ANNUAL REPORT 2006 - CNCAN » CNCAN · 2012. 7. 3. · - ii - Foreword The 2006 year has a...


Transcript of ANNUAL REPORT 2006 - CNCAN » CNCAN · 2012. 7. 3. · - ii - Foreword The 2006 year has a...

Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2006 - CNCAN » CNCAN · 2012. 7. 3. · - ii - Foreword The 2006 year has a particular significance for the National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities




May 2007

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The 2006 year has a particular significance for the National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities (CNCAN) since it is the 45th anniversary as of its creation. Throughout the 45 years of existence, the institution asserted itself at national and international level through its professionalism and the thoroughness used in regulating, authorizing and controlling the nuclear activities in Romania.

In 2006, CNCAN has continued to act towards

the systematic achievement of the objectives outlined in the National Strategy for Nuclear Safety for the period 1996-2009. In its capacity of National Regulatory Authority, CNCAN has continued to play a vital role in the strict verification of the compliance with

the legal requirements regarding nuclear safety and radioprotection, in order to ensure the protection of population, of employees professionally exposed, of the environment and of the private property. At the same time, CNCAN has closely monitored the manner in which were fulfilled the obligations undertook by Romania pursuant to the singing and ratification of international conventions and treaties in fields such as: the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the safe operation of nuclear installations, the safe management of radioactive wastes and of burnt nuclear fuel, the prevention of trafficking on nuclear materials, radioactive materials and nuclear interest materials, the prevention of nuclear and radiological terrorism.

A central role in CNCAN’s activity was playing by the regulation, authorization

and control of nuclear activities in Cernavod� NPP. Unit 1 was operating within the nuclear safety limits provided in the authorizations issued by CNCAN. CNCAN has also closely monitored the commissioning (PIF – punere in functiune) of Unit 2 and issued the authorizations and endorsements required by the law for Phase A, after verification of the proper compliance with the criteria for acceptance of PIF test results and after fulfillment of the CNCAN authorization requirements provided for each phase.

In terms of authorization of the quality management systems of the nuclear

installations and service providers in the nuclear field, the investigations conducted in 2006 by CNCAN were purported to check the compliance with the requirements under the authorizations issued by CNCAN and the evolution of performance indicators of processes quality. There has been stated an ascending evolution of the efficiency of quality management systems and the compliance with the legal requirements.

In 2006 CNCAN has thoroughly controlled the compliance with the legal

requirements applicable to the radioprotection in nuclear installations, the management of radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel, the decommissioning of nuclear installations, as well as to the transport of radioactive materials. Upon its own initiative or based on external requests, CNCAN has also conducted radiological

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investigations in the environment. According to CNCAN’s assessments, in 2006, the legal limitations of doses provided for the population and the employees professionally exposed were not exceeding. The level of environmental radioactivity in the areas investigate by CNCAN remain between normal values and does not present a radiological risk for the population.

All along 2006, in terms of nuclear guarantees, CNCAN caused the strict

compliance with the obligations undertook by Romania at international level and maintained a permanent contact with IAEA and EURATOM. Regular and ad-hoc inspections conducted by IAEA in Romania in 2006, confirmed the compliance by Romania of the provisions of the Additional Protocol to the Agreements between Romania and IAEA for the application of guarantees in connection with the Treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Pursuant to the accession to the European Union, Romania shall become part to the Euratom Treaty and shall have to apply the EURATOM system of nuclear guarantees. Under these circumstances, CNCAN has organized in 2006 a set of training sessions for the holding authorization holders, with respect to the manner in which they have to prepare the reports and the type of information they must provide under the Regulation no. 302/2005 on the application of the Euratom nuclear guarantees control system. In 2006, CNCAN has increased its efforts to achieve its major goals in the field of physical protection through ensuring the relevant legislative framework and systematically verifying the compliance of legal requirements by the authorization holders. CNCAN’s activity was also intensely directing towards preventing the trafficking of nuclear materials and radioactive sources.

In terms of mining and preparation of uranium ores, the processing of raw

nuclear materials, as well as the related activities (holding, storage, sitting, use, transport shipments of uranium ores and radioactive wastes, export and transfer), CNCAN has ensured in 2006 a proper control and no breaches of the relevant Romanian regulations in force were recorded.

In terms of ionizing radiations applications, CNCAN has thoroughly provided in

2006 for the control of the use of radiological installation in medicine (therapy, diagnosis, interventional radiology), in industry (non-destructive control, control of processes and quality, spectrometry, diffractometry), in education and research, as well as the preventive control of country borders. CNCAN investigations revealed the compliance at a large scale of the legal requirements provided in the authorizations issued by CNCAN. There have been stating a few deviations from the norms but CNCAN ordered immediate corrective measures.

In terms of international relations, in 2006, CNCAN has continued to monitor

both the undertakings provided during negotiations (that is, the actions under the implementations plan listed under Chapter 22 – Environmental protection) and the recommendations of the European Commission included in the Monitoring Report for 2005. CNCAN has also identified and prepared the proposals drafts for the scheduling of Phare 2006 and of the Transition Facility. CNCAN has benefited from technical assistance from IAEA, along with which it develops technical cooperation projects, both through national and through regional projects. Under the National program for technical cooperation funded by IAEA, CNCAN has benefited in particular, in 2006, from expert missions, and from support in organizing national

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seminars. CNCAN has participated in the session of the 50th IAEA General Conference, held in Vienna, September 11th – 25th, and in the annual fair organized by IAEA on said conference. Romania’s stands theme was „Romania – long lasting development for peaceful use of nuclear energy” and was largely appreciated by the audience. CNCAN focused on the strengthening of cooperation with similar bodies from other countries. Therefore, in 2006, various meetings took place between the President of the CNCAN and representatives of similar bodies in the Unites States of America, Hungary, the republic of Korea and the Republic of Bulgaria, pursuant to which it has been agreed to launch bilateral cooperation actions in common interest areas.

In fulfilling its mission, CNCAN has also strengthened in 2006, its cooperation

with other national authorities, scheduling common actions purported to optimize the interfaces and to increase efficiency of on-site actions.

A remarkable success that was largely contributed to by CNCAN was the

transition, in 2006, of the research nuclear reactor TRIGA in Pite�ti, from the use of high enrichment uranium (HEU) to the use of low enrichment uranium (LEU). The project was completed prior to the deadline and consistently with the nuclear safety requirements. The key partners were the Department of Energy (DOE) of the USA, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, the Nuclear Fuel Plant CERCA within the AREVA Company from France, the Nuclear Research Branch (SCN – Sucursala de Cercet�ri Nucleare) in Pite�ti and CNCAN.

Significant progress was recorded in 2006 in terms of implementation of the

project aimed at returning the burnt nuclear fuel from the VVR-S reactor, located on Bucure�ti-M�gurele platform, back to the Russian Federation. CNCAN is in charge with the project management and closely cooperates with DOE, IAEA, Sosny Company from the Russian Federation and Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH - Institutul de Fizic� �i Inginerie Nuclear� – “Horia Hulubei”).

Both project aforementioned were launched under the Initiatice to Globally

Reduce Threats (GRTI – Ini�iativa pentru Reducerea Globala a Amenin��rilor), since Romania is involved along with other states, in the actions scheduled in order to achieve the goals of such initative.

Upon invitation of the Government, in the beginning of 2006, a team of IAEA

experts came to Romania in order to assess the CNCAN’s capability to accurate exert its powers as national regulatory authority for authorization and control of nuclear activities in Romania. The mission schedules within IAEA/IRRS highly appreciated the CNCAN’s activity, while the mission report outlined 66 recommendations, 14 suggestions and 14 good practices. Since March 2006, CNCAN has initiated an action plan for the implementation of recommendations and suggestions of IRRS mission. This action plan shall be completing in 2007.

In 2006, CNCAN’s efforts were constantly directed towards achieving the

following objectives:

The absence of accidents at the nuclear reactors;

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The absence of critical events; The absence of acute exposure to ionizing radiation that are likely to result in

death; The absence of emissions of radioactive materials that are likely to result in

significant exposures to radiations; The absence of emissions of radioactive materials with significant impact on

the environment; The absence of events involving authorized radioactive materials used in a

manner hostile to the national security; The information on and the involvement of authorization holders in CNCAN’s

regulatory processes, as the case may be; The absence of major difficulties in the authorization process; The continuous improvement of efficiency of the relevant national authorities; The diversification of personnel skills and of infrastructure, in order to ensure

the support necessary for CNCAN to accomplish its mission and to achieve the proposed objectives;

The development of legislative and regulatory framework; The increase in CNCAN’s capability and in its independence degree; The improvement of nuclear safety performance in Cernavod� NPP; The improvement of nuclear safety performance in the research ractors; The increase in the capability of response in case of emergency; The maintenance of national expertise in the nuclear field; The strengthening of international cooperation; The increase in efficiency and transparency of the relations with the public and

the media. CNCAN has also launched in 2006 its proposals for the post-accession

strategy, as follows:

1. Nuclear safety:

Completion, by 2010, of the harmonization of national regulatory legislative framework applicable to the nuclear safety with the European Union’s;

Completion, by 2009, of the infrastructure projects for the National

Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities;

Aligning the national requirements for regulation, authorization and control of Units 3 and 4 in Cernavod�, to the standards accepted by the European Union for the period 2012-2013;

Ensuring the human and financial resources, for the proper operation in

nuclear safety conditions, of nuclear installations and objectives. 2. Management of radioactive wastes and of spent nuclear fuel

Completion of the return, by 2009, to the Russian Federation of the spent nuclear fuel resulting from the operation of the research reactor VVR-S;

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Return to the USA, by 2010, of the burnt nuclear fuel with high enrichment uranium (HEU) resulting from the operation of research reactor TRIGA;

Rehabilitation, by 2011, of the Radioactive Wastes Treatment Station (Sta�ia

de Tratare a De�eurilor Radioactive) within IFIN-HH;

Rehabilitation, by 2013, of the National Warehouse for Radioactive Wastes (Depozitul Na�ional pentru De�euri Radioactive) in B�i�a, Bihor county;

Disassembly, by 2013, of the Research Reactor VVR-S;

Completion, by 2009, of the treatment and conditioning of historical radioactive

wastes accumulated on IFIN-HH platform; 3. Radioprotection

Commissioning, by 2012, of the installation for continuous extraction of tritium from the specific systems of Cernavod� NPP;

Completion, by 2010, of the implementation of efficient programs purported to

reduce the doses of radiations associated with nuclear activities, down to a reasonable threshold;

Completion, by 2009, of the extension of the framework for application of

radiological safety norms so as to include the non-nuclear activities which may be associated with the concentration of naturally radioactive materials during the specific technological processes;

Completion, by 2010, of the implementation of a proper radiological safety

framework in the metallic wastes recycling industry, which, during the process of gathering, processing, transport and re-use may be contaminated with radioactive substances.

4. Preparation and planning of intervention in case of nuclear accident or

radiological emergency

Development, by 2011, at the standards of the European Union, of the elements forming the National System for Management of Emergency Situations, with a view to improve the intervention capability in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency;

Modernization, by 2013, of National Operational Center and of the Operational

Centers for technical support within the National System for Management of Emergency Situations in order to render them modern response structures in case of radiological/nuclear accidents or emergencies, provided with internationally accepted IT and computer equipment necessary to exchange information both within the system and with the pair international organizations in an efficient, viable and safe manner.

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5. Physical protection, prevention of trafficking of radioactive materials nuclear materials and nuclear interest materials

Completion, by 2010, of the implementation of the integrated system of detection of radioactive materials at EU border related to Romania;

Improvement, by 2010, of the capabilities of physical protection systems in the

nuclear installations of the nuclear fuel cycle. This annual report is an overview of CNCAN’s activities and achievements,

that best reflect the manner in which it fulfilled its legal duties. It outlines the areas of interest for the public and presents details of the CNCAN’ specific activities in 2006.


State Secretary

President of CNCAN

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Chapter 1: Nuclear Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Elaboration of nuclear safety regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Harmonization of nuclear safety regulations in the WENRA member countries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 IAEA/IRRS mission for CNCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.4 CNCAN activities for Cernavod� NPP in the field of nuclear safety. . . 9

1.4.1 Unit 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Authorization process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Approval of modifications to the plant . . . . . . . . . . 10 CNCAN activity for the annual planned stoppage of Unit 1 in 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11 Nuclear safety inspections schedule . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Dynamics of control activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ageing management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Nuclear safety management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Investigation and analysis of events . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Reporting to IAEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Use of expertise from operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Operation performance of Unit 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.4.2 Unit 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Authorization process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Commissioning authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Endorsements issued for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Nuclear safety inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

1.4.3 Units 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

1.4.4 Assessment of safety analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

1.5 TRIGA research reactor in Pite�ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1.5.1 Transition of TRIGA reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1.5.2 CNCAN inspections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

1.5.3 Research programs in SCN Pite�ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

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1.6 VVR-S research reactor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

1.6.1 Return of burnt nuclear fuel to the Russian Federation . . . . . . 35

1.7 Authorization of personnel within nuclear installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 1.8 CNCAN participation in the annual meeting of nuclear regulators

from countries operating CANDU reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

1.9 Participation in IAEA international seminars and conferences . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 2: Quality management systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

2.1 Inspection of quality management systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

2.2.1 Operation, maintenance and preservation activities. . . . . . . . . 50

2.2.2 CNCAN activity in the planned stoppage of Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

2.2 Quality management system at Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP for construction-assembly and commissioning activities . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.3 Auditing of the quality management system at Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.4 CNCAN participation in the commissioning tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

2.5 Authorization of the quality management systems of contractors . . 58

2.6 Verification of records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

2.7 Authorization of companies supplying products and services. . . . . . 61 2.8 Quality testing and control by sampling and assistance at the

inspection and testing points on the fabrication flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

2.9 Authorization and control of constructions in the nuclear field. . . . . . . 63

2.10 Quality management system of suppliers of products and services. . 65

2.11 Testing equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

2.12 Personnel in charge with testing and assessment of quality management systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Chapter 3: Radioprotection, radioactive wastes, transports and emergencies. . . . . 70

3.1 Regulatory activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

3.2 Authorization activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

3.3 Radioprotection in nuclear installations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.4 Management of radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel. . . . . . . . .

72 3.4.1 Final storage of radioactive wastes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3.4.2 Temporary storage of burnt nuclear fuel. . . . . 73

3.5 Decommissioning of nuclear installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

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3.6 Joint convention on safety management of spent nuclear fuel and on safe management of radioactive wastes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.7 Participation in WENRA session – work group for harmonization of the concept on management of radioactive wastes and of the concept of decommissioning (WGWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.8 Transport of radioactive materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

3.9 Control activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

3.10 Training and improvement of personnel. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

3.10.1 Training and improvement course “Advanced techniques to measure environmental radioactivity in nuclear or radiological emergency situations – spectrometric determinations with scintillator liquid analyzer”. . . . . . . . . . .


3.10.2 Training and improvement course “Advanced techniques to

assess the radiological consequences in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.10.3 Training course „Assessment on the safety of surface

radioactive wastes warehouses” . . . . . . . . .


3.10.4 Training course „Assessment of the documentation for decommissioning of nuclear installations”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.10.5 Participation in international training courses . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

3.11 CNCAN personnel training for nuclear and/or radiological emergency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.11.1 International simulation drill „SEESIM 06” . . . . . . . . . 85

3.11.2 National exercise for radiological emergency on authorization sitting of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP . . . . . . . . .


3.12 Investigation of naturally radioactive sources that may result in significant increase of exposure to radiations . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.13 Radiological investigations upon request from media, the public and authorities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.13.1 Work methods and equipment specific to the radiological investigations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

3.13.2 Radiological investigation at AIR LIQUID S.A. BUZ�U 88

3.13.3 Radiological investigation in Comuna M�gurele, Ilfov county . . . . 89

3.13.4 Radiological investigation at REMAT SUD Bucuresti . . . . . 90

3.13.5 Radiological investigation in the environment, in the influence area of Cernavod� NPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.14 Development of the material basis in CNCAN’s Emergency Center. . 91 Chapter 4: Implementation of Nuclear Guarantees and of the Additional Protocol

in Romania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.1 Regulatory and authorization activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

4.2 Control activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

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4.3 CNCAN database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

4.4 Certification of persons in charge with nuclear guarantees . . . . . . . 103

4.5 IAEA inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

4.6 Training of persons in charge with nuclear guarantees. . . . . . . . . . . 107

4.7 Transfer of LEU fuel from France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

4.8 Visit of the delegation of the Canadian Commission for Nuclear Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

4.9 CNCAN participation in international seminars and work meetings 116

Chapter 5: Physical protection of nuclear installations and materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

5.1 New regulations in the field of physical protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

5.2 Law on the ratification of the Addendum to the Convention on physical protection of nuclear materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

5.3 Projects developed jointly with IAEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

5.4 Authorization activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

5.5 Prevention of trafficking of nuclear materials. . . . 122

5.6 Control activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

5.7 Assessment of physical protection procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 5.8 Assessment of persons in charge with physical protection of

nuclear installations and materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

5.9 Personnel training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 5.10 Prevention of proliferation of mass destruction weapons . . . . . . . . . 127 5.11 National drill for prevention of nuclear terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

129 5.12 Implementation of Resolution 1540 of UNO Security Council . . .


5.13 Transfer of LEU nuclear fuel from France to SCN Pite�ti . . . . . . . 133

Chapter 6: Mining and preparation of uranium ores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

6.1 Completing the legislative framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 6.2 Professional improvement of CNCAN personnel involved in the

monitoring and authorizing of mining and of preparation of uranium ores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.3 Authorization activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6.4 Personnel certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

6.5 Endorsement on the level 2 radioprotection programs. . . . . . . . . . . . 139

6.6 Radiological monitoring of personnel professionally exposed. . . . . . 140

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6.7 Accreditation of dosimetric bodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

6.8 Environmental restoration and monitoring of environmental factors. 142

6.9 Control activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

6.10 Databases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Chapter 7: Ionizing radiations applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

7.1 Regulatory activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

7.2 Authorization of activities with radiological installations. . . . . . . 152

7.3 Personnel authorization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

7.4 Appointing of test labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 7.5 Audit on the quality management system implemented by

producers of radiological installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

7.6 Patient radioprotection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

7.7 Endorsements on courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

7.8 Notifying the work inside the specially refurbished precinct. . . . . . . 163

7.9 Assessment of requests filed with CNCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

7.10 Control of activities with radiological installations . . . . . . . . 169

7.11 Contravention penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

7.12 Inspectors’ training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

7.13 Issues resulting from the control activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

7.14 Records on the control activity in EVNUC database . 176

7.15 National register of doses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

7.16 Notices on the excess of maximum permitted dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

7.17 Participation in congresses, symposium, technical meetings . . . . . 187 7.18 Informing the public about radioprotection and radiological safety. .

189 Chapter 8: International relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

8.1 European integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

8.2 Pre-accession assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

8.3 Cooperation with IAEA . . . . 194

8.3.1 Technical assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 National projects for technical assistance . . . . . . . . 195 Regional programs for technical assistance . . . . . . 197

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8.3.2 Research programs coordinated by IAEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

8.3.3 Methodology for preparing the technical assistance program 198

8.4 IAEA General Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

8.5 Participation in work groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

8.6 Bilateral cooperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

8.7 Bilateral programs for technical assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

8.8 Professional training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Chapter 9: Public relations and media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Chapter 10: Resources management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Appendix: List of acronyms used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

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Chapter 1 – Nuclear Safety

In 2006, CNCAN activities in the field of nuclear safety were focused on the national needs, the compliance with the requirements for the accession to the European Union and the completion, in short time, of the actions plans for achieving the objectives resulting from the recommendations of the expert missions organized for Romania by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna (IAEA) and the European Commission. Furthermore, the various reports on the assessment of the Romanian nuclear field, prepared by the European Commission, the Western Europe Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA), the Nuclear Energy Agency attached to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and by the strategic partners of Romania, were considered in 2006 as basic references for the implementation of the national strategy in the field of nuclear safety.

The most relevant aspects of CNCAN activity in 2006 in the field of nuclear safety, for power reactors and research reactors, are presented herein below. 1.1 Elaboration of nuclear safety regulations

CNCAN’s policy is to provide for a well defined regulatory framework that is the core of the efforts made to ensure the nuclear safety and represents altogether a solid basis for the population to maintain its confidence in the safe deployment of nuclear activities. In 2006, CNCAN has continued the process of issuance of nuclear safety regulations based on the actions plan prepared as part of the harmonization process carried out in the WENRA member states.

CNCAN has issued in 2006 5 nuclear safety regulations, as follows:

Norms on the Emergency Core Cooling System (SRAZA – Sistemul de R�cire la Avarie al Zonei Active) for the CANDU type NPPs;

Norms on the review from time to time of the nuclear safety of nuclear power plants;

Norms on the protection of nuclear power plants against fire an internal explosions;

Norms on the probabilistic assessments of nuclear safety for nuclear power plants.

The following nuclear safety regulations are also pending elaboration by the


Norms on the modifications of the nuclear power plants;

Figure 1.1 National strategy of nuclear safety

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Norms on the classification by classes of safety of the systems, structures and components of nuclear power plants;

Norms on the nuclear safety documentation for the authorization of nuclear power plants;

Norms on the concrete structures of the nuclear power plants. 1.2 Harmonization of nuclear safety regulations in the WENRA member


Within the process of harmonization of the regulations and practices that are materials to the nuclear safety, carried out in the member states of the Western European Nuclear Regulator's Association (WENRA), CNCAN has continued to participate in the activities of the expert work group for nuclear power reactors (Reactor Harmonization Working Group – RHWG), as well as in the plenary sessions.

In January 2006, the RHWG report and the levels of reference were published on the internet page of WENRA group in order to allow all interested organizations to send proposals and comments thereon. The topic of the seminar, organized in Brussels, on February 9th, 2006, was “Common approach on nuclear safety and regulatory activities across Europe”. The seminar was purported to inform mainly the industry’s representatives about the activities carried out by WENRA and about the results of studies conducted, in order to obtain a feedback that would allow a clearer perspective on the various implications of the harmonization process.

Within the meetings in 2006 of the RHWG work group, the CNCAN representatives have contributed to the review of reference levels, pursuant to the comments received mainly from the industry’s representatives. After having presented, throughout 2006, the status of various national regulations applicable to the nuclear field, their correspondence and consistency with the reference levels set out by WENRA, as well as areas of interest related to the implementation of the nuclear safety regulations at the nuclear power plant Cernavod�, CNCAN has drafted a preliminary action plant that sets out the national framework for the harmonization process. Prepared in accordance with the common format agreed by the WENRA members, the CNCAN action plan was presented during the plenary session that took place in Stockholm, on November 9th – 10th. This action plan is comprised of both the measures necessary to introduce the reference levels in the applicable legislation and of the reference levels provided for implementation, along with the deadlines by which they are to be completed. The CNCAN action plan was also forwarded to the Working Party on Nuclear Safety (WPNS) – work group set by the Atomic Question Group (AQG) of the European Council.

Figure 1.2 RHWG Report

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The reference levels contemplated by the RHWG are:

A the safety strategy; B the operation organization; C the quality management; D the training and authorization of NPP personnel; E the verification and improvement of the Project; F the project basic package for existing reactors; G the classification, by safety levels, of the structures, systems and

components; H the limits and conditions for operation; I the ageing management; J the feedback system from investigations of events and expertise from

operation; K the maintenance, inspections in-service and functional testing; LM the operation procedures in emergency situations and guidelines for

severe accidents’ management; N the content and review of the safety report; O the safety probabilistic assessments; P the review from time to time of the nuclear safety; Q the nuclear power plant modification; R the preparation in case of emergency on site; S the protection against internal fire.

Figure 1.3 presents aspects from the CNCAN participation in the plenary

session of WENRA members and figures 1.4 and 1.5 presents the status of reference levels covered by regulations at the end of 2006, for Romania. Figure 1.6 presents the action plan for harmonization prepared by CNCAN.

In 2006, CNCAN has drafted the action plan for implementation, by 2010, of the conclusions of WENRA Report. It is worth mentioning that CNCAN is currently ensuring the secretariat of RHWG Work Group of WENRA.

CNCAN considers that the harmonization of the national regulations with the reference levels established by WENRA is consistent with its own strategy regarding the examination of evolutions in the field of nuclear safety within the European Union

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07 24










20 13












9 8















IssueR omania: Law by t o p ic

Figure 1.3 CNCAN participation in the plenary session of WENRA members

Already harmonized

Arguable differences in terms of nuclear safety

Differences that may be subject to harmonization

Figure 1.4 Status of reference levels covered by regulations at the end of 2006,

for Romania

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- 5-

Figure 1.5 Status of reference levels implementation at the end of 2006, for


Figure 1.6 Action plan for harmonization, prepared by CNCAN

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1.3 IAEA/IRRS mission for CNCAN

In 2006, CNCAN has continued its strategy purported to strengthen its own

capabilities in the field of independent assessment of nuclear safety analysis. Thus, anticipating the requirements at European level in terms of performances of the nuclear regulatory and control authorities, upon request of CNCAN, an IAEA/IRRS (Integrated Regulatory Review Service) mission took place in Romania on January 16th – 26th, 2006. This mission was aimed at assessing CNCAN capability to conduct the verification of safe deployment of nuclear activities exclusively for peaceful purposes. To this end, in terms of nuclear safety, the main areas of interest analyzed by the IRRS mission were

the legislative framework and the governmental responsibilities; the DRN authority, responsibilities and duties; the DRN organization; the process of authorization of the activities carried out in the nuclear field; the process of review and assessment of the authorization support

documentation; the process of control of authorization applicants/holders; the status of elaboration of nuclear safety regulations and guidelines.

This mission helped CNCAN to improve and implement its action plan with a

view to achieve the objectives outlined in the Nuclear Safety Strategy developed by CNCAN in 2005. In order to ensure the proper activity of the mission, CNCAN has previously provided it with a large set of documents relevant for the mission’s objectives.

The IRRS team consisted in 10 experts from Switzerland, France, Pakistan, Slovakia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and from the IAEA Secretariat. The IRRS mission prepared 66 recommendations, 14 suggestions and 14 best practices, forwarded to the Government and to the CNCAN. Figure 1.9 presents the statistics of recommendations, suggestions and best practices. CNCAN’s areas of activity assessed by the IRRS mission were:

A. the legislative and governmental responsibilities; B. the authority, the responsibilities and the duties of the regulatory institution; C. the analysis of the regulatory institution; D. the process of authorization; E. the review and analysis; F. the inspection and execution; G. the development of regulations and guidelines; H. the preparation for emergency situations; I. the wastes management and decommissioning; J. the protection against radiations; K. the transport of radioactive materials.

At the initiative of CNCAN, Romania managed to benefit, during the last 8

years, of 3 IRRT missions, 2 RaSIA missions and 1 IRRS mission. In its capacity of IAEA member state, Romania is the only one that achieved this performance.

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IAEA missions for CNCAN significantly contributed to the development and

efficiency strengthening thereof.

Figure 1.7 IRRS team and CNCAN team

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Figure 1.8 IAEA/IRRS mission’s 2006 report for CNCAN

Figure 1.9 Statistics of recommendations, suggestions and best practices issued by IRRS mission





4 521 1

3 4




14 5









ber o

f rec







ns (S

) and


t pra


es (B


A B C D E F G H I J KField of assessment

Recommendations (R) Suggestions (S) Best Practices (BP)

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1.4 CNCAN activities for Cernavod� NPP, in the field of nuclear safety

1.4.1 Unit 1

In 2006, CNCAN has exerted its powers with respect to the assessment of the

documentations for nuclear safety, monitoring and control, set out for the validity period of the operation and maintenance authorization of Unit 1, Cernavod� NPP, through:

analysis, assessment and endorsement, as the case may be, of the nuclear

safety technical documentations forwarded by the autorisation holder during 2006;

continuous monitoring, in terms of nuclear safety, of the nuclear power plant operation practice;

development of control activities in the documentation control points and hold and monitoring points established by CNCAN, according to the annual inspections plan for 2006. CNCAN has analyzed the status of implementation of the corrective measures

resulting from CNCAN orders pursuant to the control minutes and to the outsome of assessments by Cernavod� NPP of 2006 reportable incidents and events.

Based on the results of inspections and analysis of performance indicators of

Unit 1, Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has stated that the power plant’s operation in 2006 was consistent with the nuclear safety and the installation was kept at a high level of viability. Authorization process

During the validity period of the operation and maintenance authorization to

Unit 1, Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has required, according to the authorization process, the organization of common sessions CNCAN/SNN/Cernavod� NPP in order to discuss the nuclear safety relevant aspects, as follows:

February 16th, 2006:

Strategic program of safety analysis – results of the first stage – Large LOCA

April 17th, 2006:

Analysis of the causes of the unplanned shutdown of April 7th, 2006

June 30th, 2006:

Analysis of the causes of the unplanned shutdown of April 7th, 2006

August 29th, 2006:

Analysis of the preparation of the works under the 2006Planned Shutdown

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November 1st, 2006:

Analysis of the activities carried out under the 2006 Planned Shutdown Approval of the modifications of the NPP

Upon request of the Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has received for assessment

and approval the permanent or temporary project modifications both for Unit 1 and for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP. These modifications ranged under three categories:

DCN – initial project amendments, forwarded by Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, in

addition to the project modifications under the Contract for the Completion of Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP, previously approved by CNCAN;

MPA – approved project amendments, the approval of which by CNCAN was requested by Unit 1 Cernavod� NPP;

RSMA – temporary amendments of the installation configuration, required by Unit 1 Cernavod� NPP.

Figure 1.10 Statistics of project amendments assessed and approved by CNCAN in 2006


28 29









Nr. a


ari C


DCN RSMA MPATipuri aprobari

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- 11- CNCAN activity for the planned shutdown of Unit 1 in 2006

During the planned shutdown in September – October 2006, of Unit 1

Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has elaborated and implemented an additional program of inspections, setting forth witness and hold points, with a view to verify the execution of repair and maintenance works in nuclear and radiological safety conditions. The main activities contemplated the verification of the compliance with the requirements in terms of:

the manner in which the work procedures, the use of necessary materials, the use of proper tools and devices were observed in order to ensure the observance of the preventive maintenance program;

the stage analysis regarding control of amendments, issuance of amendment proposals, grading and planning of amendments;

the assurance of preliminary conditions for the beginning of works and/or actions scheduled for the specific points within the work plans;

the compliance with the acceptance conditions under the testing (OMT); the drafting, in quality assurance conditions, of the documentation related to

the inspected activities. The activities under four significant programs of the nuclear power plant were


the amendments’ implementation program; the program of inspection in-serve and periodical inspections; the program of preventive/corrective maintenance; the program of mandatory testing during planned shutdown.

In order to monitor the activities under the planned shutdown of September –

October 2006, there have been initially established, under the work plans implemented during the shutdown, 62 witness points (WP) and 5 mandatory hold points (HP).

Figure 1.11 CNCAN hold/witness points under the 2006 Planned Shutdown




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In order to re-commission Unit 1, at the end of the planned shutdown, 2

additional mandatory hold points were established, in order to allow CNCAN to monitor:

the compliance with the pressurization conditions of the Heat Transport

Primary System, respectively the impact of the works performed on the steam generator with respect to their operation;

the status of the systems necessary for the reactor’s operation at full power; the impact of technical deficiencies/issues identified during the 2006 Planned

Shutdown which may affect the reactor’s operation at full power, and the setps taken by Cernavod� NPP in order to remedy the same. Throughout the planned shutdown, the Cernavod� NPP Monitoring

Department’s personnel has participated daily in the three sessions dedicated to the planned shutdown, in order to be informed about the status of activities related to the Planned Shutdown, as well as about the identified issues/requirements.

The inspections pursuant to an incident or event are also part of the category

of operational monitoring. Following such inspections, requests for analysis are issued or specific actions are required by CNCAN personnel in order to ensure the nuclear safety. Nuclear safety inspections program In order to ensure the nuclear safety and the population protection, CNCAN

undertakes with responsibility the role of national control authority in the nuclear field, as provided for in Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authoriastion and control of nuclear activities, republished.

The purpose of the control program applied at Units 1 and 2 of Cernavod�

NPP is:

to check the compliance of all activities carried out with the laws, regulations and authorizations in force;

to encourage the identification and prompt correction of all discrepancies.

The annual control program applied at Cernavod� NPP is consistent with

CNCAN’s management policy and contributes to the achievement of CNCAN’s performance in order to:

maintain the nuclear safety; reduce the low efficiency regulatory activities; issue efficient and realistic CNCAN decisions; and strengthen the population’s confidence in the nuclear activities developed in


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In 2006, the continuous monitoring of activities at Cernavod� NPP consisted in the following:

the preventive and operative control: inspections scheduled according to

CNCAN’s Annual Inspection Program and daily and periodical routines of CNCAN inspectors;

operational monitoring: implementation of the detailed routines system of

various areas of the nuclear power plant; participation in the execution of systems testing, participation in certain preventive/corrective maintenance works of equipment (especially of equipment that is materials to the nuclear safety or support equipment thereof); initial inspection and assessment of incidents/events occurred at Unit 1. a) Preventive and operative control In 2006, according to its powers, CNCAN personnel participated daily in the

Operative Debriefing of Cernavod� NPP in order to be kept informed about the nuclear power plant’s daily activities.

In addition to the activities above-mentioned, daily routines in the control room

were performed in order to monitor the activities in progress and to assess them. During such routines, discussion took place with the management and

execution personnel and the nuclear power plant’s processes were assessed in order to correct deficiencies where applicable.

CNCAN has assessed the significance of all discrepancies taking into account

the following issues:

the immediate impact on nuclear safety; the potential impact on nuclear safety; any other significant aspect of discrepancies.

In order to correct the discrepancies CNCAN issues orders and the manner in

which such orders are issued reflect the discrepancy’s importance degree in terms of nuclear safety and of the circumstances that lead to it.

b) Operational monitoring Operational monitoring is another way for CNCAN to undertake its role as

control authority in the nuclear field. Operational monitoring consists in implementing a detailed routines system

according to the approved internal procedures. Such routines cover the most important areas of the nuclear power plant and monitor the status of the nuclear power plant’ (physical and functional) systems, the critical parameters of nuclear safety and the functional parameters of said systems, the housekeeping status etc.

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CNCAN inspectors carried out 11 routines on the location, within a complete cycle, at approximately every 4 months.

Table 1.1 Routines carried out by CNCAN in 2006

Routines carried out

Quarter I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter IVNo. Routine Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 Reactor building x x

2 Turbine building x x

3 Services building x x

4 Coolers building x x


Building of the Emergency Core Cooling System – high pressure part

x x

6 Building of the Emergency Water System

x x

7 Secondary Control Room x

8 Dry warehouse of low radioactive wastes x x

9 Pumps building x x

10 Diesel generators x x

11 Spent fuel tank x x The operational monitoring was also achieved through the participation of

CNCAN personnel in the execution of various systems testing, who assisted in various preventive and corrective maintenance works.

The systems testing or the preventive/corrective maintenance works that were

subject to inspection/monitoring by SSCNEC personnel, outside the planned shutdown periods, were chosen depending on their importance in terms of nuclear safety and pursuant to consultation of the plans prepared by Unit 1 Cernavod� NPP, which are comprised of both dates scheduled for systems testing and of the dates on which preventive and corrective maintenance works on various equipment shall be performed.

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- 15- Dynamics of control activities

Through the Monitoring Department of Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN conducts:

inspections with a view to check the compliance of the power plant’s activities with the docments based on which the operation authorization was issued;

monitoring with a view to supervise the processes trends. In 2006, besides the operative monitoring at Unit 1 Cernavod� NPP, a series

of thematic inspections were scheduled according to the Annual Inspections Plan, as shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Annual inspections plan for 2006

No. Activity inspected Period Theme 1 Quality assurance January Verification/implementation of

actions required by CNCAN

2 Technical/Operation/ Maintenance

January February

Nuclear power plant’s mechanisms and processes in order to identify the deficiencies that lead to the occurrence of abnormal conditions and classification thereof. Trend analysis

3 Technical/Operation/ Maintenance

February March

Preventive and predictive maintenance (deficiencies resulting from these types of maintenance)

4 Technical March April Tyre system

5 Technical/Operation April May

Results of mandatory testing and trends thereof

6 Technical/Operation May June

Mandatory testing execution manner

7 Radioprotection June July

Radioprotection – trend of evacuations

8 Operation July August

Preparation in case of emergency (scheduling and execution of exercises)

9 All departments

Depending on the planned shutdown (September October)

Preparation of planned works under the 2006 Planned Shutdown

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Table 1.2 Annual inspection plan for 2006 (follow-up)

No. Activity inspected Period Theme

10 All departments Depending on the unplanned shutdown

Depending on the unplanned shutdown

11 Technical September October Sprinkler system in the tyre

12 Technical October November

Systems of the spent fuel tank

13 Technical November December

Cooling system of end protections

14 Technical December Special safety systems

15 Nuclear safety March December

Verification of the actions scheduled under the PSR program

Figure 1.12 Status of Control Minutes issued by CNCAN in 2006



Control Minutes #1

Control Minutes #2

Total ControlMinutes




Total orders Closed orders Open orders

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According to the law, pursuant to the inspections, Control Minutes (CM) were

prepared and regulatory orders were issued providing for the related deadlines for implementation. On the date of drafting this report, over 91% of such orderes werer closed as a result of the fact that the deficiencies stated were corrected and then reported to the CNCAN. Ageing management Taking into account that one of the factors that influence the decision making

with respect to the extension of the operation period of a nuclear power plant is the awareness of the degradation degree of the equipment at the end of the project life, CNCAN is paying a particular attention to the manner in which the activities under the ageing management program are carried out at Cernavod� NPP. To this end, CNCAN is constantly monitoring this process using the main instruments that allow the accurate assessment of the status of the nuclear power plant throughout its entire operation period, by means of:

monitoring the manner in which Cernavod� NPP implements the main

programs of nuclear safety verification;

organizing inspections on the power plant’s sitting;

analyzing the reports prepared from time to time by the nuclear power plant;

verifying the compliance with the programs dedicated to the safe operation;

monitoring the development of the following programs: - the operation program; - the safety systems operation program; - the operation personnel’s training and recycling program; - the periodical inspection program; - the preventive maintenance program; - the structures, systems and components ageing management program; - the program of monitoring the power plant’s viability and risk status; - the spare parts’ systematic review program; - the global, periodical review of nuclear safety program. The monitoring of Unit 1 Cernavod� NPP operation in nuclear safety conditions,

involved also the analysis and assessment of periodical documents that present the nuclear safety and radiological risk status in the power plant’s operation, such as:

- the daily report of operation and of the shift head in the nuclear power plant’s

control room; - the quarterly technical reports; - the reports on the compliance with the programs dedicated to the safe


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- 18- Management of nuclear safety

Just as during the previous years, the information gathered by CNCAN

pursuant to the review of the documentation provided to it by Cernavod� NPP, as well as pursuant to the inspections program on the nuclear power plant’ sitting were mainly assessed in terms of nuclear safety.

No problem was identified in terms of the nuclear power plant’ nuclear safety

management. Investigation and analysis of events CNCAN has continued to operatively monitor the manner in which the

authorization holders operate the nuclear installations, permanently carrying out a systematic analysis of the event reports forwarded by the authorization holders within the reporting process set out according to the authorizations requirements.

Most of the events reported in 2006 by the Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP were

ranged outside the scale, respectively under the INES scale. In addition to the reporting of events according to the events reporting

procedure to the CNCAN, Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP has also informed CNCAN about the nuclear power plant’ operation by daily, quarterly and annual reports on the annual planned shutdown, annual environmental reports and monthly reports on the doses the operation personnel was exposed to. Reporting to the IAEA In addition to the national events reporting system, CNCAN has maintained a

permanent exchange of information with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), headquartered in Vienna, the nuclear events ranging under level 2 or higher – according to the INES scale – being – reported thereto through the events reporting system, within 24 hours as of the occurrence thereof. Use of expertise from operation In its capacity of member of the Incident Reporting System (IRS) within

IAEA/OECD, CNCAN has continued in 2006 to participate in the development of this system, actively contributing to the exchange of expertise with respect to the events and expertise from operation of the nuclear power plants when situations occurred that lead to the improvement of nuclear safety at international level.

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Figure 1.13 Classification according to INES scale of the events occurred at Unit 1 in 2006 Unit 1 operation performance a) Unit 1 shutdowns in 2006

In 2006, Unit 1 has reached a capacity of 91.37%. The reactor’s power evolution chart in 2006 is presented in figure 1.16. Unplanned shutdowns:

During April 7th – 13th, Unit 1 was shutdown in a controlled manner, for 148 hours, due to a high concentration of sodium in the water supply system of the steam generators;

On October 6th, Unit 1 was shutdown for 5 hours due to the inadequate operation of the control valve of the water level in the steam generators. Planned shutdowns:

In 2006, the planned shutdown took place during September 8th – October 4th, for 620 hours. b) Reportable events In 2006, 18 events were reported to the CNCAN. Out of these, 9 required the

elaboration of a nuclear safety analysis report. The classification of the 9 reportable events according to the INES scale is presented in Table 1.3.











Nr. e



te ra



Nivel 2 Nivel 1 Nivel 0 In afara scaleiIncadrare pe scala INES


of e



INES scale rating

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Table 1.3 Classification according to INES scale of the reportable events

occurred in Unit 1 in 2006

INES level No. of reportable events in 2006

Outside the scale 2 0 5 1 2

Pursuant to the analysis of the deep causes of the events reported to CNCAN,

there resulted the distribution showed in Table 1.4:

Table 1.4 Causes of the reportable events at Unit 1 in 2006

Equipment 78.94% Procedures 10.60% Personnel 10.46%

c) Performance indicators for Unit 1 in 2006

Global power factor (%) 91.37 Number of unplanned shutdowns (7000 hours

of operation with the critical reactor) 0 Unavailability of Special Nuclear Safety Systems (min):

o Rapid Shutdown System No. 1 0 o Rapid Shutdown System Nr. 2 0 o Emergency Core Cooling System 0 o Tyre System 1.14 E-2

Performance chemical index 1.57 Chemical control: % of time within the specification limits 99.68 Fuel viability (Bq/g) 0.0372 Solid radioactive wastes

(except for nuclear fuel and resins) (m3) 25.76 Radioactive emissions in the environment

(equivalent of the dose for critical group), (�Sv) 13.27 Dose per plant (person/Sv) 0.561 Thermal energy produced by the reactor (MW/days) 683719 Effective Full Power Days (days) 331.6768 Maximum power per fuel channel (MW) 7.038 Maximum power per fuel fascicule (KW) 848.5 Number of fascicules of spent fuel 5192 Number of interventions on the fuel channels 649 Average rate of fuel supply

(fascicules/days at full power) 15.654 Average rate of burning upon fuel unloading

(MWh/KgU) 171.507 Number of suspected defaulting fascicules upon unloading 0 Total actual dose per plant (man/mSv) 561.06 Total release of gas effluents in equivalent of an actual dose

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per one member of the critical group (�Sv) 10.1 Total release of liquid effluents in equivalent of an actual dose

per one member of the critical group (�Sv) 3.21 Number of radiological incidents 0

Figure 1.16 History of Unit 1 power in 2006










0 3 12 21 30 8 17 26 7 16 25 3 12 21 30 9 18 27 5 14 23 2 11 20 29 7 16 25 3 12 21 30 9 18 27 5 14 23 2 11 20 29

Average 2005

Generated Power

Station Distribution

JanJan FebFeb MarMar AprApr

706.5 706.5 MWhMWh

MayMay JunJun JulJul AugAug SepSep OctOct NovNov DecDec










0 3 12 21 30 8 17 26 7 16 25 3 12 21 30 9 18 27 5 14 23 2 11 20 29 7 16 25 3 12 21 30 9 18 27 5 14 23 2 11 20 29

Average 2005

Generated Power

Station Distribution

JanJan FebFeb MarMar AprApr

706.5 706.5 MWhMWh

MayMay JunJun JulJul AugAug SepSep OctOct NovNov DecDec










0 3 12 21 30 8 17 26 7 16 25 3 12 21 30 9 18 27 5 14 23 2 11 20 29 7 16 25 3 12 21 30 9 18 27 5 14 23 2 11 20 29

Average 2005

Generated Power

Station Distribution

JanJan FebFeb MarMar AprApr

706.5 706.5 MWhMWh

MayMay JunJun JulJul AugAug SepSep OctOct NovNov DecDec

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1.4.2 Unit 2

In 2006 CNCAN has continued to monitor, evaluate and authorize the

activities purported to commission the Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP. Authorization process Since the beginning of 2006 until present, CNCAN has organized common

authorization sessions with SNN and the Project Management Team (MT) of Unit 2, which is the organization in charge with the construction/assembly and commissioning of Unit 2. Thus, the main actions taken by CNCAN in 2006 may be summarized as follows:

February 16th, 2006: Assessment on the status of compliance with the actions set forth during the

previous authorization sessions; Status of the commissioning program; Status of the compliance with the nuclear safety objectives; Assessment of the technical specifications for the pressure testing and for the

testing of reactor’s tyre spills rate; Status of elaboration of the Final Report on Safety; Status of the process for systems’ transfer from the organization in charge with

construction/assembly to the organization in charge with commmissioning; Status of the process that ensures the completion of commissioning activities.

April 6th, 2006:

Assessment of the completion status of the activities set out in the previous authorization sessions;

Presentation of the amendments of reviews of the nuclear safety objectives with a view to commissioning;

Presentation of the status and of the manner in which CNCAN’s orders were fulfilled pursuant to the auditing of the commissioning organization during the first quarter of the year;

Presentation of the policies and principles of operation for stages B and C of commissioning;

Presentation of the methodology related to the inaugural inspections of the pressurizer and of the degas condenser;

Status of the activities and of the compliance with the preliminary conditions for approval by CNCAN of the heavy water loading into the moderator system.

May 8th, 2006:

Presentation and discussion over the CNCAN comments to the Final Report on Safety.

May 17th, 2006:

Presentation of the results of inaugural non-destructive inspections on the pressurizer and of the degas condenser.

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May 25th, 2006:

Assessment of the completion status of the actions set out in the previous authorization sessions;

Status of the commissioning program.

June 30th, 2006: Status of the repairs to the pressurizer and of the degas condenser; Status of the activities that prepare the pressure testing and the testing of the

reactor’s tyre spill rate; Status of the activities and of the compliance with the preliminary conditions

for the commissioning authorization.

August 31st, 2006: Inspection to check the compliance with the nuclear safety objectives related

to the stage of heavy water loading into the moderator system; 40 systems were checked and the documentation related to the completion of the commissioning works of such systems was verified; 3 orders were issued.

September 29th, 2006:

Status of activities and of the compliance with the preliminary conditions for issuance of the commissioning authorization;

Status of the elaboration and forwarding to the CNCAN of the documentation for authorization;

Status of obtaining the ISCIR authorization on systems operation; Status of the “as-built” documentation completion; Status of the process ensuring the design activities completion; Status of activities and of the compliance with the preliminary conditions for

the approval by CNCAN of the nuclear fuel acquisition; Status of the activities that prepare the pressure testing and the testing of the

reactor’s tyre spill rate; Policies and principles of operation upon commissioning; Status of repairs of the pressurizer and of the degas condenser.

October 4th, 2006:

Inspection to check the compliance with the preliminary conditions for acquisition and storage on the sitting of the fresh nuclear fuel.

November 1st, 2006:

Presentation and discussion of the CNCAN comments to the Policies and principles of operation upon commissioning.

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Figure 1.17 Aspects from the monthly sessions CNCAN/ISCIR/SNN/MT for the authorization of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP Commissioning authorization In October, pursuant to the assessment of the application for the

commissioning authorization and of the documents substantiating it, CNCAN issued the commissioning authorization of Unit 2.

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- 25- Endorsements issued for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP

According to the authorization schedule of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, based on

the results of the inspections conducted by CNCAN in 2006, there were issued the following endorsements:

July 2006 – CNCAN endorsement for the heavy water loading into the

Moderator System;

October 2006 – CNCAN endorsement for the acquisition and storage on the Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, of the fresh nuclear fuel.

Figure 1.18 Commissioning authorization for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP Nuclear safety inspections According to CNCAN program of monitoring the compliance with the nuclear

safety objectives for stages A and B of the Commissioning Program of Unit 2, set forth in 2005, CNCAN personnel has participated in 2006, in 34 CNCAN Witness Points (Safety Objectives), pursuant to which 25 Control Minutes were drafted, comprised of 3 orders (currently completed), whereby the witness points were released since the related safety objectives were deemed fulfilled.

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In addition to the witness points set forth under the commissioning process of Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has conducted 4 inspections aimed at:

a) Checking the compliance with the conditions for release of mandatory hold

points related to the following stages: � Heavy water loading into the Moderator System (MD); � Acquisition and storage of fresh nuclear fuel on the sitting of Unit 2

of Cernavod� NPP (AF). b) Verifying the development of construction and commissioning activities at

Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP, in accordance with the quality management system.

c) Monitoring the remedy of deficiencies stated upon inspecting the pressure tubes.

Figure 1.19 CNCAN witness points at Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP










































0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Tyre system

Reactivity control mechanisms

Main moderator system

Moderator purification system

Coverage gas moderator system

Liquid poison moderator system

Cooling agent storage, transport and recovery system

Emergency Core Cooling System

Liquid poison injection system

Diesel generators

Fire detection system

Rapid shutdown system no. 1

Rapid shutdown system no. 2

Service water system

Reactor building ventilation system

Tyre insulating system

No. of tests No. witness points in stage A Total no. of witness points in stages A and B

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1.4.3 Units 3 and 4

Procesul de autorizare

Taking into account the governmental strategy for completion, during the

immediate period, of Units 3 and 4 of Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has adopted in 2006 a set of measures regarding the elaboration of the authorization requirements for the commissioning of the two units.

The authorization requirements for the Units 3 and 4 took into account the

specific conditions imposed by the international standards on nuclear safety, anticipated for the European Union member states for the period 2010-2015.

CNCAN has also took into consideration the technical issues in order to solve

from an early stage, the issues related to the processing of radioactive wastes for 4 units, the management of heavy water, the simultaneous operation of 3 or 4 nuclear units of the type CANDU having a power of 700 MWe each, within the National Power System, the assurance of cooling water for 4 nuclear units, the assurance of operation and maintenance personnel for the 4 units that will be operated simultaneously.

Figure 1.20 CNCAN authorization requirements for Unit 3 Cernavod� NPP

The governmental strategy for the immediately following period, 2007-2009, is

focused on the adoption of radical measures that are extremely important in assuring the energy resources at the level and pace imposed by a long lasting economic development. In light of these objectives, the completion of Units 3 and 4 of Cernavod� NPP represent a top priority among the set of actions adopted by the Government that are currently in progress and purported to help the achievement of strategic goals

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related to the maximum use of domestic resources. This has further required the implementation of adequate measures at the level of CNCAN in order to allow it to prepare the authorization requirements in terms of nuclear safety for the commissioning of the two units. Starting from the specific conditions imposed by the international standards on nuclear safety, anticipated for the EU member states for the period 2010-2015, CNCAN has prepared in 2006 the general requirements and the specific requirements in order to resume the authorization process of Unit 3, the applicable design requirements and the authorization schedule. 1.4.4 Assessment of safety analyses

a) Determinist analyses According to the authoristion requirements, Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP has

completed and presented for analysis to CNCAN, in 2006, according to the Safety Analyses Strategic Plan, the results of the first stage of review of the determinist analyses on nuclear safety under chapter 15 of the Final Report on Safety (FRS) for Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP, section accident analysis for “Large LOCA”, using best estimate computation codes.

At the same time, in order to issue the commissioning authorization for Unit 2

of Cernavod� NPP, CNCAN has reviewed and approved, in 2006, the nuclear safety analyses within FRS for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP. The review of analyses was focused on the compliance with the nuclear safety requirements and on proving the compliance with the criteria for design and operation of the nuclear safety related systems and components, so as to ensure the nuclear safety of the installation, the protection of specific personnel, the protection of the population, of the environment and of the property, in all anticipated operation events or nuclear accident events.

Figure 1.21 Final Report on Safety for Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP

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b) Nuclear safety probabilistic analyses In addition to the determinist analyses on nuclear safety, in accordance with

CNACN requirements for authorization of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, the issuance of the commissioning authorization was also based on nuclear safety probabilistic assessment.

Thus, in cooperation with a technical team organized by IAEA, CNCAN has

reviewed the following studies of nuclear safety probabilistic assessment for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP:

“Probabilistic Safety Evaluation of Cernavod� Unit 2 Design Changes against

Cernavod� Unit 1 Design Based on Cernavod� Unit 1 PSA Internal Events”; “Probabilistic Safety Evaluation of Cernavod� Unit 2 Design Changes against

Cernavod� Unit 1 Design, Based on Cernavod� Unit 1 Fire, Flood and Seismic”.

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Figure 1.22 TRIGA reactor

1.5 TRIGA Research reactor in Pite�ti

1.5.1 Conversion of TRIGA reactor

The actions purported to lead to the conversion of TRIGA reactor from a core

using high enrichment uranium (HEU) to a core using low enrichment uranium (LEU). All along the conversion process,

CNCAN has checked the compliance of conditions with respect to:

Technical specifications related to

the nuclear fuel;

The nuclear safety;

The quality assurance;

The nuclear guarantees;

The physical protection. In order to check the compliance with the conditions for authorization of the

fuel, CNCAN has conducted investigations at the fuel supplier (CERCA) in terms of:

Nuclear safety; Quality assurance; Guarantees control,

using the following reference documents:

IAEA Safety Code, Safety Series 50-C/SG-Q (Q7), 1996 Edition; Norms on the specific requirements for quality management system applied to

the supply of products, fabrication and services; EN ISO 9001/2000; IAEA – CERCA – RAAN Contract.

Based on the analyses and controls conducted, CNCAN has approved the

transfer of fresh nuclear fuel in Romania. The transfer was realized under the best conditions and in strict compliance

with the requirements regarding nuclear safety, radiological safety, nuclear guarantees and physical protection.

In parallel with the monitoring of fuel transfer, CNCAN has analyzed and

approved the final report on nuclear safety for TRIGA Reactor with low enrichment fuel (LEU), as well as the limits and technical conditions for the operation thereof in the new configuration.

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Figure 1.23 Strategic partners involved in the conversion of TRIGA reactor

Figure 1.24 Signing of the final documents for the transfer of LEU fuel from France into Romania

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Figure 1.25 Aspects from the ceremony organized upon completion of the

TRIGA reactor’s conversion project

Figure 1.26 Meeting of Mrs. Ana Maria Cetto, Deputy General Manager of IAEA with Mr. Vilmos Zsombori, CNCAN President, upon completion of the TRIGA

reactor’s conversion project

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1.5.2 CNCAN inspections

The general program of inspections for 2006 has continued to implement the

CNCAN strategy for monitoring of research nuclear installations and was mainly focused on:

� technical and operational aspects regarding: the circuits subject to rehabilitation, the reviews of the final report on safety (FRS), the compliance with the limits and technical conditions of operation, the existence of the sanitary permit and of the environmental

authorization, the status of uncontrolled leaks of water from the reactor’s pool;

� the on-site verification of installations and systems; � the request for and the analysis of documents relevant for inspection; � the interviews with the personnel directly involved in the specific activities; � the verification of the data acquisition system, of the data management system,

of the status of achievement of the new control bars project; � the sampling and analysis of radiological samples; � the dosimetric measurements on site.

Figure 1.27 CNCAN inspection at TRIGA

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1.5.3 Research programs in SCN Pite�ti CNCAN has analyzed, approved and highly appreciated the “Annual program

for 2006 regarding development of the national technical support and the international cooperation for nuclear energy” proposed by SCN Pite�ti.

Out of the research-development works proposed for 2006 and approved by

CNCAN, it is worth mentioning:

in terms of use of the expertise from operation: � the assessment of external events for TRIGA SSR reactor, taking into account

the dependence of safety components on the supply of electricity; � the identification and selection of significant external events within the risk

analysis for nuclear installations; � the methodology for assessment of the human performance within the

diagnosis of abnormal events in the NPP; � the comparison of probabilistic codes in level 2 PSA’s analyses; � the assessment of heat transfer correlations within CATHENA and FIREBIRD


in terms of nuclear and radiological safety: � studies with respect to:

� fuel channels; � nuclear fuels; � instruments and control; � analysis of the events of NPP operation, ageing, qualification to the

environment and increase in the operation period of NPP; � assurance and increase in TRIGA-SCN reactor’s performance; � heavy water and tritium; � nuclear reactors and fuel cycles;

� study on the patterns of assessment of the hydrogen absorption into the CANDU pressure tube wall;

� execution of 6 combustible elements type SEU43 dedicated to the power ramp testing in loop A of TRIGA reactor;

� project of execution of the decontamination installation at the Post Irradiation Examination Laboratory (Laboratorul de Examinare Post Iradiere – L.E.P.I.) – SCN;

� integrated system of radioprotection based on web pages; � study on the behavior of adhesives and proofing materials in the nuclear field

to the gamma radiation exposure; � determination of the burning degree of LEU and HEU combustible elements in

the core of TRIGA-14MW; � research on the optimization of the removal of tritium in the moderators of 3

CANDU 600 units at Cernavod�.

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1.6 VVR-S research reactor CNCAN has been thoroughly carrying on the specific monitoring and control of

the preservation activities with a view to decommission the VVR-S reactor. Thus, in 2006, CNCAN has participated in the missions organized under the

technical cooperation project with IAEA, with the following topics:

� final review of the decommissioning plan of the VVR-S nuclear reactor; � wastes management upon decommissioning; � activities, strategy, final specifications; � safety assessment upon decommissioning; � decommissioning costs estimate.

1.6.1 Repatriation of spent fuel in the Russian Federation

In 2006, the RRRFR Romania project has been carried out at a rapid pace

with several of the activities that lead to the loading, transport and repatriation of spent enrichment fuel S36 of Russian origin from the VVR-S research reactor located on the research platform of IFIN-HH, M�gurele, being simultaneously performed.

Figure 1.28 CNCAN inspection at VVR-S reactor

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CNCAN, as main contractor of the USA Department of Energy (DOE), SUA for

the RRRFR Romania project, with the support of sub-contractor bodies and institutes of the Russian Federation, among which SOSNY, MAYAK and ROSATOM, and last, but not least, under the thorough monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, has managed to keep up with the project’s activities so as to ensure the completion thereof in due time.

Various technical meetings, seminars and workshops were organized all along

2006 in which CNCAN participated directly, as main contractor, along with all the organizations involved in the good performance of the RRRFR program. These technical meetings and seminars were purported to discuss all issues, both technical and legal, and to share the expertise of the countries that develop RRRFR programs as well. The same type of Russian spent fuel repatriation programs are carried on simultaneously in 17 countries.

The main meetings of 2006 under the RRRFR project took place as follows:

Bucharest 06 – 07.03.2006; Bucharest 22 – 29.03.2006; Bucharest 10 – 14.07.2006; Bucharest – Vic�ani 12.07.2006; Vienna 19 – 21.07.2006; Belgrade 04 – 07.10.2006; Bucharest 03.11.2006; Bucharest 27.11 – 01.12.2006;

These meetings were attended by DOE, CNCAN, IFIN-HH and SOSNY

experts. The activities under RRRFR Romania project are consistent with the legal

provisions regulating the transport of nuclear wastes and the repatriation of spent fuel and with the inter-governmental agreements between Romania and the Russian Federation.

One of the project’s most important actions carried out in 2006, was the

certification, the inspection of cassettes of S36 spent fuel at the VVR-S research reactor located on the platform IFIN-HH, M�gurele. These inspections took 3 months and were consistent with the Russian Federation’s methodology, under supervision of SOSNY experts and AIEA and EURATOM inspectors.

The status of projects’ tasks at the end of 2006 is as follows:

Task 1: "Develop a Transport Plan" – completed Task 2: "Spent Fuel Inspections" – completed Task 3: "Facility Modifications" – in progress Task 4: "Unified Project" – not initiated Task 5: "Cask and Shipping Approvals“ – not initiated Task 6: "Cask Loading Preparation" – pending negotiation Task 7: "Failed Fuel Packaging" – no longer necessary

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Task 8: "Ship Spent Fuel to the Russian Federation" – not initiated Task 9: "Project Management“ – in progress

Figure 1.29 DOE/CNCAN inspection at Dorne�ti Customs in order to assess

the nuclear fuel transit conditions

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1.7 Authorization of nuclear installations’ personnel

In light of the provisions of Law 111/1996, republished, on the safe

deployment of authorized nuclear activities for which the personnel needs to be properly authorized by CNCAN in accordance with the activity they actually carry out, the Personnel Authorization Department focused its actions on the increase of transparency and on assuring and unbiased authorization process, taking into account the improvement of activity with a view:

1. to harmonize its own regulations and to supplement them with new

regulations so that the authorization process of the operating, management and specific training personnel be carried out at the current international standards;

2. to improve and update the control methodology in order to accurately perform the processes of selection, recruitment and training of personnel eligible for CNCAN authorization, as well as to monitor the implementation of specific training programs and of the modern methods of internal assessment of the operating personnel capabilities;

3. to identify new specific assessment methodology for the examination processes in order to authorize the operating, management and training personnel.

In order to maintain a high degree of performance in exerting all duties of the

personnel authorized in accordance with the requirements of the norm in force, the activities of the Personnel Authorization Department were focused in 2006 on the assessment of:

the manner in which the procedures for selection, recruitment and training of

operating personnel from within the nuclear power plants, research reactors and other nuclear installations are prepared and performed, as well as the manner in which such procedures are acknowledged;

the manner in which the criteria for elaboration of training programs are prepared and the manner in which the methodology of such criteria is implemented;

the content of specific training programs and of the reviews thereof; the manner in which the assessment criteria are applied and the personnel

assessment methodologies are implemented. The main activities carried out by CNCAN in authorizing the operating and

management personnel consisted in:

the examination with a view to authorize the operating and management personnel, focusing on:

o establishing the content of assessment/examination in accordance with the goals established;

o organizing and applying the relevant examination methodology; o establishing the accepted criteria and performance criteria for

admission of the candidate in the following stages of the authorization process.

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Figure 1.30 Weight of activities carried out in 2006 in order to authorize the personnel

CNCAN has organized in 2006 the following examination sessions: a) At CNE – PROD: 10 theoretical examination sessions for:

the initial authorization of 5 candidates for the position of Control Room Operator U1 and U2, and 2 candidates for the position of Control Room Main Operators U1;

the re-authorization of 2 candidates for the position of Control Room Operator and 4 candidates for the Control Room Main Operator;

the modification of the exercise permit with a view to the transfer of Control Room Main Operators from U1 to U2, according to the norms in force;

5 practical examination sessions for: the initial authorization of 5 candidates for the position of Control Room

Operator, and 2 candidates for the position of Control Room Main Operators;

the re-authorization of 2 candidates for the position of Control Room Operator and 4 candidates for the Control Room Main Operator.

Monitorizare pregatire16%

Activitatati reglementare14%


Elaborare documentatii examinare21%

Evaluare programe pregatire21%

Arhivare6% Inspectii


Archiving 6% Inspections


RegulatoryActivities 14%

Training Monitoring 16%

Training Programs Assessment 21%

Elaboration of Examination documentations21%

Examination 10%

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Figure 1.31 Simulator practical examination session organized by CNCAN at Cernavod� NPP

5 interviews for the authorization of management positions at U1 and U2

of Cernavod� NPP; interviews upon completion of the training stage by co-piloting for 8

candidates for the position of Control Room Operator and 1 candidate for the position of Control Room Main Operator.

CNCAN has issued 27 exercise permits, out of which 5 exercise permits for

management personnel and 22 exercise permits for U1 and U2 operating personnel. b) At SCN – Pite�ti: 2 theoretical examination sessions for:

the reauthorization of 4 candidates for the position of Control Room Operator at the TRIGA research reactor

1 practical examination session for: the re-authorization of 3 candidates for the position of Control Room

Operator and 2 candidates for the Control Room Main Operator at the TRIGA research reactor:

1 interview for the authorization of management positions – responsible of TRIGA nuclear research reactor.

CNCAN has issued 6 exercise permits, out of which 1 exercise permit for

management personnel and 5 exercise permits for operating personnel.

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Figure 1.32 Authorization of personnel of Cernavod� NPP in 2006

c) At IFIN-HH: 1 theoretical examination session for the 2 candidates for the position of

Spent Nuclear Fuel Handling Operator; 2 interviews for the authorization of management positions – responsible

VVR-S research nuclear reactor and nuclear safety manager. The presentation of examination sessions and of exercise permits issued in

2006 is provided in Figure 1.33.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Theoretical examination


Interviews for management


2005 2006

Practical examination








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Control RoomOperator

Control RoomMain Operator

Interviews for management


2005 2006

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Figure 1.33 Authorization of personnel of the nuclear installations in 2006 The data regarding the authorized personnel as well as the results obtained at

the examination are uploaded in the CNCAN database (see Figure1.34).

Figure 1.34 CNCAN database on authorized candidates and the

results of their examination



02 2

2 310





CRMO CRO Managementpositions



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In 2006, CNCAN has assessed the training programs implemented for the nuclear installations’ personnel. Some of the training programs assessed by CNCAN are exemplified below:

the training program „�” for the authorization of operating personnel of U2 of

Cernavod� NPP; the training program for the authorization of operating personnel of TRIGA

reactor, rev. IV; the training program for the authorization of operating personnel handling the

fuel in the calming warehouse and the spent nuclear fuel warehouse; the monitoring the training program by co-piloting for 12 candidates for the

positions of CRO and 4 candidates for the positions of CRMO, the theoretical and practical training programs for 6 candidates pending authorization;

the elaboration and assessment of CNCAN internal procedures and of the procedures for the training of nuclear installations’ personnel;

theme and ad-hoc inspections for the control and guidance of the activities specific to the personnel training and authorization process:

the monitoring of the manner in which the training programs were imlpemented: continuous post-authorization training programs for the authorized personnel of Cernavoda NPP; co-piloting training programs for the candidates pending this stage of the authorization process;

the methodology for internal assessment of personnel and the implementation of success criteria: inspection during 29.06 – 02.07.2006, of the manner in which the internal assessment was conducted, which consisted of a theoretical examination – written and oral tests – and the practical examination, for the IFIN-HH personnel who completed the “Training program for the radiological characterization, clean-up and fuel handling operations at the VVR-S research reactor with a view to decommissioning”, developed at the training and specialization center of nuclear personnel from IFIN-HH;

the verification of records specific to the internal training, assessment and examination of nuclear installations’ personnel upon completion of a training program;

the verification of the psychological testing process for the personnel at Cernavod� NPP, by S.C. “PSYHO CONSULT”, authorized by CNCAN. d) CNCAN inspections The total number of inspection run in 2006 with a view to select, recruit and

train the personnel of nuclear installations, for the purpose of being authorized by CNCAN is presented in Table 1.5.

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Table 1.5 – Statistics of CNCAN inspections in 2006 with respect to personnel training

Figure 1.35 Distribution of inspections run by the Personnel Authorization Department at nuclear installations in 2006

- Personnel Training and Authorization Department – DPAP

6 inspections 1. Cernavoda NPP:

- Human Resources Deparment 2 inspections - TRIGA Reactor 3 inspections 2. SCN Pite�ti - TRIGA Training Department 3 inspections - VVR-S Reactor 7 inspections - DCNU 2 inspections 3. IFIN-HH - CPSCDN 2 inspections






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1.8 CNCAN participation in the annual meeting of nuclear regulators from

the countries that operate CANDU reactors The annual meeting of nuclear regulators from the countries that operate

CANDU reactors was organized in 2006, in Karachi, Pakistan. CNCAN has participated in with a delegation run by the CNCAN President, Mr. V. Zsombori. The meeting was also attended by experts from Argentina, Canada, China, Pakistan and Romania, as well as IAEA representatives. The agenda included current interest topics regarding the strengthening of nuclear safety of CANDU reactors, the regulatory, authorization and control expertise, the operation of CANDU units, the reportable events etc.

CNCAN delegation presented the institution’s annual report for 2006, the

status of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, the CNCAN expertise, in its capacity of WENRA member, with respect to the monitoring of nuclear safety regulations at EU level, until 2010.

Figure 1.36 Participants in the annual session of the nuclear regulators from the countries that operate CANDU reactors, organized in 2006, in Karachi,


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1.9 Participation in IAEA international manifestations

In 2006, CNCAN personnel in charge with nuclear safety assessment

participated in a series of actions organized by IAEA, as follows:

AIEA RER/9/076: “Strengthening safety and viability of nuclear fuel and materials used in nuclear power plants”;

RER/9/061: “Enhancement of Nuclear Safety Regulatory Effectiveness”; RER/9/076: First session regarding the OECD – IAEA project for Packs NPP

of Hungary, organized in Budapest, January 30th – 31st, 2006; RER/9/061:“Enhancement of Nuclear Safety Regulatory Effectiveness”,

Workshop on Effective Management of Organizational Changes in Nuclear Facilities, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 7- 9 February 2006;

RER/9/084: Regional Workshop on Nuclear Safety Knowledge Management for Regulatory Bodies, Kazakhstan, Almaty, 29 May- 2 June 2006;

ROM/4/029 Project Planning Meeting, Vienna, IAEA, 15-16 June 2006; Ukraine Transit Meeting, RER/4/028 “Repatriation, Management and

Disposition of Fresh and/or Spent Nuclear Fuel from Research Reactors” & Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) Program, Vienna, Austria, IAEA, July 19-21, 2006;

Regional Train-the-Trainers Course on Training Needs Assessment, Networking and Materials for Training Courses in Nuclear Safety Saclay, France, October 2nd to 13th , 2006;

Meeting of Senior Regulators of Countries Operating CANDU-Type Reactors Pakistan, Karachi, 13-17 November 2006;

IAEA RER/9/076: “STRENGTHENING SAFETY AND RELIABILITY OF NUCLEAR FUEL AND MATERIALS ÎN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS” Fifth Meeting of International Programme Group, Bratislava, Slovakia, 23-24 November 2006;

Project ROM/9/026 Review of the On-Going Project Achievements / Work plans, Austria, Vienna, IAEA Headquarters, 8-9 December 2006;

IAEA Regional Meeting on the Application of the Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors Institute for Nuclear Research, Pite�ti, Romania11-15 December 2006. On these occasions, CNCAN representatives have presented its own methods

and practices in terms of regulating, authorizing and controlling the nuclear activities in Romania. Hereinafter there are few of the works presented by CNCAN experts.

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Romanian TRIGA Reactor & Hot CellsExcellent Facilities for Fuel Behavior Experimental


Dr. Lucian BIRO

Director, Nuclear Reactors DivisionNational Commission for Nuclear

Activities Control(CNCAN)

First meeting of the OECD-IAEA Packs ProjectHungary, Budapest, 30-31 January 2006


DirectorInstitute for Nuclear Research -






Regulatory Approach on the Regulatory Approach on the Process for the Changes Control Process for the Changes Control



Lucian BIROLucian BIROCNCAN Director, Project Manager for CNCAN Director, Project Manager for CernavodaCernavoda NPP NPP

Project RER/9/061“Enhancement of Nuclear Safety Regulatory Effectiveness”

Workshop onEffective Management of Organizational Changes in Nuclear Facilities

IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 7- 9 February 2006

ROMANIA ROMANIA National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control


StrategiaStrategia de de SecuritateSecuritate NuclearaNucleara

Dr. Dr. IngIng. Lucian BIRO. Lucian BIRODirector, Director, DirectiaDirectia ReactoriReactori NucleariNucleari


- Comisia Nationala pentru Controlul Activitatilor Nucleare -- Comitetul National Roman al Consiliului Mondial al Energiei -

Conferinta Nationala de Securitate NuclearaBucuresti, 25 aprilie 2006

GuvernulGuvernul RomanieiRomanieiCancelariaCancelaria PrimuluiPrimului MinistruMinistru

ComisiaComisia NationalaNationala pentrupentru ControlulControlul ActivitatilorActivitatilor NucleareNucleare

Romanian GovernmentRomanian GovernmentPrime Minister OfficePrime Minister Office

National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN)National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN)

CNCAN PoliciesCNCAN PoliciesOnOn

Nuclear Safety Knowledge Nuclear Safety Knowledge ManagementManagement


Lucian BIRO, Ph. D.Lucian BIRO, Ph. D.CNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division CNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division

Carmen RADAN, P. Eng.Carmen RADAN, P. Eng.CNCAN Expert, Nuclear Reactors Division CNCAN Expert, Nuclear Reactors Division

IAEA Project RER/9/084Regional Workshop on Nuclear Safety Knowledge Management for Regulatory Bodies

Kazakhstan, Almaty, 29 May- 2 June 2006

TRIGA Reactor Conversion ProcessTRIGA Reactor Conversion Process-- CNCAN Involvement CNCAN Involvement --

Vilmos ZSOMBORIVilmos ZSOMBORIPresident, CNCANPresident, CNCAN

Dr. Lucian BIRODr. Lucian BIRODirector, Nuclear Reactor Division, CNCANDirector, Nuclear Reactor Division, CNCAN

Lucian GOICEALucian GOICEADirector, Quality Control Division, CNCANDirector, Quality Control Division, CNCAN

VivianaViviana GRAMAGRAMADirector, Special Materials Division, CNCANDirector, Special Materials Division, CNCAN

Meeting on Full Conversion of TRIGA 14-MW Core from HEU to LEU FuelBucharest, Marriott Hotel, 01.05.2006

Romanian GovernmentRomanian GovernmentPrime Minister OfficePrime Minister Office

National Commission for Nuclear Activities ControlNational Commission for Nuclear Activities Control(CNCAN)(CNCAN)

CNCAN Assessment CriteriaCNCAN Assessment Criteriaforfor

the IFINthe IFIN--HH VVRHH VVR--S ReactorS ReactorDecommissioning PlanDecommissioning Plan

-- Highlights Highlights --ByBy


Dr. Lucian BIRODr. Lucian BIROCNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division CNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division

Vienna, IAEA, 15-16 June 2006

Romanian GovernmentRomanian GovernmentPrime Minister OfficePrime Minister Office

National Commission for Nuclear Activities ControlNational Commission for Nuclear Activities Control

Romanian SNF Transit ExperienceRomanian SNF Transit ExperienceByBy


Dr. Lucian BIRODr. Lucian BIROCNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors DivisionCNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division

RRRFR Program Manager for Romania RRRFR Program Manager for Romania

Ukraine Transit MeetingRER4028 “Repatriation, Management and Disposition of Fresh and/or Spent Nuclear Fuel from

Research Reactors” & Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) ProgramVienna, Austria, IAEA, July 19-21, 2006

Romanian GovernmentRomanian GovernmentPrime Minister OfficePrime Minister Office

National Commission for Nuclear Activities ControlNational Commission for Nuclear Activities Control CNCAN Approach on TrainingCNCAN Approach on Training-- Policy & Practices Policy & Practices --


Dr. Lucian BIRODr. Lucian BIRODirector, Nuclear Reactors DivisionDirector, Nuclear Reactors Division

CNCAN Project Manager for CNCAN Project Manager for CernavodaCernavoda NPP NPP

Regional Train-the-Trainers Course on Training Needs Assessment, Networking and Materials for Training Courses in Nuclear Safety

Saclay, France, October 2nd to 13th , 2006

ROMANIAROMANIANational Commission for Nuclear Activities ControlNational Commission for Nuclear Activities Control

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Dezvoltarea Durabila si Utilizarea Pa�nic� a Energiei Nucleare NUCInfo'Day 12 - 13 Octombrie 2006



Managementul activitManagementul activit����ilor CNCAN ilor CNCAN pentru supravegherea Opririlor pentru supravegherea Opririlor Planificate la CNE CernavodPlanificate la CNE Cernavod��


Silviu POP – Serviciul Supraveghere CNE Cernavoda

Cantemir CIUREA-ERCAU – Serviciul Securitate Nucleara

Daniel BOGDAN – Serviciul Controlul Calitatii la Instalatiile Nucleare


Cerin�eleCerin�ele CNCAN CNCAN pentrupentru AutorizareaAutorizareaUnitUnit���ilor�ilor 3 3 �i�i 4 ale CNE 4 ale CNE CernavodCernavod��

VilmosVilmos ZSOMBORIZSOMBORIPresedintePresedinte CNCANCNCAN

Lucian BIROLucian BIRODirector, Director, DirectiaDirectia ReactoriReactori NucleariNucleari, CNCAN, CNCAN

Dezvoltarea Durabila si Utilizarea Pa�nic� a Energiei Nucleare NUCInfo'Day, Cernavoda, 12 - 13 Octombrie 2006

GuvernulGuvernul RomanieiRomanieiCancelariaCancelaria PrimuluiPrimului MinistruMinistru

ComisiaComisia NationalaNationala pentrupentru ControlulControlul ActivitatilorActivitatilor NucleareNucleare

StrategiaStrategia de de SecuritateSecuritateNuclearaNucleara

Lucian BIROLucian BIRODirector CNCANDirector CNCAN

Dezvoltarea Durabila si Utilizarea Pa�nic� a Energiei Nucleare NUCInfo'Day, Cernavoda, 12 - 13 Octombrie 2006

GuvernulGuvernul RomanieiRomanieiCancelariaCancelaria PrimuluiPrimului MinistruMinistru

ComisiaComisia NationalaNationala pentrupentru ControlulControlul ActivitatilorActivitatilor NucleareNucleare

NUC'Info Day, 12 - 13 Octombrie 2006

GuvernulGuvernul RomRomâânieinieiCancelariaCancelaria PrimuluiPrimului MinistruMinistru

ComisiaComisia NaNa��ionalional�� pentrupentru ControlulControlul ActivitActivit����ilorilor NucleareNucleare

Participarea CNCAN la studiul WENRA pentru armonizarea securit��ii nucleare

pentru reactorii de putere

Dr. Ing. Lucian BIRODirector, Direc�ia Reactori Nucleari

M�d�lina TRONEAConsilier, Direc�ia Reactori Nucleari

CNCAN Regulatory Activitiesfor the Licensing of Fuel

Transportation CaskBy

Dr. Lucian BIRODirector of Nuclear Reactors Division

CNCAN Project Manager for Cernavoda NPP



Fifth Meeting of International Programme GroupBratislava, Slovakia, 23-24 November 2006

CNCAN UpCNCAN Up--datesdatesByBy


Lucian BIROLucian BIROCNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division CNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division

Project ROM/9/026 Review of the On-Going Project Achievements/Workplans

Austria, Vienna, IAEA Headquarters,8-9 December 2006

CNCAN Implementation Policy and CNCAN Implementation Policy and Achievements on Code of Conduct on the Achievements on Code of Conduct on the

Safety of Research Rectors in RomaniaSafety of Research Rectors in Romania


Dr. Lucian BIRODr. Lucian BIRODirector, Nuclear Reactors DivisionDirector, Nuclear Reactors Division

IAEA Regional Meeting on the Application of the Code of Conducton the Safety of Research Reactors

Institute for Nuclear Research, Pitesti, Romania11-15 December 2006

ROMANIAROMANIANational Commission for Nuclear Activities ControlNational Commission for Nuclear Activities Control

IAEA 2006 IRRS Mission Findings and the Implementtion


Vilmos ZSOMBORICNCAN President

Lucian BIROCNCAN Director, Nuclear Reactors Division

Project ROM/9/026 Review of the On-Going Project Achievements/Workplans

Austria, Vienna, IAEA Headquarters,8-9 December 2006

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Presented byCantemir CIUREA-ERC�U

Nuclear Safety Section Head,Nuclear Reactors Division


Romanian Nuclear Regulatory EnvironmentCurrent Action Plans

International Course on Radioactive Waste ManagementUniversity “Politehnica” of Bucharest, 6 - 10 November 2006

Lucian BIRODirector, Nuclear Reactors Division




Ioana POPA

Consilier, Serviciul Securitate Nuclear�, Direc�ia Reactori Nucleari



Sef Serviciu Securitate Nuclear�,Direc�ia Reactori Nucleari



Implementarea Strategiei de Securitate Nuclear� prin Proiecte Phare

Dezvoltarea Durabila si Utilizarea Pa�nic� a Energiei Nucleare NUCInfo'Day 12 - 13 Octombrie 2006

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Chapter 2 – Quality Management Systems The quality management systems, in the nuclear field, of both the nuclear

installations and the providers of products and services destined to such installations relevant for the nuclear safety are regulated through norms, conditions provided in the autorisations for quality management systems and conditions for limitation of the nuclear installations operation. In order to check the compliance with the above norms and conditions, CNCAN personnel in charge with inspection and verification has inspected, audited and assessed the activities of authorisation holders.

CNCAN has inspected in 2006 the quality management systems for the

activities of operation and preventive and predictive maintenance program of authorisations holders, monitoring the manner in which the programs domain, the implemented methods, the planning activities and the applicable controls are defined, taking into account:

the maintenance and improvement of viability and availability of

equipment and systems; the reduction of flaws and the minimisation of shutdowns; the reduction of maintenance and operation costs; the reduction of doses by applying adequate techniques and

procedures; the gathering of maintenance and operation data for the history

of the NPP components in order to assess the components performance; the assessment of operational parameters of the equipment,

parts and systems in order to identify flaws in due time. In terms of operation, there has also been monitored the manner in which

preventive maintenance activities with small time sequences and high frequencies were organized so as to maintain the equipment viability consistent with the maintenance instructions provided by the producer (e.g. change of lubricants in engines and pumps bearings).

2.1 Inspection of quality management systems

2.1.1 Operation, maintenance and preservation activities

CNCAN has conducted in 2006 a set of inspections purported to check the

compliance of amendments with the limits and technical conditions under the CNCAN authorizations. Inspections were conducted at the research reactor TRIGA at the Sucursala Cercet�ri Nucleare (Nuclear Research Branch) Pite�ti, attached to the Regia Autonoma de Activit��i Nucleare (Regie Autonome for Nuclear Activities). The amendments mainly contemplated the reconversion of the nuclear fuel of the research reactor TRIGA from high enrichment to low enrichment and the set of rehabilitation of cooling and control circuits that are currently in progress.

In certain cases, there has been inspected the manner in which the

organizational changes in the quality management systems or in the operation procedures for execution of maintenance works were implemented.

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Figure 2.1 Aspects from CNCAN inspections conducted at IFIN-HH during March – June 2006

CNCAN has issued a set of orders for the autorisation holder IFIN-HH,

pursuant to the regulatory inspections conducted during March – April 2006, in order for the latter to carry out preservation activities in nuclear safety conditions and in order to set out and implement a quality management system consistent with the applicable norms. The following main objectives were contemplated during the investigation:

the allocation of funds for the installation preservation period; the transition towards decommissioning without disturbances; the rational use of resourse, time and money; the systematic progress of planning, without production pressures; the availability of necessary information during the operation of installation, the

integrity of records and the awareness about the location thereof, taking into account that the access in due time to reliable information may speed up the decommissioning planning, reduces the incertitudes and risks of scheduled works and leads to costs and program efficiency;

the availability of operation personnel resources; the maximization of use and efficiency of current operation knowledge,

personnel resources and operation procedures or programs with a view to reduce the dangers threatening the installations, with a focus on the processes and systems for which the required skills and knowledge are unique;

the establishment of efficient relations betweent he parties involved, in particular between the operation and decommissioning organization, the contractors and the authorities.

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Figure 2.2 Aspects from the visit of a group of CNCAN experts run by the CNCAN president, Vilmos Zsombori, at the nuclear reactor TRIGA within Sucursala Cercet�ri Nucleare Pite�ti attached to the Regia Autonoma de

Activit��i Nucleare Priority has been given to the actions taken with a view to eliminate or mitigate

the threats, such as:

washing and cleaning of process systems; removal of wastes; unloading and transport of fuel; removal of spent fuel and of other fissile/fertile materials from the

installation/warehouse; removal of spent fuel and of other fissile/fertile materials from the location

(where necessary); stabilization, processing and/or removal of potentially unstable materials or

wastes; reduction or elimination of fire or exposion threats resulting from violant

chemical reations or from nuclear criticity; completion of operations of cleaning of systems, pipes and of other equipment

that are no longer necessary in the future and have potential for the inventory of significant radioactive and chemical materials;

neutralizing and storage of hazardous chemical materials and of oil in warehouses;

analysis, using safety assessment, of the changes in the configuration and status of systems and structures as a result of the transition activities, such as, for instance, reduction of redundancies in the systems and structures;

review of the requirements for operation and control, as the case may be, with respect to the installations conditions that were modified; such review must also include the number of personnel required in order to maintain the adequate safety standards;

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assembly and/or verification of sufficient barriers in order to prevent the dispersion of contamination;

Figure 2.3 Aspects from the Hall of the Nculear Reactor VVR-S in IFIN-HH, during the preservation – cleaning prior to decommissioning, on the occasion

of CNCAN inspection conducted in March 2006 verification of adequate guard and protection; verification and updating of the relevant designs of the installation and of

other documents in order to reflect the changes operated during the operation and/or transition period;

training and awareness of the installation personnel with respect to their future activity and roles;

such changes in organization and modifications of the installation must account for the roles, responsibilities and reporting guidelines;

functional organization for the reactor’s preservation stage.

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Figure 2.4 Aspects of the CNCAN inspection in the reactor hall and in the Radioisotopes Research and Production department (CPR) in April 2006

2.1.2 CNCAN activity in the planned shutdown of Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP Inspections were run at Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP with respect to the power

plant’s maintenance program during the planned shutdown, based on a detailed assessment of current maintenance programs of the previous years.

Three of such inspections of the quality management system were focused on

the control of the manner in which there were implemented the changes in the hardware (equipment) that, as a general rule, are operated based on cost-benefit analysis.

Over 20 procedures of power plant operation and maintenance were reviewed

and approvals were issued. Any review of the procedure must be substantiated in terms of quality and must contemplate the following aspects:

the overall positive effect on the safety of the installation; the potential unavailabilities of equipment; the unlikeliness of occurrence of events that may be forecasted for a certain

equipment; the proof on the availability of redundant safety equipment; the implementation of a safety second level or barriers; availability of cold sources in order to take over the reactor’s residual heat, that

do not necessarily range under the same safety class; temporary specific procedures and instructions for the operators.

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Within the planned shutdown and the tests of commissioning of the modified systems, a formal assessment has been conducted by CNCAN in order to determine whether the proposals are acceptable or not. Acceptability is based on engineering judgment. The time sequences in which systems may be shutdown for maintenance were determined during the planned shutdown and afterwards analysed by CNCAN, with respect to the safety systems such as the supply water ancillary system, the parts’ cooling systems, the cooling system upon shutdown, the cooling system of the active zone upon damage, the Diesel generators, the tyre isolating valves, the support safety systems.

Then the preventive maintenance works executed during full power operation

were inspected, taking into account that at CANDU, full power means a significant volume as compared to other nuclear power plants.

In terms of corrective maintenance, a particular attention has been given to the


the equipment requalification programs and the outcome of such programs; the resulting period during which the flow of a safety system or of a system

with safety functions is inoperable. All such issues were discussed during the inspections of the quality

management systems within various departments. A particular focus was placed on the unavailability indicators (the unavailability period given by the work completion time) and the main elements monitored during the inspections of quality assurance within planned shutdown were:

the “call-up” system for the routine maintenance activities; the testing of equipment in order to ensure the status thereof; the program for equipment calibration; the system of recording for the equipment history; the analysis of maintenance documentation.

Figure 2.5 Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP,

main control room

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2.2 Quality management system of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, for the

activities of construction-assembly and commissioning Acting in its capacity as body in charge with the contract completion, the

organization Management Team (MT) is liable for the overall program of quality assurance in Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP.

The main responsibility in terms of quality assurance and quality control falls

within the contractors of construction-assembly, during the construction stage and within the commissioning team, during the commissioning stage.

The Management Team carries out activities purported to monitor quality at

the contractors of the nuclear systems and of the classical part systems. SNN SA, in its capacity of hodler of the nuclear installation has conducted

audits of the quality management system of the Management Team. The Management Team is liable for the monitoring and surveillance of the programs for quality assurance and quality control of the contractors of construction-assembly, as well as of the programs for quality assurance and quality control of the commissioning team.

There have been stated significant improvements of the quality assurance

program od the MT and of the contractors during the execution of Unit 2 Cernavod� project, especially in terms of implementation.

The improvements stated are the result of the lessons learnt during the

construction and commissioning of Unit 1, which were applied to Unit 2 as well and lead to less corrections of works, reduced costs and a better quality control. Such lessons may also be applied for the following projects that is, Units 3 and 4, in order to improve quality, to reduce the re-making of activities and to achieve costs reductions.

2.3 Audit of the quality management system of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP SNN SA, the Management Team and the contractors of construction activities

have conducted audits of the quality management systems of their own quality management systems, as well as of the programs for quality assurance of their own contractors and suppliers. Joint audits were conducted also by SNN and the Management Team.

a) Internal audits of the quality management system. The Management Team, in

its capacity of leading team of the completion project of Unit 2, Cernavod� NPP, has conducted audits on the quality assurance in order to confirm that the management organization of the project on the site has implemented the quality assurance requirements, as specified in the procedures and instructions, as whether the program is efficient; the CNCAN;s representative on the site has also attended these audits.

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b) External audits of the quality assurance. The Management Team has conducted audits at the AECL Canada (for one contract) and at the contractors involved in the design and construction activities for the nuclear and safety systems, in order to confirm the implementation and efficiency of quality assurance programs, as described in the procedures and instructions related to the project. CNCAN representatives have attended these audits as well.

c) Quality audits of SNN S.A. The SNN has conducted audits at the Management Team and at the CNE PROD in order to check the efficiency of said quality assurance programs. The SNN and the Management Team have conducted joint audits to the extent possible, including joint audits of the quality assurance program related to the commissioning.

2.4 CNCAN participation in the commissioning testing The CNCAN – DCC representatives have participated in 10 commissioning

tests for Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP. Such tests achieved a prompt comparison of results obtained by the commissioning teams and confirmed by the personnel in charge with quality assurance within the autorisation holder, by the maintenance or operation personnel, by the accredited personnel.

Depending on the limits of acceptance of the tests tolerance, control minutes

were issued with respect to the compliance of the tests’ safety objectives.

Figure 2.6 Building of the reactor of

Cernavod� NPP, Unit 2

Where the tests results were not consistent with the tolerances, there were

performed analyses of the testing procedures and of the testing equipment in order to promptly determine the discrepancy source. In certain cases there were identifed specific corrective measures and the same were incorporated, where applicable, after which additional testing was performed. In the case of commissioning test for

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Unit 2, the focus shall remain on the qualification of testing personnel and on the verification of measurement and control equipment used.

2.5 Authorisation of quality management systems of contractors By December 2006, CNCAN has issued 50 authorisations of the quality

management system for the suppliers of products and services in the nuclear field. Out of these, 5 were actually revisions of the authorizations previously issued by CNCAN, due to the changes in the company’s activity or to the changes on the company’s identification data.

Figure 2.7 Statistics on the authorisations issued for quality management systems, issued by CNCAN in 2006

Figure 2.8 Authorisations for the quality management system issued in 2006, by types of activities in the nuclear field






3 3











of Q




























Use of software products6%





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CNCAN, through the Quality Control Division, is entitled to authorize the

quality management system, in the nuclear field, of suppliers of products and services, with respect to the company activity.

The quality management manuals of the contractors of nuclear systems and

components and of the contractors of construction-assembly were analysed and accepted by the Management Team organization, through the Quality Assurance Division, in order to cause that the project requirements are fulfilled. Any construction-assembly contractor has also prepared and submitted for approval the quality management procedures in order to substantiate the authorization application. Such procedures were reviewed by CNCAN in order to be approved.

With a view to issue the authorizations of the construction-assembly

contractors, the CNCAN has provided them with the information necessary to degine the requirements for quality manuals and authorization support procedures. CNCAN has imposed the observance of the requirements under the quality management norms of NMC series, and such documents have also been consistent with the requirements of the beneficiary, holder of the nuclear power plant.

Figure 2.9 CNCAN inspections at Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, May 2006 The Management Team’s responsibility includes the analysis and acceptance

of contractors’ manuals and procedures, the auditing of management efficiency for the construction-assembly activities in the nuclear part of the power plant, for the implementation of quality management systems related to the construction of the classical parts of the power plant (BOP).

SNN S.A.’s activity of quality monitoring has also been audited, taking into

account that such activity is delegated to its branches with respect to a set of critical equipment, according to the existing contracts, by checking the manner in which supply is provided for the equipment that is material to the power plant’ safety. The SNN S.A.’s monitoring activities, carried out through its branches, were subsequently extended for a a larger number of equipment, through inspection and audit.

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CNCAN has audited the activities of the authorization holder SNN S.A. in

terms of equipment quality control and of the manner in which the qualified personnel was appointed, including the recruitment of experts for such activity.

In order to assist in the the fabrication of important equipment abroad, in the

USA and Canada, SNN/CNE PROD/CNCAN have organized a set of joint audits and assessment activities, according to the audit plans approved by CNCAN.

CNCAN has also assessed the authorization holder’s procedures in terms of

equipment monitoring, as follows:

the management procedure for quality monitoring; the management procedure for the supply of equipment and the analysis of

records from fabrication; the procedure for provisions related to the non-compliance reports and for

exemption provisions for equipment; the management procedure for the acceptance of equipment; the procedure for the analysis of quality plan.

The Management Team is fully liable, in accordance with the approved quality

management manual, for the quality of equipment fabrication activities and the quality monitoring department within MT is entitled to monitor the equipments. CNCAN has also conducted assessments on:

1) The analysis of suppliers’ specifications. Suppliers are retained depending on

the performance in operation of the equipment provided to the power plant, as well as in other similar power plants or projects in Romania or abroad.

2) The analysis of the management procedure of the Management Team with respect to the supply of equipment and quality monitoring. CNCAN’s analysis was focused on the procedure for selection of sub-contractors, the control over them, the issuance of non-compliance reports and the assurance of quality under the contracts.

3) The analysis of technical specifications of equipment and of quality plans. The analysis was focused on the compliance of technical specifications with the standards and codes specified in the contract, as well as on the assessment of the maturity and of the capacity to achieve the related technical processes. The holder of the nuclear power plant, SNN SA, is also selecting certain assistance and hold points, such as those related to the documentation and integrated performance, the acceptance of history files, the final inspections, port-works etc.

4) Assistance points. CNCAN has participated in most of the assistance points identified on the flow of products fabrication and services rendering, that is, approximately 600 assistance points in all authorized units all over the country.

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5) Inspections upon acceptance of equipment on the site. This process was achieved under supervision of and responsibility of the Management Team and of the local contractors during the acceptance process.

6) Audits on the quality assurance/quality management at suppliers.

7) Settlement of technical and design issues. In terms of major design issues, decisions have been taken by the CNCAN management and by the Management Team with respect to the fulfillment by suppliers of applicable requirements.

2.6 Records verification This category includes the records required by codes, standards,

specifications, applicable regulations and by the Management Team organization. Such records are assemblied and kept as History Dockets with respect to the

nuclear systems and as History Files for the non-nuclear systems by the construction-assembly contractors during the project’s construction-assembly stages, by the commissioning team and by the Management Team.

The history files and the quality files of the equipment and systems are also

prepared for the nuclear systems equipment and for the materials they consist of. A particular attention has been given within more than 200 inspections and 3 quality management system audits conducted in 2006 at Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, on the design activities, on the project’s completion, on the construction-assembly activities and on the transfer of construction upon commissioning.

Such permanent records are prepared by the equipment and materials

suppliers and then analysed and accepted by the Management Team in its capacity of authorized representative of SNN S.A.

2.7 Authorisation of suppliers of products and services

CNCAN has verified, within its audits or inspections, the activity of companies’ laboratories, their capability in terms of implementing the testing procedures described in the authorization documentation. Such inspections included, as minimal requirements, the provisions for:

the verification of testing equipment; the requirement that the laboratory keeps records of all calibration verifications; the requirement that the personnel provide for written proof on their ability to

perform sampling and testing procedures and hold the corporate authorizations to have the necessary qualifications. By November 2006, 50 authorisations were issued with respect to the quality

management system for nuclear installations and suppliers of products and services.

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The materials and the manufactured components are produced in compliance with the management norms’ requirements specified in the CNCAN’s quality management related regulations, in the Canadian quality standards, in ASME Code, in ISO Code and the like. They may be used in the construction-assembly activities related to nuclear power plants and installations if they prove they observe the specifications of such projects. These materials may be subject to certification or homologation by producers or may be subject to the requirement that such producers be certified and reports/testing certificated be issued. Certain materials may be subject to prior testing by interfacing with the laboratories certified by CNCAN or by other certification bodies.

2.8 Quality testing and control by sampling and testing at inspection points and tests on the fabrication flow The material or product testing by sampling is conducted by the contractor that

carries out the sampling and testing as part of the acceptance process, when so required or permitted by the project’ specifications.

The testing and sampling personnel, laboratories and equipment are qualified

depending on CNCAN and ISCIR requirements and in accordance with the certification and authorization program. The fulfillment of these criteria is checked within CNCAN’s inspection program. By the end of November 2006, over 300 quality assurance inspections were conducted on the flow of fabrication of various products and services that are important or critical to the nuclear safety of various installations.

Pursuant to the inspections conducted at Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP, in

2006, 16 control mintues were concluded, as compared to only 12 concluded in 2005. Throughout 2006, 18 inspections were conducted in terms of quality

management control at the main nuclear installations in Romania. Their coverage is presented in the chart below. In 2006, CNCAN’s representatives conducted 452 inspections at the CNCAN’s Hold Points “HP” and Witness Points “WP” in Cernavod�.

Figure 2.10 Structure of control activities in the authorised nuclear installations

Cernavoda NPP55%

SCN Pitesti6%


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Figure 2.11 Number of CNCAN/DCC inspections at the assistance/hold points

on the construction-assembly activity flow, Cernavod� NPP in 2006 Pursuant to the 542 inspections run at contractors of products and services for

Cernavod� NPP, the CNCAN’s representatives have concluded 39 control minutes at HP and WP points which were found to have deficiencies and need to be monitored and controlled with a view to eliminate such defficiencies. Pursuant to these control minutes, 79 orders were issued to the autorisation holders.

Analyses were run with respect to the results of quality control tests, to the

manner in which such tests’ results are validated, to the manner in which the results of verification test are obtained at the assistance points where CNCAN participated in. The verifications are conducted by the qualified personnel of the authorization holders or by the designated representatives thereof, who run the testing and verification.

2.9 Authorisation and control of constructions in the nuclear field The regulation “Norms on the authorization of execution of constructions with

nuclear specific” was issued in 2006 and was published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 193 of 01.03.2006, approved by Order no. 407/21.12.2005 of CNCAN’s president.

The norms were issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 35, letter

(o) of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment of nuclear activities, republished, and set forth the following:

the authorization procedure for the execution of construction works with

nuclear specific;




CNCAN leters to establishH/W

H/Winspections at supliers of equipmentand services

ControlMinutesfor H/W

CNCAN orders

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the requirements regarding the preliminary endorsement necessary in order to obtain the construction permit for the execution of works of civil or industrial constructions inside the exclusion area belonging to the nuclear installations. These norms are part of the larger set of regulations regarding the

authorization of constructions with nuclear specific and state control over the quality of constructions within nuclear installations. They are applicable in the process of authorization of constructions that:

shelter or support the equipment of technological processes of nuclear

installations; are destined to store nuclear materials; by their structure or configuration or due to the equipment they store, suport or

service the technological processes of nuclear installations and fulfill nuclear safety functions, functions for the protection of professionally exposed personnel population, environment and property. The autorisation process described in this regulation refers to the construction

and decommissioning of nuclear specific constructions. The nuclear specific constructions above fall under the category of exceptional importance constructions, according to the provisions of the applicable relevant regulations. The classification of the construction under another category is subject to approval by the CNCAN. The organization is liable for ensuring the classification of constructions under the categories presented above. The classification so determined is subject to approval by CNCAN.

As of the issuance of this regulation CNCAN has received and settled 3

applications. It issued two construction permits and rejected one preliminary endorsement.

CNCAN issed the contruction permit in the nuclear field for Modules 2 and 3 of

the Temporary Warehouse for Burnt Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars) from within SNN SA’s branch, “CNE PROD”, valid for 12 months as of issuance, within which the construction works must begin. The works execution term is of 24 months, as of the actual date of beginning of the works.

This authorisation is valid for:

the works for stabilization of the foundation land related to Modules 3 and 4; the construction works of Modules 2 and 3 of the Temporary Warehouse for

Burnt Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars). On 30.10.2006 CNCAN issued the construction permit in the nuclear field for

the Corridor that links Unit 1 and Unit 2 from within SNN SA’s branch, “CNE PROD”. According to this permit, the works are supposed to begin within 12 months as of the issuance date and the works execution terms is of 24 months as of the actual date of beginning of the works.

Pursuant to the review of the documentation related to the Zonal Town

Planning Layout (Plan Urbanistic Zonal – PUZ) – “DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLIFF

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AREA OF CERNAVOD� MUNICIPALITY – SOUTH SECTION”, CNCAN rejected the application filed by the Cernavod� Municipality City Hall since it was not consistent with the provisions of the regulations in force applicable to the nuclear specific constructions. The CNCAN required the City Hall to amend correspondingly the above mentioned PUZ.

Figure 2.12 CNCAN Inspections at Unit 2, Cernavod� NPP, October 2006

2.10 Quality management system of suppliers of products and services The authorization holders were verified with respect to the conditions under

which they prepared the documentation on quality management system related to their activity, to be sent for approval to the beneficiary and to CNCAN, if the product or sevice is important for the nuclear safety.

CNCAN participated in the assistance and hold points at the location and on

the date notified by the supplier, and with respect to such works as set out in the quality plans approved by CNCAN and by the beneficiary.

The sampling and testing procedures were approved by CNCAN pursuant to

assessment or were remitted to the applicants for amendments. By mid November 2006, the DCC personnel participated in over 325 inspections of the type assistance points, hold points, on the site of Cernavoda NPP and of other suppliers of the country, such as Titan Echipamente Nucleare, SCN Pite�ti, Automatica Bucure�ti, COS Târgovi�te, etc.

There were over 60 control minutes issued pursuant to such inspections that

provided for approximately 150 regulatory orders. The statistics on orders resulting from control minutes concluded pursuant to the CNCAN inspections in the field of quality management systems at suppliers of products and services for the nuclear field in 2006 is presented below:

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Figure 2.13 Statistics on the conditions under the quality management system authorizations, 2006

Figure 2.14 Orders under the CNCAN control minutes in 2006, by authorized activities





0 0 7








of c




er th

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Field of activity


57 59



0 0 6








of o


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l min


for Q




h de

























Field of activity

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Figure 2.1 Statistics on orders under the control minutes and audit reports regarding the quality management system

2.11 Testing equipment The nuclear power plant’s equipment used for testing and measurements must

be qualified and classified by the authorities or by metrological certified laboratories and. The frequency of independent classification and qualification and of independent testing must not exceed the calibration validity period as set out by the applicable regulations. If a suspect equipment is identified, it shall be scheduled for calibration at more frequently than as prescribed if the operation thereof is found to be suspect.

Figure 2.15 Aspects of the test on tyre

spills rate of Unit 2 Cernavod� NPP

Supply, 59


Research- development18

Software, 6Construction- assembly



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Most of the 286 inspections on quality assurance conducted by CNCAN,

Quality Control Division, on the site of Cernavod� NPP, in 2006, were purported to verify whether the independent measurement equipment are different than those used for current control or than those in installations. The equipment used for verification or control by sampling and testing in order to accept a system or an equipment, as well as the qualification of testing personnel, were assessed randomly.

2.12 Personnel in charge with testing and assessment of quality management systems

The personnel within authorization holders, in charge with the quality

management systems, who conducts the independent assessments and drafts the management procedures of the quality management systems has been certified in accordance with the CNCAN’s examination and certification program, during 12 examination sessions throughout 2006, in order to verify whether they have the necessary knowledge and whether they are familiar with and are able to apply the regulations and procedures, with a view to fulfill the certification requirements.

Where the contractor’s audit program is not applied by the company’s own

personne, the external individuals that conduct the audit shall also have to obtain the CNCAN certificate as evaluator of the quality management system.

Approximately 90 persons involved in the quality management and control and

in the verification and testing activities were subject to examination in 2006. They must be previously qualified internally with respect to the implementation of quality testing or verification procedures. The evaluators of the quality management system must also be assessed and tested by CNCAN each two years.

The results of testing the persons so examined are validated by a commission

within DCC division and are substantiated in the related minutes, which are further achieved by the said division.

The certificates of the persons having passed the examinations were

forwarded to the relevant companies that hold the authorizations. According to the requirements under the CNCAN Norms on quality

management, the personnel in charge with the quality management system within authorized economic oragnisations must comply with certain criteria set out in the CNCAN regulations.

Thus, pursuant to examination, candidates are authorized/tested, as the case

may be. In 2006, CNCAN has examined 67 persons, employees of the economic agents authorised by CNCAN, out of which 65 passed the tests and obtained the CNCAN authorization/certificate.

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Figure 2.16 Results of examinations for the personnel in charge with the quallity management systems, 2006

As noted from the chart above, the candidates’ degree of graduation was 97%.



67 65

No. of examinations

No. ofcompanies

Total no. ofpersons

No. of graduates

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Chapter 3 – Radioprotection, radioactive wastes, transport and emergencies

In 2006, CNCAN has systematically acted towards accomplishing in best

conditions all its duties and responsibilities in the field of radioprotection of nuclear installations, in the field of radioactive wastes, transport of radioactive material and in the field of nuclear and radiological emergencies. Thus, the main directions followed were:

The elaboration of the general concept regarding: assurance of

radioprotection, management of radioactive wastes and of spent nuclear fuel, preparation, planning and intervention in care of nuclear and radiological emergency; elaboration of technical norms, standards, guidelines, technical recommendations of radiological safety regarding: radioprotection of nuclear power plants and of research nuclear installations, including of nuclear reactors, the treatment, conditioning and long term or final storage of radioactive wastes and of spent nuclear fuel, decommissioning of nuclear and radiological installations, national and international transport of radioactive material, preparation, planning and intervention in case of nuclear and radiological emergency, natural sources of radiations that lead to a significant increase in the workers’ and population exposure to radiations;

The elaboration of the procedures for inspection and control of: research nuclear installations, including nuclear reactors, nucelar power plants, stations for the treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes, warehouses of radioactive wastes and or spent nuclear fuel, transport of radioactive material, natural sources of radiation that lead to a significant increase in the workers’ and population exposure to radiations, other activities in the nuclear field that fall under the scope of its competence;

The elaboration of its own plan of intervention in case of nuclear and radiological emergency, as well as of the operational procedures for intervention in case of emergency, that fall under the scope of its competence;

The evaluation of technical documentations forwarded by the applicants for the exercise permits, participation in the examinations for the granting of exercise permits, and proposal to issue such permits according to specific instructions;

The elaboration of its own program of control over the environmental radioactivity monitoring in the nuclear risk areas.

3.1 Regulatory activity CNCAN has prepared in 2006 the following regulations specific to its scope of


The norms on the storage above the ground of the radioactive wastes, approved by order of the CNCAN President no. 400/2005, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 345/2006;

Bill of norms on the radiological monitoring of metallic wastes potentially contaminated with radioactive material, first draft, pending internal approval.

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3.2 Authorization activity

CNCAN has received in 2006 over 1,200 applications, classified as follows:

25 authorizations for activities in the nuclear field; 6 certificates for radioactive material shipment; 11 acceptance certificates for external enterprises; 5 authorizations of radiological safety for the product; 1 approval of the standard packaging for transport of radioactive material; 1 validation approval of the standard packaging for transport of acceptance; 305 individual carnets of radiological monitoring; 5 permits for the exercise of nuclear activities; 2 approvals for drivers training course and safety advisors for transport of

radioactive material. Figure 3.1 presents the statistics of authorization activities carried out by

CNCAN in 2006, for radioprotection and transport of radioactive material.

Figure 3.1 Statistics of authorization activities carried out by CNCAN in 2006, for radioprotection and transport of radioactive material

5 1 2511 1


5 2

ASR product Appproval standard packagingAuthorisations nucelar activities Acceptance certificate external enterpriseValidation approval standard packaging Individual dosimetric carnetsExercise permits Training course approval

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3.3 Radioprotection of nuclear installations

In 2006, CNCAN has assessed the authorization documentations forwarded

by the applicants and proposed the issuance of the following authorizations:

� 5 authorizations of radiological safety for the product; � 10 authorizations of import; � 2 authorizations of export; � 3 authorizations for the holding; � 3 authorizations for use; � 1 authorization for transfer.

In terms of limitation and monitoring of emissions of radioactive effluents in the

environment, CNCAN assessed the emission derived limits and the programs for the monitoring of environmental radioactivity, as amended according to the requirements of the new specific norms issued by CNCAN in 2005.

Throughout 2006, CNCAN has assessed the documentation forwarded by

SCN Pite�ti for the modernization of the dosimetry system related to the nuclear research reactor TRIGA.

Most of the external enterprises authorized by CNCAN execute works for the

Nuclear Power Plant in Cernavod� and for the National Institute of Research and Development for Physics and Engineering (Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare-dezvoltare pentru Fizic� �i Inginerie Nuclear�) “Horia Hulubei”. In 2006 CNCAN has authorised 11 external enterprises and issued 305 individual carnets for radiological monitoring for external workers.

In terms of personnel examination in order to obtain the level 2 exercise

permit, 5 permits were issued in 2006, all candidates being admitted.

3.4 Management of radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel There are currently in Romania several installations that carry out activities

related to the management of low and medium activity radioactive wastes, as follows:

The installation for treatment of liquid radioactive wastes and the Temporary Warehouse for Burnt Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de de�euri radioactive solide) in Unit 1, Cernavod� NPP, that belongs to SN „Nuclearelectrica” SA;

The station for treatment of radioactive wastes (STDR) that belongs to IFIN-HH, M�gurele;

The station for treatment of radioactive wastes (STDR) that belongs to SCN Pite�ti;

The Post Irradiation Examination Laboratory (Laboratorul de Examinare Post Iradiere – LEPI) that belongs to SCN Pite�ti.

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In 2006 CNCAN has assessed the procedures for collection and reception of orphan sources, the procedures for re-qualification of spent closed sealed sources as well as other technical procedures used in the above mentioned installations.

3.4.1 Final storage of radioactive wastes The final storage of low and medium activity radioactive wastes, resulting from

the application of ionizing radiations in the industry, medicine and research is assured in the Depozitul Na�ional de De�euri Radioactive – DNDR (National Warehouse for Radioactive Wastes), located in B�i�a Bihor and belongs to IFIN-HH.

CNCAN has also assessed in 2006 the status of the environmental monitoring

around the warehouse as well as the operation report of DNDR for the previous year and the plan of intervention in case of accident at the DNDR.

In order to store the wastes resulting from the operation of Cernavod� NPP<

various sessions of site pre-authorization were held in presence of CNCAN specialists and specialists from ANDRAD, SITON and SCN Pite�ti.

3.4.2 Temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel In order to store the spent nuclear fuel outside the reactors’ tank, there are 2

termporary warehouses in Romania:

� The Temporary Warehouse for Spent Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars – DICA) in Cernavod� NPP, dedicated to the storage of CANDU type fuel, and

� The Spent Nuclear Fuel Warehouse (Depozitul de Combustibil Nuclear Uzat – DCNU) that belongs to IFIH-HH, dedicated to the storage of spent nuclear fuel type VVR-S. At the same time, the fragments of spent nuclear fuel and stored under dried

form in the cells of the Post Irradiation Examination Laboratory of SCN Pite�ti. The following authorizations were issued in 2006:

The construction permit for the modules 2 and 3 of the Temporary Warehouse for Spent Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars – DICA) in Cernavod� NPP, dedicated to the storage of CANDU type fuel,

The extension of the operation authorization for the module 1 of the Temporary Warehouse for Spent Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars – DICA) in Cernavod� NPP,

The amendment to the operation authorization for the modificarea autoriza�iei de func�ionare a Post Irradiation Examination Laboratory (Laboratorul de Examinare Post Iradiere – LEPI), of SCN Pite�ti. In 2006, CNCAN has assessed the first revision of the Final Report on Safety

of the Temporary Warehouse for Spent Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil

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Ars – DICA) in Cernavod� NPP, submitted by the authorization holder as support documentation for the authorization, based on which CNCAN has amended the operation authorization of the Temporary Warehouse for Spent Fuel (Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars – DICA) in Cernavod� NPP, in order to incorporate the module 2 in operation.

3.5 Decommissioning of nuclear installations In terms of decommissioning of nuclear installations, CNCAN has assessed

and approved in 2006 the conceptual plans for the decommissioning of: � The research reactor TRIGA in SCN Pitesti; � The Post Irradiation Examination Laboratory (Laboratorul de Examinare

Post Iradiere – LEPI), of SCN Pite�ti; � The Station for the Treatment of Radioactive Wastes in IFIN-HH. CNCAN has also approved in 2006 the general procedure for the release from

the authorization regime, of the materials resulting from practices authorized by IFIN-HH as well as specific procedures such as those for the filters in CPR and for the sources containers in STDR.

The CNCAN has also authorized the unconditional release from the

authorization regime, of 3 sets of materials: electronic materials resulting from the clean-up of VVR-S reactor, heaters and other materials resulting from the replacement of the heating system of CPR.

Figure 3.2 CNCAN inspection at STDR

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Fig. 3.4 Raportul Romaniei pentruConventia Comuna

Fig. 3.4 Raportul Romaniei pentruConventia Comuna

Within the technical assistance program with IAEA, ROM04/029

“Strengthening the Infrastructure for Decommissioning of the Research Reactor at Magurele-Bucharest” CNCAN has actively participated in all expert missions that aimed at discussing various aspects such as: the managements of wastes resulting from decommissioning, the strategies of decommissioning, the analysis of decommissioning costs, the assessment of decommissioning safety, etc.

Figure 3.3 CNCAN analyze, along with IAEA experts, the status of decommissioning activities of the VVR-S reactor in IFIN-HH

3.6 Joint Convention on the safety of spent nuclear fuel management and on the safety of radioactive wastes management One of the main issues in terms of nuclear activities is the safe management

of radioactive wastes and of spent nuclear fuel. Romania has ratified the Joint

Convention on the safety of spent nuclear fuel management and on the safety of radioactive wastes management pursuant to Law 105/1999. The Convention came into force in 2002.

In 2005, CNCAN has prepared,

according to the Joint Convention, the second National Report of Romania, which was forwarded to IAEA in Vienna. During the extraordinary session of November 2005 there

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have been established the groups of countries participating in the Joint Convention. Romania was included in group 1, along with the United States of America,

Croatia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Belarus and Spain. The national reports were presented in Vienna in May 2006.

3.7 Participation in the works of WENRA – Work Group for the harmonization of the concept of safe management of radioactive wastes and of the decommissioning concept (WGWD) 4 meetings of the WGWD were organized in 2006, with a view to define the

reference safety requirements for the storage of radioactive wastes and decommissioning of nuclear installations. The requirements were analysed in each member country both with the regulatory authorities and with the operators, IAEA and the European Commission.

The reference safety requirements are provided for in the reports issued by

the group. The report on reference safety requirements for storage of radioactive wastes is currently completed.

Figure 3.5 CNCAN experts in the meeting of WGWD The first meeting of 2007 shall be hosted by Romania and shall be organized

by CNCAN. It shall include a visit at Cernavod� NPP – DICA.

3.8 Transport of radioactive materials In 2006, CNCAN has assessed the authorisation documentations and

proposed the issuance of the following authorizations in the field of radioactive material transport:

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� 3 transport authorizations; � 4 certificates for the shipment of fresh and spent nuclear fuel; � 1 transit authorization; � 2 certificates for the shipment of high activity Co-60 sources; � 1 approval on the standard B(U) packaging for the transport of irradiated

nuclear fuel type CANDU; � 1 validation approva for the standard B(U) packaging for the transport of spent

nuclear fuel type VVER-1000. In order to issue the approval certificate for the standard transport container

type B(U), designed and built by Titan Echipamente S.A. and tested within RAAN SCN Pite�ti, CNCAN has conducted several inspections, aimed at monitoring the accurate testing of compliance with the safety standards by the type B(U) container dedicated to the transport of irradiated fuel elements type CANDU from Cernavod� NPP to SCN Pite�ti.

Figure 3.6 Type B(U) container dedicated to the transport of irradiated fuel elements type CANDU from Cernavod� NPP to Pite�ti

3.9 Control activities In order to ensure the full safety deployment of nuclelar activities falling under

its scope of competence, DRDR has conducted in 2006 47 inspections and required periodic reports from the authorization holders on their activity.

The activities under the Program for the Repatriation into the Russian

Federation of the Spent Nuclear Fuel from the Research Reactor VVR-S that belongs to IFIN-HH M�gurele, continued all along the year. To this end, DRDR has assessed

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and proposed for approval the inspection procedures regarding the spent nuclear fuel cassettes, prepared by IFIN-HH, and towards the end of the year it actually participated in the inspection of the cassettes of S-36 spent nuclear fuel in the Calming Warehouse related to the VVR-S reactor.

Figure 3.7 CNCAN inspection to control the integrity of S-36 spent nuclear fuel cassettes of the VVR-S reactor in IFIN-HH

Starting with April 2006, CNCAN controlled all spills of liquid effluents from the

Radioisotopes Production Center (Centrul de Produc�ie Radioizotopi – CPR) at IFIN-HH.

Pursuant to some claims from other qualified control bodies, CNCAN imposed

on IFIN-HH the obligation to notify all spills of liquid effluents into the environment, and to perform such spillages only in the presence of CNCAN representatives, as well as to review its spilling procedures.

As a result, CNCAN has assessed the procedures for the spillage of liquid

effluents from the CPR, forwarded for approval by the IFIN-HH, has checked the modus operandi of each spillage, analyzed with a view to approve the spillage, all analysis bulletins of the radioactive content of effluents submitted by the applicant, randomly sampled the effluents in order to perform the measurements and the independent analysis, and took an active part in all spillage operations performed by CPR of IFIN-HH from April 2006 until present.

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In terms of transport of radioactive material, CNCAN has conducted in 2006 two inspections of the shipment of spent nuclear fuel from the nuclear power plant of Kozlodui from Bulgaria into the Russian Federation. The representative of the Radioactive Material Transport Department has accompanied the convoy that carried spent nuclear fuel during the transit of the Romanian territory and checked the observance of the procedure of transport and convoy movement parameters monitoring, the operation of the radioprotection equipment and the safe transport deployment, being permanently in contact with both CNCAN president and with the qualified Romanian, Bulgarian and Russian authorities.

Figure 3.8 CNCAN at CPR within IFIN-HH

Figure 3.9 CNCAN inspection at Kozlodui NPP

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3.10 Personnel professional training and improvement

In 2006 the personnel of DRDR from within CNCAN has benefited from 4

professional training courses, organized in cooperation with the Department of Trade and Industry from the Great Britain, under the training program in the field of radioactive wastes, decommissioning of nuclear installations and radiological emergency, as follows:

3.10.1 Training and professional improvement course “Advanced techniques for the measurement of environmental radioactivity in nuclear or radiological emergency situations – spectrometric determinations with the scintillating liquid analyzer”. The training was organized during January 9th – 18th, 2006, in two sections, a

theoretical joint part, of two days and practical sessions of 3 days each. The practical sessions were carried out at the CNCAN laboratory in Afuma�i, wthin the Emergency Center.

The training course was dedicated to both representatives of the CNCAN and

to the representatives of Cernavod� NPP, of the IFIN-HH, of the SCN Pite�ti, of the Bucharest Pubic Health Division, of the Constan�a Public Health Division, of the Bucharest Public Health Institute, of the National Agency for Environmental Protection of Bucharest, of the Agency for Environmental Protection of Constan�a.

Figure 3.10 Aspects from the training course 3.10.1

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Figure 3.11 Aspects from the practical sessions during January 11th – 18th, 2006, under the training course 3.10.1

Figure 3.12 Aspects from the theoretical session during January 9th – 10th, 2006, under the training course 3.10.1

3.10.2 Training and professional improvement course “Advanced techniques for the assessment of radiological consequences in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency” The training was comprised of two parts, one during March 7th – 10th, 206, and

one during March 14th – 17th, 2006. This training course was dedicated to the CNCAN representatives and to the representatives of other partner institutions in case of emergency: the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police – General Division for Fight Aganst Organised Crime, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the Dolj County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the National Agency for Environmental Protection of Bucharest, the Agency for Environmental Protection of Craiova and the Agency for Environmental Protection of Constan�a.

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The topics of this course included elements in the field of preparing, planning

and intervening in case of nuclear accident, incident or radiological emergency.

3.10.3 Training course “Assessment of safety of the radioactive wastes warehouses above the ground” The training course was comprised of two modules. The first one was

comprised of general information on warehouses safety and was dedicated to the specialists of CNCAN and of other organizations in charge with assessment of warehouses: ANDRAD, SCN Pite�ti, IFIN-HH, Cernavod�, and the second one was dedicated exclusively to CNCAN personnel, being comprised of the mathematical modeling of warehouses, computations of activities derived from the storage and the analysis of results.

3.10.4 Training course “Assessment of the documentation related to the decommissioning of nuclear installations” The training course was dedicated to both CNCAN specialists and to the

specialists involved in the decommissioning of nuclear installations: ANDRAD, SCN Pite�ti, IFIN-HH. It was comprised of theoretical aspects of the decommisionng, radioactive wastes management exemplified with the expertise of German and Swiss specialists and practical aspects such as the radioprotection inspection at VVR-S reactor in IFIN-HH.

Figure 3.13 Aspects from the training courses 3.10.3 and 3.10.4

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3.10.5 Participation in international training courses

In 2006, CNCAN personnel from within DRDR has participated in various

actions organized by IAEA, such as:

� the international seminar “Safety of Radioactive Material Transport. Seminar on Complex Technical Issues”, organized by IAEA in Vienna, January 11th – 12th, 2006;

� the international conference “Waste Management Symposium WM’06”, Tucson, Arizona, USA, February 25th – March 4th, 2006;

� the technical seminar on the elaboration of a guide to the safety assessment

of radioactive wastes warehouses, organized by IAEA in Vienna, Austria, March 6th – 10th, 2006;

� the seminar “National Strategies for Radioactive Wastes Safety and Safety

Assessment in order to demonstrate the safety and to authorize the installations of radioactive wastes management, Moscow, the Russian Federation, June 20th – 23rd, 2006;

� the technical visit on radiological safety assurance in the field of radioactive

wastes, the Center for nuclear researches SCK-CEN Mol, Belgium and the Regulatory Authority from Finlanda STUK Helsinki, October 2nd – 13th, 2006;

� participation in the 3rd plenary meeting under the project Solutions for the

Radioactive Wastes Management based on Safety Assessments (SADRWMS), organized by IAEA in Vienna, October 30th – November 3rd, 2006;

� the regional seminar “Authorization and control of over the ground

warehouses of radioactive wastes”, organized by IAEA in Sofia, Bulgaria, November 27th – December 1st, 2006;

� the seminar “Radiological protection and safety of wastes in uranium mining”,

organized by CNCAN in cooperation with IAEA in Bucharest, October 2nd – 3rd, 2006;

� participation in the 21st meeting of the Radiological Safety Standards

Committee (RASSC) of IAEA, October 1st – 11th, Vienna; � participation in the 16th meeting of the support group of ISOE, organized by

IAEA, November 8th – 10th, 2006, in Vienna; � the scientific visit on legislative, administrative and technical requirements for

the radioactive wastes management, organized by IAEA in the Check Republic, November 6th – 10th, 2006;

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� the regional seminar on “Regulatory requirements for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants”, organized by IAEA in Lithuania, November 20th – 24th, 2006;

� the international conference on the expertise resulting from decommissioning

of nuclear installations and from the shutdown of nuclear activities, organized by IAEA in Athens, Greece, on December 11th – 15th, 2006;

� the technical seminar on the radiological safety of the metallic wastes

recycling industry, organized by IAEA in Vienna, December 11th – 15th, 2006.

Figure 3.14 Aspects from the seminar “Radiological protection and safety of wastes in uranium mining”, Bucharest, October 2006

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3.11 CNCAN personnel training for nuclear and/or radiological emergency

In 2006, CNCAN has participated in two important exercises: the international

simulation exercise “SEESIM 06”, organized under the aegis of the Ministers of Defense in Southeastern Europe, during November 13th – 16th, and the national exercise of radiological emergency on the site of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP, organized by Cernavod� NPP in cooperation with the local authorities on December 11th – 14th.

3.11.1 International simulation exercise “SEESIM 06” This exercise is a computer assisted simulation, the third in the series of drills

organized by the Ministers of Defense in the Southeastern Europe, starting with 2002. The exercise that took place on November 13th – 16th, 2006, was mainly organized by Romania and Macedonia (main players), with the support of the USA and was aimed at testing the regional cooperation between the National Operational Centers of the Southeastern Europe countries, the exchange of information, the coordination of human assistance, the management of consequences and of the answers to natural disasters and to terrorist actions.

The scenario included a natural disaster component that affects the

Southeastern Europe infrastructure (earthquake in Macedonia and strong floods in Romania, with ground slope), and a component of organized crime and terrorism/trafficking/borders security.

A National Answer Cell was organized and maintained throughout the

exercise, at the headquarters of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, within the National Operational Center. This cell was comprised of representatives of the national institutions in charge of the management of emergency situations. CNCAN has participated in this exercise through its appointed representatives from within the Radioprotection and Radiological Emergencies Division.

3.11.2 National exercise of radiological emergency on the authorization site of Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP According to the Republican Norms on Nuclear Safety regarding the Planning,

Preparation and Intervention in case of Nuclear accidents and Radiological Emergency, CNCAN Order no. 242/1993, Article 8, the initial loading of fuel into the nuclear reactors before the authorization holder and the public authorized had proved by means of an exercise that they are prepared for emergency situations is strictly forbidden.

To this end, on December 14th, 2006, there was organized the annual exercise

“START 2006” purported to simulate a nuclear accident in Unit 2 on the site of Cernavod� NPP. The scenario was prepared by the Departments of Radioprotection, Unit 2 Operation, Technical, Preparation and Personnel Authorization of Cernavod� NPP.

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The main purpose of this exercise was to demonstrate that the Unit 2

personnel is adequately prepared for emergency situations in order to obtain the CNCAN authorization for the first time loading of nuclear fuel into the Unit 2, by testing the main elements of the Emergency Plan on Site and of the Emergency Procedures.

The exercise contributed to the testing of the preparation and training of the

nuclear installation’s intervention personnel in case of radiological incident or nuclear accident.

CNCAN representatives have participated in the exercise as


3.12 Investigation of naturally radioactive sources that may lead to a significant increase in the exposure to radiations In February 2006, a CNCAN team has conducted a radiological investigation

in Dumbr�vi�a commune, Timi� county, as a result of a claim received from the Hall of Dumbr�vi�a commune regarding the radioactive contamination of an area located at the forest border, pursuant to the spillage of passed ores waters, associated with the exploitation of natural gas by Petrom SA.

Pursuant to the measures taken and to the specialized analyses, the DRDR

representatives confirmed the existence of radioactive contamination of the soil in the area indicated, and identified a chronic exposure to the radiation pursuant to passed activities.

As a result, CNCAN required Petrom SA to perform specialized studies both

with respect to the radioactive contamination of Dumbr�vi�a commune and with respect to the radiological risks associated with the specific activities of extraction and processing of oil and natural gas, developed by Petrom SA all along the country, to forward these studies to the CNCAN and to mark the area and to restrict the access to the contaminated area in Dumbr�vi�a commune.

Given the communication difficulties, the DRDR representatives have

subsequently established the contact with the management representatives of Petrom SA Timi�oara and of the Environmental Protection Division within Petrom SA, with a view to property settle the issues related to the identified radioactive contamination and to the radiological risks associated thereto. On this occasion, DRDR has conducted an on site control of the manner in which CNCAN recommendations in terms of area marking and limitation of the access to the contaminated area were complied with and stated a 6 months delay.

CNCAN is currently closely monitoring the compliance with its other

recommendations by Petrom SA which shall retain a laboratory accredited or notified by CNCAN in order to perform the required studies and to forward to CNCAN the outcome thereof, in order to establish the corresponding measures for the remedy of the contaminated area and, respectively, for properly complying with the

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authorization regime provided by the relevant national legislation applicable to the activities carried out by Petrom SA.

Figure 3.15 Aspects from the radiological investigations in the contaminated are of Dumbr�vi�a commune, October 2006

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3.13 Radiological investigations upon request of the media, of the public and

of the authorities In 2006, CNCAN has conducted a few radiological investigations upon

requests received from legal entities.

3.13.1 Work methods and equipment specific to the radiological investigations The work methods used in conducting the radiological investigations were:

� in situ gamma dosimetry; � in situ gamma spectrometry; � sampling-preparations and spectrometric gamma measurements of

environmental samples (over the ground and underground water, uncultivated and arable land, spontaneous and cultivated vegetation, sediments) and various materials samples. The radiometric equipment used in the investigations conducted by the

CNCAN were:

� portable dose debit meter Eberline with NaI probe, for the measurement of the ambient gamma dose debit;

� dose debit meter Automess Teletector with telescopic probe and GM detector, for the measurement of the ambient gamma dose debit;

� dose debit meter RADIAGEM 2000 (Canberra), with incorporated GM detector and three attached probes, for the measurement of alpha-beta contamination and for the measurement of the ambient gamma dose debit;

� portable spectrometer INSPECTOR 1000 (Canberra) with NaI (Tl) probe for the in situ identification of the radionuclide type that generates the radiation field in the investigated material/area

� gamma laboratory spectrometer, for the lab identification of radio nuclides present in the samples taken from the investigated areas, made of a multi-channel analyzer, computer and HPGe detector with a relative efficiency 40% and energetic resolution 1,8 keV at an energy of 1332,5 keV of Co-60;

� personal electronic dosimeter type DMC 2000 – MGP Instruments, for the measurement of the individual exposure to radiations of the CNACN intervention team. The dosimeters and contamination metering devices used in the radiological

investigations are annually subject to the metrological verification procedures according to the regulations in force.

3.13.2 Radiological investigation at AIR LIQUID S.A. BUZ�U Pursuant to a claim received at CNCAN headquarters (see letter no. 10400/

VZ/ 28.06.2006) in connection with a loading of highly radioactive content of raw material (rutile concentrate) necessary for the fabrication of welding electrodes, a

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CNCAN specialists team traveled on July 4th, 2006 at the headquarters of AIR LIQUID S.A. in 1, Aleea Industriilor street, Buz�u, in order to take samples of the imported raw material and to determine the radioactive content. Samples were taken out of three types of materials: the raw material (the rutile concentrate), the paste for basic electrodes and the paste for rutilic electrodes. The samples were measured with the gamma spectrometers in the CNCAN laboratory of Afuma�i and in the Radiation Hygiene Laboratory from within the Bucharest Public Health Division.

Only natural radio nuclides were identified in the samples taken (radio

nuclides of the naturally radioactive series and of the primary radionuclide K-40). The natural radio nuclides concentrations vary between tens and hundreds of Bq/kg, and range within the accepted limits for the materials excepted from authorization, according the provisions of the Fundamental norms on the safe transport of radioactive material (NTR 01, CNCAN 2002).

No major differences were recorded between the concentrations of the natural

radio nuclides in the raw material (rutile concentrate) and the pastes obtained in order to fabricate the welding electrodes, except for the natural radionuclide K-40, the concentrations of which are 5-6 times higher in the pastes obtained than the concentration of K-40 in the raw material (over 1000 Bq/kg in the two types of pastes, 200 Bq/kg in the rutile concentrate).

Similar results were also obtained in the two laboratories on the same types of

samples analyzed. CNCAN representatives advised the management of AIR LIQUID SA that, for

future imports of raw material, to require its suppliers analysis bulletins specifying the types of radio nuclides present and the concentration thereof (Bq/kg) in the imported raw material. They have also recommended that the importing company require from the Ministry of Health a list of the minimum admitted limits for the import of such raw materials, which shall further be compared with the supplier’s analysis bulletins.

3.13.3 Radiological investigation in M�gurele commune, Ilfov county Further to a claim from BIO SERVICE SRL, recorded at the CNCAN

President’s Office under no. 8902/V.Z./31.05.2006, requiring it to perform dosimetric measurements on plot 65, parcel 216/17, Atomi�tilor street, M�gurele commune, Ilfov county, a CNCAN specialists team went on June 9th, and June 12th, 2006 to the indicated location in order to investigate the radiological situation of the land. Samples of uncultivated land and underground water were taken and in situ dosimetric measurements were performed. The results of the radiological measurements performed by CNCAN on site were made available to the company through a measurements bulletin.

According to the in situ dosimetric measurements in several pre-determined

points, it was found that the values of the external gamma dose debit range within the variation limits of the natural radiations fund. The results of the global beta analyses of the uncultivated soil sample and of the underground water sample

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outlined the fact that the level of radioactivity in the investigated environmental samples are consistent with the normal limits of variations for Romania.

The conclusion reached by CNCAN representatives was that the level of radioactivity on plot 65, parcel 216/17, Atomistilor street, M�gurele commune, Ilfov county, is normal and does not trigger a radiological risk for the population.

3.13.4 Radiological investigation at REMAT SUD Bucure�ti Pursuant to a claim received at CNCAN headquarters on September 4th, 2006,

whereby CNCAN was informed about the identification of an orphan radioactive source in the iron scrap warehouse within REMAT SUD Bucharest, CNCAN team went to the indicated location in order to identify, recover and transport the orphan source at the headquarter of IFIN HH M�gurele – Radioactive Wastes Treatement Station.

Figure 3.16 Orphan radioactive source in lead castle, marked “radioactive”, found in the iron scrap warehouse of REMAT SUD Bucharest

The radioactive source was identified by the CNCAN representatives with the

portable spectrometer INSPECTOR 1000, and was recovered and transport by the specialized and authorized personnel of IFIN HH M�gurele, under the supervision of CNCAN representatives.

Pursuant to the measures taken, it was found that the radioactive fascicule’s

obstruction device of the radioactive source, located in the CRP lead container, without identification plate, was “open”, so that the debit of the gamma dose on the fascicule direction varied between 60 – 70 microSv/h. Other measurements taken at the contact point with the source container ranged between 0,2 – 3,0 microSv/h. The first identification revealed the fact that the radionuclide comprised in the radioactive source was Co-60. The presence of the radionuclide Co-60 was later confirmed at the headquarters of IFIN HH – STDR, through specific lab measurements.

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The orphan radioactive source was transported at he headquarters of STDR

within IFIN HH in safety conditions, without jeopardizing the intervention personnel or the population. Subsequently, the representatives of the qualified authorities have taken actions in order to identify the origin of the radioactive sources and how it reached the warehouse of REMAT SUD Bucure�ti.

3.13.5 Environmental radiological investigations in the influence area of Cernavod� NPP The environmental radioactivity of the influence area of Cernavod� NPP has

been constantly monitored and control ever since the commissioning of Unit 1 in 1996.

The program for environmental monitoring of the influence area of Cernavod�

NPP, developed by CNCAN under the “Annual Plan of Environmental Inspections at the Nuclear Installations” is mainly aimed at verifying the compliance in the nuclear installation’s operation with the legal requirements and with the limits authorized at national level. The environmental inspections program developed by CNCAN during the last years include monthly campaigns of environmental sampling (air, precipitations, over the ground water, spontaneous vegetation, uncultivated soil) and food sampling (milk, vegetables and fruits) as well as random lab analyses aimed at identifying the content of tritium and the activity of gamma emitter artificial radio nuclides.

The environmental sampling campaigns for specific lab testing, performed in

the influence area of Cernavod� NPP in 2006, were aimed at monitoring and routine controlling the neighboring area of the power plant in order to check the compliance in operation with the legal requirements and with the authorized limits at national level. 10 years after its commissioning no gamma emitter artificial radio nuclides were founded in the environment. The only artificial radionuclide identified in the air, surface water, vegetation, soil, and atmospheric precipitations samples is the tritium, a beta emitter radionuclide, activation product resulting from the nuclear processes, with a 12.3 years deadline for reduction to the half and low radio-toxicity. The tritium exists in the environment as a natural radionuclide as well. As natural radionuclide, the tritium is formed at high altitude, pursuant to the interaction of cosmic radiation with the elements of the higher layers of the atmosphere.

The measured radioactive concentrations do not present a radiological risk for

the population. The additional exposure of the population, in the influence are a of Cernavod� NPP is below 1% of the value adopted at national and international level in terms of nuclear practices in progress.

3.14 Development of the material base of the CNCAN Emergency Center According to the applicable legal provisions, CNCAN participates in

interventions with its own emergency organization and through representatives appointed from within the national structures of emergency situation management.

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In order to fulfill its specific functions, the emergency unit of CNCAN is set up

and operates within the CNCAN Emergency Center, based on the CNCAN Order no. 209/24.06.2004 on the approval of the CNCAN Emergency Center’ organization strategy.

The CNCAN Emergency Center operates as a technical support group for

CNCAN and for CNCAN representatives within the national structures of intervention in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency. The CNCAN Emergency Center is in charge of the independent assessment of the relevant national authority and formulates recommendations to the national structures of intervention coordination.

The activities of the CNCAN Emergency Center are structured by work groups

in the following fields: communications and exchange of information, nuclear safety, radioprotection, in situ and lab radioactivity measurements.

The main functions that CNCAN fulfills in emergency situations are:

� to ensure the initial notification and exchange of information between its own emergency organization and the National Operational Center;

� to inform the international community, through IAEA, under the Convention on rapid notification of nuclear accidents and radiological emergency; “information” means the initial notification and the exchange of information all along the existence of the emergency situation;

� to require international assistance for Romania, through IAEA, under the Convention on rapid notification of nuclear accidents and radiological emergency;

� to inform the countries with which Romania has concluded bilateral agreements for rapid notification of nuclear accident or radiological emergency; “information” means the initial notification and the exchange of information all along the existence of the emergency situation,

� to elaborate nuclear safety analyses of the technical status of the affected nuclear installation, based on a permanent exchange of information with it, all along the existence of the emergency situation,

� to elaborate radiological safety analyses of the affected radiological installation or in case of accidents of radioactive material transport, based on a permanent exchange of information,

� to elaborate assessment analyses of the radiological consequences over the population, the professionally exposed personnel, the environment, with a view to formulate recommendations on the population protection measures;

� to perform, as the case may be, its own radioactivity measurements, with a view to support its own nuclear safety analyses and radiological consequences assessments. Under normal circumstances, a National Contact Point with IAEA operates

within the CNCAN Emergency Center, in accordance with the provisions of the international conventions on notification and assistance Romania is part of (Decree 223/11.05.1990) and of the IAEA Letter EPR/CP(0100) of 16.11.2000, whereby CNCAN is appointed National Contact Point with IAEA, with the following functions, as defined in the IAEA ENATOM 2004 document:

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� National warning point in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency; � Qualified national authority for national accidents or radiological emergencies

occurred on the territory of Romania; � Qualified national authority for national accidents or radiological emergencies

occurred on the territory of other countries, with potential consequences on the territory of Romania. Under normal circumstances, the CNCAN Emergency Center provides for the

CNCAN preparation and planning for emergency situations and participates, along with partner national and international institutions, in the organization and development of exercises dedicated to the intervention in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency.

In 2006, CNCAN has successfully carried out a European funded PHARE

project for the development of the material base and activities of the CNCAN Emergency Center – “Technical Assistance for the Romanian Regulatory Emergency Centre”, RO 5812.06.01. This project as comprised of two components: a study with a view to define the architecture of the Emergency center and of the need for equipment and human resources and the acquisition of equipment and IT for the operation of the Emergency Center. As a result of the project, the CNCAN representatives have elaborated based on the international experts’ recommendations a long term strategy with respect to the equipment and implementation of European and international requirements in terms of preparation, planning and intervention in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency.

In CNCAN’s vision, the Emergency Center must be a modern unit, with “state

of the art” capabilities which would allow rapid notification and exchange of information with the national and international bodies in charge with intervention in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency, in an efficient, viable and safe manner. Bearing this in mind, the goal of the “CNCAN Emergency Center’s Operation Strategy” is to stand for a reference document comprised of a general approach and of the plan of future activities with respect to the organization, administration, human resources, professional training, use, maintenance and development of CNCAN Center for Response to Emergency. This strategy shall be officially adopted by Order of the CNCAN President.

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Chapter 4 – Implementation of Nuclear Safeguards and of the Additional Protocol in Romania

CNCAN is the qualified national authority in the nuclear field, which, according

to the provisions of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, is responsible for:

The implementation of the requirements of the Treaty on non proliferation of

nuclear weapons, of the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement and of the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement, signed by Romania with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);

The setting up and the coordination of the national system of record and control of nuclear materials;

The strengthening of safeguards control in order to use the nuclear material for exclusively peaceful purposes. CNCAN is also a national contact point for the nuclear safeguards, for the

physical protection of nuclear and radiological materials and installations, for the prevention of and fight against trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials.

In order to comply with Romania’s undertakings, CNCAN has forwarded to the

IAEA the following:

reports on the inventory variations of nuclear materials in the material (monthly) balance areas;

the amendments operated in 2006 according to the provisions of Article 2(a) and 2(b) of the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement;

the statistics of imports and exports of equipment according to the provisions of Article 2(a)(ix) of the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement (quarterly). Pursuant to the accession to the European Union, Romania shall become part

of the Euratom Treaty and shall implement the Euratom system of nuclear safeguards. Starting with this date, the holders of holding authorizations shall be bound to send reports on nuclear safeguards directly to Euratom and CNCAN.

The manner in which reports are to be prepared and the type of information

the authorization holders must provide for are presented in Regulation no. 302/2005 regarding the implementation of the Euratom nuclear safeguards control system.

4.1 Regulatory and control activity The activity carried out by CNCAN in order to strengthen the nuclear

safeguards consists of:

the control of activities that involve nuclear material (production, supply, lease, transfer, holding, export or import);

the control of activities that involve the materials, device and equipment pertaining to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive

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materials as well as of the related information (production, supply, lease, transfer, holding, export or import);

the verification of the nuclear material inventory in the material balance areas; the identification of nuclear materials, device and equipment pertaining to the

to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive materials within inspections;

the verification of the compliance with the limits provided in the authorizations; the verification of the compliance with the provisions of the minutes concluded

on the occasion of inspections; the drafting of nuclear safeguards reports for IAEA and Canada; the preparation of annual statements in accordance with the Additional

Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement. The organizations that carry out activities in the nuclear field must implement,

commission and maintain a nuclear safeguards system consistent with the CNCAN regulations and with the authorization requirements, depending on the specific of their activities.

CNCAN issues nuclear safeguards related authorizations for:

the production, supply, processing, use, lease, transport, transfer, holding, export and import of nuclear materials;

the production, supply, lease, transfer, holding, export and import of materials, device and equipment listed in Appendix 1 to Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished;

the holding, transfer, import and export of unpublished information, related to the materials, device and equipment pertaining to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive materials, listed in Appendix 1 to Law 111/1996, republished. Pursuant to the assessment of the documentations received in 2006, CNCAN

has issued 272 authorizations in the field of nuclear safeguards.

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Figure 4.1 Authorizations issued by CNCAN in the field of nuclear guarantees

Figure 4.2 Statistics on the types of authorizations issued by CNCAN in 2006, in the field of nuclear safeguards







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Figure 4.3 Evolution of the number of authorizations issued by CNCAN in the field of nuclear safeguards in 2006

The import or export authorizations were issued only after the applicants

proved that:

they comply with the laws in force and the international undertakings of Romania in the nuclear field;

deliver the products or information only to the authorized beneficiaries; in case of exports, they have caused their foreign partners to provide the

necessary warranties whereby they undertake not to use the products or information exported for such purposes that would prejudice the Romania’s international undertakings or the national safety;

use, in their activity, only such persons who prove to be competent and have the necessary probity, according to the regulations in force. CNCAN has issued the authorization no. SN/109/2006 for the transport of

6,000 fascicules containing spent nuclear fuel, repatriated in 100 baskets each comprised of 60 fascicules from the spent fuel tank from within Unit 1 to the temporary spent fuel warehouse (Depozitul intermediar de combustibil ars – DICA), within Cernavoda NPP. The spent fuel fascicules were transferred to DICA with the purpose of being stored under dried form for 50 years. The transfer of all 100 baskets was closely monitored by CNCAN and IAEA.









23 24






















June July














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Figure 4.4 Dynamic of the number of import authorizations issued by CNCAN in 2006

Throughout 2006 CNCAN has received applications for negations on import or

export of materials, device and equipment not listed under the “Detailed list of materials, device, equipment and information pertaining to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive device”, approved by Government Decision no. 916/2002, which further details Appendix 1 to Law 111/1996, republished.

Pursuant to the assessment of documentations received, CNCAN has issued

71 negations for the import or export of materials, device and equipment. CNCAN has also assessed 35 nuclear safeguards related procedures, out of

which 33 procedures were approved and for 2 of them amendments and supplements were required.

3 1


















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Import authorizations Export authorizations

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Figure 4.5 Nuclear safeguards procedures assessed by CNCAN in 2006

Figure 4.6 Negations on import or export of materials, device and equipment, issued by CNCAN in 2006













CNU CNU SucursalaFeldioara

FCN Pitesti ROMAG PROD CNECernavoda



Non nuclear materials Equipment and device

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4.2 Control activity The control activities carried out by CNCAN in the field of nuclear safeguards

was mainly aimed at:

verifying the compliance with the provisions on the implementation of nuclear safeguards, under Law 111/1996 on safe deployment, regulations, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, and under Law 100/2000 for the ratification of the Additional Protocol;

verifying the compliance with the provisions on the implementation of nuclear safeguards under the Norms for the control of safeguards in the nuclear field;

verifying the compliance with the provisions of Government Decision no. 916/2002;

verifying the compliance with the provisions under the minutes concluded on the occasion of other inspections. The control was conducted in precints:

where legal entities or individuals carry out activities in the nuclear field, with a view to issue the required authorization, during the validity period of the authorization, based on the notification of the authorization holder;

where legal entities or individuals might hold nuclear installations or materials, or might carry out activities in the nuclear field. In order to ensure the safe deployment of nuclear activities, CNCAN has

conducted in 2006, 41 de inspections.

Figure 4.7 CNCAN inspection at FCN Pite�ti

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Figure 4.8 Dynamics of the number of inspection conducted by CNCAN in 2006

Figure 4.9 CNCAN inspections at the nuclear installations Pursuant to the controls performed, CNCAN has issued 41 findings minutes

and 44 dispositions. At the same time, in order to observe the provisions of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, CNCAN has applied 5 contraventional fines.



4 45












RO-A (IFIN-HH) RO-C + RO-G(CNE PROD Cernavod�)RO-D (FCN Pite�ti) RO-E (SCN Pite�ti)RO-F (CNU Feldioara) RO-H (CNE INVEST Cernavod�)

RO-Z (Alte loca�ii)

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4.3 CNCAN database

CNCAN has managed and updated its database regarding the authorizations for the holding, production, supply, lease, transfer of materials, device, equipment and information pertaining to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive device.

This database is comprised also of information about radioactive sources,

containers of poor uranium and other activities authorized under Law 111/1996, on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished.

Throughout 2006 348 entries were operated in the database, regarding the

activities authorized by CNCAN.

Figure 4.10 Database of authorizations issued by CNCAN in the field of nuclear safeguards

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Figure 4.11 Dynamic of the number of database entries in 2001 – 2006

4.4 Certification of persons in charge with nuclear safeguards In terms of personnel examination with a view to certify it as responsible of

nuclear safeguards CNCAN has examined in 2006 6 applicants and tested the nuclear safeguards responsible for:

CNU – Feldioara Branch; SNN – FCN Pite�ti Branch and CNE INVEST Cernavod� Branch; National Institute of Research and Development for Metals and Radioactive

Resources – ICPMRR; Regie Autonome for Nuclear Activities (Regia Autonom� pentru Activit��i

Nucleare) – RAAN, SCN Pite�ti and ROMAG PROD Branches.















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

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4.5 AIEA inspections

In order to assess the activities carried out in Romania, according to the

provisions of the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has required complementary access for:

� Dobrei mine from within the National Company of Uranium, Banat Branch, on February 15th, 2006;

� Heavy Water Plant ROMAG PROD from within RAAN, on May 17th, 2006; � Feldioara Branch from within the National Company of Uranium, on June 6th,

2006; � SCN Pite�ti, from within RAAN, on June 7th, 2006; � SCN Pite�ti from within the National Company Nuclearelectrica S.A., on June

7th, 2006; � ANDRAD, on June 7th 2006; � National Institute for Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear

Engineering (Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Fizic� �i Inginerie Nuclear�) „Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH), on December 5th, 2006. The notification of the complementary access was performed in accordance

with the provisions of Article 4 of the Additional Protocol to the Agreement between Romania and IAEA for the application or nuclear safeguards, in connection with the Treaty on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons:

within minimum 24 hours; within 2 hours for the sitting investigated on the occasion of ad-hoc or routine

inspections. IAEA inspectors, accompanied by the CNCAN inspectors, have carried out the

following activities:

visual observation; environmental sampling; use of radiations detection and measurement device; application of seals and of other identification and sealing device.

In order to check the manner in which Romania fulfills its undertakings

pursuant to the ratification of the agreements in force in the field of nucleare safeguards, IAEA inspectors have conducted 47 ad-hoc and routine inspections.

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Figure 4.12 Complementary access notification terms The ad-hoc inspections were purported:

� to verify the information under the initial reports on nuclear materials; � to identify and verify the changes occurred as of the date of the initial report; � to identify and verify the quantity and structure of nuclear materials prior to

their transfer outside Romania or inside Romania. The routine inspections were purported:

� to verify whether the reports are consistent with the registration system; � to verify the location, identity, quantity and structure of all nuclear materials; � to verify the information regarding potential causes of inventory differences,

differences between sender and receiver and the inaccurate data in the accounting stock. On December 11th – 13th, 2006, a delegation of the European Commission

visited jointly with IAEA, the Cernavod� NPP. The European Commission’s representatives got familiarized with the safeguards control system implemented by IAEA at Unit 2 and visited Unit 1 and the Temporary Warehouse of Spent Fuel (DICA). The delegates established that upon the physical inventory to be performed in 2007, both IAEA representatives and the European Commission representatives shall be present.

2 hours notification21%

24 hours notification79%

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Figure 4.13 Statistics on the number of requests for complementary access in 2001-2006

Figure 4.14 IAEA inspections in the material balance areas






RO-A(IFIN-HH) RO-C(Unitatea 1) RO-D(FCN Pitesti) RO-E(SCN Pitesti)

RO-F(CNU Feldioara) RO-G(DICA) RO-H(Unitatea 2)



4 4









of r



for c






2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Year

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4.6 Training of persons in charge nuclear safeguards CNCAN has organized two work meetings, on April 20th and on June 30th,

2006, with the persons in charge with safeguards of small users of nuclear materials in order to make them familiar with the method of implementing the Euratom system of safeguards. These meetings were attended by the representatives of industrial laboratories, hospitals, as well as of other units carrying out activities in the nuclear field. During these meetings, CNCAN safeguards experts have discussed specific problems the small users of nuclear materials are confronted to, have made a presentation of the Euratom nuclear safeguards system as well as of the manner in which nuclear safeguards reports are to be drafted and transmitted to Euratom. At the same time, CNCAN experts answered to the participants’ questions with respect to the specific aspects of the new reporting type.

The works presented by CNCAN representatives, as well as the Euratom

Regulation no. 302/2005 were included on a CD made available to the participants within the two work meetings.

In continuously making efforts to prepare the implementation of the Euratom

nuclear safeguards system, CNCAN has organized on May 24th, a work meeting with the persons in charge with safeguards within nuclear installations, with a view to familiarize them with the method of implementation of the Euratom safeguards system.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the National Company

Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN – Nuclear Power Plant Cernavod�, Units 1 and 2 and DICA, FCN Pite�ti, SNN Executiv), the National Institute for Research and Development of Metals and Radioactive Resources (Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Metale �i Resurse Radioactive – ICPMRR), the National Institute for Research and Development for Nuclear Physics and Engineering (Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Fizic� �i Inginerie Nuclear�) „Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH), the National Company of Uranium (CNU), S.C. Nuclearmontaj S.A., RAAN (Regia Autonom� pentru Activit��i Nucleare), ROMAG-PROD Branch.

On October 11th – 12th, 2006, CNCAN has continued the series of actions

purported to prepare the Romanian specialists in the nuclear field to implement in optimum conditions the Euratom safeguards system, by organizing at the Conference Center of Bucharest, the Seminar on the implementation in Romania of the Euratom safeguards system. The seminar approached aspects related to the Euratom safeguards system and the safeguards system of the International Atomic Energey Agency (IAEA), the transition to the safeguards reporting Romania/EuratomIAEA, the practical way of reporting according to the Euratom Regulation no. 302/2005, the Euratom safeguards inspections after accession to the EU.

The seminar was attended, as lectors, by representatives of the Euratom

Office of Nuclear Safeguards, of the General Division for Energy and Transport within the European Commission, as well as a representative of the Nuclear Safeguards Division from within IAEA. The representatives with management positions and the persons in charge with nuclear safeguards from within the nuclear installations and

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from within the small users of peaceful applications of nuclear energy (in industry, medicine, training) were also invited to participate in the seminar.

Figure 4.15 Work meeting with small users of nuclear materials, April 20th, 2006

Figure 4.16 CNCAN representatives at the work meeting of April 20th, 2006

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Figure 4.17 Second work meeting with the small users of nuclear materials, June 30th, 2006

Figure 4.18 CNCAN representatives at the work meeting of June 30th, 2006

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Figure 4.19 The CD made available to the participants in the work meetings of April 20th and June 30th, 2006

Figure 4.20 The CD made available to the participants in the work meeting with the persons in charge with nuclear safeguards from within the nuclear

installations, May 24th, 2006

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CNCAN has presented Romania’s expertise in the field of implementation of

the nuclear safeguards and of the Additional Protocol, and the status of Romania’s agreements that shall be signed with Euratom after its accession to the EU.

Figure 4.21 Aspects from the Seminar on the implementation in Romania of the Euratom safeguards system, Bucharest, October 11th – 12th, 2006

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Figure 4.22 Euratom representative at the Seminar on the implementation in Romania of the Euratom safeguards system, Bucharest, October 11th – 12th,


Figure 4.23 The CD made available to the participants in the Seminar on the implementation in Romania of the Euratom safeguards system

At the end of the seminar’s works, Mr. Sotiris Synetos, the representative of

Euratom, has presented an action plan for the implementation in Romania, under the best conditions, of the Euratom system of nuclear safeguards and for the achievement of the most rapid transition to the safeguards reporting system of IAEA and of Euratom, as follows:

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1. the operators of nuclear installations shall forward the Basic Technical Characteristics, using the appendices to the Regulation no. 302/2005;

2. the operators of nuclear installations shall forward the schedule of activities; 3 the operators of nuclear installations shall forward a background of information

(TW, TU, transfers of wastes, termination of IAEA safeguards, materials excepted from nuclear safeguards control);

4 discussion over a solution to the installation and use in Romania of the ENMAS and ENMAS Light program;

5. testing by the operators of nuclear installations of the reporting method.

4.7 Transfer of LEU fuel from France On March 31st, 2006, CNCAN representatives participated in the reception of

the final installment of fresh nuclear fuel dedicated to the conversion of TRIGA reactor of SCN Pite�ti, from high enrichment uranium (HEU) to the low enrichment uranium (LEU).

The low enrichment uranium was fabricated by the company CERCA from

France, within a cooperation project developed by IAEA, the Department of Energy of the USA, CERCA, CNCAN and SCN Pite�ti. This project was aimed at ensuring the continuation of operation in nuclear safety conditions of the TRIGA reactor, in order to test the nuclear fuel that is to be used in the Cernavod� NPP.

Figure 4.24 Verifications run by CNCAN representatives upon reception of fuel

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Figure 4.25 Unloading of the nuclear fuel from France, March 31st, 2006

Figure 4.26 Reception of the nuclear fuel

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4.8 Visit of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

On June 19th – 22nd, 2006, a delegation of the Canadian Nuclear Safety

Commission (CNSC) visited Romania. The delegation included Mr. Larry Chamney, manager, and Mrs. Claire Pike, responsible for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, from within the Division for Non-proliferation and Exports Control, Directorate for Safety and Safeguards, CNSC.

This visit took place in the context in which, along with its accession to the

European Union, Romania shall become member of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and, as a result, of the Agreement concluded by and between Euratom and the Government of Canada on the cooperation in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy. Consequently, upon accession, Romania shall terminate the cooperation agreement regarding the peaceful use of atomic energy concluded with Canada.

Taking into account the need to maintain the cooperation in the field of the use

of atomic energy use and the major importance of the atomic energy, Romania and Canada started negotiations with a view to conclude a Protocol for the implementation, on the accession date, of the Cooperation Agreement between Euratom and Canada.

On this occasion, CNSC representatives discussed with CNCAN experts over

issues related to the physical inventory of nuclear equipment and material of Units 1 and 2 of Cernavod� NPP, as well as of the Nuclear Fuel Plant (Fabrica de Combustibil Nuclear – FCN) Pite�ti. To this end, besides discussions, CNCAN has also organized the visit of these nuclear installations by the Canadian delegates.

Figure 4.27 Aspects from the visit of the CNSC delegation in Pite�ti, June 19th, 22nd, 2006

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Figure 4.28 Aspects from the visit of the CNSC delegation in Cernavod�, June 19th, 22nd, 2006

4.9 CNCAN participation in international reunions and work meetings

On March 15th – 17th, 2006, CNCAN representatives participated in the reception of 179 fuel elements dedicated to the TRIGA research reactor of SCN Pite�ti.

The action was organized by IAEA under the technical cooperation project

ROM/4/024 regarding the conversion of the SCN Pite�ti TRIGA research reactor’s core from high enrichment uranium to low enrichment uranium. This project consists in continuing the operation under nuclear safety condition of the TRIGA reactor of 14 MWe with a view to test the nuclear fuel to be used in Cernavod� NPP, as well as the completion of the core’s conversion from high enrichment uranium to low enrichment uranium.

The agenda included the following activities:

the status of the fabrication of the fuel to be delivered to SCN Pite�ti;

the inspection of the fuel elements and the analysis of the related documentation;

the inspection of the fuel fascicules and the analysis of the related


the packaging of the fuel elements;

the analysis of results by the delegation of Romania and CERCA representatives.

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On August 26th, 2006, the General Secretariat of the European Union’ Council,

organized in Brussels a meeting of the experts within the Atomic Issues Work Group of the European Union, in order to resume discussion over the paper “New framework for EURATOM safeguards control in the nuclear field” submitted by the Nuclear Safeguards Control Bureau of Great Britain within the meeting held in London, on October 12th, 2005.

One representative from CNCAN participated in this meeting, as observer. The experts of the Atomic Issues Work Group have presented the opinions of

the European Union member states over the main concepts under the paper called “New framework for EURATOM safeguards control in the nuclear field” submitted by the Nuclear Safeguards Control Bureau of Great Britain within the meeting held in London, on October 12th, 2005, that must form the basis for the improvement of the EURATOM procedures in terms of safeguards control.

On May 17th -19th, 2006, there took place in Geneva the Thematic structural

debates at experts level on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), within the Disarming Conference.

In 2006 Romania took the presidency of the Disarming Conference for the

period March 20th –May 28th, 2006. The purpose of the FMCT is to forbid the future production of fissile materials

for nuclear weapons and, based on this treaty, to put in place an international checking system. Consequently, with a view to implement it, it is necessary to define the fissile material to be forbidden, as well as to define production.

CNCAN participated in all sessions organized during May 17th – 19th, 2006,

and presented the CNCAN opinion on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. On August 28th – September 1st, 2006, a thematic meeting was organized in

Vilnius, Lithuania, regarding the implementation of the Additional Protocol for the European Union member states, organized by IAEA.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the IAEA guides for elaboration

and transmission of statements according to Articles 2 and 3 of the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement and to set itself in a forum for a better understanding by UE member states, of IAEA policies and practices regarding the implementation of the additional protocols.

CNCAN participated in this meeting in its capacity as national contact point for

IAEA Program regarding the database of nuclear and radioactive materials trafficking.

One representative of CNCAN has also participated in the “International

Symposium on nuclear safeguards – verification techniques”, organized by IAEA on October 16th – 20th, 2006 in Vienna, Austria.

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This event was a forum for dialogue and exchange of information about the current and future issues related to the nuclear verifications, focused on the concept of nuclear safeguards, as well as a very good opportunity to exchange information and expertise in terms of verification technologies.

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Chapter 5 – Physical protection of nuclear installations and materials 5.1 New regulations in the field of physical protection

CNCAN is authorized, under Article 5, paragraph (1) of Law 111/1996, to issue

regulations that would set out the details of the general requirements on nuclear safety, protection against ionizing radiations, quality insurance, control over the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, physical protection, including the procedures for authorization and control, performance of products and services destined to the nuclear installations, as well as any other regulations necessary to the authorization and control activity in the nuclear field.

According to the above mentioned provisions, CNCAN has prepared and

published the following regulations in the field of physical protection:

Norms on the certification of personnel carrying out permanent or temporary professional activities in critical work points within nuclear installations or who has access to state secret information, approved by Order no. 8/12.01.2006, of 14.02.2006 and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 138 of 14.02.2006;

Guideline on the external lighting of nuclear installations, approved by Order no. 154/01.06.2006, of 13.06.2006 and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 510 of 13.06.2006;

Guideline on the protection of nuclear installations against external sabotage, approved by Order no. 85/28.03.2006, of 26.04.2006 and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 366 of 26.04.2006.

5.2 Law for the ratification of the Amendment to the Convention on physical protection of nuclear materials In 2006, there has been prepared the bill of Law on the ratification of the

Amendment to the Convention on physical protection of nuclear materials, adopted in Vienna on July 8th, 2005, based on the Final Act of the Conference on analysis and adoption of proposed amendments to the Convention on physical protection of nuclear materials, signed by Romania in Vienna, on July 8th, 2005.

The amending of the Convention on physical protection of nuclear material

became necessary in the context of escalation of worldwide terrorism and as a result of the need to consolidate the regime of physical protection of nuclear material by extending the subject matter of the Convention on physical protection of both nuclear material and nuclear installations against sabotage.

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The Law 419/2006 for the ratification of the Amendment to the Convention on physical protection of nuclear material was ratified by the President of Romania under Decree no. 1292/2006, and shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania.

5.3 Projects developed in collaboration with IAEA Within the assistance program provided by the IAEA to Romania, CNCAN has

completed the project of securing physical protection related information. CNCAN is also involved through specific activities, along with IAEA, in the

program purported to replace the access control system existing in CNU – Feldioara Branch with another system that ensures higher performance.

5.4 Authorization activities According to the provisions of Law 111/1996, republished, CNCAN is a national

contact point for the physical protection of materials, nuclear and radiological installations, with respect to the prevention and fight against trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials and is in charge, among other duties, with the control on the implementation of the relevant international agreements in force.

CNCAN is also in charge with the verification of the manner in which authorization

holders implement and maintain a system consistent with the specific regulations regarding physical protection of nuclear fuel, nuclear and radioactive materials, radioactive products and wastes, as well as of nuclear installations, including warehouses for nuclear fuel nuclear and radioactive materials, radioactive products and wastes.

The main objectives of CNCAN in the field of physical protection focus on

assuring the proper legislative framework and systematically verifying the compliance with the legal provisions by the authorization holders, in the following areas:

the implementation and maintenance of a high level performance sytems of

physical protection of nuclear installations; the assurance of physical protection of nuclear material during storage and

transport; the prevention, fight against and elimination of trafficking of nuclear material and

radioactive sources; the prevention and fight against nuclear and radiological terrorism the proper training and qualification of the personnel in charge with safety and

physical protection of nuclear installations the safety of radioactive sources and the recovery of orphan sources.

The responsibility for implementing, commissioning and maintaining in operation

a physical protection system falls under the competence of the authorization holder. In

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order to ensure the safety and physical protection of nuclear installations and nuclear materials, the authorization holders are entitled to retain the guard and/or escort services of a legal entity subject to the latter having previously obtained the approval of the qualified police body and the authorization from CNCAN.

CNCAN has authorized throughout 2006 the following activities:

the safety and physical protection services for: CNE PROD Cernavod�, CNU S.A. – Feldioara Branch, CNU S.A. – Feldioara Branch, CNU S.A. – Suceava Branch, CNU S.A. – Banat Branch, RAAN – ROMAG PROD Branch;

the fire prevention services for CNE PROD Cernavod�;

the design of physical protection systems for nuclear installations UTI Systems SA.

Figure 5.1 Authorizations issued by CNCAN in the field of physical protection during 2002-206












2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


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Figure 5.2 Types of authorizations issued by CNCAN in the field of physical protection

5.5 Prevention and fight against trafficking of nuclear material CNCAN has intensely worked towards preventing and fighting the trafficking of

nuclear material and radioactive sources. To this end, it has updated and restructured the data base of trafficking incidents

in Romania, occurred during the entire period for which IAEA records exist, that is, 1993 – 2006.

The Special Materials Division (Direc�a Materiale Speciale – DMS) keeps records

of all international incidents of trafficking of nuclear materials and radioactive sources, which are communicated annually to IAEA.

IAEA and CNCAN have a permanent contact line via which information is

permanently and rapidly exchanged between them. In the context of Romania’s accession to the European Community on January

1st, 2007, and, as a result, of the increase in Romania’s responsibilities with respect to the borders security, CNCAN has answered, during November 23rd – 24th, 2006, to the

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European Commission’s invitation to participate in the international seminar “Preventing Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism: Detection of Radioactive Materials at Significant Nodal Transit Points”. Within the seminar, CNCAN delegate has presented the objectives and activities carried out by CNCAN with a view to prevent and fight against trafficking of nuclear material and radioactive sources and nuclear terrorism.

CNCAN’s constant efforts in the field of prevention and fight against nuclear

terrorism at regional and global level have been highly appreciated by IAEA and Interpol’s representatives during the meetings that took place between December 11th, - 13th, 2006, with the representatives of the State’s institutions involved in the investigation of incidents of trafficking of nuclear material and radioactive sources.

The meetings ended up in a visit in FCN – Pite�ti and SCN – Pite�ti. IAEA

representatives, the representatives of the State’s institutions involved in the investigation of incidents of trafficking and the managers of nuclear installations have reviewed the causes that had lead to the occurrence of trafficking incidents and the manner in which such cases were ultimately solved by the qualified courts.

5.6 Control activity CNCAN monitors the compliance with the requirements under the nuclear field

related regulations, and assesses the physical protection systems of nuclear installations, in order for the physical protection measures to be maintained at a level that would allow proper answer to the potential threats.

To this effect, during the reporting period, 13 inspections were conducted at the

nuclear installations, which were purported to:

assess the efficiency of the physical protection system

check the compliance with the physical protection procedures;

check the projects of physical protection systems with a view to their approval;

authorize the security companies;

authorize the designers of physical protection systems;

authorize the fire prevention and extinction systems;

check the compliance with the provisions under the minutes concluded pursuant to inspections.

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5.7 Assessment of physical protection procedures

In 2006, 21 physical protection procedures were assessed in FCN Pite�ti, IFIN-

HH Bucharest, CNU Bucharest and Cernavod� NPP.

Figure 5.3 Number of procedures in the field of physical protection, assessed by CNCAN in 2006

5.8 Examination of persons in charge with physical protection of nuclear installations and material CNCAN is permanently directing its efforts, according to its own strategy, towards

the training of human resources who carry out activities in the field of physical protection.

Throughout 2006, CNCAN has received four applications for authorization of the

persons in charge with physical protection of nuclear installations. Pursuant to the examination of candidates, the following persons in charge with physical protection were authorized for the following nuclear installations:

Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizic� �i Inginerie Nuclear�

„Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH Bucharest);

Compania Na�ional� a Uraniului (National Company of Uranium).





FCN Pit e�t iIFIN HH B ucure�t iCNUCNE - Cernavod a

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5.9 Personnel training CNCAN-DMS personnel has participated in 2006 in 5 training courses in the field

of physical protection, organized by IAEA, as follows � 1. International training course on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and

Installations, organized by IAEA during April 30th, - May 19th, 2006, in Albuquerque, United States of America; one person from within DMS has attended this training course;

2. Regional training course on the Practical Operation of Physical Protection Systems, organized by IAEA in cooperation with the Russian Federation government, through the Federal Agency for Atomic Energy (ROSATOM), in Obninsk, the Russian Federation, during June 12th – 13th, 2006; two advisors from within DMS have attended this training course;

3. Regional training course on Instructions regarding the Safety of Nuclear research Reactors, organized by IAEA, in Delft, the Netherlands, during June 26th – July 6th, 2006; two persons from within DMS has attended this training course;

4. Regional training course on the Basis of physical protection of nuclear material and installations, organized by IAEA in cooperation with the Nuclear Training Center of Slovenia, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, during September 4th – 8th, 2006; two persons from within the DMS have attended this training course;

5. Regional training course on the Physical Protection Inspections of Nuclear Installations, organized by IAEA in cooperation with the Russian Federation government, through the Federal Agency for Atomic Energy (ROSATOM), in Obninsk, the Russian Federation, during October 2nd – 13th; one person from within the DMS has attended this training course.

The international training course on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Installation helped the DMS personnel participating therein in Albuquerque, USA, to improve their knowledge regarding the Design Basis Threat (DBT), the Basis of physical protection of nuclear material and installations and the Means to assess the efficiency of the systems for physical protection of nuclear installations and of the structures used in the systems for physical protection of nuclear installations.

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The regional training courses on the practical operation of physical protection

systems, respectively, the preparation of physical protection inspections at the nuclear installations, organized in Obninsk, the Russian Federation, helped the DMS personnel to improve its theoretical and practical knowledge about operation of the physical protection systems as well as to better acknowledge the national and international importance of issues related to the safety of nuclear and radiological material and installations.

The second regional training course, the one organized in the Russian Federation

during Ocotber 2nd – 13th, 2006, the DMS personnel was granted the opportunity to improve its theoretical and practical knowledge about physical protection inspections at nuclear installations.

During the training course organized in Delft, the Netherlands, the participants

were trained about the international modern concepts and technologies applicable in the field of physical protection for the research installations holding nuclear material, as well as other radioactive materials.

The purpose of the training course organized in Ljubljana, Slovenia, allowed the

DMS personnel to improve its terminology regarding physical protection, functions and systems in order to supplement and strengthen its current tasks, and to acquire the necessary knowledge regarding the complexity of the implementation of the Physical Protection System at the nuclear installations.

Fig. 5.4 Cursul Interna�ional privind Protec�ia Fizic� a Materialelor �i Instala�iilor Nucleare, Albuquerque, SUA, 30 aprilie – 19 mai 2006

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Figure 5.5 Regional training course on the Practical Operation of Physical Protection, Obninsk, the Russian Federation, June 12th - 13th, 2006

5.10 Prevention and fight against mass destruction weapons proliferation The third reunion within the Black Sea Border Security Initiative (BSBSI) took

place on January 30th – 31st, 2006, and was the first multinational initiative of fight against mass destruction weapons proliferation in this area. BSBSI has an operation character and represents and actual activity in the field of Black Sea borders’ security. Besides Romania, this action was attended by Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.

Romania was represented by members of the inter-agencies work group for

BSBSI issues, respectively by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs, the Romanian Intelligence Agency (SRI), the External Intelligence Agency, the CNCAN, the Customs National Authority, the National Agency for Control of Exports.

The reunions consisted of a presentation of potential cases, and established

contact points and documents that would be filled in on a case-to-case basis. This presentation was follows by a theoretical presentation of the STYX 2005

exercise in real time, which completes the operational process of BSBSI.

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This was followed by the actual progress of STYX 2005 exercise, whose scenario

provided the detection of a terrestrial transport of nuclear materials on the national territory and the capturing thereof. The representatives of the member states have participated in all four stages, respectively the transport’s seizure, the securing of the area, the verification and capturing of illegal materials and the identification of the illegal materials captured.

CNCAN has participated in this exercise through a team consisting of six experts

(4 from within DMS and 2 from within the DRDR), two vehicles and the existing equipment.

The exercise was a good opportunity for CNCAN to prove its ability to organize

and to check the response timing in case of trafficking of nuclear material. The reunion ended up by the presentation of conclusions reached, interactive

discussions on the procedures used and on the legal basis, the analysis of the BSBSI perspective, the preliminary assessment of the manner in which the exercise was developed, potential future activities.

Figure 5.6 CNCAN experts verifying a vehicle during the exercise within the Black Sea Border Security Initiative (BSBSI –)

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Figure 5.7 CNCAN team participating in the exercise within the Black Sea Border Security Initiative (BSBSI)

5.11 National exercise for prevention and fight against nuclear terrorism On May 10th, 2006, the Special Material Division (DMS) within CNCAN has

organized, in cooperation with the Romanian Intelligence Agency (SRI) the “National exercise on the prevention and fight against nuclear terrorism”, in Cheile Râ�noavei, Bra�ov county.

The event resumed the set of activities carried out by CNCAN, acting in its

capacity of national contact point for nuclear guarantees, for physical protection of nuclear material and for the prevention and fight against trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials, in the field of preventing the terrorist attacks aiming at the nuclear safety and security.

Taking into account the international events of September 2001 as well as the

decision of the IAEA to improve, in cooperation with the member states, the measures taken in the field of preventing, fighting, detecting and answering in case of terrorist attacks aimed at the nuclear safety and security, CNCAN has performed several actions to achieve this purpose.

The scenario of the exercise of May 10th, 2006, consisted in the simulation of a

terrorist attack over a nuclear fuel shipment and was a good opportunity to test the

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technical capacity of answering to, and coordinating the national institutions in charge with physical protection in crisis generated by such terrorist attack.

CNCAN has participated in this exercise through its mobile intervention unit,

respectively through the experts team properly equipped with specific instruments for detection of nuclear material, special communication and tracking devices and two marked vehicles.

It is worth mentioning here the good cooperation relations between the CNCAN,

the Anti-terrorist Brigade from within the Romanian Intelligence Agency, and the police gendarmerie and military force teams.

Besides the representatives of the nuclear installations, of the guard and security

companies, and of the national institutions in charge with physical protection, the exercise was also attended by representatives of the Embassies of Bulgaria, Slovakia, United States of America and Hungary.

The European Commission was represented by delegates carrying out their

activity in the field of prevention and fight against nuclear terrorism.

5.12 Implementation of Resolution 1540 of UNO Security Council On November 8th, 2006, in Vienna, Austria, there was held the “Seminar on

supporting the implementation of UNO Security Council’s Resolution 1540 in the OSCE area”.

CNCAN has participated in this seminar with the work “Implementation of Resolution 1540 in Romania”.

According to the provisions of the Resolution 1540, the UNO Security Council has decided that all states undertake not to support in any way the activities of stateless entities regarding the development, acquisition, fabrication, holding, transport, transfer or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

The seminar’s works focused on the future implementation of Resolution 1540, for which it is necessary for the OSCE states to identify the manner in which they can develop their own national plans of implementation. Through joint efforts, the OSCE states contribute to the international effort to identify the best practices liable to reduce the global threat of mass destruction weapons proliferation.

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Figure 5.8 Aspects of the national exercise of May 10th, 2006

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Figure 5.9 Aspects of the national exercise of May 10th, 2006

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5.13 Transfer of LEU nuclear fuel from France to Pite�ti

On March 31st, 2006, the representatives of DMS and SCN – Pite�ti have

participated in the acceptance of the final set of fresh nuclear fuel before the conversion of TRIGA reactor in SCN Pite�ti, from the use of high enrichment uranium (HEU) into the use of low enrichment uranium (LEU), which took place on June 1st, 2006.

Figure 5.10 Reception of nuclear fuel from France, March 31st, 2006

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Chapter 6 – Mining and milling of uranium ores

6.1 Supplements to the legislative framework In 2006, article 2(b) of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation,

authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, has been amended and supplemented by listing all stages of mining and milling such as design, holding, sitting, construction-assembly, commissioning, operation, preservation and decommissioning of the installations for uranium and thorium ores mining and milling and of the installations for the management of wastes resulting from uranium and thorium ores mining and milling.

In 2006 as well, the CNCAN has supplemented the applicable legislative

framework that presents in detail the general requirements on radiological safety with respect to uranium and thorium ores mining and milling, by implementing the following regulations:

Guideline on the technical requirements for the design, assembly, sitting,

operation, closing and decommissioning of the precincts destined to store the uranium and/or thorium ores and the wastes resulting from milling of uranium and/or thorium ores (Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 757/06.IX.2006);

Guideline on the parameters recommended for the assessment of actual

doses on the relevant exposure ways upon use for various purposes of contaminates lands and waste dumps resulting from mining and/or milling of uranium and/or thorium ores (Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 734/28.VIII.2006);

Guideline on the criteria for exemption from CNCAN authorization regime, with

respect to the use, for other purposes, of buildings, materials, installations, waste dumps and lands contaminated pursuant to the mining and/or milling of uranium and/or thorium ores (Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 734/28.VIII.2006);

Norms on radiological safety with respect to the decommissioning of the

installation for mining and/or milling of uranium and/or thorium ores (Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 734/28.VIII.2006).

6.2 Professional improvement of CNCAN personnel involved in the monitoring and authorizing of uranium ores mining and milling On 2nd-3rd of October 2006, CNCAN has organized in Bucharest the first

National Seminar on “Radioprotection and wastes safety in uranium mining and milling”, which was purported to ensure the professional improvement of a total number of 25 trainees from within CNCAN and from within the uranium mining and milling installations. A representative of the Radiation, Transport and Safety Division within the IAEA has participated in this national seminar as lecturer.

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Figure 6.1 Evolution of the number of norms and guidelines issued by CNCAN in the process of regulating the mining and milling of uranium ores, the processing of nuclear raw material and the production of nuclear fuel

Figure 6.2 National seminar on “Radioprotection and wastes safety in uranium mining and milling”, October 2nd-3rd, 2006, and the CD edited by CNCAN on this

occasion CNCAN’s personnel involved in the monitoring and authorizing of radioactive

mining participated in the technical work meeting on gauze solubilization of uranium ores, organized by IAEA in cooperation with the Mines Company of Kazakhstan – KAZATOMPROM, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, during August 28th – September 2nd, 2006.

The same personnel participated in the national seminar NucInfo Day,

organized in Cernavod� during October 11th – 12th, 2006, where it lectured on the “Legislative framework regulating the radioprotection of uranium mining and milling in Romania”.



1 1







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6.3 Authorizing

Altogether, 48 authorizations were issued up to date in 2006 for the uranium

ores mining and milling, the processing of nuclear raw materials, as well as for related activities (holding, storage, sitting, use, transport, shipments of uranium and radioactive wastes, export and transfer).

Figure 6.3 Evolution of the number of authorizations issed in the field of

uranium ores mining and milling, processing of nuclear raw materials, and production of nuclear fuel, issued by CNCAN during 2001-2006

It is worth mentioning, among the important authorizations issued by CNCAN

in 2006:

the autorisation for exploitation of uranium ores at Crucea-Botu�ana mine from within CNU SA – Suceava Branch;

the operation authorization of the Station for radioactive de-pollution for mine waters in Li�ava (CNU SA – Banat Branch);

the operation authorization for the warehouse storing low activity radioactive wastes resulting from the uranium ores milling in Feldioara;

the authorization for the construction-assembly of the cremation installation for fuel wastes with specific low activity resulting from the processing of nuclear raw materials in the Nuclear fuel plant (Fabrica de combustibil nuclear) of Pite�ti.














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Figure 6.4 Authorizations in the field of uranium ores mining and processing

Figure 6.5 Classification by type of activities of the authorisations issued by CNCAN in 2006 for the field of uranium ores mining and processing At the same time, in the process of authorizing the mining and milling

activities, 20 procedures the elaboration of which was requested by CNCAN were assessed and approved.

Transport, 8

Storage, 2

Holding, 11

Use, 5

Handling, 5

Decommissioning, 2

Preservation, 4

Processing, 2Use, 3

Transfer, 3 Construction-Assembly, 1

Exploitation, 1Supply, 1 Processing, 1

Shipment, 2

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Figure 6.6 Dynamics of number of procedures assessed and approved by CNCAN in the process of authorizing the uranium ores mining and milling

during 2004 -2006

6.4 Personnel certification CNCAN has examined 38 applicants for level 2 exercise permits for the field of

nuclear raw material and related activities. 17 applicants for the level 2 permits passed the examination and obtained level 2 exercise permits. In 2006 as well, one applicant for level 3 permit in the field of nuclear raw material (Materie prim� nuclear� – MPN) was examined and certified.

Figure 6.7 Level 2 exercise permits issued by CNCAN for the mining activities fields and












2004 2005 2006

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Figure 6.8 Evolution of the number of persons examined and of level 2 exercise permits issued by CNCAN during 2001-2006

6.5 Endorsement of level 2 radioprotection programs In 2006, CNCAN assessed and endorsed the level 2 program “Radiological

safety in uranium and thorium mining and milling – recycling”, prepared by the Center for Training and Specialization of Personnel in the Nuclear Field (Centrul de Preg�tire �i Specializare a Cadrelor în Domeniul Nuclear) within IFIN-HH Bucharest.

Figure 6.9 Endorsement issued by CNCAN for the level 2 program

“Radiological safety in uranium and thorium mining and milling – recycling”

21 2023
















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Number of applicants Number of issued permits

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6.6 Radiological monitoring of personnel professionally exposed CNCAN has constantly monitored the implementation of the legal

requirements with respect to individual radiological monitoring of all persons professionally exposed who carry out uranium ores mining and milling activities, nuclear raw materials processing activities, and nuclear fuel production activities.

CNCAN has centralized the doses recorded by all persons professionally

exposed who carried out the activities above mentioned. In all cases, the doses were compliant with the limits provided by the regulations in force.

The prevention and control measures taken by CNCAN, as well as the limits

and conditions required by the authorization process, resulted in a reduction of the total dose and of the average dose affecting the personnel professionally exposed in the field of uranium ores mining and milling.

Figure 6.10 Evolution of the number of persons professionally exposed in the mining and milling activities and evolution of the collective dose during 2001 –






















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Number of persons professionally exposed Colelctive dose (om.mSv)

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Figure 6.11 Average doses actually affecting the personnel professionally exposed in the process of uranium ores mining and milling during 2001 -2006

Figure 6.12 Distribution of collective doses by dose sequence in 2006

6.7 Accreditation of dosimetric bodies Upon request of the Uranium National Company, CNCAN has initiated the

procedure for accreditation as dosimetric body of the Research Station for Radioprotection and Labor and Ecology Conditions Feldioara.


4.123.72 3.66 3.61









2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Average dose affecting the personnel professionally exposed (mSv)

20.7 36.6 130.2554.5




0 0 0 00








MDL - 0.10.1 - 0.2

0.2 - 0.50.5 - 1

1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0

5.0 - 10.010.0-15.0



Collective dose by dose sequence (mSv)

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6.8 Environmental restoration and monitoring of environmental factors

CNCAN has conducted on site investigations and requested reports from time

to time on the performance of the decommissioning and environmental restoration works in compliance with the decommissioning technical designs and the conditions imposed through the CNCAN authorization for decommissioning of the mines Avram Iancu, Dobrei, Natra, Ciudanovi�a and R�nu�a.

CNCAN has also issued in 2006 the first certificate on exemption from the

authorization regime of an installation acting in the field of uranium mining and milling.

Figure 6.13 Sterile rocks waste dump stabilized within the decommissioning ofa uranium mine

In 2006, the radioactivity of environmental factors outside the controlled

precincts where uranium ores mining and milling activities were carried out (including the decommissioning activities) was consistent with the limits of variation of the natural fund of ionizing radiations. The spills of radioactive liquid and gas effluents resulting from mining and milling into the environment were compliant in all cases with the emission derived limits set out in CNCAN authorizations, both in terms of released debits and volumes and in terms of radioactivity.

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Figure 6.14 Certificate for exemption from the CNCAN’s autorisation regime of a precinct where uranium ores mining and milling activities were carried out

6.9 Control According to the provisions of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment,

regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished in 2006, CNCAN has conducted 15 inspections of the installations operating in the field of uranium ores mining and milling, nuclear raw material processing and nuclear fule production. Such inspections were performed both with a view to issue the operation authorizations and ad-hoc, during the authorizations’ validity.

The outcome of such inspections materialized under the form of “Control

Minutes” under which CNCAN representatives issued 48 orders, providing for deadlines, with a view to correct deficiencies stated on the occasion of such investigations. In exerting the control, CNCAN representatives applied 3 contraventional fines in total amount of RON 1,800, according to the provisions of Articles 48 and 49 of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished in 2006.

The investigations conducted by CNCAN inspectors were mainly purported to:

check the discrepancies between the authorization documentation and the actual on site state of facts;

check the manner in which the authorization holder applied the provisions of the relevant regulations in force as well as the manner in which it complied with the limits and conditions under the authorization;

check the accuracy of measurements and records regarding the radiological monitoring of personnel professionally exposed, of environmental factors of

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controlled and monitored areas as well as monitoring of liquid and gas effluents released into the environment.

Figure 6.15 Dynamics of the number of investigations at the mining and milling


Figure 6.16 Control of a wagon authorized by CNCAN to carry uranium ores













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Figure 6.17 CNCAN investigations at the mining installations

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6.10 Data bases CNCAN has updated the data bases regarding the uranium ores mining and

milling activities, the nuclear raw materials processing activities, the nuclear fuel production activities and the activities of management of radioactive wastes with specific low activity resulting from the same:

Record of authorizations issued by CNCAN for the above mentioned fields;

Record of level 2 and 3 exercise permits holders.

CNCAN has also gathered and forwarded to the IAEA the data regarding the

installations within the nuclear fuel cycle in Romania with a view to help the updating of NFCIS database, coordinated and managed by IAEA.

Figure 6.18 Data base – authorizations and inspections for uranium mines

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Chapter 7 – Applications of ionizing radiations CNCAN, through the Ionizing Radiations Division ensures, controls and is

liable for the enforcement of Law 111/1996, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, on the safe deployment of the nuclear activities in the field of radiological safety for installations that do not present criticality and for the collection and management of radioactive wastes resulting there from until they are finally delivered, stored and processed. This category includes the radiological installations, the radioactive materials that do not present criticality, the device generation ionizing radiations, the dosimetric control device for ionizing radiations, the radioprotection equipment, the specially established container packaging or transport means.

CNCAN’s objectives in this respect are:

to ensure a proper level of safety and security of radioactive sources; to prevent the loss of control over radioactive sources; to reduce the risk of incidents and radiological consequences occurrence; to ensure the radioprotection of patients, professionally exposed personnel

and of the population; to keep records of the doses received by professionally exposed personnel

In order to ensure the monitoring of activities, radiological installations,

sources of radiations, professionally exposed personnel and doses of professionally exposed personnel, CNCAN has created:

the national system of recording and control of nuclear materials; the national system of recording and control of radiation sources and of

radiological nuclear installations; the register of doses affecting the professionally exposed personnel.

The EVNUC database of CNCAN stores information about the applications

field with the Ionizing Radiations Division (date of receipt, distribution, status etc.), the economic agents that carry out activities in the nuclear field (activity type, location, radiological installations and sources of radiation involved in the nuclear activity etc.), the authorizations issued (authorization type, authorized radiological installations or sources of radiations, authorization conditions), the controls performed (CNCAN personnel, controlled economic agent, orders pursuant to control etc.), penalties applied, personnel authorized to carry out nuclear activities (exercise permits, field, specialty, extensions of permits), radiological incidents of accidents etc. 3,624 economic agents are currently carrying out activities in the nuclear field in Romania. These activities require the use of radiological installations in various fields:

medicine (therapy, diagnosis, interventional radiology); industry (non-destructive control, quality processes control, spectrometry,

diffraction metering); education and research; preventive control at cross-borders.

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Figure 7.1 Distribution of economic agents by counties

Figure 7.2 Distribution by districts of the 981 economic agents of Bucharest





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Table 7.1

Statistics of radiological installations the operation of which was authorized by CNCAN for various practices

Practices that require the use of radiological installations No. of installations involved

Radiology - dental radiology - radio-diagnosis and interventional radiology


1,841 Radio-therapy

- equipment for superficial/deep therapy - linear accelerators - tele-therapy - manual brachy-therapy - remote controlled brachy-therapy

37 4 16 0 6

Nuclear medicine - diagnosis and therapy


Industrial radiography - radiography with radioactive sources (192Ir, 75Se, 60Co etc.) - radiography with X ray generators - accelerators

262 330

3 Irradiators 3 Device equipped with radioactive sources

- fix - portable/mobile - installations for radioactive bore hole survey

174 12 51

Analyzers (industrial and for research) - X ray diffraction - fluorescence of X ray and spectroscopy

43 48

Research (industrial and in academic labs) - sealed sources and radiation generators


Radio-isotopes production 2 Veterinary radiology (diagnosis) 6 Equipment for luggage and containers control 174

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7.1 Regulatory activity

According to the provisions of Article 3, point 1, letter (c) of the Norms on

radioprotection of persons in case of medical exposure, that transpose the EU Council’s Directive 97/43 EURATOM, “medical exposure to ionizing radiations for biomedical and medical research shall be examined by an ethics committee, set up in accordance with specific regulations of the Ministry of Health”.

Following the need to implement such provisions, the following regulations

were issued:

� Protocol on medical exposure to ionizing radiations for medical and/or biomedical research no. EN/8546 of 27.03.2006, no. 4510/VZ of 20.03.2006 and no. 566 of 29.03.2006, concluded by and between the Ministry of Health, the CNCAN and the National Authority for Scientific Research.

� Specific regulations on medical exposure to ionizing radiations for medical and/or biomedical research approved by joint Order no. 66/300/9.112/2006 of CNCAN, the Ministry of Health and the National Auhority for Scientific Research, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 353 of 19/04/2006.

� Order no. 64/299/2006 of CNCAN and of the Ministry of Health regarding the setting up of ethics committees for approval of medical exposure in medical and/or biomedical research, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 298 of 03/04/2006.

The specific regulations on medical exposure to ionizing radiations for medical

and/or biomedical research are consistent with the recommendations of the European Commission, Radioprotection Division 99/1998, which resumes the process of adoption into the national legislation of the radioprotection-related recommendations of the European Commission, as it was the case of the Annexes 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the Norms on the radioprotection of persons in case of medical exposure, approved by the Joint Order of the Ministry of Health and CNCAN no. 285/79/2002, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 446 bis of 25.06.2002.

According to Article 6 of Norms on the radioprotection of persons in case of

medical exposure, which transpose the EU Council’s Directive 97/43 EURATOM, the radio-therapy, nuclear medicine and diagnosis and interventional radiology procedures must be carried out in the presence of the medical physics expert.

As a result of the need to implement these provisions:

� there has been introduced the profession of medical physicist, code 222910, pursuant to Order no. 902/2005 of 20/12/2005 of the Ministry of Health, Social Solidarity and Family on the supplementing of Romania’s Occupational Code (Clasificarea Ocupa�iilor din România – COR), published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 46 of 18/01/2006, upon request of the Ministry of Health, based on the materials prepared by the representatives of the Ministry of Health and CNCAN.

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� there were issued the Norms on medical physics expert, approved by Order no. 1272 of 17.10.2006 of the Minister of Public Health, and no. 266 of 09.10.2006 of CNCAN President, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 906 of 07/11/2006.

Pursuant to the amendments to Law 111/1996, regarding the obligation to

obtain product’s radiological safety authorization, there was issued Order no. 181/2006 of 05/07/2006 on the supply of products for which the product, model or type authorization in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 paragraph (1) of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 698 of 15/08/2006.

Figure 7.3 Flow of activities controlled by CNCAN





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7.2 Authorization of activities with radiological installations

The production, supply, lease, transfer, handling, processing, use,

import/export, transport of radiological installations, of ionizing radiations generators are subject to prior approval.

The regulations that detail the general requirements of radiological safety

issued by CNCAN in accordance with the provisions of Law 111/1996 republished with the subsequent amendments and supplements, set out the specific requirements that must be fulfilled in order to authorize each practice/activity which involves the use of ionizing radiations sources.

The types of authorizations, the content of documentations to be submitted,

and the requirements that need to be fulfilled with a view:

to obtain each type of authorization; to extend the authorization; to amend the valid authorizations; to cease an activity.

It is CNCAN that keeps records on the authorizations issued, the validity

thereof and of holders thereof. In 2006 2,501 authorizations were issued. The program of authorization and control is prepared based on such records.

Figure 7.4 Number of authorizations issued, by types of activity, in 2006









0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


Sitting - construction







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Figure 7.5 (follow-up figure 7.4) Number of authorizations issued, by type of activity, in 2006

Figure 7.6 EVNUC record on the issued authorizations












0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800












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7.3 Personnel authorization

Based on the regulations issued according to Article 5 of Law 111/1996,

republished in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 552 of 27.06.2006, on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, CNAN is qualified to issue exercise permits for the personnel professionally exposed. The personnel is authorized in accordance with the provisions of the “Norms on the issuance of exercise permits for nuclear activities and appointment of certified experts for radiological protection”. The exercise permits are issued by the CNCAN, pursuant to an examination and are classified on 3 levels.

38 examination sessions were organized in 2006, out of which 11 were

organized at the headquarters of the applicants, and 1,411 exercise permits were issued and 183 permits were extended.

Figure 7.7 Aspects from the examination sessions organized by CNCAN

Figure 7.8 Statistics of permits issued in 2006


Level I permits77.92%

Level II permits21.65%

Level III permits0.43%

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Figure 7.9 Statistics of permits issued by CNCAN in 2006, by field of specialty The testing of the radiological safety knowledge used in order to issue the

nuclear activity exercise permit consists in a questionnaire comprised of 60 questions (20 questions for each domain). The current system has the following characteristics:

answer time: 1 hour; each question has 4-5 possible answers; several answers may be possible; graduation percentage: 80% correct answers

7.4 Appointing of testing labs The quality management system’s audit set up by the testing labs that require

to be certified as bodies notified in the nuclear field and the manner in which such system is implemented constitute a material part in conformity assessment.

The following aspects are assessed during the audit:

the laboratory organization; the existence of procedures; the personnel training; the existence of proper measurement equipment and installations.

In 2006, an audit was conducted on the Quality Management System under

SR EN ISO 17025:2005, set up and implemented by the Radiations Hygiene Laboratories within the Authorities of Public Health in Gala�i, Ia�i, Cara� Severin, Bra�ov counties, with a view to certify them as bodies notified for the nuclear field,









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according to the provisions of the “Norms on the certification of notified bodies for the nuclear field”, approved by Order no. 274 of 06.08.2004 of CNCAN President.

7.5 Audit of the quality management system implemented by the producers of radiological installations The quality management system is audited in accordance with the standard

ISO 10011, which, starting with October 2002, was revised and published as standard ISO 19011 – Guidelines for the auditing of the qualify management system and environmental management. Thus, according to the applicable standard, the quality audit consists mainly in:

the assessment of compliance with the specificity requirements, which

involves the verification of the organization method, of the procedures and of the resources;

the assessment of the quality assurance system’s efficiency; the assessment of system’s implementation.

In 2006, there have been audited the producers of radiological installations

from Germany, England, France, USA, Brazil, Italy and Japan. The activity of the auditors team was highly appreciated by the producers’ representatives due to the corrective measures they ordered in order to improve their own activity pursuant to the recommendations of CNCAN.

Fig. 7.10 Aspects from CNCAN audit abroad

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7.6 Patient radioprotection

According to the provisions of Article 8 paragraph 5 of the Norms on the

radioprotection of persons in case of medical exposure to ionizing radiations that transpose the EU Council’s Directive 97/43, the fluoroscopic examinations without image enhancer or other equivalent techniques are not justified and, as a result, are forbidden.

Order 372/2005 published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 1068/2005

forbids the use of installations which are not equipped with image enhancer and requires the decommissioning thereof.

The authorizations of use valid on 31.12.2005, the date of coming into force of

the order issued by CNCAN President, were automatically changed by CNCAN into holding authorizations, without right of use. Following these measures, 191 radiological installations for fluoroscopic examination with fluorescent screen were put out of order and were sealed.

Figure 7.11 Radiological installations for which CNCAN withdrew the authorization of use

Taking into account Romania’s position paper CONF-RO 37/01, chapter 22

"Environmental Protection", section "Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection", approved in the Government session of October 18th, 2001, the additional Romania’s position paper CONF-RO 27/04, chapter " Environmental Protection", section "Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection", and Romania’s undertakings under the Plan of priority measures in 2005 for the accession to the European Union, approved in the Government session of November 17th, 2005, the Ministry of Public Health has forbidden, pursuant to Order 888/2006 published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 647/2006, the use of micro-radio-photography and fluoroscopy as radiological procedures for the active identification of lungs tuberculosis. The lungs radiological examination through the standard radiography is mandatory only in clearly determined situations, as listed in the order issued by the Minister of Public Health. Under these circumstances, where the micro-radiography practice is no

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longer justified, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 letter (c) of Law 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, and of Article 13 of the fundamental Norms on radiological safety, approved by Order of CNCAN President no. 14/2000, published in the Official Gazette or Romania, Part I, no. 404 and 404 bis of August 29th, 2000, CNCAN has ordered the cease of this practice by forbidding the use of radiological installations for micro-radio-photography. Consequently, all holders of medical radiological installations for micro-radio-photography were bound to cease the use thereof and to take steps to put them out of order. 173 fix radiological installations for micro-radio-photography and 17 mobile (auto-vans) installations existed in Romania. Most of them were more than 30 years old and had long exceeded their life and technical capacities. The fact that the use of these installations was forbidden wil not prejudice the medical act since the sanitary units are still allowed to perform standard radiographies, where, pursuant to the clinical examination, it is recommended to take the radiological examination. The measures taken by the Ministry of Health and by CNCAN in order to forbid and decommission the micro-radio-photography installations shall be beneficial to the population as they will reduce the collective dose due to medical exposure and by adequately substantiating such exposure, after proper clinical examination is performed. The forbidding of the use of such installations is an efficient measure, purported to ensure the patient’s radioprotection at the level existing in the European Union.

Figure 7.12 Distribution over Romania of the equipment for micro-radiography the use of which has been forbidden by CNCAN

The following step in implementing the European Directive regarding the

population’s radioprotection in case of medical exposure shall be taken by implementing the provisions of Order 396/2005, on the extension of the term of use

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of the fluoroscopy medical radiological installations without dose debit control device, issued by the CNCAN President. The authorizations on the use of fluoroscopy medical radiological installations without dose debit control device, the validity of which goes beyond December 31st, 2006, shall be automatically changed into holding authorizations for scopy post and, as the case may be, into use authorizations for graphy post. The authorization holders that did not equip the fluoroscopy installations with debit dose control device shall cease the use thereof and shall put out of use the scopy post.

In order to comply with the provisions of the norm on radioprotection of

persons in case of medical exposure the radiology laboratories were equipped with new device that are consistent with the acceptability criteria adopted at European level.

The status of radiology devices in Romania depending on the fabrication year

is presented in Figure 7.13.

Figure 7.13 Status of fluoroscopy installations that must be equipped with a dose debit control device










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Figure 7.14 Status of existing DAP-metering device in the roentgen diagnosis installations

Figure 7.15 Status of radiological installations in Romania, depending on the fabrication year


423496 539



















Roentgen diagnosis installations in use, equipped with DAP-metering device

Roentgen diagnosis installations in use, not equipped with DAP-metering device

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7.7 Training courses approvals

The authorization applicants and the authorization holders are bound to inform

the professionally exposed personnel and of trainees about:

the risks they incur in terms of their health due to the activity they carry out; the general radioprotection procedures and the necessary specific measures; the importance of observing the technical, medical and administrative

measures; the obligation of pregnant women and of nursing women to report their status.

All authorization holders are bound to provide for the proper training of

personnel in the field of radiological safety and their recycling every 5 years, through training programs recognized by CNCAN.

CNCAN issues exercise permits for the persons proposed by the authorization

applicants/holders to carry out activities in the nuclear field, after verifying their initial training and, where necessary, through recycling.

The examination topics, the training or recycling programs in terms of

radioprotection must be correlated with the level of the exercise permit and with the specific activity.

CNCAN assesses the compliance of training programs in the field of

radioprotection with the requirements under the norms regarding the issuance of permits for the exercise of nuclear activities and the appointing of certified experts in radiological protection, in terms of:

the course type (training or recycling); the permit level for which the course is taken; the topics thereof; the minimum number of hours; the trainers background and expertise; the organizational capacity and the existence of necessary training materials.

The training programs that are consistent with the requirements are approved.

In 2006, 8 training centers applied for authorization of their training and/or recycling programs in the field of radioprotection.

32 radioprotection training programs and 40 radioprotection recycling

programs were approved. The recycling courses in radioprotection for the GR field, specialty radio-diagnosis were attended by 583 persons and the ones for the GR, SI domain, non-destructive control and bore hole survey practices were attended by 282 persons.

For the first time, radioprotection recycling programs were organized and

approved for medical nurses, which were attended by 592 persons with average education.

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353 persons graduated the training courses in radioprotection for the GR, SI, non destructive control practices.

It is again CNCAN that keeps records of the specialized training in

radioprotection and of the participation in the recycling programs, under the module “Authorized Personnel” of its database.

Figure 7.16 Evolution of the number of training courses approved by CNCAN

Figure 7.17 CNCAN database









2003 2004 2005 2006

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7.8 Notification of the work outside the specially refurbished precinct

According to the provisions of the operational radioprotection norm on the non-

destructive control with ionizing radiations, whenever possible, the control with penetrating radiations must be carried out in specially arranged precincts.

In well substantiated cases, where this is not possible, the authorization holder

must submit to the CNCAN the documentation regarding the actual set of works to be executed outside the well-determined area, where non-destructive control work shall be executed with ionizing radiations.

The documentations submitted shall be analyzed by CNCAN with respect to

the manner in which the following are assured:

the radioprotection of the population and of the professionally exposed personnel;

the security of installations and radioactive sources against theft, loss and damage;

the authorized transport arrangements: the existence of an intervention plan in case of radiological emergency.

76 documentations submitted to CNCAN were analyzed and CNCAN has

issued 68 approvals for the deployment of the following non-destructive works with ionizing radiations:

radiography in the assembly hall of the naval shipyards (9 authorizations); verification of the gas pipes for the supply of localities (9 authorizations); repair works and revisions of thermal power plants (6 authorizations); chemical combines repairs (7 authorizations); repairs of hydro-power plants (1 authorizations); verification of the thermal power supply networks (2 authorizations); verifications of the temporary spent fuel warehouse (2 authorizations); control of high dimensions parts in the production sections and in CETs (15

authorizations); verifications in steel plants (1 authorization); radiography of turbines and in tank sections (2 authorizations); examination of natural gas transport pipes (10 authorizations); radiography in bottling stations (2 authorizations); verifications of the catalytic cracking (1 authorization); examination of refinery installations (1 authorization).

8 application for work outside the specially arranged precinct were rejected

since they did not comply with the security and radioprotection conditions. The radioactive bore hole study is a technique used in exploration of oil and

natural gas drilling in order to help the diagnosis of commercial viability of new field or of existing fields. This activity requires the use of special device, including high activity radioactive sources of ionizing sources (gamma and rapid neutrons) which , by means of a cable, are taken down through the well hole.

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Figure 7.18 Aspects from CNCAN inspections of special processes Such a geo-physical investigation system is comprised of 3 main components:

the electrodes that are comprised of ionizing radiation sources, the systems for the detection of radiation reflected or emitted by rocks and the signal enhancing systems;

the support cables, which have also the role to send the signal to the surface unit;

the surface unit, mounted on a special vehicle, equipped with processing systems of the signals coming from the moving systems in the well hole.

The radioactive bore hole study are performed in Romania by 4 companies

that use 36 installations with 57 radioactive sources and 4 generators of rapid neutrons.

1,397 geo-physical investigations were approved by CNCAN and were

performed in 2006. The records regarding the notifications about the work outside specially

arranged precincts, the personnel involved, the radiological installations, are maintained in the “EVNUC” database.

No radiological incidents were reported in 2006 and no excess of the

maximum dose admitted for the professionally exposed personnel was recorded.

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Figure 7.19 Aspects from CNCAN inspections of the drilling installations

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7.9 Assessment of applications filed with CNCAN

In 2006 there were recorded 11,843 applications. All applications were

assessed in terms of content, compliance with the applicable regulations and are consequently solved through:

� the issuance of authorizations or permits; � letters requiring additional clarification or supplements; � recording in the recording system; � control orders.

The term for answering the applications filed by the authorization

applicants/holders is of maximum 30 days. The record and control of the manner in which the applications are solved is

kept in electronic form in the database. Based on this record, an analysis of the CNCAN personnel activity’s quality is

conducted and measures are ordered for the improvement thereof. The status of authorizations of the holders of radiological installations and of

the personnel in charge is analyzed periodically and corrective measures are ordered. In 2006, 134 letters were issued for the clarification of the installations not authorized, 5 authorizations were suspended and 1 was withdrawn.

The most frequent violations of the current regulations in force refer to:

the existence of agents holding expired authorizations; the write off of equipment which was not reported and operated in CNCAN

records; the expiry of exercise permits of the persons in charge.

Figure 7.20 Types of requests field with CNCAN in 2006






Dispozitie efectuare control ordonat Adrese de iesire Clarificari ord. 372 Clarificari ord. 258






Order for orderly control Letters “out” Clarification ord. 372 Clarification or. 258

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Figure 7.21 Statistic of CNCAN activities by types of works in 2006

Figure 7.22 Statistics of applications filed with CNCAN in 2006













3 1031


61 768



















Authorisation Re-authorisation Personnel authorisation amendment Supplemental documents to the requests field

Return to the documentation submitted Activity report Incident report Report on orders compliance

Cease of activity Audit report Permits Control minutes

General correspondence Complaints Endorsement normative acts Other categories

Penalty minutes Decommissioning Write offs Authorisation suspension

Permits extension Authorisation – technical limits amendment Conditions authorisation modification Authorisation modification - headquarters

Authorisation – authorised activities amendment Conditions compliance report Import/Export ASR

Penalty Registration Amendment/registration Notification

Order for control for authorisation purpose



1044 1108982





894 934










ber o

f app



Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.month

Number of application recorded during January – December 2006

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Letter of response to request Letter to reject the authorization – without condition to be fulfilled Letter to require additional documents Letter to require additional documents and deadlines for providing them Forwarded to other divisions of CNCAN Issuance of registration Issuance of authorization Issuance of permits No response needed Letter to withdraw the authorization Letter to suspend the authorization Rejection of the documentation Scheduled for examination Control order Report Negative response

Figure 7.23 Statistics of CNCAN responses to requests in 2006

Figure 7.24 Term for response to the requests filed with CNCAN

Time of response to requests

0 500 1000 1500




of d





No. of requests

Term for response under the law




21 149




2 1 1 16 19 17 45






Adresa de raspuns la solicitare Adresa de respingere a autorizarii - fara conditii de indeplinit

Adresa prin care se solicita alte documente Adresa prin care se solicita alte documente si termenele pina la care sa le aduca

Transmisa la alta directie CNCAN Emitere INREGISTRARE


Nu necesita raspuns Adresa retragere autorizare

Adresa suspendare autorizatie Respingere documentatie

Programat la examen Dispozitie Control

Raport Negatie




21 149




21 149




2 1




2 1 1 16 19 17 45






Adresa de raspuns la solicitare Adresa de respingere a autorizarii - fara conditii de indeplinit

Adresa prin care se solicita alte documente Adresa prin care se solicita alte documente si termenele pina la care sa le aduca

Transmisa la alta directie CNCAN Emitere INREGISTRARE


Nu necesita raspuns Adresa retragere autorizare

Adresa suspendare autorizatie Respingere documentatie

Programat la examen Dispozitie Control

Raport Negatie

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7.10 Control of the activities with radiological installations

The inspection of radiological activities, according to the provisions of Law

111/1996, republished in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part l, no. 552/27.06.2006, is achieved based on the control procedure code PC-DRI-01, rev. 6/01.09.2005.

The control is planned for each CNCAN representative, based on monthly

control plans approved by CNCAN President, which are then forwarded to each inspector.

The frequency of planned control depends of many factors, out of which: - type and activity of the source of radiation; - complexity of activities of radiation sources and installations; - type of activity (use, holding etc.) - radiological risk associated to the activity; - impact on the professionally exposed personnel; - impact on the persons not exposed professionally, who work in the

immediate vicinity of the nuclear units; - impact over the persons out of the population; - scope of activity: industrial, medical, education, research, etc. At the end of 2005 a new territorial reorganization was operated. For the

previous and the current distribution of inspectors per counties see figure 7.27). 1,271 controls were conducted in 2006 in the following fields of activity:

� medical: 901 (70%) � industrial: 267 (21%) � other applications: 103 (9%)

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Fig. 7.25 Distribution of CNCAN resident inspectors over the country

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Figure 7.26 Number of inspections conducted monthly in 2006 by CNCAN

Figure 7.27 Number of inspections in Bucharest in 2006


115 120 116123 127




115 91




















June Ju
















Number of controls conducted/month




301st district

2nd district

3rd district

4th district

5th district

6th district

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Figure 7.28 Number of controls conducted by fields of activity in 2006

Figure 7.29 Weight of control orders in 2006

• A. Authorization under the law and norms: 2160 • L. Coming into legality: 1260 • M. Dosimetric monitoring (individual, per area, of contamination etc.),

metrological verifications of dosimetric equipment, protection equipment: 2440 • E. Records of installations, periodical technical installations, physical and

radiological safety, quality assurance: 2600 • R. Reporting, notifications: 2020













Medical Industrial Other applications

Number of controls by fields of activity, conducted in 2006








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Figure 7.30 Aspects from the installations controlled in industrial and medical radiological installations

7.11 Contraventional penalties Contraventional penalties in total amount of RON 39,600 were applied in

2006. Fines in amount of RON 31,680 – representing 68% of the total value, were

paid in 2006; Fines in amount of RON 7,920, representing 32%, were challenged in courts

or were forwarded towards the public finance for forced execution. The application of penalties by fields of activity is the following: � medical 24 (40%) � industrial 16 (26%) � other applications 20 (33%)

7.12 Training of inspectors The CNCAN inspectors’ training is ensured through individual study, training

within CNCAN, training courses organized by domestic and international organizations.

The annual session of inspectors training and reporting within DRI took place

on October 10th – 14th, 2006 in Sovata.

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Figure 7.31 Number of controls and contraventional fines applied, by fields of activity, in 2006





















Medical Industrial Other applications

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7.13 Aspects resulting from the control activity

In 2006, several thematic inspections took place, aimed at:

- implementing the provisions of Order 372/2005 regarding the interdiction to use the fluoroscopy posts of roentgen diagnosis installations without TV chain image enhancer;

- implementing the provisions of Order 396/2005 regarding the interdiction to use the fluoroscopy posts of roentgen diagnosis installations without measuring device of debit dose on patient, until 31.12.2006;

- implementing the provisions of Order 258/2006 regarding the interdiction to use medical radiological installations for micro-radio-photography.

Figure 7.32 CNCAN monitoring of practices It has been stated that most of the roentgen diagnosis laboratories have

sealed their fluoroscopy installations without TV chain image enhancer (through companies authorized by CNCAN) while part of them have written them off.

The authorization holders were also required to implement measures aimed at

ensuring the equipment with measuring device of the dose debit on patient for the fluoroscopy installations by 31.12.2006.

Monitoring of regulation aimed at optimizing the practices and

eliminating the unjustified practices



I II III IVQuarter


Monitoring the elimination of scopy practice without TV chain (%)Monitoring the optimization of scopy practice (%)Monitoring the elimination of MRP practice (%)Confirmation of the elimination of scopy practice without TV chain (%)Confirmation of the optimization of the scopy practice (%)Confirmation of the elimination of the MRP practice (%)

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7.14 Control activity records in the EVNUC database The control minutes and the penalty minutes are forwarded at the CNCAN

headquarters where they are recorded under written form and under electronic form in the EVNUC database managed by DRI.

Figure 7.33 Options of the CNCAN’s EVNUC database

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7.15 National register of doses According to the provisions of the fundamental Norms on radiological safety,

the professionally exposed persons range in two categories:

Category A: professionally exposed persons for which there is a significant probability to receive an actual dose higher than three tens of 20 mSv. The authorization holder must ensure the systematic monitoring of the exposure to radiations of all professionally exposed persons in category A;

Category B: the other professionally exposed persons. The individual monitoring of persons professionally exposed in category be shall be aimed at proving the accurate classification of such workers in this category while the same shall no longer be necessary later. The persons professionally exposed are monitored through certified individual

dosimetry organisms. The estimation of number of personnel professionally exposed and of the collective dose was performed based on the information received from the certified individual dosimetry organisms.

CNCAN has organized the centralized recording of doses for professionally

exposed personnel by creating the National Register of Doses, where there are inserted the results of individual monitoring forwarded by the authorization holders and by the certified dosimetric organisms.

Table 7.2

Average dose (mSv)

Year No. of workers monitored in

terms of dosimetry

Collective dose (person mSv) for all monitored


for doses exceeding the

minimum detection limit

2001 13349 17555.0 1.32 1.32 2002 15552 14676.2 0.94 1.39 2003 15745 15570.4 0.99 1.64 2004 15743 17606.7 1.11 1.59 2005 16722 17959.6 1.07 2.12

The table above synthetically reflects the results of individual dosimetry

between 2001-2005, rendered by means of the collective doses values, measured in person•mSv units, the number of monitored workers in terms of dose in each of such year, as well as the average annual dose, resulting from division of the collective dose by the number of workers.

The synthetic values for 2001-2005 are presented also in the figures below, to

reflect the evolution over this period of the annual average dose and the number of persons professionally exposed to ionizing radiations.

The detailed data could be gathered at national level following the coming into

force of the Norms of individual dosimetry, approved by Order of CNCAN President 180 of September 5th, 2002, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 769 bis of October 22nd, 2002.

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Thus, the data reported for 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 by the certified

individual dosimetry bodies, show the trend of the evolution of the collective dose, of the average dose and of the number of personnel professionally exposed to ionizing radiations, as reflected in the figures below, for five main fields which carry out nuclear activities: nuclear fuel cycle (nuclear reactors, fabrication of nuclear fuel, scientific research in the nuclear field), medicine (radio-diagnosis and radio-therapy), industry (industrial radiography, in most of the applications), education (mainly academic training and scientific research) and mining (nuclear raw material).

The distributions by dose sequences of the collective dose recorded in the

main activity fields (medical, industrial and nuclear) are presented, for the years 2002-2005 in the figures below. The common feature of this distribution is their normal form (quasi Gaussian), focused on the 1 ÷ 5 mSv sequence for the medical field, on the 1 ÷ 10 mSv sequence for the industrial field, on the 2 ÷ 5 mSv sequence for the nuclear research and nuclear fuel fabrication field.

The distribution by dose sequences of the collective dose recorded in the

industrial field also presents a characteristic terminal form, different than that of other fields, recorded as such at worldwide level as well, for the dose sequence 10 ÷ 20 mSv, that is, in the immediate vicinity of the maximum admitted limit.

The distribution by dose sequence of the number of personnel professionally

exposed in the same fields of activity between 2002-2005, as shown in the figures below, reflect (mainly in the medical field) the existence of a relatively large number of persons professionally exposed that received doses ranging in the 0 ÷ 0,2 mSv sequence, as compared to the persons whose doses range between the other sequences. These features remain in the first quarter of 2006, which may lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to re-evaluate the classification in category A of the persons professionally exposed to ionizing radiations, at least with respect to certain domains such as dental radiology, mammography, osteo-densimetry or event classical general radiology – but not interventional radiology.

The doses received by the personnel professionally exposed to ionizing

radiations ranged between the limited permitted by the international norms, the very small number of exceptions being recorded and reported, as shown in the figures below.

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Figure 7.34 Number of professionally exposed personnel and average dose by fields of activity, in 2003

Figure 7.35 Number of professionally exposed personnel and average dose by fields of activity, in 2003



Medicine Industry Educationresearch, inspection


Number of professionallyexposed personnel

Average dose (mSv)


ber o

f pro



lly e


ed p






e (m







Number of professionally exposed personnel

Medicine Industry Educationresearch, inspection










Number of professionallyexposed personnel

Average dose (mSv)


ber o

f pro



lly e


ed p






e (m


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Figure 7.36 Number of professionally exposed personnel and average dose by fields of activity, in 2003

Figure 7.37 Evolution of the collective dose by fields of activity




Medicine Industry Education,research inspection







Number of professionallyexposed personnel

Average dose (mSv)


ber o

f pro



lly e


ed p






e (m


















Medicine Industry Education,research, inspection


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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Figure 7.38 Evolution of the number of professionally exposed personnel by field of activity

Figure 7.39 Evolution of the average dose by fields of activity












r of p










Medicine Industry Education,research,inspection


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005












e (m



Medicine Industry Education,research, inspection


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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Figure 7.40 Distribution of collective dose in the medical field

Figure 7.41 Distribution of collective dose in the industrial field
















0 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 - 15.0 15.0 - 20.0 20.0 - 50.0

Dose sequence (mSv)

2002 2003 2004 2005















0 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 - 15.0 15.0 - 20.0 20.0 - 100.0

Dose sequence (mSv)

2002 2003 2004 2005

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Figure 7.42 Distribution of the number of professionally exposed personnel in the medical field, by dose sequence

Figure 7.43 Distribution of the number of professionally exposed personnel in the industrial field, by dose sequence









0 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 -15.0

15.0 -20.0

Dose sequence (mSv)

2002 2003 2004 2005


ber o

f pro



lly e


ed p














ber o

f pro



lly e


ed p



0 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 - 15.0 15.0 - 20.0 20.0 - 50.0

Dose sequence (mSv)

2002 2003 2004 2005

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Figure 7.44 Distribution of the number of professionally exposed personnel in the nuclear field (except for CNE Cernavod�) by dose sequence

Figure 7.45 Distribution of the number of professionally exposed personnel by dose sequence in 2005











0 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 - 15.0

Dose sequence (mSv)

2002 2003 2004 2005


ber o

f pro



lly e


ed p











ber o




lly e


ed p



0 - 0.1 0.1 -0.2

0.2 -0.5

0.5 -1.0

1.0 -2.0

2.0 -5.0

5.0 -10.0

10.0 -15.0

15.0 -20.0

20.0 -50.0

CNE (external personnel)CNE (own personnel)

Education, researchMining

Nuclear (without CNE) Industry


Dose sequence (mSv)

CNE (external personnel) CNE (own personnel) Education, research Minin

Nuclear (without CNE) Industry Medicine

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Figure 7.46 Distribution of collective dose in 2005








0 - 0.1 0.1 -0.2

0.2 -0.5

0.5 -1.0

1.0 -2.0

2.0 -5.0

5.0 -10.0

10.0 -15.0

15.0 -20.0

CNE (external personnel)

CNE (own personnel)



Nuclear (without CNE)



Dose sequence (mSv)

CNE (external personnel) CNE (own personnel) Mining Research Nuclear (without CNE)Industry Medicine









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7.16 Complaints regarding the excess of maximum dose permitted

During 2001 – 2005 there were recorded 88 complaints regarding the excess

in the maximum dose permitted for the professionally exposed personnel and during January – November 2006 only one complaint was registered. Generally, the incidents were not severe and were mainly due to the failure to observe the radioprotection regulations.

The statistics of such complaints is presented in Figure 7.47 below. The dose recorded for the personnel involved exceeded the limits imposed by

the regulations in force in 9 cases, out of which in only 4 cases, in 2005, the aggregated dose for the last 12 months would range over 50 mSv, that is, around 55 mSv ± 10%.

Figure 7.47 Complaints on the excess of dose limits during 2001-2005 The investigations completed in all 4 cases lead to the conclusion that the

dose was received in the absence of the photo-dosimeter, due to negligence or professional indiscipline of the relevant persons. Such investigations regularly require, besides the participation of the qualified authorities, mandated in this respect through normative acts, the technical support granted to the authorization holder by the radioprotection certified expert with whom a contract is entered into.











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7.17 Participation in congresses, symposium, technical meetings

On January 16th – 26th, 2006, the DRI has participated, under the project

ROM/9/026, in the IRRS mission of IAEA in Vienna. The DRI representatives have presented the progress achieved by the division in harmonizing its activity with the requirements of the international standards and the projects in progress.

On May 8th – 12th and May 31st – June 2nd, 2006, upon suggestion of the “Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety of Nuclear Safety and Security” of IAEA in Vienna, a representative of the DRI has participated in the following technical meetings: � “Technical meeting on the revised guidelines on the security of radioactive

sources” (JO -TM -29506). � “Consultations with States with a view to establishing a formalized process

for a periodic exchange of information and lessons learned and for the evaluation of progress made by States towards implementing the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources” (TM -228817).

Within the works of the 13th session of the AROEND symposium, organized in Mamaia, on June 14th – 16th, 2006, a DRI team lectured on specific issues of the radioprotection in the non-destructive control with penetrating radiations.

In September 2006, there was organised in Ia�i the East European Francophone Congress of Radiology. For the first time in Romania, a radioprotection session was organized within such a manifestation, in which the regulatory authority was invited to participate. CNCAN has lectured on the status of implementation of the EU Council’s Directive 97/43 EURATOM in Romania.

Pursuant to the invitation of the Bucharest Public Health Authority, CNCAN has participated in the training of university graduated personnel within the Ionizing Radiations Hygiene network and in the national conference of the Radioprotection Romanian Company, on September 12th – 15th, 2006, where works of common areas of interest were presented:

“New regulations implementing the requirements of the EU Council’s Directives 96/29 and 97/43”;

“Issues related to the interface CNCAN and the Public Health Authorities – Radiations Hygiene Laboratories”.

CNCAN has participated in the conference “New technologies in clinical radio-therapy in Romania”, on September 25th – 29th, 2006, within which a practical application was performed with regard to the permanent implant for the prostate cancer cure. The new procedure of brachy-therapy consists in the trans-perinea insertion of radioactive sources inside the prostate by means of special needles, endo-rectal echo graphically controlled. The first permanent implants with Iodine 125 (bisection time 59.4 days, main photons emission), in Romania were performed in cooperation with teams from the USA and Germany, within the Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. I. Mihai Chiricu��” of Cluj Napoca. All radioactive sources imported under this project were used to treat a patient in the Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. I. Mihai Chiricu��” of Cluj Napoca and three patients in the Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. Al. Trestioreanu” of Bucharest. During the procedure the parties monitored the manner in which

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the specific measures to be observed in using the sealed sources in manual brachy-therapy were implemented. Thus, according to the Norms on radiological safety the following aspects were monitored in radiotherapy practice:

o the medical exposure of the patient to radiation must be performed under the medical liability of a practician and the activities within the lab must be carried out exclusively by the personnel property trained who holds the exercise permit;

o the implementation of specific provisional measures that must be observed during the cutting and handling of Iodine 125;

o the management of radioactive wastes resulting from such intervention (for instance, those for implant);

o the compliance with the requirements under the applicable norms, regarding decontamination of surfaces and work instruments;

o the implementation of quality assurance measures: - identification and registration of patients; - computation of iosodes and registration of the report on treatment

plan; - the manner in which were observed the conditions under the

radiological safety authorization for the radioactive source, in terms of the records of the implanted sources, the total activity administered to the patient and the dose received by him/her;

- the preparation of the implant bulletin accompanied by the information sheet for the patient.

Figure 7.48 Aspects from CNCAN participation in international actions

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In November there was organized in Bucharest the Second National Congress of Nuclear Medicine (with international participation) of Romania. CNCAN representatives were present in the congress and lectured on:

� Norm regarding the medical physics expert; � Safety of the sources of radiations in the nuclear medicine; � The personnel authorization system.

On the occasion of the celebration of “Al. I. Cuza” University of Ia�i, 2006 edition, organized at the Physics Faculty on October 27th, 2006, two representatives of CNCAN have participated in the round table “Medical Physics Education – current status and perspectives”, where a representative of the Ionizing Radiations Division lectured on the Norms regarding the medical physics expert. The purpose of this participation was to render the university teachers that prepare the future medical physics graduates aware of the need to include in the medical physicists’ academic curricula the topic “Training courses on radioprotection for the medical physicist and for the medical physics expert” according to Annex 1 to the Norms regarding the medical physics expert.

In November, the Ionizing Radiations Division took part in the project “Europe Aid/121181/C/SV/ Management of medical radwaste”.

7.18 Public information with respect to radioprotection and radiological safety According to the provisions of Law 544/2001 on the free access to information,

CNCAN published and maintains updated on its website the information regarding: � the list of radioprotection certified experts; � the list of companies authorized to handle radiological installations; � the bills of acts for public debate.

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Chapter 8 – International relations Based on its legal prerogatives, the National Commission for the Control of

Nuclear Activities (CNCAN) cooperates with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with other regulatory organisations acting in the field of nuclear activities control, as well as with similar institutions from other states.

Within the process of Romania’s accession to the European Union, CNCAN

coordinated the Section “Nuclear Field” of the negotiation Chapter 14 “Energy” and the Section IX „Nuclear safety and radioprotection” of the negotiation Chatper 22 “Environmental Protection”.

8.1 European integration

During the reference period, CNCAN has continued to monitor both the

undertakings assumed during negotiations (that is, the actions under the Implementation Plan related to Chapter 22 – Environmental Protection) and the recommendations of the European Union, under the Monitoring Report for 2005. The Monitoring was carried out based on the “Plan of priority measures for European accession during November 2005 – December 2006” adopted by the Government at the end of 2005. Under these circumstances, the DRI has prepared monthly reports on monitoring to the Ministry of European Integration, and to the chatper integrators and weekly reports on monitoring to the Romanian Government.

In addition to the usual reports, CNCAN has prepared the annual analysis

reunions with the representatives of the European Comission, that is, the association sub-committee no. 6 “Transport, trans-european networks, energy and environment”, organised in Brussels, March 30th – 31st, 2006 and the association committee Romania – EU, held in Bucharest, June 8th, 2006. The main topics of discussion of the association sub-committee were: the settlement of the duties overlapping between CNCAN and AN, the actions taken by CNCAN in order to strengthen its independence, resources and administative capacities, the implementaion of the undertakings pursuant to the negotiation process, the implementation of recommendations under the European Union Council’s Report on nuclear safety in the countries candidating for accession. The discussions with the representatives of the European Union within the association committee were focused on the manner in which CNCAN responded to the recommendations of the European Commission as described in the Country Report for 2005, and, in particular, on the independence of the regulatory and control body.

In the context of Romania’s accession to the European Union, CNCAN has

acted as contact point for the Work Group on nuclear safety and for the mixed Work Group “Research/Aspects on atomic energy”. On February 20th, DRI has participated in the session of the Work Group “Research/Aspects on atomic energy”, within which there was analysed the draft of the Directive on authorisation and control of shipments of radioactive wastes and burnt nuclear fuel in light of the comments and remarks of the Member States.

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Further to the European Union Accession Treaty, signed on April 25th, 2005, Romania shall become part of the EURATOM Treaty. Pursuant to Article 23 paragraph (b) of the Agreement on guarantees between Euratom and IAEA, the implementation of the system of nuclear guarantees of the Agency based on the Agreement on guarantees between Romania and IAEA shall be suspended and Romania shall further implement the provisions of the Agreement no Guarantees between Euratom and IAEA. As a result, DRI has initiated the legislative process purported to promote the bill of law for the accession of Romania at both the Agreement on Guarantees between Euratom, the Member States and IAEA, and the Protocol Additional to the Agreement on Guarantees between Euratom, the Member States and IAEA. At present the approval thereof by the qualified bodies and institutions in the nuclear field is pending, and the bill shall be subsequently forwarded to the Parliament for approval.

In order to implement the undertakings pursuant to the bilateral meeting

Romania – Euratom of November 25th, 2006, 4 seminars were organised in 2006, in connection with the control system of Euratom nuclear guarantees:

Work meeting on the implementation of Euratom nuclear guarantees, with

the topic “Familiarization of guarantees responsible within small users of nuclear material with the method of reporting to the Euratom” (April 20th and June 30th, 2006);

Work meeting on the implementation of Euratom nuclear guarantees, with the topic Familiarization of guarantees responsible within large nuclear installations with the method of reporting to the Euratom” (May 24th, 2006);

National seminar on the implementation in Romania of the Euratom system of nuclear guarantees, which consisted of the following topcis: a description of the Euratom system of guarantees and its connection with the system of guarantees of the IAEA, a description of the activities within the nuclear fuel cycle in Romania and of the status of implementation of the IAEA system of guarantees, the transition to the guaratees reporting Romania/Euratom/IAEA, a presentation of the reporting method accordin to the Euratom Regulation no. 302/2005, including a practical demonstration of electronic reporting, Euratom inspection on guarantees after accession, the agreements on cooperation with third countries and their inclusion in the relevant agreements with Euratom (October 11th – 12th).

Since Romania shall, along with its accession to the European Union, become

part of the European Atomic Energy Committee (EURATOM) and, consequently, of the Agreement concluded by and between the Government of Canada and the European Atomic Energy Committee (EURATOM) regarding the cooperation for the peacful use of atomic energy, according to the negotiation undertakings (CONF-RO 2/02), Romania was to terminate the cooperation agreement regarding the peaceful use of atomic energy concluded with Canada. Consequently, during May 11th – 15th, 2006, DRI experts were part of the Romanian delegation that participated in the consultations with the Canadian experts, with a view to conclude a protocol on the implementation of the Coperation Agreement between Euratom and Canada. The topics were focused on the maintenance of biletarl cooperation at the current level after Romania’s accession to the European Union.

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8.2 Pre-accession assistance The technical assistance offered to CNCAN by the European Union consisted

in projects in the field of nuclear safety, approved through the Funding Memorandum related to each year of the planning. It is the Phare Projects Implementation Unit (Unitatea de Implementare a Proiectelor Phare – UIP) within DRI that assured the identification and elaboration of the proejcts’ proposals for Phare 2006 and Transition Facility planning, as well as the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of projects contracted or pending contracting.

In November, CNCAN has completed the implementation of the services

component of the project RO 2003/5812.06.01 "Regulatory authority’s center for nuclear emergency" funded under the horisontal PHARE 2003 planning in the field of nuclear safety. The project was focused on the technical consolidation of the CNCAN’s capacity to prepare in case of emergency, and has two components: the technical assistance under the form of services and the supply of equipment. The services component was aimed at: identifying and assessing the level of equipment of the center in case of emergency; training the personnel and supplying the training materials for the personnel appointed to operate the center; establishing a strategy for the center operation in case of emergency.

The equipment supply component was contracted at the end of August. The

project is pending and it shall result in the center’s being equiped with the hardware and software as well as with the means of communication necessary in case of emergency.

The Funding Memorandum related to the horisontal Phare 2004 planning in

the field o nuclear safety was signed in December 2004. In 2006, the representatives of UIP and of the specialised divisions have participated in the assessment sessions for all projects proposed by CNCAN. The projects that are pending completion are:

2004/016-815.02.01 “Assistance for the Romanian nuclear regulatory

authority in order to supply the mechanical codes of analysis”; 2004/016-815.02.02 “Technical assistance for the Romanian nuclear

regulatory authority with a view to deal with important aspects of the future commissioning activities”;

2004/016-815.02.03 “Technical assistance for the Romanian regulatory authority to improve the management of high-activity sealed radioactive sources, including spent sealed radioactive sources and orphan sources”.

The technical assistance component of the project 2004/016-815.02.01

“Assistance for the Romanian nuclear regulatory authority in order to supply the mechanical codes of analysis” contracted in February 2006, was completed in November 2006 and resulted in the elaboration of the technical specifications for the procurement component. This project is aimed at both equipping CNCAN with mechanical computation codes types ADLPIPE and ANSYS/Mechanical and ANSYS/Structural, similar to those currently used by the Cernavod� NPP as support for the documentation filed with the regulatory authority, and at training the CNCAN personnel who will use such codes.

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With respect to the horizontal PHARE 2005 planning in the field of nuclear safety, pursuant to the signing, in December 2005, of the Funding Memorandum, UIP and the specialized divisions have prepared the documents related to the approval of the project files (terms of reference) for the following projects:

2005/017-519-03.01 Support for the personnel of the regulatory

authority with a view to improve their capabilities related to the safety probabilistic assessment;

2005/017-519-03.02 Improvement of the capabilities of the regulatory authority’s personnel in connection with the assessment of the preliminary report on nuclear safety for the storage operations in B�i�a Bihor;

2005/017-519-03.03 Development of the capabilities of the Romanian regulatory authority in connection with the regulatory issues of the activities which require naturally radioactive materials with radionuclides concentrations higher than exemption limits (NORM) and radioactive materials concentrated in natural radionuclides through technological processes (TENORM);

2005/017-519.03.04 Improvement of CNCAN database in order to operate the national register of doses and radioactive sources.

Until present, assessment sessions took place for three of the four projects

mentioned aboe. The technical assistance component of the project 2005/017-519.03.04 Improvement of CNCAN database in order to operate the national register of doses and radioactive sources was contracted in July 2006, and the project is pending. This component is aimed at granting technical assistance to CNCAN in order to allow it to design and develop a database that would be comprised of the radiological installations, the sealed radioactive sources and the related equipment, the authorisations issued by CNCAN, information about the procedures, inspections conducted by CNCAN, recorded incidents and professional exposures.

During the period of reference UIP has monitored the implementation of the

pending Phare projects. The monitoring was focused on the compliance with the terms of reference, the achievement of objectives, the funding, with a view to comply with the Phare procedures in force. The monitoring materialised in the elaboration of reports and the forwarding thereof to the qualified institutions of Romania and of the European Commission and in the participation in the monitoring reunions.

Within PHARE 2006 planning, UIP, along with the specialised divisions, has

proposed the project “Technical consolidation of the nuclear regulatory authority with respect to its capabilities related to the practices for protection against radiations”, which was approved by the European Commission.

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Figure 8.1 – Dynamics of the technical assistance granted to CNCAN during 2001- 2006 by the European Union through PHARE projects

The PHARE 2006 planning was the last possibility to access the community

preaccession funds. In 2007, the first year after accession, funds shall still be available within the exercise “Transition Facility”, for which UIP, along with the specialised divisions, has prepared a project proposal which was submitted for approval to the European Commission.

8.3 Cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) One of the most important moments for CNCAN in 2006, was the visit, during

August 1st – 6th, of Mrs. Ana Maria CETTO – general manager of IAEA and head of the Technical Cooperation Department, accompanied by Mr. Arnaud Atger, country responsible for Romania with respect to technical issues. This visit was purported to analyse the status of cooperation on specific activity fields and to identify new possibilities of cooperation. During the visit, CNCAN representatives have outlined and substantiated the importance of technical assistance projects for Romania and the parties analysed both the pending projects, the ones to be concluded in December 2006, and the ones proposed for the period 2007–2008. To this end, meetings were held at the Government of Romania, at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Nuclea Agency, at the Institute of Nuclear Research (Institutul de Cercet�ri Nucleare) Pite�ti and at the National Agency for Management of Radioactive Wastes.

8.3.1 Technical assistance CNCAN has benefited from technical assistance from IAEA, with which it

develops technical cooperation projects, both through national projects and through












2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

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regional projects. Within the national program of technical cooperation funded by IAEA, CNCAN has particularly benefited from expert missions but from support in organising national seminars as well. National projects of technical assistance � Within the national project ROM/9/026 “Technical assistance for the

nuclear regulatory authority and assessment missions in the field of nuclear safety”, the following activities were carried out this year:

Integrated mission for the assessment of the regulatory bodies of Romania (IRRS), during January 16th – 20th, 2006. The purpose of this mission was to assess the CNCAN efficiency in its capacity of regulatory body, the facilitation of the exchange of information and the expertise in the field of nuclear, radiation, radioactive wastes and nuclear material transport’ safety;

Mission for the assessment of the authorisation procedures of radioactive wastes warehouses, during April 10th – 14th, 2006. Pursuant to this mission, IAEA has outlined in its conclusions, the outmost importance of the role of a competent and independent regulatory body, in selecting safe solutions to the authorization of storage of radioactive wastes.

Mission for the assessment of the safety of radioactive wastes storage, during November 27th – December 1st, 2006.

� Within the cooperation project ROM/9/027 “Improvement of the national

capacity in the field of protection against radiation”, CNCAN has organised, in cooperation with IAEA, the seminar “Radioprotection and Safety of Wastes in Uranium Mining and Milling”, organised during October 2nd – 3rd, 2006. This seminar was attended by over 140 representatives of some public administration institutions, guests with management duties and with duties in the field of assuring the radiological safety within institutions and commercial companies acting in uranium mining and milling. The main topics of this seminar were: the international standards of radioprotection, the radioprotection of personnel involved in the mining industry, the management of radioactive wastes resulting from uranium ores mining and milling in Romania, the materials naturally radioactive and the applicable IAEA documents in this field.

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Figure 8.2 – Aspects from the Seminar “Radioprotection and Safety of Wastes in Uranium Mining and Millin”

� Within the technical cooperation with IAEA, the technical cooperation

project ROM 4/024 “Conversion of TRIGA research reactor from high enrichment uranium to low enrichment uranium” was successfully completed in May 2006.

Figure 8.3 – Bugets allotted to national projects of technical assistance








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The project for the conversion of TRIGA reactor is part of the non-

proliferation program developped by IAEA, and benefited also from funds from the Department of Energy of the United States of America. It has a particular importance for Romania and significantly contributes to the Program for the reduction of enrichment of the research and testing reactors udner the Initiative to reduce the global threats.

� Within the national project of technical cooperation ROM/4/029

“Improvement of the infrastructure for decommissioning of research reacctor VVR-S de with the National Institute for Research and Development of for Nuclear Physics and Engieering (Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizic� �i Inginerie Nuclear�) “Horia-Hulubei” – M�gurele”, the CNCAN representatives participated in the reunion aimed at analysing the implementation status of the project, under which they presented their opinions on the measures for decommissioning of the research reactor. Regional projects of technical assistance CNCAN has benefited from training courses and seminars under the following

projects: RER/0/016 Human Resource Development and Nuclear Technology

Support; RER/4/027 Strengthening Capabilities for Nuclear Power Plant

Performance and Service Life Including Engineering Aspects; RER/4/028 Repatriation, Management and Disposition of Fresh and/or

Spent Nuclear Fuel from Research Reactors; RER/9/026 TC on Safety Related Maintenance of Nuclear Power

Plants; RER/9/061 Enhancement of Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority

Effectiveness; RER/9/076 Strengthening Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Fuel and

Materials in Nuclear Power Plants; RER/9/078 Safety Assessment and Regulatory Control of Waste

Management and Disposal Facilities; RER/9/082 Improvement of Design Basis and Configuration

Management Documentation; RER/9/083 Strengthening Safety Assessment Capabilities and Risk-

Informed Decision Making; RER/9/084 Effectiveness of Regulatory Authorities and Advanced

Training in Nuclear Safety; RER/9/085 Capacity Building for Upgrading Nuclear Security Related

National Infrastructure;

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Figure 8.4 – Participation in the regional projects of technical assistance

8.3.2 Research programs coordinated by IAEA Taking into account the growing significance of decommissioning of nuclear

reactors and the economic implications thereof, as well as the population and environmental protection issues, CNCAN has directed its efforts towards the activities under the international demontrative project that involves a research reactor for whcii the decommissioning process has not yet began.

8.3.3 Methodology for preparation of the technical assistance program Starting with 2006, the Technical Cooperation Department of IAEA has

introduced a new methodology for the preparation of the technical assistance program, thus aiming at increasing the interaction between IAEA and the Member States in developing the projects proposed by the latter.

The manner, in which the technical cooperation projects with IAEA are

proposed, assessed, imagined and contracted, has changed as per the previous funding cycles, the role of the project manager being much enhanced. A decisive stage for the funding projects to be admitted is the stage called Programme Cycle Management Framework II (PCFM II). To this effect, CNCAN has forwarded the selected technical assistance project proposals for the period 2007-2008, as follows:

1 national project regarding the “Technical assistance to the Romanian

regulatory authority with a view to enhance its capabilities”; 19 proposals for technical assistance regional projects that contemplate

the “Regulatory authority’s effectiveness in assessing the nuclear safety documentations prepared by the NPP”, the extension of the current regional project RER/9/084 in order to cover the aspects related to the assessment of NPP’s maintenance and monitoring programs based on the risk information,

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“Strengthening the capability to assess the nuclear safety”, the Effectiveness of the regulatory authority and advanced training in the field of nuclear safety”, the “Protection against ionising radiations”, the “Management of radioactive wastes”, the “Repatriation of spent nuclear fuel from reactors into the origin country”, the “Harmonization of professional training requirements applicable to radiological safety”.

8.4 General Conference of IAEA CNCAN has participated in the works of the 50th General Conference of IAEA,

held in Vienna, during September 11th – 25th, and in the annual exhibit organised by IAEA on the occasion of this conference. Romania’ stand theme was “Romania – Durable development for peacful use of nuclear energy”.

Figure 8.5 – CNCAN President on the floor of the 50th General Conference of IAEA, September 11th – 25th, 2006

8.5 Participation in the work group CNCAN has participated in the two plenary sessions of the Western European

Nuclear Regulatory Associations (WENRA) in its capacity as leader of the national nuclear regulatory authority. Within the reunions of the two work sub-groups – work sub-group for nuclear installations safety and the work-subgroup for radioactive wastes, CNCAN specialists participated in the sub-groups’ works aimed at determining the levels of reference and the national actions plans for harmonisation of the levels of reference.

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During June 29th – 30th, 2006, DRI has participated, as observer, in the annual

session of the Committee for nuclear legislation attached to the NEA/OECD (Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and presented the current state of affairs in Romania in terms of national regulations on state’s liability and the covered insurance in case of nuclear damages resulting from an act of terrorism. DRI has prepared a report on the regulations issued by CNCAN during 2005 – 2006, that was published in the NEA/OECD Bulletin no. 78/2006.

8.6 Bilateral cooperation

� Cooperation with the United States of America A CNCAN delegation participated in March in the “Regulatory International

Conference”, organised by the Nuclear Regulations Commission (NRC) of the USA. The CNCAN representatives took appointments with offcials from the NRC, on

which occasion they discussed over bilateral cooperation aspects and addressed the American party an invitation to visit Romania.

Within the 50th General Conference of IAEA, the president of CNCAN had a

meeting, during September 11th – 15th, 2006, with the new president of NRC, Dr. Dale E. Klein, appointed in July 2006.

� Cooperation with Hungary Following the invitation of CNCAN President, Mr. Ivan Lux, deputy general

manager and head of the nuclear safety department attached to the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA) visited Romania on June 19th – 20th, 2006. The meeting agenda included discussions with CNCAN representatives and appointments with the management of the Nuclear Research Branch (Sucursala de Cercet�ri Nucleare) in Pite�ti and with the resident inspector of CNCAN in Harghita county.

On September 4th – 5th, following the invitation of HAEA, the CNCAN

President had a work visit in Hungary, where he met its Hungarian pair, Mr. Jozsef Ronaky, general manager of HAEA. The discussions between the two regulatory bodies focused on topics such as: document management, projects management, quality management system, accession to the European Union, regional cooperation, the possibility to organise in the future bi-annual experts meetings.

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� Cooperation with the Republic of Korea Within the bilateral cooperation relations with the Republic of Korea, CNCAN

has received on June 22nd, 2006, the visit of Mr. Won Ky SHIN, President of the Korean Institute for Nuclear Safety (KINS). This visit helped improve the eschange of information about the activities carried out by the two institutions and identify future ways for development of the coperation between CNCAN and KINS.

Figure 8.6 – Bilateral meeting CNCAN – KINS, Bucharest, June 22nd, 2006 Following this visit, CNCAN and KINS agreed to strengthen the bilateral

cooperation, taking into account the interest manifested by the Republic of Korea to get involved in the project of construction of Units 3 and 4 of the Cernavod� NPP. To this end, the Korean representatives proposed that the existing Protocol of Agreement be supplemented with additional provisions. The “Additional arrangement to the Protocol of Agreement between CNCAN and KINS, regarding the cooperation in the field of nuclear safety”, was signed on December 1st, this year, at KINS headquarters, on the occasion of the CNCAN President’s visit in the Republic of Korea.

� Cooperation with the Republic of Bulgaria The works of the 50th General Conference of IAEA, during September 11th –

15th, 2006, allows the CNCAN President to have a bilateral meeting with Mr. Sergey Kirilov Tzotchev, president of the nuclear regulatory body of the Republic of Bulgaria, on which occasion they have had a bilateral briefing and analysed the premises of the cooperation between Romania and Bulgaria in the nuclear field, after the accession of the two countries to the European Union.

Following the invitation of its Bulgarian pair, on October 23rd – 24th, Mr. Vilmos

Zsombori has lead a CNCAN delegation in the technical visit to the Republic of Bulgaria. Within the bilateral meeting common interest issued were discussed with respect to nuclear energy safety, as well as to some issued of the regulations

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regarding the transport of spent nuclear fuel, the notification in case of nuclear accident.

8.7 Bilateral technical assistance programs Within the technical assistance program in the field of nuclear safety, funded

by the Department of Commerce and Industry of Great Britain, CNCAN was the beneficiary of the project called “Training for CNCAN in the field of nuclear safety”, comprised of 4 professional training courses, that is, a total number of 280 hours of training.

Figure 8.7 Official opening of the professional training program, Bucharest, January 11th, 2006

The topics of these courses were established taking into account the need to

improve the CNCAN assessment capacity, in the context of Romania’s accession to the EU, and were focused on the training in fields such as the preparation in case of radiological emergency, the management of radiaoctive wastes and the dismantling of research reactors.

This program, initially aimed at training 110 specialists in the nuclear field, included the following training courses:

techniques used in the spectrometry with scintillating liquid (TC1 - 56h), assessment of radiological consequences during a nuclear emergency

(TC2 - 64h), assessment of safety of the surface installations for storage of

radioactive wastes (TC3 - 96h), dismantling of research reactors (TC4 - 64h)

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Figure 8.8 Seminar on the assessment of radiological consequences during a nuclear emergency, Bucharest, March 27th – April 13th, 2006

Figure 8.9 – Dynamics of the participation of institutions in the nuclear field in the assistance program funded by the Government of Great Britain


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

T C 1 T C 2 T C 3 T C 4



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8.8 Professional training

Wtihin the professional training program, the DRI personnel participated in the

following training courses: � Regional training course “Nuclear Safety Knowledge Management”,

organised by IAEA in Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 29th – June 2nd, 2006. The course focused on the participants’ training in applying the concept of nuclear safety knowledge management and in implementing the same by the nuclear regulatory national bodies; � The International School of Nuclear Law, set up by the University of

Montpellier 1, in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency attached to the Organization for Development and Economic Cooperation. The schools benefits from the support of the International Association of Nuclear Law and of the IAEA. The training course took place during August 21st – September 1st, 2006, and consisted of an introductory course on nuclear law. The program also included 10 days of theoretical studies focused on: the origin and uniqueness of the nuclear law, the protection against ionizing radiations (including the use of radiation sources); the nuclear safety and prevention and management of nuclear accidents; the prevention of nuclear weapons proliferation; the nuclear safety: the physical protection and trafficking of nuclear material; the transport of nuclear material and of nuclear fuel; the management of spent fuel and radioactive wastes; the international trading of nuclear material and equipment, the liability and disbursements in case of nuclear damage, the nuclear terrorism.

Figure 8.10 – The participants, including CNCAN, in the courses of the International School of Nuclear Law, August 21st – September 1st, 2006

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� The professional training course “Community Law and European Integration”, organized by the National Institute of Administration, March 13 – 19 2006, in Bucharest. The topics of this course included: the description of the types of community law sources, the procedures regarding the method of implementation thereof in the domestic law, the legal force of the acquis communautaire, Romania’ obligations as Member State of the European Union with respect to the community norms; � The professional training course on “Financing from European funds for

the central and local public administration; access to the cohesion funds” organised by the International University of Vienna, March 6 – 10, 2006. This program was purported to help the participants to deepen their knowledge about the most sensitive aspects of, and to acquire and overall image of the impact of the European integration process on the public institutions and on the local administration. It was also aimed at helping participants to have a practical approach of the theoretical knowledge acquired, while the entire program was structured as an application, with actual examples and practical exercises; � The training program on the new methodology necessary to prepare

the technical assistance program, organized at IAEA headquarters, in Vienna, May 15 – 19, 2006. This program was purported to familiarize the trainees with the IAEA practices with respect to technical cooperation, with a focus on the new methods and techniques for the Member States to elaborate the national and regional projects of technical assistance. Taking advantage of the fact that, during the same period, there took place the “Annual Reunion of EU Member State on the IAEA regional projection for technical assistance”, the trainees attended as well the presentations and discussions about the following issues on the agenda of the regional meeting: a new approach of the Department for Europe of the IAEA; the status of the Regional Program for 2007 – 2008; brief summary of the Regional Program 2005 – 2006; proposals for new projects for 2007 – 2008; presentation of the new PCMF II concept for regional proejcts. � General English training course, organized by the English language

Center attached to the British Consulate in Bucharest, during April – July and September – December 2006. The main topics of this course were comprised of the training in English language and the training with a view to prepare the examination, to fluently and spontaneously communicate ideas, the enhancement of the abilities to present detailed descriptions, to drat clear and detailed texts, to prepare essays or reports etc.

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Chapter 9 – Public Relations and Media

Following its priorities, the CNCAN has consolidated its position in relation to the public and the media.

CNCAN has constantly moved towards informing the public and towards developing a real partnership with relevant non-governmental structures. In light of these orientations and with its communication strategy, the CNCAN has made important steps towards ensuring a proper media coverage of the current and future areas of interest of the institution in terms of thorough control of the safe deployment of nuclear activities in Romania.

In 2006, CNCAN’s efforts were constantly directed towards proper and prompt information of the public about the safe deployment of nuclear activities in Romania. All requests filed with CNCAN based on Law 544/2001 on the free access to public interest information were promptly responded to. These requests were mainly concerned with the clarification of certain aspects related to the applications of ionizing radiations in economy. Figure 9.1 reflects a statistic of requests filed with CNCAN in 2006.

Figure 9.1 Statistic of requests filed with CNCAN in 2006

In 2006, the mass-media published or broadcasted 98 interviews and statements of CNCAN’s president and experts on the main area of interests for the public. 6 press conferences were organized that were attended by a large number of journalists. The information disclosed by CNCAN on these occasions were taken over by the written media, the TV and radio stations.

In 2006 as well, CNCAN participated in the NUCInfoDay as well as in the FOREN 2006. The media coverage of CNCAN’s activities shows an overall positive perception. Figure 9.2 reflects a statistic on the articles published in the written media in connection with CNCAN activity.











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Ionising radiations


Miscellaneous Redirected

Area of interest

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Figure 9.2 CNCAN’s activities in 2006, as covered by the written media

In 2006, CNCAN has organized a series of conferences and seminars that had a significant positive impact with regard to CNCAN’s activities. Few of them are mentioned below:

“Scientific conference on the radiation safety in the field of mining”, October 2-3, 2006.

“National seminar on the implementation of Euratom system of nuclear guarantees in Romania”, October 9-12, 2006;

“Final reunion within Phare Project RO 2003/5812.06.01”, November 23, 2006.











ber o

f art


s in






Positive articles Neutral articles Negative articles

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Chapter 10 – Resources Management

Pursuant to Law 111/1996, republished in 2006, on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, CNCAN self-funded its activities in 2006, out of its own income, respectively from tariffs levied from applicants for authorizations, operation permits, endorsements and licenses in the nuclear field (Romanian or foreign legal entities).

Other income consisted in contributions of the international bodies and economic operators, interests on cash available and collections from other sources, under the law.

9.1 Main economic figures

With a view to ensure the optimal conditions for CNCAN to carry out all its activities consistently with the parameters required by the European accession process and recommended by IAEA, the CNCAN has permanently striven to provide for the necessary funding.

CNCAN’s main sources of funding in 2006 were the proceeds from tariffs levied for the authorization and control of nuclear activities. Such income from tariffs were supplemented by income resulting from participation into various actions under the aegis of international bodies, income from bank interests, as well as other various income (voluntary transfers, donations, sponsoring and sale of assets).

At the end of 2006 the income amounted to EUR 2,582,652, as compared to merely EUR 969,808 in 2002. Figure 9.1 below reflects the evolution of income and expenditure by years.

Figure 9.1 Evolution of CNCAN’s income and expenditures during 2002-2006




709 1,34

































2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Income Expenditure

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The period 2004 – 2006 recorded a significant increase in the volume of investments, for which considerable efforts were made, in order to acquire IT equipment, vehicles and state-of-the-art technical equipment, all of which provided CNCAN with a proper level of performance in carrying out its activities.

Whereas the previous years recorded increases in the amount of expenditures due to the investments made in IT equipment and state-of-the-art technical equipment, the main investment made in 2006 consisted in the acquisition of 10 vehicles, with a view to ensure the proper and safe performance of activities all over the territory.

Figure 9.2 Evolution of CNCAN’s income and expenditure, aggregated on a quarterly basis, in 2006

It follows from the analysis of data presented above that the financial resources in 2006, resulting from tariffs levied up to date, according to the current fees and tariffs regulation, did not manage to fully cover the financial needs. Therefore, proposals were advanced to amend the Regulation for fees and tariffs applicable to the authorization and control of nuclear activities, based on the following arguments taken into account upon substantiating the required modifications:

� The need to detail on the activities submitted for authorization by the CNCAN according to the provisions of Article 5 (1) of Law 111/1996, republished;

� The need for Romania to fulfil its obligations under the Convention on Nuclear Safety, dated 17.06.1994, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 104 of 29.05.1995, ratified by Law 43 of 24.05.1995, Article 8, with respect to the procurement of proper funding for the regulatory body;

� The need to comply with the performance and exigency threshold required by the recommendations under the EC Report for Romania (2004 Regular Report on Romania’s progress towards accession), {COM ( 2004 ) 657 final}, SEC (2004) 1200, Brussels, 06.10.2004;

































I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter IV Quarter

Year 2006

Income Expenditure

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� The recommendations of the three IAEA expert missions, following the assessment of CNCAN capability (2002, 2004 and 2006);

� The recent development of Romania’s nuclear power program, that shall eventually lead to the operation of 4 CANDU – 6 units and that requires the corresponding development in terms of human resources and materials in CNCAN;

� The need to update tariffs, taking into account the inflation rate for 2004, 2005 and the one forecasted for 2006, respectively 125.66%.

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Appendix: List of Acronyms

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency attached to the OECD ANL - Argonne National Laboratory (Laboratorul Na�ional Argonne

din SUA) CASN - Comisia de Analize de Securitate Nuclear� (Nuclear Safety

Analysis Commission) CANDU - CANada Deuterium Uranium CANDU-6 - Nuclear reactor type CANDU with 700 MWe power EC - European Commission CERCA - Nuclear Fuel Plant in France CNCI - Centrul Na�ional pentru Coordonarea Interven�iei (National

Centre for Intervention Coordination) CJPR - Comitetul Jude�ean pentru Situa�ii de Urgen�� (County

Committee for Emergency Situations) CNCAN - National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities

(Comisia Na�ional� pentru Controlul Activit��ilor Nucleare) NPP - Nuclear Power Plant CNS - Convention on Nuclear Safety CPR - Centrul de Produc�ie Radioizotopi (Radio-isotopes

Production Centre) CSU - Comitetul pentru Situa�ii de Urgen�� (Emergency Situations

Committee) C1 - Irradiation capsule no. 1 of TRIGA reactor C2 - Irradiation capsule no. 2 of TRIGA reactor DARI - Direc�ia Aplica�ii Radia�ii Ionizante din cadrul CNCAN

(Ionizing Radiations Applications Division attached to the CNCAN)

DCC - Direc�ia Controlul Calit��ii din cadrul CNCAN (Quality Control Division attached to the CNCAN)

DCN - Design Change Notice (Modificare de Proiect) DCNU - Depozitul de Combustibil Nuclear Uzat (Spent Nuclear Fuel

Warehouse) DE - Direc�ia Economic� din cadrul CNCAN (Economic Division

attached to the CNCAN) DICA - Depozitul Intermediar de Combustibil Ars (Temporary

Warehouse for Burnt Fuel) DMS - Direc�ia Materiale Speciale din cadrul CNCAN (Special

Materials Division attached to the CNCAN) DNDR - Depozitul Na�ional pentru De�euri Radioactive (National

Warehouse for Radioactive Wastes) DOE - Department of Energy of the USA DRDR - Direc�ia Radioprotec�ie �i De�euri Radioactive din cadrul

CNCAN (Radioprotection and Radioactive Wastes Division attached to the CNCAN)

DRI - Direc�ia Rela�ii Interna�ionale din cadrul CNCAN (International Relations Division attached to the CNCAN)

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DRN - Direc�ia Reactori Nucleari din cadrul CNCAN (Nuclear Reactors Division attached to the CNCAN)

DRPPP - Direc�ia Rela�ii Publice, Pres� �i Protocol din cadrul CNCAN (Public Relations, Media and Protocol attached to the CNCAN)

ECCS - Emergency Core Cooling System (SRAZA – Sistemul de R�cire la Avarie al Zonei Active)

EFPD - Effective Full Power Days (zile efective de func�ionare la putere nominal�)

EVNUC - Baza de date CNCAN pentru instala�ii radiologice �i surse radioactive (CNCAN database for radiological installations and radioactive sources)

EWS - Emergency Water System (Sistemul de Alimentare cu Ap� la Urgen��)

FCN - Fabrica de Combustibil Nuclear de la Pite�ti (Nuclear Fuel Plant in Pite�ti)

FP(PN) - Full Power (Putere Nominal�) GSS - Guaranteed Shutdown State (Stare de Oprire Garantat�) HEU - High Enrichment Uranium (Combustibil nuclear puternic

îmbog��it – enrichment degree higher than 20%) HP - Hold Points (puncte de sta�ionare obligatorie) HELEN - Sub-critical complex at IFIN-HH ICSI - Institutul de Cercet�ri �i Separ�ri Izotopice Râmnicu-Vâlcea

(Institute for Isotopic Research and Separation in Râmnicu-Vâlcea)

IGSU - Inspectoratul General pentru Situa�ii de Urgen�� (General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations)

IFIN-HH - Institutul Na�ional de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Fizic� �i Cercetare Nuclear� „Horia Hulubei” (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)

INES - International Nuclear Events Scale (Scala Interna�ional� a Evenimentelor Nucleare)

IRRT - International Regulatory Review Team (IAEA team for assessment of nuclear regulators – until 2005)

IRRS - International Regulatory Review Service (IAEA team for assessment of nuclear regulators – since 2006)

IRS - Incident Reporting System (Sistemul de Raportare a Incidentelor la Reactorii de Putere)

IRSRR - Incident Reporting System for Research Reactors (Sistemul de Raportare a Incidentelor la Reactorii de Cercetare)

ISCIR - Inspec�ia de Stat pentru Cazane �i Instala�ii de Ridicat (State Inspection for Tanks and Elevating Installations)

LEPI - Laboratorul de Examinare Post Iradiere (Post Irradiation Examination Laboratory)

LEU - Low Enrichment Uranium (Combustibil nuclear cu îmbog��ire redus� – enrichment degree lower than 20%)

MCA - Camera Principal� de Comand� (Main Control Room) MPA - Modification Proposal Approval (Modific�ri de Proiect

Aprobate) MT - Management Team (Echipa de Conducere a Proiectului)

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NPP - Nuclear Power Plant (Centrala Nuclearoelectric�) NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Comisia de Reglementare

Nuclear� a SUA) OCC - Operator Camera de Comand� (Control Area Operator) OECD - Organisation for Economical Co-operation and Development

(Organiza�ia pentru Cooperare �i Dezvoltare Economic�) OMT - Operating Manual Tests (Teste Manual de Operare) NGO - Non Governmental Organisations OPCC - Operator Principal Camera de Comand� (Control Area Main

Operator) OP&P - Operating Policies and Principles (Politicile �i Principiile de

Operare) QP - Quality Plan PIF - Punerea În Func�iune (Commissioning) PSA - Probabilistic Safety Assessment (analiza probabilistic� de

securitate nuclear�) PSR - Periodic Safety Review (revizuirea periodic� a securit��ii

nucleare) PVC - Proces Verbal de Control (Control Minutes) QAM - Quality Assurance Manual (Manualul de Asigurare a

Calit��ii) RAAN - Regia Autonom� pentru Activit��i Nucleare (Regie

Autonome for Nuclear Activities) RHWG - Reactor Harmonization Working Group RFS - Raportul Final de Securitate (Final Report on Safety) RRRFR - Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (Repatrierea în

Federa�ia Rus� a Combustibilului din Reactoarele de Cercetare)

RSMA - Request for Station Manager Approval (Cerere de Aprobare c�tre Directorul Centralei)

SCA - Secondary Control Area (Camera de Comand� Secundar�) SCN - Sucursala pentru Cercet�ri Nucleare din cadrul RAAN

(Nuclear Research Branch attached to the RAAN) SITON - Sucursala de Inginerie Tehnologic� Obiective Nucleare

Bucure�ti din cadrul RAAN (Nuclear Objective Technological Engineering Branch attached to the RAAN)

QMS - Quality Management System SNN - Societatea Na�ional� Nuclearelectrica (National Company

Nuclearelectrica) SSCNEC - Serviciul Supraveghere CNE Cernavod� din cadrul CNCAN

(Cernavod� NPP Surveillance Service attached to the CNCAN)

SSR - Steady State Reactor (Zona activ� sta�ionar� a reactorului TRIGA)

STDR - Sta�ia de Tratare De�euri Radioactive (Radioactive Wastes Treatment Station)

U1 - Unit 1 of Cernavod� NPP U2 - Unit 2 of Cernavod� NPP U3 - Unit 3 of Cernavod� NPP

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VVR-S - Reactorul nuclear de cercet�ri de la IFIN-HH Bucure�ti (Research nuclear reactor at IFIN-HH Bucharest)

TRIGA - Research nuclear reactor at SCN Pite�ti WP - Witness Points (puncte de asistare) WENRA - Western European Nuclear Regulator’s Association

(Asocia�ia Reglementatorilor Nucleari din Europa de Vest)