Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1,...

Annual Report 2013 ABN 33 453 119 459 It is our vision to be the leader in primary health solutions. Our mission is to support general practice to enhance the health of the community

Transcript of Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1,...

Page 1: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract

Annual Report 2013

ABN 33 453 119 459

It is our vision to be the leader in primary

health solutions.

Our mission is to support general practice to

enhance the health of the community

Page 2: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract


Table of Contents

CEO & Medical Director‟s Report .......................................................................................................... 3

Continued Professional Development...................................................................................................... 4

Mental Health Team ................................................................................................................................ 6

Allied Health Unit – Mental Health Service ............................................................................................ 7

GPcare After Hours Service..................................................................................................................... 8

Better Care in the Community ................................................................................................................. 9

Medicare Local After Hours Program ..................................................................................................... 9

GP Super Clinic ..................................................................................................................................... 10

GPcare Health Assessments ................................................................................................................... 13

Diabetes Care Project ............................................................................................................................. 14

General Practice Immunisation Incentive Program ............................................................................... 15

Quality Use of Medicines/NPS MedicineWise Program ....................................................................... 15

Information Management and Information Technology........................................................................ 16

AHDGP Membership (as at 30th

June 2013) ......................................................................................... 17

AHDGP Board Members ....................................................................................................................... 18

Chair‟s Report ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Finance Committee Report .................................................................................................................... 19

Financials ............................................................................................................................................... 20

Page 3: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract


CEO & Medical Director’s Report

Kevin Wisdom-Hill & Dr Michael Taylor

We have had a very productive year despite all the

challenges and have continued with our member focus

with our team continuing to provide services that help

make a difference to your practice and patients on a

day-to-day basis.

Key outcomes were:

Continued, high quality mental health services with demonstrable patient outcomes (p.7-8).

Successfully lobbied CAHML to establish a more equitable after hours PIP payment that

benefitted Hills practices.

Adoption of the Summit Health trading name.

Updating of membership status and expansion to include practice staff (see below and p.18).

Membership Category Current

Membership Potential

Membership %

Full GP Members 80 102 78% Registrar Associate Members 12 32 38% Practice Associate Members 31 57 54%

Updated our Constitution via a Special General Meeting.

Expansion our 75+ Health Assessment service to include CMAs (p 14).

Continued growth of GPcare After Hours to include RACFs (with support of CAHML).

Maintained our population database containing over 57,000 de-identified but active patients

to assist practices with planning and funding submissions.

Acquired all planning consents and tendering the construction of the GP Super Clinic and;

Provided a small financial surplus on the year's activities.

Notwithstanding these, the challenges across the health sector have had quite an impact. SA Health

has focussed its funds on its core business (hospitals) to help offset its $500M health budget deficit,

this has left the primary care sector with large areas of uncertainty as outreach / primary care services

historically funded by SA Health are subject to 'efficiencies'. Nationally the cost-shifting battles

between Commonwealth and State have continued despite the initial promise that independent

Medicare Locals (MLs) would be a mechanism to address this.

The new government's commitment to review MLs will hopefully address the Labor government's

excessive micro-management of MLs and (often) reduced levels of general practice engagement

leaving many feeling they were back in the pre-Division era. Locally we have a good, constructive

relationship with Central Adelaide and Hills Medicare Local however, Rome wasn't built in a day, and

that's why we are working with them to maintain the existing general practice linkages within our

local primary care network and retain the advantages that a genuinely local service provider can offer

both to its membership and funding bodies. We look forward to contributing to the government

review and seeing MLs resourced and structured as they were intended.

In closing we would like to thank all staff for their contribution over the year and to acknowledge

those that have moved on: Jo Teakle, Alice Windle, Anne-Marie Fehring, Karen Muhlan, Natalie

Szabo and Julie Shegog.

We are always happy to come and discuss our services or your concerns – please just contact us.

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Continued Professional Development

Dr Michael Taylor, Sara Manser, Tracey Simounds, Janeen Lallard & Helen Long

Program Overview

Summit Health continues to run a quality Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for

its members that provides a range of clinically relevant education sessions. The program provides

valuable networking opportunities for GPs, practice staff, and allied health professionals working in

the Adelaide Hills.

Summit Health is an endorsed provider of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the

Australian College of Nursing and other registration bodies for allocation of CPD points. We would

like to thank Central Adelaide & Hills Medicare Local (CAHML) for its ongoing support for CPD in

the Hills.

This year Summit Health facilitated 20 education events, with an overall attendance of 343

participants across the year.

0 5 10 15 20 25

Wound Management

Women's Health

Type 2 Diabetes Priorities & Targets

Telehealth Update

Psychological Impact of Trauma

Primary Care Asthma Update

Oncological Emergencies

NPS - Anticoagulants

Meet the Specialists

Medico Legal Update

Immunisation Update

FISH Philosophy

End of Year Practice Nurse Meeting

End of Year Practice Manager Meeting

eHealth Update

Diabetes - Learning from each other

Depression in the Elderly

Demystifying Accreditation

Cachexia & Fatigue Management

Annual General Meeting

Education Attendance 2012/13

General Practitioners Practice Nurses Practice Managers

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Continued Professional Development (cont.)

There was a variety of GP specific education sessions held during the year with topics including

Medico Legal Update, Meet the Specialists, Anticoagulants, Asthma Update and Women‟s Health.

These education sessions were conducted locally and were offered free of charge.

The Practice Nurse Network continued to provide a range of relevant education events held at Summit

Health. Collaboration with health and service providers to support general practice is a focus, with

peer education and support highly valued at these events.


th March 2013 15

th November 2013

Practice Nurse Immunisation Update Depression in the Elderly

The Practice Manager Network met quarterly this year and topics included an update on ehealth and

the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record and “Demystifying Accreditation”. The annual

“all of practice staff” event was another success, focussing on teamwork using the FISH! Philosophy.


th October 2012 - FISH Philosophy

All practice staff event was very well attended

Summit Health would like to acknowledge the support of guest speakers and sponsors who assist in

maintaining our vibrant and successful CPD events.

Evaluations were conducted at each of these sessions with an average of 82% of

participants rating complete satisfaction with learning objectives.

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Mental Health Team

Annette Grist/Jane Pool

Program Overview

Summit Health continues to provide mental health services across a range of programs. With the

introduction of the Child Wellbeing Program in November 2013 we are now able to offer counselling

services across the age continuum. Whilst we were disappointed to have been unsuccessful in securing

ongoing funding for the acute intervention in high risk suicide patients – particularly given the quality

and positive outcomes of our service, the diversity of our remaining programs has ensured that a wide

range of mental health conditions continued to be addressed from short term situational mental health

issues to the more chronic and complex.

Whilst 2013 saw the introduction of a new child oriented program unfortunately we ceased providing

the suicide and intervention and prevention (SIP) service and the perinatal depression service.

Fortunately one of the key services within the perinatal program; a group program for mothers and

babies/toddlers, was absorbed into another ongoing mental health program.

The Allied Health Unit continues to take a lead role in a number of key interagency groups that

ensures that the needs of general practice and the local community are well represented and we

contribute to effective service coordination across the local region.

One of the foci for this year has been on the collection and analysis of client outcomes. The Allied

Health Unit has also focussed on increasing the collection and application of service data to assist with

service planning and development.

Summary of key achievements

Continued to provide a broad range of services in an increasingly restricted financial climate

including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural

Primary Health Services.

Secured an 18 month contract for the delivery of a new service through ATAPS - Child

Wellbeing program (ATAPS Tier 2).

Continued to provide services that met the need of our patients with high satisfaction levels

across the parameters of access, outcome and quality recorded across all programs.

The establishment of processes to facilitate the review of the effectiveness, appropriateness

and efficiency of the service through data collection, interrogation and analysis. This in turn

has and will continue to inform allocation of resources and reporting to funding bodies.

6% 9% 6%

36% 49%


53% 39%








Outcome Access Quality

Client Satisfaction: All Programs Jul 2012 - Jun 2013

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

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Allied Health Unit – Mental Health Service












Mental Health Diagnosis Prevalence

Across Adelaide Hills General

Practice Amongst Active Patients (defined as - 3 visits in last 2 years)









Diagnosis Profile of Mental Health

Patients in Adelaide Hills

General Practice (active patients with a mental health diagnosis)

Mean change in outcome measure

(HoNOS) for Shared Care clients

from entry to discharge from service

compared to statewide average for

similar patient group.

Summit Health‟s average change in

outcome is represented by the

yellow/grey bar. The average

change score of „5‟ represents

significant improvement.

Source for comparison data: AMHOCN

data for ambulatory care patients with

comparable diagnoses to the Shared Care

client group

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GPcare After Hours Service

Janette Baker

Program Overview

GPcare After Hours has completed a successful year with 35 General Practitioners participating on

the roster, seeing 7,575 patients from the local community as well as servicing the broader state and

interstate community. With an average wait time of 30 minutes, feedback from patients, GPs and

hospital staff continues to demonstrate that GPcare After Hours is a well accepted, practical solution

to the community‟s after hours needs.

Maintaining a positive working relationship with the Mt Barker and Stirling Hospitals, the GPcare

After Hours team of GPs, Registrars and Administration staff have continued their hard work and

commitment to our community ensuring GPcare After Hours remains one of the most well-supported

and successful after hours services in South Australia.
























GPcare After Hours Patient Numbers




0% 50% 100%

Medical Advice Given

Waiting time to see GP

Cost of service

The waiting room

Facilities provided at the clinic

Safety and security at the clinic

Confidentiality of information

Ease of making an appointment to see the doctor

The reception you receive when you arrived at the …

The amount of time the doctor spent with you

The amount of information given to you about your …

Access to information about the service

Patient Satisfaction with GPcare

Very satisfied


Neither Satisfied

nor dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied

No Response

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Better Care in the Community

Janeen Lallard

Program Overview

The CHSA funded Better Care in the Community (BCC) project focuses on reducing bed days and

admissions of patients with chronic conditions, particularly those with endocrine, cardiovascular and

respiratory disease, and assists with the facilitation of transfer of care between metro and Adelaide

Hills hospitals. We continue to be funded to undertake relevant data analysis and integration activity

between AHCHS and General Practice aiming to enhance patient referral and outcomes.

Summary of key achievements:

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program has proven to be a much needed service since it started in

2011. During 2012-13, 41 of the 76 referrals were generated from general practice. The Heart and

Lung Support Group continues as a combined maintenance support group.

Client Feedback: “This program makes you feel more in control regarding the management of COPD”

“I have benefited greatly and will continue the management techniques I've learned here. I'm expecting

to go on improving in to the future”

Cardiac Rehabilitation – an intensive 3 week Cardiac Rehabilitation program run in February was

very successful in capturing attendance from the working age group. „At risk‟ population continue

to attend the Hills Healthy Heart program, along with those who have experienced a cardiac event.

Hills Diabetes Network continues its successful service provider networking forum to public and

private diabetes care service providers.

The Leg Club service offers professional chronic wound management with the additional benefits

of socialisation, podiatry, and chronic disease self-management support. Practice Nurse education

and promotion to General Practice has increased the support to this service over time.

Aboriginal Health liaison continues to form a core part of the BCC objectives.

Medicare Local After Hours Program

Janeen Lallard

Program Overview

Following the completion of the Central Adelaide and Hills Medicare Local (CAHML) After Hours

Needs Assessment in 2012, Adelaide Hills Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) were identified

as a priority area for the improved access to primary care services after hours.

Summit Health has been contracted by CAHML to work with RACFs in need of optimising their

after-hours coordination and pathways, and their relevant service providers. Stakeholders including

GPs, RACF staff, and residents/families had opportunity to be involved in the initial consultancy.

Summary of key achievements:

Engaging Hills RACFs and working individually with them.

A small grants program was developed and offered to general

practices to increase capacity for after hours service delivery.

The project plan key focus areas of the Hills Project:

Work individually with facilities to establish a system of after-hours pathways for use by RACFs

that provide options of GP support when the usual GP is unavailable.

Promote consistency and improve the uptake of CMA completions for RACF residents to

optimise continuity of care – particularly for teleconferences with the GPcare After Hours GP.

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GP Super Clinic

Garry Taylor

Program Overview

Summit Health successfully negotiated a Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth Government‟s

Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) for the provision of $7 million for the planning,

construction and establishment of the Mt Barker GP Super Clinic. The total build cost is likely to be

in the region of $10 million – the balance to be provided by Summit Health in the form of a cash

contribution and debt funding of approximately $2.6 million.

The integrated, multidisciplinary healthcare facility is to be built on vacant land on Wellington Road

adjacent to the Mt Barker DSM Hospital and leased from SA Health for 20 years. As a

multidisciplinary facility with a focus on student training, the facility will have a broad mix of tenants

in addition to general practice: Adelaide University, pathology, radiology, pharmacy, physiotherapy,

cardiac services, community health services and mental health services.

Its development is being overseen by a dedicated Trust Committee and it is scheduled to open in mid-

November 2014.

Summary of key achievements:

Funding Agreement between DoHA and AHDGP signed; August 2012

First meeting of GP Super Clinic Trust Committee; October 2012

A lease for the land was signed with SA Health in April 2013

The design for the clinic was completed & Development Approval was sought in May 2013

(approval was subsequently granted in September 2013)

100% tenancy uptake of available space for lease.

Main entrance to

the facility facing

Wellington Road

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Page 12: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract


GP Super Clinic Design Plan

= Leased health

care tenancies

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GPcare Health Assessments

Gina Highet & Kerryn Farina

Program Overview

GPcare Health Assessments (GPHA) is a fee-for-service program established to compliment services

offered in General Practice. All patients aged over 75 are eligible for an annual Health Assessment

(MBS item 707). GPHA carries out these assessments on your behalf for a fee of $100 plus GST. You

can then bill Medicare for the rebate of $263.55. Presently one quarter of all general practices in the

Adelaide Hills‟ region are using GPcare Health Assessments. Since its inception in June 2010, over

750 Health Assessments have been completed by our organisation. GPcare Health Assessments help

patients to remain active at home and in the community.

It is our role at GPHA to help your patients understand the benefits of this home-based service and we

offer your clinic and patients posters, pamphlets and letters that help explain the service.

In the last 6 months our trained nurses travelled 2,800 kilometres over 42 hours visiting your patients.

This is time that your staff can spend productively assisting those patients at your practice whilst we

are still helping provide both a significant financial return and increased patient satisfaction for your

practice. A double win!

If you would like a free business assessment to clarify the benefits to your practice or to discuss our

service please phone Gina Highet on 8406 7719.

0 500 1000 1500

Jan - Dec 2010

Jan - Dec 2011

Jan - Dec 2012

Number of Health Assessments


No. Health Assessments (whole Division)

No. Health Assessments completed by AHDGP

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Diabetes Care Project

Gina Highet

Program Overview

The Diabetes Care Project (DCP) has been in place since July 2012 looking to test new ways of

providing more flexible and better coordinated care, with the aim of improving the management of

care for people with diabetes. The project will conclude in March 2014 when the new models of care

will be evaluated for their capacity to deliver better quality healthcare outcomes in a more flexible

and sustainable manner.

The Adelaide Hills Region of the project has 4 general practices enrolled, with two being randomised

into each of the following:

Control Group: This group practices care as usual with no major changes.

Intervention Group 2: This group introduces a Care Facilitator role in patient care, support

from a new online IT tool, and new funding arrangements for practices

and allied health professionals.

A Diabetes Care Project Quarterly Forum was held in Mt Barker in May and was well attended by the

enrolled practice staff along with local Allied Health Providers and DCP Care Facilitators. The

purpose being to bring together local multidisciplinary teams to share best practice and innovations in

diabetes care. The evening was informative, interactive and the topics presented by health providers

of Diabetes and Depression, Insulin Initiation and Patient Motivation were well received.



6% 2%


Diabetes Care Project

Participant Breakdown

Control Group

Intervention Group 2


Practice Nurses

Allied Health

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General Practice Immunisation Incentive Program

Janette Baker

Program Overview

During 2012-2013 Summit Health as part of the Adelaide Hills Immunisation Network worked

collaboratively with the Adelaide Hills and Mount Barker and Districts Councils and Child and

Family Health to investigate ways to increase childhood immunisation rates in the Adelaide Hills.

The funding for this program was reallocated to CAHML by DoHA from the 30th June 2013.

CAHML will continue to provide Government funded Immunisation and Population Health based

programs throughout the Adelaide Hills region.

Summary of key achievements:

Promotion of - and education to - Practice Staff based upon the 2013

Childhood Immunisation Schedule changes.

Adelaide Hills Immunisation Providers brochure was distributed to all

general practices, councils, libraries and kindergartens in the Adelaide


Promotion of immunisation at the SA Baby Expo March 2013.

Cold chain monitoring and management education to general


Data cleansing education sessions targeting practices not achieving

90% immunisation rates, with assistance from ACIR Field Officer.

Promotion of 10th Edition Immunisation Handbook guidelines

regarding 'best practice' administration of vaccines.

Quality Use of Medicines/NPS MedicineWise Program

Janette Baker

Program Overview

The membership of Summit Health continued to over-deliver in our collective response to the NPS

program with attendances well-above expectations reflecting well on the professionalism of general

practice for this region. In future the program will be co-ordinated nationally, however NPS has re-

contracted DATIS to continue to deliver education programs and all practices should be contacted

directly by them with options for the year ahead.

During 2012-2013 the following educational topics were delivered to GPs and Health Professionals:

Balancing the benefits and harms of antipsychotic therapy

to 88 GPs, (160% of the annual GP target)

to 8 Accredited Pharmacists


to 12 GPs, (22% of the annual GP target)

to 6 Accredited Pharmacists

to 5 Practice Nurses


to 6 GPs, (11% of the annual GP target)

to 2 Practice Nurses

Summit Health staff also assisted in the promotion of QUM and NPS resources at the Adelaide

Diabetes Expo, August 2012 in collaboration with SA Urban NPS Facilitators.

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Information Management and Information Technology

Greg Holden

Program Overview

IM/IT provides support to Summit Health practices in:

the use of the PEN Clinical Audit Tool and the analysis of the data it presents;

information updates on the ongoing evolution and roll-out of eHealth and the Personally

Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR)

IM/IT also provides support to Summit Health staff in:

the use of the Division‟s IM/IT infrastructure, computers and tools;

best practice Information Management processes; and

the development of business solutions as identified by the various units

Summary of key achievements:

The ongoing collection and upload of de-identified clinical data from participating practices

into the Summit Health Population Health database for the purpose of monitoring and

reporting on patient and disease trends across the Summit Health practice network;

All Summit Health practice managers invited to detail the information they would like to see

from the Summit Health Population Health database;

Continuing to work with the GPcare 75+ Health Assessments team to streamline the process

of managing:

o the receipt of referrals;

o the scheduling of appointments;

o the production and delivery of reports; and

o the invoicing of referring practices.

The provision of on demand reporting from the Population Health database for the purpose of

data analysis, as per the examples below:

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AHDGP Membership (as at 30th

June 2013) Title First name Surname

Full Members Full Members (cont.) Associate Members

Dr Jane Alderman

Dr Abdullah Al-Jobair

Dr James Allan

Dr Katrina Allen

Dr Hugh Allen

Dr Briony Andrew

Dr John Arthurson

Dr Faisal Bachok

Dr Roger Bannister

Dr Ioulia Bobkova

Dr Sinclair Bode

Dr Matthew Bourke

Dr Sue Boyer

Dr David Brookes

Dr Cara Bryant

Dr Kerry Callaghan

Dr Fred Carrangis

Dr Lal Chettimada Basappa

Dr Mark Crawford

Dr Steve Daniels

Dr Adrian De Savi

Dr Sally Downes

Dr Boris Eskandari Marandi

Dr Kassandra Fairhall

Dr Jason Garrood

Dr Jenieta Hartley

Dr Peter Hartley

Dr Lasath Hattotuwa

Dr Erich Heinzle

Dr Graham Hughes

Dr Sheree Hunt

Dr George Isaac

Dr Azlan Ismail

Dr Gillian Jenkinson

Dr Philip Johns

Dr Jonas Kasauskas

Dr Firoza Khan

Dr Mark Lang

Dr Ceridwen Lloyd

Dr Margaret Low

Dr Sarah Lucy

Dr Jonathan Marchand

Dr Stephen McCappin

Dr Megan McLaughlin

Dr Peter Michelmore

Dr Suhasini Mohan

Dr Mark Morgan

Dr Nicola Morgan

Dr Timothy Moss

Dr Kate Nielsen

Dr Marcia Overton

Dr Sally-Anne Parsons

Dr Veronica Paull

Dr Lindy Poole

Dr Linda Porteous

Dr Mark Purvis

Dr Allison Ramsey

Dr Jane Ramsey

Dr Adrian Rose

Dr Robert Rushton-Smith

Dr Nurazlin Sabtu

Dr Peter Sargeant

Dr Christopher Say

Dr Peter Schultz

Dr Ken Sieben

Dr Catherine Skinner

Dr Katya Speight

Dr Nigel Stocks

Dr Kim Sun

Dr Andrew Sykes

Dr Geoffrey Symons

Dr Michael Taylor

Dr Nick Tellis

Dr Angela Travis

Dr Christopher Walker

Dr Don Wallis

Dr Richard Weate

Dr Richard Wilson

Dr Michelle Winn

Dr Michal Wozniak

Dr Brijesh Arora

Mrs Rebecca Ashby

Mrs Cynthia Austin

Ms Janette Baker

Ms Martha Baker

Miss Claire Bolton

Ms Julianna Boylan

Mrs Fay Briggs

Ms Bronwyn Byfield

Mrs Elly Cousins

Mrs Judy Daniels

Dr Balvinder Dhillon

Mrs Judy Fielke

Mrs Helen Fordred

Mr Michael Foster

Dr Shannyn George

Ms Jane Griessl

Mrs Heather Hardy

Ms Naomi Hueppauff

Miss Samantha James

Ms Sally Jarrett

Mrs Angela Kidman

Dr Cindy Koh

Dr Meenakshi Kundu

Ms Heylen Laver

Ms Julie Lind

Ms Kaye Lines

Dr Marie Ma

Ms Sue MacGregor

Dr Sue Man

Dr Emma Manifold

Ms Adrienne Martin

Mrs Heather Mason

Dr Bernard McEvoy

Dr Kristin McLaughlin

Mrs Mary-Anne McMichael

Dr Kasandra Melville

Mr Karel Michielsen

Mrs Lyn Molinaro

Ms Laura Mucci

Mrs Diana Nixon

Mrs Mary Orr

Ms Sandra Pullen

Ms Sue Reynolds

Dr James Richards

Mrs Diana Salzborn

Dr Sunny Sharma

Mrs Jacquie Simpson

Ms Julie Starke

Ms Laura Tanner

Ms Lisa Taylor

Ms Sandy Turner

Mrs Marlene Westley

Mrs Lucy Wheatley

Mrs Margaret Wheatley

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AHDGP Board Members

Board Meetings held from July 12-June 13 (11 meetings)

Board Member Position Qualifications Meetings


Assoc Prof Keith


Chair B. A, (Psychology), Advanced

Diploma in Psychotherapeutic

Techniques, Registered Psychiatric

Nurse (RMN), Registered General

Nurse (SRN), Graduate - New

Zealand College of Mangmt.


Dr Mark Crawford General Board Member MBBs, FRACGP, DRACOG 9

Ms Ursula Dahl Non-GP Board Member BA Hons (Soc), Grad Dip Health

Admin, Family Casework Cert,

Workplace Training Cert IV


Mr Philip Huestis Non-GP Board Member Masters of Health, Administration

degree (University of NSW)


Dr Jonathan


General Board Member 6

Dr Bruce Mugford General Board Member BMBS, FRACGP, FACRRM, MPH,

Grad Dip Family MCM


Dr Kate Nielsen General Board Member MBBS, FRACGP 9

Dr Kim Sun General Board Member MBBS, PhD, DRANZCOG, FRACGP 7

Dr Michal Wozniak General Board Member MBBS, FRACGP 9

Finance Sub-


Governance & Planning


Super Clinic Trust

Mr Philip Huestis Dr Michal Wozniak A/Prof Keith Evans

Dr Bruce Mugford

Dr Kate Nielsen

Dr Michael Taylor

A/Prof Keith Evans

Ms Usula Dahl

Mr Brenton Cox

Mr Rick deWit

Mr Philip Huestis

Dr Jonathan Marchand

Mr Garry Taylor

Dr Michael Taylor

Dr Michal Wozniak

Medical Director Dr Michael Taylor, MBBS, DCCH, FRACGP, GAICD

GPcare Governance

Mental Health Program Management Group

Better Care in the Community


SA Inner Country Health Chair

CHSA Local Health Network Board

SA Clinical Senate

Central Adelaide Hills Medicare Local - Board

Adelaide Hills Health Advisory Council

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Chair’s Report

Associate Professor Keith Evans – Chair of AHDGP Board

2012/13 has been a year of consolidation for Summit Health, focusing on

maintaining service delivery whilst allocating resources to the development of

the Mt Barker GP Super Clinic.

We have been successful in maintaining a high level of service delivery at a

time when many of our peer organisations have had to reduce their services.

We have a positive relationship with our Medicare Local and look forward to

furthering this relationship as we move forward. As we go to press, building tenders have closed and

we are only a few weeks behind schedule on our GP Super Clinic plans. We hope to commence

construction in October and be open for medical students and patients in late November 2014.

That this has all happened at a time when health at Federal, State and regional levels is experiencing

significant funding restrictions and system change is, I believe, reflective of this Board's commitment

to local general practice, and the quality of our staff in delivering services and support.

Whilst I have appreciated the support and engagement of the whole Board over the past 12 months I

should like to specifically thank outgoing Directors: Drs Jonathan Marchand, Michal Wozniak and

Kate Nielsen for their efforts during their terms on the Board and to wish Dr Michal Wozniak "good

luck" as he seeks re-appointment by the membership for a further term. I would also like to thank the

Directors who sit on our 3 Committees; Finance, Governance and Planning and the GP Super Clinic.

Our AGM is taking place on 15th

October and I look forward to meeting some of you there.

In closing I would like to thank all the staff for their commitment over the past 12 months.

Finance Committee Report

Philip Huestis – Chair of Finance Committee

Once again we have finished the year on a positive financial note which is very

satisfying given the current health environment. Revenue was up by 1.7% but

expenditure only increased by 0.8% - a good outcome in the current

environment. The attached financial summary was completed by our external

auditor and no material issues were identified. A full set of Financials is

available on our web-site.

2013 2012 2011

Income $3,548,178 $3,485,639 $3,291,598

Expenditure $3,384,743 $3,357,973 $3,201,124

Surplus $149,923 $127,666 $70,474

Opening Retained Earnings $539,993 $412,327 $341,853

Closing Surplus $689,916 $539,993 $412,327

As I mentioned in my report last year, we have a commitment to contribute $500,000 towards the GP

Super Clinic development in the next financial year – this will significantly reduce our cash reserves

(albeit off-set by a big increase in fixed assets!). The finances are overseen on behalf of the Board by

the Finance Committee and I would like to thank the other members for their support and input: Drs

Bruce Mugford and Kate Nielsen, CEO Kevin Wisdom-Hill and Finance Manager Penny Heinrich.

Page 20: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract



Page 21: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 22: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 23: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 24: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 25: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 26: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 27: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 28: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 29: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 30: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 31: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 32: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 33: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 34: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 35: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 36: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 37: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 38: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 39: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 40: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract
Page 41: Annual Report 2013 - Summit Health · including ongoing contracts for the delivery of ATAPS Tier 1, GP Shared Care and Rural Primary Health Services. Secured an 18 month contract