Annual Report 2007

Annual Report 2007 Talitha Kumi Welfare Centre


Talitha Kumi Welfare Society

Transcript of Annual Report 2007

Annual Report 2007

Talitha Kumi Welfare Centre

Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Talitha Kumi Welfare Center H.No.24. St.No.15, Modern Colony Nazareth Road, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore, Pakistan Ph. +92-42-5858824 Fax. +92-42-5858824 Cell: 0300-9423171 Email: [email protected]:


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


Chapter Page NO.

1. About TKWC…………………………....…….…...…….…3

2. TKWC Mandate…………………….……………………....5

3. Director’s Remarks……………………..………………..6 4. Legal Aid Program…………..……………..……….....8

5. Health Program……………………………….………..…14

6. Skill Development/income generation Program………18

7. Awareness Program……………………………….…...20

8. Staff Capacity Building…………………………… ….25

9. Success Stories…………………………………..…..…28


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

About TKWC

WHEN - Talitha Kumi Welfare Center was envisioned in 2000.

WHO – Dr. Rev. Khushnud Azariah, Ms. Shunila Ruth and other like minded women envisioned Talitha Kumi Welfare Center back in the year 2000. Now more than 15 dedicated staff work for TKWC. A growing cadre of volunteers from diverse backgrounds supports us. We often join forces with groups working for socio-economic and political development of woman.

WHAT - TKWC is a non-profit organization. The purpose of our organization is to help the marginalized, underprivileged & oppressed women who are victims of various forms of violence and who find it very difficult to pursue the injustices done to them in a male-dominated society in Pakistan. “Women empowering women to overcome various forms of violence” is our mission statement. We are trying to empower women through economic empowerment programs to help them become economically independent and through awareness building programs to promote women rights, gender-related issues to counter various forms of violence, done against women.

WHERE – TKWC is based in Nazareth Road, Bahar Colony, Lahore, Pakistan. Target group of the Talitha Kumi Welfare Center are poor women from slum areas of Lahore, i.e. Kot Lakhpath, Bahar Colony, Nawaz sharif Colony, LDA Quarters, Chungi Amer Sidho, Green Town, Youhanabad and Bahadrabad etc. Out of one million population of these areas 52% comprises women. 65% of the population is below poverty- line with wages less than a dollar per day. Mostly people are illiterate and unskilled. They work as laborers, domestic/street cleaners, brick kiln workers etc.

WHY - Talitha Kumi Welfare Center believes that international standards of human rights apply to all people equally, without any discrimination. Talitha Kumi Welfare Center tries its best to reach poor women victims of violence. We, stand with the victims of violence with an assurance of protection through legal and moral support. Our aim is not to create discrimination between men and women, but to only highlight areas where opportunities have been denied to women, and to inculcate hope and dignity in them. We


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

also try to develop religious harmony and peace between the religious communities.

HOW – Community activists and volunteers reach to the women victims of any kind of violence and abuse. A prescribed form is filled by the victims to get their case of violence registered. The case is fully investigated by the legal aid program staff before registering a case. TKWC takes full responsibility for the case. Our lawyers pursue the cases in the Court. Counseling of victims and perpetrators is important for reconciliation and healing process. Cases of domestic nature/or marriage disputes are also under taken.

Follow Up- We not only follow the cases to the court but keep a close watch of our clients even after the cases are decided. We visit them from time to time and also invite them to the centre occasionally.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

The TKWC Mandate

• To provide legal aid to women victims of various forms of


• To make them aware of their legal rights and family laws.

• To train women become economically independent.

• To enable them learn various skills and to equip them to

market their products.

• To promote awareness and sensitivity about sexual and

reproductive health rights, information, education and service.

• To empower women overcome violence against them.

Particularly sexual violence and child abuse.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


The year 2007 was a year of turmoil and distress for the people of Pakistan. It has been a year of tremendous pain and suffering, starting from the dismissal of the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftkhar Muhammad Chaudhry on 9th March 2007, followed by protest rallies and boycott of courts by the judges and lawyers. And there was a series of suicide attacks, after the Lal Musjid (Red Mosque) episode. In Pakistan we have had two tragic deaths

in 2007-one of judiciary and other of democracy. On 3rd of November was the imposition of emergency, on 27th December the former prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated through planed murder. It is all over. The legal aid department was certainly affected by these unfortunate incidents. The courts and lawyers were not functional but still a lot has been achieved. Old cases were followed and new were registered and perused. Many cases were settled out of court. In the health program we have made significant achievement. We have now two classes running and one batch goes for labour room training. Midwives trained at TKWC have found work in hospitals of repute in Lahore. There is a significant development in the clinic. Similarly skills training program has improved. I am pleased to report that our health program has become self reliant, where as there is a significant improvement in income generation program. We have a system of follow up with the students through our medical staff. We not only visit them but they are also invited at the centre. It is very rewarding to see these women standing on their feet and living the name of the centre-Talitha Kumi (young woman stand). Legal aid program cannot become self sustainable because of its nature of work. Poor and vulnerable women come to us for legal support and are unable to make any financial contribution to the expenses involved dealing with these cases. It is very important and most needed ministry. We trust in God that He will continue to provide the much needed support. We are preparing a separate budget for legal aid program and look up to the Swedish partners and friends for their participation.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

In 2008 we are planning to launch para-medical training for boys as well. This will also enable us to do workshops with young men on gender sensitivity and violence against women. We have also plan to start English language classes for women. In January 2007, Dr. Ruksana Salamat was appointed. After Asif Sikander the Accountant left, Daud Sohail was appointed in his place. Ms. Gunilla Kristiansen and Ms. Ruth Linden from Sweden visited the centre in September and November 2008 respectively. We felt very empowered and blessed by their visit. A 10 member team from UK also visited the centre in February 2007 led by Rev Alvin. Gunilla encouraged the staff and students to print a calendar of TKWC which came out very well and was well sold. We were able to do some fundraising for the centre. Among a lot of our achievements I wish to proudly mention that we have been able to get the centre registered under section 4 of the Pakistan societies Act, 1860. Our registration No. RP/4124/L/S/08/954.

In conclusion I wish to thank innumerable friends, volunteers and of course our Sweden partners-Church of Sweden, Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, Pakistan Committee in Sweden, Kronoparken Church-Karlstad, Swedish Mission Council and SIDA for standing with us in our struggle and for upholding us in all times.

Here I also wish to thank the Church World Service and the Women’s Division of the Methodist Church for their timely support.

We have made a remarkable break through in the community which would have not been possible if the Friends and Partners mentioned above had not stood with us. We have certainly made a difference in the lives of many women through our presence and service for which I praise and thank God.

Shunila Ruth Director


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


During the year 2007, legal aid program worked under tremendous pressure & strain due to the political and deteriorating law and order situation in the country, starting from the judicial crisis in March, Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) episode and followed by a wave of attacks, many involving suicide bombings. Fifty-six suicide bombings took place in 2007, killing at least 636 people. Lawyers have continued to observe a complete boycott of courts every Thursday since March 2007. For weeks together lawyers did not appear in the court. Therefore, legal proceedings almost stopped during the year. Even then we have achieved breakthrough in a couple of cases. Fortunately, we were able to resolve several cases out of court.


1. Saima Vs. Waseem (Case of Domestic Violence) Saima was married to Waseem Barket in the year 2002. The couple has a 4 year old daughter Jessica. After all his (Waseem’s) typical manly superiority and dominating character popped up and he started physically beating his wife. He stopped taking interest in the family matters. One day he became very violent with Saima and forced her out of the house. She became helpless, vulnerable and depressed. Her mother and sister came to Talitha Kumi Welfare Center. Our team tried for reconciliation. But Waseem refused to take her back. He had no interest in Saima and apparently wanted to marry some other woman. He has even disowned his 4 year Jessica. Divorce case has been filed. Proceedings are in process.

2. Perveen Bibi vs. Waseem (Violence/Illegal detention)

Perveen Bibi is 25 years old. She got married at the age of 14. She has 4 children and is again pregnant.

Her husband is addicted to heroin, hashish and liquor. He always abuses her and beat her on petty matters. Often keeps her locked up in room and also forced her into prostitution. Perveen Bibi


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

One day Perveen managed to escape from detention with her four children and came to TKWC. She told the whole story to the legal aid team. She has been a victim of extreme violence and her husband has many a times attempted to murder her.

Divorce case has been filed on Perveen Bibi’s request.

3. Inayatain Bibi (implicated in drug dealing)

Inayatain Bibi is 65 years old and very poor. Her son Sarfraz Masih was the only earning hand of the family.

Inayatain Bibi at TKWC

In March 2007 Police wrongfully arrested Sarfraz Masih for his alleged involvement in heroin dealing. Inayatain Bibi came to TKWC for help. Legal Aid team first thoroughly investigated the case and came to the conclusion that Sarfraz was innocent. Police

had illegally detained Sarfraz to show their performance and progress.

Inayatain Bibi suffered tremendous strain and stress. Haroon Suleman, advocate from TKWC filed a petition for bail after arrest. Court accepted the bail petition and acquitted Sarfraz. Inayatain Bibi is relieved and is very thankful to TKWC.

4. Shaheen vs. Rufus (Case of desertion)

Shaheen got married to Rufus in 1996. At that time her husband used to work in a company named SMS. But after some time he left his job. Rufus’s parents were well off and they started supporting him and his family. He forced his parents to give him his share of the family property.

Shaheen with her daughter

After saying no to his job, Rufus used to spend most of his time taking drugs and gambling at his house. One day Shaheen was shocked to

see her husband with another woman in the house.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

It is almost six months now that her husband eloped with another woman abandoning Shaheen and her children. She has no support from her parents. Case of desertion has been filed against her husband.

5. Zarina vs. Javed (Domestic Violence)

Zarina got married to Javed on 18 October 1996. When Zarina was expecting her first child, she wanted to go to her parents’ house. But her husband Javed didn’t allow her.

Zerina Bibi

Zarina once again requested Javed, if she could visit her parents. On this Javed replied: “leave your son and go wherever you want to”. Zarina left her son and went to her parents’ house. For three moths Zarina stayed with her

parents. Zarina was eager to meet her son. First phase of reconciliation started. Hence

Javed agreed to bring her back on the condition that she will not meet her parents, again. When Zarina came back Javed and his family started abusing Zarina physically and mentally on regular basis. When Zarina was expecting her second child, she was thrown out from the house. She went to her parents’ house. After four months Javed contacted her again for patch up. This time Zarina was reluctant to meet Javed. Therefore, she called Talitha Kumi Welfare Center team to mediate. After a long process of negotiation both parties reached an agreement. Javed promised that he will never beat or force his wife in any situation. They are now happily living together.

6. Sonia vs. Iqbal (Rape, torture) 16-year-old Sonia d/o Aslam Masih with four month pregnancy left her house on 19 May 2007 after she was raped by her own father-in-law named Iqbal Masih when she was alone at the house. Before this incident she escaped rape attempt from her husband’s brother. Her tale of woes started when her father remarried after the death of her mother. Her step- mother wanted to get rid of Sonia. She forceably married her into an ill-reputed family in December 2006 when she was just 15 years old.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Living in a joint family system she felt her father-in-law made sexual advances towards her. Whenever she complained to her vagabond husband about his father’s behavior he began hitting her with sticks.

Sonia, sharing her story

After leaving the house Sonia is now living with

her aunt. Her aunt has contacted Sonia’s husband. He used abusive language and

alleged that Sonia has some illicit relations with many men and bears an illegitimate child. Then her aunty approached Talitha Kumi Welfare Center. Legal Aid team lodged an FIR (First Investigation Report) against Sonia’s father-in-law Iqbal Masih under section 458 of Women Protection Bill 2006. A couple of raids have been carried out by the police to arrest Iqbal Masih but he managed to escape. So far legal proceedings in the court held in abeyance until the arrest of Iqbal.

7. Saima Sharif vs. Muhammad Shahid

Saima 27 years old, a Christian, married Muslim Muhammad Shahid in November 2006 against the wishes of her parents. A couple of months after their marriage, Saima was shocked to find out that her husband is criminal. He has been involved in car snatching, robbery and other criminal acts. She did not know where he spent weeks sometimes months

out of the house. Saima Sharif

Saima did her best to bring her husband back on the right bath but in return she was abused physically. He also forced her to accompany him during robberies and car snatching.

Saima’s life became very miserable. She felt all alone because her parents refused to accept her. She decided to leave the house. She shifted in a women’s hostel. In that hostel she found out about Talitha Kumi Welfare Center.

Counseling and guidance at Talitha Kumi Welfare Center gave her hope. With the help of TKWC she started working in a beauty parlour as helper.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Divorce case has been registered. Muhammad Shahid did not appear before the court. No one knows where he is. Court notice was published in the newspapers.

Finally her case was resolved and she has happily re-married.


8. Nasreen John Victor

 In the Year 2007 Nasreen John’s case for maintenance was decided. Court ordered Asghar Waseem (Husband) to deposit two thousand rupees in favor of Nasreen John every month. Suit for conjugal rights was filed by Asghar, which also has been dismissed by the Court. Suite for the custody of minor filed by Asghar Waseem in District Kasur has also been transferred to Lahore District by the order of Lahore High Court. Nasreen John

It is a breakthrough in Nasreen John’s legal battle which started couple of years back. STORY Nasreen John Victor was married on 11th April 1993 with Asghar Waseem. Her parents spent a lot of money on her marriage. After her marriage she came to Lahore and joined Sheik Zahid Hospital. Out of this wedlock two baby girls were born namely Mishel aged about 6 years and Amesha aged 3 ½ years. The behavior of her husband was not good from the beginning of her marriage. He used to torture Nasreen physically and mentally on petty matters. The respondent used to ask his wife to please his friends. But Nasreen always refused to do any immoral act and at every refusal her husband gave her severe beating. Her husband also used to send bad boys to irritate her on the way to the hospital; therefore, she left the job.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

At last she was forced to leave the house along with her minor daughters. She again joined the hospital to earn living for her children. She rented a house and started a new life independently. TKWC helped her with legal matters with an assurance that she is not alone; Counseling and guidance paved the way to normal life.

9. Agnus Bibi Agnus Bibi, resident of Kotlakhpat came to Talitha Kumi Welfare Center. She has two children, a boy and a girl. She works in a beauty parlor. Her husband Raiz Joseph deserted her taking the son with him. Raiz Joseph is a heroin addict and he does not work. Therefore, Angus has to work hard to run the house. He often abused Agnus for not giving him money for addiction. Case has been filed for dissolution of marriage and is pending in the court for ex‐party evidence.

10. Dilshad Jalal

Dilshad Jalal, a widow lives in Bahar Colony. She has no child. Her husband died in year 2006. Soon after the death of her husband, Jalal’s first wife Anita Camphor came up to demand her share in the property and money lying in the bank account of Mr. Jalal. Anita Camphor left Jalal and married another Muslim man many years ago. Therefore, according to the law she has no share in the property and cash of her first husband.

Dilshad Jalal Dilshad has been continuously receiving death threats from Anita. In a very critical situation

Dilshad came to Talitha Kumi Welfare Center.  An application has been filed with the police station against Anita. Legal Aid Cell is helping Dilshad with the legal procedures of transfer of money and other property matters.  



Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


Due to the growing work of health program, in January this year Dr. Rukhsana was appointed as Health Program Coordinator. She oversees all health program activities including clinic and medical camps. The coordinator also provides support and guidance to midwifery training activity. The Health Program Coordinator in collaboration with the Executive Director is responsible for supervising and evaluating program staff, interns and volunteers. She also provides technical support for the implementation of programming. The following three sections of the health program are steadily progressing.


This training is almost free and available close to the student’s homes. Therefore, more and more students are coming to enroll in the training. But due to the limited room space, it is impossible to accommodate all candidates. Early this year, midwifery students Batch 6 & 7 comprising 23 & 24 students respectively showed 100% result. Batch 8 (22 students) after completing the practical work in December are waiting for results. Batch 9 (26 Students) is going for practical training at Lady Wellington Hospital. Batch 10 (20 students) and batch 11 (26 Students) are under training.


Over 1500 patients benefited from the Free Medical Camps during the year. All medical camps are held at least twice a month in poor areas. Camp provides medical checkups, free medicine as well as health promotion with special focus on women reproductive health.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Medical camps activities are now used as a tool to promote TKWC work so that more and more people can benefit from the services.

Joyce & Gunilla in a camp

III. TKWC CLINIC Since the appointment of a doctor, more and more patients are benefiting from the Clinic. The Clinic is held from Monday – Friday from 8:30 – 1:00pm, 4:00 – 8:00pm.

A patient at clinic


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

The Fifth Annual Graduation Ceremony Tuesday 25th September 2007 Talitha Kumi Welfare Center

On Tuesday September 25th, Talitha Kumi Welfare Center’s School of Midwifery Training held its annual graduation. Members of the Executive Board, Staff and students of Talitha Kumi Welfare Center were present to witness the annual event. Talitha Kumi Welfare Center was also honored to have Ms. Gunilla Kristiansson from Sweden as guest of Honour. Dr. Rev. Mrs. Khushnud Azariah was the chief guest.

The ceremony was opened with the memories of Laviza Rehmat, a graduate who died in a road accident five days before the ceremony. She was working in Doctor’s Hospital.

Batch No. 6 and 7 comprising 23 and 24 graduates respectively were awarded certificates of Midwifery Training.

Being the patron of Talitha Kumi Welfare Center, Rev. Dr. Khushnud Azariah in her address to the gathering, emphasized the need for commitment and dedication in the profession of Nursing. She also led a meaningful devotion.


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Graduates taking oath of commitment

Gunilla Kristiansson A girl receiving certificate with Haroon Suleman from Rev. Dr. Khushnud

A group photo of midwives


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


For the last three years Skill Development/income generation Program is providing as a useful tool in the socio-economic development of many unskilled, illiterate women and girls from the target area.

Since January this year 18 new students joined the program to learn different skills i.e.

Garments stitching, Embroidery, Fabric dying, Cold Cream making, Candle making, Pickle making, Jam and chaitney making.

Last year more than 35 students completed various course.

Skill development program students


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


Talitha Kumi Welfare Center is working on small projects to generate income. This year pickle and jams were made and sold.

Revenue from selling these items made by the skill development program; candles, pillow covers, baby quilts, baby cloths, cloths stitching etc. add smart contribution to the income of Talitha Kumi Welfare Center.

Calendar 2008. One thousand calendars were printed. All were sold. It was a very positive income generation activity. We are planning to carry on these kinds of income generating activities in future too.

Baby clothes for sale

A leaf from the calendar

Baby quilts


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007


In our society gender bias, domestic violence, sexual harassments, bonded labor and illegal abduction are due to ignorance and unawareness of the survivors/victims.

Therefore, from the very beginning Talitha Kumi Welfare Center has been giving priority to awareness programs. The reason was to promote awareness and sensitivity about women’s rights, sexual and reproductive health rights, information and education.

In 2007, it was resolved to hold more seminars and workshops in target areas, i.e. Youhanabad, Awami Colony, LDA quarters etc.

Year 2007 was the election year in Pakistan. Talitha Kumi Welfare Center began educating women about the power of their vote and urged them to vote for the party, which has a vision to empower women in their manifesto. A couple of seminars were arranged in Youhanabad and Awami Colony. In these seminars vote, election and manifestos of major parties were discussed at length.

We brought forward the last year strategy to make the program more interactive, responsive and creative.

Evaluation has shown that participants are now more informed, responsive and confidence.


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Following is the list of seminars and workshops held during the year. Date Topic Resource person D/M/Y

12-1-07 Fundamental Rights Haroon Suleman 15-1-07 HIV/AIDS awareness Humaire/Savior-faire 12-2-07 Pakistan Women’s Day Ms. Shunila Ruth 06-2-07 Women’s Rights in Pakistan Haroon Suleman 23-2-07 Reproductive Health Mrs. Catherine 23-2-07 Christian Divorce Act Haroon Suleman 08-3-07 World Women’s Day Bernaditt Shahzad 16-3-07 Sustainable Development Zeeshan Rufin 16-4-07 Seminar on honor killing Haroon Suleman 27-4-07 What is FIR? Haroon Suleman 12-5-07 Gender Balance Bernaditt Shahzad 18-5-07 Women Protection Bill 2007 Haroon Suleman 25-5-07 Family Planning Mrs. Catherine 07-6-07 Violence Against Women Pastor Nelson 20-6-07 AIDS Awareness Zara Khan/ Sadia 31-7-07 Woman in Christianity Rev. Rizwan Saleem 19-9-07 Community Meeting (Awami Colony) 20-9-07 HIV/AIDS Savior-fair 24-9-07 Seminar on Hudood Laws Haroon Suleman 29-9-07 Seminar/Breast feeding Gunilla Kristiansson 26-10-07 Women’s vote power Shunila Ruth 15-11-07 Community Meeting Bernaditt Shahzad


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Pictorial Report

Some pictures from workshops and seminars

Community meeting at Awami Colony

Seminar in LDA quarters HIV/AIDS awareness program


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Sadia from Savior-Fair talking to girls Workshop on Women Protection Bill

Seminar on women’s rights Shunila Ruth taking about power of women’s vote


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Christmas celebration 2007


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

STAFF CAPACITY BUILDING Capacity building refers to activities that improve an organization’s ability to achieve its mission or a person’s ability to define and realize his/her goals or to do his/her job more effectively. Therefore, to make our programs more effective, from time to time with the collaboration of other organization TKWC‘s Staff have enhance their skills.

Embroidery Training Razia, Sewing and Embroidery teacher participated in 3 days training to learn latest embroidery techniques and designs. The training was organized by “HUNERMAND”, organization is working for the skill development of women.  Training on Presentation Skills

 In August 2007, three staff members of TKWC, Zeeshan, Adil Khokher and Bernaditt Shahzad attended a Training Program on PRESENTATION SKILLS. This training was organized by YOUTH DESK- Diocese of Raiwind. Dr. Simon Azariah was the resource person. Staff leant how to discover message, best way to define services and messages, building a speech and making presentation.

Dr. Simon is delivering lecture


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

GUNILLA Kristiansson Worked at TKWC

In September 2007 we were honored to receive Gunilla Kristiansson from the Church of Sweden. She is a nurse by profession and has special work experience in promoting breastfeeding. She came to know about Talitha Kumi Welfare Center through our website. She was especially interested in midwifery training. She voluntarily worked at Talitha Kumi Welfare Center for almost twenty days. She delivered lectures to the midwifery classes. She highlighted the importance of breastfeeding for the nourishment of the child. She also spoke at seminars on breastfeeding awareness. On 26th September she, went with Mrs. Joyce Pervaiz for Medical Camp in Clarkabad. Whole day she worked with a health team. Next day she was in Lady Wellington Hospital where she met doctors of the hospital and Midwifery students from Talitha Kumi Welfare Center. Gunilla also visited Lahore High Court, Civil Courts with Mr. Haroon Suleman and witnessed the court proceedings. She met with the Saima Sharif, Victoria and Parveen Bibi-victims of physical and psychological violence-at their homes.

She also participated in women’s community meetings at LDA Quarters and St. Peter’s Church, Bahar colony. She also visited Lahore Fort, Salt Mines and Badshahi Mosque with great interest. Shopping put in some more color to her visit to Pakistan. Staff of Talitha Kumi Welfare Center enjoyed her presence and participation in day to day work.

Gunilla at Parveen’s House


Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Gunilla with a child Gunilla at Victoria’s house

Capturing memories with her camera

In Civil Courts corridor with Haroon Suleman


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A Midwifery Student

My name is Hina Baig. I live in Kot Lakhpat. My father runs a small grocery shop. It was very difficult for my father to feed 8 members of the family. Therefore, I had to give my education after matriculation. I took admission in midwifery training at Talitha Kumi Welfare Center in year 2006. At the beginning I was not pleased about my decision. But later on, my mind changed as the session progressed. Seminars and

workshops gave me confidence and encouragement.

Hina Baig

After completing the training, I started a small basic maternity home with the support of my parents. It provides the antenatal and labor facilities. It is working very well. My family is very happy and thankful to Madam Shunila Ruth and Talitha Kumi Welfare Center for helping me become a self-supporting woman. I pray that God Bless Talitha Kumi Welfare Center and bring smiles on other women’s faces.

A poor Old woman

I am Inayatain Bibi. I am 65 years old. I live in Youhanabad. My husband is 70 and ill. I have only son Sarfraz, He is a laborer and works on daily wages. In March 2007 my son was implicated in the drug dealing case and arrested by police. I was so helpless. I had no money to give to the police as they asked for bribe. I had no money even to buy food. My

husband and I often starved and slept without meal.

Inayatain Bibi at TKWC

Then someone took me to TKWC Legal Aid team and got my son acquitted.


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A Student from Skill development program

My name is Farah. I live in Shabnam colony, Kot Lakhpat. I belong to a very poor family. My father works in a workshop. I have just completed my embroidery course at TKWC.

Now I am working at my home and stitch clothes for women and children. My work is growing day by day. I am very happy. I will help my parents buy dowry for my marriage with the money I am earning.



Swedish Mission Council TKWC/ Annual Report 2007

Talitha Kumi Welfare Center H.No.24. St.No.15, Modern Colony Nazareth Road, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore, Pakistan Ph. +92-42-5858824 Fax. +92-42-5858824 Cell:+92 300-9423171 Email: [email protected]: