Animals by Juuli & Anni


Transcript of Animals by Juuli & Anni

Page 1: Animals by Juuli & Anni


Page 2: Animals by Juuli & Anni


Kangaroos can grow as tall as two metres. Their tails are very strong indeed. When they fight they stand on their tails and kick with their legs. They even have kangaroo boxing in Australia.

Page 3: Animals by Juuli & Anni


The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia, from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula.-Ears with long, shaqqy fur.Small eyes.-Big nose. -5 fingers with long claws and 2 opposable fingers.-Fur is light-grey to brown with white spots on neck, chest, ears.

Page 4: Animals by Juuli & Anni


The brittle star is a spiny, hard-skinned, long-armed animal that lives on the rocky sea floor, from shallow waters to great depths. Brittle star are NOT fish, but are related to sea stars.

Page 5: Animals by Juuli & Anni

KOOKABURRAThe kookaburra is a large, noisy bird from forests on the islands of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. Its loud, distinctive call sounds like human laughter. The kookaburra is the largest member of the kingfisher family. Kookaburras live in family groups.

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