Annual Report - CEMI Super 2015... · 2017. 4. 17. · Welcome to TWUSUPER’s 2015 Annual Report....

2015 Annual Report

Transcript of Annual Report - CEMI Super 2015... · 2017. 4. 17. · Welcome to TWUSUPER’s 2015 Annual Report....

Page 1: Annual Report - CEMI Super 2015... · 2017. 4. 17. · Welcome to TWUSUPER’s 2015 Annual Report. As one of Australia’s oldest Industry SuperFunds, TWUSUPER has delivered super


Annual Report

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From strength to strength 3


Investment market report 6

Representing your interests 8

Investment information 9

Investment performance 12

Financial statements 14

Service providers & investment managers 16

What you need to know about the Fund 17

How we keep your super safe 18

We’re here and ready to help 20


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Low fees

Every dollar saved is another dollar in members’ pockets, and we are continuing to drive down the Fund’s day-to-day operating costs (as measured by the expense recovery fee).

The benefits of an Industry SuperFund

The benefits are many, with two of the most important being all profits to members and no commissions to advisers.

Consistent performance

The Fund continues to deliver consistent investment performance with our Balanced (MySuper) option returning 9.17%* this year, despite some volatile investment markets.

A helpful voice at the end of the line

Call us on 1800 222 071 and a person in our Melbourne-based call centre (and not a machine) will be ready to help.

Great face-to-face service

Our Member Service Officers continue to meet and help members across the country – see the back cover for their contact details.

A Fund that goes where you go

With many of our members being on the road, the internet continues to be an important way for them to keep in touch with their super – that’s why we’ve continued to improve our website and our secure, mobile-friendly MemberAccess site.

From strength to strength

* All return figures shown are net of tax and fees (excluding administration fees which are deducted from your account). Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.

“TWUSUPER continues to go from strength to strength. This year we have delivered solid investment performance, grown the Fund to more than $4 billion, and continued to attract members from all sectors of the transport and logistics industry.

“Further, the Fund continues to look at fresh ways to deliver the simple but important undertaking that has driven it for the past 30 years: to help our members achieve a comfortable and dignified retirement.”

Welcome to TWUSUPER’s 2015 Annual Report.As one of Australia’s oldest Industry SuperFunds, TWUSUPER has delivered super with low fees, all profits to members and no commissions for nearly 30 years. It’s a long history we are rightly proud of.

More important than focusing on the past 30 years, however, is looking ahead with fresh eyes – to tomorrow, next week, next year, at times maybe even 30 years ahead – and focusing hard on the things we know will help our members achieve a comfortable and dignified retirement.

Here are just some of those things:

Thank you for your continued support of TWUSUPER.

Yours faithfully

David Galbally AM QC


David Galbally AM QC

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Page 5: Annual Report - CEMI Super 2015... · 2017. 4. 17. · Welcome to TWUSUPER’s 2015 Annual Report. As one of Australia’s oldest Industry SuperFunds, TWUSUPER has delivered super


Why TWUSUPER?There are plenty of good reasons for members and employers to join TWUSUPER – here are just a few of them.


The Industry SuperFund for transport and logistics workersAs one of the oldest Industry SuperFunds in Australia, TWUSUPER has provided transport and logistics workers super with low fees, all profits to members and no commissions for nearly 30 years.

All profits to members, no commissionsUnlike the bank-operated retail funds, we don’t hand profits to shareholders and we don’t pay commissions to advisers (as the TV commercials say, banks are many things but they’re just not super) – every dollar saved is another dollar in members’ pockets.

Consistent investment performanceOver the past 10 years, TWUSUPER has on average delivered more to members than the average retail super fund.

Go to to ‘Compare the pair’.†

A Fund that’s as mobile as you are The internet is one of the key ways members keep in touch with their super and we’ve continued to improve our website, including making our secure MemberAccess site mobile-friendly.

Go to

A helpful voice at the end of the lineCall us on 1800 222 071 and you’ll speak with a person in Melbourne – not a machine. In a world where things are becoming more automated, it’s great to know you can speak with a real person who’s there to help.

Great face-to-face serviceOur Member Service team continues to meet members across the country.

Go to

Super for lifeWhether you’re just starting out in the workforce, nearing retirement or have retired, we can help you with super accounts, transition to retirement strategies, account-based pensions and access to commission-free financial advice*.

Go to


Easy online administration through EmployerAccessEmployerAccess – our secure employer website – provides fee-free administration and flexible payment options for your employees’ super contributions. This includes an online clearing house** which lets you make super payments for all your employees, no matter which fund they belong to.

Go to

Meet your super obligationsThe Government’s SuperStream standards continue to place significant demands on employers – and as a SuperStream-compliant fund, TWUSUPER helps you meet these super standards and other obligations.

Go to

Workplace educationWe can provide benefits to your employees, such as workplace super seminars and visits by our Member Service team. Employees can also access our experienced Financial Advice team (straightforward financial advice is provided at no extra charge, but there may be a charge for individual tailored financial advice*).

Here and ready to helpGot a question or need some help? Get on the phone and call us on 1800 241 877. Even better, arrange for one of our Business Relationship Consultants to pop out to your workplace at a time that suits you.

Go to

† SuperRatings does not issue, sell, guarantee or underwrite this product. Go to for details of its rating criteria. * Financial advice services are offered through TWUSUPER’s relationship with Industry Fund Services Limited (‘IFS’) ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL No. 232514. As the licensed provider of the financial advice services, IFS is directly responsible to you for those services. TWUSUPER is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by any person that arises from financial advice received under this arrangement. Information about how IFS advisers are paid can be found in the IFS Financial Services Guide. ** SCH Online is a financial product operated by The Superannuation Clearing House Pty Limited (Authorised Representative Number 290290) (TSCH), an authorised representative of Pacific Custodians Pty Limited (Australian Financial Services Licence Number 295142) (Pacific Custodians). Fees may apply.

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Investment market report

The 2014/15 financial year delivered good returns, despite challenging conditions towards the end of the financial year.

Another strong year for overseas sharemarkets

Overseas shares delivered double-digit returns, with most major developed markets performing well. The Japanese sharemarket was a standout, reaching an 18-year high as investors responded positively to the yen’s weakness. European markets also benefitted from weakness in the euro. Emerging sharemarkets recovered, although China and Brazil struggled.

Australian sharemarket returns modest

Australia’s sharemarket recorded modest gains, with mining and energy companies underperforming. In the prevailing low interest rate environment, the best performing companies were those with sustainable and attractive dividends, including listed property trusts. The mid-year profit reporting season confirmed that many Australian companies were boosting profits by cutting costs, amid weak sales growth.

Interest rates stay low

The Reserve Bank of Australia twice reduced the cash rate in the second half of the financial year – to a record low of 2% – to encourage economic growth. Overseas, interest rates also remained low with several central banks implementing or expanding programs designed to address economic weakness.

Despite interest rates remaining at historically low levels around the world for much of the

year, overseas and Australian bonds performed well. While low interest rates helped Australian home owners with mortgages, the return on cash investments (such as term deposits) suffered.

Good signs, but uncertainty emerges

The US and UK economies provided positive news towards the latter part of the year. Conditions in the eurozone and Japan also showed early signs of improving.

However, towards the end of the financial year adverse political developments in Greece and a slowing Chinese economy rocked investment markets. As the financial year came to an end, global sharemarkets exhibited extreme volatility.

Super is a long term investment

Even though investment returns to members have been strong over the last three years, it is important to remember that super balances can go down in the short term, depending on the investment option chosen. The higher risk options typically provide higher returns over the long term, but it is recommended members invest in these options for at least 5 to 7 years. Over any 20 year period members can normally expect some negative annual returns, but overall TWUSUPER has provided positive results over the long term.


Source – JANA.

Market performance - Period to 30 June 2015

1 year

3 years p.a.Australian Equities

Australian Property (Unlisted)

Australian Property (Listed)

Overseas Equities (Hedged into AUD)

Overseas Equities (Unhedged into AUD)

Australian Bonds

Overseas Bonds (Hedged into AUD)


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

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The 2014/15 financial year delivered good returns, despite challenging conditions towards the end of the financial year.


Andrew Killen

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The Board meets regularly to make decisions about the Fund’s strategic direction and review its ongoing management. It includes an Independent Chairman, four Member Representative Directors and four Employer Representative Directors. There is also provision for up to six Alternate Directors (up to three Member Representative Alternate Directors and up to three Employer Representative Alternate Directors).

Together, the Trustee Directors represent TWU Nominees Pty Ltd (ABN 67 002 835 412), the Trustee company that runs TWUSUPER (Transuper, TransPersonal and TransPension are divisions of TWUSUPER).

DirectorsIndependent ChairmanDavid Galbally AM QC

Employer RepresentativesPeter GarskeIan KingPhilip Lovel AMHugh McMaster

Member RepresentativesMichael Aird (appointed 9 October 2014)Peter BiaginiWayne Forno (resigned 8 October 2014)Wayne MaderTony Sheldon

Alternate Employer RepresentativesRobin PhillipsPaul Ryan

Alternate Member RepresentativesTimothy DawsonMichael KaineRay Wyatt

The Board is supported by several Committees (including Investment, Audit, Risk & Compliance, Communications & Marketing, Complaints & Appeals, Operations & Remuneration and Claims), external service providers (see page 20), and Trustee staff who manage the Fund’s day-to-day operations.

Representing your interestsThe Trustee’s Board of Directors ensures the Fund is operated and managed in the best interests of members, and in accordance with the Fund’s Trust Deed and superannuation law.

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Investment information






Cash Plus

Investment return objective: Annual rate of return (before tax) greater than the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index.

Strategy: Invests 100% in cash and short term interest-bearing securities. Investment returns are subject to less volatility than the Equity Plus and Balanced (MySuper) options, with low risk of capital loss but also a low potential for higher investment returns over the long term.

Asset allocation at 30 June 2015

Defensive assetsStrategic

benchmark Actual

Cash/interest bearing securities

100% 100%

100% 100%

Investment returns for the year ended 30 June 2015*

TWUSUPER, Transuper, TransPersonal 2.15%

TransPension 2.57%

* Net of tax and fees (excluding administration fees which are deducted directly from your account). Tax is not payable on pension returns. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. 9

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Balanced (MySuper)*

Investment return objective#: Annual return 3% higher than the Consumer Price Index over rolling 5 year periods.

Strategy: Invests approximately 75% in growth assets such as shares, property and infrastructure, with the rest in defensive assets such as fixed interest and cash.

Investments are expected to have less risk of loss of capital and less short term fluctuations in returns than investments in the Equity Plus option. Over the long term, Balanced (MySuper) investment option returns are expected to be lower than Equity Plus returns, but higher than Cash Plus returns.

* Please note that any reference to the ‘Balanced (MySuper)’ investment option in this Annual Report includes the ‘Balanced’ option in our pension division (known as TransPension). The underlying investment option is the same, but the name is different to comply with Government requirements. † Net of tax and fees (excluding administration fees which are deducted directly from your account). Tax is not payable on pension returns. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. There can be periods when the allocations to the less liquid asset classes, primarily property, infrastructure and unlisted equity, differ from the strategic benchmark asset allocations. # The ‘Investment return objective’ (shown above) is set by the Trustee. The product dashboard (available at uses a different measure called the ‘Return target’, as required under superannuation law.

Asset allocation at 30 June 2015

Growth assetsStrategic

benchmark Actual

Australian shares 26% 25.1%

International shares 27% 26.8%

Property 9% 8.8%

Unlisted equity 5% 7.1%

Infrastructure 8% 9.1%

75% 76.9%

Defensive assetsStrategic

benchmark Actual

Cash/interest-bearing securities 4% 3.9%

Australian fixed interest 7% 4.0%

International fixed interest 8% 9.0%

Absolute return funds 6% 6.2%

25% 23.1%

Investment returns for the year ended 30 June 2015†

TWUSUPER, Transuper, TransPersonal 9.17%

TransPension 10.36%







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* Net of tax and fees (excluding administration fees which are deducted directly from your account). Tax is not payable on pension returns. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. There can be periods when the allocations to the less liquid asset classes, primarily property, infrastructure and unlisted equity, differ from the strategic benchmark asset allocations.

Equity Plus

Investment return objective: Annual return 4% higher than the Consumer Price Index over rolling 5 year periods.

Strategy: Invests 100% in growth assets, such as Australian and international shares, property, unlisted equity and infrastructure.

History shows returns from this option are likely to move up and down from year to year with short term risk of capital loss but over the long term should produce higher returns than the Balanced (MySuper) or Cash Plus investment options.

Asset allocation at 30 June 2015

Growth assetsStrategic

benchmark Actual

Australian shares 38% 36.0%

International shares 40% 38.3%

Property 6% 4.6%

Unlisted equity 10% 9.8%

Infrastructure 6% 10.7%

100% 99.4%

Defensive assetsStrategic


Cash/interest-bearing securities 0% 0.6%

0% 0.6%

Investment returns for the year ended 30 June 2015*

TWUSUPER, Transuper, TransPersonal 10.77%

TransPension 12.27%




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Investment performance

These tables show annual returns for our investment options to 30 June for the last five years, as well as long term returns showing compound average annual performance for the five and ten year periods ending 30 June 2015 – providing a clearer picture of how these options have performed over time.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. When setting the crediting rates, the tax effect and the value of imputation credits are allowed for. * Net of fees (excluding administration fees which are deducted directly from your account). Tax is not payable on pension returns.


TWUSUPER, Transuper and TransPersonal returns

Investment returns* for the period ended 30 June 2015

Year endingCPI

(measures inflation)

Cash Plus Annual crediting rate

Balanced (MySuper) Annual crediting rate

Equity Plus Annual crediting rate

10 year compound average 2.7% 3.96% 6.35% 6.82%

5 year compound average 2.3% 3.40% 9.49% 10.87%

3 year compound average 2.3% 2.63% 12.77% 15.98%

30 June 2015 1.5% 2.15% 9.17% 10.77%

30 June 2014 3.0% 2.14% 12.47% 15.55%

30 June 2013 2.4% 3.60% 16.80% 21.87%

30 June 2012 1.2% 3.86% 0.19% -2.79%

30 June 2011 3.6% 5.27% 9.52% 10.48%


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13Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. When setting the crediting rates, the tax effect and the value of imputation credits are allowed for. * Net of fees (excluding administration fees which are deducted directly from your account). Tax is not payable on pension returns.


TransPension returns

Investment returns* for the period ended 30 June 2015

Year endingCPI

(measures inflation)

Cash Plus Annual crediting rate

Balanced Annual crediting rate

Equity Plus Annual crediting rate

10 year compound average 2.7% 4.69% 7.32% 7.90%

5 year compound average 2.3% 3.97% 10.84% 12.52%

3 year compound average 2.3% 3.14% 14.44% 18.18%

30 June 2015 1.5% 2.57% 10.36% 12.27%

30 June 2014 3.0% 2.62% 13.84% 17.32%

30 June 2013 2.4% 4.24% 19.31% 25.30%

30 June 2012 1.2% 4.43% 0.34% -2.97%

30 June 2011 3.6% 6.05% 11.25% 12.62%


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2015 2014

Operating statement $000’s $000’s

Opening balance at 1 July 3,784,681 3,325,268

Plus – money received

Net investment income 158,998 87,250

Changes in net market value of investments 224,450 365,339

Contributions 362,284 343,705

Transfers 109,227 92,059

Other 30,482 25,744

Total income 885,441 914,097

Less – money paid out

Benefits paid 352,655 329,836

Administration costs 25,267 24,486

Insurance premiums 48,699 34,290

Other 954 945

Income tax expense/(benefit) 67,329 65,127

Total expenses 494,904 454,684

Equals – closing balance at 30 June 4,175,218 3,784,681


Financial statements (abridged)

This summary is for the whole Fund, including the TWUSUPER, Transuper, TransPersonal and TransPension divisions. The financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2015 are unaudited. The audited financial statements and audit report for the year ended 30 June 2015 will be available on our website at or on request by calling 1800 222 071 in late October 2015. The Trustee does not expect any material changes to the unaudited financial statements.

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2015 2014

Statement of financial position $000’s $000’s


Investments 4,226,145 3,805,335

Cash at bank 12,744 20,952

Contributions receivable 25,761 22,614

Other 1,219 1,246

Deferred tax asset 1,518 576

Total 4,267,387 3,850,723

Less – payments due

Benefits payable 18,579 16,792

Other amounts payable 5,524 5,421

Provision for income tax (628) 12,925

Deferred tax liabilities 68,694 30,904

Total 92,169 66,042

Equals – net assets at 30 June 4,175,218 3,784,681


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Advisers and service providers

The Trustee appoints a number of organisations to provide professional services and expert advice to the Trustee Directors and staff.

Key advisers and service providers for the year ending 30 June 2015 are listed below:

Actuary: Mercer Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd

Administrator: Australian Administration Services (AAS)

Auditor: Ernst & Young (EY)

Custodian services: BNP Paribas Securities Services

Insurer: CommInsure (group life and income protection)

Investment adviser: JANA Investment Advisers

Legal adviser: DLA Piper Australia

Investment managers (as at 30 June 2015):

Adam Smith Asset Management

AIF Capital

AMP Capital Investors

Aurum Funds Management

Babson Capital

Charter Hall

Colonial First State Global Asset Management

Cooper Investors

Eureka Funds Management

Franklin Templeton Investments

GMO Investment Partners

Goldman Sachs Asset Management

HarbourVest Partners LLC

IFM Investors

Industry Super Holdings

Industry Super Property Trust

Infrastructure Capital Group

Integrity Investment Management

Janus Capital

Lazard Asset Management

Lexington Partners

LGT Capital Partners

Loomis Sayles

ME Bank Pty Ltd

MFS Investment Management

Neuberger Berman

Northcape Capital

Orbis Investment Management

Pantheon Ventures Ltd

Perennial Investment Partners Limited

Perpetual Investment Management

SG Hiscock & Co

Siguler Guff & Company

Tactical Global Management

Wellington Management Company

Service providers & investment managers

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Access to Fund documents

Certain important documents relating to the Fund’s management are available at, including the:

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Trust Deed

latest audited accounts and auditor’s report, and

corporate governance policy.

Please call us on 1800 222 071 if you would like to receive any of these documents.

Indemnity insurance

The Trustee has indemnity insurance to protect the Trustee Directors and the Fund against the financial effects of any errors, inaccuracies or oversights that may occur.

Dispute resolution

If you have any complaint regarding the Fund, you should refer it to the Fund in the first instance.

Contact the Fund’s Complaints Officer by:

calling 1800 222 071 and making the complaint verbally to the Complaints Officer, or

writing to:

The Complaints Officer TWUSUPER Locked Bag 5094 Parramatta NSW 2124

If the complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, you may be able to refer it to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal for consideration.

You can phone the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal on 1300 884 114 or write to:

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Locked Bag 3060 MELBOURNE VIC 3001

For more details on TWUSUPER’s complaints handling procedures, see the Complaints section of ‘How super works’ available at

TWUSUPER may transfer your account

Prior to 1 July 2013, if TWUSUPER or one of its divisions (Transuper and TransPersonal) had not received a contribution from you or your employer in 15 months, and your super account balance was less than $1,000, we may have transferred your super to AUSfund. AUSfund is an eligible rollover fund designed to look after small, lost and inactive super accounts and reunite Australians with their lost super.

To contact AUSfund visit, call 1300 361 798 or write to:


Since 1 July 2013, by law, TWSUPER must transfer lost super accounts with balances under $2,000, or those that are unidentified and have been inactive for more than 12 months, to the Australian Taxation Office. To find out more, visit

If your super has been transferred to AUSfund or the Australian Taxation Office you will no longer be a member of TWUSUPER (or one of its divisions), and any insurance cover you had with us will cease.

Temporary residents (excluding New Zealand citizens) leaving Australia permanently

If you are a temporary resident (other than a New Zealand citizen) and have departed Australia permanently, you can withdraw your super within six months of leaving the country (if certain conditions are met). If you leave the country and do not withdraw your super within six months, we will transfer it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as unclaimed money. You can then claim your benefit from the ATO.

We will not send you an exit statement if your account has been paid to the ATO as above.

What you need to know about the Fund

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How we manage your moneyTWUSUPER is an accumulation fund. This means your benefit entitlement (on resignation, death or retirement) is based on the total contributions and transfers made to the Fund (by you and by your employer), adjusted by investment earnings, less fees, expenses, insurance premiums and transfers out of the Fund, plus the proceeds of any insurance claims (if applicable).

We invest your money in various asset classes including shares, property, cash and other types of assets depending on the mix of investment options you choose.

Investment options differ in the amount of risk involved and the potential for returns or losses. As a general rule, growth type investments like shares are likely to have higher returns over the longer term. However, they can also be volatile and even go backwards over some periods.

We always invest to maximise your return, for an appropriate level of risk, over the long term whatever financial markets are doing in the short term.

The investment teamThe investment of your super or pension is managed by outsourcing to a group of professional investment managers, all appointed and supervised by the Trustee.

Each investment manager is an expert in its field and invests according to rules set by the Fund’s Trust Deed, the agreement with each manager and the Trustee.

The Trustee is advised by its Investment Committee, the Fund’s Chief Investment Officer and its independent investment adviser, JANA Investment Advisers.

Monitoring investment managersThe Trustee provides each investment manager with guidelines that define the types of investment they may hold and the proportion of assets which may be allocated to each investment.

The Trustee also sets specific performance targets for each investment manager and monitors their progress in achieving them.

The Fund’s Chief Investment Officer oversees and manages the investment managers. See page 16 for a list of the Fund’s investment managers as at 30 June 2015.

ReservesUp to 30 June 2013, the Fund operated an Operational Risk Reserve (ORR) which held $4.070M as at 30 June 2012 and $8.883M as at 30 June 2013.

On 1 July 2013 the Fund established two separate reserves in line with Government requirements to hold an Operational Risk Financial Requirement – a Strategic Risk Reserve (SRR) and a new Operational Risk Reserve (ORR).

The SRR is designed to protect members’ investments against losses resulting from strategic and reputational risk events and has a target level of 0.30% of net Fund assets. The ORR is designed to protect members’ investments against adverse events resulting from failed processes or systems and external events such as fraud and has a target level of 0.10% of net Fund assets.

Since their establishment, movements in both reserves have been as follows:

SRR For the year ended 30 June ($000’s)

2014 2015

Opening balance 8,883 3,785

Movement (5,098) 83

Closing balance 3,785 3,868

ORR For the year ended 30 June ($000’s)

2014 2015

Opening balance Nil 11,354

Movement 11,354 1,132

Closing balance 11,354 12,486

As at 30 June 2015 both reserves were funded to their target levels.

Futures and optionsThe Trustee allows its investment managers to use derivative securities.

Derivatives include futures, options and swap contracts. They are used to protect the value of portfolios against falling prices and to enable managers to quickly change their investment exposure in different markets or sectors without buying or selling the actual securities.

Significant investment holdingsThe Fund held the following investments that had a value of more than 5% of the Fund’s total assets as at 30 June 2015:

Investment manager %

MFS Global Equity Trust 7.38

Orbis Institutional Global Equities Fund


Janus Global Equities Lower Tracking Error Fund


Crediting ratesThe Fund uses investment earnings to determine crediting rates. Crediting rates are based on the investment earnings for each investment option (adjusted for estimated tax, investment management expenses and other costs).

Crediting rates can be positive or negative depending on investment performance.

At the end of each financial year, investment earnings are applied to your account. Investment earnings are also applied if you:

switch investment options make a withdrawal from your super account or transfer to another super fund

transfer all or part of your super to another division of the Fund.

Crediting rates are declared monthly and updated weekly for each investment option. The Trustee reserves the right to declare crediting rates more or less often or override crediting rates. For more information go to

How we keep your super safe

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low fees all profits to members no commissions

VIC, SA, TAS and NTLou Stepanoski P 03 9635 5963 M 0408 294 937 E [email protected]

Stephen Shelton P 03 9635 5962 M 0417 203 820 E [email protected]

NSW and ACTSai Srinivasan P 02 9912 0730 M 0408 303 611 E [email protected]

Michael Darmanin P 02 9912 0710 M 0447 668 005 E [email protected]

QLDYvonne Jones P 07 3390 4452 M 0418 218 655 E [email protected]

WABrendon Adams P 08 9361 5870 M 0448 067 679 E [email protected]

TWUSUPER Locked Bag 5094 Parramatta NSW 2124

General enquiries

Member Service team P 1800 222 071 E [email protected] W

Employer Service team P 1800 241 877 E [email protected] W

Super can be complex. If you need more information or help with the paperwork we can come to you. And if we can’t get there, we’ll help you over the phone.


REPORT 96.1 08/15 ISS15

The information contained in this annual report is correct as at the date of publication. This information is of a general nature only and is not a comprehensive study. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial adviser when doing this. You should obtain a copy of TWUSUPER’s current Product Disclosure Statement (which is available by calling 1800 222 071 or visiting and consider it carefully before you make any decision about whether to acquire the product or continue to hold our products. TWU Nominees Pty Ltd (ABN 67 002 835 412), Australian Financial Services Licence No. 239163, is the trustee of TWUSUPER (ABN 77 343 563 307) and the issuer of interests in it. Transuper, TransPersonal and TransPension are divisions of TWUSUPER (the ‘Fund’).

We’re here and ready to help

It’s never too early or too late to benefit from financial advice.

If you’re starting out, we can help you with things like tucking away a little extra super through regular contributions, making the right super investment choice and ensuring you and your family are protected from whatever life throws at you. We can provide this type of advice over the phone, at no extra cost.

And if you’re starting to think about retirement for the first time, a financial adviser* can help put in place a financial plan that could boost your super, reduce your tax and allow you to prepare for a retirement that works best for you.

Unlike many other financial advisers, IFS financial advisers don’t profit from commissions; they’re paid to help you, not by how much they sell.

We’re here and ready to help, so phone us on 1800 222 071.

*Financial advice services are offered through TWUSUPER’s relationship with Industry Fund Services Limited (‘IFS’) ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL No. 232514. As the licensed provider of the financial advice services, IFS is directly responsible to you for those services. TWUSUPER is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by any person that arises from financial advice received under this arrangement.