Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

13 @m2ochurchrugby [email protected] 01788 330440 Church Office, 1a New Street, Rugby, CV22 7BE Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West Background The PCC is a corporate body established by the Church of England. It operates under the PCC Powers Measure and is a Registered Charity number 1129494. The PCC works in co-operation with The Church Wardens, Clergy and Lay members of the church in promoting the Mission of the Lord’s people within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Rugby West. Regular congregations meet in both the parish church and Overslade Community Centre. The parish was in vacancy, without an incumbent, for 2019 until 13 November when Alan Hulme was instituted and installed. Since March 2020 the coronavirus pandemic has been a significant factor, forcing much of what we do onto online platforms and meaning that many of our activities have had to change the way they operate or be postponed. For example our Connect Groups have met primarily online, our Make Lunch ministry to tackle holiday hunger has moved to delivering food and recipes to homes and our parent and toddler group, which cannot meet, keeps in contact by messaging and some home calling. Services were online from March until August when they resumed with COVID-19 secure measures in place. Structures and Governance The PCC members are either ex-officio or elected by the Annual Parish Meeting in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. Following the 2019 Annual Meeting the following served as members of the PCC. Their post in office was extended due to the Coronavirus pandemic until the APCM was help in October 2020. Clergy Revd Alan Hulme Incumbent (joined 13 Nov 2019) Revd Jane Hulme NSM Associate Minister (joined 13 Nov 2019) Church Wardens Deputy Church Wardens Anna Naish Laura Freeman Powell Alisdair Rusk Debbie Olner Deanery Synod Representatives Anne Love Anna Naish Elected Members Retire 2020 Retire 2021 Retire 2022 Dave MacLellan Val Burgon Stuart Cleall Guy Mowbray (resigned 8 July 2020) Debbie Olner Malcolm Hunt Colin Parker Fiona Setchell Nicola Tysall Janet Wright Emma Wilding

Transcript of Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

Page 1: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West @m2ochurchrugby

[email protected] 01788 330440 Church Office, 1a New Street, Rugby, CV22 7BE

Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

Background The PCC is a corporate body established by the Church of England. It operates under the PCC

Powers Measure and is a Registered Charity number 1129494.

The PCC works in co-operation with The Church Wardens, Clergy and Lay members of the church

in promoting the Mission of the Lord’s people within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Rugby West.

Regular congregations meet in both the parish church and Overslade Community Centre.

The parish was in vacancy, without an incumbent, for 2019 until 13 November when Alan Hulme

was instituted and installed.

Since March 2020 the coronavirus pandemic has been a significant factor, forcing much of what

we do onto online platforms and meaning that many of our activities have had to change the way

they operate or be postponed. For example our Connect Groups have met primarily online, our

Make Lunch ministry to tackle holiday hunger has moved to delivering food and recipes to homes

and our parent and toddler group, which cannot meet, keeps in contact by messaging and some

home calling. Services were online from March until August when they resumed with COVID-19

secure measures in place.

Structures and Governance The PCC members are either ex-officio or elected by the Annual Parish Meeting in accordance with

the Church Representation Rules. Following the 2019 Annual Meeting the following served as

members of the PCC. Their post in office was extended due to the Coronavirus pandemic until the

APCM was help in October 2020.


Revd Alan Hulme Incumbent (joined 13 Nov 2019) Revd Jane Hulme NSM Associate Minister (joined 13 Nov 2019)

Church Wardens Deputy Church Wardens

Anna Naish Laura Freeman Powell Alisdair Rusk Debbie Olner

Deanery Synod Representatives

Anne Love

Anna Naish

Elected Members

Retire 2020 Retire 2021 Retire 2022 Dave MacLellan Val Burgon Stuart Cleall Guy Mowbray (resigned 8 July 2020) Debbie Olner Malcolm Hunt Colin Parker Fiona Setchell Nicola Tysall Janet Wright Emma Wilding

Page 2: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West @m2ochurchrugby

[email protected] 01788 330440 Church Office, 1a New Street, Rugby, CV22 7BE

A motion was passed at the 2020 APCM to confirm deputy church wardens as ex-officio members,

reduce the number of elected representatives to 9 (3 per year for 3 year terms) and remove the

bar on retiring members standing again. This will take effect at the 2021 APCM.

The full PCC met 11 times between the 2019 and 2020 APCMs. The last 5 meetings were during

the pandemic and were on the Zoom remote meetings platform.

Other parts of the leadership structure include:

• During the vacancy (until 13 Nov 2019), a leadership team of wardens, deputy wardens and

David Long) lay reader) shared leadership responsibilities normally taken by the incumbent.

The clergy have continued to meet with the wardens and deputy wardens since then.

• There is a Standing Committee as required by law which transacts business delegated to it by

the PCC or urgent business between PCC meetings. It consists of Clergy, Church Wardens, PCC

Treasurer and PCC Secretary.

• Overslade Congregation has a Leadership Group which focuses on mission and ministry in the

Overslade area of the parish.

• A Buildings Group chaired by Alisdair Rusk (Church Warden) has delegated authority from the

PCC for care of the buildings and using the maintenance budget. As well as the Parish Church

PCC is responsible for 1a New Street and the Dixon Hall.

• A Finance Group advises the PCC on budget and financial issues.

• A Mission Partnerships Group recommends to the PCC how external financial giving should be

allocated and keep the church engaged with those partnerships.

• A significant proportion of the church are allocated into Connect Groups for learning,

fellowship and pastoral care. These have allocated leaders.

Administrative Information Incumbent: Revd Alan Hulme 7 Vicarage Road, Rugby, CV22 7AJ

Office: The Church Office, 1a New Street, Rugby, CV22 7BE

Objectives The objective of the PCC is the promotion of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the

doctrines and practices of the Church of England.

From November, the PCC agreed to prioritise the following areas:

• Deepening our church prayer life

• Developing and enhancing our buildings

• Addressing sins and hurts of the past

• Reviewing our communications

The PCC has reviewed progress on these objectives on an on-going basis.

The PCC is also responsible for overseeing the provision of resources to enable these ministries.

Those resources include buildings, finance, and people. Financially we have been running in

Page 3: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West @m2ochurchrugby

[email protected] 01788 330440 Church Office, 1a New Street, Rugby, CV22 7BE

deficit for some years. This can be handled from reserves for the foreseeable future but raising

income to equal our revenue spending is a key objective. A reserves policy has been adopted to

ensure we use our reserves appropriately.

Signed on behalf of the PCC:

Alan Hulme


Page 4: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

St Matthew & St Oswald's Churchwith Overslade Church


31st December 2019

Charity Number 1129494

Church Centre, 1a New Street, Rugby, CV22 7BETel 01788 330440

Email: [email protected]

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Page 5: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019






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Receipts 3 £ £ £ £ £ £

Donations and legacies 117,487 117,487 125,491 125,491

Charitable activities 11,317 4,672 15,989 11,876 7,835 19,710

Investments 2,262 261 2,523 1,724 1,724

Sub Total (gross income) 131,066 261 4,672 135,998 139,090 7,835 146,924

Sale of 14 York St 178,010 178,010

Total Receipts 131,066 261 4,672 135,998 139,090 178,010 7,835 324,934

Payments 4

Grants & donations 12,550 12,550 13,762 13,762

Diocese & clergy 73,542 73,542 75,838 75,838

Properties 23,873 4,453 28,327 25,407 25,407

Church activities 3,700 4,089 7,789 4,304 5,377 9,680

Administration 24,109 24,109 25,354 25,354

Finance & Other PCC costs 2,555 2,555 1,563 1,563

Total 140,329 4,453 4,089 148,871 146,228 5,377 151,605

Net of receipts/(Payments) ( 9,263 ) ( 4,192 ) 583 ( 12,872 ) ( 7,138 ) 178,010 2,458 173,329

Transfers between Funds 5,575 ( 5,575 ) ( 206 ) ( 75 ) 281

Net movement in funds ( 3,689 ) ( 9,767 ) 583 ( 12,872 ) ( 7,344 ) 177,935 2,738 173,329

Balance brought forward 31/12/2018 2,528 271,117 12,685 286,329 9,872 93,182 9,946 113,000

Balance carried forward 31/12/2019 ( 1,161 ) 261,350 13,268 273,457 2,528 271,117 12,685 286,329

2019 2018

Receipts and Payments

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PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019






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Cash at bank and in hand: £ £ £ £ £

Nat West

HSBC 1,474 )( 8,004 6,531

CBF 261,350 5,571 266,921

Petty Cash 38 38

Thursday Fellowship 156 156

Coffee Break Petty Cash 120 120

1,160 )( 261,350 13,576 273,766


CBF Shares 6 18,320 18,320

18,320 18,320

Liabilities - Creditors

Outstanding Agency Account (Greetings Aid) 308 308

Parish Share owed 12,887 12,887

12,887 308 13,195

Total Assets excluding property 1,160 )( 248,463 13,268 18,320 278,891

Approved by Name Signature Date

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

The attached notes form part of these accounts:

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Page 7: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

Notes to the AccountsNote 1: Basis of preparation:The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Church Accounting Regulations 2006 using the Receipts and Payments basis.The accounts include the transactions for which the PCC can be held responsible. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body nor those that are informal gatherings of church members.

Funds General funds represent the funds of the PCC that are not subject to any restrictions regarding their use and are available for application on the general purposes of the PCC. Designated funds represent amounts from the General fund set aside for various items e.g. Capital purchases, Building fund etc. Funds designated for a particular purpose are unrestricted and may be reallocated if required by the PCC. Restricted funds are grants and donations made for a specific purpose and may only be expended on those restricted terms. Endowment funds are given for investment, where the income from the investment is to be utilised as specified by the endowment. In some cases the capital invested may also be used. These are detailed under the specific Endowment fund (see note 6).

Investment shares, dividends and InterestShares are valued at market value at 31 December. Unrealised gains or losses are accounted for at this revaluation. Any realised gains or losses will be accounted for at the date an investments is sold. Dividends and interest received are accounted for when paid. This income is allocated to the general fund unless there are restricted conditions placed on the investment income which prevents this, in which case any income is allocated to the appropriate fund(s) in accordance to these restrictions.

Consecrated land and buildings and movable church furnishings Consecrated and beneficed property is excluded from the accounts by Section 96(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993. Movable church furnishings which are held by the Vicar and Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and require a faculty for disposal, are considered inalienable property. All expenditure incurred during the year on consecrated or benefice buildings and movable church furnishings, whether maintenance or improvement, is written off.

Land and buildings Fixed assets retained for church use are the church centre at 1A New street, and the Parish Rooms (Dixon Hall and Howard room) in Vicarage road.These have indicative value of £250,000 for the Church Centre and £150,000 for the Parish Rooms. These were revalued in 2019 to reflect market prices.Under Receipt and Payment accounting, no depreciation or change in value is accounted for on these assets. The Vicarage is owned and maintained by the Diocese of Coventry.

Equipment and StockAny equipment or stock bought for the purposes of the church is considered expended on purchase. Stock is not treated as an asset as it is usually given away rather than sold.

Connected Charities The following charities provide occasional income to the church, usually with restrictions on its use:Glenn, Martin, Wooding Trust. The aims for the trust are to provide support for the Education of Young People in the parish.St Matthew's Welfare Trust. The aims of the Trust are to relieve hardship. Clerical and Lay assistance fund. The aims of the fund are to provide support for the clerical and lay personnel of the parish.The James Kenning Public Purposes Church Charity Registered Charity 507901. The aims of the trust are to provide charitable assistance for training days, Christian Conferences, Christian holidays and other charitable purposes.The details of these charities and current contact details can be found on the Charity Commission Website (

Note 2Risk Management The PCC recognises the risks that it faces in achieving its objectives. While the PCC has not introduced a formal risk assessment and management process, the major risks are known and have appropriate control and mitigation mechanisms in place. There is an agreed protocol on requests for expenditure, and terms of reference for the finance committee, these are available on request. Insurance policies are held for all buildings and contents as well as the legal risks facing the church.

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PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

Note 3: Receipts

Donations & Legacies






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r yea

r To


Voluntary Income £ £ £ £ £ £

Covenants & GAC 70,085 70,085 81,107

Tax recoveries 18,746 18,746 18,243

Uncovenanted FWO 22,978 22,978 19,931

Cash Offerings 5,356 5,356 5,200

Contactless Income 68 68

Donations to Church 255 255 1,010 Total Donations & Legacies 117,487 117,487 125,491

Income from charitable and ancillary tradingChildren & Young People

Child's Ministry 0-11yr Twinkles & FF 250 250 50

Youth Min-11-18 Tea & Toast 100 100 50

Messy Church 900 900 600 1,250 1,250 700


Thursday Fellowship 205 205 208

Church Weekend 2018 600

Church Breakfast 711 48 759 436

Events 462

Make Lunch 2,974 2,974 6,530 916 3,022 3,938 8,237

Discipleship/Small Groups

Discipleship General 233 233 260 233 233 260


Coffee break 367 400 767 1,037

Pitstop Inc 180 180 225 547 400 947 1,262


Coffee in Church 14 14 5

Christmas Decoration 298 298 312 312 5


Church Office Income 32 32 151

Church Hall Donation 7,524 7,524 7,814

Insurance Claims 602 602 8,157 8,157 7,965


PCC Fees 1,151 1,151 1,281 1,151 1,151 1,281

Total Charitable Activities 11,317 4,672 15,989 19,710

Other income

Sale of 14 York Street 178,010 Total Other income 178,010

Dividends and Interest / Bank charges

CBF Share dividends 6 272 261 533 519

CBF Deposit account Interest 1,990 1,990 1,204 2,262 261 2,523 1,724

Total All income 131,066 261 4,672 135,998 324,934

2019 2018

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PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

Note 4: Payments






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Grants (Charitable giving) £ £ £ £ £ £Christians Against Poverty 900 900 1,000 CPAS 600 600 600 Harris C. of E School 300 300 333 HOPE 4 900 900 1,000 Jesus-Haus (Williams S) 750 750 750 Novimost 125 125 St Matthews Bloxham School 300 300 St Oswald's School 300 300 666 Toybox 900 900 1,000 Rugby YFC 900 900 1,250 YWAM-Casa Reom Project 6,275 6,275 6,882 St Peter John (Jerusalem trip) 300 300 Christian Aid 281

12,550 12,550 13,762 Diocese and Clergy

Parish Share 72,190 72,190 74,331 Diocese & Deanery 180 180 180 Vicars Discretionary 450 450 Vicars Telephone 357 357 245 Vicars Car Expenses 40 40 Vicars Expenses 278 278 Vicarage Upkeep 48 48 69 Curates Expenses 1,014

73,542 73,542 75,838 Properties

14 York Street: (sold 2018) 55 St Matthew & St Oswald's church building

SM & SO Church Insurance 2,477 2,477 2,733 SM & SO Church Gas 1,887 1,887 2,108 SM & SO Church Electric 1,392 1,392 1,656 SM & SO Church Water Rates 42 42 66 SM & SO Church Repairs 497 497 211 SM & SO Church Servicing 340 4,453 4,793 1,224 SM & SO General 64 64 19

Dixon Hall & Howard roomsChurch Hall Insurance 1,396 1,396 1,382 Church Hall Electricity 2,181 2,181 2,218 Church Hall Repairs 138 Church Hall Gas 466 466 554 Church Hall Cleaning 2,607 2,607 2,288 Church Hall Servicing 295 295 274

Church Centre:Church Centre Insurance 1,556 1,556 1,035 Church Centre Electricty 287 287 432 Church Centre Gas 780 780 1,101 Church Centre Repair 28 28 51 Church Centre Water 378 378 362 Church Centre Garden 721 721 20 Church Centre Servicing 217 217 457 Church Centre Misc. Expenses 2 2 163

Overslade Hiring Halls 1,803 1,803 2,886 Cleaning Materials 736 736 239 Cleaners Wages 7 3,722 3,722 3,735

23,873 4,453 28,327 25,407 Continued on next page:

2019 2018

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PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

Note 4 Continued : Payments 2019 2018






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Children & Young People £ £ £ £ £ £Kids Club Under 16 65 Child's Ministry 0-11yr Twinkles & FF 38 38 Youth Min-11-18 Tea & Toast 120 120 102 Messy Church (Under 16) 521 521 615

679 679 782

Make Lunch 3,127 3,127 4,251 Events 693 Thursday Fellowship 277 277 214 Church Breakfast 517 517 301 Community General 75 75 45

869 3,127 3,996 5,504

Small Group Expenses 37 Confirmation/Baptism/Offices Banns 151 151 215 Discipleship General 182 182 299 Prayer 6 6

339 339 551

Evangelism 22 22 22 Coffee break Expenditure 345 178 522 742 Pitstop 290 290 220 Night Shelter 19 19 133

676 178 854 1,117

General Services Upk 803 803 811 Communion Wine & Wafers 85 85 235 All Age Services Expe 13 Visiting Speakers 68 68 23 Organ Maintenance & Tuning 491 491 160 Technical 105 105 119 Service Books 17 17 22 Christmas Decoration 194 194 170 Worship Group Expenses 31 Coffee in Church Expenses 82 82 111 Flowers in Church Expenses 75 75 Overslade Sunday Services 32

1,816 105 1,921 1,727

3,700 4,089 7,789 9,680 Administration

Misc/General Admin Exp 679 679 1,208 Office Records/Internet 751 751 905 Photocopier & Copier 1,132 1,132 2,073 Office Telephone 908 908 909 Office Postage 30 30 78 Upkeep of Office Equip 1,604 1,604 1,476 Office Training 75 75 Office Administrator Salary 7 10,281 10,281 10,507 Church Publicity 754 754 505 Finance Administrator Salary 7 7,895 7,895 7,694

24,109 24,109 25,354 Finance & Other PCC Costs

Payroll Administration 450 450 320 Contactless Costs 544 544 Bank charges 311 311 320 FWO Stationery 44 PCC Costs 1,250 1,250 879

2,555 2,555 1,563

Total All payments 140,329 4,453 4,089 148,871 151,605



Church Activities Total



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PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

Note 5: Analysis of assets by fund

Current Assets:








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General Restricted Fund £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Edible Gardening Project R 2,000 2,000

Make Lunch R 4,202 2,974 3,127 )( 4,048 ( 153 )

Coffee break R 272 178 )( 95 ( 178 )

Messy Church R 100 550 521 )( 129 29

Children's Ministry 0-11yrs R 50 38 )( 12 ( 38 )

Youth Ministry 11-18 yrs R 50 50 )( ( 50 )

Church breakfast R 48 48 48

Total R 6,674 3,572 ( 3,914 ) 6,332 ( 342 )Glenn, Martin, Wooding Trust income

Coffee break R 220 400 620 400 Messy Church R 350 350 350

Kids Club Under 16 R 85 85 Children's Ministry 0-11yrs R 470 250 720 250

Youth Ministry 11-18 yrs R 850 100 70 )( 880 30 Total R 1,625 1,100 ( 70 ) 2,655 1,030

Technical Fund R 1,310 ( 105 ) 1,205 ( 105 )Overslade Fund R 1,974 1,974 Mission Fund R 1,000 1,000 Youth Pastor Fund R 102 102

Total of all restricted funds R 12,685 4,672 ( 4,089 ) 13,268 583

Youth Pastor Fund D 2,898 2,898 General Designated Fund D 5,575 ( 5,575 ) ( 5,575 )Building Fund D 262,644 261 ( 4,453 ) 258,452 ( 4,192 )Outstanding Parish Share D ( 13,423 ) 536 ( 12,887 ) 536

D 257,694 797 ( 4,453 ) ( 5,575 ) 248,463 ( 9,231 )

General Unrestricted Fund 5a G 4,494 131,066 ( 140,329 ) 5,575 ( 1,966 ) ( 1,160 ) ( 5,655 )

Total Current funds 274,873 136,534 ( 148,871 ) ( 1,966 ) 260,571 ( 14,302 )

Endowment Funds 6 E 15,433 2,887 18,320 2,887 15,433 2,887 18,320 2,887

290,306 136,534 ( 148,871 ) 921 278,891 ( 11,416 )


Funds Summary:

Gen Des Res End Total

Unrestricted - General 1,160 )( 1,160 )(

Des - Gens

Youthp S 2,898 102 3,000

Res - Mission S 1,000 1,000

Res - O/slade 1,974 1,974

Res - Gmw S 2,655 2,655

Res - Technical 1,205 1,205

Res - Genr 6,332 6,332

Des Building fund 258,452 258,452

Parish Share owed 12,887 )( 12,887 )(

CBF Shares 6 18,320 18,320

Total Funds 1,160 )( 248,463 13,268 18,320 278,891

check balance with A&L sheet 1,160 )( 248,463 13,268 18,320 278,891

0 )(

Total Funds

* Key: E - Endowment funds; R -Restricted income funds, D - Unrestricted Designated funds, G - Unrestricted General Funds. Loss recorded in general funds under gains and losses is a write off of stock which had been included as an asset in prior years.

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Page 12: Annual Report: Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s, Rugby West

PCC Accounts Accounts to 31st December 2019

Note 6: Investment funds

Dividends received: 2019 201874 72

261 254198 193

Total 533 519

2019 20182,530 2,132 8,971 7,558 6,819 5,744

18,320 15,433

2,887 Note 7 : Wages

2019 201821,897 21,935

During the year the PCC employed three people part time: an Office Administrator, an Accounts Clerk and a Cleaner.

St. Matthew’s and St. Oswald’s fund 355.71 shares, income is to be applied for general purposes with power to apply capital towards the enlargement of the Church if required for increasing seating accommodation and the repair and maintenance of a Memorial Calvary.

Unrealised gain in share value

The PCC holds three share investment funds in the CBF Church of England Investment Fund:

St. Matthews Rugby Fund comprises 132 shares, income is to be used for church expenses.


St Matthews Rugby Share Value:

New Bilton Special Fund comprises 468 shares, income is for the maintenance of St. Oswald’s Church.

St Matthews & St OswaldNew Bilton Special Fund

St Matthews Rugby fund

St Matthew & St Oswald fundNew Bilton Special Fund

income used in general funds for general church expensesIncome applied to CBF Saving account, property fund income used in general funds for general church expenses

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