Annexes - Energy Regulatory Commission AR-Annex 1.pdf · 61 Energy Regulatory Commission/Annual...

57 Energy Regulatory Commission/Annual Report 2010 Annexes

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Summary of the 28 Resolutions, Rules, Regulations and Policies Promulgated in 2010

Annex 1

Resolution No. 1: A Resolution Adopting the Rules for the Power Supply Option Program (PSOP) (January 25, 2010)

The Rules for the PSOP aim to: (i) provide the regulatory framework for the implemen-tation of the PSOP and (ii) ensure additional choices of supply are made available to qualified customers. The Rules apply to all Eligible Customers, Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES), Eligible Distribution Utilities, Generation Companies or its Affiliates, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), Independent Power Producers (IPPs), the Market Operator (MO) and other relevant industry participants, subject to the eligibility requirements set forth in Article II of the Rules.

The PSOP is another supply option program for customers in Luzon. It is designed to start either after the transfer of the operation of the Calaca NPC Generation Assets to the private generation companies concerned or its equivalent in terms of capacity, or the privatization of at least 70% of the total capacity of generating assets of the Na-tional Power Corporation (NPC) in Luzon and Visayas. However, once Open Access and Retail Competition is declared by the ERC, the PSOP and all related contracts and transactions shall automatically terminate upon Open Access date.

Resolution No. 2: A Resolution Adopting the Amendments to the Distribution Services and Open Access Rules (DSOAR) (February 22, 2010)

The ERC amended the DSOAR in view of the adoption of new regulatory frameworks for Distribution Utilities which is the Performance-Based Regulation (PBR) for Private Utilities (PUs) and the Rules for Setting Electric Cooperatives’ Wheeling Rates (RSEC-WR) for Electric Cooperatives.

The DSOAR, which was promulgated on January 18, 2006, provides the rules, terms and conditions pertaining to Distribution Connection Assets and Services, Service to the Captive and Contestable Markets, Supplier of Last Resort, Unbundled Distribu-tion Wheeling Service and Guidelines for Establishing Regulated Service Rates. The DSOAR sets forth the terms and conditions related to the provision of Connection Assets and Services, service to the Captive Market, Supplier of Last Resort (“SOLR”) service to the Contestable Market, and unbundled Distribution Wheeling Service (“DWS”) provided to the Contestable Market. The DSOAR also set forth the proce-dures for establishing regulated service rates for Distribution Utilities.

The ERC amended the DSOAR to include the redistributors’ service to sub-meter us-ers. The DSOAR was likewise amended to include the setting forth of terms and con-ditions related to the Local Retail Electricity Supplier (Local RES) and Redistributors’ service to sub-meter users.As provided in the DSOAR, all DUs shall perform the duties and obligations as “SOLR” for the Contestable Market within their respective franchise area as set forth in the Rules for the “SOLR” and other separate guidelines related to SOLR service to be adopted by the ERC. SOLR service is regulated by ERC as back-up supply to the Contestable Market for the contingency that an end-user in the Contestable Market

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does not have supply from a competitive RES. SOLR service is not service to the Cap-tive Market and is not RES service by the DU.

SOLR service is only designed to be a safety net for instances when End-users in the Contestable Market temporarily do not have a contract with a RES.

Resolution No. 3: Rules for the Registration of the Wholesale Aggregators, as Amended (February 15, 2010)

The ERC amended the Rules for the Registration of the Wholesale Aggregators (WAs) in order to clarify the specific documentary requirements to be submitted to facilitate the evaluation of said applications.

The Rules, which were promulgated on May 22, 2006, aim to provide for the quali-fications, requirements and procedures for registration with the ERC, as well as the obligations of the WAs.

Below is the list of documents required to be submitted:

1) Articles of incorporation/Partnership with Certificate of Registration (for juridi-cal person) or Business Name Registration Certification (for single proprietor-ship);

2) All applicable contracts already signed and executed in relation to the whole-

sale aggregation business, if any;

3) List of affiliates engaged in the generation, distribution and retail supply of electricity, and their corresponding business addresses if any;

4) List of shareholders and their shareholdings, Directors, and Officers, including curriculum vitae, if any;

5) Duly accomplished Application form for registration;

6) Five year business plan indicating the:a) Market Share and revenue Target(s);b) Type/s of Market to be served;c) Target Market Areas;d) Marketing Strategies; ande) Supply Services to be offered.

7) Sworn Statement or Undertaking to comply with the Obligations of a Whole-sale Aggregator; and

8) Sworn Statement that the Applicant complies with the restrictions/limitations on ownership as provided under Article II Section 3 of the Rules.

For renewal, the applicant is only required to submit an application form for renewal, the latest annual report with audited financial statements and other documents that the ERC may require.

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The Certificate of Registration, which the ERC will issue within 30 days from submis-sion of complete documents and payment of PhP10,000.00 registration fee, will be valid for five (5) years.

Resolution No. 4: A Resolution Setting the Installed Generating Capacity per Grid, National Grid and the Market Share Limitations per Grid and the National Grid for 2010 (March 10, 2010) The ERC promulgated the Guidelines for the Determination of Installed Generating Capacity in a Grid and the National Installed Generating Capacity and Enforcement of the Limits of Concentration of Ownership, Operation or Control of Installed Gener-ating Capacity on December 14, 2005. Based on the Guidelines, the installed gen-erating capacity per grid and national grid and market share limitations determination shall be adjusted by the ERC on or before March 15 of each year and/or as often as necessary.

In line with this, the ERC set the 2010 installed generating capacity per Grid and National Grid and market share limitations per Grid and National Grid summarized as follows:


Generating Capacity

% Market Share Limitation per

RA 9136Installed Generating Capacity Limit (kW)

Luzon 11,188,513.00 30% 3,356,553.90Visayas 1,715,295.40 30% 514,588.62Mindanao 1,808,810.00 30% 542,643.00National 14,712,618.40 25% 3,678,154.60

Resolution No. 5: Resolution Adopting the Distribution Management Committee (DMC) Significant Incident Reporting Procedures (February 22, 2010)

The Significant Incident Reporting Procedures proposed by the DMC and subse-quently approved by the ERC aim to ensure that significant incidents are thoroughly investigated and completely reported on a timely and consistent manner, as well as to provide assessment on the condition of the distribution system and identify areas for improvement.

The Guidelines detail the basis for the submission of reports on significant incidents, and the reporting instructions. Based on the Guidelines, a report on the Significant Incident shall be submitted to the DMC if any of the following events happen:

1) Outage of at least one (1) substation, for at least one hour, whose primary volt-age is 69kV and above and owned by the Distributor;

2) Service interruption for at least fifteen (15) minutes affecting at least 25% of previous month’s customers; and

3) Service interruption for at least 15 minutes affecting at least 25% of previous year’s peak demand.

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Resolution No. 6: A Resolution Directing All Distribution Utilities to Remit their Respective Proportionate Shares to the Distribution Management Committee’s (DMC) 2010 Budget (March 10, 2010)

In line with Section, Chapter 2 of the Philippine Distribution Code (PDC) which provides that all of DMC’s operating costs shall be shared among all DUs as a direct proportion of their annual peak demand or annual energy sales, the ERC ap-proved the budget of the DMC for the year 2010 as follows:

BUDGET AMOUNT (PhP)Approved (2010)Less: Unutilized Portion 2009


TOTAL AMOUNT 11,777,002.00

In the above-mentioned Resolution, the ERC also directed the DUs to remit their pro-portionate share in the approved budget of the DMC on or before April 15, 2010 and submit to ERC a proof of its compliance within fifteen (15) days from such compli-ance.

Resolution No. 07: Amending the Rules for the Default Wholesale Supply (DWS) Arrangements for the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) in the Luzon Grid, as Amended (March 10, 2010)

To clarify the effectivity of the DWS in relation with the DOE Circular No. 2006-06-009 designating the National Power Corporation (NPC) and Power Sector Assets and Li-abilities Management Corporation (PSALM) as the DWS of the Philippine WESM for a period of one (1) year from the start of both the WESM commercial operations in Luzon for Luzon customers, and in Visayas for Visayas customers, the ERC amended the Rules for the DWS Arrangements for the WESM in Luzon Grid.

The ERC amended Section 6.1, Article 6 of the Rules, to read as follows:

“These Rules shall be implemented in Luzon from 26 June 2008 until on (1) year after the start of open access and retail competition, unless the arrangements are earlier discontin-ued by the Department of Energy (DOE).”

Resolution No. 08: Adopting the Rules to Govern the Interruptible Load Program (ILP) of Distribution Utilities (DUs) (March 10, 2010)

The ERC approved the Rules to Govern the ILP of DUs in the Visayas and Mindanao Grids to (1) alleviate the power crisis in the said regions and augment the limited power requirements of the DUs; (2) ensure the timely compensation and recovery of allow-able expense related to the interruptible load program entered into by DUs; and (3) ensure transparent and reasonable prices of electric power service.

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The Rules detail the De-loading program and protocols, including the procedures for billing and compensation. Under the ILP, the DU and Participating Customer shall en-ter into an Agreement wherein the participating customer may be requested by the DU to de-load and the DU shall pay the participating customer a compensation represent-ing the incremental cost incurred due to the full or partial de-loading.

The amount paid to the participating customer, on the other hand, shall be recovered from all customers of the DU as part of its Total Cost of Power to be included in the monthly computation of Generation Rate based on a formula. The procedures for these are detailed in Article V (Recovery of De-Load Compensation) of the Rules.

The ILP shall be offered by DUs experiencing power supply shortage, and any custom-ers in the franchise area of a DU are qualified to participate in the ILP, subject to their mutual agreement.

Resolution No. 09: Adopting the Revised Rules for the Issuance of Certificates of Compliance (COCs) for Generation Companies/ Facilities (March 10, 2010)

The ERC revised the Rules for the Issuance of Certificates of Compliance (COCs) for Generation Companies/ Facilities to 1) facilitate the approval of applications for the issuance of COCs; 2) clarify the requirements and procedures for such applications, including renewals thereof; 3) reiterate and/or prescribe the qualifications, disqualifica-tions and the legal obligations of grantees of COCs; and 4) monitor compliance with R.A. 9136, its IRR, WESM Rules and Manuals, Philippine Grid Code and Philippine Distribution Code.

The Rules for the Issuance of COCs were amended to specify that a generation facility whose owner was previously issued a COC and which was then transferred or sold and the term of such COC has not expired need not secure for a new COC for the re-mainder of the term of the existing COC. The new owner, however, should inform the ERC of the transfer of ownership within three (3) days and that the new owner shall conform to and comply with all the obligations imposed on a Generation Company, including the submission of reportorial requirements. Moreover, the new owner should file an application with the ERC for an amendment of the COC if it desires to be named as the licensee under the COC.

Resolution No. 10: A Resolution Adopting A New Timeline for Privately-Owned Distribution Utilities (DUs) Entering Performance Based Regulation under the Fourth Entry Point (April 6, 2010)

To give DUs ample time to review their applications for the approval of their Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Performance Incentive Scheme (PIS) for the 2nd Regulatory Period and to prevent regulatory lags that may arise from the simultane-ous evaluation of the existing applications of DUs under Groups A, B and C, the ERC resolved to adopt a new timeline for privately-owned DUs under PBR under Group D and the timeline for the Fourth Entry points, subject to RDWR provisions as follows:

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D 1. Angeles Electric Corporation (AEC)

2. Bohol Light Company, Inc. (BLCI)3. Panay Electric Company, Inc.

(PECO)4. Subic Enerzone Corporation (SEZ)5. San Fernando Electric Light and

Power Company (SFELAPCO)6. Clark Electric Distribution

Corporation (CEDC)

October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2015

Moreover, the ERC directed the above-mentioned DUs to file their respective applica-tions in accordance with the provisions under the Rules for Setting Distribution Wheel-ing Rates (RDWR) on or before September 24, 2010.

Resolution No. 11: A Resolution Clarifying the Policy on the Treatment of kWh Company Use by Distribution Utilities (May 6, 2010)

The ERC, after directing in Resolution No. 7, Series of 2008 that actual company use or Administrative Loss shall be treated as an expense of Distribution Utilities (DUs) and to ensure compliance to such, resolved to clarify the policies on the treatment of kWh company use, to wit:

1) For PUs under PBR, ECs under the RSEC-WR, and the ECs that are not grid connected but with final or provisionally approved distribution, supply and me-tering charges, wherein company use was already incorporated and treated as part of the Operation and Maintenance Expenses:

a) The kilowatt-hour (kWh) Sales, as reported to the ERC, shall be inclusive of the actual kWh company use, which shall be used in the computation of the DU’s generation, transmission, system loss, lifeline and other charges covered by automatic adjustments;

b) The formula for kWh System Loss shall be the difference between kWh Purchased/Generated and kWh Sales (inclusive of actual kWh company use); and

2) For DUs not covered by item 1, they shall continue observing the existing kWh Sales reporting and computation of generation, transmission, system loss, life-line and other charges covered by automatic adjustments.

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Resolution No. 12: Resolution Adopting the Rules and Procedures in the Revi-sion of the Philippine Distribution Code (PDC) and the Philippine Grid Code (PGC) (May 5, 2010)

The ERC adopted the Distribution Management Committee’s (DMC) Rules and Proce-dures in the Revision of the PDC and the Grid Management Committee’s (GMC) Rules and Procedures in the Revision of the PGC.

The purpose of the Rules and Procedures is to serve as guide in reviewing, evaluat-ing, and processing proposals submitted by any party to revise any provisions in the PDC and PGC, pursuant to Sections 2.2.5 and 2.5.4 of the PDC and Section 2.5.4 of the PGC.

The said Rules provide for the process for the revision which includes the submission of proposals, evaluation of proposals, the hearings and consultations that need to be conducted, and the approval by the ERC of the revised PDC and PGC.

Resolution No. 13: Resolution Adopting the Grid Management Committee’s (GMC) Rules and Procedures of Significant Incident Reporting (May 5, 2010)

The Significant Incident Reporting Procedures proposed by the GMC and subsequent-ly approved by the ERC aim to promptly inform key government offices and electric power industry participants of significant incidents occurring in the Philippine electric power system in the interest of national security.

The Guidelines detail the basis for the submission of reports on significant incidents, and the reporting instructions. Based on the Guidelines, a report shall be submitted by the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to the DMC if any of the following events happen:

1) Uncontrolled loss of 150 MW or 5% of the system demand, whichever is lower for more than 15 minutes arising from a single incident;

2) Load shedding of 100 MW or 5% of system demand whichever is lower, imple-mented under emergency operational policy;

3) System-wide voltage fluctuations of 5% or more;4) Actual or attempted physical, cyber or communications attack, including

weather disturbances that had or could have an impact on electric power sys-tem adequacy or reliability;

5) Complete operational failure or shutdown of the transmission system;6) Contingency Reserve is less than the capacity of the largest synchronized

generating unit or power import from a single interconnection, whichever is higher; and

7) Contingency Reserve is zero or a generation deficiency exists or if there is im-minent overloading of transmission lines or equipment.

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Resolution No. 15: A Resolution Resetting the Start of Acceptance Testing to January 2011 (June 15, 2010)

Section 11.2, Article XI of the Rules and Procedures for the Test and Maintenance of Electric Meters of DUs issued by the ERC under Resolution No. 12, Series of 2009 which became effective on July 12, 2009 provides that the start of the implementation of the sampling method of acceptance testing of all meters will be twelve (12) months after the effectivity date.

The ERC, however, resolved to defer the commencement of the acceptance testing to the first working day of January 2011 in view of the fact that the Meter Shop accredita-tion has not been completed. The Meter Shop is a major prerequisite for the implemen-tation of the sampling method of acceptance testing.

Resolution No. 16: A Resolution Adopting the Feed-In Tariff Rules (July 12, 2010)

The ERC approved the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Rules on July 12, 2010, pursuant to Sec-tion 7 of Republic Act No. 9153, An Act Promoting the Development Utilization and Commercialization of the Renewable Energy Resources and for Other Purposes, and Section 5 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

The Rules establish the FIT system which is one of the incentive mechanisms in the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 intended to accelerate the exploration and develop-ment of renewable energy resources. It offers guaranteed payments over a definite period of time to RE developers utilizing renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, run-of-river hydro, biomass, and ocean.

The ERC mandated the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and the DUs, in the case of Renewable Energy Plants embedded in their distribution systems, to connect and take in the energy generated and delivered by these plants.

The NGCP or the utilities shall allocate the renewable energy among all its custom-ers or electricity end-users. In turn, all electricity end-users are obligated a Peso/kWh charge referred to as Feed-In Tariff Allowance (FIT-All). The proceeds of the FIT-All go to a fund administered by NGCP from which payments to the FIT-eligible RE Develop-ers shall be taken.

The FITs (rates) which may be differentiated by technology, size, and time of avail-ability, between peak and off-peak hours, shall have duration of 20 years and shall be subject to adjustment to account for inflation or foreign currency exchange fluctuations. The FITs to be set shall be also subjected to degression to encourage the developers to invest at the initial stage and hasten deployment of renewable energy.

The process of establishing the Feed-in Tariffs starts with the submission by the Na-tional Renewable Energy Board or NREB with the ERC of its recommended tariffs, cal-culated based on the methodology outlined in the Feed-in Tariff Rules. Upon submis-sion of such, the ERC will conduct public hearings and will issue the approved tariffs.

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Resolution No. 17: A Resolution Adopting the Valuation Handbook for the Opti-mized Depreciated Replacement Cost (ODRC) Valuation of System Fixed Assets of Privately Owned Distribution Utilities (PDUs) Operating Under Performance-Based Regulation (PBR) (July 19, 2010)

Clause 4.8.2 of the Rules for Setting Distribution Wheeling Rates for Privately-Owned Distribution Utilities (RDWR) requires that prior to the commencement of the Third Regulatory Period, an asset re-evaluation must be undertaken. In line with this, the ERC adopted a Handbook for this ODRC asset valuation.

The Valuation Handbook describes the ERC’s requirements for the Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) using the ODRC Methodology. Said Valuation Handbook supersedes the Asset Valuation Policy Guidelines for PDUs subject to Performance Based Regulation Final Determination dated August 9, 2006, and the Guidelines for Preparing Asset Schedules for Performance Based Regulatory Initial Asset Valuations dated March 2, 2009. The Valuation Handbook will apply to the Third Regulatory Period, which com-mence on July 1, 2011 for the Group A entrants.

Resolution No. 18: A Resolution Adopting the Rules to Govern the Submission, Evaluation and Approval of Lease of Property by Distribution Utilities (July 19, 2010)

Pursuant to Sections 26 and 43 of R.A. 9136, Rules 3 and 7 of its IRR, and Section 20 (g) of Commonwealth Act No. 146, as amended, the ERC promulgated the Rules Govern the Submission, Evaluation and Approval of Lease of Property by DUs. The objective of the Rules is to provide the DUs with a uniform system of filing applications for approval of lease of its properties in order to maximize the utilization of their assets. In addition, it seeks to ensure that the lease of equipment, materials and properties of DUs is transparent and compliant with applicable laws and accepted industry practices and standards to protect public interest.

The Rules apply to ECs, DUs, Local Government Unit Owned and Operated Distribu-tion Systems and Qualified Third Parties (QTPs) operating in waived areas of a fran-chised DU, for the following Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) Properties:

1. Pole space rental/pole attachment;2. Lease of lots/space; and/or3. Lease of other facilities/equipment/ materials.

Moreover, the Rules detail the application, evaluation and approval procedures, as well as the reportorial requirements for the approval of such by the ERC.

Resolution No. 20: A Resolution Setting the Installed Generating Capacity per Grid, National Grid and the Market Share Limitations per Grid and the National Grid for 2010 (October 4, 2010) In line with the Guidelines for the Determination of Installed Generating Capacity in a Grid and the National Installed Generating Capacity and Enforcement of the Limits of Concentration of Ownership, Operation or Control of Installed Generating Capacity, the ERC adjusted the 2010 installed generating capacity per Grid and National Grid

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and market share limitations per Grid and National Grid set on March 10, 2010 (Reso-lution No. 4, Series of 2010) to account for the increase in capacities in the Visayas Grid, change in material circumstances, correction in the inclusion of the capacity of the blackstart and standby generating sets and increase/ decrease in the originally reported installed capacity of some power plants based on recent submission by the generation companies.

The adjusted limitations are summarized as follows:


Generating Capacity

% Market Share Limitation per

RA 9136

Installed Generating

Capacity Limit (kW)Luzon 10,839.012.00 30% 3,251,703.60Visayas 1,954,774.00 30% 586,432.20Mindanao 1,799,750.00 30% 539,925.00National 14,593,536.00 25% 3,648,384.00

Resolution No. 21: A Resolution Amending Section 4 of Article 4 and Section 1 of Article 5 of the Rules Governing the Automatic Cost Adjustment and True-Up Mechanisms and Corresponding Confirmation Process for Distribution Utilities (October 18, 2010) The ERC, on July 13, 2009, promulgated the Rules Governing the Automatic Cost Adjustment and True-Up Mechanisms and Corresponding Confirmation Process for Distribution Utilities through Resolution No, 16, series of 2009. Furthermore, it issued Resolution No. 23 on October 12, 2009 adopting the template for the filing of DUs of their applications for over/under recoveries.

The ERC, recognizing the need to address the inherent misalignment of kWh sales and purchased power which causes spikes and dips in the computed monthly system loss, amended Section 4, Article 4 of the Rules, specifically the formula in computing the system loss rate over/under recovery.

Moreover, the ERC amended Section 1, Article 5 of the Rules by adjusting the timeline of the DUs for the filing of applications to afford the DUs sufficient time to adequately prepare. Below is the adjusted timetable:

Distribution Utilities Period of Filing Covered AdjustmentsLuzon DUs March 31, 2011 Adjustments implemented until

the billing month of December 2010

Visayas DUs March 31, 2012 Adjustments implemented until the billing month of December 2011

Mindanao DUs March 31, 2013 Adjustments implemented until the billing month of December 2012

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Thereafter, the DUs shall file their applications within the period below:

Distribution Utilities Period of Filing Covered AdjustmentsLuzon DUs March 31, 2014 Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013Visayas DUs March 31, 2015 Jan. 2012-Dec. 2014Mindanao DUs March 31, 2016 Jan. 2013-Dec. 2015

Resolution No. 22: A Resolution Adopting the Rules Governing the Type Ap-proval of Meter Products to be Used in Revenue Metering by Distribution Utilities and Redistributors (September 27, 2010) Section 16 (f) of Commonwealth Act No. 146, as amended, and Section 2 of Com-monwealth Act No. 349 mandate the ERC to establish reasonable rules, regulations and standards, and authorizes the ERC to inspect, examine and approve periodically all meters used to ensure its accuracy.

In line with this, the ERC formulated the Rules Governing the Type Approval of Meter Products to be Used in Revenue Metering by DUs and Redistributors to ensure that watt-hour meter products installed conform to standards and requirements adopted by ERC and to establish a common database of acceptable types of watt-hour meters for reference in procurements.

The Rules detail the approval requirements for new meter type products, as well as the approval and certification testing requirements for reconditioned or repaired meter products.

Resolution No. 23: A Resolution Adopting the Rules Implementing the Discounts to Qualified Senior Citizen End-Users and Subsidy from the Subsidizing End-Users on Electricity Consumption Under Sections 4 and 5 of Republic Act No. 9994 (December 15, 2010) Pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 of Republic Act No. 9994, An Act Granting Additional Benefits and Privileges to Senior Citizens Further Amending Republic Act No. 7432, As Amended, and Article 12, Section 3 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), the ERC promulgated the Rules Implementing the Senior Citizen Discounts and Subsidy on Electricity Consumption.

The Rules provide for the qualifications of residential senior citizens and Senior Citi-zen Centers and Residential Care Facilities/ Institutions or Group Homes. Residential senior citizens can only avail of the discount if the kilowatt-hour meter is registered under the name of the senior citizen for a period of not less than one year and only for monthly consumption not exceeding 100kWh. Senior Citizen Centers and Residential Care Facilities/ Institutions or Group Homes can only avail of the discount if they are Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) accredited and if they are in operation for at least six (6) months with a separate meter.

A formula is provided in the Rules for the computation of the discount and the rate to be paid by subsidizing end-users.

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Resolution No. 24: A Resolution Suspending the Timelines for the Filing of the Multi-Year Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Applications of Electric Cooperatives (ECs) Prescribed in Section 6.2 (Transitory Provision) of the Amended Rules for the Approval of Regulated Entities’ Capital Expenditure Projects (December 6, 2010) Pursuant to Section 6.2 of the Amended CAPEX Rules, the ERC set timelines for the filing of the initial and regular CAPEX applications. However, for the period June to November 2010, only fifteen (15) ECs were able to file their applications out of the fifty-eight (58) ECs required to file.In line with the recent developments, specifically the filing by the Philippine Rural Elec-tric Cooperatives Association, Inc. (PHILRECA) of its petition to initiate rule-making on the Tariff Glide Path Rules, the ERC sees the possibility of requiring the ECs to file their respective CAPEX applications simultaneously with their applications under the proposed Rules.

Thus, the ERC resolved to suspend the timelines for the filing of the multi-year CAPEX applications of the ECs until such time that the Tariff Glide Path Rules are promul-gated.

Resolution No. 25: A Resolution Clarifying Article III (Transitory Provision) of the Rules to Govern the Submission, Evaluation and Approval of Lease of Property by Distribution Utilities (December 6, 2010) Article III of the Rules to Govern the Submission, Evaluation and Approval of Lease of Property by Distribution Utilities required the submission to ERC of all contracts of lease on Regulatory Asses Base (RAB) and non-RAB properties executed prior to the effectivity of the Rules, which have not been covered by any application filed before the ERC.

The ERC resolved to clarify such provision to mean that all DUs should file such through a letter-request for confirmation instead of a formal application to ERC not later than March 31, 2011.

Resolution No. 26: A Resolution Amending Section 5, Article V of Resolution Nos. 1 and 18, Series of 2009 Adopting the Amendments to the “Guidelines to the Sale and Transfer of Transco’s Subtransmission Assets and the Franchising of Qualified Consortiums” (December 15, 2010) The ERC, on October 17, 2003, issued the Guidelines to the Sale and Transfer of the TRANSCO’s Subtransmission Assets and the Franchising of Qualified Consortiums which was subsequently amended on March 17, 2005 through Resolution No. 3, Se-ries of 2005 and on January 26, 2009 through Resolution No. 1, Series of 2009, and clarified Article V, Sections 2, 5 and 6 of the Rules on August 10, 2009 through Resolu-tion No. 18, Series of 2009.

Because of the requests of various stakeholders of the difficulty in forming a consor-tium, the ERC resolved to amend Section 5, Article V of Resolution No. 1, Series of 2009, extending the deadline for the disposition of the Residual Sub-transmission As-sets (RSTAs) until December 31, 2011.

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Resolution No. 27: A Resolution Amending the Pertinent Provisions of Reso-lution No. 48, Series of 2006 (A Resolution Summarizing the Applicable Legal Principles and Policies of the Energy Regulatory Commission on End-User Con-nections (December 15, 2010) The ERC amended some provisions on its policies on End-User Connections, specifi-cally Section 4.2.2 referring to Generation and Transmission Charges for Directly-Con-nected End-Users upon the sale of subtransmission assets to the Distribution Utilities, and Section 7 (formerly Section 5 in Resolution No. 48, series of 2006) on the Sum-mary of ERC Policies on End-user Connections.

Section 5 was also added on the alternative power source of directly-connected cus-tomers considering that most of NPC’s generation plants were already privatized. The directly-connected customers may source power directly from IPPs in case the DU concerned has not established its capability of providing power to such end-users. Moreover, the ERC added a new provision on the qualification of a directly connected end-user upon implementation of open access and retail competition.

Resolution No. 28: A Resolution Adopting the Amendments to the Magna Carta for Residential Electricity Consumers (November 15, 2010) The ERC, in order to address current issues and to incorporate newly-adopted poli-cies and procedures, amended the Magna Carta for Residential Electricity Consumers promulgated on June 25, 2004 to provide rules, procedures, terms and conditions ap-plicable to residential electricity consumers.

The amended Magna Carta includes the following policies:

1) Requirements to support applications for connection of owners or their author-ized representatives, successors, tenants and informal settlers of government-owned properties;

2) Responsibility of DUs to install a proper type and classification of meter, com-patible with the network in the premises of the consumer;

3) Computation of refund due of billing errors (in case of overbilling) and the right of the consumer to be informed of such in writing and to contest the refund before the ERC (also applicable to errors resulting from inaccurate meters);

4) Allowing clustering of meters upon the request of a consumer (consumer to bear cost of wire extending from the meter to actual premises) or when there is no right of way or in areas with high incidence of pilferages;

5) Responsibility of a consumer to coordinate with the DU regarding the reloca-tion of a meter;

6) Right of a consumer or developer, in case of advance payment for extension of line, to demand for a refund;

7) Additional conditions for the disconnection of electric service;8) Additional conditions for the suspension of disconnection;9) Right of a consumer to file a complaint with the ERC if he/she disagrees with

the resolution of the DU of the complaint (other than for high billing). In this case, DUs are directed to resolve such protest within 15 days from payment of protested amount;

10) Basis for the computation of bill deposit including the interest to be paid by DUs on cash bill deposits;

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Energy Regulatory Commission/Annual Report 2010


11) Right of consumers, in case of high billings, to protest even if the questioned bills were already been paid in full. High billing is when a consumer’s bill for the month exceeds 100% of the average 12-month consumption. The pro-cedure for complaint and the resolution of such by the DU or by the ERC are detailed in the Magna Carta; and

12) Additional Section to cover the conditions and procedure for the transfer and termination of electric service.

Atty. Maria Corazon C. Gines presides over the Public Consultation on the amendments to the Magna Carta for Residentail Electricity Consumers.