ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - NOFOTA · recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency...


Transcript of ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - NOFOTA · recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency...

Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - NOFOTA · recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency Test organized by FOSFA for 2015. The FOSFA Profiency Test P82 was reviewed during




Page 2: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - NOFOTA · recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency Test organized by FOSFA for 2015. The FOSFA Profiency Test P82 was reviewed during

Honorary MembersH.W. Salzer LeviM.G.M. van IrsenH. Ensing

Secretary General R. van Noord

Louis Braillelaan 802719 EK ZOETERMEER

telephone +31 (0)79 3634399e-mail [email protected]

Page 3: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - NOFOTA · recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency Test organized by FOSFA for 2015. The FOSFA Profiency Test P82 was reviewed during


GENERAL Register of members 4 Council 4 Meetings 4 Representation within FOSFA 5 Financial Committee 5 Arbitration 5 Contract Committee 6 List of contracts and arbitrations clauses 6 Technical Committee 7 Cooperation with Kindred Associations 8 Circular letters 8LIST OF MEMBERS as per 01-01-2016 9 Members-A 9 Members-B 10 Members-C 18GUIDELINES FOR THE FORMATION OF THE COUNCIL 23ORDER OF ROTATION OF THE COUNCIL 24 Order of Rotation of Council members 24GUIDELINES FOR QUALIFICATION AS ARBITRATOR 25LIST OF ARBITRAL AWARDS 2015 25OILS, FATS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS DIVISION 26 List of arbitrators as per 1st January 2016 26 List of appealarbitrators as per 1st January 2016 30GROUNDNUTS DIVISION 31 List of arbitrators and appealarbitrators as per 1st January 2016 31CONTRACTS in force on 1st January 2016 33CRITERIA FOR A NOFOTA RECOGNIZED TANKSTORAGE COMPANY 34RECOGNIZED TANKSTORAGE COMPANIES as per 1st January 2016 36CRITERIA FOR A NOFOTA RECOGNIZED SUPERINTENDENT COMPANY 38RECOGNIZED SUPERINTENDENT COMPANIES as per 1st January 2016 40CRITERIA FOR A NOFOTA RECOGNIZED LABORATORY 42RECOGNIZED LABORATORIES as per 1st January 2016 44STANDARDS FOR ANALYSIS as per 1st January 2016 45LIST OF CIRCULAR LETTERS 2015 48FOSFA INTERNATIONAL LIST OF POSTINGS - December 2015 49NOFOTA LIST OF POSTINGS as per 1st January 2016 56

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Register of members During 2015, 1 A-member and 2 B-members gave notice of ending their membership.

New members: 1 B-member and 4 C-members were admitted during 2015.

The list of members as per 1st January 2015, contains:

01-01-2015 01-01-2016

8 A-members 9 84 B-members 83 42 C-members 46 ----- ----- 134 138

and is listed in this report.


At the beginning of 2015 the Council consisted of Messrs:

J.H. Neet (President) (brokers)M. Osseweijer (Past-President) (industry)D. Stregels (Vice-President) (industry)A. Keemink (industry)vacancy (trade)M. Farrow (FOSFA representative)L. Favre (tropical oils refiners)vacancy (meat trade)E. Schimmel (shippers)F.H.C. Jansen (industry)R. van Noord (Secretary General)

At the end of the year the Council consisted of the following members:

D. Stregels (President) (industry)J.H. Neet (Past-President) (brokers)R. van der Graaf (Vice-President) (trade)A. Keemink (industry)A. Toorman (industry) M. Reis (FOSFA representative)H. Omvlee (tropical oils refiners)vacancy (meat trade)E. Schimmel (shippers)F.H.C. Jansen (industry)R. van Noord (Secretary General)

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Meetings The Annual General Meeting of members, the meeting of arbitrators and the Annual Dinner were held on 16th of April 2015.

The Council met on 12 February, 16 April and 17 September.

Representation within FOSFA

In the FOSFA Council Mr. D. Stregels acted as NOFOTA respresentative.

During 2015, the following members served on the Section Committees of FOSFA:

Oil Seeds Section - J.H. NeetOils and Fats Section - R. van der Graaf

On behalf of NOFOTA; • F. Out serves on the Technical Committee of FOSFA. • S. Oudshoorn represents NOFOTA in the Contracts Committee of FOSFA. • S.M. Kosorog acts as NOFOTA representative in the Arbitration and Appeal Committee of FOSFA.

Financial Committee

The Financial Committee for 2015 consisted of messrs. M. Staal, J. van Zijst and H. Pronk.


In 2015 the Committee of Appointment for the Oils, Fats and Allied Products Division consisted of Messrs:

G. Neureiter (Chairman) E. Schimmel (Member) F.H.C. Jansen (Member)

The Committee of Appointment of the Groundnuts Division consisted in 2015 of Messrs:

J.W. Ort (Chairman) H. Jas (Vice-Chairman)J.P. van Velzen (Member) P.C. Stienen (Deputy Member)vacancy (Member) vacancy (Deputy Member)

The Committee of Appointment of the Meat Division consisted in 2015 of Messrs:

• C. Wendt• T.D. van der Ploeg

Attached to this report are listed:

• the latest list of arbitrators of the Oils, Fats and Allied Products Division including the Meat Division;

• the latest list of appeal arbitrators, drawn up by the Committee of Appointment for the Oils, Fats and Allied Products Division;

• the latest list of arbitrators and appealarbitrators of the Groundnuts Division.

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Contract Committee

During 2015 the Contract Committee agreed to stop the bi-annual changes of the Trading Rules and Rules for Arbitration. The NTR and RA have now been published on the website with an actual version. Previous versions will be archived and available on the website.

The criteria for recognized storage companies, superintendents and laboratories have been revised as per 1 january 2016.

In 2015 the Contract Committee consisted of Messrs:


S. Oudshoorn (Chairman, industry) A. Assenberg (trade)vacancy (trade)C. Huurman (industry) vacancy (brokers)S. Buisman (industry)L. Margaka (Vice-Chairman, non-food)W. Grooss (non-food) W. Tang (industry)H.A.A. Maduro (representative tankstorage companies) O. Smit (representative superintendent companies)E. Veenstra (representative Ucogras)Chr. Buchholz (agenda member GROFOR) During the year 2015 the Contract Committee met on the 14th of April and 6th of October.

List of contracts and arbitrations clauses

A summary of all Contracts issued by the Association is listed in the relative annex to this report.

Page 7: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - NOFOTA · recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency Test organized by FOSFA for 2015. The FOSFA Profiency Test P82 was reviewed during


Technical Committee

Ringtesting of test methods and technical matters remained the domain of the Technical Committee. According to the criteria for recognized laboratories, NOFOTA decided to align to the Profiency Test organized by FOSFA for 2015. The FOSFA Profiency Test P82 was reviewed during the 2015 meetings. A Petit Comite have visited all NOFOTA laboratories to audit the method used for the Lovibond Red test.

The list with standard analyses methods published in the NTR have been updated.

The criteria for tank storage recognition have been revised, particularly on the point of certification. Reference is now specifically made to ISO 9001 certification in combination with HACCP or ISO22000.

The Technical Committee further organized various audits for the recognition of tankstorage companies, superintendent companies and laboratories, according the 2015 audit scheme.

The latest NOFOTA-standards of analysis are annexed to this report.

The Technical Committee consisted in 2015 of:

F. Out (Chairman)J. Meijdam (Vice-Chairman)T. Eigenraam (member)Mrs. Lippens (member)M. Frijmuth (replaced end of 2015 by D. el Boudouhi) (member)B. Klunder (replaced end of 2015 by R. van Kempen) (trade)A. Overmars (member)J. Hancock (representative FOSFA)A. Van Veen (member) F. Out (member)R. van Gelder (member)A. Coenradie (member)


Ph. Bastijns (laboratories)M.H.F. Verhoeff (laboratories)A.P.M. Janssens (laboratories)H. Janssens (laboratories)M. Bruggeman (laboratories) J.N. van der Moolen (laboratories)R. Flokstra (superintendents)

The criteria for recognized tankstorage companies became effective in 1997 and were adjusted in the Trading Rules by end 2015. A copy of the current version (per 1-1-2016) is attached to this report. Based on these criteria 9 tankstorage companies have a recognition in 2015. A list of the recognized tankstorage companies as per January 2016 is annexed to this report.

The criteria for recognized superintendent companies became effective in 1997. A copy of the current criteria is attached to this report. Based on these criteria 10 superintendent companies have been recognized by NOFOTA. A list of the recognized superintendent companies as per January 2016 is annexed to this report.

The six recognized laboratories were in 2015 aligned to the FOSFA Collaborative Test P82 and all passed. The laboratories also were - as far as required - visited by members of the Committee, after which they kept their recognition as NOFOTA laboratory. Six laboratories have an additional recognition for BAP analysis. The list of the recognized laboratories as per January 2016 is annexed to this report.

The Technical Committee met on 30 March and 20 November 2015.

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Cooperation with Kindred Associations

The cooperation with our kindred associations, FOSFA, Associazione Granaria di Milano, GROFOR and UCOGRAS, continued. As far as possible the President of NOFOTA has attended the Council meetings of FOSFA International. Furthermore, we have accepted invitations to attend the annual dinners of the various associations.

Circular letters

A list of circular letters to members issued by the Association in 2015 is appended to this report.

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1. DMIA Dutch Meat Importers Association P.O. Box 61, 2700 AB ZOETERMEER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)79-3634900 Fax: +31-(0)79-3634988

2. European Nut Association (ENA) p/a C. Steinweg – Handelsveem B.V. PO Box 32017, 2303 DA LEIDEN (Netherlands) [email protected]

3. FOSFA International Ltd. 20 St. Dunstan’s Hill, LONDON EC3R 8NQ (U.K.) Tel.: +44-(0)20-72835511 Fax: +44-(0)20-76231310

4. ASSOCIAZIONE GRANARIA DI MILANO Via Isonzo 20, I-20089 ROZZANO MILANO (Italy) Tel.: +39-(28)-243184 Fax: +39-(28)-9200246

5. GROFOR Adolphsplatz 1 (Börse, Kontor 24), D-20457 HAMBURG (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)40-369879-0 Fax: +49-(0)40-369879-20

6. Koninklijke Vereniging Het Comité van Graanhandelaren Blaak 22, 3011 TA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4673188 Fax: +31-(0)10-4678761

7. UCOGRAS Lange Nieuwstraat 17, B-2000 ANTWERP (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)3-2334393 Fax: +32-(0)3-2333460

8. Association of Dutch Producers of Edible Oils and Fats (VERNOF) Louis Braillelaan 80, NL-2719 EK ZOETERMEER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)79-3634368

9. MVO - The Dutch Oils and Fats Industry Louis Braillelaan 80, NL-2719 EK ZOETERMEER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)79-3634350

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1. Aarhus Karlshamn A/S P.O. Box 50, DK-8000 AARHUS C (Denmark) Tel.: +45-(0)87-306000 Fax: +45-(0)87-306012

2. AAK Netherlands B.V. P.O. Box 17, 1540 AA KOOG A/D ZAAN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)75-6278400 Fax: +31-(0)75-6278478

3. ADM Antwerp N.V. Rostockweg 15, kaai 312a, B-2030 ANTWERP (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)3-5413807 Fax: +32-(0)3-5418090

4. ADM Germany GmbH P.O. Box 106120, D-20042 HAMBURG (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)40-30130 Fax: +49-(0)40-3013269

5. ADM Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 1105, 3180 AC ROZENBURG (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)181-257200 Fax: +31-( 0)181-262831

6. Agrioil B.V. Ungerplein 2, Flat 15 3033 BR ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4675566 Fax: +31-(0)10-4652515

7. Alberdingk Boley GmbH P.O. Box 111 446, D-47815 KREFELD (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)2151-528120 Fax: +49-(0)2151-573643

8. Alimenta Rotterdam B.V. Veerkade 9, 3016 DE ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4044600 Fax: +31-(0)10-4111319

9. Amsterdam Captital Trading b.V. Herengracht 469, 1017 BS AMSTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)20-8911237 Fax.: +31-(0)20-8911787

10. BAT Services BVBA Adelaarsstraat 26, B-9051 GENT (Belgium) Tel.: +32-9-2415980 Fax: +32-9-2415988

11. Bertuccelli Mediazioni S.r.l. Via Enrico Scuri 17, I-26900 LODI (Italy) Tel.: +39-(0)371-423508 Fax: +39-(0)371-422909

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12. Brökelmann & Co. Oelmühle und Raffinerie K.G. P.O. Box 1291, D-59002 HAMM (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)2381-9490 Fax: +49-(0)2381-949146

13. Bukom Services B.V. Galileistraat 55, 1704 SE HEERHUGOWAARD Tel.: +31 (0)725762560 Fax: +31 (0)725743185

14. Cagemax Commodities B.V. Oudebosscheweg, 5301 LA ZALTBOMMEL(Netherlands) Tel.: +31 (0)418 584 949

15. Cargill B.V. Multiseeds P.O. Box 8074, 1005 AB AMSTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)20-5801911 Fax: +31-(0)20-6820193

16. Cargill B.V. ROE P.O. Box 5185, 3197 ZH BOTLEK-ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4724388 Fax: +31-(0)10-4724263

17. N.V. Cargill Prins Albertlaan 12, B-8870 IZEGEM (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)51-332447 Fax: +32-(0)51-311965

18. Croda Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 2, 2800 AA GOUDA (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)182-542911 Fax: +31-(0)182-542250

19. Ch. Daudruy van Cauwenberghe & Fils. Rue van Cauwenberghe, F-59640 DUNKERQUE (France) Tel.: +33-(0)32-8619835 Fax: +33-(0)32-8609441

20. Darling Ingredients International Holding B.V. Kanaaldijk 20-21, 5690 AA SON (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)511-467333 Fax: +31-(0)511-461441

21. Demeter B.V. P.O. Box 139, 2950 AC ALBLASSERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)78-6920692 Fax: +31-(0)78-6920695

22. Louis Dreyfus Commodities Rotterdam B.V. P.O. Box 270, 3000 AG ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2062441 Fax: +31-(0)10-4130432

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23. Elburg Global Van Kinsbergenstraat 5, 8081 CL ELBURG (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)525-682309 Fax: +31-(0)525-682395

24. Fuji Oil Europe N.V. Kuhlmannlaan 36, B-9042 GENT (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)9-3417751 Fax: +32-(0)9-3442610

25. Glencore Grain B.V. P.O. Box 1120, 3000 BC ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4044400 Fax: +31-(0)10-4129635 26. GMS Alimentaire 80 Boite Postale, F-67016 STRASBOURG (France) Tel.: +33-(0)3-88608400 Fax: +33-(0)3-88608452

27. Golden Peanut Company c/o Alimenta Rotterdam B.V. P.O. Box 23282, 3001 KG ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4044600 Fax: +31-(0)10-4111319

28. Hammer & Andersen GmbH Hopfensack 20, D-20457 HAMBURG (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)40321717 Fax: +49-(0)40327068 29. VOF L. Hendrix P.O. Box 123, 2950 AC ALBLASSERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)78-6916111 Fax: +31-(0)78-6917638

30. Ten Kate Vetten B.V. P.O. Box 16, 9580 AA MUSSELKANAAL (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)599-412605 Fax: +31-(0)599-483386

31. Lesieur 29, Quai Aulagnier, F-92665 ASNIÈRES SUR SEINE CEDEX (France) Tel. : +33-(0)1-40802915 Fax : +33-(0)1-40803042

32. Levo Producten Mij. B.V. P.O. Box 518, 8800 AM FRANEKER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)517-394141 Fax: +31-(0)517-397178

33. Linagro N.V. Kortemarkstraat 8, B-8810 LICHTERVELDE (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)51-591240 Fax: +32-(0)51-591249

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34. IOI Loders Croklaan Oils B.V. P.O. Box 4, 1520 AA WORMEERVEER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)75-6292911 Fax: +31-(0)75-6292421

35. Maasrefinery B.V. 1e Welplaatdwarsweg 1-3, 3197 KT BOTLEK-ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4384805 Fax: +31-(0)10-4161849

36. Marine Olie Handelmij. B.V. Appelweg 6, 4782 PX MOERDIJK (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)168-372150 Fax: +31-(0)168-335766

37. Marvesa Oils & Fats B.V. Parklaan 1, 3016 BA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2808490 Fax: +31-(0)10-2065589

38. Mercuria Energy Trading SA Rue du Rhône 50, CH-1204 GENEVA (Switzerland) Tel.: +41-225-947000 Fax: +41-225-943887 39. Natural Habitats Group B.V. Heemraadsingel 188, 3021 DM ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel. : +31 (0)10-8181973

40. Nidera B.V. P.O. Box 676, 3000 AR ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4301911 Fax: +31-(0)10-4139767

41. NOBA Vetveredeling B.V. P.O. Box 67016, 1060 JA AMSTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)20-2192900 42. Novi Trading B.V. Koekoekslaan 31, 3121XJ SCHIEDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4708469 Fax: +31-(0)10-4714234

43. Oils & Fats Packers Rotterdam B.V. Schiekade 638, 3032 AK ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4655755 Fax: +31-(0)10-4653900

44. OleoCom GmbH Louis-Gellersen-Weg 19, D-21271 HANSTEDT (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)418-489890 Fax: +49-(0)418-489892

45. Oleon GmbH Industriestrasse 10, D-46446 EMMERICH (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)2822-74274

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46. Oleon N.V. Assenedestraat 2,B-9940 ERTVELDE (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)9-3411011 Fax: +32-(0)9-3411000

47. Oleotrading S.A. P.O. Box 84, CH-1223 COLOGNY/GENEVA (Switzerland) Tel.: +41-(0)22-7864422 Fax: +41-(0)22-7865820

48. B.V. Olie- en Vetbedrijf “OLIVET” v/h H.J. Otten P.O. Box 853, 3000 AW ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-5017111 Fax: +31-(0)10-5015525

49. Olivet Energy P.O. Box 853, 3000 AW Rotterdam (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-5017111 Fax: +31-(0)10-5015525 50. OPW Ingredients GmbH Industriering 50, D-41751 Viersen (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)2162-819590 Fax: +49-(0)2162-8195910

51. Ozinga & Poelman B.V. P.O. Box 470, 2400 AL ALPHEN a/d RIJN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)172-491744 Fax: +31-(0)172 495748

52. PT Green Solutions B.V. De Amstel 68a, 8253 PC DRONTEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)85-1044640

53. Raiffeisen Ölsaatenverarbeitungs GmbH Werftstrasse 218, D-24143 KIEL (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)431-7023455 Fax: +49-(0)431-7023278

54. Walter Rau, Neusser Oel & Fett AG P.O. Box 101248, D-41460 NEUSS (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)2131-208270 Fax: +49-(0)2131-208115

55. B.V. Remia Handelmij P.O. Box 10, 3734 ZG DEN DOLDER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)30-2297911 Fax: +31-(0)30-2283994

56. G.C. Rutteman & Co. B.V. P.O. Box 30028, 3001 DA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4139490 Fax: +31-(0)10-4144781

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57. SERCOM S.A. 6, Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 78150 LE CHESNAY PARLY II (France) Tel.: +33-(0)1-39546100 Fax: +33-(0)1-39633478

58. Signal Europe Ltd. Galjoen 1403, 8243 MC LELYSTAD (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)32-0281131 Fax: +31-(0)32-0281131

59. Sime Darby Unimills B.V. P.O. Box 18, 3330 AA ZWIJNDRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)78-6109911 Fax: +31-(0)78-6196001

60. S.I.R.C.E.N. snc, Corso Milano 26, I-20052 MONZA (Italy) Tel.: +39-(0)39-2301285 SFax: +39-(0)39-369543

61. Smilde Foods B.V. P.O. Box 200, 8440 AE HEERENVEEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)513-639639 Fax: +31-(0)513-639492

62. Handelmij A. Smit & Zoon B.V. P.O. Box 123, 1380 AC WEESP (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)294-238800 Fax: +31-(0)294-418758

63. Siebe Haagsma GmbH Salierstrasse 28, D-40668 Meerbusch (Germany) Tel.: +49 21507079066

64. Soyabrokers V.O.F. Handelsweg 203, 2988 DC RIDDERKERK (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)180-646920 Fax: +31-(0)180-646929

65. Spack B.V. Oudelandsedijk 10A, 3244 LR NIEUWE TONGE (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)181-486486 Fax: +31-(0)181-486857

66. SRC Special Refining Company P.O. Box 283, 1500 EG ZAANDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)75-6707776 Fax: +31-(0)75-6708759

67. M. Themans & Co. B.V. Bamendaweg 50a, 3319 GS DORDRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)78-6183111 Fax: +31-(0)78-6184383

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68. C. Thywissen GmbH Industriestrasse 34, 41460 NEUSS (Germany) Tel.: +49-(0)2131-26041 Fax: +49-(0)2131-2604220

69. Houweling Filling Industries B.V. Klappolder 104, 2665 LP BLEISWIJK (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)167-528458 Fax: +31-(0)167-528459

70. Unigrà SpA Industrie Grassi Via Gardizza 9/b,I- 48017 CONSELICE (RA) (Italy) Tel.: +39-(0)545-989573 Fax: +39-(0)545-980382

71. Unilever Supply Chain Company AG Div. URM, Spitalstrasse 5, CH-8200 SCHAFFHAUSEN (Switzerland) Tel.: +41-(0)526-315950 Fax: +41-(0)526-315949

72. Vandemoortele Lipids N.V. Moutstraat 64, B-9000 GENT (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)9-2424554 Fax: +32-(0)9-2424560

73. Varo Energy Netherlands B.V. P.O. Box 59083, 3008 PB ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2954770 Fax: +31-(0)10-2954771

74. B.V. Vereenigde Oliefabrieken v/h H. Spits & Zoon en H. de Haan & Zoon P.O. Box 1140, 3000 BC ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2868080 Fax: +31-(0)10-2862323

75. UCO Kampen B.V. Haatlandhaven 15, 8263 AS KAMPEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)38-3768010 Fax: +31-(0)38-3768019

76. Vegetable Oil S.A. Via A. Volta 16, 6830 CHIASSO (Switzerland) Tel.: +31-(0)38-3768010 Fax: +31-(0)38-3768019

77. Van der Kooy Pijnacker B.V. Postbus 140, 2640 AC PIJNACKER (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)88-3694240 Fax: +31-(0)162-446772

78. VPH B.V. Debussystraat 2, 3161 WD RHOON (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-5066600 Fax: +31-(0)10-5012819

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79. Van Wijk & Olthuis B.V. P.O. Box 28, 8250 AA DRONTEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)321-386417 Fax: +31-(0)321-386410

80. Wilmar Europe Trading B.V. Delftseplein 27G, 3013 AA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel: +31(0)10-2178895 Fax:+31(0)10-2178801

81. Zaanlandse Olieraffinaderij B.V. Kalf 11, 1509 AA ZAANDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)75-6557575 Fax: +31-(0)75-6171551

82. Vleesgroothandel Gebr. Zandbergen B.V. Industrieweg 66, 2382 NW ZOETERWOUDE (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)71-5815000 Fax: +31-(0)71-5815030

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1. AMICA N.V. Ernest van Dijckkaai 10, bus 7, B-2000 ANTWERP (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)3-2316262 Fax: +32-(0)3-2342759

2. Banjac Control Services B.V. P.O. Box 26, 3200 AA SPIJKENISSE (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)181-625139 Fax: +31-(0)181-622049

3. Botlek Tank Terminal B.V. P.O. Box 645, 3190 AN HOOGVLIET (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2310333 Fax: +31-(0)10-2310390

4. Dr. Buschmeyer B.V. Jan van Galenstraat 41, 3115 JG SCHIEDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)181-610255 Fax: +31-(0)181-610268

5. C-Control Kastanjelaan 18F, 2982 CM RIDDERKERK (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)180-412815 Fax: +31-(0)180-412845

6. Contitank B.V. Melasseweg 1, 9936 CX FARMSUM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)596-632599

7. Control Union Rotterdam B.V. P.O. Box 893, 3000 AW ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2823390 Fax: +31-(0)10-4123967

8. Dekker Tankopslag B.V. P.O. Box 3031, 2935 ZG OUDERKERK a/d IJSSEL (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)180-898550 Fax: +31-(0)180-898551

9. Ecotank B.V. Oostelijke Kanaalweg 22, 4424 NC WEMELDINGE (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)113-256699 Fax: +31-(0)113-622354 10. Eikelenboon European Food Transport B.V. Bongaertsweg 2, 4612 PL Bergen op Zoom (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)164-272789 Fax: +31-(0)164-164233

11. Eurofins | LabCo P.O. Box 510, 2990 AM BARENDRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)88-0831000 Fax: +31-(0)88-8310100

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12. Europac Control Services B.V. Maseratilaan 6B, 3261 NA OUD-BEIJERLAND (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)186-613325 Fax: +31-(0)186-612566

13. Flokstra Survey Bureau B.V. Bevelandsestraat 2, 3083 NA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4169496 Fax: +31-(0)10-4385594

14. H&S Group B.V. PO Box 116, 3770 AC BARNEVELD (Netherlands) Tel.: +31 (0)34-2426777 Fax: +31 (0)34-2426725

15. Inspectorate Netherlands B.V. Petroleumweg 30, 3196 KD ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31 (0)10-2313040

16. Intertek Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 575, 3190 AM HOOGVLIET ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4902702 Fax: +31-(0)10-4723168

17. T.E. Johnston & Co. (Holland) B.V. Vrijenburglaan 59, 2994 CD BARENDRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)180-649450 Fax: +31-(0)180-621975

18. Koole Tankstorage Pernis B.V. Tankhoofd 2, Harbour nr. 3250, 3196 KE VONDELINGENPLAAT ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4724558 Fax: +31-(0)10-4383800

19. Koole Tankstorage Zaandam B.V. Sluispolderweg 48, 1505 HK ZAANDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)75-6812810 Fax: +31-(0)75-6812811

20. Koole Tankstorage Amsterdam B.V. Kabelweg 57, 1014 BA AMSTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)20-5818188 Fax: +31-(0)20-5818181

21. Krudo HSC B.V. Tankweg 4-b, 3196 KG VONDELINGENPLAAT-ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4111940 Fax: +31-(0)10-4143831

22. Maaskade Bevrachters B.V. Maasboulevard 24-26, 3331 ML ZWIJNDRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)78-6820900 Fax: +31-(0)78-6820078

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23. Maastank B.V. 1e Welplaatdwarsweg 1-3, 3197 KT BOTLEK-ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4164477 Fax: +41-(0)10-4161849

24. Marlep Tanklogistik GmbH Albert-Einstein-Ring 21, 22761 HAMBURG (Germany) Tel.: +49 40380757470

25. NofaLab B.V. Jan van Galenstraat 41, 3115 JG SCHIEDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4279620 Fax: +31-(0)10-4279629

26. Navonus N.V. Voorhaven 14T, B-9000 Gent (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0) 3293452977 Fax: +32-(0) 3293303158 27. Nexo Shipbroking B.V. PO Box 23387, 3001 KJ ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31 (0)10-2617050 28. Noord Natie Terminals N.V. (Division Liquid Bulk Storage) Blauwe Weg 44, Harbour 227-241, B-2030 ANTWERP (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)3-5439935 Fax: +32-(0)3-5439938

29. Nutrilab B.V. P.O. Box 1, 4283 ZG GIESSEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)183-446400

30. Oil Tankterminal Brugge BVBA Kortemarkstraat 8, 8810 LICHTERVELDE (Belgium) Tel.: +32 3251591240 Fax: +31 3251591249

31. Oleofill B.V. Pioniersweg 51-53, 8251 KT DRONTEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0) 32-1318334

32. S.A. Oleotest N.V. Lage Weg 427, B-2660 ANTWERP (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)3-2160115 Fax: +32-(0)3-2387672

33. Rabobank International P.O. Box 17100, 3500 HG UTRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)30-2161801 Fax: +31-(0)30-2162767

34. Rio Y Mar Shipping BVBA Riemewegel 138, B-9940 EVERGEM (Belgium) Tel.:+32-(0)9-3440290 Fax: +32-(0)9-3430683

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35. Romij Nederland B.V. Koningin Wilhelminakade 17-20, 3134 KE VLAARDINGEN (Netherlands) Tel.:+31-(0)76-3031222 Fax: +31-(0)76-3031200

36. R.M.I. Food Logistics B.V. Postbus 100, 3190 AC HOOGVLIET (Netherlands) Tel.:+31-(0)10-2831100 Fax: +31-(0)10-2830496

37. RVB Shipbrokers B.V. 35th floor, Wilhelminakade 1, 3072 AP ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-5066000

38. Saybolt Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 151, 3000 AD ROTTERDAM BOTLEK (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4609273 Fax: +31-(0)10-4609960

39. Schutter Rotterdam B.V. P.O. Box 23029, 3001 KA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2582700 Fax: +31-(0)10-4585042

40. SEA-Tank Terminal N.V. Skaldenstraat 1, B-9042 GENT (Belgium) Tel.: +32-9-2550211 Fax: +32-9-2590894

41. SGS Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 90250, 1006 BG AMSTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)20-4487700 Fax: +31-(0)20-6149084

42. Standic B.V. P.O. Box 600, 3300 AP DORDRECHT (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)78-6528645 Fax: +31-(0)23-6528628

43. Tankstorage Amsterdam B.V. P.O. Box 107, 1160 AC ZWANENBURG (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)23-5551755 Fax: +31-(0)23-5551931

44. Tanktransport Thys N.V. Eugeen Meeusstraat 116, B-2170 MERKSEM (Belgium) Tel.: +32 36801935 Fax: +32 36801935

45. T.L.R. Technical Laboratory Rotterdam B.V. P.O. Box 91244, 3007 ME ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-2823292 Fax: +31-(0)10-2823273

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46. Trans Ocean Bulk Logistics B.V. P.O. Box 9230, 3007 AE ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31 (0)10-2175943 Fax: +31 (0)10-2175949

47. Dr. A. Verwey B.V. P.O. Box 6003, 3002 AA ROTTERDAM (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4761055 Fax: +31-(0)10-4761642

48. Vopak Terminal Vlaardingen B.V. P.O. Box 28, 3130 AA VLAARDINGEN (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)10-4608899 Fax: +31-(0)10-4604199

49. WCB International B.V. P.O. Box 300, 4730 AH OUDENBOSCH (Netherlands) Tel.: +31-(0)165-313988 Fax: +31-(0)165-320733

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GUIDELINES FOR THE FORMATION OF THE COUNCIL 1. In case the Council consists of 10 members the following categories should preferably be represented:

shippers - 1 dealers - 1 brokers - 1 industry crush/refining - 2 industry consumer - 1 Industry tropical oils/refiners - 1 Industry oleochemical/bio diesel - 1 meat trade - 1 groundnut division - 1

2. Kindred Associations, being a member-A, may appoint their President to the Council, after obtaining prior approval of the Council.

3. Members of the Council must resign after a period of 8 years and may only be re-elected after a period of 2 years. For members of the Executive Council, the election period terminates after a full service.

4. Preferably, the President will be elected for a period of 2 years alternating from the list of industrial members and other categories with the exception of those mentioned under 2.

5. Preferably, the Vice-President will be elected for 2 years and directly succeed the President for the subsequent 2 years.

6. The outgoing President will preferably be nominated as 3rd member of the Executive Council for 2 years.

7. Council members who, for any reason, resign during their appointment, may propose a successor from the same category. The elected successor starts a new two years election period with a maximum of 8 years.

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ORDER OF ROTATION OF THE COUNCILOrder of Rotation of Council members

April 2016 E. Schimmel re-eligible April 2017 F.H.C. Jansen re-eligible Mrs. A. Keemink re-eligible H. Omvlee re-eligible R. van der Graaf re-eligible A. Toorman re-eligible D. Stregels re-eligible J.H. Neet not re-eligibleApril 2018 E. Schimmel re-eligibleApril 2019 F.H.C. Jansen not re-eligible Mrs. A. Keemink re-eligible H. Omvlee re-eligible R. van der Graaf re-eligible A. Toorman re-eligible D. Stregels re-eligibleApril 2020 E. Schimmel not re-eligibleApril 2021 Mrs. A. Keemink re-eligible D. Stregels re-eligible R. van der Graaf re-eligible H. Omvlee re-eligible A. Toorman re-eligible

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2. Being minimum 30 years of age.

3. Having at least 8 years of experience in a qualified position.

4. Being a member or being employed by a member, or having been appointed by a member-A, or having been coopted by the Council. 5. Retirement as arbitrator three years after retirement from the trade/industry or at 65, whichever is the earlier.

6. After having been arbitrator in three arbitrations, an arbitrator can become an appeal arbitrator too.

7. Prospective arbitrators will first follow at least one arbitration as an observer.

LIST OF ARBITRAL AWARDS 2015In the year under review 3 arbitration proceedings were applied for and in one case a foreign party was concerned. One of the arbitrations concerned a dispute under a Meat contract. One arbitration concerned an appeal arbitration.

During 2015, 3 arbitral awards were issued.

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OILS, FATS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS DIVISIONList of arbitrators as per January 2016

Arbitrators with an “M” behind their names are exclusively or also casings and/or meatExperts, arbitrators with an “A” are also appeal arbitrator.

1. P.H. Bolomey A Nidera B.V. P.O. Box 676, 3000 AR ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4301911 Fax: +31-(0)10-4130338 e-mail: [email protected] 2. F.A. Byvoet M/A F. Byvoet International B.V. WTC, Strawinskylaan 1023, 1077 XX AMSTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)20-6648991 Fax: +31-(0)20-6647141 e-mail: [email protected]

3. R.M.J. van Doorn M Meat Import Zandbergen Brothers BV Industrieweg 66, 2382 NW ZOETERWOUDE Tel.: +31-(0)71-5815016 Mobile: +31-(0)6-55870807 e-mail: [email protected]

4. R.M. Dreijer M/A Groenveld Vlees b.v. Schillingweg 30, 2153 PL NIEUW VENNEP Tel.: +31-(0)252-621121 Fax: +31-(0)252-675512 e-mail: [email protected]

5. T. Eigenraam A B.V. Remia Handelmij Dolderseweg 107, 3734 BE DEN DOLDER Tel.: +31-(0)30-2297780 Fax: +31-(0)30-2297787 e-mail: [email protected]

6. T.J. van Gelder A B.V. Olie- en Vetbedrijf “Olivet” v/h H.J. Otten Albrandswaardsedijk 34, 3171 TH POORTUGAAL Tel.: +31-(0)10-5017111 Fax: +31-(0)10-5015525 e-mail: [email protected]

7. S. Haagsma A Siebe Haagsma GmbH Salierstrasse 28 40668 MEERBUSCH, Germany Tel.: + 49 21507079066 8. A.J.F. Hoek A Adriaan Volkersingel 5 3361 HA SLIEDRECHT Tel.: +31-(0)184-412557 e-mail: [email protected]

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9. A.D.N. Hoek A AMICA N.V. Ernest van Dijckkaai 10, bus 7, B-2000 ANTWERPEN (B) Tel.: +32-(0)3-2316262 Fax: +32-(0)3-2342759 e-mail: [email protected]

10. S. Hoogerwerf A Storimpex Commodities B.V. p/a Geerweg 56 2461 EB TER AAR Tel.: +31-(0)172-492050 Fax: +31-(0)172-498020 e-mail: [email protected]

11. C. Hulleman A Fazantberg 10, 4708 CK ROOSENDAAL Tel.: +31-(0)165-554624 Mobile: +31-(0)6-25009644 e-mail: [email protected] 12. F.H.C. Jansen A Unilever Supply Chain Company AG P.O. Box 2050 3000 CB ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4395900 Fax: +31-(0)10-4395930 e-mail: [email protected]

13. H. de Jonge IOI Loders Croklaan B.V. P.O. Box 4, 1520 AA WORMERVEER Tel.: +31-(0)75-6292911 Fax: +31-(0)75-6292827 e-mail: [email protected] 14. H.A. Kant A ADM International Sàrl c/o A One Business Center La Pièce 3 1180 ROLLE, Switzerland Tel: +41 21 702 8055 Mobile +41 798 209 580 e-mail: [email protected]

15. Mrs. A.C. Keemink ADM Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 1105, 3180 AC ROZENBURG (ZH) Tel. : +31-(0)181-257200 Fax : +31-(0)181-262831 e-mail: [email protected]

16. W.R. van Kempen Nidera B.V. P.O. Box 676, 3000 AR ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4301911 Fax: +31-(0)10-4130338 e-mail: [email protected]

17. T. de Man M/A T. de Man Vleesimport C.V. Rijksstraatweg 254, 3223 KE HELLEVOETSLUIS Tel.: +31-(0)181-315767 e-mail: [email protected]

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18. M.M. Meijer M/A M & M Meat International B.V. Heijbergstraat 9, 3055 PP ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4613777 Fax: +31-(0)10-4181536 e-mail: [email protected]

19. J.H. Neet A Fa. VOF L. Hendrix P.O. Box 123, 2950 AC ALBLASSERDAM Tel: +31-(0)78-6916111 Fax +31-(0)78-6917638 e-mail: [email protected]

20. G. Neureiter Agrioil B.V. Ungerplein 2, Flat 15, 3033 BR ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4675566 Fax: +31-(0)10-4652515 e-mail: [email protected]

21. M. Osseweijer A Wilmar Europe Trading B.V. Central Post - Entrance West - 7th Floor Delftseplein 27G 3013 AA ROTTERDAM Tel: +31-(0)10-217 8895 Mobile: +31(0)6-24159965 e-mail: [email protected]

22. Mrs. S. Oudshoorn Unilever Supply Chain Company AG P.O. Box 2050 3000 CB ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4395956 Fax: +31-(0)10-4395930 e-mail: [email protected] 23. H.T.J. Postema A Fa. VOF L. Hendrix P.O. Box 123, 2950 AC ALBLASSERDAM Tel: +31-(0)78-6916111 Fax +31-(0)78-6917638 e-mail: [email protected] 24. E. Schimmel A Nidera B.V. P.O. Box 676, 3000 AR ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4301911 Fax: +31-(0)10-4130338 e-mail: [email protected] 25. L. Snijders A Agrioil B.V. Ungerplein 2 (Flat 15), 3033 BR ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4675566 Fax: +31-(0)10-4652515 e-mail: [email protected]

26. J.P. Spierenburg A B.V. Vereenigde Oliefabrieken v/h H. Spits & Zoon en H. de Haan & Zoon P.O. Box 1140, 3000 BC ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-2868080 Fax: +31-(0)10-2862320 e-mail: [email protected]

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27. Mrs. C.A. Street ADM Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 1105, 3180 AC ROZENBURG (ZH) Tel. : +31-(0)181-257200 Fax : +31-(0)181-262831 e-mail: [email protected]

28. Mrs. W. Tang IOI Loders Croklaan Hogeweg 1, 1521 AZ WORMERVEER Tel.: +31-(0)75-6292224 Mobile: +31-(0)6 52086819 e-mail: [email protected]

29. J. Vereecke A Karel Ledeganckstraat 27 B-8560 WEVELGEM (B) Tel: +32-56402414 Mobile: +32-477669010 e-mail: [email protected]

30. H. Vermeulen A AMICA N.V. Ernest van Dijckkaai 10, bus 7, B-2000 ANTWERPEN (B) Tel.: +32-(0)3-2316262 Fax: +32-(0)3-2342759 e-mail: [email protected]

31. F.L. ter Voorde A Schiekade 634 3032 AK ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4655755 e-mail: [email protected]

32. C.G.V. Wendt M Van Ruiten Meattrading B.V. P.O. Box 424, 7300 AK APELDOORN Tel.: +31-(0)55-3554544 Fax: +31-(0)55-3557473 e-mail: [email protected]

33. J.C.A. Windhouwer Nidera B.V. P.O. Box 676, 3000 AR ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4301763 Fax: +31-(0)10-4130338 e-mail: [email protected]

34. L. Margaka Wilmar Europe Trading B.V. Central Post - Entrance West - 7th Floor Delftseplein 27G 3013 AA ROTTERDAM Tel: +31-(0)10-217 8895 e-mail: [email protected]

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List of appealarbitrators as per January 2016

Trade: Producers: P.H. Bolomey H. EnsingA.J.F. HoekE. SchimmelJ.P. SpierenburgA.D.N. HoekH. VermeulenT.E.J. van GelderF.L. ter Voorde

Brokers: Meat Section:J.H. NeetH.T.J. PostemaL. SnijdersS. Haagsma

T. EigenraamF.J.Th. FalkeS. HaagsmaS. HoogerwerfC. HullemanF.H.C. JansenH.A. KantM. OsseweijerJ. Vereecke

F.A. ByvoetR.M. DreijerT. de ManT.D. van der PloegC. Wendt

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GROUNDNUTS DIVISIONList of arbitrators and appealarbitrators as per January 2016

A= appeal arbitrator 1. H. Driesens A Amberwood Trading Rotterdam B.V. Veerkade 9c, 3016 DE ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-2653155 Fax: +31-(0)10-2653233 e-mail: [email protected]

2. G.B. Franssen A Pro_Nut B.V. Nijverheidslaan 1E, 1382 LE WEESP Tel.: +31 (0)294-484943 Fax: +31 (0)294-482918 e-mail: [email protected]

3. M.H. Gerrits A Gerrits Accountants & Adviseurs Westplein 11, 3016 BM ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31 (0)10 2731764 e-mail: [email protected] 4. H. Jas A Jas Trading B.V. P.O. Box 404, 1180 AK AMSTELVEEN Tel.: +31-(0)20-6436412 Fax: +31-(0)20-6432127 e-mail: [email protected]

5. N.C. Klinkenberg Pro_Nut B.V. Nijverheidslaan 1E, 1382 LE WEESP Tel.: +31 (0)294-484943 Fax: +31 (0)294-482918 e-mail: [email protected]

6. B. Noorland A Amberwood Trading Rotterdam B.V. Veerkade 9c, 3016 DE ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-2653155 Fax: +31-(0)10-2653233 e-mail: [email protected]

7. J.W. Ort A Olam International P.O. Box 29051, 3001 GB ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4044028 Fax: +31-(0)10-4044010 e-mail: [email protected]

8. P. van Otterloo A Snack Connection Expeditiestraat 1, 4283 JE GIESSEN Tel.: +31-(0)183-449745 Mobile: +31-(0)6-53226046 e-mail: [email protected]

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9. M. van der Pijll A Natsupply B.V. Jan Ligthartstraat 57, 2941 GN LEKKERKERK Tel.: +31 (0)18-0744451 e-mail: [email protected]

10. P.C. Stienen Bredabest B.V. P.O. Box 31, 4940 AA RAAMSDONKSVEER Tel.: +31-(0)162-570907 Fax: +31-(0)162-570908 e-mail: [email protected]

11. J.P. Van Velzen A Aldebaran Commodities B.V. Maasstraat 17, 3016 DB ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4364937 Fax: +31-(0)10-4364865 e-mail: [email protected]

12. H. Vermeulen A AMICA N.V. Ernest van Dijckkaai 10, bus 7, B-2000 ANTWERPEN (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)3-2316262 Fax: +32-(0)3-2342759 e-mail: [email protected] 13. E.J.R. de Wijs Pro_Nut B.V. Nijverheidslaan 1E, 1382 LE WEESP Tel.: +31-(0)294-484943 Fax: +31-(0)294-482918 e-mail: [email protected]

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CONTRACTS in force on 1st January 2016

No. Type Issued Dutch version

English version

NOFOTA Trading Rules 2014/2015 Oils and Fats 01-01-2014 - xRules for Arbitration of the Groundnuts Division

Groundnuts 01-01-2000 - x

15 General Contract for the Trade in Meat Meat 01-01-1996 x x18 General Contract for the Trade in Edible

Groundnuts, C.I.F./C. & F.-conditionsGroundnuts 01-06-1974 - x 12)14)34)

20 General Contract for the Trade in Edible Groundnuts, Spot Conditions/Free on truck/ Free Delivered

Groundnuts 01-01-2000 - x

26 Contract for the Trade in Meat and Sl-aughter-House Products, chilled or frozen, Spotcontract/Free Delivered

Meat 01-01-1996 x x

27 Contract for the Trade in Meat and Offals, chilled or frozen, F.A.S./F.O.B./C.& F.-terms

Meat 01-01-1996 x x

The numbers 12), 14) and 34) refer to the amendment slips which are part of the concerning contract.

12) with amended clause Non-Working Hours and Business Days, effective from 1st May 1983

14) with International Conventions Clause effective from 1st January 1992

34) with amended clause Arbitration, for Contract nos. 18 and 20, effective from 1st November 1985

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1. The tank storage company shall not be engaged in any way in the trade of products typical the domain of NOFOTA and guarantees to operate fully independently from any other company in fulfilling its obligations under the NOFOTA Trading Rules.

Financial situation

2. The tank storage company’s warrants, delivery orders and approved releases shall be those reproduced in the NOFOTA Trading Rules, latest edition. Its warrants and delivery orders shall be acceptable to a first class commercial bank as negotiable documents.

General conditions/Insurance

3a. All activities of the tank storage company shall be subject to its general conditions valid on the date of the activity and deposited either with the relevant District Court or with the relevant Chamber of Commerce.

3b. The tank storage company shall cover its liability insurance with first class underwriters as appropriate to the services performed.


4a. The tank storage company shall be equipped to render the contractual administrative assistance to the trade as provided in the current edition of the NOFOTA Trading Rules. This includes the availability of an administrative batch tracking and tracing system enabling its principals and cargo-owners/-receivers to retrieve the full history of their cargoes from the moment these were brought under the custody of the tank storage company.

4b. The tank storage company shall have facilities to allow for administrative work in connection with requirements from fiscal authorities, including financial security with those authorities.


5a. All materials and equipment (tanks, lines, pipes, pumps and valves, including sampling apparatus etc.) shall be suitable for the safe storage and handling of the product in accordance with the “Hygienecode voor op- en overslag van eetbare oliën en vetten” (Hygiene code for rage and handling of edible oils and fats), latest version VOTOB, or equivalent for those installations outside The Netherlands, applicable on the date of the activity.

5b. The previous cargoes in the tanks, lines and pump systems used for storage and handling of the oils at the tank storage company shall have been a product in accordance with the E.U. Commission regulation 579/2014 or any successive Directive in force at the time of the actual storage of the goods; all materials and equipment (tanks, lines, pipes, pumps and valves, including sampling apparatus etc.) used for storage and handling of other products shall be completely separated.

5c. Tanks shall be equipped in such a way that they can be cleaned properly and that, if required, the product can be heated adequately by a proper temperature control system.

5d. Technical equipment and operational procedures shall be such as to preserve the good merchantable quality of the product and to prevent contamination. Thermal heating oils shall not be used.

5e. The tank storage company shall have available officially gauged/calibrated facilities for establishing quantity and shall offer adequate sampling facilities.

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6. The tank storage company shall be certified for its operations in accordance with ISO 9001 in combination with HACCP or ISO 9001 in combination with ISO22000.This implies that the tank storage company shall operate with fully qualified staff and/or contractors at the highest standard customary in the country of operation and provide structural training facilities to its staff members for continuous improvement of its level of service and operations.


7a. A tank storage company applying for NOFOTA recognition shall be a member of the Association.

7b. NOFOTA recognition shall be subject to an audit by a committee (excluding representatives of the tank storage companies) to be appointed by the NOFOTA Technical committee and will be granted recognition upon proposal of the Technical committee by the NOFOTA Council for a 3 year period.

7c. If prior to the end of the third respectively each following year no new audit is deemed necessary by the NOFOTA Technical committee, they will propose to the NOFOTA Council to automatically extend the recognition for another year. The NOFOTA Council will decide upon this proposal.

7d. The recognition may be withdrawn at any time by the NOFOTA Council at its discretion. The recognition remains in place for all parcels stored prior to the date of withdrawal. Parcels stored after the withdrawal has been published to the members are no longer subject to recognition.


8. Any liability of NOFOTA for or resulting from the (non-) recognition of a tank storage company is excluded.

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RECOGNIZED TANKSTORAGE COMPANIES AS PER 1 JANUARY 2016Based on the criteria for Recognized Tankstorage Companies of NOFOTA and the results of the audits and the recommendations of the Audit Committee the following tankstorage companies are recognized by NOFOTA.

1. Botlek Tank Terminal B.V. Montrealweg 151, 3197 KH ROTTERDAM / BOTLEK Havennummer 4260 P.O. Box 645, 3190 AN HOOGVLIET Tel.: +31-(0)10-2310333 Fax: +31-(0)10-2310390 e-mail: [email protected]

2. Dekker Tankopslag B.V. IJsseldijk West 66, 2935 AR OUDERKERK a/d IJSSEL Tel.: +31-(0)180-898550 Fax: +31-(0)180-898551 e-mail: [email protected]

3. Koole Tankstorage Nijmegen B.V. Nijverheidsweg 96, 6541 CN NIJMEGEN Tel.: +31-(0)24-3727150 Fax: +31-(0)24-3727151 e-mail: [email protected]

4. Koole Tankstorage Pernis B.V. Tankhoofd 2, 3196 KE VONDELINGENPLAAT ROTTERDAM Havennummer 3250 Tel.: +31-(0)10-4724500 Fax: +31-(0)10-4383800 e-mail: [email protected]

5. Koole Tankstorage Zaandam B.V. Sluispolderweg 48, 1505 HK ZAANDAM Tel.: +31-(0)75-6812810 Fax: +31-(0)75-6812811 e-mail: [email protected]

6. Maastank International B.V. 1e Welplaatdwarsweg 1-3, 3197 KT ROTTERDAM Havennummer 4135, P.O. Box 639, 3190 AN HOOGVLIET Tel.: +31-(0)10-4164477 Fax: +31-(0)10-4161849 e-mail: [email protected]

7. SEA-Tank Terminal N.V. Henri Farmanstraat 25b, 9000 GHENT (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)9-2555666 Fax: +32-(0)9-2555660 e-mail: [email protected]

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8. Vopak Terminal Vlaardingen B.V. Kon. Wilhelminahaven ZOZ 1, 3134 KH VLAARDINGEN P.O. Box 28, 3130 AA VLAARDINGEN Tel.: +31-(0)10-4608899 Fax: +31-(0)10-4604199 e-mail: [email protected]

9. Koole Tankstorage Amsterdam B.V. Kabelweg 57, 1014 BA AMSTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)20-5818180 Fax: +31-(0)20-5818181

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1. The superintendent company shall not be engaged in any way in the trade of products typical the domain of NOFOTA and guarantees to operate fully independently from any other company in executing its activities under the NOFOTA Trading Rules. In case of one or more sister companies with other activities in the domain of NOFOTA (e.g. laboratory) these companies shall operate fully independently from the superintendence activities.

General conditions/Insurance

2. All activities of the superintendent company shall be subject to its general conditions valid on the date of the activity and deposited either with the relevant District Court or with the relevant Chamber of Commerce.

3. The superintendent company shall cover its Liability Insurance with first class underwriters as appropriate to the services performed.


4. The superintendent company shall operate professionally in executing its activities within the trade of products typical the domain of NOFOTA. Subject to the Principal’s agreement, sub-contracting shall only be allowed to another NOFOTA recognized superintendent company.

5. The superintendent company shall comply with the “FOSFA Code of Practice for Member Superintendents” (latest version), the ISO 5555:2001 for sampling of animal and vegetable oils and fats and with the applicable legal requirements

6. The superintendent company shall have relevant knowledge of the NOFOTA Trading Rules as well as of relevant local and international law and regulations.

7. The superintendent company shall be capable of offering a 24-hours service including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.


8. The superintendent company shall be certified for all its operations in accordance with the latest relevant ISO standard or equivalent. This implies that the superintendent company shall operate with fully qualified staff and/or contractors at the highest standard customary in the country of operation and provide structural training facilities to its staff members for continuous improvement of its level of service and operations. Application/duration/extension

9. A superintendent company applying for NOFOTA recognition shall be a member of the Association.

10. NOFOTA recognition shall be subject to an audit by a committee (excluding representatives of the superintendent companies) to be appointed by the NOFOTA Technical committee and will be granted upon proposal of the Technical committee by the NOFOTA Council for a 3 year period.

11. If prior to the end of the third respectively each following year no new audit is deemed necessary by the NOFOTA Technical committee, they will propose to the NOFOTA Council to automatically extend the recognition for another year. The NOFOTA Council will decide upon this proposal.

12. The recognition may be withdrawn at any time by the NOFOTA Council at its discretion.

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13. Any liability of NOFOTA for or resulting from the (non-) recognition of a superintendent company is excluded.

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RECOGNIZED SUPERINTENDENT COMPANIES AS PER 1 JANUARY 2016Based on the criteria for Recognized Superintendent Companies of NOFOTA and the results of the audits and the recommendations of the Audit Committee, the following superintendent companies are recognized by NOFOTA.

1 Dr. Buschmeyer B.V. Jan van Galenstraat 41, 3115 JG SCHIEDAM Tel.: +31-(0)181-610255 Fax: +31-(0)181-610268 e-mail: [email protected]

2 C-Control Kastanjelaan 18F, 2982 CM RIDDERKERK Tel.: +31-(0)180-412815 Fax: +31-(0)180-412845 e-mail: [email protected] 3 Control Union Rotterdam B.V. Boompjes 270, 3011 XZ ROTTERDAM P.O. Box 893, 3000 AW ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-2823338 Fax: +31-(0)10-4123967 e-mail: [email protected]

4 Flokstra Survey Bureau B.V. Bevelandsestraat 2, 3083 NA ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4169496 Fax: +31-(0)10-4385594 e-mail: [email protected]

5 Intertek Nederland B.V. Leerlooierstraat 135, 3194 AB HOOGVLIET-ROTTERDAM P.O. Box 575, 3190 AM HOOGVLIET-ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4902702 Fax: +31-(0)10-4723225 e-mail: [email protected]

6 Krudo HSC B.V. Tankweg 4-b, 3196 KG VONDELINGENPLAAT-ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4111940 Fax: +31-(0)10-4143831 e-mail: [email protected]

7. Schutter Rotterdam B.V. Kralingseweg 219-223, 3062 CE ROTTERDAM P.O. Box 23029, 3001 KA ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-2582700 Fax: +31-(0)10-4585042 e-mail: [email protected]

8. SGS Nederland B.V. Inspection Services, Agri Department Malledijk 18, 3208 LA SPIJKENISSE P.O. Box 200, 3200 AE SPIJKENISSE Tel.: +31-(0)181-693333 Fax: +31-(0)181-693571 e-mail: [email protected]

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9. WCB International B.V. Strijmondlaan 78, 4731 LV OUDENBOSCH P.O. Box 300, 4730 AH OUDENBOSCH Tel.: +31-(0)165-313988 Fax: +31-(0)165-320733 e-mail: [email protected]

10. Saybolt Nederland B.V. Oude Maasweg 6, 3197 KJ ROTTERDAM (Botlek) Tel.: +31(0)10 2582700 Fax.:+31(0)10 4423532 e-mail: [email protected]

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1. The laboratory shall not be engaged in any way in the trade of products typical the domain of NOFOTA and guarantees to operate fully independently from any other company in executing its activities under the NOFOTA Trading Rules. In case of one or more sister companies with other activities in the domain of NOFOTA (e.g. superintendence), these companies shall operate fully independently from the laboratory activities.

General conditions/Insurance

2. All activities of the laboratory shall be subject to its general conditions valid on the date of the activity and deposited either with the relevant District Court or with the relevant Chamber of Commerce.

3. The laboratory shall cover its liability Insurance with first class underwriters as appropriate to the services performed.


4. The laboratory shall operate professionally in executing its activities within the trade of products typical the domain of NOFOTA. Analyses for which instructions have been given by a client shall be made by the laboratory instructed. Subject to the Principal’s agreement subcontracting of standard analysis shall only be allowed to another NOFOTA recognized laboratory.

5. The laboratory shall have relevant knowledge of the NOFOTA Trading Rules as well as of relevant local and international law and regulations.

6. Methods of analyses shall be documented and valid. If analyses are done in connection with the NOFOTA Trading Rules or any contract incorporating NOFOTA Arbitration, the laboratories shall use the NOFOTA Standards of Analyses. If no NOFOTA Standard of Analyses is available, the laboratory at least shall demonstrate that the method of analysis is suitable to determine the desired analyses or properties in a reliable and accurate way (including method validation and accreditation).

7. The laboratory shall have all necessary equipment to perform the analyses as mentioned under item 6. Equipment shall be appropriate, correctly sited, adequately maintained and calibrated on a regular basis in accordance with good operational practice. Any equipment deficiency or failure shall be recorded and reported, so that appropriate corrective action can be taken.

8. When primary reference standards are not available, the laboratory can develop and perform tests and assays on a control sample to establish it as suitable for an intended analysis. Care shall be exercised with the package, storage & handling of the reference materials to prevent deterioration.

9. Control of purified water, reagents and volumetric glassware used in testing is essential to obtain reliable and accurate results. Chemical reagents, solvents and gases shall be of reagent grade. All reagent containers shall bear the original label, or, as a minimum the name of the reagent, date of receipt or preparation, strength, shelf life and preparer.

10a. Samples shall be registered in such a way that they are easily traceable. Contractual samples shall be properly labelled and sealed. Labels shall bear the relevant information for identification of the sample. This information shall be clearly legible and indelible.

10b. Before starting analysis the laboratory shall check that samples received are suitable to perform the required analysis.

10c. Reporting of the analysis results to the client shall be done in writing (by means of an original certificate of the laboratory with an authorized signature) within a reasonable time.

Certification and Quality Assurance

11. The laboratory shall be certified for its general operations in accordance with the latest version of ISO 17025.

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This implies:

• that the laboratory shall operate with fully qualified staff at the highest standard customary in the country of operation and provide structural training facilities to its staff members for continuous improvement of its level of service and operations.

• that, in order to ensure a high quality of the analytical results, laboratories shall set up sufficiently effective control systems. Where appropriate the results of line controls shall be noted on control charts and a corrective action procedure shall be implemented for non-conforming analyses results.

• that procedures shall be documented, effective and in place. Each laboratory operating under a quality assurance system shall have a manual that documents standard operating procedures. The manual shall contain written documents that identify the organisation, objectives, functional activities and specific quality assurance activities designed to achieve the quality goals desired for the operation of the laboratory.

• that the laboratory shall periodically conduct internal audits including reproducibility tests to verify that tests and analyses continually comply with the requirements of the quality system.

• All documents and records have to be stored and retained properly, for an agreed period, to prevent damage and /or loss.

Types of recognition/application/duration/extension

12. The NOFOTA recognition scheme for laboratories consists of a standard recognition, relating to the standard contractual analyses such as: FFA, moisture, impurities, phosphorus, sediment, colour, titre, saponifiability, flash point and density (conventional mass per volume – “liter weight in air”).

13. A laboratory applying for and operating under NOFOTA recognition shall be a member of the Association.

14. The laboratory shall participate in the yearly organized ring test. In order to judge laboratories on their correctness and repeatability in standard and specific analyses, NOFOTA has decided to align to the yearly FOSFA Proficiency Test for the Oils and Fats section, under the condition that the results of the Profiency Test for the NOFOTA laboratories are made available to NOFOTA. NOFOTA can decide to replace the aforementioned yearly ring test by a blind ring test or an additional ring test organized by NOFOTA.

NOFOTA can decide to replace the aforementioned yearly blind ring test by the blind ring test organized by FOSFA under the condition that the results of this ring test shall be made available to NOFOTA.

15. NOFOTA recognition shall be subject to an audit by a committee (excluding representatives of the laboratories) to be appointed by the NOFOTA Technical committee and will be granted upon proposal of the Technical committee by the NOFOTA Council for a 3 year period.

16. If prior to the end of the third respectively each following year no new audit is deemed necessary by the NOFOTA Technical committee, they will propose to the NOFOTA Council to automatically extend the recognition for another year. The NOFOTA Council will decide upon this proposal.

17. The recognition may be withdrawn at any time by the NOFOTA Council at its discretion.


18. Any liability of NOFOTA for or resulting from the (non-) recognition of a laboratory is excluded.

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RECOGNIZED LABORATORIES AS PER 1 JANUARY 20161. Eurofins | LabCo Bijdorpplein 21-23, 2992 LB BARENDRECHT P.O. Box 510, 2990 AM BARENDRECHT Tel.: +31-(0)88-8310000 Fax: +31-(0)88-8310100 e-mail: [email protected]

2. NofaLab B.V. Jan van Galenstraat 41, 3115 JG SCHIEDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4279620 Fax: +31-(0)10-4279629 e-mail: [email protected]

3. S.A. Oleotest N.V. Lage weg 427, B-2660 ANTWERP, Belgium Tel.: +32-(0)3-2160115 Fax: +32-(0)3-2387672 e-mail: [email protected]

4. SGS Nederland B.V. (CTS/Agri Food Laboratory B.V.) Malledijk 18, 3208 LA SPIJKENISSE P.O. Box 200, 3200 AE SPIJKENISSE Tel.: +31-(0)181-693333 Fax: +31-(0)181-693571 e-mail: [email protected]

5. T.L.R. Technical Laboratory Rotterdam B.V. Bankwerkerstraat 16, 3077 MB ROTTERDAM P.O. Box 91244, 3007 ME ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-2823292 Fax: +31-(0)10-2823273 e-mail: [email protected]

6. Dr. A. Verwey B.V. Coolhaven 32, 3024 AC ROTTERDAM P.O. Box 6003, 3002 AA ROTTERDAM Tel.: +31-(0)10-4761055 Fax: +31-(0)10-4761642 e-mail: [email protected]

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STANDARDS OF ANALYSIS AS PER JANUARY 2016The Standards of Analysis of NOFOTA are aligned to the “FOSFA Mandatory Contractual Analysis Methods for Full Analyst Members: Oils, Fats, Technical Tallows and Greases ”latest version, applicable on the date of the activity.

TEST NO DETERMINATION METHOD OF ANALYSIS1 Determination of Lovibond colour ISO 15305:19982 Flashpoint limit test using Pensky-Martens closed cup flash

tester ISO 15267:1998

3 Determination of free fatty acid content ISO 660:20094 Determination of insoluble impurities content ISO 663:20075 Determination of iodine value ISO 3961:20136 Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre weight in

air)ISO 6883:2007

7 Determination of melting point in open capillary tubes (slip point)

ISO 6321:2002

8 Determination of moisture and volatile matter content ISO 662:19989 Determination of peroxide value ─ Iodometric (visual) endpoint

determinationISO 3960:2007

10 Determination of acid value and acidity ISO 660:200911 Determination of ash ISO 6884:200812 Determination of carotene in vegetable oils ISO 17932:201113 Cold Test AOCS Cc 11-53 200914 Determination of sea water contamination in oils FOSFA Method:201015 Determination of copper. Colorimetric method (Reference

method)BS 684-2.16:1976

16 Determination of erucic acid content (Total C22 monoenes) ISO 12966-4: 201517 Determination of visible foots in crude fats and oils ISO 19219:200218 Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids ISO 12966-2:2011 or ISO 12966-

3:200919 Analysis by gas chromatography of methyl esters of fatty acids ISO 12966-4: 201520 Determination of iron. Colorimetric method (Reference me-

thod)BS 684-2.17:1976

21 Determination of Chlorophyll Pigments in Crude Vegetable Oils AOCS Cc 13i-96 200922 Determination of phosphorus content ─ Part 1: Colorimetric

method (Reference method)ISO 10540-1:2003

23 Determination of refractive index ISO 6320:2000/Cor 1:2006

24 Determination of saponification value ISO 3657:201325 Determination of alkalinity ISO 10539:200226 Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as specific

UV extinctionISO 3656:2011

27 Calculation of total fatty matter BS 684-2.4:197628 Determination of unsaponifiable matter ─ Method using diethyl

ether extraction (Reference method)ISO 3596:2000

29 Determination of water content ─ Entrainment method ISO 934:1980

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30 Determination of water content ─ Karl Fischer method (pyridi-ne free)

ISO 8534:2008

31 Determination of bleachability a. General Case BS 684-2.27:198732 Determination of bleachability b. Bleach Test for Palm Oil BS 684-2.27:198733 Determination of cadmium content by direct graphite furnace

atomic absorption spectrometryISO 15774:2000

34 Determination of cloud point BS 684-1.5:1987/Amd:1989

35 Color - FAC Standard Color AOCS Cc 13a-43 200936 Color - Wesson Method Using Color Glasses Calibrated in

Accordance with the AOCS-Tintometer Color ScaleAOCS Cc 13b-45 2009

37 Color - Gardner 1963 (Glass Standards) AOCS Td 1a-64 200938 Determination of copper, iron and nickel contents ─ Graphite

furnace atomic absorption methodISO 8294:1994

39 Evaluation of technical tallows and animal greases BS 3919:1987/Amd:1989

40 Determination of oxidized fatty acids BS 684-2.12:198441 Determination of oxidative stability (accelerated oxidation test)

Rancimat or equivalentISO 6886:2006

42 Determination of phosphorus content ─ Part 2: Method using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

ISO 10540-2:2003

43 Determination of phosphorus content ─ Part 3: Method using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) optical emission spectrosco-py

ISO 10540-3:2002

44 Determination of content of polar compounds ISO 8420:2002/Cor 1:2004

45 Phosphoric acid test ISO 150:200646 Determination of polyethylene-type polymers ISO 6656:200247 Refined and Bleached Colour AOCS Cc 8d-55 200948 Determination of smoke point BS 684-1.8:197649 Determination of solid fat content by pulsed NMR ─ Part 1:

Direct methodISO 8292-1:2008

50 Determination of solid fat content by pulsed NMR ─ Part 2: Indirect method

ISO 8292-2:2008

51 Determination of individual and total sterols contents ─ Gas chromatographic method

ISO 12228-1/2:2014

52 Determination of titre ISO 935:198853 Determination of lead by direct graphite furnace atomic ab-

sorption spectroscopyISO 12193:2004

54 Determination of unsaponifiable matter ─ Method using hexa-ne extraction (for Sheanut Oil only)

ISO 18609:2000

55 Determination of sediment in crude fats and oils ─ Centrifuge method

ISO 15301:2001/Cor 1:2007

56 Determination of benzo[a]pyrene ─ Reverse-phase high per-formance liquid chromatography method

ISO 15302:2007

57 Determination of the deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI) ISO 17932:201158 Determination of anisidine value ISO 6885:2006

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59 Determination of the composition of fatty acids in the 2-position of the triglyceride molecules

ISO 6800:1997

60 Determination of residual technical hexane content ISO 9832:200261 Determination of mineral acidity BS 684-2.48:199862 Determination of water-insoluble solvents BS 684-1.9:197663 Detection and identification of a volatile organic contaminant

by GC/MSISO 15303:2001

64 Determination of stigmastadienes in vegetable oils ─ Part 1: Method using capillary-column gas chromatography (Referen-ce method).

ISO 15788-1:1999

65 Determination of aliphetic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils ISO 17780:201566 Determination of Lovibond® colour – Automatic method ISO 27608:201067 Determination of PAH by on-line DACC and HPLC with FLU ISO 22959:200968 Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre weight in

air) – Oscillating U-tube methodISO 18301:2014

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No. Date Subject

1. 26-01-2015 Information regarding registration for the AGM and Annual Dinner2. 9-02-2015 Information on Annual Dinner and Golf 3. 18-12-2015 Information on members, committees, centennial book, etc.

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FOSFA INTERNATIONAL LIST OF POSTINGS - DECEMBER 2015ArgentinaArgengro SA (2 awards)Atul SAC & I (4 awards)Distribuidora Continental SACia Mercantil de Insumos Industriales SA

AustriaGodiver HandelsgesmbhI Kern GmbH

BangladeshSamannaz Super Oil LimitedSharija Oil Refinery Limited

BelgiumEurogra Sprl

BelizeStarlee Financial Corporation (2 awards)

BrazilAgrostar Do Brasil Comercio E Representacaoes Importacao E Exportacao LtdaBertol Sa Ind. Commercio E ExportacaoCentral de Cooperativas de Productores Rarais do Rio Grande do Sul LtdaCindre SA Industria e ComercioComercial Mentapar LimitedCoopergrao LtdaIndustria de Oleos Pacaembu SAKatu do BrazilOito Exp E Imp De Cerais E Defensivos Agricolas LtdaSGS Agricultura E Industria LtdaSperafico Agroindustrial Ltda

British Virgin IslandsCalford International BVGrainforce Management LtdNedlands Overseas IncRisoil Trading Ltd (2 awards)Saxton Trading Limited

BulgariaPapas Olio JSCScanwel Bulgaria Eood

CameroonComplexe Chimique Camerounais

CanadaC & S International Ltd (3 awards)

Canary IslandsAtlantica Canaries

Cayman IslandsFarol Cayman Ltd

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ChinaGuangdong Fengyuan Grain & Oil Industrial Co LtdJinzhou Huagiang Oil Co Ltd (2 Awards)Shenzhen Jiachangbao Ind’l & Development CorporationShandong Cereals & Oils Group Corporation (3 Awards)Xiamen Zhonghe Industry Co Ltd (2 Awards)

CyprusEnergosol Ltd (2 Awards)Jesmond Investment Company Ltd


EgyptAmira Company for Industrial Oils and FatsEl Rashidi El Mizan Confectionary Factories Development CoUnited Marketing and Trading

EthiopiaAlsaid & Company LtdA D Papahilipippou & SonsMam Trading Plc

FinlandAvista Trade OY

FranceAgromed SAC22Commodity House SA Paris (2 awards)Compagnie Marseillaise de Madagascar Bessonl et Cie SAItraco SAMaurice DanielRecofi SASociete Export Proche Afrique (EOPA) (2 awards)Transtrade France SA (5 awards)Viandes et Derives SA

GermanyHanna Petroleum GmbH

GhanaGhana Nuts Limited

GreeceAngelos DavosGruppo Olio HellasKydep

Hong KongKemink (FE) Company

HungaryConcordia Kereskedohaz KFTUmecos KFTW J Grain Ltd

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IndiaAlimchand TopandasBharat Oil ProductsA H Bhiwandiwalla & CompanyBijay ExportsBliss & CompanyBonafide ExportersBonafide ExportersBullion InternationalComexoGeneral TradersGoldcrest ExportsGordhandas Jamnadas & Company (2 awards)H B AgenciesHiralal Shival & SonsHynoup Food & Oil Industries LtdInternational Exports & Estate AgencyJaipur Oil Products LtdJaju Exports Pvt LtdJalan InvestmentJavantilal JaverchandJMD Oils (Pvt) Ltd (4 awards)Kanel Oil & Export Industries Ltd (2 awards)Kediya Vanaspati LtdM P S Exports Ltd (2 awards)M S Murarl & CompanyI S Mehta & CompanyMadhur Industries LtdMorvi Vegetable Products LtdNational Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (3 awards)Nav Maharashtra Chakan Oil MillsNavinchandra Premji & CompanyNK Industries LtdParisons Roller Flour Mills Pvt LtdPawa Industries Pvt LtdPhoolchand GuptaPrakash Group of CompaniesPrakash Trading CompanyPremij Haridas & Company (2 awards)Prestige Foods LtdPriyanka Overseas LtdRachna IndustriesRama Phosphates LtdReliable Extraction Industries Pvt LtdRugnath Trikamdas & CompanySamani BrothersSanjivkumar Dhanji & Co (2 awards)Satish & Company (6 awards)Shri Durga Oil MillsShri Ganesha Oil TradersSouth India Traders, BangaloreV Suresh & CompanySwastik Oil Mills (2 awards)Swastik Oleochems LtdTanna Exporters Pvt Ltd (2 awards)Tarachand ExportsTokarshi Lalji & Company (2 awards)

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Trisuns Chemical Industry LtdVimal Oil & Foods Ltd

India Cont’dVishram Khimjee & Sons (3 awards)

IndonesiaP T Bakrie and BrothersP T Mandra Indonabati Oil

IranPars Vegetable Oil Co (3 Awards)Shiraz Vegetable Oil Company

IsraelAriz Ltd

ItalyAlvarez ArmandoAlvarez-Scambi InternationalBozzola SpADielle SRL (2 awards)Helvetia SPA Varese (2 awards)Nigi Agricoltura SRLOleificio di Orzinuovi SPASapi SpaSoc. Importazione Materie Prime Spa

JordanArab International Food Processing Co Ltd (2 awards)

Kazakhstan LLC “ITC” SodruzhestvoToo Abi Groupe

LebanonMobile Age (Offshore) SAL

LiechtensteinHofara AG

LithuaniaJSC AdetaJSC Nuntia Ltd

MalaysiaGoodyield Commodity Trading CorpMalayan Produce Company Sdn Bhd (3 awards)M P C Holdings Sdn Bhd (2 awards)Pacific Inter-Link Sdn Bhd (4 awards)Palm Oil Products (M) BhdPalm & Vegetable Oils (Malaysia) Snd Bhd (2 awards)Unicom Ltd (5 awards)

MauritaniaEtablissements Abdellahi Ould Noueygued et Freres

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MexicoAlimentos Concentrados De Occidente SA De CVSemillas Y Espacoes

MoldovaICS “Crist-Valg” SRL

NepalDugar Brothers & SonsHansraj Hulaschand & Co Pvt Ltd/H H BrosSanyam Vegetable Oil Industries (Pvt) LtdSaurabh Oil Mills

NetherlandsAlgemene OliehandelBalfour Maclaine BVPalmhuile BV (2 awards)Uni-ol BV

NigeriaA B A C (Nigeria) LtdAllbright Trading Co Ltd (2 awards)Al-Shark Contracting and Trading Co LtdCity Finance Company LtdOm Oil Industry LtdSerendipity Enterprises

PakistanBismillah Agro Industries (Pvt) LtdConsolidated Exports LtdGhousia Overseas Trading CompanyMumtaz & Company

PanamaTradecenter CorporationWorldwide Agriculture Supplies SA

Papua New GuineaCopra Marketing Board of Papua New Guinea

PhilippinesWest Visayas Industrial Corporation

PolandZaklady Tluszczowe W Bodaczowie SP Zoo

PortugalDesenvolvimento e Comercio International Sarl (2 awards)Henriques Esteves Ltd (2 awards)Priminter LtdVitermar Ltd (2 awards)

QatarGlobal Biofuels Trading Inc (3 awards)

RomaniaAgrigros SRL

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RussiaLLC Avtotor-AgroOgo Grain CompanyRossiyskie SemenaTD Elevatorholding Ltd

Russia Cont’dZao Soyuz Yug Rusi

SenegalNovasen SA

SingaporeEdio SA (4 awards)Gloland (Far East) Pte LtdNatural Fuel Pte LtdOceanic Fats & Oils Holdings Pte LtdPatel Holdings Pte LtdSlovakiaSt Omega SRO

South AfricaBuffet International

SpainAntonio Grannel Crespo, Valencia (2 awards)Ciriaro Rueda SAFrancisco Guerrero Linares, GranadaGonzales Zaragosa ManresaIntertrade Europa Group SAJose Luis Larrabeiti (3 awards)Productos “Saba” (2 awards)Sociedad Iberica De Moltyracion SA

SudanEl Barbary Oil Mills CoEl Habib Trading & Industrial Enterprises

SwitzerlandAsos Grain SAComapri SACotracom Commodity Trading AGL’Aiglon SAPCL Handels AGTrimogra AG (2 awards)W J Grain Trade AG (4 awards)

TunisiaLes Huileries Du Sud SA

TurkeyCoskunlar Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret ASLio Yag Sanayi Ve Ticaret ASOzsoy Tarim Sanayi Ve Ticaret LtdSera Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd

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UkraineZerno-Trade Ltd

United Arab EmiratesBest and Only Properties LtdKaj Holdings Limited Trading as Kelvin Trust Corporation

United KingdomAgrovenus LLPAkile AssociatesAllseeds Trade LtdAurelius LtdCrownside Marketing LtdDTC (UK) LtdEagle Corporation UK LtdEnnovor Trading ServicesFoodex (UK) LtdMidanco (UK) LtdRako LtdJ H Rayner & Company LtdRionda (London) LtdSociete des Huileries du Niger (2 awards)Oilseeds & Oilcakes Corporation SAWestmark Commodities Limited

United States of AmericaAll American Nut Company LtdAmdex CorporationGeneral Resources International IncInteragro LLCMenlo EnergyRita CorporationSunny Suzy & Company


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1. Imexrog Import-Export Transit Grosshandelsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin (1956)

2. Huileries & Savonneries d’Algerie, Alger (1957)

3. Oesterreichische Warenhandelsgesellschaft, Wien

4. Unicom Ltd., Teluk Anson 5. Palmina Sdn, Bhd., Penang

6. K.S. Edible Oil (H.K.) Limited, Hong Kong

7. Feedex International Inc., Panama (July 1985)

8. PVBA Produkten Manna, ANTWERP (February 1986)

9. Northern Sales Co. Ltd. (February 1999)

10. Frahuil S.A. (August 1999)

11. Handelsmij. L. Willemsberg, Paramaribo, Suriname (October 2004)

12. Nut Factory GmbH & CO. KG, Seevetal, Germany (January 2012)

13. Eurocorp s.r.o., Valasske Klobouky, Chech Republic (July 2014)

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