Annual Report & Accounts 2008-2009

Annual Report and Accounts 2008/2009


CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts for the 15 months ending 31 March 2009

Transcript of Annual Report & Accounts 2008-2009

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CLIC Sargent Cancer Care for Children Annual Report & Accountsfor the 15 months ending 31st March 2009

Contents 3 Chair’s Report

6 Trustees’ Report

28 Independent Auditors’ Report

30 Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities

32 Consolidated Group Balance Sheet

33 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

34 Notes to the Accounts

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Chair’s Report

A message from Daphne Pullen

2008/9 has been a challenging year for everyone and we realised very early on that

the voluntary sector would not escape the economic challenges and prepared

ourselves appropriately. We protected our investments, managed and in some

places cut our expenditure, and set out targets for our income which were prudent

and sensible for the year ahead 2009/10. While doing this, we also saw our best

fundraising period ever in our history coming in at £25.3m raised during the 15

month period, thanks to the commitment of our supporters and donors – and with

particular mention to the Nottingham Home from Home Appeal Committee, and the

staff of HBOS.

We have built on our authoritative profile. In 2008, we reviewed the needs of

children and young people with cancer when not in hospital. This work has led to

the development of a good practice model of care - More Than My Illness, which

was supported by the Department of Health. We also have led the children and

young people’s workstream of the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative. This has

firmly established the voice of young people at the heart of policy making. We have

also seen positive change through our Fit to Eat campaign through support from the

then Secretary of State for Health, Alan Johnson, for our guidelines for hospitals;

work starting on the simplification of the Disability Living Allowance in line with our

calls in our Cut the Red Tape campaign; and commitments from government,

business and the Unions in line with our priorities on employment support for

parents caring for a sick child.

We have also continued to develop direct services through efficient delivery and

through partnership ensuring that more children and young people with cancer and

their families are being supported by a greater range of much needed quality


We are committed to ensuring children, young people and their families get

appropriate care and support now and into the future. And it is with this in mind

that, at the beginning of 2009 following a review of our added value, we made

some cuts in our expenditure in line with the priority needs of our service users.

This has helped us safeguard our core priorities and through this consolidation we

are well prepared for future development and growth.

At the end of this financial period, we also said goodbye to our Chief Executive, Dr

Carole Easton. I want to thank her for all her hard work leading the charity to

significant success over the last three years. I would also like to thank Sarah

Talbot-Williams who took on the Interim Chief Executive role and with the senior

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management team kept the staff motivated and focussed on the job in hand. As

2009/10 starts, we are delighted to welcome Lorraine Clifton, our recently recruited

new Chief Executive who brings significant experience of working with our key

partner – the NHS – and will continue to improve the situation for children and

young people with cancer right across the UK.

But 2008 also saw a great sadness for CLIC Sargent and the childhood cancer

community. Geoff Thaxter, CLIC Sargent’s Director of Services and an active

proponent both at home and abroad of care and support for children and young

people with cancer and their families, died after a short illness. His legacy - his

drive and commitment - is continuing through our work. In February 2009, we

welcomed Dara de Burca as our new Director of Services, whose background in

delivering public sector services for children and young people will significantly help

strengthen our delivery of services to children and young people.

I also wish to pay a special tribute to one of our Trustees who left us in 2008/9, due

to ill-health – Sophie Broere. As a childhood cancer survivor, Sophie brought a

great insight to the board and showed how important it is to listen to the voice of

our service user groups. We will miss her input. I would also like to welcome two

new Trustees who bring experience and expertise which will add to the strength of

our charity – Dr Hamish Wallace, a leading paediatric oncologist based in

Edinburgh, and Rachel Billsberry-Grass, whose background in fundraising will add

well to the skill mix of the board. I am grateful to them and all the Trustees, who

are giving so much of their time but also their knowledge and expertise to make

sure we are able to do everything we can to help children and young people with

cancer, and their families.

One of the major reasons for success is our staff. We have immensely highly skilled

and committed staff, who work with children, young people and their extended

families and friends, supporting and caring for them at such a difficult time; our

fundraising and communications staff, who work in a challenging and highly

competitive environment, yet are still breaking records to raise the much needed

income and build our profile as the authoritative voice on child cancer; and our

support staff who make sure that the charity functions efficiently and effectively.

The team is not complete without our volunteers. They are our life blood and we

could not carry out the vast programme of activities without them – from our

committed founders, who are still very important to us in the charity, to our branch

and committee members and our patrons and ambassadors who raise not just

money but awareness in the local communities, and the wonderful volunteers up

and down the country who work in our shops, for fundraising activities, and in our


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I am confident with this strong team we will meet the challenges ahead and move

forward in 2009/10 confident that we will be able to do more for more children and

young people with cancer. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in our

tremendous team on behalf of the Charity and on behalf of the children and young

people with cancer and their families whom we support.

Daphne Pullen


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Trustees’ Report

In this report, we set out the report and accounts of CLIC Sargent Cancer

Care for Children (known as CLIC Sargent) for the 15 months ending 31

March 2009. As the Board of Trustees we do this under the Companies Act

1985 and the Charities Act 1993, the Statement of Recommended Practice:

Accounting by Charities issued in March 2005 and applicable accounting

standards. CLIC Sargent was incorporated on 29 October 2004.

Objectives and Principal Activities of CLIC Sargent


In everything CLIC Sargent does, there is one overall objective in mind – to ease

the burden and lessen the impact of childhood cancer on children and young people

and their families. CLIC Sargent helps them with the trauma of diagnosis, the often

long, painful and difficult journey through treatment and continues to support them

after treatment and beyond.

CLIC Sargent is there for all children and young people with cancer. We are there

for their families too, responding to their individual needs and caring every step of

the way. We do this through:

• clinical, psychological, emotional, financial and practical services in hospital,

at home and in the community across the UK;

• being a strong voice nationally and locally and providing a platform for

children and young people with cancer to express their needs and views;

• research into causes and treatment and psycho-social impact of childhood



The Trustees continue to give due regard to the public benefit provided by the

charity in relation to its charitable purposes as set out in the objectives and

principal activities as outlined above and have given due consideration to guidance

issued by the Charity Commission on this subject.

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We provide specialist clinical care – through nurses in hospital, in the

community and at home.

We provide emotional and practical support – by employing specialist social

workers who work with the children, young people and the family in hospital, in the

community and at home.

We support the family – providing grants and providing services offering practical

support in partnership with other providers.

We support young people – by employing young people’s workers who, working

in the hospital and in the community, help young people cope with the emotional

and physical affects of cancer at a pivotal time in their personal and social

development. Young people’s workers help young people live as normally as

possible during and after treatment.

We offer specialist care – through play specialists who use play on the hospital

wards to help children cope with, and understand, difficult treatments and


We keep families together during treatment – our Homes from Home provide

comfortable, free, self-catering accommodation where families can stay together,

near the hospital in which their child is being treated.

We provide free holidays – where the family can have time together on safe, fun

and free catered or self catered holidays around the UK.

We provide financial assistance – through our grants programme which offers

immediate financial support for a range of needs and the extra costs of looking

after a child on treatment.

We offer information – through the Child Cancer Helpline a free, anonymous and

confidential telephone and email service is provided for anyone who wants to know

more about childhood cancer and through the provision of a range of information

materials. Our website is a further comprehensive resource

offering comprehensive local and national information 24/7.

Research treatment and care – through funding research projects throughout

the UK, possible causes of childhood cancers and improved treatments are

identified. We also fund psycho-social research projects looking at the emotional,

psychological and social impact of childhood cancer.

We influence and campaign – with and on behalf of children and young people

with cancer and their families to change policy and practice to improve the health,

practical, financial, social and educational care and support that they receive and to

raise awareness of their needs.

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Grants are offered to help families with the extra costs of caring for a child with

cancer. They are available to families who are normally resident in the United

Kingdom, whose child is aged 24 or under and is receiving curative treatment or

palliative care for cancer, leukaemia or lymphoma.


The Service Framework outlines the way in which CLIC Sargent provides services

that meet individual needs, delivered consistently. By setting priorities and

standards, it also provides a means of sharing best practice.


CLIC Sargent relies heavily on the support of volunteers who give their time and

commitment to helping us in our work with children and young people with cancer.

There are over 1000 volunteers working throughout the UK in a wide range of roles.

Hundreds of these volunteers work in our shops and in local fundraising committees

organising a wide range of events. We also have a number of volunteers who work

with our services, including in our Homes from Home and in our Malcolm Sargent

House holiday home. Our Patrons (listed on page 26) provide invaluable support,

giving their time and energy at fundraising events, hospital visits and a range of

other activities. In 2008, we created a Volunteer Manager post. This has not only

led to a marked increase in the number of volunteers, particularly in our offices, but

has also provided good support to volunteers themselves and those who work with


We have a range of young people and parent/carer support groups in which

individuals volunteer to support others. We have also introduced a new post of User

Participation Manager to develop the true participation of children and young people

and to deliver a participation strategy covering all aspects from governance to work

experience, from mentoring to web champions. The Young People’s Advisory Group

is advising the User Participation Manager and is advising the CLIC Sargent

Trustees and management team on key issues.

Achievements and Plans

In 2008/9, we have continued to grow our authoritativeness and establish stronger

links with the Department of Health to ensure that children and young people with

cancer will benefit from the best possible services. One of our major concerns has

been the need for better and more consistent community care and support

services, to offer children and young people with cancer the support they need both

in and out of hospital. Our first More Than My Illness report concentrated on

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children and young people up to the age of 16 and was published in February 2009.

The second report, due out later in 2009, focuses on the needs of young adults

from 16 – 24. This research and the development of service models underpin

NICE’s Improving Outcomes Guidance for Children and Young People with Cancer,

but also go further in highlighting the needs for integrated and co-ordinated care

both in the hospital and in the community. Our work has shown that in order to

ensure that children and young people have the community services they need to

continue their ordinary lives, the following three elements are needed:

• a key worker to co-ordinate clinical and non-clinical aspects of care

• assessment and care planning

• a community multi-disciplinary team.

We are committed to drawing together and influencing the many agencies and

service providers who all play a significant part in delivering such a service.

While this influencing and coordination role continues, CLIC Sargent, through its

services delivered across the UK, works tirelessly to improve the health and well

being outcomes for children and young people with cancer.

Children and young people are at the heart of everything we do, and 2008/9 has

seen a marked increase in the voice and participation of children and young people

with cancer in every aspect of the charity. There is still much to do, but we are

developing a strategy and focussing some resource to ensure that this is effective.

We continue to support the whole family, helping parents and carers cope not only

with the diagnosis, but also with the financial and emotional burden of cancer,

through our nurses and social workers, grants system, home from home and

holiday service, and our helpline.

With More Than My Illness and the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative, we have

been able to secure our position as major influencers on all issues relating to

childhood cancer. We have built our relationships with both major political parties

and established key campaigns which have made a difference to children and young

people with cancer and their families.

In this past year, we have also funded a range of research projects aimed at finding

better treatment and care, and understanding the emotional and psychological

impacts of childhood cancer.

We have invested and will continue to invest in service development and

improvement to ensure the highest quality of our services. In this challenging

economic environment, we have worked hard to secure the highest and broadest

level of services for children and young people and their families. To ensure the

greatest cost effectiveness, we have looked to build coherent partnerships to

deliver services and to influence.

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Improving health and wellbeing outcomes

In 2008/9:

• We published More Than My Illness, a review of the health and social care

needs of children and young people with cancer and their families in the

community, supported by the Department of Health. The first report focused

on the needs of 0-16 year olds. This identified the needs of this age group

and described a ‘good practice’ model of care for providers and

commissioners of cancer and community services.

• We supported 2,733 newly diagnosed children and young people and their

families, in addition to those continuing treatment.

• We created a further 4 new posts in the NHS to support children and young

people through their treatment.

• Through our Fit to Eat campaign, we delivered our own guidelines to all

Principal Treatment Centres, guidelines, endorsed by the then Secretary of

State for Health, Alan Johnson. These guidelines presented hospitals with a

clear path to improve hospital food services for children and young people in


• We influenced the Education and Skills Bill and the Schools (Health Support)

Bill to reflect the needs of young people with cancer and ensure that support

is put in place to help them keep up with their education while they are ill.

In 2009/10:

• We will publish More Than My Illness phase II, focusing on the needs of

young adults aged 16-24.

• With our Department of Health partners, we will develop the role of the key

worker and implement a co-ordinated, integrated care plan approach to

assessing need and delivering services.

• We will increase the work we do with 16-24 year olds across all our services.

• Through both the delivery of direct social care and through our influencing

programme we will work hard to ensure that young people get the necessary

support to keep up with their education.

• We will take the lead on reviewing policy guidance to ensure that community

care professionals can offer the most appropriate support to children and

young people.

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Reducing the practical and financial burden of cancer

In 2008/9:

• We saw the near completion of the Nottingham Home from Home, which was

subsequently opened in June 2009. We also worked hard to successfully

resolve the challenges of the London Home from Home where work will start

in 2009 to open in 2010.

• We gave out 5,054 grants to families, totalling over £1.1million, providing

much needed financial support as families cope with having a sick child.

• Our Cut the Red Tape Campaign saw success in the shape of the Department

of Work and Pensions starting a simplification of the DLA benefit form. They

also asked us to help them to develop and test the new processes.

• We reviewed how to deliver practical community support with value for

money – working with volunteers, and a community grants system.

• We successfully responded to a 149% increase in enquiries about benefits.

In 2009/10:

• We will open the Nottingham and London Homes from Home.

• We will carry out a review of services in our Homes from Home to look at

how we can further improve the service to families.

• We will change the way we offer practical community and family support

through partnerships with other organisations and the implementation of a

Community Support Grant.

• We will review our grants programme to ensure that we are using available

funds in the most efficient and effective way possible and ensuring funds are

targeted at those most in need.

• We will continue to work with the Department of Work and Pensions to

develop and test their new DLA benefit processes.

• We will work with employers and Trade Unions to improve workplace rights

for parents caring for a child with cancer and to spread best practice for this

key group.

• We will run a feasibility study for a new Home from Home in Belfast and will

ensure that we plan appropriately for the relocation of the Homes from

Home in Edinburgh and Glasgow, due to hospital moves.

• We will increase our provision of benefits advice.

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Building support and understanding & reducing isolation

In 2008/9:

• We developed individual care plans for bereaved families.

• We enhanced our holiday provision at Malcolm Sargent House to give families

a more personalised service and improve the staffing model to provide more

development opportunities. We provided 473 family holidays.

• Through our helpline we despatched more than 56,000 leaflets and

publications to service users, families, care professionals, teachers and the

general public.

• The CLIC Sargent Helpline became accredited with the Telephone Helpline


• We have effectively engaged with young people and children as well as

parents about the work we do – service provision, policy development and

campaigns. Supported by our new User Participation Manager, we have set

up a Children and Young People’s Advisory Group, who will, amongst other

areas, look at participation in our governance.

• We have chaired and been an important partner in the children and young

people’s work stream of the Government’s National Cancer Survivorship


• We continued to work with our Survivor Task Force and had a very successful

UK Survivor Conference in September 2008.

• We have supported the Scottish Executive as they put together their Cancer

Plan. We have also inputted the views of children and young people with

cancer to the National Delivery Plan for Children and Young People’s

Specialist Services in Scotland.

• We produced a number of booklets, films and web pages to support young

people and families understand more about their experiences – from facing

death to keeping up with education, from benefits advice to cancer and work.

In 2009/10:

• We will continue our work with survivors and play a lead role in the

Government’s National Cancer Survivorship Initiative.

• We will participate in Survivorship test sites implementing improving care

pathways for survivors.

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• We will run two projects as part of the NCSI – one looking at consultation of

7-13 year olds and the other reviewing all policy and practice guidance for

working with children and young people cancer survivors in the community.

• We will develop work experience and skill development opportunities for

young people in partnership with corporate partners.

• We will develop the Young People’s Web Champion project to offer both work

experience to young people but also to develop the content and input of

young people to our website offering information and interactivity to all.

• We will provide specialist support to families most affected by their

bereavement and introduce specific support to ‘childless parents’ who have

lost their only child to cancer.

• We will work closely with the Department of Health on the development of

Information Prescriptions for children and young people.

Researching for better futures

In 2008/9:

• We have funded a number of scientific, clinical and psychosocial research

projects. We collected feedback to influence the development of our services

and those of other providers.

• To support the More Than My Illness Report, we conducted needs analysis by

asking children, young people and their families, and professionals what their

needs are when not in hospital.

In 2009/10:

• We will develop a quality assurance framework to ensure that our services

are of the highest quality and constantly evaluated for effectiveness.

• We will undertake an annual user satisfaction survey that is independently

verified to measure feedback and satisfaction levels of our services.

• We will produce summaries of research undertaken to ensure that this is

disseminated throughout the workforce.

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Investing in the development and improvement of services

In 2008/9:

• We ensured that the Principal Treatment Centres had appropriate social care

support in place led by a Team Leader, ensuring better support to families,

improving quality of provision and ensuring appropriate support for staff.

• We undertook a Social Work Activity Review which highlighted where we

needed to improve our delivery of social care support and defined the priority

needs for children, young people and their families.

• We were able to increase the number of development days given to staff by

nearly 50% to help them in the delivery of our quality services, through

developing partnerships with supporter and training organisations and

through using internal skills more effectively.

In 2009/10:

• We will build robust quality assurance and service planning frameworks that

can be used to target more statutory and grant income.

• We will ensure the services are reviewed and evaluated, using external

verification annually and that planning is based on this strong evidence base.

• The outcomes of the policy initiative for young people will inform priorities

for policy and practice guidance development.

• We will develop the CARE data system to improve our support to patients

and to supporters and to ensure that we have the right information to

appropriately develop services.

• We will continuously review safeguarding, so that we can be confident that

children are safe and this is reflected in the delivery of high standards of


• We will continue to focus on providing an equitable high standard of learning

and development across the whole of CLIC Sargent.

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CLIC Sargent was registered as a Charity with the Office of the Scottish Charity

Regulator (OSCR) on 8th September 2008 under the Scottish Charity Number


In 2008/9 we raised £4.8 million in Scotland, of which £2 million was a donation

from the HBOS foundation.

Volunteers and Supporters across the whole of Scotland have been vital to us and

have given time and money to support our full range of services in Scotland. A full

calendar of events including 70 Wild Miles and the Boxing Day Dips were key to our

engagement of many local communities. Also many young people with cancer

themselves and their families engaged in fundraising and awareness raising

activities committed and grateful to the support they received from CLIC Sargent.

In addition to the delivery of clinical, social care and emotional support through our

nurses, social workers, youth workers and play specialists, our Homes from Home

programme and our Holiday services played a significant part in the treatment

journeys of many children and young people with cancer in Scotland. CLIC Sargent

also played an important role in influencing the Scottish Parliament as well as

Scottish MPs in the UK Parliament. We particularly supported the Scottish Executive

as they put together their Cancer Plan and have supported children and young

people to get their voice heard in the development of the National Delivery Plan for

Children and Young People’s Specialist Services in Scotland.


This Annual Report and Accounts is for a 15 month period as a consequence of

moving the year end date from December 31 to March 31. The Trustees made this

decision in order that the results of the volatile seasonal activity in December would

be known before the plans and budgets for the forthcoming financial year are


The Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA), set out on page 30,

shows that during the 15 month financial period the gross income raised was

£25.3m and expenditure on direct charitable activities £16m. Total resources

expended of £26.2m resulted in a net outflow for the year of £0.9m.

After taking into account unrealised losses on investments, total fund balances

reduced by £1.1m to £15.1m. Funds restricted for specific purposes grew by £1.2m

to £5.6m mainly due to the highly successful Home from Home Appeal and also due

to the fundraising efforts of HBOS.

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The change of the accounting year end to March has meant that this period

encompasses two calendar first quarters in which traditionally CLIC Sargent spends

more than it raises. As a consequence our unrestricted reserves have diminished by

£2.2m to £9.5m.

The subsidiary company, CLIC Sargent Promotions Limited, achieved a turnover of

£1.8m and net income of £1.6m, all of which was transferred to the Charity under

the Gift Aid provisions.

Financial Management Policies


Free reserves comprise the total reserves available to the charity less those

reserves whose uses are restricted or else designated for specific purposes.

Each year the Trustees review the policy for maintaining free reserves taking into

consideration the major risks faced by the charity, their likely impact on income

sources and planned expenditure and an assessment of the ways to mitigate such

risks. As a result of this review the Trustees have agreed a policy to safeguard our

charitable commitments and to fund operational support expenditure, to allow for a

restructuring of the charity in the event of a very significant shortfall in income.

Free reserves also allow for capital availability in the event a significant operational

risk was to occur and to allow the charity to take advantage of a potential

unplanned opportunity.

Free reserves at 31 March 2009 amounted to £2.5m compared to reserves required

under the agreed policy of £4.8m. Having reviewed this position the Trustees

consider that the level of reserves is acceptable in the shorter term. It has been

necessary to balance the challenges of the major economic downturn with the

imperative to maintain services as far as possible; however, as the economy

recovers from the recession, it is the Trustees intention to build the level of free



In early 2008 the Trustees established a formal Investment Sub-Committee

reporting to the Finance and General Purposes Committee. This Sub-Committee is

responsible for overseeing the overall investment strategy and for the oversight of

its implementation by, and the performance of, the Charity's Investment Managers.

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In an unpredictable investment world the Charity looks to achieve a measured

balance between risk and reward. Having determined the level of reserves required

by the Charity for 2009/10 we have adopted a conservative Investment Policy that

seeks first to protect the reserves of the Charity and, second to achieve an

appropriate long term total return from a balanced portfolio having due regard for

the associated risks and liquidity of a range of investment products. The approach

is to reduce the risks associated with holding equity investments and in line with

this policy the Trustees approved the sale of £3.3m of equity based investments

during the period.

The Investment Funds are managed by UBS Wealth Management and their

performance is monitored on a regular basis by the Investment Sub-Committee.

The portfolio at the year end comprised predominantly of bank deposit investments

with a small equity holding.

The investment objectives of securing reserves through a capital base and

delivering an acceptable return remain a priority for the Charity.


CLIC Sargent aims to be a charity which is open and transparent in our relationship

with our employees. This was seen clearly towards the end of this financial year,

when in response to the economic climate, we entered into a charity-wide

consultation with employees around cuts and redundancies. With the support of

our Staff Forum, staff energetically provided constructive and professional feedback

as part of this process. CLIC Sargent, at the end of this process, made 17

compulsory redundancies, which came into effect in May 2009. We worked hard to

offer outplacement and support to those who were leaving us, and provided

effective communication and support to staff as they had to continue business as

usual through this change programme.

Employees are kept informed about day-to-day news and events. Information is

provided on a regular basis through meetings, briefings and the CLIC Sargent

intranet. All employees are encouraged to give their views about any issue within

the charity, which included input into the staff survey, and there is a formal

opportunity for staff consultation through the staff forum.

CLIC Sargent is committed to providing equal opportunities in everything it does

and we have a range of policies to support this, including a Carer’s Policy and work

is progressing on a cancer policy so that our staff are able to receive the support

and benefits that we are encouraging other employers to provide for the families of

children with cancer. CLIC Sargent is committed to the professional and personal

development of all of our staff through learning and development opportunities,

supervision and appraisal. We have been able to continue our personal

development commitment to our staff in a cost effective manner by using the

resources of many of our corporate supporters, including HBOS, Virgin Trains, hmv

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and Virgin Unite and Skillsoft to deliver a wide range of face-to-face and e-learning

opportunities. We are most grateful to our supporters for these opportunities.


CLIC Sargent operates defined contribution pension schemes for our employees.

Future Plans

In 2009/10, we will continue to consolidate our position in an economically

challenging environment and continue to implement our strategic priorities. We will

complete our efficiency savings and continue to maintain our cost effectiveness.

We will be developing our user participation strategy to ensure that in all of our

activity the views and voice of children and young people with cancer, and survivors

of child cancer will be at the forefront.

We will deliver in line with the priorities highlighted in the new Services Strategy.

We will ensure that we develop practices and systems within our social care

services to reflect the best practice described in More Than My Illness. We will be

working with health partners to look at ways of developing the Key Worker role

outlined in the best practice model of More Than My Illness. We will also work to

influence policy makers and providers to take on board our recommendations

relating to community based services and health care described in More Than My

Illness focussing on 0-16 year olds. We will also complete the work for our 2nd

report looking at the needs of 16-24 year olds.

The other piece of work that could make a substantial difference to the lives of

children and young people with cancer is the National Cancer Survivorship

Initiative. CLIC Sargent, in partnership with the Department of Health and

Macmillan Cancer Support, will continue to lead on identifying the needs of child

cancer survivors in order to establish the necessary support services. It will

particularly focus on its two projects – consultation with 7-13 year olds and a major

policy review on community based services for young people aged 14-24.

CLIC Sargent will continue to look at partnership working and will continue to build

its partnership with Teenage Cancer Trust, Home-Start and others to meet the

social and community based needs of children, young people and their families.

Our Home from Home service will be a key area for development in 2009/10.

Following the successful opening of the Nottingham Home from Home, CLIC

Sargent will focus on the completion of the London Home from Home project and

the feasibility study for a Belfast Home from Home. Work in line with relocation

plans for hospitals in Glasgow and Edinburgh will also be an important focus.

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In spite of the economic challenges, we will continue to consolidate our fundraising

position maximising the potential of our existing supporters and donors. We also

aim to grow our areas of income which will create a more sustainable and balanced

income base, including corporates, grants, major donors and individual donors. We

will continue to grow our use and involvement of volunteers, to maximise our cost

effectiveness and will continue to build on our growing public profile through

effective creative and PR strategies.

Governance and Management

CLIC Sargent is a registered charity (No. 1107328) and a company (No. 5273638)

limited by member guarantees. Our registered office is as shown on page 27 and

we are governed by a Memorandum and Articles of Association that were adopted

on 29 October 2004 and as amended in February 2008.

Our Trustees, Patrons and senior executives of CLIC Sargent are listed on

pages 25 – 27. Our Principal place of business and the external advisers of

CLIC Sargent are set out on page 27.


The Board of Trustees (‘the Board’) is responsible for the overall governance of

CLIC Sargent. The number of Trustees cannot be fewer than six or more than

fourteen. The Recruitment and Selection Committee is responsible for the selection

and recruitment of new Trustees, using a transparent recruitment process with all

appointments approved by the full Board. A skills audit is used to identify the skills,

experience, characteristics and backgrounds that are needed to provide high quality

effective governance.

One third of the trustees must retire each year and may stand for re-election,

subject to serving for up to a maximum six year term, after which they may seek

re-election for a further three year period, subject to a two-thirds majority vote by

the Board. Trustees are bound by a signed Code of Conduct and on joining undergo

an induction programme suitable to their needs. Training on external and

organisational issues is provided throughout the year.



The Trustees are responsible for their Annual Report and for the preparing of the

financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom

Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. They are also responsible for ensuring they

give a true and fair view of the incoming resources and the application of resources

of the Charity and Group during the year, and of the state of affairs as at the end of

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the financial period. In preparing these financial statements, the Trustees are

required to:

• select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently

• make judgements and estimates which are reasonable and prudent

• state whether the applicable accounting standards have been followed,

subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial


• prepare the financial statements on an on-going concern basis unless it is

inappropriate to presume that the Charity will continue in operation.

The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose

with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Charity, and

enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with applicable laws

and regulations. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the

Charity and for their proper application as required by charity law, and hence for

taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other


The Trustees have overall responsibility for ensuring that the Charity has

appropriate systems and controls, financial and otherwise, to provide reasonable

assurance that:

• the Charity is operating efficiently and effectively

• proper records are maintained and financial information used within the

Charity, or for publication, is reliable

• the Charity complies with relevant laws and regulations.

Internal controls over all forms of commitment and expenditure continue to be

refined to improve efficiency. Processes are in place to ensure that performance is

monitored and that appropriate management information is prepared and reviewed

regularly by both the Senior Management Team and the Board of Trustees. The

systems of internal control are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute

assurance against material misstatement or loss.

They include:

• a strategic plan and annual budget approved by the Trustees

• regular consideration by the Trustees of financial results, variances from

budgets, non-financial performance indicators and benchmarking reviews

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• delegation of day-to-day management authority and segregation of duties

• identification and management of risks.


With regard to the preparation of this Annual Report and Accounts:

• As far as each Trustee is aware, there is no relevant audit information of

which the Charity’s auditors are unaware.

• Each Trustee has taken all of the steps that a Trustee might reasonably be

expected to have taken to be aware of relevant audit information and to

establish that the Charity’s auditors are aware of that information.


The Board meets at least four times a year, and is responsible for setting an

appropriate strategy for the Charity. It also ensures that relevant performance

measures are in place. The Board receives regular reports on all aspects of the

Charity’s work.

The Trustees and the Senior Management are at the moment reviewing the

governance against up-to-the-minute best practice to ensure it is delivering the

best for the charity. There are currently seven Committees. The members of these

Committees include Trustees, management and external advisers. The Terms of

Reference for these Committees are summarised below:

Finance and General Purposes Committee

The Finance and General Purposes Committee has responsibility for monitoring and


• human resources (staff and volunteers)

• financial & operational performance and procedures

• property transactions

• annual plans & budgets

• investments

• reserves

Power to act for the Charity on financial matters has been delegated to this

committee by the Board.

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Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is a sub-committee of the Finance and General Purpose

Committee, with responsibility for monitoring and reviewing:

• the appropriate reserves policy for recommendation to Finance and General

Purposes Committee

• the appropriate investment risk profile and investment policy that protects

the reserves of the charity, maintains balance of investments between

various portfolios and establishes performance benchmarks and investment


• the appointment of suitable regulated professional investment managers.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee has responsibility for monitoring and reviewing:

• the policies and processes for the identification, assessment and

management of risk, including financial control

• the Charity’s financial statements to assess the integrity of financial


• the scope, results and effectiveness of external and internal audit

• the independence of the external auditors, their range of non-audit services

and fees.

Fundraising and Communications Committee

The Fundraising and Communications Committee is responsible for:

• contributing to the development of fundraising and communications

strategies and policies for Board approval

• ensuring there are appropriate annual fundraising and communications

budgets and operating plans for presentation to Trustees, based on agreed


• monitoring and reviewing fundraising and communications activities and

plans, making recommendations to the Management Team and Trustees

• ensuring there is an effective process to maintain and build on the

relationship between the charity and supporters/volunteers involved with

fundraising and campaigning.

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Services Committee

The Services Committee is responsible for:

• contributing to the development of the services strategy, responding to user

needs, taking account of internal and external resources, partnerships and

operating frameworks

• ensuring there is an appropriate annual services budget and operating plan

in place for presentation to Trustees, based on agreed strategy

• monitoring and reviewing services and plans, making recommendations to

the Management Team and Trustees

• coordination of the Research Committee

• assisting in the development of a campaigning strategy.

Research Committee

The Research Committee is a sub-committee of the Services Committee with

responsibility for:

• developing the strategy for both scientific/clinical (including psychosocial)

and needs research to support improvement in treatment and care for

children and young people with cancer

• awarding, monitoring and reviewing research and making recommendations

to the Senior Management Team and the Board as appropriate.

Recruitment and Selection Committee

The role of the Recruitment and Selection Committee is to:

• monitor and review the composition of the Board to ensure that it has the

appropriate blend of skills and experience

• identify and recruit new members of the Board and to be responsible for

their induction, support and development.

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Chief Executive

Authority to conduct CLIC Sargent’s day-to-day activities is delegated to the Chief

Executive, who is responsible for ensuring that the agreed strategy and policies are

carried out. A Senior Management Team reports to the Chief Executive and meets


Risk Management

The Audit Committee has delegated authority from the Board to ensure that an

active risk management process is in place and forms part of CLIC Sargent’s on-

going organisation activity. However, the key risk which the Senior Management

Team and Trustees recognised early in 2008, was the impact of the economic

recession on CLIC Sargent’s income generation. This risk was carefully managed.

Costs were and continue to be very carefully controlled and some organisational

streamlining has taken place after full consultation with staff.

Fundraising and other charitable activities are heavily reliant on the commitment of

staff and volunteers. To improve retention rates there has been an investment in

developing more flexible benefits which will improve terms and conditions for staff

and in developing more support for volunteers with a strategy put in place to

ensure that volunteers are valued and supported and become an integral part of

the organisation.

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Daphne Pullen (Chair)

Henry Kenyon FCA (Honorary

Treasurer and Vice Chair)

Simon Armson

Rachel Billsberry-Grass

(Appointed 23 September 2008)

Sophie Broere (Resigned

23 January 2009)

Jim Currie MBE

Tim Holley

Dr Meriel Jenney MRCPCH


Dan Kendall

Jonathan Plumtree FCA

Sally Ramsay RGN RSCN

Dr Hamish Wallace MD,

FRCP, FRCPCH (Appointed

23 September 2008)

Chris Wathen FCIB



Daphne Pullen (Chair)

Jim Currie MBE

Henry Kenyon FCA

Sally Ramsay RGN RSCN

Chris Wathen FCIB


Jonathan Plumtree FCA (Chair)

Jim Currie MBE

Daphne Pullen

Chris Wathen FCIB



Chris Wathen FCIB (Chair)

Daphne Pullen

Sally Ramsay RGN RSCN


Tim Holley (Chair)

Sophie Broere (Resigned

23 January 2009)

Dr Meriel Jenney MRCPCH


Sally Ramsay RGN RSCN

Dr Hamish Wallace MD,

FRCP, FRCPCH (Appointed

23 September 2008)



Dr Meriel Jenney MRCPCH

MBChB MRCP (Chair)

Peer Review Group


Henry Kenyon FCA (Chair)

Dr Carole Easton (Resigned

30 April 2009)

Mark Lund (co-opted member:

Appointed 9 July 2009)

Chris Wathen FCIB

Steve Williams FCMA

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Dan Kendall (Chair)

Simon Armson

Rachel Billsberry-Grass

John Miller (co-opted member:

Appointed 19 September 2008)

Daphne Pullen


Chief Executive

Dr Carole Easton (Resigned

30 April 2009)

Sarah Talbot-Williams (Acting Chief

Executive; 1 May – 29 July 2009)

Lorraine Clifton (Appointed

29 July 2009)

Director of Services

Geoff Thaxter (Died 19 August 2008)

Dara de Burca (Appointed

23 February 2009)

Director of Fundraising

Lucy Caldicott

Director of Communications

and Campaigning

Sarah Talbot-Williams

Director of Finance

Steve Williams FCMA

Director of Human Resources

Peter Atfield

Company Secretary

Steve Williams FCMA


Sylvia Darley OBE

Sargent Cancer Care for Children

Bob Woodward

CLIC – Cancer and Leukaemia

in Childhood


Gordon Morrison


Lady Helen Taylor,

CLIC Sargent Ambassador

Lord Attenborough,

Legacies Ambassador

Lucy Alexander

James Allen

Alice Beer

Angellica Bell

Nicola Benedetti

Cherie Booth

Sara Carello

Mark Chapman

Sir James Galway

Jonny & Laura Greenall

Tim Henman

Chris Hollins

Emma Johnson

Eddie & Marie Jordan

Gary Lineker

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Laurence & Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen

Julian Lloyd-Webber

Sally Magnusson

Barry & Sandra McGuigan

José Mourinho

Patsy Palmer

Steve Rider

Major General Garry Robison

Gaby Roslin

Michelle Ryan

Sharleen Spiteri

The Archbishop of Canterbury,

Dr Rowan Williams

Richard Young



TLT Solicitors

One Redcliffe Street

Bristol BS1 6TP

Bates Wells and Braithwaite

2-6 Cannon Street

London EC4M 6YH


Royal Bank of Scotland

29 Old Brompton Road

London SW7 3JE

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc

25 Gresham Street

London EC2V 7HN

HSBC Bank Plc

1 Beadon Road

London W6 0EA

External Auditors

Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP

St Bride’s House

10 Salisbury Square

London EC4Y 8EH

Investment Managers

UBS AG Wealth Management

1 Curzon Street

London W1J 5UB

By order of the Board of Trustees

CLIC Sargent Cancer Care

for Children

Griffin House

161 Hammersmith Road

London W6 8SG

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Independent Auditors’ Report to the Members of CLIC Sargent Cancer Care for Children

We have audited the group and parent company financial statements of CLIC

Sargent Cancer Care for Children for the 15 months ending 31 March 2009 which

comprise the Group Statement of Financial Activities, the Group and Charity

Balance Sheets, the Group Cash Flow Statement and the related notes set out on

pages 30 to 50. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with

the accounting policies set out therein.

This report is made solely to the charitable company’s members, as a body, in

accordance with section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 and to the charity’s

trustees, as a body, in accordance with section 44(1)(c) of the Charities and

Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005. Our audit work has been undertaken so

that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to

state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent

permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than

the charitable company and its members as a body, for our audit work, for this

report, or for the opinion we have formed.


The responsibilities of the trustees, who are also the directors of CLIC Sargent

Cancer Care for Children for the purposes of company law, for preparing the

Trustees’ Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and

United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted

Accounting Practice) are set out in the Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities on

page 20.

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant

legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and


We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and

fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and

comply with the requirements of regulation 8 of the Charities Accounts (Scotland)

Regulations 2006. We also report to you if in our opinion the information given in

the Trustees’ Report is consistent with the financial statements.

In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the charitable company has not kept

proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and

explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding

trustees’ remuneration and other transactions with the charity is not disclosed.

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We read the Trustees’ Report and consider the implications for our report if we

become aware of any apparent misstatements within it.


We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK

and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination,

on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial

statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and

judgments made by the Trustees in the preparation of the financial statements, and

of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the charitable company’s

circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all information and

explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient

evidence to give reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are

free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or

error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the

presentation of information in the financial statements.


In our opinion:

• the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with the

United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice of the state of

affairs of the charitable company and the group as at 31 March 2009 and of

the group’s incoming resources and application of resources, including the

group’s income and expenditure, for the 15 months then ended;

• the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the

Companies Act 1985; and comply with the requirements of regulation 8 of

the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006; and

• the information given in the Trustees’ Report is consistent with the financial


Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP

Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors

6th August 2009

St Bride’s House

10 Salisbury Square

London EC4Y 8EH

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Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009

(Incorporating a consolidated Income & Expenditure account) Notes Unrestricted

Funds Restricted

Funds Total 2009

(15 months) Total 2007

(12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Incoming Resources

Generated funds:

Voluntary income

Donations and other voluntary income 12,452 4,792 17,244 14,440

Legacies 3,562 380 3,942 3,478

Activities for generating funds:

Shop and trading activities 3,752 - 3,752 2,287

Investment and other income 2 396 18 414 345

Total incoming resources 20,162 5,190 25,352 20,550

Resources expended

Cost of generating funds:

Fundraising costs 7,499 188 7,687 6,047

Shop and trading activities 2,254 - 2,254 1,708

9,753 188 9,941 7,755

Net income available for charitable activities 10,409 5,002 15,411 12,795

Charitable activities:

Improving health and well-being outcomes 4,717 925 5,642 4,755

Reducing the practical and financial burden of cancer 1,963 1,655 3,618 2,570

Building support and understanding & reducing isolation 3,222 895 4,117 3,037

Researching for better futures 1,721 26 1,747 1,021

Investing in the development and improvement of services 682 174 856 304

Total direct charitable expenditure 12,305 3,675 15,980 11,687

Governance Costs 252 - 252 238

Total resources expended 4 22,310 3,863 26,173 19,680

Net incoming resources before investment gains/(loss)

3 (2,148) 1,327 (821) 870

Realised gain/(loss) on investment assets 8a (87) - (87) (37)

Net incoming resources after investment gains/(loss) (2,235) 1,327 (908) 833

Transfer between Restricted funds & Unrestricted funds 14 163 (163) - -

(Deficit)/Surplus for the year carried forward (2,072) 1,164 (908) 833

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Notes Unrestricted

Funds Restricted

Funds Total 2009

(15 months) Total 2007

(12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

(Deficit)/Surplus for the year balance brought forward (2,072) 1,164 (908) 833

Other recognised gains and losses

Gains on revaluation of fixed assets for Charities own use 15 - - - 2,056

Unrealised (loss)/gain on investment assets 8a (185) - (185) (168)

Unrealised gain on foreign currency 18 - 18 11

(167) - (167) 1,899

Net movement in funds (2,239) 1,164 (1,075) 2,732

Balances brought forward 15 11,751 4,470 16,221 13,489

Fund balances carried forward 9,512 5,634 15,146 16,221

The notes on pages 34 to 50 form part

of these financial statements

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Consolidated Group Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2009

Group Charity


2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets for use by the charity 7 8,401 5,837 8,401 5,837

Investments 8 1,040 4,039 1,140 4,139

9,441 9,876 9,541 9,976

Current Assets

Stocks 9 79 50 - -

Debtors 10 1,261 1,712 5,498 5,059

Cash at bank and short term deposits 7,536 7,089 7,273 6,354

8,876 8,851 12,771 11,413


Amounts falling due within one year 11 (2,639) (2,223) (6,634) (4,885)

Net Current Assets 6,237 6,628 6,137 6,528


Amounts falling due after one year 12 (532) (283) (532) (283)

Net Assets 15,146 16,221 15,146 16,221


Restricted funds 14 5,634 4,470 5,634 4,470

Unrestricted funds

Free reserves 15 2,482 5,234 2,482 5,234

Designated funds 15 4,974 4,461 4,974 4,461

Revaluation reserve 15 2,056 2,056 2,056 2,056

Non–charitable group trading funds 6 - - - -

Total Funds 15,146 16,221 15,146 16,221

These financial statements were approved by

the Board of Trustees on 6th August 2009

The notes on pages 34 to 50 form part

of these financial statements

Daphne Pullen Chair

Henry Kenyon FCA Treasurer

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Consolidated Group Cashflow Statement for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Net cash inflow from operating activities 19 188 813

Return on investments and servicing of finance

Interest and other income received 414 345

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchase of Property (2,264) (93)

Purchase of other tangible fixed assets (645) (176)

Sales of property and other tangible fixed assets 28 10

Purchase of investments (602) (400)

Sale of investments 3,328 1,459

Cash inflow/(outflow) for capital expenditure

and financial investment

(155) 800

Net cash inflow / (outflow) before financing 20 447 1,958

Increase / (Decrease) in cash



The notes pages 34 to 50 form part

of these financial statements

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


The principal accounting policies, all of which have been applied consistently throughout the

year are set out below:

(a) Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, with the

exception of investments and certain properties, which are included at market value. The

financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of

Recommended Practice (SORP), “Accounting and Reporting by Charities”, published in

October 2005 and applicable accounting standards.

The group statement of financial activities (SOFA) and balance sheet consolidate the

financial statements of the charity and its subsidiary undertakings. The results of the

subsidiaries are consolidated on a line by line basis.

The charity has availed itself of Paragraph 3 (3) of Schedule 4 of the Companies Act and

adapted the Companies Act formats to reflect the special nature of the charity’s activities.

No separate SOFA has been presented for the charity alone as permitted by Section 230 of

the Companies Act 1985 and paragraph 304 of the SORP.

(b) Company status

CLIC Sargent Cancer Care for Children is a company limited by guarantee. The members of

the company are the Trustees. In the event of the charity being wound up, the liability in

respect of the guarantee is limited to £1 per member of the charity.

(c) Taxation

The company, which is a registered charity, is not liable to corporation tax.

(d) Funds

‘Restricted funds’ are funds on which donors have imposed specific restrictions or which

have been raised for particular purposes. The aim and use of each restricted fund is set out

in the notes to the financial statements.

‘Designated funds’ represent unrestricted funds that have been set aside by the Trustees

for particular purposes. The aim and use of each designated fund is set out in the notes to

the financial statements.

‘Free reserves’ are available for use at the discretion of the Trustees in pursuit of the

general objectives of the charity.

Investment income and gains are allocated to the appropriate fund.

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


(e) Incoming resources

All incoming resources are included in the financial statements when the charity is legally

entitled to the income and the amount can be quantified with reasonable accuracy. For

legacies, entitlement occurs when the charity has been formally notified of an impending

distribution and there is reasonable assurance of the value.

The charity benefits from gifts in kind in the form of volunteer time and unclaimed out of

pocket expenses. In addition many individuals, companies and organisations provide

facilities, equipment and services free of charge. The charity could not achieve some of its

work without these gifts, but it is not able to place a value on them, and therefore, does

not include them within the financial statements. Items donated for resale are included in

shop income when sold and no value is placed on stock at the year end.

(f) Resources expended

All expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classified to expenditure

categories on a direct basis where appropriate or allocated in line with managerial and

budgetary responsibilities using several criteria, which include headcount, time and space


Cost of generating funds comprise the salaries, direct expenditure and overhead costs

incurred in carrying out fundraising, including events, the cost of trading and running the

charity’s shops and the costs attributable to managing investments and raising investment


Grants payable are charged in the year when the offer is conveyed to the recipient except

in those cases where the offer is conditional, such grants being recognised as expenditure

when the conditions attaching are fulfilled.

Support costs are those costs incurred directly in support of expenditure on the objects of

the charity and include the staffing and associated costs of administering and managing

grants and the operational management of the charity. Costs have been allocated across

each cost category on the basis of head count and activity.

Governance costs are those incurred in the governance of the charity in compliance with

constitutional and statutory requirements.

(g) Tangible fixed assets, depreciation and revaluation

Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets using a straight line basis over their

expected useful economic lives as follows:

Freehold land nil

Freehold buildings 50 years

Furniture & fittings 3 - 5 years

Caravans 5 years

Motor vehicles 4 years

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Individual items costing £2,000 or less are not capitalised and any net book values below

this threshold are considered to be immaterial to these financial statements.

All freehold properties, together with the investment property were revalued at open

market value during January 2008 for the 2007 accounts. The valuation was undertaken by

professional Chartered Surveyors and Property Consultants. The value of the properties is

to be kept under review by the Trustees on an annual basis and a professional valuation

will be undertaken every five years, as required by FRS 15 Tangible Fixed Assets.

All Fixture & fittings are depreciated in accordance with the above policy with the exception

of leasehold capital purchases. These items are depreciated over the shorter of the lifetime

of the leasehold and 3-5 years.

(h) Investments

All the charity’s investments are made in accordance with the powers contained within the

Memorandum and Articles of Association. Investments are stated at market value. Realised

and unrealised gains and losses are shown separately in the appropriate section of the

financial statements. The historical cost of investments is shown in the notes to the


Property investments are stated at open market value, following a revaluation by

professional Surveyors.

(i) Research expenditure

All research expenditure is included in the financial statements for the year in which the

commitment is incurred.

(j) Stock

Stock consists of purchased goods for resale and is valued at the lower of cost and net

realisable value. Items donated for resale or distribution is not included in the financial

statements until they are distributed or sold.

(k) Pension costs

The charity contributes to defined contribution, personal pension schemes on behalf of its

employees. The amount charged in the statement of financial activities represents the

contributions payable to the schemes in respect of the current accounting period.

The organisation has an obligation to provide three unfunded pensions. This has been

included under Creditors falling due after one year. Full FRS17 disclosure has not been

reflected in the financial statements as the Trustees consider this to be immaterial against

the costs of undertaking a full actuarial valuation. Each year the Trustees will seek a

market quotation to provide these pensions.

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


(l) Finance and operating leases

Rentals applicable to operating leases are charged to the financial statements on a straight

line basis over the lease term. Assets purchased under finance leases are capitalised as

fixed assets.

Obligations relating to these agreements are included under creditors in the balance sheet.

The difference between the capitalised costs and the total obligation under the leases

represents the finance charges. Finance charges are recognised in the financial statements

at a constant rate over the lease term.

(m) Financial Instruments

The investments are carried at market value under the alternative accounting rules of the

Companies Act 1985 and the provisions of Financial Reporting Standards 26 & 29 were not

required to be adopted accordingly.


2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000

Income from listed investments – UK 13 184

Interest received 347 121

Rental income 8 37

Other income 46 3

414 345


2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000

This is stated after charging:

Depreciation 342 255

Payments under operating leases:

– land and buildings 993 862

– other 26 27

Auditors’ remuneration:

– audit 23 22

Trustees’ liability insurance 10 11

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Staff Costs Support

Costs Other Depreciation

Total 2009

(15 months)

Total 2007

(12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Cost of generating funds:

Fundraising costs 2,817 602 4,154 114 7,687 6,047

Shop and trading activities 941 170 1,124 19 2,254 1,708

3,758 772 5,278 133 9,941 7,755

Charitable Expenditure:

Improving health outcomes and well-being

4,416 475 674 77 5,642 4,755

Reducing the practical and financial burden of cancer

2,015 255 1,302 46 3,618 2,570

Building support and understanding & reducing


3,202 301 558 56 4,117 3,037

Researching for better futures 406 104 1,215 22 1,747 1,021

Investing in the development and improvement of services

283 23 542 8 856 304

10,322 1,158 4,291 209 15,980 11,687

Governance Costs 219 33 - - 252 238

Total resources expended 14,299 1,963 9,569 342 26,173 19,680

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Support Costs

Office Services Corporate Finance IT HR

Total 2009

(15 months)

Total 2007

(12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Cost of generating funds:

Fundraising costs 343 7 122 61 69 602 676

Shop and trading activities 97 2 35 17 19 170 191

440 9 157 78 88 772 867

Charitable Expenditure:

Improving health outcomes

and well-being

271 6 96 48 54 475 532

Reducing the practical and financial burden of cancer

145 3 52 26 29 255 287

Building support and understanding & reducing isolation

172 4 61 30 34 301 340

Researching for better futures

59 1 21 11 12 104 114

Investing in the development and improvement of services

13 - 5 2 3 23 34

660 14 235 117 132 1,158 1,307

Governance Costs - 10 23 - - 33 27

Total support costs 1,100 33 415 195 220 1,963 2,201


Employed Funded*

Total 2009

(15 months)

Total 2007

(12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Staff costs consists of:

Wages and salaries 9,852 2,702 12,554 8,363

Social security costs 836 251 1,087 760

Pension costs 359 299 658 475

11,047 3,252 14,299 9,598

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009

5. EMPLOYEES (Continued)

The average quarterly number of employees on full time equivalent basis during the period

was made up as follows:

2009 (15 months)


2007 (12 months)


Fundraising 79 85

Direct service provision – employed 116 118

Direct service provision – funded * 91 82

Corporate support services 51 41

Shops and trading 53 54

390 380

Higher paid employees:

Employees receiving annual gross salaries in the following range: No. No.

£60,001 to £70,000 2 2

£70,001 to £80,000 2 1

£80,001 to £90,000 1 1

£90,001 to £100,000 1 -

All of the above employees are in a defined contribution pension scheme at a cost to the charity of

£41,988 (2007:4 employees, £24,736).

*Funded employees represent staff in CLIC Sargent care teams who are funded by CLIC Sargent but are employed by

Local Authorities or by Health Trusts. The total cost of funded posts in 2007 was £2,101k.


None of the members of the board of trustees received any remuneration. During the year three

trustees (2007: 3) received reimbursements of personal travel and subsistence expenditure

amounting to £516 (2007: £3,614).

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


The Charity owns 100% of the issued share capital of CLIC Sargent Promotions Limited.

A summary of the trading results for the period ended 31 March 2009 is as follows:

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000

Turnover 1,813 2,865

Cost of sales 266 899

Gross profit 1,547 1,966

Administration expenses 25 16

Gift Aid donation to the Charity 1,557 2,007

Operating loss for the financial year (35) (57)

Other income 35 49

Profit/(Loss) for the year - (8)

Balance brought forward at beginning of year - 8

Balance carried forward at end of year - -

Net assets at 31 March 2009 100 100

The two former charities, Sargent Cancer Care for Children and CLIC – Cancer and Leukaemia in

Childhood are both companies limited by Guarantee. They are dormant 100% subsidiaries of

CLIC Sargent.

CLIC Sargent is trustee of the following three unincorporated dormant charities:

Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood Trust


CLIC International

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Group and Charity

Land Freehold Property

Fixtures & Fittings

Motor Vehicles & Caravans Total

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Cost or Valuation

At 1 January 2008 1,457 4,040 1,274 416 7,187

Additions - 2,264 645 - 2,909

Disposals - - - (28) (28)

At 31 March 2009 1,457 6,304 1,919 388 10,068


At 1 January 2008 - - 1,037 313 1,350

Charge for year - 96 190 56 342

Disposals - - - (25) (25)

At 31 March 2009 - 96 1,227 344 1,667

Net book value At 31 March 2009

1,457 6,208 692 44 8,401

At 31 December 2007 1,457 4,040 237 103 5,837

In line with the charity's accounting policy stated in note 1, the trustees have reviewed the valuation

and feel that any fluctuation is temporary and wouldn't materially impact on the reader of the

accounts understanding of the charity's financial position.

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


(a) Commercial Investments

Group Listed

Investments Investment

Property Total

£’000 £’000 £’000

Market value of investments as at 1 January 2008 3,943 96 4,039

Disposal (3,328) - (3,328)

Additions 602 - 602

Net gain/ (loss) for the year (273) - (273)

Market value at 31 March 2009 944 96 1,040

Historical cost of portfolio 1,060

In addition to the Group’s investments above, the Charity has £100k investment in the

subsidiary giving a total value of the Charity’s Investments of £1,140k.

Listed Investments:

The following individual holdings represented more than 5% by value of the portfolio total: £’000

JP Morgan Liquidity Fund 625

CAF UK Equity Fund 293

(b) Investments in subsidiaries

Subsidiary name % Share Trading Activity

a) CLIC Sargent Promotions Limited 100% Arranges concerts and events, receives royalties and sells Christmas cards and other goods

b) CLIC Promotions Limited 100% Dormant

c) Sargent Cancer Care for Children 100% Dormant

d) CLIC – Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood 100% Dormant

e) The Child Cancer Foundation 100% Dormant

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Group Charity

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Shop Inventories 79 50 - -

The replacement costs of stocks are not materially different from that stated above.


Group Charity

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Trade debtors - - - -

Other debtors 66 220 64 274

Amounts owed by group undertakings - - 4,239 3,341

Prepayments and accrued income 1,195 1,492 1,195 1,444

1,261 1,712 5,498 5,059


Group Charity

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Trade creditors 1,241 942 1,210 904

Other taxes and social security costs 249 217 249 206

Accruals 805 1,008 800 995

Amounts due to group undertakings - - 4,031 2,724

Deferred income 344 56 344 56

2,639 2,223 6,634 4,885

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Group Charity

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Unfunded Pension Obligation (275) (283) (275) (283)

Research grant accrual (257) - (257) -

(532) (283) (532) (283)

There has been a change in accounting policy relating to the research grant expenditure. Where

previously it has been recognised in the financial statements in the year the expense was incurred,

it is now accounted on a commitment basis resulting in a creditor falling due after one year.


Fund balances at 31 March 2009 are represented by:

Unrestricted Funds

Restricted Funds Total

£’000 £’000 £’000

Tangible Fixed assets 6,132 2,269 8,401

Fixed Assets – Investments 1,040 - 1,040

Net current assets 2,872 3,365 6,237

Long term liabilities (532) - (532)

Net assets 9,512 5,634 15,146

Of the £2,269k, £1,649k relates to the restricted capital spend during the year for the London

Home and £620k for the Nottingham Home respectively.

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Balance 1 January 2008

Income Expenditure

Transferred to Fixed Asset


Balance 31 March 2009

£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000

London Home 3,631 126 (25) - 3,732

Nottingham Home 121 1,721 (489) - 1,353

Residential Resource 336 353 (459) (163) 67

Care Teams 359 1,558 (1,742) - 175

Research 23 - (23) - -

Grants - 1,248 (1,041) - 207

Helpline - 84 (84) - -

CARE Database - 100 - - 100

4,470 5,190 (3,863) (163) 5,634

London Home is for the acquisition and adaption of three properties close to University College

Hospital to provide accommodation for families of children receiving treatment at UCH.

Nottingham Home is an ongoing appeal for the acquisition, adaption and running costs of a

property close to Queens Medical Centre to provide accommodation for families of children

receiving treatment at the hospital.

Residential Resource relates to funds raised specifically for expenditure at Malcolm Sargent

House at Prestwick in Ayrshire.

£163k of restricted monies has been commissioned to capital expenditure on the Malcolm Sargent

House at Prestwick in Ayrshire, this amount has been designated to the fixed asset reserve in

accordance with the trustee policy.

Care Teams represent expenditure within the terms of geographically limited grants.

Research funds are directed to a project to investigate the long-term effects of childhood cancer

on the reproductive health of survivors.

Grants represent funds restricted to expenditure on grants to families and young people in some

geographical areas.

Restricted fund contributions made during 2009 included the following donors:

Big Lottery Fund Scotland £39,869 Youth services in Scotland

Big Lottery Young People’s Fund

Northern Ireland

£37,500 Youth services in Northern Ireland

BBC Children in Need £14,184 Social Work in Scotland

SHSSB Northern Ireland £4,518 Family Support in Northern Ireland

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CLIC Sargent Annual Report & Accounts


Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


Balance 1 January

2008 Income Expenditure

Market Value

Gains/ (Losses)

Transferred from Free

Reserves to Designated


Transferred from Fixed

Asset Reserve

Balance 31 March


£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Free reserves: 5,234 20,089 (22,310) (254) (160) (117) 2,482

Designated Funds:

Sam’s House Project 15 - - - - (15) -

Fixed Asset Reserves 3,780 - - - - 295 4,075

London Home from Home

666 4 - - - - 670

Nottingham Home from Home

- 69 - - 160 - 229

4,461 73 - - 160 280 4,974

Revaluation reserve: 2,056 - - - - - 2,056

Total 11,751 20,162 (22,310) (254) - 163 9,512

Sam’s House Project – The Trustees have elected to transfer the designated funds set aside for

improvements for the Bristol House to free reserves as the expenditure has taken place.

The Fixed Asset Reserves – The Trustees have set aside funds to cover the value of fixed assets,

excluding revaluation.


Balance 1 January 2008 Income Expenditure

Balance 31 March 2009

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Restricted funds 3,631 126 (25) 3,732

Designated fund 666 4 - 670

Total 4,297 130 (25) 4,402

The London Home from Home fund is for the acquisition and adaption of three properties close to

University College Hospital to provide accommodation for families of children receiving treatment at

UCH. Two of the buildings were purchased in October 2008 at a cost of £1,649k. CLIC Sargent has

experienced ongoing delays in acquiring the third and final property. The building purchase of this

property was completed in July 2009 at a cost of £800k.

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009

Refurbishment work at a cost of approximately £900k will commence within 3 months of the

purchase of the third and final property. The Home from Home will open for operation in 2010.

The restricted fund balance of £3,732k includes a capital expenditure of £1,649k incurred in

purchasing the buildings. As they were not operational at the end of the financial period they are

treated as work in progress and will be transferred to the fixed asset reserve once the London home

is completed.


Balance 1 January 2008 Income Expenditure

Balance 31 March 2009

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Restricted fund 121 1,721 (489) 1,353

Designated fund - 229 - 229

Total 121 1,950 (489) 1,582

Nottingham Home is an ongoing appeal for the acquisition, adaption and running costs of a property

close to Queens Medical Centre to provide accommodation for families of children receiving

treatment at the hospital. The appeal also includes funds to pay for the CLIC Sargent care team at

the Queens Medical Centre for a period of two years.

The building purchase was completed in June 2008 at a cost of £485k. The refurbishment of the

property was completed in June 2009 at a cost of approximately £300k and is open to families.

The restricted funds balance of £1,353k includes a capital expenditure of £620k incurred in

purchasing the building. As it was not operational at the end of the financial period it is treated as

work in progress and will be transferred to the fixed asset reserve when the Nottingham home is


The income in the year includes £18k of investment income.


Group and Charity

As at 31 March 2009, the Group and Charity had annual commitments under non-

cancellable operating leases as set out below:

2009 2007

Land and buildings Other

Land and buildings Other

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Operating leases which expire:

Within one year 28 14 67 9

Within two to five years 694 7 484 18

After five years 73 - 311 -

795 21 862 27

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009


During the period the charity provided £1,353k (2007: £1,019k) for research funding and £1,124k

(2007: £1,129k) for care grants. An analysis of these has been given below.

Analysis of research grants provided in the period was as follows:


University of Bristol 619

University of Newcastle upon Tyne 51

University of Birmingham 161

University of Liverpool 39

University of Cardiff 74

University of Edinburgh 43

University of Leeds 8

University of Manchester 36

Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer 44

Institute of Cancer Research in Sutton 52

Institute of Child Health 5

Psychosocial research 221


Grants awarded to families in the period were as follows:

£’000 No. grants

Compassionate Crisis 142 475

Education 5 24

Holidays 24 106

Subsistence and diet 155 1,367

Travel 357 2,401

Domestic Running expenses 371 1,817

Others 70 444

1,124 6,634

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Notes to the Accounts for the 15 months ending 31st March 2009



2009 (15 months)

2007 (12 months)

£’000 £’000

Net incoming resources for the period (821) 870

Interest received (347) (121)

Dividends received (13) (184)

Rent received (8) (37)

Other Income received (46) (3)

(1,235) 525

Depreciation charge for year 342 255

Profit on sale of fixed asset (6) -

Increase/(Decrease) in stocks (29) 15

Increase/(Decrease) in debtors 451 283

Increase/(Decrease) in creditors 665 (265)

Net cash inflow from operating activities 188 813


At 1 January 2008 Cash Flows At 31 March 2009

£’000 £’000 £’000

Cash at bank and in hand 7,089 447 7,536

7,089 447 7,536

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Contact DetailsCHILD CANCER HELPLINETel: 0800 197 0068 Mon to Fri: 9am – 5pm E: [email protected]

DONATIONSTel: 0845 120 4442 E: [email protected]

MEDIA ENQUIRIESTel: 0117 314 8621 E: [email protected] Out of hours: 0844 848 1189

LONDON (REGISTERED OFFICE) & GENERAL ENQUIRIESGriffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road, London W6 8SG Tel: 020 8752 2800

BristolAbbey Wood Business Park, Filton, Bristol BS34 7JU Tel: 0117 311 2600

Glasgow4th Floor, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6TS Tel: 0141 572 5700

Belfast3rd Floor, 31 Bruce Street, Belfast BT2 7JD Tel: 028 9072 5780

Registered charity number 1107328 and registered in Scotland (SC039857). Company Number: 5273638

Printed on chlorine free and environmentally friendly paper,

manufactured with pulp supplied from sustainable managed forests.

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