For Official use only PROGRESS REPORT (May 2006 – January 2007) KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI (KUKUMSERI) -175 142 Directorate of Extension Education CSK HIMACHAL PRADESH KRISHI VISHVAVIDYALAYA PALAMPUR - 176 062


Page 1: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul

For Official use only


(May 2006 – January 2007)




PALAMPUR - 176 062

Page 2: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


Sr. No. Title Pages 1-8 Particulars of KVK 2 9 Description of Agro climatic conditions, area & productivity of the

district 3-5

10 Staff position 6 11 Infrastructural Development of demonstration units 6 12 List of equipments available with KVK 7 13 Particular of vehicle/tractor 7 14 Budget 2005-2006 7-8 15 Amount released by the council 8 16 Status of revolving fund 8 17 Utilization of funds (oilseed and pulses) 9 18 Detail of village adopted 9 19 Thrust areas 10 20 Salient recommendations of SAC meeting 10 21 Action taken on QRT Recommendations 11 22 Training achievements 11-13 23 Impact of training programmes 13 24 Extension activities undertaken 14 25 FLDs (oilseed) 15-16 26 FLDs (pulses) 16-17 27 FLDs (other than oilseed & pulses) 18 28 On –farm testing 18-20 29 Literature published 20-21 30 Constraints in implementation of programmes 21-22 31 Feedback 22 32 Farmers reaction 23 33 Linkage with other departments 23 34 Performance of demonstration units 23 35 Performance of KVK infrastructural Farm 23 36 Details of crop wise seed/seedlings of fruit plants produced 24 37 Utilization of hostel facilities 24 38 Staff deputed for trainings/workshops 24 39 Collaborative programmes with other agencies 25 40 Empowerment of women 25 41 Detail of additional resources generated 25 42 Innovative technology 25 43 Indigenous Technology 25 44 Training need tools/methodology 26 45 Programmes financed by Govt./other agencies 26 46 Success stories 26 47 Other Information 27


Page 3: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


(MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007)

1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul & Spiti

at Kukumseri 175 142 (H.P.)

2. Name of the Host Organization/

Instt. Address

: CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi

Vishvavidyalaya Palampur-176 062 (H.P.)

Telegraphic Address: : HIMKRISHI PALAMPUR

Fax No. : 01894 230465

E- mail: : [email protected]

3. Name of the Head of the

Organization with Designation

: Dr. D.S.Rathore

Vice Chancellor

4. Name of the Incharge of the KVK

with Designation

: Dr. Surender Kumar Thakur

Associate Professor (Training)

a) Telegraphic Address : KVK, Kukumseri (L&S)-175142

Telephone with STD Code

: 01909-222666 (O), 222210 (fax)

01909-222221 (R)

09418253165 (M)

01894-283232 (Palampur)

b) Residential Address : Scientists Hostel, Udaipur, Lahaul and Spiti-


5. Letter No. and date by which

KVK was sanctioned by ICAR

: F. No.8(1)/2002-AE-II(Pt.) dated Feb.5, 2004

6. Month and year of Inception of


: April 1, 2004

7. Details of KVK Bank Accounts

(a) With the Host Institute

(b)With the KVK




Name of the Bank Location Acct. No.

SBI Palampur 01070065022

SBI Udaipur 01100055203

8. Total Land with KVK (ha) : 2.60 ha (Undeveloped)

a) Under Building and Roads : 304 sqm (Farmer’s Hostel)

b) Under Demonstration Units : Yet to be developed

c) Under Crops : Yet to be developed

d) Orchard/Agro Forestry : Yet to be developed

e) Any other (Please specify) : --


Page 4: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


9. Brief Description of agro-climatic conditions and farming situations, area and productivity of main field/ vegetable/fruit crops and livestock of the district

Lahaul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, which falls under High Hills Dry

Temperate Zone of H.P., is the remotest and most inaccessible area situated in north east

part of the state. The area has most difficult terrain, snow covered mountain peaks and most

inhospitable climate. Though the elevation varies between 2575 to 6700 m a s l, but the

cultivable land is up to 4400 m. The sole access to Lahaul is Rohtang pass (3980 m) and the

area remains cut off for most part of the year due to snowfall on Rohtang. The Spiti region

of the district is a separate geographical unit separated from Lahaul by Kunzum pass (4551

m) and is typical "Cold Desert" much more difficult with lowest point at 3050 m a s l.

Socio-demographic and land utilization pattern features of the district are as under:

Demographic features of Lahaul-Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh

Particulars Lahaul-Spiti Total population 31294 Sex Ratio/1000 male 817 Density per sq.Km. 2 Literacy rate (%) Male Female

56.82 71.78 38.65

Main workers(Nos.) Cultivators Agril. Labourers Household industries Other workers

16954 8363 873 130 7188

Total geographical area(000, ha) By village papers By professional survey

215.6 911.1

Land Utilization statistics of Lahaul-Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh (ha)

Particulars Lahaul Spiti Total Total geographical area 201041 710054 911095Forests 134887(67.09)* 483(0.07) 135370(14.86)Barren and uncultivable land 1557(0.77) 549808(77.43) 551365(60.51)Cultivable waste land 287(0.14) 436(0.06) 723(0.08)Permanent pastures and other grasslands

62079(30.88) 158061(22.26) 220140(24.16)

Land under miscellaneous trees etc.

51(0.03) 51(0.01) 102(0.01)

Fallow land 58(0.03) 102(0.02) 160(0.02)Net sown area 2122(1.06) 1113(0.15) 3235(0.36)Area sown more than once 121(0.06) - 121(0.01)Total cropped area 2243(1.12) 1113(0.15) 3356(0.37)

*Values in the parentheses are the percentage of the total geographical area

Page 5: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


Climate and soil Due to variation in geographical location, altitude, topography etc. there is great

diversity in climate. In general the climate is extremely cold and heavy snowfall occurs

during winter and the temperature remains several degrees below zero. Winter season

extends from November to March and the district remains cut off from the rest of the world

during this period. The spring-summer seasons are from April to September and monthly

maximum and minimum temperature varies between 12-24°C and 4.7-17°C, respectively.

The rainfall also varies from one location to another (90-470.3 mm) with average rainfall of

250 mm per annum. The soil of the district is sandy to sandy loam in texture, neutral in

reaction, and low to medium in fertility.

Crops and cropping pattern

The agriculture in the district has virtually kharif/summer as full cropping season.

The area is famous for production of off-season pea, seed potato and hops. Of late due to

marketing problem area under hops has decreased tremendously during the last five years.

Other crops grown in the area are buckwheat, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip,

wheat, barley and rajmash. Besides these, French beans, kuth, tomato and capsicum are also

grown. In Spiti, the farmers also grow peas and take it as pulse. In general, mono cropping

is followed and all crops are grown simultaneously from April-October. However, in

Udaipur sub-division of Lahaul, double cropping system viz. pea-buckwheat, pea- mustard,

barley-buckwheat and peas-oats/maize for fodder is followed. The climate is suitable for

seed production of red clover and other temperate grasses and vegetables. All crops are

raised under irrigated conditions through 'Kuhls' in which natural gravitational water flows.

The 'Kuhls' are fed by melting snow of glaciers, snow fields and avalanches. The area and

productivity of different crops in Lahaul & Spiti district is presented below:

Area and productivity of different crops in Lahaul & Spiti district of H.P.

Area (ha) S. No. Crop

Lahaul Spiti Total



1. Pea 842 368 1210 54.82

2. Potato 839 35 874 290.00

3. Hops 40 - 40 32.96

4. Kuth 54 - 54 50.16

5. Rajmash 21 8 29 33.79

6. Buckwheat 175 - 175 21.29

Page 6: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


7. Maize 35 - 35 31.48

8. Wheat 96 89 185 32.14

9. Barley 98 549 647 24.20

10. Vegetables 26 - 26 -

11. Fruits 230 228.6 458.6 -

12. Others 6 19 25 -

Total 2462 1296.6 3758.6 -

Agro forestry and pasture lands Fodder trees like willow (Salix alba) and Robinia (Robinia pseudoacasia) are

grown by the farmers on sloppy lands near the village on community basis.Farmers also

raise willow and seabuckthorn (Hippophae spp.) on field bunds. Willow is the major

component of this system which is relied upon for the supply of fodder, fuel and timber. In

Lahaul, farmers have pastures where grasslands are irrigated to get luxuriant growth of


Farmers of the valley are also growing medicinal plants like kuth and manu in their

cultivated fields. Some farmers also collect the important medicinal and aromatic plants

from the high altitude areas of the valley like karu, patish, panja, ban kakri, chora and

kalazira. Hops are also cultivated by some farmers of Pattan valley.

Animal husbandry

Animal husbandry remains an indispensable sector in agriculture of Lahaul and

Spiti. Inspite of adverse climate and scarce fodder very good cross breeds of Jersey cows

are found with every house hold. Good cross breeds of sheep are also available in the

valley.There are some goats, and poultry farming at backyard level is also practiced. Other

than that a traditional cross between yak and cow called “Churu/Churi” is also found.

Female (Churi) is used as milk animal and male (churu) is a very efficient draught animal in

the harsh climate and difficult terrain.

Page 7: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


10. Staff Position (as on 30th September, 2006)

S. No.

Name and Designation as per sanctioned strength

Discipline Pay scale* with present basic pay

Date of joining*

Total emoluments

Category SC/ST/ OBC/ Others

1. Dr. S K Thakur Associate Professor (Training)

Soil Science 12000-18000 (12000)

3.5.06 23770 Others

2. Dr. Pardeep Kumar Assistant Extension Specialist

Plant Pathology

8000-13500 (9100)

7.4.06 18134 SC

3. Dr. R K Rana Assistant Extension Specialist

Pomology 8000-13500 (9100)

10.4.06 18134 Others

4. Dr. P K Sharma Assistant Extension Specialist

Agro-forestry/ Forestry

8000-13500 (9100)

10.4.06 18134 Others

5. Dr. Anjana Patial Assistant Extension Specialist

Entomology 8000-13500 (9100)

10.4.06 18134 ST

6. Dr. Dinesh Krofa Assistant Extension Specialist

Veterinary/ Animal Sciences

8000-13500 (8000)

10.4.06 18350 ST

7. Sh. B L Dhadwal Superintendent

-- 6410-10980 (10980)

31.3.05 22096 Others

8. Sh. Jagdish Kumar Technical Assistant

Agriculture 5000-8100 (6800)

11.8.05 14090 Others

* For those staff who are in position

11. Infrastructural Development including demonstration units available with the


Stage Cost (lakhs) Estimate (for new building)

Source of fund

Name of building Completed (plinth area in sqm.)

Incomplete (plinth area in sqm.)

Administrative Building -- -- 77.29 ICAR Farmer’s Hostel 304.28 -- -- ICAR Staff Quarters (6) -- -- 55.20 ICAR Demonstration units -- -- 23.67 ICAR Any other Land development, polyhouse, threshing floor & approach road to KVK





Total -- -- 169.66 --

Page 8: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


12 List of equipments available with the KVK (Item above Rs. 5000) S.No. Name of equipment Cost (Rs) Date of

purchase Condition

1 Over head projector 8,111 30.3.1999 Good 2 Photocopier 84,201 31.3.1999 Not in working

order 3 Portable Generator 43,424 28.3.2000 Good 4 Tiller 9-Tones 13,343 5.5.2002 Good 5 Computer system 44,630 28.3.2003 Good 6 PA system 23,760 27.12.2003 Good 7 UPS 6,950 9.1.2002 Good 8 HP laser jet printer 15,225 9.1.2003 Good 9 Scanner 9,600 27.3.2003 Good 13. Particulars of Vehicles i.e. Mini bus, Jeep, Scooter, Motor Cycle and Tractor Type of Vehicle

Year of Purchase

Opening Reading

Closing Reading

Distance covered during the year

Total distance covered so far

Present condition of the vehicle

1.Tractor M-F

7.2.2002 435 hr 545 hrs 110 hrs 545 hrs Good

14. Budget for the financial year 2005-06 (Rs. in lakhs) S. No.

Particulars Sanctioned Released

Expenditure Balance as on 1.4.06

A Recurring Items 1 Pay and allowance 17.00 17.00 7.32905 9.670952 Traveling allowance 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.003 Contingencies 7.20 7.20 3.0562 4.1438 (a) Stationery, telephone,

postage and other expenditure on office running

-- -- -- --

(b) POLs, repair of vehicles, tractor and equipments

-- -- -- --

(c) Vocational training -- -- -- -- (i) Meals/refreshment for

trainees (ceiling up to Rs. 40 per day per trainees be maintained)

-- -- -- -

(ii) Training Materials (poster, charts, demonstration materials including chemicals etc. required for conducting training)

-- -- -- --

(iii) FLD other than -- -- -- --

Page 9: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


oilseeds and pulses (minimum of 30 demonstrations in a year)

(iv) On-Farm Testing (on need based, location specific and newly generated information in the major production system of the area)

-- -- -- --

(v) Training of extension functionaries

-- -- -- --

(vi) Library maintenance and adding new books

-- -- -- --

(vii) Maintenance of building

-- -- -- --

Total (A) 24.45 24.45 10.63525 13.81475B Non recurring items 1 Works (main

building/farmer hostel/ Residence/demonstration etc.

-- -- -- --

2 Equipment, furniture & furnishing

8.60 8.60 -- 8.60

3 Tractor /farm implements

-- -- -- --

4 Purchase /replacement of vehicles

-- -- -- --

5 Library 0.10 0.10 0.10 --6 Others -- -- -- -- Total (B) 8.70 8.70 0.10 8.60C Revolving fund -- -- -- -- Grand total (A+B+C) 33.15 33.15 10.73525 22.41475 15. Amount released by the Council: Rs. 33.15 lakhs 16. Status of revolving fund (Rs. In Lakh): for three years Date of sanction/release by the Council : 01.04.2004 Amount released by the Council : 1.00 lakh Amount refunded to the council : Nil

Expected income Year Opening balance Interest Farm income

Net balance in hand as on 1st April of each year

2003-04 -- -- -- -- 2004-05 -- -- -- -- 2005-06 1.00 0.02663 0.020 1.04663

Page 10: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


17. Utilization of Funds under FLD on Oilseeds/Pulses (Units in Rs.)

Sanctioned by ZC

Released by the Host Institution

Expenditure Item

Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi

Unspent balance on 1st April

Oilseeds Inputs 3500 -- 3500 -- 3500 -- Nil Extension activities

500 - 500 - 500 -- Nil

TA/DA/POL etc. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Contingencies 500 -- 500 -- 500 -- Nil Total 4500 -- 4500 -- 4500 -- Nil Pulses Inputs 6860 -- 6860 -- 6860 -- Nil Extension activities

980 -- 980 -- 980 -- Nil

TA/DA/POL etc. 380 -- 380 -- 588 -- -208 Contingencies 600 -- 600 -- 600 -- Nil Total 8820 -- 8820 -- 9028 -- -208 18. Details of villages adopted/farm families selected and survey conducted

a) No. of villages adopted : 1

b) No. of farm families selected : 38

c) Survey/PRA conducted : --

During PRA the cropping pattern of the sample households revealed that cash crops

i.e. seed potato and pea dominated all other crops by contributing 75 to 77 per cent to the

total cropped area. The rest of the 23-25 per cent of the area was being occupied by other

crops such as wheat, barley, rajmash, vegetables, buckwheat, kuth, hops, fruits and

pasture/ghasnis. Leaving aside the commercial crop rest all were being grown in small

areas for their own domestic use. Through triangulation the consensus developed on

various problems that needed external help for solution were; good high yielding disease

resistant varieties of pea and potato, lack of knowledge on control of weeds, insect-pest and

diseases, substitute or alternative for cash crops of pea and potato, declining productivity of

pea and potato, costly inputs, transportation and marketing. Based on the feedback received

during PRA, the action plan of KVK was formulated in which OFT, demonstration and

training programmes concerning the problems so revealed were conducted. The KVK

started search for alternative cash crops such as vegetables and fruits besides introduction of

new high yielding disease resistant varieties of peas and potato in addition to training and

demonstration on full package of practices for both the crops.

Page 11: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


19. Thrust areas identified through PRA or any other method:

• Package & practices for production of disease free seed of pea and potato

• Development of high yielding and disease resistant(root rot/wilt complex and

powdery mildew) cultivars of pea and rajmash

• Evaluation of buckwheat cultivars suitable for double cropping

• Cultivation of off-season vegetables and seed production of temperate vegetables

• Protected cultivation of vegetables

• Development of IPM practices for the important insect pests and diseases

• Popularization of apple cultivation

• Post-harvest technology of hops, vegetables and fruits

• Introduction of improved fodder and grass species

• Popularization of balanced feeds, UMB and supplementary rations for milch


20. Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting: September 02, 2006 S.No. Salient recommendations Action taken Remarks

1. More emphasis should be

given to impart training on

vermi composting and

cultivation of seabuckthorn

Training camps were organized on

popularization of vermi composting and

seabuckthorn in different villages.

4th SAC


2. Demonstration/on farm

trials should be conducted

in different part of all the

valleys and training camps

should be organized in the

morning and evening


During this year the demonstration/ field

trials were conducted in all the valleys.

On the suggestion regarding timing of

training, Kendra is organizing off

campus training camps early in the

morning and late in the evening as per

the farmers convenience.


3. Management of disease in

pea through resistant

varieties, crop rotation and

fungicide application needs

to be done

In every training camp, farmers are

advised to follow crop rotation and seed

treatment for the control of root rot/wilt

complex in pea. On farm trials were also

conducted on tolerant/resistant cultivars

of pea in different villages.


4. Plantation of fruit crops Training camps are being organized on -do-

Page 12: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


especially apple, apricot

and almond in the

grasslands should be done

to harvest fodder and fruits


the popularization of fruit crops in the


5 To organize trainings on

judicious use of fertilizers,

insecticides/ pesticides

In every training camp farmers are being

advised to use the recommended doses

of fertilizers, insecticides/ pesticides


21. Action taken on QRT Recommendations: NA 22. Training Achievements (including sponsored training) The details of on- campus, off-campus and sponsored trainings to be given separately as per format given below: Off-campus

No. of participants No of SC/ST participants

Discipline No. of courses

M F Total M F Total Practicing Farmers/Farm Women 1. Agriculture Extension -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2. Agriculture Engineering

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

3. Agro Forestry 5 -- -- -- 64 54 118 4. LPM 6 -- -- -- 78 25 103 5. Crop Production 3 -- -- -- 62 32 94 6. Fisheries -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7. Home Science -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8. Horticulture 4 -- -- -- 71 17 88 9. Plant Protection 9 -- -- -- 127 87 214 10. Soil Fertility and Management

5 -- -- -- 87 28 115

11. Others* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Total 31 -- -- -- 489 243 732 *Others may include the courses on mushroom production, apiculture, rural craft and sericulture or any other discipline but it may be specified.

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No. of participants SC/ST participants Discipline No. of

courses M F Total M F Total

Rural youths, Practicing Farmers/Farm Women

1. Agriculture Extension -- -- -- -- -- -- --

2. Agriculture


-- -- -- -- -- -- --

3. Apiculture -- -- -- -- -- -- --

4. LPM 1 -- -- -- 16 3 19

5. Crop Production 2 -- -- -- 10 45 55

6. Fodder management/


2 -- -- -- 27 25 52

7. Home Science -- -- -- -- -- -- --

8. Horticulture 1 -- -- -- 0 24 24

9. Plant Protection 6 -- -- -- 71 85 156

10.Vegetable Production -- -- -- -- -- -- --

11. Others*

Soil Fertility








Total 13 -- -- -- 128 196 324

*Others may include the courses on biofertilizers, biopesticide, medicinal plant, sericulture and soil fertility (specify).

Page 14: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


No. of participants SC/ST participants Discipline No. of

courses M F Total M F Total

Extension Functionaries

Agriculture Extension -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Agriculture Engineering -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Agro-forestry 1 -- -- -- 12 0 12

LPM 1 -- -- -- 10 0 10

Crop Production -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Fisheries -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Home Science -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Horticulture 1 -- -- -- 9 0 9

Plant Protection -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Soil Fertility 1 -- -- -- 5 0 5

Others* -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Total 4 -- -- -- 36 0 36

*Others may include the courses on Agri-business apiculture, medicinal plant, mushroom production, rural crafts and sericulture (specify).

Sponsored Training Programmes

No. of total participants

No. of SC/ST participants

Title of Training

Discipline Month Duration (days)

M F Total M F Total

Sponsoring agency

Organic Farming

Multi disciplinary

July 1 (three locations)

-- -- -- 72 16 88 DRDA

M- Male ; F- Female 23. Impact of Training Programmes on Beneficiaries: Yet to be assessed

Change in income (Rs.) Name of Specific

Technology/ Skill transferred

No. of trainees

% of adoption Before

training (per ha)

After training (per ha)

Impact indicator

Page 15: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


24. Extension Activities undertaken

No. of beneficiaries No. of Extension Functionaries

S.No. Activities No Date

M F Total M F Total


1. Kisan Mela -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2. Field days

with date, crop wise details 1. Pea 2. Rajmash 3. Sarson 4. Potato

1 1 1 1

23.8.06 24.8.06 5.9.06 6.9.06

31 23 18 24

7 9 13 1

38 32 31 25

-- -- -- --

-- -- -- --

-- -- -- --

-- -- -- --

3. Kisan goshti 6 12, 13, 23 & 24.8.06 5.9.06 and 5.10.06

120 39 159 -- -- -- --

4. Radio Talk -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5. TV Show -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6. Film Show -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7. Exhibition -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8. Newspaper

coverage 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

9. Advisory Services

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

10. Ex-trainees Sammelan

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

11. World Food day

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

12. Women in Agriculture

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

13. Any other (specify) Science day

1 21.11.06 50 30 80 -- -- -- --

• Participants invariably be specified in number. • Enclose photocopies of newspaper coverage with title in English News paper coverage titles i) Lahaul mein sukhne lage seb ke paed ii) Seb ke bageechon mein 25 phisadi paragon kismen jaroori iii) Madgran mein Kisan jagrookta shivir iv) Barish se supper quality ka hoga seb v) Aalo ki vagyanik kheti ke bare mein bataya vi) Seb se mehngi bik rahi hai nashpati vii) Kisano ko carbanic kheti ki jankari di viii) Carbanic kheti Karen kisan ix) Kisano ne sikhe vermicompost banana ke tarike x) Kisano ko di javik kheti kerne ki salah

Page 16: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul


xi) Kisano ne sikhe sarson ki kheti ke gur xii) Lahaul mein door hogi pashu chare ki kamin xiii) Lahaul aalo ko laga jhulsa rog xiv) Kisano ko dien begayanik jankari:-krishi vishav vidhiyalay Palmpur ke up-

kulpati ka sujhaw xv) Adhikaryon ne jane aushdhiae poudhon ke gur xvi) Aushdiae poudhon ki kheti per bal xvii) Krishi Adhikaraion ko di nursery ugane ki takneek

25. (A) Front line Demonstrations (Give crop wise details)-Oilseeds Crop: Toria Season:Kharif Farming Situation (Rainfed/Irrigated):Irrigated Year:2005

Area (ha) No. of Farmers/Demonstration Crops

Proposed Actual SC/ST others Total


Toria 1 1 10 - 10 --

Total 1 1 10 - 10 --

NB: Attach a few photographs with title at the back of photographs with pencil (B) Performance of Frontline Demonstration (FLD) on Oilseeds Crop:Toria Season: Kharif Sowing Date: July,2005

Harvesting Date: Sept/Oct.2005

Farming situation: Irrigated, Soil type -Sandy loam , District-Lahaul and Spiti

Agroclimatic zone: High Hills Dry Temperate, Previous year cropping pattern: Pea-Mustard

Status of NPK: Lab. yet to be established Seasonal Rainfall (mm) : Scanty

Yield (q/ha) Cost of additional

cash inputs (Rs/ha) Demonstration

Variety No. of farmers

Area (ha)

Highest Lowest Avg. Local check

Increase in yield (%) Demon

stration Local check

Gross returns

Net returns


10 1.0 11.0 8.5 9.5 6.25 52 2080 1880 19000 16920

(C) Analytical review of component of demonstrations Crop Season Farming

situation Component Average

yield (q/ha) Local check (q/ha)

% increase in productivity over local check

Toria Kharif Irrigated Seed (Bhawani) +Fertilizer (NPK)

9.50 6.25 52

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(D) Technical Feedback

1. High yielding, short duration variety of mustard need to be developed, so that it

can be taken as a second crop after pea or barley.

(E) Farmers reactions

1. Farmers are growing local mustard as a second crop after pea or barley and

apply only urea fertilizer. With the introduction of toria (Bhawani) and using

recommended fertilizers yields has been increased by 52% and the farmers are

satisfied with its performance.

(F) Extension and training activities S. No. Activity Date No. of



No. of



1. Field Days -- 1 35 --

2. Farmers Training -- 5 133 --

26. (A) Front line Demonstrations (Give crop wise details)-Pulses Crop:Rajmash Season:Kharif Farming Situation (Rainfed/Irrigated):Irrigated Year:2005

Area (ha) No. of Farmers/Demonstration Crops

Proposed Actual SC/ST others Total


Rajmash 2 2 50 -- 50 --

Total 2 2 50 -- 50 --

NB: Attach a few photographs with title at the back of photographs with pencil

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(B) Performance of Frontline Demonstration (FLD) on Pulses Crop: Rajmash Season: Kharif Sowing Date: May, 2005

Harvesting Date: Sept/Oct.2005

Farming situation: Irrigated Soil type -Sandy loam District-Lahaul and Spiti

Agroclimatic zone: High Hills Dry Temperate, Previous year cropping pattern: Pea-Potato

Status of NPK: Lab. yet to be established Seasonal Rainfall (mm): Scanty

Yield (q/ha) Cost of additional

cash inputs (Rs/ha) Area (ha)


Variety No. of farmers

Highest Lowest Avg. Local check

Increase in yield (%) Demon

stration Local check

Gross returns

Net returns

Him -1 10 0.4 23.0 20.0 21.0 15.8 32.91 4400 3000 73500 69100 Kancha

n 20 0.8 22.25 18.50 19.8

0 15.8 25.32 4400 3000 69300 64900

Triloki 20 0.8 24.00 21.00 22.40

15.8 41.77 4400 3000 78400 74000

(C) Analytical review of component of demonstrations Crop Season Farming

situation Component Average

yield (q/ha)

Local check (q/ha)

% increase in productivity over local check

Rajmash Kharif Irrigated Seed

Him-1 21.0 15.8 32.91 Kanchan 19.8 15.8 25.32 Triloki 22.4 15.8 41.77 (D) Technical Feedback

1. Availability of seeds of improved varieties of rajmash is insufficient. There is urgent need to produce quality seeds in large amounts.

(E) Farmers reactions

1. Farmers are appreciative of the improved varieties of rajmash which yields higher over local mixture.

(F) Extension and training activities Sr No. Activity Date No. of activities

organized No. of participants


1. Field Days -- 1 42 -- 2. Farmers Training -- 7 146 --

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27. Front line demonstrations on other than oilseeds and pulses Crop Season: Kharif Farming situation: Irrigated Year: 2006

Area (ha) No. of farmers/demo. Crop Proposed Actual


Others Total


Pea -- 12 90

-- 90 -

Potato -- 1.25 4 -- 4 - Red clover -- 0.2 5 -- 5 - Winter Wheat -- 1.4 14 -- 14 -

NB: Attach a few photographs with title at the back of photographs with pencil Performance of Frontline Demonstration (FLD) on other than oilseeds and pulses Sr.No. Crop Farming


Average yield


Maximum yield


1. Pea Irrigated 92 107

2. Potato Irrigated 181 198

3. Red clover Irrigated 142 150

4. Winter wheat Irrigated 32 38

28. Results of On-Farm Trials of farm technology a) Number of on-farm trials Crop/


















Cereals -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Oilsedds -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Pulses -- -- -- -- -- -- --



-- -- -- -- 26 -- 26


fruits and


-- -- -- -- -- 6 6



-- -- -- -- -- -- --

Total -- -- -- -- 26 6 32

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b) Results of on-farm trials Sr.No.

Crop/ enterprise

Farming situation

Problem identified


Treatments Production per unit

1. Pea Irrigated Cutworm infestation

-- 1. Chlorpyriphos (0.04%) 2. Farmers Practice (collection and destruction of larvae)

115 q/ha 75 q/ha

2. Potato Irrigated Weeds -- 1.Pendimethaline @1.2 kg/ha 2. Atrazine @ 1.0 kg/ha 3. Pendimethaline @1.2 kg/ha + Atrazine 1.0 kg/ha 4. Farmers practice (hand weeding at 80% germination of crop)

230 q/ha 216 q/ha 235 q/ha 190 q/ha

3. Pea Irrigated Weeds -- 1. Pendimethaline @1.2 kg/ha 2. Pendimethaline @1.5 kg/ha 3. Farmers practice (hand weeding at 6-leaf stage)

110 q/ha 112q/ha 93 q/ha

c) Performance of on –farm trial Crop:- Pea Season:- Kharif Farming situation:- Irrigated Treatments (including control) OFT/VT Number

of Farmers

Area (ha) Yield (q/ha)

% increase in yield over control

T1= Chlorpyriphos (0.04%) 115 53 T2 =Farmers Practice

OFT 6 0.50 75 --

OFT- On-farm trial; V.T. – verification trials Crop:- Potato Season:- Kharif Farming situation:- Irrigated Treatments (including control) OFT/VT Number

of Farmers

Area (ha) Yield (q/ha)

% increase in yield over control

1.Pendimethaline @1.2 kg/ha 230 21.0 2. Atrazine @ 1.0 kg/ha 216 14.0 3. Pendimethaline @1.2 kg/ha + Atrazine 1.0 kg/ha

235 24.0

4. Farmers practice (hand weeding at 80% germination of crop)

OFT 6 0.50

190 --

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Crop:- Pea Season:- Kharif Farming situation:- Irrigated Treatments (including control) OFT/VT Number

of Farmers

Area (ha) Yield (q/ha)

% increase in yield over control

1. Pendimethaline @1.2 kg/ha OFT 20 1.50 110 18.3 2. Pendimethaline @1.5 kg/ha 112 20.4 3. Farmers practice (hand weeding at 6-leaf stage)

93 --

29. Literature Developed/Published (With full title, authors and references) Sr.No. Item Title Author 1. Research Paper Nil -- -- 2. Technical Reports (i) A report on frontline

demonstration on oilseed and pulse crops (2005) (ii) Annual Progress Report (October 2005-September 2006) (iii) Annual action plan (2007) of KVK Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri (iv) FLD Seasonal report of KVK Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri


3. Technical Bulletins Nil -- 4. Popular Articles 1. Aloo ka murzhan rog:

Karan avam prabandhan 2. Seb ke pouhon per scale keet ka prokop avam prabandhan upay 3. Shushak shitoshan kshetron mein kaise karein kisan seb ke ppudhon mein khadon/urvarkon ka paryog

Dr Pardeep Kumar, Dr R K Rana, Dr Paeveen Sharma and Dr Anjana Patial Dr R K Rana Dr S K Thakur, Dr Paeveen Sharma and Dr Anjana Patial

5. Extension literatures

Kuth ki Krishikaran Taknik

Aloo ka murjhan rog Phari kshetron ke

pashuon hetu sasta avam uttam chara

Scale keet ka parkop va parvardhan

Dr P K Sharma Dr. Pardeep Kumar Dr Dinesh Krofa Dr Anjana Patial

6. Any other (Specify) (i) Monthly progress reports

KVK Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri (7 Nos.) (ii) Quarterly Progress report

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KVK Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri (3 Nos.) (iii) A Report for Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting KVK Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri (iv) Annual Progress Report KVK Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri

NB:- please enclose a copy of each. In case of literatures prepared in local languages indicates the title in English 30. Constraints in implementing KVK mandates

a) Administrative

The vacant posts as has been sanctioned in the regular KVK are required to be filled

up immediately.

Budget should be allocated for construction of lab-cum-office building, staff quarter

and demonstration units.

Vehicle is a major problem to carry out the smooth working of KVK. Public

transport system is very poor and hiring charges of taxies are location based instead

of mileage based.

b) Financial

The land allocated to KVK is undeveloped hence; additional budget is required for

the development of land.

Working season is only from April – October and the area remains cut off from rest

of the world from November till April and some times upto June. It becomes

difficult to arrange inputs due to blockage during crop season; hence the permission

to utilize the funds of next year during the month of September-October is required

to be given. So that inputs could be purchased and stored at Kendra for use in the

next season.

Under FLD on pulses and oilseeds funds are released after sowing time of crops is

over. Therefore, permission may be granted to conduct FLD in the following year.

c) Technical

Almost all the inputs are procured from outside for which many a times

transportation charges are more than cost of inputs. Therefore, a special provision be

made for extra transportation fund or provision of University truck/transport on POL

basis instead of hiring charges.

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Because of limited cropping season, farmers remain engaged in their own field

activities, thus unable to spare time for trainings particularly the On-Campus


31. Technical Feedback: Client Brief but specific description of feedback Action taken



• Fertilizers recommendations based on soil test values

• Crop diversification in respect of double cropping/inter


• Development of disease resistant high yielding varieties

• Management of disease complex in pea, potato and rajmash

• Management of complex weed flora

• Management of insect pests

• Short duration varieties of buckwheat to fit in pea / barley –

buckwheat double cropping system

• Infertility problem in animals.

• Management of diseases and insect pests in apple, willow,

seabuckthorn and poplar etc

• Conservation of locally available bio-resources Forecasting

of diseases in pea, potato and apple




• Strengthening of input supply line and timely availability of

the inputs

• Popularization of mineral mixture, balanced milk ration and

Uromin Mineral Bricks for animals

• Popularization of Organic farming.

• Collaborative approach among line departments.

For policy


• Timely transportation of seed potato and marketing of potato,

pea, hop and other vegetables be ensured

• Incentive be given for raising improved milk breeds of cow

• Incentive to popularize improved small farm implements

• Incentive to popularize sprinkler and drip irrigation system.


are already

in progress

on almost all

of these


Page 24: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT - Hill Agric REPORT KRISHI VIGYA KENDRA LAHAUL & SPITI AT KUKUMSERI (MAY 2006 – JANUARY 2007) 1. Name and address of the KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul

32. Farmer’s Reaction:

1. Majority of the farmers were of the opinion that they have grown good crops because of technology extended by the KVK.

2. Farmers want root rot/ wilt complex disease resistant varieties of pea. 33. Functional Linkage with different organizations Sr. No. Name of the organization Nature of linkage 1. District Administration Participation in training and demonstration

2. Department of Agriculture Participation in training, demonstration

and joint diagnostic survey

3. Department of Horticulture Participation in training, demonstration and

joint diagnostic survey

4. Nehru Yuva Kendra Training programmes

5. Department of Welfare -do-

6. ICAR, New Delhi Funding agency for running KVK

7. DRDA Training programmes

8. Animal Husbandry Department Training programmes

9. Irrigation and Public Health Training programmes

10. Department of Forest Training programmes

11. Department of Industries Training programmes

12. Lahaul Potato Growers Society Training programmes

13. Hops and chicory Society Training programmes

14 Lahaul and Spiti Seabuckthorn Training programmes

Cooperative Society

34. Performance of Demonstration units on different enterprises (Other than instructional farm):-Nil

Sr. No.

Demonstration unit

Year of establishment

Area Details of production

Amount (Rs.)


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 35. Performance of KVK Instructional Farm (Crops),including Seed Production :- Nil Sr. No.

Name of the crop

Date of sowing

Date of harvesting

Area (ha)

Detail of production

Amount (Rs.)


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


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36. Indicate seed/ /seedling produced and sold to the farmers (the information on production of seed/seedlings furnished vide table 34 and 35 should also be included): Nil

a) For cereal, pulse, oilseed crops etc.: Nil

Sr. No. Crops variety Quantity (qt) -- -- -- --

b) For fruits/vegetable/plantation crops etc. : Nil

Sr. No. Crops variety Quantity

(number in 000) -- -- -- --

37. Utilization of Hostel Facilities, Accommodation available (No. of beds)

Staff yet to be appointed and the building is presently being used as office building

Month date No. of trainee stayed

Trainee days (days stayed)

Reason for shortfall (if any)

April -- -- -- -- May -- -- -- -- 38. Staff deputed for training/ Workshop Name and designation

Discipline Title of the course/ Workshop etc.

Institute where deputed

Period of training/ workshop

Dr S K Thakur, Associate Professor (Training)

Soil Science FLD workshop KVK, Hamirpur at Bara

2 days

All the Scientists -- Agricultural Officer workshop on Kharif crops

CSK HPKV Palampur

2 days

All the Scientists -- Desert development workshop

DC Office Keylong

1 day

Dr Anjana Patial, AES

Entomology Bioinformatic tools in genome analysis

CSK HPKV Palampur

3 days

Dr S K Thakur, Associate Professor (Training) Dr Pardeep Kumar, AES Dr Parveen Sharma, AES

Soil Science Plant Pathology Agroferesry

Agricultural Officer workshop on Rabi crops

CSK HPKV Palampur

2 days

All Scientist -- Motivation Skill EEI, Nilokheri, HAU- Hisar at CSK HPKV,

6 days

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Palampur Dr Pardeep Kumar AES

Plant Pathology

Soil Health and Crop Disease Management

GBPUAT, Pantnagar

21 days

Dr R K Rana AES

Pomology Right to Information Act 2005

CSK HPKV, Palampur

1 day

39. Details of collaborative programme with other agencies Four multi disciplinary training programmes were organized in collaboration

with State Department of Agriculture and IPH

40. Detailed description of programmes organized on women empowerment:

Trainings are regularly imparted to women farmers through Mahila Mandals of

different villages and self help groups in the district..

41. Details of Resource mobilization: - Nil Sr. No. Activities Amount received Name of the

resource/agencies -- -- -- -- 42. Indicate any innovative technology adopted/work done to implement the KVK

programmes or any innovative methodology of transfer of technology developed during the year

Seed treatment in pea through slurry method against root rot/wilt and white

rot diseases in pea.

Chemical weed control in pea, potato and rajmash

Introduction of fruit trees in the grasslands.

Capsicum as an alternative cash crop.

Toria as second crop after pea and barley.

43. Indicate any indigenous technology practiced by the farmers in the KVK

operational area which can be considered for technology development (give detail with suitable photographs)

Farmers make furrows with hand plough in between two lines in pea and

rajmash for better water use efficiency, thereby reducing soil erosion and

nutrient losses.

Trunk of Salix (2-4 years old plantation) is covered with gunny bags or/and

thorny bushes to protect the bark from being eaten by the animals.

Farmers store the seed potato in underground pits during winter season.

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For consumption during the winter months, the local people store cabbage

heads in covered trenches by burying the roots in the soil to keep them fresh.

Tomato plants alongwith matured green fruits are hanged inside the room for

use during winters as and when the fruits ripe.

44. Indicate the specific training need tools/methodology followed for

Identification of courses for farmers/farm women:- Scientists-farmers interactions

were tools used to identify the following problems

Weed control in different cash crops to reduce women drudgery

Demonstration of improved high yielding disease resistant varieties of pea

Disease and insect pest management in commercially grown crops

Improvement of pasture lands to increase fodder productivity

Raising of nursery seedlings under polyhouse

Utilization of marginal lands by planting apple trees

Post harvest technology (drying of vegetables, pickle preparation etc.) for


Rural youth

Off-season vegetable production technology

Nursery production of horticultural crops

In-service personnel

Safe use of pesticides

Organic farming

Conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants 45. Any other special programme undertaken by the KVK, which have been

financed by state Govt./ other agencies:- Nil 46. Success stories/case study (if any):( two-three pages write-up with suitable

photographs) :- Nil

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47. Please indicate information, which have not reflected above (write in detail):- Projects submitted for funding: Sr. No.

Name of the project Budget (in Lacs)

Funding agency

1. Enhancing farm income of the farming community by providing high tech diseases free and healthy vegetable nursery in Lahaul & Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh

3.75 Tribal Development Government of H.P.

2. Development of facility for nursery production for fruit crops in dry temperate zone

26.76 --do--

3. Integrated crop management practices and efficient use of water for maximizing production in IPH division Lahaul

8.02 IPH Dept. Govt. of H.P.

4. Establishment of fruit garden of high yielding cultivars of temperate fruit crops and its propagation in polyhouse in dry temperate zone of Himachal Pradesh

16.21 Horticulture Technology Mission

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Kisan Mela

Farmers Visit to KVK Farm

Field Day on Rajmash 34

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Animal Clinical camp

35Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting

Farmers visit to KVK Museum

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Demonstration Block


Scientists Suggesting Solution for Farmer’s Problems