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Annals of the Association of American GeographersPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

“Papering” Over Space and Place: Product Carbon Footprint Modeling inthe Global Paper IndustryJoshua P. Newella; Robert O. Vosb

a School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan, b Spatial Sciences Institute,University of Southern California,

First published on: 28 April 2011

To cite this Article Newell, Joshua P. and Vos, Robert O.(2011) '“Papering” Over Space and Place: Product CarbonFootprint Modeling in the Global Paper Industry', Annals of the Association of American Geographers,, First publishedon: 28 April 2011 (iFirst)To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2011.567929URL:

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“Papering” Over Space and Place: Product CarbonFootprint Modeling in the Global Paper Industry

Joshua P. Newell∗ and Robert O. Vos†

∗School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan†Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California

We are witnessing an explosion in carbon calculators for estimating the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions(i.e., carbon footprint) of households, buildings, cities, and processes. Seeking to capitalize on the emergent“green” consumer, corporations are leading the next iteration in carbon footprinting: consumer products. Thispotentially lucrative low-carbon frontier, however, faces steep challenges due to complexities of scale, largelya function of the number of actors and geographies involved in globalized commodity and energy networks,and scope, which increasingly demands inclusion of emissions due to land use change (e.g., biofuel production,timber harvest, livestock grazing, mining). Life cycle assessment (LCA)—the principal method behind product-level GHG emissions footprint protocols—frequently avoids these challenges by narrowly delineating systemboundaries, thereby excluding the “messiness” of space and place. Through a comparative model of energysources and emissions in the globalized paper industry, this article reveals how complexities associated withgeographic variation and land use change create indeterminacy in footprints based on these protocols. Usingindustry and trade data, the authors develop geographic information system transportation and energy modelsto map the globally dispersed pulp supply networks and to rescale Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeGHG inventory guidelines to include carbon loss associated with land use change in the carbon footprint ofcoated paper. Given their integrative abilities to conceptualize and model coupled human–ecological systems,sophisticated understanding of time–space dynamics and critical theoretical insights, geographers have much tocontribute to the LCA and product carbon footprinting enterprise, which to date has been largely the intellectualdomain of engineers. Key Words: carbon labels, emissions, land use change, life cycle assessment, paper industry.

Estamos presenciando una explosion de calculadoras de carbono para calcular las emisiones de gases de inver-nadero (GHG, sigla en ingles), o polucion atmosferica (es decir, la huella del carbono) originadas en viviendas,edificios, ciudades y procesos. Buscando capitalizar a expensas del emergente consumidor “verde”, las corpora-ciones estan apuntandole a la siguiente edicion de la huella de carbono: productos de consumo. Esta frontera debajo carbono potencialmente lucrativa, enfrenta, sin embargo, retos escabrosos debido a complejidades de escala,lo que en gran medida es una funcion del numero de actores y geografıas involucradas en las cadenas energeticas yde mercaderıas globalizadas, y de ambito, que cada vez mas clama por la inclusion de las emisiones debido al cam-bio de usos del suelo (e.g., produccion de biocombustibles, explotacion maderera, pastoreo ganadero, minerıa). La

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101(4) 2011, pp. 1–12 C© 2011 by Association of American GeographersInitial submission, March 2010; revised submission, September 2010; final acceptance, December 2010

Published by Taylor & Francis, LLC.

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evaluacion del ciclo de vida (ECV)—principal metodo en el que se basan los protocolos de huella del carbono paraemisiones de GHG a nivel de producto—con frecuencia le sacan el bulto a estos retos delineando con estrechezlos sistemas de lımites, para ası descartar los “caos” de espacio y lugar. A traves de un modelo comparativo defuentes de energıa y emisiones en la industria papelera globalizada, este artıculo revela como las complejidadesasociadas con variacion geografica y cambio de uso del suelo crean indeterminacion en la huella de carbonocon base en estos protocolos. Utilizando datos de industria y comercio, los autores desarrollaron modelos desistemas de informacion geografica para transporte y energıa para cartografiar las cadenas de suministro de pulpade papel dispersas globalmente y para cambiar la escala de las guıas del inventario de los GHG del PanelIntergubernamental de Cambio Climatico, a fin de incluir la perdida de carbono asociada con los cambios de usodel suelo en la huella del carbono del papel esmaltado. Dadas sus habilidades integradoras para conceptualizary modelar los sistemas humano-ecologicos en acoplamiento, su comprension sofisticada de la dinamica tiempo-espacio y su perspicacia teorica crıtica, los geografos pueden contribuir mucho a la tarea de la ECV y de generarla huella del carbono, que hasta hoy ha sido el dominio intelectual de los ingenieros. Palabras clave: etiquetas decarbono, emisiones, cambio de uso del suelo, evaluacion del ciclo de vida, industria papelera.

Carbon labels now appear on potato chips,milk, breakfast cereal, sugar, bread, Japanesebeer, and a wide range of other products.

Facing increased pressure to reduce greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions in their operations and enticed by thelucrative prospects of an emergent green consumer, cor-porations have been active proponents of these labelingsystems. Retail giants Tesco (UK) and Wal-Mart (U.S.)are engaged in major efforts to fund research and shapeinternational protocols for product labeling (Brenton,Edwards-Jones, and Jensen 2009). Embracing theneoliberal faith that “buyer-driven” global commoditychains (Gereffi 1995) can use quality conventionsand standards (e.g., certification, corporate socialresponsibility policies) to rescale governance, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governmentsview carbon labels as a means to harness the power ofthe “green” markets to forge a more sustainable world.The governments of Japan, South Korea, Germany, andthe European Union (EU) are developing carbon labelstandards (Bolwig and Gibbon 2009), and legislatorsin California have called for debate about a CarbonLabeling Act (AB 19), designed to facilitate carbonlabels for products sold in the state. Meanwhile, recentresearch reveals the significance of consumer productsin overall GHG emissions, sparking trade debates aboutwho should take responsibility, producer countries(e.g., China) or consumer countries (e.g., the UnitedStates), and providing further impetus for productfootprint accounting systems (Kejun, Cosbey, andMurray 2008).1

The race to establish an industry-standard interna-tional protocol for product carbon footprinting has nar-rowed to three hybrid public–private efforts. PubliclyAvailable Standard (PAS) 2050 is the most specific andrigorous protocol to date (British Standards Institution,

Carbon Trust, and Department for Environment 2008;Sinden 2009). The NGO in this partnership, CarbonTrust, which secured funding from Tesco and PepsiCoto implement specifications of the protocol on selectedproducts, has created the Carbon Labeling Company, aprivate firm expanding corporate labeling efforts acrossthe globe. But PAS 2050 faces stiff competition fromthe Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Stan-dard, which was developed by World Resources Insti-tute and the World Business Council for SustainableDevelopment, with financial support from Wal-Mart.Finally, the International Organization for Standardiza-tion (ISO) has issued draft standard ISO 14067 (Carbonfootprint of products).

The methodology underlying these protocols andlabels is life cycle assessment (LCA), a central toolwithin the field of industrial ecology (Graedel and Al-lenby 2003; Matthews and Lifset 2007). Starting in thelate 1970s in Europe, LCA methods developed rapidly,culminating in international standardization under theISO 14040 protocol (SETAC Europe LCA SteeringCommittee 2008). LCA quantifies environmental im-pacts of products and processes for major phases ofthe life cycle, from material extraction to disposal (seetop of Figure 1). The standard LCA method consistsof sequential steps: definition of goal and functionalunit, delimitation of scope or system boundary, life cy-cle inventory (LCI) and life cycle impact assessment(LCIA). LCI refers to the accounting of pollution andresource extraction in each life cycle phase, and LCIAis a decision-support model built on LCI to measure im-pacts (e.g., on human health or ecosystem quality). Thefield of LCA has expanded rapidly in recent years, withstudies on a diverse set of products and processes, includ-ing buildings, fuels, renewable energy sources, nano-technologies, and water.

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Product Carbon Footprint Modeling in the Global Paper Industry 3

Figure 1. Comparative life cycle inventory of U.S. and Chinese coated paper: System flow and boundary scope diagram.

Flattened Geographies in Life CycleAssessment

Basic building blocks of LCA include activity dataand emission factors. To reduce uncertainty in LCAstudies, company-specific rather than industry averagedata are preferable. Similarly, data for emission factors(i.e., GHGs emitted per unit of energy) should be assite-specific as possible. In globalized post-Fordist sup-ply chains, however, the production and distribution ofa single product can involve dozens of actors, includingmaterial suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, wholesalers,and retailers scattered across multiple countries. Shiftsin price, resource availability, production method, anddemand can abruptly shift the input–output structureand territoriality of these complex supply networks. Instark contrast, a carbon label offers the consumer a staticand fixed accounting of the GHGs embedded in a par-ticular product.

In theory, LCIs and impact assessments require datacollection within these spatially and temporally con-

tingent supply networks—following complex chains ofinteraction in production systems wherever and how-ever production occurs. But hindered by an inabilityto situate production in space and to obtain regionallyspecific data, LCIs as practiced often draw on activ-ity data and emission factors that are essentially globalaverages and therefore decidedly aspatial. Or they priv-ilege regions where LCIs are well-developed (Curran2006), such as Western Europe, by applying emissionfactors from these LCIs for products manufactured inother regions.

In essence, by minimizing areal differentiation forthe purpose of expediency, these practices “flatten” ge-ography. LCA software, which draws heavily on inven-tory databases generated from European case studies,has facilitated these tendencies, although practition-ers do sometimes build out regionalized grid averagesfor electricity use. Some LCA scholars recognize theimplications of this lack of geographic variability andnuance, and are developing procedures to make LCIsmore spatially explicit (Weidema 2004) and to better

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incorporate spatial differentiation in impact modeling(Pfister, Koehler, and Hellweg 2009; Steinberger, Friot,and Jolliet 2009). For example, in the nascent field ofproduct water footprinting, geographical informationsystem (GIS)-based models reflecting the variability offreshwater supplies help specify the impacts of consump-tion in arid regions (Berger and Finkbeiner 2010; Rid-outt and Pfister 2010).

System Boundaries Change the Story

How the system boundary or scope is delineated—essentially which life cycle phases, inputs, and out-puts to include or exclude—in LCA can fundamentallychange the result. Varying system boundaries can renderstudies of the same product (or process) contradictoryor incompatible for comparison. System boundary de-lineation hinges on the level of data, time and fundingconstraints, as well as other factors such as study objec-tives, geographic complexity, and levels of uncertainty.

To reduce complexity, temporal boundaries for useand disposal phases in particular are often narrowlystructured or excluded entirely. As an example, con-sider these phases with respect to paper products. Car-bon could be sequestered for decades in the form ofbooks or it might be disposed of after one use in the caseof copy paper. In the disposal phase, paper can releasecarbon as CO2 following waste incineration, flaring orcogeneration from landfill gas, or as untreated methanegas from a landfill (Figure 1). The emission profile of dis-posal phases varies temporally and spatially, contingenton the type of local solid waste system in place.

Furthermore, most product LCAs exclude emissionsassociated with land use. Biomass fuel generally hasbeen treated as “carbon neutral,” based on the rationalethat biomass stock (e.g., forest) will grow back and, overtime, cancel out the global warming potential of theGHG emissions from the initial combustion. Recent re-search on biofuels and indirect land use change calls thisinto question. Searchinger et al. (2008) demonstratedthat biofuel crops might displace food crops, leading towidespread conversion of forests or grasslands for agri-cultural production. Other research on indirect landuse changes suggests more moderate emission scenarios(Hertel et al. 2010). Debate over the emissions associ-ated with indirect land use change remains contentious,as evidenced by uncertainty about how to account forit in California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, a stateregulatory mandate.

There are also significant, albeit uncertain, emissionsassociated with some forms of direct land use change(e.g., forestland to cropland) and land cover modifica-tion (e.g., “primary” or “frontier” forests to managedor plantation forests). Accurate accounting of theseemissions requires modeling land use as a complex,tightly coupled human–ecological dynamic over timeand space. Forests as carbon pools (e.g., live biomass,decomposing organic matter, and soil) simultaneouslyaccumulate and release carbon. The carbon flux of thesepools varies depending on forest type, location, age, dis-turbance history, climate change, and forest manage-ment. Human factors such as forestry practices affectthe degree of immediate carbon loss and the abilityof forest ecosystems to recover sequestration capacity(Thornley and Cannel 2000). Forest ecologists haveconcluded that primary or frontier forests, across a rangeof geographic regions and ecosystem types, generallyhold more carbon biomass than do managed forests orplantations (Harmon, Ferrel, and Franklin 1990; Dean,Roxburgh, and Mackey 2003; Luyssaert et al. 2008).Some NGOs advocate accounting for the opportunitycost of such logging because it could take decades toregain carbon sink capacity (Ford 2009). With suchdynamic interactions, emissions associated with landuse and land cover change are perhaps the most uncer-tain component of the global carbon cycle (Ramankuttyet al. 2007).

Product footprint protocols make limited attemptsto incorporate simplified elements of land use. PAS2050 stipulates inclusion of GHG emissions resultingfrom direct land use change but excludes indirect landuse change and land cover modification. Direct landuse emissions are assessed in accordance with 2006Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC)Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, us-ing a twenty-year time scale. However, the Guidelinesare for country-level reporting and provide no specificguidance on how to rescale these methodologies forproducts.

To explore how spatiality, land use issues, supplychain complexity, and system boundary decisions arenegotiated in LCA modeling, this article models andcompares LCI phases for coated freesheet paper (i.e.,the sort of paper that is glossy in feel and commonlyused in magazines, etc.) produced in China and in theUnited States. Specifically, we critique LCA practiceby deploying the most rigorous product carbon footprintprotocol available: PAS 2050. We focus on CO2 inven-tories for three life cycle phases: carbon loss from timberharvest, transportation, and pulp and paper production.

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Product Carbon Footprint Modeling in the Global Paper Industry 5

Following the protocol’s general guidance but suppliedwith no specific method to actually incorporate directland use change, we develop an initial methodologyto rescale IPCC guidelines for specific products. Morebroadly, our spatially explicit approach illustrates howgeographic variation in the fiber supply structure for theU.S. and Chinese industries shapes the CO2 emissionsprofiles for these phases and creates indeterminacy interms of calculating an accurate product-level carbonfootprint.

Modeling a Spatially Explicit ProductFootprint for Coated Paper

Approximately 40 percent of the world’s industrialwood harvest is used to produce paper with a rise to 50percent predicted by 2050 (Abramovitz and Mattoon1999). The paper industry is the third-largest consumerof industrial energy in the United States and about onethird of the municipal solid waste stream consists of pa-per (U.S. Department of Energy 2005). China and theUnited States are the world’s two largest producers ofpaper and paper products (Haley 2010). Biomass fuelincluding burning of timber harvest residue (“hog” inindustry parlance) is a significant source of energy, espe-cially for coated freesheet paper because it relies almostentirely on “virgin” rather than recycled wood fiber. Atightly networked North American industry, long theglobal leader in coated paper production, is graduallybeing supplanted by Chinese producers, who managean increasingly complex, global web of fiber sourcing,pulping, paper production, and converting operations.

To elucidate how these contrasting production net-work structures shape and problematize product carbonfootprint modeling, we compare CO2 emissions fromcoated paper produced by the Chinese and U.S. in-dustries. Six mills making coated paper for the largestNorth American manufacturer represent the U.S. sup-ply chain. Given that the largest Chinese manufacturerhas just one mill producing coated paper, we broadenthe comparative analysis to include the eight largestmills in China for various manufacturers. Smaller pro-ducers are virtually impossible to track using industrydata, so by including a number of mills as well as thelargest producer in each country, the underlying modelsprovide comparable representations for the two supplychains.

Our functional unit is the delivery of one metricton of finished paper to Los Angeles (2007). We looksolely at the paper’s wood fiber, excluding other pri-

mary materials such as clay and treatment chemicals,additives, and processes such as wastewater treatment,harvesting equipment emissions, and emissions specificto cultivating plantations (Figure 1). We only quantifyCO2 emissions, excluding other GHGs, and our studyscopes out the use and disposal phases, including landfillemissions, elements researched in previous paper LCAs(Leach and Givnish 1996). In short, this article probesunderlying geographic variation in carbon footprintsfor coated paper using a partial comparative life cycleinventory approach for the timber harvest, transporta-tion, and pulp and production phases of the productionprocess.

To develop a spatially explicit product footprint,we first map the fiber supply structure and produc-tion processes for both supply chains. We then developweighted averages for timber harvest yield at the na-tional scale and for pulp and paper production at thefacility scale. This model of spatial variation underliescalculations for emissions from transportation and en-ergy used in manufacturing, as well as carbon loss fromtimber harvest.

Although we use the same industry data set (Re-source Information Systems [RISI] 2007) to capture ac-tivity data for production processes at the mills, dueto data availability, our methodology for the two sup-ply chains differs slightly for fiber supplies. Throughpersonal interviews, we acquired firm-specific fiber sup-ply data for the six U.S. mills. Like virtually all majorNorth American manufacturers, this U.S. manufacturerhas integrated, facility-level pulp and paper productionand sources logs within a 100-mile radius. About 10percent of the wood fiber is imported, essentially soft-wood pulp from Canada, which we were able to trackto individual Canadian mills. In contrast, China im-ports more than 90 percent of its pulp from mills acrossthe globe (Wood Resources International and SenecaCreek Associates 2007). Unable to obtain firm-specificdata for China’s industry, we model the fiber supplystructure for the eight mills using industry (RISI 2007)and trade data (Global Trade Information Services2008).

The virgin fibers required for coated paper produc-tion are pulped in two basic commodity types: bleachedhard kraft pulp (BHKP) and bleached soft kraft pulp(BSKP). In 2007, over 75 percent of the BHKP Chinaimported came from Indonesia, Brazil, and Chile, andabout 71 percent of the BSKP came from Canada, Chile,Russia, and the United States. A large number of coun-tries (including New Zealand, Finland, and Thailand)supply the remainder. To identify pulp mills, the model

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estimates locations based on the countries (includingChina) where pulp is produced, followed by the size ofeach mill’s production as a share of total BHKP andBSKP produced within each country.2


Following standard LCI procedures and PAS 2050specifications, the model applies transport mode (U.S.Department of Energy 2008) and fuel type (U.S. En-ergy Information Administration 2008) emission fac-tors based on the mass, distance, and modes of pulpand paper (i.e., ton mile by ship, rail, and truck). Wemodel distances by data mining for exact locations of116 global pulp mills, the Chinese paper mills, andU.S. integrated mills and use ArcGIS (EnvironmentalSystems Research Institute 2009) to estimate the totaldistance that pulp is traveling from mills to papermak-ing facilities, and onto the consumer market (i.e., Portof Los Angeles). Calculations for route variations anddistances rely on a suite of tools, including NetPas Dis-tance (, which allows the user toidentify origin and destination ports to calculate ship-ping routes and distances. For mills less than 250 milesfrom a marine port or final destination mill, we modeltruck (rather than rail) as the transport mode of choice.

Pulp and Paper Production

To quantify the facility-level CO2 emissions fromelectricity and fossil fuel use, the model assigns fueluse profiles for each facility on the basis of a weightedaverage for the overall supply chain, based on the massof total production given in RISI (2007). From thesemill use profiles, we then apply the weighted averageto generate a GHG emissions factor for embedded CO2for BHKP, BSKP, and finished paper for both supplychains. The general formula is

P ∗ Ef ∗ Emf = CO2 per finished metric ton (1)

where P = percentage of pulp supply (BHKP or BSKP),or percentage of finished paper supply (i.e., weighted av-erage); Ef = energy factor for each fuel type, terajoules(TJ)/air dried metric ton (ADMT); and Emf = emis-sions factor for each fuel type, metric tons of CO2/TJ.We then sum values for each facility to obtain overallestimates of BHKP, BSKP, and finished coated paper.

Different Fuel Types

For specific distillate fuel oil and natural gas typeslisted by facility (RISI 2007), the model uses energycontent factors from the International Energy Agency(IEA 2008) and emission factors from the IPCC (2006).Coal is nomenclature for a continuous range of solidorganic fuels with varying energy content values andGHG emission factors, so using IEA (2008) consump-tion data we develop a soft coal (subbituminous andlignite)–to–hard coal (anthracite and bituminous) ratiofor each country and then assign it to each facility. Forelectricity grid emissions, the model uses IEA (2008)data on the energy source mix (e.g., coal, natural gas,nuclear, oil, hydropower, renewables) for each country.Pulp mills and integrated mills both run on biomasssources, including residuals from production. Residualwaste from the delignification process, known as blackliquor, is almost always burned in recovery boilers (seeFigure 1). Previous studies treat these biomass fuels ascarbon neutral, but emissions from these sources areinherent to our model because we include carbon lossfrom timber harvest as detailed next.

Carbon Loss from Timber Harvest

The model includes two scenarios for carbon lossfrom timber harvest. Scenario 1 assumes that, in thesupply chains, the country of pulp production is knownbut the specific land use changes from timber harvestin that country are unknown. As instructed by PAS2050 for products with this unknown origin, Scenario1 assumes forestland-to-annual-cropland change fol-lowing logging in each producer country. Scenario 2adds geographic nuance by using estimates from WoodResources International and Seneca Creek Associates(2007) to develop “natural” versus plantation forest ra-tios for BHKP and BSKP from each country. Scenario 2assumes all direct land use change associated with con-version to plantations to be pre-January 1990, which—based on PAS 2050 and IPCC guidance—renders plan-tations carbon neutral. We recognize they are notneutral due to uncertain levels of emissions specific toplantation cultivation (e.g., seeding, thinning, and fer-tilizing) and indirect land use change, but to be consis-tent in both scenarios we excluded emissions associatedwith forest management and the actual harvesting. Fur-thermore, the model only considers the above-groundbiomass carbon pool, with changes to other pools (e.g.,dead organic matter, below-ground biomass, and soilcarbon) excluded. Essentially, our model accounts for

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Product Carbon Footprint Modeling in the Global Paper Industry 7

the release of biogenic carbon from fuel combustion dur-ing pulp and paper production, from wood residue left atlogging sites, and from solid residuals due to production.

The model uses Food and Agriculture Organiza-tion (FAO 2001) data for average timber harvestyields per hectare and to identify major forest ecosys-tem types (e.g., tropical, temperate, boreal) for eachcountry. It then averages IPCC Tier I estimatedbiomass values for each forest type to develop a per-hectare average biomass profile. The customized for-mula is

(Bbefore − Bafter) ∗ (Cfd) = Cremoval (2)

Cremoval / Yyield = Closs (3)

where Bbefore = biomass stocks before conversion intons dry matter/hectare (average for each country),Bafter = biomass stock for annual cropland (IPCC fac-tor of 5 tons dry matter/hectare), Cfd = carbon frac-tion of dry matter (IPCC factor of 0.5), Cremoval =carbon removal in kg of carbon/hectare, Yyield = yieldgiven in m3/hectare (FAO factor for each country), andCloss = kg of carbon per m3 of wood (for each coun-try).

Then based on the model of weighted averages, weobtain carbon loss estimates per m3 for BHKP and BSKPin the China and U.S. supply chains. For finished paper,the formula is

P ∗ Closs ∗ Wef ∗ 44 / 12 = kg of CO2 per

finished metric ton (4)

where P = percent of pulp or wood supply for eachcountry (supply chain weighted average), We f = woodefficiency factor of 3.65 m3/finished metric ton, and44/12 = conversion of elemental carbon to CO2.

Biogenic carbon is embedded in the coated paperuntil it is released during disposal or remains embeddedin the form recycled paper products. As our study ex-cludes the end-of-life phase, we estimate and subtractembedded carbon in the product from the direct landuse change CO2 emissions using the following formula:

Daverage ∗ Cfd = Cdensity (5)

Cdensity ∗ Wef ∗ 44 / 12 = kg of CO2 embedded per

finished metric ton (6)

where Daverage = average carbon density of wood species(IPCC 2006), in oven dry tons/m3; and Cdensity = car-bon density in kg/m3 of wood.

Space and Place Change the Story:Indeterminacy in the Product Footprint

Our comparative analysis of U.S. and Chinese coatedpaper illustrates how geographic variation and systemboundary exclusions fundamentally shape the carbonfootprint of products. Including direct land use changein the raw material phases of the system boundarychanges the story dramatically, as our model reveals thepotential magnitude of CO2 emissions due to changesin above-ground forest biomass (Figure 2). In con-trast, studies of the paper life cycle that exclude land

Figure 2. Comparative coated-paper carbon footprints for three life cycle phases, U.S. and Chinese industry.

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use emissions conclude the pulp and paper productionphase is the most carbon intensive (Gower 2006; Minerand Perez-Garcia 2007).

Consistent with earlier studies of paper (Subak andCraighill 1999; Gower 2006) and those for other land-based products, such as meat (Basset-Mens and vander Werf 2005), transportation emissions are a com-paratively small portion of overall emissions in bothsupply chains. For China’s industry, transport-relatedemissions are higher due to greater wood fiber to pa-per mill (BHKP average of 8,800 km) and consumermarket delivery distances (Figure 2). The U.S. indus-try sources most fiber locally for integrated mills, withthe imported Canadian BSKP averaging 2,400 km.A sensitivity analysis—in a typical uncertainty range(±20%–±40%) for transport emissions factors (Kiout-sioukis et al. 2004)—changes neither the significanceof the transport phase nor the overall result, because thetransport footprint is small and the comparative differ-ence between the U.S. and Chinese industries is large.From a product carbon footprint perspective, thesefindings counteract the “buy local” cliche in popularenergy sustainability discourse—which, by overempha-sizing transport as an emission source, conflates “green-ness” with local sourcing.

The difference in the pulp and paper productionphase (China: 2,478 kg/metric ton; U.S. 1,410/kg met-ric ton) stems from the Chinese industry’s lack ofintegrated pulp mills and its greater dependence oncarbon-intensive coal both for process heat and in theelectricity grid. Integrated production in the U.S. sup-ply chain is made possible by colocation of the industrynear the forests. The integrated mills use cogeneratedelectricity to run both pulp and papermaking machin-ery (including coaters) and avoid using fossil fuels torewarm and rewet pulp at the paper mill (Figure 1).Ashby’s (2009) meta-analysis of carbon footprint stud-ies of the pulp and paper production phase gives anuncertainty range of ±11.5%, considerably less thanthe difference seen here.

Geographical differences underlying the transportand pulp and paper production phases are significantbut, as noted, the potential emissions associated with di-rect land use change, at least in Scenario 1, overwhelmthese two phases (Figure 2). The results from modelingScenario 1—which follows PAS 2050 carbon account-ing guidance when the specific “land use change im-pact of an input cannot be determined” (10)—indicatemuch higher carbon loss from timber harvest for theChinese supply chain (9,210 kg) than for the U.S. sup-ply chain (3,517 kg). This model essentially assumes

that all forests are “natural.” As such, the Chinese in-dustry imports more pulp from tropical forests, which(based on IPCC methodology) carry a larger CO2 emis-sions conversion burden than do temperate and borealforests. But if we go beyond PAS 2050 default guid-ance in Scenario 2, by incorporating natural forest-to-plantation ratios for each pulp-producing country, theresults shift so much as to invert the comparison. TheChinese industry generates less CO2 during the timberharvest phase (1,368 kg) than does the U.S. industry(2,671 kg) due to greater sourcing from countries thatrely on plantations to produce pulp (e.g., Brazil andChile).

Although these results provide insight into the rela-tive importance of key life cycle phases, the more sig-nificant outcome of the study is the revelation thatthe overall footprint of coated paper is essentially in-determinate. Land use assumptions dictate the result.Scenario 1 illustrates a much larger overall footprintfor Chinese paper than for U.S. paper. In Scenario2, however, the two footprints are nearly even. Thesescenarios demonstrate the inadequacy of PAS 2050 tomodel essential system boundary inclusions when con-fronted with the spatial variation of globalized pulpsupply chains.

As a way forward, the model we have presented offersan innovative attempt to incorporate land use changein product carbon footprinting by rescaling and cus-tomizing IPCC (2006) guidelines. As the results show,however, indeterminacy in the footprint persists. To re-fine this method, we would need to address geographicand temporal scales in forest growth cycles, includecarbon pools currently excluded in PAS 2050 (below-ground biomass, soil carbon, and dead organic matter),and gradually incorporate emerging science on fron-tier forests and the effects of forest management prac-tices on carbon sequestration and regrowth rates. Tobetter model these complexities at the outset, we sug-gest narrowing the geographic scale by comparing twomajor pulp-producing regions that harvest timber fromdifferent forest ecosystem types (e.g., frontier forests,managed forests, and plantations) such as Canada andIndonesia.

The results of this study have important ramifica-tions for pulp and paper energy use models, whichindicate that energy conservation and environmentalbenefits of recycled paper are limited because recycledfiber increases reliance on fossils fuels due to the lowerlevel of biomass residuals (i.e., hog) available as fuel atthe mills (Ruth and Harrington 1998; Villanueva andWenzel 2007; Gaudreault, Samson, and Stuart 2010).

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Product Carbon Footprint Modeling in the Global Paper Industry 9

If CO2 emissions from biomass are included in thesemodels, rather than being treated as carbon neutral, us-ing more recycled paper will have obvious benefits interms of reducing demand for fiber from forests. Howcan the models developed here be extended to otherpaper types that, unlike coated freesheet paper, incor-porate recycled content? Future modeling would needto investigate the carbon intensity trade-offs betweenhigher levels of fossil fuels and reduced use of biomassfuels, hinging primarily on spatial variation in fuel andland cover types.

Although this study is limited to the pulp and papersector, LCA modelers have recently called for similarlyspatially explicit LCIs that include land use to fully cap-ture the emissions associated with emerging technolo-gies in renewable energy sectors like biofuels, wind, andsolar energy (Kim, Kim, and Dale 2009; Seager, Miller,and Kohn 2009). Studies indicate the impacts fromthese sectors vary based on scale, location, and pro-duction practice (Potting and Hauschild 2006; Canalset al. 2007). Case studies of product systems that donot depend on materials requiring significant land usechange (or modification) are also needed to indicate thedegree to which spatially mismatched inventory mod-els and fundamental land use exclusions are pervasiveproblems in carbon footprinting.

Inserting Spatiality into LCA and ProductCarbon Footprints

To more accurately model the energy and carbonfootprints of coated paper, in this article, we have ar-gued that LCA must be spatially explicit and accountfor emissions associated with land use change. So howmight geographers insert more spatiality into the LCAand product carbon footprint enterprise? A spatiallyrobust LCA requires the ability to conceptualize andmodel complex natural–human systems, a particularstrength of geographers working within the broad tradi-tions of land cover science and political ecology (Turnerand Robbins 2008). Advances in remote sensing mightmake sophisticated accounting of land use tractable.Since the 1990s, industrial ecologists have recognizedhow GIS might build areal differentiation into LCA(Bengtsson et al. 1998). But in part because LCA hasremained ensconced in engineering, efforts to coupleGIS and LCA have been limited, although Geyer etal.’s (2010) efforts to do so with geographers—by mod-eling the impacts of land use change on biodiversity—introduce exciting possibilities.

But neglect of areal differentiation extends beyondmodeling complexity and disciplinary turf. Those who

deploy LCA for specific projects, such as develop-ing footprint protocols and carbon labels, have eco-nomic and political motivations that inevitably shapehow geographic complexity and system boundary in-clusions are negotiated. PAS 2050 and the attendantcarbon labels can be seen as an emergent form ofmarket-based carbon governance (Bailey, Gouldson,and Newell 2010), since they have emerged due tothe collective effort of the private sector, NGOs, andgovernment agencies operating within a horizontal net-work structure (Bulkeley 2005). These actors might bewoven together by a faith in the power of markets torescale governance, but their individual underlying (of-ten contradictory) motivations provide specific insightinto why spatial complexity is avoided. In principle,the transnational corporation might support a carbonlabel because of its potential to forestall governmentstandards and regulation or to differentiate productsin the marketplace. In practice, however, implement-ing a spatially robust protocol might be incompatibleif it necessitates a hardening and spatial concentrationof the complex, fluid supply networks on which thecorporation depends to efficiently accumulate capital.NGOs, meanwhile, might feel pressured to develop a“practical” protocol, enticed by the potential financialrewards of pioneering an industry-wide internationalstandard.

One ramification of the papering over space andplace is that rather than clarifying, the carbon label ob-scures. It becomes a warped, arguably more dangerousform of the commodity fetish than the one it intendedto replace. The label appears to provide transparencyfor the consumers, yet the actual spaces of production(and the processes within them) remain obscure. In theconsumer’s imagination, purchasing products with suchlabels becomes a form of ethical consumption (Barnettet al. 2005; Clarke et al. 2007). This provides the illu-sory power of the green consumer to make a difference,further obfuscating the need to reduce overall levels ofconsumption (Lovell, Bulkeley, and Liverman 2009).As such, carbon labels and product footprint protocolsmight be theorized as a corporate strategy of “accumu-lation by [apparent] decarbonization,” similar to carbonoffsets (Bumpus and Liverman 2008, 127), and theycould be readily situated within broader critical liter-atures on ethical consumption, commodity fetishism(Castree 2001), global commodity networks, and “cli-mate capitalism” (Newell and Paterson 2010).

The few human geographers to write about LCAhave generally framed it as aspatial and technocratic,nesting it within the broader ecological moderniza-tion movement (Keil and Desfor 2004; Robbins 2004).

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Although we clearly see these tendencies in terms ofhow LCA traditionally has been developed and applied,we do not view the methodology as inherently so. LCAis fundamentally a process useful for thinking throughand mapping out the complex assemblages associatedwith the production, consumption, and disposal of prod-ucts. A relatively young methodology, LCA can stillbe as readily shaped and deployed by geographers as itcan by engineers. We see the possibility, for example,of using LCA as a form of progressive praxis becauseof its potential to ground globalization by reconnect-ing spaces of production and consumption (Hartwick2000). But left alone and poorly applied, as we havedemonstrated with the PAS 2050 protocol, the prac-tice of LCA threatens to paper over geographic vari-ation and complexity and exclude fundamental inputsand processes. We will be left with protocols shapedby self-interested corporate actors and a confusing arrayof carbon labels that are impoverished and misleadingrepresentations of the carbon footprints of the productsthat line our supermarket shelves.


We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers andto Jim Ford, Mark Harmon, and Mansour Rahimi fortheir insightful comments and suggestions. We alsothank Jingfen Sheng and Christine Lam of USC’s Spa-tial Sciences Institute for help with GIS modeling,Jennifer Wolch for intellectual guidance and admin-istrative support, and Robin Maier for her patiencethroughout the revision process. Finally, we acknowl-edge the sustainability-consulting firm Clean Agency,Inc., which provided funding for the project and pro-vided access to paper industry data.

Notes1. For example, after subtracting for imports, China’s

surplus embodied CO2 emissions in exports repre-sent approximately 18 percent of that country’s to-tal production-based emissions. In contrast, the UnitedStates had an export deficit of –7.3 percent (Peters andHertwich 2007).

2. This study draws on data from Cornerstone (RISI 2007),which tracks production inputs and outputs for major pa-per facilities throughout the world in a materials balanceframework.


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Correspondence: School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, e-mail: [email protected](Newell); Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90007, e-mail: [email protected] (Vos).

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