Annotated Bibliographies ENG 2430 American Literature


Transcript of Annotated Bibliographies ENG 2430 American Literature

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What is an Annotation? “An annotation is a summary and/or


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An Annotation has Three Parts

1. Description Provide a short summary of the resource.

2. Evaluation Determine its quality and who would find

it most useful.3. Reflection

Determine how the source fits in with the rest of your research.

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Purposes of an Annotated Bibliography

1. To provide the audience with an overview of the source used.

2. To help the writer keep track of his or her sources and identify sources that could be useful in the future.

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How Long Should it Be? The length of an annotation depends on the type of source used (book, journal article, etc.), the extensiveness of the information provided in your source, and the amount of evaluation and reflection put into the annotation.

In other words: It depends on the circumstances. If your source is short and sweet then you probably won’t have a lengthy annotation.

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Assignment: DUE 3/22 Tuesday Assignment: DUE Tuesday 3/22 by 8 a.m. The purpose of this assignment is to practice doing a citation in MLA

format and writing an annotation for that citation. I will review them and respond via email and cc your professor.

EMAIL: [email protected] Subject: Annotation Prof. Varnum (include as Word doc attachment) ONE citation (in MLA format) and annotation of ONE literary criticism from

a peer-reviewed journal about the poem you have chosen for this assignment.

Citation must be in MLA format. It must include a hanging indent. Sample citation: McPhillips, Robert T. "Diverging and Converging Paths: Horizontal and

Vertical Movement in Robert Frost's Mountain Interval." American Literature 58.1 (1986): 82. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.

Annotated bibliographies:

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Rubric  0-Unaccepable 1-Poor 2-Fair 3-Good 4-Excellent ScoreCitations Citation is not

formatted in a recognizable style

More than 5 mistakes in formatting of the citation

4-5 mistakes in the formatting of the citation

2-3 ,mistakes in the formatting of the citation

1 or 0 mistakes in the formatting of the citation


Annotation Annotation is completely missing

Annotation is missing either a descriptive or evaluative element

Annotation at least partially includes both descriptive and evaluative elements

Annotation includes a complete description of the article provides an idea of why the article is chosen and is mostly clearly and thoughtfully written

Annotation includes a succinct and complete description of the article, demonstrates why that article was chosen and is clearly and thoughtfully written


Technical Not enough original writing was given to evaluate grammar or spelling

More than 5 mistakes in grammar or spelling

4-5 mistakes in grammar or spelling

2-3 mistakes in grammar or spelling

1-0 mistakes in grammar or spelling


Source   The source material used is not a journal from the library database

    The source material used is a journal from the library database


Format   Document is double-spaced.

Document is in 12 point font.

Document is in Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Document is in Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced, 1” margins.


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How to make a hanging indent: In Word:

Paragraph Indentation Special

Choose hanging Click OK.