Annotated Bibliography

Haley Dowell Ms. Gardner English 10H Period 4 29 October 2014 Annotated Bibliographies: Never Let Me Go Archer, Dale. "Body Snatchers: Organ Harvesting For Profit." Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. Archer makes an incredible informational article that gives the reader insight on this harrowing subject and by giving legitimate statistics and awing cases of organ harvesting he cracks this problem wide open. The motive of his article is clear: organ harvesting or “Body Snatching” is a problem that needs to be addressed with an iron fist. The cases he mentions are chilling and the core of this inhumane act, money. Money can make people do an array of different things, but this takes greedy to a whole new level. Organ


Never Let Me Go novel

Transcript of Annotated Bibliography

Haley DowellMs. Gardner English 10H Period 429 October 2014Annotated Bibliographies: Never Let Me Go

Archer, Dale. "Body Snatchers: Organ Harvesting For Profit." Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

Archer makes an incredible informational article that gives the reader insight on this harrowing subject and by giving legitimate statistics and awing cases of organ harvesting he cracks this problem wide open. The motive of his article is clear: organ harvesting or Body Snatching is a problem that needs to be addressed with an iron fist. The cases he mentions are chilling and the core of this inhumane act, money. Money can make people do an array of different things, but this takes greedy to a whole new level. Organ harvesting is a crippling problem, and Archer reveals its true evil.

Gaydosik, Victoria. "Ishiguro, Kazuo." Facts On File Companion to the British Novel: 20th Century, vol. 2. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. (Updated 2011.) Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 9 Nov. 2014

The life of Kazuo Ishiguro is written in an informational and critical way that shows how his life directly correlates to the plots and character constructions of his novels. Gaydosik summarizes the life of Ishiguro in a simplistic yet complex way. Her article is insightful and sheds light on how Ishiguro applied his life into his literature, and it also helps the readers of his books to get a deeper and more in depth understanding of his books. In addition, she also writes about his astonishing accomplishments in the literary world. The clarity of the article was modest, but it was more about the books themselves rather than the author. If Gaydosik gave more on the author than just common knowledge then I think that would have improved the article.

"Little Girl Sold for 'organ Harvesting'" New York Post Little Girl Sold for Organ Harvesting Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

The problem of organ harvesting is evident in this article, and it sheds a disturbing light on a dark part of the human race. Children from every part of the globe are being kidnapped or bribed into selling themselves for the profit of criminal organizations. The article is horrifying and daunting; although, it brings to the table a problem that needs to be solved. This author; however, only focuses on a small portion of organ donation and not the bigger chunk of it. Only a few cases are named and its not clear if any of the cases are true. The article as a whole is informational and helps the reader grasp this terrifying reality. Even though organ harvesting isnt as big a problem as rape, murder, and extortion it is still a problem. We need to stop it before it becomes any bigger than it needs to be. Never Let Me Go could be seen as a glance into a future. An extreme future it would be, but when problems like this become ignored they begin to become widely accepted. Ignorance can bring a future much like world in Never Let Me Go.

Menand, Louis. "Something About Kathy - The New Yorker." The New Yorker. N.p., n.d. Web. Nov. 2014.

Louis Menand orchestrates a very credible article that analyzes and criticizes Kazuo Ishiguros Never Let Me Go. He does not give the book a bad or good review, yet the uniformity and prowess of his article is that of a true critic. There are obvious pros and cons to Ishiguros novel; although, Menand brings up points that are not so obvious. Louis Menand plunges deeper into the book, allowing the reader to plunge deeper into the true meaning of the book.

"The Paris Review." Paris Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014

The author of The Paris Review lends a modest and coherent look at the life of Kazuo Ishiguro. The article is not exciting or enthusiastic; however, it is evident that the article was thought through thoroughly. It focuses more on Ishiguro than the book itself, and mentions every one of his accomplishments and how they equate to him as a person. This article is insightful and has compiled a lot of in depth information on the famed author.

Stade, George, and Karen Karbiener. "Ishiguro, Kazuo." Encyclopedia of British Writers, 1800 to the Present, Second Edition. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2009. (Updated 2011.) Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 29 Oct. 2014

The criticism and analytical standpoint of George Stade offers the reader an illumination on Kazuo Ishiguros psychology behind his characters. The author of this article relays some experiences in Ishiguros life that helped him manifest his characters,but he also criticizes Ishiguros writing style, saying that it is subtle, superficially clear but with troubled depths. Stade reveals, within his article, that there are many more layers to Kazuo Ishiguros writing technique, and helps the reader grip a deeper understanding to Never Let Me Go. The clarity and construction of his article is nothing less than mediocre, his understanding and interpretation of Never Let Me Go and many other works of literature by Ishiguro is unwavering, and to anyone who doesnt have a good understanding of the book should read this article.