Annual Activities Report Period 2014 · thesis and monograph committees 5 - 5 - - 6 16 Advising on...

UNESCO CHAIR in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report Period 2014

Transcript of Annual Activities Report Period 2014 · thesis and monograph committees 5 - 5 - - 6 16 Advising on...

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in Youth,


and Society

Annual Activities Report

Period 2014

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UNESCO Representative in Brazil

Ambassador Lucien André Muñoz

Chancellor of the Catholic University of Brasília

Prof. Gilberto Gonçalves Garcia Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Postgraduate Education and Research

Prof. Daniel Rey de Carvalho Ph.D.


Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D.


Prof. Afonso Celso Tanus Galvão Ph.D. – UCB

Prof. Alejandro Castro Santander Ph.D. – Universidad Católica Argentina

Prof. Ana Maria Eyng Ph.D. – PUCPR – Paraná

Prof. Arinda Fernandes Ph.D. – UCB

Prof. Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D. – Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (México)

Prof. Candido Alberto Gomes Ph.D. - UCB

Prof. Carlos Ângelo de Menenes Sousa Ph.D. – UCB

Prof. Carlos Estêvão Ph.D. – Universidade do Minho (Portugal)

Prof. Celio da Cunha Ph.D. – UCB

Prof. Evelyn Diez Martinez Ph.D. - Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (México)

Prof. João Casqueira Cardoso Ph.D. – UFP – Universidade Fermando Pessoa- (Portugal)

Prof. José Claudio Carrillo Navarro Ph.D. – CUNORTE – Guadalajara

Prof. Kátia Cristina Tarouquella Rodrigues Brasil Ph.D. - UCB

Prof. Leila Maria Da’Juda Bijos Ph.D.- UCB

Prof. Levy Aniceto Santana Msc. - UCB

Prof. Maria Teresa Prieto Quezada Ph.D. – CUNORTE – Guadalajara

Prof. Sônia Maria Ferreira Koehler Ph.D. UNISAL – Lorena - Brasil

Prof. Sandra Francesca Conte de Almeida Ph.D. – UCB

Prof. Vicente de Paula Faleiros Ph.D. – UCB

Administrative Team

Prof. José Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena MSc. – Executive Secreatary

Prof. Vanildes Gonçalves dos Santos MSc. – Executive Secretary Assistant

Geuânia Miranda de Lima – Assistant

Undergraduate Researchers

Ana Paula de Souza Silva (Pedagogy)

Bruna Amorim Lousan do Nascimento (Law)

Danielle Rodrigues da Silva (Pedagogy)

Gabriella Soares de Oliveira Negre (Pedagogy)

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Lucas Rodrigues Falcão (Law)



Università Pontíficia Salesiana - Roma

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro - México

Universidad de Guadalajara Centro Universitario Del Norte - Guadalajara

Universidade do Minho - Portugal

Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Portugal

Pontíficia Universidad Católica Argentina - Argentina

Universidade de Siegen - Alemanha


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Universidade de Passo Fundo

Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo

Faculdades Integradas ICESP de Brasília

Internal – UCB

Católica Virtual

Dean of Undergraduate Studies – Pedagogy Course

Postgraduate program in Education (strictu sensu)

Postgraduate program in Law (strictu sensu)

Postgraduate program in Psychology (strictu sensu)

Research Volunteers

Adriana Costa de Miranda (Ph.D. Student in Education - UCB)

Denise Mª Soares Lima (Ph.D. Student in Education - UCB)

Francisca Oleniva Bezerra da Silva (Msc. in Education - UCB)

José Reinaldo Oliveira (Msc. in Education - UCB)

Kelly Ramos de Souza Bitencourt (Msc. in Education - UCB)

Leila Ferreira da Silva (Msc. Student in Education – UCB)

Marcelo Nicomedes dos Reis Silva Filho (Msc. Student in Education - UCB)

Maria Aparecida de Oliveira (Msc. in Education - PUC-GO)

Maria Valdenice Soares Craviée (Msc. Student in Education - UCB)

Olmira Bernadete Dassoler (Ph.D. Student in Education - UCB)

Rosamália Otoni Pimenta Campos (Msc. Student in Education - UCB)

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PRESENTATION................................................................................................................ ...... 4

ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES...................................................... ................................... 8

TEACHING, RESEARCH AND EXTENSION................................................... ..................... 9

APPENDIX – STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS .......................................... 25

1 Coordinator..................................... ....................................................................................... 26

2 Readers................................................................................................................................ .. 29

3 Partners..................................................................... ............................................................. 61

4 Executive Secretary and Undergraduate Researchers................................................ ........... 93

5 Research Volunteers...................................................................................................... ........ 98

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This report presents the main achievements of the UNESCO Chair in Youth,

Education and Society in the year 2014. However, this report is not intended to make a

comprehensive presentation of activities that could be followed, in its entirety, on the

virtual public domain page: <>. One of the reasons for the preparation of

this report is the due fulfilment of one of the agreements concluded betwen the rectory of

this University and UNESCO at the inauguration of the Chair in 2007. It is also a form of

“accountability” to UNESCO, the University and the community at large, in an effort to

justify the rationale or raison d’être of our work. To achieve this purpose, this Chair

holds each of its partners accountable to their own commitments and responsibilities

assumed with the Chair and Society, that is, to make this network an active and relevant

place for those who participate – directly or indirectly – in the dimesions of knowledge

produced by her. Therefore, the UNESCO Chair – UCB is careful in pointing out that our

partners establish a horizontal relationship in which each contributes according to their

possibilities and realities and, for this reason, different results can be perceived

throughout the body of this document.

At first, we present an overview of the organizational activities of the Chair and,

in a second moment, we present its participation in the threefold dimension of the

university: teaching activities, research and extension. In a third moment, we present an

appendix that is a more detailed breakdown of the teaching, research and extension

activities conducted by the respective members of the Chair, that is, the coordinator as

well as the set of internal, national and international readers, executive secretary,

undergraduate research students, volunteers and partner institutions that, together,

contribute in their own way to create a positive synergy.

In addition to presenting the individual activities conducted by each of the

actors of this Chair – organized according to Lattes curricula, in the case of Brazilian

members –, this report also presents, by way of summary, a table that gives the reader an

overview of the continued growth of its actions in terms of research, diverse publications,

participation in scientific dissemination events, participation in national and international

journal editorial boards, as well as answers to numerous ad hoc queries, indicating the

recognition of its intellectual outreach. Offering an overview, table 1, in contrast with the

2014 report, demonstrates a growing publication of articles, books and chapters in

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published books, as well as the dissemination of these in national and international

conferences attended by teachers and students integrating, through its partners, the

internal and external groups of this Chair. Our partners have demonstrated a high level of

collectivity and commitment in achieving the goals that we proposed; for this and other

reasons, we would like to thank, in advance, for their work and collaboration.

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Table 1 – Activities of the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society, 2014.







Secretary &


e Researchers


Total National


Inter -











Complete articles published in journals 2 1 30 8 1 11 53 Books published/organized or edited 2 2 12 4 - - 20 Chapters published in books 2 5 11 28 2 2 50 Papers fully published in scientific meetings proceedings 2 - 24 15 - 7 48 Other kinds of production (forewords, introductions, posters) - - 1 - 4 1 6 Participation in editorial boards 2 - - 5 - 1 8

Participation in scientifc committees including those for events - - - 6 - - 6 Participation in graduate, postgraduate, master’s, doctoral, dissertation,

thesis and monograph committees

5 - 5 - - 6

16 Advising on course conclusion research – doctoral, master’s,

postgraduate specialization and graduate courses

7 17 54 54 10 3

145 Event Organization (Seminars, lectures, workshops...) 2 32 11 16 2 5 Participation in scientific meetings (paper presentations) 4 10 43 11 - 28 96

Other publications - - 12 - - 6 18





Study disciplines taught and mini-courses in the sphere of the Chair

research program







32 Source of original data: reports submitted by partners and, in the case of Brazilian professors, Lattes curricula system inquiries

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


In regard to its organizational activities, the Chair’s office in room E-001 of the

UCB’s Campus I was open to the internal and external public from 9 am to 12 noon and from

1 pm to 7 pm from Monday to Friday. Rooms A-104 and A-105 of the University’s Campus

II are still being used for specific concerns and consultations.

Other activities included:

Activities inherent to ensuring the Chair’s functioning and social communication.

Organizing and publishing the Chair’s periodical reports.

Mainataining the new Chair’s web page (, with the

support of the Universidade Católica Virtual.

Meeting the demands and requests from partners and publicizing materials and events.

Organizing and supporting events.

Elaborating new partnership terms for the agreements entered into with international


Team meetings for planning, execution and evaluation.

Conducting the selection process for undergraduate researchers.

Daily meetings to tutor and accompany undergraduate researchers in data gathering,

data analysis and elaborating articles and papers.

Conducting research in and out of the University’s campus.

Publicizing research results from internal, external, national and international events.

Participating in UNESCO meetings for the organization of seminars and book


Constantly publicizing papers developed and published by this Chair in its virtual

library in order to meet professors’ demand for bibliographic support in their efforts to

conclude diverse courses and researches. Open access to these works can be followed

at: <>, used and publicized, as long as the respective citations and

copyright laws are dully respected.

Making publications available at the UNESDOC Library.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


Parallel to those organizational activities, the Chair has seeked to conduct its activities

in alignment with the University’s fundamental proposals in regard to teaching, research and

extension. Subsequently, the Chair has managed to disseminate, through relevant curricular

components or seminars that facilitated the participation of the academic community at large,

the generated knowledge around the issues of youth, education and society.

Teaching Activities

In 2014, the following courses were offered at the undergraduate and postgraduate



“Pedagogical Thought and Education Policies”, offered in the 1st Semester of 2014 by

Prof. Célio da Cunha Ph.D., Reader of this Chair.

“Brazilian Education”, offered to UCB Master’s and Ph.D. students in Education by Prof.

Carlos Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D., in the 1 st

Semester of 2014

“Economics and Education Management”, taught by Prof. Cândido Alberto Gomes

Ph.D., Tenured Professor, during the 1st Semester of 2014.

“Education and Psychosocial Risk: Violence and Daily Education”, taught by Prof. Katia

Tarouquella Rodrigues Brasil Ph.D., Reader of this Chair, during the 1st Semester of 2014.

“Research Methodology I”, taught by Prof. Afonso Celso Tanus Galvão Ph.D., reader of

this Chair, to the students of the Ph.D. program in Education at UCB, during the 1st

Semester of 2014.

“Pedagogy and Social Education”, offered to the Master’s and Ph.D. students in

Education at UCB. Taught by Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D., Chair Coordinator, during the


Semester of 2014, with an approach that focused on the challenges of education, in

particular the educational processes that extrapolate formal education.

“Research Methodology II”, taught by Prof. Cândido Alberto Gomes Ph.D., to the Ph.D.

students at UCB, during the 2nd

Semester of 2014.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

“Human Development and Education: Psychoanalysis and Education”, taught by Prof.

Sandra Francesca Conte de Almeida Ph.D., during the 2nd

Semester of 2014.

“Learning and Teaching: Alternative Forms to School and Social Education”, taught by

professors: Bernhard Fichtner Ph.D. (University of Siegen – Germany), Carlos Ângelo de

Meneses Sousa Ph.D. and Geraldo Caliman Ph.D., members of UCB’s UNESCO Chair in

Youth, Education and Society Research Group, during the 2nd

Semester of 2014.

Undergraduate Courses

“Research Seminars in Youth, Education and Society” during the first and second

Semesters of 2014, in the Pedagogy department of this University. The course was taught

by Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D.

“Youth, Education and Society Research Group”, curricular component taught at UCB’s

Pedagogy Department, by Prof. Carlos Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D. during the first

and second Semesters of 2014, with the participation of his Ph.D. student in Education,

Prof. Denise Maria Soares Lima MSc. (Doctoral Teaching Assistant).

Research Activities

As mentioned previously, the Chair seekes to conduct its actions in alignment with the

University’s fundamental proposals in regard to teaching, research and extension. However,

the UNESCO-UCB Chair concerns itself more with research in view of its potential for

obtaining positive benefits for society at large and especially young university students. We

have endeavored to make the Chair’s work as meaningful as possible through the participation

of university teachers, professors and young students, guiding the latter and advising them in

their academic production and, above all, offering them the opportunity to take an active part

in undergraduate research and academic events, especially those concerning: Youth,

Education and Society.

a) Research Groups

1. Youth, Education and Society (CNPq)

Leaders: Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D. (Group and Chair Coordinator).

Prof. Cândido Alberto Gomes Ph.D. (Adjunct Tenured Professor).

The Youth, Education and Society Research Group, lead by the UNESCO’s Chair in

Education, Youth and Society at the Catholic University of Brasília, has developped the

following activities: 1. Research: of national and international scope; particulary about themes

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

concerning Violence in Schools and the Human Rights of ostracized social groups; 2.

Seminars: National and International, in collaboration with the UNESCO Office – Brasilia

and the Chair’s partners; 3. Publications: research results, published, above all, in book

formats; 4. Teaching: To prioritize the education of Undergraduate, Graduate and Ph.D.

students, particularly in the perspective of Social Pedagogy and Social Education; 5. Social

Responsibility: To collaborate with social educators’ training; 6. Networks: To consolidate

the participation in other Research Group networks and other UNESCO Chairs in Brazil and

abroad, with the goal of developing research under common themes.

2. Expertise and Creativity in Educational Contexts

Leader: Prof. Afonso Celso Tanus Galvão Ph.D. (Chair Reader).

The Group develops several research projects linking creativity and expertise, considering

both the development of expert performance and the creative aspects of it, as well as the study

of expertise in institutional contexts, especially in schools and other professional systems.

3. Generation studies, imagination and violence

Leader: Prof. Vicente de Paula Faleiros Ph.D. (Chair Reader).

In having violence, social representations and imagination as its main themes, the group has

brought to light one of Brazilian society’s main concerns, that is, the issue of violence. It also

deals with inter-generational relations, social representations and violence, focusing on

structural and family relationships, objects of the major part of physical, pyschological, moral,

sexual, and financial complaints. The Group intends to research and debate about forms of

representation and the prevention of social and generational violence. In dealing with the

imaginary, it seeks to comprehend the most profound significance of images, creeds and

social practices. It relates, in other words, violence with its social structures. The Group has

already concluded several investigations on violence against elder people, in particular with

respect to family and social violence.

4. Basic Education and its challenges for the 21st century: Management, financing,

evaluation and democratic social control

Líder: Prof. Dr. Célio da Cunha (Chair Reader).

5. International Policy Laboratory

Leader: Prof. Leila Maria Da’Juda Bijos Ph.D. (Chair Reader).

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

b) Research Projects developed by Chair Readers associated with the Catholic University of

Brasília (UCB)

1. University Youth and Human Rights

The UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society, at the Catholic University of

Brasília, under the Coordination of Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D., started a relevant research

geared towars understanding how university students conceive the concept of Human Rights.

The research aims to generate questions on the issues of opinion, perceptions and attitutes,

which are highlighted in Higher Education students’ speeches with respect to Human Rights.

It has as its specific goals: (a) To investigate the opinions, perceptions and attitudes of higher

education students with respect to Human Rights; (b) To verify, by means of documentary

research and higher education students’ opinions, the existence and relevance of curricular

instruments available for Human Rights Education at the University; (c) To inquire about the

perception and disposition of higher education students, in particular in what relates to social

problem-solving that can be identified in society. The research is being replicated at diverse

universities: PUC-Paraná, UNISAL-SP. Other Universities are adhering to it, among them:

the Silva Henriquez Catholic University, of Chile; the Dom Bosco Higher Education Centre,

in Madrid; the Salesian Higher Education Centre, in Venice. As part of the research process,

an International Seminar “Updates in Human Rights and Education” was held, during the 18th

and 19th

November, with the participation of renowned experts: from the University of

Minho, Portugal (Carlos Estêvão Ph.D.); the University of Querétaro, Mexico ( Azucena

Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.); the Silva Henriquez Catholic University, Chile (Jorge Baeza Ph.D.),

the University of Montreal I, Canada (Maurice Tardif Ph.D.); the Pontifical Catholic

University of Paraná (Ana Eyng Ph.D.), the Catholic University of Brasília (Geraldo Caliman

Ph.D., Cândido Alberto Gomes da Costa Ph.D., Celio da Cunha Ph.D., Carlos Angelo

Meneses Sousa Ph.D.).

2. Youth and the use of internet: Learning and Sociabilities (JETSA)

In 2014, this Chair concluded data studies on a quantitative-qualitative research

entitled “Youth and the use of Internet: Learning and Sociabilities” (JISA), coordinated by

this Chair’s Associate Researcher, Prof. Carlos Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D. The referred

research, which started in 2012, gathered, fortnightly, undergratuate, master’s and doctoral

students with the goal of investigating higher education students’ perceptions on the use of the

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

internet, social networks and their consequences in social and learning processes. From this

study, several sub-themes were unfolded: sudent profiles, types of learning techniques,

languages and sociabilities, cyberspace violence, among others. The sample was composed of

undergratuate students majoring in Mathematics, Literature and Pedagogy from a Higher

Education Institution in Brasilia. It resulted in course concluding works presented in scientific

meetings proceedings.

Professors who participated in the project included, among others, the Reader: Carlos

Ângelo de Meneses Sousa (Project Coordinator and Chair Associate Researcher).

3. Adolescence, Violence and Trauma

This project analyzes some aspects concerning the psychic functioning of adolescents

who act violently in their social and family relationships. It seeks to identify elements that

would subsidize possible inverventions, considering, for that matter, the relationship between

violence, trauma and parental support. It emphasizes the role played by the environment and

the need for external assistance in situations of helplessness, which are the main situations to

be considered when thinking about the concept of trauma. It discusses the importance of the

development of reflections concerning psychosocial and clinical interventions among

adolescents who act violently, considering particularities in the psychic functioning of these

youth, primarily by the analysis of the impact of coexistence in extreme and traumatic

situations, as well as the notion of helpless environments plagued by narcissistic parental

support (Marty, 2006; Gutton, 1990; Winnicott, 1995). In this sense, this research aims to

investigate the subjective and psychic functioning, as well as the family dynamics of

youngsters who act violenty, trying to identify elements for intervention, considering the

inherent relationships between violence, trauma and parental support. The purpose of this

research is to propose a multi-methodological approach that involves focus group interviews

with professionals and adolescents, as well as semi-structured thematic and psychosocial

interviews with adolescents and their families, i.e., interviews and clinical follow-ups in

accordance with the Rorschach Method.

Professors who participated in this project included, among others, the Readers: Kátia

Cristina Tarouquella Rodrigues (Project Coordinator and Chair Reader) and Sandra Francesca

Conte de Almeida (Chair Reader).

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

4. Violence in schools and the Implications for the Training of Educators [VEIFA]

Violences of/in/against the school have been striking elements of the landscape of our

time. The dynamic relationships between students have been modified in ways that have

become unnoticeable and ill-understood by adults and professional educators, in particular. As

part of a crisis and possible institutional decline, this occurs, particularly, with youths and

adolescents, including those enrolled in Higher Education Institutions. Such shifts also entail

changes in the training of educators and the understanding of the reasons for their malaise,

evasion and disinterest for the profession, as well as the implications of/for school failure and

the diverse shapes of Human Rights consolidation.

Professors who participated in the Project included, among others, the Readers:

Cândido Alberto da Costa Gomes (Project Coordinator and Tenured Professor), Célio Cunha

(Chair Reader).

5. Concept School: An alternative to Brazilian Education

The project Concept School, which will operate in the Federal District’s Basic

Education network, will be the result of a partnership between the Federal District’s

Government/CAPES and FNDE [the National Education Development Fund]. The goal will

be to act in a school (selected by the Federal District’s Government) that is willing to

participate in the research and has a low IDEB [Basic Education Development Index] score,

such as, for example: the CAIC School in the Neighbourhood of Areal, next to UCB, in its

current conditions – both physically and in terms of school personnel: students, staff and

managers. After the acknowledgement of the proposal by the school’s personnel, the Project

intends to build a school community that would be willing to reach high levels of educational

excellence. Therefore, the participation of families will be indispensable. In what relates to

the School’s staff salaries, they will be financed, with the same current costs, by the Federal

District’s Government. The Project includes: i) a school reformation, financed by FNDE; ii)

staff training: managers, teachers and assistants, financed by CAPES. The Catholic University

of Brasilia will participate through its research commitments and the school’s General

Administration. We want to show that it is possible to achieve a high quality of education in

Public Schools, without raising their current costs. We also want to prove, through this

research, the relationship between a good quality of Eduaction and an adequate teacher

training. One of the strategic “Concept School’s” goals is to inspire national pedagogical

leadership and, for that to happen, it is crucial that the research is developed by the

Postgraduate Education Programs, where future graduates will be able to collaborate to reach

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

and sustain pedagogical leadership in Brazil and serve as a motivation to a better quality of

education in Elementary Schools. This, according to the UN’s report, will be a school for the

21st century, where one learns to live, coexist, and build his/her own knowledge.

Professors who participated in the Project included, among others, the Readers:

Afonso Celso Tanus Galvão (Project Coordinator and Chair Reader), Carlos Ângelo de

Meneses Sousa (Chair Associate Researcher).

6. Violence and the passage to action: the discourse of non law-abiding adolescents

against professional socio-educational measures.

The research project presented here is an offshoot from a project entitled Adolescence,

Violence and Trauma – Psychic and Relational Dimensions, which stemmed from the

Notice/Call: MCT/CNPq 14/2010 - Universal, financed by CNPq in a partnership between

UCB/UnB, the University of Paris XIII and the University of Paris Decartes, France. This

project is also linked to UNESCO’s Chair in Youth, Education and Society from the Catholic

University of Brasília. The main goal of this research is to analyze how acting violently is a

defensive modality among adolescents facing internal and external instinctual threats in a

relational and social perspective. Defensive modalities in adolescence are established in such

a way that the subject can deal with pubertal changes and the specters associated with it, as

well as the challenges that social exclusion processes engender. As a hypothesis, we

investigate how the passage to action through violence in adolescence can be a defensive

mechanism for the young people who succumb to weaknesses highlighted by the period’s

transformations and the social challenges they are facing. In considering the social and

relational dimensions found among non law-abiding adolescents, we also intend to investigate

the professionals who deal with them, having, as an aim, the group and individual psychic

mechanisms at work. Hence, this study will feature subsidies from labour psychodynamics,

which seeks to comprehend the roles played by pleasure and suffering at work, and how they

favor or not the emergence of violence and the ability of professionals to withstand daily

challenges in their work. The research participants will be non law-abiding citizens, aged 14

to 18 years old, and professionals working at the Federal District’s Probation Institutions. In

terms of methodology, we will aim to acknowledge the participants’ emergent subjective

contents. For this to happen, we will utilize – through the use interviews and focal groups –, a

mainly qualitative approach. Group speaking tools will be used with the professionals and the


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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Professors who participated in the Project included, among others, the Readers: Katia

Cristina Tarouquella Rodrigues (Project Coordinator and Chair Reader), Sandra Francesca

Conte de Almeida (Chair Reader).

7. Violence in schools: Prevention and daily school intervention through the teacher’s

personal development and clinical analysis of professional educational practices.

In this research project, we intend to discuss violence in everyday school life,

especially those associated with the conduct of youth and adolescents as a social phenomenon

with profound subjective effects and implications for the teacher’s mental health (Aguiar &

Almeida, 2008). For those reasons, it is extremely important to investigate and evaluate the

ways in which teachers develop preventive and intervention/coping strategies against violence

at school, through continuing teacher traning programs/actions that contemplate the personal

development and clinical analysis of professional educational practices.

Professors who participated in the Project included, among others, the Readers: Sandra

Francesca Conte de Almeida (Project Coordinator and Chair Reader), Katia Cristina

Tarouquella Rodrigues (Chair Reader) and Cândido Alberto da Costa Gomes (Tenured


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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

c) Book Publications

1. Education in New Arenas

In addition to the publication of resesarch results in

conferences and scientific meeting proceedings, we consider the

publication of such results in larger venues to be of great

importance. In this sense, we believe to have achieved, with the

participation of researchers and international organization

partners, a considerable breakthrough in the national publication

of works organized by this Chair in 2014. For example, “A

educação em novas arenas: políticas, pesquisas e perspectivas”

[Education in New Arenas: policies, research and perspectives].

This work was developed by the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Catholic

University of Brasília (UCB), having as its main organizers professors Célio da Cunha Ph.D.,

Wellington Ferreira de Jesus Ph.D. and Ranilce Guimarães-Iosif Ph.D. It aims to contribute

towards an educational policy proposal based on scientific research, pointing to national and

international perspectives in which old and new social actors would be involved, addressing

recurrent issues and emerging local and global realities presented by teachers, master’s and

doctoral students involved in the research project. In this book are included new

internationalization programs, not disregarding, however, the positive and negative aspects of

corporate governance projects. Similarly, a dialogical relationship that permeates the

knowledge construction process is put in evidence, through the research, as well as indicating

other research possiblities on the proposed theme, regardless of it being more innovative or

traditional in terms of approach.

2. Human Rights in the Pedagogy of Tomorrow

The book “Direitos Humanos na Pedagogia do Amanhã” [Human Rights in the

Pegagogy of Tomorrow], organized by Geraldo Caliman, Coordinator of the Catholic

University of Brasilia’s UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society, invited several

Chair partners to answer a couple of key and intriguing questions. Nine Foreigners and four

Brazilians – all of them experts in Human Rights and Education – were invited. Among them

were: Maurice Tardif, one of the world’s foremost Education experts, from the University of

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Quebec. Professor Tardif made a magnificent contribution. He predicts, for this century,

certain trends in the field of education. According to him, one

might think that: the pedagogical rationalization process will

continue, that science will make itself more present, that children

will be increasingly and throughly analyzed, that the

teacher/student ratio in the classroom will be further investigated,

that techologies will seek to occupy a more significant place and

that promoters of pedagogical innovations of all kinds will try to

find and sell their ideas to new customers. What seems to be even

more crucial is that, in the context of globalization, education is

more than ever perceived as an important vector for social and economic development. In the

book, the authors focus on human rights issues in a world characterized by consumer

societies: how and why are countries promoting or worried about Education and Human

Rights dissemination? The research focuses on diverse research results developed around a

project called Percepções de Justiça e Direitos Humanos de Grupos Sociais Específicos

[Justice Perceptions and the Human Rights of Specific Social Groups], developed by several

Universities: the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), the Autonomous University of

Querétaro (Mexico), the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR), the University of

Minho (Portugal) and the Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal). Geraldo Caliman writes

about the manifestations of the young that ocurred in 2013.

3. The Pedagogy of Alterity: Travelling the Cosmopolis

This book - which discusses the Human Rights of

migrants - was authored by Vittorio Pieroni, Antonia Fermino

and Geraldo Caliman and was presented at the Vatican’s Press

Room. The presentation was made possible thanks to the

invitation of a group linked to the Vatican Radio, and occured at

the Marconi Room, in the Vatican Radio Building, during the

afternoon of March 29, 2014. The first, an Italian; the second, a

Cape Verdean researcher living in Italy; the third, this Chair’s

Coordinator: all worked together at the Sociology Institute of

the Salesian University of Rome (1988-2003). And now, they delve themselves into

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

discussing issues of intercultural education in the perspective of Social Pedagogy. The

Universal UNESCO Cultural Diversity Declaration states that “[…] cultural diversity is, for

the human kind, as necessary as biological diversity is to nature. In this sense, it is the

common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of

present and future generations.” The respect for cultural diversity is an essencial pilar for

humanity to build a culture of peace that will guarantee a better world for all. This book

proposes to discuss the relationships between different cultures, especially when the

interference of other factors renders the difficulties between even more pronounced. The book

also addresses the issue of migration, a subject in which UNESCO also focuses on,

particulary in what relates to the assurance of migrant rights, especially Fundamental Human

Rights. Are the educational and training systems today capable of deconstructing ethnocentric

mechanisms in order to build men with “cross-cultural dimensions”? Are such systems

capable of training men who are skillfull enough to exchange dialogues with diversity, respect

and alterity values? The reading of this book will contribute to enlighten fundamental issues

of our time.

4. Creativity in a transdisciplinary perspective: breaking beliefs, myths and


The book is directed towards people who feel dissatisfied with

the paths undertaken by Education, Society and Humanity, and

want to open up their thinking to new perspectives. To explore

these new perspectives on a basis of creativity, we adopted, as a

starting point, the premise that there is a divergence of

ontological, epistemological and methodological character

between the current thinking on ways to conceive and express

it, and the recognition of complexity thinking contributions and

the transdisciplinary perspective, so that the principles and

mechanisms of this vital phenomenon is fully applied in the benefit of education, society and

humanity. The study’s results reveal the critical conditions on which the research on creativity

finds itself. Even recognizing the significant theoretical and practical framework contributions

elaborated during this century, the true effects on current reality, especially in what relates to

the identification and expression of potential creative processes, does not occur, requiring,

therefore, new perspectives and new paradigms. We note that historically recognized and

validated contributions constituting a creative profile have not been applied for the benefit of

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

advances in the study and in the development of our own creativity. There are relevant works

which are, however, inoperable and even harmful for the progress of an area of studies that

seems to be approximating a process of endogeny and stagnation, caused by a lack of vitality

and productivity. Given the breadth of the issues developed, the critical theoretical and

practical suggestions contained in this book can be applied to the study of any phenomenon.

5. Ethics, transdisciplinary teaching and life stories: Accounts and reflections on ethical


The construction of a teacher’s self image, the learning of self-

realization strategies and the development of consciousness, as

well as the use and construction of pedagogical knowledge and,

in addition, the formalization of curricular proposals, unfold in

actions that are inseparable from the process of personal

maturation that is nurtured, not only by one’s own experience,

but by the exchange, the interaction and the cooperative

solidarity observed among students who aspire to and wish to

graduate as educators. This book is a singular sample of affective

sensitivity and ethics. It is a unique testimony of the creative education and pedagogical

training potential of teacher and student life stories. Stories that, when shared, dialogued,

analyzed and interpreted in socially welcoming, thoughful and loving environments and in

accordance with the concepts and principles of transdisciplinarity, produce meaningful

learning experiences of high motivational power for the person committed to his/her own

personal, social and professional transformation. This work emerged from dialogues and

experience exchanges that occured during the classroom, in the Postgraduate Program in

Education at the Catholic University of Brasília, more precisely in an intensive seminar on

Ethics, Complexity and Transdisciplinarity, taught by Professors Juan Miguel Batalloso

Navas and Maria Cândida Moraes.

c) Extension Activities

Events conducted

As mentioned above, our main emphasis is on research. In that sense we planned to

participate in national and international events during the year and, in this case, we decided to

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

support other activities carried out by other sectors of the university and by our national and

international partners. Several activities in the extension field were also carried out by our

national and international partners, as shown in the attachments to the present document. In

2014, this Chair organized the following events:

International Adolescence Seminar: Contemporary Configurations

From left to right: Prof. Didier Drieu Ph.D. (Univ. Caen Basse-Normandie), Prof. Jean-François

Chiantaretto Ph.D., Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D. (UNESCO Chair Coordinator), Prof. Catherine

Matha Ph.D. and Prof. Jean-Ives Chagnon Ph.D. – all of them professors at the Université de Paris


As part of the celebrations of the 20 years of the Postgraduate Program in Education at

the Catholic University of Brasília, the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society,

along with teachers in the Youth, Education and Society Research Group, held, from October


to 31st, the Seminar “Seminário Internacional Adolescência: Configurações

Contemporâneas” [International Adolescence Seminar: Contemporary Configurations]. The

seminar intends to mobilize educators, health professionals, researchers and different

segments of the community for the place that adolescence, in its several configurations, has

gained in the contemporary scene.

Seminar “Cultura Midiática e Educação: Sua imagem está na tela! O que você tem a

ver com isso?” [Media Culture and Education: Your image is on the screen! What

you got to do with it?]

The seminar aimed at promoting a debate about the construction of image throughout

history and its repercussions in media spaces. We are aware that, increasingly, verbal and

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

sound arguments have given space to representations of meaning in the images we produce

and consume, thus the need to study and discuss the involvement of individuals in that

context. The contribution of scholars directly involved with these issues allowed seminar

participants not only to see and listen, but also to interact in such a way that would help them

build references for the theme of image, which is evermore present in public arenas. The

event was attended by one of UCB’s UNESCO Chair Readers, Professor Carlos Ângelo de

Meneses Ph.D.

A Professor from the Freie Universität Berlin Gives a Lecture (UnB/UCB)

With the participation of UCB and UnB Students and Professors, Prof. Christoph Wulf

Ph.D. (Freie Universität Berlin) gave a Lecture entitled “Homo Pictor – Imaginação, Ritual e

Aprendizado” [Homo Pictor – Imagination, Ritual and Learning], on September 12th

, 2014 at

the University Brasília’s Faculty of Communications Pompeu Souza Auditorium. The lecture

was a joint activity between the “Imagem, Som e Escrita” [Image, Sound and Writing]

research line at UnB and the “Processos Comunicacionais na Cultura Mediática”

[Communication Processes and Media Culture] at UCB and counted with the participation of

translator and debater Bernd Fichtner, Professor at the University of Siegen, Germany, and

visiting Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Catholic University of

Brasilia – UCB. Prof. Carlos Ângelo de Meneses Sousa also participated. Both of them have

collaborations with the Postgraduate Program in Education at UCB; and the University of

Siegen is a UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Partner Institution.

Pedagogical Colloquium: “Adolescentes e jovens no ciberespaço: Aprendizagens

políticas” [Adolescents and the youth in cyberspace: political lessons].

The UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Socieity, in celebration of the 20 years

of the Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Education at UCB, coordinated the Pedagogical

Colloquium “Adolescentes e Jovens no Ciberespaço: Aprendizagens políticas” [Adolescents

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

and the youth in cyberspace: political lessons], held September 4th

, 2014, at the Upper M002

Room at the Catholic University of Brasília’s Campus I. A discussion on the theme was held

during the meeting, thanks to the presence and participation of Professors Bernd Fichtner,

from Germany, Carlos Ângelo e Kelly Bitencourt, from UCB.

International Seminar “Tendências e Dilemas Mundiais das Políticas de Educação:

do local ao global” [Trends and World Education Policies Dilemmas: from the local to

the global].

The international seminar “Seminário Internacional Tendências e Dilemas Mundiais das

Políticas de Educação: do local ao global” [Trends and World Education Policies Dilemmas:

from the local to the global], was an initiative from the Catholic University Brasília’s

Education and Humanities School. The event aimed at integrating the debate on teaching,

research and extension activities geared towards facing the challenges of contemporary Basic

and Higher Education. From a critical and interdisciplinary discussion of education policies,

we discussed alternatives to the dilemmas faced by educators in local and global contexts. The

event was part of the activities conducted in celebration for the 20 years of the Postgraduate

Program in Education at UCB, and the 40 years of its Pedagogy Course. The event also had

the active sponsorship of the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society.

International Human Rights Conference – Convention on the Rights of the Child

The event was held with the support of the UNESCO Chair/UCB, from 19 to

22/05/2014 at the Fernando Pessoa University, Portugal, by Prof. João Casqueira Cardoso

Ph.D., Chair Reader.

The meeting, which also included the participation of Brazilian speakers, had, as its

target audience, young students and people undergoing training and retraining activities as

well as people seeking employment. The participation of retired people was also valued,

especially considering their life experiences and the knowledge they could impart on other

participants. It was a special moment to reflect upon Human and Children’s Rights.

To conclude this report, we would like to extend our deep and sincere gratitude to

UNESCO for its support in helping us achieve our goals; to the Catholic University of

Brasília, for its active and collaborative academic community; and, especially, to the

professors, students, national and international partners, readers and volunteers for their

tireless collaboration – their cooperation made this Chair an active network of positive impact

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

to our community. We would like to invite those who may be interested in following our

work in more detail to visit our virtual page. The website is constantly updated with news,

publications, paper calls and opportunities to participate in free events.

Office of the Executive Secretary

UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society

Catholic University of Brasília.


[email protected] / [email protected]


Campus I - QS 07 Lote 01 EPCT, Águas Claras - Taguatinga/DF

CEP: 71966-700

Telephones (55) - 61- 3356-9601 / 3356-9632

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


In 2014, the Chair, in its entire network, counted with the participation of a team of

around 85 members, including the coordinator, readers, research associates, secretaries,

students, volunteers and teams from each of our national and international partners. We invite

you to read this report to which we have chosen to present only the relevant information

related to the Chair’s theme, albeit all of its members accomplished other activities

throughout the year.

1. Coordinator

2. Readers

3. Other partners

4. Executive secretary and undergraduate research students

5. Research Volunteers



1.1 Prof. Geraldo Caliman Ph.D.


Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and

Society at the Catholic University of Brasília where he is a professor in

its Master’s and Doctorate programs and also held the position of Dean

of postgraduate studies and Research (2007 – 2008). Prof. Caliman holds

a Doctorate degree in Education from the Università Pontificia Salesiana

de Roma (1995), where he was a professor and a researcher in its

renowned Sociology Institute. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of

the Rivista Internazionale di Scienze dell'Educazione Orientamenti

Pedagogici [Pedagogical Guidelines -International Educational Science

Review] and the Revista de Ciências da Educação [Educational Sciences

Review]. Name used in bibliographic citations: CALIMAN, G.


Complete articles published in journals:

1. MANICA, L. E. ; CALIMAN, G. . As Características, Habilidades e Competências Exigidas para o

Docente atuar na Educação Profissional com Alunos com algum tipo de Deficiência [Characteristics,

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Skills and Competencies Required by Education Professionals in dealing with Special Needs

Students]. Boletim Técnico do SENAC, v. 40, p. 55-73, 2014.

2. VASCONCELOS, I.C.O. ; CALIMAN, G. . Educação em direitos humanos: para lá da informação

[Education in human rights: beyond information]. Revista de Ciências da Educação, v. 02, p. 83-100,


Books published/organized or edited

1. PIERONI, Vittorio ; FERMINO, A. ; CALIMAN, G. . Pedagogia da Alteridade: para Viajar a

Cosmópolis [The Pedagogy of Otherness: Travelling the Cosmopolis]. 1. ed. Brasília: Liber Livro,

2014. 238p .

2. CALIMAN, G. . Direitos Humanos na Pedagogia do Amanhã [Human Rights in the Pedagogy of

Tomorrow]. 1. ed. Brasília: Liber Livro, 2014. v. 1. 253p .

Chapters in published books

1. CALIMAN, G. ; GOMES, C. A. C. . Percepções de justiça e direitos humanos de grupos sociais

específicos [Justice perceptions and human rights in specific social groups ]. In: Geraldo Caliman.

(Org.). Direitos Humanos na Pedagogia do Amanhã [Human Rights in the Pedagogy of Tomorrow].

1ed. Brasília: Liber Livro, 2014, v. 1, p. 9-18.

2. CALIMAN, G. Da indignação à participação. In: CALIMAN, G.. (Org.). Direitos Humanos na

Pedagogia do Amanhã [Human Rights in the Pedagogy of Tomorrow]. 1ed. Brasília: Liber Livro,

2014, v. 1, p. 165-181.

Other technical publications

1. CALIMAN, G. ; PIERONI, Vittorio. Sociologia e Drogadição [Sociology and Drug Addiction].

2014. (Development of didactic or instructional material – Distance Learning Project).

Participation in course concluding research


1. CALIMAN, G.; SÍVERES, Luiz; FERNANDES, M.A.. Participation in the committee for Jacildo

da Silva Duarte. O Processo de Aprendizagem na Extensão Universitária [The Learning Process in

University Extension]. 2014. Dissertation (Masters in Education) – Catholic University of Brasília.

Doctoral qualifications


Participation in the committee for Olmira Bernadete Dassoler. A Educação em Valores na Perspectiva

da Sociabilidade Humana na Opinião de Gestores, Docentes e Discentes em Instituições Confessionais

Católicas [Value Education in the Perspective of Human Sociability in the Opinion of Managers,

Teachers and Students in Catholic Confessional Institutions]. 2014. Qualification exam (Doctoral

Degree in Education) – Catholic University of Brasília.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. I CIPPEB - Congresso Internacional de Práticas Pedagógicas da Educação Básica. Crianças:

Sujeitos de Direitos [International Congress on Pedagogical Practices in Elementary Education]. 2014.


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2. La Pedagogia dell'Alterità: Per Viagiare a Cosmopolis.L'Educazione Interculturale tra Europa e

Brasile: una Sfida alla Mobilità Umana [The Pedagogy of Otherness: Travelling the Cosmopolis.

Intercultural Education in Europe and Brazil: a Challenge in Human Mobility]. 2014. (Seminar).

3. Seminário de Educação Inclusiva: Direito à Diversidade.Direitos Humanos [Incluse Education

Seminar: Diversity Rights. Human Rights]. 2014. (Seminar).

4. Audiência Pública na Comissão dos Direitos Humanos Senado Federal. Educação Profissional para

Pessoas com Deficiência [Public Hearing in the Federal Senate Human Rights Comission.

Professional Education for People with Special Needs]. 2014.

5. A Pedagogia Social em Construção no Brasil: Encontro Internacional de Grupos de

Pesquisa.Criação do Grupo de Pesquisa Pedagogia Social no Mackenzie [Social Pedagogy in the

Construction of Brazil: International Research Groups Meeting]. 2014. (Meeting).

Organization of events, congresses, exposition and fairs

1. CALIMAN, G. ; CUNHA, C.da ; BRASIL, K.C.T.R. ; ALMEIDA, Sandra F.Conte de ; AMPARO,

D.M. ; LEGNANI, V. N. ; LUCENA, ; SANTOS, V.G. dos . Adolescência: Configurações

Contemporâneas [Adolescence: Contemporary Configurations]. 2014. (Congress).

2. SILVA, R. da ; CALIMAN, G. ; FOERSTE, E. . A Pedagogia Social em Construção no Brasil:

Encontro Internacional de Grupos de Pesquisa [Social Pedagogy in the Construction of Brazil:

International International Research Groups Meeting]. 2014. (Congress).

Orientations and advisements in progress

Doctoral theses in progress

1. Olmira Bernadete Dassoler. A Educação em Valores na Perspectiva da Sociabilidade Humana na

Opinião de Gestores, Docentes e Discentes em Instituições Confessionais Católicas [Value Education

in the Perspective of Human Sociability in the Opinion of Managers, Teachers and Students in

Catholic Confessional Institutions]. 2014. Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

2. Ivoneide Pereira de Alencar. A ressocialização de jovens infratores: a política de atendimento

educacional a adolescentes em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas de internação [The

resocialization of juvenile offenders: the education assistance policy towards the fulfillment of socio-

educational internment]. Beginning: 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) – Catholic

University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Masters theses in progress

1. Maria Jose Thomaz. Educador Social no Distrito Federal [Social Educator in the Federal District].

Início: 2013. Dissertation (Professional Master’s Degree in Education) – Catholic University of

Brasília. (Advisor).

2. Robson Montegomeri Ribeiro Lustoza. Educação em Direitos Humanos na Universidade [Human

Rights Education at the University]. Beginning: 2012. Dissertation (Professional Master’s Degree in

Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Undergraduate course conclusion monograph

1. Cristiane Mesquita de Araujo. A Importância do Lúdico na Educação Infantil [The importance of

playfulness in early childhood education]. 2014. Undergraduate Research Monograph. (Undergraduate

Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Geraldo Caliman.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

2. Valéria Farias Lima Cavalcante. Educador empreendedor: a tarefa de formar cidadãos para o mundo

[The educator as an entrepreneur: the role of educating citizens for the world]. 2014. Undergraduate

Research Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Geraldo Caliman.




UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Is the former Chancellor of the Catholic University of Brasília, where he is

currently Adjunct Professor in the Master’s and Ph.D. Programs in Education.

Professor Afonso Galvão holds a Master’s and a Doctoral Degree in

Educational Psychology from the University of Reading, in addition to two

Postgraduate Studies in Psychology - also obtained in England. He has also

attended psychoanalysis training studies both in England and Brazil. Professor

Afonso holds a Degree in Psychology from the Open University, London, and

a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from the University of Brasília, having performed professionally as a

cellist in the Arion Symphony Orchestra (Reading, England) and the Claudio Santoro Theather

Symphony Orchestra (Brasília). He is currently an Adjunct Professor II in the Master’s and Doctoral

Programs in Education at the Catholic University of Brasília. Name used in bibliographic citations:



Complete articles published in journals

1. GALVÃO, AFONSO ; BRASIL, IVE . Early education and professional choice: Brazilian teachers-

views. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal , v. 22, p. 123-133, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. GALVAO, A. C. T. . Prefácio. In: Olzeni Costa Ribeiro; Maria Candida Moraes. (Org.).

Criatividade em uma perspectiva transdisciplinar [Creativity in a transdisciplinary perspective]. 1ed.

Brasilia: Liber Livro, 2014, v. 1, p. 25-30.

2. BRASIL, I. ; GALVAO, A. C. T. . Profissionalidade da educação infantil: representações de

profesores do segmento [Early Childhood Professionality: representation from the segment’s

professors]. In: Maria Abádia da Silva; Célio da Cunha. (Org.). Educação básica: políticas, avanços e

pendências [Elementary Education: policies, setbacks and advancements]. 1ed.Brasília: UnB, 2014, v.

1, p. 315-346.

3. GALVAO, A. C. T. . Ok, a prática traz a perfeição, mas o que sustenta a prática? aspectos

motivacionais e emocionais da aprendizagem expert, numa perspectiva psicanalítica [Ok, practice

brings perfection, but what sustains the practice? Motivational and emotional aspects of expert

learning in a psychoanalytic perspective]. In: Angela M. Rodrigues Virgolim; Elisabete Castelon

Konkiewitz. (Org.). Altas habilidades, inteligência e criatividade: uma visão multidisciplinar [High

level skills, overcrowding, intelligence and creativity: a multidisciplinary perspective]. 1ed.Campinas:

Papirus, 2014, v. , p. 243-279.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Participation as advisor to finished

Master’s dissertations

1. Gustavo Danicki Aureliano Rosa. Aprendizagem e cognição de indivíduos em contexto de expertise

em função de conhecimento prévio [Learning and cognition of individuals in expertise contexts as a

function of previous knowledge]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Education) – Catholic

University of Brasília. Advisor: Afonso Celso Tanus Galvao.

2. Ana Isabel Cartaxo Guimarães Brasil. Desejo e desenvolvimento da expertise:motivação de longo

prazo de pianistas/cravistas experts de tradição clássica [Desire and expertise development: long-term

motivation of pianist/harpsichordist experts in the classical tradition]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s

Degree in Education) - Catholic University of Brasília, CAPES. Advisor: Afonso Celso Tanus Galvao.

Doctoral theses

1. Marcelo Silveira de Alcântara. Metacognição e autorregulação na graduação universitária:

estratégias de estudo individual e ensino-aprendizagem em contextos de iniciação à expertise

[Metacognition and self-regulation in higher education: individual study strategies and the aspects of

teaching-learning in contexts of expertise initiation]. 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) –

Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Afonso Celso Tanus Galvao.

2. Elizabete Francis Castilho de Alencar. Representações sociais de professores da educação infantil

sobre criatividade: significações, importância [The social representation of professors about creativity

in early childhood education: significance and importance]. 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in

Education) - Catholic University of Brasília, Federal District Education Secretariat. Advisor: Afonso

Celso Tanus Galvão.



UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Psychopedagogue, Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

(Catholic University of Argentina). Undergra. Degree in Educational

Management, Faculty of Psychology (University of Aconcagua)

Argentina. General Director of the Coexistence in Schools Observatory

(Catholic University of Argentina). Coordinating professor: minority and

familiy educational issues. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

(Undergrad.), Psychology UCA. Coordinating Professor: educational

institutions management. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

Higher education professors, UCA. Chair Professor: Educational

Supervision. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. (Undergrad.

Management and Educational Supervision, UCA). General Counselor at

the Laura Vicuña, Maria Auxiliadora Institute Foundation School, Luján de Cuyo - Mendoza

Argentina. General Advisor at the Ricart Foundation School. Colegios Norbridge. Argentina.

Columnist for the El Sol Daily Newspapers (site:

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.



UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Full Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná and

researcher in its Master’s and Doctoral Programs [PPGE/PUCPR]. Prof.

Eyng holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy from the Tuiuti

University in Paraná - UTP (1983), a Master’s Degree in Pedagogy

from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR (1995), a

Master’s in Inovation and Educational Systems from the Autonomous

University of Barcelona - UAB (1998) and a Doctoral Degree in

Pedagogy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2001). She is

a Coordinator at the Violence in Schools Observatory at PUCPR and a

Scientific Initiation Project [PIBID/PUCPR] Institutional Coordinator. Reader at the UNESCO Youth,

Education and Society. Leader of the Public Policy and Teacher Training Research Group. She has

extensive experience in publications in the area of Education, with a particular emphasis on curricula,

evaluation methods, teacher training, human righs and violence in schools. Name used in bibliographic

citations: EYNG, Ana Maria.


Complete articles published in journals

1. EYNG, ANA MARIA . Políticas educacionais e convivência no ambiente escolar:faces da

diversidade e da padronização. Revista Diversidades [Educational policies and coexistence in school

environments: faces of diversity and standardization], v. 44, p. 06-12, 2014.

2. EYNG, ANA MARIA . Políticas educacionais e convivência no ambiente escolar:faces da

diversidade e da padronização [Educational policies and coexistence in school environments: faces of

diversity and standardization]. Revista Diversidades, v. 44, p. 06-12, 2014.

3. ENS, Romilda Teodora ; RIBAS, M. E. ; EYNG, Ana Maria ; GISI, Maria Lourdes . Evasão ou

permanência na profissão: políticas educacionais e representações sociais de professores [Evasion or

professional permanence: educational policies and teaching social representations]. Revista Diálogo

Educacional (PUCPR. Printed), v. V14, p. 501-523, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. EYNG, Ana Maria. Direitos humanos, justiça e convivência nas escolas: traços da teorização e

percepções juvenis em diálogo [Human rights, justice and coexistence in schools: traces of theorizing

and juvenile perceptions in dialogue]. In: Geraldo Caliman. (Org.). Direitos humanos na pedagogia do

amanhã [Human righs in the pedagogy of tomorrow]. 1ed.Brasília: Liber Livro, 2014, v. , p. 183-208.

2. PACIEVITCH, T. ; EYNG, Ana Maria . Das políticas de acesso e permanência na escola à

Educação Básica de qualidade social: avanço possível? [On accessibility policies and permanence in

Elementary Schools with social quality: a possible advancement?]. In: Maria de Lourdes Pinto de

Almeida; Lindomar Wessler Boneti; Thais Pacievitch. (Org.). O social e as políticas educacionais na

contemporaneidade: das desigualdades à violência no espaço educacional [Social and Educational

policies in contemporaneity: from inequality to violence in the education space]. 1ed.Campinas:

Mercado das Letras, 2014, v. , p. 125-139.

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3. AMORIM, C. A. A.; EYNG, Ana Maria. Violência Escolar, Bullying e Políticas Públicas: Uma

reflexão.. In: Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida; Lindomar Wessler Boneti; Thais Pacievitch. (Org.).

O social e as políticas educacionais na contemporaneidade: das desigualdades à violência no espaço

educacional [Social and Educational policies in contemporaneity: from inequality to violence in the

education space]. 1ed.Campinas: Mercado das Letras, 2014, v. 1, p. 00-00.

Complete articles presented in scientific meetings proceedings

1. PENTEADO, A. L.; EYNG, Ana Maria; PACIEVITCH, T. . A configuração da profissionalidade

docente como base para a garantia do direito à educação da qualidade social da Educação Básica [The

configuration of teaching professionality as a basis for the fulfillment of rights to a social quality

education in Elementary Education]. In: X Seminário Internacional da Rede Estrado [10th

International Seminar of the Estrado Network], 2014, Salvador. Anais Seminário Internacional da

Rede Estrado, 2014. 133p.. Salvador: Grapho, 2014. v. único. p. 1-15.

2. SANTOS, M. S.; VOGEL, P. ; EYNG, Ana Maria . Avaliação Institucional na Educação Básica:

Demanda estatal ou instrumento de Gestão Escolar? [Institutional Evaluation in Early Education: State

demand or a School Management instrument]. In: Seminário de Pesquisa em Educação da Região Sul

- Reunião Científica Regional da Anped [Research Seminar on Southern Education], 2014,

Florianópolis. Anais Anaped Sul, 2014. Florianópolis, 2014.


Participation in course concluding boards


1. EYNG, Ana Maria; ZAINKO, Maria Amélia Sabbag; ENS, Romilda Teodora. Participation in the

committee for Susana Hintz. Políticas de avaliação da educação superior e profissionalidade docente

[Evaluation policies in higher education and teaching professionality]. 2014. Dissertation (Masters

Degree in Educação) – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.

2. EYNG, ANA MARIA; FERREIRA, N.S.C.; SOUZA, M. A.. Participation in the committee for

Valéria Marcondes Brasil. As Políticas Públicas para o Jovem - o PROJOVEM como Política de

Inclusão- Tendências e Fragilidades [Public Policies for the Youth – PROJOVEM as an Inclusive

Policy – Tendencies and Fragilities]. 2014. Dissertation (Masters Degree in Education) – Tuiuti

University of Paraná.

Doctoral theses

1. EYNG, Ana Maria; GARCIA, J.; AMARAL FILHO, Fausto dos Santos; FERNANDES, Rui

Eduardo Trindade; GARANHANI, Marynelma Camargo. Participation in the committee for Clovis da

Silva Brito. Relações Pedagógicas como um Jogar [Pedagogical Relations as a Playful Game]. 2014.

Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) - Tuiuti University of Paraná.

Master’s qualifications

1. EYNG, Ana Maria; MEDEIROS, Cristina Carta Cardoso; BAIBICH, Tânia Maria. Participation in

the committee for Niélcia de Aguiar Herreira. Gestão universitária: a coordenação de cursos de

graduação na área de saúde frente aos saberes e a prática pedagógica [University management: the

coordination of undergraduate healthcare courses in the face of knowledge and pedagogical practices].

2014. Qualification Examination (Master’s Degree in Education) – Federal University of Paraná.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. II Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná [2nd

Paraná PIBID State Seminar]. 2014. (Seminar).

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2. Colóquio Internacional de Educação e justiça social. Pressupostos da profissionalidade docente

como base para a garantia do direito à educação básica de qualidade social [International Education

and social justice colloquium. Assumptions in the professionality of the teaching profession as a basis

for the fulfillment of educational rights to a social quality education in Elementary Education]. 2014.


3. Colóquio Internacional de Educação e justiça social. Justiça e justiça nas escolas: percepções

juvenis em diálogo com políticas de educação e juventude [International Education and Social Justice

Colloquium. Justice and Justice in Schools: juvenile perceptions in dialogue with educational policies

for the youth]. 2014. (Other).

4. Colóquio Internacional Educação e Justiça Social. Direitos humanos e direitos humanos nas escolas:

percepções juvenis em diálogo com políticas de educação e juventude [International Education and

Social Justice Colloquium. Human rights and human rights in schools: juvenile perceptions in

dialogue with educational policies for the youth]. 2014. (Other).



UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Master in Educational Psychology in 2002 and later, in 2007, received the

title of Ph.D. in Psychology and Education from the Faculty of Psychology

of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). Currently serves as

full-time professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous

University of Querétaro. She is responsible for UAQ’s Observatory of

School Coexistence (OCEQ) and is an active member of UNESCO’s Chair

in Youth, Education and Society headquartered at the Catholic University of




UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Doctorate in Education with a specialization in the Sociology and

Anthropology of Education from the University of California, Los

Angeles (1983). He is the author of over 250 scientific publications in ten

languages. Founder of this Chair and Full Professor at the Catholic

University of Brasilia in the Master’s and Doctorate courses in Education.

He also teaches in the Pedagogy Undergraduate Programme. Member of

the Editorial Boards of the following periodicals: Ensaio: Avaliação e

Políticas Públicas em Educação [Essay: Assessment and Public Policies

on Education] , Interacções [Inter-actions]; Sisyphus and Meta: Avaliação [Objective: Evaluation].

Name used in bibliographic citations: GOMES, C.A.C.


Complete articles published in journals

1. PALAZZO, J. ; Candido Alberto Gomes. Professores de menos, licenciados demais?. Educação On-

Line (PUCRJ) [Too much of a bachelor, less of a teacher?], v. 4, p. 14-35, 2014.


o passado dos planos: a necessidade de aprendizagem com o compasso da/na história [The past and

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

future of plnas: learning necessities in the compass of history]. Educação (PUCRS. Impresso), v. 37, p.

158, 2014.


Nem tudo o que reluz é ouro: um caso de mudança curricular no Ensino Médio [Everything that

glitters is not necessarily gold: a case of curricular change in high school]. Ensaio (Cesgranrio

Foundation. Printed), v. 22, p. 705-732, 2014.

4. GOMES, W. A. E. S. ; GOMES, C.A.C. . Superação do 'bullying' na escola: avaliação de uma

experiência [Overcoming bullying at school: evaluation of an experience]. Meta: Avaliação, v. 6, p.

29, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. GOMES, C.A.C. ; JESUS, W. F. ; CAPANEMA, C. F. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Geometria política da

federação: entre pirâmides e redes [The political geometry of the Federation: between pyramids and

networks]. In: Souza, Donaldo Bello de; Martins, Angela Maria. (Org.). Planos de educação no Brasil:

planejamento, políticas, práticas [Education plans in Brazil: planning, policies and practices]. 1ed. São

Paulo: Loyola, 2014, v. 1, p. 127-146.

2. VASCONCELOS, I. C. O. ; Candido Alberto Gomes . Jovens estudantes universitários e seus

professores: aspectos da interação social [Young university students and their professors: aspects of

social interaction]. In: Melo, Benedita Portugal e; Diogo, Ana Matias; Ferreira, Manuela; Lopes, João

Teixeira; Gomes, Elias Evangelista. (Org.). Entre crise e euforia: práticas e políticas educativas no

Brasil e em Portugal [Between crisis and euphoria: practices and educational policies in Portugal and

Brazil]. 1ed.Porto: Universidade do Porto, 2014, v. 1, p. 399-422.

Complete works published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. VASCONCELOS, I. C. O. ; Gomes, C. A. . JOVENS Estudantes universitários e seus professores:

aspectos da interação social [University students and their professors: aspects of social interaction]. In:

IV Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro de Sociologia da Educação [IV Luso-Brazilian Sociology of Education

Colloquium], 2014, Porto, Portugal. Anais do IV Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro de Sociologia da

Educação. Porto, Portugal: Universidde do Porto, Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. v. 1. p. 393-412.

2. PALAZZO, J. ; Gomes, C. A. . À falta de outra opção, seremos educadores? [In lack of a better

option, will we be educators?]. In: X Seminário Internacional da Rede Estrado Rede Latino-americana

de Estudos sobre Trabalho Docente [10th International Seminar of the Estrade Latin-American

network on Teaching Studies], 2014, Salvador. Direito à educação, políticas educativas e trabalho

docente na Anérica Latina: experiências e propostas em disputa [The right to an education, educational

policies and the teaching profession in Latin America: experiences and proposals in dispute].

Salvador: Rede Estrado, Grapho, Gestrado UFMG, UNEB, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-15.

3. GOMES, C.A.C. Educação comparada no Brasil [Comparative education in Brazil]. In: 6º Encontro

Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Comparada [6th International Meeting of the

Brazilian Society of Comparative Education], 2014, Bento Gonçalves - RS. Processos de privatização

de educação: Anais do 6º Encontro Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Comparada.

Porto Alegre: EdiPUC, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-17.

4. VASCONCELOS, I. C. O. ; GOMES, C.A.C. . Jovens estudantes e seus professores: interação

social e currículo dialógico [Young students and their professors: social interaction and curricular

dialogue]. In: I Colóquio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro sobre Questões Curriculares [1st Luso-Afro-Brazilian

Colloquium on Curricular Issues], 2014, Braga. Currículo na contemporaneidade: internacionalização

e contextos locais: atas [Curriculum in contemporary society: internationalization and local contexts:

minutes]. Braga: Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação, Centro de Investigação em Educação

(CIEd), 2014. v. 1. p. 638-642.

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5. VASCONCELOS, I. C. O. ; Gomes, C. A. Jovens estudantes e seus professores: interação social e

currículo dialógico [Young students and their professors: social interaction and dialogic curriculum].

In: XI Colóquio sobre questões curriculares [11th Colloquium on curricular issues], VII Colóquio

Luso-Brasileiro sobre questões curriculares [7th Colloquium on Luso-Brazilian curricular issues], I

Colóqio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro sobre Questões Curriculares [1st Colloquium on Luso-Afro-Brazilian

Curricular Issues], 2014, Braga, Minho, Portugal. Currículo na contemporaneidade:

internacionalização e contextos locais: atas [Curriculum in contemporary society: internationalization

and local contexts: minutes]. Braga: Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação, Centro de

Investigação em Educação (CIEd), 2014. v. 1. p. 638-642.

Work presentations

1. VASCONCELOS, I. O.; Gomes, Candido Alberto da Costa. Jovens estudantes universitários e seus

professores: interação social e currículo dialógico [Young university students and their professors:

social interactions and dialogic curriculum]. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Seminar).

Other bibliographic productions

1. CALIMAN, G. ; GOMES, C.A.C. . Percepções de justiça e direitos humanos de grupos sociais

específicos [Justice perceptions and the human rights of specific social groups]. Brasília, 2014.

(Preface, Afterword/Presentation).

Technical production

Advisory and Consultancy

1. Gomes, Candido Alberto da Costa. XII Congresso Nacional de Educação EDUCERE [12th National

Education Congress]. 2015.

2. Gomes, C. A. Parecer 'ad hoc' para a Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal

of Public Health. 2014.

Other technical activities

1. GOMES, C.A.C. Editor associado, Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação [Essay:

Evaluation and Education Public Policies]. 2014. (Editoração/Periódico).


Doctoral theses


Participation in the committee for Ivar César Oliveira de Vasconcelos. Interação entre experiências

sociais de jovens estudantes e de professores universitários: decifrando diálogos [Interactions between

the social experiences of young students and university professors: deciphering dialogues]. 2014.

Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) – Catholic University of Brasília.

Undergraduate course concluding monographs

1. LIRA, Adriana; Gomes, C. A. Participation in the Committee for Mariana Helena Silva da

Luz.Narrativas sobre a inclusão de uma criança autista: desafio à prática docente [Narratives about the

inclusioin of an autistic child: challenges to the teaching practice]. 2014. Undergraduate course

concluding monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

2. LIRA, Adriana; Gomes, C. A.. Participation in the Committee for Ana Paula de Souza

Silva.Alfabetização e letramento: um estudo comparativo entre as abordagens do BIA e do GEEMPA

[Literacy and its teaching form: a comparative study on the BIA and GEEMPA approaches]. 2014.

Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic

University of Brasília.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. PNE: desafios para o monitoramento e avaliação de metas e estratégias. Universalização do

atendimento escolar. 2014. (Congress).

2. XI Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro/I Colóquio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro sobre Questões Curriculares. Jovens

estudantes universitários e seus professors: interação social e currículo dialógico. 1º autor: Ivar César

Oliveira de Vasconcelos. 2014. (Congress).

3. 4º Congresso de Pesquisa e Iniciação Científica do UDF, 2º Encontro Iniciação em

Desenvolvimento Tecnolóigico e Inovação. Curso superior: e agora?. 2014. (Congress).

4. Congreso Iberoamericano de Valores y Convivencia Escolar. Todos somos responsables de la

convivencia en la escuela. 2014. (Congress).

5. 6º Encontro Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Comparada: Processos de

Privatização da Educação. A educação comparada no Brasil. 2014. (Congress).

6. I Seminário de Estudos Comparados em Educação. Educação comparada no Brasil: retrospectiva e

prospectiva. 2014. (Seminar).

7. Colóquio "Avaliação da educação básica em debate". O processo de discussão da LDB de 1996 e a

entrata do tema da avaliação. 2014. (Symposium).

8. Reunión 2014, Red Latinoamericana de Convivencia Escolar. Puentes entre investigadores y

decisores en convivencia escolar. 2014. (Symposium).

9. Encontros de Psicologia Analítica: O Mito Traça o Caminho. O jovem e nossa época: qual o mito

presente?. 2014. (Meeting).

10. Encontro de lançamento de Sisyphus: Journal of Education. Juventude: o direito a um lugar ao sol.

2014. (Meeting).

11. Audiência pública da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Legislação Participativa do Senado

Federal.A banalização da vida: o mapa da violência hoje. 2014. (Other).

Organization of events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. Candido Alberto Gomes . Foro de la Red de Expertos Iberoamericanos en Parlamentos: Juventud: el

derecho a un lugar al sol. 2014. (Outro).

Participation as advisor to finished doctoral theses

Doctoral theses

1. Ivar César Oliveira de Vasconcelos. Interação entre experiências sociais de jovens estudantes e de

professores universitários: decifrando diálogos [Social interactions and experiences among Students

and University Professors: decoding dialogues]. 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) -

Universidade Católica de Brasília, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior.

Advisor: Candido Alberto Gomes.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.




UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Ph.D. Degree in Education from the University of Brasilia (UnB),

a Master’s Degree in Education from the Federal University of Ceará

(UFC), a MSc. in Higher Education and Undergraduate Degrees in Social

Sciences and Teology from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). He is

currently a professor at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs in

Education at the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), as well as a

Researcher in its UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society.

Professor Sousa has extensive experience in the areas of Sociology and

Anthropology, with an emphasis on the Sociology of Education and

Anthropological Religion, acting mainly in the following themes: youth,

social movements, religiosities, politics, technologies, sociabilities and

power. Name used in bibliographic citations: SOUSA, C.A.M.


Complete articles published in journals

1. GOMES, C.A. ; JESUS, W. F. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. ; CAPANEMA, C. F. . O presente e o passado

dos planos: A necessidade de aprendizagem com o compasso da/na História [The past and present of

planning: the learning necessity in compass with History]. Revista Educação (PUCRS. Online), v. 37,

p. 158-166, 2014.

2. LIMA, D.M.S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Educação antirracista: um Brasil melhor é possível? [Anti-

racist education: is a better Brazil possible?]. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación (Online), v. 64, p.

1-9, 2014.

3. LIMA, D.M.S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Como os currículos escolares podem contribuir para uma

política antirracista [How can school curricula contribute towards anti-racist policies]. Dialogia

(UNINOVE. Printed), v. 20, p. 85-98, 2014.

4. LIMA, D.M.S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. ; SILVA FILHO, M. N. R. R. . Internet e aprendizagens: olhares

de jovens graduandos de Matemática [Internet and learning: an overview from young undergraduate

Mathematics majors]. Revista EDaPECI: Educação a Distância e Práticas Educativas

Comunicacionais e Interculturais, v. v. 14, p. 388-402, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. GOMES, C.A. ; JESUS, W. F. ; CAPANEMA, C. F. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Geometria política da

federação: entre pirâmides e redes [Federal political geometry: between networks and pyramids]. In:

Souza, Donaldo Bello de; Martins, Angela Maria.. (Org.). Planos de educação no Brasil:

planejamento, políticas, práticas.. 1ed.São Paulo: Loyola, 2014, v. 1, p. 127-146.

2. SOUSA, C. A. M. ; JESUS, W. F. . Diga alguma coisa da visita pastoral no Piauhy: Notas sobre

uma carta jesuítica nos sertões em 1915 [Say something about the pastoral visity in Piauhy: notes on a

jesuit letter from the wilderness in 1915]. In: Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante; Patrícia Helena Carvalho

Holanda; Antônia Regina P.C. Leitão; Zuleide Fernandes Queiroz; José Edvar Costa de Araújo.

(Org.). Afeto, Razão e Fé: Caminhos e Mundos da História da Educação [Affection, Reason and Faith:

Paths and Worlds from Education History]. 1ed.Fortaleza: Ed. UFC, 2014, v. 1, p. 150-162.

3. GOMES, D. S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Futuros educadores: a favor ou contra a redução da maioridade

penal? [Future educators: in favor of or against the reduction of the criminal responsibility age]. In:

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Geraldo Caliman. (Org.). Direitos Humanos na Pedagogia do Amanhã. 1ed.Brasília: Liber Livro,

2014, v. 1, p. 223-253.

Papers fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. LIMA, D.M.S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Observatório racial no cotidiano escolar: visões docentes

[Racial observatory in daily school-life: a teacher’s perspective]. In: VIII Congresso Brasileiro de

Pesquisadores (as) Negros (as), 2014, Belém. Ações Afirmativas: cidadania e relações étnico-raciais

[Affirmative Actions: citizenship and ethnic-racial relationships]. Belém: LF Editorial, 2014. v. 1. p.


2. SOUSA, C. A. M. . Um olhar jesuítico lusitano sobre o Brasil: Pe. Luiz Gonzaga Cabral. In: X

Congresso Luso-Brasileiro Curitiba, 2014, Curitiba. Percursos e Desafios na História da Educação

Luso-brasileiro. Curitiba: PUC Paraná, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-12.

Work presentations

1. SOUSA, C. A. M. . Um olhar jesuítico lusitano sobre o Brasil: Pe. Luiz Gonzaga Cabral [A Lusitan

Jesuit look on Brazil: Father Luiz Gonzaga Cabral]. 2014. (Paper presentation/Communication).

2. SOUSA, C. A. M. . Diga alguma coisa da visita pastoral no Piauhy: Notas sobre uma carta jesuítica

nos sertões em 1915 [Say something about the pastoral visity in Piauhy: notes on a jesuit letter from

the wilderness in 1915]. 2014. (Paper presentation/Conference or Lecture).

3. FICHTNER, B.; BITENCOURT, K. R. S.; SOUSA, C. A. M. Colóquio Pedagógico - Adolescentes

e Jovens no Ciberespaço: Aprendizagens Políticas [Pedagogical Colloquium – Adolescents and Youth

in Cyberspace: Learning Policies]. 2014. (Paper presentation/Other).

4. SOUSA, C. A. M. . Perfil da Juventude Brasileira [Brazilian Youth Profile]. 2014. (Paper

presentation/Conference or Lecture).

5. SOUSA, C. A. M.; PERONDI, M. Adolescentes e Jovens brasileiros: desafios e expectativas da

formação no Ensino Médio [Brazilian adolescents and the youth: Challenges and Expectations of

Training in High School]. 2014. (Paper presentation/Conference or Lecture).

6. SOUSA, C. A. M. O que dizem as pesquisas sobre as TIC e o jovem universitário: indicações de

temas para pesquisas do PIBIC [What does research say about ICB and the young university student:

indications of topics for PIBIC Research]. 2014. (Paper presentation/Conference or Lecture).

Participation as advisor to course concluding works


1. SOUSA, C. A. M.; COUTINHO, L. M.; MORAES, M. C. B.; FICHTNER, B.. Participation in the

committee for Kelly Ramos de Souza Bitencourt. Novas sociabilidades e protagonismo juvenis: a

escola vista no ciberespaço [New sociabilities and youth protagosism: a school view from cyberspace].

2014. Dissertation (Masters and Doctoral Degree in Education) – Catholic University of Brasília.

Undergraduate monographs

1. SOUSA, C. A. M.; CALIMAN, G.. Participation in the committee for Danielle Soares Gomes.

Futuros Educadores: A favor ou contra a redução da Maioridade Penal? [Future educators: in favor of

or against the reduction of the criminal responsibility age?]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

2. SOUSA, C. A. M.; PAIXÃO,D.L.L. Participation in the committee for Nara Martins Silva. O papel

da educação no sistema socioeducativo: um estudo de representações sociais com adolescentes em

conflito com a lei [The role of education in the social and educational system: a study of social

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

representations amongt non-abiding adolescents]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Orientations and advisements in progress

Masters dissertations

1. Maria Valdenice Soares Craviee. Cartas Edificantes dos Jesuítas Portugueses no início do século

XX: visões de Brasil e da Educação [The Portuguese Jesuit Edifying letters in the early twentieth

century: views of Brazil and Education]. Beginning: 2014. Dissertation (Masters Degree in Education)

- Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

2. Carmen Dulce de Britto Freire Dourado. Uso de dispositivos móveis ubiquos: O celular no

ambiente da sala de aula - um desafio no processo de ensino-aprendizagem [Ubiquitous use of mobile

devices: the mobile in the classroom environment – a challenge in the teaching-learning process].

Beginning: 2014. Dissertation (Professional Masters Degree in Education) - Catholic University of

Brasília. (Advisor).

3. Ângelo Caminha Munhoz. As apropriações do WhatsApp por adolescentes e suas sociabilidades

[Whatsapp appropriations for adolescents and their sociability]. Beginning: 2014. Dissertation

(Professional Masters Degree in Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Doctoral theses

1. Danilo Borges Dias. Em definição [In progress]. Beginning: 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in

Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Advisories concluded

Master’s dissertations

1. Kelly Ramos de Souza Bitencourt. Novas sociabilidades e protagonismo juvenis: a escola vista no

ciberespaço [New sociabilities and youth leadership: a school view from cyberspace]. 2014.

Dissertation (Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor:

Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

2. Marcelo Nicomedes dos Reis Silva Filho. Pedagogia de Projetos e Cultura Popular: Atividades

Exitosas em Séries Iniciais [The Pedagogy Of Projects and Popular Culture: Successful Activities in

Early Classrooms]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Education) - Catholic

University of Brasília, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor:

Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

Specialization course concluding monograph

1. Gleice Amélia Gomes Lemos. Juventude e o Ciberespaço: Conflitos e Possibilidades. 2014.

Monograph. (Aperfeiçoamento/Especialização em Gestão Educacional) - Catholic University of

Brasília. Advisor: Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

Undergraduate monograph

1. Marlene Durão de Lima. A Crise da Educação: Uma Reflexão Arendtiana [The Education Crisis:

An Arendtian Reflexion]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate

Degree in Philosophy) - São Boaventura Institute. Advisor: Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

2. Vinício Carvalho Reis Souza. Notas sobre o Pensamento de Edith Stein sobre a Mulher [Notes on

Edith Stein’s Toughts on Women]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degree in Philosophy) - São Boaventura Institute. Advisor: Carlos Angelo de

Meneses Sousa.

Undergraduate research conducted under the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society

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1. Izolda Américo Pimentel. Aspectos que Facilitam e Dificultam o Uso Pedagógico das TIC nas

Escolas Públicas [Aspects that Facilitate and Hinder the Pedagogical Use of ICT in Public Schools].

2014. Iniciação Científica. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

2. Márcia Garcia Pereira Fernandes. Educação de Jovens e Adultos: Fatores que Motivam o Retorno à

Escola [Youth and Adult Education: Factors that Motivate the Return to School]. 2014. Undergraduate

Research Project. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor:

Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

3. Márcia Garcia Pereira Fernandes. O uso da internet como subsídio na aprendizagem de jovens

universitários [The use of internet as a resource in the learning of university students]. 2014.

Undergraduate Research Project. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Universidade Catholic

University of Brasília. Advisor: Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.

4. Danielle Soares Gomes. Futuros Educadores: A Favor ou Contra a Redução da Maioridade Penal?

[Future educators: in favor of or against the reduction of the criminal responsibility age?]. 2014.

Undergraduate Research Project. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of

Brasília. Advisor: Carlos Angelo de Meneses Sousa.



UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Is a Tenured Professor at the University of Minho, where he is a

coordinator in the Education and Human Rights Core of the Institute of

Education at the University of Minho. Name used in bibliographic

citations: ESTÊVÃO, Carlos V.

Team coordinators: Carlos Estêvão and Maria José Casa Nova

Number of professors involved:

Masters: 1

Doctoral: 2



1. Models and Practices in Educational Administration (Catholic University of Portugal)

2. Institutional Evaluation (Catholic University of Portugal)

3. Project Seminar (Catholic University of Portugal)

4. Sociology of Education and School Organization (University of Minho)


Research groups:

Research in Progress: Percepções de Direitos humanos e Justiça dos Estudantes do Ensino Superior

[Perceptions of Justice and Human Rights among Hihger Education Students].

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Other research:

1. Project Democracia, diferença e desigualdades sociais e escolares [Democracy, diversity and

social and school inequalities], financed by CIEd, from the University of Minho.

2. Project Escola, Justiças e Violências [School, Justice and Violence], financed by CAPES, on 60

mil reais.

3. Núcleo de Estudos sobre Governação e Instituições [Study Group on Governance and

Institutions], from UCSAL, Salvador. Coordinated by António Carlos da Silva.

4. Project Observatório Gestão e Avaliação de políticas e projetos sociais [Management, Policy

Evaluations and Social Projects Observatory] , financed by CNPQ, as a consultant and in which 3

universities participated: UNEB, UFBA and UCSAL Human Rights, Citizenship and Violence

Observatory, coordinated by Kátia Siqueira.

5. Foreign colaborator in the project Estudos das Organizações Educativas [Studies on Educational

Organizations] – line of research: Politics, Educational Planning and Educational Management,

coordinated by Alice Botler, da Federal University of Pernambuco.

6. Foreign colaborator in the project Políticas Públicas e Formação de Professores [Public Policies

and Teacher Training], from PUC, Paraná. Brazil, coordinated by Ana Eyng.

7. Foreign colaborator in the project Núcleo de pesquisa e estudos sobre juventudes, identidades,

cidadania e cultura [Study group on youth, identities, citizenship and culture], coordinated by

Mary Castro e Vanessa Cavalcanti, from UCSAL, Salvador.

Doctoral advisements concluded:

1. Organization and School Administration, entitled “Gestão Empresarial, Educação Profissional e

Cidadania: Um Estudo da Gestão em Escolas de Ensino Médio Integrado no Estado do Ceará”

[Entrepreneurial Management, Professional Education and Citizenship: a Study of Management in

Chartered High Schools in the State of Ceará], by Zirlânea Gonçalves. Specializing in Organization

and School Administration. Classified and approved by unanimity. Presented on May 16th 2014.

Advisor Carlos Estevão.

2. Doctoral thesis entitled Liderança e Cultura organizacional. O impacto da liderança do diretor

na(s) cultura(s) organizacional(ais) escolar(es)[Leadership and organizational culture. The impact of

the director’s leadership in school organizational cultures], by Cristina Maria Bicho Alpalhão

Caixeiro, from the University of Évora. Specializing in Educational Sciences. Classified and approved

by unanimity, with high honors, on June the 3rd

2014. Advisor José Verdasca e Carlos Estêvão.

Master’s degree advisements concluded:

1. (In)Disciplina na Escola do Século XXI [(In)Discipline in the twenty first century school], by

Bernardina Maria dos Santos Cardoso. Advisor: Carlos Estêvão.

2. Agrupamentos de escolas e estruturas de orientação educativa, [School clusters and educational

orientation] by Marina Miranda Cruz, Advisor: Carlos Estêvão.

Doctoral advisories in progress:

1. Os Labirintos da Justiça na Escola: representações e práticas de professores e alunos [The Mazes of

Justice in Schools: representations and practices of teachers and students], by Maria Aline Seiça,

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Advisors: Maria de Fátima Sanches e Carlos Estêvão.

2. Políticas educativas e autonomia [Educational policies and autonomy], by Fabiane Maio Garcia .

Advisors: Carlos Estêvão e Maria José Casa-Nova.

Master’s advisories in progress:

1. Liderança e sucesso dos alunos numa escola privada internacional na região do Norte de Portugal

[Leadership and student success in an international private school in the Northern Region of Portugal],

by Vanessa Rocha Lima e Souza. Advisor: Carlos Estêvão.

2. (Mega)Agrupamentos e autonomia das escolas [Mega Groups and school autonomy], by Carla

Leonor Dias Costa. Advisor: Carlos Estêvão.

3. Gestão escolar e liderança [School management and leadership], by Isabel Areias. Advisor: Carlos


4. Empreendedorismo social como estratégia de ligação à comunidade [Social entrepreneurship as a

community liaison strategy], by Miguel Rui Vieira. Advisor: Carlos Estevão.

5. Director de turma e absentismo dos alunos do curso profissional [Class teacher absenteeism and

professional course students], by Ana Cristina Rangel Santos. Advisor: Carlos Estêvão.


1. ESTÊVÃO, Carlos V. (2013). Pós-democracia, direitos humnaos, justiça social e educação pública.

Repensar a escola pública comum direito na era dos mercados [Post-democracy, human rights, social

justice and public education. Rethinking the public school in the market era]. In Hernâni, V. Neto &

Sandra l. Coelho (Eds.), Responsabilidade social, respeito e ética na vida em sociedade [Social

responsibility, respect and ethics in social life]. Porto: Civeri publishing, pp. 140-162. (efectivamente

publicado em 2014).

2. ESTÊVÃO, Carlos V. (2014). ESTÊVÃO, Carlos V. (2014). A nebulosa conexão do mercado e da

agora ao nível dos direitos humanos e da justiça. Encruzilhadas do ensino superior [The nebulous

connection between the market justice and human rights]. In Geraldo Caliman (org.). Direitos

humanos na pedagogia do amanhã [Human rights in the pedagogy of tomorrow]. Brasília: Liber livro,

pp. 101-131.

Complete articles published in journals:

1. Estêvão, Carlos V. (2013). Políticas de educação e autonomia: algumas reflexões perversas sobre

temáticas abençoadas. Educação, Temas e Problemas. A escola em análise: olhares sociopolíticos e

organizacionais [Political education and empowerment: some perverse reflections on blessed themes.

Education, themes and issues. The school under analysis: socio-political and organizational views], 6

(12-13): 77-88. (ISSN 1646-2831). Published in 2014.


Event organization:

1. Organization of the Seminar Seminário Internacional Ciências Sociais, Conhecimento e Educação

como Bens Públicos, no âmbito do MMM - Manifesto por um Mundo Melhor [International Seminar

Social Sciences, Knowledge and Education as Public Gooods under the (MMM) – Manifesto for a

Better World], held November 21th 2014, at the University of Minho. Aimed at discussing alternatives

to the narrative powers of neoliberalism, presenting different world perspectives and more in line with

the construction and primacy of a participative democracy, emphasizing the role of education and the

necessity of science as an edifying tool for a more humane society.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Participation in events:


1. In Paraná, Curitiba, A Pluridimensionalidade da Justiça e Educação [The Pluri-dimensionality of

Justice and Education]. Colóquio internacional, Educação e Justiça Social International

colloquium on Education and Social Justice held between May 6 th

and 9th 2014 (Openning

conference) on 6/05/2014.

2. In Salvador, at UCSAL, at CONINTER 3, International Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and

Humanities Congress, A interpenetração do Mercado e da Agora ao nível dos direitos humanos e

da justiça [The interpretation of the Market and the Agora at the level of justice and human

rights], October 5 th


3. In Salvador, Educação, Direitos Humanos, Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade [Education,

Human Rights, Development and Sustainability], at the [1 st

Science, Education Technology and

Inovation Forum: dialogues for sustainability] held at Estácio University/FIB, October 29th and

30th, 2014.

4. At Funchal, at the 11º Congresso do Sindicato dos Professores da Madeira [11th Madeira’s

Teachers Union Congress], A Escola para os Direitos e Formação de Educadores [A School for

the rights and training of educators], held November 22nd at the Island of Madeira Teachers

Union, Portugal.

Debate cycles:

1. At Braga, Cycle of debates, 40 anos de Abril, educação, democracia e participação [40 April

Years, education, democracy and participation], held April 22nd, 2014, about April Stories and

livelihoods. University of Minho


1. Modelos de financiamento e de produção de conhecimento [Financing and model production

models], at the International Social Sciences Seminar, Knowledge and Education as Public Goods, in

the Manifesto for a Better World [MMM], held November 21st 2014. University of Minho.

Round tables:

1. At the Catholic University of Salvador, at the CONINTER 3 Round Table, Congresso Internacional

Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais e Humanidades [International Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

and Humanities Congress], concerning the issue of Direitos humanos e sustentabilidade [Human

Rights and Sustainability], held October 6th 2014

2. Round Table “Relações de poder e diálogos culturais” [Power relations and cultural dialogues], with

Democracia, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Sustentável [Democracy, Citizenship, Sustainable

Development], I Fórum de Ciência. Educação e inovação Tecnológica: diálogos para a

sustentabilidade [1st Science Forum. Education and Technological Innovation: dialogues for

sustainability], at Estácio University/FIB, held October 29th at Estácio University/FIB.


1. Catholic University of Portugal, sponsored by the Family in Contemporary Society Postgraduate

Program – Postrgraduate Program in Political Science and Citizenship, integrating the NPJI/UCSA

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

activity – Youth, Identity and Citizenship Group NEIG/UCSAL – Culture and Studies on Governance

and Institutions Group, held October 31st 2014 with the title: Ethics, Investigation and Engagements.


1. Participatin at the IV Jornadas Doutorais UMINHO-IFRN [4th Doctocal Journeys UMINHO-

IFRN], March 31st 2014, advising a workshop on Education, Justice and Human Rights, at the

Education Institute of the University of Minho.

Other relevant information:

1. Participation as a jury in José Miguel Carvalho’s Aggregation Examination, Associate Professor at the

Institute of Education at the University of Lisbon, between the 6th and 7

th January, 2014, arguing the


2. Belongs to the Movement for a Better World [MMM] founding core.



UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Doctorate in education from the University of Campinas (1987).

For several years, editorial coordinator and special adviser to UNESCO

in Brazil, in the field of Education. Former science and technology

analyst and superintendent of Humanities and Social Sciences at the

CNPq and Associate Secretary for Educational Policy at the Brazilian

Muinistry of Education. Currently he is a professor in the Master’s and

Doctorate Programs in Education at the Catholic University of Brasília

and a member of the editorial board of the journals Linhas Críticas

(UnB), Ensaio (Fundação Cesgranrio) and Política e Administração da

Educação (Anpae). Name in bibliographic citations: CUNHA, C.


Complete articles published in journals

1. CUNHA, C. De Canudos a Angicos: a ideia de um Brasil alfabetizado e consciente [From Canudos

to Angico: the idea of an alfabetized and consciencious Brazil]. v. 26, p. 105-121, 2014.

Livros publicados/organizados ou edições

1. SILVA, M. A. (Org.); CUNHA, C. (Org.). Educação básica: política, avanços e pendências [Basic

education: policies, advancements and pending issues]. 1ª. ed. Campinas - S.Paulo: Autores

Associados, 2014. 353p .

2. CUNHA, C. (Org.); JESUS, W. F. (Org.); GUIMARAES-IOSIF, R. M. (Org.). A educação em

novas arenas: políticas, pesquisas e perspectivas [The education in new arenas: policies, researches

and perspectives]. 1ª. ed. Brasilia: Liber Livro, 2014. 460p .

Chapters in published books

1. MELO, M. A. F.; CUNHA, C. Educação profissional, científica e tecnológica: programas, arranjos

produtivos e desenvolvimento local. Educação profissional, científica e tecnológica: programas,

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

arranjos produtivos produtivos e desenvolvimento local [Scientific, technological and professional

education: programs, productive arrangements and local development]. 1ªed.Brasilia: Liber Livro,

2014, v. , p. 343-368.

Technical production

Advisory and consultancy


H. G. ; TEIXEIRA, J. ; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, W. ; CUNHA, C. . Sistema Nacional de Educação

[National Education System]. 2014.

2. CUNHA, C. . Capes: projetos de cooperação e bolsas de mobilidade [Capes: coooperation projects

and mobility scholarships]. 2014.

3. CUNHA, C. . Capes: avaliação de projetos IC países de Lingua Portuguesa [Capes: project

evaluation for Portuguese Speaking Countries]. 2014.

Interviews, round tables, programs and media commentaries

1. CUNHA, C. ; MEYER, P. . Subsídios e proposições sobre o magistério da educação básica

[Subsidies and teaching propositions on basic education]. 2014. (Radio or TV Program/Roundtable).

2. CUNHA, C. . Ensino da lingua portuguesa. 2014. (Radio or TV Program /Interview).


Participation in course concluding boards


1. CUNHA, C.; JESUS, W. F.; CARVALHO, D. B. B.. Participation in the committee for Angela

Mara Sugamosto Westphal. Egresso da primeira chamada do Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras

[Alumni from the first Science Withouth Borders Call]. 2014. Dissertation (Masters Degree in

Education) – Catholic University of Brasília.

2. JESUS, W. F.; BUARQUE, C.; CUNHA, C.. Participation in the committee for Clara de Souza

Chaves. A produção de pesquisa em educação e as políticas públicas no DF: uma articulação

necessária [The production of research on Education and Public Policies in the Federal District: a

Necessary Articulation]. 2014. Dissertation (Mestrado em Educação) - Catholic University of Brasília.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. Educar Educador. Cooperação União-Estados-Municípios-Sociedade Civil na Educação

[Cooperation on Education between the Union, States, Municipalities and Civil Society]. 2014.


2. Seminário sobre o Relatório de Monitoramento da Unesco 2013/14 [Seminar on Unesco’s

Monitoring Report]. 2014. (Seminar).

3. II Encontro Marista de Missão e Gestão. Crise da globalização e desafios pedagógicos [Second

Marist Meeting on Mission and Management. Global crisis and pedagogical challenges]. 2014.


4. Pedagogia das Virtudes. Pedagogia das Virtudes na Educação e na Cultura de Paz [The Pedagogy of

Virtues. Pedagogy of Virtues in an Education for Culture and Peace]. 2014. (Seminar).

Advisories in progress

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Doctoral thesis

1. Luciana Limiera. Escola pública integral - ressignificação das funções intelectual e social exercidas

pela escola [Full time public school- a ressignification of the intelectual and social functions exerted

by the school]. Beginning: 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) - Catholic University of

Brasília. (Advisor).

Concluded advisories

Master’s dissertations

1. Ana Paula de Siqueira Gaudio. O Prouni como política de inclusão social: uma avaliação por meio

do Enade [Prouni as an inclusive social policy: an evaluation by means of Enade]. 2014. Dissertation

(Master’s Degree in Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Celio da Cunha.

2. Angela Maria Sugamosto Westphal. Egresso da primeira chamada do Programa Ciência sem

Fronteiras [Alumni from the first Science Withouth Borders Call]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s

Degree in Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Celio da Cunha.


UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Received a Diploma in Advanced Studies in Psychology and Development in

1981 and later, in 1983, the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology and

Cognitive Development from the EHESS Paris, France. Prof. Diez-Martinez

is currently working on educational proposals from her basic research results

and is also a member of the Observatory of School Coexistence Querétaro

(OCEQ) from the Autonomous University of Querétaro and a member of

UNESCO’s Chair in Youth, Education and Society, headquartered at the

Catholic University of Brasilia.




Holds a Doctorate in Law from the European University Institute of Florence

and a Doctorate in Legal Sciences from the University of Paris X. Member of

the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) Senate, since June 2013. As a

teacher and head researcher at the Fernando Pessoa University he teaches

International Law, Social Law, and Family and Minors Law. He also

coordinates the Masters course on Minorities Studies. Name used in

bibliographic citations: CARDOSO, J. C.

Chapters in published books




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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

TOMORROW], ed. CALIMAN, Geraldo, 67 - 100. ISBN: 978-85-796. Brasília: Liber Livro Editora



DE PESQUISA EM AÇÃO HUMANITÁRIA, 2014 (Seminar/ Organization).


MINORITIES STUDIES, 2014 (Conference / Organization).





Concluded doctoral theses

1. João Paulo Soares Rodrigues, A Inserção Social dos Repatriados Açorianos [The Social Insertion of

Repatriated Açorians], 2014. Thesis (Social Sciences – Master of Science Degree in Minority Studies)

- Fernando Pessoa University (Advisor).

2. Emmanuel Joseph Mallya, New Public Management and Minorities - A Study on Tanzania in a

Comparative Perspective, 2014. Thesis (Social Sciences – Master of Science Degree in Minority

Studies) - Universidade Fernando Pessoa (Advisor).

Concluded master’s dissertations and doctoral theses

1. Zenira Silva Cardoso, A construção do Estado em contexto de crise política e humanitária - o caso

da Guiné-Bissau [The construction of the State in a context of political and humanitarian crises – the

case of Guinea-Bissau], 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and

Development) - Fernando Pessoa University (Advisor).

2. Giulia Boni, Planning humanitarian projects with educational focus in Guinea rural areas: analysis

and proposal for a change, 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation

and Development) - Fernando Pessoa University (Advisor).

3. Manuel António Pascoal, Sahara Ocidental - O direito de ser um povo [The right to be a people],

2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in International Relations with an Emphasis on the Arab and

Islamic Worlds) - Fernando Pessoa University (Advisor).

4. Mutlu Onur Okan, The Kurds in Turkey and the State - Questions from the past for our time, 2014.

Dissertation (Master’s Degree in International Relations with an Emphasis on the Arab and Islamic

Worlds) - Fernando Pessoa University (Advisor).

5. Max Émile Frank, The United States of America and the European Union - A Comparative Study of

Two Eco-Political Systems, 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Managerial Sciences) - Fernando

Pessoa University (Advisor).

Postgraduate course concluding monograph

1. Fernando Luís Carvalho Gonçalves, A imigração brasileira e a situação social em Portugal

[Brazilian immigration and their social situation in Portugal], 2014. Monograph (Specialization in

Social Service) - Fernando Pessoa University (Advisor).

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Participation in events

1. Cátedra UNESCO 812, 2014 (Other). Name of the event: Juridical Psychology and Criminology

Master’s Degree Week 2013/2014; Name of the Institution: Criminology Department of UFP/

Psychology Department at UFP; City of the event: Porto / Fernando Pessoa University.

2. A Humanização e a Desumanização das Sociedades [The Humanization and Dehumanization of

Societies], 2014 (Conference). Name of the event: JORNADA DE REFLEXÃO "A Globalização e as

transformações das sociedades nacional e internacional" [REFLECTION JOURNEYS “Globalization

and national and international social transformations]; Name of the Institution: European Studies

Course, Lusophone Studies and International Relations; City of the event: Porto / Lusophone

University of Porto.




UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Brasilia

(2005). Currently Associate Professor in the Master’s and Doctorate Courses

in Education at the Catholic University of Brasilia and in the Psychology

degree course. She is a reviser for the periodical: Estudos de Psicologia

[Pychology studies] (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte -UFRN)) and

Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul -

UFRGS. Printed) [Psychology: Reflection and Critique]. Name used in bibliographic citations:



Complete articles published in journals

1. Pinto, K.L.B. ; Arrais, A. R. ; Brasil, Tarouquella, K.C. . Avosidade x maternidade: a avó como

suporte parental na adolescência [Grand-maternity x motherhood: the grandmother as a parental

support during adolescence]. Psico-USF (Printed), v. 19, p. 37-47, 2014.

Books published/organized or edited

1. BRASIL, K. C. T. R. (Org.) . Jovem, adolescente e criança em contextos de protecão e risco no

Brasil [Youth, adolescence and childhood in contexts of risk and protection in Brazil]. 1. ed. Série

Práxis Educativa: editora da UFF, 2014. v. 1. 293p .

Chapters in published books

1. FERREIRA, R. M. A. ; BRASIL, K. C. T. R. ; ALMEIDA, S. F. C. ; AMPARO, D. M. .



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Janeiro: editora da UFF, 2014, v. 1, p. 57-80.

Papers fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. VIANA, D. M. ; BRASIL, K. C. T. R. ; PAULA, A. S. ; BRASIL JUNIOR, A. C. P. . Projeto

Meninas Velozes: Uma experiência visando formação, inclusão social equidade de gênero nas

engenharias [The Project Meninas Velozes/Fast Girls: An experience aiming at the formation, social

inclusion and gender equity in the engineering fields]. In: VIII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia

Mecânica [Eigth National Mecanical Engineering Congress], 2014, Uberlândia. Anais Conem 2014.

São Paulo: ABCM, 2014. v. 1. p. 18.


Participation in events, congresses, exhibitions and fairs

1. VI colóquio de Psicologia Escolar [Sixth School Psychology Colloquium]. A formação de

profissionais da educação na área da violência sexual infanto-juvenil [The training of education

professionals in the area of sexual violence against children and adolescents]. 2014. (Symposium).

Organization of events, congresses, exhibitions and fairs

1. Zanello, V.; Stevens; BRASIL, K. C. T. R. II Colóquio de estudos feministas e de gênero:

articulações e perspectivas [Feminist studies and gender colloquium: perspectives and articulations].

2014. (Congress).

2. CALIMAN, G. ; Cunha, C ; BRASIL, K. C. T. R. ; ALMEIDA, S. F. C. ; AMPARO, D. M.;

Legnani, V. N. ; LUCENA, J. I. A. ; SANTOS, V. G. . Seminário Internacional: Adolescência

configurações contemporâneas [Inernational Seminar: Adolescence Contemporary Configurations].

2014. (Other).

Advisories in progress

Masters dissertation

1. João Victor de Paula Gomes. Violência e Educação [Violence and Education]. Beginning: 2014.

Dissertation (Masters Degree in Education) – Catholic University of Brasilia. (Advisor).

Doctoral thesis

1. Helen Tatiana Santos Lima. Sofrimento Psíquico e Adolescêcia [Psychic suffering and

Adolescence]. Beginning: 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) - Catholic University of

Brasilia. (Advisor).

Undergraduate research

1. Paula Karine Bolzan Freitas. Repercussões Subjetivas Do Trabalho Psicossocial: Conter A

Violência Dos Adolescentes [Subjective Repercussions of Psychosocial Work: Containing Teenage

Violence]. Beginning: 2014. Undergraduate Research Program (Undergraduate Degree in Psychology)

- Catholic University of Brasilia, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.


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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Doctorate in Sociology from the University of Brasília (2004).

Visiting professor at the University of California in San Diego. Visiting

Researcher at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, Saint Marys University,

Halifax, Canada, the Delhi University, the Centre for Women’s Studies at

the University of Hyderabad, India, and Bielefeld University, Germany.

Currently a professor at the Catholic University of Brasília in the Masters

Program in Law strictu sensu and is a member of the Research Support

Committee (CAP). Name in biobliographic citations: BIJOS, L. M. J.


Complete articles published in journals

1. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; BARBOSA, L. G. . Política para a Redução da Pobreza e para o

Empreendedorismo: Bolsa Família versus Microempreendedor Individual [Policies for poverty

reduction and entrepreneurship: Bolsa Familia versus the Individual Micro-entrepreneur]. Revista de

Direito Internacional, Econômico e Tributário, v. 8, p. 32, 2014.

2. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; CAÇADOR, Manuela Beatriz Ferreira . Proteção Internacional aos Refugiados: O

Caso da Somália [Internatinoal Refugee Protection: the Case of Somalia]. Revista Mestrado em

Direito (UNIFIEO. Printed), v. 13, p. 123-165, 2014.

3. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; GUILHON, Erick Pessôa . BRICS, Uma Alternativa de Poder? [An alternative to

Power?]. Revista do Direito Público (Londrina), v. 9, p. 9-54, 2014.

Books published/organized or edited

1. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; BANERJEE, A. . Foreign Policy of Major Powers. 1. ed. New York, N.Y.: Shipra

Publications New York University, 2014. v. 500. 1200p .

2. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; FREITAS FILHO, R. . Sistema Político [Political System]. 1. ed. Brasilia, Distrito

Federal: Editora IDP, 2014. v. 1. 155p .

Chapters in published books

1. BIJOS, L. M. J. . Deslocamentos Forçados por Questões Ambientais: Haitianos no Brasil [Forced

displacements by environmental issues: Haitians in Brazil]. In: José Eduardo Sabo Paes; Juliana

Aparecida Magalhães. (Org.). Terceiro Setor e Tributação. 8ed.Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense, 2014,

v. 7, p. 89-121.

Articles published in newspapers/journals

1. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; STUENKEL, O. ; VIOLA, E. . Falklands' prosperity and economic boom

surprises visiting Brazilian delegation. MercoPress South Atlantic News Agency, Montevideo,

Uruguay, p. 1 - 3, 30 mar. 2014.

2. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; STUENKEL, O. ; VIOLA, E. ; Carlos Eduardo Vidigal . FALKLANDS

PROSPERITY AND ECONOMIC BOOM. Penguin News Falkland Islands, Stanley, Falkland Islands,

p. 1 - 3, 21 mar. 2014.

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3. BIJOS, L. M. J. ; CUNHA, T. . Copa do Mundo: imagina na Rússia [World Cup: imagine it in

Russia]. Correio Braziliense, Brasília, p. 1 - 2, 02 fev. 2014.

Papers fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. BIJOS, L. M. J.; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Fernando; MOREIRA, C. P. A Diplomacia da Energia:

Contribuições do Brasil para a Construção do Marco Jurídico Regulatório Internacional de Energias

Renováveis a partir de Tratados sobre Biocombustíveis [The Diplomacy of Energy: Brazilian

Contributions in the Constuction of a Regulatory International Framework on Renewable Energies

based on Biofuel Treaties]. In: VI SPI - Seminário de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar [Sixth Interdisciplinary

Seminar], 2014, Florianópolis. Anais do VI SPI - SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA

INTERDISCIPLINAR. Florianópolis/SC: Editora UNISUL, 2014. v. 3. p. 354-422.

Advisories in progress

Master’s dissertations

1. Eulírio de Farias Dantas. Análise Comparativa da Constitucionalidade das Leis no Distrito Federal e

de Buenos Aires (2011-2014) [Comparative Analysis on the Constitutionality of Laws in the Federal

District and Buenos Aires (2011-2014)]. Beginning: 2015. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Law) –

Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

2. Angela Karine Guimarães de Miranda Correia. O Poder Judiciário e o Desenvolvimento Econômico

Brasileiro [The Judicial Power and the Brazilian Economic Development]. Beginning: 2014.

Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Course concluding monographs

1. Débora Caroline Jardim da Costa. Hierarquia dos Tratados Internacionais à Luz do Direito Interno

[Hierarchy of International Treaties in light of the Internal Law]. Beginning: 2014. Undergraduate

Course Concluding Monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília.


Advisories concluded

Master’s dissertations

1. Denis Oliveira Cavalcante. A Entrada da Venezuela no MERCOSUL, Novos Rumos da Política

Externa da República Bolivariana [Venezuela’s entry into MERCOSUL, New Paths in the Bolivarian

Foreign Policy]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.

2. Carlo Venâncio dos Santos Sousa. Análise da Constitucionalidade e dos Impactos das Medidas de

Austeridade sobre a Política de Bem-Estar Social: Aposentadorias, Pensões e Empregos [An analysis

of the Constitutionality and Impacts of Austerity Measures on Welfare Policies: Retirements, Pensions

and Jobs]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor:

Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.

3. Rosangela Queiroz Martins Araújo. A Inserção do Agronegócio do Oeste Baiano no Mercado

Internacional Chinês como forma de Consolidação do Crescimento Econômico e Desenvolvimento

Social da Cidade de Barreiras – Bahia [The insertion of agribusiness of Western Bahia in the

International Chiense Market as a form of Consolidating the Economic and Development Growth of

the City of Barreiras – Bahia]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Law) - Catholic University of

Brasília. Advisor: Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.

Course concluding monographs

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1. Marina Menezes Morato dos Santos. Tráfico de Pessoas: Jurisdição Brasileira [Human Trafficking:

Brazilian Jurisdiction]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree

in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.

2. Renato Lopes de Oliveira. O Repatriamento de Dinheiro Público Proveniente de Corrupção Inserido

nos Efeitos da Condenação [The Repatriation of Corruptly obtained Public Money Inserted on the

Effects of Conviction ]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree

in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.

3. Nayara Soares. A Efetivação de Políticas Públicas paras Refugiados no Brasil [The Effectiveness of

Public Policies for Refugees in Brazil]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degree in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.

4. Raquel Pina de Sá. Adoção Internacional de Crianças Brasileiras Análise de Caso: Itália

[International Adoption of Brazilian Children. A Case Study Analysis: Italy]. 2014. Undergraduate

Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Law) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Leila Maria Da Juda Bijos.



UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy from the State University of São

Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1991), as well as Master’s and Doctoral degrees in

Health Sciences from the University of Brasília. Has Postgraduate degrees in

Mechanical Therapy (McKenzie Method) and Diagnosis. He is currently a

physical therapist at the Federal District’s Health Secretariat, acting in the

coordination of the Postgraduate Research Program from the Health Sciences

Higher Education School and is also a Professor at the Catholic University of

Brasília. Has experience in the area of physiotherapy, working mainly on the

following themes: physiotherapy, electrotherapy, orthotics and postural stability.

Name used in bibliographic citations: SANTANA, L. A.


Complete articles published in journals

1. GUADAGNIN, R. V. ; SANTANA, L. A. ; BRASIL', L. M. ; NEVES, R. S. . An approach to

provide visual information to support skin wounds therapy. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,

v. 24, p. 81-85, 2014.


M. ; NEVES, R. S. . Acurácia e concordância entre medidas de área de úlceras por pressão aferidas

pelos softwares AutoCad e ImageJ [Acuracy and consistency between pressured ulcers area measures

measured by the softwares AutoCand and ImageJ]. Fisioterapia Brasil, v. 15, p. 248-252, 2014.

Paper presentations


S. ; GUADAGNIN, R. V. . The use of mobile phone camera to image capture to calculate area of the

pressure ulcers. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


Concluded advisories

Course concluding monographs

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1. Alessandra da Silva Almeida e Mirely Oliveira Calixto. O uso da câmera do telefone celular na

captação de imagens para cálculo de área de úlceras por pressão [The use of mobile phone camera to

image capture to calculate area of the pressure ulcers]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor:

Levy Aniceto Santana.

2. Lumara Cristina de Souza Silva e Nayara Monteiro Viana Lima. Relação entre a convivência

escolar, qualidade de vida e flexibilidade em professores de uma escola pública do Gama - Distrito

Federal [Relationships between school coexistence, quality of life and flexibility in Professors at a

Public School in Gama – Federal District]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Levy Aniceto


3. Karolina Bastos da Cruz Salmona. O uso do software ImageJ para avaliação de feridas [The use of

software ImageJ in wound evaluations]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Levy Aniceto


4. Amanda Oliveira do Vale Lira. Avaliação funcional em pacientes hemofílicos da Fundação

Hemocentro de Brasília Distrito Federal [Functional assessment in hemophiliac patients at the Federal

District’s ‘Homecentro’ Foundation]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Levy Aniceto


5. Andre Leandro Fernandes da Costa e Raquel Reis dos Santos. Efeitos da Kinesio Taping no

tratamento da Disfunção Femoropatelar: uma Revisão Bibliográfica [Effects of Kinesio Taping in the

treatment of Patellofemoral Dysfunction: a literature review]. 2014. Undergraduate Course

Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Levy Aniceto Santana.

6. Leila Heloisa de Paula Vieira. Análise bibliométrica de artigos relacionados à Fisioterapia

publicados na Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia [Bibliometric analysis of articles related to physical

therapy published in the Brazilian Ortopedia Review]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph. (Graduação Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Levy Aniceto Santana.

7. Elivaldete da Silva Costa e Marcella Moreno da Silva. Relação entre as alterações biomecânicas de

membros inferiores e a síndrome da dor femoropatelar: uma revisão bibliográfica [Relationships

between biomechanical changes of the lower limbs and the patelloformal pain syndrome: a literature

review]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in

Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Levy Aniceto Santana.

8. Bianca Pereira de Sousa e Stephanie Caroline Duarte Ribeiro. Nível de capacitação de acadêmicos

de Fisioterapia para atuarem em situações de urgência e emergência [Level of qualification of

physiotherapy students to act in situations of urgency and emergency]. 2014. Undergraduate Course

Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Levy Aniceto Santana.

9. Priscilla Lorrana de Jesus Aniceto. Produção científica em Fisioterapia: análise bibliométrica da

Revista Fisioterapia em Movimento [Scientific Production on Physiotherapy: a bibliometric analysis

of the Physiothrapy in Movment Review]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Levy Aniceto


10. Marcos Vinícius Nunes Martins. Análise bibliométrica de artigos relacionados à lombalgia

publicados em revistas brasileiras de Fisioterapia [A bibliometric analysis of articles related to lower

back pains published in the Brazilian Journal of Physiotherapy]. 2014. Undergraduate Course

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Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Physiotherapy) - Catholic University of Brasília.

Advisor: Levy Aniceto Santana.




UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences (Psychology) and a degree in

School Psychology from the René Descartes University, Paris V. She is a

Psychoanalist and founding member of the Psychoanalitic Journey of

Brasília. She has been a professor at the Masters and Doctoral Programs in

Education at the Catholic University of Brasília. Name used in

bibliographic citations: ALMEIDA, S. F. C. de.


Complete articles published in journals

1. Fagundes, C.; ALMEIDA, S. F. C. de. O supereu e a tragédia na modernidade [The superego and

the tragedy of modernity]. apalavra, v. 4, p. 87-98, 2014.


DE ; LEGNANI, Viviane Neves . A relação mãe-bebê na estimulação precoce: um olhar psicanalítico

[The mother-infant relationship in early stimulation: a psychoanalytic view]. Estilos da Clínica (USP.

Printed), v. 19, p. 414-435, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. FERREIRA, R. M. A. ; BRASIL, K. C. T. R. ; ALMEIDA, S. F. C. de ; Amparo, D. M. . 3.




EDUCATION]. In: Sandra Cabral Baron; Katia Cristina Tarouquella Rodrigues Brasil. (Org.).



PROTECTION IN BRAZIL]. 1ed.Vitória, ES: EDUFF, 2014, v. 1, p. 54-77.

Papers fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. Medeiros, C. P. ; ALMEIDA, S. F. C. de . GT Psicanálise, infância e educação [Psychoanalysis,

childhood and education]. In: XV Simpósio de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio Científico da ANPEPP [Fifth

ANPEPP Scientifc Exchange and Research Symposium], 2014, Bento Gonçalves, RS. Anais do XV

Simpósio de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio Científico da ANPEPP: Pesquisa, colaboração e

comprometimento em Psicologia. Bento Gonçalves, RS: ANPEPP, 2014. v. 1. p. 136-137.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. X Colóquio internacional do LEPSI Crianças públicas, adultos privados V Congresso da RUEPSY

Rede Universitária Internacional em Educação e Psicanálise e I Congresso Brasileiro da Rede

INFEIES. A precocidade da criança pública: A educação infantil precoce torna o bebê público? [10th

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International LEPSI Colloquium Public Children, private adults 5th RUEPSY Congress International

University Network on Education and Psychoanalysis and 1st Brazilian IFEIS Network Congress. The

precocity of the public child: does early childhood education the baby public?]. 2014. (Congress).

2. XV Simpósio de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio Científico da ANPEPP.Co-coordenação do GT Psicanálise,

infância e educação [Fifteenth ANPEPP Scientific and Research Symposium. With the co-

coordination of the GT Psychoanalisis, childhood and education]. 2014. (Symposium).

Advisories in progress

Masters dissertations

1. Tatiana Ivanovski. Efeitos do diagnóstico de TDAH no aprendizado de alunos: concepções e

práticas de professores [Effects of ADHD diagnosis in student learning processes: conceptions and

teaching practices]. Beginning: 2014. Dissertation (Masters Degree in Education) - Catholic

University of Brasília. (Advisor).

2. Sergio Roberto Moreira da Silva. Identidade do professor: desenvolvimento pessoal e

aperfeiçoamento profissional. Beginning: 2014 [Teacher identity: personal development and

professional improvement]. Dissertation (Masters Degree in Education) - Catholic University of

Brasília. (Advisor).

3. Edgard Benício. Sofrimento psíquico e prazer nas práticas profissionais de professores do ensino

fundamental [Psychic suffering and pleasure in the professional practices of teachers in Elementary

School]. Beginning: 2014. Dissertation (Professional Masters Degree in Education) - Catholic

University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Doctoral thesis






SPECIALIZATION COURSE]. Beginning: 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Education) - Catholic

University of Brasília. (Advisor).

Post-doctoral supervision

1. Viviane Neves Legnani. Beginning: 2014. Catholic University of Brasília, Capes.

Advisories concluded

Doctoral thesis

1. Rosana Marcia Rolando Aguiar. Violência na escola e sofrimento psíquico de professores: uma

análise das práticas profissionais, de orientação psicanalítica [Violence in schools and teacher psychic

suffering: an analysis on psychoanalyticly oriented professional practices]. 2014. Thesis (Doctoral

Degree in Education) – Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Sandra Francesca Conte de Almeida.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a doctorate in School Psychology and Human Development form the

University of São Paulo (2003). Full professor at the São Paulo Salesian

University Centerand Pedagogical Advisor to course coordinators at the

UNISAL. Name used in bibliographic citations: KOEHLER, Sonia Maria



Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. III Seminário de Extensão do UNISAL - Direitos Humanos, Culturas e Meio Ambiente. Direitos

Humanos, Justiça e Educação: Percepções de alunos do ensino superior [Third UNISAL Extension

Seminar – Human Rights, Cultures and the Environment. Human Rights, Justice and Education:

student perceptions in higher education]. 2014. (Seminar).

2. III Seminário de Extensão do UNISAL - Direitos Humanos, Culturas e Meio Ambiente.

Observatório de Violêcias nas Escolas [Third UNISAL Extension Seminar – Human Rights, Cultures

and the Environment. Violence in Schools Observatory]. 2014. (Seminar).

3. XIV Mostra de Produção Científica.Direitos Humanos, justiça e educação: percepções de alunos de

licenciatura em psicologia [14th Science Production Show. Human Rights, justice and education:

perceptions from Undergraduate Psychology Students]. 2014. (Seminar).

4. III Jornada de Produção Científica e Prática de Estágio. Direitos Humanos, justiça e educação:

percepções de alunos de licenciatura em psicologia [3rd Scientific Production and Internship Journey.

Human rights, justice and education: perceptions from Undergraduate Psychology Students]. 2014.


Advisories in progress

Undergraduate research

1. Francisco Medeiros Andrade. Homofobia, violência e educação: O estudo da representação social

de uma população [Homophobia, violence and education: a study on a population’s social

representation]. Beginning: 2014. Undergraduate Research Program (Undergraduate Degree in

Psychology) – Salesian University Center São Paulo, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento

Científico e Tecnológico. (Advisor).

2. Ewellin Valesca Rodrigues dos Santos. Homofobia, violência e educação: um estudo sobre a

representação social de uma população de estudantes do ensino superior [Homophobia, violence and

education: a study on the social representation of a population of Higher Education Students].

Beginning: 2014. Undergraduate Research Program (Undergraduate Degree in Psychology) - Salesian

University Center São Paulo, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.


Other advisories

1. Alessandra Maria Cardoso da Silva. A gravidez na adolescência e a escola: capacitando professores.

Início: 2014. Orientação de outra natureza. Centro Universitário Salesiano São Paulo. Conselho

Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. (Advisor)

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Reader.

Holds a Doctorate from the University of Montreal (1984) and a Post-doctorate

from the School for Higher Studies in Social Sciences - EHESS - Paris (1991) and

the University of Montreal (1996). Currently he is an associate researcher at the

University of Brasilia and a profesor in the Master’s degree program in

Psychology and Geriontology at the Catholic University of Brasilia. Name used in

bibliographic citations: FALEIROS, V.P.


Complete articles published in journals

1. FALEIROS, V. P. Envelhecimento no Brasil do Século XXI: transições e desafios [Aging in the

21st Century Brazil: transitions and challenges]. Argumentum (Vitória), v. 6, p. 6-21, 2014.

2. FALEIROS, V. P. O Serviço Social no cotidiano: fios e desafios [Social service in the daily life:

lines and challenges]. Serviço Social & Sociedade, v. Especial, p. 706-722, 2014.


MORAES, C. Qualidade de vida de idosos submetidos a hemodiálise: uma revisão sistemática

[Quality of life of the elderly undergoing hemodialysis: a systematic review]. Revista Kairós, v. 17, p.

149-163, 2014.

Books published/organized or edited

1. FALEIROS, V. P. (Org.) ; Loureiro, Altair M. L. (Org.) ; Lucy G (Org.) ; PENSO, M. A. (Org.) . O

lugar que sobrou [The place that was left]. 1. ed. Brasília: Editora da Universidade Católica de

Brasília, 2014. v. 1. 205p .

Capítulos de livros publicados

2. FALEIROS, V. P. . Cotidiano e Relações de Poder em uma Instituição de Longa Permanência para

Pessoas Idosas [Daily life and power relations in a long-staying institution for the elderly people]. In:

LOUREIRO, A.M.L.; VIANNA, L.G.;PENSO, M.A;FALEIROS, V.P.. (Org.). O lugar que sobrou

[The place that was left]. 1ed. Brasília: Editora da Universidade Católica de Brasília, 2014, v. 1, p.



Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. 7º Seminário Anual de Serviço Social. Trabalho questão social e a dimensão política do trabalho do

assistente social no cotifdiano dos espaços sócio-ocupacionais [7th Annual Social Service Seminar.

The social issue and the political dimensions of the social worker’s dialy socio-ocupational spaces

life]. 2014. (Seminar).

2. Violência e exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes. Exploração sexual no Distrito Federal

[Violence and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. Sexual exploitation in the Federal

District]. 2014. (Seminar).

3. Semana do Assistente Social. A relação entre instrumentais e teoria nos pareceres conjuntos em

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

serviço social [Social Worker Week. The relationship between theory and instrumentals in social

service joint rulings]. 2014. (Seminar).

4. Encontro dialogos Psi: interdisciplinaridade e intersetorialidade. Interdisplinaridade [Psi dialogue

meetings: interdisciplinarity and the intersectoral approach. Interdisciplinarity]. 2014. (Seminar).

5. Escola de Educação e Humanidades. Contribuição à UCB [Education School and Humanities. UCB

Contributions]. 2014. (Meeting).

6. A importancia do serviço social na promoção da cidadania. A importancia do serviço social na

promoção da cidadania de adolescentes em medida socioeducativa [The importance of social service

in the promotion of citizenship. The importance of social service in the promotion of citizenship

among adolescents undergoing socioeducational measures. 2014. (Meeting).

7. Jornada da proteção social especial. Violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes [Special

social protection journey. Intra-family violence against children and adolescents]. 2014. (Other).

Organization of events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. FALEIROS, V. P. ; FREITAS, M. H. . I Seminário Internacional de Representações Sociais [1st

International Seminar on Social Representations]. 2014. (Other).



Chair Executive Secretary until June 2014.

The former Executive Secretary of the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education

and Society at the Catholic University of Brasilia holds a Master’s in Education

from the Catholic University of Brasilia (2010) where she is an associate

professor and tutor for undergraduate researchers supported by the Chair. She is

also pursuing a Doctoral Degree from the same University. She is a member of

the Scientific Committee of the 1st Seminar on Violence, Education and Health

of the Pariaba Valley, and the 1st International Law Seminar held every two

years in Lorena, São Paulo and run by the University Centre – U.E. Lorena.

Name used in biblographic citations: LIRA, Adriana.


Complete articles published in journals

1. LIRA, Adriana.; DIOGENES, M. C. Bullying as Seen by Its Student Victims, Perpetrators and

Witnesses A Case Study Conducted in A School Near the Brazilian Capital. USA: Academic Star

Publishing Company.. Journal of Modern Education Review, v. 4, p. 260-272, 2014.

2. LIRA, Adriana.; LIMA, Denise Maria Soares. Racial Discrimination as a Form of Violence: A

Challenge to Education Today. Índia.. Global Journal for Research Analysis, v. 3, p. 281-285, 2014.

3. MACHADO, M. F. E.; LIRA, Adriana. School Climate in the Perception of Teachers, Students and

the Management Team: A Case Study on the Periphery of Brasilia. Índia.. Indian Journal of Applied

Research, v. 4, p. 145-151, 2014.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Papers fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. MEDEIROS, J. N. F.; LIRA, Adriana. A violência escolar como causa do adoecimento docente

[School violence as a cause for teaching illness]. In: Anais do X Seminário Internacional Rede

Estrado. Direito à educação, políticas educativas e trabalho docente na América Latina: experiências e

propostas em disputa, 2014, Salvador. X Seminário Internacional Rede Estrado. Rede Latino-

americana de Estudo sobre Trabalho Docente. Salvador: UNEB [10th International Estrado Network

Seminar. The right to an education, educational policies and the teaching profession in Latin America:

experiences and proposals in dispute], 2014. v. 1. p. 1-16.

2. LIRA, Adriana. ; LIMA, Denise Maria Soares . A percepção dos ingressantes universitários acerca

da disciplina introdutória de IES, uma proposta curricular [The perceptions of college freshmen about

the introductory course Introduction to Higher Education, a curricular proposal]. In: XII Encontro de

Pesquisa em Educação: contradições e desafios para a transformação social, 2014 [12th Research on

Education Meeting: challenges and contradictions for a social transformation], Goiânia. Anais do XII

Encontro de Pesquisa em Educação da Região Centro-Oeste - Reunião Científica Regional da ANPEd

[12th Research on Education Midwest Region Meeting] – October 19th to 22nd, 2014, Goiânia.

Goiânia: PUC Goiás, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-12.

Paper presentations

1. MEDEIROS, J. N. F. ; LIRA, Adriana. . A violência escolar como causa do adoecimento docente

[School violence as a cause for teaching illness], Salvador. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Seminar).

2. LIRA, Adriana. ; LIMA, Denise Maria Soares . A percepção dos ingressantes universitários acerca

da disciplina introdutória de IES, uma proposta curricular [The perceptions of college freshmen about

the introductory course Introduction to Higher Education, a curricular proposal]. 2014. (Paper

Presentation /Other).

Other bibliographic productions

1. LIRA, Adriana. . Relatório Anual de Atividades - Cátedra UNESCO de Juventude, Educação e

Sociedade da UCB - UNESCO - Exercício 2013/2014 [UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and

Society/ UCB – Annual Activities Report. Period 2013/2014]. Brasília: UCB; UNESCO, 2014

(Technical Report).

2. LIRA, Adriana. . Violência, paz e direitos humanos: chamada à ação [Violence, peace and Human

Rights: a call for action]. São Paulo: Cadernos de Pesquisa, v. 44, n.151, pp. 243-247, 2014

(Bibliographic review).

3. LIMA, Denise Maria Soares ; LIRA, Adriana. . Tendências das pesquisas científicas no campo das

relações raciais [Trends in scientific research in the field of race relations]. XII Encontro de Pesquisa

em Educação da Região Centro-Oeste - Reunião Científica Regional da ANPEd. Goiânia: PUC Goiás,

2014 (Abstract and Poster).

Participation in judging committees

Other participations

1. LIRA, Adriana.; et al. Jornada de Pôsteres do Grupo de Pesquisa II "Juventude, Educação e

Sociedade do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Católica de Brasília [2nd Group Research and

Poster Journeys. Youth, Education and Society from the Pedagogy Course at the Catholic University

of Brasília]. 2014. Catholic University of Brasília.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

1. X Seminário Internacional Rede Estrado. Rede Latino-americana de Estudo sobre Trabalho

Docente, Salvador. A violência escolar como causa do adoecimento docente. 2014. (Seminar).

2. Seminário Internacional "Tendências e Dilemas Mundiais das Políticas de Educação: do local ao

global". Round Table: 20 anos de história da Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação na UCB

[Trends and Global Education Policy Dilemmas: from the local to the global]. 2014. (Seminar).

3. XII Encontro de Pesquisa em Educação da Região Centro-Oeste: contradições e desafios para a

transformação social. A percepção dos ingressantes universitários acercada disciplina introdutória de

IES, uma proposta curricular [12th Midwest Research on Education Meeting: challenges and

contradictions for a social transformation. The perceptions of college freshmen about the introductory

course Introduction to Higher Education, a curricular proposal]. 2014. (Meeting).

4. Aula Magna: Formação de Professores e Pesquisa em Educação - Uma realização do Programa de

Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação, da Escola Educação e Humanidade e do Programa de Pós-

Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia, da Escola de Saúde – UCB [Teacher Training and Education

Research – Brought by the Postgraduate Program in Education, from the School of Humanities and the

Postgraduate School of Psychology, from the Health School - UCB]... 2014. (Other).

5. Palestra: "Jovens e culturas juvenis: questionamentos" [ Youth and youth cultures: questions] with

Prof. José Machado Pais Ph.D. from the University of Lisboa - - Catholic University of Brasília -

Escola de Educação e Humanidades. 2014. (Outra).

Advisories concluded

Undergraduate monograph

1. Gabriella Soares de Oliveira Negre. O uso da internet na aprendizagem de universitários: que

pensam os estudantes? [The use of the internet in the learning processes of university students: what

do students think?]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in

Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Adriana Lira da Silva.

2. Mariana Helena da Silva Luz. Narrativas sobre a inclusão de uma criança autista: desafios à prática

docente [Narratives about the inclusion of an autistic child: challenges to the teaching practice]. 2014.

Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Catholic

University of Brasília. Advisor: Adriana Lira da Silva.

3. Ana Paula de Souza Silva. Alfabetização e letramento: um estudo comparativo entre as abordagens

do BIA e do GEEMPA [Literacy and literacy teaching: a comparative study between the BIA and

GEEMPA approaches]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree

in Pedagogy) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Adriana Lira da Silva.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


In 2014, the Chair partnered with 14 institutions. We hereby present an account of the work

produced by the institutions that sent their activities report. We must note, however, that part of these

activities was already presented in the Readers section. In this manner, we have opted not to repeat

those informations. This Chair supports the work of its partners, acknowledging their particular

challenges and possibilities – which explain the different results presented by them. In the current year

(2014), this Chair will review the agreements signed with its partners and consider their respective

fixed, due and expired terms. For this particular reason, the Chair has presented only a small number

of partner institutions in previous reports.


Social Service Faculty –

Team coordinator: coordinator of the core research and studies group on violence, ethics and human

rights and coordinator of NEPEVI – research and studies group on violence.

Prof. Patrícia Krieger Grossi Ph.D.


Holds an Undergraduate degree in Social Service from the Pontifical Catholic

University of Rio Grande do Sul (1987), a Master’s degree in Social Service

from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (1994) and a

Doctoral degree in Social Service – University of Toronto (1999). Has done

Post-doctoral studies at the University of Toronto, Canada (2010), with the

funding of the Faculty Research Funding Program from the Embassy of

Canada. She is currently Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Social Service at

the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and a Professor in the

permanent Postgraduate Program in Social Service at PUCRS and its

Postgraduate Program in Geriatrics and Gerontology at the Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology.

She has experience in the area of Social Services, with an emphasis on Social Health Services,

working mainly on the following themes: gender violence and public policies, violence against the

elderly, violence in schools, bullying, restorative practices, peace culture and drug addiction

countering policies. She coordinates the Studies and Research Group on Violence (NEPEVI) and the

Peace Studies Group (GEPAZ). She is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Texts & Contexts

Journal. An Ad hoc Consultant for CNPq. A CNPq 1C Productivity Scholarship Recipient. Featured

Gaucho Researcher in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences from the Research Foundation of

the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) in 2013.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

RESEARCH PROJECT - 2014 – Current

Specialized Care within the SUAS network towards women in situations of violence in the

municipality of Porto Alegre: advancements and challenges.

Description: It is estimated, according to a Perseu Abramo Research (2010), that every 24 seconds, a

woman is raped in the country. In 2011, the State of Rio Grande do Sul has signed the National Pact

for the Confrontation of Violence Against Women. In this Pact, it is predicted that several actions

must be undertaken in the prevention and confrontation of gender violence. Those documents contain,

as part of the services network, in the framework of SUAS, the CREAS, or Specialized Reference

Centers for Social Care. It is justified, in this manner, that the realization of this research, whose

general objective goal consists of learning about the social experiences lived by women in situations

of violence in Specialized Reference Centers for Social Care and the challenges in constructing an

intersectorial network of services against violence in the municipality of Porto Alegre from the

perspective of users, professionals and managers. Porto Alegre is considered an important

municipality for the implementation of actions aimed at combating violence against women, in line

with the criteria established by the National Pact for the Confrontation of Violence Against Women. It

is the only municipality in Rio Grande do Sul that possesses a Specialized Domestic Violence Court

and an intra-family State Reference Center. As far as the methodology is concerned, we opted for a

quanti-qualitative research based on a structural-historical perspective in which central theoretical

categories constitute its totality, contradiction and historicity. The procedures and instruments used in

the data collection were: a) interviews with managers and CREA professionals in Porto Alegre; b)

Interviews with women linked to PAEFI, their demands and service impacts in their lives; c) mapping

of CREAS in Porto Alegre. For the qualitative data, a thematic content analysis based on Bardin

(1977) will be used, and the quantitative data will be tabulated in the SPSS software and submitted to

a simple statistical descpription analysis based on the the program’s effectiveness analysis categories.

The proposal of the research consists of evaluating the effectiveness of the program through the

analysis of the impacts PAEFI had on the lives of women who used the services provided by the

CREAS, so that we could, through our research, bring voice to the demands and contributions for the

monitoring and evaluation systems, one of the predicted dimensions in the SUAS social care

surveillance. We intend, in that manner, to focus on the effects of the service on the targeted

population, in order to verify that the security provided by SUAS is contributing to enlarge the

economic autonomy, to offer better life control, access to the law and information, among others,

focusing thusly on the family relationships of women undergoing situations of violence. The goal is to

contribute with theoretical subsidies that could attest the quality of the care network geared towards

women undergoing violence situations in social care contexts. KEYWORDS: Public Policies. Women

under violence situations. Intersectoral Network. Social securitys; Gender violence.

Situation: In progress; Nature: Research.

Students involved: Undergraduate: (3)

Masters: (2)

Doctoral: (4)

Members: Patrícia Krieger Grossi - Coordinator / Márcio Lima Grossi - Member / Monique Soares

Vieira - Member / Geovana Prante Gasparotto - Member / Ana Rita Costa Coutinho - Member /

Conrado Paulino da Rosa - Member / Shirlei Santos - Member / Joana das Flores Duarte - Member /

Thais de Oliveira Barros - Member / João Vitor Bittencourt - Member / Gisele Zagonel Piccoli -


Members of the Editorial Board

1. Journal: Textos & Contextos [Texts & Contexts] (Online) – 2008 – current.

2. Journal: Educação [Education] (PUCRS. Printed) – 2011 – current.

3. Journal: Pan American Journal of Aging Research – 2014 - current

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Bibliographic production

Complete articles published in journals

1. SANTOS, Andréia Mendes dos ; GROSSI, P. K. ; SCHERER, P. T. . Bullying nas escolas: a

metodologia dos círculos restaurativos [Bullying at schools: the methodology of restorative circles].

Educação (PUCRS. Printed), v. 37, p. 278-287, 2014.

2. Marlene Ines Spaniol ; GROSSI, P. K. . Analise da implementacao das Patrulhas Maria da Penha

nos territorios da paz em Porto Alegre: avancos e desafios [Review of the implementation of the Maria

da Penha Law in the peace territories of Porto Alegre: advances and challenges]. Textos & Contextos

(Porto Alegre), v. 13, p. 398-413, 2014.

3. Florencio, Marcio Virginia di Lorenzo; GROSSI, P. K. . Instrumentos Quantitaivos Validados para

Identificação/rastreamento de violência contra a pessoa idosa. estudos interdisciplinares do

envelhecimento [Quantitative instruments validated in the tracking / identification of violence against

the elderly. Interdisciplinary studies on aging] - porto alegre , v. 19, p. 687-704, 2014.

Chapter in published books

1. GROSSI, P. K. ; GROSSI, Márcio Lima ; VINCENSI, J. G. ; SANTOS, Andréia Mendes

dos ; ALMEIDA, S. M. A. F. ; GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante . Challenges in the implementation

of the Maria da Penha Law for battered women policies in Brazil. In: Sven Hessle. (Org.). Human

Rights and Social Equality: Challenges for Social Work. 1ªed.Stockholm: Ashgate, 2014, v. 1, p. 132-


2. GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; VIEIRA, Monique Soares ; GROSSI, P. K. . Sistema Único de

Assistência Social: Problematizações a partir da Teoria Social de Marx [The Social Assistance Single

System: problematizations based on Marxian Social Theory]. In: BELLO, Enzo; LIMA; Martonio

MB; AUGUSTIN, Sérgio. (Org.). Direito e Marxismo: Economia Globalizada, Mobilização Popular e

Políticas Públicas. 1ed.Caxias do Sul: EDUCS, 2014, v. 2, p. 238-253.

3. GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; VIEIRA, Monique Soares ; GROSSI, P. K. . Violência Sexual

contra Crianças e Adolescentes e o método em Marx [Sexual violence against Children and

Adolescents and the Marxian method]. In: BELLO, Enzo; LIMA; Martonio MB; AUGUSTIN, Sérgio.

(Org.). Direito e Marxismo: Transformações na América latina Contemporânea. 1ed.Caxias do Sul:

EDUCS, 2014, v. 3, p. 76-91.

4. DUARTE, Ana Maria Almeida ; GROSSI, P. K. . Serviços Especializados de Atendimento à

Mulher no Rio Grande do Sul e a Complexidade da Rede no Atendimento à Mulher em Situação de

Violência [Specialized Women Assitance Services in Rio Grande do Sul and the Complexity of the

Assistance Network geared towards women in situations of violence]. In: Patricia Krieger Grossi;

Marlene Rozek. (Org.). Políticas Públicas na Perspectiva de Gênero e Promoção da Igualdade Racial:

Diálogos Interdisciplinares [Public Polices in the Perspective of Gender and Racial Equality

Promotion: Interdisciplinary Dialogues]. 1ªed.Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2014, v. , p. 23-35.

5. GRZESCZAK, Elizara Nunes ; Roberta Westphal ; GROSSI, P. K. . Mudanças na Lei Maria da

Penha e o Impacto na Vida das Mulheres: Proteção ou Privação do Direito de Escolha? [Changes in

the Maria da Penha Law and the Impact in Women’s life: Protection or Deprivation of the Rigth to

Chose?]. In: Patricia Krieger Grossi; Marlene Rozek. (Org.). Políticas Públicas na Perspectiva de

Gênero e Promoção da Igualdade Racial: Diálogos Interdisciplinares [Public Polices in the Perspective

of Gender and Racial Equality Promotion: Interdisciplinary Dialogues]. 1ªed. Porto Alegre:

EDIPUCRS, 2014, v. , p. 153-165.

6. SOUZA, Evelize Gonçalves ; GROSSI, P. K. . Políticas Públicas para Mulheres Rurais: Avanços,

Desafios e Perspectivas para a Garantia dos Direitos [Public Policies for Rural Women: Advances,

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Challenges and Perspectives in the Fulfillment of Rights]. In: Patricia Krieger Grossi; Marlene Rozek.

(Org.). Políticas Públicas na Perspectiva de Gênero e Promoção da Igualdade Racial: Diálogos

Interdisciplinares [Public Polices in the Perspective of Gender and Racial Equality Promotion:

Interdisciplinary Dialogues]. 1ªed.Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2014, v. , p. 179-191.

7. GIL, Vanessa Nesbeda da Silva ; GROSSI, P. K. . Patriarcado, Economia Feminista e Educação:

Caminhos para a Superação de Desigualdades. In: Patricia Krieger Grossi; Marlene Rozek. (Org.).

Políticas Públicas na Perspectiva de Gênero e Promoção da Igualdade Racial: Diálogos

Interdisciplinares [Public Polices in the Perspective of Gender and Racial Equality Promotion:

Interdisciplinary Dialogues]. 1ªed.Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2014, v. , p. 353-365.

8. GROSSI, P. K. ; GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; VIEIRA, Monique Soares . O Papel dos

CREAS no Enfrentamento da Violência na Família e o Trabalho do Assistente Social: Avanços e

Desafios na Perspectiva da Garantia dos Direitos [The role of CREAS in Confronting Violence in

Families and the Social Worker Job: Advances and Challenges in the Perspective of the fullfilment of

rights]. In: Dorian Monica Arpini e Sabrina Daiana Cunico. (Org.). Novos Olhares sobre a Família:

Aspectos Psicológicos, Sociais e Jurídicos [New Perspectives on the Family: Psychological Aspects,

Social and Juridical]. 1ªed.Curitiba: Editora CRV, 2014, v. 1, p. 71-95.

9. SCHERER, Giovane Antônio; GROSSI, P. K. ; AGUINSKY, B. G. . As Juventudes e as Múltiplas

Manifestações das Violências: uma refexão ética na contemporaneidade [Youth and the Multiple

Manifestations of Violence: an ethical reflection in contemporaneity]. In: José Jair Ribeiro; Maurício

Perondi; Miriam Pires Corrêa de Lacerda; Patrícia Krieger Grossi. (Org.). Juventudes na

Universidade: Olhares e Perspectivas [Youths in the University: Perspectives and Views]. 1ªed.Porto

Alegre: Redes Editora, 2014, v. 1, p. 87-100.

10. GROSSI, P. K. ; SANTOS, Andréia Mendes dos ; NIEDERAUER, João Paulo; SEIMETZ, Gisele

Ribeiro . Sexualidade e Gênero em Pauta: diálogos com as juventudes [Sexuality and Gender on the

Agenda: dialogues with youths]. In: José Jair Ribeiro; Maurício Perondi; Miriam Pires Corrêa de

Lacerda; Patrícia Krieger Grossi. (Org.). Juventudes na Universidade: Olhares e Perspectivas [Youths

in the University: Perspectives and Views]. 1ªed.Porto Alegre: Redes Editora, 2014, v. , p. 101-114.

11. SCHERER, Giovane Antônio ; GROSSI, P. K. . A certeza e a (in)certeza: trajetórias juvenis e

projetos de vida em um contexto de transformações societárias [Certainty and (un)certainty: juvenile

trajectories and life projects in a context of social transformations]. In: José Jair Ribeiro; Maurício

Perondi; Miriam Pires Corrêa de Lacerda; Patrícia Krieger Grossi. (Org.). Juventudes na

Universidade: Olhares e Perspectivas [Youths in the University: Perspectives and Views]. 1ªed.Porto

Alegre: Redes Editora, 2014, v. , p. 135-146.

12. GROSSI, P. K. ; OLIVEIRA, Simone Barrros de ; GROSSI, Márcio Lima . Social Work Principles

and the Interface with Culture of Peace. In: European Scientific Institute. (Org.). Multidisciplinary

International E-Conference World Peace Day Proceedings. 1ªed.Skopje: National and University

Library St Kliment Ohridski, 2014, v. 1, p. 55-60.

13. GROSSI, P. K. ; GROSSI, Márcio Lima ; GASPAROTTO, G. ; VIEIRA, Monique

Soares; COUTINHO, A. R. C. . Violence against Rural Women in Rio Grande do Sul: Challenges for

Public Policies. In: European Scientific Institute. (Org.). 1st Multidisciplinarity Intermational e-

conference World Peace Day Proceedings. 1ªed.Skopje: National and University Library St Kliment

Ohridski, 2014, v. 1, p. 1-7.

Papers fully published in scientifc meeting proceedings

1. GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; GROSSI, P. K. ; VIEIRA, Monique Soares . O Ideário

Neoliberal: a submissão das políticas sociais aos interesses econômicos [The neoliberal ideal: the

subordination of social policy to economic interests]. In: XI Seminário Internacional de demandas

sociais e políticas públicas na sociedade contemporânea [11th International Social Demand and

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Contemporary Public Policies Seminar], 2014, Santa Cruz do Sul. Anais do XI Seminário

Internacional de Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas. Santa Cruz do Sul: UNISC, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-


2. VIEIRA, Monique Soares ; GROSSI, P. K. ; GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante . A Violência Sexual

Infanto-Juvenil e o Olhar dos Profissionais da Rede de Enfrentamento: Notas Críticas acerca do

Cenário do Município de Porto Alegre [Child and Juvenile Sexual Violence and the Perspective of

Professionals in its Confronting Network: Critical Notes on the Municipality Scenario of Porto

Alegre]. In: XI Seminário Internacional de Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na Sociedade

Contemporânea [11th International Social Demand and Contemporary Public Policies Seminar], 2014,

Santa Cruz do Sul. Anais do XI Seminário Internacional de Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na

Sociedade Contemporânea. Santa Cruz do Sul: UNISC, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-20.

3. GROSSI, P. K. ; GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; VIEIRA, Monique Soares. Mercantilização da

Política de Educação: O Processo de Transformação do direito em mercadoria [The Mercantilization

of Education Policy: The Transformative Process of Merchadizing Law]. In: XI Seminário

Internacional de Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na Sociedade Contemporânea, 2014, Santa

Cruz do Sul. Anais do XI Seminário Internacional de Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na

Sociedade Contemporânea [11th International Social Demand and Contemporary Public Policies

Seminar]. Santa Cruz do Sul: UNISC, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-18.

4. VIEIRA, Monique Soares ; GROSSI, P. K. ; COSTA, Renata Gomes. O ENFRENTAMENTO À





Política Social [2nd Internation Social Policy Meeting], 2014, Vitória. Anais do 2º Encontro

Internacional de Política Social e 9º Encontro Nacional de Política Social [2nd International Social

Policy Proceedings and 9th National Social Policy Meeting]. Vitória: UFES, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-19.

5. DAVID, Clarete Teresinha Nespolo de; GROSSI, P. K. . MOVIMENTO DOS




História ANPUH - Ética, Memória e Verdade [12th State History Meeting ANPUH – Ethics, Memory

and Truth], 2014, São Leopoldo. Anais do XII Encontro Estadual de História ANPUH [12th State

History Meeting ANPUH]. São Leopoldo: OIKOS, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-16.

6. GROSSI, P. K. ; COUTINHO, A. R. C. ; GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; VIEIRA, Monique

Soares ; DAVID, C. T. N. ; LEITE, Madalena Dornelles Pereira . Violencia contra la Mujer en las

zonas rurales de Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil y los desafios para las politicas publicas [Violence against

women in the rural areas of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and the Public Policy Challenges]. In: I

Encuentro Latino Americano de Trabajo Social [1st Latin American Social Work Meeting], 2014,

Porto Alegre. Memória do I Encuentro Latino Americano de Trabajo Social. Santiago: COLACATS,

2014. p. 135-145.

7. GROSSI, P. K. ; GASPAROTTO, Geovana Prante ; VIEIRA, Monique Soares; COUTINHO, A. R.

C. . Violência contra a Mulher Rural no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul: Do Silêncio ao Enfrentamento

[Violence Against Women in the Rural Areas of the State of Rio Grande do Sul: From its Silencing to

its Confrontation]. In: XIV ENPESS - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social [14th

National Social Service Researchers Meeting], 2014, Natal. Anais do XIV ENPESS. Natal: ABEPSS,

2014. v. 1. p. 1-12.

8. DAVID, Clarete Teresinha Nespolo de ; GROSSI, P. K. . Participação Popular em Saúde no RS:

Estratégias dos atores coletivos no movimento de reformas [Popular Participation in Healthcare in the

State of Rio Grande do Sul: Collective Actor Strategies and Reformation Movements]. In: XIV

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

ENPESS - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social [14th National Social Service

Researchers Meeting], 2014, Natal. Anais do XIV ENPESS. Natal: ABEPSS, 2014. p. 1-12.

9. GROSSI, P. K. ; GROSSI, M.L. ; VINCENSI, J. G. ; SANTOS, A. M. dos ; ALMEIDA, S. M. A.

F. ; GASPAROTTO, G. P. . Challenges in the Implementation of the Maria da Penha Law for Battered

Women Policies in Brazil. In: Human Rights and Social Equality: Challenges for Social Work: social

work-social development, 2014. Human Rights and Social Equality: Challenges for Social Work:

social work-social development, 2014. v. I. p. 132-136.

10. GROSSI, P. K. ; COUTINHO, A. R. C. ; BARROS, T. O. ; CUNHA, Marister da; PICCOLI,

Gisele Zagonel; GASPAROTTO, G. P. ; DUARTE, Joana das Flores . A REDE DE ATENDIMENTO



SITUATIONS IN RURAL AREAS: Challenges for professional intervention]. In: II SERPINF _

Seminário Regional Políticas Públicas, Intersetorialidade e família: formação e intervenção

profissional [Regional Public Policies Seminar, Intersectoriality and family: formation and

professional intervention], 2014, Porto Alegre. Anais do II SERPINF -Seminário Regional Políticas

Públicas, Intersetorialidade e família: formação e intervenção profissional. PORTO ALEGRE:

EDIPUCRS, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-15.


HETEROAFETIVOS: dando voz aos homens autores de violência conjugal [Judiciarization of

Straight Gender Conflicts: giving voice to masculine authors of domestic violence]. In: II SERPINF -

Seminário Regional de Politicas Públicas, Intersetorialidade e Família: formação e intervenção

profissional [Regional Public Policies Seminar, Intersectoriality and family: formation and

professional intervention], 2014, Porto Alegre. Anais do II SERPINF - Seminário Regional de

Politicas Públicas, Intersetorialidade e Família: formação e intervenção profissional. PORTO

ALEGRE: EDIPUCRS, 2014. p. 1-09.

Advisories in progress

Masters dissertation

1. Joana das Flores Duarte. O Feminino em Privação de Liberdade e os desafios do SINASE na

discussão de gênero [The Feminine in Deprivation of Liberty and the Challenges of SINASE in

Gender Discussion]. Beginning: 2014. Dissertation (Masters Degree in Social Service) – Pontifical

Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e

Tecnológico. (Advisor).

Doctoral thesis

1. Conrado Paulino da Rosa. A Mediação Escolar como Política Pública: Espaço de Autoemancipação

e efetivação da doutrina da proteção integral das crianças e adolescentes [School Mediation as a Public

Policy: Spaces for the auto-emancipation and effectivation of a full child and adolescence protection

doctrine]. Beginning: 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Social Service) - Pontifical Catholic

University of Rio Grande do Sul, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior.


Iniciação científica

1. João Vitor Bittencourt. O Atendimento às Mulheres em Situação de Violência no âmbito da rede

SUAS [The Assistance to Women in Situations of Violence within the SUAS network]. Beginning:

2014. Undergraduate Research Program (Undergraduate Degree in Social Service) - Pontifical

Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e

Tecnológico. (Advisor).

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Advisories concluded

Master’s dissertation

1. Renato de Oliveira Teixeira. Para Além das Condicionalidades: Desafios do Programa Bolsa

Família no municipio de Esteio/RS [Beyond Conditionalities: Challenges in the Bolsa Familia

Program in the Municipality of Esteio/Rio Grande do Sul]. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in

Social Service) - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Capes. Advisor: Patrícia

Krieger Grossi.

Doctoral theses

1. Jaina Raqueli Pedersen. O Corpo como Mercadoria: Exploração Sexual de Adolescentes e a

Vulnerabilidade Social das Famílias [The Body as as Merchandise: Sexual Exploitation of

Adolescents and the Social Vulnerability of Families]. 2014. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Social

Service) – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Capes. Advisor: Patrícia Krieger


2. Clarete Terezinha Nespolo de David. A Participação Política dos Atores coletivos do campo popular

no movimento de reformas na saúde no Rio Grande do Sul [The Political Participation of collective

popular field actors in health reform movements in the State of Rio Grande do Sul]. 2014. Thesis

(Doctora Degree in Social Service) - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Capes.

Advisor: Patrícia Krieger Grossi.

3. Márcia di Lorenzo. Rastreamento de Violência contra pessoas idosas cadastradas pela Estratégia de

Saúde da Família em João Pessoa, PB. 2014 [Violence tracking against registered elderly people by

the Health Family Strategies in João Pessoa, PB]. Thesis (Doctoral Degree in Geriatrics and

Gerontology - DINTER IGG PUCRS) – Federal University of Paraíba, Capes. Advisor: Patrícia

Krieger Grossi.

Undergraduate course concluding monographs

1. Aderbal Froes de Jesus. A Formação Profissional e projeto ético político na consolidação da

participação no Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social de Porto Alegre [Professional Training and

ethical political project in the consolidation of participation in the Municipal Social Assitance Council

of Porto Alegre]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in

Social Service) – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Ministry of Education and

Culture. Advisor: Patrícia Krieger Grossi.

2. Fernanda del Ré. Os Direitos Humanos e a Prática Profissional: uma análise a partir dos projetos

financiados pelo fundo estadual da criança e do adolescente do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul [Human

Rights and Professional Practice: an analysis based on the projects financed by state’s children and

adolescents fund in the State of Rio Grande do Sul]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Social Service) - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande

do Sul. Advisor: Patrícia Krieger Grossi.

3. Thais de Oliveira Barros. Da Violência Invisível à Violência Visível: Implicações para a Proteção

social da pessoa idosa no Brasil [From Invisible Violence to Visible Violence: Implications for the

Social Protection of Elderly People in Brazil]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph.

(Undergraduate Degre in Social Service) - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Advisor: Patrícia Krieger Grossi.

4. Fernanda Del Ré. Os Direitos Humanos e a prática profissional: uma análise a partir dos projetos

financiados pelo fundo estadual da criança e do adolescente do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul [Human

Rights and Professional Practice: an analysis based on the projects financed by state’s children and

adolescents fund in the State of Rio Grande do Sul]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

Monograph. (Undergraduate Degre in Social Service) - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande

do Sul. Advisor: Patrícia Krieger Grossi.


Team coordinator: Prof. Paulo César Nodari Ph.D.


Number of professors involved: 4


The two main goals of the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), for the year 2014, in relation to

its partnership with the UNESCO CHAIR IN YOUTH, EDUCATION AND SOCIETY/UCB, were to

renew the technical cooperation, scientific and cultural themes, and to organize and formalize a study

group dedicated to the research of a culture of peace.

In what relates to the first goal, the technical cooperation, scientific and cultural themes

between the Catholic University Brasília – UCB, through its UNESCO CHAIR IN YOUTH,

EDUCATION AND SOCIETY, and the University of Caxias do Sul – UCS, were renewed, with its

official arrangement having been formalized December 1st 2014.

With respect to the second goal, we organized a Research Project at the University of Caxias



through the [NID] website: (

desenvolvimento/observatorio-de-cultura-de-paz-direitos-humanos-e-meio-ambiente/). [NID] is a

Project coordinated by Prof. Paulo César Nodari Ph.D., and has three lines of research: a) Education,

Peace Culture and Spirituality; b) Ethics and Human Rights; c) Citizenship, Environment and

Sustainability. The main goals of the Project are: a) building a Culture of Peace, Human Rights and

Environment Observatory’s identity, articulating institutional and interinstitutional actions; b)

organizing activities related to Research and Extension, with an interdisciplinary character, promoting

debates and discussions concerning citizenship and a culture of peace; c) becoming a reference in

studies and research related to the Observatory’s identity; d) establishing partnerships.

As highlighted above, although the goal, in 2014, was to organize and to institutionally

formalize the research on the Culture of Peace, some initiatives listed below can be carried out by

participants of the now official [NID].


NODARI, Paulo César; PACHECO, Luiza. Responsabilidade e heurística do temor em Hans Jonas

[Responsibility and the heuristics of fear in Hans Jonas]. Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação (UCS), v.

19, p. 69-95, 2014.

NODARI, Paulo César. Ética, Direito e Política. A paz em Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau e Kant [Ethics,

Law and Politics: the concept of peace in Hobbes, Locke, Rousseacu and Kant]. São Paulo: Paulus,


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NODARI, Paulo César. Direito cosmopolita à hospitalidade em Kant [From Cosmopolitan Law to

Hospitality in Kant]. In: SANTOS, Marcia Maria Cappellano dos; BAPTISTA, Isabel (Org.). Laços

sociais: por uma epistemologia da hospitalidade [Social bonds: for an epistemology of hospitality].

Caxias do Sul: EDUCS, 2014, pp. 127-140.

STECANELA, Nilda; BARROS, Paola Monteiro de. Mais que um bonde, uma família: grupos de

risco, EJA e identidades juvenis [More than an bond, a family: risk groups, youth and adult education

and juvenile identity]. Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação, v. 19, p. 120-146, 2014.

STECANELA, Nilda; CASTILHOS, M. S. Escola como objeto de problematização e seu

entendimento dinâmico [Schools as a problematization object and its dynamic understanding].

Contrapontos (Online), v. 14, p. 479, 2014.

STECANELA, Nilda (Org.); AGLIARDI, Delcio Antônio (Org.); LORENSATTI, Edi Jussara

Candido (Org.). Ler e escrever o mundo: a EJA no contexto da educação contemporânea [Reading and

writing the world: Youth and Adult Education in the context of contemporary education]. Caxias do

Sul: EDUCS, 2014.

VALENTINI, C. B.; BISOL, Claudia Alquati. Objeto virtual de aprendizagem Incluir: recurso para a

formação de professores visando à inclusão [Virtual learning object. Include: resources for the

formation of teachers aiming at inclusion]. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial. V. 20, p. 223-234,


VALENTINI, C. B.; BISOL, Claudia Alquati. Hospitalidade e hostilidade: os (des) encontros com a

pessoa com deficiência [Hospitality and hostility: the (mis)matches with special need peoples]. In:

SANTOS, Marcia Maria Cappellano dos (Org.). Laços Sociais: por uma epistemologia da

hospitalidade [Social bonds: for an epistemology of hospitality]. 1ed.Caxias do Sul: EDUCS, 2014,

pp. 19-32.

VALENTINI, C. B.; AUGUSTIN, I. R. L. Considerações da educação para pessoa com deficiência

intelectual frente aos modelos de deficiência [Considerations in the education of people with

intelectual disabilities in the face disability models]. In: SOARES, E. M.; BISOL, C. A. (Org.).

Pesquisa em educação: olhares históricos e filosóficos, reflexões sobre tecnologia e inclusão

[Research in education: historical and philosophical perspectives, reflections on inclusion and

technology]. Caxias do Sul: Educs, 2014, v. 5, p. 120-135.

Courses Taught

QUADROS, Maria Suelena Pereira. Administração de conflitos [Conflict Management] (Human

Resources Management Course Caxias do Sul University – Undergraduate)

QUADROS, Maria Suelena Pereira. Negociação e Administração de conflitos (Business

Management Course Caxias do Sul University – Undergraduate)

Scientific meeting proceedings

CALGARO, Cleide; RODRIGUES, Alexandre Lamas. As políticas públicas redistributivas e a

garantia do direito fundamental de igualdade na Constituição Federal de 1988 sob a leitura do

princípio da diferença em John Rawls: ascensão da nova classe média e o aumento do consumo no

Brasil [Redistributive policies and the fullfilment of fundamental rights to equality in the Federal

Constiution of 1988 in light of difference principle in John Rawls: the rise of the new middle class and

the increase of consumption in Brazil] In: II CONGRESSO DE PESQUISA E EXTENSÃO DA FSG

[2ND FSG EXTENSION AND RESEARCH CONGRESS], 2014, Caxias do Sul, V. 02, pp. 632-634.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

OLIVEIRA, M. M. D.; MENDES, M. Diagnóstico do entendimento de educação ambiental de

educadores de três escolas municipais de Caxias do Sul – RS [Diagnostics of the understanding of

environmental education of educators in three municipality schools in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do

Sul]. In: XXII Encontro de Jovens pesquisadores & IV Mostra Acadêmica de Inovação e Tecnologia,

2014, Caxias do Sul. XXII Encontro de Jovens Pesquisadores & IV Mostra Acadêmica de Inovação e

Tecnologia [22nd Young Researchers Meeting & 4th Technology and Innovation Show], 2014.

NODARI, Paulo César. Ética da responsabilidade em Jonas [Ethics of responsibility in Jonas]. In: X

Simpósio Internacional filosófico-teológico: do humano ao pós-humano: encruzilhada ou destino?

[International philosophical-teological Symposium: from the human to the post-human: destiny or

crossroads?] Belo Horizonte. Anais do Simpósio do humano ao pós-humano: encruzilhada ou destino?

Belo Horizonte: FAJE, 2014, V. 1, pp. 1-13.

STECANELA, Nilda. Da escola multisseriada à escola nucleada: narrativas sobre o espaço, o tempo e

o pertencimento no meio rural (Caxias do Sul 1990-2012) [From the multiple series school to the

nuclear school: narratives about spance, time and belonging in rural areas]. In: X Congresso Luso

Brasileiro de História da Educação [10th Luso-Brazilian History of Education Congress], 2014,

Curitiba. Anais do X Congresso Luso Brasileiro de História da Educação, 2014, pp. 1-16.

STECANELA, Nilda; FERREIRA, Pedro Moura (Pedro Moura Ferreira); POLETTO, Letícia Borges.

Aprendizagens culturais e violência de gênero: histórias de vida de mulheres do campo [Cultural

learning and gender violence: life stories of rural women]. In: X Congresso Luso Brasileiro de História

da Educação [10th Luso-Brazilian History of Education Congress], 2014, Curitiba. Anais do X

Congresso Luso Brasileiro de História da Educação, 2014, pp. 1-15.

STECANELA, Nilda; DORNELLES, Phelipe. Jovens e o Ensino Médio - O olhar dos alunos para a

relação pedagógica [Youths and High School – a look towards student pedagogical relationships]. In:

XIV Seminário Escola e pesquisa: um encontro possível [14th School and Research Seminar: a

possible meeting], 2014, Caxias do Sul. Anais do XIV Seminário Escola e pesquisa: um encontro

possível, 2014, pp. 1-11.

STECANELA, Nilda; VEBBER, Filipe Rafael. Vontade errante na escola: Como os jovens percebem

o direito a educação? [Wandering will at school: how the young perceive the right to an education?]In:

XIV Seminário Escola e pesquisa: um encontro possível, 2014, Caxias do Sul. Anais do XIV

Seminário Escola e pesquisa: um encontro possível [14th School and Research Seminar: a possible

meeting], 2014, pp. 1-19.

SOARES, Eliana Maria do Sacramento; CARLI, D. Reflexões sobre a lousa digital como recurso

pedagógico a partir da abordagem sociointeracionista [Reflections on the digital board as an

educational resource in the sociointeractionist apprach]. In: 3o Seminário Nacional de Inclusão Digital

[3rd National Digital Inclusion Seminar], 2014, Passo Fundo RS. Anais do 3o SENID

2014_ Passo Fundo RS: Editora da UPF.

SOARES, Eliana Maria do Sacramento; MACHADO, M. B. Formação de professores em

acoplamento com as tecnologias digitais [Teacher training in their engagement with digital

technologies]. In: 3o Seminário Nacional de Inclusão Digital [3rd National Digital Inclusion Seminar],

2014, Passo Fundo RS. Anais do Seminário Nacional de Inclusão Digital. Passo fundo RS: Editora da


SOARES, Eliana Maria do Sacramento; BRUSTOLIN, Rosane K. Convivência em contextos

escolares permeados pela tecnologia digital: algumas considerações [Coexistence in digital technology

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

permeated contexts: some considerations]. In: VIII Simpósio Nacional de Educação: II colóquio

internacional de políticas educacionais e formação de professores: transnacionalização das políticas

educacionais e: impactos na formação docente [8th National Education Symposium: 2nd International

educational policies colloquium and teacher formation: transnationalization of educational policies

and: impacts on teacher training], 2014, Frederico Westphalen - RS. Anais VIII Simpósio Nacional de

Educação: II colóquio internacional de políticas educacionais e formação de professores:

transnacionalização das políticas educacionais : impactos na formação docente. Frederico Westphalen

- RS: Editora da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, 2014. V. 1, pp. 648-


SOARES, Eliana Maria do Sacramento; RECH, J.; BRUSTOLIN, Rosane K. Reflexões para uma

educação impregnada de vida [Reflections for an education imbued with life]. In: II Encontro

Internacional de Educação e Espiritualidade [2nd International Education and Spirituality Meeting],

2014, Recife PE. Anais do II Encontro Internacional de Educação e Espiritualidade [2nd International

Education and Spirituality Proceedings]. V. 1, Recife PE: Editora da Universidade Federal de

Pernambuco, 2014.

Postgraduate Degree

Postgraduate Degree in Ethics and Human Righs

Coordination: Prof. Everaldo Cescon Ph.D.



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Team coordinator: Silvio Antônio Bedin


Number of professors involved: Altair Alberto Fávero, Cilene Maria Potrich, Elizabeth Maria

Foschiera, Elizabeth Nunes Maciel, Frederico Santos dos Santos, Rosana Maria Luvezute Kripka,

Rosane Rigo De Marco, Silvio Antônio Bedin.

Academic Scholars: Helena Rita Schimitz, Juliana Turra Zanatta, Leila de Fátima Mazetto Bender,

Priscila Maschke Drum, Raphael Souza Alves.

Volunteers: Berenice Maria Polita Romanzini, Cleusa Maria Camargo Dutra Siqueir, Fernanda

Vecchi Pegorini, Idete Alba, Jéssica Limberger, Lisiane Ligia Mella, Maísa Sauthier Morates, Maria

Isabel Bristott.

Executive Secretary: Raphael Souza Alves.

Teaching Activities

1. Silvio Antônio Bedin: Philosophy of Education, Special Topics and Research on Education –


2. Elizabeth Maria Foschiera: Youth and Adult Education, Biology of Education I and II, Natural

Sciences Methodology I and II – Pedagogy.

3. Elizabeth Nunes Maciel: Introduction to Sociology, Applied Sociology, Sociology of Law,

Rural Sociology, Sociology of Health, Anthropology, Sociology of Education I and II,

Anthropology of Health, Research Methodology, Sociology of Organizations, Socio-Cultural

Studies – Pedagogy, Law, Medicine, Social Service, History and Psychology.

4. Frederico Santos dos Santos: Sociology of Science and Technology, Sociology of Health,

Cultural Anthropology, Political Theory.

Extension Projects:

1. Youth and Violence in Schools Observatory in partnership with the University of Passo

Fundo and the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society.

Description: The project proposes to investigate the phenomenon of violence that occur in schools

in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul, interacting with social and educational actors involved

with the search for alternative ways of a culture of peace and positive values.

2. Extension Project: Pedagogical Place

Description: The project provides spaces for dialogues and reflections with the internal and external

communities of UFP, about emerging themes that involve educational issues; The activity is

developed through monthly meetings with a duration of two hours each, which would have two

people doing the presentation and mediation of the planned theme for the meeting, so that, in

sequence, a dialogue and a debate can occur between the present participants.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

3. UPF and social movements: challenges in ethnic and racial relationships

Description: The extension project “UPF and social movements: challenges in ethnic and racial

relationships” aims to develp processes in the promotion of indigenous and black cultures in an

articulation between the university and social movements, in such a way that those ethnic groups

can be protagonists in the extension project.

Extension Courses:

1. Course Education for a Culture of Peace and Wellbeing (20 hours).

2. Course Education and Peace Culture – a new look on togetherness I – (20 hours)

3. Course Educating for Peace, Educating for Life: foundations and perspectives (40 hours)

4. Course The Song of Seven Colours: Educating for Peace, educating for life: Conversations with

Carlos Rodrigues Brandão (20 horas)

5. Course Education and Peace Culture: a new look on togetherness II (20 hours)

6. Course Education and Peace Culture: the art of being and coexisting (20 hours)

7. Course Education and the Culture of Wellbing: taking care of oneself in order to care for others

(40 hours)

8. Course Educating for Peace, Educating for Life: conversations with those who like to teach (20


9. Course Education and Peace Culture: lessons from being and coexisting (20 hours).

10. Course Education and Peace Culture: e Cultura de Paz: learning to be and coexist (24 hours)

Research Activities

Research in progress:

1. Care Management in Education: processes, perspectives, possibilities

Description: The project proposes to research educational processes geared towards education for a

culture of care, trying to put in evidence theoretical-methodological tools that relate to new forms of

thinking and acting in the school’s environment, allowing the possibility of living and coexisting in a

way that will deepen the educational care management in all of its challenges and opportunities. In this

sense, the project aims to investigate the training processes of conflict resolution and culture of peace

facilitators, implemented by the Youth and Violence in Schools Observatory at the University of Passo

Fundo, from which the signatory has a coordinating function. The Observatory is linked and has been

developed through the "Curso de Educação para uma cultura de paz e do bem viver" [Education for a

culture of peace and wellbeing course], which has involved school educators, professors, academics

and different areas of knowledge, in addition to community leaders and professionals from different

fields of knowledge. The goal is to follow this process so as to highlight possible alternatives in the

problematic confrontation of school violence, as well as reflecting upon theoretical perspectives

serving as a scaffold to Education.

Coordinator: Silvio Antônio Bedin

2. Affirmative action policies and Education: the law 10.639/03

Description: The project aims to investigate Affirmative Action policies geared towards the Brazilian

Educatio. To the extent that affirmative actions lay down issues of cultural, ethnical and racial

problems, i.e., highlights the ethnic-cultural relationships in society, it serves as a cause for the

emergence of resistance and criticism. Brazil is a country characterized by its ethnical and cultural

diversity. This acknowledgement, however, was formalized only a couple of years ago. The 1988

Constitution gave a significant step in that direction, stating that Brazil is a plural and multi-ethnic

country and that its education needs to take into accounts the different cultural and ethnical

contributions of its people. The post-constitutional legislation, especially the LDB, restates the

necessity for education to work closely with ethnic and cultural diversity. This formal

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

acknowledgement is an important advance when compared to the preceding legislation which,

generally speaking, did not even make reference to those issues. It must be recognized that social

movement and organization demands have been gradually transformed into State Policies which today

constitute Affirmative Action policies. Several actions try to ascertain the right to diversity. The

explicitation of diversity, however, creates an atmosphere of unrest, especially among hegemonic

cultural groups. This research project will investigate Affirmative Action policies based on Law

10.639/03, which made the teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian Culture mandatory in schools. The

research aims to analyze how Basic Education schools are discussing and implementing the above-

mentioned law. The research is of bibliographic, field and documentary nautre.

Coordinator: Frederico Santos dos Santos.

3. Education management: context, challenges and possibilities.

Description: Institutionalized research project conducted at the University of Passo Fundo,

coordinated by Professor Eliara Zavieruka Levinski Ph.D. and comprises teachers from the State and

Municipal Education networks, as well as students from the Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Pedagogy Programs.

Coordinator: Eliara Zavieruka Levinski

4. Restorative Justice and Socioeducation: repercussions on post-procedure participants

Description: This research aims to analyze the possible contributions of Restorative Justice in one of

its application: the fulfillment of Educational measures. This practice seeks to restore the damage

caused by illegal acts, proposing the realization of restorative circles. In this procedure, through the

help of a coordinator, there is a meeting between the victim and the offender, their families and the

community. The theoretical assumptions will depart from Restorative Justice and Juridical Psychology

authors, as well as from Systemic Relational Theory. The goal is to understand the impact of

restorative circles in the lives of participants who have concluded its activities. It is a descriptive

research with qualitative design. For this research, a semi-structured interview will be used and

designed. The interviewees will be the following restorative circle participants: non law-abiding

adolescents and their families, the victim and his/her family, and other community members that agree

to participate in the research by the invitation of research students. In total, 15 people will participate

in the project. After the data collection, a categorization of answers will be conducted. The data will

be quantitatively analyzed, with a particular emphasis on Psychology, Systemic Relational Theory and

the principles of Restorative Justice.

Coordinator: Lisiane Ligia Mella

Concluded Research:

Advisories concluded:

Postgraduate advisories:

1. HENRICH, G.; SANTOS, F. S.. Partcipation in the committee for Paula Scariot. Violência contra a

mulher: considerações sobre o tema. 2014 [Violence against women: considerations on the theme].

Monograph (Specialization in Family Intervention Methodologies) - Passo Fundo University.


Complete articles published in journals:

1. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio; HECHLER, D.; KRIPKA, R. M. L.; SANTOS, F. S. Observatório da

Juventude e de violências nas escolas da Universidade de Passo Fundo: Construindo alternativas para

a construção de uma cultura de paz [University of Passo Fundo Youth and violence in schools

Observatory: Building alternatives to a culture of peace]. Cataventos, v. 2, p. 2-14, 2014.

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Papers fully published in scientifc meeting proccedings:

1. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio; KRIPKA, R. M. L.; BRISTOTT, M. I. ; ROMAZINI, B. M. P.; ALBA,





Jornada de Extensión del Mercosur [3rd Mercosur Extension Journey], 2014, Tandil. III Jornada

de Extensión del Mercosur. Tandil: UNICEN, 2014. v. 3. p. 3-14.





In: III Jornada de Extensión del Mercosur [3rd Mercosur Extension Journey], 2014, Tandil. III

Jornada de Extensión del Mercosur. Tandil: UNICEN, 2014. v. 3. p. 3-15.

3. KRIPKA, R. M. L. ; BEDIN, S. A. ; BRISTOT, M. I. ; ALBA, I. ; LIMBERGER, J. . Curso de

formação do Observatório da Juventude e de Violências nas escolas: implicações e desafios para a

construção de uma Cultura de Paz [University of Passo Fundo Course on Youth and Violence in

Schools Observatory: Building alternatives to a culture of peace] . In: V Jornada Nacional de

Educação Matemática, 2014, Passo Fundo, RS, BR. Anais da V JEM. Passo Fundo, RS, BR:

Universidade de Passo Fundo, 2014.

4. PEGORINI, Fernanda Vecchi; SILVA, David Leal da. A ordem do direito a partir de Walter

Beijamin [The order of law in Walter Benjamin]. In: II Congresso Brasileiro de Filosofia da

Libertação: historicidade e sentidos da libertação hoje . p.152-157.

wpcontent/uploads/2014/09/Anais-Filosofia-da-liberta%C3%A7%C3%A3o-3.pdf. Porto Alegre:

Ed. Nova Harmonia, 2014.

Chapters in published books:


Observatório da Juventude e de Violências nas Escolas e a construção de uma Cultura de Paz

[Youth and Violence in Schools Observatory: Building alternatives to a culture of peace]. In:

Daniel Eduardo Herrero; Bernadete Dalmolin. (Org.). III Jornadas de Extensión de MERCOSUR

[3rd Mercosur Extension Journey]. 1ed.Tandil/Argentina: Universidad Nacional del Centro de la

Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2014, v. , p. 1-16.


R. S.; MELLA, L. L.; LIMBERGER, J. Projeto pioneiro do Observatório da Juventude em escola

de Passo Fundo (RS-BR): implicações e desafios para a construção de uma Cultura de Paz [A

pioneer youth in schools observatory in passo fundo (rs-br): Challenges and implications in

building a culture of peace]. In: Daniel Eduardo Herrero; Bernadete Dalmolin. (Org.). III Jornadas

de Extensión de MERCOSUR [3rd Mercosur Extension Journey]. 1ed.Tandil/Argentina:

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2014, v. 1, p. 17-32.

Extension Activities:

Organized events:

1. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Outras escolas, outras formas de convivência; observatório da juventude e

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violência nas escolas [Other schoos, other forms of coexistence; youth and violence in schools

observatory]. 2014. (Short duration course/Extension).

2. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Movimento pela Paz Sepé Tiarajú [A peace movement for Sepé Tiarajú].

2014. (Short duration course / Extension).

3. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Educando para a Paz, educando para a vida: fundamentos e perspectivas

[Educating for Peace, educating for life: foundations and perspectives]. 2014. (Short duration

course / Extension).

4. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Educação e cultura do bem viver: cuidar-se para cuidar [Education and

the cuture of wellbeing: take care of oneself in order to care for others]. 2014. (Short duration

course / Extension).

5. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Educação e cultura da paz e do bem viver [Education and a culture of

peace and wellbeing]. 2014. (Short duration course / Extension).

6. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Educação e cultura da paz: a arte de ser e conviver [Eduaction and peace

culture: the art of being and coexisting]- E.E. Alberto Pasqualini. 2014. (Short duration course /


7. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Educadores e estudantes: a arte do ser e do conviver [Educators and

students: the art of being and coexisting]. 2014. (Short duration course / Extension).

8. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Educação e cultura da paz: um novo olhar sobre o conviver (III)

[Education and peace culture: a new look on coexistence]. 2014. (Short duration course /


Participation in scientific meeting proceedings:

1. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Mediador da palestra A docência enquanto prática investigativa [Lecture

mediator Teaching as an investigative practice]. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).

2. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio. Curso de Formação do Observatório da Juventude e de Violências nas

escolas: implicações e desafios para a construção de uma cultura de Paz [Formation course on

Youth and Violence in Schools Observatory: challenges and implications in building a culture of

peace]. 2014. (Paper Presentation /Communication).

3. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio; MELLA, L. L.; BRISTOTT, M. I. ; ALBA, I. . Vias de promoção de

direitos humanos: Observatório de Juventude e de Violência nas Escolas e o Projeto de

Alternativas (PAV) [Human Rights Prommotion Paths: Youth and Violence in Schools

Alternative Observatory Project]. 2014. (Paper Presentation/ Communication).



E. B.; ROSANE RIGO DE MARCO; CASTELLANI, A. L.. A escuta aos professores como

ferramenta de enfrentamento à violência [Listening to teachers as a violence coping tool]. 2014.

(Paper Presentation/ Communication).

5. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio; ROSANE RIGO DE MARCO. Observatório da Juventude e de

Violências nas Escolas em suas ações extensionistas [Youth and Violence in Schools Observatory

and its actions towards extension students]. 2014. (Paper Presentation / Communication).

6. BEDIN, Silvio Antônio; KRIPKA, R. M. L.; BRISTOTT, M. I. ; ROMAZINI, B. M. P.; ALBA,




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Presentation / Communication).




IN SCHOOLS AND EXTENSION ACTIONS]. 2014. (Paper Presentation / Communication).

8. MELLA, L. L. ; BEDIN, S. A. ; BRISTOTT, M. I. ; ALBA, I. . Vias de promoção de direitos

humanos: Observatório da Juventude e de Violência nas Escolas e Projeto Alternativas à Violência

[Human Rights Prommotion Paths: Youth and Violence in Schools Alternative Observatory

Project]. 2014. (Paper Presentation / Communication).

9. MELLA, L. L. ; BRISTOTT, M. I. ; KRIPKA, R. M. L. ; PEGORINI, F. . Educação e Cultura de

Paz: promoção dos Direitos Humanos nos Espaços Escolares [Education and Peace Cultures:

Human Rights prommotions in public school places]. 2014. (Paper Presentation /


10. MELLA, L. L. ; LIMBERGER, J. . Justiça Restaurativa e sua Interface com a Participação e os

Direitos Humanos [Restorative Justice and its Interface with Human Rights and Participation].

2014. (Paper Presentation / Communication).


Team coordinator: João CASQUEIRA CARDOSO

Number of professors involved:


Professor Francisco QUEIROGA Ph.D.

Professor Fernando BANDEIRA Ph.D.

Professor Álvaro CAMPELO Ph.D.

Professor Isabel SILVA Ph.D.

Professor Pedro CUNHA Ph.D.

Professor Luís SANTOS Ph.D.


Ana Luisa CUNHA, Masters in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development

Giulia BONI, Masters in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development


Martha MWOLO, Ph.D. Student in Social Sciences, esp. Minority Studies

Emmanual Joseph MALLYA, Ph.D. Student in Social Sciences, esp. Minority Studies


Fernando GONÇALVES, B.A. in Social Service

Lúcia TODO BOM, B.A. in Criminology



Masters in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development

Applied International Law

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Missions and NGO Management

Foundations on Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development

Undergraduate Degree in Political Science and International Relations

International Public Law

Undergraduate Degree in Criminology

Masters Degree in Criminology

Family and Minor Law


Research groups:

Minority Studies Center [CENMIN], Fernando Pessoa University, Portugal.

Research in progress:

Education in the Network EMUNI (Euro-Mediterranean University).


Research conducted:

Programa de Conferências (ver atividades de extensão).

Advisories concluded:

Doctoral advisories:

Title: New Public Management and Minorities — A Study on Tanzania in a Comparative Perspective

Author: MALLYA, Emmanuel Joseph



Master’s advisories:

Title: Community-Based Rehabilitation a burden or an opportunity? the case of Mongolia inclusion of

children with cognitive disabilities


Advisor: BANDEIRA, Fernando


Title: Education in Emergencies - the Syrian Children under temporary protection in Turkey

Author: FERREIRA DA CUNHA, Ana Luísa

Advisor: QUEIROGA, Francisco


Title: Planning humanitarian projects with educational focus in Guinea rural area - analysis and

proposal for a change

Author: BONI, Giulia

Advisor: CASQUEIRA CARDOSO, João ; co-orientador: FRANSSEN, Abraham


Undergaduate research monograph advisories:

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Title: A percepção dos desempregados sobre o tráfico de pessoas e o papel das medidas preventivas

[The perceptions of unemployed people on Human Trafficking and the role of preventive measures]

Author: Isabel Cristina Tavares Fernandes


Course: 1st ciclo de estudos (Undergraduate Degree) in Criminology

Title: Percepção dos jovens universitários sobre a temática do tráfico de pessoas [Young university

students’ perceptions on the human trafficking theme]

Author: Tiago João Fonseca Moura


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Criminology

Title: Estudo do crime do tráfico de pessoas na perspectiva da vítima - dados pertinentes para a

Criminologia [A study on human trafficking under the victim’s perspective – pertinent data for


Author: Liliana Andreia Queirós Dias Fonseca


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Criminology

Title: Os crimes mais graves — o caso de genocídio na CPLP [The most serious crimes – the case of

genocide in CPLP]

Author: Ana Sofia Martinho Martins


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Criminology

Title: As cátedras UNESCO - Contributo para a Criminologia [UNESCO Chairs – Contributions for


Author: Lúcia Conceição Alcântara Gomes Todo Bom


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Criminology

Title: A imigração brasileira e a situação social em Portugal [Brazilian immigration and its social

situation in Portugal]

Author: Fernando Luís Carvalho Gonçalves,


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Social Service


Title: Uma reflexão sobre a fase pós-globalização — Os conceitos de migração e de etnicidade [A

reflection on the post-global phase – the concepts of ethnicity and immigration]

Autor: Bárbara Maria Gradim Marques


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Political Science and International Relations

Title: A colaboração entre Universidades e ONGs na área humanitária [The collaboration between

the University and Humanitarian NGOs]

Author: Cacilda Arsénio dos Santos


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Political Science and International Relations

Title: Uma reflexão crítica sobre desigualdades sociais, desenvolvimento humano e mobilidade

humana na esfera internacional [A critical reflection on social inequality, human development and

human mobility in the international sphere]

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Author: Ana Francisca Gaspar de Carvalho Atanásio


Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Political Science and International Relations

Title: Os cuidados continuados na Europa [Continuous Care in Europe]

Author: Suzana Peres dos Santos

Advisor: SANTOS, Luis

Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Social Service

Title: A Violência Doméstica: realidades e Reflexos [Domestice Violence: Realities and


Author: Maria de Fátima Igrejas da Rocha

Advisor: SANTOS, Luis

Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Social Service

Title: Proposta de Alargamento da Rede de Julgados de Paz [A Proposal for the Enlargement of Peace

Judging Networks]

Author: Cátia Rute Fernandes

Advisor: CUNHA, Pedro

Course: 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Degree) in Social Service

Advisories in progress:

Doctoral Advisements in Social Sciences, postgraduate degree in Minority Studies:



Author: Martha MWOLO


Masters advisories in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development:

Title (provisional): Formação de formadores para a saúde mental das crianças em situação de crise

— o caso da Síria [Formation of teachers on mental health in children undergoing crises situations –

the case of Siria]

Author: Claudia Sofia Marques de Sa


Title (provisional): Fisioterapia e aspetos sociais na ação humanitária [Physiotherapy and social

aspects of humanitarian action]

Author: Claudia Sofia Marques de Sa

Orientador: SANTOS, Luís

Title (provisional): As mutilações genitais femininas — estudo sobre a população jovem originária da

Guiné-Bissau em Portugal [Female genital mutilation – a study of Guinea-Bissauan young people

living in Portugal]

Author: Carina Castro da Silva

Advisor: SILVA, Isabel; co-orientador: CAMPELO, Álvaro

Title (provisional): Educação e bem-estar habitacional — o estudo de caso em Angola [Education and

housing welfare – a case study in Angola]

Autor: Rita Andreia Vieira Carrito Verissimo

Advisor: QUEIROGA, Francisco.

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Título (provisional): O papel do Comité internacional da Cruz Vermelha na educação para a paz [The

role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Educating for Peace]

Author: Ermelinda Maria Araújo da Silva



1. Chapters in published books – “Os novos paradigmas dos direitos humanos e a educação” [New

paradigms in Human Rights and Education], in: Caliman, G. (org.), Direitos Humanos na

Pedagogia do Amanhã.

2. Member of the Editorial Board (Reviewer) – International Journal of Educational

Administration and Policy Studies.

3. Participation in Scientific Committees - (total: 4 – conferences mentioned in the extension




Seminar], Fernando Pessoa University, February 12th, 2014, invited by Prof. Natália Oliveira Ph.D,

ONG Viver100fronteiras. Around 30 participants. (cf.



[International Conference on Minority and Humanitarian Studies], Fernando Pessoa University, 8-10

April 8-10, 2014. Around 100 participants. 10 lecturers. Included an exposition (maio-julho 2014)

“Roma Culture – Past and Present”, da Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. (cf. cartaz em anexo).

CURSO LIVRE “Os Direitos da Criança e o Tráfico de Seres Humanos na África Oriental: o

caso da Tanzânia” [Children Rights and Human Trafficking in Oriental Africa: the case of Tanzania],

organized by the InComunidade Cooperative (Porto, Portugal) (specialized in the fight against human

trafficking), in partnership with Fernando Pessoa University, May 2014.

Educator: Ph.D Student Martha MWOLO.

The course included: Module I – Human Trafficking: Magnitude of the Problem; Children as victims

of Human Trafficking; The promoters of Child Human Trafficking ; Module II – National Response

on Human Trafficking Prevention; Programs and interventions in combating Child Human

Trafficking; Challenges, opportunities and breaches in policies and programs on Child Human

Trafficking,; Module III – Comparative Learning; Module IV – Introduction to Swahili.



on Human Rights – Child Rights Convention – Optional Protocol 3], 19-22 May, 2014, Fernando

Pessoa University. More than 100 participants (several classes – Criminology, Political Science and

International Relations, Humanitarian Action (...)).

10 lecturers (four of them from the UNESCO Chair 812 at UFP).


Humanitarian Health Congress], December 4-5, 2014. Around 50 participants. 14 presentations

available online online:


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Direct involvment of active UNESCO Chair 812 Professors at UFP.

DIA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS 2014 [Human Rights Day ](On theme 365 — "Dia dos direitos

humanos" [Human Rights Day – rights365], lecture (in the Brown Bag Lectures format, Fernando

Pessoa University, December 10th, 2014.

Direct Involvment of the UNESCO Chair 812. Around 20 participants, including three lecturers

(particularly the juvenile association from Porto, Portugal – MEDesTU (https://pt-

Others: In 2014, the 1st Cycle of Humanitarian Lectures was launched and organized.

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.


Name of the institution: Coexistence in Schools Observatory from the

Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico.

Team coordinator: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

Number of professors involved:

Masters: María del Carmen Gilio Medina MSc.

José Juan Salinas de la Vega MSc.

Doctoral: Azucena de la Concepción Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

Felicia Vázquez Bravo Ph.D.

Evelyn Diez-Martínez Ph.D.

Gregorio Iglesias Sahagún Ph.D.


Course: Human Rights. Taught by Prof. Alberto Herrera Aragón. October – December 2014.

Master’s degree in Education for Citizenshiop. Faculty of Psychology. Autonomous University of


1. Course: The School as a Space for the construction of coexistence. Taught by Prof. Azucena

Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D. and José Juan Salinas de la Vega. Coexistence in Schools Observatory.

Autonomous University of Querétaro.

2. Course: Moral development throughout the lifecycle. Couse taught by Evelyn Diez-Martínez

Ph.D. under the auspices of the Masters Degree in Education for Citizenship.


Research Groups:

Research in Progress:

1. Percepción de jóvenes universitarios sobre derechos humanos [Young university students

perceptions on Human Rights]. Coexistence in Schools Observatory and the UNESCO Chair in

Youth, Education and Society. Responsible Researcher: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D..

Collaborators: Felicia Vázquez Bravo Ph.D., José Juan Salinas de la Vega MSc., María del

Carmen Gilio Medina MSc. and Luis Gregorio Iglesias Sahagún Ph.D.

2. Los derechos humanos como contenido curricular y discurso de jóvenes universitarios [Human

Rights as a curricular content and young university discourses]. Responsible Researcher: Felicia

Vázquez Bravo Ph.D. Collaborators: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D., José Juan Salinas de la

Vega MSc., María del Carmen Gilio Medina MSc. and Luis Gregorio Iglesias Sahagún Ph.D.

3. Propuesta de materiales didácticos para el fortalecimiento de la noción de ciudadanía con base

en el análisis de los libros de texto de educación básica (1960 – 2014)[Didactic material proposals

for the streghtening of the notion of citizenship in elementary books and texts] (1960 – 2014)] In

charge of Felicia Vázquez Bravo Ph.D. Collaborators: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D. and José

Juan Salinas de la Vega MSc.

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4. Elaboracion de materiales digitales para la educacion del desarrollo y consumo sustentables en

alumnos de educacion media superior y superior [Elaboration of digital materials for the

education of development consumption in middle school and higher education students].

Responsible : Evelyn Diez Martinez Ph.D. Collaborator: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

5. La participación de niñas, niños y adolescentes: condición indispensable para la mejora de la

convivencia escolar [Participation of children and adolescnets: an indispensible condition for the

betterment of school coexistence]. Responsible: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D. Collaborators:

Mtro. José Juan Salinas de la Vega y Dra. Evelyn Diez-Martínez

Concluded research:

1. Análisis y evaluación del uso y funcionamiento del fichero para el maestro del programa de

formación económica y financiera de educación primaria: elementos para su implementación

curricular [Analysis and evaluation of the use of files for the teacher of the Financial and

Economics primary education formation: elements of its curricular implementation]. Responsible:

Evelyn Diez-Martínez PhD. Collaborator: Azucena Ochoa Ph.D.

2. Estudio de las creencias de los docentes de educación básica sobre la disciplina escolar: sus

implicaciones en el clima de convivência [A study on the belief system of primary school

teachers on school discipline: implications for the climate of coexistence]. Responsable:

Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D. Collaborators: José Juan Salinas de la Vega MSc.

3. Estudio de la organización escolar y su relación con los conflictos de convivencia en escuelas de

educación básica de la Ciudad de Querétaro [A study on school organization and its relationship

with coexistence conflicts in elementary education schools in the city of Querétaro]. Responsible:

Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D. Collaborators: José Juan Salinas de la Vega MSc.

Concluded Masters Advisories:

Master’s Degree in Education for Citizenship

1. Rafael Mata Salinas. Analisis de la comprensión sobre algunos aspectos ambientales,

económicos y sociales del desarrollo sustentable en alumnos de educación media superior y

superior y su utilización en la elaboración de materiales educativos [Analysis on the

understanding of certain environmental, economial, social aspects of sustainable development on

middle school and higher education students].

Advisor: Evelyn Diez- Martínez Ph.D.

2. David López Castro. Ideas, opiniones y percepciones sobre la ciudadania en estudiantes de

educación superior: la relación entre la ciudadania y las tic’s como parte de la ciudadania integral

[Ideas, opinions, perceptions on citizenship for higher education students: the relationship between

citizenship and tics as a part of an integral citizenship]. Advisor: Evelyn Diez-Martínez Ph.D.

3. Marco Antonio Hernández Cabello. Des-encuentros de la participación infantil en el ámbito

escolar [Mismatches of child participation in schools]. Advisor: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes


4. Isabel Martínez Romero. Miradas de la participación infantil em la educación básica em México

[A look towards child participation in elementary education in Mexico]. Advisor: Azucena

Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

5. Martha Patricia Ramírez Gamez. La formación docente en temas de desarrollo sustentable en la

educación superior tecnológica: un estudio de caso [Teacher training in sustainable development

themes in technological higher education]. Advisor: Felicia Vázquez Bravo Ph.D.

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6. Mariela Sánchez González. Formas de significar el arte con la ciudadanía en estudiantes y

profesionales de artes escénicas en la ciudad de Querétaro mediante un taller práctico-reflexivo

[Significative forms of art and citizenship among students and professionals in the performing arts

in the city of Querétaro through a practical-reflective workshop]. Advisor: Luis Gregorio Iglesias

Sahagún Ph.D.

Research activities

1. Andrea Magdalena Serrano. La comprension y la expresión de las emociones básicas en niños

entre 7 y 9 años [The comprehension and expression of basic emotions among children between

the ages of 7 and 9]. Advisor: Evelyn Diez-Martínez Ph.D.

2. Juana Maurilia Ochoa Rocha y Luis Manuel Pérez Galvan. La formación cívica y ética, uma

lectura desde las creencias de professores y estudiantes: el caso de uma secundaria de Tlacote el

bajo, Querétaro. [Civic and ethical formation, an understanding based on teacher and students

beliefs: the case of a high school in Tlacote el bajo, Querétaro]. Thesis presented in partial

requirement for the Undergraduate Degree in Psychology. Advisor: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes


3. Karitina Gudiño Castañeda y Mara Cristina Uresti Zapata. Creencias d elos docentes de

educación básica del municipio de Querétaro y San Juan del Río acerca de la disciplina escolar

[Teacher beliefs in elementary education in the municipality Querétaro y San Juan del Río

concerning school discipline]. Thesis presented in partial requirement for the Undergraduate

Degree in Psychology. Advisor: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D

Doctoral advisories in progress:

1. Ricardo Virues Macias. El deporte educativo en equipos representativos universitarios: opiniones

sobre el rol del entrenador y su liderazgo [Educational sport in college representative teams: views on

the role of the coach and leadership]. Doctoral degree in Leadership and Higher Education Institutions

Management. Anahuac University. México Norte.

Master’s advisories:

1. Berenice Rivera Aguilera. Formación en el desarrollo y consumo sustentables y ciudadanía

medianta la utilización de materiales digitales [Formation and sustainable consumption and

development and citizenship through the use of digital materials]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor:

Evelyn Diez-Martínez Ph.D.

2. Ricardo Nafez Arvizu. Comprensión entre migración y sustentabilidad mediante la utilización de

materiales digitales [Understanding between migration and sustainability through the use of digital

materials]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor: Evelyn Diez- Martínez Ph.D.

3. Maria Curiel Bellón. La sustentabilidad a través de la imagen como medio de educación digital en

ciudadania [Sustainability through the use of images as a means of digital education for

citizenship]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor: Evelyn Diez- Martínez Ph.D.

4. Josué Castro Puga. El aprendizaje servicio como estrategia para promover la participación infantil

y fomentar valores democráticos en la educación primaria [Service learning as a strategy in

promoting child participation and democratic values in early childhood education ]. Thesis in

Progress. Advisor: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

5. Laura Morales Lecona. La participación desde la escuela: construcción de un plan de vida

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

mediante al aprendizaje servicio en alumnos de bachillerato [Participation since school:

construction of a life plan through the learning of service among undergraduate students]. Thesis

in Progress. Advisor: Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

6. Luis Manuel Pérez Galván. La participación infantil mediante el aprendizaje servicio como

elementos fundamentales de la convivencia democrática [Child participation through service-

based learning as an fundamental element in democratic coexistence]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor:

Azucena Ochoa Cervantes Ph.D.

7. Elisa Dimas Mandujano. La noción de ciudadanía en los libros de texto de la educación primaria

[The notion of citizenship in early childhood education textbooks]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor:

Felicia Vázquez Bravo Ph.D.

8. Bertha Avila Aguilar. La noción de ciudadanía en los libros de texto de la educación secundari

[The notion of citizenship in high school education textbooks]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor:

Felicia Vázquez Bravo Ph.D.

9. Yadaí Ángeles Mendoza. Quehaceres y relatos de la cultura ciudadana a través de la imagen.

Estudio en la ciudad de Querétaro [Chores and stories of citizenship culture through image. A

study in the city of Querétaro]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor: Luis Gregorio Iglesias Sahagún Ph.D.

10. Ana Laura Vázquez Servín. La vida ciudadana en la educación cívica y éticade quinto de primaria,

imágenes y lecturas [Citizen life and civic and ethical education in early childhood education.

Images and lectures]. Thesis in Progress. Advisor: Luis Gregorio Iglesias Sahagún Ph.D.

Undergraduate research monograph advisory:


1. Ana Karen Sánchez. La deshonestidad académica en estudiantes de educación secundaria

[Academic dishonesty in high school students]. Tesis en proceso. Advisor: Evelyn Diez-Martínez



Books published/organized or edited:

1. Diéz-Martínez, E. (2014). Lo esencial del desarrollo sustentable para jóvenes y no tan jóvenes [The

essential of sustainable development among the young and not so young]. Fontamara-UAQ: México.

ISBN 978-607-736-108-4

Chapters in published books:

1. Ochoa, A., Vázquez, F., Salinas, J.J. y Gilio, M.C. (2014) Los derechos humanos y la universidad

pública [Human Rights at the Public University], en: Reyes, V. y Ruíz, A. (coords.) Reformas

Educativas. Balances y Perspectivas [Educational Reforms: Balances and Perspectives].

Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez del Estado de Oaxaca: México.

2. Ochoa, A., Vázquez, F., Gillio, M. C. y Salinas, J. J. (2014) Aproximación a las ideas de los

estudiantes universitarios en torno de los derechos humanos. El caso de la ciudad de Querétaro –

México [Approximations of university student ideas concerning the issue of human rights]. in:

Caliman, G. Direitos Humanos Na Pedagogia do Amanha [Human Rights in the Pedagogy of

Tomorrow], Brasilia: Liber Livro.

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3. Iglesias, G. y Ochoa, A. Exploración discursiva de los Derechos Humanos. Grupo de discusión

con estudiantes de posgrado en Querétaro, México [Human Rights Discursive Exploration. Group

discussions among graduate students in Querétaro, Mexico ]. En: Caliman, G. Direitos Humanos

Na Pedagogia do Amanhã [Human Rights in the Pedagogy of Tomorrow], Brasilia: Liber Livro.

Complete articles published in journals:

1. Diez. Martinez, E. La deshonestidad académica de estudiantes y profesores como elemento de

construcción de corrupción y desvinculación moral en la organización social [Academic

dishonesty of students and teachers as a constructive element of corruption and moral

disengagement in social organization]. Accepted for publication. SINECTICA Journal Vol. 44,


2. Ochoa, A.; Ruíz, L.; Hernández, M. y Méndez, L.(2014). Análisis de las expectativas

ocupacionales em jóvenes de bachillerato [Analysis of occupational expectations among young

university students]. Revista Mexicana de Orientación Educativa, 11 (26), pp 66-77.


Participation in scientific meeting proceedings:

1. Ochoa, A. y Salinas, J.J. Repensando el impacto de las reformas curriculares en torno a los

Derechos Humanos [Rethinking the impact of curricular reforms around Human Rights]. VII

Encuentro Latinoamericano y España de colectivos y redes de docentes y escolares que hacen

investigación e innovación desde la escuela y comunidad [7th Latin American and Spanish

teaching and school research and innovation in school communities meeting], July 20 - 25,

Cajamarca, Perú.

2. Vázquez, F., Ochoa, A, Salinas J.J, y Madiam, M. Los derechos humanos en la formación

profesional de carreras en ciencias sociales y filosofía de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro:

educando-nos para la ciudadanía [Human rights in professional training in social sciences and

philosophy carreers at the Autonomous University of Querétaro: educating us for citizenship].

Quinto Encuentro Nacional de Docencia, Difusión e Investigación en Enseñanza de la Historia y

Tercer Encuentro Internacional de Enseñanza de la Historia, Segundo Foro Nacional sobre Libros

de Texto de Historia [Fifth National Teaching, Diffusion and Research in Education Meeting.

Third International History Teaching Meeting, Second National Forum on History Textbooks].

Social Sciences and Humanities Center, University of Guadalajara , 9 al 12 de septiembre, Jalisco.


1. KARA CHAN (2014) “Girls and Media Dreams and Realities” City University of Hong Kong Press

Kowloon, Hong Kong. Journal Young Consumers, vol. November 2014.

Members of the editorial board:

Evelyn Diez-Martínez Ph.D.

1. Journal of Citizenship Social and Economics Education

2. Revista Cienci@uaq

Participation in Scientific Committees:

1. Evaluador proyectos de investigacion convocatoria ciencia basica 2014, CONACYT, México

[Evaluador Research Projects on Basic Sciences].

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2. REDIE revista electronica de investigacion educativa [REDIE Electronic Review of Educational


Organization of events:

1. Conference: Building coexistence to prevent violence in schools. Held by by Azucena Ochoa

Cervantes Ph.D. during the "School Violence Prevention" Forum, October 22nd. Human Rights

Defender Querétaro.

2. Paper: The participation of children and adolescents as an indispensable condiction for the

construction of coexistence. Held by Azucena Ochoa Cervantes, November 6th. 1er. Congreso de

Valores y Convivencia. First Values and Coexistence Congress. Governor of the State of Baja

California and the Autonomous University of Baja California.

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Prof. Alejandro Castro Santander

BOOKS 2014:

Educar sin miedo. Clases para prevenir el mobbing y otros riesgos

psicosociales [Educating without fear. Classes to prevent bullying and other

psychosocial risks]. Castro Santander, Alejandro y Reta Bravo, Cristina.

Editorial Bonum, Buenos Aires 2014. ISBN 978-987-667-108-8


Educar para crecer. Estudio y propuestas para la Educación Secundaria

[Educating for growth. Studeis and proposals for High School Education].

Frigolé Alejandro. ITES, Argentina 2014. ISBN 978-950-9064-94-2

Hijos brillantes, alumnos sobresalientes [Bright children, outstanding

students]. Ricart, Daniel y Bourse Paz. Editorial Bonum, Buenos Aires 2014.

ISBN 978-987-667-090-6

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Revista del Consejo Superior de Educación Católica 2014 N°1123. La formación emocional-social

com oprioridad pedagógica [Journal of the Superior Council on Catholic Education 2014 N°1123. The

social-emotional formation as a pedagogical priority]. (pp.29.31) Argentina.

Revista Observatorio Social 2014, N° 43. Viejas y nuevas formas de violencia. Educar para la

ciberconvivencia [Social Observatory Review 2014, N° 43. Old and new forms of violence. Educating

for cybercoexistence]. (pp. 12-15) Argentina.

AWARDS 2014:

2nd. Isay Klasse Award for the Education Book “Bullying blando, bullying duro y ciberbullying”

[Soft bullying, hard bullying and cyberbullying]. Presend during the 40th Buenos Aires

International Book Fair 24/04 to 05/13/2014. The competition evaluates editorial productions in the

area of Education, recognizing the value of authors who are making the importance of editorial Works



Buenos Aires, San Nicolás (11/04).

Conferences: La Paz College and Municipality of San Nicolás:

- in the morning: Education Community of La Paz College;

- at night: Community of the City of San Nicolás


State of Querétaro (06/05 to 10/05):

Conferences in the cities of:

Santiago de Querétaro:

- Book presentation “Bullying blando, Bullying duro y Ciberbullying” y “Educar sin miedo” [Soft

bullying, hard bullying and cyberbullying and Educating without fear]

- Workshops with the Basic Educational Services Team of the State of Querétaro (USEBEQ)

- Parent Conferences.

Ciudad de Jalpan:

- Book presentation “Bullying blando, Bullying duro y Ciberbullying” y “Educar sin miedo” [Soft

bullying, hard bullying and cyberbullying and Educating without fear]

- Workshops with the Basic Educational Services Team of the State of Querétaro (USEBEQ)

- Parent Conferences.

Ciudad de San Juan del Río:

- Book presentation “Bullying blando, Bullying duro y Ciberbullying” y “Educar sin miedo” [Soft

bullying, hard bullying and cyberbullying and Educating without fear]

- Workshops with the Basic Educational Services Team of the State of Querétaro (USEBEQ)

- Parent Conferences.

RÍO CUARTO, Córdoba (16/05).

Archdiocesan Board of Catholic Education [JAEC]

Fourth Catholic Education Congress: "Hacia una pedagogía del encuentro, el servicio y la alegría en

la comunidad educativa" [Towards a pedagogy of encounters, service and joy in the educational


Conference: Viejas y nuevas violencias: Desafíos a la buena convivencia en la escuela [Old and new

violences: challenges for a good coexistence in schools].

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CHILE, Ciudad de Santiago (23 and 24/05).

San Sebastián University and REPSI Training

– Conference in Education Congress : Prevenir viejas y nuevas violencias en las Instituciones

educativas [Preventing old and new violences in educational institutions].

MENDOZA, Capital (19/06).

Los Andes Diary. Media inEducation

Conference: Violencia en las Escuelas. Situación nacional e internacional del fenómeno. ¿Qué

vemos? ¿Qué hacemos? [Violence in schools: National situation and international phenomenon. What

do we see?]

MENDOZA, Luján de Cuyo (24/06).

María Auxiliadora Institute and College

Schoo Parent Conference: Convivir y aprender en la Escuela [Coexisting and learning in School]

SAN JUAN (27/06).

Instituto Educativo San Francisco.

Educational Community Conference for its 50th Anniversary: Prevenir viejas y nuevas violencias.

Desafíos de la escuela de la era digital.[Preventing old and new violences. Challenges for the digital

era school]

VENEZUELA (15 to 19/07).

CECODAP Venezuela Buen Trato Program and Save the Children

-Workshops: Educating without fear

- Maracaibo: Closing Seminar: Educating without fear

- Caracas: Closing Seminar: Educating without fear

MENDOZA, Capital (24/07).

Norbridge College.

Teachers, parents, and students Conference: Coexisting and learning in schools.

SANTA FE, Sunchales (07 and 08/08).

San José Institute

Thursday 07/08: Community of the City of Sunchales: "Situación actual del fenómeno de la violencia

en las escuelas ¿Qué vemos? ¿Qué hacemos?" [Current situation of the violence in schools

phenomenon. What do we see? What do we do?]

Friday 08/08: Teachers of all levels at the San José Institute: "Convivir y aprender en la escuela.

Gestión compleja de los vínculos en las instituciones educativas" [Coexisting and learning in school.

Complete management of educational institutions links].

MENDOZA, Guaymallén (13/08).

Leonardo Murialdo Institute

Conference opened to the external public: Aprender y convivir en la escuela [Learning and coexisting

in school]

MENDOZA, San Carlos (16/08).

Rotary of the City of San Carlos and Municipality of San Carlos.

Conference for the Department of San Carlos Community: Situación actual del fenómeno de la

violencia en las instituciones eductivas ¿Qué vemos? ¿Qué hacemos? [Current situation of the

violence in schools phenomenon. What do we see? What do we do?]

SAN LUIS, Merlo (22 and 23/08).

Mirlos Institute

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Conferencia en Primer Simposio Nacional de Educación e Inclusión & Segundo Congreso Nacional de

Educación Especial: Situación actual del fenómeno de la violencia en las instituciones eductivas ¿Qué

vemos? ¿Qué hacemos? [Current situation of the violence in schools phenomenon. What do we see?

What do we do?]

CÓRDOBA, Capital (27/08).

Private Colleges Chamber of the State of Córdoba

Conference: Situación actual del fenómeno de la violencia en las escuelas. ¿Qué vemos? ¿Qué

hacemos? [Current situation of the violence in schools phenomenon. What do we see? What do we



Project CEPA

Conference/Workshop (5 hs.): Convivencia escolar: Lecciones aprendidas en prevención e

intervención de la indisciplina y las violencias [School coexistence: Lessons learned in the prevention

and intervention of violence and indiscipline].

MÉXICO, Manzanillo, Colima (01/09 to 04/09).

Children and Family Department. [DIF], Federal (Government of Mexico)

Second International Family Congress. Conference: Convivencia y resiliencia en la familia.

Regenerando el tejido social [Resilience and coexistence in the family. Regenerating social bonds].

MÉXICO, Querétaro (05/09 to 10/09).

Basic Education Services Unit of the State of Querétaro (USEBEQ)

Workshops: Gestión de la Convivencia en las instituciones educativas [Coexistence management in

Educational Institutions].

CÓRDOBA, Ucacha (17/09).

City of Ucacha (Department of Juárez Celman)

Conference opened to the external public on the occasion of the 20th Children and Book Fair: "La

convivencia como valor para prevenir las violencias. Sociedad, familia y Violencia Escolar”

[Coexistence as a violence preventing value. Socieyt, Family and School Violence].

MENDOZA, Capital (24/09).

Catholic University of Argentina

Conference Seventh Psychopedagogy Journeys (Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences –

UCA): “Situación actual del fenómeno de la violencia en la escuela. ¿Qué vemos? ¿Qué hacemos?”

[Current situation of the violence in schools phenomenon. What do we see? What do we do?]

CATAMARCA, Capital (26/09).

Enrique G. Hood Institute

1st Provincial Education Congress

Conference/Workshop (6 hs.): Gestión de la Convivencia. Prevenir la indisciplina y la violencia en la

escuela [Coexistence management. Indiscipline prevention and violence in schools].

BUENOS AIRES, Mar del Plata (22 to 24).

Misión Futuro Foundation - La Plata, Argentina)

Closing Conference Educators Meeting 2014: Estar bien en la escuela. Gestión de la convivencia

escolar [Being well at school. School life management].

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Executive Chair Secretary since July, 2014.

José Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena, holds a Bachelors degree in Pedagogy with a

specialization in Educational Management. He holds Postgraduate degrees in

Religion Studies and Human Rights, and a Master’s degree from the Catholic

University of Brasília, with a specialization in the area of School Policies and

Administration. He is currently a Professor at the Catholic University of

Brasília, where he holds a position in its Undergraduate Human Resources

Department, teaching the disciplines: Interpersonal Relationships and

Introduction to Higher Education. He actively serves as an advisor to students

completing their Undergraduate Course Concluding Monographs in the

Faculty of Pedagogy and the Postgraduate Program in Educational

Management (Ethics and Contemporary Issues). He also serves in the Student Relationships

Management Project - PRELEST/UCB. Name used in bibliographic citations: LUCENA, J. I. A.


Complete articles published in journals

1. LUCENA, J. I. A. ; SEIDEL, J. M. O. ; SILVA, M. L. A. ; SANTOS, V. G. ; SILVA, J. F. ; LEITE,

R. F. ; ARAÚJO, M. C. T. . Laboratórios de Mediação de Conflitos na Construção de Territórios de

Cultura de Paz e Cidadania [Conflict Mediation Laboratories in the Construction of Peace Cultures

and Citizenship Territories]. Revista Diálogos, v. 19, p. 75-90, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. LUCENA, J. I. A. ; SILVA, M. L. A. ; JESUS, W. F. . Políticas Públicas de Educação nas Arenas

da Globalização Neoliberal: O papel do Educador [Education Public Policies in Neoliberal

Globalization Arenas: the Educator’s Role]. In: Célio da Cunha; Wellington Ferreira de Jesus; Ranilce

Guimarães-Iosif. (Org.). A Educação em novas arenas: Políticas, pesquisas e perspectivas [Education

in new arenas: Policies, researches and perspectives]. 1ed.Brasília: Liber Livro, 2014, v. 1, p. 133-149.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. XII Encontro de Pesquisa em Educação da Região Centro-Oeste [12th Midwest Education Research

Meeting]. 2014. (Meeting).

2. Roda de Conversa Griô: 40 anos de história da Pedagogia da UCB. Resgate da memória do Curso

de Pedagogia da UCB [Griô Conversation Round: 40 years of Pedagogy History at UCB. A Rescue of

the Memory of the Pedagogy Course at UCB]. 2014. (Other).

Organization of events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. LUCENA, J. I. A. . Seminário Internacional Adolescência: Configurações Contemporâneas

[International Adolescence Seminar: Contemporary Configurations]. 2014. (Other).

2. LUCENA, J. I. A. . Encontro Juventude N'Ativa [N’Ative Youth Meeting]. 2014. (Other).

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Advisories concluded

Postgraduate course concluding monograph

1. Cátia Lopes Longo. A Importância do Diálogo na Mediação de Conflitos [The Importance of

Dialogue in Conflict Mediation]. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in Educational Guidance) -

Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

2. Azarias Almir Martins. O Educador Social e a Formação, Intervenção e Incidência nas Políticas de

Defesa de Crianças e Adolescentes: Ação nos Conselhos de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente [The

Social Educator and the Training, Intervention and Incidence in Defensive Policies towards Children

and Adolescents]. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in Social Education) - Catholic University of

Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

3. Bárbara Cristina de Jesus. Mediação de Conflitos no Recreio: Ação Preventiva na Educação Infantil

[Conflict Mediation in the Playground: Preventive Action in Juvenile Education]. 2014. Monograph.

(Specialization in Educational Guidance) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo

Araújo de Lucena.

4. Jussara Mendonça de Oliveira Seidel. Percepções e Significações de Educação a Distância (EaD)

para Estudantes de Pedagogia Presencial e a Distância [Perceptions and significance of Distance

Education to Students in the Classroom and Distance modalities of the Pegagogy Program]. 2014.

Monograph. (Specializatin in Distance Education) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose

Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

5. Carmen Beatriz Capitão Leal e Silva Dadalto. Formação Continuada de Professores [Continuing

Teacher Training]. 2014. Monograph. (Specializatin in Pedagogical Coordination) - Catholic

University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

6. Márcia Cristina Belino Tristão. A Educação a Distância e a importância da abordagem pedagógica e

seus modelos educacionais [Distance Education and the Importance of the Pedagogical Approache and

its Educational Models]. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in Distance Education) - Catholic

University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

7. Maria Aparecida Silva Marambaia. Participação dos pais/responsáveis no Centro de Ensino Médio

01 do Núcleo Bandeirante – DF [Parent/responsible participation in Núcleo Bandeirante’s High

School Center 01]. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in Educational Guidance) - Catholic University

of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

8. Micheline Menezes Lima Marinheiro. O desafio do Orientador Educacional frente à violência

escolar: como intervir preventivamente?. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in Educational Guidance)

- Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

9. Rosana de Fátima Cordeiro. O desafio do Orientador Educacional frente a utilização do material

didático digital e da leitura no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem [The Guidance Councelor’s

challenge in face of the use of digital teaching materials and reading in teaching and learning

processes]. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in Pedagogical Coordination) - Catholic University of

Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

10. Simone Araújo Moreira. Critérios de correção como processo avaliativo: uma discussão necessária

à pauta da formação docente continuada [Correction criteria as an evaluation process: a necessary

discussion on the agenda of continuing teacher education]. 2014. Monograph. (Specialization in

Pedagogical Coordination) - Catholic University of Brasília. Advisor: Jose Ivaldo Araújo de Lucena.

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Assistant Executive Chair Secretary.

Holds a Bachelors degree in History from Uniana University, currently the

State University of Goiás (1998). She holds a Postgraduate degree in

Contemporary Youth from the Vale do Rio dos Sinos University - Unisinos/RS

(2005), and a Master’s degree in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic

University of São Paulo - PUC/SP (2009). She is currently a Professor at the

Catholic University of Brasília - UCB, in its Classroom and Distance

Education Modalities. She is currently a Manager of the Student Relationships

Project – Prelest, UCB, and collaborates with the UNESCO Chair in Youth,

Education and Society’s Executive Secretariat at the Catholic University of

Brasília. She has experience working with adolescents and the youth. She is a

former recipient of the International Ford Foundation Scholarship (2007 and

2008). Name used in bibliographic citations: VANILDES, G. S.


Complete articles published in journals

1. SANTOS, Vanildes G. ; LUCENA, J. I. A. ; SEIDEL, J. M. O. ; SILVA, M. L. A. ; SILVA, J. F. ;

LEITE, R. F. ; ARAUJO, M. C. T. . Laboratórios de Mediação de Conflitos na Construção de

Territórios de Cultura de Paz e Cidadania [Conflict Mediation Laboratories in the Construction of

Peace Cultures and Citizenship Territories]. Revista Diálogos, v. 19, p. 76-90, 2014.

2. SANTOS, Vanildes G. ; MENDES, M. M. A. . Juventudes: construindo sonhos e protagonismo

[Youths: building dreams and protagonism]. Revista Aprendizagem em EAD, v. 3, p. 1-24, 2014.

Participação em eventos, congressos, exposições e feiras

1. Os cinquenta anos do golpe militar no Brasil. Os cinquenta anos do golpe militar no Brasil [Fifty

years of the Military Coup in Brazil. The fifty years of Military Coup in Brazil]. 2014. (Other).

Organização de eventos, congressos, exposições e feiras

1. SANTOS, Vanildes G.; LUCENA, J. I. A. Seminário Internacional sobre Adolescência:

configurações contemporâneas [International Seminar on Adolescence: Contemporary

Configurations]. 2014. (Other).

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3.2.1 DANIELLE SOARES GOMES – A student in the Undergraduate

Scientific Initiation Program in 2014. A Pedagogue at the Federal District’s

Education Secretariat – SEEDF, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy

from the Catholic University of Brasília – UCB. She was a UNESCO Chair

in Youth, Education and Society Volunteer at UCB from 2011 to 2012 and,

from 2013 to 2014, a CNPq Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Program

Scholarship Recipient. She also worked as a Volunteer in the Youth and

Internet Research Group: Learning and Sociabilities, from 2011 to 2014.

Name used in bibliographic citations: GOMES, D. S.


Chapter in published book

1. GOMES, D. S.; SOUSA, C. A. de M. Futuros Educadores: a favor ou contra a redução da

maioridade penal? [Future Educators: in favor of or against the reduction of the criminal responsibility

age]In: CALIMAN, Geraldo. Direitos Humanos na Pedagogia do Amanhã [Human Rights in the

Pedagogy of Tomorrow]. 1. ed. Brasília: Liber Livro, 2014. p. 223-253.

Summary and Poster

1. GOMES, D. S. Juventude e Internet: Sociabilidades e Aprendizagens – JISA e Juventude

Universitária e Direitos Humanos [Youth and Internet: Learning and Sociabilities – JISA and

University Youth and Human Rights]. 11º Congresso de Iniciação Científica – IC do DF / 20º

Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de Brasília [11th Scientific Initiation Congress/

20th University of Brasilia Scientific Initiation Congress]. Brasília: UnB, 2014. Advisor: Prof. Carlos

Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D.


Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Program in 2014. She holds a Bachelor’s

degree in Pedagogy from the Catholic University of Brasilia and is a Chair

Scholarship Recipient. Name used in bibliographic citations: NEGRE, G.S.O.


Summary and Poster

1. NEGRE, G. S. O. Juventude e Internet: Sociabilidades e Aprendizagens –

JISA e Juventude Universitária e Direitos Humanos [Youth and Internet: Learning and Sociabilities –

JISA and University Youth and Human Rights]. 11º Congresso de Iniciação Científica – IC do DF /

20º Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de Brasília [11th Scientific Initiation Congress/

20th University of Brasilia Scientific Initiation Congress]. Brasília: UnB, 2014. Advisor: Prof. Carlos

Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D.


Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Program in 2014. She holds a Bachelor’s

degree in Pedagogy from the Catholic University of Brasilia and is a Chair

Scholarship Recipient. Name used in bibliographic citations: NEGRE, G.S.O.

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Summary and Poster

FERNANDES, M. G. P. Juventude e Internet: Sociabilidades e Aprendizagens – JISA e Juventude

Universitária e Direitos Humanos [Youth and Internet: Learning and Sociabilities – JISA and

University Youth and Human Rights]. 11º Congresso de Iniciação Científica – IC do DF / 20º

Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de Brasília [11th Scientific Initiation Congress/

20th University of Brasilia Scientific Initiation Congress]. Brasília: UnB, 2014. Advisor: Prof. Carlos

Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D.

3.2.4 IZOLDA AMÉRICO PIMENTEL – A student in the Undergraduate

Scientific Initiation Program in 2014. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy

from the Catholic University of Brasilia and is a Chair Scholarship Recipient.

Name used in bibliographic citations: NEGRE, G.S.O.


Summary and Poster

1. PIMENTEL, I. A. Juventude e Internet: Sociabilidades e Aprendizagens – JISA e Juventude

Universitária e Direitos Humanos [Youth and Internet: Learning and Sociabilities – JISA and

University Youth and Human Rights]. 11º Congresso de Iniciação Científica – IC do DF / 20º

Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de Brasília [11th Scientific Initiation Congress/

20th University of Brasilia Scientific Initiation Congress]. Brasília: UnB, 2014. Orientação: Prof.

Carlos Ângelo de Meneses Sousa Ph.D.

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In 2014, the Chair was able to count on 10 volunteers including teachers, undergraduate,

graduate and postgraduate students (Masters and Doctorates in Education) at the Catholic University

of Brasília, all taking part in the research group and supporting the various events. The following is a

presentation of only those volunteers who have had their papers and other works published.



Chair Volunter in 2014. Taking a Doctorate degree in Education at the Catholic

University of Brasília. Teacher attached to the Federal District Government’s

Department of Education, where she is developing projects for Antiracist

Education in the classroom. She is a lawyer registered with the Federal District’s

Bar Association. She also participates as a volunteer in the Chair research group.

Name used in bibliographic citations: LIMA, D. M. S.


Complete articles published in journals

1. LIMA, Denise; SOUSA, C. A. M. Educação antirracista: um Brasil melhor é possível? [Anti-racist

Education: is a better Brazil possible?]. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación (Online), v. 64, p. 1-9,


2. LIRA, Adriana; LIMA, D. M. S. Racial discrimination as a form of violence: a challenge to

education today. Global Journal for Research Analysis, v. 3, p. 281-285, 2014.

3. LIMA, D. M. S.; SOUSA, C. A. M. Como os currículos escolares podem contribuir para uma

política antirracista [How school curricula can contritbute to a better anti-racist policy]. Dialogia, v.

20, p. 85-98, 2014.

4. LIMA, D. M. S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Internet e aprendizagens: olhares de jovens graduandos de

Matemática [Internet and learning: a view from young Mathematics majors]. Revista EDaPECI:

Educação a Distância e Práticas Educativas Comunicacionais e Interculturais, v. 14, p. 388-402, 2014.

5. SILVA FILHO, M.N.R. ; LIMA, D. M. S. . Jovens Calouros X Adultos Veteranos: um olhar acerca

das relações de conflito na educação de jovens e adultos [Young Freschmen X Adult Seniors: a view

about conflictive relationshiphs in youth and adult education]. Revista de Ciências da Educação, v. 01,

p. 50-65, 2014.

6. LIMA, Denise . As consequências do debate filosófico sobre conhecimento e ciência para a prática

contemporânea [The consequences of the philosophical debate about science and knowledge in the

contemporary practice]. Revista Querubim, v. 2, p. 79-86, 2014.

Chapters in published books

1. LIMA, Denise . @pontocom [@dotcom]. In: Sindicato dos Escritores [Writer’s Union]. (Org.). I

Concurso de Resenhas [1st Review Competition]. 1ed. Goiânia: Kelps, 2014, v. 1, p. 21-23.

2. LIMA, Denise . Graça, cheia de glória! [Grace, fully of glory!]. In: Ribeiro, Esmeralda; Barbosa,

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Márcio. (Org.). Cadernos Negros 37: Poemas Afro-Brasileiros [Black Notebooks 37: Afro-Brazilian

Poems]. 1ed.São Paulo: Quilombhoje, 2014, v. 37, p. 2329.

Papers fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. LIMA, D. M. S. . Uma histórica luta na educação: Lei Federal n 10.639/2003 [A historical fight in

Education: Federal law 10.639/2003]. In: IX Congresso Ibero-americano de Historia de la Educación

Latino-americana [9th Iberoamerican Latin American Education History Congress], 2014, Toluca.

Sujetos, poder y disputas por la educación. Toluca: Cinvestav, 2014. v. 1. p. 1809-1922.

2. FONTE-BOA, F. ; LIMA, Denise ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Educação a distância em cursos presenciais

e o que dizem jovens universitários de licenciatura? [Distance education and classroom courses: what

do young university students say?]. In: II CIEATIE, 2014, Brasília. Estilos de Aprendizagem,

Tecnologias e Inovações na Educação. Brasília: UnB, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-14.

Paper presentations

1. LIMA, Denise . DNA racista! Quem? Eu, tu,eles [Racist DNA! Who? Me, you and them]. 2014.

(Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).

2. LIMA, D. M. S. . Uma histórica luta na educação: Lei Federal n 10.639/2003 [A historical fight in

Education: Federal law 10.639/2003]. 2014. (Paper Presentation /Communication).

3. LIMA, D. M. S. ; SOUSA, C. A. M. . Observatório racial no cotidiano escolar: visões docentes

[Racial observatory in daily school life: a teacher’s perspective]. 2014. (Paper Presentation /


4. LIMA, D. M. S. . Palavras esperam colheitas: aplicação da Lei Federal n 10.639/2003 na EJA.

2014. (Paper Presentation / Communication).

5. LIMA, D. M. S. ; LIRA, Adriana . Tendências das pesquisas no campo das relações raciais [Field

research trends on racial relationships]. 2014. (Paper Presentation /Other).

6. LIRA, Adriana ; LIMA, D. M. S. . A percepção dos ingressantes universitários acerca da disciplina

introdutória de IES: uma proposta curricular [The perception of young university students on the

Introduction to Higher course: a curricular proposal]. 2014. (Paper Presentation / Communication).

Other bibliographic productions

1. DASSOLER, O. ; LIMA, D. M. S. Estamos em rede, e agora? [We are in the network, what now?].

Brasília: UnB, 2014 (Poster).

Technical productions

1. LIMA, D. M. S. Juventude Universitária e Direitos Humanos. 2014.

2. LIMA, D. M. S. Avaliação de trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Aspectos que facilitam e dificultam

o uso pedagógico das TICs nas escolas públicas [Course concluding course evaluation: aspects that

hinder and facilitate the pedagogical use of IT in public schools]. 2014.

Other types of technical production

1. LIMA, D. M. S. Gravidez precoce: cuidados e desafios. 2014. (Development of teaching or

instructional material – Institutional material).

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Participation in course concluding committees/boards

Course evaluation

1. LIMA, D. M. S.. Jornada de Pôsteres do Grupo de Pesquisa II "Juventude, Educação e Sociedade do

Curso de Pedagogia [2nd Research Group Poster Journey “Youth, education and society in the

Pedagogy course”]. 2014. Catholic University of Brasília.



Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds a Master’s degree in Education from the

Catholic University of Brasília (UCB); Postgraduate degrees in: Portuguese

and Literature; Higher Education Methodology; Portuguese, with a

specialization in Linguistics; a Bacherlor’s degree in English. She has

extensive experience in Higher Education, Public, Private, Prep and Foreign

Language Schools. She also has experience in diverse areas of Literature,

among them: Linguistics, Grammar, Literature, Writing in general. She is

currently a Postgraduate Higher Education Professor in several of the Federal

District’s Private Education Institutions; a Distance Education Tutor at the

University of Brasília; an Instructor/Professor at the Projeto Menor Aprendiz

[Young Apprentice Project] at the Fecomércio Institute and a Postgraduate

and Extension Program Course Coordinator at the Federal District’s Argus Culture and Education

Institute. Name used in bibliographi citations: SILVA, F. O. B.


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. I Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa Científica do Mercosul [Mercosul International Scientific

Research Seminar]. 2014. (Seminar).


1. Selma Maria Barbosa da Silva. Práticas criativas de leitura que potencializam a produção textual.

2014. Monograph. (Specialization in text review and production) - Faculdade de Administração,

Ciências, Educação e Letras. Advisor: Francisca Oleniva Bezerra da Silva.



Chair Volunteer in 2014. Bachelor of Arts in History (2004),

Postgraduate Diploma in Distance Learning (2007). Masters in Education

from the Catholic University of Brasilia and a research volunteer focused on

technology, youth and education. In the Open University System of the

University of Brasilia, she acts as a professor/tutor in the undergraduate

degree in Visual Arts course. She integrates the project execution extension,

Non distant interactions team (2012). Name used in bibliographic citations:


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Paper presentations

1. Bitencourt, K. R. de S. ; SANTOS, S. K. S. L . Processos Avaliativos na Capacitação de Tutores da

ESAF [Evaluation Processes in ESAF’s Tutor training programs]. 2014. (Paper


2. Bitencourt, K. R. de S. . Adolescentes e jovens no ciberespaço: Aprendizagens políticas [Youths

and adolescents in cyberspace: political lessons]. 2014. (Paper presentation /Conference or lecture).



Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Letters from the Federal

University of Maranhão (2002). Professor Marcelo holds a Postgraduate degree

in Informatics in Education, from the same university; a Postgraduate degree in

English Teaching Methodology from the Atenas Maranhense Faculty and a

Master’s degree in Education from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB).

He is currently a United Nation’s Science, Culture and Education Organization

– UNESCO Researcher; a Researcher in the Federal University of Maranhão’s

Languages, Cultures and Identities Research Group; a Professor at São Luís’

Education Secretariat and a Professor at the State of Maranhão’s Education

Secretariat. Name used in bibliographic citations: SILVA FILHO, M. N. R.

Member of the editorial board - 2014 - Current

Journal: Web-Revista SOCIODIALETO

Bibliographic production

Articles fully published in scientific meeting proceedings

1. SILVA FILHO, M.N.R ; LIMA, D. M. S . Jovens Calouros X Adultos Veteranos: um olhar acerca

das relações de conflito na educação de jovens e adultos [Young Freshmen X Adult Seniors: a view on

conflictuous relationships in youth and adult education]. Revista de Ciências da Educação, v. 30, p. 1-

16, 2014.

2. SOUSA, F. I. M. ; SANTOS, I. S. ; SILVA, R. R. C. ; SILVA FILHO, M.N.R . Processos de

Referenciação: As formas de discurso utilizadas no Projeto Melp [Referral processes: forms of

discourse used in Melp Project]. Web-Revista SOCIODIALETO, v. 5, p. 214-226, 2014.

3. ARAUJO, G. O. ; SILVA FILHO, M.N.R . Religiosi Sermonis: uma análise do discurso religioso

em uma reportagem postada em um blog [Religiosi Sermonis: an analysis of a religious speech report

posted on a blog]. Web-Revista SOCIODIALETO, v. 5, p. 227-236, 2014.

Abstracts published in scientific meeting proceedings

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Literatura, Cinema, Gêneros Digitais e Outros Gêneros [1st National Fiction, discourse and Memory

Meeting. Literature, Cinema, Digital Genres and Other Genres], 2014, Sao Luis. Caderno de

programação e resumos do I Encontro Nacional de Ficção Discurso e Memória: literatura, cinema,

gêneros digitais e outros gêneros/. Sao Luis: EdUFMA, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-300.





NACIONAL DE FICÇÃO, DISCURSO E MEMÓRIA Literatura, Cinema, Gêneros Digitais e Outros

Gêneros, 2014, Sao Luis. Caderno de programação e resumos do I Encontro Nacional de Ficção

Discurso e Memória: literatura, cinema, gêneros digitais e outros gêneros/. Sao Luis: EdUFMA [1st

National Fiction, discourse and Memory Meeting. Literature, Cinema, Digital Genres and Other

Genres], 2014. v. 1. p. 1-300.






Digitais e Outros Gêneros, 2014, Sao Luis. Caderno de programação e resumos do I Encontro

Nacional de Ficção Discurso e Memória: literatura, cinema, gêneros digitais e outros gêneros/. Sao

Luis: EdUFMA [1st National Fiction, discourse and Memory Meeting. Literature, Cinema, Digital

Genres and Other Genres], 2014. v. 1. p. 1-300.




Cinema, Gêneros Digitais e Outros Gêneros, 2014, Sao Luis. Caderno de programação e resumos do I

Encontro Nacional de Ficção Discurso e Memória: literatura, cinema, gêneros digitais e outros

gêneros/. Sao Luis: EdUFMA [1st National Fiction, discourse and Memory Meeting. Literature,

Cinema, Digital Genres and Other Genres], 2014. v. 1. p. 1-399.





DISCURSO E MEMÓRIA Literatura, Cinema, Gêneros Digitais e Outros Gêneros, 2014, Sao Luis.

Caderno de programação e resumos do I Encontro Nacional de Ficção Discurso e Memória: literatura,

cinema, gêneros digitais e outros gêneros/. Sao Luis: EdUFMA [1st National Fiction, discourse and

Memory Meeting. Literature, Cinema, Digital Genres and Other Genres], 2014. v. 1. p. 1-300.

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Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds a Master’s degree in Religion Sciences

from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás - PUC-GO - Research:

YOUTH AND RELIGION: influence of the community dimension on

the Business Administration Course at Unaí - MG (2008). Holds a

Postgraduate degree in University Teaching and a Bachelor´s degree in

Pedagogy from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at Unaí (2004).

She is currently a Social Sciences student at UNIMES. Has experience

in the area of Education, working, mainly on the following themes:

Education Management – History of Education – Education and Work

– Sociology in General – Entrepreneurial Pedagogy. She is a

Researcher at GRUPPE – University of Brasília (CNPq), a Professor

and Pedagogy Course Coordinator at the Faculty of Sciences and Techonology at Unaí-MG. Name

used in bibliographi citations: OLIVEIRA, M. A. de.

Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. Seminário Internacional Literatura na Educação Infantil: acervos, espaços e mediações

[International Literature in Early Childhood Education Seminar: collections, spaces and mediations].

2014. (Seminar).

2. Seminário Enade 2014 [Enade 2014 Seminar]. 2014. (Seminar).

3. III Seminário de Educação da Paz: estudos, pesquisas e vivências [3rd Peace Education Seminar:

studies, research and experiences]. 2014. (Seminar).

Organization of events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. OLIVEIRA, M. A. de. Violência e Abuso Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes na Família e na

Sociedade: Reflexos na Vida Escolar [Violence and Sexual Child and Adolescents Abuse in the family

and in society: reflections on school life]. 2014. (Other).

2. OLIVEIRA, M. A. de. Inauguração do Laboratório de Práticas Pedagógicas [Pedagogical Practices

Laboratory Inauguration]. 2014. (Other).

3. OLIVEIRA, M. A. de. Encontros e Diálogos: uma Pedagogia da presença, da proximidade e da

partida [Meetings and dialogues: a pedagogy of presence, proximity and departure]. 2014. (Other).

Advisories concluded

Undergraduate course concluding monographs

1. Dalilia Rodrigues Pereira. A Gestão Escolar e os Desafios Enfrentados na Educação do Campo:

estudo de caso em duas escolas do Noroeste de Minas. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) – Faculty of Sciences and Technology at Unaí.

Advisor: Maria Aparecida de Oliveira.

2. William Jamil Gonçalves. A Conduta do profissional contábil perante o Código de Ética do

Contador: Estudo de caso realizado com os profissionais registrados na Associação Profissional de

Contadores [The professional accountant’s conduct before the Accoutant’s Ethics Code: a case study

with registered Professional Accountants Association professionals]. 2014. Undergraduate Course

Concluding Monograph. (Undergraduate Degree in Accounting) - Faculty of Sciences and Technology

at Unaí. Advisor: Maria Aparecida de Oliveira.

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Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy from the

Integration, Development and Education Foundation at Northwestern RS

(1979); a MSc. degree in Educational Advisement from the University of Ijuí,

RS (1985); a Postgraduate degree in the Collegiate Management of Catholic

Schools from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1996); Supervisoin

and School Habilitation from the State University of Ponta Grossa, Paraná

(1990) and a Master’s degree in Education from the Catholic University of

Brasília (2009). She also holds a Doctorate degree in Education from the

Catholic University of Brasília, in the area of Policy and Educational

Management and the Youth, Education and Society research fields. Name used

in bibliographic citations: DASSOLER, O. B.

Participation in undergraduate course concluding monographs

Course concluding monographs

1. DASSOLER, O. B.. Participation in the committee for ALIANE DE FÁTIMA DADONA. Desafios

e possibilidades da família na escola [Family challenges and possibilities at school]. 2014.

Undergraduate Course Concluding Monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Sant'Ana

Higher Education Institute.

2. DASSOLER, O. B.. Participation in the committee for RAQUEL MARTINS DOS SANTOS.

Possibilidades e desafios da ampliação do Ensino Fundamental para 9 anos [Challenges and

possibilities of elementary school expansion for 9 year olds]. 2014. Undergraduate Course Concluding

Monograph (Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy) - Sant'Ana Higher Education Institute.


1. 4º Encontro sobre a CERTIFICAÇÃO e RENOVAÇÃO dos Certificados de Filantropia no Brasil

[4th meeting on CERTIFICATION and Philanthropy Certificate RENOVATION in Brazil. 2014.


2. Curso Nova Legislação CEBAS [CEBAS New Legislation Course]. Nova Legislação CEBAS.

2014. (Other).

3. VII Asamblea Panamericana deVII Asamblea Panamericana de Educación de las Hermanas

Misioneras Siervas del Espírito Sant."Escuelas SSpS desde la Misión Educativa Transformadoras de la

Realidad. 2014. (Other).

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Chair Volunteer in 2014. Bachelor of Arts in Letters

(English/Portuguese) from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters

(1985) in the northeastern part of Minas Gerais. She is a research volunteer

at the UNESCO’s Chair in Youth, Education and Society, also from the

Catholic University of Brasilia. Name used in biblographic citations:



Complete articles published in journals

1. SILVA, L. F. da; CAMPOS, R.O.P. . As repercussões da violência escolar no trabalho docente

[School violence repercussions on the teaching profession]. Revista Querubim, v. 1, p. 109/23-115,



Other participations

1. CAMPOS, R.O.P.. Avaliadora de Pré-Projetos em formato de Banners dos alunos da Pedagogia em

junho [Pedagogy Students’ Banner Project Qualifying Judge ].. 2014. Catholic University of Brasília.

2. CAMPOS, R.O.P.. Avaliadora de Pré-Projetos em formato de Banners de alunos da Pedagogia em

novembro [Pedagogy Students’ Banner Project Qualifying Judge].. 2014. Catholic University of




Chair Volunteer in 2014. Professor Adriana holds a Bachelor’s and a

Teaching Habilitation degree in History from the University of Brasília

(1993), a Master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Brasília and is

currently a Doctoral Student in Education at the Catholic University of

Brasília. She is a Professor at the Federal District’s Education Secretariat,

having lectured, for the past four years, at the Training School for Education

Professionals (SEEDF/EAPE). She has experience in the area of public

management, having occupied, in 2011, her last appointment as a Managing

Director at the Federal District’s Citizenship and Human Rights Office. She

also has experience in Higher Education, having lectured in Undergraduate

Pedagogy, Tourism, Sociology, Information Technology, and History courses

at the State University of Roraima and the Cenecist College of Brasília. Her research interests are in

the fields of: Education and Human Rights; sex education and continuing education professional

training. Name used in bibliographic citations: MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de.

Paper Presentations

1. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de; BRASIL, K. C. T. R.; ALMEIDA, S. F. C. Sofrimento psíquico de

professoras frente ao abuso sexual infantojuvenil: entre a sensibilidade e o reconhecimento [Psychic

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distress of teachers facing juvenile sexual abuse: between sensitivity and recognition]. 2014. (Paper


2. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de. Direitos Humanos e Protagonismo Infanto-Juvenil [Children and

Youth Protagonism and Human Rights]. 2014. (Paper presentation /Conference or Lecture).

3. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de. As políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra crianças

[Public policies in the confrontation of violence against children]. 2014. (Paper presentation

/Conference or Lecture).

4. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de. Violência contra a criança [Violence against children]. 2014. (Paper

presentation /Conference or Lecture).

5. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de. Violência contra a criança [Violence against children]. 2014. (Paper

Presentation/Conference or Lecture).

6. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de. Direitos Humanos, Cidadania e Diversidade [Human Rights,

Citizenship and Diversity]. 2014. (Paper Presentation / Conference or Lecture).

Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. II Congresso Nacional de Formação de Professores e XII Congresso Estadual Paulista sobre

Formação de Professores. Sofrimento psíquico de professoras frente ao abuso sexual infantojuvenil:

entre a sensibilidade e o reconhecimento [2nd National Teacher Training Congress and 12th State of

Sao Paulo Congress on Teacher Traning. Psychic distress of teachers facing juvenile sexual abuse:

between sensitivity and recognition]. 2014. (Congress).

2. III Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Sexual UNESP - UEL - UDESC / VII Colóquio Internacional

Grupos de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Educadores e Educação Sexual / V Simpósio de Sexualidade e

Educação Sexual. Gênero e diversidade sexual em contextos de violência doméstica infantojuvenil.

2014 [3rd Brazilian Sex Education Congress UNESP – UEL – UDESC/ 7th International Research

Group Colloquium on Educator’s traning and Sex Education/ 5th Symposium on Sexuality and Sex

Education. Gender and sexual diversity in contexts of children domestic violence]. (Congress).

3. I Encontro de Educação e Diversidade do Distrito Federal. Enfrentamento de violências contra

crianças e adolescentes nas escolas [1st Federal District’s Education and Diversity Meeting.

Confrotantion of violence against children and adolescents in schools]. 2014. (Meeting).

4. II Colóquio de Estudos Feministas e de Gênero: Articulações Perspectivas.Minicurso: Violência

doméstica infanto-juvenil, gênero e diversidade sexual [2nd Feminist and Gender Studies Colloquium:

perspectives and articulations]. 2014. (Other).

5. VI Colóquio de Psicologia Escolar. Formação de profissionais da educação na área da violência

sexual infanto-juvenil: reflexões a partir da revisão da literatura [6th School Psychology Colloquium.

Education Professionals’ training in the area of sexual violence against children: reflections from a

literature review]. 2014. (Other).

6. Aula Magna do 2º semestre de 2014 do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação

sobre a temática: Formação de Professores e Pesquisa em Educação [2nd Semester Postgraduate

Programs in Education Master Lecture on: Teacher training and Research in Education], conducted by

Prof. Bernadete Angelina Gattição Ph.D. 2014. (Other).


Participation in events, congresses, expositions and fairs

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UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.

1. I Encontro de Educação e Diversidade do Distrito Federal. Enfrentamento de violências contra

crianças e adolescentes nas escolas [1st Federal District’s Education and Diversity Meeting.

Confrotantion of violence against children and adolescents in schools]. 2014. (Meeting).

2. II Colóquio de Estudos Feministas e de Gênero: Articulações Perspectivas. Minicurso: Violência

doméstica infanto-juvenil, gênero e diversidade sexual [2nd Feminist and Gender Studies Colloquium:

perspectives and articulations]. 2014. (Other).

3. VI Colóquio de Psicologia Escolar. Formação de profissionais da educação na área da violência

sexual infanto-juvenil: reflexões a partir da revisão da literatura [6th School Psychology Colloquium.

Education Professionals’ training in the area of sexual violence against children: reflections from a

literature review]. 2014. (Other).

4. Aula Magna do 2º semestre de 2014 do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação

sobre a temática: Formação de Professores e Pesquisa em Educação, conducted by Prof. Bernadete

Angelina Gattição Ph.D. [2nd Semester Postgraduate Programs in Education Master Lecture on:

Teacher training and Research in Education]. 2014. (Other).

Organization of events, congresses, expositions and fairs

1. MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de. Seminário Internacional Tendências e Dilemas Mundiais das

Políticas de Educação: do local ao global [International Tendencies and World Education Policies

Dilemmas: from the local to the global]. 2014. (Other).

2. BRASIL, K. C. T. R.; MIRANDA, Adriana Costa de . Seminário Internacional Adolescência:

configurações contemporâneas [International Adolescence Seminar: contemporary configurations].

2014. (Other).



Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds and Postgraduate degree in Distance Education

from the Catholic University of Brasília (2013) and a Bacherlor’s degree in

Pedagogy from the same university (2011). He is a student at the Catholic

University of Brasília’s Master’s degree in Education program and a Research

Volunteer in its UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society. He has

worked as a Coordinator at the Catholic University of Brasília’s Virtual

Security and Public Order Technological Course, as an aid and later as a

virtual course assistant (2009 - 2011). He was an advisor in the Federal

District’s Income Transfer and Social Development Training Management

Secretariat (2011 - 2013). Currently, he is an Elementary School teacher in the Federal District’s

Education Secretariat. Name used in bibliographic citations: CASTRO, E. C.

Page 108: Annual Activities Report Period 2014 · thesis and monograph committees 5 - 5 - - 6 16 Advising on course conclusion research – doctoral, master’s, postgraduate specialization


UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society Annual Activities Report – Period 2014.



Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social

Communications from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2001) and

a Master’s degree in Information Technology Management from the

Catholic University of Brasília (2008). Currently, he is a career Science

and Technology researcher at the Ministry of Science, Technology and

Inovation. He has technical knowledge of Budgeting, Accounting and

Public Management Communications. He has extensive experience in the

area of Political Science, with a specialization in Results-oriented

Governmental Management. His areas of study include Education (non-

formal and transdisciplinarity), Communications (DTVi and Agenda

Setting), Computing (Convergence and Interaction), Sociology (Youth and Contemporaneity), and

Psychology (Behaviourism, Cognition and Social Development). Name used in bibliographic

citations: BOA, F. F.



Chair Volunteer in 2014. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy from the

Catholic University of Brasília (2007), a Postgraduate degree in Distance

Education (2010) and a Master’s degree in Education from the same

University (2015). She is a Higher Education Professor, with experiences

as a pedagogical advisor in undergraduate courses in the area of

Education, with a particular emphasis on Educational Advisement and

Distance Education. Name used in bibliographic citations: SILVA, L. F.


Complete articles published in journals

1. SILVA, L. F.; CAMPOS, R. O. P. As repercussões da violência escolar no trabalho docente [The

repercussions of violence in schools for the teaching profession]. Revista Querubim, v. 1, p. 109-115,


Participation in committees

1. SILVA, L. F. Avaliadora de Pré-Projetos em formato de Banner dos alunos da Pedagogia

[Pedagogy Students’ Banner Project Qualifying Judge]. 2014. Catholic University of Brasília.