Annual Report 10-11 - Cricket...


Transcript of Annual Report 10-11 - Cricket...

Page 1: Annual Report 10-11 - Cricket · Inner East Metro Region John Toogood ... for the Wright Shield competition.

Victorian Metropolitan Cricket Union

Governing Body for Metropolitan Cricket Associations





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Geoff Tamblyn

OFFICE BEARERS President Kevin Noy Administrator Rodney Patterson Treasurer Bruce Dowland

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Inner East Metro Region John Toogood North Metro Region Jeff Shelton North East Metro Region Jeff Shelton North West Metro Region Matt Cevetto Outer East Metro Region David Beatty South Metro Region Mick Hawking/Peter Barnes South East Metro Region Phil Cox West Metro Region Mark Keating VTCA by Invitation Pat Quinn

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SUB COMMITTEES Delegates to Victorian Cricket Association: Kevin Noy, Rodney Patterson Honorary Auditor: Michael Lawson Administration & Finance Kevin Noy (Chair), Peter Barnes Bruce Dowland, Rodney Patterson Fixtures & Playing Dates Bruce Dowland (Chair), Peter Howarth Appeals, Disputes, Member Protection Matt Cervetto (Chair), Rodney Patterson, Ron Tucker Match Committee (Senior) Peter Barnes (Chair), Peter Leslie, Adam Wilcox Match Committee (Junior) Mark Keating (Chair), Pat Meehan, Chris Pleitner, Phillip Arnold, Stuart Hamilton Information Technology John Toogood (Chair),Tim Court Rules Review & By Laws/Guidelines Registrar Pat Quinn (Chair), Jeff Shelton, Bill Anderson Website John Toogood Women’s Cricket David Beatty(Chair), Phil Cox Centenary John Toogood (Chair),Bruce Dowland, David Beatty

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Australian Cricket Society

Box Hill Reporter District Cricket Association

City of Moorabbin Cricket Association

Dandenong District Cricket Association

Diamond Valley Cricket Association

Eastern Cricket Association

Federal District Cricket Association

Heidelberg District Cricket Association

Melton Junior Cricket Association

Mercantile Cricket Association

Mid Year Cricket Association

Moreland Moonee Valley Cricket Association

North West Cricket Association

Northern Metropolitan Cricket Association

Ringwood & District Cricket Association

Southern District & Churches Cricket League

Victoria Over 60 Cricket Association

Victorian Turf Cricket Association

Victorian Sunday Cricket Association

Western Region Junior Cricket Association

Western Suburbs United Churches Cricket Association

Williamstown District Cricket Association

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I have much pleasure in presenting the 98th Annual President's Report to the Union. For the first time in several seasons all serving Directors were elected to continue although Mick Hawking did step down part way through the year to be replaced by Peter Barnes, one of the original Directors under the region structure. We were fortunate such an experienced hand was available to join and make an immediate contribution by taking over responsibility

for the Wright Shield competition. Mick’s position as Vice President was not replaced during the period. As mentioned last year the VMCU initiated a review of the Region structure and a more detail report can be found elsewhere but it is pleasing to report that the new structure will be fully implemented by the target date of August 2011. The Wright Shield also underwent a change in format resulting from the feedback received last season and was well received by all associations. Despite the usual interruptions due to weather the competition reached a thrilling climax at Essendon when the match was won by Dandenong CA just pipping VTCA North with a scrambled single on the last ball of the match. Dandenong should be congratulated on completing a hat‐trick of wins in this competition. As in previous seasons we are indebted to the host club for their outstanding hospitality and to Geoff Tamblyn and Tony Dodemaide for continuing to demonstrate their support for this competition. The VMCU Shield competition continues to provide under age players the opportunity to represent their associations under the very best conditions. This is only brought about by the efforts of many volunteers in both arranging the competition and selecting and coaching the teams. In acknowledging them all I would like to thank Mark Keating who took on the co‐ordinating in a seamless fashion and Pat Meehan for this sterling work in appointing the umpires. My congratulations to DDCA for winning the Beitzel Shield from Federal District CA. It was good to see one of our smaller associations represented in this final which unfortunately was held on synthetic due to the weather. I also congratulate Mornington Peninsula CA for winning the Russell Allen Shield from CMCA and ECA for their back‐to‐back win against CMCA in the Keith Mitchell Shield. All matches were of a high standard and played in the right spirit.

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Unfortunately our challenge match with VCCL was another victim of the February flood which was a pity for the players selected for this match. My congratulations to them on achieving this honour. We also congratulate East Barwon CC for winning the Kookaburra Cup T20 competition and thank all concerned for enabling this match to be played at the MCG on Monday morning 7th March following the deluge on the scheduled weekend of February 5 & 6. During the year we were advised of a number of merger discussions. As I indicated last year it is not the role of the VMCU to influence these discussions other than to remind associations of their greater responsibility to the game and to put aside parochial interests so doing. Ultimately it is for the member clubs to decide where they want to play but associations should ensure they provide a well reasoned and balanced view for any change. At the February Game Development meeting we placed on the agenda the issue of ground utilisation, in particular the ability for grounds to share both synthetic and turf surfaces. This has been referred to a sub committee headed by Jack Sheehan from the VSDCA and we have nominated Mick Hawking from DDCA and Adam Wilcox from VTCA to represent us. Hopefully the outcomes will lead to greater utilisation of existing facilities and stronger submissions to councils for additional facilities in the future. In conclusion I would like to again acknowledge all elected Board members for their efforts in their individual responsibilities and their collective support of our objectives. In addition the contributions of our appointed members in Rod Patterson and Bruce Dowland have ensured the sound running of the Board both administratively and financially Yours in Cricket Kevin Noy President

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A Decade of Enterprise and Accomplishment – 2001‐2010 As 10 years have passed since the changes to the VMCU structure it is timely to reflect on the major achievements of that period. • Amending the Constitution and composition of the Board A new Constitution was drawn up providing for 1 Delegate per member

Association to provide more interactive Delegates’ meetings. Board Members were elected by each of the 8 metropolitan regions to

ensure wider representation and these Members became the chair of Region Council Meetings.

• Commencing the VMCU Shield Competition Competitions were introduced at under 14 and under 16 age levels to join

the Mitchell Shield for under 12’s. These competitions complemented the new Region Pathway competitions and the Shield Carnival is now widely and highly recognised as supplementary to the Pathway program. It currently provides matches for over 70 teams from metropolitan and nearby VCCL associations. Top grade under 16 matches are played on turf and all matches controlled by qualified umpires.

• Wright Shield Competition This competition has been in place since the formation of the Union to

provide older players with every opportunity to be recognised at higher levels. We continue to review the structure and rules and acknowledge the assistance of Premier and VSDCA in providing the best grounds in the metropolitan area for these matches.

• Website A professional website was set up to provide faster communication to

members and retain historic information on the VMCU. It now provides access to the MyCricket system to report fixtures and results for all VMCU controlled matches. It is available for all associations to submit news items or advertisements.

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• Community Cricket Advisory Group (now Game Development Sub Committee)

In conjunction with the VCCL we instigated a meeting of all affiliates to discuss topics of mutual interest and communicate our findings to the CV Board. This meeting was subsequently renamed the Game Development sub committee and is now chaired by a member of the CV Board providing even stronger links between the affiliates, the CV Administration and the Board.

• Member Protection Policy An early initiate of the above committee was to draw up and implement a

Member Protection Policy to deal with matters such as discrimination, harassment and vilification that were not easily covered in association rules or Tribunals. Tribunals for such cases would be heard by a panel drawn from affiliated bodies.

• Tribunals and Appeals VMCU Rules were strengthened to ensure that each member association

had a sound reporting and appeals process within their rules. This has led to a reduction in the number of appeals being made to the VMCU and a speedier resolution for all concerned. Through the Game Development meetings we agreed with other affiliates to list all significant suspensions on the CV website to ensure suspended players were not able to transfer to other competitions.

• VCCL Match To strengthen ties between the two bodies a challenge match is now

staged each year. Played after the completion of the Wright Shield final, our team is selected from players eligible for that competition. Matches are hosted alternately at metropolitan and country venues with the winner receiving the Presidents’ Cup.

• Formal Budget Process A formal process has been set up to substantiate the grants received from

CV for development of cricket in the metropolitan area. • Victorian Cricket Strategy As a key affiliate we have participated in a number of forums and projects.

Amongst these were the Premier Cricket review, Local Government forums, water restriction and bushfire discussions and a review of synthetic surfaces.

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• Umpiring Classes We initiated classes conducted by CV qualified umpires to introduce new

umpires to the game. • Region Review Possibly the most significant issue of the decade. The Regions were put in

place by CV with little input from affiliates and associations and it was evident the structure was less than ideal with clubs from several associations split between neighbouring regions. With our traditional association based structure many found it difficult to see the benefits of this forum and, despite the efforts of our VMCU elected Chairpersons, the success being achieved was variable at best. In recent years this was being compounded by the population, particularly in the outer suburbs growing significantly.

In late 2008 we were able to get the topic on Game Development Committee agenda and took a leading role in the subsequent submissions and discussions. The revised region councils and committees of management will take effect from next season under independent chairpersons with a clear Charter and Operating guidelines, including a far greater participation from Premier, VSDCA and VWCA clubs. While they will not be Incorporated bodies each region will be required to report regularly to CV Game Development management and the affiliated bodies. We are confident this will facilitate the delivery of cricket programs and strategies more effectively on a targeted basis within each region.

It will also enable the VMCU to concentrate on its principle role as the key affiliated body, responsible for representing all metropolitan associations, and their clubs, in working with CV management on matters specific to our members. In this regard we will continue to bring matters to the attention of member associations and seek their feedback and direction in providing the best representation.

As we draw near to our Centenary Season I believe the VMCU is stronger than it has ever been and will continue to pursue the interests of all member associations well into the future.

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Another season of cricket has concluded within the metropolitan region of Melbourne. This season will be recognised as one of the wettest on record with most associations affected to a large extent by missing playing days.

Unfortunately, football also impacted the start of the season when the AFL grand final ended in a tie and had to be replayed on the first Saturday in October. This impacted on every cricketing association when either their first round was postponed or removed from the calendar as each association took stock of what their players were telling them, they would prefer to watch an AFL grand final than play cricket. A sad state of affairs for traditionalists but one in which most cricket boards recognise as a change in commitments players have, in these modern days. This scenario will again be repeated next season when the AFL has actually scheduled their grand final on what is the established first playing day of cricket, the first Saturday in October. Let’s hope this does not encroach any further and is a once off. Advice from Region 11 & 12, at the start of the season, indicated that Jeff Shelton would represent both regions on the VMCU Board until the new Cricket Victoria regional restructure comes into force. Region 15 also had a change in director during the early stages of the season when Mick Hawking resigned. He was replaced by Peter Barnes. The board determined the affiliation of Mid Week Cricket Association would be withdrawn when they did not meet the constitutional requirements of an affiliate. Once again the Union managed the Junior representative games and the Under 21 Wright Shield. All competitions where affected by weather.

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The Kookaburra Statewide T20 Regional competition also was affected by weather with the grand final between the VMCU ‘s Buckley Ridges and the VCCL’s East Belmont was cancelled. With the support of Tony Dodemaide and Cricket Victoria a window opened up in the use of the MCG and the game was played on a Monday with East Belmont the eventual winners. Immediately after this game the Turf deck used was ripped up so work could be done in getting the MCG ready for football. At the May delegates’ meeting the Mid Year Cricket Association was accepted as a full affiliate after serving their first season as an associate. As we look forward to a new season, there are changes afoot as associations look at merging and regions are restructured. Rodney Patterson Administrator

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It is my pleasure to present the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for the year ended 2010‐2011. While not as high as last season this year returned a higher than budgeted surplus as a result of the following:

The Wright Shield competition again being affected by weather with one Round not played, The Representative match against VCCL, being a home fixture for VMCU, abandoned due to weather Lower than budgeted costs in relation to Kookaburra Cup 20/20 competition and administrative costs associated with the operation of the VMCU. All VMCU equipment has now been either depreciated to zero value or sold. It is worth noting that, primarily due to improvements in communications, Administrative costs have fallen by approximately 80% in five years. Bruce Dowland Treasurer

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2009‐10 INCOME 2010‐11

$1,050.00 Affiliation Fees $1,050.00 Grants ‐ Cricket Victoria

$15,000.00 Administrator's Salary $17,500.00 $26,547.00 Administration Grant $26,547.00 $10,000.00 Development Grant $10,000.00 $54,047.00

$1,850.00 Entrance Fees VMCU Shield $1,625.00$1,800.00 Fines VMCU Shield $1,660.00

$16.64 Bank Interest $13.45$920.68 Term Deposit Interest $598.93

$1,200.00 Sale of Asset $0.00$200.00 Retained Appeal fees $0.00

$58,584.32 TOTAL INCOME $58,994.38

EXPENDITURE H N Wright Under 21 Shield

$815.00 Catering $1,800.00$1,000.00 Umpire Fee Reimbursement $1,400.00($110.00) Ground Hire $0.00

$0.00 Cricket Balls $780.00$143.00 $2,318.00 Trophies $74.25 $4,734.25

VMCU Shields

$276.43 Catering $235.50 $1,024.00 Ground Hire $0.00

$902.00 Printing $902.00 $1,626.90 Trophies $1,620.30 $3,360.00 Umpires Fees ‐ Finals $2,880.00 $9,080.00 Umpire Fee Reimbursement $16,850.00

$818.78 $17,088.11 Administrative Expenses $401.44 $22,889.24

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EXPENDITURE (ctd) Honoraria

$13,000.00 Administrator $13,000.00$2,000.00 $15,000.00 Treasurer $2,000.00 $15,000.00

Representative Match V VCCL

$84.25 Catering $269.20 $143.00 Trophies $0.00

$0.00 Curator's Fee $0.00 $0.00 Ground Hire $0.00

$728.00 Uniforms $467.50 $100.00 $1,055.25 Umpires Fee $100.00 $736.70


$875.00 Printing $308.00$350.00 Catering $140.00

$1,161.73 Communications $1,267.13$120.00 Miscellaneous $440.00

$0.00 Memorials $0.00$14.00 Government Charges $86.80

$150.00 $2,670.73 Region Expenses $0.00 $2,241.93

Kookaburra 20Twenty Competition

$2,300.00 Umpires Fees $2,380.00 $1,048.70 $3,348.70 Cricket Balls $646.00 $3,026.00


$497.00 $497.00 Computer $0.00

$41,977.79 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $49,125.12

$16,606.53 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $10,366.26

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2009‐10 CURRENT ASSETS 2010‐11

$30,698.19 ANZ Current Acct $41,376.16$17,380.84 $48,079.03 ANZ Term Deposit $17,979.77 $59,355.93


$100.00 Un Paid Affiliation Fees $0.00 $320.00 $420.00 Un Paid Fines VMCU Shield $0.00 $0.00

Fixed Assets (at depreciation value)

$0.00 Computer Equipment $0.00

$48,499.03 TOTAL ASSETS $59,355.93

$48,499.03 AFFILIATES EQUITY $59,355.93

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To the members and committee of the Victoria Metropolitan Cricket Union (VMCU). Scope I have audited the Treasurer’s Report, being the Statement of Income & Expenditure, Balance Sheet and supporting notes to and forming part of the financial report of the VMCU for the Financial year ended 30 June 2011. My audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial report is free of material misstatement. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the financial report has been presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards, and statutory requirements, so as to present a view which is consistent with my understanding of the Union’s financial position and performance, as presented by the results of its operations and cash flows. Audit Opinion In my opinion, the Financial Report of the VMCU presents fairly in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act, the assets and Liabilities at 30 June 2011, the Receipts and Payments and the Profit & Loss Statement of the VMCU, for the year ended. Michael Lawson CPA 6 July 2011

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Traffic Reports: Web traffic reports that were all but removed more than 12 months ago were re‐instated briefly late in the season but have since gone back into hiding, hence no traffic report for the second successive year. This makes it difficult for Associations/Clubs trying to sell online promotion/advertising but there are plenty of free/low cost alternatives available. A

simple online search for “Free Hit Counter” will deliver a wide selection of targets, but try to stick with familiar providers to avoid contracting harmful SpyWare.

RealSport Data Migration:

The long awaited transfer of RealSport data to MyCricket was completed during the past year and many have already been taking advantage of the opportunity to record historical match reports online. Currently MyCricket allows activation of seasons back to 1955/56 but it is expected that ultimately this will be expanded upon.

MyCricket Competition Management:

Ongoing review of the MyCricket system by its technicians has ensured we have an electronic platform for maintaining Cricket results and player statistics in a suitably accessible format. With minimal training any Club or Association can manage their player registrations, match statistics and a range of other services in a secure environment.

However, Cricket Victoria’s RealSport experience has demonstrated the importance of annually downloading all MyCricket data and saving it in your own archive.

Email Security

You probably don’t need to be reminded that ‘spam’ (the electronic version of ‘junk’ mail) is still with us and despite some major International networks being taken out by the ‘good guys’ recently any benefit, while noticeable was short lived. Your best defence is still reliable security software that incorporates virus and spyware protection with a good spam filter. We can’t eliminate spam but we can minimize the time we spend managing it.

John Toogood Chairman

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Again, only one appeal was heard by the Sub Committee this season. It related to the outcome of a finals game based on player eligibility and was denied by the Sub Committee. However, it again highlighted the need for Associations to carefully consider the wording of any new By Laws and to

review their existing rules on a regular basis. We would again remind all Associations to be aware of the guidelines contained in the Member Protection Policy and to ensure this Policy is formalised within the appropriate Rules and By‐Laws. Matt Cervetto Chairman

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CENTENARY SUB COMMITTEE With only one season between now and the VMCU Centenary in 2012/13, planning of appropriate celebrations to mark the occasion has been a priority. To streamline administration and separate planning from research, recent changes have seen the Centenary Committee ‘morph’ into an expanded Ad Hoc Sub‐Committee working closely with a recently formed Heritage Standing Committee.

With much of our planning yet to be endorsement by the Board any announcement of specific details would be premature. Nevertheless, it can be said that highlights will include a Centenary Dinner, a Centenary Book (researched & written by Graeme Fischer for a launch at the Dinner), appropriate Centenary recognition and the Neil Wright Shield Final. Completion of our online Honour Board is another priority with Graeme Fisher’s research for ‘the Book’ expected to deliver much of what is still missing. A substantial source of individual profile information to complement the project has also resulted from Graeme’s work. Watch your email inbox and the VMCU Website for updates and calls to contribute John Toogood Chairman A Heritage Committee was born recently out of our Centenary Sub‐Committee’s need to conduct wider research as we approach our 100th birthday. The new committee’s task is to conduct ongoing research, acquisition and maintenance of the VMCU’s contribution, and that of its Affiliates, to Community Cricket and the game in general. Establishment of this Committee has provided a vehicle for the VMCU to access such research already being done by a number of organizations across metropolitan Melbourne. Several of our Affiliates in fact have their own Heritage Sub‐Committees actively gathering information that would otherwise be either lost, or buried so deep it might never emerge. In this exciting enterprise I welcome Andy Lambert (BHRDCA Heritage Committee Chair, East Doncaster CC Secretary/Historian) and Graeme Fischer (author/researcher of the VMCU Centenary Book).

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The West Metro region comprises the following competitions: the Williamstown & Districts Cricket Association (WDCA), the Western Suburbs United Churches Cricket Association (WSUCCA), the Western Region Junior Cricket Association, the Melton Junior Cricket Association and some clubs from the North West Cricket Association.

As well, there are 6 sub‐district clubs, numerous VTCA clubs and 4 ladies teams in the region. The past year has been a successful season for all competitions. The region welcomed a new regional cricket manager for the season, with Duncan Harrison filling the role on a 12 month contract basis, whilst Daniel Trevillian is playing cricket in the UK for a year. Towards the end of the season, Duncan was appointed to the RCM role on a permanent basis which is good reward for a job well done. Participation The participation levels in terms of the number of teams in the above associations are as follows: 244 senior teams, 198 junior teams, 4 ladies teams and 10 new one team T20 clubs. The growth in the number of senior teams is mainly due the popularity of one day and 20/20 competitions that seem to attract teams after a quick, social game rather than the two day game format. 48 clubs (2010: 30) in the region ran the In2Cricket program with 1478 participants (2010: 1142). This is a 29% participation increase on the previous year. Congratulations must go to Duncan and Rohan Obst for this massive growth in the In2Cricket program. Rohan was on a 6 month (since extended) contract funded by Cricket Australia as a participation growth officer for the region and the results speak for themselves. As well, an In2Cricket school holiday program was run which attracted a further 144 participants.

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The Kanga cricket program had 145 teams enter with over 1,000 students being introduced to cricket. Of these, there were 47 girls’ teams, which is a very healthy number. Programs were run in Sunshine, Altona, Werribee and Melton. One area for improvement is to ensure the region’s clubs are aware of when and where the Kanga cricket is being run, so that the link to club level can be reinforced. Pathway Squads The region participated well in the pathways programs with the U18 male team the best performed finishing 3rd. The U16 male team won 1 of 5 games and the 14 team 2 of 5. The results were a little disappointing, but there is renewed focus going into development squads and pathway trials with Footscray‐Edgewater and hopefully, if we get the process right the results will follow. The girl’s teams again performed well with the West Metro fielding teams in all age group and each of the teams winning two games each. Jake Hancock, Travis Dean and Dylan Kight were all selected in the Victorian under 19 team and Nicola Hancock was selected to represent Victoria at Under 15 level. From the region, Dylan Kight (FECC/Melton) and Molly Strano (EMP) were awarded CBA future star awards. VMCU Shield The region competed well in all VMCU shield competitions, with the MJCA fielding 3 teams and the WRJCA 6 teams. The best performed teams were the WRJCA Russell Allen and Keith McKay teams which both finished 3rd. The MJCA Des Nolan team finished 4th. All teams represented their association well and played the game in the right spirit on the field.

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Facilities Grounds continue to be a challenge in the region. Whilst complaining of drought in previous seasons the past season was hugely impacted by rain. But most associations were flexible with their fixturing and managed to get as many games as possible played. More lobbying by CV with councils in the region would help, particularly in the growth areas of Wyndham and Melton. Good news is that Wyndham Council has plans for a new facility for the Point Cook area, including a new turf wicket and one totally synthetic ground. Wyndham is currently developing a cricket and football policy and we are hopeful that several new grounds will come on line in the next 2‐3 years. Hobson’s Bay has a new turf wicket planned for Langshaws Reserve in Altona North. A new turf wicket in the Melton region is approved and has been announced to clubs in preparation for season 12/13. The city of Maribyrnong is looking at adding potentially 5 or 6 new hard wickets to cater for future growth. Mark Keating Director West Metro Region

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Season 2010/11 saw weather again have a significant impact on cricket played across the region, particularly turf fixtures. Unseasonal rain saw rounds cancelled and fixtures redrawn to accommodate these constant interruptions. Despite this, senior team numbers and participation rates remained strong in both local Associations.

In an indication of coming changes, discussions were held between a number of MMVCA Clubs and the VTCA to investigate the transfer of their turf cricket teams to the VTCA competition. At the time of writing, it is expected that the majority of turf cricket teams currently playing in the MMVCA will play under the umbrella of the VTCA in future seasons. As this will leave a significantly smaller competition played only on synthetic surfaces, merger discussions between the MMVCA and NWCA have recommenced in earnest. Subject to a favourable vote by the member clubs of both Associations, it is hoped that a single, stronger Association will better represent the interests of those community cricket Clubs as we head into the 2011/12 season. In further developments, a working party has been formed to create a new Regional Committee comprised of all stakeholders from various cricketing bodies in the Region. This includes Premier, Sub‐District, Womens, VTCA and local Associations. Co‐ordinated by a new Regional Cricket Manager, Daniel Trevillian, early discussions have been extremely positive. Nominations for positions are close to complete and we look forward to the Committee providing a greater sense of co‐operation and purpose in developing strategies to build cricket in the Region over the coming years. Twenty 20 Cricket Both Associations ran successful Twenty20 mid‐week competitions with Jacana (NWCA) and St Francis de Sales (MMVCA) the victorious Clubs.

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In the annual Kookaburra Twenty 20 competition, St Francis De Sales CC (MMVCA) again won the right to represent North West Metro Region by winning both their games against Moonee Valley CC and St Christophers ‐ Airport West CC in the region playoff. Despite a competitive performance, they were defeated in the Round 1 fixture of the formal competition by the West Metro Region representative, Spotswood CC. Representative Cricket Both NWCA and MMVCA again fielded teams in the Neil Wright (U/21) Shield which for the first time mixed all teams in a pool format rather than the 2 tier competition which had operated for a number of seasons. Unfortunately neither Association was able to achieve a victory in their two completed games in a competition that was also marred by inclement weather. After recent successes by Coburg CC, the MMVCA was too strong in the annual Moreland Community Cup which was again conducted as a Twenty 20 fixture at City Oval. Representative non‐turf games were again held between the NWCA and MMVCA this season. The NWCA were comprehensive winners in the open age game while the MMVCA held sway in the Veterans game. Junior Development For the first time in many years, the number of Junior teams participating in the NWCA fell. In addition, a large number of Club In2Cricket programs did not proceed this season. In response, a comprehensive review of Junior cricket in the Region is currently taking place and promotion and development of the In2Cricket program has already been identified as an area which the new Region Committee will focus on. The following were highlights for junior cricket in the Region this season: Continued growth of Kanga 8s cricket in primary schools.

Kensington Juniors In2Cricket program which had over 70 participants.

Tallan Wright being selected in the State U19 team.

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Terry Scott After 30 years of administrative service to the EBKCA and NWCA, Terry Scott will retire as CEO of NWCA prior to the commencement of the 2011/2012 season. Terry was first appointed to the Executive of the EBKCA in the mid‐80s and will retire having served continuously as the Administrator/CEO of the NWCA for the past 13 years. The continued strength of the NWCA and its position as the premier Junior cricket competition in the region is in no small part due to Terry’s contribution and direction. We wish Terry and his family well for their future. Matt Cervetto Director North West Metro Region

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REGION 11 & 12 NORTH & NORTH EAST METRO General Cricket within the North and North‐East Metro regions continues to remain reasonably stable in senior grades although the DVCA has reported a loss of 15 junior grades over the previous two seasons. There has been an increase in the numbers of clubs

now running In2Cricket programs with most clubs in the region involved in this. Junior numbers at the lower age group levels continues top be strong but, in line with the trend in recent years, many clubs seem to have issues holding on to junior players as they get to the older age groups. Some clubs have been working hard to start or maintain women’s teams but the take‐up of Women’s cricket appears to be slow and is hard work for the clubs involved. Representative Cricket All three neighbouring Associations participated in the Neil Wright Shield, but without the success of recent years. NMCA had the most success this year, making the semi‐final but lost to VTCA North HDCA won the final of the Keith Mackay Shield, its first piece of silverware in the VMCU competitions. DVCA won the Keith Mitchell Cup, defeating Mornington Peninsula CA. Representative matches at senior level were played between the three Associations as well. NMCA and DVCA traditionally play senior representative matches in both A and B grades. Both of these were won by NMCA. HDCA hosted DVCA in their annual match but the game had to be abandoned due to persistent rain.

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Twenty 20 Cricket All three neighbouring Associations co‐operated for the first time in running a joint T20 competition. This was run on an optional basis, with all clubs given the option of entry but was not compulsory. 40 clubs out of the 59 in the region opted to participate and clubs were divides into ten groups of four clubs. The competition was generally well‐received by the clubs. The competition came down to a semi‐final and final day, with both semi‐finals being played side‐by‐side, followed by the final with the two winners progressing. Rivergum CC was the eventual winner over Plenty CC. As the winner of this competition, Rivergum CC will be given first option to represent the region in next season’s Kookaburra Cup. Formation of Northern Cricket League Over the past few months, the HDCA, NMCA and DVCA have been in discussions regarding the formation of the Northern Cricket League from all members clubs within the region. This would be a new competition starting from the ground up and would be of sufficient size to enable different playing conditions and structures that would be attractive to all community cricketers in the region. Currently two planning sub‐committees have been formed – one to look at senior playing conditions, rules, structures, issues, etc and one sub‐committee to look at the same topics in the junior section of the competition. This is in the early planning stage only at this point. It is anticipated that for season 2011/12 there will be some co‐operation between HDCA, NMCA & DVCA regarding accommodation of junior sides, as well as the possibility of running joint T20, One‐Day and Veterans grades. Merger of Regions 11 & 12 This will be the last report as two separate regions. Cricket Victoria has conducted a review of the region structure and from season 2011/12, the two regions will be merged into one metropolitan region. Jeff Shelton. Director North and North East Metro

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REGION 13 INNER EAST METRO PROFILE: The Inner East Cricket Region (Region‐13) encompasses that area of eastern metropolitan Melbourne defined by the Cities of Whitehorse, Boroondara & Manningham municipal boundaries and is effectively administered by the Inner East Cricket Council (IECC). The IECC comprises a Cricket Victoria (CV) Regional Cricket Manager (RCM), a Victorian Metropolitan

Cricket Union (VMCU) Regional Director and representatives of community cricket, notably from the two Associations based within the Region (Eastern CA & Box Hill Reporter DCA). The Region also includes three Clubs with a primary Affiliation to the Ringwood & District CA plus one similarly to Victorian Over‐60 CA. Additionally there are three VSDCA Clubs (Balwyn, Box Hill and Kew) while two VCA Premier Clubs (Camberwell Magpies and Fitzroy‐Doncaster) are aligned for pathway purposes. REGION REVIEW: A recent Region Review process has resulted in some changes to the way Regions are structured from 2011/12 onwards. Essentially the Inner‐East Region boundaries are unchanged however with the City of Yarra rescued from the ‘Diaspora’ and included in Region‐12 (South‐East Metro’) the single Mercantile CA Affiliate that bordered our Region will go to Region‐12 with the rest of Yarra. In the past our Region had picked‐up Burnley CYMS CC from the wrong side of the river to ensure their inclusion. The Victorian Over‐60 CA was recently elevated in status to that of a full Affiliate member of the VMCU. Consequently, with an active role in our Region through primary Affiliation of the Whitehorse CC they now occupy a ‘stakeholder’ position within our Region similar to that of RDCA (3 Clubs) and until 2010/11, Mercantile CA (1 Club). A detailed report covering the Region Review will be provided by VMCU President Kevin Noy elsewhere in this Annual Report publication. in2CRICKET: Cricket Australia’s entry level programme, “in2CRICKET” is sponsored by Nestlé through its high profile “Milo” brand and remains a highly successful option for Clubs seeking to maintain/improve recruitment levels. Clubs of the Inner‐East Region have embraced this programme since its inception with an enthusiasm shown by few others and with 45 active centres in 2010/11 accommodating a total of 1,425 participants we retain an enviable position.

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AROUND THE TRAPS: Kookaburra Statewide twenty20 Cup

Heatherdale CC (BHRDCA) was the Region’s ‘Giant Killer’ in 2010/11. Coming from a Hard‐Wicket competition they proved that you don’t have to play on Turf to mix it with the best. Heatherdale went further during 2010/11 than any previous Inner‐East Club team in this Cricket Victoria competition. Their campaign only came undone in the Metropolitan Final at Toorak Park against the 2009/10 State‐Wide runner‐up (and also eventual 2010/11 runner‐up), Buckley Ridges CC (Sth Metro’ Region). VMCU Competitions

Neil Wright Shield (U/21 turf) ‐ For the second season in a row both ECA and BHRDCA struggled against in‐form opponents. Although ECA showed some improvement over the previous season by managing a place in the quarter‐finals eventual premiers DDCA proved too strong prematurely ending their campaign. BHRDCA not helped by the Wright Shield competition returning to a single grade in 2010/11, narrowly avoided the wooden spoon. Junior Carnival. Traditionally Eastern CA enters teams in every grade while Box Hill Reporter DCA concentrates on one team in each age‐group. Jim Beitzel Shield (U/16 turf) ‐ Finishing in 9th place ECA’s fortunes were largely reverse over the previous season where they finished on top. BHRDCA being a Hard‐Wicket competition haven’t chosen to enter an Under‐16 Turf team since 2007/08. Keith Mackay Shield (U/16 synthetic) ‐ While ECA took home the wooden spoon BHRDCA improved greatly over the preceding season and finished on top. However, after a washed‐out semi‐final round both the top two teams proceed by default into the Grand‐Final where HDCA proved too strong on the day. Russell Allen Shield (U/14 synthetic) ‐ It is the nature of age‐grouped competitions that a strong Association one season is often struggling the next and vice versa. Lowly 2009/10 BHRDCA improved enough in 2010/11 to finish fourth, although the washed‐out Semi‐Final saw them denied an opportunity to play for a Finals berth. Conversely, ECA who finished second the previous season to go on and win the pennant was well off the pace in seventh place, ironically the same finishing position occupied by BHRDCA in 2009/10. Des Nolan Cup (U/14 synthetic) ‐ ECA finished fourth and despite winning the Quarter‐Final it was their misfortune that lower finishing FDCA were rolled by RDCA who’s third place would deny ECA a spot in the Final by default, compliments of the wet Friday 14 Jan Semi‐final schedule. Keith Mitchell Shield & Cup (U/12 synthetic) ‐ ECA and BHRDCA finished first and fourth respectively and were both in the hunt for a Mitchell Shield win. Scheduled to meet in the Semi‐Final however, the wash‐out saw ECA proceed to the Final and ultimately defeat CMCA for the Mitchell Shield.

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Josh Browne Plate (U/12 synthetic) ‐ ECA finished second and after winning their Quarter‐Final received the advantage of progressing due to the Semi‐Final wash‐out, ultimately defeating FDCA for prized ‘silver‐ware’. Inter‐Association Cricket

In a move designed to get around the perennial problems of scheduling and (to a lesser degree) player commitment for some representative fixtures the ECA, BHRDCA and neighbouring Outer‐East Region’s RDCA came up with an innovative solution. These traditional rivals conspired to play most of their annual Open and Under‐18 Inter‐Association Challenge games in the T20 format, all on the same day and at the same venue. Although ECA had already played their open representative challenge fixtures against RDCA both were yet to play BHRDCA and by conducting these (Open and Under‐21) together only one suitable date was required. Being of considerably less duration meant players could easily participate in more than one match reducing player turn‐over. These advantages are reported to have delivered worthwhile monetary and human resource savings. The following outcomes of this annual three‐way contest include all age‐groups. Veterans: BHRDCA v RDCA ‐ won by RDCA (Over‐60), RDCA (Over‐50), BHRDCA (Over‐40). Open Age: BHRDCA def by ECA, BHRDCA def RDCA. Under‐21: BHRDCA def by RDCA. Under‐16, Under‐14 and Under‐12: BHRDCA v ECA ‐ All Junior fixtures were abandoned due to rain. Local Government

The Inner‐East Region Executive Committee continued a tradition of meeting periodically with representatives of major stakeholders to exchange ideas and promote discussion. Notable these include all three Councils the Municipal boundaries of which define our Region. The ever‐present facilities maintenance, public liability, ground user policies and charges were again prominent at these meetings. Although water conservation is probably not as immediate now as at the height of the drought each Council’s re‐grassing programme to establish warm season grass cover their ovals is progressing and some dislocation of fixtures in 2011/12 may still occur. We can expect to be updated on this at our pre‐season meeting. RECOGNITION: Region Executive Committee ‐ Shane Koop (CV RCM), John Toogood (VMCU

Director) and Richard Barker (ECA Delegate) fulfilled this role for 2010/11 and in addition to periodic meetings with stakeholders also conducted much business electronically.

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The following points are often repeated from previous Annual Reports with only cosmetic updates because they need to be continually reinforced so that the Cricket Community at large never forgets ‘which side its bread is buttered on’. Sponsors ‐ In addition to high profile sponsorship of our sport by the likes of

Kookaburra, Nestlé and others, directly of Associations or through Cricket Victoria programmes, community cricket in our region also recognizes the substantial contributions of our local Councils. All sponsors of Clubs, Associations and the sport in general deserve our appreciation and custom in return. Volunteers ‐ Most receive no compensation or at best a small honorarium to

help off‐set some of the significant personal and monetary costs associated with volunteering. It’s a certainty that neither our game nor the entire sub‐culture could survive let alone prosper without our volunteers. Those selling drinks and pies from the local Club kiosk; helpers at and cleaning up after social functions; Club, Association, and Pathway Team Managers, Coaches, Trainers and Scorers; Club, Association, Region and ‘Umbrella’ Administrators are all to be commended and there are many, many more. John Toogood Director Inner East Metro

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The Committee which administered the Region’s activities during this year were:

Jarrad Loughman – Region Cricket Manager (RCM), Cricket Victoria (CV) John Kilby – Ringwood District C A Tim Carter – Ferntree Gully District Ca Brent Watts – Yarra Valley C A David Beatty – Chairman and VMCU Region Director

Jarrad, in his second year with the Region, carried out his duties under the direction of CV and the Committee in a diligent and efficient manner. I was delighted with his efforts. The main programmes conducted included: Milo In2Cricket – 47 club‐based centres, 1434 participants (largest in state) Pathway – 6 teams – U14, U16 & U18, both male and female Coach Education – Level One, Level Two, CCA Fielding & “Skills for Coaches” courses conducted – new accreditations: 96 Level One & 12 Level Two Kanga 8s (Primary schools, year 5/6): 96 boys teams, 66 girls teams; 4 Carnivals conducted Mini Blast 6s (year 3/4) Carnivals conducted as a new initiative Super 8s (Secondary Schools): 35 boys teams, 13 girls teams; 2 Carnivals conducted Female Cricket – “Winter Eagles” training programme, Knox Gardens U16 girls only programme, Extension Programme Clinic during September holidays and “Lady Gala Day” Clinic in April 2011 All Abilities – 4 club‐based Special School clinics, 6 week “Play Cricket” programme at Croydon Ranges CC Junior Leadership Programme – 70 attendees at workshop, junior leader of the year: Patrick Mastertoun (FTGCC)

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Kookaburra Statewide T20 Competition – Mooroolbark CC represented OE Region Local Government Forum for our 3 municipalities, 3 associations and 3 turf clubs was held During April/May a new Working Party was established, comprising representatives of: RDCA, FTGDCA, YVCA, VMCU, CV, Women’s Cricket, Ringwood CC, Croydon CC and Bayswater CC; The task for this Working Party is to review and identify an appropriate structure, strategy and plan for a re‐invigorated Region Committee from August 1, 2011 involving all cricket stakeholders across the Region. In recent days we have received news that our RCM, Jarrad, has been promoted within CV to the position of Education and Training Manager; whilst we are disappointed to be losing such an effective person, we are pleased by this well‐deserved career advancement, and look forward to CV again providing an effective replacement. In conclusion, I wish to thank each Region Committee member for their valued involvement, together with the very many other volunteers who helped us achieve another satisfactory set of outcomes. Yours in Cricket, David Beatty Director Outer East Metro

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Overview : The season got away to a difficult start due to the AFL grand final. There were also many games interrupted by the bad weather, unprecedented in its severity. In2Cricket : There were high numbers of participants in the Milo In2Cricket program, particularly at Cheltenham Park, Maccabi Ajax, Bentleigh, Ormond, Kingston Saints, Brighton and Hampton Central.

South East Seagulls : Ashton Agar represented Victoria in the Under 17 & Under 19 State Championships. Seb Gotch represented Victoria in the Under 19 State Championships. Jacob Serry won ‘Player of the series’ in the Under 14 State Championships. 23 players represented the Seagulls from the SDCCL competition in the various age groups. VMCU Tournament : SDCCL reached the semi finals in the Beitzel Shield and the Mitchell Shield. CMCA had teams in the Mitchell Shield, Russel Allen Shield, and the Des Nolan Cup Grand Finals, although losing all three. General Comments : SDCCL fielded two extra under age grades and one extra one day grade. CMCA commenced its inaugural Twenty20 competition with 15 clubs competing, and it was won by Bentleigh Uniting CC.

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A strike by Monash Council outdoor workers meant that grounds were not cut for 5 weeks. SDCCL competed in the Australian Churches Championships although they did not bring Back the shield. Bentleigh Uniting were the outstanding club in the CMCA winning 4 senior premierships and 2 junior premierships. Toorak Prahran was the SDCCL’s outstanding club winning 3 senior premierships and 6 junior premierships. There was a successful junior girls competition conducted during the season with 7 clubs competing. Phil Cox Director South East Metro

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The region again displayed strong involvement in cricket at all levels despite the onslaught of unseasonal wet weather having a profound effect on playing days. This effect was noticed of course in the turf competitions although the impact was also felt by the many junior grade matches.

Junior participation remains strong with Milo In2Cricket in 43 centres across the region. This has particularly strong numbers in the developing corridors through Berwick and Cranbourne and augers well for the future of cricket in the region. The Southern Rangers Pathway had mixed success but managed to field both Boys and Girls teams in 14’s, 16’s and 18’s. A great effort by the under 16 boys team (Dowling Shield) who went on to win the grand final against South East Country Sharks at the Junction Oval. The Pathway produced three state representatives in Anna O’Donnell (Girls U18), Jack O’Toole (Boys U15) and Jackson Coleman (Boys U19). Schools program has displayed an increase in participation in both categories:

Super 8’s – 22 Boys and 9 Girls teams. (Increase of 2) Kanga 8’s – 71 Boys, 54 Girls and 21 Mixed Teams. (increase of

34) Coach Education and Training continued with two level 1 courses being conducted with a total of 42 participants. Congratulations go to the various champions in the region commencing with Dandenong taking out the Premier 1st Premiership. In the DDCA Springvale South won the Turf 1 premiership while the DDCA Under 21 side won the VMCU Neil Wright Shield for the third time in a row. The Lions were consecutive winners in the Victorian Sunday Cricket Competition. Buckley Ridges made the final of the Kookaburra T20 Cup for

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the second year in a row only to be defeated by East Belmont. Weather played havoc with this competition and although originally cancelled the Grand Final was ultimately played on the MCG and thanks surely goes to Cricket Victoria and Tony Dodemaide for making this final possible. Changes to the regional boundaries will have a profound impact on the region makeup in the next season. However, this gives rise to more opportunity for this developing demographic area. With the roll out of the new structure we are fortunate to again have the outstanding skills of Adrian Jones as the RCM for the region. In this role to date Adrian has been a significant influence and driving force behind the success achieved with many of these programs and initiatives. Peter Barnes Director South Metro Region

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VICTORIAN TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION The VTCA this season had 75 clubs and 220 teams on turf each weekend over a wide area of metropolitan Melbourne. It is primarily a senior turf competition, but most clubs field juniors & seniors in local associations. Several teams from clubs in other associations played in our Sunday one day competition and the newly introduced

under 17 competition A Twenty/20 competition was held & the final was again held at Port Melbourne in conjunction with a round designated Platypus Pink Ball Day which was held on the same weekend with proceeds raised being donated to the McGrath Foundation. This year also saw the introduction of an under 17 competition on turf which it is hoped will grow in future years, together with a Junior Academy where under 21 players were selected for additional specialized coaching. The red & yellow card system for breaches of our code of behaviour continued to have the desired result of improving players’ behaviour and reducing reports.

Pat Quinn Victorian Turf Cricket Association

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MATCH COMMITTEE REPORT Wright Shield Under 21 The inclement weather again had an impact on the conditions with the final round being washed out completely. However, the competition still enjoyed success. This year we played with only a single tier comprising fourteen teams playing three rounds followed by Quarter Finals then Semi Finals and a Grand Final, a format that proved to be the right formula. The Grand Final played at Windy Hill between VTCA North and the DDCA was a thrilling match with the result determined on the last ball giving the DDCA their third consecutive win. Essendon were excellent hosts to a great day attended by Geoff Tamblyn and Tony Dodemaide from CV and many of the VMCU Life Members. VCCL Under 21 Challenge Match The annual match was scheduled to be played at Central Reserve on Sunday the 6th February but unfortunately the weather intervened with significant rainfall affecting much of the cricket across the Metropolitan area for the weekend. It was not practical to reschedule the match. The players selected to play were: M Montebello (VTCA Nth), P Hiah (NMCA), D Hinge (WCA), M Rogneda (DVCA), R Johnson (C) (DDCA), C Spinella (VTCA Nth), S Eamon (NMCA), T McLean (DVCA), A Morrison (DDCA), T Ford (DDCA), B Slaverio (NMCA), S Solar (DVCA), Coach M Hawking, Team Manager P Leslie.

Neil Wright Shield Winners ‐ DDCA

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VMCU Shield In mid January another successful VMCU Junior Carnival was completed between Melbourne metropolitan cricket's finest under‐age representative teams. 18 associations, 75 teams, 251 games played in total. There were 9 associations in Grand finals and 15 associations in Semi‐finals. Weather did intervene with the Wet Weather rule getting fully tested and some changes can be expected as they were not as robust as the organizing committee liked. Pleasingly there were no reported players, however there were 3 serious injuries and it is hoped these young people fully recover for their various associations. Due to the unseasonal wet weather which had all semi‐finals washed out bar one , the Beitzel Shield final could not be played on Turf as there were no pitches prepared either on the day, or the day before, the match. This meant that late changes were made in venues to accommodate the unavailable Turf wicket. Thus the Beitzel Shield was played at Stradbroke Park North and the Mackay Cup at Leigh Park. The Under 14’s were played at Myrtle Park. All of these grounds are within 10 minutes of each other in North Balwyn. All Under 12 finals were again played at Chelsworth Park. The Union’s thanks go to Boroondara Council, Ivanhoe Grammar and the clubs who reside at these venues for allowing us to use their wonderful facilities. Whilst the weather intervened in semi‐finals, the grand finals proceeded in slow conditions which contributed to low scores. However all games were tight affairs, none the least was the Mitchell Cup which ended in a tie and the trophy shared. Congratulations to all who participated. Jim Beitzel Shield – U16 Turf In the turf competition, the final four was made up of Dandenong, Federal, Ferntree Gully, & Southern District. All semi‐finals were washed out. In the final the Dandenong DCA (5/163) def Federal CA (8/160cc) Votes for the Fred Barling Award for best player of the carnival was won Harley Smith (DVCA)

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Keith Mackay Cup – U16 Synthetic The final four included Box Hill RDCA, Heidelberg, Western Region & Yarra Valley. All semi‐finals were washed out In a grand final, Heidelberg DCA (5/108) def Box Hill RDCA (105) The Keith Mackay Award for best player of the carnival was won by David Worthington (NMCA) Russell Allen Shield – U14 This season there was two divisions for the Under 14 Competition with association’s nominating which division they wished to play in. So In the Allen Shield after the home and away rounds the semi‐finals had Mornington Peninsula, City of Moorabbin, Western Region & Box Hill Reporter as the last four again weather intervened an all games ended in a draw. In the final Mornington Peninsula CA (126) def City of Moorabbin CA (101) The Russell Allen Award for best player of the carnival was won by Jackson Mockett (MPCA) Des Nolan Cup The final four contained City or Moorabbin, Ringwood District, Eastern and Melton Juniors with all semi finals washed out. In another low scoring final, Ringwood District CA (6/86) def City of Moorabbin CA (85) The best player of the carnival was won by Joshua Trembearth (NWCA)

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Keith Mitchell Shield – U12 This season there was 14 teams entered for the Keith Mitchell Shield competition. After the home and away rounds, the ladder was then divided into 2 groups. Teams 1 to 4 competed for the Keith Mitchell Shield finals and teams 5 to 8 competed for the Keith Mitchell Cup finals. In the Keith Mitchell Shield semi finals, the sides to make it were Eastern, City of Moorabbin, Southern District and Box Hill Reporter. Again all games were washed out In the finals Eastern CA (5/84) def City of Moorabbin CA (81) The Lloyd Champion Award for best player of the carnival was won by Jaidyn Stephenson (FTGDCA) Keith Mitchell Cup ‐ U12 The sides to make the semi finals were, Diamond Valley, Mornington Peninsula, Western Region and Heidelberg. The only game completed for semi‐finals had Diamond Valley defeating Western Region. In the final, Heidelberg District CA (82) tied Mornington Peninsula CA (7/82) Josh Browne Plate – U12 The semi‐finals had Federal, Eastern, City of Moorabbin and North West, with all games washed out In the final, Eastern CA (122) def Federal District CA (84) The Alan Bailey Award for best player of the carnival was won by Jordan Kight (MJCA)

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LIFE MEMBERS 1914/15 R.Myers (d) 1916/17 H. A. Russell (d) 1918/19 C. B. Davis (d) 1922/23 D. H. Fox (d) 1927/28 J. T. V. Jones (d) 1929/30 E. E. Bean (d) 1933/34 T. J. Browne (d) 1937/38 S. T. Ellis (d) 1937/38 H. Brereton (d) 1938/39 J. J. Cantwell (d) 1942/43 A. E. Durrant (d) 1944/45 J. C. Whyte (d) 1945/46 D. A. Miller (d) 1950/51 J. P. Ward (d) 1951/52 F. W. Dickson (d) 1952/53 E. C. Yeomans (d) 1953/54 A. J. Young (d) 1955/56 J. C. MacGibbon (d) 1958/59 R. A. Burt (d) 1959/60 T. E. Cummins (d) 1961/62 L. J. Carbans (d) 1963/64 F. Lane (d) 1966/67 R. E. Davey (d) 1969/70 A. W. Jacobsen (d) 1971/72 L. C. Salvana (d) 1975/76 T. O'Brien (d) 1977/78 H. N. Wright 1979/80 M. J. C. Shaw (d) 1980/81 K. E. Mitchell 1981/82 A. K. Swift (d) 1985/86 W. O'Dwyer (d) 1987/88 L. E. Champion (d) 1988/89 R. C. Allen 1990/91 Mrs A. Mitchell 1995/96 F. Barling 1997/98 J. Beitzel (d) 2001/02 D. Nolan 2009/10 A Ince

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1913/14 VJCA 1960/61 Burwood District1914/15 Brighton District 1961/621915/19 1962/631919/20 North Suburban 1963/64 South Suburban Churches 1920/21 1964/65 Eastern Suburbs1921/22 North Suburban 1965/661922/23 1966/67 South Suburban Churches 1923/24 North Suburban 1967/68 Joint Premiers

1924/25 Essendon‐Broadmeadows Protestant Churches

1925/26 VJCA Federal District1926/27 VJCA 1968/691927/28 Caulfield District 1969/70 Ringwood & District1928/29 1970/71 Abandoned – rain1929/30 South Suburban Churches 1971/72 Federal District 1930/31 Frankston‐Glenhuntly 1972/73 South Suburban Churches 1931/32 1973/74 Eastern Suburbs1932/33 1974/75 Ringwood & District1933/34 South Suburban Churches 1975/76 Footscray1934/35 Brighton District 1976/77 Federal District1935/36 Eastern Suburbs 1977/78 Coburg District 1936/37 1978/79 Footscray1937/38 South Suburban Churches 1979/80 Ringwood & District1938/39 South Suburban Churches 1980/81 City of Moorabbin1939/40 North Suburban 1981/82 Sunshine1940/45 1982/83 Federal District1945/46 Eastern Suburbs 1983/84 Ringwood & District1946/47 Bentleigh District 1984/85 Dandenong District 1947/48 1985/86 Eastern Suburbs1948/49 Northcote‐Preston Churches 1986/87 Abandoned – rain1949/50 Essendon‐Flemington Churches 1987/88 City of Moorabbin1950/51 1988/89 Eastern Suburbs1951/52 1989/90 Jika‐Preston1952/53 Eastern Suburbs 1990/91 Sunshine1953/54 Essendon‐Flemington Churches 1991/921954/55 Eastern Suburbs 1992/93 Eastern Suburbs1955/56 Abandoned–rain 1993/94 Sunshine1956/57 North Suburban 1994/95 Sunshine

1957/58 Williamstown & District Protestant Churches

1995/96 Joint Premiers

1958/59 City of Moorabbin1959/60 CYMS Dandenong District

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1996/97 Dandenong District 1997/98 Sunshine 1998/99 Ringwood & District 1999/00 Victorian Turf CA (Sth)2000/01 Diamond Valley 2001/02 Diamond Valley 2002/03 Dandenong District 2003/04 Dandenong District 2004/05 Box Hill Reporter DCA2005/06 Diamond Valley 2006/07 Diamond Valley 2007/08 Jika CA 2008/09 Dandenong District 2009/10 Dandenong District 2010/11 Dandenong District

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2002/03 Southern District & Churches CA 2003/04 Dandenong District CA 2004/05 Dandenong District CA2005/06 Eastern CA 2006/07 Jika CA 2007/08 Ringwood & District CA 2008/09 Diamond Valley CA 2009/10 City of Moorabbin CA 2010/11 Dandenong District CA


2004/05 Eastern CA 2005/06 Ferntree Gully & District CA2006/07 no competition 2007/08 Eastern CA 2008/09 Melton Junior CA 2009/10 Gisborne & District CA2010/11 Heidelberg District CA

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2002/03 Ringwood & District CA2003/04 Ferntree Gully & District CA2004/05 Ringwood & District CA2005/06 City of Moorabbin CA2006/07 Eastern CA 2007/08 Eastern CA 2008/09 City of Moorabbin CA2009/10 Eastern CA 2010/11 Mornington Peninsula CA


2007/08 City of Moorabbin CA2008/09 Diamond Valley CA 2009/10 Melton Junior CA 2010/11 Ringwood District CA

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1984/85 Ringwood & District CA 1999/00 Dandenong District CA 1985/86 East Suburban Churches CA 2000/01 North‐West CA1986/87 Essendon‐Broadmeadows‐Keilor 2001/02 Dandenong District CA

1987/88 South Suburban Churches & District CA

2002/03 North‐West CA

1988/89 City of Moorabbin CA 2003/04 City of Moorabbin CA 1989/90 Dandenong District CA 2004/05 Joint Premiers (tied)1990/91 Essendon‐Broadmeadows‐Keilor(1 City of Moorabbin CA 1991/92 Essendon‐Broadmeadows‐Keilor(1) Ringwood & District CA 1992/93 Essendon‐Broadmeadows‐Keilor(1) 2005/06 City of Moorabbin CA 1993/94 City of Moorabbin CA 2006/07 Eastern CA1994/95 Joint Premiers 2007/08 City of Moorabbin CA

East Suburban Churches & District CA

2008/09 City of Moorabbin CA

Essendon‐Broadmeadows‐Keilor (1) 2009/10 Eastern CA1995/96 North‐West CA(1) 2010/11 Eastern CA1996/97 City of Moorabbin CA1997/98 Williamstown & District CA1998/99 North‐West CA


2002/03 Eastern CA 2009/10 Box Hill Reporter District CA 2003/04 Federal District CA 2010/11 Diamond Valley CA2004/05 Eastern CA 2005/06 Southern District & Churches CL2006/07 Diamond Valley CA 2007/08 Ferntree Gully & District CA2008/09 Dandenong District CA


2002/03 Diamond Valley CA 2009/10 North‐West CA2003/04 Eastern Churches & District CA 2010/11 Eastern CA2004/05 Eastern CA 2005/06 Joint Premiers (tied) Eastern CA North‐West CA 2006/07 Williamstown District CA2007/08 North‐West CA 2008/09 City of Moorabbin CA

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