Annexure IV (B) EMP-Oriental Structural Engineers Ltd.

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Transcript of Annexure IV (B) EMP-Oriental Structural Engineers Ltd.

  • 8/7/2019 Annexure IV (B) EMP-Oriental Structural Engineers Ltd.




    ISO 9001

    O N VR E G I S T E R E DFIRMigeO R I E N T A L S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R S P V T . L T D .

    Letter no: OSE/C/PSP/PUt:-20-02-2010The Team LeaderEgis India Consulting engineers Private LimitedCity TowerOffice no. 301, 302, 303.Kolte Patil ProjectD hole Patil RoadPune 41 1001

    Kind attention: Col. A. K. Dasqupta (Rtd.)Sub:- Four laning of Pune Solapur Project Section of NH 9 (Km 93.7 to Km 14 4.4)

    Re-submission of EMP.Ref:- Your letter no:-4Bb/Egis/TUPSP/065 dt: 12-01 -2010.Sir,With reference to above cited subject, please find attached herewith the E n v i r o n m e n tM a n a g e m e n t P l an for Pune Solapur Project after incorporating all your observation.This is for your kind perusal & approval please,Thanking you and assuring of our best services all the times.Yours Faithfully,For Oriental Structural Engineers Pvt. LTd.4(1' Ls2 FEB 2010K.L SrinivasanAuthorized representative

    CC:- Mr. Prabhakar Rao, 01C, Package II, Egis-for information only.Mr. Sanjay K umar Singh, Environment Engineer-for information only.

    S i te O f f ice : P U N E -S OLA P U R H IGH W A Y P R OJE C T, P LOT N O.530 /531 , V ILLA GE D A LA J N O 2 , TA L IN D A P U R ,DIST.PUNE-413132 (M AHAR ASHT RA) PH.02118-241016 FAX : 241017 E-mai l: psp@ or ienta lind ia .com

    Re g i st e re d O f fi ce : 2 1 , CO M M ERCI AL CO M PL EX, M A L CHA M ARG , D I PL O M AT I C ENCL AVE, NEW DEL HI - 1 10 0 2 1 , I ND IAPHO NES : 91 -11-46044604 , 26874470 AX : 91-11-26114421

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    Introduction.Environmental Management Plan of Construction Camp.Borrow Area Management.Construction Plants and Diesel Generator Sets.Quarry Management Plan.Environmental Management at Work Sites.Solid Waste Management.Environmental Monitoring.

    09.ermission and Consents.

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    1. INTRODUCTION:The Environmental Management plan formed to protect the environment and toimplement, mitigate, monitor and provide rem edial measures during the ac tivities of roadconstruction work of Pune - Solapur road project Package II from K m. 93 + 700 to Km .144 + 4 00 Sec. of NH- 9 in Maharastra.

    Proper procedures and records shall be maintained for maintaining the requirementsrelated to protection of environment. Environmental training and awareness to allemployees in a regular basis shall be provided on the project.


    The m ain objectives are to:Ensure com pliance with regulatory requirements that are applicable to theactivities.Provide timely indication if any environmental co ntrol measures fails to achieveacceptable standard.Ac cess the environmental condition of the area where the road construction iscarried out.Monitor effectiveness of environm ental mitigation measures.

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    ENVIRONMENTAL M ANAGEMENTPLANfft Date: 18.02.2010Page: 3 of 25Purp ose and scope

    To be aw are of the environmental concerns of the road construction work on NH-9 and the application of environmental control during the construc tion phase ofthe project.To fac ilitate road construction program me w hile ensuring fulfillment ofenvironment comm itment by m inimizing and monitoring environmental upset,which m ay be arise from c onstruction activities.To supervise com pliance w ith environmental criteria reviewing the collected data.Prepare Contingency plan.

    M ethod for prom oting environmental awareness

    W e will provide environmental aw areness training to our employees.All personnel being absorbed at site would be made to attend an environmentalawareness programme. Environmental Awareness Programme include environmentalpolicy, on site emergencies, Environmental aspects, Environmental impacts, rules andregulation.

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    2. E N V I R O N M E N T A L M A N A G EM E N T O F CO N S T R U CT IO N C A M PConstruction camp is the location in which the contractor w ill have camp office,residential colony, w orkshop, Laboratory, casting yard, steel yard, Plants andMachineries for the proposed Road w ork of NH- 9.

    There are two constructions camp one near the D alaj 2 Plot No. 530 at Ch. 11 0 andanother near the Indapur.The site will be free from cultivation and in non-agricultural land.

    The construction camp w ill have:Offices and ResidencesPlants and M achineriesWorkshopLaboratory Vehicle Parking.

    The layout of the construc tion camp is designed in such a way that there w ill be areasonable distance betw een the offices, residences and Plant area.The land for the c onstruction cam p w ill be on leased basis and the mutually agreedamount w ill be paid to the landown ers as per the terms and c ondition applied and w illbe properly documented.The layout plan prepared for the construction cam p will be submitted for approval tothe local approving authority. On receiving the approval from the local body theconstruction site w ill be mo bilized.The site clearance will be the first step and the trees if any existing in the site will betaken care and w ill be left as it is and in case any rem oval is to be done will becom pensated by planting the additional trees at the boundary o r at the selectedlocation in the cam p site. Gardening w ill be done at residential and at site office.

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    Topsoil if any will be removed only in the c onstruction area and will be utilized in thelawn development in the campsite.Fencing all around the campsite will be done w ith check post provision in the

    entrance there by restricting the cam p area as restricted area for the local public.The barbed fencing

    Source of water supply:Water required in the construction cam psite will be of the following

    Dom estic use in office and residential colonyFor w atering plants in Crushers, Wet M ix Plant, Hot Mix Plant and Batching Plant.Green belt developing and gardening in and around office area and Residential area.

    Domestic Use:For the domestic usage of water in the office and residential colony the bore w ell will bedriven and the w ater will be tested for its quality. Upon receiving the good quality of borewater the same w ill be utilized for the above p roposed purpose by providing over headtanks for w ater storage and necessary pipe lines for delivery.

    Drinking w ater will be tested seasonally by assuring that there are no phy sical, chemicaland biological contaminants.

    If required suitable treatment w ill be done for bore w ater if the raw w ater is not potableupon receiving the water test report.

    Plant Area:W ater is required for the dust suppression system in Crushers, processing W et Mix Plantand Batching Plant.

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    Water in the existing open w ell if any w ill be utilized for this that too upon conductingwater quality test.

    Green Belt Development And Gardening:Open well w ater will be utilized for developing the gardening.

    Sanitation and W aste Water Treatment:Offices and Residential colony will be constructed with sufficient ventilation andrequired numbers of toilets, bathrooms and w ashbasins. Non Hazardous w aste will becollected in collection bins at various locations depending upon the requirements and w illbe safely disposed. The residential and office blocks will be situated at reasonabledistance from Plants and M achineries.

    Septic tank of adequate capacity w ill be provided separately for office and residentialcolony. Raw sewag e will be treated in these tanks. The treated sewage from this septictank w ill flow into soak pits there by undergrou nd strata disposal practice. The soak pitsand septic tanks will be away from the bore w ell so that no contamination w ill cause tosources of water.

    W astewater from c anteen will be collected and treated separately. Treated wastew aterand the bathroom waste w ill be collected in a sump and will be use for green beltdevelopment and gardening.

    Since Laboratory prop osed in camp site is for material testing the waste w ater will be ofonly container w ashings which w ill have only little bit of non hazardous solids. This willbe settled in the grit chamb er provided and the clear w ater will be absorbed to the w astewater sum p. There will no Chem ical effluent generation from Laboratory.

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    Medicare and Sickbay:A M edical center and sickbay will be established within the base camp w ith necessaryfirst aid facilities to treat minor injuries and to provide first aid. Urgent and serious caseswill be referred to the nearest hospital for treatment. Responsible persons will be trainedin the first aid treatment. The first aid boxes w ill be located in w ork areas. A separatevehicle will be made available at any time for Emergency c ases. The contact phon e no. ofthe nearest ambulance service w ill be displayed within the camp area for easyaccessibility.

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    3. B OR R O W A R E A M A N A G EM E N T :Borrow Area Identification and Methodology of operation:The location where the soil for embankment and c onstituents for GSB can be obtained iscalled borrow area. T he w idening of the existing road involves both cutting and filling ofearth. Hence the am ount of m aterial generated as a result of excavation is enough for usein filling areas provided th e cut m aterial is found suitable.

    A layout show ing the borrow area w ith respect to the project area will be prepared.

    The borrow area will be identified and will be taken on lease. It may be any governmentland or of landowner. T he following points will be taken in to consideration w hileselecting the borrow area.

    Whether the land is high or flatDistance from the m ain roadExisting stream or w ater source.

    High lands are highly suitable for the borrow area. On c utting the land will be brought tothe adjacent ground level. If the land is flat the soil can be excavated up to a maximumdepth of 1.5m below ground level. The slopes will be trimmed and no vertical cuts willbe left in the borrow area in order to avoid landslides and so il erosion. In all cases thelimits of borrow areas will be clearly demarc ated. The dry lands alone w ill be used asborrow area. The material from the trial pit of the borrow area will be tested and itssuitability w ith necessary approvals w ill be obtained.

    The Exc avators, JCB, W heel loaders and tippers are the main machineries used in theborrow areas. All this machineries will be maintained adequately fitted w ith silencers toreduce noise levels. The mach ineries will checke d for emission and w ill be kept w ithinthe limits. Periodical checkups and m aintenance w ill be done. The top soil will be

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    SR.NO . LOCATION OF BORROW AREA CHAINAGE NO. REMARKS123456789101 1121 3141 516

    removed and stocked for reuse before the m aterial excavation. Borrow areas are locatedfar aw ay to the residential areas.Location of Borrow Area:A layout show ing borrow areas with respect to the project area w ill be prepared. Also adetailed borrow areas management and rehabilitation (if required) plan will be prepared.


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    Haul Road M anagement:The approach road to the borrow area will be maintained through out the period of itsuse. Periodic sprinkling of w ater will be carried out to suppress dust generated duringvehicular movement. Speed limit will be strictly adhered to while hauling of material iscarried out. Necessary signboards w ill be displayed w herever required and the trafficassistants w ill be posted to regulate the traffic flow.A friendly atmosphere w ill be created w ith the local community and all assistance w ill

    be provided.Top Soil Management:Before the c ommenc ement of the excavation the topsoil will be stripped and stockpiledfor the future use. This soil will be spread after the c ompletion period incase of high levelborrow areas. T he topsoil from the other borrow areas will be utilized in the turfing ofside slopes.Closure Plan:The ac tivities carried out in this regard w ill be as per the direction of the landow ner. If itis desired by the owner that high land be flattened for construction purpose then the landwill be leveled once the extraction of material is complete.The closure procedu re agreed upon will be documented and included in the agreementbefore borrow area is exploited.A record o f trees cut w ill be maintained and it will be ensured that suitable compensatorymeasures w ill are taken.A sketch of bo rrow area, distance from the project road, the area involved and expectedyield and all other relevant details w ill be attached with every borrow area that isexploited.Photographic Records:Photographs of the area depicting the state of land before and after extraction of m aterialwill be maintained.

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    4 . CONSTRUCTION PLA NTS AND DIESEL G ENERATO R SETS:Location of Road Construction sitesThe project consists of 4 laning of the existing 2-lane section from chainage 93 +700 tochainage 144 + 400 section road on NH-9. Crusher units, Wet Mix Macadam plant, HotMix Macadam plant, Batching plant and residential colony for staff and labors and officeAdministration is located in a camp based area near to Dalaj II , 110 kms. away fromPune main town. Plants and equipments are the potential sources of pollutants, so it isimportant to be concerned of the locations and role of the plant equipped. The four Plantsto be located in the Plant area are:

    Stone CrushersWet Mix Macadam PlantHot Mix Macadam Plant andBatching Plant.

    Pollution Control in Stone Crusher:There is no process waste from the stone-crushing unit. Hence there will be no waterpollution. The dust generated while crushing operation, conveying and at dropping pointwill be suppressed by water sprinkling system provided on plant, and will be done atpoint starting from the jaw crusher to the dropping point. Due to water sprinkling, weightof dust particles get increased and will not fly in air. Water required for sprinklingpurpose will be drawn from the nearby open well to the overhead water tank forcontinuous operation. Also green belt of minimum 5m will be developed around the plantarea which will acts as the dust filter for the surrounding area.

    Pollution Control in W et Mix M acadam Plant:The total operation in the Wet Mix Macadam Plant is wet operation so there will not beany air pollution. This operation will not generate any process wastewater also.

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    Pollution Control in Hot M ix M acadam Plant:This operation has no process w astewater. Due to application of high flame at high speedthe dust particles in aggregates may come out in air vent. This is con trolled by providingdust collector and bag filter. The dust collector reduces the velocity and makes theheavier particles to get settled down and this outlet air is passed through bag filter. Forperiodic replacement of the bag filters maintenance schedule w ill be drafted inconsultation w ith the Engineer in-charge and sc hedule will be displayed.

    Pollution Control in Batching Plant:In Batching plants the cem ent will be stored in silos and w ill be convey ed in pipes usingscrew pumps. Henc e there is no possibility of spreading in air. Water sprinklingarrangement will be provided at the conveyanc e and the drop point there by suppressingthe dust spreading. The wastew ater generated while mixing drum cleaning and theconcrete transit containers will be allowed to pass in the settling tank and filtered in thesand bed.W aste Generation F rom C onstruction Plants:The proc ess waste gen erated in the construction plant is Stone dust. This dust is utilizedin Wet M ix Macadam Plant and if in excess it may be utilized for landfill. This w ill bemech anically handled for collection and conveyan ce.

    Pollution Control In DG Sets:The following D G sets w ill be provided in the camp site:

    600 KVA 2 Nos.500 KVA 4 Nos.285 KVA 1Nos.200 KVA lNos.125 KVA 2Nos.

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    70 KVA 1Nos.55 KVA ]Nos.40 KVA 6Nos.

    Ambient Air Monitorini'W e shall undertake environmental monitoring in term of Ambient Air Mon itoring for thedetermination of suspended particulate matter. The air quality monitoring procedure shallbe establish to monitor the impact on air quality and measures to control air pollutionincluding dust suppression of activities that will cause degradation in air quality,environmental procedures to manage pollutants, monitoring programme, record keepingand reporting.

    The m ain pollutants, which w ill com e out from different road construction activities,wo uld be Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM ), Noise pollution from different earthmoving equipments and generator sets.

    The am bient air quality w ill be mon itored once in a month and the level of pollutants inthe air will be checked. The em ission from the genset and the Ho t Mix Plant will also bemonitored once in a month and level will be checked and improvem ents if any requiredwill be done. All the vehicles used in the project will be tested for emission and the H Rand CPE departments w ill maintain the certificate of fitness.

    Third party w ill do all the emission testing and the cop ies of the results will bemaintained in the HR Dep t. The schedule of maintenance of plants, equipments andmac hineries will be drafted in consultation with the technical person in charge and theschedule w ill be adhered. The CPE De pt. will do periodical review of the m aintenanceworks c ompleted, once in three month. If any deviation observed, root cause will beidentified and the required remedial measures w ill be taken.

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    M itigation M easuresTransport of material from one place to another creates air pollution, which degrades theatmosphere of the area. To minimize pollution precaution are taken to minimize visibleparticulate matter from being deposited upon roadw ays. It includes removal of particulatematter from e quipment and c leaning of dust / mud and depo sit of material on public placeby routine sweeping work everyday.Contr ol req uirement at road construction site:The dumping material shall be place in a manner that will minimize dust production.Material shall be stabilized by watering or other accepted dust suppression techniques.The height from which material dropped shall be the minimum practical height to limitthe fugitive dust emission. Stock piled, sand and aggregates use in concretemanufac turing and construction w ork should be piled with suitable slopes and if requiredit will be enclosed on three sides with suitable barricading. Cement will be storedseparately in cement godown. Provide water sprinklers that are required to control andsuppress dust during handling of excavation, debris and or during demolition. During dryweather, dust control methods must be use daily especially on windy, dry day s to preventany dust from blowing.Monitor ing of S PM :The impac ts of fugitive dust as ambient air pollution depends on quantity generated aswell as drift potential of dust particles injected into atmosphere. Larger pa rticles willsettle down but sm aller particles will drift away. SPM levels will be monitored to ch eckdust impact during construction phase.Methodology:The sam ples will be collected with the help of High Volume D ust Sampler using standardmethods on pre we ighted GFA filter paper at a rate of 1:1 m3 /minute for 24 hours andSPM w ill be monitored by suitable placement of High Volum e Sampler at variousrequired locations at the site. Air monitoring shall be carried out monthly at e achlocation.

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    Presentation and Interpretation of results:The results will be reported on the basis of 24 hours and will be presented as ug/m3.These results will be compared w ith National Am bient Air Quality standards. The resultswill be recorded and mitigation measures w ill be taken fo r control of air pollution.

    National Ambient Air Quality Standards







    Sulphur Dioxide(S02)

    Annualaverage 24

    hours15 ug/m3 3Oug/ m3

    8Oug/m3 -15Oug/m3

    6Oug/m3 -8Oug/m3

    Oxides ofNitrogen as


    Annualaverage 24

    hours15 ug/m3 -3Oug/m3

    80 ug/m3120 ug/m3

    60 ug/m380 ug/m3


    matter (SPM)

    Annualaverage 24

    hours70 ug/m3100 ug/m3

    360 ug/m3500 ug/m3

    140 ug/m3200 ug/m3

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    Noise Monitorink And Control Plan

    The noise m onitoring and control plan shall contain the sources of noise pollution at theconstruction site. It also contains the mitigation m easures to be taken.Noise Control

    Required measures will be taken so as to minimize noise impact on the community.Provision of necessary silencers and mufflers on construction equipments, which willproperly fitted and maintained. Canopy type generator sets will be provided at requiredlocations and open type generators w ill be in housed in sheds.

    Sources Of Noise Pollution:

    Noise generated during operating of the different Earth Mov ing Equipments.Noise generated during any other c onstruction activity.Noise generated during truck, tipper loading, unloading and handling activities.Noise generated from Batching Plant, Crusher unit, Hot Mix Plant and Wet mixMacadam plant.Noise generated f rom D rilling and blasting activities.

    Allowable Noise Em ission LevelsLAND USED MAXIMUM NOISE LEVEL Lmax dB (A)

    Residential Day time 75ndight time - 65Commercial 85 (At all times)Industrial 90 (A t all times)

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    Mitikation Measures

    To the extent required meeting the noise limits adequate efforts will be taken to reducethe c onstruction noise emissions level.

    Scheduling the Tipper, Truck and Earth Moving Equipments for loading,unloading and hauling operations so as to minimize noise impact on surrounding.Locating stationery equipments as to minimize noise impact on the c ommunity.Put off Plants and Equipments w hen not in use or idle.Use only well maintained plants and Equipments, which should be servicedregularly. Maintain equipments such that parts of vehicles and load are secureagainst vibration and rattling.Silencers and mufflers on construction equipment shall be properly fitted andmaintained.Maximize phy sical isolation between no ise generators and noise receptors.Grading of surfaced irregularities on construction sites to prevent the generationof impact noise and ground vibration by passing vehicles.Schedule work to avoid simultaneous activities that both generate high noiselevel.Construction of tem porary physical barriers.

    MonitoringNoise level will be measured at various locations with calibrated Noise me ter at differenttimes during the operation of equipments used for construction of the project. Noisemonitoring and control plan, results submitted will include duration of measurementdistance of monitoring from activity and construction equipment working duringmonitoring period.

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    Presentation and Interp retationNoise level during the construction activities will be measured and presented as Leq,L10 , L90 and Lm ax in decibel (dB) units. The measured value w ill be comp ared with thestandards values.

    Contingency PlanIf the noise level exceeds of limiting value (either accidentally or through inadequateimplementation of mitigation measures) does occur, the cause will be quickly identifiedand remedial measures w ill be taken with professional expertise.

    W ater Pol lut ion Control:We will provide a drainage system to drain off all surface water from the work site intosuitable drain outlet. We will collect all cement slurry, Bentonite slurry or other groutsused in road co nstruction and disposed off safely at the nearest landfill site, which will beprovided by the authority.

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    Oil Spil ls Prev ention Control Plan, Storage and Handling of Inflamm able M aterials:

    Various types of oils at construction site, like Diesel, Petrol, Engine oil, Grease,Hydraulic oil, Transmission oil, etc; is used as fuel and for Hy draulic operations and forTransform ers. Oil, Grease and similar material w ill be stored on a paved su rface. D ieselas a fuel for all Earth Moving Equipments and other vehicles will be transported in aseparate vehicle with tank of suitable capac ity. All other oily material will be transportedin a suitable container. To avoid oil spill drips pans will be provided d uring handling ofoil / diesel, etc. Even m inor leaks from m obile equipments and generator w ill beeffectively arrested. Fixed generator sets will be provided w ith trays below them .

    Inflammable material like LPG cylinders and DA cylinders were used at site for gascutting jobs. We are storing at our store yard in a specially designated area. We arekeeping a bare numbers of c ylinders as per our w ork requirement. W e w ill strictly adhereto statutory Gas C ylinders Rules while storing and handling these cylinders at our site.

    Event C ontingency Plan:

    W e shall provide adequate number of fire extinguishers and fire buckets at site tocontrol the fire due to inflamm able materials.W e shall contact to nearest fire station and police station immediately to handlesuch situation.W e shall call to nearest hospital if any emergenc y occ urs.

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    Site HV Riene:Site hygiene will be maintained at highest standards to keep the good healthy workingenvironment at our w ork site. Proper longitudinal and C/S profile should be m aintainedso as to drain off storm w ater as well as waste discharge during the course of constructionactivities. A septic tank for our sewage system is already constructed.

    H A Z A R D O U S CH E M IC A L S & W A S T E S : H A N D L I N G , S T O R A G E A N D D I S PO S A L

    All hazards material must be stored in approved containers/cabinets and storage area.Containers cabinets and storage area will have proper Labelling. Material must not betransferred to unapproved unlabeled containers. Safe procedures will be used fortransferring m aterial from bulk.

    All the hazardous c hemicals must be labeled properly.All storage facility must be equipped with eyew ash and splash goggles.Temporary and permanent storage of all hazardous material must be neat andorderly. Stored must not obstruct fire extinguishers where e lectrical panels exists.All storage must ensure that incompatible chemicals do not come in contact withone another.

    5. Hazardous Chemicals flat away from the sun dump. Surface must be clear anddry.

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    HANDLINGHazardous m aterial handled with proper care under responsible person.

    Use proper PPE in manual handling of hazardous chemical.An approved device carrying hazardous material will be used whenever chemicalsare taken from stock area.Hands get contaminated while handling hazardous chemicals and should bewashed and cleaned.In handling flammable substances all type of ignition sources are avoided.

    Supervisor w ill ensure that the staff who works w ith such hazard product w ill be trainedin the use, storage and handling of controlled product. The training programme mustinclude instruction of the following:

    Type of labelsMSDS SheetProcedure for safe use, storage and handling.Emergency procedures.

    DISPOSALEmpty containers of hazardous chemicals may itself a hazard waste. Empty containersand hazardous w aste will be given to authorized dealer.In encountered or generated as a result of our activities, then waste classified ashazardous under "Hazardous wastes (Management and Handling) rules 1989' andchemicals classified as hazardous chemicals under "manufacturer, storage and import ofHazardous Chemicals 1989 of EP A (1986) shall be deposited off in a manner incom pliance with procedure g iven in the rules under the aforesaid acts.All personnel being absorbed at site would be made to attend environmental awarenessprogramme.

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    5. Q UA R R Y M A N A G EM E N T PL A N :

    Location of Quarry AreasThere is two quarries for the project w ork. One quarry is situated 2 km . away from campat Dalaj II near Maruti crusher. Another Crusher is situated near ch. 132 at Tarangwadi.

    Status of Statutory PermitsAll the Statutory permits are obtained (Xerox copy enclosed for reference)

    Quarry Operation:

    Type of blasting:Mining / blasting operation will be carried out in a safe and secured manner. Controlledblasting will be done. It will be ensured that least disturbance is caused wh ile carrying outsuch operations. All the applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the use ofexplosives w ill be strictly adhered. T he supply of ex plosives required for blasting will bedone by licensed agenc ies on day-to-day basis. Henc e a stock of exp losives will be storedwithin the site.

    Time of Blasting:

    Blasting operation w ill be carried out during fixed ho urs of the day . The villagers and theother people w ithin the vicinity will know the pe riod in which the blasting will be carriedout. Only the site in charge w ill prepare all charges.

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    Precautions to Be Taken During Blasting:Red flags w ill be displayed prom inently in all directions during blasting operations. Theflags will be placed 200mts. from the blasting area. Unauthorized persons except thosewho actually involve in drilling and blasting will be strictly restricted from entering thisarea. No person will be allowed to enter in the flagged area at least 10 minutes beforefiring and warning siren will be sounded. Blasting will be as light as possible, consistencewith through barricade of the material necessary for econo mical loading and hauling. Noblasting leading to overshooting will be practiced. All the blasting operations will becarried out in safe and orderly manner. V ertical cuts will be avoided and benches w ill becreated in a manner that slides do not o ccur.

    Storage of explosives and operational procedures:No storage of explosives within the campsite will be done. The contract for supply ofexplosives w ill be given to authorized agencies on day-to-day basis whenever required.Properly trained persons w ill handle the explosive w ith required PPE's.

    Precautions to Be Taken During Drilling:Mark distinctly every deep hole so as to be readily seen.No person shall be permitted to remain within a radius of 20mts. On the samebench w ere charging of holes w ith explosives is being carried out.