this one. I would absolutely

sign up for this or for some of the others like CLE

plus a sporting event or a play or other interesting

activities. Good work!”Customer email to Virginia CLE

Virginia CLE® proudly offers seminars and books of the highest quality to help

lawyers best serve their clients. We’re the market leader by far among the hundreds

of organizations, associations, and firms providing this service. This prominence is

the result of our staff’s hard work, our dedication to outstanding customer service,

and the generosity of volunteer faculty and authors who provided nearly $1 million

worth of in-kind service in 2015.

Still, rather than simply selling products and services, at the very top of my list of goals

is to build responsive, long-term relationships between the Virginia legal community,

the Virginia Law Foundation, and Virginia CLE®. One way I’ve sought to reach this

goal is to encourage our Program Attorneys to find entertaining and creative ways to

enhance the continuing legal education experience. Led by Rich DiMeglio and

Brian Bill, Virginia CLE® recently started offering what we call Experience CLE —

educational training combined with historical, sporting, and cultural events.

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From CLE at Nationals Park to CLE at the American

Shakespeare Center, from International Destination CLE to

CLE with Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean at

the Virginia Holocaust Museum — and with receptions

sponsored by the Virginia Law Foundation and by individual

Fellows such as Jay Weinberg (Fellows Class of 2002) — the

response has been extraordinary.

We also remain especially proud of

our Constitutional Institute at

George Washington’s Mount Vernon,

the uniquely Virginian experience

that just enjoyed a second sold-out

year. We are also excited to unveil

our Experience Nashville with

Virginia CLE®: Ethics CLE, Two

Nights at Opryland, and Private

Bluebird Cafe Concert this December. For more information on current and future

Experience CLE programs, please visit

The future

As you can see, with our consolidation of operations with Virginia CLE®, the

Virginia Law Foundation is better situated than ever to help ensure that no

Virginian is denied meaningful access to justice and to engage our Fellows to

make sure that is so.

As I’ve previously stated, through the generosity of our supporters, along with our

people, our passion, and our partnerships, the Virginia Law Foundation is able to

provide critical funding to many organizations that address otherwise unmet legal

needs across the Commonwealth. In the forty-two years since our inception, we

have provided over $24 million in grants. My goal now is to provide double that

level of support… in half the time.

And so to now close, please allow me to sincerely thank you for your interest, your

shared commitment to what we do, and your never-ending support. And let me

also assure you that to a person, our staff, officers, and directors will continue to be

thoughtful, creative, and careful stewards of our beloved Virginia Law Foundation

and that we will always be deeply grateful for your help.

Page 12: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Our People


Board of Directors 2016

PRESIDENT Irving M. Blank ParisBlank, LLP

PRESIDENT-ELECT Lucia Anna “Pia” Trigiani MercerTrigiani, LLP

VICE-PRESIDENT Stephen D. Busch McGuireWoods, LLP

SECRETARY Yvonne C. McGhee Virginia Bar Association

TREASURER Karen A. Gould Virginia State Bar

IMMEDIATE-PAST John D. Epps PRESIDENT Hunton & Williams, LLP (Retired)

CLE CHAIRMAN David P. Bobzien The McCammon Group

FELLOWS Hon. Manuel A. Capsalis COMMITTEE CHAIR Fairfax County General District Court

FELLOWS COMMITTEE Hon. Paul F. Sheridan APPOINTEE TO BOARD (Retired) The McCammon Group


Board Member Vickie H. Bibee Bibee Risk Management

Board Member Matthew E. Cheek Williams Mullen

Board Member Cyril F. Coombs Dominion Resources

Board Member James P. Cox, III MichieHamlett

Board Member Cynthia E. Hudson Office of the Virginia Attorney General

Board Member F. Anderson “Andy” Morse Director of Development, George Washington’s Mount Vernon

Board Member Cassandra L. Newby-Alexander, Ph.D. Norfolk State University

Board Member John M. Oakey, Jr. McGuireWoods, LLP (Retired)

Board Member Jan L. Proctor City of Chesapeake, VA

Board Member William L. Schmidt William L. Schmidt & Associates, PC

Board Member George W. Shanks Miller, Earle & Shanks, PLLC




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Fellows List as of January 2016:Benjamin C. Ackerly (Richmond) – Class of 2005Alan D. Albert (Norfolk) – Class of 2012Thomas E. Albro (Charlottesville) – Class of 1990George R. Aldhizer (Harrisonburg) – Class of January 1996Honorable Joanne F. Alper (Arlington) – Class of 2014Robert B. Altizer (Tazewell) – Class of 1998Phillip V. Anderson (Roanoke) – Class of 2007Honorable Rosemarie P. Annunziata (Fairfax) – Class of 2006David N. Anthony (Richmond) – Class of 2013Thomas L. Appler (McLean) – Class of 2011Michael Armstrong (Richmond) – Class of 1999Susan C. Armstrong (Richmond) – Class of June 1995Peter A. Artnson (Fairfax) – Class of 2007C. Breckenridge Arrington, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1999James Rudy Austin (Roanoke) – Class of June 1995William L. Babcock, Jr. (Alexandria) – Class of 2013Thomas R. Bagby (Roanoke) – Class of 2015Robert N. Baldwin (Richmond) – Class of 2000Honorable Gerald L. Baliles (Richmond) – Class of 1986James L. Banks, Jr. (Washington, DC) – Class of 2007Professor Jayne W. Barnard (Williamsburg) – Class of 2002Edward D. Barnes (Richmond) – Class of 2011Stanley G. Barr, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2004John W. Bates, III (Richmond) – Class of 1997David P. Baugh (Richmond) – Class of 2010Dennis I. Belcher (Richmond) – Class of 2006Craig D. Bell (Richmond) – Class of 2010Thomas G. Bell, Jr. (Staunton) – Class of 2003J. Edward Betts (Richmond) – Class of June 1995Honorable Thomas F. Betz, Jr. (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2007Joel M. Birken (Vienna) – Class of 1997Irving Michael Blank (Richmond) – Class of 2008Jonathan Todd Blank (Charlottesville) – Class of 2013A. Hugo Blankingship, Jr. (Fairfax) – Class of 1984David P. Bobzien (Fairfax) – Class of 2006Thomas J. Bondurant, Jr. (Roanoke) – Class of 2015Professor Richard J. Bonnie (Charlottesville) – Class of January 1995William L. Botts, III (Fredericksburg) – Class of 2009Evans B. Brasfield (Richmond) – Class of 1986Honorable James P. Brice (Roanoke) – Class of 2002Andrea L. Bridgeman (McLean) – Class of 2012William G. Broaddus (Richmond) – Class of June 1994Robert F. Brooks, Sr. (Richmond) – Class of 1989Daniel S. Brown (Roanoke) – Class of January 1996Frank Overton Brown, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2008Thomas C. Brown, Jr. (McLean) – Class of 1993


Tyler P. Brown (Richmond) – Class of 2016Honorable Albert V. Bryan, Jr. (Alexandria) – Class of 1990James E. Brydges, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2001Ann T. Burks (Richmond) – Class of 2009Peter C. Burnett (Leesburg) – Class of 2007Honorable R. Edwin Burnette, Jr. (Lynchburg) – Class of January 1995Robert L. Burrus, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1989Jack W. Burtch, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2013Beverly A. Burton (Richmond) – Class of 2008Stephen D. Busch (Richmond) – Class of 2012Benjamin M. Butler (Winchester) – Class of 2016Lynda Lee Butler (Williamsburg) – Class of 2010Marni E. Byrum (Alexandrea) – Class of 2012Robert L. Calhoun (Alexandria) – Class of 2013Honorable Manuel A. Capsalis (Arlington) – Class of 2008Grady K. Carlson (McLean) – Class of 2000Doris H. Causey (Richmond) – Class of 2016Thomas J. Cawley (McLean) – Class of 2010James L. Chapman, IV (Norfolk) – Class of 2016Matthew E. Cheek (Richmond) – Class of 2015Edward L. Chambers, Jr. (Yorktown) – Class of 2010Randolph W. Church, Jr. (McLean) – Class of 1991Morton H. Clark (Norfolk) – Class of 1991Whittington W. Clement (Richmond) – Class of June 1994Sylvia L. Clute (Richmond) – Class of June 1995John V. Cogbill, III (Richmond) – Class of 2003Bernard S. Cohen (Spotsylvania) – Class of 2015Honorable Sam W. Coleman, III (Richmond) – Class of 2003Joseph A. Condo (Vienna) – Class of 2002Honorable H. Vincent Conway, Jr. (Newport News) – Class of June 1994Craig S. Cooley (Richmond) – Class of 2000David P. Corrigan (Richmond) – Class of 2012

2016 Fellows Inductees


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James C. Cosby (Richmond) – Class of 2016James P. Cox, III (Charlottesville) – Class of 2011Timothy A. Coyle (Norfolk) – Class of 2004C. Richard Cranwell (Roanoke) – Class of 2012Roy V. Creasy (Roanoke) – Class of 2011William D. Cremins (Fairfax) – Class of 2003Honorable B. Waugh Crigler (Charlottesville) – Class of 2016Donald S. Culkin (Leesburg) – Class of 2014Honorable Richard Cullen (Richmond) – Class of 1991Honorable Jean W. Cunningham (Richmond) – Class of 2006Henry P. Custis, Jr. (Accomac) – Class of 2000Jeannie P. Dahnk (Fredericksburg) – Class of 2005James A. L. Daniel (Danville) – Class of 2001John W. Daniel, II (Richmond) – Class of 2012Honorable John J. Davies, III (Culpeper) – Class of 2004Larry W. Davis (Charlottesville) – Class of 2016Richard W. Davis (Radford) – Class of 1991Raymond J. Diaz (Vienna) – Class of 1993Professor A. Mechele Dickerson (Williamsburg) – Class of 2004Honorable Elizabeth K. Dillon (Salem) – Class of 2012Bernard J. DiMuro (Alexandria) – Class of June 1995Howard W. Dobbins (Richmond) – Class of 1984William D. Dolan, III (McLean) – Class of 1985Professor John E. Donaldson (Williamsburg) – Class of 1989Allan G. Donn (Norfolk) – Class of 1991John Barry Donohue, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2007Kathleen A. Dooley (Fredericksburg) – Class of 2015John G. Douglass (Richmond) – Class of 2010W. Birch Douglass, III (Richmond) – Class of 1991Honorable Robert G. Doumar (Norfolk) – Class of 2008Mark S. Dray (Richmond) – Class of 2003Clarence M. Dunnaville Jr. (Midlothian) – Class of 2013Honorable Mark L. Earley, Sr. (Landsdowne) – Class of 2005C. Thomas Ebel (Richmond) – Class of 2014V. Anne Edenfield (Roanoke) – Class of 2016Thomas A. Edmonds (Richmond) – Class of 1990Lauren M. Ellerman (Roanoke) – Class of 2016E. Tazewell Ellett (Washington, DC) – Class of 2006Eugene M. Elliott, Jr. (Roanoke) – Class of 2006John D. Epps (Richmond) – Class of 2011Patricia K. Epps (Richmond) – Class of 2008William W. Eskridge (Abingdon) – Class of 1987H. Bradley Evans, Jr. (Alexandria) – Class of 1999Cheshire I’anson Eveleigh (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2011Hugh M. Fain, III (Richmond) – Class of 2014Morris H. Fine (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2014Kimberly A. Fiske (Alexandria) – Class of 2015Daniel LeRoy Fitch (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2014Honorable Johanna L. Fitzpatrick (Alexandria) – Class of April 2006John R. Fletcher (Norfolk) – Class of 2007

Paul E. Fletcher (Richmond) – Class of 2008G. Franklin Flippin (Roanoke) – Class of 2000Mark K. Flynn (Richmond) – Class of 2015Paul D. Fraim (Norfolk) – Class of 2003Jeanne F. Franklin (Alexandria) – Class of 2003Thomas R. Frantz (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2013Linda D. Frith (Roanoke) – Class of 2014Philip G. Gardner (Martinsville) – Class of 2014Richard Ellis Garriott, Jr. (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2014Claire G. Gastanaga (Richmond) – Class of 2015Honorable Ernest P. Gates (Chesterfield) – Class of 2010Yvonne S. Gibney (Hanover) – Class of 2016Tracy Allen Giles (Roanoke) – Class of 2010Carl C. Gillespie, Jr. (Bluefield) – Class of 1988Nina J. Ginsberg (Alexandria) – Class of 2016Honorable J. Samuel Glasscock (Suffolk) – Class of 1991Michael A. Glasser (Norfolk) – Class of 2003Richard S. Glasser (Norfolk) – Class of 2012Robert Eastwood Glenn (Roanoke) – Class of 1998Robert C. Goodman, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2012Michal L. Goodove (Norfolk) – Class of 2015Allen C. Goolsby, III (Richmond) – Class of 1989Howard E. Gordon (Norfolk) – Class of 2008Honorable Marilynn C. Goss (Richmond) – Class of 2007Karen A. Gould (Richmond) – Class of 2008Stephanie E. Grana (Richmond) – Class of 2014George G. Grattan, IV (Earlysville) – Class of 1984Honorable Roger L. Gregory (Richmond) – Class of 1990Robert J. Grey, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1990Michael C. Guanzon (Danville) – Class of 2016Alex R. Gulotta (Charlottesville) – Class of 2005Douglas L. Guynn (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2001Virginia H. Hackney (Richmond) – Class of 1988Leslie A.T. Haley (Midlothian) – Class of 2015Phoebe P. Hall (Richmond) – Class of 2014Robert T. Hall (Reston) – Class of 1991Gary C. Hancock (Pulaski) – Class of January 1995Grayson P. Hanes (Falls Church) – Class of 1991Warren David Harless (Richmond) – Class of 2007Larry T. Harley (Marion) – Class of 2007Michael E. Harman (Glen Allen) – Class of 2016Reno S. Harp, III (Richmond) – Class of 1997Adam N. Harrell, Jr (Richmond) – Class of 2016F. Warren Haynie, Jr. (Lottsburg) – Class of 2014John T. Hazel, Jr. (Falls Church) – Class of 1988Wilbur Lee Hazlegrove (Roanoke) – Class of 1986Timothy J. Heaphy (Charlottesville) – Class of 2016William H. Hefty (Richmond) – Class of 2014Michael N. Herring (Richmond) – Class of 2010Elizabeth G. Hester (Richmond) – Class of 2012

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George H. Hettrick (Richmond) – Class of 1998Steven L. Higgs (Roanoke) – Class of 2008James M. Hingeley (Charlottesville) – Class of 2005Philip J. Hirschkop (Alexandria) – Class of 1991Glenn M. Hodge (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2001Honorable A. Linwood Holton, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1987Lawrence H. Hoover, Jr. (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2005Honorable Thomas D. Horne (Leesburg) – Class of 2016Waller H. Horsley (Richmond) – Class of 1984Professor A.E. Dick Howard (Charlottesville) – Class of 1989Jon D. Huddleston (Leesburg) – Class of 2011Cynthia E. Hudson (Richmond) – Class of 2015James L. Hutton (Blacksburg) – Class of 1991Michael HuYoung (Richmond) – Class of 2010Robert J. Ingram (Pulaski) – Class of 1989Stephen A. Isaacs (Richmond) – Class of 2014Brian K. Jackson (Richmond) – Class of 2010Linda M. Jackson (McLean) – Class of 2014Honorable Raymond A. Jackson (Norfolk) – Class of 1990Honorable Marc Jacobson (Norfolk) – Class of 2007Gus J. James, II (Norfolk) – Class of 2006Lori Elliott Jarvis (Richmond) – Class of 2009James W. Jennings (Roanoke) – Class of 1997James F. Johnson (Roanoke) – Class of 1991Thomas G. Johnson, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of June 1995F. Claiborne Johnston, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1991William A. Johnston, III (Winchester) – Class of 1991Reginald N. Jones (Richmond) – Class of 1991Phyllis C. Katz (Richmond) – Class of 2009Joseph C. Kearfott (Richmond) – Class of 2005John A.C. Keith (Fairfax) – Class of 2000Honorable M. Langhorne Keith (Fairfax) – Class of June 1995Talfourd H. Kemper (Roanoke) – Class of June 1994Randy Parris Kendrick (Paradise Valley, AZ) – Class of 1987Honorable Donald Hall Kent (Richmond) – Class of 2000Neil S. Kessler (Richmond) – Class of 2009Donald E. King (Richmond) – Class of 2016Ray W. King (Norfolk) – Class of 2008Honorable Cynthia D. Kinser (Pennington Gap) – Class of 2016William L. Kirby, III (Martinsville) – Class of 2010Arlene F. Klinedinst (Norfolk) – Class of 2016James W. Korman (Arlington) – Class of 2003Honorable Elizabeth B. Lacy, Senior Justice (Richmond) – Class of 2008David Craig Landin (Richmond) – Class of 1988Honorable David W. Lannetti (Norfolk) – Class of 2011Kamala H. Lannetti (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2015Francis McQuaid Lawrence (Charlottesville) – Class of 2007Thomas T. Lawson (Daleville) – Class of 1992

Honorable William H. Ledbetter, Jr. (Fredericksburg) – Class of 2007Alexander N. Levay (Leesburg) – Class of 2006Professor John M. Levy (Williamsburg) – Class of 1991Glenn C. Lewis (Washington, DC) – Class of 2009John E. Lichtenstein (Roanoke) – Class of 2012Professor Graham C. Lilly (Charlottesville) – Class of 2002Donald D. Litten (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2006Mark D. Loftis (Roanoke) – Class of 2008Edward B. Lowry (Charlottesville) – Class of 1999Jacob Andrew Lutz, III (Richmond) – Class of 2013R. Peyton Mahaffey (Fairfax) – Class of 2011Christopher M. Malone (Richmond) – Class of 2008Keith B. Marcus (Richmond) – Class of 2016Brian R. Marron (Richmond) – Class of 2011Gail Starling Marshall (Rapidan) – Class of 1987Heman A. Marshall, III (Roanoke) – Class of 2000George Keith Martin, III (Richmond) – Class of 2000Howard W. Martin, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 1997Kevin E. Martingayle (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2016Darrel Tillar Mason (Manakin Sabot) – Class of 2015William T. Mason, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of June 1994Wade W. Massie (Abingdon) – Class of 2001Vincent J. Mastracco, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2005Joseph A. Matthews, Jr. (Roanoke) – Class of 2009Alexander T. Mayo, Jr. (Suffolk) – Class of 1984J. Robert McAllister, III (McLean) – Class of 1997Eugene W. McCaul (Mechanicsville) – Class of 1998James M. McCauley (Richmond) – Class of 2003Professor John C. McCoid, III (Charlottesville) – Class of 1988Howard C. McElroy (Abingdon) – Class of 2002John D. McGavin (Fairfax) – Class of 2006Henry W. McLaughlin, III (Richmond) – Class of 1991Thomas F. McPhaul (Norfolk) – Class of 1991Charles V. McPhillips (Norfolk) – 2011Martha JP McQuade (Alexandria) – Class of 2014Frank O. Meade (Danville) – Class of 1989James V. Meath (Richmond) – Class of 2007Martha White Medley (Danville) – Class of 2008C. Kailani Memmer (Salem) – Class of 2009David S. Mercer (McLean) – Class of 2005Professor Richard Austin Merrill (Charlottesville) – Class of January 1986Louis A. Mezzullo (Rancho Santa Fe, CA) – Class of January 1995Steven L. Micas (Chesterfield) – Class of 2004Honorable Thomas J. Michie, Jr. (Charlottesville) – Class of 2001Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr. (Charlottesville) – Class of 1985Honorable Andrew B. Miller, III (Richmond) – Class of 1986Frank B. Miller, III (Richmond) – Class of 1999Honorable Nathan H. Miller (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2014


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H. Victor Millner, Jr. (Chatham) – Class of 1991Robert T. Mitchell, Jr. (Winchester) – Class of 2010Honorable Wiley Francis Mitchell, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 1989Monica T. Monday (Roanoke) – Class of 2011S. D. Roberts Moore (Roanoke) – Class of 1989T. Justin Moore (Richmond) – Class of 2008Thurston R. Moore (Richmond) – Class of 2006James W. Morris, III (Richmond) – Class of 1987Philip B. Morris (Richmond) – Class of 1992Clinton S. Morse (Roanoke) – Class of 2011G. Marshall Mundy (Roanoke) – Class of 1992Kenneth B. Murov (Newport News) – Class of 2012Gregory L. Murphy (Alexandria) – Class of 2004Honorable W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. (Warsaw) – Class of 2002Mathew B. Murray (Charlottesville) – Class of 2011William G. Murray (Arlington) – Class of 1999Elizabeth P. Murtagh (Charlottesville) – Class of 2012Jay B. Myerson (Reston) – Class of 2014James F. Neale (Charlottesville) – Class of 2014Margaret A. Nelson (Lynchburg) – Class of 2010Stephen Edward Noona (Norfolk) – Class of 2014Stephen A. Northup (Richmond) – Class of January 1995Honorable David J. Novak (Richmond) – Class of 2010Lonnie D. Nunley III (Richmond) – Class of 2014Robert C. Nusbaum (Norfolk) – Class of 1986John M. Oakey, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of January 1996Edward Linscott Oast, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 1987Kathleen O’Brien (McLean) – Class of January 1996John H. O’Brion, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of January 1996John D. O’Neill, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2007Scott C. Oostdyk (Richmond) – Class of 2016J. Lee E. Osborne (Roanoke) – Class of 2013G. Michael Pace, Jr. (Roanoke) – Class of 2010Thomas C. Palmer, Jr. (Manassas) – Class of 1992Sharon E. Pandak (Prince William) – Class of 2000Hugh L. Patterson (Norfolk) – Class of 1984W. David Paxton (Roanoke) – Class of 2014David A. Penrod (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2009Honorable Nicholas E. Persin (Grundy) – Class of January 1996Susan M. Pesner (McLean) – Class of 2004Don W. Piacentini (Hanover) – Class of 2013Stephen R. Pickard (Alexandria) – Class of 1999C. Cotesworth Pinckney (Richmond) – Class of 2007Christine L. Poarch (Salem) – Class of 2015Henry R. Pollard, IV (Henrico) – Class of 2014Overton P. Pollard (Richmond) – Class of 2004Anita Owings Poston (Norfolk) – Class of June 1994Virginia W. Powell (Richmond) – Class of 1998Debra Jean Prillaman (Richmond) – Class of 1987Jan L. Proctor (Chesapeake) – Class of 2015

Glenn W. Pulley (Danville) – Class of 2012J. Waverly Pulley, III (Richmond) – Class of 2012William E. Rachels, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2003Gordon F. Rainey, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2005William R. Rakes (Roanoke) – Class of 1993Alfred M. Randolph, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2010Stuart A. Raphael (Richmond) – Class of 2015Joseph Paul Rapisarda, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2001Alan B. Rashkind (Norfolk) – Class of 2001Gant Redmon (Alexandria) – Class of 2006President W. Taylor Reveley, III (Williamsburg) – Class of January 1996Joseph W. Richmond, Jr. (Charlottesville) – Class of June 1995Linda F. Rigsby (Richmond) – Class of 2008Michael L. Rigsby (Richmond) – Class of 2010Carlyle C. Ring, Jr. (Washington, DC) – Class of 2010George H. Roberts, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1992Patricia E. Roberts (Williamsburg) – Class of 2016Russell H. Roberts (Fredericksburg) – Class of 1988Gregory B. Robertson (Richmond) – Class of 2013Melissa Walker Robinson (Roanoke) – Class of 2013Honorable Frank W. Rogers, III (Roanoke) – Class of 2007Nancy N. “Newnie” Rogers (Richmond) – Class of 2003Sandra Rohrstaff (Alexandria) – Class of 2014Robert M. Rolfe (Richmond) – Class of 2016Judith L. Rosenblatt (Virginia Beach) – Class of 2012Steven D. Rosenfield (Charlottesville) – Class of 2012Stephen D. Rosenthal (Richmond) – Class of 2011Mark E. Rubin (Richmond) – Class of 2003M. Pierce Rucker (Richmond) – Class of 2015Douglas P. Rucker, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1998D. Alan Rudlin (Richmond) – Class of 2006Honorable Charles S. Russell (Richmond) – Class of 1990John M. Ryan (Norfolk) – Class of 1989Stanley L. Samuels (Norfolk) – Class of 1998Honorable Toy Dixon Savage, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 1987Edward E. Scher (Richmond) – Class of 2016Honorable Lester E. Schlitz, Jr. (Washington) – Class of 1988William L. Schmidt (Fairfax) Class of – 2011Jane L. Schwarzschild (Richmond) – Class of 2009Patricia M. Schwarzschild (Richmond) – Class of 1992Dean Robert E. Scott (Charlottesville) – Class of 1992Thomas R. Scott, Jr. (Grundy) – Class of 2014Robert D. Seabolt (Richmond) – Class of 2005Honorable Birg E. Sergent (Pennington Gap) – Class of 1997Harry Shaia, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2000George W. Shanks (Luray) – Class of 2005John D. Sharer (Richmond) – Class of 2006Conway H. Sheild, III (Newport News) – Class of 2012Larry W. Shelton (Norfolk) – Class of 1998

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Honorable Paul F. Sheridan (Arlington) – Class of 2004Robert E. Shoun (Fairfax) – Class of 2001Donald E. Showalter (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2006Anne B. Shumadine (Norfolk) – Class of 1999Conrad Shumadine (Norfolk) – Class of 1998Hunter W. Sims, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 2005Thomas G. Slater, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of June 1994Alexander H. Slaughter (Richmond) – Class of 2012Edward R. Slaughter, Jr. (Charlottesville) – Class of 1988Julious P. “Joey” Smith, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2004Michael W. Smith (Richmond) – Class of 1997R. Gordon Smith (Richmond) – Class of 1988Dean Rodney A. Smolla (Richmond) – Class of 2006George A. Somerville (Richmond) – Class of 2009Rhysa Griffith South (Richmond) – Class of 2008Thomas E. Spahn (McLean) – Class of 1998Honorable Margaret P. Spencer (Richmond) – Class of 1992Honorable Joseph E. Spruill, Jr. (Tappahannock) – Class of 1984Gregory T. St. Ours (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2007Honorable J. Warren Stephens (Newport News) – Class of 2009E. Ford Stephens (Richmond) – Class of 2011Gregory N. Stillman (Norfolk) – Class of January 1995Bruce C. Stockburger (Roanoke) – Class of 2013Edwin C. Stone (Radford) – Class of January 1996Jacquelyn E. Stone (Richmond) – Class of 2010President Phillip C. Stone (Bridgewater) – Class of 1988Honorable Diane M. Strickland (Roanoke) – Class of 2005Robert E. Stroud (Charlottesville) – Class of June 1995John S. Stump (McLean) – Class of 1987Ann K. Sullivan (Norfolk) – Class of 2011Richard C. Sullivan, Jr. (Falls Church) – Class of 2010President Timothy J. Sullivan (Williamsburg) – Class of 1992Francis L. Summers, Jr. (Staunton) – Class of 1988John Tarley, Jr. (Williamsburg) – Class of 2013Eva S. Tasjian-Brown (Richmond) – Class of 2000Mary Lynn Tate (Abingdon) – Class of 2012J. Hume Taylor, Jr. (Norfolk) – Class of 1988Colin J.S. Thomas, Jr. (Staunton) – Class of 1989C.J. Steuart Thomas, III (Staunton) – Class of 2014Frank A. Thomas, III (Orange) – Class of 2005Honorable John Charles Thomas (Richmond) – Class of 1992William Griffith Thomas (Falls Church) – Class of 1988Lori D. Thompson (Roanoke) – Class of 2014Guy K. Tower (Norfolk) – Class of 2002Honorable John M. Tran (Alexandria) – Class of 2010Courtland L. Traver (Williamsburg) – Class of 2004Lucia Anna “Pia” Trigiani (Alexandria) – Class of 2013Honorable Anthony F. Troy (Richmond) – Class of 1987Charles F. Tucker (Norfolk) – Class of 1992Ronald R. Tweel (Charlottesville) – Class of 2008

Russell W. Updike (Covington) – Class of 2010William R. Van Buren, III (Norfolk) – Class of 2002Wilson F. Vellines, Jr. (Staunton) – Class of 2002Edna Ruth Vincent (Fairfax) – Class of 2015Professor Walter J. Wadlington, III (Charlottesville) – Class of January 1996J. Tracy Walker, IV (Richmond) – Class of 2016John L. Walker, III (Richmond) – Class of 2009M. Bruce Wallinger (Harrisonburg) – Class of 1997Edmund Lewis Walton, Jr. (McLean) – Class of 1987Guilford D. Ware (Norfolk) – Class of June 1995Harry J. Warthen, III (Richmond) – Class of 1992Lewis W. Webb, III (Norfolk) – Class of 2012Jay M. Weinberg (Richmond) – Class of 2002Jerrold G. Weinberg (Norfolk) – Class of 1992Edward L. Weiner (Fairfax) – Class of 2011Hill B. Wellford, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 2004Stanley P. Wellman (Richmond) – Class of 2014Honorable John E. “Jay” Wetsel, Jr. (Winchester) – Class of 2016Alda L. White (Stafford) – Class of 2005Carolyn A. White (Midlothian) Class of 2011Kenneth Spencer White (Lynchburg) – Class of 1987Kimberly S. White (Halifax) – Class of 2010John E. Whitfield (Harrisonburg) – Class of 2009Elizabeth D. Whiting (Leesburg) – Class of 2006Anne Marie Whittemore (Richmond) – Class of 1989Honorable L. Douglas Wilder (Richmond) – Class of 1997Roger C. Wiley (Richmond) – Class of 2009Barbara Ann Williams (Richmond) – Class of 2001Ebb H. Williams, III (Martinsville) – Class of 2001J. Page Williams (Charlottesville) – Class of 2013William T. Wilson (Covington) – Class of 2007F. Blair Wimbush (Norfolk) – Class of 1998Honorable Robert K. Woltz (Winchester) – Class of 1990Andrew W. Wood (Richmond) – Class of 2008Robert C. Wood, III (Lynchburg) – Class of 1992Henry L. Woodward (Roanoke) – Class of 1992Thomas S. Word, Jr. (Richmond) – Class of 1989Honorable Wiley R. Wright, Jr. (Lively) – Class of 1989James M. Young (Salem) – Class of 1998

In Memoriam 2016Robert C. Coleburn (Clifton) – Class of 1991

Alexander F. Dillard, Jr. (Tappahannock) – Class of 2012

Lelia Baum Hopper (Richmond) – Class of 2011

Gordon P. Peyton, Jr. (Alexandria) – Class of 2002

Page 18: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


2016 Grants Awarded

CAPITAL AREA IMMIGRANTS’ RIGHTS COALITION – $65,000The newest programmatic initiative of the Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights

Coalition (CAIR), the Virginia Justice Program (VJP), strives to ensure that non-

citizens receive equal justice in Virginia criminal courts. It provides support to

members of Virginia’s criminal defense bar in their representation of non-citizen

defendants, including training on the immigration consequences of Virginia

offenses, individual case consultations, and regularly updated legal resource

materials regarding the immigration consequences of Virginia offenses.

HILL TUCKER PRE-LAW INSTITUTE – $15,000Named for legendary civil rights

attorneys Oliver Hill and Samuel

Tucker, the Oliver Hill/Samuel Tucker

Pre-Law Institute reaches future

lawyers at an early age to provide

them with exposure to and the

opportunity to explore the legal

profession, all at no cost to the


For one week, high school students

from all over Virginia are introduced to

the legal profession by living on a

college campus and attending mock

classes and seminars on career opportunities in the law, test taking strategies,

and the college admissions process. The students meet with law school

professors, judges, guest lecturers, and state and local bar association members.

The students participate in other programs geared to developing them as all-

around professional individuals, such as a networking social and an etiquette

dinner. At the end of the week, the students participate in a mock trial. The

Institute culminates in a graduation banquet, where a prominent minority

member of the bar is the featured speaker.

Our Grants

Page 19: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


LAWYERS HELPING LAWYERS – $22,000Lawyers Helping Lawyers helps Virginia’s legal professionals with debilitating

addiction or mental health conditions take the first steps toward recovery with

confidential, 24-hour assistance. The program provides many services, including

verification of a problem, planning and implementing interventions, referral to

treatment providers, support from and for peers, support for family members,

establishing and monitoring rehabilitation contracts, and assisting and identifying

financial resources for treatment.

The Lawyers Helping Lawyers Strategic Initiative will help the organization

formulate a strategic plan to generate the necessary resources to support broader

educational outreach to the legal community and additional mental health and

substance abuse services to those in need.

LEGAL INFORMATION NETWORK FOR CANCER – $10,000The Central Virginia-based Legal Information Network for

Cancer (LINC) has been linking people with resources that

ease the day-to-day challenges of cancer for 20 years,

envisioning a community where no cancer patient goes

without needed support services.

LINC connects cancer patients and their families with legal

assistance, financial guidance, and community resources, and

by doing so, to the efforts of some of Virginia’s most

dedicated volunteer attorneys. These attorneys, as well as

accountants and other professionals who work for LINC on a pro bono basis, can

help cancer patients solve many of the problems they face – eviction, bankruptcy,

custody battles, employment security, and similar worries.

PUBLIC SERVICE INTERNSHIPS – $50,000Supported by the Virginia Law Foundation since 1990, public service internships for

first- and second-year law students help bring to light the importance of public

interest and pro bono work. Each of Virginia’s eight American Bar Association-

accredited law schools receives funding for public service internships during the


The students work under the supervision of an attorney. The work they complete

varies widely, depending on the missions and caseloads of their host organizations.

Some students gain experience working on individual client matters, and some

work on projects affecting many clients in the organization’s service area.


Page 20: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the



Tahirih Justice Center’s Falls Church

office meets the urgent and emerging

legal needs of low-income immigrant

women and children throughout

Northern Virginia facing gender-based

violence, including domestic violence

and sexual assault, female genital

mutilation, trafficking, and forced

marriage. The Holistic Legal Services

for Immigrant Women and Girls in the

Wake of Extreme Violence Project

provides access to justice for low-income immigrant women and girls to enable

them to obtain the legal protections that form the foundation of a safe, self-

sufficient life, including legal status, work authorization, and family reunification.


The only educational program that covers both the forensics and litigation training

requirements for Virginia lawyers representing defendants charged with capital

murder, the goals of this workshop are to (1) maintain/increase the current level of

qualified lawyers certified to accept capital cases; (2) provide attendees additional

insight regarding national developments in death penalty litigation; and (3) enhance

participants’ overall level of skills and productivity as representatives of capital


This is the 21st year of the Virginia Law Foundation’s financial support, which

allows the workshop to be presented with only a nominal charge to registrants.

Each year, up to 250 lawyers receive the training to help them meet standards set

by the Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission, in

conjunction with the Virginia State Bar, for the defense of capital cases in Virginia.


In 2016, the Virginia Holocaust Museum will host a traveling exhibit, “Deadly

Medicine: Creating the Master Race.” The exhibit traces the eugenics movement

from the early 20th century to the Third Reich’s genocidal ambitions. Also

examined through supplemental programs, seminars, and guided tours will be

Virginia’s role in U.S. legislation, medical ethics, legal responsibilities, an

individual’s rights, and the role society played in the pseudo-science movement.

Page 21: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the



For over three decades, Virginia Poverty Law Center (VPLC) has been providing

leadership, support, training, public education, and advocacy to address the civil

legal needs of Virginia’s low-income population.

VPLC holds an annual conference on legal issues relating to poverty. The three-day

conference is comprised of approximately thirty training sessions on issues

including consumer, health, family, housing, and other areas of civil poverty law.

The project serves all of Virginia with the goal of educating legal aid attorneys and

staff on those issues that most impact low-income Virginians. It also provides

attorneys with the opportunity to earn the required number of CLE credits at little

or no cost and provides a meeting ground for legal aid attorneys and staff to

discuss the latest developments in the valuable work they do.


The Rule of Law Project seeks to

fundamentally change the way the rule

of law is taught in America’s schools. It

is a unique educational program that

pairs members of local bar associations

with middle school civics teachers to

educate students about the origin,

meaning, and applicability of the rule of

law as the basis of democratic ideals

and institutions. This collaboration

among teachers, lawyers, and judges

empowers students at a formative age

to become active and engaged citizens

as adults and serves as a model

program easily adaptable to social

studies classes at any grade level.

Real People Real Impact

Page 22: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


The 1974 SocietyThe Virginia Law Foundation Board of Directors established the 1974 Society to acknowledge individual donors who have given $10,000 or more over their lifetime. Members of the 1974 Society are:

Thomas C. Brown, Jr.

John A.C. Keith

Estate of Ken McFarlane Smith

W. Scott Street, III

2015 ContributorsThe Virginia Law Foundation wishes to recognize the following donors who generously contributed to our work during calendar year 2015.

Trustee ($5,000+)

Thomas C. Brown, Jr.

Kenneth and Leslie Montero Charitable Fund of The Community Foundation serving Richmond and Central Virginia

Founder ($2,500 – $4,999)

Partner ($1,000 – $2,499) Stephen D. Busch John D. Epps Kevin L. Fast Kimberly A. Fiske John E. Lichtenstein

Our DonorsDarrel Tillar Mason Scott C. Oostydyk Aubrey J. Owen G. Michael Pace, Jr. David and Helen Penrod Honorable Paul F. Sheridan R. Curtis Steele, Jr.Anne M. Whittemore

Of Counsel ($500-$999)Honorable Joanne F. Alper Irving M. BlankDavid P. Bobzien Honorable Manuel A. Capsalis Matthew E. Cheek Kathy Mays Coleman Donald S. Culkin C. Thomas EbelJohn R. Fletcher Jeanne F. Franklin Karen A. Gould Ilona Ely Grenadier Littler Mendelson (DC office) James V. Meath Honorable Nathan H. Miller J. Randall MinchewThomas Palmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gant RedmonLinda F. Rigsby Michael L. Rigsby Melissa W. RobinsonJudith L. Rosenblatt Honorable Jane M. RoushWilliam L. Schmidt George W. Shanks Mary Lynn Tate Frank A. Thomas, III F. Blair Wimbush

Associate ($250-$499)Barbara S. Anderson David Neal Anthony Thomas L. Appler C. Breckenridge Arrington, Jr.Thomas R. Bagby Honorable Thomas F. Betz, Jr.Vickie H. Bibee Peter C. Burnett Jack W. Burtch, Jr. Robert L. Calhoun Whittington W. Clement James P. and Kara Cox, III Roy V. Creasy Honorable B. Waugh Crigler Mary Ann Delano John G. Dicks Bernard J. DiMuro Paul E. Fletcher Gentry Locke Rakes & Moore Michael A. Glasser Robert C. Goodman, Jr. Michael L. Goodove Alan B. Gnapp Ann M. Green Phoebe P. Hall Grayson P. Hanes F. Warren Haynie, Jr. William H. Hefty George H. Hettrick Leila Baum Hopper Jon D. Huddleston Cynthia E. Hudson Michael HuYoung Stephen A. Isaacs James W. Jennings, Jr. F. Claiborne Johnston, Jr. D. Michael Jones

Robert R. Kaplan John A.C. Keith Ray W. King Stanley P. Klein Beverly P. Leatherbury Alexander N. Levay Jacob A. Lutz, IIIChristopher M. Malone Heman A. Marshall, III Howard W. Martin, Jr. Vincent J. Mastracco, Jr. James M. McCauley James D. McDonald C. Kailani Memmer David E. Melson David S. Mercer Robert T. Mitchell, Jr. Monica T. Monday James W. Morris, III G. Mundy Marshall Kenneth B. Murov William G. Murray Jay B. Myerson Margaret Nelson Phillips JoAnne NolteLonnie D. Nunley, III Robert C. Nusbaum John M. Oakey, Jr. Kathleen O’Brien J. Lee E. Osborne W. David Paxton Von L. Piersall Anita O. Poston Jan L. Proctor J. Waverly Pulley, III Gordon F. Rainey, Jr.Joseph P. Rapisarda, Jr.Frank W. Rogers, III Douglas P. Rucker, Jr.

Page 23: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


M. Pierce Rucker Conway H. Sheild, IIIDonald E. Showalter Julious P. Smith, Jr. E. Ford Stephens Bruce C. Stockburger Lucia Anna “Pia” Trigiani John L. Walker, III Jay M. Weinberg Raymond M. White Elizabeth D. Whiting Roger C. Wiley, Jr. Andrew W. Wood

Mentor (up to $249)Benjamin C. Ackerly Michael Armstrong Peter A. Arnston William L. Babcock, Jr. Robert N. Baldwin Paul G. Beers J. Edward Betts Richard J. Bonnie William L. Botts Kathleen M. Braga William G. Broaddus Daniel S. Brown Robert L. Burrus, Jr. Claude D. Carter John M. Claytor Carl C. Coe Craig S. Cooley Ann K. Crenshaw Honorable Richard Cullen Paul D. D’Amato Douglas W. Dewing Richard S. DiSalvo Alan Dockterman Kathleen A. Dooley W. Birch Douglass, III Ammon G. Dunton, Jr.Thomas A. Edmonds E. Tazewell Ellett

Eugene Elliott, Jr. John W. Fain David A. Felt Morris H. Fine Ethan J. Friedman Debra C. Gaglio Philip G. Gardner Claire Guthrie Gastanaga Honorable J. Samuel Glasscock Howard E. Gordon Goodshop Robert T. Hall Gary C. Hancock Warren David Harless Michael E. Harman Reno Harp, III Elizabeth G. Hester Glenn M. Hodge Honorable Thomas D. Horne Richard W. Hudgins Honorable Marc Jacobson Frank R. Jazzo Honorable Donald H. Kent Honorable David and Kamala Lannetti Francis McQ. Lawrence Honorable William Ledbetter, Jr. Graham C. Lilly Keith and Tracy Marcus Brian R. Marron Gail S. Marshall Howard C. McElroy Joseph T. McFadden, Jr. Janet Meiberger Peter Mellette H. Victor Millner, Jr. Honorable Wiley F. Mitchell, Jr. Teresa L. Moore Thurston R. Moore F. Anderson Morse

Honorable William Tayloe Murphy, Jr. Paul A. Mutino Stephen E. Noona William B. O’Connell, Jr. PEO Sisterhood William E. Rachels, Jr. Stuart A. Raphael Craig L. Rasco David D. Redmond George H. Roberts, Jr. Mark E. Rubin Joseph M. Sharnoff Edward R. Slaughter, Jr. R. Gordon Smith George A. Somerville Rhysa Griffith South Thomas E. Spahn Honorable J. Warren Stephens Honorable Diane M. Strickland Elizabeth Sullivan Jane L. Schwarzschild C.J. Steuart Thomas, III Guy K. TowerUnited Way of Greater Richmond James L. Weinberg Harvey and Leslie Wilcox J. Page WilliamsWilson, Updike & Nicely Bernadette C. Wolffe Robert C. Wood, III

In Honor of Donations

In Honor of Anne Edenfield from Ann M. Green

In Honor of John D. Epps from Gordon F. Rainey, Jr.

In Honor of Michael Harman from Harman Claytor Corrigan

In Honor of Rose Francis Glasser from Michael A. Glasser

In Honor of Sharon Tatum from Charles B. Arrington, Jr.

In Honor of Stephen D. Rosenfield from Harvey and Leslie Wilcox

In Honor of Honorable Diane Strickland from C. Kailani Memmer

In Honor of Honorable Thomas D. Horne from Jon Huddleston

In Memoriam Donations

In Memory of Aggie M. Capsalis from Jon Huddleston

In Memory of Aggie M. Capsalis from Raymond M. White

In Memory of Albert H. Grenadier from Ilona Grenadier

In Memory of Albert Orgain from Douglas P. Rucker, Jr.

In Memory of Bernard Glasser from Michael A. Glasser

In Memory of Dexter Rumsey from George H. Roberts, Jr.

In Memory of Franklin P. Hall from Phoebe P. Hall

In Memory of Grace Mann from Stanley P. Klein

In Memory of Harry Carrico from William G. Broaddus

In Memory of John S. Davenport, III from F. Claiborne Johnston, Jr.

In Memory of Howard Tuthill from PEO Sisterhood Chapter L

Page 24: ANNUAL REPORT - Virginia Law Foundation€¦ · 2015, 2016 Virginia Law Foundation Grant Recipient If there is one thing that best defines the NEW Virginia Law Foundation, it is the


Our Financial Year

2013 231 donors Donations $67,335

2014 252 donors Donations $73,209

2015 229 donors Donations $73,315

Total in donations from 2013 – 2015: $213,859

Total in grants made from 2013 – 2015: $1,021,900

105 Whitewood Road • Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 804.648.0112 • Fax: 804.643.6340

[email protected]

The Virginia Law Foundation is a private, IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1974. We depend on philanthropic individuals,

corporations, and foundations to achieve our educational mission. For more information about how to support the Virginia Law Foundation,

please visit, or contact Ray White at 434.951.0031 or [email protected].

VLF Financials