ANNUAL REPORT 2010 › piloto › cimaualg_old › documentos... · 2012-02-06 · GROUP...


Transcript of ANNUAL REPORT 2010 › piloto › cimaualg_old › documentos... · 2012-02-06 · GROUP...

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W W W . C I M A . U A L G . P T

C A M P U S U N I V E R S I T Á R I O D E G A M B E L A S , F A R O

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Unit Description, 5

General Objectives, 5

Main Achievements during the year 2010, 7


Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year 2010, 8

Outreach activities during the year 2010, 9









Funding, source, dates, 13


Objectives, 13

Main Achievements, 15


Publications in peer reviewed journals, 16

Other international publications, 16

Other national publications, 18

Ph.D. theses completed, 18

Master‟s theses completed, 19

Organization of conferences, 19

Industry contract research, 19

Internationalization, 19

Government/Organization contract research, 20

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Funding, source, dates, 21


Objectives, 22

Main Achievements, 23


Publications in peer reviewed journals, 24

Other international publications, 24

Other national publications, 27

Ph.D. theses completed, 28

Internationalization, 28

Government/Organization contract research, 28





Funding, source, dates, 30


Objectives, 30

Main Achievements, 31


Publications in peer reviewed journals, 32

Other international publications, 33

Other national publications, 35

Patents/prototypes, 35

Organization of conferences, 36

Industry contract research, 36

Internationalization, 36

Government/Organization contract research, 37

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Funding, source, dates, 39


Objectives, 39

Main Achievements, 41


Publications in peer reviewed journals, 42

Other international publications, 43

Other national publications, 45

Ph.D. theses completed, 46

Organization of conferences, 46

Industry contract research, 47

Internationalization, 47

Government/Organization contract research, 47

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Name of Research Unit: (MAR-Algarve-350),

Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA)

Coordinator: Tomasz Boski

Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar


Leading Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve


Unit Description

The Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA) is, by nature, a multi-disciplinary unit that explores the connections between environments, processes and human populations using scientific methods coupled with state-of-the-art modelling techniques. Apart from research, CIMA places a strong emphasis on training and education, as well as providing consultation services, digital applications and scientific information to the scientific and public domains.

During 2010, day-to-day management and collective decision-making in CIMA was implemented through regular (8) meetings of the executive commission, which is composed of the General Coordinator and the leaders of the 4 Research Objectives. In addition, 4 plenary meetings of the Scientific Commission, composed of all PhD-level researchers active in CIMA, were organized every three months, with the aim of discussing more general strategic planning of activities and initiatives. Minutes of all these meetings were made available through the CIMA website. More specific subjects were discussed and decisions made within the 4 main Research Objectives (RO's).

The CIMA Coordinator represented the Centre in regular meetings of the University Research Council (UAIC), which was created to set the institutional strategy for R&D activities. Internal scientific discussion and information exchange were promoted during 21 CIMA Advanced Seminars that were organized throughout the past year.

The daily management of subjects like: contracting, assistance to grant holders, project submission, assistance to accounting department, administration of collective equipment and software library, webpage maintenance and collaboration with UALG Technical Services was assured by the CIMA coordination and secretariat.

A closer collaboration with 2 R&D centres within the University of the Algarve – CIEO and CIAC – was initiated through a joint research colloquium organized in September 2010 and attended by the majority of CIMA‟s members and associates.

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General Objectives

CIMA activity is focused on 4 general aims: I - research , II - training , III - production of digital applications, and IV - expert services


Four research objectives (RO‟s) are defined, together with 14 associated tasks/lines:


Description of the dynamics of coastal waters off Southern Iberia, combined with chemical characterization, is fundamental to the accurate assessment of primary productivity in shelf waters. CIMA‟s approach to these phenomena is based on modelling, analyses and observations both in situ and remote. The major topics covered are:

a) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the ocean,

b) Chemical dynamics in the ocean,

c) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs.


The Marine Morphosedimentary Processes objective focuses on quantitative approaches to the processes shaping the forms and/or position of continental shelves and coasts along the S. Iberian margin. These geological processes are controlled by natural phenomena, as well as human activities responsible for changes in sea level and sediment supply from the continent. The multi-scale approach to the analysis bridges across geological, biological, physical and socioeconomic processes. For the purpose of ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management), data from various disciplines are brought together in a unified, model-based approach. This research objective focuses on:

a) Shelf sedimentary dynamics,

b) Coastal dynamics,

c) Science and policy integration for ICZM.


This thematic objective embraces geophysical, geochemical and geological approach to the processes acting within the lithosphere, climatic system and marine sedimentary environment. Our approach is based on modelling and the interpretation of sedimentary records/proxies. The time-scale of the modelled/interpreted processes is very broad. This objective includes:

a) Sea-level and climate change,

b) Numerical modelling of long-term geological processes,

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c) Marine & coastal geochemical processes and the fate of organic matter.


Physical and chemical drivers of natural and anthropogenically induced change have profound effects on the quality of human life. Measurement of the extent of different pressures, their indexation, their effects and remediation are pivotal for assessing these effects. The research objective has 6 key areas:

a) Impacts on human health,

b) Eutrophication and rehabilitation methods,

c) Impacts of emerging contaminants,

d) Development of new biomarkers and indexes for risk management,

e) Harmful algal blooms,

f) Environmental biotechnology and engineering.

II. ADVANCED TRAINING - mostly at II and III academic level:

- The EU Erasmus Mundus MSc course on Coast and Water Management

- EMAC MSc in Marine and Coastal Studies

- Training activities at MSc level in other research units/countries


- improving and expanding the GUADID-GUADEX application

- New applications for a tropical coastal ecosystem: MANDID, and the Ria Formosa: FORDID.

- 6th volume on the Flora of the Ria Formosa, the last of the series of popular books on the Ria Formosa‟s ecology


- environmental monitoring of coastal and reservoir water

- transfer of R&D results to the governance and coastal stakeholder groups

- analytical services : bacteriology, XRD analyses, erosion assessment

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Main Achievements during the year of 2010

The year 2010 was very positive in terms of overall of scientific productivity, with 43 SCI-listed papers, start-up of 6 newly approved R&D projects, and the submission of 3 PhD theses and 23 MSc dissertations. The internationalization of research also progressed substantially at European level through our participation in the FP7 MICORE project, FP6 SPICOSA project and European Space Agency (ESA) Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Sites”.

A very fruitful collaboration was formed with Brazilian universities, thanks to the efforts of Drs. Bebianno, Dias and Boski, who participated as invited lecturers and researchers in collaborative programs. Dr. Alice Newton continued as chairperson of the LOICZ initiative. PhD research training was reinforced via the approval of a new ERASMUS MUNDUS program in which CIMA participates as a core member along with 4 other European academic institutions. CIMA took on 9 BII scholarship holders, who received training within RO I and RO IV.

The new laboratory facilities of the Biotechnology Group (RO IV) substantially reinforced our analytical and technological development capacities in respect to the emerging field of biofuels. Another facility that became fully operational was the Molecular Microbiology unit, which will allow the CIMA team to profit from microbiological tools in their research and science dissemination projects.

CIMA‟s team on 6FP project SPICOSA produced some highly prized work and the integrated model for the Guadiana study site was presented to the European Commission as the emblematic case of System Framework Approach methodology. The multi-sensor buoy SIMPATICO remained operational for 2 months, providing a vast range of data, until it was damaged during a Guadiana River flood.

In terms of internationally published articles, CIMA Objective IV (Impacts of Environmental Change) and Objective II (Marine Morphosedimentary Processes) had the highest productivity. More specific achievements are described with the reports of the 4 Research Objectives.


Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of 2010

CIMA‟s activities during 2010, based on the crossdisciplinary effort of more than 100 individuals, took several forms that contributed to raising the public and scientific profile of the Centre. The following are our research and development highlights in Marine and Coastal Sciences:

a) From a purely scientific point of view, integration may be achieved solely when there is a common language dealing with objects and processes studied within traditionally established disciplines. That role is presently played by modelling, which assumed a growing importance during 2010. Our shining examples are the EU FP6 SPICOSA project and FP7 MICORE project.

b) Fostering a multidisciplinary approach was carried out, as in the previous years, through the CIMA Advanced Seminars programme (

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Speakers ranged from CIMA staff members and visiting scientists to local stakeholders. During 2010, 21 sessions were organized, attracting audiences of 20-30 persons and generating energetic debate.

c) CIMA has been active in opening pathways for effective collaboration, by encouraging the interchange of technical know-how and sharing the Centre‟s resources, laboratories, library, equipment and secretarial support. CIMA‟s successful project proposals all integrate researchers and technicians from at least two of the ROs, promoting interdisciplinary communication. Researchers from various groups make regular use of CIMA‟s X-Ray Diffractometer, SIMPATICO multisensory buoy, freeze-drying facility, microscopes, GPS and other instruments.

d) CIMA and CIEO (Centro de Investigação Sobre o Espaço e as Organizações) decided to forge stronger links in order to better associate environmental and socioeconomic research. To promote this relationship, a colloquium involving 15 oral presentations and a poster session was organized in September 2010.

e) Several of CIMA‟s approved projects actively involve archaeologists and historians, namely researchers from CEPESE (Centre for the Study of Population, Economy and Society) in Porto. These initiatives demonstrate that CIMA is keeping pace with current scientific recognition that human activities had a significant environment impact on a much longer time-scale that was previously thought, i.e. throughout millennia before present.

f) The study and application of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) was approached in many ways by the 4 Research Objectives. It has progressively become an activity that best shows the capacity of CIMA‟s members to collaborate on a common ground. ICZM found its best expression in 2 EU projects: MICORE and SPICOSA, which are managed by RO II.

Outreach activities during the year of 2010

Our policy of maintaining close links with society and with the educational sector in particular was reinforced during 2010. We made CIMA‟s achievements accessible to a wider audience through several major initiatives:

a) Promotion of Marine & Environmental Science in secondary schools and through open learning: CIMA maintains close links with several regional schools and has signed cooperation agreements with them. These allow pupils from these schools to initiate their research in CIMA labs and CIMA researchers to deliver thematic seminars in the schools. Several seminars were also organized at the Ciência Viva Centre in Tavira. CIMA co-organized a very successful BIOBLITZ event in the Arade Estuary that led to the very complete census of a protected coastal ecosystem. CIMA‟s contribution to the event received attention in the national media.

b) Participation in regional events promoting marine and environmental activities: Every year CIMA has a stand at annual fairs like EXPOMAR (Olhão). CIMA‟s displays were very successful and attracted wide public interest, especially the miniature models of physical phenomena and geological features like internal waves, coastal aquifers, luminescent sands, coastal barriers and live microscope identification of microfauna and minerals in marine sediments.

c) On national level, CIMA researchers contributed a full program of BIOSPHERE, produced by Channel 2 of national television, which was dedicated to the Guadiana Estuary

d) Development of multimedia applications for education: GUADID, CIMA‟s educational Macromedia - Flash applications designed to support natural science teaching at school level and ecology teaching at undergraduate level, was expanded by the inclusion of the GUADEX module. This became an important support tool for decision-making in the coastal zone of the Guadiana Estuary. It was officially launched during the public Guadiana Forum in June 2010.

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

LA FCT 0,00 0,00 0,00

Units FCT 209.361,07 101.818,24


Projects FCT 191.158,51 354.151,50


Other (National) 16.467,00 238.363,09


Other (International) 431.686,53 193.341,28


National Industry 0,00 87.800,00

International Industry 0,00 0,00

0,00 0,00 848.673,11 0,00 975.474,11


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total

No. of Researchers Proposed 0 0 0 0 0 0

No. of Researchers Hired (LA) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0

No. of Researchers Hired (Ciência Programme) 0 0 3 4 4 11

No. of Researchers integrated with PhD 24 30 30 33 35

Training Masters (Master‟s theses completed) 3 26 9 17 0 55

Training PhDs (PhD theses completed) 3 5 2 5 3 18


Name Start Date End Date

Maria Angela Pereira Serafim 01-10-2008 01-08-2013

Natasa Atanasova 01-11-2009 01-11-2012

Parli Venkateswaran Bhaskar 01-11-2009 29-11-2010

Simon Edward Connor 01-10-2008 01-08-2013


Name Start Date End Date

Margarida da Conceição Pereira Ramires 01-01-2009 31-12-2010

Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho 31-03-2009 31-03-2011


Reference Title / Principal Investigator

RG-Algarve-350-2320 Research Objective I - Marine Processes (Helena Maria Leitão Demigné Galvão)

RG-Algarve-350-2321 Research Objective II - Marine Morphosedimentary Processes (Oscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira)

RG-Algarve-350-2324 Research objective III - Large Scale Geological Processes

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(Tomasz Boski)

RG-Algarve-350-2325 Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes (Maria Joao Anunciação Franco Bebianno)

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Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2320)

Research Objective I - Marine Processes

Principal Investigator: Helena Maria Leitão Demigné Galvão

Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group

Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve


Alexandra Maria Francisco Cravo Alice Newton Ana Maria Branco Barbosa Anna Zacharioudaki Bruno Dias Duarte Fragoso Carlos Miguel Guimarães Pinto Coelho Afonso Catarina Alexandra Guerreiro Pereira Cátia Sofa da Conceição Luís Flavio Augusto Bastos da Cruz Martins Hélder Filipe Trindade Madeira João Miguel Leitão Janeiro Joao Vicente Madeira Lopes John David Icely José Luís Almaguer Argaín José Manuel Quintela de Brito Jacob Maria Filomena Pedragosa Simoes Rita Miguel Jorge Nascimento de Almeida Fernandes Madureira Natasa Atanasova Pedro Miguel Gonçalves Lima Cascada Priscila Raquel Fernandes Costa Goela Rita Isabel de Oliveira Soares Branco Domingues Sadat Nurudeher Xa Muzavor Sergei Danchenko Sónia Cláudia Vitorino Cristina Tânia Sofia Coelho Andrade Dias Damião Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho João Eduardo Brandão de Azevedo Pereira Pinto Joaquim Manuel Freire Luis Luis Manuel Zambujal Chicharo Manuel Seixas Afonso Dias Maria da Conceicao Lopes Videira Louro Neves Paulo José Relvas Almeida

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Funding, source, dates

199,256 € / 48,644 € (total/CIMA); FCT project PTDC/AAC-CLI/103348/2008; starting date: 1 March 2010; Duration: 36 months

~8,000,000 €; EU contract number (F6-2005-GLOBAL-0369922). Partner in the project and Work Task leader.

386,000 €; European Space Agency “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS Marine Products at Portuguese and Oceanic and Coastal Sites” for the year 2010

7th Framework Programme project. WISER - Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery.

~6,500,000 €; 7th Framework Programme KnowSeas - Postdoctoral grant for work with IMAR_Coimbra; 2009-ongoing.

108,214 €.; FCT project PTDC/AMB/64747/2007: Dynamics of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in the Guadiana estuary (DYNCYANO). Duration: 3 years (2008-2010). Final report submitted March 2011.

199,000 €; FCT project PTDC/AAC-AMB/103547/2008: Ecotoxicological tools for assessing agriculture associated environmental risks in Southern Europe big man-made freshwater reservoirs (ECOTOX); Duration: 3 years, starting date 1 June 2010.



This Research Objective (RO) is implemented across 3 tasks with following aims:

1) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the oceans:

To set up of the main structure of an operational Hydrodynamic Wave and Oil Spill model for the Algarve Coast and Tuscan Archipelago

2) Chemical dynamics in the ocean:

To characterize and assess the chemical behaviour of nutrients, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a in SW Iberia including: i) Subsurface processes: upwelling, coastal counter currents, and ii) deep processes, the influence of the Mediterranean.

Estimation of along- and cross-shore exchanges (transport and fluxes) of nutrients and chlorophyll-a in SW Iberia

Mass exchange of nutrients, chlorophyll-a and suspended solids across the main inlets of the Ria Formosa

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3) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs:

To analyze the effects of climatic and local anthropogenic alterations in planktonic microbial communities, ecosystem functioning and connectivity (Ria Formosa Lagoon and Algarve coast)

To assess the impact of the Alqueva dam‟s construction and freshwater flow on phytoplankton and bacterial dynamics (standing stock, productivity and diversity), in the Guadiana Estuary based on long-term data series (1997-2010).

To determine changes in trophic state and eutrophication trends in the Guadiana River using microbial processes (eg. primary and secondary production, bacterial respiration) as well as other ecological indicators (eg. chlorophyll, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate material).

To assess the risk of toxic cyanobacteria blooms and associated cyanotoxins (microcystins) in the upper Guadiana Estuary within the perspective of freshwater flow management and biodegradation pathways.

Collectively the research team involved in this RO set the following goals for the near future:

• To analyze the effects of climatic and local anthropogenic alterations on ecosystem functioning and connectivity

• To assess spatial and seasonal variability patterns of primary production, respiration, net community production and DOC fluxes in the planktonic community of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, and evaluate the role of plankton whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes.)

• To characterize phytoplankton abundance, biomass, activity and specific composition over an annual cycle, evaluate the role of abiotic and biotic environmental determinants, and understand the overall impact of climate changes, particularly increases in water temperature and light, on phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal lagoon

• To assess phytoplankton variability patterns off southwestern Iberia during a 15-year period (1998-2012) using satellite imagery, and to investigate whether phytoplankton variability patterns can be used to predict climate change over the study area. High spatial heterogeneity within this area (e.g. open ocean, submarine seamounts, coastal areas impacted by estuarine and coastal lagoon outflow, and upwelling system events) will allow the investigation of phytoplankton regulation under different environmental forcings.

• To assess the sustainability of national resources in the coastal zone, in particular human activities and their effects, including the socio-economic consequences, to gain a better understanding of ecosystem function at a global scale

• Management of European resources in the coastal zone for sustainable use under changing environmental conditions, with an emphasis on the Algarve coast of Portugal.

• Implementation of offshore aquaculture at Sagres including setting up environmental monitoring activities related to current work and providing technical assistance to the validation of MERIS products.

• Collaboration with Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico together with European partners from Spain, UK and Norway on managing environmental problems

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• To deepen knowledge of the global productivity of the Ria Formosa system through an understanding of nutrient dynamics, chlorophyll-a (as a proxy of phytoplankton) and particulates.

Main Achievements

The main research achievements of 3 tasks defined above are following

1) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the oceans

The application of existing tools and skills in modelling in this and 3 other ROs was certainly an important achievement. Moreover, the initiation of a successful implementation of the operational Hydrodynamic Wave and Oil Spill model for the Algarve Coast and Tuscan Archipelago Coast within the European initiative is a very positive outcome.

2) Chemical dynamics in the ocean

With respect to the deep and subsurface oceanic circulation off the SW Iberia, the following findings were transferred to the public domain:

- Ocean filaments off SW Iberia play a key role in the seaward export of matter (nutrients, gases and phytoplankton) with an important impact on the regional oceanography of this region. In this area there is a strong influence of wind forcing, affecting the waters‟ chemical characteristics. With predominance of N and W winds, there is upwelling up until the Guadiana, while under calm conditions there is a westward counter current. SW Iberian water properties are similar to those of NW Iberia, showing the continuity of the Canary Upwelling System along the Iberian continental shelf. At levels deeper than 400 m, the influence of Mediterranean water is also detected, with distinct chemical characteristics.

-On the South Portuguese Coast several water masses below the mixed layer have been identified, with distinct chemical fingerprints: SAW, NACW and MW. The current flow is a key parameter for the magnitude of mass fluxes and transport, even when low concentrations are found at surface levels. Transport was mainly alongshore and eastward.

- Results show that the Ria Formosa is a well mixed, dynamic inlet where the tidal signal is evident, particularly for the nutrients and chlorophyll-a concentrations at spring tide. The nutrient concentrations in late Spring/early Summer are almost depleted, while chlorophyll-a was high. Transport through the Ancão Inlet was estimated and revealed that the data is quite variable, primarily controlled by the chemical and biological characteristics of the boundary water masses and by meteorological conditions.

3) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs.

This task has obtained a robust data base on primary production and the trophic chain in the Guadiana Estuary. Several international articles were published or are approved for publication in peer reviewed journals. There is great potential to use these data in modelling of shelf-sea productivity off the Guadiana Estuary, coupled to fisheries performance and socio-economic impacts, using the systemic approach tested in the EU 6FP SPICOSA project.


Publications in peer review Journals

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Barbosa, AB, RB Domingues and HM Galvão, 2010. Environmental forcing of phytoplankton in a Mediterranean estuary (Guadiana Estuary, southwestern Iberia): a decadal of anthropogenic and climatic influences. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 324-341.

Brito, A. Newton, A. The yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nutrients: enriched experiments in microcosms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 384 (2010) 30–43

Brito, A., Newton, A., Tett, P and T. F. Fernandes. Sediment and water nutrients and microalgae in a coastal shallow lagoon, Ria Formosa (Portugal): Implications for the Water Framework Directive. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12, 318 DOI: 10.1039/b909429f

Brito, A.C., Newton, A. , Fernandes, T. F. , Tett, P. The role of microphytobenthos on shallow coastal lagoons: A modelling approach. Biogeochemistry. DOI 10.1007/s10533-010-9539-x

Brito,A, Newton,A, Tett,P, Icely,J., Fernandes,TF. (2010) The yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nutrients: enriched experiments in microcosms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 384, 30-43.

Cravo A., Relvas P., Cardeira S., Rita F., l Madureira M., Sánchez R. (2010). An upwelling filament off Southwest Iberia: Effect on the chlorophyll a and nutrients exportation. Continental Shelf Research, 30: 1601-1613.

Domingues, RB, TP Anselmo, AB Barbosa, U Sommer, and HM Galvão, 2010. Tidal variability of phytoplankton and their environmental drivers in the freshwater reaches of the Guadiana estuary (SW Iberia). International Review of Hydrobiology 95 (4-5): 352-369.

Morais, P., Martins, F., Chícharo, M. A., Lopes, J. and Chícharo, L. , 2010, Merging anchovy eggs abundance into a hydrodynamic model as an assessment tool for estuarine ecohydrological management. River Research and Applications, doi: 10.1002/rra.1443

Other international publications

Book Chapters:

Barbosa, AB, 2010. Seasonal and interannual variability of planktonic microbes in a mesotidal coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, SE Portugal): impact of climatic changes and local-human influences. In: Coastal Lagoons: critical habitats of environmental change, Eds.: H. Paerl and M. Kennish, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Marine Science Book Series, Boca Raton, 335-366 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8830-4.

Goela, P. Icely, J , Cristina, S., Newton,.A. (2010) Absorption coefficient of particulate matter on the south-west coast of Europe: A contribution to the validation of the MERIS sensor. Ed. H. Lacoste-Francis Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium SP-686 nº144 European Space Agency 7pp.

Cristina, S., Icely, J, Goela, P., Newton A. (2010) Validation of MERIS satellite products in oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal. Ed. H. Lacoste-Francis Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium SP-686 nº144 European Space Agency 5pp.

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Moore, G., Icely, J., Kratzer, S. (2010) Field inter-comparison and validation of in water radiometers and sun photometers for MERIS validation. Ed. H. Lacoste-Francis Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium SP-686 nº144 European Space Agency 5pp.

Communications in International Meetings with reviewed abstracts:

Anselmo T., R. Domingues, V. Sousa, T. Cecílio, M.J. Rosa, M.R. Teixeira, A. Barbosa & H. Galvão. “Dinâmica de cianobactérias tóxicas no Guadiana (2002 a 2008)”. Forum Guadiana, Vila Real de Santo António, 30 June 2010.

Anselmo T.P., Domingues R.B., Sousa V., Teixeira M., Barbosa A. & Galvão, H. "Cyanobacteria and microcystin distribution on Guadiana Estuary". Iberian congress of microcystin, Porto, Portugal, June 2009.

Carlos Monteiro; Sara Cardeira; Alexandra Cravo; Paulo Relvas and Maria João Bebianno (2010). Fluxes of nutrients and dissolved metals (Zn, Cd and Pb) across an upwelling filament at Cape São Vicente, SW Iberia. XV Seminário de Quimica Marinha, 22-24 Fevereiro 2010, Vigo Espanha.

Cristina,S., Goela,P., Icely, J., Newton, A., Fragoso,B., “Assessment of the optical properties of the ocean and coastal waters using MERIS satellite products in Sagres off the south west coast of Portugal.” ICS 2009 10th International Coastal Symposium Lisbon, Portugal 13-18th April 2009

Domingues R.B., Anselmo T.P., Barbosa A.B, Sommer U. & Galvão H.M. “Nutrient enrichment promotes the development of the harmful dinoflagellate Kryptoperidinium foliaceum in the Guadiana estuary”.Encontro Ibérico de Fitoplâncton Tóxico e Biotoxinas, Lisbon, 12-15 May 2009

Fragoso, B., Icely, J., “Upwelling events and recruitment patterns of the major fouling species on coastal aquaculture (Sagres, Portugal).” ICS 2009 10th International Coastal Symposium Lisbon, Portugal 13-18th April 2009

Gabriel, S., Martins, F., Venâncio, A., Lopes, J. e Neves, R. 2009. Monitorização da qualidade da água na Ria Formosa usando uma metodologia combinada de amostragem clássica e modelação. 2.º Seminário sobre Sistemas Lagunares Costeiros, Stº André, Portugal.

Garel, E, AB Barbosa, P. Bhaskar, A. Chícharo, A. Cravo and Ó. Ferreira, 2010. “Multi-parametric signature of the lower Guadiana Estuary from 2-year long continuous monitoring”. Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) 47th International Symposium, Integrative Tools and Methods in Assessing Ecological Quality in Estuarine and Coastal Systems Worldwide, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 14 – 19 September 2010.

Goela, P.C; Cristina, S., Icely, J., Newton, A. (2010). Light absorption by particulate and dissolved organic matter in coastal and oceanic sites off the Southwest Coast of Europe: A contribution to MERIS sensor validation. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XX Conference. Anchorage, Alaska 27th September – 1st October 2010.

Icely,J. ; Luis,C.; Fragoso,B. “WP4.1. Field sampling at the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal . WISER WP 4.1 meeting Faro, Portugal. 16-17 March 2010

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Martins, F., Janeiro, J., Suruj, B., Verelst, N. and Cocco, M., 2010, Argomarine: A New Oil Spill Early Warning System Integrating Modeling, In-Situ and Remote Sensing, 9th. International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China.

Pedro Alcântara, Alexandra Cravo, José Jacob. Variability of nutrients and chlorophyll a in Ancão inlet during a spring tidal cycle in April 2009. XV Seminário de Quimica Marinha, 22-24 Fevereiro 2010, Vigo

Sampath, R., Boski , T., Silva P., Martins F., 2010. Numerical study of the morphological evolution of the Guadiana estuary in response to the projected sea level rise and sediment supply reductions, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU General Assembly 2010, 02-07 May 2010. Vienna, Austria

Sara Cardeira, Alexandra Cravo, and Paulo Relvas. Chlorophyll a and nutrients fluxes and transports in the South Portuguese Coast. XV Seminário de Quimica Marinha, 22-24 Fevereiro 2010, Vigo.

Silva, P.L., Martins, F., Boski, T., Sampath, R., 2010, Basin infilling of a schematic 1D estuary using two different approaches: a diffusion model and a processed based model, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU General Assembly 2010, 02-07 May 2010. Vienna, Austria.

Stewart, A; Fragoso, B, Clímaco, R, Icely, J. Evaluation of stakeholder perspectives on the management of the stalked barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) resource in Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina, SW Portugal. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management, Estoril, Portugal April 11-17 2010

Other national publications

M. Rosa, A. Cravo & P. Relvas. A Coastal countercurrent in the South Coast of Portugal- Summer 2006. Comunicação oral apresentada nas 1ªs Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, Instituto Hidrográfico, Lisboa, 21-22 de Junho de 2010, 4 pp.

E. C. Vasco, A. Cravo & P. Relvas. Caracterização hidrográfica e química de longo termo na região costeira de Benguela. Comunicação oral apresentada nas 1ªs Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, Instituto Hidrográfico, Lisboa, 21-22 de Junho de 2010, 4 pp.

A. Cravo, T. & Damião , T. Programa de Monitorização do Aeroporto de Faro –Fase de construção (2010-2013). Componente Águas Superficiais. 1º Relatório de Progresso – Novembro De 2010, 25 pp + Anexos.

Ph.D. thesis completed

Rita Isabel de Oliveira Soares Branco Domingues. PhD in Marine Science, specialization in Marine Ecology. Thesis: “Bottom-up regulation of phytoplankton in the Guadiana estuary”. PhD defence on 15 November 2010. Co-Supervisors: A. Barbosa. H. Galvão & U. Sommer (University of Kiel).

Master thesis completed

MSc Water and Coastal Management, University of Algarve 2010

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• Sirak Robele Gari Eutrophication Assessment of transitional waters. (A. Newton co-supervisor)

• Jing Feng Comparison of methods of Eutrophication assessment in a coastal lagoon. (A. Newton co-supervisor)

• Aikayo Ndui Assessment of Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs), seasonal upwelling and rainfall. (A. Newton & J. Icely co-supervisors)

• Qingchuan Qiu Priority substances in coastal and transitional waters. (A. Newton co-supervisor)

• Christina Alzira Rumilda de Souza Biogeochemical cycles in coastal and shelf. (A Newton co-supervisor)

• Teferi Fikadu Application of DPSIR framework Integrated with multiple regression model to simulate Guadiana Catchment- Estuary Continuum, South-Eastern Iberia.( J. Icely co-supervisor)

• Akilah Stewart Problems and potential solutions to management of the stalked barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) resource along the SW Coast of Portugal. (J. Icely supervisor)

• Baravi Thaman Comparison between the management of a conservation area in Fiji and the Costa Vicentina, Portugal. (J. Icely supervisor)

Organization of conferences

WISER WP 4.1 meeting Faro, Portugal 16-17 March 2010 (Organiser, oral presentation)

Icely,J.; Luis,C.; Fragoso,B. “WP4.1. Field sampling at the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal 18-19th September 2009.”

Industry contract research

Protocolo de Colaboração entre o Aeroporto de Faro (AFR) e a Universidade do Algarve (2010-2013). PROGRAMA DE MONITORIZAÇÃO DO AEROPORTO DE FARO – FASE DE CONSTRUÇÃO. Coordenação da componente Águas Superficiais: A. Cravo. 113880 €

Installation and environmental monitoring of bivalve aquaculture at Sagres for Finistera Lda.


Collaborative publication within thematic networks

Anselmo T., R. Domingues, V. Sousa, T. Cecílio, M.J. Rosa, M.R. Teixeira, A. Barbosa & H. Galvão. “Dinâmica de cianobactérias tóxicas no Guadiana (2002 a 2008)”. Forum Guadiana, Vila Real de Santo António, 30 June 2010.

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Barbosa, AB, 2010. Seasonal and interannual variability of planktonic microbes in a mesotidal coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, SE Portugal): impact of climatic changes and local-human influences. In: Coastal Lagoons: critical habitats of environmental change, Eds.: H. Paerl and M. Kennish, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Marine Science Book Series, Boca Raton, 335-366 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8830-4.

Cristina, S., Icely, J, Goela, P., Newton A. (2010) Validation of MERIS satellite products in oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal. Ed. H. Lacoste-Francis Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium SP-686 nº144 European Space Agency 5pp.

Galvão, H. & T. Anselmo. Workshop and annual meeting of national representatives of the Working Group in Harmful Algae Bloom Dynamics (ICES-WGHABD), Punta Umbria, Spain 30 March – 3 April 2010.

Garel, E, AB Barbosa, P. Bhaskar, A. Chícharo, A. Cravo and Ó. Ferreira, 2010. “Multi-parametric signature of the lower Guadiana Estuary from 2-year long continuous monitoring”. Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) 47th International Symposium, Integrative Tools and Methods in Assessing Ecological Quality in Estuarine and Coastal Systems Worldwide, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 14 – 19 September 2010.

Goela, P. Icely, J , Cristina, S., Newton,.A. (2010) Absorption coefficient of particulate matter on the south-west coast of Europe: A contribution to the validation of the MERIS sensor. Ed. H. Lacoste-Francis Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium SP-686 nº144 European Space Agency 7pp.

Goela, P.C; Cristina, S., Icely, J., Newton, A. (2010). Light absorption by particulate and dissolved organic matter in coastal and oceanic sites off the Southwest Coast of Europe: A contribution to MERIS sensor validation. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XX Conference. Anchorage, Alaska 27th September – 1st October 2010.

Icely,J. ; Luis,C.; Fragoso,B. “WP4.1. Field sampling at the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal . WISER WP 4.1 meeting Faro, Portugal. 16-17 March 2010 .

Graduate Training Networks:

Erasmus Mundus MSc Course in coastal and water management - coordinator A. Newton

Government/Organization contract research

RECONNECT- Reference conditions for Portuguese Transitional Waters for FCT Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia. Senior scientists: A. Newton & J. Icely

EMAA- European Management and Aquatic Assessment for INAG-National institute of Water. Senior Scientists: A. Newton & J. Icely

“Technology Management & Integrated Modeling in Natural Resources: A University-Enterprise Win-Win Partnership”. Senior scientist: F. Martins. (144627-TEMPUS-2008-EG-JPCR)

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Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2321)

Research Objective II - Marine Morfosedimentary Processes

Principal Investigator: Oscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira

Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group

Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve


Ana Isabel de Sousa Horta Dias Gomes Ana Margarida de Almeida Matias Ana Rita Zarcos Carrasco André Miguel Duarte Pacheco Carlos Manuel Silva Loureiro Alves Ferreira Carlos Miguel Guimarães Pinto Coelho Afonso Delminda Maria Jesus Moura Duarte Nuno Ramos Duarte Erwan Garel Francisca Manuel Prudêncio Rosa Isabel Maria de Paiva Pinto Mendes João Manuel Alveirinho Dias José Manuel Quintela de Brito Jacob Laura de Fátima da Cruz Pereira Luís Pedro Melo de Almeida Mara Lúcia Duarte Nunes Margarida da Conceição Pereira Ramires Maria Margarida Tarrio Agreiro Bezerra Michalis I. Vousdoukas Oscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira Pedro Miguel Gonçalves Lima Cascada Ruwan Sampath Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Selma Maria Henriques Gabriel Tomasz Boski Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho


Funding, source, dates

FCT BAYBEACH: Evolution and Management of Embayed Beaches in Contrasting Environments; PTDC/CTE-GEX/66893/2006; Budget: 120.000,00 € (97.944,00 € UALG)

FCT MORFEA: Morphological features in the Algarve rocky coast: first order factors on their genesis); PTDC/CTE-GEX/71357/2006; Budget: 80.000,00 €

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FCT BRISA: Breaking waves interaction with sand transport; PTDC/ECM/67411/2006; Budget: 155.000,00 € (47.317,00 € UAlg)

FCT INSHORE: Integrated system for high operational resolution in shore monitorization; PTDC/AMB/73169/2006; Budget: 109.909,00 € (39.528,00 € UAlg)

FCT CIRCO: Climate changes from isotopic records during the Holocene in South-western Iberia; PTDC/CLI/66393/2006; Budget: 155.225,00

FCT DETI: Dynamics of ephemeral tidal inlets; PTDC/MAR/65585/2006; Budget 176.846,00 € (32.107,00 € UAlg)

EU 6 FP 6: SPICOSA: Science and Policy Integration for Coastal Zone Assessment; Budget 12 000 000,00 (213 000€ UAlg)

EU 7 FP MICORE: Morphological impacts and coastal risks induced by extreme storm events; FP7 Environment Project 202798; Budget: 3.499.954,00 € (300.914,00 € UAlg)

EU 7 FP - MARINA: Marine Renewable Integrated Application Platform (MARINA Platform); FP7 Energy Project 241402; Budget: 12.761.220€ (239.995 € UAlg)



To improve knowledge about hydrodynamics and sediment transport in coastal areas and estuaries: field studies; mathematical and numerical modelling of flows, suspended sediment, bed-load transport, bed-form dynamics, storm erosion and morphodynamics;

To advance the knowledge on wave dynamics and climate in coastal areas, including the influence of bottom roughness in wave energy dissipation.

To improve the knowledge of the complex interactions between variables controlling the evolution of rocky coasts, including wave energy, lithology, freshwater discharge, morphological inheritance and bioerosion.

To determine the different rates of cliff erosion and its contribution as sediment source to nearby beaches under different wave conditions and lithologies.

To determine the best methods for coastal hazard definition, including storm erosion and retreat, overwashes and inundation.

To analyze shelf sediment transport and accumulation, taking into consideration the potential for sand exploitation and associated impacts.

To define paleoenvironmental (Holocene) evolution by analyzing shelf sedimentary dynamics.

To determine how embayed beaches evolve before and after storms, namely under the action of mega-rips.

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To define equilibrium conditions for multiple inlet systems based on their morpho- and hydro-dynamic evolution.

To understand propagation and energy dissipation in the Ria Formosa tidal lagoon

To assess the sustainability of national resources in the coastal zone, in particular human activities and their effects, including the socio-economic consequences, to gain a better understanding of ecosystem function at a global scale

To produce European methodology, based on scientific and science-governance integration in the coastal zone, for sustainable use under changing environmental conditions, with an emphasis on the Algarve coast of Portugal.

Main Achievements

Successful use of the SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) model to study and characterize the wave climate in the nearshore region of the Tróia-Sines embayed coast (southwest Portugal) during and between storm events. The SWAN model was also applied to study the influence of the waves in the erosion of the rocky coast of the Algarve (southern Portugal).

Testing and use of morphodynamic models (XBEACH and Convolution model) to study beach erosion during storms, after validation with field data.

The discovery that layer structure, vertical variation in lithological facies, and fractures are the main drivers of the coastal cliff height, the degree of the coastline crenulation, the intensity of the karst affecting the face of the cliff and its profile on the carbonate coast of the centre Algarve.

We determined that the downwearing rates of shore platforms are inversely related to both mechanical strength and calcium carbonate content, while porosity is positively correlated with downwearing rates.

The highest correlation between shore platforms occurrence and dimensions and wave conditions was obtained when considering the combined effect of the waves approaching the shore both from SW and SE, with Hs=2 m and Tp=9 s.

Three new overwash vulnerability indices were defined and applied to the Ria Formosa, which can be easily applied in coastal management and planning.

The relationship between headland development and beach morphodynamics and configuration was demonstrated for Santa Catarina (Brazil).

The Holocene evolution of the inner shelf off the Guadiana River was defined an related with natural and human-induced changes.

The existing equilibrium concepts of multiple inlets systems were analyzed for the Ria Formosa and new concepts arose, which can be further tested and applied in other systems.

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Publications in peer review Journals

Briere, C., Roos, P., Garel, E., Hulsher, S.J.M.H. (2010). Modelling the morphodynamics of the Kwinte Bank, subject to sand extraction. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 51, 117-126.

Ceia, F.R., Patrício, J., Marques, J.C., Dias, J.A. (2010). Coastal vulnerability in barrier islands: the high risk areas of the Ria Formosa (Portugal) system. Ocean and Coastal Management, 53, 478-486.

Garcia, T., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Dias, J.A. (2010). Overwash vulnerability assessment based in long-term washover evolution. Natural Hazards, 54, 225-244.

Garel, E. (2010). Tidally-averaged currents and bedload transport over the Kwinte Bank, southern North Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 51, 87-94.

Garel, E., Lefebvre, A. (2010). Wave-induced sand re-suspension at dredged gravel pits based upon hydrodynamics measurements (Tromper Wiek, Baltic Sea). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 51, 195-204.

Klein, A.H.F., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A., Tessler, M.G., Silveira, L., Benedet, L., Menezes, J.T., Abreu, J.G.N. (2010). Morphodynamics of structurally controlled headland-bay beaches in southeastern Brazil: A review. Coastal Engineering, 57, 98-111.

Martins, C.C., Mahiques, M.M., Dias, J.A. (2010). Daily morphological changes determined by high-energy events on an embayed beach: a qualitative model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35, 487-495.

Mascarenhas A, Coelho p, Subtil E, Ramos TB, 2010. The role of common local indicators in regional sustainability assessment. Ecological Indicators, 10(3): 646-656.

Matias, A., Ferreira, Ó., Vila-Concejo, A., Morris, B., Dias, J.A. (2010). Short-term morphodynamics of non-storm overwash. Marine Geology, 274, 69-84.

Pacheco, A., Ferreira, Ó., Williams, J.J., Garel, E., Vila-Concejo, A., Dias, J.A. (2010). Hydrodynamics and Equilibrium of a Multiple Inlet System. Marine Geology, 274, 32-42.

Radzeviĉius, R., Velegrakis, A., Bonne, W., Kortekaas, S., Garel, E., Blažauskas, N., Asariotis, R. (2010). Marine aggregates extraction: regulation and management in EU member States. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 51, 15-38.

Van Lancker V, Bonne W, Garel E, Degrendele K, Roche M, Van den Eynde D, Bellec V, Briere C, Collins MB, Velegrakis, A. (2010). Recommendations for the sustainable exploitation of tidal sandbanks. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 51, 151-164.

Other international publications

Araújo, M. F., Corredeira, A., Santos, M., Dias, J. A. (2010). Avaliação de impactes antrópicos em sedimentos recentes. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 1508.

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Bastos, M. R., Dias, J. A. (2010). História do povoamento do cordão arenoso da laguna de Aveiro ou do território do vazio à crónica de uma morte anunciada. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15022.

Boski, T., Dias, J. A. (2010). Abordagem sistémica da zona costeira: exemplo do estuário do Guadiana e da Ilha Terceira. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15033.

Carrasco, A.R., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Freire, P., Dias, J.A. (2010). Evaluation of sediment transport at a fetch-limited beach from spring to neap tide. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.12, EGU2010-4662.

Dias, J. A. (2010). Evolução dos tipos e dos níveis de antropização na zona costeira de Aveiro, Portugal. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 1501.

Dias, J. A., Boski, T. (2010). Antropização do estuário do Guadiana (sul da Península Ibérica) ou de como o homem conseguiu “vencer” um sistema com elevada resiliência . Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15034.

Freitas, J., Dias, J. A. (2010). Praia da Rocha: um paradigma da antropização do litoral algarvio. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15028.

Fortes, C.J., Capitão, R., Moura, T., Ferreira, Ó., Silva, P., Amante, L., Vousdoukas, M., Bezerra. (2010). Joint use of numerical models and wave data to characterize wave transformation and assist coastal management. ICCCM 2010, Estoril, Portugal.

Gabriel, S., D. Moura, Ó. Ferreira, A. Pacheco, A. Matias, C. Veiga-Pires, J. Jacob, 2010. Role of shore platforms on coastal cliffs protection in Algarve (South Portugal): First approach. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Dynamics of Rocky Coastlines‟ session, Vol. 12, EGU2010, Vienna, Austria.

Gabriel, S., D. Moura, Ó. Ferreira, A. Matias, J. Jacob, C. Veiga-Pires, J. Viegas, A. Pacheco, M. Bezerra, T. Boski, 2010. Self-adjustment on rocky coasts- study case in central Algarve (Portugal). International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, Estoril-Cascais.

Garel, E., Barbosa, A., Chícharo, A., Cravo, A., Cruz, J., Ferreira, Ó. 2010. Multi-parametric signature of the Guadiana lower Estuary from 2 year-long continuous monitoring. ECSA 47 Symposium, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.

Garel, E., Pais, V., Ferreira Ó. (2010). Practical aspects and data analysis of 2 years-long water quality and current monitoring in an estuary. 42nd International Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege (Belgium).

Garel, E., Barbosa, A., Chícharo, A., Cravo, A., Cruz, J., Ferreira, Ó. 2010. Multi-parametric signature of the Guadiana lower Estuary from 2 year-long continuous monitoring. ECSA 47 Symposium, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.

Italiani, D., Alves, D., Figueira, R., Dias, J. A., Mahiques, M. M. (2010). Evolução da linha de costa e morfologia atual do delta do Valo Grande, litoral sudeste do Brasil. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 1506.

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Martins, M. V., Dias, J. A., Mahiques, M. M., Figueira, R. (2010). Prediction of sediments toxicity using consensus-based sediment quality guidelines and benthic foraminifera in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15026.

Matias, A., Williams, J., Bradbury, A., Masselink, G., Ferreira, Ó. (2010). Overwash threshold experiment for gravel barriers. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienne (Austria).

Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Nunes L. Developing an Approach for Monitoring Regional Land Use Plans. 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2010. Hong Kong. 30 Maio -1 Junho de 2010.

Guimarães H, Mascarenhas A, Sousa C, Garcia T, Dentinho T, Boski T. Systems Approach Framework in the Guadiana estuary. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management. Estoril. 11 - 14 Abril de 2010

Mendes, I., Dias, J.A., Schönfeld, J., Ferreira, Ó., 2010. Live benthic foraminifera in the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf. Abstract Volume of the International Symposium on Foraminifera (FORAMS 2010), September 5-10, Bonn, Germany, 141-142.

Moura, D., S. Gabriel, A. Ramos Pereira, M. Neves, J. Trindade, S. Gamito, R. Santos, A.M. Tavares, E. Berecibar, M.F. Gusmão, A.L. Martins, 2010. Downwearing rates on shore platforms and rocky coast evolution- bioerosion contribute. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Dynamics of Rocky Coastlines‟ session, Vol. 12, EGU2010, Vienna, Austria.

Moura, D., A. Ramos Pereira, M. Neves, J. Trindade, S. Gamito, A.M. Tavares, E. Berecibar, M.F. Gusmão, R. Santos, 2010. The role of bioerosion on carbonate rocky shores. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, Estoril-Cascais.

Mota, P., Jacob, J., Gama, C. and Salgado, R. Evolution of the Beach Profile in Response to Storm Incidence: Santo André Beach, Portuguese Southwest Coast. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM2010), Cascais (Portugal).

Neves, M., Ana Ramos-Pereira, Delminda Moura, Jorge Trindade, Francisca Gusmão, José Viegas, Paulo Santana, 2010. Evaluation of the biological role in the shore platform evolution. Development of specific methodology and first results. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Dynamics of Rocky Coastlines‟ session, 10759, Vol. 12, Vienna, Austria.

Neves, M., Ana Ramos-Pereira, Delminda Moura, Jorge Trindade, Francisca Gusmão, José Viegas, Paulo Santana, 2010. Influência biológica na evolução actual das plataformas rochosas de sopé. Desenvolvimento de metodologia específica e primeiros resultados. VI Seminário Latino-Americano de Geografia Física, Coimbra.

Paula, D., Dias, J.A., Morais, J., Ferreira, Ó. (2010) - Antropização da costa do Ceará: uma breve revisão dos eventos físicos e humanos que impulsionaram a evolução do litoral. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15038.

Paula, D., Dias, J.A., Morais, J., Ferreira, Ó. (2010). Verticalização da beira-mar de Fortaleza: valoração, consequência e projeção. Workshop Antropicosta Iberoamerica 2010, CD-ROM, paper 15039.

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Silva, M., Paquete, R., Chicharo, L., Duarte, D., Caetano, M. and Vasconcelos, M. The Role of Spartinamaritima and Sarcocorniafruticosa on Trace Metals Retention in Ria Formosa, Portugal. ECSA Symposium 47. Integrative Tools and Methods in Assessing Ecological Quality in Estuarine and Coastal Systems Worldwide.Figueira da Foz. Outubro 2010.

Vousdoukas, M.I., Ferreira, P.M., Almeida, L.P., Ferreira O., Psaros, F. (2010). Coastal video monitoring system optimization using computational intelligence methods. Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment conference, Lerici (Italy).

Vousdoukas, M.I., Ferreira, Ó., Almeida, L.P., Taborda, R., Silva, A.N., Andriolo, U. (2010). Automated video system for storm impact evaluation at Praia de Faro (South Portugal). 42nd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Liege (Belgium).

Other national publications

Almeida, L.P., Vousdoukas, M.V., Ferreira, P.M., Ruano, A.E., Dodet, G., Loureiro, C., Ferreira, Ó., Taborda, R. (2010). Correlating wave hindcast and buoy data with Artificial Neural Networks. Proceedings of 1as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, Instituto Hidrográfico Português, Lisboa, Portugal.

Bezerra, M., Ferreira, Ó., Vousdoukas, M. (2010). Variações morfológicas de face de praia em condições de baixa energia. Proceedings of 1as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, Instituto Hidrográfico Português, Lisboa, Portugal.

Bezerra, M., D. Moura, Ó. Ferreira (2010). A influência da agitação marítima na evolução da costa rochosa do Algarve central (Galé a Olhos de Água). Congresso nacional de Geologia, Braga, e-Terra (, Vol. 12, nº8, 4p.

Gabriel, S., Moura, D., Ferreira, Ó., Pacheco, A., Matias, A., Jacob, J., Pereira, H. (2010). Plataformas litorais: papel na protecção das arribas da costa sul Algarvia (primeira abordagem). VIII Congresso Nacional de Geologia 2010, Braga (Portugal).

Ferreira, Ó., Almeida, L.P., Rodrigues, B., Matias, A. (2010). Determination of thresholds for storm impacts. XI Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología, Solsona (Espanha), CD-ROM.

Matias, A., Williams, J., Masselink, G., Ferreira, Ó., Bradbury, A. (2010). Estudo experimental de galgamento em barreiras de cascalho. VIII Congresso Nacional de Geologia 2010, Braga (Portugal).

Mota, P., Jacob, J., Gama, C., Salgado, R., 2010. Characterization of the wave field along the Tróia-Sines embayed coast during a storm event. 1as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 4 pp.

Moura, D., S. Gabriel, A.Ramos-Pereira , M. Neves, J. Trindade, J. Viegas, S. Gamito (2010). Morfogénese dos litorais rochosos: Contributo da bioerosão. Congresso nacional de Geologia, Braga, e-Terra (, Vol. 12, nº18, 4p.

Neves, M., Ramos-Pereira, A., Trindade, J., Moura, F., Gusmão, F., 2010. Acreção da superfície das plataformas rochosas de sopé. Ribeira de Ilhas, Estremadura, Portugal. V Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia, Porto, 283-285.

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PTDC/CTE-GEX/64966/2006, 2010. O inventário nacional do património geológico: abordagem metodológica e resultados (2010). Congresso nacional de Geologia, Braga, e-Terra (, Vol. 18, nº1, 4p.

Guimarães, H.; Mascarenhas, A.; Sousa, C.; Dentinho, T.; Boski, T. (2010). System Approach for Coastal Zone Management: Application in Southeast Coast of Terceira Island and Guadiana Estuary – special issue on "Geographic Technologies applied to Marine Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management". CIGPT - Centro de Informação Geográfica e Planeamento Territorial. University of the Azores. Ponta Delgada, Portugal. 68-77. ISBN: 978-972-8612-64-1.

Guimarães, H., 2010 The use of Q-methodology to obtain stakeholder discourses on the future development of Ria Formosa Coastal zone, south of Portugal. . Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais 23, 5-19.

Ph.D. thesis completed

Mendes, Isabel Maria de Paiva Pinto – "Estudo de indicadores (Paleo-) ambientais no Norte do Golfo de Cádiz, utilizando foraminíferos bentónicos." Orientação: Prof. Dr. Alveirinho Dias e Prof. Dr. Joachim Schönfeld.


Participation at 2 FP7 research projects involving more than 20 European institutions from around 15 countries. Joint PhDs with University of Ulster at Coleraine (Northern Ireland), University of Plymouth (UK), Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (Germany) and University of Portsmouth (UK). Cooperation with the University of Cádiz (Spain) at the Master on Coastal Management. Cooperation with the University Agostinho Neto (Angola) at the Master on Marine and Coastal Sciences. Cooperation with Universidade Federal do Ceará (Brazil) and Instituto Oceanográfico from Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil).

Participation at the Cost Action TD0902: SPLASHCOS. Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscape of the Continental Shelf, involving 11 European countries.

Participation at Red CYTED: Desarrollo de metodologías, indicadores ambientales y programas para la evaluación ambiental integral y la restauración de ecosistemas degradados, involving 9 Ibero-American countries.

Government/Organization contract research

Portonovo project (nº2009-1/119) Programa Operacional de Cooperação Territorial - Espaço Atlântico – IFDR. UAlg.

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Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2324)

Research objective III - Large Scale Geological Processes

Principal Investigator: Tomasz Boski

Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group

Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve


Ana Isabel de Sousa Horta Dias Gomes Anabela Rodrigues Oliveira da Costa André Pedro Moreira Mascarenhas Bruno Miguel Gregório Rodrigues Carlos Alexandre Mendes da Silva de Sousa Carlos Miguel Guimarães Pinto Coelho Afonso Cristina Carvalho Veiga-Pires Delminda Maria Jesus Moura Deonilde Sarita Graça Camacho Encarnação Duarte Nuno Ramos Duarte Gilda Maria Rodrigues Lopes Hélder José Rodrigues Pereira Inês Burnay Alves do Rio Jaime Miguel Costa Aníbal João Pedro Guerreiro Araújo Jorge Filipe Rodrigues Viana José Inácio Jesus Rodrigues Laura de Fátima da Cruz Pereira Liliana Faia Carvalho Manuela Maria Cavaco Viegas Maria Emilia Lima Costa Maria Helena Marques Enes Guimarães Maria João Sacadura Serrano Ferreira de Carvalho Marisa Eugénia Nogueira Borges Patricio Serendero Paulo Manuel Carvalho Fernandes Pedro Miguel Gonçalves Lima Cascada Ruwan Sampath Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Sandra Domingues Gomes Selma Maria Henriques Gabriel Simon Edward Connor Sónia Cristina dos Santos Almeida Tomasz Boski Vasco Gonçalo Alves Esteves de Matos Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho

Ana Alexandra Guerreiro dos Santos Cristina Maria Almeida Bernardes Fung Dai Kin

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Lopo António Ferreira Trigoso de Sousa e Vasconcelos Luis Manuel Zambujal Chicharo Marcial Felgueiras Maria Sofia Júdice Gamito Pires Pawel Terefenko


Funding, source, dates

FCT (PTDC/CTE-GEX/72694/2006) Project Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of the Algarve Basin – Southern Portugal. 01-01-2009 – 31-12-2011. 75.000,00€

FCT (PTDC/AAC-CLI/108518/2008) project SWIRL 15-02-2010 – 14-02-2013. 93,494€

FCT PTDC/MAR/70249/2006) "NITROLINKS – NITROgen loading into the Ria Formosa through Coastal Groundwater Discharge (CGD) – Pathways, turnover and LINKS between land and sea in the Coastal Zone", 2009 – 2012. 160,000€

FCT (PTDC/AAC-CLI/100916/2008) - “SIPCLIP - Temperature, precipitation regime and soil conditions in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula under a warmer climate - Insight from the past”, 2010 – 2013. 180,000€

Project PTDC/CLI/68488/2006 (EVEDUS) “EVEDUS” - Estuarine valley evolution during the eustatic sea-level rise – assessment of climate change impacts through the confrontation of palaeo-environmental data with two types of models; 2008-2011; 154,000 €

EU POCTEP – RISE- “MEGASIG –IDT” Monitorização e Gestão Ambiental dos Sapais do Estuário do Guadiana – Integração e Desenvolvimento Transfronteiriço (2008-2010) 110,000 €

CNPQ (Brasil) – FCT (Portugal) bilateral project “AMEFEL” _- Análise dos mecanismos forçadores da evolucão do litoral do Nordestre Brasileiro e Algarve (Portugal) durante o Quaternário - AMEFEL2010 – 2012. 15,000 €



Assessment of the thermal maturation of the organic matter and hydrocarbon source-rock potential of the Mesozoic Algarve Basin.

Establishment of a dinoflagellate-based biozonation of the Mesozoic stratigraphic succession of the Algarve Basin.

Development of an acritarch- and cryptospores-based biozonation of the Ordovician and Silurian sedimentary rocks of Portugal.

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Interpretation of stable isotope variations (in terms of δ13C and δ18O) through Ordovician, Silurian and Mesozoic sedimentary successions in Portugal and their relationships with regional and global palaeoclimatic events.

Reconstruction of subsidence and tectonic uplift paths for the Algarve Basin using low temperature thermochronology (apatite and zircon fission-track).

Reconstruction of the Algarve‟s regional palaeoclimatic conditions from the last 20 to 120 kyrs based on speleothem records from the region‟s karst caves.

Characterisation of continental groundwater discharge through the coastal sea-bed and their contribution through nutrient fluxes into the Ria Formosa, based on the use of actinides, namely Radium and Radon.

Reconstruction of the post-glacial evolution of regional climate from the analysis of pollen records in lagoonal/wetland sediments.

Definition of a curve for sea-level rise for the S. Iberian continental margin encompassing the last 14000 yrs, as recorded in estuarine sedimentary records, and modelling of the process of sea-level rise.

Development of paleoecological interpretations of transitional land-sea sedimentary environments through diatom and foraminifera assemblages

Correlation of the patterns of post-glacial sea-level rise along the Brazilian and S. Iberian coasts in order to define local and regional components of the process

Main Achievements

• Establishment of a Palynology Laboratory and Organic Petrology Laboratory in CIMA,

• Development of a pollen reference collection in collaboration with the UAlg Herbarium and the Portuguese FloraOn programme,

• Establishment of 13 pollen monitoring stations in the Algarve and Alentejo as part of the international Pollen Monitoring Programme (,

• Palaeoecological analysis of Holocene and Pleistocene sediments collected from the Santo André region, Alentejo, with preliminary results indicating dramatic changes in the region‟s vegetation cover during the Quaternary period,

• Development of a new method of quantitative vegetation reconstruction based on pollen productivity, in collaboration with scientists from Norway, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Georgia,

• Assessment of the organic maturation levels for the stratigraphic succession of the Mesozoic Algarve Basin and its relation with the hydrocarbon production zones,

• Re-assessment of the stratigraphy and organic maturation levels of the wells Ruivo-1 and Corvina-1 in the offshore of the Algarve Basin and its implications for hydrocarbon exploration,

• First comprehensive study of the Jurassic dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of the Algarve Basin with implications for the palaeogeography of the Algarve Basin during this period of time,

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• First account of the δ13C variation across the Middle and Upper Jurassic boundary in the Algarve Basin, suggesting regional perturbations in the carbon cycle,

• First record of acritarchs and cryptospores from the Silurian rocks of the Buçaco Syncline.

• A first stalagmite has been analyzed giving ages from the last glacial maximum and allowing, therefore, a first attempt at palaeoclimatic reconstruction.

• Conclusion of microfaunal and geochronological description of the deepest borehole (CM6) drilled in the Guadiana Estuary sediments, which places spatial and temporal constraints on the sea-level rise model for the area

• Closing of the first phase of research in NE Brazilian estuaries, which greatly expanded knowledge of the last post-glacial marine transgression into S. American estuaries, with the time record extended to ca 9000 yrs cal BP

• Definition of the coastal progradation rates of in Santa Catarina and Paraná States, S. Brazil, during the last 7000 years, based on dating of podzol sequences developed in coastal barriers.


Publications in peer review Journals

Borges, M.E.N., Fernandes, P., Rodrigues, B. & Goodhue, R. 2010. Carbon Isotope Record (δ13Ccarbonate) of the Middle to Late Jurassic (Callovian – Oxfordian) from the Algarve Basin, Portugal. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 74(12), supplement 1, pp. A105.

Borges, M.E.N., Riding, J.B., Fernandes, P. & Pereira, Z. 2011. The Jurassic (Plienbachian to Kimmeridgian) palynology of the Algarve Basin and the Carrapateira outlier, southern Portugal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 163(3-4), pp. 190-204.

Boski T., Long A.J. (2010) Quaternary land-ocean interactions: Driving mechanisms and coastal responses . Quaternary International 221, 1- 3 doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.02.014

Delgado, J., Nieto, J.M., Boski, T. (2010) Analysis Of The Spatial Variation Of Heavy Metals In The Guadiana Estuary Sediments (SW Iberian Peninsula) Based On GIS-Mapping Techniques.. Estuatrine Coastal and Shelf Science 88, 71 – 83. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2010.03.011

Marinova-Filipova, M.V., Kvavadze, E.V., Connor, S.E. and Sjögren, P. 2010. Estimating absolute pollen productivity for some European Tertiary-relict taxa. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19: 351-64.

Mendes, I., Rosa, F., Dias, J. A., Schönfeld, J., Ferreira, Ó., Pinheiro, J. (2010). Inner shelf paleoenvironmental evolution as a function of land-ocean interactions in the vicinity of the Guadiana River, SW Iberia. Quaternary International 221, 58-67.

Sjögren, P., Connor, S.E., van der Knaap, W.O., van Leeuwen, J.F.N. 2010. The development of composite pollen-dispersal functions for estimating absolute pollen productivity in the Swiss Alps. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19: 341-9.

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Other international publications

Borges, M.E.N., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z. & Riding, J.B. 2010. Jurassic playnostratigraphy of the Sagres region (Algarve Basin) and the Carrapateira outlier. Preliminary results. 3rd International Paleontological Congress, London, Book of Abstracts, pp. 94.

Borges, M.E.N., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z. & Riding, J.B. 2010. The Middle Jurassic palynology of the Sagres region, southern Portugal. V Congreso del Jurásico de España, J.I. Ruiz-Omeñaca, L. Piñuela & J.C. García-Ramos (eds.), Museo del Jurásico de Astúrias, 8-11 Septiembre, pp. 46-47.

Boski, T., Delgado, J., Nieto, J. M., Pereira, L. (2010) Geoquímica de metais vestigiais em sedimentos dopreenchimento Holocénico do Estuário do Rio Guadiana. X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, Universidade do Porto. Book of abstracts ,p.127-28.

Boski, T., Kumar, M., Knicker, H, Vila, F. J. G., Angulo, R., Souza, M. C..(2010) Datação, características geoquímicas e evolução temporal das piçarras do Litoral de Santa Catarina. X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa.. Universidade do Porto. Book of abstracts ,p.160-161

Clayton, G., Fernandes, P., Goodhue, R., McCormack, N., Musgrave, J.A. & O‟Donoghue, E.P. 2010. The thermal history and hydrocarbon source rock potential of the mid Catboniferous Quebradas Formation in SW Portugal and its correlatives in western Atlantic offshore basins. 2nd Central & North Conjugate Margins Conference – Lisbon. Book of abstracts, pp. 25.

Connor, S.E. 2010. Grazing pressure in the Black Sea region during the Holocene – insights from fungal spore records. Abstracts - 4th Workshop on Non Pollen Palynomorphs, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, 16-19 June 2010, p. 13.

D..Sampath, T. Boski, F. Martins, S. D. Pereira, F. P. Lima Filho, F. H. Bezerra. (2010) Forecasting and hindcasting MORPHOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF THE GUADIANA ESTUARY IN RESPONSE TO THE SEA LEVEL RISE . First international conference IGCP 588, "Preparing for coastal change: A detailed process-response framework for coastal change at different timescales. Book of abstracts, p 16-17.

D.M.R. Sampath, C. Loureiro, T. Boski (2010). Long-term morphological evolution of the lower Guadiana estuary in response to the projected sea level rise and sediment supply reduction during the 21st century. International conference Sea Level Changes: the Science of a Changing World. Durham University, UK. Book of abstracts p.61-62

Fernandes, P., Borges, M., Matos, V. & Rodrigues, B. 2010. Organic maturation and source-rock potential of the Mesozoic Algarve Basin – Southern Portugal. 2nd Central & North Conjugate Margins Conference – Lisbon. Book of Abstracts, pp. 40.

Fernandes, P., Borges, M., Rodrigues, B. & Matos, V. 2010. A re-assessment of the organic maturation and palynostratigraphy of the wells Ruivo-1 and Corvina, offshore Algarve Basin, Portugal. 2nd Central & North Conjugate Margins Conference – Lisbon. Book of Abstracts, pp. 41.

Fernandes, P., Jorge, R.C.G.S., Rodrigues, B., Pereira, Z & Oliveira, J.T. 2010. Caracterização geoquímica da Formação Brejeira (Grupo do Flysch do Baixo Alentejo): resultados preliminaries.

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Memórias nº14, X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, XVI Semana da Geoquímica, Universidade do Porto. Flores, D. & Marques, M. (eds), pp. 103.

Fernandes, P., Luis, L., Rodrigues, S., Marques., Valentim, B. & Flores, D. 2010. The measurement of vitrinite reflectance with MatLab. CIMP Poland, Warsaw, Book of abstracts, Oliwkiewicz-Miklasinska, M., Stempien-Salek, M. & Laptas, A (eds.), pp. 11-13.

Lopes, G., Vaz, N., Sequeira, A.J.D., Piçarra, J.M., Fernandes, P. & Pereira, Z. 2010. Palynomorphs from the Gorstian (Silurian) of the Sazes Formation (Buçaco Syncline), Central Iberian Zone, Portugal, Preliminary Results. CIMP Poland, Warsaw, Book of abstracts, Oliwkiewicz-Miklasinska, M., Stempien-Salek, M. & Laptas, A (eds.), pp. 31-33.

Pereira, Z., Matos, J.X., Fernandes, P. & Oliveira, J.T. 2010. Palynostratigraphy study of the Caveira Mine (SW sector of the Oberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal). CIMP Poland, Warsaw, Book of abstracts, Oliwkiewicz-Miklasinska, M., Stempien-Salek, M. & Laptas, A (eds.), pp. 57-59.

Rodrigues, B., Chew, D., Fernandes, P & Jorge, R.C.G.S. 2010. Integrated thermochronology and organic maturation studies in the South Portuguese Zone and Algarve Basin (South Portugal). Thermo2010, 12th International Conference on Thermochronology, Glasgow August 16-20.

Rodrigues, B., Fernandes, P., Veiga-Pires, C. & Machado, N. 2010. Proveniência da Titanite no Algarve (Sul de Portugal). Provenance of Titanite in Algarve (South Portugal). Memórias nº14, X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, XVI Semana da Geoquímica Universidade do Porto. Flores, D. & Marques, M. (eds), pp. 113.

Ross, S., Sobotkova, A., Connor, S. and Iliyev, I. 2010. An interdisciplinary pilot project in the environs of the ancient city of Kabyle, Bulgaria. Archaeologia Bulgarica XIV: 69-85

T. Boski, M. Kumar, H. Knicker, F.J. González-Vila, R. Angulo, M.C. Souza, T. Verdejo, J.A. González-Pérez (2010) . Organo- geochemical characteristics of Podzols from the Santa Catarina Littoral. 15th IHSS MEETING "Humic Substances and the Maintenance of Ecosystem Services". Book of abstracts V.2 , 232-233

T. Boski, M. Kumar, H. Knicker, F.J. González-Vila, R. Angulo, M.C. Souza, T. Verdejo, J.A. González-Pérez (2010) . Organo- geochemical characteristics of Podzols from the Santa Catarina Littoral. 15th IHSS MEETING "Humic Substances and the Maintenance of Ecosystem Services". Book of abstracts V.2 , 232-233

Veiga-Pires, C., Ghaleb, B., Héllie, J.F., Moura, D., Luís, J. & Hillaire-Marcel, C. 2010. A nearly-continuous Last Glacial Maximum stalagmite record from southern Portugal. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-10759, EGU General Assembly, 2010.

Veiga-Pires, C., Moura, D., Luís, J., Varela, J., Ghaleb, B., Héllie, J.F. & Hillaire-Marcel, C. 2010. Primeiros registos isotópicos em stalagmites no Algarve (Sul de Portugal). First isotopic records from stalagmites in Algarve (South Portugal). Memórias nº14, X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, XVI Semana da Geoquímica.

Other national publications

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Fernandes, P., Rodrigues, B., Borges M. & Matos V. 2010. Maturação orgânica da Bacia Algarvia. Resultados preliminares e implicações para a prospecção de hidrocarbonetos. CNG, Braga.

Borges, M., Fernandes, P., Rodrigues & Matos, V. 2010. Maturação orgânica e palinoestratigrafia da Sondagem RUIVO-1, região imersa da Bacia Algarvia. Implicações para a prospecção de hidrocarbonetos. CNG, Braga.

Fernandes, P., Jorge, R.C.G.S., Oliveira, J.T., Pereira, Z. & Rodrigues, B. 2010. Análise de proveniência dos sedimentos siliciclásticos do Grupo do Flysch do Baixo Alentejo, Zona Sul Portuguesa. CNG, Braga.

Pereira, Z., Matos, J.X., Fernandes, P., Jorge, R.C.G.S. & Oliveira, J.T. 2010. Qual a idade mais antiga da Faixa Piritosa? Nova idade Givetiano inferior para o Grupo Filito-Quartzítico (Anticlinal de S. Francisco da Serra – Faixa Piritosa. CNG, Braga.

Lopes, G., Vaz, N., Sequeira, A.J.D., Piçarra, J.M., Fernandes, P. & Pereira, Z. 2010. Dados palinoestratigraficos do Gorstiano (Silúrico) da Formação Sazes (Sinclinal do Buçaco). CNG, Braga.

Matos, J.X., Pereira, Z., Fernandes, P., Rosas, D. & Oliveira, J.T. 2010. Contribuição para o estudo da estrutura da mina de Aljustrel (Faixa Piritosa Ibérica) com base em novos dados do Complexo Volcano-Sedimentar e da Formação Mértola. CNG. Braga

Borges, M., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z. & Riding, J.B. 2010. Palinoestratigrafia da região de Sagres (Bacia Algarvia) e da Carrapateira: resultados preliminares. CNG, Braga.

Sacadura, M. J., Boski, T., Estudo da estrutura tridimensional Holocénica do sistema lagunar da Ria Formosa. Congresso Nacional de Geologia. Braga. Julho de 2010


National Patent nº 103359 - Physical preservations techniques for an enzyme as a plant milk- clotting agent

National Patent nº 103444 - Establishment a new citrus cell line adapted to moderate salt exposure

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Organization of conferences

Transboundary Guadiana Forum, Vila Real de Santo Antonio, 27.06.2010

X Congress of Geochemistry of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Porto: Tomasz Boski was a member of the scientific committee

Industry contract research

European Space Agency (ESA) for Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Sites”

Project ALFAETÌLICO 3397,2009 -“Technical and economical evaluation of bioethanol production, using agri-food residuals as carbon source”.Project developed for implementation of an Industrial Bioethanol Biorefinery in a partnership with Carob Industries from Algarve (AGRUPA Association) Financial support Program QREN.

Contract between BIOVEGETAL, SA Company and LAb Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology for Oleaginous Microbial Production for Biodiesel synthesis, Icely, J.,Cristina,S., Goela,P., Newton, A. (January 2010) Report 4 to ESA. Icely, J.,Cristina,S., Goela,P., Newton, A. (August 2010) Report 5: Section I Final to ESA.


S. Connor participated in the Tundzha Regional Archaeology Project – TRAP, Bulgaria (directors: Dr Shawn Ross, University of New South Wales, and Prof. Ilia Iliev, Yambol Museum). Supported by the Australian Research Council, America for Bulgaria Foundation and the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering.

S. Connor participated in IGCP project 521 - Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea and Caspian Biomes (director: Prof. Sandy Harrison, Macquarie University).

S. Connor participated in the 34th International Moor Excursion to Sicily and Pantelleria, Italy, September 2010, organised by the University of Bern, Switzerland.

C. Veiga-Pires - Université de Bordeaux (France) and EPOCH research Center (France) through the Luso-French project on metal contaminants.

C. Veiga-Pires - GEOTOP research center (Canada) and Université du Québec à Rismouski (Canada) through the stalagmite project.

C. Veiga-Pires – Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) through the project NitroLinks (submarine groundwater discharges).

M. Borges and G. Lopes – Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Department of Geology – Stable Isotope Geochemical Laboratory.

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M. Borges and P. Fernandes, collaboration with Dr. Jim Riding from the British Geological Survey in the project on dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of the Algarve Basin.

P. Fernandes and V. Matos, collaboration with Prof. João Graciano Mendonça Filho from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro through the project “Hydrocarbon source rock potential of the Algarve Basin”.

Tomasz Boski - continued joint research on post-glacial sea level change with the Brazilian Federal Universities in Curitiba and Natal.

Tomasz Boski - collaborative research with the Spanish Universities in Huelva and Seville on geochemical paleoenvironmental proxies obtained from the analyses of Estuarine sediments

Tomasz Boski - collaborative research with universities of Keele (UK), Szczecin (PL), UERJ(BR), Durham (UK) on micropaleontological proxies of sea-level change

Tomasz Boski - UNESCO IGCP 588 Annual conference 30.11.2010-5.12.2010, Hong Kong University

Tomasz Boski was invited to give keynote lecture on "Holocene evolution of S. Portuguese Coasts" during The Sepetiba Symposium at UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, 25.06.2010

International PhD level academic networks

CIMA entred into the new successful Erasmus Mundus PhD courese proposal MACOMA with the Universities of Cadiz, St. Petersburg, Bologna and Aveiro

Government/Organization contract research

RECONNECT- Reference conditions for Portuguese Transitional Waters for FCT Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia.

EMAA- European Management and Aquatic Assessment for INAG-National institute of Water.

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Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2325)

Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes

Principal Investigator: Maria Joao Anunciação Franco Bebianno

Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar

Group Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve


Alexandra Maria Francisco Cravo Alice Newton Ana Catarina Godinho de Almeida Ana Maria Branco Barbosa António Manuel Coelho Oliveira e Sousa Belisandra Maria Martins Lopes Brígida Gonçalves Rodrigues Carlos Miguel Guimarães Pinto Coelho Afonso Catarina Alexandra Guerreiro Pereira Catarina de Pina Folgado Alves de Sousa Cristina Carvalho Veiga-Pires Denise Robina Teixeira Fernandes Duarte Nuno Ramos Duarte Fabrício Flores Nunes Filipa Alexandra Oleiros Esteves Ribeiros Filomena Maria Coelho Guerra da Fonseca Inês do Carmo Alves Martins Jaime Miguel Costa Aníbal Maria Angela Pereira Serafim Maria Emilia Lima Costa Maria Joao Anunciacao Franco Bebianno Maria Margarida dos Prazeres Reis Maria Margarida Ramos Gonzalez Rey Marisa Andreia Viegas dos Santos Paulo Miguel da Costa Zaragoza de Oliveira Pedro Pedro Miguel Gonçalves Lima Cascada Priscila Raquel Fernandes Costa Goela Rita Isabel de Oliveira Soares Branco Domingues Rui Miguel Saraiva Company Sandra Maria da Cruz Caetano Sandra Maria Sengo Mesquita Sara Isabel Cacheira Raposo Sónia Cláudia Vitorino Cristina Tânia Cristina Martins Gomes Tânia Sofia Coelho Andrade Dias Damião Vera Lúcia de Almeida Maria Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho

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Funding, source, dates

INTERREG III A CIANOALERTA III (2006 –2010) – Cyanobacteria Harmful algal blooms and ecological criteria of water quality. Total funding of 280000 Euros.

PTDC/AGR-ALI/109859/2009 - Molecular probing for effective strategies to control fanleaf and leafroll in grapevine. 145 537,00 €/ 132 277,00 €

PTDC/MAR/114380/2009; PHYTORIA Starting date: 1 March 2011; Duration: 36 months; 136.336,00€ /112.155,00€;

PTDC/AAC-CLI/114512/2009; PHYTOCLIMA Remote sensing of phytoplankt on variability patterns of fSouth-Western Iberia: a sentinel for climatechange?Starting date: 1 April 2011;134.800,00€ / 132.880,00 €;

LAGOA 52 (2009-2011) – Restoration of the artificial coastal lagoon in the Baía da Meia Praia Resort . Successive private contracts for a total funding of 87800 Euros.

CIANOTOOLS (2009 -2010) Ecological tools for the management of cyanobacteria dominated reservoirs. (Sub-project coordinated by Margarida P. Reis, integrated in RISE funded by INTERREG III A total funding of 835682.67 euros) Subproject funding was 5554 euros.

ECOTOXTOOLS (2010-2012). Ecotoxicological tools for assessing agriculture associated environmental risks in Southern Europe big man-made freshwater reservoirs. .199370/ 37750 euros

PTDC/SAU-SAP/111908/2009. Project IN-HEALTH – Maternal-infant health related to environmental factors . 93.108.00€.



The aims of the 6 research tasks in RO IV are defined as follows:

a) Impacts on human health,

This task aims to describe the degree of individual prenatal exposure to environmental polluting agents and the internal doses of these polluting agents during gestation to birth. A pilot survey will be established to assess the effects in newborn children, whose mothers live in areas with distinct environmental susceptibilities in the Algarve. Health-impact evaluation includes the assessment of different metals and organic contaminants in samples of umbilical cord blood that were collected during birth.

b) Eutrophication and rehabilitation methods,

One of the aims of this research is focused on regions of restricted exchange, such as coastal lagoons, fjords, enclosed bays and seas. These coastal zones are particularly vulnerable to impacts

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from human activities that may be quite distant from the coastal zone in the case of large watersheds or airsheds. Climate change may have large impacts on the fragile environment and the livelihood of the people depending on them. It is crucial to analyse the effects of climatic and local anthropogenic alterations in planktonic microbial communities, ecosystem functioning and connectivity. Moreover, the characterization of submarine groundwater and their contribution through nutrient fluxes into the Ria Formosa, based on the use of actinides, namely Radium and Rádon, as well as on stable isotopes from oxygen and hydrogen will be made.

c) Impacts of emerging contaminants,

This research area aims to determine the toxic effects of copper and silver nanoparticles (NP) on the mussel M. galloprovincialis using as end points biomarkers of oxidative stress (antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT and GPX and lipid peroxidation), metal exposure (MT) and neurotoxicity (AChE). Also the effects of a mixture of pharmaceutical products (aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, paracetamol, metformin, naproxen and atenolol) are assessed in marine (M. galloprovincialis) and freshwater (Corbiculafluminea) bivalves through the application of several oxidative stress, neurotoxic and endocrine disruption biomarkers and a proteomic approach both in laboratory experiments and field studies, using other bivalve species as biological models namelyM. galloprovincialis, Scrobiculariaplana and Nereisdiversicolor from the Ria Formosa lagoon and Guadiana Estuary.

d) Development of new biomarkers and indexes in risk management

A multi-biomarker (antioxidant enzymes, metallothioneins, acethylcholinesterase, lipid peroxidation, Citochrome P450 ALP and DNA damage) approach is used as end points in aquatic species. This study is crucial for the establishment of environmental and biological indices for the management of estuaries and coastal areas including harbours and ports.

e) Harmful algal blooms

Our main target has been to understand conditions triggering toxic cyanobacteria blooms (CYANOHABS) in reservoirs, focusing on biological interactions and using molecular tools to elucidate them. Relationships between bacteria and phytoplankton, isolation and molecular characterization of cyanobacteria and the role of these viruses in cyanotoxin production/release were the principal focus.

f) Environmental biotechnology and engineering.

- development of 2nd-Generation sustainable BioEthanol production from agri-industrial waste material and implementation of a pilot-plant

- gene expression profiling, identification and isolation of monoclonal strains of oleaginous microorganisms for BioDiesel Industry

- Characterization and bioreactor production of BCAs against fruit post-harvest diseases on a large scale, in parallel with the development of molecular markers for identification of plant pathogens

Main Achievements

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- The monitoring of contaminants along the Portuguese coast was crucial to identify and evaluate spatial and seasonal differences in anthropogenic inputs to the marine and estuarine environments and to identify the hotspots of contamination in southern Portugal.

- Extensive field and lab measurements allowed the acquisition of a large amount of data that are being compiled for mass balance budgets of nutrient inputs from submarine groundwater discharges in the Ria Formosa.

- Assessment of water quality in harbours helped establish guidelines for monitoring harbour areas through a process of methodological standardization in the management of water quality

- Passive samplers deployed to assess contaminant load in aquatic environments revealed the presence of different active pharmaceutical ingredients in Portuguese rivers, clearly indicating that water treatment plants in the area are unable to remove these compounds from the water

- We proved that exposure of mussels to nanocopper and nanosilver resulted in oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the gills and digestive gland and DNA damage in haemolymph cells.These findings reinforce the idea that nanoparticles have adverse effects in filter feeding species. The Protein Expression Signatures obtained can be used in the future as specific biomarkers of copper and silver exposure, after identification and validation. Pharmaceutical compounds (Ibuprofen and antidepressant Fluoxetine) in the digestive gland of M. galloprovincialis induced antioxidant system responses (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase and glutathione s-transferase), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and damage (Lipid peroxidation) in tissues.

- Eight years of environmental monitoring elucidated phytoplankton dynamics in four reservoirs in the Algarve, where more than 80% of monthly water samples are dominated by cyanobacteria, showing the need for biological variables in order to understand CYANOHABS triggering factors. Eight new cyanophages infecting Microcystis spp. have been isolated and characterized. This viral pool is capable of infecting multiple hosts and represents an important source of relevant genomic information that has never been gathered before, since the only sequenced Microcystis cyanophage (Ma-LMM01) is only capable of infecting a single host strain.

- Several molecular markers, based on differential gene expression patterns, were confirmed as indicators of resistance or susceptibility to iron-chlorosis in different species.

- An isolate yeast strain tolerant to high concentrations of ethanol was obtained, with high yields suitable for bioethanol production.

- Development of assays (RT-PCR; RT-PCR-RFLP; ISIA; Tissue-printing) for the molecular detection and tipification of quarantine viruses of the grapevine.

- Establishment a new citrus cell line adapted to moderate salt exposure (National Patent nº 103444)


Publications in peer review Journals

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Blasco, J., Gomes, T., Garcia-Barrera, T., Rodriguez-Romero, A., Gonzalez-Rey, M., Moran-Roldan, F., Tromibini, C., Miotk, M., Gomez-Ariza, J. L., Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Metal occurrence in recent sediments from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Scientia Marina 74S1, 1: 99-106. doi:10.3989/scimar.2010.74s1099 (Impact Factor:1.174; Citations: 0).

Company, R, Felicia, H., Serafim, A., Almeida, A.J., Biscoito, M. &Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Metal concentrations and metallothionein-like protein levels in deep-sea fishes captured near hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge off Azores. Deep Sea Research, Part I, 57(7): 893-903. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.02.005. (Impact Factor: 2.593; Citations: 0).

Company, R., Serafim, A., Cosson, R.P., Fiala-Médioni, A., Camus, Serrão-Santos, R. &Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Sub-lethal effects of cadmium on the antioxidant defence system of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73(5): 788-795. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.01.003 (Impact Factor: 2.133; Citations: 2).

Géret, F., Gomes, T., Marty, P., Bebianno, M. J. (2010). Differential protein expression in Corbicula fluminea exposed to a mixture of pharmaceutical products. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 157, S1: 46 - 47. (Impact Factor: 2.196; Citations: 0).

Gomes, T., Cancio, I., Pinheiro, J. P., Bebianno, M. J. (2010). "Integration of conventional biomarkers and proteomic analysis to assess the effects of copper nanoparticles in Mytilus galloprovincialis ", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 157, S1: 54 - 54. (Impact Factor: 2.196; Citations: 0).

Gonzalez-Rey M., T.C. Lau T.C., Gomes T., Maria V.L., Bebianno M.J., Wu, R.. Comparison of metal accumulation between „Artificial Mussel‟ and natural mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in marine environments.Marine Pollution Bulletin doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.12.007.

Lima-Costa, M.E., Ferreira, S., Duarte, A. & Ferreira, A.L. (2010). Alleviation of Salt Stress Using Exogenous Proline on a Citrus Cell Line.Acta Hort. (ISHS) 868:109-112

Manso T., Nunes C., Raposo S., Lima-Costa M. E. (2010). Carob pulp as raw material to produce the biocontrol agent P. agglomerans PBC-1.Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 37 (11): 1145-1155. DOI: 10.1007/s10295-010-0762-1 IF 1.082cit 2

Maria, V. L., Gomes T., Bebianno, M. J.(2010). Protein expression profiles in Mytilusgalloprovincialis exposed to a combination of contaminants. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology,157, Supplement 1,S46. (Impact Factor: 2.196; Citations: 0).

Maria, V.L., Ahmad, I., Oliveira, M., Pacheco, M., Santos, M.A. (2010). Dicentrarchuslabrax L. Kidney Antioxidant Responses, Lipid and DNA Damage at five different sites within the Aveiro Lagoon.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19, 5, 790-797. (Impact Factor: 0.43; Citations: 0).

Maria, V.L., Ahmad, I., Teles, M., Serafim, A., Bebianno, M.J., Pacheco, M., Santos, M.A (2010). Golden grey mullet and sea bass oxidative DNA damage and clastogenic/aneugenic responses in a contaminated coastal lagoon.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73(8):1907-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.07.003. (Impact Factor: 2.133; Citations: 0).

Manso T, Nunes C., Raposo S., Lima-Costa, M. E. (2010) Production of the biocontrol agent Pantoeaagglomerans PBC-1 in a stirred tank reactor by batch and fed-batch cultures.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 26 (4): 725 – 735. DOI 10.1007/s11274-009-0229-6.(Impact Factor: 2.086 Citations: 2).

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Massart, S., Brostaux, Y., Barbarossa, L., Battle, A. , Cesar, V., Dutrecq, O. , Fonseca, F., Guillem, R., Komorowska, B. , Olmos A., Steyer, S., Wetzel, T., Kummert, J. , and Jijakli, M.H. Interlaboratory evaluation of two RT-PCR based methods for detection of four fruit tree viruses. Annals of Applied Biology: 154: 133-141 (DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7348.2008.00281.x).

Newton, A., Oliveira, P. S., Icely J.D. and Foster, P.A. (2010). Monitoring of oxygen condition in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal.Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12, 355 DOI: 10.1039/b914015h.

Oliveira M., Ahmad I., Maria V. L., Pacheco M., Santos M. A. (2010). Antioxidant responses versus DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in golden grey mullet liver: a field study at Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). ArchEnviron Contam Toxicol. 59(3):454-63. DOI 10.1007/s00244-010-9491-8. (Impact Factor: 1.743; Citations: 0).

Serafim, A., Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Effect of a polymetallic mixture on metal accumulation and metallothionein response in the clam Ruditapes decussatus. Aquatic Toxicology, 99(3):370-378. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.05.016 (Impact Factor: 3.124; Citations: 1).

Other international publications

Book Chapters

Barbosa, AB, 2010. Seasonal and interannual variability of planktonic microbes in a mesotidal coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, SE Portugal): impact of climatic changes and local-human influences. In: Coastal Lagoons: critical habitats of environmental change, Eds.: H. Paerl and M. Kennish, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Marine Science Book Series, Boca Raton, 335-366 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8830-4.

Other publications

Almeida A. C., Cravo A., Bebianno M. J., 2010.. Comparison of DNA damage in two bivalve species from the Fia Formosa lagoon (South Coast of Portugal).XV Seminário de Quimica Marinha, 22-24 Fevereiro 2010, Vigo Espanha

Blasco, j., Gomes, T., García-Barrera, T., Rodríguez- Romero, A., Gonzalez-Rey, M., Morán-Roldán, F., Trombini, C., Miotk, M., Gómez-Ariza, J.L., Bebianno, M.J. 2010. Trace metal concentrations in sediments from Southwest Iberian Peninsula. 20th SETAC Europe Meeting, Sevilla (Spain).

Pereira C., Cravo A., Bebianno M. J.,, 2010. ALP as na endocrine disruption biomarker in mussels from the South Coast of PortugalXV Seminário de Quimica Marinha, 22-24 Fevereiro 2010, Vigo Espanha.

Pereira C., Cravo A., Bebianno M. J., 2010. Interspecific variability of alp in two bivalve species from the Ria Formosa Lagoon (South coast of Portugal).XV Seminário de Quimica Marinha, 22-24 Fevereiro 2010, Vigo Espanha.

Company, R., Antúnez, O., Torreblanca, A., Cajaraville, M. and Bebianno, M.J. 2010. A proteomic approach to study the influence of climate change in marine organisms – hydrothermal vents as a model of unstable environments. 24th ESCPB Congress - Biological Effects of Climate Change and Pollution: From Biomarkers to System Biology. 5-9 September. Alessandria (Italy).

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Cristina, S., Icely, J.D., Goela, P., NewtonA., 2010 Validation of MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer satellite products in oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal.Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium.SP 686.

Cristina, S.;Goela, P.; Icely, J.; Moore, G.; Newton, A., 2010.Evaluation of the MERIS marine products in coastal and oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal.Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XX 2010. Anchorage, Alaska, 27th September – 1st October 2010.

Géret, F., Gomes, T., Marty, P., Bebianno, M.J. 2010.Differential protein expression in Corbiculafluminea exposed to a mixture of pharmaceutical products. 27th New European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Congress. Alessandria (Italy).

Goela, P.,Icely, J. D., Cristina, S., Newton, A.2010 Absorption coefficient of particulate matter on the south-west coast of Europe: A contribution to the validation of the MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer sensor. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, SP-686.

Goela, P.C; Cristina, S.; Icely, J.; Newton, A. 2010.Light absorption by particulate and dissolved organic matter in coastal and oceanic sites off the Southwest Coast of Europe: A contribution to MERIS sensor validation. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XX Conference.

Gomes, T., Cancio, I., Bebianno, M.J. 2010. Are copper nanoparticles more toxic than bulk copper in Mytilus galloprovincialis? 6th International conference on marine pollution and ecotoxicology, Hong Kong (China).

Gomes, T., Cancio, I., Bebianno, M.J. 2010. Copper nanoparticles toxicity in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. 20th SETAC Europe Meeting. Sevilla (Spain).

Gomes, T., Cancio, I., Pinheiro, J.P., Bebianno, M.J.2010. Effects of silver nanoparticles in Mytilusgalloprovincialis.8th Iberian Congress, 5thIbero-American Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (CICTA-2010), Heredia (Costa Rica).

Gomes, T., Chora, S., Cancio, I., Bebianno, M.J., 2010. “Toxicity of copper nanoparticles in Mytilus galloprovincialis”.XV SeminarioIberico de Quimica Marina, Vigo (Spain).

Gonzalez-Rey, M. &Bebianno, M.J., 2010. Effects of Ibuprofen in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. XV Seminário Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo, Spain.

Gonzalez-Rey, M. & Bebianno, M.J., 2010. Comparison between „artificial mussel‟ and Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis on metal biomonitoring in aquatic environment: Portuguese preliminary case study. 6th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.

Gonzalez-Rey, M. & Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Oxidative stress and endocrine disruption in mussel Mytilusgalloprovincialis associated to NSAID ibuprofen exposure. 6th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.

Gonzalez-Rey, M. & Bebianno, M.J. (May 2010). Effects of active pharmaceutical ingredient Ibuprofen in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.SETAC Europe, Seville, Spain.

Lima-Costa, M.E.; Ferreira, S.; Duarte, A. & Ferreira, A.L. 2010. Alleviation of Salt Stress Using Exogenous Proline on a Citrus Cell Line.Acta Hort. (ISHS) 868:109-112

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Maria V.L., Bebianno M.J. (2010). The Effects of two Model Contaminants (BaP and Cu) individually and In Combination In Antioxidant Mechanism of the Common Mussel. XV Seminário Ibérico de Química Marinha, Vigo, Espanha, 22-24 February 2010.

Maria, V. L., Gomes T., Bebianno, M. J.(2010). Protein expression profiles in Mytilusgalloprovincialisexposed to a combination of contaminants. 27th ESCPBnew Congress “New European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry- Biological Effects of Climatic Changes and Pollution: from Biomarkers to System Biology” Alessandria, Italy - 5-9 September 2010.

Maria, V.L., Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Organs Specificity and the Combined Effects of Environmental Contaminants Binary Mixtures in Mytilusgalloprovincialis. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting to be held in Seville, Spain from 23-27 May 2010.

Pereira, C., Gomes, T., Cardoso, C., Cravo, A., Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Interspecific variability of ALP in two bivalve species from the Ria Formosa lagoon (south coast of Portugal). XV SeminarioIbérico de Quimica Marina, 22 – 24 February, Vigo (Spain).

Pereira., P., Cravo, A., Bebianno, M.J. (2010). ALP as an endocrine disruption biomarker in mussels from the south coast of Portugal.XV SeminarioIberico de Quimica Marina, 22 – 24 February, Vigo (Spain).

Serafim, M.A., Company, R., Lopes, B., Fonseca, V.F., França, S., Bebianno, M. J., Cabral, H.N., 2010. Integrated biomarker response index as a useful tool for environmental assessment in two anthropogenic impacted estuaries. 20th Annual Meeting of Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, SETAC Europe, Sevilha, 23 – 27 Maio.

Sousa, V., Gomes, T., Serafim, A., Company, R., Cancio, I. &Bebianno, M.J. (2010). Strategies to remove nanoparticles from seawater – membrane technology. VIII Congreso Ibérico, V Iberoamericano de Contaminación y Toxicología Ambiental (CICTA-2010). 29 November - 4 December 2010. Heredia (Costa Rica).

Other national publications

Bebianno, M. J. 2010. Poluição do Meio Marinho. In Políticas Públicas do Mar, ed. Matias, N. V..,Soromelho-Marques, V., Falcato, J., Leitão, A. G.,, 96 - 106. . Lisboa: Esfera do Caos Editores.

Cravo A., Menaia J., Napier V., 2010. A qualidade da água da ribeira de Aljezur, SW Portugal: seus efeitos nas águas balneares. 14º ENaSB /SILUBESA Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental. Porto, Outubro 26-29 Out, 11pp.

Bebianno M.J., A. Cravo, T. Gomes, C. Pereira, C. Almeida, C. Cardoso, A. Serafim, R. Company, 2010. Acordo Específico de Colaboração entre a Câmara Municipal de Olhão e a Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente. 1º Relatório Final – Julho 2007a Dezembro de 2008.

Company R., Serafim A., B. Lopes, T. Gomes, C. Pereira, C. Almeida, M. Gonzalez Rey, A. Cravo, M. J. Bebianno, 2010. Estudos Ecotoxicológicos no Rio Guadiana. “Fórum Guadiana”, Vila Real de Santo António (Portugal).

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Gomes, T., Gonzalez-Rey, M., Rodríguez-Romero, A., Trombini, C., Riba, I., Blasco, J., Bebianno, M.J. 2010. Biomarkers and protein expression profiles in Scrobicularia plana from the Southwest Iberian Peninsula.8th Iberian Congress, 5thIbero-American Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (CICTA-2010), Heredia (Costa Rica).

Icely, J., Cristina, S.; Goela, P.C., Newton, A.,Fragoso, B. (2010).Tecnhical Assistance for the validation of Meris marine products at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites. Report 5.Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL.

Menaia J., Cravo A., Napier V., 2010.Evolution of Enterobacterial Populations along the Aljezur Costal Stream as Correlated to the Occurring Physical-Chemical Characteristics of the Water.The Water Research Conference, 11 – 14 April 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ph.D. theses completed

Lucia Mora Machado . A radiação UV-B na Ria Formosa: Incidência e impactes biológicos , 2010. PhD. Thesis in Environmental Science and Technology, especiality Aquatic Environment - University of Algarve. (M. J. Bebianno supervisor).

Rita Isabel de Oliveira Soares Branco Domingues, 2010. “Bottom-up regulation of phytoplankton in the Guadiana estuary”PhD thesis in Marine Aciences, Especiality Marine Ecology. (H. Galvão, A. Barbosa & Ulli Sommer (Kiel) supervisors).

Organization of conferences

Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association-ESCA Figueira da Foz, Portugal 14 to 19 of September 2010 Science steering committee (Alice Newton)

Littoral conference London 21-23 Sept. 2010 Science Steering Committee (Alice Newton)

Biological Effects of Climatic Changes and Pollution: from Biomarkers to System Biology, 2010. 27th European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry; University of Piedmont Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"; Alessandria (Italy), 5-9 September 2010 (M. J. Bebianno- International Advisory Board).

XV Seminário Ibérico de Química Marinha, 2010. Universidade de Vigo; Cidade do evento: Vigo / Museu de Ciencias del Mar (M. J. Bebianno- Scientific Committee).

Industry contract research

European Space Agency (ESA) for Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Sites”

Project ALFAETÌLICO 3397,2009 -“Technical and economical evaluation of bioethanol production, using agri-food residuals as carbon source”.Project developed for implementation of an Industrial Bioethanol Biorefinery in a partnership with Carob Industries from Algarve (AGRUPA Association) Financial support Program QREN.

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Contract between BIOVEGETAL, SA Company and LAb Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology for Oleaginous Microbial Production for Biodiesel synthesis


M. J. Bebianno was under ERASMUS Staff Exchange at the EA 4228 “ECOMERS” – Ecosystèmes Côtier sMarins et Réponses aux Stress of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France) to work on proteomics and genomics using the clam Ruditapes decussatus as a model organism with the aim to identify new biomarkers of environmental contamination.

M.J. Bebianno was visiting lecturer at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of S. Paulo (Brasil) and to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

M. J. Bebianno joined the “MERIT”- Centre for Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology – of the City University de Hong Kong .

A. Newton is the current chairperson of LOICZ working with projects and networks such as IGBP, IHDP, and LOICZ to further consolidate the links between policy, research, teaching, training and society.

A joint team integrated by Universidad Complutense/Dept Microbiology and M. Emília Costa group CIMA/ UAlg is established to develop ethanol production research from marine and agro-industrial residues. M. Emília Costa stayed 4 months at Microbiology Department/Universidad Complutense- developing biofuels cooperative research. Students mobility is planned fot this and the next year

A Newton serves as a national and EU expert on the Water Framework Directive, the Marine Strategy Directive, Eutrophication and DPSIR and also OSPAR expert on Long Distance Transport of contaminants, evaluator for UK-NERC, the Irish Research Council, Portuguese FCT, EU DG Research and European Science Foundation.

Government/Organization contract research

RECONNECT- Reference conditions for Portuguese Transitional Waters for FCT Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia.

EMAA- European Management and Aquatic Assessment for INAG-National Institute of Water.

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental / Centre for Marine and Environmental Research - CIMA

FCT, Edifício 7, Piso 1, UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE, Campus Universitário de Gambelas, 8005-139 FARO Tel. 351 289 800 900, ext. 7766, Fax: 351 289 800 069,;, [email protected];