Annotations Supporting Scholarly Editing (OA European Roll Out)

Annota&ons Suppor&ng Scholarly Edi&ng Anna Gerber ITEE eResearch Group The University of Queensland AustESE Australian Electronic Scholarly Editing


Presentation on Open Annotation use cases from AustESE: Australian Electronic Scholarly Editing. Presented at OA Roll Out meeting, Manchester June 2013

Transcript of Annotations Supporting Scholarly Editing (OA European Roll Out)

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Annota&ons  Suppor&ng  Scholarly  Edi&ng  

Anna  Gerber  

ITEE  eResearch  Group  The  University  of  Queensland    

AustESEAustralian Electronic Scholarly Editing

Page 2: Annotations Supporting Scholarly Editing (OA European Roll Out)

Scholarly  Edi=ons  

•  Provide  accurate  reading  texts  of  works  of  literary,  historical,  theological  or  philosophical  significance  

•  They  contain:  – historical  and  textual  essays,  – explanatory  notes,    – appendixes  e.g.  glossary  – a  scholarly  apparatus  that  provides  access  to  alterna=ve  readings  in  other  versions  of  the  work  

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From:  Boldrewood,  Rolf,  &  Eggert,  Paul,  &  Webby,  Elizabeth.  &  Australian  Academy  of  the  Humani=es.  2006,  Robbery  under  arms  /  Rolf  Boldrewood  ;  edited  by  Paul  Eggert  and  Elizabeth  Webby,  University  of  Queensland  Press,  St.  Lucia,  Qld.    

Cri=cal  Apparatus  


Cri=cal  Edi=on  with  apparatus  as  footnotes  

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Annota=on  Use  Cases  

•  Facilitate  collabora=ve  discussion  of  texts,    sources  and  facsimiles  –  Comments  –  Ques=ons  –  Replies  

•  Describe  textual  varia=on  for  apparatus  •  Align  parts  of  transcrip=ons  and  facsimile  images  •  Record  notes  

–  Textual  notes  (about  produc=on  of  text)  –  Explanatory  notes    (meaning,  historical  context  etc)  –  Link  texts  with  facsimiles,  reference  secondary  sources  

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Glossary Explanatory Notes

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Extending  OA  Mo=va=on  

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Annota=ng  Transcrip=ons  &  Images  

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Textual  Note  (edi=ng)  

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Textual  Note  (viewing)  

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Textual  Note  (model)  

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Reply  RDF  

<hZp://>  {    <hZp://>  a  oa:Annota=on  ;            dc:language  "en"  ;            dc:=tle  "Re:  Amen"  ;            oa:mo=vatedBy  oa:replying  ;            oa:annotatedAt  "2012-­‐03-­‐26T16:34:47.673+10:00"^^dcterms:W3CDTF  ;            oa:hasBody  <urn:uuid:E20D57674C0B45769D6B20C72560E418>  ;            oa:hasTarget  <hZp://>  .  

<urn:uuid:E20D57674C0B45769D6B20C72560E418>  a  cnt:ContentAsText  ;          cnt:characterEncoding  "UTF-­‐8"  ;          cnt:chars  "While  not  deemed  suitable  for  The  Buln  Buln  and  the  Brolga,  this  passage  is  significant  to  the  argument  of  Such  is  Life  (1898).  Furphy  is  much  more  concerned  with  exploring  the  'fic=on  of  facts'  and  the  'facts  of  fic=on'  in  the  typescript  version.  Returned  to  their  previous  context,  the  unrevised  sec=ons  of  the  Buln  Buln  and  the  Brolga  perform  a  different  func=on  in  a  significantly  different  narra=ve."  .  


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Explanatory  Note  

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Explanatory  Note  

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Annota=ng  Images  

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Image  Annota=on  

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From:    Lawrence  Zillman  (1959)  Shelley  S  Prometheus  Unbound  A  Variorum  EdiAon,  hZp://    

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Textual  Varia=on  

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Annota=ng  Textual  Varia=on  

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Varia=on  Metadata  

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Describing  recurring  varia=ons  

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Text  and  Image  alignment  

eResearch  Australasia  2012  

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ESE  Ontology  •  Agents  can  be  individuals,  organisa=ons,  or  groups  

par=cipa=ng  in  an  Event.  •  Events  can  specify  a  point  or  dura=on  of  =me  in  which  

an  Agent  or  Agents  work  together  to  produce  an  Artefact.  Events  have  four  main  types:  composi=on  for  the  produc=on  of  manuscript  material;  edi=on  for  the  produc=on  of  books;  serialisa=on  for  the  produc=on  of  periodical  publica=on;  and  recep=on  for  the  produc=on  of  an  Artefact  as  a  wriZen  response  to  a  Work.  

•  Artefacts  are  the  material  objects  (e.g.  manuscripts,  magazines,  and  books)  that  readers  use  to  engage  with  a  Work.  Versions  are  embodied  in  an  Artefact.  An  Artefact,  such  as  a  revised  typescript,  can  embody  one  or  more  Versions.  An  Artefact  can  also  provide  access  to  more  than  one  Work.  

•  DigitalResources  are  images  or  transcrip=ons  that  act  as  digital  surrogates  for  Artefacts.  

•  Versions  are  embodied  in  an  Artefact  and  realise  a  Work,  ac=ng  as  a  conceptual  link  between  material  and  abstract  en==es.    

•  Works  are  conceptual  constructs  that  enable  Artefacts  and  Versions  to  be  organised  and  related  under  a  common  parent.      

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‘Such  is  Life’  

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Transposi=on  of  Text  

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Annota=ng  non-­‐extant  pages  

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•  Annotate  selec=ons  regardless  of  rendered  format/view  –  E.g.  HTML  rendered  directly  from  TEI  vs  as  rendered  via  colla=on  tool,  Images  viewed  directly  vs  images  displayed  through  lightbox  tool  

•  Allow  annota=on  while  text  is  s=ll  being  edited/corrected  –  E.g.  use  TextQuoteSelector  and  “Fuzzy”  matching  

•  Query  and  display  annota=ons  of  text  selec=ons,  textual  varia=on  across  versions  – When  large  sec=ons  text  might  have  been  transposed  

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Anna  Gerber  

[email protected]  

ITEE  eResearch  Group  

The  University  of  Queensland  


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The   University   of   Queensland   is   proud   to   be   in   partnership   with   the  Na=onal  eResearch  Collabora=on  Tools  and  Resources  (NeCTAR)  project  to  create  a  unique  opportunity  to  develop  eResearch  Tools  that  support  the   Collabora=ve   Authoring   and   Management   of   Electronic   Scholarly  Edi=ons.  This  project  will  benefit  the  Australian  research  community  by  providing  an  online  research  and  publishing  plaworm  that  contributes  to  the  preserva=on  and  understanding  of  literary,  classical,  theological  and  philosophical  texts  that  have  shaped  our  cultural  heritage.