Announcements for Week of September 12, 2010

Disciples of Christ A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.

Transcript of Announcements for Week of September 12, 2010

Page 1: Announcements for Week of September 12, 2010

Disciples of ChristA movement for

wholenessin a

fragmented world.

Page 2: Announcements for Week of September 12, 2010

We offer prayers for…Bev CrawfordVirginia HallRuth Himes

John NiemantsverdrietJaqueline Steveson

Andrea Stone

HospiceWalter JudgeElna SaundersMuriel Willhelmi

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We offer prayers for…

First Christian Church~ Cedar Point, IAUnited Christian & Baptist ~ Kalona, IA

Tingly Christian Church ~ Tingly, IA

From theRegional Prayer

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Do you have a prayer request?

Names will be printed withpermission by those for whom prayers have been requested.

Leave written requestsin the offering plate,

call the office at 753-3129or email [email protected].

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Birthday Blessings

13th Sharon SwopeJim Anctil

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Bring your

food offerings for the grocery cart.

The need is great.

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Soup Kitchen Volunteers Needed

November 13

To volunteer, contact Mary Abens 753-9054.

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Comfort Quilters

Third Thursday of the Month

9:00 am to Noon

All are welcome to help.

Contact: Sarah Sade

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“The E perience”9:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings

Pre-school – K Nursery during worship

Grades 4 - 6 Upstairs

Grades 7 – 12 See next slide

Live, Love & Learn Downstairs

Adult Experience Library downstairsThe Four Stories of Jesus by N.T. Wright


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“The E perience”

Grades 7 – 12

1st and 3rd Wednesdays7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

September 15 Pizza Party


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DWF: DisciplesWomen Fellowship

All women welcomed!

September StudySlavery in Human Trafficking

See newsletter for detailed information -

Meetings at the Church Sept. 9 1:00 pm Group DEMFSept. 14 7:00 pm Group RebeccaSept. 18 9:00 am Group Lydia

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@ central

Like to sing?

Be in the Choir!Wednesdays 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Sing in worship twice a month.No auditions. Just come!

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Bible Studywith Pastor Gail

Mondays 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.Sept. 20 – Oct. 25

“The Changing Face of God”Who is God?

Sign up in the Gathering Area

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Dinner & a Movie Anyone?

Sunday, September 195:30 p.m.

Meet at Orpheum Theater - $3

After movieZeno’s Pizza for dinner

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Women’sFall Retreat

October 1 – 3Paynesville, MN

“Sanctuary in the Stories”with storyteller, Marty Stuessy

and chaplain, Deb Lewis

Registration formsin Gathering Area.

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October 99:00 am to

until the party’s over

Disciples Together GatheringChristian Conference Center in Newton

Fantastic, fun, filled day planned!

Sign up in the Gathering Area.


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Fellowship TimeHosts Wanted

Sign up in the Gathering Area.Provide snacks and/or drinks for 100 (coffee is available) – something simple. Ask your group,

committee, class or friends to join you in offering this simple ministry of hospitality following worship.

Serving Fair Trade Equal Exchange Coffee

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Directories Here!

If you sat for a photoor pre-ordered,

you may pick upyour directory in

the Gathering Area.

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Free Trade Equal ExchangeCoffee & Tea

For Sale

Contact the Church Officefor ordering.

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Recycle Your Bulletin

*If you take a bulletin anddon’t wish to keep it,

please place it and other papersin a recycle bin by the doors.

*Help us reduce paper use and waste.Please take a bulletin only if you use one.

Sponsored by theMiddle School & High School classes

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The Library

Books and DVDs and periodicals.

Free internet access.

Delivery to homebound members.

On the lower level off Fellowship Hall.

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The current newsletteris now available online at

The September newsletter is online.

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Serving and Saving Tips☼ Use washcloth instead of sponge

☼ Use reusable grocery bags

☼ Use handkerchief instead of tissues

☼ Pay bills online

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Please fill out the

attendance informationIn one of the black books

in your row.Thank you!

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Phone: 641-753-3129

Email: [email protected]


Central Christian Church(Disciples of Christ)

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Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)300 West Main Street

Marshalltown, IA 50158

Office open Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Pastor Rev. Gail ThiessenMinister in Music & Worship Rev. Janet LottOrganist/Pianist Colette BengeChoir Director Chris ThiessenOffice Denise JuelCustodian Ken FiscusBoard Chair Dee Kilmer