Annual Report Representatives of...

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    Annual Report 2016-2017


    National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) started its academic

    and administrative operations during IX Plan w.e.f. 01.04.1996. NCPUL was declared a

    national Nodal Agency for promotion of Urdu in the country and recognized as an

    important autonomous organization of Ministry of Human Resource Development,

    Government of India devoted to promotion of Urdu language and mainstreaming of

    Urdu education.

    NCPUL has been given the role of networking of Urdu organizations throughout

    the country so as the policies of the Government could be implemented in all Urdu

    speaking areas of the country. For past few years NCPUL has emerged as an effective

    coordination mechanism for promotion of Urdu language and Urdu medium education

    in India.

    During the course of discharging its responsibilities, NCPUL has been assigned the

    additional responsibility of promotion of Arabic & Persian languages which have played

    an important role in the development of composite culture of India.

    The broad goals of the Council are as under:-

    1) To promote, develop and propagate Urdu language.

    2) To take action for making available in Urdu language, the knowledge of

    scientific and technological development as well as knowledge of ideas

    evolved in the modern context.

    3) To advise the Government of India on issues connected with Urdu

    language and having bearing on education as may be referred to it.

    4) To undertake any other activity for the promotion of Urdu language as

    may be deemed fit by the Council.

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    NCPUL has been registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act

    1860. The Government of India reconstituated Council 24th November, 2014 for

    a period of three years or until further orders. The composition is as follows:


    The Council

    i. Minister for Human Resource Development Chairman

    ii. Shri Muzaffar Hussein (Padma Shree) Vice Chairman

    Three MPs (Two Lok Sabha and One Rajya Sabha):

    iii. Shri Tariq Anwar, MP (Lok Sabha) Member

    iv. Shri Anwhar Raajhaa, MP (Lok Sabha) Member

    v. Shri Javed Ali Khan, MP (Rajya Sabha) Member

    Representatives of Urdu Voluntary Organizations:

    vi. Smt. Shama Khan Member

    vii. Shri Mohammad Shakil Member

    viii. Shri P.A. Inamdar Member

    ix. Shri Rafiq Bhandari Member

    Urdu Scholars:

    x. Prof. Khursheed Anwar Member

    xi. Mrs. (Dr.) Nusrat Mehdi Member

    xii. Prof. Mohammad Iqbal Member

    xiii. Jb. Maulana Suhaib Qasmi Member

    xiv. Prof. Saghir Afraheim Member

    xv. Prof. Shahab Inayat Malik Member

    Prominent Public men interested in Urdu:

    xvi. Jb. Syed Muhammad Ashraf, IRS Member

    xvii. Shri Ehtesham Abidi Member

    xviii. Mohtrama S. Munawari Begum Member

    xix. Prof. Akhtarul Wasey Member

    xx. Shri Md. Kalim Ansari Member

    xxi. Prof. Shafey Qidwai Member


    Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities or his



  • 3

    Representatives of Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development,

    Department of Higher Education :

    xxiii. Joint Secretary (Languages), MHRD Member

    xxiv. Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, MHRD Member

    One Representative each of four State/UTs having substantial Urdu speaking population

    xxv. Mohtarna Hafiza Muzaffar Member

    xxvi. Dr. Shaista Yusuf Member

    xxvii. Shri Haji Mohd. Iqbal Khan Member

    xxviii. Shri Mazharuddin, IPS (Retd.) Member

    xxix. Chairman, Commission for Scientific and Technical

    Terminology, New Delhi.


    xxx. Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore Member

    xxxi. Director, Central Hindi Directorate, New Delhi Member

    xxxii. Director, Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra Member

    xxxiii. Director, National Council for Educational Research

    and Training, New Delhi


    xxxiv. Nominee of University Grants Commission Member

    xxxv. Nominee of Indian Council for Cultural Relation Member

    xxxvi. Representative of Ministry of Law Member

    xxxvii. Chairman, National Book Trust, New Delhi Member

    xxxviii. Chairman, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi Member



    Director General, Doordarshan, New Delhi

    Shri Hasan baqar Kazmi


    Special Invitee

    xli . Director, NCPUL

    Member Secretary

  • 4


    Executive Board :

    i. Minister of Human Resource Development Chairman

    ii. Shri Muzaffar Hussein (Padma Shree) Vice Chairman


    Joint Secretary (Languages), MHRD

    Department of Higher Education


    iv. Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser, MHRD

    Department of Higher Education


    v. Shri Tariq Anwar Member

    vi. Ms. Shama Khan Member

    vii. Smt. (Dr.) Nusrat Mehdi Member

    viii. Shri Haji Mohd. Iqbal Khan Member

    ix. Shri Mazharuddin, IPS (Retd.) Member

    x. Director, NCPUL Member Secretary

    2.3 Finance Committee :

    i. Shri Muzaffar Hussein (Padma Shree),

    Vice Chairman, NCPUL


    ii. Joint Secretary (Languages), MHRD

    Department of Higher Education


    iii. JS & FA, MHRD Department of Higher Education Member

    iv. Shri Syed Muhammad Ashraf, IRS Member

    v. Shri Ehtesham Abidi Member

    vi. Mohtrama S. Munawari Begum Member

    vii. Director, NCPUL Member Secretary

    3. BUDGET 2016-2017:

    During the financial year 2016-2017, NCPUL received a grant of Rs. 6200.00 lakhs

    which includes Rs. 600.00 lakhs of NE Region from the Ministry of Human

    Resource Development, Government of India, and generated an internal

    income of Rs. 501.45 lakhs which has been utilized for various approved Urdu

    promotion programmes in furtherance of objectives enshrined in the

    Memorandum of Association.

  • 5


    As per Memorandum of Association and Rules of the Council, the accounts of

    the NCPUL are to be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

    The audit of accounts of the Council for the year 2015-2016 has been

    conducted by the Director General of Audit, Central Expenditure, New Delhi.

    The audited accounts together with the audit certificate for the year 2015-2016,

    received in the Council have been submitted to the Ministry for placing in both

    the Houses of Parliament.

    4. MEETINGS :

    To gear up the academic and administrative operations and bring these in line

    with the objectives as mentioned in the Memorandum of Association, various

    statutory bodies of NCPUL had their sessions and laid down the working agenda

    of the Council. During the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017, NCPUL held one

    meeting of General Body of the Council on 25.11.2016, two meetings of

    Executive Board on 27.06.2016 & 28.03.2017 and three meetings of Finance

    Committee on 27.06.2016, 21.09.2016 and 23.01.2017 respectively.










    2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17




    in la




    Rupees in lakh Grant-in-Aid(a)

    Rupees in lakh Internal Resources Generation(b)

    Rupees in lakhTotal(a+b)

    Rupees in lakh Expenditure

  • 6

    Meeting of General Body of the Council

    Meeting of the Executive Board



    To link Urdu language to the knowledge of scientific and technological

    development and the knowledge of ideas evolved in the modern context,

    NCPUL runs certain technical courses like Computer Application, Business

    Accounting & Multilingual-DTP (CABA-MDTP) Course and Calligraphy and

    Graphic Design course through approved agencies.

  • 7








    One of the significant initiatives of the Council has been the

    transformation of the Urdu speaking population into part of the

    employable technological workforce in the emerging information

    technological scenario and the penetration of computer

    education to the grass root level. NCPUL launched one year

    course Diploma in Computer Applications, Business Accounting

    and Multilingual DTP across the country.

    Transfer of information technology to language and making Urdu

    speaking boys' and girls' part of employable technological work

    force of India, the Council establishes Computer Applications,

    Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP Centres (CABA MDTP)

    across the country. Till date 176229 students including 73351 girls

    have been awarded Diploma under this Scheme.

    Students of CABA MDTP Course








    2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

  • 8

    During the year 2016-17, 25622 students including 8674 girl

    students have been admitted in July and January sessions to

    pursue this course. As per information received from all Centres,

    approximately 14752 students including 5676 girls have got

    employment locally in private sector and educational institutions

    and other self employed and running computer based


    Physical Target

    Old New Total Main - 315 55 370

    Accr - 140 05 145 Total 455 60 515

    Students 26000

    Faculty 1100

    Financial Target

    Rs. 2570.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Old New Total Main - 315 53 368

    Accr - 140 03 143 Total 455 56* 511

    (22 centres Phased out)**

    Students 25742***

    (including 8674 girls)

    Faculty 1104

    (Annexure I*,II** & III***)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 2566.35 lakh




    To preserve and promote traditional calligraphy, a rich heritage

    of India and dovetailing it with the modern graphic design so as

    employment and entrepreneurship is created, the Council sets

    up Calligraphy & Graphic Design Centres.

    Calligraphy & Graphic Design Centres

  • 9

    Physical Target

    Old New Total 60 05 65

    Students - 3200

    Faculties - 130

    Financial Target

    Rs. 195.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Old New Total 60 05* 65

    Students - 3200*

    (including1800 girls)

    (Annexure IV* & V*)

    Faculties - 130

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 192.16 lakh


    GRANT-IN-AID URDU The NCPUL provides financial assistance to various NGOs towards

    select activities for promotion of Urdu.


    Support to

    organizations for select

    Urdu promotion


    In order to promote Urdu language in various parts of the

    country, NCPUL approved financial assistance to voluntary and

    other organizations to hold 378 seminars and 51 lectures upto

    monetary limit Rs. 37,500 for district leve, Rs. 75,000 for state level,

    Rs. 1,50,000 for national level and Rs. 4,50,000 for international or

    as evaluated by the Committee whichever is less.

    Physical Target

    380 V.Os Seminars

    50 Colleges lecture

    Financial Target

    Rs. 190.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    378 V.Os Seminars*

    51 Colleges lecture**

    (Annexure VI* & VII**)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 187.61 lakh


    Bulk Purchase of Books

    To encourage writing of valuable books by bonafide

    Author/Editor/Translator etc. of Urdu language, Council

    purchases books upto ceiling limit Rs. 30,000 for creative writing,

    Rs. 45,000 for rest of the books and Rs. 45,000 for

    periodicals/journals directly from them for free distribution to Urdu

    Libraries functioning all over India.

    Physical Target

    400 books

    72 journals

    Financial Target

    Rs. 105.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    381* books approved and

    71*journals supplied to

    300 libraries in 17 states

    (Annexure VIII*)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 102.19 lakh

  • 10


    Publication of


    NCPUL provides financial assistance upto 80% of the printing cost

    upto maximum limit of Rs. 75,000/- for printing of manuscript in

    Urdu after due evaluation by the experts.

    Physical Target

    285 manuscripts

    Financial Target

    Rs. 65.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    281 manuscripts approved*

    (Annexure IX*)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 62.45 lakh

    5.2.4 Financial Assistant for


    National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language provides

    financial assistance to individual scholars of eminent/research

    scholars for field studies and Academic Projects as defined in

    scheme. Financial assistance of Rs. 105000/- on these projects will

    be admissible (i) Rs. 75000/- as an honorarium for projects. (ii)

    15000/- for travel (iii) Rs. 15000/- for contingency including

    stationery, postage, photocopy etc. and books purchased for

    the projects. (iv) Subject to minimum 250 to 300 pages.

    Physical Target

    105 Projects

    Financial Target

    Rs. 16.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    102 Projects approved*

    (Annexure X*)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 15.65 lakh

    5.2.5 Urdu Press Promotion

    NCPUL provides financial assistance to small and medium Urdu

    newspapers for availing Urdu service of the United News of India.

    Physical Target

    325 small and medium size


    Advertisement 1300 papers

    Financial Target

    Rs. 555.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    323 small and medium size


    Advertisement 1232 Papers &


    Target Achieved

    Rs. 554.73 lakh



    (IN HOUSE)

    NCPUL is the principal Urdu publication house under the

    Government of India. The publications of NCPUL have been

    rated very high in the academic circles.

    The focus of publication programme remains on production of

    quality children literature and textbooks for Urdu medium schools.

    The most important activity under publication is making available

    authentic texts produced during last 300 years of evolution of

    Urdu poetry and prose.

  • 11

    Physical Target

    New titles -

    Reprints -

    Urdu Duniya -

    Bachon ki Duniya -

    Fikr-o-Tehqeeq -

    Khawateen Duniya -

    Course books -

    Financial Target

    Rs. 400.00 lakh








    Target Achieved

    New titles -

    Reprints -

    Urdu Duniya -

    Bachon ki Duniya -

    Fikro-Tehqeeq -

    Khawateen Duniya -

    Course books -

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 399.68 lakh








    5.4 BOOK PROMOTION NCPUL promotes Urdu books through Sales and Exhibitions across

    the country. After the grand success of 18th and 19th Kul Hind Urdu

    Kitab Melas at different places like Delhi (4), Mumbai (4),

    Hyderabad (4), Lucknow (2), Aurangabad, Srinagar, Kolkata,

    Patna, Malegaon (one of each destination) 20th Kul Hind Book

    Fair held at Bhiwandi (Maharastra) w.e.f. 17.12.2016 to 25.12.2016

    (Council organized two Regional Kitab Melas at Guwahti and

    Delhi in past also)

  • 12

    20th Kul Hind Urdu Kitab Mela at Bhiwandi

    Physical Target Target Achieved



    All India Urdu Kitab


    Participation in other

    Book Fairs



    Organized 1 Urdu Kitab

    Melas at Bhiwandi,





    (Organized by NBT/reputed private agencies etc. of

    Delhi, Lucknow, Patiala, Faizabad, Kolkata, Patna)

    3 Exhibition on Wheels

    Financial Target

    Rs. 100.00 lakh

    6 Nos

    1 trip in M.S.

    2 trip in M.S., Gujarat

    and Rajastha.

    3 trip in U.P.

    4 trip in U.P. and Bihar

    5 trip in Bihar

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 97.09 lakh


  • 13



    (IN HOUSE)

    The projects related to preparing of dictionaries, terminologies,

    encyclopedia, kulliyat, children literature reference/text books etc.

    are undertaken by NCPUL.

    Dictionary 03 (13 Vol)

    Dictionary *{01 (03 vol.) Published}

    {02 (10 vol.) under process}


    Encyclopaedia 02 (11 Vol)

    Encyclopaedia (*02 encyclopaedias (11

    vol) 9 volumes upload on

    NCPUL website & 2

    volumes under process)


    Terminology 03 Terminology *(03 under process)


    Panel Meetings/


    24 Panel Meetings/





    Financial Target

    Rs. 75.00 lakh



    Projects/manuscripts *(50 manuscripts published

    and 51 under process)


    * (04 Monographs published and 08

    monographs under


    Target Achieved

    Rs. 72.90 lakh




    International Conference/National Conference/Seminar

    Mushairs/Workshops/Cultural Events etc.

    NCPUL organizes international/national conferences /

    seminars/mushairas/workshops and cultural envents at

    different places of the country.

    World Urdu Conference at Delhi

    Target Achieved

    International Conference 01

    A three day World Urdu

    Conference on Urdu Language

    and Literature in India and

    abroad was organized from 17-

    19 March, 2017 at New Delhi.

  • 14

    National Conference/

    Mushaira/Cultural event -05

    Financial Target

    Rs. 90.00 lakh

    National Conference/

    Mushaira/cultural event. - 07

    1. A one day Interactive

    Programme with the In-charges

    of Urdu as well as Arabic courses

    was organized on 4th October,

    2016 at Guwahati, Assam.

    2. A three day International

    Research Scholar Seminar was

    organized from 31st October, to

    2nd November, 2016 in

    collaboration with Ghalib

    Institute, Aiwan-e-Ghalib Marg,

    Matasundri Lane, New Delhi.

    3. A two day National Seminar

    Hundred Years of Urdu Fiction

    (1916-2016): Research and

    Criticism was organized from 28

    to 29 January, 2017 at Patna in

    Collaboration with Bihar Urdu


    4. 4 days Training Programme of

    Calligraphy & teacher held at

    Hyderabad from 7-10

    November, 2016.

    5. A ten day orientation

    programme for teachers of

    Madarasas of Telangana and

    thereasbouts was organized

    from 7th to 16th February, 2017 at

    Hyderabad in collaboration with

    Maulana Azad National Urdu

    University (MANUU).

    6. Celebration of Urdu Day held

    on 3rd March, 2017 at NCPUL,

    New Delhi.

    7. Celebration of Matrabhasha

    Diwas held on 21st February, 2017

    at Conference centre University

    of Delhi, Delhi -110007.

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 90.15 lakh






    To build capacity among the Urdu Journalist and to improve

    standard with creative and script writing in Urdu news papers and

    other matters related to further strengthening of Urdu Press, NCPUL

    conducts a 'Short term course on capacity building of Urdu

    working journalists'. This year a programme of a five day workshop

    of Capacity Building of working Urdu journalist of Telangana and

    thereabouts was organized from 3rd to 7th December, 2016 at

    Hyderabad in collaboration with Maulana Azad National Urdu

    University (MANUU) in which Shri M. Venkiaiah Naidu Garu, Honble

    Union Minister for information & Broadcasting, Urban

  • 15

    Development, Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, was the Chief

    guest and Keynote Address was presented by Eminent Journalist &

    Chief Editor, Outlook (Hindi), Shri Alok Mehta (Padma Shree) .

    Physical Target

    01 programme

    Financial Target

    Rs. 10.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    01 programme

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 10.07 lakh



    To boost & popularize Urdu Language awareners among Urdu

    populatin about activities undertaken for the promotion of Urdu

    language, literatures and culture at National level, NCPUL

    engaged ETV (Urdu) for production & telecast weekly episodes of

    half an hour Urdu Duniya.

    Physical Target

    53 episodes (ETV)

    Financial Target

    Rs. 77.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    53 episodes (ETV)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 77.84 lakh



    Papier Machie Skill Development and Training Course was

    designed to generate employment opportunities, to promote,

    develop and propagate Urdu language through art and craft.

    Physical Target Target Achieved

    Existing centres - 03 Existing centres 03

    Students 120 Students 120*

    (Annexure XI*)

    Paper Machie Class in J&K

    Financial Target Target Achieved

    Rs. 20.00 lakh Rs. 18.99 lakh

  • 16




    One Year Diploma in

    Urdu Language & Urdu

    Online Learning


    To fulfill the requirement of a large number of learners across the

    country and popularize Urdu language and its script across the

    country, the Council has launched one year Diploma in Urdu

    course through Hindi and English mediums. This course has

    received an overwhelming response throughout the country.

    'Urdu Online Learning Programme launched wherein at present

    22058 learners consisting 19902 Indians and 2156 foreigners


    Urdu Study Centre at Amroha

    The physical as well as financial targets for the scheme are

    achieved as per the existing norms of the Council. Council runs

    Urdu correspondence course through accredited Centres to

    award One Year Diploma in Urdu. There are 780 existing centres to

    teach 53823 learners including 26633 girls in Urdu study Centres

    and provided necessary assistance to NGOs who run our course,

    as per revised norms of the Scheme. One Year Urdu Diploma is

    compulsory for CABA-MDTP.

    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 762 50 812

    Student 53500

    Faculty 1330

    CABA-MDTP 515 (incl. Accrd. & phased out)

    Students (CABA-MDTP) 26000

    Faculty (CABA-MDTP) 511

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 735 45* 780

    (32centres closed)

    (Annexure XII*)

    Student 53823*

    (including 26633 girls)

    (Annexure XIII*)

    Faculty 1326

    CABA-MDTP 511 (incl. Accrd. & phased out)

    Students (CABA-MDTP) 25742

    (including 8674 girls)

    Faculty (CABA-MDTP) 511

  • 17

    Total Faculty 1841

    Total Centres 1327

    Total Students 79500

    Financial Target

    Rs. 1020.00 lakh

    Total Faculty 1837

    Total Centres 1291

    Total Students 79565

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 1018.31 lakh




    Government of India recognizes the importance of classical

    languages Arabic and Persian in preserving the cultural heritage

    of India. Therefore, the Council administers schemes for promotion

    of these languages.

    5.11.1 GRANT-IN-AID


    (a) Bulk purchase of books


    Physical Target

    20 books Target Achieved

    18 books and 01 journal

    (Annexure XIV*)

    (b) Publication of

    manuscripts (A/P)

    Physical Target

    10 manuscripts Target Achieved

    10 manuscripts (AnnexureXV*)

    (c) Seminars (A/P) Physical Target

    15 seminar Target Achieved

    14 seminar (Annexure XVI*)

    (d) Projects (A/P) Physical Target

    15 Project Target Achieved

    13 Project (Annexure XVII*)

    Financial Target

    Rs. 22.00 lakh Target Achieved

    Rs. 21.49 lakh



    The Council runs Two Years Diploma and One Year Certificate

    courses in Arabic through NGOs Study Centres. Financial

    assistance has been provided in following areas.


    Diploma in Functional


    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 287 25 312

    Faculties 905

    Students 19406

    Financial Target

    Rs. 575.00 lakh

    Target Achieve

    Existing New Total

    Centres 279 25* 304

    (08 centres closed)

    (Annexure XVIII*)

    Faculties 935

    Students 19859*

    (including 8556 girls)

    (Annexure XIX*)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 576.56 lakh


    Certificate in Arabic


    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 322 29 351

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 313 28* 341

    (10 centres closed)

    (Annexure XX*)

  • 18


    Certificate in Persian


    Faculties 600

    Students 20000

    Financial Target

    Rs.340. 00 lakh

    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 05 06 11

    Total - 11

    Students 600

    Faculties 14

    Financail Target

    Rs. 10.00 lakh

    Faculties 549

    Students 21402*

    (including 14113 girls)

    (Annexure XXI*)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 341.02 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 05 06 11 (Annexure XXII)*

    Total - 11

    Students 604**

    (Annexure XXIII)**

    (Including 219 girls)

    Faculties 14

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 10.19 lakh

    6. Office/Establishment NCPUL incurred expenditure on P & A and other personnel claims

    of regular staff working against sanctioned strength. In addition to

    this other expenditure on retirement benefit, maintenances, office

    equipment/building and restoration of essential services like

    telephone / internet / postage / transportation and miscellaneous

    office contingencies etc. incurred.

    Financial Target

    Rs. 590.00 lakh Target Achieved

    Rs. 593.16 lakh

    Other activities additionaly assigned :-







    Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY),

    Government of India has approved fund of Rs.23,20,27,680/- to run

    one year Diploma course namely Diploma in Repair of Electronics

    Appliances and Maintenance (DREAM) under Phase-I of the

    project entitled Skill development in Electronic Hardware. This

    course has been designed to generate competent & skilled

    technical manpower as per industry domain requirements to

    understand repair and maintenance tips for Electronic Home

    Appliances. Target of the project is to train 10,000 students in 03

    years at 50 selected CABA-MDTP Centres of NCPUL in 5 States. The

    course is presently running in five States namely - Bihar (8 centres),

    Delhi (3 centres). Jharkhand (3 centres), J&K (18 centres) and Uttar

    Pradesh (18 centres).

    Technical support for the course is being provided by NIELIT

    Chandigarh Centre. The course curriculum has been designed on

    the recommendations of Electronic Sector Skill Council of India

    (ESSCI) and aligned with 8 Qualification Packs (QPs)/National

  • 19

    Occupational Standards (NOSs) framed by ESSCI. Bilingual Course

    material (English & Urdu) has developed by NIELIT-Chandigarh as

    per the recommendation and Qualification Packs of ESSCI viz.

    Television Repair Technician (ELE / Q 3101), DTH Set-top Box

    Installer and Service Technician (ELE/Q8101), Field Technician:

    Washing Machine (ELE/Q3106), Field Technician: Other Home

    Appliances(water purifier, Juicer/mixer/grinder, Microwave Oven )

    (ELE/Q3104), Field Technician: IT Hardware (Computing and

    Peripherals) (ELE/Q4601), Field Technician: UPS and Inverter

    (ELE/Q7201), Mechanical Assembly Operator (LED Light

    Production) (ELE/Q9201), Solar Panel Installation Technician


    9739 students have so far been enrolled against the target of

    10000 students. 2840 students are under training. Last session of first

    phase (6th Session) has started from Jan 2017 will be closed in

    December 2017.

    Practical Classes at Dream Centres

    Physical Target

    Existing Centres 50

    Students 3760

    Faculty 100

    Financail Target

    Rs. 475.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing Centres 50

    Studetns 2840*

    Faculty 100

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 472.97 lakh

    8. National Monitoring

    Committee for

    Minorities Education


    Minority Cell under M/o Human Resource Development has

    assigned the responsibility for providing logistical support to the

    Standing Committee of NMCME and its Chairperson vide letter no.

    6-3/2007-MC dated 14th June, 2010 with initial budget allocated

    Rs. 26.00 lakh. During the year 2016-17, NCPUL continued the

    support to the Minority Cell. The budget allocation & expenditure

    incurred during the year 2016-17 is as under ;-

    Financial Target

    Rs. 6.00 lakh Target Achieved

    Rs. 5.45 Lakh

  • 20


    Activities undertaken for the Persons with Disabilities

    This Council implements all policy decision meant for benefits of

    Persons with Disabilities under Act. The list of some activities done

    for the benefit of Persons with Disabilities are as under:-

    a. Two posts identified in Group B and C category have been

    already filled up.

    b. The provision of age relaxation and other benefits like exemption

    of fee is incorporated in each advertisement of vacancy.

    c. The ramp and toilets as per the laid down standards meant for

    Persons with Disabilities has been provided in the new building

    construction at Jasola, New Delhi.

    d. The preference for considering their proposal received from the

    Persons with Disability under provision is being added in the

    existing scheme so that Persons with Disabilities could get the due

    benefit of Scheme within the laid down parameter of scheme.

  • 21



    Establishment of

    Computer Applications,

    Business Accounting and

    Multilingual DTP Centres


    Physical Target

    Old New Total

    Main - 315 53 370

    Accr - 140 3 145

    Total 455 56 515

    Students 26000

    Faculty 1100

    Financial Target

    Rs. 2570.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Old New Total Main - 315 53 368

    Accr - 140 3 143 Total 455 56* 511

    (22 centres Phased out)

    Students 25742

    (including 8674 girls)

    Faculty 1104

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 2566.35 lakh

    Calligraphy and Graphic

    Design Centres (CGDC)

    Physical Target

    Old New Total

    60 05 65

    Students - 3200

    Faculties - 130

    Financial Target

    Rs. 195.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Old New Total

    60 05 65

    Students - 3200

    (including1800 girls)

    Faculties - 130

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 192.16 lakh


    Support to Organisations

    for select Urdu promotion


    Physical Target

    380 V.Os Seminar

    50 College Lecture

    Financial Target

    Rs. 190.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    378 V.Os Seminars

    51 College Lecture

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 187.61 lakh

    Bulk purchase of books/


    Physical Target

    400 books

    72 journals.

    Financial Target

    Rs. 105.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    381 books and

    71 journals approved.

    Supplied to 300 libraries

    in 17 states

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 102.19 lakh

    Publication of manuscript

    Physical Target

    285 manuscripts

    Financial Target

    Rs. 65.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    281 manuscripts approved

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 62.45 lakh

    Financial Assistance for


    Physical Target

    105 projects

    Financial Target

    Rs. 16.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    102 projects

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 15.65 lakh

  • 22

    Urdu Press Promotion

    Physical Target

    325 small and medium

    size newspapers

    Advertisement 1300 papers

    Financial Target

    Rs. 555.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    323 small and medium

    size newspapers

    Advertisement 1232 papers

    & magazines Target Achieved

    Rs. 554.73 lakh

    Publications of Books &

    Periodical (In-house)

    Physical Target

    New titles - 53

    Reprints - 23

    Urdu Duniya (monthly) - 12

    Bachon ki Duniya(Monthly)-12

    Fikr-o-Tehqeeq (quart) - 03

    Khawateen Duniya - 01

    Course books - 65

    Financial Target

    Rs. 400.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    New titles - 53

    Reprints - 23

    Urdu Duniya (monthly) - 12

    Bachon ki Duniya(Monthly)-12

    Fikr-o-Tehqeeq (quart) - 03

    Khawateen Duniya - 01

    Course books - 65

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 399.68 lakh

    Book Promotion

    Physical Target Target Achieved

    All India Urdu Kitab Mela 01

    Organized 01 Urdu Kitab Mela

    at Bhiwandi, Maharastra.- 01

    Participation in other Book

    Fairs 10

    Participated 10 nos.

    (Organised by NBT/reputed private agencies etc. af Chennai,

    Delhi, Lucknow, Patiala, Faizabad, Kolkata, Patna).

    Exhibition on Wheels - 06

    Financial Target

    Rs. 100.00 lakh

    Nos. 05

    1 trip in M.S.

    2 trip in M.S., Gujarat, and


    3 trip in U.P.

    4 trip in U.P. and Bihar

    5 trip in Bihar

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 97.09 lakh

    Academic Projects /

    Collaboration (In-house)

    Physical Target Target Achieved


    03 Dictionary *{01 (03 vol.) Published}

    {02 (10 vol.) under process}


    Encyclopaedia 02 Encyclopaedia (*02 encyclopaedias (11

    vol) 9 volumes upload on

    NCPUL website & 2

    volumes under process)


    Terminology 03 Terminology *(03 under process)


  • 23

    Panel Meetings/


    24 Panel Meetings/







    Projects/manuscripts *(50 manuscripts published

    and 51 under process)


    * (04 Monographs

    published and 08

    monographs under




    Financial Target

    Rs. 75.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 72.90 lakh

    Internationla Conference

    /National Conference/

    Mushairas/ Cultural


    Physical Target

    International Conference - 01

    National Confernce/

    Mushaira/Cultural Events - 05

    Financial Target

    Rs. 90.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    International Conference - 01

    National Confernce/

    Mushaira/Cultural Events - 07

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 90.15 lakh


    on capacity building of

    Urdu working journalist

    Physical Target

    Programme - 01

    Financial Target

    Rs. 10.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Programme - 01

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 10.07 lakh

    Production & Telecast of

    Urdu Duniya on TV

    Physical Target

    53 episodes (ETV)

    Financial Target

    Rs. 77.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    53 episodes (ETV)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 77.84 lakh

    Vocational Course under


    Physical Target

    Existing Centres - 03 (Paper Machie) Students 120

    Financial Target

    Rs. 20.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing Centres - 03 (Paper Machie) Students - 120

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 18.99 lakh

    Distance Education


    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 762 50 812

    Student 53500

    Faculty 1330

    CABA-MDTP 515 (incl. Accrd. & phased out)

    Students (CABA-MDTP) 26000

    Faculty 511

    Total 1841

    Total Centres 1327

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 735 45 780

    (32centres closed)

    Student 53823

    (including 26633 girls)

    Faculty 1326

    CABA-MDTP 511 (incl. Accrd. & phased out)

    Students (CABA-MDTP) 25742

    (including 8674 girls)

    Faculty 511

    Total 1837

    Total Centres 1291

  • 24

    Total Students 79500

    Financial Target

    Rs. 1020.00 lakh

    Total Students 79565

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 1018.31 lakh



    Bulk Purchase of books


    Physical Target

    20 books Target Achieved

    18 books and 01 journal

    Publication of

    manuscripts, (A/P)

    Physical Target

    10 manuscripts

    Target Achieved

    10 manuscripts

    Seminars (A/P)

    Physical Target

    15 Seminars

    Target Achieved

    14 Seminars

    Project (A/P) Physical Target

    15 Projects

    Target Achieved

    13 Projects

    Financial Target

    Rs. 22.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 21.49 lakh

    Diploma in Functional


    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 287 25 312

    Faculties 905

    Students 19406

    Financial Target

    Rs. 575.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 279 25 304

    (08 centre closed)

    Faculties - 935

    Students 19859

    (including 8556 girls)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 576.56 lakh

    Certificate in Arabic


    Certificate in Persian


    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 322 29 351

    Faculties 600

    Students 20000

    Financial Target

    Rs. 340.00 lakh

    Physical Target

    Existing New Total

    Centres 05 06 11

    Total - 11

    Students 600

    Facutlies - 14

    Financial Target

    Rs. 10.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 313 28 341

    (10 centre closed)

    Faculties - 549

    Students 21402

    (including 14113 girls)

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 341.02 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing New Total

    Centres 05 06 11

    (06 new centre)

    Total - 11

    Students 604 (including 219 girls)

    Faculties - 14

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 10.19 lakh

    Office/Establishment Financial Target

    Rs. 590.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 593.16 lakh

  • 25






    Physical Target

    Existing Centres 50

    Students 3760

    Faculty 100

    Financail Target

    Rs. 475.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Existing Centres 50

    Studetns 2840

    Faculty 100

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 472.97 lakh

    National Monitoring

    Committee for Minorities

    Education (NMCME)

    Financail Target

    Rs. 6.00 lakh

    Target Achieved

    Rs. 5.45 lakh

  • 26

    Annexure- I

    List of CABA-MDTP Centres established from January 2017





    Centre Name

    Andhara Pradesh

    1. 110019 Ms. Shaik Ayesha, Centre Incharge,

    Srinivasa Educational Society,

    D. No. 37-1-404/2/5, 6th Ward, 3rd Block,

    Dist. Prakasam - 523001 (A.P.)

    2. 110020 Mr. SK Rahman, Centre Incharge,

    Jamia Islamia Ashraful Uloom Arabic

    Educational Public Charitable Trust,

    Visakhapatnam - 530027 (A.P.).


    3. 130071 Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad Jugnu, Centre Incharge,

    Thitholi Samajik Evam Sanskritik Darpan,

    Dist. Aurangabad - 824101 (Bihar).

    4. 130072 Mr. Syed Jamil Anwer, Centre Incharge,

    Global Computer Academy,

    Run by Anwar Memorial Foundation,

    Dist. West Champaran - 845438 (Bihar).

    5. 130073 Mr. Tarique Matin, Centre Incharge,

    Apex Computer Centre, Run by

    Jabl-e-Tarique Foundation, Lakhminia Bazar,

    Dist. Begusarai - 851211 (Bihar).

    6. 130074 Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh, Centre Incharge,

    Nayi Jyoti Educational And Welfare Society,

    Village & P.O.: Mara, P.S. Parsa,

    Dist. Saran - 841219 (Bihar).


    7. 140032 Ms. Muniya, Centre Incharge,

    New Moon Social Welfare Educational Society,

    Gali No. 18, Mustafabad, Opp. Noor Masjid,

    25 Feet Road, Delhi-110053.

    8. 140033 Mr. Asad Khan, Centre Incharge,

    Chand Educational and Cultural Society,

    H. No. 1-A, Gali No. 6, Wazirabad, Delhi - 110084.

    9. 140034 Mr. Jarrar Ahmad, Centre Incharge,

    National Literal Educational and Welfare Mission,

    H. No. A-41, Gali No. 2, Guru Nanak Nagar,

    Bhagirathi Vihar, Delhi - 110094.

    10. 140035 Mr. Amaresh Nath, Centre Incharge,

    Foundation of Modern Studies and

    Social Welfare, H. No. A-128, Gram Sabha

    Village Nawada, Dwarka More, Delhi - 110059.

    11. 140036 Mr. Rai Singh Rana, Centre Incharge,

    Hira Yoga Training Kender Society,

    Kh. No. 632, 2nd Floor, HPR Public School,

    Hira Colony, Village Siraspur, Delhi - 110042.

    12. 140037 Mr. Mohd. Rashid Siddiqui, Centre Incharge,

    Angels Education and Social Welfare Society,

    1889, Gali Behram Beg, Lal Kuan,

    Chandni Chowk, Delhi - 110006.

    Jammu & Kashmir

    13. 170101 Ms. Sarojni Kumari, Centre Incharge,

    Inspire Technologies,

    Run by Global Helping Hand,

    Quarter No. 12, Block 26, Lane No. 5,

    Jagti Nagrota, Jammu - 181221.

  • 27

    14. 170102 Mr. Bilal Ahmad, Centre Incharge,

    Sipa Computer Institute, Kargil,

    Khan Complex, Near State Bank of India,

    Kargil - 194103 (J&K).

    15. 170103 Mr. Mohammad Wasim Dar, Centre Incharge,

    Saws Skills,

    Khag, Budgam - 193411 (J&K).

    16. 170104 Mr. Rouf Shafi, Centre Incharge,

    ESS Arr Human Development Mission,

    Ghalibabad HMT, Zainakote,

    Srinagar - 190017 (J&K).

    17. 170105 Mr. Irfan Ahmed, Centre Incharge,

    Institute of Electronics and Computers,

    A wing of All India Centre for Urban and

    Rural Development, Main Chowk Handwara,

    Near SBI, Handwara - 193221 (J&K).

    18. 170106 Ms. Afroza Bano, Centre Incharge,

    JK Institute, Under JK Educational Society

    and Social Welfares Trust, Naidkhai, Sonawari,

    Sumbal, Bandipora - 193501 (J&K).

    19. 170107 Shaikh Manzoor Ahmad, Centre Incharge,

    Voluntary Organization on Environmental

    and Socio-Economic Planning (VOESEP),

    Bhat Building, Kokernag,

    Anantnag - 192101 (J&K).

    20. 170108 Mr. Mohammad Yaseen Dar, Centre Incharge,

    Imdad Welfare Trust, Sheikh Complex,

    Opp. Jamia Masjid Hamdania, Kunzer,

    Tangmarg, Dist. Baramulla - 193404 (J&K).

    21. 170109 Mr. Khalid Rashid, Centre Incharge,

    Horizon IT Solutions, Gadakhud, Nowgam,

    Sumbal, Bandipora - 193501 (J&K).

    22. 170110 Mr. Abdul Ahad Ganaie, Centre Incharge,

    Cybertech Educational Trust,

    Chandilora, Tangmarg, Baramulla - 193402 (J&K).

    23. 170111 Mohd. Qayoom Gilla, Centre Incharge,

    Advantech Computer Education,

    Run by Advantech Educational Trust,

    Uttersoo, Shangus, Achabal,

    Anantnag - 192201 (J&K).

    24. 170112 Mr. Farooq Ganderbally, Centre Incharge,

    Marvel Institute of Skill Development,

    Under JK Youth Development Forum,

    Ajas, Bandipora - 193501 (J&K).

    25. 9 170113 Mrs. Yasmeena Akhter, Centre Incharge,

    Career Institute of Skill Development,

    Under Career Plus Educational Trust,

    Krimshore, Budgam - 191111 (J&K).

    26. 170114 Ms. Yasmeena, Centre Incharge,

    Zainul Abideen Technical Training Centre,

    Shalteng Crossing,

    Srinagar - 190017 (J&K).

    27. 170115 Haji Gulam Mohammad Bhat, Centre Incharge,

    Haseena Educational Trust,

    Qazigund, Dist. Anantnag - 192101 (J&K).

    28. 170116 Dr. Tajalli Zunoorain, Centre Incharge,

    Professional Skills Development Institute, Under

    EHSAAS an Organisation for Rural Health and

    Educational Development, Lone Building,

    Sangrama, Baramulla - 193202 (J&K).

  • 28

    29. 170117 Mr. Mohd. Shafi Ganai, Centre Incharge,

    Zum Zum College of Education Art and Culture

    (ZZCEAC), Hajan, Sonawari,

    Bandipora - 193501 (J&K).

    30. 170118 Ms. Tanzema Bano, Centre Incharge,

    Aabru Womens Welfare Society,

    Kawapora, Shadipora - 193501 (J&K).


    31. 160012 Mr. Md. Ekramul Haque, Centre Incharge,

    Madarsa Ahle Sunnat Manzarul Uloom,

    Vill: Mohlidih, P.O.: Charakmara, PS: Sarath,

    Dist. Deoghar - 814149 (Jharkhand).


    32. 200038 Mr. Shaikh Hafiz Shaikh Nisar, Centre Incharge,

    Al-Hilal Education Society,

    Partur, Dist. Jalna - 431501 (Maharashtra).

    North East

    33. 300025 Mr. Abdul Alim, Centre Incharge,

    Urdu Study Centre,

    Alomganj Part-II, Dhubri - 783339 (Assam).

    34. 300026 Dr. Bhabesh Das, Centre Incharge,

    Sree Sankara Educational Trust,

    Professors Colony, Near Azara Hospital,

    Azara, Guwahati-781017, Dist. Kamrup (Assam).

    35. 300027 Mr. A.K. Monirut Zaman, Centre Incharge,

    Life Care Society,

    142, Tamarhat, Kokrarjhar - 783332 (Assam).

    36. 300028 Mr. Shah Alam Khan, Centre Incharge,

    Chapar Commercial Institute,

    Chapar City, Dhubri - 783371 (Assam).

    37. 300029 Mr. Heramba Sarma, Centre Incharge,

    Pragati Samiti, 7, Borjhargaon, Dekargaon,

    Sonitpur - 784501 (Assam)

    38. 300030 Mr. Shazzadul Hussain, Centre Incharge,

    Barpeta Samonwya Samity,

    Dangarkuchi, Dewirkuchi, P.O.: Sonkuchi,

    Dist. Barpeta - 781314 (Assam).

    39. 220024 Ms. Khumanthem Thoithoi Devi, Centre Incharge,

    Taibang Computer Training Centre, Under

    Handicapped Development Society (HDS),

    Moirang - 795133 (Manipur).

    40. 220025 Mr. Firoj Shah, Centre Incharge,

    Hafiz Educational Society,

    Khoupum Village, Khoupum Tampak,

    Dist. Noney-795147 (Manipur).

    41. 220026 Mr. Md Abdul Karim Khan, Centre Incharge,

    Institute of Skill Development (ISD),

    Sangaiyumpham, Ukhrul - 795148 (Manipur).

    42. 220027 Mr. Nashir Khan, Centre Incharge,

    Hangul Development Organization (HDO),

    Mao Village, Senapati - 795145 (Manipur).


    43. 310009 Mr. Syed Ali Muzaffar, Centre Incharge,

    United Mission for Integrated Development

    (UMID), At + Post: Main Road, Bisra,

    Dist. Sundergarh - 770036 (Odisha).


    44. 320002 Mr. Gaurav Gupta, Centre Incharge,

    Rajindra Educational Welfare and Research Trust,

    Sain Garh, Pathankot - 145001 (Punjab).

  • 29


    45. 230015 Ms. Saroj Khan, Centre Incharge,

    Centre for Human Rights and Social Welfare,

    Oliya Masjid, Hasanpura,

    Jaipur - 302006 (Rajasthan).

    Tamil Nadu

    46. 240005 Dr. GSMP Khadri, Centre Incharge,

    Murthuzaviya Centre for Computer Education,

    Run by Murthuzaviya Charitable Trust, 12/186,

    Triplicane, Chennai - 600005 (Tamil Nadu).

    Uttar Pradesh

    47. 250156 Mr. Ali Bahadur, Centre Incharge,

    R.B.P. Education Centre, Run by

    Life Charitable & Welfare Society,

    Harraiya Bazar, Muradipur Chauraha,

    Tehsil: Harraiya, Dist. Basti - 272155 (U.P.).

    48. 250157 Ms. Shabnam Parveen, Centre Incharge,

    Dev Kumari Sikshan Sansthan, Under Mgmt.

    of Manav Alp Sankhayak Utthan Seva Samiti,

    Village Pakdi Pathan (Chandi Chauraha),

    Tehsil: Itwa, Dist. Siddharth Nagar - 274219 (U.P.).

    49. 250158 Mr. M. Mukeem, Centre Incharge,

    Usman Gharib Nawaz Educational Society,

    3/154, Awas Vikas Colony, Chhibramauu,

    Dist. Kannauj - 209721 (U.P.).

    50. 250159 Mr. Abdul Wahid, Centre Incharge,

    Madarsatul Banaat Gulshane Barkaat,

    Under Madarsa Karim Shah Gulshane Bagdad,

    Vinda Bhagat, Tajganj, Dist. Agra - 282001 (U.P.).

    51. 250160 Mr. Jamaluddin, Centre Incharge,

    Darul Uloom Habibia Rizvia,

    111, Power House, Gopiganj,

    Bhadohi - 221303 (U.P.).

    52. 250161 Mr. Shaikh Arshad, Centre Incharge,

    Kalaam Educational and Welfare Society,

    995/1A, Taj Compound, Nandanpura,

    Jhansi - 284003 (U.P.).

    53. 250162 Mr. Shamshad Ahmad, Centre Incharge,

    Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jan Shikshan Sanshtan,

    307, 3rd Floor, Durga Tower RDC Raj Nagar,

    Ghaziabad - 201002 (U.P.).

    List of Accredited CABA-MDTP Centres established from January 2017





    Centre Name

    Jammu & Kashmir

    1. 5119


    Mr. Deep Bharti, Centre Incharge,

    Baba Jaimal Singh College Trust,

    Shakti Nagar, Kalibari,

    Kathua - 184104 (J&K).

    2. 5120


    Mr. Afroza Akhter, Centre Incharge,

    Infotech Computers, Under National Educational

    Society and Social Welfare Organization, Sub

    District Hospital, Shangus, Anantnag (J&K).

    Uttar Pradesh

    3. 4563


    Mr. Gajendra Nath Rai, Centre Incharge,

    Janta Vaidik Shiksha Avam Seva Samiti,

    Mehendawal, Sant Kabir Nagar - 272271 (U.P.)

  • 30

    Annexure - II

    List of Phase-IV CABA-MDTP Centres (to be phased out from July 2016)

    List of Phase-XIII(A) CABA-MDTP Centres (to be phased out from October 2016)





    Centre Name

    Jammu & Kashmir

    1. 1709


    Captain Sojith S, Officer Incharge,

    Kargil Computer Centre (A),

    121 (I) Infantry Brigade Group

    Signal Company - 908121 (J&K).

    C/o 56 Army Post Office

    2. 2201


    Mr. Mohd. Azizur Khan, Centre Incharge,

    New Integrated Rural Management Agency

    (NIRMA), Nungphou Bazar, Sangaiyumpham,

    P.O. Wangjing - 795148, Dist. Thoubal (Manipur).





    Centre Name


    1. 1317


    Prof. M.Z. Haque Nazar, Centre Incharge,

    Hajjin Begum Soghra Hasan Memorial Urdu Girls

    School (HBSHM), Mulla Haleem Khan,

    P.O. Lalbagh - 846004, Dist. Darbhanga (Bihar).

    2. 1320


    Sh. Md. Ibnul Hassan, Centre Incharge,

    National Computer Education Centre,

    Madrasa Islamia, Village: Kaithatiker,

    P.O. Narayanpur, Via. Barahat,

    Dist. Banka - 813103 (Bihar).

    3. 1325


    Mr. Saghir Ahmad Salfi Madni, Centre Incharge,

    Madrasa Islamia Computer Centre,

    Raghonagar, Bhowara,

    Dist. Madhubani - 847212 (Bihar).

    4. 1326


    Sh. Qaari Shabbir Ahmad, Centre Incharge,

    NCPUL DTP Centre,

    Multimedia DTP Centre (NCPUL),

    Madrasa Islamia, At-Shakarpur,

    P.O. Bharwara, Darbhanga - 847104 (Bihar).

    5. 1328


    Shri Humayun Ansari, Centre Incharge,

    Nalanda Samaj Sewa Ashram,

    Mohalla Chajjoo, Naseerpur, P.O. Bihar Sharif,

    Dist. Nalanda - 803101 (Bihar)


    6. 1604


    Maulana Mohd. Rezauddin Qasmi,

    Centre Incharge, Darul Uloom Wahidia, Mahora,

    Jamtara - 815351 (Jharkhand).


    7. 1907


    Shri. Shameem Ahmad, Centre Incharge,

    Sir Syed Computer Centre,


    Mehboobia Berka Makan, No. 2114, Ashoka Road,

    West Cross 18th, Lashkar Mohalla,

    Mysore - 570001 (Karnataka).

  • 31

    Madhya Pradesh

    8. 2107


    Shri. Jafar Khan Pathan, Centre Incharge,

    Madhya Pradesh Qaumi Khidmatgar Society,

    Qutub Bhawan, Opp. Nehru Park, Cantt. Road,

    Guna - 473001 (M.P.).

    9. 2108


    Shri Salahuddin Ansari, Centre Incharge,

    Aashna Educational and Welfare Society,

    345, South Motinala, Azad Ward, Bariyatual,

    Jabalpur - 482002 (M.P.).

    Uttar Pradesh

    10. 2509


    Shri Abul Kalam, Centre Incharge,

    Ashrafia Computer Centre,

    Under Ashrafia Education Society,

    Village & P.O. Mahul, Phoolpur,

    Azamgarh - 276325 (U.P.).

    11. 2548


    Dr. Chaudhary Hayat Nusrat, Centre Incharge,

    Sandila Girls Intermediate College, Mohalla

    Mahatwana, Sandila - 241204, Dist. Hardoi (U.P.).

    12. 2550


    Shri Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Centre Incharge,

    Momin Ansar Girls Inter College, Under the

    Management of Muslim Education Society,

    Atrari, P.O. Khairabad - 276403, Dist. Mau (U.P.).

    13. 2551


    Mrs. Jannatun Nisa, Centre Incharge,

    A.K. Lodhi Memorial Society,

    B-8/77A, Bara Gambhir Singh, Bhelupura,

    Varanasi - 221001 (U.P.).

    14. 2552


    Mr. S. Mustafa Kausar, Centre Incharge,

    Ayesha Tarin Modern Public School,

    Under the Management of Nadeem

    Tarin Educational Society, Anoopshahar Road,

    P.O.CDF, Aligarh - 202122 (U.P.).

    15. 2553


    Prof. Noor Mohammad, Centre Incharge,

    Duty Society Computer Centre,

    4, English House, Tar Bungalow,

    Aligarh Muslim University Campus,

    Aligarh - 202002 (U.P.).

    16. 2554


    The Centre Incharge,

    Al-Tareen, ITI, Behjoi Road, Sambhal,

    Dist. Moradabad - 244302 (U.P.).

    17. 2555


    Shri Syed Mohd. Naiem, Centre Incharge,

    Hamidiya Islamia School Society, Saqlainabad,

    National Highway-76, Rath Road, Panwari,

    Dist. Mahoba - 210429 (U.P.).


    18. 4002


    Mr. Abdulla Faizan, Centre Incharge,

    Darul Amanat Vikas Samiti,

    Universal Vision Computer Centre,

    Baitush Shifa, Qidwai Nagar,

    Haldwani - 263139, Dist. Nainital (Uttarakhand).

    West Bengal

    19. 2610


    Shri Mokter Hossain, Centre Incharge,

    e-ST Infotech & Training Institute, Under

    Islampur Ramkrishanpally Rural Welfare Society,

    At Ramkrishnapally, P.O. & P.S. Islampur,

    Dist. Uttar Dinajpur - 733202 (W.B.).

    20. 2611


    Shri A.K. Ashrafi, Centre Incharge,

    Ashraful Aulia Institute of Technology,

    An Institute under Makhdoom Ashraf Mission,

    Khankah Jalalia Olaiya Ashrafia, Pandua Sharif,

    P.O. Kutub Sahar - 732102, Dist. Malda (W.B.).

  • 32

    Annexure III

    CABA-MDTP Centres





    No. of


    / Centre

    No. of students male No. of students female



    Total SC ST General OBC SC ST General OBC

    Minority Others Minority Others Minority Others Minority Others

    1. Andhra Pradesh 7 6 4 131 33 22 10 3 2 85 23 16 4 339

    2. Assam 28 27 35 631 149 47 20 12 16 106 43 21 7 1114

    3. Bihar 59 450 48 495 149 647 171 28 15 231 92 275 79 2680

    4. Chhattisgarh 2 2 2 8 2 16 3 1 2 8 2 15 3 64

    5. Delhi 18 44 15 339 92 133 37 22 2 226 84 70 20 1084

    6. Gujarat 8 2 2 100 24 8 3 2 3 22 4 10 6 186

    7. Haryana 4 40 10 15 9 49 18 2 2 22 10 5 2 184

    8. Himachal Pradesh 8 28 4 145 30 15 4 35 3 122 28 45 11 470

    9. Jammu & Kashmir 101 281 241 2161 467 432 138 107 151 1281 322 189 49 5819

    10. Jharkhand 9 8 15 82 39 56 37 3 18 55 19 74 30 436

    11. Karnataka 10 4 2 53 13 75 18 7 4 82 21 71 18 368

    12. Kerala 6 2 3 3 3 111 25 3 2 6 4 7 6 175

    13. Madhya Pradesh 12 147 12 61 17 162 41 33 8 83 19 72 19 674

    14. Maharashtra 25 44 31 372 121 49 28 7 3 136 85 34 9 919

    15. Manipur 26 275 85 138 39 360 94 12 52 105 30 279 79 1548

    16. Meghalaya 2 2 4 25 7 3 2 1 4 11 3 3 1 66

    17. Orissa 6 13 2 58 13 10 3 6 1 64 14 20 6 210

    18. Punjab 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 0 4 5 9 3 36

    19. Rajasthan 9 4 1 54 14 74 18 4 1 53 12 63 14 312

    20. Tamil Nadu 4 9 1 2 1 73 15 1 0 2 1 21 3 129

    21. Tripura 4 2 19 36 7 4 2 8 11 18 4 5 1 117

    22. Telangana 5 3 1 54 16 13 14 2 1 40 11 9 5 169

    23. Uttar Pradesh 131 398 98 1641 485 1884 475 147 7 808 204 1002 250 7399

    24. Uttarakhand 10 13 1 83 20 93 21 11 0 52 11 64 13 382

    25. West Bengal 15 58 26 292 82 107 25 19 10 108 31 83 21 862

    Total 511 1863 663 6982 1834 4445 1224 480 318 3730 1082 2462 659 25742

  • 33

    Annexure IV

    List of Five (5) Centres of Calligraphy and Graphic Design opened from Oct.2016

    S.N. Name of NGOs & Centre Authority


    1. Mr. Mohammad Ahmad,

    Rizvia Foundation,

    Officers Colony, Chakia, Post, Bara Chakia, East Champaran,


    Jammu & Kashmir

    2. Mr. Bashir Ahmad Mir,


    Elite Welfare Research Organization,

    PWD Road,Mahju Complex, 2nd /3rd Floor, Baramulla, J&K,

    Uttar Pradesh

    3. Dr. Shamim Zafar (URF Guddu)

    Habib Educational Welfare Society,

    Vill. Imam Ganj, Palribagh, Near Bachcho ka Qabristan, Darghah

    Sharif, Distt. Bahraich (U.P. 271801

    4. Mr. Mohd. Suhail,

    Jamia Noore Mohammadi Lil Banat Samiti,

    Sherwani Nagar, Maryao Thana, Sitapur Road,

    Lucknow, U.P. 226021

    5. Mr. Aqdas,

    Minority Educational Welfare Society,

    Shahid Road,Post Adri, Distt. Mau, 275102 (U.P.)

  • 34

    Annexure V

    Calligraphy and Graphic Design Centres









    / Centres

    Name of students male Name of students Female

    SC ST General OBC SC ST General OBC

    0 0 Minority Others Minority Others Minority Others Minority Others Total

    1. Andhra Pradesh 5 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 23 0 225

    2. Assam 1 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50

    3. Bihar 7 1 1 50 0 150 0 0 0 98 0 50 0 350

    4. Chhattisgarh 7 0 0 100 0 125 0 0 0 25 0 100 0 350

    5. Delhi 2 0 0 4 0 33 0 0 0 3 0 60 0 100

    6. Gujarat 1 0 0 12 0 14 0 0 0 20 0 4 0 50

    7. Jammu & Kashmir 5 0 0 75 0 50 0 0 0 25 0 100 0 250

    8. Jharkhand 5 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 110 0 250

    9. Madhya Pradesh 4 0 0 103 0 25 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 200

    10. Maharashtra 3 0 0 45 0 5 0 0 0 50 0 50 0 150

    11. Rajasthan 3 0 0 37 0 10 0 0 0 3 0 100 0 150

    12. Tamil Nadu 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 25

    13. Uttar Pradesh 20 0 0 200 0 87 0 0 0 250 0 463 0 1000

    14. Uttarakhand 1 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 50

    Total 65 1 1 849 0 549 0 0 0 705 0 1095 0 3200

  • 35

    Annexure - VI




    Name & Address of the NGOs/VOs/



    1. Andhra Pradesh

    Dr. Mohd. Nisar Ahamed

    Asstt. Prof. Dept. of Arabic, Persian & Urdu

    Sri Venkateswara University,

    Tirupati 517501, AP

    National Level Seminar

    Junoobi Hind mein Urdu Nazm 1960 ke



    2. Dr. Irfana Begum

    Asstt. Prof.

    Dept. of Urdu, K.V.R. Govt. College

    Women (Autonomous), Kurnool-518004, AP

    National Level Seminar

    Ekkiswein Sadi mein Urdu Afsana

    3. Dr. S. A. Sattar Saheb

    Prof. & Registrar, Dept. of Urdu

    Dr. Abdul Haq Urdu University, Kurnool, AP

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Ghazal: Kal Aaj aur Kal

    : 4. Mr. Usman Anjum

    President Bazm-e-Asnaam

    Literary & Cultural Association

    Sujata Nagar, Visakhapatnam-530051, A.P

    National Level Seminar/Mushaira

    Ekkiswein Sadi mein Urdu Tanqeed ki


    5. Bihar

    Mr. Md. Izhar Hussain

    Secretary Naaz Commercial Institute

    At-Makhdumpur, Near Masjid,

    Dist. Jehanabad-804422, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Hazrat Ameer Khusro ki Shakhsiyat aur Unke

    Adabi Khidmaat

    6. Mr. Md. Shah Alam

    Secretary Maulana Waizul Haque

    Educational Trust At-Qazi Chak, P.O.

    Kurnowl, Muzaffarpur-843125, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Fiction aur Qaumi Yakjehti

    7. Ms. Farhat Jahan

    SecretaryJan Kalyani

    House of Sri Chhote Lal Singh, Behind of

    Cooperative Bank, Hisua,Post


    State Level Seminar

    Allama Iqbal ki Adabi Khidmaat

    8. Ms. Rukhsana

    Secretary Aasra Bodhgaya

    Chhatta Masjid, Bari Road, Gaya-823001,


    International Level

    Women Mushaira

    9. Mr. Humayun Ansari

    Secretary Nalanda Samaj Sewa Ashram

    Muhalla Chhajju, Naseerpur,

    Po. Bihar Sharif, Dist. Nalanda-803101, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Bihar ki Urdu Natiya Shaeri mein

    Khawateen ka Hissa

    10. Mr. Bhagwan Das

    President Dalit Christion Society,

    Dalit Christion Society Bhawan, Vill. Pirautu,

    PS Baniapur, Dist. Chapra Saran-841443,


    State Level Seminar

    Firaq Gorakhpuri ki Adabi Khidmaat

    11. Mr. Ali Masoom Raza

    Chairman Society for Awareness & Growth Assitance (SAGA) Activist House, Imam Nagar College Chowk, Bahadurganj, Dist.

    Kishanganj, Bihar-855101

    State Level Seminar

    Suhail Azeem Abadi ki Adabi Khidmaat

    12. Mr. Khateeb Ahmad

    Secretary Arwal Welfare & Development Society, Arwal

    Shahi Mohalla, Dist Arwal-804401, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Akbar Allahabadi Bahaisiyat Tanz-o-Mizah


  • 36

    13. Mr. Md. Omair Anwar

    Secretary Mission of Human Development

    Near Homeopathi College, Behind Deep

    English School, Kadampur, Katihar-854105,


    National Level Seminar/Mushaira

    Mojuda Nesabi Taleem mein Insani Aqdar

    ki talash

    14. Dr. Mushtaque Ahmad


    Marwari College,

    Darbhanga-846004, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Hindustani Jamaliyat aur Prof. Shakeelur


    15. Mr. Abdul Qaiyum Ansari

    Secretary Anjuman Taraqqui-e-Urdu Bihar

    2nd Floor, Urdu Bhawan, Ashok Rajpath,

    Patna-800004, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Nasr ke Farogh mein Allama Shibli

    Nomani ke Adabi Khidmaat

    16. Ms. Shahnaz Begum


    Abdul Qaiyum Ansari Audyogik Vidyalaya

    Sah Prashikshan Kendra

    Mohalla Qazi Tola Sarai, Po. Arrah,

    Dist. Bhojpur-802301, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Urdu Meri Zaban Mera Mustaqbil

    17. Prof. Shakil Qasmi

    Chairman Faran International Foundation

    Shahgaddi Masjid, North Harding Road,

    Patna-800001, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Kaleem Aajiz ki Hayat-o-Shaeri

    18. Mr. Bishwanath Sah

    Nilam Lok Seva Samiti

    Gerabari Bazar Korha, Dist Katihar, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Prem Chand ki Adabi Khidmaat

    19. Mr. Md. Sarwer Alam Nadvi

    Allama Syed Sulaiman Education &

    Welfare Society C/o Al-Shams Academy,

    Nadwi Complex,

    Millat Nagar, W-No-2, Dist Araria-854311,


    State Level Seminar

    Allama Syed Suleman Nadvi ki Khidmaat

    Urdu Adab ke Aiene mein

    20. Mr. Syed Ali Muzaffar

    United Mission For Integrated Development


    Danish House at Simon Mony, P.O. B, Simon

    Mony, Via Madanpur, P.O. Sikty,Dist.


    State Level Seminar

    Shad Azeem Abadi ki Adabi Khidmaat

    21. Mr. Md. Nasiruddin

    SecretaryAl-Hind Educational & Welfare


    Mandai, Patthar Ki Masjid, Dargah Road,

    PO. Mahendru, Patna-06, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Nai Nasal ki Urdu se Duri: Asbab aur



    22. Mr. Abdul Wahid


    Dawatul Quran Educational & Welfare Trust

    Millat Nagar, PO Duba, Distt. Araria, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Aangan Bari Kendro mein Urdu Tadrees ke


    23. Mr. Abul Mugais Kamil

    Secretary Zakir Hussain Mahila Vikas

    At-Mohra Idgah, Po.-Maadhohat, Via-

    Sonthahat, Kishanganj-855115, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Bihar mein Urdu Bahaisiyat-e-Dusri Sarkari

    Zaban: Masael aur Imkanaat

    24. Mr. Zulfaquar Ahmad Ashrafi

    Madrasa Nasiria Ashrafia, Panasi

    Po. Panasi hat, Via Taiyabpur,

    Dist. Kishanganj-855117, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Qaumi Yakjehti mein Urdu Zaban ka Kirdar

    25. Mr. Matiur Rahman

    Tauheed Educational Trust

    Mahadabad, Khargra, Kishanganj, Bihar

    International Level Seminar

    Hind-o-Arab ke Adabi wo Tahzibi


  • 37

    26. Mr. Mohd. Sabir

    Jamia Barakat-e-Raza

    At-Daryapur, Po. Mahal Bari, Ps. Dagarwa,

    Via Gulab Bagh, Dist. Purnea-854326, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Farogh-e-Urdu mein Shorae Bihar ka Kirdar

    27. Mr. Mazhar Hassan

    Secretary Noor-e-Falah

    Nadra Ganj, Teli Tola, P.O. Civil Line,

    Gaya-823001, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Meer Taqui Meer

    28. Mr. Md. Abu Zafar

    Minnat Foundation

    Ghanimat House Path,

    W. no. 21, Supaul, Ps & PO. Supaul,

    Dist. Supaul, Bihar

    International Level


    Azadi ke baad Farogh-e-Urdu mein

    Madaris ka Kirdar

    29. Mr. Abdul Haque Ansari

    Mohammadia Educational & Welfare Trust

    At. Mohammadpur, PO. D.K. Shikarpur,

    Dist. West Champaran-845451, Bihar

    State Level Seminar

    Jung-e-Azadi, Ulema-e-Hind aur Urdu


    30. Mr. Khurshid Alam

    Chairman Social Welfare Foundation


    Po. Andhara, via-Ramgarhwa,

    East Champaran-845433, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Bihar mein Urdu Zaban aur Hamari


    31. Mr. Md. Shawkat Alam

    Jahan Ali Mastan Educational and Welfare


    Vill. Dhapar Tola, Post-Terhagachh,

    Via Bahadurganj, Dist. Kishanganj-855101,


    National Level Seminar

    Farogh-e-Urdu mein Madaris ka Kirdar

    Masael aur Imkanat

    32. Mr. Masoom Raza

    SecretaryGramin Jan Kalyan Parishad


    Sadpura New Colony, Neem Chowk,

    Muzaffarpur-842002, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Dastanon aur Masnavion mein

    Mushtarika Tahzeeb ki Numaindagi

    33. Mr. Irfan Ahmad

    Secretary Anchor Human Welfare Society

    Near Madrasa Faizul Uloom, At-Faizabad,

    Post-Bauram, Via. Biraul, Ps.-Jamalpur,

    Block-Gora Bauram, Darbhanga, Bihar

    National Level Seminar

    Mithilanchal mein Urdu ka Farogh

    34. Mr. Md. Zakir Hussain

    MTHD Society

    Simna Public School, Tahirpur College

    Road, Salmari, Katihr-855113, Bhiar

    National Level Mushaira

    35. Mr. Tanweer Alam

    Chairman Sevak Foundation

    College Road, Vill+P.O+Ps.-Tajpur,

    Dist. Samastipur-848130, Bihar

    International Level Seminar

    Role of Madarsas and Urdu in Nation


    36. Mr. Md. Tanweer Alam

    Islahi Foundation

    Ward no. #6, Mohalla Mustafa Nagar,

    Post Saharsa, Dist. Saharsa-852201, Bihar

    National Level Mushaira

    37. Delhi

    Mr. Jalaluddin

    Secretary Basic Foundation

    F-1/418, Sunder Nagri, Delhi-110093

    State Level Seminar Urdu Afsane mein Paigham-e-Insaniyat aur


    38. Mr. Md. Mohsin Secretary Society for Social Welfare and

    Development J-3/80, Flat No. 5, 2nd Floor,

    Krishan Kunj Ext., Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092

    National Level Seminar Urdu Sahafat aur Aaj ki Zarurat

  • 38

    39. Mr. Sabir Ali


    Pragatisheel Mazdoor Jan Kalyan Sewa

    B1/1, Shop No. B-4, Basement Floor, Gupta

    Tower, Nani Wala Bagh, Near Akash

    Cinema, Azadpur, Delhi-110033

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Zaban ke Farogh mein Popular Adab

    ka Kirdar

    40. Mr. Shakil Ahmad


    Minority Community Teachers Association

    C-5, Basement, Dilshad Colony, Delhi-


    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Education and Teaching Problems

    and Solution

    41. Mr. Khalid Raza Khan

    Secretary Pahal Drishti

    B-12, Amba Tower, Azadpur, Delhi-33

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu Zaban mein Rozgar ke Mawaqe

    42. Mr. Mohsin Dehlvi

    World Unani Foudantion

    4-Club Road, Civil Line, Delhi-110054

    International Level Seminar

    Ilaj Bit Tadbeer

    43. Mr. Sayyed Riazul Hasan


    Bagh Educational & Social Welfare Society

    12A/5B, Lane 7, Vijay Mohalla Maujpur,


    State Level Seminar

    Asmat Chugtai ke Afsane Aaj ke Tanazur


    44. Dr. M.Y. Parwez

    Jamia Urdu Delhi

    JB-6/76, Welcome, Seelampur IVth,


    National Level Seminar

    Maulana Altaf Husain Hali aur Unki


    45. Dr. M. Q. Nayyar

    (Gen. Secretary)

    Dr. Hahnemann Educational Development


    C-167, Welcom, Seelampur, Delhi-110053

    State Level Seminar

    Akbar Allahabadi ki Shakhsiyat aur Swaneh

    46. Dr. P. R. Thapar

    Teacher-in-Charge, Dept. of Punjabi

    Dayal Singh Evening College,

    Lodhi Road, New Delhi-3

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu aur Panjabi ke Lisani-o-Tahzibi Rishtey

    47. Mr. Hisham Mohd. Ajmal Aazmi


    Islahi Health Care Foundation

    D-51, Near Firdaus Masjid, Thokar No. 7,

    Shaheen Bagh, Jamia nagar, Okhla, New


    International Level Seminar/Mushaira

    Tibbi Makhtootat: Masael wa Wasael


    48. Dr. Faizan Ahmad Islahi

    Gen. Sec.

    Anjuman Talba-e-Qadeem Madrasatul

    Islah Delhi

    N-1, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar,

    Okhla, New Delhi-25

    State Level Seminar/Mushaira

    Akhtar Muslemi: Fun aur Shakhsiyat


    49. Mr. Nishat Ammen


    Subha Institute for Development &

    Education Association

    21-D,Pocket-F, Mayur Vihar-II, Delhi-91

    State Level Seminar

    Progress of Urdu Language Through


    50. Dr. Ajmal Akhlaque


    Support Society (2S)

    F-14, 3rd Floor, Nafees Road,

    Joga Bai Extn. New Delhi-25

    National Level Seminar

    Urdu aur Digar Hindustani Zabano ke

    Lesani aur Tahzibi Rishte

  • 39

    51. Prof. Rizwanur Rahman

    Professor & Chairperson

    Centre of Arabic and Afraican Studies,

    Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-


    International Level Seminar

    Society, Culture and Morality: East and



    52. Mr. Md. Sadre Alam


    Society For Integrated Development &


    C-14/1, Ram Garh, Jahangirpuri, Delhi-


    National Level Mushaira

    53. Mr. Qari Habib-ur-Rehman


    Jamia Siddiqia Educational Society

    C-84/4, Chaman Park, Near Tripal Factory,


    Nartional Level Seminar

    Urdu ke Farogh mein Madaris ka Kirdar

    54. Mr. Mohd. Idrees


    Madarsa Ramzania Imdadul Uloom

    Educational Society

    Khasra No. 523, Burari Gadhi, Delhi-84

    State Level Seminar

    Maulana Hasrat Mohani

    55. Mr. Mirza Zaki Ahmad Baig


    Tameer-e-Millat Foundation

    E-11/15-A, Hauz Rani, Malviya Nagar,

    New Delhi-110017

    State Level Seminar

    Sir Syed Ahmad Khan: Hayat-o-Khidmaat


    56. Mr. Jhohn Isaacs


    Mariyam Christian Welfare Society

    148-B, Mif Flat, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-27

    National Level Seminar

    Maulana Altaf Husain Hali

    57. Mr. Syed Asad Ali

    Gen. Sec

    Goodwill Social and Welfare Society

    3136, Sushila Street, Turkman Gate, Delhi-


    National Level Seminar

    Mirza Farhat Ullah Beg: Shakhsiyat aur Fun


    58. Mr. Afroz Alam


    Al-Hind Taleem-e-Jadeed Foundation

    H-19/11-B, 3rd Floor, Sir Syed Road, Batla

    House, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-


    State Level Seminar

    Ameer Khusru ki Adabi Khidmaat

    59. Mr. H. Kamal Naqvi

    Gen. Sec.

    Husan Ara Trust

    E-1, E-2 Kohinoor Apartment, 2nd floor,

    Okhla Vihar, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25

    International Level

    Seminar & Mushaira

    Azadi mein Shoara ka Kirdar

    60. Mr. Shevnaj


    Aadarsh Ekta Mahila Vikas Sangthan

    C no. 332, Prem Nagar, Kalandar Colony,


    State Level Mushaira

    61. Ms. Sandhya Sharma

    President Shikher H.No. 2, Bhagvan Park, Jharoda, Mazra

    Burari, Delhi-110084

    State Level Mushaira

    62. Mr. Mohammad Aslam


    Human Chain F-107, 3rd Floor, Abul Fazal Enclave-1,

    Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025

    International Level Seminar

    Khaliji aur Hamsaya Mamalik mein Urdu ki

    Surt-e-Haal aur Imkanaat

  • 40

    63. Mr. R. P. Shukla

    Gen. Secretary

    Gurukul Samaj Vikas Sanstha

    C-14/1 Ramgarh (Behind Bank of Baroda)

    Jahangir Puri, Delhi-110033

    State Level Seminar

    Ekiswein Sadi mein Urdu Zaban ke

    Imkanaat aur Msael

    64. Dr. Sk. Abdul Rahim

    Rhea Educational Society

    878, Punjabi Mohalla, Ghanta Ghar,


    National Level Seminar

    Dara Shikoh ke Ahad mein Farsi aur Digar

    Hindustani Zabano par Mushtarka Tahzeeb

    ke Asrat

    65. Mr. Mohd. Rashid Siddiqui


    Angels Education & Social Welfare Society

    1889, Gali Behram Begg, Lal Kuan, Delhi-


    State Level Seminar

    Azadi ke Bad Delhi mein Urdu Drame ki


    66. Mr. Mujaddid Tahir


    Bhartiya Manav Adhikar Suraksha Parishad

    B-680, Gali No. 9, Shri Ram Colony, Delhi-


    National Level Seminar

    Meer Anis ki Adabi Khidmaat

    67. Mr. Najeebur Rahman

    An-Noor Social Care Foundation

    6562/B, P.P. Quarters, Naugaza, Peer

    Chamelian Road Bara, Hindu Rao, Delhi-


    State Level Seminar

    Dr. Kaleem Aajiz: Shakhsiyat aur Fun


    68. Dr. Aziz Ahmad Khan

    Manar Educational & Welfare Society
