Anime series outline

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  • 8/8/2019 Anime series outline


    CG Anime

    Episode 1: Big Money

    CHASE and SLY, are in the middle of getting a job.

    Their little security/currier gig gets them by, but usually

    they dont get well paying jobs. This one though is for

    good money and is relatively simple. The job is simply

    escorting a yacht from Earth to Mars orbit. Chase goes to

    get their ship, named Slow Chase ready, Sly goes and picks

    up some supplies and then to say bye to ALEXIS (his

    girlfriend), says hell see her in a few days. He goes to

    Chase and their ship and they take off to hook up with the

    yacht in Earth orbit. They get there and everything goes

    ok, the yacht wants to take a fairly out of the way path to

    Mars, which the guys dont mind. They make their high

    speed jump, which should take around 22 hours, and then 5

    hour in the guy piloting the yacht calls and says something

    is messing up and he needs to shut down the mag-drive (the

    space ships propulsion system). The ship is brand new, so

    the guys dont really think anything of it having a few

    bugs. They stop and a couple hours go by and then a small

    group of ships approach (3 or 4 small ships). The guys

    guess theyre thieves (Highwaymen, pirates, whatever you

    want to call them) the guy driving the yacht says hes

    almost got the problem worked out. Not fast enough though

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    and Chase and Sly have to fend off the thieves. Ship to

    ship fight ensues; the other ships dont attack the yacht

    though and just go after Slow Chase . Chase, Sly and their

    ship are good though and take out all the attacking ships.

    Just as they do the yacht takes off, but not towards Mars.

    Guys figure something else is up and follow the yacht.

    Episode 2: Big Money part 2

    The guys are in the middle of chasing the yacht; its

    been roughly a day since the chase started. SONNY, the

    owner of the yacht, contacts them and asks what the hold up

    is (it was supposed to be delivered a few hours ago).

    Chase talks to him and says they had a setback. The owner

    says he cant get a hold of his man flying the yacht, so

    Chase explains the situation. The owner figures the guy is

    trying to steal it, Chase says theyre on it and will try

    and get it back for him; Sonny says they better. Guys go

    along a little more and then the yacht finally drops out of

    high-speed flight. Slow Chase approaches, but they still

    cant contact the yacht, and then it turns on them. The

    yacht is apparently made for a bit more than luxury and

    attacks. Chase has a hard time deciding to attack and risk

    damaging the yacht, Sly wants to and they eventually have

    to. They dont do much against the larger and better armed

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    ship, but the yacht cant really hit them either. They

    come up with a plan to try and get Sly on the ship by

    sending him EV; Sly doesnt like the idea (he hasnt done

    anything in vacuum since training when they were in the

    military). He goes out though and gets on board, and takes

    over the yacht after a struggle with the thief. Then he

    and Chase head for Mars. They dock the Yacht on a space

    station in Mars orbit. Meet Sonny, who pays them and gives

    a bonus for their extra work. They start to leave, but he

    says he has a friend coming the next day who might have a

    job for the guys. They have reservations about it, but

    decide to stay to see what the job is.

    Episode 3: Opportunity

    Sly and Chase are checking out their ship, inside the

    docking bay of the space station. They talk about leaving,

    theyve been there for 3 days and Sonnys business

    associate hasnt shown. They talk about what Sonnys

    business might be (considering what theyve seen). A small

    yacht comes in to dock and interrupts their conversation.

    4 guys get off, 3 younger guys and one who is around 50.

    Chase and Sly then go to see Sonny and meet with the new

    arrivals. The new guy, TONY, wants the guys to pick

    something up on Mars and then transport it back to Earth

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    for him. The package should be waiting for them on the

    surface. The pick up is the reason Tony came to Mars, but

    his presence has been uncovered and he is pretty much

    unable to get to the surface without a situation arising.

    The guys would go unnoticed until they actually picked up

    the item. They are reluctant, but the offer is too good to

    pass up. The guys take a couple of Tonys men and head

    planet side. Tony set them up to land at a private dock,

    and so they land without trouble. Tonys soldier has a car

    waiting for him, but the guys opt to take their bikes, they

    get their Mag bikes (hovering crotch rockets) out of their

    ship. The three head into the large colony and make their

    way to where the package is. As Tony said they get the

    package easily, but then a minor gun fight and short car

    chase takes place as they head back to their ship, Tonys

    man crashes his car, but the guys make it back and get off

    the planet. They talk to Sonny who says Tony already

    headed back to Earth. He tells them where to find Tony and

    they head back to Earth and deliver the package. They get

    paid and then Tony offers them a more full time position.

    Chase wants to jump on it; Sly is a bit cautious, but


    Episode 4: A Parting of Ways

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    In the middle of a firefight, Chase, Sly, and 2 other

    guys are pinned down. Sly remarks that he knew this job

    was a bad career move, Chase says theyve been in worse

    situations. The fight is pretty intense, but all 4 of the

    guys get out and head back to report. They report to Tony,

    who says hes glad to see they succeeded, and comments that

    what they were doing was fairly important. Afterward Sly

    goes and talks to Alexis, he says he doesnt like this new

    situation. Alexis tells him to just quit then. He agrees

    and goes to Chase, talks it over with Chase mentioning the

    risk and pointing out the criminal element, Chase says a

    lot of their past jobs were less than legitimate. Chase

    doesnt want to quit, but Sly still wants out. They both

    go to see Tony and Sly says he doesnt want the job

    anymore. Tony tries to change his mind, but then says fine

    and Sly leaves. Slys is talking with Alexis at their

    apartment when some of the guys they were fighting at the

    beginning of the episode come after him. The same happens

    to Chase; both are able to fight them off separately.

    Chase reports to Tony, who says hell help him out. Chase

    tries to convince Sly that shit will work out with Tony.

    Sly doesnt agree and is kind of pissed because they

    wouldnt have the current problem if they hadnt gotten

    into the shit in the first place. Chase is going to stay

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    in; its too much for him to pass up. Sly goes and gets

    his Bike and other shit from the ship ( Slow Chase was

    Chases to begin with) and they say their peace. They

    pretty much part on good terms, each feeling that the other

    is betraying them a bit.

    Episode 5: Backlash

    Sly is at his apartment with Alexis talking about what

    hes going to do. She says he can probably get a job with

    her fathers company (he owns a freighter business). Sly

    leaves to go talk to her dad; the job is like a security

    detail on supply freighters. Its stuff Sly has done before

    so he is up for it. As hes headed back to the apartment

    Alexis calls and asks if hes going to do it, he says yes,

    she says shes at the apartment (see her walking up stairs

    with groceries, or something) and will see him when he gets

    back. Sly is almost home, just outside the building, huge

    explosion goes off, he sees it. See Alexis at the door

    when the explosion goes and the door blows open. On the

    street Sly figures it is because of the recent jobs, he

    sees a couple suspicious guys get into a car and leave. He

    follows them on his bike. The guys in the car notice him,

    and they turn on Sly, a chase and fight ensues during which

    Sly kills one, but the other one takes off. Sly hears

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    about the explosion on the news, says two dead with others

    injured. Sly goes to Chase, they figure it was the group

    that came after them earlier. Chase offers to help, Sly

    reluctantly agrees. Sly goes back to check out his

    apartment and notices guys waiting for him. When he gets

    back to Chases the guy who got away from the earlier chase

    is leaving. Sly thinks Chase was in on the bombing and

    goes in and confronts him. Chase cant convince him

    otherwise (he wasnt in on it), and says he wants to help,

    says if it was Tony and his group hell find out. Sly just

    gets pissed tells him to basically fuck off.

    Episode 6: Choices

    Chase goes in and confronts Tony about the bombing.

    Tony lays it out that the shit they were in was to close to

    Tony and the Family (Tony mentions it was his fault for

    bringing them in as fast as he did), and that Sly either

    had to work with them or be dealt with. The bomb was a way

    to make him choose. Chase tells him about Alexis, and that

    Sly wont do anything but try and come after Tony now.

    Tony says fine and that Sly will just be dealt with. Tony

    then implies that the same goes for Chase, and that it is

    up to him. Chase goes looking for Sly, who is hiding out,

    Chase finally finds him. Sly tells him to piss off and that

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    everything is on Chase. Chase tells him what Tony said,

    and even though he doesnt mean it to it comes off as an

    ultimatum. Sly gets really pissed and takes off. Chase

    doesnt know what to do and goes back to see Tony. Outside

    a building the guy that got away from Sly after the bombing

    gets into a cab. Sly is there and follows. He catches the

    guy in a room alone and finds out that Chase wasnt in on

    it. Sent by Tony Chase comes in as Sly is interrogating

    the guy, Sly gets thrown off and the guy makes a move, Sly

    kills him. Then other mob guys come in trying to get to

    Sly. Sly runs and a small fire fight occurs.

    !? Kill Sly, probably in an explosion ?!

    Episode 7: Passage of Time

    Slow Chase drops to Earth and docks Chase gets out

    (Big change from the previous look, darker, menacing, not

    evil or bad though). A car meets him and he gets in the

    back. He goes to Tony and reports; by his surroundings its

    obvious Tony is higher up the ladder than before. Tony

    gives him a new job to take care of. They found where the

    FBI is keeping a snitch that used to work for Tony. Chase

    is to take a few soldiers and try to clean up the

    potential problem. Chase kind of questions job, but then

    complies. He gets his crew together; its obvious hes a

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    harsh guy, but has become exceedingly good at what he does.

    He and the four guys in the crew take his ship into orbit

    and dock on a resort space station in Earth orbit. They

    get inside and after a bit searching they find where the

    snitch is being kept. Firefight with the agents guarding

    the snitch, Chase loses a couple mob soldiers, but gets

    to the snitch. He takes care of him pretty much execution

    style. Chase and his remaining men get off the station and

    there is a small ship to ship fight, but they are only

    short-range ships, and pose little threat to Chase. He

    jumps towards Mars, stops then heads back to Earth and

    reports. Tony says he knew Chase would get it done.

    Episode 8:

    Chase, in his ship, is going off on a couple lower

    level guys because they lost a ship, authorities picked it

    up as stolen after the two left it unattended at a dock on

    Mars. Hes taking them back to Earth. He gets back sends

    them to see Tony, and then goes home. Alexis is in a nice

    apartment, the door opens and Chase comes in. As soon as

    he sees Alexis his demeanor changes; he becomes lighter and

    less menacing, not quite happy, but more pleasant. Small

    discussion about how he is, he says hes fine she

    disagrees. She tries to ask about what he had to go do; he

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    doesnt want to talk about it. Their relationship is good,

    but obviously stressed by his job. The next day he goes to

    check his ship to see if the dock crew has it ready to go.

    While hes there a couple guys try and kill him, he puts

    down one and then runs on Slow Chase grabs his bike and

    goes after the other. Catches and interrogates him. The

    guy says he works for a different organization, but Chase

    recognizes him. The guy really is in the same Family,

    but works under a different upper level boss who wants to

    move up the ladder and get Tonys position. Chase lets him

    go after a bit, just so he can go tell his boss to watch

    his back. Chase goes and talks to Tony about the

    situation. Tony doesnt like it and automatically send

    Chase and other subordinates after the rival.

    Episode 9: Death and Life

    (Dream sequence) Outside Slys old apartment building

    and the explosion that Alexis was in, then the explosion

    that Sly was in. Then show Slys grave and pull out, the

    funeral is over and Chase is standing over the grave. Sly

    is standing a good distance away on the street; he starts

    to walk toward Chase then stops and walks away. Sly wakes

    up; hes laying on a cot in a small room with other bunks

    and cots. He gets up and heads out of the room, finds an

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    older man out in the hall. He asks the man how long until

    they land, the man says two or three hours. A couple hours

    later Sly gets off the battered transport in a dingy colony

    on Mars. Sly goes with a couple guys to an older office

    building. He gets a job in a mine outside the colony. Sly

    goes and works in the mine, keeps doing the same monotonous

    thing for a few days. After he gets off work one night he

    goes to a bar with one of the other workers. Two drunks

    try and pick a fight with him, he kicks their asses easily.

    A day or 2 later he begins to go to the same bar then

    changes his mind and goes to one around the corner. A

    group of 5 guys come in, 2 of which are the ones from the

    previous encounter. Theyve looking for him and they start

    another fight. Sly has a tougher time and takes some

    damage, but ends up beating all 5. Guy named RICH comes up

    and introduces himself. He offers Sly a job; Sly says he

    already has one. Richs offer is pretty good, not great,

    but better than the mine. Sly says hell think about it.

    After a couple more days at the mine he begins to think

    anything is better then what hes doing now.

    Episode 10: Placement

    Sly goes to see Rich about the job. Its basically a

    security gig, but it is apparent that Richs business isnt

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    exactly legitimate. The money is good and Sly just has to

    keep his head down so he goes ahead with it. Sly basically

    guards a warehouse, people go in and out with different

    shit, and Sly doesnt pay any attention. Chase meanwhile

    is running a crew of guys on Earth, giving orders and

    making money in a few different places. He has guys at a

    dock stripping and refitting ships with armaments and such

    and other interests like gambling that he runs security for

    Tony on. After some time Sly is still a security guard at

    the warehouse. One night the guys that work there come out

    and get him to come in and help out inside. He goes on in,

    there are a few guys loading up small crates into trucks,

    Sly starts helping. Guy says that they need to get all

    this out of here because the cops are coming. Sly finds

    out what they do there, they sell guns out of the

    warehouse. Chase gets done working and goes home, small

    conversation with Alexis. Sly gets done and goes to a

    shitty hotel room, lays down, (possibly have a day dream of

    Alexis lying next to him.) Then cut back and show Chase in

    bed really lying next to Alexis. She tries to talk, but

    then his phone goes off. Sly gets up in the morning and

    goes back to work, different warehouse same job though.

    Chase is in his ship, dropping down to dock in a moon

    colony. Chase goes to meet a man and gets a briefcase from

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    him that has information about the mob guy gunning for

    Tonys head. The man he gets it from doesnt trust the

    exchange arrangement; he has to trust that the money he is

    getting is where it is supposed to be. Chase explains as

    he leaves, If I wasnt going to hold up our end, I would

    have already killed you and just taken this [briefcase].

    (Possibly as Chase heads back to Earth have a small ship to

    ship fight with the rival faction in the Family).

    Episode 11: Loyalty

    Chase is talking to Tony about the guy trying to take

    Tony out of power. Tony says the guy went into hiding,

    probably trying to build up some support. Chase wants to

    go after him, Tony says no need; they just need to prepare

    for when he comes to them. Sly walks into an apartment,

    Richs place. Rich is on the phone, hes pissed, but is

    obviously talking to a superior and is pretty much just

    agreeing with the guy on the other end. He hangs up and

    Sly makes his presence known. Rich turns to him and says

    something about people always seem to be fighting among

    themselves for no reason. Small discussion about who Rich

    is talking about, Rich doesnt give much away. Rich asks

    why Slys there Sly says he was wondering if he could get

    an advance on his pay because he is moving into an

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    apartment. Rich gives him some money, mentions that he

    told Sly he would be better off with him than working in

    the mines. Chase is talking to Alexis who wants him to get

    some time away so they can go do something. He would, but

    there are things going on at the moment that he cant

    really take time away from. Maybe in a couple months when

    some issues get settled, he can get away. She starts to

    get pissed and start and argument, but he gets a call. The

    guy on the other end says that there is a rush on Tonys

    place right now. Chase takes off and gets to Tonys.

    Decent gunfight, Chase ends up saving Tonys ass.

    Episode 12: War

    The attempt on Tony started a war inside the Family

    for power. Chase gets in a couple fights here. On Mars

    Sly is with Rich, who gets called to go see his boss

    immediately. Sly goes with him, and they get to Richs

    boss, DOMINIC. Dominic tells Rich that they came to him

    and wanted to know what side he was going to be on (this is

    the first time that you really know that Sly is in the same

    Family as Chase). Rich says hell follow what ever

    Dominic decides; Sly has no say, since he has no clue of

    the situation. They follow the establishment and because

    of this they get in a little scrap later in the episode,

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    Slys first real action since hes been back, it happens at

    the place hes working at that night. Rich isnt there,

    but sees Sly after the fight. (This episode will basically

    be a heavy action one.)

    Episode 13:

    Sly and Rich are caught in a firefight. Rich mentions

    that he hasnt ever really had to handle a gun much. Sly

    says he has in the past, and ends up getting them out of

    the situation. Rich is a little surprised by Slys

    abilities. Chase is in the middle of a fight on a space

    station, with a small group of soldiers. They fight

    their way through some of the rival groups men. Chase

    confronts and ends up killing the guy who was trying to

    take out Tony. Chase and whats left of his team head back

    to Earth and report to Tony. Tony says that while he was

    gone someone kidnapped Alexis. Sly is with Rich and they

    are talking to Dominic. Dominic tells them that some of

    those involved in the coupe attempt are on a station in

    Mars orbit, and he got orders to try and take them out.

    Sly speaks up and says why not just try and blow the

    station. Dominic says its too valuable, and they want to

    keep it if they can get control of it. Sly and Rich take

    off with others to go to the station. Chase, back on

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    Earth, finds the guy who took Alexis (its the guy he let

    go in episode 8). Confrontation, and he saves her, but the

    guy gets away. Sly and Rich hit the station, which happens

    to be the one ran by Sonny (from episodes 2&3). Decent

    fight and their group take control of the station. When

    Sonny sees Sly he recognizes him, still during the fight,

    and Sly kills him (not straight cold blooded murder, but

    close). After they get complete control of the station Rich

    and Sly have short discussion (do Slys Amazed/ disgusted

    line here).

    Episode 14: Two Ships

    Chase is talking to Tony about the guy who kidnapped

    Alexis. Tony says he has gotten information that the guy

    headed for Mars. Chase doesnt ask for permission and gets

    a couple of his soldiers and takes off for Mars. On Mars

    Sly is with Rich and Dominic, who tells them something is

    going down and they might be needed, Rich because he knows

    most of the colonies on Mars and Sly because hes Richs

    boy. They say what ever is needed and leave. Rich wonders

    what is up, Sly could give a shit (Hes started realizing

    that hes pretty much worse off than he was when he went

    into hiding, but now hes way to far in). Chase gets to

    Mars and goes to see the local boss, which happens to be

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    Dominic. Chase gives Dominic the reason for his being

    there, and Dominic sends Chase and his two men out with

    another local (same level as Rich basically) and says hell

    send another crew to check out a different lead. Chase

    says if the other crew gets the guy to bring him in alive

    (Chase wants him). Dominic calls Rich and Rich says he

    heard something that might be connected to the guy hiding.

    Rich heads out and gets a hold of Chase and tells him about

    it, then calls Sly and tells him to meet him. Gunfight at

    a hotel and Rich gets injured. Fight continues inside and

    Chase is about to get the guy. Sly shows up and the other

    Mars low level boss is with Rich. Sly goes to get in on

    the action, but the one guy stops him and tells him to get

    Rich out of there because the cops are coming. Chase

    inside gets the guy and barely escapes the police. As soon

    as its over Chase takes off back to Earth.

    Episode 15: Savior

    Guys from another major criminal organization are

    talking about the internal fighting in Tonys Family.

    They figure they can take them out, and grab a lot of

    action off of Earth. They need to do it quickly though and

    organize a bunch of shit. Sly is on Mars just sitting and

    thinking ( maybe some memory images here ) Rich comes in and

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    says they have to go see Dominic. Chase is in a minor

    argument with Alexis, shes pissed about being confined to

    Tonys place. Chase says its just until they can

    guarantee that everything has blown over and the little

    civil war is over. He gets called away; she takes a verbal

    shot at him as he goes. Chase goes in to see Tony, who

    tells him the real war is just starting. Tony says that a

    different organization is rushing on nearly all their

    operations off of Earth. He wants Chase to go to the moon

    and try and safeguard a significant holding they have

    there. Sly and Rich are with Dominic, who is telling them

    about a trip he is taking to Earth to take care of some

    business. He is outlining what he wants Rich to do while

    hes gone. They get interrupted by a lower level guy who

    says that their main dock is being attacked. Sly goes with

    the boss and a couple soldiers, but Rich stays with

    Dominic. The guy Sly is with explains on the way that it

    is a different group outside the Family. They get to the

    dock, decent fighting, there are a few upper level guys

    there (about Richs level). Sly pretty much takes control

    though. Sly takes out a few of the attackers and they end

    up fending of the assault. Rich calls him and says that

    Dominics place is under attack as well, which means it is

    a big push cause it is in a government controlled sector of

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    the colony. Chase is about to the moon when Tony calls.

    He says that the base on the moon is pretty much a total

    loss and not worth it, but he wants him to try and protect

    a space station. The station is under attack, but holding

    it off for the moment. There are a few fighter type ships

    around it. Chase takes his ship and there is a fight

    (havent had a ship to ship fight for a couple episodes) .

    Back on Mars Sly gets to Dominics place, goes in and heads

    for where Dominic would be. Rich and a few others are

    holding their own. Sly comes in behind the attackers and

    pretty much cleans house, saves Dominic and the rest.

    Episode 16: Escalation

    Do a little more with the attacks from the other

    organization. Sly gets a ship of his own from Dominic for

    saving his life. Chase and Alexis work out their problems

    and Sly starts to second guess his connection to Tony.

    (Kind of a filler episode)

    Episode 17: Revelation

    Sly is going with Dominic to Earth, for the meetings

    he had before the attacks. Sly takes his new boat as an

    escort for Dominics yacht. Rich is staying on Mars to

    handle shit there. Chase gets a job to go try and take

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    back the dock they lost on the moon. Chases part in the

    episode is the attack and recovery of the dock. Dominic

    and Sly get to Earth, they meet a couple upper level guys

    there (Dominics equivalent on Earth). Then Dominic goes

    to see the head, Tony. Sly goes with, but doesnt actually

    go in to the meeting. As they get ready to leave Sly

    catches a glimpse of Tony, Tony doesnt see him though. As

    they head out of the building Sly thinks he sees Alexis get

    into a car. Later Sly talks to Dominic about getting some

    time to take care of some personal affairs. Dominic is

    cool with it, but he wants to get back to Mars right away.

    Sly doesnt have much choice and they go to head home. As

    Chase gets back from the failed recovery of the dock on the

    moon he lands and gets off his ship. Thinks he sees Sly

    get on a ship just as he was landing, not sure though. Asks

    one of the workers at the dock who just flew off. The guy

    doesnt know who they were, just that it was a boss from

    Mars and a couple of his crew who are headed back.

    Episode 18: Search

    Chase is talking to Alexis about being at Tonys

    place. She seems not to understand what hes getting at,

    she hasnt seen anyone new there. Chase then goes to Tony

    and asks about the meeting he had. He says he had it with

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    Dominic, Chase remembers him, and says he need to go see

    him. He is kind of vague on the reasons, but Tony allows

    doesnt question him much (By now Tony really needs a guy

    like Chase, high up in the Family, but not in a position

    to try and oust Tony). Chase gets a couple of his

    soldiers and heads to Mars. Sly goes to Dominic after

    they get back and says he wants to go take care of his

    personal business. Dominic already agreed, and doesnt ask

    what the business is. Sly takes off and heads toward the

    Familys space station in orbit to get coordinates for a

    clear jump line to Earth. He sees Slow Chase pull into the

    dock of the station. Sly gets his jump line and heads for

    Earth. Chase on the station gets a hold of Dominic and

    sets up a meeting, Dominic says as soon as Chase can get

    planet side. Sly gets to Earth and lands at a public dock.

    He then goes and stakes out Tonys place. After a while

    Alexis comes out and gets in a car. Sly follows to an

    apartment building. Alexis goes to her and Chases

    apartment ( check mail or something ), she gets done comes

    out and goes to the elevator, when the door opens Sly is

    standing there. Chase is talking to Dominic, says he is

    looking for a guy named Sly. Dominic at first doesnt

    think anything, and then Chase mentions how long its been

    since hes seen Sly. Dominic is a bit surprised because no

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    one knows Sly past the last few months. Says Sly went to

    go take care of some personal things, but he doesnt know

    where. Chase takes off back to Earth. Sly and Alexis are

    talking in the apartment. She mentions Chase and her,

    explains the situation (She saw Chase a year after Slys

    death and it just sort of happened). Then her bodyguard

    comes and knocks on the door. Sly tells her to go ahead

    and go; hell try and see her again. He gets back to his

    ship and Dominic gets a hold of him. He tells Sly that

    Chase was looking for him. Sly doesnt want to risk

    getting caught, because he doesnt know what Chase will do

    and takes off. Chase gets back to Earth and sees Alexis;

    she tells him Sly came to see her.

    Episode 19: The Hunt

    Chase is telling Tony there is something he has to go

    take care of, and for Tony to give him free range for a

    bit. Tony wont let him go without a reason, after some

    thought Chase figures theres no way around it, so he tells

    Tony about Sly. Tony is curious, especially after he

    learns that Sly is working for Dominic on Mars. Tony says

    Chase will have to work to convince him to let Sly go this

    time around. Rich is talking to Dominic; Sly is gone and

    hasnt been heard from in over a week. Dominic wants Rich

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    to try and find him and bring him back in. Dominic wants

    to help him and protect him against whatever hes running

    from. Rich has an idea of where he might have gone. Sly

    sitting in a dark room, and then the door opens; hes a

    little on edge ( which for Sly is virtually unnoticeable ).

    An older man comes in with food, says it didnt take Sly

    long to get into trouble again (Slys on an old space

    station and it is obvious this is where he hid out for the

    years he was gone). Sly says its just the same trouble

    from before catching back up to him. Chase is getting his

    stuff together at the apartment, Alexis is there, but they

    arent saying much. He gets a call and goes to leave.

    Alexis asks what hes going to do, he says he just wants to

    find Sly and talk to him. Chase gets to his ship; one of

    his soldiers heard from a contact on Mars that one of

    Dominics main guys just left, probably to go to Sly. It

    looked like he was headed for a dead space station.

    Chase takes his 4 main soldiers and heads out. Rich gets

    to the station, it takes him some looking around, but he

    finally finds Sly. Sly isnt really thrilled about the

    prospect of going back. Rich almost has him convinced when

    Chase shows up. (Decent exchange between Chase and Sly,

    seeing as this is their first face to face since Episode 6)

    then one of Chases soldiers pulls a gun and tries to

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    shoot Sly. Gunfight ensues; Sly gets super pissed thinking

    that Chase came to kill him. Sly and Rich try and get out

    of there; Sly kills 2 of Chases men, one of which is the

    guy that started it. During the fight Chase shoots Rich

    and badly wounds him. Sly gets away, back to his ship and

    takes off. Chase figures Tony had the soldier do what he

    did, and heads back to Earth.

    Episode 20: Destruction

    Both Sly and Chase are dropping out of orbit down to

    Earth, but obviously separate of each other. Sly drops

    down and sneaks into Chase and Alexis apartment. Chase

    docks and then goes to confront Tony, the two soldiers

    left with him are loyal and will back him no matter what.

    Chase goes in and Tony doesnt deny trying to kill Sly.

    Chase tells him to call off the order on Sly, Tony says no

    and that Chase should just let it go. Chase doesnt really

    give any and so Tony then threatens Alexis. Tony calls her

    bodyguard and tells him to get her and bring her to his

    place. Chase gets pissed and shit goes down. A few guys

    take his side, but they are still outnumbered. Chase kills

    Tony, and he and the two soldiers get out. At the

    apartment Sly and Alexis are preparing to leave. Her

    bodyguard comes, small fight and foot pursuit, but they get

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    away; they head for Slys ship. Chase goes by the

    apartment and sees that there was a fight, figures it was

    Sly. He goes to the dock, everything is going nuts, but he

    and his guys get off world. Chase heads back to the

    station where Sly was hiding out. After a week or so Sly

    and Alexis show up, confrontation between Chase and Sly, no

    violence though. Alexis tries to convince Sly to trust

    Chase, he wont though. He came to settle some old

    business then leave.

    Episode 21: Necessity

    Chase is with Alexis, she says that Sly is getting

    ready to leave and wants Chase to go see if he can do

    anything. Chase is reluctant, but goes. Catches Sly at

    his ship and asks where he is going. Sly tells him;

    because otherwise he figures Chase would just follow him.

    Hes going to Mars to settle up with Dominic, Chase isnt

    sure thats a good idea, Sly doesnt care. Chase asks

    about Alexis, Sly says its pretty much her choice. Sly

    takes off and Chase takes one of his guys with him, leaves

    the other one with Alexis on the station. Sly goes to

    Dominic, He wants to find out how Rich is and to settle up

    and get out. Dominic wants to help, but Sly doesnt want

    it. He leaves and when he gets to his ship there are guys

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    waiting for him. Fight breaks out and Sly gets in a tight

    spot. Chase comes and basically saves Sly. They get back

    to Chases ship and get off planet. Decide not to get back

    to the station, but cant figure where to go. Sly says

    something about the Mars orbiting station (from episodes

    2,3, & 13) . He and Chase have a few connections there.

    They land in basically a backdoor docking bay. They find

    out what is going on in the Family, another power

    struggle since Tony is gone. Chase is pretty much an

    outcast now. Sly is in the same position hes always been

    in, but only Chase his crew and Dominic know what his

    history is. Those on the station show some loyalty to

    Chase and Sly, but Chase couldnt make a bid at anything

    though, he isnt a boss. ( Possibly show the FBI talking )

    Since the new power struggle theyre trying to take out

    some of the organized crime, one target is the Mars

    station. They run a raid on the station; Chase and Sly get

    back to Slow Chase and get off the station. Decent ship to

    ship fight here as they get away (The two still work well

    together on board the ship). They get back to the other

    station and find out Alexis is gone, she jumped on a

    freighter and took off.

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    Episode 22: Chance

    Chase is in orbit above Earth, drops down and then

    goes looking for Alexis. Finds her after a bit, tells her

    the situation (hes on the run, pretty much out of the

    Family). She asks about Sly, Chase tells her he left him

    on the dead space station. Sly didnt want to have much

    else to do with Chase. Sly is on a ship, junk transport

    (same as episode 9), sitting on a cot. Older man says

    something about Sly going in circles; Sly doesnt pay much

    attention to him. The ship lands on Mars and Sly goes to

    where he left his ship. Nobody around and he goes and gets

    on it. He takes off and heads for Earth, but is followed.

    Chase and Alexis are getting set to leave, when one of

    Chases men calls him to tell him that Slys ship just

    landed. Chase cant figure what Sly might be doing.

    Alexis gets him to go find Sly. Chase finds him, but right

    after they get attacked. Chase doesnt recognize them, so

    theyre not any of Tonys old guys. Chase and Sly get in a

    running fight, somehow Alexis finds them and they get away.

    Alexis says she went to get Chases ship ready to leave,

    but there were guys there. Sly says they can get away in

    his ship. They get there and its clear, but Chase doesnt

    want to give up his ship. Alexis stays and Chase and Sly

    go to get Slow Chase . They get there and there is a small

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    gunfight, these are some of Tonys crew and are gunning for

    Chase. They get the ship back Chase tells Sly for him and

    Alexis to meet him at a safe house he has in a moon colony.

    Sly says hell meet him there (little bit of camaraderie

    between them). Sly goes back to his ship finds Alexis

    being held by a mob guy. He recognizes him as one of

    Dominics men. The guy tells Sly that Dominic says he

    either comes back in or he dies, Sly says hes been faced

    with that choice before. Guy then says he either comes

    back in or Alexis dies, Sly doesnt take to well to that

    theat. Shit goes down and the guy shoots Alexis, Sly

    slaughters the guy. Alexis dies (for real this time).

    Episode 23:

    Sly, while his ship is in transit, calls Chases ship

    and leaves a message about Alexis. He doesnt say how or

    who did it though. Ship drops out of transit above Mars.

    Chase walking in a dock to his ship gets on and sees the

    message. Chase heads to Earth, finds out about Alexis for

    sure. He gets a hold of one of his guys still in the

    Family who tells him that he didnt hear there was

    anything that would bring Alexis into it. Chase figures he

    needs to find Sly, thinks he might have went into hiding

    again. Chase heads to the old space station. Sly docks on

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    Mars, goes and stakes out Dominics place, trying to find

    away to get to him. Chase gets to the station looks

    around, Sly isnt there. He does find some mob soldiers,

    but doesnt know them. He ends up finding out that theyre

    from Mars and work for Dominic. Sly confronts Dominic;

    Dominic tells him how it is. Dominic ends up getting away,

    Sly goes after him, but ends up getting in a wreck and

    taken in by the police. Not really anything huge, but gets

    put in jail.

    Episode 24:

    Sly is sitting in jail, guard comes and gets him; hes

    been bailed out. Goes outside and finds Chase, Chase says

    it took him a while to find Sly. Sly says he has to go;

    Chase gets pissed and says he has just as big a score to

    settle with Dominic as Sly does. Chase also says that

    Dominic isnt on Mars, hes been looking around. Sly says

    he knows how to find him. Sly spots some mob guys lurking

    around, asks if theyre with Chase. Chase says no, figures

    theyve been waiting for Sly to get out. Chase and Sly

    take off, small chase scene of the two loosing the mob

    guys. Chase said they are at Slys ship as well. They

    stop and Sly takes off, Chase cant convince him to accept

    his help (fairly intense exchange, no matter what the two

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    cant see eye to eye anymore. Last scene of the two

    together). Chase goes off and tries to find out where

    Dominic is himself. Sly goes and finds Rich who tries to

    talk him out of going after Dominic. Rich ends up telling

    him a place Dominic might be and Sly heads there. Dominic

    isnt there, but Sly finds out where he is. Takes a mid

    level boss and then takes the guys ship. Chase makes a

    couple connections and finds out that Dominic is headed to

    Earth. Dominic is going to try and take Tonys spot at the

    head of the Family. Sly finds Dominics yacht in orbit

    above Earth. He somehow gets on board, fights through a

    few guys and reaches Dominic. Confrontation, and Slys

    about to kill him, but gets gunned down by some of

    Dominics men. Dominic is a bit relieved, but it doesnt

    last. Chase comes at him in his ship, short one-sided

    fight and Chase blows up the yacht. The yachts two escort

    ships were caught off guard and come after him, plus a

    couple police jump in. Chase gets hit pretty hard and it

    doesnt look good. (Fade out, large explosion type sound,

    either the ship blowing up or the mag-drive kicking in.)

    (Other possible way to do it. Starting from after Chase

    finds out where Dominic is.) Sly lands on Earth finds

    Dominic, fights through guys goes to kill him then gets

    shot. Dominic thinks its over and Chase shows up out of

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    nowhere and basically blows Dominics head off. After he

    kills Dominic he is surrounded by a ton of guys (fade out

    as gun fire erupts). (Possibly a little to much Butch and


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    Notes on specific things

    Timeframe: 2160s

    Criminal Element:Look at it like the mob; Godfather and Donnie Brasco arethe models for the Family they enter. The expansion offEarth kind of sets up a scenario much like America aroundthe turn of the century. There are vast unregulated andburgeoning financial opportunities to be found in thedeveloping solar system that organized crime can takeadvantage of. The more significant aspect of the criminalworld is that since it is more then a global world andinterests can be sought in new ways the various criminalorganizations come into conflict more often then they havefor decades. At the time of this story organized crime hasbecome a major and noticed player in politics and business.

    Technology:There is a heavy Sci-fi element here, so the specifics canbe a little vague.

    First, the main thing is space flight and the hovercars. The basic idea behind space travel is that it is abyproduct of technology which made magnetically controlledcars. The big thing was the development of a metal alloythat would allow for a fine control over a metals magneticproperties and magnetic field. So you get hover cars, andthis was the initial purpose and use of the metal; place

    this innovation around 2055. The new alloy wasexperimented with and after a short time someone thought touse the magnetic properties as a really compact particleaccelerator. This lead to the engines that can get spaceships going really fast, without a lot of fuel. Thetechnology and the ships are expensive, so not everyone hasthem.

    The basic gist of it is that the alloy is the key tomost all the advancements the world has seen inconstruction and travel. Think about it as the internalcombustion engine of the future.

    Space travel:Its fast, but not that fast.

    Now then huge ships, with huge accelerator engines canget going fast, about 25 million km/h, which is 2.3% thespeed of light, so were not challenging any hard physicshere. These ships are huge though, think aircraftcarriers. Smaller ships, like Slow Chase , can hold their

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    own though. I figured it up and at this speed it wouldtake a top grade ship about 20 days to go from one end ofthe solar system to the other. Figure a trip from Earth toMars, if they were on opposite sides of the sun, would takea day or so. Another major thing is that to get to thenearest star, Alpha Centaurus, it would take around 160years one way.

    Off Earth:The main places are the Mars and Moon colonies, all of

    these are enclosed, no terra-forming Mars in 100 years.Still quite a few colonies are there though. The oldestones would be around 60 years or so, and they are startingto get run down.

    Space stations are also around, but not a lot. Sayapproximately 100 around Earth and Moon, a few dozen aroundMars. Then there are a few around Venus and then furtherout around Jupiter and outer planets, these distant onesare either scientific or vacation spots. Plus there arealso dead space stations, which are stations that are notin orbit or really near anything. They just sit out indead space, abandoned stations which were home to miningfacilities at asteroids. There are very few of thesethough and most are truly abandoned.

    Culture:The societies of the time period are essentially the

    same as today. Capitalism is the main driving force in the

    solar system and technology and the expansion off Earth hascreated a truly global economy and has reduced theimportance and value of the governments to simply being lawenforcement agencies. Poverty is still seen in many placeson Earth, but in few places off Earth. The colonies andspace stations are usually home to business interests andmining facilities. After 70+ years of Mars colonizationthough there are impoverished areas beginning to show upthroughout the solar system; another point leading to boththe growth and instability of organized crime.