Animal Reiki Class, Module 2 - Cloud Object Storage · Many feel that animal lovers are supposed to...

Animal Reiki Class, Module 2 | Angie Webster 1 | Page © 2016, Angie Webster Animal Reiki ClassModule Two Hello, and welcome to Module Two! I hope you enjoyed your first two exercises and are ready to explore further. In this module, we will be looking more deeply at the ways our empathic connection during Reiki can affect the animals we work with. We will also discuss distant animal Reiki, as well as work with different types of animals. At the end of the module, you will find a list of tools and references that can help you further build your skills with animal Reiki. Let’s jump right in! Meditation You will find that it is really helpful to develop some type of regular meditation practice to help you in your life and in your Reiki practice. While this is true in general, I find it is especially true in animal Reiki. The easiest way to connect with animals is through our meditative state and if we know how to quickly and easily achieve this and maintain it, then we’re already well on our way. As I described in the last lesson, the first part of establishing a connection during an animal Reiki session is opening your heart and settling into a state of unconditional love. The HeartMath Institute refers to this state as coherence and they have dedicated their organization to studying it and its benefits. i This state connects us more deeply with our intuition and also with other people and beings. Our hearts are surrounded by highly charged energy fields. In fact, according to HeartMath’s Director of Research, Rollin McCraty, “The heart generates the

Transcript of Animal Reiki Class, Module 2 - Cloud Object Storage · Many feel that animal lovers are supposed to...

Animal Reiki Class, Module 2 | Angie Webster

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Animal Reiki Class—Module Two

Hello, and welcome to Module Two! I hope you enjoyed your first two

exercises and are ready to explore further. In this module, we will be looking

more deeply at the ways our empathic connection during Reiki can affect the

animals we work with. We will also discuss distant animal Reiki, as well as

work with different types of animals. At the end of the module, you will find a

list of tools and references that can help you further build your skills with

animal Reiki. Let’s jump right in!


You will find that it is really helpful to develop some type of regular

meditation practice to help you in your life and in your Reiki practice. While

this is true in general, I find it is especially true in animal Reiki. The easiest

way to connect with animals is through our meditative state and if we know

how to quickly and easily achieve this and maintain it, then we’re already well

on our way.

As I described in the last lesson, the first part of establishing a connection

during an animal Reiki session is opening your heart and settling into a state

of unconditional love. The HeartMath Institute refers to this state as

coherence and they have dedicated their organization to studying it and its

benefits. i This state connects us more deeply with our intuition and also with

other people and beings.

Our hearts are surrounded by highly charged energy fields. In fact, according

to HeartMath’s Director of Research, Rollin McCraty, “The heart generates the

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largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an

electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain

waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).” ii

The research at HeartMath indicates that

being able to intentionally connect with the

heart and bring it into a state of coherence

may be a large contributing factor, if not the

contributing factor to the efficacy of healing

techniques such as Reiki. iii Being able to have

a practice that helps you shift into that state

more readily can only enhance your healing

abilities, which is where meditation can help

you a great deal. Of course, animals are always more ready to open up to

someone who is sincerely open-hearted and loving.

A meditation practice doesn’t have to mean sitting cross-legged on the floor

watching your breath unless that’s what you would like it to be. Breath

meditation is a very simple form of practice and is chosen by many for that

reason. However, others find it excruciatingly boring and tedious, at least at


If you prefer to move, you can easily find a meditative practice that involves

movement, such as yoga, or even running or hiking. Some find a very

meditative state in baking, cleaning or gardening. The idea is to find a

calmness in your heart and your mind so that you can connect with what the

underlying states are there. Allow yourself to settle in and observe, non-

judgmentally, how your body, thoughts and emotions are in that moment.

“The research at HeartMath

seems to indicate that being

able to intentionally connect

with the heart and bring in

into a state of coherence may

be a large contributing factor,

if not the contributing factor

to healing techniques such as


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You might find this state while doing an activity you enjoy, while paying

attention to your breathing or while simply letting yourself daydream.

A practice I really like for increasing the awareness of the heart and mind was

developed by Dr. Rick Hanson. He calls it

“taking in the good” and it really helps to

develop that sense of warmth and love in our

hearts, so that we become familiar with it

and can readily call it back into our

experience. It becomes easier to radiate it

when we really have a visceral sense of what

it feels like to experience love, joy, and appreciation.

One part of Dr. Hanson’s practice is to notice how we feel when we recall a

joyful memory and allow that warm sensation to sink into our bodies for a

minute or so, really feeling it, or thinking about what it means to you. He

suggests returning to this practice regularly to help your brain and body

become more aware of the feeling. iv

Walks in nature (or around the block) can be a great way to release the

overactive thought processes of the day and is very meditative for some.

Whatever practice or combination of practices works well for you, begin

working with something that helps you return to your heart and find peace


Our Empathic Connection

It is important to be connected to our hearts in love during an animal Reiki

session, just as it is during a session with a person. However, because animals

are so aware of energy and emotions, it is more important than ever that we

“It becomes easier to radiate it

when we really have a visceral

sense of what it feels like to

experience love, joy and


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develop this connection and that we are aware of our own emotional energy

during a session. Animals will pick up on every emotional signal from you and

from their environment, so we want to be in a state where we are only

vibrating loving and healing energy.

You have probably heard the saying that

animals can smell fear. I’m not sure if they

smell it, but they definitely sense it, along

with a great many other emotions. If love is

the energy coming from your heart, it will

calm their fear, sadness, or anger and it will

be healing to whatever their needs are. If

fear, anger, sadness, guilt or pity is the

energy coming from you, then this will only

upset them. It will detract from any healing

you would like to send.

I want to make a special note about guilt, pity

and their counterpart, self-righteous anger. It can be easy to get caught in

these emotional energies when working in a healing capacity and that is

especially true when working with animals. Some even have the mistaken

belief that it is their duty to feel guilty or angry for the condition of those who

suffer, or to feel pity for them. They mistake these things for compassion and

therefore believe it is part of healing. This is not only unhealthy for the person

offering healing, but also for the one receiving it.

When we relate to someone through the emotional energy of guilt, the healing

is no longer about them. It is about us. We feel we are responsible for their

“Our goal as a Reiki

practitioner is to hold space

for them to come into their

own healing power. We don’t

and can’t do it for them, we

can only be with them as their

system shifts into that state of

resonance. That is why it is so

important for us to be in

resonance first. That is how

we create the space for


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path or their healing in some way. That disempowers them. Our goal as a Reiki

practitioner is to hold space for them to come into their own healing power.

We don’t and can’t do it for them, we can only be with them as their system

shifts into that state of resonance. That is why it is so important for us to be in

resonance first. That is how we create the space for them.

A similar situation occurs when we pity a client. This emotional energy and

thought process implies the belief that we don’t feel they are capable. Pity is

not the same as compassion. Compassion holds space for healing, with love

and understanding. Pity looks down at another’s misery from above while

shaking your head, feeling hopeless. While it is possible to offer help from

both guilt and pity, compassion is far more healing and empowering.

Self-righteous anger often springs up when we see animals we feel are abused

or that we think should be treated differently. This comes from our underlying

feelings of guilt and pity. Many feel that animal lovers are supposed to feel

angry in these situations--that we are heartless if we aren't angry. Yet anger is

not a healing state to be in. It can sometimes fuel the desire to help, so it can

be useful to a point. But anger more often fuels ego driven ideas, thoughts, and

actions. When we begin speaking, thinking and acting from the place that

another is wrong because they don't share our perspective, we are in

dangerous territory. This place is where all the harm in the world has come

from. We have to remember that there are many perspectives in this world

and we don't have to share or even understand all of them to have

compassion. Our anger gets in the way of healing, if we allow it to consume

our thoughts. It will never be an ally in our healing, though our minds may tell

us otherwise. It can only harm us and those we wish to help. No matter how

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right we feel our cause is, we have to cope with our anger or we will

unintentionally cause harm, to yourself and to others--including the animals

you wish to help.

Holding loving energy in your heart while doing an animal Reiki session is the

most healing, kind and compassionate thing you can do. Love truly is a very

powerful and healing energy. That energy frequency radiating from your

heart allows the shift in the animal’s energy field that will create healing and

peace, and that will bring greater balance. Know that the animal you connect

with will readily receive the energy that is contained in your heart. Be open

and loving.

When you connect with an animal via Reiki, you can intentionally send them

images and emotional energy that may help

them on their healing journey. For example, if

you are working with an animal that is in the

late stages of an illness and will be

transitioning soon, or being euthanized, you

can send them loving energy and images of

peace. To do this, feel the energy of the

emotional state you wish to convey in your heart and project that to the

animal from your heart to theirs. You can do the same with an animal that is in

pain and needs help relaxing by sending images of deep relaxation. This helps

to remind them of these feelings in their own mind and body so they can more

easily shift.

You can also share why you are there, either in images, emotional energy,

telepathic/thought messages, or verbal communication. Animals understand

“When you connect with an

animal via Reiki, you can

intentionally send them

images and emotional energy

that may help them on their healing journey.”

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the underlying meaning and intention in what you are saying, even when you

speak verbally and many animals are very good at understanding quite a bit of

our language. In this same way, you can share with them some information

that may help them feel better about their

care or their condition, such as helping them

understand that the medicine they receive is

to help them feel better, or that the

veterinarian is there to help them.

Remember that animals receive images very

well, so when you communicate with them,

try to incorporate images that show your

meaning and intention. Be open to receiving the same from them.

It’s important that you remember that each animal has their own goals,

purpose, and path in life, the same as you and I. Animals are spiritually

evolving creatures, just as we all are. They are sovereign beings, with souls

and a Higher Self. They are our co-creators and can serve as our mentors, if we

allow it, just as we can be theirs. We are part of the path of every animal that

we are in direct relationship with, and they are part of ours.

Distant Animal Reiki

Just as with people, Reiki works very well over great distances. In fact, some

animals seem to prefer distant Reiki, as they can relax in their own natural

environment without an additional person or the distractions of comings and


I have worked extensively with distant animal Reiki and the caretakers report

the same effects during distant sessions as are seen during an in-person

“It’s important that you

remember that each animal

has their own goals, purpose

and path in life, just as you

and I do. Animals are

spiritually evolving creatures,

just as we are.”

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session. The animals invariably become very calm and sleepy, almost

trancelike. They may twitch during the session or seem to dream very deeply.

Without fail, the caretaker can tell when the session has started and when it

has ended, due to the reaction of the animal.

The caretakers also report that the animal

appears to have a significant reduction in

pain, anxiety and often behavioral issues

after the session. Many times, long term

anxiety and anxiety-related behavioral issues

have cleared up within 3 distant Reiki

sessions. There is no doubt it is effective. In

fact, it may be more effective with animals because they don’t have any

doubts, fears or blocks that prevent them from receiving it. They simply feel

the energy and go with it.

Sending distant Reiki to an animal is not very different than sending distant

Reiki to a person, with regard to the steps to take. The major difference is in

the way the energy feels during the connection. It is much more gentle and

peaceful with animal Reiki, even with a very distressed or sick animal.

To connect using Reiki at a distance, you may find it helpful to use a proxy. I

have a small stuffed beanbag cat that I use for this. I find that having

something to actually put my hands on is very helpful and gives my mind

something to focus on. Having a picture of the animal can be helpful, as well.

Often I will move my hands through the typical Reiki hand positions over the

proxy as I send Reiki via my eyes to the picture of the animal.

“There is no doubt it is

effective. In fact, it may be

more effective with animals

because they don’t have any

doubts, fears or blocks that

prevent them from receiving

it. They simply feel the energy

and go with it.”

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I mentioned in lesson 1 that animals are often overwhelmed by the Reiki

symbols. For that reason, I rarely use them in an in-person session and never

with wild animals, unless at a great distance. However, I usually do use the

symbols when working distantly. It helps to strengthen the connection and I

have never had an adverse effect or reaction at a great distance. You can still

use Reiki without the symbols, even at a distance, and it works quite well. You

may wish to try it both ways and see which way works best for you and the

animals you work with.

If you are Level 2 or above, and are using the symbols, you can start with the

Cho Ku Rei over the proxy or picture (if you are using one), then use the Sei He

Ki, followed by the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. You can also simply imagine the

animal you are sending Reiki to and either draw the symbols in the air or

imagine them.

Just as with an in-person animal Reiki session, you will need to start with an

open heart and a loving heart connection. Clear and release any concerns that

you might be carrying and spend a few moments giving yourself Reiki.

Animals are so sensitive, they pick up on your emotional energy just as well

during a session done at a great distance as they do when the session is done

in person. They can still receive any images or signals that you wish to convey

to them and they will definitely still receive the loving, healing energy that

flows from your heart. They will also receive harmful emotional states, just as

if they were around you, so it is important to clear that with Reiki prior to


A great way to practice doing animal Reiki, especially distant animal Reiki, is

by volunteering your time. A great resource that is almost always looking for

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volunteers is the Distant Healing Network, which has a special request section

for pets and for lost pets. This was one of the ways that I began working with

animal Reiki when I first became attuned to level 2, and it was a great

experience. It can really boost your confidence to work with animal Reiki

every day in that manner and to receive the feedback from those who request

healing for their pets. You won’t always receive feedback, but when you do, it

helps to affirm that the experience you are having is real and that you are

indeed helping.

Practice: Distant Reiki Session

Schedule a time to do a distant Reiki session for an animal. It can be your

own pet, a friend or relative’s pet, or a pet in a shelter or rescue where you

volunteer. Be sure you have permission from their caretaker to treat the

animal and that they are in agreement about the time and day you will be

sending the treatment. Explain to them what to expect during and after the

session, just as you would during an in-person session and offer an

opportunity for feedback afterwards. If you can, do more than one practice

session and treat more than one species of animal, so that you can

experience the differences in their energy. For example, horses tend to feel

very different from dogs or cats, even at a great difference.

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Differences in Animals

Each individual animal will feel energetically different, just as each person

does. And each session will feel different, from one time to the next, even with

the same animal. And of course, there is a difference in physical anatomy

between species. Sometimes that difference is quite large, such as between a

snake and a horse. But even the energy will feel drastically different from

species to species. Breeds may even feel very different to you, in some cases.

Don’t worry too much about the differences in physical structure between

animals. As mentioned in the first lesson, you will be working with the

guidance of the animal in each case, as well

as your own intuition. If you have a general

understanding of the animals you intend to

work with, you will do fine, just as when you

work with humans. It is good to know where

their heart, stomach, spleen, liver, bladder,

and other primary organs are so that if their

caregiver mentions an issue in an area, you

know where to place your focus. If a

caregiver mentions an anatomy term that

you aren’t familiar with and you aren’t sure where to treat, or where it may be

too tender to touch, simply ask.

The main thing that you need to keep in mind with treating any animal is their

comfort and respect for their boundaries. For example, a large animal will not

want to be confined to an office or your arms during a session. Similarly, small

animals that typically live in a confined area, such as a tank or a cage, often

“The main thing that you need

to keep in mind with treating

any animal is their comfort

and respect for their

boundaries. In each situation,

allow the animal to be treated

in the environment it calls

“home,” wherever that may be.

They will be most comfortable

and best able to relax there.”

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prefer being treated in their enclosure. Farm animals generally prefer to be

treated in the pasture or barn area that they are most comfortable in. In each

situation, allow the animal to be treated in the environment it calls “home,”

wherever that may be. They will be most

comfortable and best able to relax there. In

many cases, they will also be safest there.

Use your best judgment when placing your

hands on an animal or deciding where to

stand in relation to an animal. Get a feel for

their size, how they move, their mood and

temperament, their physical condition,

including any pain, and their emotional state.

Pay attention to their visual range and step

into their line of sight when you introduce yourself. Move gently and easily

with all animals. Some startle more easily than others, but all like gentle


As mentioned in the first lesson, never place your hands directly on an animal

at the start of a session, unless the animal has initiated the session and

positioned himself on your hands. Instead, start from a distance as the animal

becomes familiar with the energy and decides how he feels about the session

that day. Move closer only when and if the animal has made it clear that this is

welcome. Sessions can be done from far away or directly hands on, depending

upon the needs of the animal.

Never place your hands over the eyes, ears or mouth of an animal, as this feels

frightening and invasive to them. If they have an injury or illness that needs to

“Never place your hands over

the eyes, ears or mouth of an

animal, as this feels

frightening and invasive to

them. If they have an injury or

illness that needs to be treated

in one of these areas, treat

from a distance or from

several inches above the area

(only if that is comfortable to them).”

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Animals will give several

different signals when they

are finished with a Reiki

session, such as:

--Waking up and walking


--Pushing your hands away

with their paw or nose

--Becoming alert and


--Becoming restless or


--Becoming curious and

interactive when

previously sleeping

--Change in emotional


--No longer enjoying the session


be treated in one of these areas, treat from a

distance or from several inches above the area

(only if that is comfortable to them). If the animal

comes to you and positions one of these areas into

your hands, then that is acceptable, however, pay

attention for signals that she is finished and back

off at that point.

Animals will give several different signals when

they are finished with a Reiki session. Sometimes

they will simply get up from their Reiki nap and

leave, with no more than a stretch as they walk

away. Other times, they push your hands away

with their paws or nudge your hands with their

nose. They may also shift to being more active and

restless after being very relaxed during the

treatment, moving around more, acting curious

and alert. It is usually obvious when they are done,

but at times, you may have to simply pay attention

for a shift in their energy or emotional state. If you see any of these signs or

others that indicate the animal is finished, even if the session has only lasted a

few minutes, stop the treatment. Trust the animal to know what is best for


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More about Animal Communication & Empathy

Over time, if you work with animals enough,

you may begin to “feel” the energy of a specific

species when they are near you. They each have

an energy signature, just as humans do. They

even communicate on an energetic and

empathic level very differently from each other.

Horses are typically very chatty and you may

even pick up word streams from them that are

similar to human language. Dogs project more

images and emotions in the energy

communication they send. Cats vibrate their

personalities and feelings very strongly and

send images and frequencies that radiate that, but they don’t usually send the

number of images that dogs do.

Reptiles, spiders, and many insects send mostly strong energy frequencies,

which occasionally hold images in their patterns. Butterflies and dragonflies

often radiate sensation and emotional energy, as well. Hive insects are very

strong frequency generators and send images well, though not in the same

way as mammals.

Birds are very interesting to connect with. They vibrate at different

frequencies, colors, and sounds, as you might expect. They do send images,

though differently than mammals. They frequently send emotional energy,

especially the emotional energy of love and bonding, comfort and joy, and


“Over time, if you work with

animals enough, you may

begin to “feel” the energy of a

specific species when they are

near you. They each have an

energy signature, just as

humans do. They even

communicate on an energetic

and empathic level very

differently from each other.”

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Treating very large animals, such as those in a zoo, is something I have done

occasionally, both distantly and when visiting the zoo. It is an amazing thing to

connect with an animal that is large and powerful, or untamed. They are

deeply empathic and intelligent, incredibly connected to the Earth and their

instincts. All animals have their own personalities and needs, regardless of

size or species.

Remember that you may not pick up empathic or telepathic information from

animals during Reiki. Not all practitioners do. It doesn’t mean the Reiki isn’t

working or that you aren’t connected. Don’t allow worry about this to

interfere with your practice! You also may not pick up anything each time, or

pick up anything of any significance. This is why I encourage you not to make

animal communication the goal of your animal Reiki practice. Doing so can

really interfere with the session and lead to

feelings of disappointment and ego.

I mention the animal communication aspect

primarily so that you can be aware of energy

differences between animals, and to show that

while it can sometimes be a part of a session, it

is a minimal aspect of Reiki treatment. It’s

something that happens in the background of a

session, and while it may help you to

understand the richness of the energy of the

animal you are working with, it isn’t necessary to help them. Only the love in

your heart and Reiki are necessary for that. You may happen to receive this

“It can be tempting to believe

that if we are receiving

information from the animal,

that we are responsible for

their emotions and their path,

or that we have to become

involved in the outcome of

their care. But that is allowing

your ego to place you in the

role of living someone else’s


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type of connection, or not, but it doesn’t make Reiki work better if you do.

Reiki flows and helps, either way.

Additional Pointers

It’s really important that you remember to separate yourself and your own

needs, agendas and wishes from your animal client and the Reiki session. This

is particularly true if you begin to pick up a strong empathic connection to the


It can be tempting to believe that if we are receiving information from the

animal, that we are responsible for their emotions and their path, or that we

have to become involved in the outcome of their care. But that is allowing

your ego to place you in the role of living someone else’s journey. It is not

healthy for anyone, not to mention the impossibility of it. You will burn out

quickly, and probably find yourself ill in the process if you do this for long, so

keep an eye on it and keep it in check. Remember your role is simply to hold

the space for love, compassion and Reiki to flow. Nothing more. And yet, that

is doing so much.

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One way to do this exercise might be to go to the local animal shelter and treat

one or two of the animals there as you walk through. Or you could go to a local

pet shop and discreetly treat the animals there as you visit. This was one way I

practiced in the beginning and it offered a wide variety of animals to treat,

including fish, reptiles of all types, spiders, rodents, birds, and a hermit crab!

The zoo is also an option, though this exercise is aimed mostly at pets and

tame animals.

In any of these scenarios, leave the animal in its enclosure! Don’t try to get in

with it or place your hands inside the glass or wires. You will only frighten and

endanger the animal, and possibly yourself. Remember, Reiki is not bound by

those things, but connects through the energy field of life that is everywhere.

Your intention to send Reiki and the love in your heart will connect you. You

will see the response in the animal right away if you watch. You won’t doubt it

is working.

Exercise: Treating Unfamiliar Animals, In-Person

For this exercise, you can choose a pet or domesticated animal to treat that

you don’t know or have a connection with. Offer Reiki for a few minutes, or

as long as feels comfortable to both of you. It can be a good idea to step

outside of your comfort zone a little bit and seek an animal that you may

not have thought of treating or that you feel slightly uneasy with, but that

isn’t necessary. I don’t suggest something you are terrified of! It will be too

hard for you to connect to that loving space in your heart if you are in fear.

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It’s especially important with caged animals to be certain that you are paying

attention to the signals and behavior from the animal. Only send Reiki if the

animal appears to be receptive and stop the moment they let you know they

are done, just as with any other animal.

If you already volunteer at a shelter, or you are a veterinarian, vet tech or

otherwise work with animals directly, it is fine to do this last exercise with an

animal you work with, as long as you have permission to treat the animal


Recommended Reading & References

Distant Healing Network, volunteer sign up page.

Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in your Life by Kathleen

Prasad & Elizabeth Fulton

Elizabeth Fulton, The Top 5 Things Your Animal Wants You to Know!

i ii iii iv

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